STAR OF THE NORTH. BLOOM SRUKO, PA. Wednesday Bornlri?,' KoYcmlcr 6;.18GI SfiCUL Conrl was held in this place on Tuesday last, the whole tench presiding. (- Register's notices ih list oi causes will be found in this week's Star. - Wc publish a letter from one of the "Hur ley Guards" in to day's paper. , Thc potato rot still continue? in this eec . lion without any interruption. Some of our farmers will lose their whole crop. Corn. If any ol our patrons will bring o corn we will receive the same on sub scription, and bo glad to get it. Those candidates who have not paid ns for printing tickets haJ better se p forward and sae an exposition. Wch ave filled up a ponioii ot our first page i'.h news from the seat of war. it be ing rather interesting we concluded to lay it before our readers. Thc new plank walk leading to the De pot on Market Street, i a fine affairand peaks well for those who carried the en terprise through. Another mark of im provement. VV Wirt, Esq , has his office now in the upper room of Mr. Uuangst's new brick building, just below the Americm JJotue, where be will be happy to see his friends and client.. Trie American Agriculturist has made its appearance lor November. It i the be-t and m -t reliable agricultural journal on . oar exchange list. Send for it. One dol lar a "year. , Thank-giving The Governor of the Siate ' has announced Thnrsday, the 28th inst , to be se apart as a day of Thanksgiving to ' Almighty God for his blessings to us during the past year Thi: sale of the personal property of the late Col. Joseph Paxton, which was "going off on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday last, wa adjourned, until Saturday next, the ,8th ot November. Quite a lot of grain will be offered. Now is the time to'purchase. W wodld be much obliged to some of our patrons if they would bring as some Buckw heat Hour on subscription to the Star. This article has been brought us in abund ance other seasons. What Is the trouble this year? Plenty of it in th country. Hollow Ev passed off in this place with its csua! amount of door thumping. Sever al cabbage patche in our viciriitj were Tisited by the "mischievous." How Ions the practice ot pulling and throwing of cab bage stumps aginat dweiliugs will cotiliu te no one can tell. GoTifRNMKNr AGEsrs have been buying lip hat this section, the last few days, and shipping it to Harrisburg. Dr. Ram-ey of thi place ard the adrr.r s of Col. Paxton. deceased, have disposed of a sood ami larg .j-iaittiiy f hay to those army aaents. At what fuore we did not learn. Hay is 'plenty this season. Hknr? C. Htmh, of this place, is en deavoring 10 risa a military company for the war. This gentleman has become pa iriouc and is bound for a fight. Here is & good opportunity for those to enlist who wib to serve tlieir country in putting down "ibis rebellion. The sierra, on Saturday evening last, b!e io the gab'e end of Elias Mendenhall's brick store, in this place. The dams.'? done to the bnilJuig is considerable The thirl floor was broken down by the f.t!I ot the brick. It is rather fonnnats that the storm did not onroof the building. 0 Saturday at. the wife of Mr Appel, "of this place, met wi;h an accident by hav ing a horse and buggy pass over her body, on third Street. The woman was consider ably injured We iearu that the affair was purely accidental. Too much caution can not be exercised in driving our streets. QriTe a large number of onr patrons have 'hot called upon ns since we commenced the publication bl the Sar, for which we are not much ooliged to them. There are some to whom we have frequently sen: bills, bat as yet have not paid ns a cent We want to settle Dp all accounts as soon as possible and start a fresh or not at all. The time for the running of the down pas-euger train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsbnrg Railroad has been changed since the 4;h inst. The train is "due at this place at 10 o'clock and 7 minutes instead of 9 and some minutes as heretofore. A con nection is now made with the Cattawissa road at Rupert. Persons going to Harris-bur;-, and wishing jo get through the same day., since this change, will be obliged to go "hj way of Reading. No connection is made by the morning Lack, train at Noflhomber -land ; passengers going down on the morn ing will be compelled to remain there till II o'clock and 40 in ic ores, P. M. This change, to as, does not Appear to be very Acceptable to the traveling public! ft may do vey we!L The company are the judges. " The Hurlet Guard is fast filling up, in fcamp Crosmao. near Huntingdon, Pa. Carr. Ficr; and private Thorstoh, are in this vicinity recruiting. Capt. Fkick and Lieut. Eur are first class men, and those enlisting with thera may expect to be fairly and honorably treated. They will da all in their power for the pleasure and comfort ot their men No one need hesitate a moment if he has any intention to join the Hdrlt Gcaed; This company should be readily filled by Columbia copotians as this, may be the list oppbrtuai y offered to raise a com pany froro this county. We are tolerably well represented in the army, but there is no reason why we should net have more ol a repreenta ion. In looking around us we see score of young men who may never lav e an opportunity of ' dbtzg their ccuntnr S r-it itrvi: 3.' . " " AYER'S, Sarsaparilla POE PUEIFTINQ THE BLOOD. And Ft tha speed cure or the following complaint: Kcrofnlaand Scrofulous Affections, such Tnmora, Ulcere, !orea, Kruptioni, Piuiplea, Pustules, Blotclica, llvlli, lilaius, and all fcltlu Diseases. Oakland, lud., 6th June, 1859. J. C. Arts A Co. Cants i I feet it my duty to as knuwleilga what your r-vraaijarilla has doue fur me. IJaviiigr inherited a Scrofulous iufecttoo, I have euflWred froiu it in Tartoua ways for years. Sometime it burst out in Ulcers ou uir hands and arms; eoiuetiiuua it titrated inward and diatrexaed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp aud ears with nue sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and several physician, but without much relief from, aay-tuhig. la fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was rejoiced to read lu the Uospel Messenger that jou had prepared an alterative (Saraupartlla), for 1 knew from your reputa tion that auy tliiuir you made must be good. I sent to Cincinuatiandgot it, aud used it till it cured uie. I took it, as you advise, iu small doses of a teaspoonfnl over a month, aud used almust tliree bottles. New and healthy skin Boon began to form uuder the scab, which after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, aud 1 know by my fceliugs that the diaea-e hue gone from my system. You cau well believe that I reel what 1 am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age. and reuiaiu ever gratefully. Yours, - ALFUfcl) B. T ALLEY, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas. Tetter and Salt Rite urn. Scald Head, Rlugvvorn, Sore Kyes, Dropsy. Dr.. rtohert M. Preble writes from Shm. N. Y., 12th . Sept., iat. that Jie has cured, an inveterate case or Vrpi:j, which threatuued to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of our &arsanrilla. and alo a juiigerotis , Malignant Erysipelas by large-doses of the same; aays be cures the common Bruptinnt by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Keek Zetmlon Sloan of l'rect, Texas, writes : "Three bot ties of yonr Saraaparilla cured me from a Oxkre m hid eons swelling on the neck, which I had suffered froia over two years." . , a Le nrorrhcrs orWhlirs.OvSrUn Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. J)r. J. IK 8. Channlng.-of New York City, writes; I fnovt cheerfully comply with the requestor your agent in savin I lutva found your 8aranarilla a mt excellent alterative In the numerous complaints for which we employ sitcti a remedy, lint eiecllly in Hmttte Pistaxt of the Scrofulous dlniheis. I have enrrti many inveter ate rases of Iucorrlinr.i by U, and mime where tlie Com plaint wm caused by vrmitAm of the utertu. The ulcer ation itself was snou cun-.l. Nolliina within ir.y kuowl drn eimls It for theHe f. niHln dcrangi'ments." Kilward S. Marrow, of Newl.iu v. Ala writes, "A dan gerous eiruiai tumor on one of tho female in my family, .which had defied all the remedies e could eniplov. has at lenictli lieen completely cured l.y your Kxtract of Sar npHilila. Our phyniciaii thotixht nothing but extirpa tion could arford relif. but he adviwtit the trial of jour aniaiaiilla as the last resort before cutting', an t 'it proved effectual. After takim; your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remains," Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.- ' . . i i. Nrw 2M!i AHKiifct. 1W. Da. J. C Atski S.'r, I cheerfully complywirh the re uent of yonr agent, and report to you some of the effects I have realized with your 6araparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice, most of the com plaints for which it is recommended, and have fnind its pff-oTs truly wonderful in the cure of rVnereiil ami Nrr runVW ri'tr.iff, Imr of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers lu his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth.- Your Saraaparilla, steadily taken, : cured him in five weeks. Another vaa attacked by sec . oodary sympU'mis iu his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a Coheidorable part of that I believe the diaordr would soon reach his brain ami kill him. Hut it yielded to my administration of your aniapariila: the Ulceis healed, aud he is Well agaiu, not of course without some disfiguration to ids face. A woman who had been treated for the same disorder by Mercury was suffering from tbia poison, iu her bones. They had become so sen sitive to the weather that on a damp day ahe suffered e eruciatiug pain in her joint and bones. he, too, was cured entirely by yonr t-atnparilla iu a lew weeks. I know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your lloratory iuimi le a great ; consequently, these truly remarkable results Wllh it have not surprised me. -t fraternally youra, Q. V. LARIMER, M. T, Rhsnmatlim, Gont, L.lver Complaint. Inpepksuf.nce, Prestou Co Va 6th July, 1"59. Ta. J. C. Arm: Sir, I have been afflicted with a pnin ftit chronic K'i'umat iM for a long time, which baffled the skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies I couli Cud, until I tried your ?ar.aparilla. One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my general health so (n't- h that I am fur bettor than before 1 was aiUit ked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. FKKAM. Jules Y. Getchell. or St. Lout, writes t "I have Wb afflicted for years with an a'Jrctinno Uit. Liter, which destroyed my hcnl'h. I tried every thing, and every thing fiuied to relieve me; and I have ieen a broken-down man f--r some years from no other cause than deningement of fit .ii-er. Jly la-loved paetor, the Ilev. .Mr. Espy, advised trie to try your Sarxaparilla, hvcauae he said he knew you, nd any tlum; you made was worth trying. Ky the I. lead ing of iid It It km curel me, and has so purified my blood ea tfi make a new man of me. I feel young again. The best tiiat can be said of you is not half good enough." . Sch Irrns. Cancer Tumors, Knlargrmenti I'lceratiou, Caries and .Exfoliation of tlte liones. A great variety of case have been reported to ns where rur of these formidable complaints have resulted front the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit thetn. Some of them may he found in our American -Almanac, which the aents tlow named are pleased to fnruiab gratia to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Kits, Kpllep my. Melancholy, Aieural(la Many remarkable cures of thera affecti-ns hsva beea niade by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimo - lats the vital functious into vigorous action, and thus evereomea disorders which would be supposed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the n cteKities of the people, aud we are confident that this will do fur them all that medicine can do. jdyer's Cheny Pectoral, FOR TBS RAPID CURB 07 Conthi, Colds, Inflnenxa, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis. Incipient Con sumption, and for the Relief of Consumptive Patients In advanced Stages .. . of the Disease. .... This hi s remedy so ntirveiratly known to surpass any other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that tt is useless hers to puhliah the of its virtues. Its uuriralle-l excellence for coughs and colds, and Its truly wonderful cures of pulmon.-u-y disease, have made It known throughout the civilised nations of the earth. Few are the communities, or even families, anions them who have not some personal experience of it effects kinn living trophy in. their midt of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disa-der of the throat and Innpa, As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects rs! this remedy, we need not do more. than. to aasnre them thvt it haa now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which havs won so atrongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Sr. X C. AYEX & CO., Loirsll, Has. , SHERIFF'S SALES. JY virtue ol several writ ot Venditiont - Exponas, to me diret;eil, itne-d uu ti the Court of Cornmori Vlu of. Columbia County, PenriM Ivania, will be expos'il in public sale the Court House, ia Hl'-oni bora, i n SATURDAY, THE 30th DAY OF NOVEMBER, lf61, at one o tlot k in the) afternoon, the folio ving properly io wit: All that rertain Lot of Ground. siijae in Liht Street, Scoit iownhip. Columbia Ciioniy. fenn'a., bounded and dfwrile;t follows, to wit: oi ih t Main Street of "aid town, on ihe Nortti by lt oi Samuel Hagenbuch, ot Vie Wcm by an AH") and on the South by an Alley, con tainirig one ihird of an were, be the stre more or less, wherenri are erecird a onf and a half etnry frame dwellms house- a Irame out kitchen a Isre Irame tatil stid other oot buildings wiih the ap,)urteiirfiice-l Seized, taken in enfrnnon ..and to be sold as the proper) ot James Rauiz. A L bO : At the same time and place, all that certain- lot or parcel of. around situate in E pytown, Scott township. Columbia roomy, Pennsylvania, boundsd and de'nibed aa follows, to wit: on the South by Main street of said town, on ihe Wet by lot belong ing lo the Heirs of Elizabeth Creveling dec'(?.,.on the Nonh by an Alley, and on the East by a lot Dejougipz to the Estate ol Fowler and Crevling. I bein2 the one half of Lot No. 9 in 6aid town J Contain ing fort) feet in front, and one hind red and seventy -three and .one-fourth feet in depth, whereon is erected, a I wo - story frame dwelling house with the appurtenan ces. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of NsaMi-Ksmsy. JOHN SNYDER, SkeriJJ. Sheriff7 Office,.. . ) Bloomsburg, Oct. 30, 1881. TIIE CELEBRATED ASHLAND .MILLS WADDING, A SUPERIOR l OTTUN FOR QUILTlKG. &c; for sale cheap at tho Cheap Cash Store oi . . - - - . L. T. SUARPLESS. Bloomsbnrg, October 30, 1861. Acer's Cfijitt- SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSKHOLOI JOHNS & i:OSB,F,V7S IMER1CAN I liMEN T GLUE The Strnngesi Glue in the. World. The Cheapest Glue in the World, T he Most Durable Glue in the World. The Only Reliable Glue it ihe World. The Best Glue iu the World. -AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE Is the the only article of Ihe kind eter ; produced-whirr . WILL WITHSTAND WATER. 11 WILL MEND VNOOD, , Save; your broken Fnrni'ure. IT WILL M END LEATHER, ... Mend jour Hrtie8, Straps, Bells, boots i:c I r WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of thai expensive Cut Glass ,, - Boitle. , .. . IT. WILL MEND IVORY, : Don't ihrow awy that broken ivery Fan, it ; i easily repaired. , , IT WILL MEND CHINA, , Your broken China Cups ami Saucers tan be made, as .ood as new. .IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That' piece knocked out oi your Mar Die Mantle can be put oo as -tron as eve . IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter,. il ihai brok n Pucher did not . eosi but a shilling, a shilling saved is , s . a thillini; entned.v IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, . That comI Alabaster Vae is broken iind you can'i match it, mena it, it will nev er ehow when put iouMher, IT WILL MEND BONE, CORAL. LAVA. AND IN bA C 1' EVERY THING BUT , METALS. Anv ar icle Certierued; with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will nut ehow where r . H is mended B S2l a tr si o a S3 "Evetj Hot.reKeeper et,ulJ have a fnp ily ot John & Crorley:8 Cement Glue Atic Yoik Times. "Ii is so ennvenjent to have in the houee." Sew York Exm . is ai w ay s. fPfcdy ; this commends il o e v e ry .bod y .' 7 hulepeuden'. "We have tried it, ami firi, it uijfal in our houe as water." Wilkes' Spnt cfthe Times ECONOMY IS WEALTH. S10;00 per year saved inevery lamily by One, Bo of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cet.ts per Bo'de. Puce 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cems per B.mle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bonle. Price 25 Cents per Motile. Very Liberal Keiiucllou to Wlnle .sale Buyers. T E R At S CASH. CFForSaleby all Druggists, and Store keeper Lenerally ihroiiiihoni the conniry. J Oil As Ac Ci:OSLKY, (Sole Mrtnulacmrrr.) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Libeny street. NEW YORK. lm; ortant to Hon&e Owners. Iiiil.orian' to Builders. , lit. i ortant to Rail Road Companies. If iortani to Farnofr. To all hor.i this m-iy concern , and it concerns every htidy JOHNS 4- CHVSLEY'S IM I ROVED. Gi l I A PER: HA. Ttie Clieapect ai.-i tno-t ilu rattle liotnmg in u-e IT IS F'RE AND WATER PROO?. It can be applte.t io New anJ Old RkN of AH kintU, s eep or flat, an '. in Slnnile Knot ai'hotn removinj the Shif.yli-. LHE COST ISONL. A r OUT ONE-THIRD THT OF TIN. AND IT IS TWICE . AS DURABLE. This article lias been thorongly t e-p t in New York Cily and all part of Ihe Untied s a e. Canada, West Indie and Central id Sotnh America, on Build nm l all kitiiU, urh - Facoties. Foundries Church e-.. Rail Road Depot, Car, anil on Public Huiltlinij- yenera II) t Government Build inn. ic.. by ihe principal Builders, , Architect 4iid other, during ihe pai. (our yaf-, ami '", proved to be tl.e CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use ; it i in every repe-t a fiirej, water, we.iher and IIME PROOF cove-ring for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7h is the OSLY material manufutvred in the United States whicn cmbine the very e-eitat'le prorettiei of Elasticity und Dura bility, wl ich are univereaiy a kuow'eded t.. b-po.ed by GUTTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER Ao Jltat is nquirfd in making appli cation. Thp expense of applying ii is triflms a- an ordinary Roof can be covered and fin isfiii the some day IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANYONE, 1 nd hr.i fiiiistieo lorm- a ptrfecth Fi-e fiool svtificc Wit i at. eia 'c bujy ."which cannot te njured b Heat, Cold orSiorm.s, M.rn.kit g ol Roof Boards, nor any external M on tut evr-r. LIQUID CUTTA PERCH A CEMENT. For Coa in-.' Melals ol ad Kind when ex po-ed to he action of ihe Watner and Fur Preserving and Jt'pairing Metal Hoofs of all Kind it. I hi is the only Cornpofiiion Known wfiich will eucce-lully extreme change ol .climate-, for any letiih o; time vhn applied io me'als, to which u a lheref Iinrily, frmin a body equal io ihre; coat tord)iit am:, co-ts r-nch le and will LAS T I HREE TIMES AS LONJ;ar d rom its elaticiiy i not if. jure I b ihe ron iracion ol TIN and other METAL ROOFS, -ii-eqiieiit upon eudden chatige of ttie weaiher. 1- will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WE A I HER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Le.iky Tin and other Metal Roof can te readdv repaired wi.h GUPTA PFRCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from funtier cor roioii atiA leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water nghi R ot for ir.any years. Thi Cement m peculiarly adaptet for the pte-erva'ion of Iron Radma, Stover, Ran es. Sale, Auricnllural Implement, &c, aUo tor .eneral rpanuiatiirer 11-9 GUTTrf PEKCU CEMENT Fur pr-erving and repairing Tin aru other Metal Root or every description, irom its great eUniciiy, is not injured by ibe con iractiou and eipanxion ol MetaU, anc will not crack in cold or .run. irt ' arm weather. These .material are adapted lo all cli mates, and we are prepared to supply or der Irorn any t an of ihe -country., at short noce, lor GUTTA PERCH A RQOFING m rdl, ready prepared for u-e, and .GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT in barrels, wi;h full primed dir-'ctiona tor application. - Agents wanted. IVt ledl mnke libend and satufictory itrra?g' menu with rj)"nt patties who, toould- ijke to establish themselnes ma Locrauve aud Perma nent bus.Hi.e. . , v ' . OUR TERMS ARE CASH ... We can give abundant prop! ofaM we claim in favor of our improved . Roofing Materials have applied them to several thooKaud Roofs in New Yoik C:u ami vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, So!e Mannfaf!ursri, fFholesalr Warehouse 78 miliam St., Corner ot Liberty Siretii. NEv' .YORK. Full descriptive Circulars ana Prices will l i WILCOX 8c G1RB8' Price with Ifemmer.and Feller, $35 00. ,, THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE RIORI TY PECULIARY ITS ..own. , , Stitching, Hemming, arid Filling with a Single Thread. It forms a neal, ever., and elastic senm, which i- warranted not locip in wear, even if ihe seam is pqt at frequent inierval, and also under all circumstances "io ourvive the wasti-iub " .... , ,; . .. A Patented tdevice of-areai ir.ility io learner, prevents the possibility of the ma chine beii g run :n the wrong direction, or ttie balance wheel wearina a lady's tlrt. Another feature which deserve pin: n lar at-eniion i Cv""THE WILCOX P.' KNT N EEDLE. CANNOT BE SET V KONG Two thotiSH i d Siilcbes, or two r lrf wot k, can be done in one minute without dropping a stitch, . These Machiaes, so simple and accruaic in their construction, super-ede. the of the shuttle ; and with one thread pro. luce all. Ihe practical results of the lo mread machine;, and. more,! for these tell witnout basiin, and hem the finest muslin mthoui puckering. . Although at about half the price of the other fir! class machines, they will accom plish double the sewing in a given i:m "It is empnaticwJIy the good, low priced Family Sewin4 Machine tha.1 the ( italic hav long been wailing for." Boston Tran ecript .;. "It is-. indeed a wonderful production, aid and for lamdy ue especially, no oilt-r will bear any comparison wi'h it." Paddd-I phia Evening Jourm-d." - 'A mechanical wonder.' -Scientific Amer iccan. .. MAmons the best and most serviceable Sewing machines. Lighti and elegnil finitihed, and so simple in its construction that il seem almost impr-sible for it to get out of repair." Pmsbnra Chionicl "Ha combined with it own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvement of the higher priced tnacliiues." Penile) I vanian. "This mochine, in (he opinior, of t commi'lee, fills more nearly the require ment of a perfect larniH niH'-hine Itian ;ny on exhibnion.'' Kraukim Institute Exhibi tion Report ol 1858. "Taking imo consideration simplicity . cheapness durability, and, doing ail work, the cr-rnmiree were nnanimnu ii fan.r ot the .Wilcox & Gibbs as a single Ihre? d ma chine." Pennsylvania Slate Agriculuual Society's Ueporl. , , ."We must, in Jutice, evpres oijr confi dence in the merit .of .ihe. Wilcox & Gibb Sewing Machine. We consider that a reai desideratum has been supplied by il, in proving, beyond coubl, thai iwo ihreads are not, as was supposed, necessary to a good instrument." Christian AJvorata and Jour nal, June 21, 1H60. "We have one ol these machine iu use, and think more highly of it ihan of any ol the number we have tried.'' Richmond Whig. t The undefined, Missionary to Constan tinople, has examined more than twenty different kinds ol Sewing M, chine, H':d after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox & Gibb' Patent, he ha purchas-d one of hem a the beM adap'ed to ihe wants of his family, and a- 'he lib!e to require tepair. CLIVER CRANE. Bostot., Jnlv 3, 1860. Tne timleisianertjflnring eighteen month ha had in almost constant ne, in hi fam ly,, Wilcox &Gibb Sewing Machine, up m wbichha been, made . the cfuh-s cf hi large famil -from mtialin to pilot cl-nh ir.cltiding ihe. clothing required lor hi sev eral boy; and in r.o case hae ihe seams failed, although in" hard service. The ma chine now in use in his famil, ha required no re,air, and i in ail repeci, Weil ap pOilileJ, efiicient and durable. JACOB CHIC KERING, Boston, ty Send lor a Circtilar.j j.t)lbi iVlLi OX, ManuMcinrer. -No. 50S Broadway, New York, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. Augus: 28, 1861 ly. , IirLE OX TIIE IIEIHS OF GEO FETTER MAN, or , DECD. COLUMBIA COUN I Y, SS: The Commonwealth of Penn "vC s Ivania to Jo-hua Fetierrrtn. ffLZ Solomon Fetrman, K-'-ry Fei "&iJ$ lrman, George Feiierman, Jn- '7ff!fZ Fet'ermar!, Jona Fetbr-M.. Reuben Fenermari. reiding in Linn t orn tc Iowa, Catharine inrermarried with Henry j Harrier, a rah intermarnec With .V. tlliam Yeagtr, and Elizabeth intermarrie I wtl Hamilton Fisher, children and heir- o' (Jeorge Fet erman sen , late of Lik.-u.-i iovh ship, in said county deceaed. ,Von and each of you are hereby ci'eit and contmanJed 10 be and appear in yonr proper eron? before the Judge of the Or phans' Court, at our. Orphan' Court, lo t e held at Bloomsburg on the fust Monoay ol December next, then and there to accent or relnse to take the real estate of tSc said George Fettertnan, sei., deceased, at the valuation placed upon it bv an inques' duly awarded by the said Coort, and remrue-t by the Sheriff, or show cause why ihe same ohotild not be sold, and hereof fail not. Wi'ness the Honorable Warren J. Wood wan!, Enquire, Pre-ideni of our w:tM Court ai Bloomsburg, the 17th dav cf September A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixiy one. Jacob Eyerly, Cl'k O. C. : . JOHN SNYDER, Shenff. Bloomsbnrg. October 9 1861. I'ew f FALL A XI) WINTER GOODS, David Lourciibcrg T NVHES at ention to his stock, ol cheap and fashionable clothing at his, store or Main S'ree.1, Jvo doors-above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment il men and boy's wearing apparel, including the mo-t fashionable D K CSS (iOOHS, Box, Sack, Frock, Gum, and Oil Cloih Coat of all sorts and sizes, Pants oi all colors shawl, stripes and figure vests, shirts, cra Tais, stock,, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender and fancy article. . .... , N B. He will also make to order any ar ticle ol clo bing at very short notice and in the best .of. manner. .. AIL his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is ot home manufacture. . ., . , , -.dAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, Sept. 25, 186 1. IVEW GOODS!! For Fall arid Winter, JUST RECEIVED FRESH , . FROM PHILADELPHIA, AND FOR SALE AT L. T. SHAPl-ESS'1 CtlEAP CASH STORE, GREENWOOD SEMINARY AND - COLUMBIA COPNTT' ' k ATMILI.VILLE PENN'A. . c " 1 . ? Ik portant Additions & Ittiproremeat5 Antiinin leimi'3 oin Aogtit l?v r'lHJS Instinnion which tias been in sur A cess'ul operaiioi fjr the past ten yean : is about uiideritoing a very imj orisnt rer ovation, in order lo place it on- a more sta ble basis tha. evor, and present fariiiii whicti are not surpassed by ordinary Acad emies in sorihetn Penn Ivama.- Amnna Ihe iniptovenienl- will be a lars;t 'three storied tuilln.a wfiich will yive much ad ditional room ami aieaier i-otiveniences lor boarders ; a commodious hail for a lecture room and public --xercise, coitienieui class room, a library and reading room comam ins? a cabinet of minerals and eurinsiiie, bath room, &:. An experienced and ihoroi:hly qualified classical teacher and lecturer will be ai ihe head of the Board of Instruction, but the Principal will have? the enerl of the iiititnt ion an t a--ume a share of ihe duties of leach in". Regular lerlnjee will be deljveted niioti variou -cimificr subject, as weil a Upon ih theory ant orar lice ol teaclnii". and a Normal Clas- of y o n i m men and j women who wi-ti lo qualify ihemsv-lves inr iechersf profe-eion, will receive e-pecial ht''eii ion ami a isiance. Tr c"iirH ol lnstru(tion in 'he srhod Will be thoriniuh ami sy ete it-al tc. calcnla'ed In embrace the varmn t rancheol a prac tical education. Am,.le provision will t e mad for the study of t'.e flintier Math-rnatic-. I"e elii'-iila' ion of I'ny-ics, mil tt.e Nan ral S ieiM-c-? t.y nnri of sui'arlf ap para'tis, -r d lor ihf g.nily r?t t'x Inttn, (jierk nd German langUd, to enatde sb-deiit to q'l 'I'H tieinselvep lor commer cial mii I si'ieiiific pur-uis. or 10 enter any rla- at college. The c'Otinlrv lofanon of this Seminary in I a pie --4ft I village. in a Wealthy and flourish 1 1 1 i neijiiit(-r'iood, well known for Ihe ele va'el lone ol ns moral sersiiment, and wrce 'lte pupil are tot sn rroimiet by hn-e ileniri'al y.'l'H influ-r,cet and I'-nip-taii' " touiid in our ri -i-i. rr low i.(s hwI ma'-V o'ber I .rx'i;ie- with no nnt-i.le n. to diver' fieir .men ion Irom li'er aMire and ihe trk of mnlal cultti'e, j-r-sent- a'l'.fi. ins. amf i n I uce -h e n i s to con sntera'e i art-M eoiii'oii sin -ieni-. se! m toii',11 ;!irrottn!;ttg lare stdiool- ahd acad e r i ; e . The J i:er'y S"cieiy al-o. ore r.f th c. I , I -e-' ami ( e-t etui in'ied m t,j- -eciion ol co'iii rv. prese',1- an a 'racnve lea'urtt and ii -!nl aiixn'a'V. to a practical e tnca'ion. T'im improvement, will be under the imniedia'e charge of an efficient Knard ot Trustee, appointed by iie Seminary .Com pally and will he corriideted in lints lor he Autumn lnr!, io commence ths I2tti of A OiMiH! next. While i hank I ii I for pa-t pa'ronaie we wih to nieri- a coniinuttce of similar fa vors, stid a e intend to include a fiigner ijra.le and wi ler ratine of in rudioi.-, we re-pec'fn'iy licit a careful examination ii. to our la'.ilius ar.,t cUim. Term: Hoardina, xva-hmi', tmiion. !irht ar;d mcit'-iital expen-e-, for one quarter of eleven week, will b Thir-y !)! jr-. one ball I'ava-e i'1 ttdvunce if, fill ar:i''Ofi b I ! is v ill b- e )t ner 'e(f (fmi pi - U fc' t id expiation ot cac:i qn.trter. 1'ems : ti aniina. with fun;ihed room, one qivirter . 522.0(1 Tut'ion in (iiiMiion Enjli-fi branhceo 5,10 . ( i .1.4 : iccludins Mathematic a-id Hook- Keepiilil bv 0 llhe EfiTV 6 00 Tninoi. in I. arm, Greek, and German evtr , 1 00 V .i-t: til-, f. vht- and incidental ex- p. ti -e ' lie q i irer 3,00 Thoe who ife-ire io procure cholarntp or a'lei it b die ear. W'll b accomoin la led at a reasonable ili-couct, and -indents wihmi! to secure rooms elionlJ make, -ea -onat-ie ap, uicatioti For tUllSer pa" iilarw ad.lfe Wil. BUKi.ES. Principal Mil. vide, Penn'a. (iroi.fjp M-Tr.H., J K Kvw;s. i I): A P Ki i.i Evks, Trus'ees IU NjAVi-s K Ev.:. ) M l;. iiie? M , 29. 1861. m:w miii'.wl low. St von and 1 Iirer-Tf tit lis Per Cfct. T it a , v - L' i: v i s i; - "olV lit- idy t.'i Oeliveiy itl he dre or J A Y COOK 1: & CO., j:a.KEK., No. 1 1 4 S.. nth Tl ird S:reet Philadelphia Puri miiI to in -i met ion- from the jcr . tarv o' 'he TreaS'trv. tr" Sn-ert i'io i tir k to ihe NEW FATIONAL LOAN of '.e,Mi. 'V Noie. t'ewrmi: in'ere-i a '' e rate ii vve-i and itiree-ienlhs per cnt. per atmun , wiil 'fii sui e i-t '' v .rhce. No u' s Tiiii;n s; ueet. i nt il fiirt'" r noX'ce. ir.nn H . M. iiii 6 P M at .1 on Mon 'a til 'J P. M. Th- e nir - will fie ot ' e I'erw rr i ! nt FIFTY DOI.LMiS. ONE HI'NT)!IK!) lOLL.R FIVE ULNDIiKD ldi.l.Ai.S OK ill'-l'.SiMi I)iI.L-RS ..r.-d KIVK Tlli'L'AM I'Ol.l.AKS. ,f.. are. a;i .t,.,. 19 It c A'i!!-''. 1 Sri I , Hal le irt o d it. three er-, t r cniivrr ible into a i'i;!t year-' six percei.t. lorn a the o ion i the hod'e'.. E-t-'h l ie -ury X i- tia- int-"-et COU(i"li- .it'.:'-!u" l vl.n- can b o.i! tl and collecte I in z;ld a he I i eer -i muritri-. hii 1 ai th- rae (it .ne cent per dax on evch fl' y l llar. . Pyrreii! d snl-crip'.i'Mi may be mad jo Gold o ("lieek, or note cd any ct the Philadelphia Ba';k-. . Parties at a dis'ai.ce cn remit t v their freinds throuth die mail or by ex. -re--, or itHouh Kank and th- Tre-ury ioie will be tri rnettiateh d-!ivered. or -ent b each subciibcr as they may severally di rec.f. , . . Parlies remmiitiui! mo' atll th in'ere)-t from, the 15t'i ol August, 'he dte ol all the note?,- lo the day Ihe remitiaece reacfie Ph.i'adely tiia, "at ihe rate of one cent per per day on each fifty dollar. - Apply to nr addre-a JAY COOK . SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. Care of JaV COOKE & CO., Banker. No. 1 14 S "i-fi Third Mreet Ptn Udelphta October 9. 1861. lm. . Auditor' totice. Estate of Thnnis Conner, deceased. THE nniter-ij'.ed. ajipoiiite.! t the ()r phair Conri.cif C.duu.t-ia county, an audi tor to distribute 'h- fun. Is m the bam: ot John Conner, Trustee &c. ol Thoma Coi ner Uie of (ireen wocul tow n-hip, in said County, decease. f, io ami anions the heir and .legal representatives of said deeeden1 according to ia: will attend at hi ottice in Bloomburj. lo perioim iheduneb 3f hi appointment, nrj Fuday .ihe 8ift day oi Nvveruber A. D. I-H6I. And all person having any claim on tiie said fund are re quested to make known ihe savie io ihe Aadttor on said day, r ne -forever debar ted Irom com; JiVrsjKjtM " '" S-XSca LTT tSijlS3 LIFE TILLS & rilOEXIX BITTERS. t 'H ESE'M EDICI NES have now been be- di i-ub'ic lor a period of Ihirjy Years,- and during that time have rnain'ained a high chatacier in almo-t every pari ol the Globe, fot their extraordinary and imme diate power ol restoring perlecl health to person Mirlerins 'under nearly every' kind of di-ease to which the human frame is liable.- The following ate arnnn the distressing .va riety of b u no an 1ieaeii in wfiich the A'e well ktiOAii 10 be infallible. IlYSPEPSlA, by thoroughly cleansing ihe first and second sioniHches, and -r-a-ting a flow of pure", healthy bile, instead ol th-'etaie i and a;rid kind: Flatulrtri, Los of Appetite Heartburn, Headache, Ilesiless iipi, II I-Temper. Arixieiy, Languor, ami Melancholy, which are ihe "eneial symp i' ni of f)spepia, v id vanith, a a nm lural coi seqoeiife of i's cure. COSI IVENESS. by i leansina ihe whole length ol the n te-'ines wilh a so1 venv p ro-cc-s, antt without v iolencej all violent pur e leave the bowels costive within two day. FEVERS oT all kinds, by reforms the blood l a regular circulation, through the proces ct respiration-i n - stH'h I'ases. and Hie thorough sclutiuu of nil intesiinal ob sin ciior: in o'tier.. Tl e LiV Alei'icine have been known to cure lifl F.UM ATlISM pe-rmanetnly it. three weekn. and (iOU T in f all that time, by rerMviii! oi ;i! n f imat On Irom the mun cej nt,,) I i : m rn f i i ol ihe joint. DROP IKS (,f ai kinils, by freeius and -lrenj.'iiiiii'" ;t e kiiiiie and bladder; they operate mo-t vfclitiifuily on thesrf imj, or lar.t oran-. ard hence have ever be,iii lomi'l certain remedy for Ifis worst Caeee ofGKAVEL. Al-o WORMS, by dislodging from the lurn-iiOM ol ihe bowels the Mimy matter to which the-e :r attire- ajhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES. h tfie perfect pumv wnich these I.I FE MEDICINES g.VB io t'lie blood, and hi! t he liu 'nor. . SCORHl'TIC ERUPTIONS an I BAD COM PI EX IONS, bv tl t-ir iterative effeel lij mi t e linn's that leeil 'he kln. Sihd Ihe n.'Oibiil ,ate ol which occasions' all ernp 'i' e i-i rn;:lainte. sallow , cloudy aud cVft d!-f2r-eat;e con i pie x rn -. T t.c ne of rfe-e for a ver" sliT' t t: v i; effect an entire cure of SALT RIIEt'M, ant' a s'rikmc improvemeet m h churiie- ol the skin l.omrr.on Colti and Infltiei za will always be cured by one he. or by two it. the won ca-es. PILES The original proprietor of tbe.-e Mwdicitics, wa cured ol Piles, 35 year p'aix'.ins: by the use of the Life Medicines alone. - -' ; - i FEVER AND AGUE. For tbi scoor2e of (tie Western conniry ihesn Medicine will be I nund a sa!p, speedy and ceiiaii remedy. O' her rnedicint' leave theey em suljefi io a relnrti of the dia-e a cfe bv 'he Medu-me is permanent TRY THEM, t e Sa-trfie f and b- Cnre.f BILIOUS FEVERS aND LIVER COM PLAINTS fiencral Debi'ify. Lo of au peii;e, ami Ii-ease of Fenia i he Me;l icines fiave (jfctn;p.l wuii tfie mn.-t t-et-eticiiil reeiiiis in ca-es of thi- decrip ion' Kiuus Enl, and Scrofula, in it wor-i forme viel.U io Hie trull ei powerful act ion of he-e ren:aik:ib! Meriirines. Niuht Swea's N'-rvoii- tfebilnv, Nervoi.s Complaint- of all kind. Palpi'a'imi ot if e Heart, Painter-' C'"l c. ure .iee.ii enred. ME1U UREAL I ' 1 s E A S Ir. S . -P e r s o r. w h o -e con-liuitmt.- I ae b'C'mt impaireii bv the tnjn l iciim ne o' Mercury , will fir .f the.-e Medicine-a etfeci cure, as ihey never fail to era lica e irom the sstem,all the effeci-ol Me ciity. ii -finitely sooner than he ;i;o-i powerful preparation of Sarapa 'i!a. Prepared anil -old t v - W. B MOFFAT, - 335 Brnrlwav; New York. FOR SAIJ. B,' ALL DKUGGIsTS. A; r il 17 l"6l-iy. '.i CF ALL KINDS, at J. .t. r;uvi:i:?.s ("hcapcr than Kvcr. May 11, 10(1. -fm. v.- .. . ViVOTilXa hoim; iMH. l.tVOl-K, IMCtH'ltllrmt. YOMIMi. LCZEHNE COUMV, PENN rHK Pro;.rietnr re-pec I'n'ly inform hi-ii- trtein'.s ai ti the pnt-ltr ei!er;i!.'v tht he a taken charge o! the Wyoming HwC. in :iaje ol v tun 1 1 : z , near Hie Uatlr'tad Dejioi t ltt:-t plitre, an I Its- fined il out so lo enterain t-olh trtnsieni ar.'d per ma i e;l visitor to a -'J.iat-le and cryn for; ble Hi- ronrn are spaciou. atn! air, it d not only i-ah'n lale.l to add lo i;e i-mive-tf-iice .Hi,! cortlnri ol t.e iraveliri2 irom m ti ny, l'i)t al-o to ih"e who wo-ihl eek a ,.ie;,Hf.t -itmrner reorl wiih la'riilles. HIS TA BLE u til t e supplied with t he b-t ' e market can afjor.t ; ami hi I'aR will be ift-t-er) witri tie pnres' liquor- that can be if.i.ii e.! i ne pr(i;-rieior ill vr ln-"X'-!ii-ivf n iHiitinn io ihe eomlort and con ieli c-ce r Jn ilie-l. ai;;1 is 'eiermi'ied ... make ihe WYOMING HOUSE rank a n.onu the fir-t hotels ill ti e St t'e. Tne I'rn -ne or tiojp that from hi expe in the t'n-jtie.-s, n-l by nnremi'lin j ii."iiiio i on fii nan, combined wiih h jmli cioi selection o! tfie inrisl caretnl and otdi; inj servat!'-, tie may be entitled to the fa vi.raMe consideration i'. the public, and re ceive a liDeral share of their patronage. CV" Plea.-e give him a c!l. ami jndje for inirselve- April 2. IS59. i - T - . - , j , rZ2H.iTG-2 .HC2SL, B K00XS Proprie i or. in ii'iti ::;, IM fPHlS rpa2"ificent Hotel, situate in the L central portion of the town, and op posite the Conr' House, hi? been ihorotmhlv repaired and refurnished, ami the Proprietor t- now prepared io accommoilaie traveler, teamster, drovers and hoanter in 'he rrtoi plea-aui and njreeable manner Hi table will be supplied with the best the market afford. and t is wiih the choicest hqnrns. Altentise ostler- wiil always bi on hand and hi- stablini; i- the mol extensive in itii section ,of country Omnibuses wtli alway be in readme- io convey passefi gets to and Irom the Railroad Depot. WM. 3. KOONS. B'.oomsburo, July 4, 1K60. CUAPE VLES. VOUNG Vine ol two vears, bl 'MillerV C u r a h n d ' with batiMhi rojojjiiafl. OF CSli-gd cQ S3 3 IIEALTU AND ITS PLEASURES, ; ; . or Dieae With Its Adonic ( CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. m ri i tl. s- r . a "71 I'-.-a :r; r'.M, HOLLOW A Y ' S I I L, Ja JS. NERVOUS UlXiROERS. What is more learhil i. M rt a breaking down of the nervous , rn ? To te exci table or riervon in a small (lessee io mowt distressing, for wp.ere can a remedy te found! There is oije ;-.lrii,k bet lmle wine, beer or spirits, or far better, rone lake r,o coffee:, weak tea being preferabe ei all ihe fresh air you can take three or four Pill every nih'; eat plenty of eolida, avoiding the ue of elopH ; an(i if these gold en rule are followed, you wj' be happy in mind and strong in body, and forget to have any nerves. mothers and daughters. : If there is etie' irrmj; more than anothe for whictt ihese Pil!4 are' eo famous il ia "heir pnrifyins properties, especially tf,ir power if cleariins the blood from all im purities, and remotin? itanoeroiis and u perded secretions. Universally adopted tt the one r.'tand remedy lor female complaint thev never fail, never weaken the . system and always bring about w hat is required. ' SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelings which so madden nsare ro frequently arise from annoyance and troub le, from obstructed perspiration, or from, ea'ins and drinkina what is for us inn di-orderina the liver and stomach' These oran must b regulated if you wist io be wpll. The Pill-, i! uken according lo tiie printed instruction, will quickly re--tor- a healthy an; ion io both fiver and stomach, whence follow as a nnral contan, a coed appetite and a clear head, in lie East and Wet Indie sea ice ly apy oiher medicine is ever used for ineee dis order. . ; ! ; ' DISORDERS OF TriE KIDNEYS. In ail disease aflectiujr these oriran, whether they secrete too much or loo little water; or whettter Ihey be afflicted wiih sione or "ravel, or with aches and pain) settled in ihe loins over the regions of the kidneya, these Pills should bo taken accor ding to -he printed instructions-directions, and the Oi' imt-rif should be well rubbed into the small of the back ai bed time. This treatment will give almosi im n.edtite relief when all other means have faded. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER.. No medicine will so effectually improve 'he tone o! the stomach as these Pili j the'y ren ove ail acidity, occasioned either by or improper diet. ' They reach ihe liver and redoce it lo a healthy action; they are wonderfnliy efficacious tb ca-e of spam in fact they never fail in etilino all ili-ori'ers of the Ii fr and siomctv, Iluilmmy' f id are the best remedy knmcn in the -jcorli jor the fol'oicin dnenses. Ai'ne( Inflammation, Avtf ins'. Jaundice, l'.:l;ion Complaints, Liver Com iit; on the plaints, i's in. Rowel Complaints, Col ICS, Con-'ipaiion of tha Bow is. Cons urn plion, Debility. Drop??, Djseiipryj Er t-ipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevpr of all k itids, Fii, Gnnl, Me.i.f ac!ie, Indigestion, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Pereoiion of - Urine, , or Kind's Evil, Sfre Tfnoafi. S:r.e and (ra ve!. ' . Sucoidary Svmnroms, Tic-Douloureux, Uomours, Ulcer, Venereal AfTeciiort, Worms ol all kinds Weakness from wha'ever cause, &c, &.c. I t'TI(iV II None are senoine nnlesi t e word " Ho'lnwav. New York nd Lon don' are di-cern-ble a a Water-marh in every leaf of the l ook of direciioTs around ech poi or hot ; the me may be plainly -een hv holding the ler.f to the light. Ahand--ome reward will be aiven ta srty on reiidrina such information may lead" tr the ie;fiion of any party or ps-tier covin-t-rfeim. the medtcin-s or vcntling the -arr.e. knowing them lo be Ppurioc. ' " Sold a" Lie Marinfactorr cf Profe'Sor HolhiA-ay, 80 Manten Lano Ne w' Yof k,anii (v all re-pec able D:ugm'is and Dealers it Medicine, trirnnghoiit the civdized world, in boxe at 25 cenis, 62 cents and Si each F" There is considerable saving by ta king ite larjer sijs; N 15 Direction for the guidance of p a 'tents in every disorder are aiTued to eacJl hox. October 17. iBfiO. .t. roriK iioiiiL, ... nnT.CT STI.I-: et, above thied IN 'he in ri e.fia'ev i eii;htorfiood of Ihe Jab bifoj II' nsf-' ii n.trket Third, and Chest- li n t Strop-S. ;he ,nk -j t M-l W ... 1- C , tjl Ol p,..i n-t; Cfiailis' Exchange. &, IlOtlcn i'l.R I4Y $150. Arn.'iniriM! inp when re(jiiirei) on (he EU- IIOPKAN PLAN; Rooms from 50 cents, .mil iiptvar.1.. perdv,atnt meals ai a FibT Class Rr-TCBANT ATTACHKD TO THE HoTKL. price a-cor.!mJ to the Bill of Fare. I tie il y I'nr take lMsenser (rorn any --ni ton i it ir (;io-e loihp llciic l. ri'Enclisti, French, German and Spanish, spoken. Lt't 17 1 -Gl . - SPilNU .INI) SUMMER QcrD cobles 3 l A R T Z '& K i T ffTAVE jut received from PhMadelphra - spliitidtd assortment of merchandise, Purchased at the lowest figure, and which ihey are de'ermined lo sell for ' Cash or Country Produce, on as moderate lerms as can be procured elsewhere in Liuhi Sieet. Theii Slock con sists ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest -t)leaiid latest fahioc. twr goods, groceries, HAUim AUE, QUE ENS WARE. CEDAR ir.1RR, JO L L O II'. WARE. Iron, anil Spikes, BOOT- ANT SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. heady-Made clotuixc, Jtc. &C.;. In short ever tiling u-nal'y kept in a coun try Store. They respectfully invite their ol I Inend, and the public call ami examine thair tvtock before purchasing elsewhere. fVThtf highest price paid for coantry produce. - MARTZ& ENT. Liqrht S!reet,July 3.1, 1561. s. c. SUITE, Miinufucture r r-ff" r nihil (tr "l.. - V-f.i