MARK THESE FACTS! THS;TE$TI3I0X OjTHE WORLD. H:4 feu f gliS . "V-- v riOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. FA Da LEGS. B AD BR K A TS, SO R ES AND ULCERS. AU description of fores are' remediable by the proper and diligem use.of this ines i mnhU nrpnaraiioM. "To attempt lo cure rad lea by plastering the edges of the bound" is a folly ; for should the. t-kin unite, a boggy c'isend donditinn re mains underneath lo bteak out uh tenfold in a few days. The onl, raiionanl and f uccesslnl treatment, as indicated by nature, i to reduce the infhima. ion in ami ancui th m,ml and tc soo-he the neighboring parts by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment a fait is loreea lino meat. IIPTHERIA, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEVERS. , Anv of the above diseases may be enred bv well rut bin? Ihe Ointment three limes a day into Use ." best, throat and neck of the patient' il will font) peneiraie. auu immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole, sys tern ere is influence can be fell in any lo cal nart, whereas the O'n'nieni will do i s work n once. Whoever tries the in the above manner ot the disease nan.el, ct anv similar disorders aflecti.: he ches. sr.d throat, will fii.d themselves relieved as by a charm. TILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above class of complaints will be amoved by ni-htly f-menting the part, with warm water, ai d then by mostefiect uaUy rubbing in lha Ointment. Person .-rT-rinT horn thee direful complaints should lose not a moment in arresting their proores- It should be understood that it is not sufFiciefi merely to srnearlhe O.nt mer.t on the abided parts, but it must be well rubbed in for some considerable time two 01 three time? a day, that it may be nken into ibe system, whence it will re move any hidden eore or wound as effect ually as though palpable to the eye. There boain bread nd water poultices, after rub t.T in of the Ointment, will do great ser vice This t the only sore treatment icr females, cases ol career in the stomach, or where there may Le a general bearing INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ;-SORES AND ULCERS. Blotches, as also svve hn-?S. Wlin cer!a;n;y,Ve radically "red" if ihe O.nt mentbiused Ireely, and Fill be taken . ; ,s ,n,i .nrnini as reeomir ended in the priced instructions. When ireae I in any inner way tney only dry up in one ru-tre . . - : v . . . irh.vpa l n is U ' 1 1 1 - to DreaK onun amu -r , - nieut will remove the I) Cm Or KUMi lc r - ( tern, and leave the pnfent a I . , n...-i a o t 1 tahhir hpin?. It will reqoire tun will the use cf the 'o ensure a lasung cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALSIS AND STIFF JOINTS. kunh- ih above complaints difler widelv in tbeir orirn and nature, yet they . .tl r..nn re oral ttca'TPeni. worst cases, of s rich diseases, will yield in a compiratively sncrt space of time wh -n , thi Omiment is oiitgenu) t"""" part afTected. even al er every .otJer means lave laded, lo all strious mal the Pill-, should be taker, according to the oi- ructions accompanying each box. Both, the Ointment and Pills thnddbe usci in th: folloving ones : Ag'je. Asthma. Hi! I tons Complaint?, l'lotche? on the Ski; Powel Complaints, Colics,!pation of the Bowels, Consumption, Debility; lnflamrntion, Jaundice Lier Cooo pTa'itits, Lnmbago, Piles, beuma'.ism, lietertion ot Urine, crofola, or lirpsy, Py-en'.ery, Erysipelas, Female Iriegulari- ti-s, Fevers of all kinds, Fit, Goot, Head-ache, Indigesiion, Sore rnroats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary symp'oms, Tic-Douloureox, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, Kit Evil, C.45JTIOX None are cenn'tne uoles the words 'Hohowav, Te York and Lon don," are disceraitde as a II aler vnrk n every leaf of '.he book of direction are on iMeh rot or box ; the same may be p ai.dv ?en bv holding the leaf to the tisfhl. A hand pome reward will be given to any one rer. oerlu2 such information as vrav lead hand-eet-riion of any party or parties counter fei irg the medicines or vendiug the same, 1. cowing them to be spurious. : Snld nt the Manufactory of Professor Iloiioi-ay, 80 Maiden Lane. New Wk, and by !l respectable Drugsi'ts and Dealer in Medicine, tbrou2houl the ViviiizeJ worid. in pots, at 25c, 62c. and SI each. fF There is a considerable saving Ly taku'g the larger sizes. . N. B. Directions for the guidance ol pa lierrtr, id every disorder, are affixed to each t.0T, , October 10, 1S60. DATID LOTVESBCRG, CLOTHING STORE. Oi Main treet, two doore above the 'Amer kan Hotel.' For Sale or Kent. TTHE fuhscriber offers three Houses and Jots for sale, or rent, one in Blooms X vrg, one at Buckhom, ar.d one rt lower LirrTe Ridge, ail in this county. GEORGE WEAVER. Fioorcsbnrg Feb. 6, 1861. FRESH ARRIVAL, or THE vndersigned ofTera for fate st the Store formerly kept by Joseph Gearhar. "deceased, in Caltawissa iownhip. aboot thrgp miles from me town of Cattawissa, 0- fieaortmPfi! of . - PHIXG ASD SUMMER GOODS, '7e:or lo any ever brought to that section Hi'v !ock cf soo-Js is varied and of a n ez esprit quality. He is prepared lo tell cheap I ,Vk:t rnrchased h jjood to suit the time!.. Purchasers are cordially invited to n A examine his stock for the mselves . i-n.',rt SIm and Small profits," has adopted a hi motto. fTCoaatry produce laken in exchange f.-r oods at the rernlxr market price's. A "JAC03 II. CREASY. C-.".aria twp!. May 1- i. ltl. TO Til PEOPLE OF THE UNITED TATESJ IN the month of December, 1858. ihe un derpinned for the first time offered Inr "ale to the public Or. J. BUVKK UOUS' lMl'E- RIAL WINE Bl ITERS, and in this short period they have given such univeisal a'- isdaet.ion lo the ruan thousand ol person" who have tried tl.em that il is now an es tablished article. Tlie - amount of bodi y and mental mieii arising nmyly from a neglect of small corrplainl' is snrprisina, and ii is therefore ol the u'mcst importa-ice ritt a strl' t atten'ion to the leas! and most ha:fl:nu bodily i.i!mer.t should o !il ; fcr itiseases ol the botfy imis" invari;itly nfl-ft ihe mind. The subscribers noiv o ily a trial of DR. J BOVEE DODS' Imperial Wine Bsitcrs!!! fron ?ll w ho have no: used i!:em. We dial lei re the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stom achs General Debility, n 1 for I'.irify "fin and Enrn hii g the Blood, are ab-oln'e'y iii !-nrpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be asguied of thi', it is only r.ece-eary to m-kt "he trial. The Wine itelf is ol a very superior qnali'y, bein? about one th'rd stronser than other wiis; war nim and invigorating the whoh sFem fron th head to the feet". As these Kilters are tonii and alternative in their character, so tl.e sirenthen and inviaorate t tie whole sv- tem and give a fine K " and healthy a"i n to all its eqn.Iizo g I tie circi.i-.nio.i removing obsfruc ions, and prodncii'i a general warmth. Ttiey are alo exce'den' Tor D.-eaies and Weakness peculiar lo FE MALES, where a Tonic i required to stren.(liehand bmce the sy1tir. N LiJ, who is snlject to lisi!ule and f,in;net, -should be without them as they are revivN ivir.g in their action. THESE IilTTSR J nil not only Cure, but Pneent Diira&f and in this refj ect are doubly valuable to the per.-on who n-y ne thm. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. Wek Luns, Indiges'ion, .si. Dis eies ol lI'O Nervous System. Para :ysi-i. Piles, and for 1 1 case rt q'H'ini h Tonic Dr. Doils' fi!ftr U Mine Bitlprs For Sore Tnroit so common amonu the Ciergy, they ae iru'y valuable For the aeJ and It firm. m for persons of a we.ik cons;totiif, for Minis!"! of the, Lawyer, and all public !peak ers for Book Keeper, Tailors, S imstre. es. Sindetits. Ariis's and all per-or s h a ing a sedentary lite, they will prove truly beneficial. A a Beverage, they are v. Iio'ora". in noceiM, and delicious to the taie. They produce all the exhil ira.ina ejects cf Br hi ilv or Wine, wihot t inloxicnting ; and are t a valuable remedy for persons addicted to the ue of excessive strnir drink, aiid whi wish to refr,ai'i from i'. Titey ar pore and entirely free fiomthe poi-ons cori'viined in in the adulterated Wines and Ltqnors w ith which the country is fl.o ld. These Bi'lers not only CURE, hrA TP.E VENT Disease, and s"ior.i d I- u-e I by all nlwilivB in aroninrv where the water is r. . i . , ' . , ,.,..11. n Uli Fit I PI flllMf H l.l't ''! U vr iti js they may ?e gtvti freely tJ Cid S-e. ai d Ii.lan's wiih impt tmy. Phyt-irians. C!erj)rn-n, a -d e rr p-r-ince advocates, as an act of htir-tii'y. st ciiid assist i'i t';ee vali.b!e Bl V- TERS over ! e Li'.d, and thereby e erita i jy H-ul i., bat.ishitu Drti 'kei :hf-s atiJ l-bs ease. In ail AiTcnors of the heal, s ck cr Nervous Headache. Dr. l td Wi te Bitters will be found to Sabrary and Etli -aci us. ada'.e be lit Or t The many ceriiti-u-es which have been tendered n, and the let ers which we ar- daily receiving, are coi ch-.s;ve prooi that among ihe women this Biner havo r'tv en a satisfaction which no other- have cvt done before. No woman in the Led : be withoot lhci, an I tho-e who once u-e them will not fail to keep a simply. . J BOVEE DODV IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by an eminent and -l;i!I ul pbysiciao vho ha- used them snece-h:l it h-s practice for the la-t tv.enty five ye,r-. The proprietor, before j nrcha-u.g the ex clusive rislit lo rranKlactnre 'a-.d sell Dr. J. Hovee Dod' Celebrate 1 Loiperial Wine Bi'ters, had them tested by two di-ni ui-h-ed medical riictioneers, pronounced litem a valuable remedy for di-ease. AlthocEh iLe medical men of the coun'rj as a general thing di-approve ot Pa e :t Medicines, yet we do not bebeve th it a re spectable Physician can te found in th United State. aca'.iainid w'.tti their meili- ral proper'ies who will iol h'ii'dv apivow DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. In wll newly seuler1 phce, where there is alwajs a lare quartuy of decai:-.2 ii'i -ber from which a poionous mi..-ma i created, those bitter should be u-ed everj morning before brekfasi. DR 1 O.'EEPOD' IMPERIAL WIMJ BITTERS Are composed of a pure aiut nnt'nlier.UeJ Wine, combined witit Barrern, Soiomo.s: Seal Coiilrey, Wild Cherry Tree Brk Spikenard, Chamomil" Flower, an.l lien- tian. 1 hey are manutatureo i i"- ' "ll I imsell. v ho Is ;;ii experienced and suc cessful Plisichn, and Itttice should not n- cued among the quack nostrum wn: u flood Kte country, and aiain-t wnicn un iledical Profession are so jo-tly prejudiced These truly valuable Bi'teH have Keen so thoroughly tested by all cUe- of the community lor almost every varie'y of dis ease incident to the hnmar system, thai they are row deemed indispen-able a u TONIC, MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. K'urcliatc One Boillc J It Costs but Lit le ! Punlv the Blood ! Give Tone to the Stomach ! Renovate the Srstem ! and Prolong Life PRICF Si PER BOTTLE, 6 BOTTLES S5; Prepared and sold By CHARLES W1DDIFIELD & CO , SOLF rUOPRIETORS, 78 William Street, New York. rF"For sale " by Drnga'tsts and grocers generally throughout ihe country. Ang;it 28, 1861 ly. KEW BUSINESS FIR3I. rFTHE iindersirr;ed re-pecdully inform their friends and ihe public generally, ihai thev havp entered into, co-partner-hin. nnderthe name, stvle an firm ol MILLER & EYER in the Trcr.rmiif He Business in the 'Oid," in Bioomsbnrg, Co lumbia county, where they intend carrying on itie business of GENERAL MSKLHAN DIZiNG, in all ils diversified branches and nocarimonla. ami lo which they III V ll ail I 7 i exiensiou of the public patronaae. S. H. MILLER. FRED K EYER, Bloorruburg, May 15, 1861 tf. I Ayer's Cheiiy PectoraL PHILADELPHIA AM) READING ; . WINTER ARRANGEMENT, DECKMBER 5tH 1859. Fo'ir Daily Passenger Trains to PhUiJclphit . (From and passing Reading) At 6.20 a. m., 10 20 a m., 12 noot , (F'eiuht and Passenger.) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily trains to Po t-viUn and Po t Clinton, al 10 15 a. in., and 6.05 p. m. Connecting at Port Clinton wiTi train h i T;Mi:iqna. William-iort, E oiira, Buffalu. X i ; i i r a Fal'", and !he C Tlie lO.l a. fn ut train O'lly r-O'inefts i: Port Cliii ou wlh trains lr VV ilkesharr crai!tO'l and Pi'tston. Pa-sener-t lea v -iig W illiam por bv tl e Cattawi a Riilroml niin line, at 10. 5 p. in , connec: a pi!cner train lta ' ,,u Port t.'lidion a' 4.50 a m., arnve at Ilea t ing at 5 50 a. m., breakfast and proceed t i rect to Philadelphia bv the 6.20 a. m. Rea I iri A' cttmno'laiiiui Train. ().. Sondavs :he 10.15 a. m. Down, aid ihe r'..0.b m U Trains only mo. L1 BANO.N VALLEY BRANCH. Two Trains Daily, Sin-!yi Hxcpfe-l) to a u! fiom H'lnisl-inir. A' 10 23 a. m a d 6 08 p. m Leavi i H-rtihnrj at 8 00 a. to and 2.35 p.m. Ciune,-.ii'g with trails 0:1 the NurMie'n Central. Pe insVlvania and Cumherljcd V ii ley Raiiroad-. lor Stmt nry. i.lnms,.f r', Piti-bnrli, Lancaster, 7 - ' 1.I: irnoe, Ciiarn- ber-'ii'rj, &c. IhfMig'. li'-ket Re.,d!p.i h Bil;iinoe. 4 CO ; to Lanca;er, 2 25 ; to Gcj.y.-bu g, 3 5il.- 8o pound-' of baae allowed lo cash pas-e; er. Tiie s- cond cla.-s cars run wih all tttc : b" ve tnn!i. Through firi class " tu k-M- at r-'dored rates to Ni..2-tra Fad-. B.dfalo, Detr ii. Chicago, Aiot all the p.ric.i-i.l point- in 'lie W est, N"M'i We-t, ana the Canaoas; nnd E niL'ror.t Tii'.k.-t-at t-r fares to ui! a'U v places, can be ha I on application t ' h s'ailoii ai'nl at Rending AH iickei- will t- purchase:! be:.-ir t,.-tr-i.ts -larl. llthcr lue hruel il pud I,, ears. G A. NICOLLS, Engineer ar-d Geuerul ( Fet-ruary S2, 1860 mm wr?' --v x Ciole;Ec ami Siclail. II E ru't'-crifier would announce io t. 'I thai ri is se'lmi LIQUORS in lare md stj.all qnant'fies. arri at -I -fferent price at hi- Ne' Siore. on Mam street, ;v -j n of n si i e, i i i nii - sou i i . v - , -. , v ' ... . 1 1 il T - r M.J trim r- i o-- o stock of Foreign ami Demesne ron'is ol l.onac ami iiocbelle. B:a!k ;er ry, (jtiiiier. Raspbrrj and Lavender. He bus a large awir'.uten' of Old Re o,ay with av:e, hue O d Bo.irbon. 0;-l Fnli. Whiskey, and any cjuai.tit; oi coir rrtoti. I'e al-o hs PURE HOLLAND GIN3 Ma'b-ira-. pa 2 re V Lisbttn. Clart-i, Sherry and Can mes .,il .t-i Lot nnl lea-l. a at: nil y i'tol dot;Lfe ex'r-; r-i'Jiv Si OCT; ali of v. huh he v. ill -ell a the iov e-t casb prici S. 'fhe piihiic are resj.ecl h.lij rolici ed to iiive hi- litpior h tri il. I) W. ROiiiilNS, Ag't. I'. onnr s)-,.rj, Mav 1, 161 SPRING AND SUMMER CG1 JLJ 9 LAIiCE STOCK AM) L0V, Plilf . l C e have a.sin t een to i v. a i I re- ti.n.ed w i-h a larg- 'ock of (J -! s for the se:i-r. i. wt.i. h we are prepared !' sei ai a low ri;iire lor reHily pay Our to; k eoii-i-'s ot II ir Praie, Q .vare, Le ?rware. Wil- 1 .v H..;i v. -'.v tie BOOTS AND SHOT. S, Grc-erie.-. Nil-. Iron. F-h, Snh, Ih.- er, F-'in-d. Camp'.ene (,U. Wiiite Lead by the . Iv-g, Cbf3p. is" &r. JJ C. t I. W. IIART.M.- N. B! m. bum, April 10. 1-61. Fitnsn AVJiiVAh of SPRIXG AND Sl?iI3iEl. G CI ' MILLER EYCR'S f MIK -nb-criber- hav- jo-t reinr-'M fi.-.m ti e City vvidi anoiher I true ami lm t ;. - ' i f I ' I f 1 1 1 ot Spring? :tsl suuinicr Com, t t-eii ;i I i . , ibia, at lne . fijee. and i,o, tik-y ar iirter'ii il i d t ' -ell i'i mt dera e terms a- can b t-ro- fiire-t ti-evvhre in Khvimb.irg. Ih-'ir Stock COil. P' l-es fulif' Uit C;o.uI-, o- the choit e-i iv!es m tl I t'e- :..-bi n. DRY GOODS, rr'j. jO G3 li i S3 ll .rUvare. (J oeen are, Cedr-H'. Hoi- i w ware, It Nads, Boo-s fc Shoe-, !h - a. dCtps &c, fee. Ir. short, e-e ihni n-uallv keo! m country s-nre-; to wr-i -n t . invites the public iretically Tne itt'iest price paid for count') j r.-. l 2ce. .l I c. l.. . rik. BI-ion.sbnrg Miy 15, l6i. .sckM and Bloorosburg Uaiload. ON AND AFTER AUG. 5ft. ISC, PAS SENGER TRA1N WILL RUN AS FOL LOWS' M0VIN0 SOUTH. F tight tk rastenger. ' sc;igct . Leave Scranton, 5 45 A. M. 10.50 A M 4 Kingston, 6.50 Arrive Iz, 10 r. ii. Rupert, 8,40 Danville. 9,15 Arrive at Nortlrd. 9 50 MOVING NORTH. Leave North M. 4.40 P.M. Danville, 5.15 t iJnoer!. 5.50 Kinsston, " 45 Leave 1 35 P 1 rilra nt !s.-T anion. 8.45 P M. 3! 5 P M. M, A Pa-seiiger Train also leaves !Cington at 8.00 A - M. lor Scramon, to com ect with train for New York. Reiurnins leaves Si-ranloti on arrival of Train Ircra New York at 4 10 P. M. The Lackawanna and Bloomsb irg Rail road connects wii'i the Delaware Lacka vanna and Western Railtosd at U-ranton. lor New York and interrnediata pcints ea-t. A' Rupert it connect with It.e ( atawis-a Radroail for poin-.s both east and west. Al Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia and Erie R. R and Northern Central R. R. for roint- west and sonth. JOHN P. 1LSLEY , Sup't. II. rr-TTrBosE, Gen t ltckel Ag l August 21, 1861. -j l OYER'S CATHAETIO PILLS. " , K f 1 Are yon ick, ft-ifblo, and coraplMiiiingf Are you out of order, with your ejKtcin do-ruiiji-il, iid jour fvolingt tin couil'ortHlilof These symp J toiuti aip oitcn the rulude to ..(..... 111..... ,.f --' v- jjj'vl . elrkncss iKrierplug niton you, iV?i:'?i od utiould be averted hy a timely u.e of the rinht rem edy. Take Ayer'a and cleanse out the dUordored hu o : mors purity tne mooa, ana tho fin l.ti tiiovo ou unoh- t( in health airulu. v mi imtilHtii thn fnncti-itifl ""''Ji-Jt'T of the body into vleorous ac- tJjA&j '-- tivity, purify the ttytetn from tin, t08truitiu wtiicu inaae disesRe. A cold Botlloe Fnmcwliwe iu tha bod;', and ou triit't! its natural functions. Theow, if not relioved, rfii-t ur"n tliein-ielvea mid the iiiroiindiiig orh'all pro cluciiic pnsral ninrravniion, auft.'riiig, und dttKaiie. While in Uii- condition, oppivtwd by the del ati(mui'iita, take Aver's fill, and aee Ikiw directly they rent ore the niititrid union of tlio ay-m. and with it the buovaut ffoliir; orinalth nptin. Wliut ts ti uo and h t appareut ia thU trivial and common rompl.iint. in alrfo tiu in inauy of the .t. eivnte 1 and dmireiou distempers. Tho name purgative elTcct exi't litem. Cuused by Hiniitiir ol).lru tions und der.tii(tiMiii-nts of the uatural fiiiicUoits or the b-lv. they arw r.tiiillv, and ninny of th'-m eurely, cureJ by tho Kiune means. Nouu who know Ilia virtue -f theae Pills, will n.iflect to employ theiu whea aufTering from the rtiiordern thv cure. Stat. m.-iil't from leading p'.tysl.lana lu aome or tha principal citiea, and from othur well known public per son . Fi nn a Forwarding Merchant ff St. Louis, F-b. i, 1558. Pa. Arm: Your fills are the paraxon of all that ta frt'wit iu uip.ikine. They have cured my little daughter of ulrer tin surcs upon her humid and f"t tltat had proved iiirtiral.l" for yeam. Her mother bun been louir griov tuly nfillcted with bh.tche and piuiploaou her alau and in her hair. After our child was cured, alio also tiiJ your I'ilU, and they liave cured her. ' ASA MORQIUDOB. As at Family Pliyatc. From Dr. ir. CarltcriuUt, Xeto Orltanl. Tour Tilt aro the prince or purges. Thoir excellent qunl;tiea Burpasa anv cathartic we posaiwa. They are nilld. but very ceitain and eff-ftuat in their union on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in Hie daily treatment of disease. IIcaclaclie.SlckilrntlacHetVout Stomach. yVoia Dr. rAiuird ioyd, BiUunor' Prvnrmo. Aveb: 1 cannot answer roa u-'i.iJ comrlalnt I have cirfr with your Tilt better than to say U t',it wt trer tre it with a pnrifUive ntfticine. 1 .lai-e preat dpeu d.ui -e on an eir.-ctual catltartic in my daily cnte-t with disease, and believing as 1 do thnt your fills aflord us tha best we have, 1 of course value litem highly. riTTWM, Ta., Mav 1, la55. PR. J. C. Avr. Fir: I have been repeate-lly cured of the worst k-atla-fm apr IkmIv can have by a d.e or two of your fills. It iseeiiis to arise ftutu a foul stomach, wlucli they cleanse at once. Yours with threat inspect, ET. V. ritKBlK, Cltrl: of Steamer Clarv-n, Blllona DIordcn-t!vrr Cotnpllit. From Dr. Therrinre lUt, tf N-,o Yfc C1!. 7nt only are your Tilts ndnr.ratdv adapted to their pnr p-s. as an aperient, but I find their betieli. iul efT. ct" ujou the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac tice proved lit. .re eirecttial for the cute of t.hmu C-a-iU( than auy one remedy 1 can mention. 1 siu ert ly i.-joi.e tliai we have at leurith a pnrinie vthi.-tt i wor thy tlte couhdtfiice of the pruHmsiuu and the peoplw. PirABIMRMT Of IHt iNTimr.R, 1 yVasl.tiiKton, V. C. 7lh Feb., ISotS. J S:R : I have used your 1 tils iu iny central and hospital pi-v-tirc ever sini-e )ou made them,aud cauuot luMlate to say tiiey are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver is qui. k and Uwidod. cous gueutly they are an admirable remedy lor derau;etiieuU ol that cri:aii. Indeed, f have seldom f-'iind a case of Itlu.ut dutlirt ao .Iwliitate that it did ttot lea.lily yieU to them. 1 internally yours, AUtSZ'J UALh, M. 1., J'jl$ician of tlie JUanut It.'tjMaL Dyaentery, Dlarrliocn, Relax, Woriue. Frinn Dr. J. 67. Ut eea, of Cki&npK Your fills have had a tone trial iu my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one vf the best aperienu I Lava j ever found, 'i'helr alterative efl-tct U.ou tbc liver I theiu an f relleut teiuedy, when fciven in fctniill d - fjr I btlfut dijtettt-rj ami Jiutritro. Their stinr-M-liug them very acifptalilo aud couveuiunt for the use I ct women and children. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Front Jifv. J. V. Uiiuet, l'atliir of jtjeent CliureU, Union. ' Pa. AtiR: I have ued ynnr fi!l with extraordinary socc - iu my family and anions th..e 1 um called t j visit ' In li-lie. To r'niilate tlie oivans of di.ti..!! and ' ptiiify the Hood, they are the very best remedy I Lava j n r ku" u, and I can confidently recommend them to 1 T.iv Ii u-.iflK. Yours. J. . 111.1IU3. i yVtnsw, 'WyomliiK Co., N. Y.. Oct. 21, 1-65. i PrR Sir : I am usinn your t'athartie fills In my prac tice, and fiud tlteiii an excellent jinrpative to cieamte the eystem and I'uritv tlie f;uv'.itin$ bl'l. JttllN O. MKACIIAM, M. D. Con tlpnt Ion, Cant I vena, Supprmlen, Itlieniitn ti-i, ticMit, Nturalgla, IJrop- y, I'aralyais, Flta, etc. Fnm Dr. J. 1'. VuuiKn, Montreal, Cannila. Too much cannot be ssid of ynnr fills for ttie cure of Cftirmr. If others of our fraternity have und them os efficacious as I have, they should join me in proclaim ing it for the benefit of the multitudes whosii:l.-r from ttiat complaint, which, although bad enough i.t it-elf, ia the progenitor of others that are worso. J Itetieve C" fi'reH to oririnste in the liver, but your Tills affect thai organ and cure the disease. Front. Mrs. F Stuart, Fiytician arti Hiilvife, Rt"l. T find one or two turn doses of your I'ills, biken at the proper tune. are eK:eltent promotive t.f the Hnlttritt I'crt twn vilien wholly or partially aiipresatd, and also very efti-ctnal to e'eante tlie tL.mauk and er-t itwtiat. They are ao much the best physic we have that 1 recommend no oilier to my patients. From Vie Jlev. Dr. ITAicket,oflhe JA'VvJiX Fpit. Church. Pcititi Itorr Favnnnah, Oa., Jan. 6, ll. H .jtnwrn ?ir : 1 tin. old be unuratefitl f.r the relief your skill lias brought me if 1 did not report my c.-t to yon. A cold e-ttled in my litutand bri.tiKlit on excru ciating renra'ijic which etel-d in chnmic r 'l'Uma !.. Notwithstanding I had lh i e-t of physi. ; ins. tha diese grew vine and worf.e. until by the advice rf your exll-i.t ti.'e nt iu Ilaltimora, Pr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your Pills. 'J heir efT.s-U were slow, t ut sure, lly porju. eriuf lu tho use of them, I am now entirely well. f fsati Baton Honsr, La- 5 Pec. 155. Pr. AtFR : I have len entirely cured, by your fills, of Fhrnntittr. tiuvt a painlul disease that I. a t afiiicted me for years. V1NCKNT i-LIPKLL. i-Most of the Tills in market contain Mercury, wbirh, although a vnlua'.le in skiftil hands, ia dangerous in a public pill, from tlie dreadful that frequently f ill w its incautious uw, Thesa contain no mercury or tniiieial suhstnuce whtever. Trice, 5 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepare! ly Er. J. C. AYZ2 io CO.. Lowell, llaji. : , . ; . r i J ii ..1 ; . i M ll.r.eubncii. Bioon.sbtir. ti it by h dealer in e tr low n in li e tate. April C, 1F6! -Ir. uiox't :ud Association PHILADELPHIA. J'nevnl-'t!t Iiispliili.ii! esiahVie:' A special E ul '.vrsiei,t, I -r Sick au.t Di-tre-e't. oilLf lent an I Clir'iiic Di-easH lv tor ihe l!ure td l)icst- Relief 1 the .' w.'l: iind e-recial-ot the r-eiiilal O-.-a.'s. - EDIC L ADVICE gtv n grati-. by the - Acti S'i'u ;'i, lo all who aji. lv by let'er. i h a description of their i ,.n l i i m, (age, oi citpaticn. hsbus of fe .) and in case of extreme poverty, Medicines Ill'tif d !ei of C'large VALUABLE RE POP IS on Soeroaion! om and o'her Di-ease- ol it e Oroai s, anilon the NEW REMEDIES emploed in ihe Dispensary, sent 'O the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, fiee of charge. Two or three stamps for posiaee will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Snrgenn, Howard As-oci alion , N". 2 So Jh Ninth S:reet, PhilaJebhia Pa. Bv order ot the Directors. GEO. FAIRCH'L' Sec. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Prest. Pi.idel.d.ia, April 3. Iftfil ly. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Latk WmtE Swan) Race Street above Cd Philalflibia JOHN H OYER, Proprietor. Terms. $1.S.7 per day, rr'Otheold ctistomers of 1'iis we. I known J Hon-e. I desire to say, that I have renov;ued, improved and newly furnished ihe, and ihat I respectlully solicit a continuance o' their patronage. S rangers, travelers and visitors I cor dially invite to Ihe hospitallity of the ''Na tional" to come arid see and judge lor themselves of its advantages and merits. -The locaiiow is rentral, and convenient lor Merchant and business men generally We will always endeavor to study the wants and comforts of our guest, and with the assistance of Sir. Joseph llousili, our allahlrt and attentive Clerk, we feel prepar-ed-o keep a good Hotel, aud hoje togive general fattsfactioh. ' c' v .JOHN B0ER. RAYMOND'S- FAMILY : S E W I NG MACHINE! PATENTED MARCH 9, 1858. rnicp. sio kach. MESSRS. ZUPPINGER& BOBBINS, of Bloomsbnrti, hating purchased iheex i lusive risht ol "the above valuable Impro ved Cheaj Patent Sewins Machine, for ihe County of Columbia, will be happy lo supply their friends with the article lor the accornincdHtionof themselves and families. The fnllcvvins ere eorne of the superior advantages tbis implement possesses,, viz : 1. It sews from 400 to 600 light btitches per minute. 2 Double thrr-ud Machines are from the more complicated character of iheir mech anism invariably miiaped and threaded with more or le-s difliculiy ; not fo with RAYMOND'S, a child can mannge it ir. two hours, and it is threaded easier than a com mon needle. 3. One of the moM valuable features of this Machine, is the stnallness and the compactness of its mechanism. 4. P can be attached lo a board, table or, in operalinu order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. It creatlv economizes the thread, and jet produces a seum, eufiieier.Uy strong for any work lor which it is intended, a qnal 'ilica'ion not known lo all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ ciua a seam so regular and systematic. The eam is so strong if well done, ihat the -iongest iiiateriiil will lear before the scam will give way. 7. Amelia the array of Pa'ent Cewins Machines, Ihere are none t50 cheap and durable as Itaymor.d's Patpnt, but no Mat-hire is adapted to all kinds ol work as experience has proven. 1 here are perhaps none so real" useful, doing such a variety ot wore for the immediate uee of the fam ily circle a-ul at such a moderate price as RAYMOND'S PA 1 KN 1 . 8. The operator can shape his seam just s.s he pleases, waves, leaves and flowers, etc., cm l e represented or irni'aled. 9. It is particularly ai'aple 10 all kinds of stiichirg such as penlletn en's shirt, I psoitis, ristbands, collars, etc., ami all kinds of ladies' sewing, including silks, 1 .wns,,' Calicoes, dusiers. etc.. ex ceptint: tor ipen'sheavy wear, this Machine ia ralher ton ligbt - conslruclion. 10. But we all admit, that the advantage ,) health, and principally to the vision or fvesig hi, inonced ly the use of Sewing Machines, surpa'ses infinitely all oilier ad tantacea. 11. This Machine fastens the sam al ways itself, hut if ihe operator wishes it tinlastrued' or open, there is a way lor it ton, ihu jo" can have it fastened or not, us jou please, which is, sometimes, espe cially for beginners, a very favoratde cir .'siaiiCe. If the seam is loft utt faster.e 1, o:ican draw it out in three secendeand eave the thread. For sale by the undersigned, at their re spective residences, in . Bloomsbu'g, who ill put the Machine in operation and give all necessary instruction. HENRY Z'TPINGER. DANIEL W. UOUH1NS. rioorr.strtrg, J'1')' j,t J8eo- FRESH ARRIVAL OF XT II K Aft Qt'AISTr.US! HAVE just received and opened , heir stock o! Merchandise for sale, which compri ses ilia LARGEST, Cheapest, and .amt'om est a-sor.rnei.t now ( tiered in this TO VN. Iljving pant preat attention lo the selection ot their entire stock as lo i'rici- nml Quality, they fLl'ter then selves that t!ie) can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing'to buy cheap, can rave money by giving us a call. We havea'l kinds of goods and wares j to eiipply the wants of ihe peoptc. A very t arre and complete assortment ol i LAl)ir.S'I)l?i:S? GOODS. i Fiend. Merusoes. wool plaids, alpaca, boio baxices. de biaes, poplins parainetia cloths, ! mohair lus'res, muslin de Uines; Persian I i cloths. Ginghams, abcoes, c. WHITE GCODS OF ALL KINDS, ; Sleeves, Collars. Spencers, handkerchiefs, : floiH'Cings, buml and trirnmiiios, Ln-es and ; pdiiing-.hi'iMiel ribbons, in lirjf variety, yl- vel thr.- tithnn. and t ri Is. Kid, rotten, iisie ud glove, rnohair min-, Al.c. ai;l kiaiim orLuAAVi.s, broclie, Bav Si.oe, Waiervi'.ie, black stik, eaM.n.eie, emhro dered, &c. Also a vety large lare assortment of Cioihs, ca-;fnets, saiinets, vestirii-s, tweed, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &c. j of all kinds and sires for men, women and ' children. We have a large assortment of j II ATS ai d CAPS r f the lale-t fashion. We ! have also, Hardware, Queen-ware, Cedar Wiiie.&c. Yety cheap ! caiu'Fi scaium:t-ilc:s, floor. j table und carriage oil c!oih. mats, nigs, bas kets, kc. Muslins, flannels, lickings, dra ' pers, tow.'lii s, driUii'gs, &o , in abundance. We invite our friends nd the public gen j erally to give u a call t efore purchasing elsewhere r We have boiiiht our goods at i the LOWEST CASH PRICES nnd will not l e undersold by anvboov or tt-.e re-i nl t ,nd. McK ELVY, N EAL & CO. Bioomsl nrg, Nov. 21, 1850. Tinware L stove Esablislinient. fytilE UNDERSIGNED te-pectfully in lorms It its old Iriends and customers, that l.e ha" purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, anil the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and of fers tor sals the largesi ami mnsi r- . ... riVOV;l'OTV; 5 tensive assortment oi rvivi w ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. AM kinds of repairing done, h8 usual, mi short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully j'jjjupERT. Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. tf. PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in ihe best stvle known in the ar, at C. G. CRAKES GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth. I hiladelphia. fiT.ile Size in Oil and Pastil, LIT S:ereoscopic Poriraits, tTtAmbrol' pes, Daguerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, He. nov 1 4 HENRY ROSENSTOCK, JSiliv-IiisIit AmlH'otypistj 11 OOMS in the Third Mory oi me ex change Block, (entrance above ine Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty. Pa. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1859-ly. Ol'KELVY, NEAL & 0., MEHCIUNTS, Northeast . corner of Main and Markers m A5s;ni2TMENT of watch and A olock materials, of the right quality, received, which will be offered in all cases rjir""""d conditon". i - W . . -TT",Jts, CABINET WAKE ROOMS S. C. gfc SHIYE RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the Public lo bis extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chair, which he will warrant made of good material ar.d in a. workmanlike maimer. At his Establish ment, can alvvajs he found a good assort mem ot FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, which is equal in style hud finish to lliat ol Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as low pricte. He has Sofa of different style and prices, from 25 to 60. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, ilockit'2 and eay chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parloi bureaus, tofa, card, centre and pier tab'es, detashn, chefTenis rs, whatnots and comr des ar.d all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and onmmon washfctands, dress-tatles, corner cnpbo jrds solas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is the largest in (his section ol the county. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking- glasses with lancy gilt and common Irames He will also furnish spring mai'rasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for dutabili'y and comfort lo any bed in use. filoomsbnrr, January 13, 1858. ii. t . iimvi:si. SUKfi i: O IV I T S T . grznz F.S P E C F U LL Y o ffe rs his v&f ""?rv professional services to the ladies and gentlemen ol Blooms burg and vicinity. He i prepared 10 attend lo -all the various operalin in Denti-'ry, and is provided with the latest irnprovep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Too'h Towders. al ways on hand. All operations on trie teeth warranted. Office, 3d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., wet side, Bloomsbii rg. Jan u ary 13, 1858 FOR KStTo T EL. BLOOMSBLTG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, Iroprittor, fliAKES pleasure in announcing to the pub - lie thai he has rented and thoroughly refined the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James hreeze, in jIoornsturg, and is prepared to accomodate travellers. team'ter-, drovers and boarders. His iaMe will be sup (died with the be-t products the markets af lord, and hi Bar will be constantly furnish ed with the choicest liquors. Aperitive ostlers will always be n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering lo the want of Ihe public, and his obliging attention to customers wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsbnrg, April 21, 158. I lour and Vvvtl Ilt-livcrcd ! CHEAPER THAN THE I'll EATEST ! 'J IIE under-ined has made arrtnge tnents that will enable him to deliver Flour anil Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any body el-e in town. Hi prices ar i as loliuws : Flour Sr 7 25: Corn and 0t Chop 5 ! 55 ; Com and Rye Chop 51 65 : Bran ?I 10; 1 respectlully solici ashore of the public pa'rocage. jiujt tuf f ma Bioom-burg, Jane 14,1860. liUwSisnuiti. is vi:s5i:u siitr. fl'HE uiiiter-igr.ed resppctiullv inforTi'tbe citizens of blttorrisbnrg. and the pnb'ie generally, that l e has taken ihe Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in ibe white Frame Bidding, nearly opposite: the Ex-chat.v- H'.ocfc, where he is at all limes ready to wait upon hi customers to entire saiis fad ion. SHAVING AND H A I R DRESSI NG, Will be execnt"d with care and neatness and in the mo-t lastiionable M) Ie, and on vp'v moderate term. l"VSharripomtig. done up in City Style. He sobers public patronage and pledges hi- be-t endeavors to give every reasonable suiitaclioti. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. P.ioombnrg, Oct. 12, 1859. NEWH ATSA N D CAPS I At .T. Ii. ;irton's Hal Store. THE undersigned re-pectully informs the Ihe ci'izens of Hlot mburg, and the public in oeneral, that he has pit received trom Philadelphia a lot of NEW HATS & CAPS, for Spring and Summer, of the very lale-t -ty!e- ar.d fashions, a:i ol wrncn ti i pre- piired to sell cheaper than can be bad else- where, with ihe exception of the manutac ' .. ... " . .1 turers. He na all Kinds, siyies, sori- ami sizes, of ba's and caps, probably the most varied as-ortmect ever brought 10 town. Al-o SI RAW GOODS, including the mo I- em SI) les and I I'M'in. r?' S ore on Main Street, nearly opposite the "Old Arcade." JOHN K. GIRT0N. rJoomsbnrg. Apiil 2t, 161. some i ding Touni E TI M F ! ! A NEt'EssiTY IN EYEKYIIlTSEHOLD AM EH IC AN CKMENT GEUE Tin MioiigMt lue in 111'' World For Ce met: t ing Wood. Lender, CI iss, Ivory, Chitia Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone, Coral, bic, Ice, &c. The enly article ol the kind ever produced which will with-iand Water. EXTRACTS: "Every housekeeper should have a sup ply ot John Crosiey's American Cement Glue." AVtc loii Time. 'Mt i so convenient to have in the house" Nnc Yoik Fxp e. ''It is always ready litis commends it to everybody ."iV. 1". Independent. "We have tried it, and find it a lisefil in cur house as water." IPiifj' Spirit cf the limti lrlcp23 ,''1s Pcr i'ttlo. Vrry Idbentl Jtednciions lo Wholesale Peitlers. I I 11.11 n I'ASll. VtT For sale by all Drusgists and Store keepers "enerallv throughout the country. " JOHNS & CROSLEY, Sole Manufactitrers, 78 William Street, Corner of Libetty St., NEW YORK. July 10, 1861. ly.. IVATf II MAKER SHOP ! THE undersigned would infoim hiss friends and customers and the rest ofr mankind, that he continues to pay particular attention lo the repairing ol watches; weight, spring, and lever clocks ; jew elry and everything belonging in his line, and that it' is at all times, and in all cases his desire lo give perfect satisfaction. He i an "excellem" workman, has visited several, and worked in three of the fi-st Cities in ibe world. New York, Philadel phia and the great City of Paris in Franco Particular attention is paid to re-gilding or what isr termed "platina."1 HENRY 71TPPINGER. E V A rW S - &,, WATSO A ' S PhilM Manufactured No.304 C'lesuint S reel PlllLADELPFiIA. f 'HEE Safes ere in tse nnw nil over the Unii -d Slue, and been well test ed in rctiy fi es ; the folU.wii 2 shows an oiher instai ce of their capability in resist ing fire. W1TMER.S BR1LGE, 1 Lanra-ler Township, July 30, 1860. J Messrs. EVANS & WATSON : . Getnlemf n 1 he small size No. 1 Saltt mander Sale which I purchased Jrom your asertt. Mr. Adam I. Barr, in Lar.faler City, on July 20th. 1858. has leen'ed to a very severe test, which it wi hstnol in a most satislactoty manner. Tlii Sale, con taining all my books, trgeiher widi valua ble papers belonging to myself and eome to my neighbors and iriends. ami repre senting a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars, S20,P00 was in iry-Mill which was destroyed on the iighl ol the 27th of Jul) i i860, and passed ihrorgh the ftery ordeal unscathed The Safe was on llie second floor, and fell to the basement of the Mill, and was subjected for six honts 10 an intense heat among ihe ruins, which wa greatly increased, by the combusti n of a large quantity of grain confined with it the brick wall. After the fire the Safe wa- opened and the books and papers taken onn in a Ftate of perlect preservation, ihe pas per 110: even Deing cn-coiored. Jnis iict ws, however, to many, tysianoers a bel- tpr recommendaiion ol your Sfes itan could be expressed in any oiLer words Irom me. 1 oors Respectfully, SAMUEL RANCH. Another Ticlory for Evans & Wat sou's saiamaBflcr ISafe. Ower", N. Y , March 27, 1850. Oentlarreti It afTords me much pleasure to inform y ou Ihat the Safe No. 5, uprightj which 1 purchased of B. Stroud, ) ojt Trav elling Am, has passed through an ex ceedingly hot fire in a three story br'ck building, which heated the Safe to a white heat, so ihat the corners of it appear melt ed; but it preserved my books ami valoable papers to the amount of fevml thousand dollars, for which I feel thankful., Respectfully. J.N. ELDRIPGE. Philadelphia. Jnne 4'h, 1R5". Messrs EVANS & WATc-ON manufac tured ihe Fire Proof Safes whicli haTe beep in ue since "the cotnmecement of or Bank, and are supplied with three of the Patent Alphabetical Bank Lock, and hsa given entire saiifaction. This Lock we have great confi m, bo'h a- regards security and convenience, there beirg no chance lo blow it onl with powder, and ro key to carry. We consider it on of tho test and satest Locks now in use. ROBERT MORRIS, PreVi Coru'ih Bar.k. HENRY (HI AM BO, Cashier. Great Fireluother Triumph. K"OWille, Tenri , March 13. 1859. Messrs. EVANS k WATSON, Plnh'da. G-Tiilernen- It a fiord 5 me great pleasure lo say 10 you that Ihe Silatnander Sato wh'ch I purchased of you in February. I'i 5. , proved to be what yon recommended 11 a sure protection Irom fi-e. My si'trehonse, together r. ith several others, was burned to lne ground in March la-t. The Sale fell hrugh the eeller, and wa eposed to miense heat for six or eiht liours, and wlien it was taken from Ihe ruin ami open ed, ad i's contents were f ttiti l to be in a pertect s'ate. the books and the paper nl be:ng irj-ired any whatever. 1 ran cheer f tl'y recomm-n l your Safe lo the rom mnrnlv, bbeving, a 1 t'o,that ihey are as near fire prool as v is pos-ible for any to be made. THOMAS J. POWELL. Itcfcreiiccs. U. S Mini. Philadelphia; U.S. Ar-na!, PhiladI(it i' &. Ca! ; N. Liberies Bjnk; Potlsnwn Bnk ; Che-ter Valley Btnk , Sonth w estern Bmk of Va. ; Bsnk of Gold oroiuh, N. C .; Btnk of Raleigh, N. C. ; B ink ot Sahshnry, N C. ; Bank of Jrsy Miore, P.i. ; Bmk of Newark, D-d ; Btuk ol Nor'hnnif'cr:and ; Lewisborg Biuk. April 3 1. 161. 835,00. X AYS the entiie cosi for Tnit'nn in the mot popular and successful Corrmer- I School in the country. Upward of - Twelve Hundred y om.g men from twemtv- I. ..r t- . . 1 .-J fight tiiw-reni states, nave t een eoncaieu for buine here -within the past three year", some of whom have been employed , as book Keepers at salaries of j JUlrd.tUI ICr Aliniinit immediately upon graduating, wno knew no'hing of accounts when they entered the college. VT Ministers' sons half price. Student enter at any lime, and review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogue of 86 paje, Specimen of Prof. Cowley's Business nJ Ornamental Penmanship, and a large Engraving of the Coliege, inchs- tweniy-rive ceitis in Post age Stamp to Ihe Principal. JENKINS & SMITH, PiMsborgh, Pa. June 5, 1S6J. ITI Alt HOOD. lion lost, now restored. Just PulUihetl. in a Sealed Envelope : A LECTURE ON THE NA TURK, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMA TORRHOEA, or Seminal Weaknes, Sei nal Debility, Nervousness and involuntary emissions, producing itnpotency, Consump tion, and Mental and Physical Debility. By ROBT. J. ClIA tKWELI., M. l).t The important lact ihat the iwfnl conse. qnences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without internal medicines ortna dangerous applications of caustics, instru ment, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devises, is here clearly demonstra ted, and Ine entirely new and highly suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the cele brated author fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at ihe least possible cost, thereby avoiding ail the advertised nos trums of Ihe day'. This lecture will prov a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under sal, in a plain envelope,to any address post paid! on the receipt of iwo postage stamps, by addressing. DR. CH. J.C.KLINE, 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office box 4,586. August 7, 186 1 I jr. CLANKS! BLANKS! BLAX SU DEEDS, SUMMONS, - EXECU1 IONS, SUBP0ZN AS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES,. of prooer & des:rab!eforms,f O' sale at th :, fti... r.-,'-n , r u" IPliiSALMANDEK ;M0m SAFES:.