The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 30, 1861, Image 1

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. 17. U. JACOB!, Proprietor. : : ; ; ; Truth and Right -God and our Couiitry. Two Dollars per Annua.
t ; )
. . ' jn. jai'obt, .
'Office on SIclB St., Ir'tf Square DeluwiarKet.
, - TERMS: Two Dollars per annum if paid
within fix months from the time "of 6nbscri
bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid I
-VFilhir. th TPar Nn anhLirintihn Ml'on f.Vr.
a leas period than six months; no disco rt
t tinnances permitted until all arrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
The let ms of advertising Moill be as follows:
.One square, twelve lines, three times, $1 00
Every subsequent insertion, . 25'
One square, three months, . . . -. ... 3 00
;Oneyear, .. . . 8 00
Hoist the Stars and Stripes!
t ' ' March as ye unfold 1 ,
, i A projder banner ne'er could float,. .
Were it made of gold.
Hoist the Stars and Stripes T
Let it take the wind ; .-..
Slumbering in their musty fuliTs
Colors grow bedimm'd. .
. Hoist the Stars and Stripes !
Does there live the man,
Who born beneath the silver shide,
Would not lead its van J
-Hoist the Stars and Sir i pes !.',-'
Make the tyraui kneel !
Kneeling make him own the shame,
His burning soul must feel.
f Hoist. the Star and Stripes!.
Powers irom above
Sanction it, meet emblem of
' Life, Liberty and Love.
Growing White in a Siasle MgM.
At the late meeting of the British Asso
ciation at Manchester, Dr. J. Davy read a
paper 'On the Question whether the Hair
is or is not subject to Change in Color." It
is thus abridged and reported . .
The popular notion is decidedly in favor
of the afiirncative, and many naturalists and
"physiologists have come to the same con
clusion. They adduce instances , of the
change of the hair to white or gray, in the
case of perrons under strong emotions of
'grief or terror. Halter, in his 'Elementa
Physiologice," refers lb eight authorities for
- examples ot such changes; but all that 'he
seems to admit for himself is that under the
influence of impaired health such a change
hiay take place slowly. Marie Antoinette
was cited by favors of the popular notion a"s
a striking and well authenticated instarice ;
but when fairly -considered, the 'case came
under the condition admitted by Haller.
Had it teen possible for .mental emotion'
whether ot terror or of grief, to render hair
'suddenly gray; surely in the Qneen's case
- the change should have been witnessed at
an eatlier period than that of the arrest ot
thet Royal Family in their attempt to leave
France., If such a sudden change could be
presumed, might we not expect to witness
it in soldiers engaged in an active campaign
amidst all the dangers and horrors of war ?
He had himself examined thaasan Ji of sol
diers, men prematurely worn out in various
cliraaiesndcoccenied 'in! many; hard
fought battle many' of them grievously
wounded but he never' met with an in
stance of the kind. The case of a rebel 1
Sepoy is stated by Dr.Laycock, in the April !
number of the "British and Foreign Medico
Chirurgical Review," on the authoriiy of
Surgeon Parry, it being said that the man's
hair changed from black to gray in half an
hour. He was undoubtedly under the be
lief that he would be condemned to death.
Might not this be the explanation? The
rnan was hurried,' in,' profusely perspiring ;
tie was naked, and cooling and drying rap
Ully, his hair, previously gray, being dark
ened by moisture, resumed its natural color.
The effect of war in intensifying color is
well known, and a further circumstance in
aid of the explanation given tnay be found
in the fact that the natives of Bengal are in
the habit of staining their hair." The '-Transactions'
of the- Royal Society,' extending
over 200 years, do not contain an instance
of such change in the color of the hair, a
circumstance opposed' to ; tb.9 conclusion
that it ever took place, forbad it ever been
undoubtedly witnessed, it is not likely that
it would have remained undescribed.
The author is not aware that, Irrespective
of recorded evidence, anything in support
of the popular notion can be adduced on
physiological grounds Human haircannot
be injected. Using coloring fluids such as
a solution of nitrate of silver and a solution
of iodine, the author has not observed any
change ef color, except in the portions ac
tually immersed. 'Whether "it" owes its col
or "to a fixed ,oit,;to a peculiar arrangement
of its constitutional molecules, or to both, it
resists decay in a remarkable ' manner; it
resists the action of acids and alkalies, ex-
- cept the strongest, which dissolve it. . It re
sists maceration, and even boiling water,
except continued lor a long time, under
pressure, when it suffers disintegration and
decomposition.'. Exposure to the sun will
bleach this will not account for any
Very sudden change of color. Supporters
of the popular opinion relet to changes ia
the plumage'of birds, such as the ptarmi
gan, and in the hair pi certain ; quadrupeds,
each, as the mountain f bare and ermine
which become white towards' winter, and
of adarker hue ivben'ia th' winter is pass
ed. The belief is rested on, that this is not
caused ty .faoulting, or a chasge Of coats,
, but that if takes place ia.the exi&ting feath
er and hatr. But there" is no 'satisfactory,
evidence of such changes and considering
13 qs iV.'Aes of toth,; they; seem most im.
Tnere is good proof that ia - the
ptarmigan the change is decidedly connect
ed with moaUin'j atlaasttueh is ita eu
lhor' .dedd impression from inspecting
the numerous specimens, shot at -different
"season's, belonging'1 io Mr. Gould which
'eminent ornithologist says that the "ptar
migan is always moulting," the changes
being firm brown in the -summer to speck-
eld in the autumn, and white in the winter.
e speckled leather?, few and large, over
lap the white ; and as soon as those are
shed, the bird appears in its white dress.
The similar change amongst quadrupeds
most probably arises from the same cause ;
and example., less striking than those
amongst wild animals, can be observed in
cases of the horse and the cow. Prof. Kol
lesion, of Oxford, had given to the author a
portion of the hair of a pony which has
been observed to change its coat from taw
ny to nearly white in winter. )Ir. Erasmus
Wilson, whoadvocater the popular doctrine,
refers to the case of a lemming in support
of his views; but Mr Blyth, a naturalist,
says he examined a lemming killed during
its autumnal change, and satisfied 'himself
that "the white hairs were all new, and not
he brown changed in 'color." There are
reaoons why it might 'be expected that the
summer coat and plumage should be dark
er than thoe of the winter.
The author concludes that "whether we
consider One side of the question or the oth
er the 'human evidence so questionable,
the physiological so much more reliable
the idea cf fallacy is unavoidable, as to the
hair being Subject to sodden change of col
or from 'mental iropres'sion. 1he attempt
made to explain such a change by physio
logists are allowed to be complete failures ;
and phenomenon dn 'other grounds than
those of fallacy. The author, when on for
eign service, knew" an assistant whom he
visited a fortnight or three weeks subse
quently. The patient hair, before brown,
had became grey ; but w'hen he called at
tention to the fact, the regime ntkl surgeon
simply said, "Yofcr surprise will cease,
when you know that has. since he has
been afflicted with his malady, discontinued
dyeing his hair." When we consider'how
prone the hair of serine perons is to turn
gray at an early age, 'even wiihodt accora
panying or proceeding bodily ailment, and
bow many would wish to conceal this blem
ish, and so have recourse to chemical
means, it is easy to imagine that this source
of error. may not be unirequect. Nor should
it be overlooked that there is a disposition
in some to make statements merely for the
sake of exciting momentary surprise, or of
acquiring ephemeral notoriety. If we con
sult the records of imposition and delusion,
we shall find many a thing attested, and for
a time believed, of a marvellous a kind as
the sudden Whitening 'Of the human hair.
Has not witchcraft liad its defenders
Have act tabletorning, clairvoyance, and
spirit rapping had believers? Have there
not been even physiologists who have given
their credence to spontaneous combussion
of the human body, and to equivocal gener
ation ? '.
The Headless Horse.
Bt THE OLD 'CN. ',
During the occupation of Boston by Brit
ish troops, the military regulations enforced
by the British commander were, it is well
"known, very revere. The inhabitants were
not permitted to be aboard after 9 o'clock
in the evening without a special permit,
and at that hour all lights were required to
be extinguished. The streets were patrol
led to see that the order bad been obeyed,
the sentinels were posted, and then, as
there were no street lamps, darnkness reign
ed through the town, broken occasionally
When a shell traversed the air in a parabol
ic curve, shedding its baleful radiance like
a meteor on a murky night.
The armed occupants of Boston were by
no means easy In thetr 'quarters the patri
ots were gathering around them, and pro
visions became 'extremely scarce.. After
Lexington, and Concord, and Bunker Hill,
the high spirits of the British army Were
broken,' and though Burgojne wrote farces,
and his staff enacted them in Faneuil Hall,
there wa nothing farcical in their position.
When British officers promenading on Bea
con Hill fancied they heard bullets from air
guns whizzing around their ears, and took
to their heels in a panic terror, the common
soldier might well be pardoned lor being
ia a state of tonstabt perturbation. Tbey
were almost as much afraid of invisible en
em ies as the Puritans were of un een spirits
of "evil. They lived in a land of witchcraft,
and be&an to believe that the old colonial
superstitions had their foundation in jact.
One night a squad of patrol under the
command of a non-commissioned Hessian
officer, were marching through .Common
Street,' on their way to their quarters on
Fox. Hill, on the Common.' ' It was a hazy
star light night, and the dark houses and
trees were fused in a mass' of shadb. Sud
denly a white object was observed moving
toward thera in tha street. ,
' "Halt! who goes there V1 cried the Hes
sian. ' '
There was bo reply.
"Ready--men; present 1" cried the officer-,
but his parched throat a.nd trembling lips
refused to frame the word "fire V for mov
ing past hirh noiselessly 'and awfully, be
beheld n' headles, .horfe, , hi , long tail
streaming in the night air. '
Did "yba see it l'he' .whispered id his
Vea they, all saw-it and the way .the
squad scrambled to camp- was a caution.
They said not a word of theit adventure;
but they all felt lhat the .vision- portended
evil perhaps daath to thi.bshb!JerV ' :
Acliht or two tfterwirJi asothe party
saw the same apparition. This time the
headless horse was galloping furiously thro'
the street, but though he seemed a heavy
animal full '"fijleeri hinds 'high, 'his hoofs
made no noise upon the ground and struck
no'fire from the flints. The 'spectre was
seen by sotae'bf 'the inhabitants, too, aid
now nothing was "talked of but the headless
And ridw the apparition appeared nightly
anil always at the same hour. It whs for n
ally reported to General Gage.
"The foul fiend has got into the heads of
bur TeU'oWi!" he exclaimed angrily. "Every
one seems tb have lost their benses. Th re
is a spell in thi rebel air. I don't know
whO'ihvented thi story, but I'm determined
to silt it to the bottom."
That very evening, wrapped in his clonk,
the General took post not far from wlmre
the Park Street Church 'now stands. He
had not:beeh waiting lorig,'when a white
object came gliding rapidly towards him
He advanced into the street, to get a nea-er
vieiy-'and to bis astonishment beheld a
headless white horse gliding slowly past
him. A strange erriotton took possess on
of him; he thought of the pale horse in R sv
.elalions, and ha wondered no longer tiat
his soldiers had been frighteneJ. Recover
ing his presence of mind, he cocked t.ud
fired his 'pistol at the retreating object
Though he covered it well, the animal vn
ished unharmed. The discharge cf the
pistol created an alarm, which, howe er,
was soon quieted; and life general rte ver
assigned the real reason for 'hi s'fi ring.
.In due time the British evacuated Bo on,
and the American army under Gen. Wash
ington entered and took possession.
One night a group of soldiers and citizens
were assembled in the bar room of the
Green Dragon, discussing the plans of the
"Say what you will,'' paid one, the
British troops have got pluck that you j
can'tdeny." j
'Pshaw!" said a '6rie:eyed man wi h a !
quizzical expression of countenance, "ho j
had hitherto taken no'part in the discourse, I
"I wouldn't give much for their pluck. I j
know its easy to ekeer 'em without tr-ing :
very hard either. During the blockade, I
me arid Bill Sage played 'em a trick that !
made some talk if riot more. I've get an ;
old white horse that! keep in a staol on 1
the Neck and BNl lives up on Copp' hill, i
Well, we o.ed to take the hoss to Bill sin
ih dav time never fed him there mini
'Bout nine o'cloclc me osed to put his l ead !
in a black bag, tie felt on his hoofs-he
didn't have no shoes and start him out. j
Ol course the critter nosed his way strr-'ght
home to his fodder. Hang me if the scgers
didn't think ho was a headless horsj a
right down ghost! skeered 'em enyraost to i do, require more tpace than my limits will j would then be as beneficial as it is now too
death. Bimeby they got to firin' hosa pis- ! allow ; for I am convinced lhat most of the J often mischievous-ranting clergymen would
tola at him, and I was feared iheyM hit him kinds of fish which inhabit the tropical seas devote themselves to their proper vocation
so I took him off the track, t expect Gen. ; can be found there. The sun-fish, saw-fish, j 'of the care of souls, instead of bewildering
Washington thinks it was his blteri"s on ' star-fish, white shark, ground shark, blue j themselves and others In politics and thus
Dorchester Heights that druv the redroats ' or shovel-nose shark, were olten seen. j public sentiment and public conduct might
out of town, tut if the truth Was knowd, it ; There were also fish "which resembled be essentially enlightened, raised and re
would lurn out that they was druv off t y an j plants, and remained as fixed in their posi-1 fined.
old whire boss with his bead in a lack j tiou as a shrub. The only power they J
k 'j Inn.MMP.I r mWn and shut when in I As Indian Romance. Among the Sikh
Whether history is wrong or right upon
this point, the "oldeBt inhabitants" asiured
me that such was the true history f the
Headless Horse of the days of the bloc tade.
Flog of our Union.
Discovery of a Long-lost nusl'anJ.
The recent visit of the British Channel
Fleet to tie Clyde, it is said to have ;ed to
the following singular discovery :
Among the visitors to one of the flag
bbips was a respectable lady of middl j age,
who made the circuit of the sights on board
with the usual feeling of wonder ai d de
light. On passing hurriedly along the tiain
deck she was much struck at encountering
a look from a man, One of tha hands of the
noble ship, whose face was familiar t her,
so much so, indeed, that she was 01 the
point of speaking to him even belor hav
ing time to think who he might be, lint he
suddenly slunk away as if to avoid recog
nition. A tew moments reflection convinc
ed her that the man she had seen was no
other than one who, nearly twenty years
before, had been her sweetheart, though
she afterwards had married another. Hap
pening to mention the circumsiarw e to a
friend on returning home, it came oat that
the man in question had sailed from Green
ock some fifteen years ago, leaving behind
him a wile and two children, and had no:
since been heard of, and, in fact, hal been
mourned a dead. The supposed idow
had struggled successfully with p tverty,
bringing her son and daughter up ii. hum
ble respectability; and being still in town,
it was resolved to acquaint her of hv.r hus
band's whereabouts, and accordingly she
was called upon with this object. At first
she regarded the statement as a f.cti n, but
began 10 think it might be true, and accord
ingly she lost no time in hastening on
board the ship, taking along With i er, her
son and daughter, and credentials of her
marriage. She explained her misuon to
some bf the officers, who directed but what
course to pursue, and, true enough, the dis
covered her long lost husband in on of the
crew of the ship. There was a distention
at first, oo bit part, to, preserve an ini ognito,
but it was of no avail, and he &oon admit
ted bis relationship; and the affair resulted,
we are told, in the commander otd'eMn i
per month to be paid t in future t? t ie wife
out Of her husband's earnings,1 together with
a portion of prize money, .which tras due
to him, an arrangement which now contin
ues In force. It appears that the a an had
been in the' nary for the last ten years, but
i HOW ue cazno k - auauuwu aim ian nj ou
1 ool been explained.
Bottom of the Ocean.
Mr. Gredr.e, the famous diver tells singu
lar stories of his adventures, when making
search in the deep Waters of the ocean.
He gives some sketches of what lis saw on
the Silver Banks riear'Hayti :
"The banks of coral on which' my divings j
were made, are about forty miles in length,
and from ten to twenty in breadth.
On i!i:s bank of coral is presented to the
diver one of the most beautilul and sublime
scenes the eye ever beheld. The water
varies from ten to one hundred feet in
depth, and is so clear that the diver can see
from two to three hundred feet, when sub
merged, with little obstruction to the sight, j
The bottom of the ocean, in many places
on these banks, is as smooth as a Marble
floor, in others it is studded with coral col
umns, from ten to one hundred leel in height
and from one to eighty feet diameter. The
top of those more lofty support a myriad of
pyramidal pendants, each forming a myriad
more, giving the realily to the imaginary
abode bf some water nymph: In other pla
ces the pendants form arch after arch, and
as the diver stands on the bottom of the
occean, and gazes through these into the
deep winding avenue, he feels that they fill
him with as Bacred an awe as "if he were in
some old cathedral, which had long been
buriecl beneath "old ocean's wave." Mere
and there, the coral extend even to the sur
face of the water, as if those loltier columns
were towers belonging to the stately tern
p!e. now in ruins There were countless
varieties of 'diminutive trees, shrutis and
plants, in every crevice of the corals where
the water had deposited the least earth.
Yhey were all of a faint hue, owing to the
pale light they received, although of every
shade, and entirely dirTerei.t from plants I
am familiar with, that vegetate upon dry
land. One in particular attrac.ed my atten
tion ; it refembled a sea-fan of immense
tiize. variegated colors, and of the rno.-t bril
liant litis.
The fih which inhabited those silver
banks, I found as different in kind, as the
scenery was varied. They were of all
forms, colors and size from the symmet
rical goby, to the globe like sunfish ; from
those ol the dullest hue, to the changeable
dolphin ; from ihe spots of the leopard to
the hues of the sunbeam ; from the harm
less minnow to ihe voracious shark. Some
had heads like squirrels, others like cats and
g8 "c ol !u,rt" lAO -
ii -: , .'.. I
terrier. Some darted through the water
,ike "hile otheis could scarcely
be Been to move-
To enumerate all the various Vinds of fth
I beheld while diving on ihese banks,
would, were I enough of a naturalist solo
, danger. Some Of them resembled the rose
j in full bloom, and were of all hues. There
were ribbon fish, from four to five inches,
to three feet in length. Their eyes were
very Urge, protrude like those of the frog.
Anothar fish was spotted like the leopard,
from three to ten feet in length. They
build their houses like the beaver, in which
they spawn, and 'he male or female watch
es the ova till it hatches. I saw many spe-
i cimeiu of the green turtle, some five leel
Ions, which I should think would wei"h
from four to five hundred pounds.
Thk Climatk In the Southwest. No Christian, and established a mission on his
more delightful season of the year could be : own estate. Sweeping away, at a stroke,
selected lor a campaign than the latter part the prejudices of a thousand years, he in
ot October and the whole of November. ! troduced his wife into society, and allowed
With rare exceptions, the air is balmy but her to appear in public and the officials,
hazy; there is little or now snow, and very j fop,once heartily cordial to a native, threw
litlle rain. Even the nights are not often as ! asi.'e prejudices as rooted as his own, and
cold as they are in Philadelphia Indian recommended that the Rajah should receive
summer lasts full twenty days longer in ! officially, precedence in Oude. The Gov-
Middle and Southern Ken ncky, in Southern
Missouri, in Eastern Virginia, and the ;
whole of Tennessee and North Carolina, t
than it doej in Pennsylvania.
If there is poetry in those regions, it is
when "the melancho'y days have come "
and when the serene breezes float amid the
"sere and yellow foliage" ol those regions.
The people themselves have poetized it by
'calling it "Iialy transferred." The chest
expands under the. air, the lungs inhale it
with the profoundest satisfaction, until the
whole being seems renewed and reinvigor
ated. Should, however, the campaign be pro
tracted into late December or into January,
it will become a most fear.'ul task to move
men in bodies or transport munitions of war
to any extent beyond the immediate line of
turnpikes and railroads. The mere country
roads in all those Stales named above, with
the exception of North Carolina, (and lhat
exception is caused by the sandy nature of
the oil,) are most infamous. Their bad
ness is occasioned by the utter Want of sys
tem in keeping them ir. repair and by the
light, loamy, spongy character of the soil.
Rain will penetrate and saturate it for weeks
during the . wittier. In the summer it is
particularly ' dry. Thi' characteristic does
not hold good in all the States, but it will be
found to be very generally, true, and will be
found worthy of consideration ere long.
What i the difference between a school
master and au engine driver i One trains
Abolitionists and Fort Lafayette.
We respect to a suggestion that such in
cendiary persons as Reverends Cheever and
Beecher should be eent to Fort Lafayette,
and such incendiary -journals as the Boston
Liberator, the New York Tribuiij, the Ni-liotiiilAiti-Slaieiy
Stat'iliird,ihe Chicago Tii
Lutie and the New York Independent should
be suppressed by the Government, the Bos
ton Courier offers some practical remarks
Surely these newspapers and reverend
persons, with their confederates, stand on
the very outer edge of flat rebellion itself;
indeed, they are as inveterate foes of any
thing possible to be called a Union of States
as the rnobt inveterate Secessionists, be-
cause they openly declare they will have
no Union except on their own terms, which
are out' of the question. It is evident that
the time must come when something must
be done with them but the question is,
vhen and how 1
In our judgement nothing would tender so
much to the public welfare, by the settle
ment of public opinion, as the prosecution
of those pestilent newspapers and parsons.
We desire to see neither mob law, nor any
arbitrary proceeding applied to them by the
Government. We are firmly for freedom
of speech and of the press, according to the
fundamental provisions of the Constitution,
and because any thing 6hort of this is total
ly inconsistent with the whole theory and
practice of public and private liberty. But
in order that this liberty of speech and of
writing shall not become licentious, it is
necessary to define it and teep it within
the bounds of justice and reason. In a free
country, of all others, this is most necessary.
Where there is the greatest temptation to
licentiousness and opportunity for it, there
it is most necessary that the ill disposed
should be most held under wholesome re
strain!. We have suffered amazingly in this coun
try for want ol a sounder public sentiment
on this subject. Nothing could regulate this
so well as solemn and formal judicial pro
ceedings. We propose, iherelore, that the
parties in question be properly indicted and
. , . . - I . I r . I ' . . t ; 1
urougnno iria.,ener.ur u.e.r
as disturbers of 'he oubltc peace ana saletv. !
-- 4 -s
By thorough investigation of the true prin
ciple of Republican institutions at the bar,
and by the solemn adjudication of a learned
bench, let the case of these culprits be de
termined. As the result, if found guilty, let
a sufficient fine and suitable imprisonment
be awarded enough to stop them effectu
ally, and to check Others inclined in like
manner to offend. We should Itijs soon
put men of more discretion and of a higher
lone in the management of the press, which
! Cobles who, at the outset of the mutiny
I staked thir heads on the British side, was
i the Kajah ot Kupoorthuita. tie was not a
. very great man, but he haa influence, ana
no Englishman could have risked his status,
purse, and person, with more hearty and
unquestioning loyalty, lie helped to yuard
the Northern Delhi road, ihen the key of
our position: and when had beer, restored
the Governor General, casting aside the old
policy of meagre rewards, raised him by a
sin!e gift of land to the wealth of a yreat
English noble. Tha Rajah married an East
India girl, became, under her influence, a
! enmr General consented, and at the apex of
the new social system of UuJe stands a na
tive Christian noble, and ihe only woman
in India for whom the Guards turn out in
the British Provinces, is the Christian 'Lady
of Kupoorthulla ' London Pupcr.
Coffee Beaten id a Mortar.
It is not generally known that coffee
which has been beaten is better than that
which has been ground. Such however,is the
fact ; and in his brief article on the subject,
Savant! ives wiiat he considers the rea
sons lor the difference. As he remarks, a
more decoction ol green coffee is a rnosi in
sipid drink, but carbonisation develops the
aroma, and an oil, which ia the peculiarity
of the coffee we drink Hi agrees with
other writers, lhat the Turks excel in this.
They employ no mills, bet beat the berry
with wooden pestles in mortars. When
long used, these pestles become precious;
and bring great prices. He determined by
actual experiment which of the twO rneth
od was the best- He burned carefully a
pound of good Mocha, and separated it into
two equal portions. The one was passed
through the mill the other beaten after the
Turkish fashion in a mortar- He made cof
fee .of each. Taking equal weights of each,
and pouring on an equal weight of boiling
water, he treated them both precisely alike.
He tasted the coffee himself, and caused
other competent judges to do so. The unan
imous opinion was, that coffee beaten in a
mortal was fat better than that gronnd in a
. Cheap Food.
.... ... . .
In these times especially, some lessons of
economy ma)', or should be learned by all.
At the usual market prices, beans "are rela
tively cheaper than any other article of diet,
corn excepted, perhaps. Beans combine
the nourishment of both grain and meat,
and they should enter more largely'inio
'consumption. Good housekeepers should
learn how too cook them palatably. Any
method is defective, that leaves the beans
unbroken. Whether boiled or baked, or
baked, or both, they should be o thorough
ly cookedis io fall to pieces. Usually they
are prepared lor the table to dry. But ail
the beans raised this year, will propably be
needed for army use, and command good
prices. Com should therefore b9 more
largely resorted to. A bushel of ccrn yields
nearly a much nourishment as a bushel of
wheat, while the latter will sell for two or
three times as much ready money. But
there is a prejudice against corn, or corn
meal, arising mainly irom want of skill in
preparing it. . We have published many
methods, and will continue to give others
from lime to time. What we now suggest
is, that housekeepers who are disposed to
be economical (and who are not?) should
overhaul their receipe books, and the back
numbers of ilia Jgncallurist and other jour
nals they may have preserved, a::d try the
various methods of cooking com and com
meal. When they hit upon any prepara-r
lion that appears to give general satisfac
tion, make a note of it, and there will soon
be found a variety cf methods that may
pretty nearly fill np a week, and still afford
a daily change that will be agreeable. Let
it be understood 'hat your are studying econ
omy, and many diahesthat would be reject
ed in ordinary times will become accepta
ble to the heads of the family. We believe
in ihe doctrine that children should be
taught to always eat what their parents do,
or rather what is set before them, without
questioning or wrinkling bf the face. This
pa.npering of the appetite, and allowing
children to express their likes and dislikes,
and be gratified in their whims, is the worst
possible training and the sure way to
make lhem unhappy afterward. A child
may be taught to always be happy, and to
enjoy any meal that circumstances may
place before him in all his future life.
We forget to name dried peas among the
cheap foods. Though not quite as nourish
ing as beans, they are very good and pala
table when rightly cooked, and they afford
good nutriment more cheaply than meat or
wheat flour They need to be soaked in cold
water until quite soft, and can then be treat
ed art when green ; the addition of a little
sugar will improve them, and give a taste
more nearly like the green vegetable.
Pea sonp is quite palatable, and is made by
boiling the soaked peas in sufficient water
for the quanty of soup required, then mash
about one third of them and stir them iti the
broth. Add butler anJ salt and pepper to
suit the taste. Ameiican Agriculturist.
Things That 1 Have Scen. I have seen
a farmer build a house so large and fine
that the sheriff turned him out of doors.
I have seen a young man sell a goo. I farm,
turn merchant, break and die ia an insans
I have seen a fanner travel about so much Hit re was nothing at home worth
looking after.
I have seen a rich man's son begin where
his father off wea'thy ; and eud where
his father bea:i penniless.
1 hae seen a wrr hy farmer's son idle
away years of the prime of his life, in dissi
pation, and end his career in tha poor
I have seen the disobeaience of a son
"brins ilowa the grey hairs of his father lo
tho grave."
A certatt highly rheiciful Judge had con
clude! the trial of a man for murder, by sen
tencing him to be hung lhat veryday. A pe
tition 'vas immediately signed by the bar,
Jury and people, praying lhat longer lima
mijht be granted the
puur pruuner. no
repl ed to the peli:ion lhat "the man had
been found guilty ; that the jail wis very
unsafe, and besides, it was so very uncom
fortable he did not think that any man ought
to be required lo stay in it longer than was
necessary." And his honor's ideas of hu
manity were promptly carried out.
liShall I have the pleasure of your com
pany for the next set V' asked a young gen
tleman of a party, but not well educated
young woman, at a bill. "What is to be
the dance, sir V " Ditto," said the young
man, referring to his programme. .. "Oh
you must excuse rhe, then," said she, I
can't dance ditto V
A milkman was awakened by a wag in the
hUht with the announcement lhat his best
cow was choking. He forthwith jumped
up lo save the life of Brummie, when, Io!
he found a turnip stuck in the mouth of the
If your sister, while engaged with her
sweetheart, ask you to bring a glass of water
from an adjoining room, start on the errand
but you need not return. You will not be
missed. Don't forget this little children.
Happiness' must arise from our own tem
per and actions, and not immediately from
any external conditions. ;
- '' i ' :
Friendship which flows from-t'ue hart
cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water
t h atj? QVf'iJxQrruk ?.dt! tJ UaO"9 T3dJjawiPAln tJ 3Lm or tcio W "
The Attitude of tbe Democratic Party.
Time always vindicates the wisdom of
the policy of the Democratic party and of
its administration. It has done so in con
nection with recent events, with more than
usual emphasis. For years and years it
warned the country lhat this eternal agitation
of the slavery question if not stopped, would
bring the greatest calamities upon us; that
it would lead to aldsvided Union" and civil
war between the sections ;to national and
individual bankruptcy ; to personal and po
litical ruin. . It plead 'With its 'political op
ponents Njrth, with the man-fanatics of the
South, to torbear, to stay their hands, to stop
what they called their ' irrepressible con
flici," for the good cf ih eir country. Their
appeals -ere spurned. Their warnings
were disregarded. We were told by the
Republican Statesmen that the . agitation
should go on, that it did not endanger Ihe
Union ; that a sectional triumph would do
no mischief, that in case they were success
ful, all would go on as gaily as a "marriage
bell." The'people for once listened to their
syren-soothing voice, and installed them in
power. We would like to have seen the
Desnocrtic predictions proven false we
had a million time rather lhat they would
have had the name of false prophets, than to
have seen our country in its present lamenta
ble condition. But all the worst fears of the
Democrats, all their worst predictions, have
been morethan realized. Look at the con
dition of the country look at the present
survey its future. For all the evils, present
and prospective, the Democratic party i
guiltless, as it lifted up its voice and warned
the people of them. Had the Democratic
policy not been departed from, and it
w'ise counsels been listened lo, we should
have been to day a happy and united people,
and prosperity would have smiled upon the
land. The Democrats advised that the sla
very question be let alone ; that the com
promises of the Constitution in favor of the
institution be adhered to with strict fidelity. "
lis strong common sense enabled it to per
ceive that this grea,t country could only be
saved by a compromise and conciliation of
all the vinous interests, and that as long
as nearly one half of the States were slave
holding, it was egregious folly to suppose
lhat our tederat Government could pursue
an anti-slavery course, without the greatest
troubles and disasters to the whole social
fabric. Oar opponents believe otherwise.
We give them credit, at least the masses,
for honesty ; but, oh ! how "terribly have they
been misled by demagogues and political
idiots to the brink of destruction !
The old, stereotyped charge of corruption
was also instrumental in causing the people
to vote down Democratic men and Dem
ocratic policy. What have we seen ? Why
in less than three month it is an admitted
fact lhat those purists who support the ad
minstratiori of Lincoln have stolen more
from the Government, from the brave sol
diers, than all the money that has been ab
stracted from the Treasurey for half a cen
turey. Since the 4th of March Republi
can papers themselves being the witnesses
there has been a regular carnival of cor
ruption, that puts to shame everything we
have seen ih lhat line. The conduct of the
Democrats in the war is also another evi
dence of their warm and ardent patriotism,
that has extorted praise from even their po
litical opponents. While dpposnigthe policy
which has led io ir, believing it unnecessary
and injudicious, they were the first td re
spond lo the call to arms, w hen they were
left no other recourse. A large majority of
the others and soldiers who are now in the
front of the enemy are Democrats, while
those who have instigated the war, preferred
that way of settling our difficulties to a
peaceful compromise, remain comfortably
at home, assailing other Democrats and
Union men who have ever been and are
now for their country ,as traitors. These lines,
drawn from the great book of the past, in
dicate the policy to be pursued by the
people in the future; Turn out the politi
cians of the Lincoln stripe as quicx as possi-
I bte. Tbey have Baown themselves incorn to covern the country. Turn them
out at the elections as fast as you have the
opportunity, ar.d restore to power that or
ganization which would have, if it had been
permitted, averted all our present evil,' and
whose policy yet can alleviate and mitigate
therh Cincinnati Inquirer. (Douglas.)
A good story is toli of a "iell" on the
Abolitionists of Galesburg. The town h
made up of Abolitionists, and of course they
are the last men to volunteer to meet on the
battle field the men they have traduced lor
years. Galesburg has se nt few if any sol
diers te the war, and those who bave gone
are not of the class of whom we speak.
Well, the other day, the railroad conductor,
when his train arrived at Galesburg, told the
people that the U. S. officers were drafting
in Peoria, and would be there next 'Jay to
draft them. into the service. It i said that
next day there wasn't a man in Galesbnrg
who was between the ages of 13 and ib
years, unless he was a cripple or sick
Rock L land Argut, III.
A Western clergyman, in presenting 4
revolver to one of the volunteers aid : "If
you get into a tight place and have lime to -use
it, ask God's blessing if you have lime, ,
but be sure and not let the enemy get the
start oi you. Yon cart say amen after yo
shoot." .
A little girl, hearing her mother speak
of going into half mourning, Mid, '-Why are