The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 06, 1861, Image 1

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    - r
W U. JACOSY, rrojirielor.;
w. ii. jiio bt,
Office on Kafn St., Sri Sqnare below Market.
TERMS: Two Dollars per annum if paid
within six months from the time of snbscri
ting : two dollars and fifty cents it not paid
within the year. No subscription taken for
a less period than six months; no discon
tinuances permitted until all arrearages are
paid. unless at the option o the editor.
The terms of advertising vill be as follows :
'One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, 25
One square, three months, 3 00
One year, : . . 8 00
Gen. B F. Kclley Eonles the Rebels, Coplar
ing Three Cannon and Jlany Prisoners
IJebel tVagms & rump tqnlpg-e Token.
Ntw CRrts Va.Oci 27 Brig General
B. F. Ke.'ley marched !rom this point on
, Friday nighi ami attacked the rebels en
trenched at Romr.ey yesterday afternoon.
, He routed the enemy, capturing many pris
, oners, three piece ol cannon, a1 d alt iheir
.wagons and carnp equipage- The Rebels
. retreated towards Winchester. Our loss is
trifling. That of the enemy has not been
ascertained, bnt it is believed to be large.
Washington, Oct. 27. Lieutenant General
Scott io-day received the following despatch.
da'ed Komney Va., Oct. 26 P. M. :
4ln obedience tr your orders I moved on
- this place at 12 o'clock last nihl, attacked
the enemy at 3 o'clock th:s afternoon, and
'drove in iheirout posts, and altera brilliant
" action of twohours. completely routed ihem,
taking all their cannon and much of their
ramp equipage and many prisoners. Our
loss is but tririiug, but cannot say to what
Brig. .Gen. B. F. Kellt. commanding."
This gallant Virginian has not only re-
Virginian has not
covered from his severe wound, inflicted large majority of them will evail themselvps
by the treachery of rebels, last sontmer, but j of ihe opportunity to steal back home.
i again actively at woik in the field. Ilis j Tne prisoners taken represent them as gen
beadquarter ha e alternated lately between , eraliy sick o! their undertaking- and anx
G rail on aud New Creek. He has had sis ! ions to ret away. JefT. has only been
regunents under his
command, and ,lhese
have been stretched in line lrom Cumber
land (Maryland) to Grafton Their prmci
pal business has been to guard the line of
the Baltimore and Ohio R.ilroid between
these point, and to keep the Secessionists I
.from making incursions out "of the valley of j
Virginia into the we s ern par of that Siate. i
By his movement upon Romney, the j
' forr-s in the valley of U.e Shenandoah are i
outflanked, and W inchester, only 25 miles '
from this point, is seriously menace J. By
this Manassas can te completely !
turned, or a march made upon Richmond
through Staunton, wiJioul regard :o Beaure-
yard's army. j
Jt is donbifnl ho-rever. whether Kelly has ;
sufficient force to do more than maintain !
liitnst-i! ' It he ha more than enough, there
will be a forward movement uprt Winches
ter The crossing of the river at Kdward's
Ferrv, by Stone?s colnmn was evidently in
tende 1 to be in concert with General Kelly's
ridva .ee from the northwest, in the
general direction.
si'nated in a bowl of mountains There
pre rich fertile valleys running along their ' ;
i.aoM. Thmnmrv surround m j is oro luci- f
ive of the cereals The town nseii is one !
of the most thriving in that pan of Virginia.
Many ol it.e inhabitants still long for a res
toration of the old Union.
It can be easily fortified and held. But
its posses-ion, except as a point to guard
the rear of an advancing column, is ot little
niiii'.ary importance. Winchester is the
strategic point ol that region.
Col. Wallace's Indiana Zouaves, early in
June lat. whilst stationed at Cumberland,
made a da.-h upon a par'y of l"on federate
troops stationed at this point, and took all
their caro; equipage and a large number of
arms, routing thern completely.
From Missouri.
Official De'potth nom Gen. Fremont- Brilliant
Action ut tprthfificM 2,000 liehelt J)rcen
t ry ii . y . j T - c . i
ey r i eiri"iii t notiy uuaru t ue oiu unu
Slr'pes R iiseJ on-the Court Jhug. ,
St. Louis, October 26. -The following de
spatch was received here this evening
- Head Quarters in the Field near )
Humasstille, M Oct. 23 1861. j
"To Capt. McKeever, Assistant Adjutant
"Yesterday afternoon Major Zagoni, at the
fiead of my body guard, made a most bril
liant charge on a body ol the enemy drawn
up in Ji'.e of battle in their Campai Spring
field, 2,0i"0 or 2,200 strong. He complete
ly routed them, and cleared tnem from the
town, hoisted the National . Flag on the
Court House, and retired on a reinforce
ment which he has already joined. Our
loss is not great.
"This successful charge against such very
large odds is a noble example to the army.
'Our advance will occupy Springfield to
night. ' John C. Fresiont,
. "Major General Commanding.
General Fremont' body guard numbers
but 300 men.
Major Frank White, who recaptured Lex
ington recently, at the head . of 180 men,
and released our wick and. wounded soldiers
ifter driring out some 500 rebels, is the eon
0.1 a prominent lawyer of New York.
t V. The Cattle at Frederiektown. -;
Fifty prisoners, taken at the battle of Fred
eriektown, have been put to ! work in the
trenches at Cape Giradean.' The report of
Major Schofield, who commanded the bat
fery ir; the action; shows that this victory
was the most complete of any yet achieved
by oar army during the war.--JefT. Thomp
son escaped On foot," after having hTs horse
kiileil nnde' him. The rebel force was
about 6,000, while our own force was only
4,000. - - - - ;
St. Loci?, October 27th Special to the
Ft. Louis IlepuLlicjiiJ-Y eacquartkra Wes
tern Department, Yortz Station, Missouri,
October 26ih. The following despatch has
leen received, announcing a brilliant vic
tory at Springfield by General Fremont's
fcedy gsard, numbering 150 men. -- .
Five JIn.Ks our of Dolivas, 10 a.m., OcL 25.
: General I report respctfally that yesfer-
day, at. 4 o clock, t met in Springfield
aooci- two inoosana oi tne reoets tnrsneu to
reception, bnt your Guard with one feeling
I madrt a charge.and in less than three minutes
'he enemy was completely routed by 180
........ ,, t- vicaicu me tiiy oi every reoei,
and retired i being near uiuht and not feeling
able to keep the place with bo small a force.
Major While's command did not participate
in the charge I have seen'char-es, t ut
such briliiaut unanimity and bravery 1 have
never seen, and did not expect. Th-ir war
cry, 'Fremont and tike Union,'' broke forth
like thunder.
Chart rs Zgom,
Major Commanding Body Guard.
Colonel John M Richard-on, who rode
over 10 uie vicinity ot Springfield iast
evening, says that Major Zagoni was iruided
to the town from the Jefferson to the Mount
Vernon road by Judge Owens. The rebel
camp was just outride of the city. Major
Zagoni was compelled t -pass through a
line, and let down a number ot fences and
rails, before he could charge on. the foe.
;hu drawing tneir fire. There was t good
deal of street-firing in Springfield and lrom
the houses. Two rebels, who ran out of
their dwellings and fired at the body-guard,
were killed.
Major Zagoni was advised of the hrce of
rebels, but he was determined to have a
Colonel Pearce, said to be from Arkansas,
commanded one of trie rebel regiments.
It is thought that the cause of the increased
rebel force at Springfield was the large
amount ot plunder gathered there for some
weeks pas: which it is stated they intend
to take Sou'h with thm, but which will, of
course, now fall into our hands.
The loss of either side is not stated.
Sccrssion "flayed Out," in Southeastern 31o.
correspondent of the Missouri Democrat,
riling from Pilot Knob, under date or Oc-
tODer za, says :
Last evening, onr army, with the excep
tion of Col. Cariin's regiment, arrived here
I have had the pleasure of meeting Major
Schofield, Captain Mamer, Colonel Baker,
Colonel Murphy, and a number of the offi
cers who bore a part in the fight at Fred
eriektown. Colonel Carlin remained at
Fredricktown. The rout of the rebels was
complete ; and it will be long ere Jeff, will
bo able to collect his scattered forces. A
able to keep them together by occasionally
shooting one for desertion. Secession is
"pliyed out" in Southeast Missouri
The Retreat of the L'ebkls from South
western Missouri.
A correspondent of th? same Journal,
writing from Rolla, under date ol Oct. 24ih,
says :
A report is in circulation, bronght in by
a conmyman to the effect that mi order had
bee.i issued lrom the rebel headquarters
for the Texas troops to march to Houston,
Texas, th Arkansas troops to Little Rock,
and the Missunrians to camp Walker
Such an order, i considered here to be
quite superfluous, as said troops are being
driven home by our legions as fast as pos
sible. The 3IaaiffstD of Juhu C. Brrckinridie.
1 ha St. Louis Rep'iWcan says that this
gentleman has 'published a Manilesto to
same j ,ne People of Kentucky. It is dated at B w
i ling Green, and he says it is written at the
nrst moment since hisexpnlsion lrom home
la A ..j. k i .i . r
that he couicr place his leet on the soi of
e"t"cKy. In n he resigns his seat as a
member of the Serine of the United States.
J'";! exchange, with proud satisfaction
a term olsix years in the U. Senate, for
the mu-ket of a soldier." The address
would fill two columns of our paper, and is
made up of sophisms and misrepresenta
tions. Me says there is no longer a Senate
ot the United States within the spirit of the
Constitution "the Uni ed States no longer
exists the Union is dissolved." But. he
takes care tocorceal from lh people whom
he is addressing and whose confidence he
has betrayed, that, while yet Vice Presi
dent and presiding over ibedel ibratinn of
the senate, he and a band ol Senators reck
lessly conspired, by their speeches and acts
:o break up and de-troy the Union, that
this was done long before the Presidential
election took place, that he connived at ihe
course of the secessionists in the Charleston
in preventing a nomination of
president by the Democratic Convention,
and gloried in it as being one sure means,
if the Democracy were defeated, of dissolv
ing the Union ; that to make assurance
don&iy sure,' he lent himself as a willing
tool of the disunionists in their conclave at
Baltimore, and was the chief instrument
in bringing about the result which he hyp
ocritically pretends to deplore. The plot
developed itself so fully so scandalously
uiureanu Joutnern ena;ors and Jlepre
sentatives,and broken down politicians pro
claim their intention to break up the Union
that it was no, necessary to wait for the
inauguration of the new President to con
vince the country of that fact. If President
Lincoln had abated himself before them
and promised them even more than they
ever required.stili they would have insisted
on a separation. There was treason in every
act. and they know it..
They'kneT that, the President would go
before the new Congress utterly power!es ;
that the House of Representatives was sure
to be against him; that the. senate was still
more decidedly1 against him, and that the su
preme Court was inflexibly honest and just
And yet they, persisted in carrying their
traitorous designs against the Union, and
succeeded. They are the authors of this
civil war, with all its blights, all its sicken
ing details of crime, and all the monstrous
barbarities which have been so far exhib
ited. He has no right, therefore to speak of
the Union being destroyed except in a spir
it oi utter selfcondemnation. No wonder
that he is now a refugee from Kentucky af
ter his complicity in alt ihe acts of perfidy
and crime by which thin civil war has been
produced. -' - - x ' -
- On this point alone the world will con
demn Maj. Breckinridge and it is . not
worth hile to ioliow him in other frivolous
and unjustifiable excuses for a bad act.
Eepartnre of the Xaral Expedition.
Fortress Moxhoc-Oci. 29, via Baltimore.
The great expedition sailed this morning.
The flagship Wabash took the lead 'at day
light, wnen a gan was fired as 'a signal
The steamer Catawbit brought up the rear.
The vessels, more than Fifty in number,
formed in line a few miles down Ihe Roads
and went out !etween the Capes in eplen-
did style. TUe steamer Baltic bad the ocean
express in to r f-a-.-.,f; f?-u.
The morning was the most beautiful one
of the season, and the spectacle was the
grandest ever witnessed on this continent.
It is alledged that the fleet was to sail in
three divisions The Wahask will be the
headquarters of the first division, tnder
General Sherman ; the Vanderbill oi the
second under General Stevens. The third
was under command of General Wright.
The firt division will land first, the second
to follow, and the third to act as a reserve.
Th ree hundred sailors from the men-of-war
are detailed to man the surf boats together
with the numerous surfmeu from New fork.
Serrell's Regiment of engineers will land
with the first division, together with all their
implements, to erect fortifications. It ssems
to be well understood among military men
that Ihe ground on which the forces are to
land has to be conquered.
The Stumping System in Kentucky in its Rela
tion to the Crisis.
Whilst almost all the people of the North
ern States wonder at the apparent want of
numerical force which Kentucky has sent
into the field, they seem to forcet that, in
the chrysalis state of progress, from sym
pathy with the Southern institutions, th -ough
the doubtful and unhealthy climate of neu
trality, toward the full vigorous develop
ment ol unalloyed Unionism, many serious
grave, terrible difficulties had to be er coun
tered by those who were called upon to
lead. These thoy have met manfully, and
with tremendous energy. In order to avail
ihemse-ves ot the usual modes of reaching
the popular ear at least the modes best
known to their own State they appealed
lo that tribune of the Soutwestern Stales by
which all public events are hearl and
finally adjudged.
The Stamp.
Sine our civil troubles have teem, the
champions of Unionism in Kentucky have
exerted themselves to the utmo-t to reach
effectively the popular standard of conmu
nication and thought amongst the pe pie of
their State. Hence the controlling intel
lects of tire Union cause have gone upon
the stump, and proclaimed the justice, the
truth, and the necessity, involved in the
preservation of the Union. Amorg the
most effective of the young men who have
thus become apostles for the difTus on of
Union principles, is Laban T. Moire, of
Morgan county, known familiarly ty the
sobriquet of the "Mountain Boy." Ill serr-
fed as a member o.f the Congress of It 58-60.
Confession of a 3lnrdcress.
We abridge the following from th j Em
pire of Sydney: Most people whose memo
ry carries them back for a quarter of a cen
tury, will remember the leading features of
an extraordinary crime which took place in
London, about the year 1S37, and which ex
cited in the public mind as great a degree
of horror as any deed of guilt ever cnmrnil
ed in the metropolis. 1 allude to the mur
der by Greenacre of Mrs. Brown, a woman
to whom he was to have been married on
the day following that on which he perpe
trated the atrocious offence for which he
jcstly paid the penalty of his worthless life.
Some of the circumstances were so horribly
uro'esque. that no lapse of years can efface
j them from the memory of .those who then
. . , - .,
became acquainted with them
it was proved at the trial, completely dis
membered the body of the unfortunate Mrs.
Brown, and, after disposing of the trunk
and limb in various p'aces, actually rode
about London in cabs and omnibuses, for
two or three days, with the bead under, his
arm. wrapped in a silk handkerchief tell
ing thoe friends and acquaintances who
happened to inquire as to the contents of a
bundle he was so careful of, tht it ras on
ly a cabbage !
Of the murderer bimelf. and of the par
ticulars of his trial and execution, I shall
here say nothing. The circumstance which
I am about to relate has no further connec
tion with him and his history, than that it
refers to the ultimate fate of the wretched
woman who was his paramour and accom
plice, who assisted him, if not in tha actual
murder, at least to conceal the evidence1 of
it, and who was to have shared the j roceeds
of his pnilt. Sarah Gale, the women allu
ded to, became, it possible, an object of
greater execration than :ht murder r him
self She was admitted or the trial to give
evidence against him, and by this means lo
preerve her worthless life for the fate which
befel her many years afterwards in the far
interior of this country. It will per taps be
necessary to explain that at the dm of the
murder of Mrs. Brown 1 was almost a child,
that it was the first crime of horror vith the
details of which I had ever been acquaint
ed ; and that the impression left on my
youthfut mind was of a vivid and painful
nature. In the year 1858 I was re tiding in
a remote part of this colony. I did not reg
ularly follow my profession as a rieans of
livelihood ; indeed. the population v asmuch
too scattered, and far too healthy, f induce
a medical man to remain there. When,
however, accident or the osaal accompani
ments of domestic life threw anything in my
way, I took advantage of it to help out an
otherwise not very liberal income, and by
this means became acquainted with the
dreadful crime alluded to twenty y jars after
it was committed.
One morning before daybreak I w as arous
ed from my sleep by a heavy kne eking at
my bedroom window, which looked out into
the verandah of my residence. O i inquiry
I found I was required, at a distance of sixty
miles, to attend a woman who bad been
thrown from her horse against a tiee. The
messenger informed me that if I ra ide haste
and could save the patient, I sionld be
handsomely rewarded, as she was very rich
having some thousands of cattle aud stations
half as big as England itself; that resh hor
ses woutd meet us, and that if I ride well,
we could do the distance in some thing like
five hoars. This rrt'ji" ?"f
aud Right God and our Country.
twenty minutes I was on my way to Big
river, across long arid plains.with not a tree
or shrub in sight.
After a ride of six honts and ten minutes
we arrived at the homestead or hea;I station .
After running tho gauntlet through a dozen
hungry kangaroo dogs, I reached the pa
tient's bedroom. On approaching the door
I saw the bed directly oj'posite, it seemed
to contain a huge pile of something in the
centre. On going close to the bedri 'e I
found my patient to be a vom tn of vat
size and weight certainly not less than
sixteen stone, and the heap I had noticed
on my entrance was her very px'.ensive and
respectable corporation. On examination I
found she h ad suffered both from external
and internal injuries to such an extent that I
feared the case was hopeless. She turned
to look at me. I begged she would not dis
torb herself. "Not disturb myself." she in
terrupted. "It is easy to say w hy do
you not give me something 'o relieve this
dreadful pain 1 Give me something, I pray,
or I must go mad."
At noon next day, a marked change for
the worse had taken plac9. The period had
arrived for me fo perform an unpleasant du
ty. I broke the news to the ur furtunate
woman with as much caution as possible
telling her to prepare for the worst, and to
arrange any affairs she might wi.-h to have
settled before her final departure from this
world. She told me the whole cause of the
accident, in a calm, collected manner, and
begged 1 would be kind enough to draw up
a will for her, as she informed me ths whole
of the property was hers, and that she was
living with G , but not bgally married
to him , therefore sho could dispose of the
property as she liked, which she did. The
will being finished, I wished her to sign it
in my presence and in that of other witness
c ; she had a marked repugnance io do
his, which appeared dreadful to her as a
last act. I showed her the necessity of do
ing so white in possession of all her facul
ties or before any derangement took p!ce.
She refnsed to Bign it but in the presence of
two persons whom she named, her husband
and myself. I ordered the Mom to be clear
ed, and gave her the pen, putting at the
same time the nsnal questions. She hita
ted a long time there was a stillness that
was fearful to me for some ten minnte ; at
lat, she summoned sufficient resolution to
commence, but stopped at the first letter, S.
"Oh, wait a little," the said, "1 am think
ing, thinking, thinking of I'itps long pan,"
and as she seemed to be talking more to
herself, as it is called, thsin addressing u I
made no reply. Her hii-band who wa
now sober, witnessed this death bed scone
with evident emotion. "James," said the
woman, "I should like to be alone with the
doctor a little while. I have somethinp to
tell him, but nothing I have to confer that
you do not know." The husband then left.
She then told me what I wa never, n-?ver to
tell again. 1 was at first absolutely paraly
zed. There in lhat remote solitude, did
that dying woman reveal facts so dreadful
and so connected with my painfully distinct
recollection of by-gone days, that I abfo
lutely shook with agitation. It seemed mor
like a horrible dream than awakirjr reality
She recalled me to my senses by her de
spairing appeal to beaten for fortrivpfess.
She seemed completely hopeless of; anion
I tried at length to con.fort her, a-d bade
her not despair. "How tlad I am yon are
here, doctor ; yon shall be well paid for all
this. Do you know I feel happier now
since I lold you all. Oh, if I could have
seen a clergyman, but there none rearer I
than 150 miles. Too late, too late! I shall
soon be elsewhere. Ah, where 1 I b2Jed
of her lo sincerely repent of her faults,' and
seek hope for the future; she clasped her
hands together, sight-.d deeply as though
her heart were too oppressed, and she was
at a loss for words. She spoke at ht wi'h
effort and evident fatii."io. ' Call him in,"
she said. I did her bidding; In the prps.
ence of her husband I gav-; her th pen, site
gave one look of despair ami anguish,
signed the will, and 1 witnessed at once
the death and signaiure of ' Sarah Gale."
As it was too late to Ftart for home the
same day on which Mrs. G died. and to
sleep was impossible, I made a memoran
dum of the circumstances an hour or so al
ter her death took place.
I have said all that I feel at liberty to di
vnlge of a story that will ever haunt my
Going it Blind. A blind man named
Thomas Bishop was brought before the Po
lice Court in Cleveland, last wepk, rharged
with bigamy under the folloniiitf circum
stances: The fello w,u appears.resides near
Zanesville, and has been blind about five
years. On the tenth of last September, he
arrived at the American Hotel, Cleveland
with a blind girl 17 years of age whnm he
had brought lrom Huron. He married her
the next day under the name of W m. Gib
sout. The parties remained at the Ameri
can till the 17th, when the blind Lothario,
having made 'he acquaintance of another
girl, also blind, in the meantime took her
before the Rev. Mr. Starkey and was united
lo her in marriage. On the 18th, the day
following the marriage, Bishop went to
Steubenville with his second victim. He
staid there one night, " and the next day
deserted her, taking with him all her dress
es, jewelry, &c, and ?65 in money belong
ing to her, amounting in all to about ?20'J.
On leaving Cleveland he hd robbed the
Huron girl of all she possessed. He went
from Steubenville to Marietta on the 20;h,
where he passed under the name of Angnst
Cook. At Marietta he met another blind
girlalso from the Blind Asylum, named
Mary Delaney, twenty-two years of age,
to whom he was married on the 25th
of September. He lived with her four days.
He then deserted her, taking all her proper
ty in jewelry and dresses He went next
to Parkersburg, thence to Cincinnati, and
thence to Iowa. He soon afterwards return
ed again, reaching Columbus on Saturday
last. On Wednesday he went to Zanes
ville, and' on Thursday he was arrested
four miles -from -Zanesville and trkenLa
Eromthc Vh.ln Evening Bulletin.
Big Bethel.. Bull's Run and Ball's Bluff
0 alliteration of blunders !
Ol blunders more than enough,
1 n a time lull of blunders and wonders.
History ! shut up your book,
Or biot ironi your record the story,
Nor honor such scenes with a look.
Where the tharne to eclipses the glory.
No one to blame ? Oh no I
No one to blame lor the slaughter ;
None but the truculent loe
Aud the merciles rush of the wa'cr.
Where could be found braver men?
Braver men ne'er were in battle ;
Who drove them into the pen,
I here to'be slaughtered like cattle ?
Two thousand men against six,
Led as the blind lead the blind ;
Two thousand hemmed in by six,
And the rushing river behind.
The rnhing river behind
And the furious foe before ;
Who could have ever divined
That these were the perils of war?
Six thousand rifles ahead,
And behind them a river like Styx,
Gnlphing the wounded and dead
God pity the two against six?
A river a fatal as Styx,
With a heart dying out on each wave.
Till the flood where the streams intermix
Is swoln with the blood of the brave.
The stain of the sornw and shame
Is mixed with the stain of the slanehter,
And the dead heart write vainly a name.
On the face of the innocent water.
For no one's tollame! And yet,
Wiio ifsued the murderous order?
We men may forgive or forget,
But not the Eternal Recorder.
A Railroad Adventure.
Alt father was an extremely clever and
capab'e artisan , who possessed besides abil
ity considerable prudence and no small
share of ambition.
With such qualities it was only naUTl
thai he should rise in li!e ; and he did so
Bifore I was sixteen years ot at'e he held a
lucrative and responsible position in the lo
comotive department on one of the great
i.orth country lines, and hid he lived I tf.irk
he might have maile himself a name in ihe
world I was his only son, and he gave
me a good education, deeply tin-red with a
mechanical coloring, in the hope lhat 1
should improve on his success. In this
hope, if he were alive, he would n"t per
haps be altogether disappointed ; bnt al
though I have no rea-on to complain of
want of present prosperity and social posi
tion, it is untie the iess true that the spare
hours and holidays of my school hlr were
spent chiefly among workshops, mechanics
and engine-drivers. .In those young days
I h-d a passion for the locomotive, and my
boyish ambition was to become a master of
ail the mysttfries and duties connected
therewith Thus f was forever loafing about
the engine houe ar.d getting an occasional
trip with good natnred drivers more ready
to plfae an inquiring youngiter than care
ful to obey the Company's reiiulaions. In
thts way I early gained a tolerably complete
insight into the management of the locomo
tive, and being a shrewd, self confident lad
soon acquired a profound belief in my ca
parity for disc-hurling all the duties cf a
driver. I had, besides, an insepa rable com
panion named Mark Hilberd, whose fath
er followed the calling I thought I should on
much adorn, and Mho delighted equally
with me in pottering about among the en
Simes and men, or riding short distances
whenever the opportunity occurred. The
elder Hilberd was an extremely daring
and clever driver, a firsl rate workman ; but
unfortunately like too many of onr very l esi
prtirar.s, tiven lo occasional fits of drunken
ness Thi peculiarity had got him into
trouble once or twice before the time of
which I am speaking, but as on each occa
sion his escapes had been productive of no
actual harm and l.e was in other respects
a very valuable man, he was retained, but
cautioned. Mark was quite as great a pro
Jicient as myself in know'edge of the craft,
and the dearest wish ot both was to have
our abi-ihes properly recognized among the
workmen who were our companions. In
all our little enterprises ar.d advenlnres
Mark, however, was ihe leader; he inheri
ted his father's skill and conrage, and soon
acquired, even among tt e men, a good rep
utation lor steady pluck and shrewdness
Such were young Hibberd and myself at
about the age of fifteen ; but in order that
you may clearly understRtid the whole of
my story, it will be necessary for me now
to explain the situation and peculiarities of
our station and the neighboring line
Coulston is a large town or, the Rail
way, standing midway between Allonby,
which is ten miles below, and Castleton,
which is ten miles above it.
Attached lo the sta'ion are the locomo
tive works already mentioned, and a very
large engine house. In thela!ter, the num
ber of engines was generally considerable,
and this was our favorite haunt, where we
lurked at all hours, hoping lor the chance
of a run with some ccmplaisant comrade
sown to Allonby, whence we trusted to ihe
chapter of accidents and "Shank's mare,"
for a return journey. The engine-house
stood at A distance of about 200 yards below
Cou'ston station, with which it was con
nected by a siding joining the main lirie,
trains stopped, while our town was large
and - of rising . importance. The nearest
down station of any size was Lichester,
about forty miles di-slant. It happened one
dark but clear November evening that Mark
Hibberd.and I were lounging about our
favorite engine house, chatting to one and
another of ihe drivers who were busy. oil
ing and cleaning their respective locomo
tives. Old Hibberd's "Firefly" was there
with steam op, an order having come du
ring the afternoon that Mark's lather was to
be in readme", fo take a "special" down to
Lichester at e!ht o'clock precisely. II ib
berd himself was not there, though it was
titer, half past seven, and Mark paid casu
ally, in answer to a question from olJ Bob
Jacobs, his fireman, that he hoped his fath
er was not 1 on the lush ;" but he had been
down to the Railway Arms again that after
noon for the first time during the last three
We were standing on the foot plate as we
talked, and s'earn having been up some
time and the water in the boiler somewhat
low, I said to J.icobs. ' Bob, you'll have to
run her down to the crossing and back a
time or two to fill up the boiler," it being
necessary, I rnuM tell you, to put an engine
in motion before the pumps which feed her
with water can work.
"Right jou are, Mas'r Charley," Paid
Bob; 4 but do you and Mas'r Mark lake
her down to the points and back again while
I light my lamps aud fill my oil can."
Here was one of the little chances we de
lighted in. It wanted exactly twenty min
utes to cght when Mark turned on steam,
and we glided slowly out ,of the engine
house, old Jacobs trimming the
"Firefly's" lamps. We had run backward
and forward over the hundred yards of rails
between the crossing and ihe house when
Mark's evd genius prompted him lo ex
claim :
I say, ChsrleyHet's run over ihe points
and down ihe line for half a mile or bo; we
can be back easy by eight o'clock."
No sooner said than done. When we
reached the points I drooped ofl and open
ed ihe switches, thus shifting the engine on
the on-line, upon which we proposed to in
dulge onrelves in rome l o or three min
utes" gallop, and then return.
Now in acting thus, you must understand
that we did no bing w haiever involving any
danger from ordinary cources, and were in
nil human probability perfectly safe from
The next train was an np-exprp-s. not
due at Conistan till 8.20, but which did not j
stop at AILmoj-. Nothing could possibly I
follow u from behind for we were cn the J
vp line of rail?, and as we should be back i
again before eight o'clock, there was of
course no danger to I e apprehended from
the coming tram. Hibberd, on our return,
had only to thip his lamps and start on the j
down line for Lichester. j
Our programme, however, was deranged j
in a way we little expected. Prudent, if
bold, we did not allow the delights of our !
gallop to detain us too long, and it wanted j
some minutes lo eight when we passed the
dossing on our way back to the engine- J
house; we had slackend speed on arproach- '
ing the points, anil were traveling slowly 1
and quietly, when Mark shouted to me, j
''Put down the break, Charley, here's the;
"fcwallow" coming out at a lick, end no
mistake !" In a moment we had flopped
and reversed the ''Firefly," and we tegan i
lo move tlowly ahead down the op line ;
again, j-reatiy wondering what it all might
mean, but not in the least alarmed for oar
safe y, since we had only to allow the
'Swa low" gradually to overtake u, and!
when she saw us (which, as we had no j
lamps, was not so tay both engine miht j
return together. Meanwhile the giant be
hind us came cn at such a rapk'.ly increas- j
ing speed that we wore unwillingly obliged j
lo travel faster as well We shoutedandtried j
to attract attention from her driver, but in j
vain, and we presently began to think that !
something mitt lip wrong. At length Mark i
whisppred, ' Charley, -yon may take my
word for it that's the Governor, and he's
mad drunk. Like enough he's got on the j
first engine that came lo hand, and don't j
know at this moment if he's on the upper
or down line or ht he's doing he's the
very devil after he'p been drinking." Here J
was a p'eaant situation.
It was just cn the stroke of eight o'clock;
in another ten minutes at farthest the up
express woiild pas Allonby on its way to
Coulston ; before us therefore was the cer
tainty of collision, and behind us an engine
already running at a great rate, which in
creased with every minute, and driven by
a man mad drunk what was to be done ?
it was a case in which moments are pre
cious, and decision must be the work of a
second ol t;me.
"Let us run for Allonby," said Mark at
once, with his hand upon the regulator.
' Keep the whistle open all the way. and
trut in Frovidence they'll hear it and have
time and fense to shunt us on the "down'
before the, express runs through."
I was for less vigorous measures. Some
thing assured me that Mark was right, and
lhat the engine behind us was driven by
Hibberd in a state of intoxication; but 1
fancied that however drunk he mich: be,
he would vet not be so utterly insane as to
persist in running against certain destruc
tion, provided we could make him under
stand his danger; so I proposed that -we
should slacken and let htm ovettaxens,
then climb upon the "Swallow," and by
pgryuaMon or forre iridnce.Jlr'!iJLoTe
Two Dollars per Annum.
tell it you ; in fact, the whole affair was a
succession of such rapid action following
upon decisions so swift that I find it impos
sible to give you the faintest idea of the
Man ling suddenness with which ihe cir
cumstances crowded on each other. For a
moment Mark thinking, doubtless, more of
his fathpr than himself approved of ray
suggestion, and . we slackened speed.' By
this lime both engines were running at a
perfectly frightful velocity, and the "Swal
low" almost instantly overhauled us. :No
sooner did her buffets louch ours than Mark
flung himself upon his father's engine
I watched him clamber along the boiler till
I lost ihe oudine of his figure in the dark
nes. A minute of unspeakable suspense
followed, during which the "Shallow" held
on her rapid speed. I now did all 1 could
to impede her progress. I. shut off steam
and screwed my breaks down till they were
one idicet of flame, but Mill the hinder en
gine drove me lorward. At length, after
what seemed a hole hour to me, 1 heard
above the din of the open whistle a success
sion ol yeiis mingled with hoarse curses
I closed the handle a moment to listen, and
soon felt certain that a fearful struggle was
going on between Hibberd and his son.
1 caught at the "Swallow," pulled myself
on lo her, and climbed as fast as I could
toward the foot-p'ate. Half way along the
boiler 1 met Mark returning, reckless.
' On to your engine," he screamed, "and
run for Allonby !
This was enough for me ; it was no time
to aik or answer questions, and anoiher'eec
otid ortwosaw us both upon the "Firefly"
breaks up, whistle open, and all steam
on. We drew quickly away lrom onr com
panion ; but the few minutes of delay had
frightfully diminished our chances of safety.
It was so dark that I could not clearly sea
Mark's face, but I knew from the disturbed
appearance of his clcths there had been a
uisel, and I said simply, "Well, Mark?"
While speaking, I opened ihe fire door, and
as the red gleam burst out, I started in re
newed horror, for his whole face, neck and
hands were covered with blood.
'It's my own, Charley ; he whispered;
and even while he spoke, with the certain
ty of an awful death before him, the uobld
lellow'a eye filled as he ?dded, "Gold help
my poor father ! he's seen his last drunken
spree lh?3 night.."
In hnrried words he lold me that on reach
ing the footplate of the engine he found
Hibberd alone, and raging drunk; that he
had made an effort to reverse the "Swal
low's'' gear, and in order to do so put his
hand upon the starting Isver This lairly
maddened Hibberd, who flew upon him
before he could accomplish his object, and
commenced the brief but deadly struggle I
had heard. Mark was powerless in his
father's strong hand, and escaped almost
by a miracle from being dashed off on to
the line by a blow which felled him. In
the fall his head was cut open against rome
o? ihe iron work, and he was forced to re
turn as I have deecribeJ without gaining his
end. Bat no kind ot danger made the brave
lad blench, and his eyes darkened and his
teeth set as, with hand jpon the whistle, he
strained forward for a glimpse of Allonby
signals. As for me, I grew sick ; I look oat
my watch for what I feerpd was the last
time, glanced at the hands, and then sat
down upon the tool-box, covered my face,
and wept bitter tears as I thought of the
father at home who was so proud of me,
and the mother whom I loved so dearly.
A tofich of Mark's roused me. I looked at
the dial again , but could not read the fig
ures ; he took the watch from my hand,
and his voice was quite steady as he said :
"Another two mi-nttes for us Charley,
cn l there are Allonby signals."
We had bpen travelling only eight min
utes since we first knew our danger, but
what an age it seemed ! I remember he
was handing me back the watch when his
hsnd touched mine, and I felt him start as
if fhot. The next instant he clasped me
tight by the wrist, and whispered in my
ear, "The red lamps ! It's ail orer. God
save my poor father." Again, though, he
spoke out strong and clear, "Hold tight to
me, Charley, and when I say the word,
jump for your life." We stood a moment
poising ourselves upon the oscilating en
gine, then he shouted, "Now !" and sprang.
I was nervous, my foot slipped, and 1 lell
along the foot-plate of the engine. In an
instant there was a horrible grinding crash.
a dazzling flash of light before my eyes, a
huge heave upward and onward, then
blackness of darkness and insensibility.
Six weeks afterwards I was suffie'ently
recovered from fever brought on by ray
injuries and the excitement of that night
to hear ihe sequel of the story. Beyond a
broken leg and rib I bad escaped unhurt.
Violent incarnation, accompanied by delir
ium, had however, greatly retarded my con
valescence. Hibberd and Mark were both dead. The
firmer was greatly cut about the body, bur
the la ter exhibited no visible injury beyond"
a comparatively trifling wound in the head,
serious, it is true, but not sufficieot la have
caused his death. He dieJ from internal
hemorrhage.and rcne bcl myself knew that
the scalp wound had been ihe work of the
lad's own father. Concerting the great ac-s
ciJent to the night express on the line
at Allonby Mation in 184, 1 dare say yon
remember the newsraper accounts; lo-night
I have tried to give yon a true and faithful
history of the cetii-es which produced that