STAR OF THE NORTH, Wednesday Morning, October 21, IS61. Otstkb. Charle (1. Noll requests us lo announce lhat he is prepare! to supply fam i'ies with fresh oysters by the whole cr haff -cans. Is in daily receipt of fresh bivalves. Owing to the County Fair and the absence of one of our b'hoys, the Str does not :pre sent its nsoal variety of reading matter this week. - Thor who denounce shows, gambling, and "sporting" generally, should be very cautious and not allow thenrsefves to be caught practicing contrary to what 'fuey preach. . William Ba Kooks is giving'tbe'Exehange Hotel a thorough renovatingmaking many improvements in. the Interior -arrangement of the hooe. He is adding a great deal to its appearance as well as to the com'ort of those about it. Emigrated A number of colored per sons, most of whom have resided in onr town for mar.y year, teft err Wednesday night en route fr Hayti. They hav been induced to emigrate through the clover inducements held out to them by the gov -ernmeni of that island! Carevi'le Intelli gencer. Five Thousand Dollars. A gentleman and wife have instituted proceedings against 'an individual in this Wroogh for slander, claiming damages of the above nmonnt The plaintiffs charge the defendant with callirg them secessionists. William pnt. 'Democrat. Ths New 'DiAcs A change has been made in the fen cent ipieces that bear date 'this year from ihee 'heretofore coined The figure of Liberty, instead of being sur ronnded by stars, is encircled by the words, United S'a'es of America," which former ly were placed on the reverse ot the piece. TIoWaRD AsSOCIaTIOV, THlLOltI.PHH. This well known institution continues i:s human labors, lor the relief of th victims of virulent diseases, and its managers have won lor themselves a high reputation for honorable conduct, as well as professional f k ill We believe it is a highly useful and perfectly reliable Institution. . Jsixjk Slknkcr Klkctco. W learn frrm a private source, that Slenker the Demo cratic candidate for President Judge in the District composed of Union and Mifflin Counties, has been elected over his com petitor Woods, by a small majority. This District is strongly Republican, and the election of Judge Slenker, may very prop.--erly be regarded as an indication from the 'people" that they desire a "change." Dnnvillt litte'tigenter. Gooey. Godkt's Lsdt's, I'ook ror Novem ler is already out. The frontispiece is an amusing scene well got'en np, representing the arrival of "The New Boy," at school. As usual he gives a mammoth fashion plate in color, and a large number of plain en gravings ol new stiles of dresses, fancy woik, &c. The letter press in ol roost an exceptionable character, and such as will 'tend to elevate the intellect, and cultivate a taste for good literasure. Godey is decidely "an institution." Thf War News. We learn as we go to press that fighting is being done near Lees burg, along the Potomac, the particulars of which we are unable to give this week. Col. Baker, who formed and had command of the California Regiment fell in the battle Telegraph states that 100 ol the Federal troops were cat op and captured. It needs confirmat on. No doubt a lively fight is go ,ing on about this time. We believe our Sereno boys" were nnder Col. Baker' command. If so, some of the Columbia county boys have had a "brush." Dot Again. Our readers will remember that the New York Day Book, was one ol the papers suppressed by the Adminstration, some weeks since. The proprietor of the Day Book has issaed a new paper, to take the place of the Day Book, called the "New York Weekly Caucasian." His new paper is especially devoted to the. interests of the white race, and opposed to the demoralizing nd equalizing designs of the Abolitionits. The heresies of the latter class he handles unsparingly, and in his usual forcible style. It is famished at S 1 a year. Blakicts Blankets are much wanted fcy onr troops, and this want, it is feared, will be greatly increased, from the fact that number of those to whom contracts were recently awarded, have failed to com ply with tfve same. The Government is thus compelled to waste valuable time in looking, elsewhere for a supply. It is extremly gratifying to liate, however, that with what contributions are now being sent forward by the citizens of the State, and all the factories in operation, the Pemisjlvania troops will be fully supplied. Maetson HorsB. Soma two or three weeks ago we stopped with our friend Sam jelRjmt, proprietor of tha Madison House, in Jerseytewn, Columbia county, and must say that we passed our time very pleasantly while t his house, although we found the proprietor's situation none of the best to accommodate hi guests, on account of having torn part of his hotise completely to pieces, for the purpose of enlarging and im proving the interior arrangement of his house in many respects. Mr. R. has a fine location, and from all appearances, by the time be gets through with his honse, he will have one of that Vnosl comfortably as well as the most neatly arranged houses for hotel keeping ja this section of conntry. We presume he is setting well on with the wc;k by ibis time. We shall try and call around that way before lor..' Success to Sam cel. --' S03IETITIXG foil THE TIDIES A NECESSI TY IN EVEKY HOUSEHOLD! JOHNS & CROSIJRY'S oaiEUFCAN M2JUEN I' GLUE The Strongest Glue in the World. The Cheapest lue in Ihe World. Ifoe Musi Durable Glue in the World. The 'Only "Reliable Glue in the World. Tire Best Glue in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE the the only article of the kind ever produced which 1FILL WITUSTAND WATER. 11 WILL MEND WOOD, "Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend yourHarness, Straps, Belts, 'boots &c. IT WILL MEND GLASS, . Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw aw y that broken ivery Fan, it 'I easily repaired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken ;Ch'ma Cup and Sauce rs can be made as good a, new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out ol your Marble Maiitle can be pot on as trnna as ever IT WILL MEND TORCELAIN, No matter il thai brok u Pitcher did not cost but a shilling, a shilling saved is - a shilling earned. " IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase in broken and you can'i match it, mend it. it will nev er show when put together. IT WILL MEND BON K, CORAL. LAVA AND IN FACT EVERY THING BUT METALS. Any arid Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended. "Every Hcitrekeepei should have a snp ply ol John & Crofley'a Cement Glue." Ntw York Times. "It is so convenient to have in the h o u - e . ' ' New York Exoi ess. "It is always read) ; this commends it :o every body." Independent "We have tried it, and find it ueTii in our house as water." IV tike1 Sprit of the Times ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $10.0U per year saved iu every lamily by One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cer:: per Bo'tle. Price 25 Cents per. Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cent per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bo'.tle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Iteducllou to Whole sale Buyers. T E K M S C A t H . EF For Sale by all Druggist., and Store keepers generally about ihe country. JOIIWS fc CliOSLEY, (Sole Maiiulaciumrs.) 78 WILLIAM STREET. j Corner of Liberty Rtreet. NEW YORK, lnipnitaut to H u-e Owners. Lnpor'ant to Builders. Important lo Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmer. To all whom this m y concern . and it concerns every body JOIIXS $- CKOSLET'S IMPROVED GUIIA PERCH A. The CueaeH ai.d moi durable iioorin, in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It ran be applied to New and Old R)oM of At! kinds, s'eep or flat, an I to Shingle Roofs wiihoui removing the Shingled, THE COST IS ONLY A KOUT ONE-THIRD THT OF TIN. AND 1 1' IS TW ICE AS DURABLE. This a ride, has been limrongly tl-d in New York City and all parm of Ihe United States, Canada, West Indie and Central and South America, on Buildings ot all kinds, soeh as Factories, Foundii-s Church es, Rail Road Depot, Car, and on Public Koilding- generally, Government Buildings, &e., by ihe principal Builder, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING m ue ; it i in every respett c fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. J hi is ihe ONLY matertnl manufutured in the Uniltd States which combine ihe very desirable properties of Elasticity untl Dura bility, which are universally acknowledged to be possed by GUTTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER. iYo Heat , is required in making appli cation. The expense of applying il is tnflinj, as an ordinary Roof can be covered and fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANYONE, v. nd when finished form a perfectly Fi-e Proof surf ice with an eiat c body, which rannot be injured tv Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking ol Roof Boards, nor any external a ;ti on w ha'evr. LIQUID GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coaiing Metals of all Kind when ex posed to the action of the Weatnerand For Preserving and Jit pairing Metal Roofi of all Kinds, This is the only Composition Known which will octfeful!y resist extreme changes of climte, for any lingih of time, when applied lo metals, to which it adhere firmly, lormin a body equal to three coats of ordinary r ain:, co;s much les, and will LAS T THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and Irom its elasticity is not injured by the con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, con.-equenl upon euddea changes of the weather. will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOP WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roots can te readily repaired with GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor rosion ana leakius, thereby ensuring a per fectly water tight Roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly- adapted fr the preservation of Iron Railing, Stoves, Ran- J ges. Dates, Agricultural implements, &c , aUo for general manufacturers n-e GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For prserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs or every description, Irom its great elasticity, is not injured by ths con traction and expansion ol Metals, ant will not crack in cold or run in varm weather. These materials are adapted to all cli mates, and ne are prepared to supply or ders Irom any pari of the country, at short nofce, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in rolls, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full printed directions lor application. AGENTS WA NTED. We isi 11 make liberal and s-ilitfaclory arrange' tnens with responsible polities who would like to etabtisfi Ihemstlncs in a Lucrative and Perma nent business. . OUR TERMS ARE CASH We can give abundant prool of all we claim in favor of oar improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to several thousand Roofs in New York Cit? and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William. A'., Comer ol Liberty Street. ! NEW YORK. Foil descriptive Circulars and Prices will br f.irnihed on application. " v ' October 16, 1551 t;. ; - y WILCOX & GIBBS' Price with Jlemme.r and Feller, 35 00, THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE RIORITY PECULIARY IPS OWN. Hemming. 'ad FtUing with a Single Thread. Stitching, It forms a perit, ever, and elastic seam, which is warranted not to rip in wear, even if the seam i cut at Irequent intervals, and also under all circttrrrstances "to survive the wash-tub " A Patented device of ere'at uMlity to learners, prevents trre posibiliiy of the ma chine being run in ttre Wrong direction, or Ihe balance wheel wearing a lady's dres. Another feature which deerv8 particu lar attention is PPTHE WILCOX PATENT NEEDLE CANNOT BESET WRONG Two lhouard Stitches, -or two art Is of work, can be done in one minute without dropping a stitch. These Machiaes, so Frrrrpte tfnd acfriiate in their construction, supersede the oi ot the shuttle; and with one thread pro luce all Ihe practical results of the to inroad machine; ar.d more, for these leil without basting, and hem ihe finest muslio without puckering. Although at about 'haWttre price of the other firM class machines, they will accom plish double the sewing in a given time "It is emphatically ihe good, low pricd Family Sewing Machirre that the public ha long been waiting for." Boston Tian script. ' It is indeed a wonderful production, and and for lamily use especially, no other will bear any comparison wi'ti it.." Tailadel phia Evening Journal. 'A mechanical wonder.'- Scientific Anier icca't. "Among the best and most serviceable Sewing machines-. Light and elegantly finished, and bo simple in ft 'construction that it feems almost impossible for it to get put of repair." Pittsburg Chtonicle "Has combined with its own peculiar merits ell ihe really valuable improvement of the higher priced machines." Penney! vanian. "This, machine, in the opinion of the committee, fill more nearly ihe require ments of a perlect family machine than any on exhibition. "'-Franklin Institute Exhibi tion Report o I 1858. "Tbking into consideration vimpliHiv. cheapness, durability, and doing all work, the commiree were unanimous rr favor o' the Wilcox &Gibb as a single threrd mi chine." Pennsylvania State Agricul ural Society's Report. "We musi, in Juatjre expr onr confi dence in the merit of ihe Wilcox & G:bb Sewing Machine. . We consider lhat a ure-n deMdera urn has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond coubt, thai two threads are not, as was supposed, necesary to a aood instrument.'' Christian Advocate and Jour nal, June 21, I860. "We have one of the machines in use. ard think more highly df it than of any ol Ihe number we have tried.'' Richmond Whig. The undersigned, Misionary loCorutan linople,has examined more than twenty different kinds ol Sewing Machine, and alter tome six weeks experience with Wilcox & Gibb' Patent, he ha purchased one of '.hem as the best adspted to the wants of his fainil', and a the least liable to require repair. " OLIVER CRAN E. Boston, July 3, i860. The nndetigned,dnring eighteen mr nths ha had in alrnosi constant use, in hi arn ly, Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, upon which ha been made the (-hthes cf hi large family from muslin lo pilot clt th--iiicloding ib clothing required lor his sev eral boj; arid in t o case have the seams failed, although in hard service. The ma chine now in use in his lamily ha required no repair, and is in all respects, well ap pointed, efficient and durable. JACOB CHICKERING. Boston. Send lor a Ciri-itlar.j WILCOX, .llHDufftcturer. No. 508 Broadway, New York, Opposite St- Nicholas Hotel. August 28, 1861 ly. RULE ON THE HEIRS CF GEO FETTER MAN, Stnr , DElVD. COLUMBIA CO UN I Y, SS: ' the commonwealth ol t'enn- sylvama to JoMiUa tetter nan. Z Solomon Fetterman, Henry Fet- terman, George retterman, Jno. t? . i r?1 . . . . r riicr'na:.1, junn reiiernian. Reuben Fetterman, residing in Linn ccunty Iowa, Catharine intermarried with Henry Harrier, Sarah intermarrtec wi:h Wi ham Yeager, and Elizabeth intermarriel with Hamilton Fisher, children and heirs ot George Feferrnan sen., late of Locu-ltawn ship, in said county decea-ed. You and each of you are hereby cited and cOitmahded to be and appear in you' proper persons before the Judge of th ? Or phans' Court, at our Orphans' Court, lo be held at Bloomsburg on ihe fiiet Monday ol December next, then and there to accept or refuse to take the real estate of the said George Fetterman, sen., deceased, at the valuation placed upon it bv an inquest duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by the Sheriff, or show cause why th name should not be sold, and hereof fail noi. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, E-quire, President of our said Court at BloomsOurg, ihe iTtti day of September A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty one. Jacob Eyerly, Cl'k O. C. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsburg. October 9, 1861. lcw Arrival or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, David Ijovrenbcrg T NV1TES attention to his stock of heap and fashionable clothing at his store oc Main Street, two doors above the 'Amer ican Honse,' where he has a full assort ment o! men and boy's wearing apparel, inclodiug ih"3 most fashionable DRESS GOODS, Box, Sack, Frock, Gum, and Oil Cloth Coat of all scrts and sizes, Pants ol all colors shawl, stripes and figure vests, sbirtx, era Tats, stock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy article. N B. He will also make to order any ar ticle ol clothing at very short notice uud in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, Sept. 25, Ift6l. NEW GOODS!! For Fall and Winter, JUST RECEIVED FRESH FROM PHILADELPHIA, AND TOR SALE AT L. T. SHARPLESS' CHEAP CASH STORE, Great inducements to cash Customers Bloot&sbcrg, OcL 16, 18S1. -9 gum Ji' J pMllWAUKtf.-. CATHARTIC PILLS. 'Are yon sick, feeble, snd cnaptaiulngt Are you oat of 'order, 'with .your iyntem de ranged, and your feelioga nn coL'fortable'? These gymp tvmi re oftfn tbe prelude to erious llltien. Home St of aiekaeM'lft creeping upon you, and should be arertod by a timely 'use of the right rem edy. Take Ayer'a i'illn, and cleanse out the disordered liu inora purify tbe blood, and let -the fluid move on unob structed in health asaln. They stimulate the functions of the body into vigorous ao tiity, purify the system from the obstructions which make disease. A ci11 settles tjomewhere in the body, and ob structs Its natural functions. These, tr not relieved, 'reiict upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease. Wlilte in thts condition, oppressed by the derangements, talta Ayer'i fills, and see how directly they restore the natural action of ths system, and with it the buoyant feeling of'bealth again. What is true and so apparent in 'thW -trivial and common complaint. Is also true in many of the deep-wated and 'dangerous distempers. Tbe esme purgative effect expels them. Caused by simitar obstruc tions and derangements of the naturaf functions of the :bodv, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured bv the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from tbe disorders they cure. Statement from leading physicians In some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per sons. From a Porutardittg Merchant qf SU Louis, J6. 4, IS58. Dr. Atkr: Your Fills are the paragon of all that Is great in medicine. They have cared tny little daughter or ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her another has been long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and lu her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MORQRIDQK. As Family Physic. From Dr. J?. W. Chrtufright, Aeiv Orleans. Tour Pills are tha prince of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are niii'l. but very certain and effectual In their action on tha bowels, which makes there Invaluable to us in the dally treatment of disease. IleadaeheyStckllesxdacHeottl Stomach. From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DeahDro. Aver: Icannot answer you what complaints I have curff with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with a purgative medicine. I place great depen dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, ami believing as I do that your Pills afford as the best w have, I of course value them highly. Pittbbcro, Fa., May 1, 1855. t)K. J. C. Arr.. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of ihe worst 'uiiuc any body can have by a dose or two of yonr puts. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at on-e. yours with great respect, ET). TT. mETiLE, Cterk of Steamer Clarion. Billons Disorders Liver Complaints. Dr. Theodore Belt, oJiew York City. Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pnr pose as an aperient, bnt I find their lenr-tielnl effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. Tli'-y have in my prac tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilioui com plaint! than any onn remedy I can mention. 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor thy the coufldeuce of the profession and the people. Department or ths Interior, 1 TTashington, D. C, Uh ieb., I860, f Firs I bare used your i'ilis In my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say iu-y are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action ou the liver is quirk and decided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for deraugemeuta of that organ. Indued, I have seUuin found a case of biUout dweoMt so obstiLate that it did not readily yield to them. fraternally yours, ALO.SZCI 11 ALU M. It 1'liytician of lite Harine Hospital. Dysentery, Dlarrlicra, Relax, Worms. Fi out Dr. J. Q. Oi ecn, of Chicago. Tour Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver maks them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bUtous dytenUry aui diarrhaa. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient fcr the use cf women and children. Dyspepsia, Imparity of tha Blood. From Jiev. J. V. Ifimes, Vattor of Advent Ctttaxh, Botton. Dr.Atcr: I havensed yonr Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among tliose I am called to visit in distress. To ivgolate the organs of digestion and purity the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. UIME3. Warsaw, Wyoming Co, N. T., Oct. 21, 1S55. Df 1 Fir : I am using your Cathartic Pills In my prac tice, and find them an excellent pnnratlve to cleanse the system aud purify the fmmtaint of the. Uood. JVUN Q. MEACUAM, M. D. Cons tlpat Ion, Cot tl-reness, Suppression, Ilheimiatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop sy. Paralysis, Fits, etc. Frtnn Dr. J. F. Vaughn, Montreal, Canad. Too much cannot t-e said of your Pills for the cure of entiirenrst. If others of our fraternity have fiund them as efficacious as I hate, they should join me in proclaim ing it fur the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe cnt tirenett to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that orln and cure the dlseaue. From Mrs. E Stuart, Fhytician and Midwife, Botirm. I find one or two large doses of yonr Pills, taken at ths proper time, are excellent promotives of the natttral teen tton when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to clean te. the itamach and expel toenrmt. They are so much the best physic we have that I recommend no other to my patients. From fee Jlev. Dr. JTawlrs,oflfie MeAoditt Fpis. Church. Fclaski IIocsr. Favannah.Ga., Jan. 8, I860. ITohorfb Fir : I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill baa brouicht me if I did not report my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought oo excru ciating neuralgic paint, which ended in eArotite rAcnai4 titm. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, ths disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent av-etit in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. ' Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering la the use of them, I am now entirely well. Fiati CmirBrB, Baton Rouge, T-., 5 Dee. 1 455. Dr. Atrr : I have been entirely cured, by yonr Pills, of Jtheirnuttic Gouta, painful disease that had afflicted me for years. VINCENT SLID ELL. sT" Most of the Pills In market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a publie pill, from tbe dreadful conse quences that frequently follow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr 7. C'ATZB & CO.. Lo well. Hata, st. Louis bio n:r, CUESTirT STREET. ABOrt: THIRD IN ihe imrrediaie uptyhborhnod of ih Joh t.ini! HoiieC-on Market Third, and Chfst nut Stree-s, the B inks, Pof Office, Mer. chains' ExehiMiO'. &t, &e. IlOiRI) I'l lt 11V SI 50 Accommodation when required on the EU KOPKAN PLAN; Room from 50 rent arid upward, per dv, and meal at a Fikst CLASS UlE-TfRANT ATTACHED TO THF HoTEL. Price according to ihe Bdl ot Far. The iiy 'ht take l'atiigr from any Station lo (iit;ioe lollie Hotel. T English, French, German and Spanish spoken. July 17.1RG1. A dniiiiir:.tor' IVolicc. Eslote of Jacob Nngle, late nfCentte twp , dee'd. jVOTICK i hereby given that letters ol ' admini-irattOn on the estate of Jacob Naule, late ol Centre township, Colombia county, decead have bHen granted by the Regicter of Colombia county to Frank lin Nayle of fan! town-hip and County. All person having claims or demands auaitiM the estate ol the decedent are re quested to present them for settlement, and lhof-e indebted to make payment without delay 10 " FRANKLIN NAULE, Centre.jDly 3d, 1861 61. A.lm'r. Ali3iiiiislrator,! Notice. Estate 0 Susan Jane Cavenee dee d. jVOTICE i i.ereby given lhat letters of administration on the Ea'ate of Susan JaneCnvenee, late of Mount Pleasant town rhip, Columbia county, dee'd., have been granted by the Register of said County lo ihe nndeipigned, vho resides in Mount Pleasant township, Colombia county. All persons having clams or den.ands aginst the Eatate of the decedent are requested to present ihem for feitletnent, and tho- in debted lo make payment wtthoiii delay. fsKCRGK CAVENEE, AdmW. Mount Pleacant, June 12, 1861. ' Come and Settle. THOSE knowing themselveo indebted lo the uadereigned are hereby notified 10 come avd settle their accoontu without further nonce. 1 am now in earnest. If not attended to soon their accounts will bs placed in proper bands for collection. , - J. E. SANDS. September 25, ISf 1. .ltEENW00D SE31I.NARV AND CtLUMBIA COUNTY AT MII.LVI1.LE, PENN'A. IrrportaHt Additions & Iroproremeiitf Auiomii Term lo Angat 1? r'pHJS Iriftii ntiori which hhs been in stir 1 ce'Bsftil operation for the ;al ten yearf , i abrrut undergoing a very irnpoitanl rer - ivanorr, in order lo place it on a more eta. hie bafiii lha:i ever, anl preppnt lacitllies vhi'-h are not fiirpass: by ordinary Acad 'rrne in Northern l'ennp) I van ta . Amo'njr tie itnprovernent- will be a large rhree--toried building which wU'l give mtfch ad dttional room and gteater t on'Veiiiences for ooar'dei ; a commodious hall for a lecture room and public exercise", convenient class rooms, h library and reading Toom contain ing a VaVinei 'of firin'erals Tid tiriof iire-, hath room, &c. An experienced and tiorocghly qualified classical teacher and JecioVeT will be ai tfie head of the Board of Instruction, bnt the Principal will have the neral Miperintendenca of t fie im-titiition hii I aune a khare of the duties of teach ing. RegnlaT 1eeine will be tlelivered upon various cieniifiu snf-j-JcK, as well as upon the theory and practice ot teaching, tin! a Normal Cla of yftnng men and vorrien who wi.h In qualify theins-lvt-s inr etchers' profcron, will receive especial .t'etitton anil 8"'if-ince. The caire td IiiHtrnci fon in ilie Fchool will b thorough anil Meinatir, calcula'ed to embrace ttie various branctiesoi a rac 'ical ediication. Ample provision will be made for the B'udy of tbe higher Rlathe 'natics. the elucidation of Physics, ami the Natural Sciences, by rnpan ot suitabU ap ,iaramn, ard for the siuiiy of tr.e latin, Gret-k, and German language, to enable -itndeiit-4 lo qualify thefriselves frtr commer and scientific pursuns. or to enter any la-" at colle-ge. The country location of this Seminary in i pleufcarit village. in a healthy and flurnh ui2 neighborhood, well known for the ele vated tone of its moral sentiment, and where the pupil are i:ot surrounded by lio.e lem0f1iing infloences, arid lemp aiions found in our cities, larger town? and many other localities, with no outside i i Huences to divert their attention from Iner lure and the work of mental culture, pr---enis attractions aud irvlncem-nt to con--ideraie pareni rmulous ftmlent-, i-e!dom our.d surrounding larife Kchoole and acad emies. The Literary Society aUo, ore of ihe ol I rsi and heft conducted in this i-ertioii of ' o 1 1 n t r y , presents an attractive fea'urt and iifcelul auxiliary, to a practical ednce.tinn. The improvemenH will te nt.der the mmetliaie charge of an efnoient I5tard ot rniftees, appointed by ihe Seminary Com :tiy, ind will be completed in time lor he Autumn term, to commence the I2'h f Align! next. While thankful for pat patronage we a Uh lo merit a v-oniiutiance ol ini ilar fa io', ami as we intend to include a higher .fade and wider range of in rod ion, we er,ecHuly t-olicit a careful examination miio our facilities and claim. Terms : Rnarding, washing, tnition. lights and incidental enpeuses, for one quarter of -leveti weeks, will be Thirty Dl ars, oti iialf payable in advance, the other half uid all inilion bill? will be expected j rorrij.i 'l a' t ie expiration of each quarter. Items : H arding, with furnirhed room, one quarter ?2P 0" Tuition in common English branhces b.QO t: tt ft .( t t in(In(!injr Mathematics and Book Keeping by Double Entry 6 00 Tuition in La: in, Greek, and German extra I 00 Wcftiiug, Light" and incidental ex- petise-1, one quarter, 3,00 Those w ho desire to procure fccbolar'hib'' r attend by the year, will lie accommoda ted at a reasonable discount, and students wishing to secure rooms should make sea sonable application. For further particulars addrea WM. BURGESS, Princioal Mdlville, Penn'a. GeORGF MTtRS, J. K. F.vfes. ) Dr. A. P Hri.Lr.a. Ei.lis Evks, Trustees HknjamIn K. Evrs, ) Millville, May 29, 1861. JOSrVrA; CISOSLKV, Sole 3Iauufjclurers of (he Improved I tie cneptM anu tnot tiurar te Ji o i. in j ue. I IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. j It can tie applied to New aud Old Roofs of j ail kinds, and lo ivnngle RjoU widiooi re moving the shingle. Toe Ctt i only nhont One-Third that of Tin, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. GUTTA Pi:iUIIA f E3IKXT, For preserving an I repairing Tin tid o'her Metal Uoofs ol every description, fro.n its great elasticity, i- riot injured by the con rai'iion anfl exi an-ion of rneti-ls, AND WILL NOT CRACK IN COLD Oil RUN IN WARM WEATHER Tfiese materials have been thoroughly tesied in Nw 1'ork and all part of ttie Southern and Western slate, anil we ran give abundant prool of all we claim in their iavor, x They are ieadi!y applied by ordmay la borers, ai a trifling expense. "so i ik at is ui:qliri:i." Thee materials are put up ready for ti-e, and lor shipping to all parts ol the country, wnfi lull printed direction for appl catio i. Full descriptive circulars w ill be furnish ed on applicaiion by mail or in person at our Principal Office and Warehoose, 78 W II LI AM STREET, Corner ol Libert) Sieei. New York. JOHNS & TUOSLEV. Agents Wanteii ! -Terms Casii ! ! May 29, 1861 ly. SPJtlNU AND SUMMER ITI AKTZ fc K IV T JTAVEjo't received from Thdadelphia a splendid assortmeiil of merchandise, pcrchased at the lowest figure, and which Ihey are determined to sell for C.ili or Country Produce, on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Light Si'eet. Their Slock con sists ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choice-t styles and latet fashions.' DRV GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. CEDAR- n a r e, no , . omirJiitE Iron, Nails ami pike, BOOTAND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-3IADE CLOTHING, ic. &c., In shoit every thing usually kept in a coun try Store. They respectfully invite iheir old friends, and the public generally, to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. tW The highest price paid for country produce. MARTZ & ENT. Light Street, July 3d, 1861. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. LIFE PILLS & HI0EXIX BITTERS. rpHESE MEDICINES have now been be- fore i'h pi.'b'u? for'a period of I'hir'y Years, and during That tinfe have main'aii e 1 a high r haiacier'iii almost every part ol the 'Globe, foi tfieir extraorditi'aty and imme diate power 'of restoring perfect 'halih to persons Miffering under n'early eve'ry kni l of dicase to which tli'e fiuffian frame is 'liable. The following are afnong the disfreasFng variety of human diseases in wfiich Ihe vtr.KT4iHd- ijfc aii.nicixcs At-e well knoAii to be infallible. i)YSPEPS1, by thoroughly cleansing tfie 'first and second srooiacties, and crea ting a flow of ptre, tie'.iliiiy bt'e. instead ol thit-title and acrid feind: Hatnliic, Loss of Appeiiie Hfantnitn, tif ad ache, Restless-nes-, 111-Temper Anxieiy, Languor, and Melancholy, wW-'h ere the gcueial symp toms of Dspeps'ta, v iil vauiVh, as a nat lural consequence ofi'scuta. COSTIVENESS. by rleatms the whole length of the ii testine with a so'Ven; ro-ce-s, ant w i'hont Vfolerice'; all viole'tii pur ges leave the bowels co-live within two day-. FEVER'S of a.l Vifitls, t restoring tlie blood t a regular circulation, through the process ot respiration i n such cases, and the thorough scl miun of all iuleninal ob struction in others. Tfie Life Medicine havlie'en k'nowri lo cure RHEUMATISM permanently ir. three weeks, and KOU'T in half lhat time, by removing local ii.flamal on from the mus cles and ligaments of I be Joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and sirengttiing the kidieis alid bladder; they operale mnl delightfufly on these impor lar.l organ. and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst caf-ea of GRAVEL. AUo WORMS, by dislodging from the iiirntngs of ihe bowels the vrimy inutier to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, L'LCFRS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the pr.ifect ptiniv wnich these LIFE MEDICINES give to ihe blood, and all tfie humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, bv their alterative effect upon the Runts iVt feed the tdun. and the moibid Mate of which occasion's all erup tie complaints, callow, cloudy and other d iatireeal'le complexions. The use ol thee Pill- for a very short time wi! effi-ct an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in 'he clmrties of tfie skin Comir.on Colt and lnfluei,?a will always be cmed by one dose, nr by t w o it. tire w'ori caes. PILES -Tfie original prnjirietor of these Medicines, a cured ol Piles, 35 years Kiaiu'ini; by the ue of tfie Life Medicines alone. r EVER AND AGUE. For thi sconrge ofltie Western country, these Me.lioitie will be found a a!e, speedy and ceii.ii' remedy. Other medicines leave the y i"tn hut j"ct to ii reiuT'i of i he ditase a cure bv 'hese Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, Ip Sa ipfied and b- Cured eiLlOUS FEVERS aND LIVER COM PLAINTS (General Debi'ily. f.0ss of ap peti e, and Di-ease of Females the Med icines have been r.-e! with ine hiost ben elicirfl rer-tdt.s in ca.-e of thi- iiecriptiou Ktns Evil, and Scrofula, in its worM forms ields to ihe mild et powerful action ol 'hee rerraikable Medicines, ight Sweats Nervous debility. Nervous Comoiaint- ot all kind-;. Palpation of I he Heart, Pai.i- ter Colic, are sneenMi cured. M E R C U R I A L D i S E A S ES .-IV r so n w Is os p eouMiiiiinin f ave become impaired by the miuutciu'j u-e ot jjjercury wtil bnd t ...i : ..: . r les j .uruii iiirf h jfiifci ruif, as itiej never fil to era.lica'e from ifie sstern,all the efTtCis ol Me enry, infinitely sootier than ihe mo-i powerful preparations of Srsapa riila. Pre). urcd and sold bv W. B MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. TOR SALE Bf ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17 1861-ly. ". .-r. W Vi '.j. 'f .V. OF OF ALL KINDS, - AT J. J. BIJOU LIl'S V sat WlW.. 3 St o V? o Cheaper than Uver. M ay JH, ItsBU. O i .. - ' . . .f. -w V.J DA5IH. I.A OOK, IMtolMCIbTOIt, WYOMING, LUZERNE COIWTY, PENN. fnHE Proprietor respecttully informs tii ja. fnetiits and the public generally that tie has taken charge of the Wyoming )tje, in the vi'laae ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, an I has Cited it ont so as to eiiteriam both transient and perma nent viWor- in a -uitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious anil airy, and not only calculated to add to the conve nience and comfort ol the iravelingcommu nity, tut al.0 to those who would seek a pln-fiiit summer resort with families. HiS TABLE will be supplied wtlh the best he market cati t.flord ; and his P.AR will be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. Tfie proprietor will give his exclusive aitention to ihe comfort and con vene:ice ol his etiests. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a mong ili e fir-! hotel in the Suie. The Proorietor hopes that from hi- expe rietice in the buine8, and by unremitting atteniio i on his pan, combined wiih a jml. ciou election ol the most careful and oblig ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa vorable cbnsideration o! the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. ZV Please give him a call, and juda for onrseWe" April 2, 1859. WJI.BK00XS Proprietor. IIIOO.H.SItUltf2, PI. rpHIS magnificent Hotel, situate in -the 1- central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, hp been ihoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared lo Hccommodate traveler-, team-lcr, drovers and boarders in 'he most plea-ant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best Ihe market affords,atid h'.s Bar with the choicest liquors. Atieuitse ostlers wnl always be on hand, and his siablin is the mo-t , extensive in this section ol country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness io convey passen gers io and from tfie Railroad Depot. WM. 5. KOONS. Bloomsburg, July 4, 1860. CRAPE VINES. YOUNG Vitier of two tears, ol '-Miller's Burgundy," with beautiful roots can be had : also, peach trees from seed of ihe choicest varieties, if called lor soon. HENRY ZUPPINGER. ,,JI ...Jt.,, t r j n n.i, i i. HEALTH AKD ITS PLEASURES, OR . ' Dixtasc tVith It A'gorilcni CHO'OSE BETIVEEN THEM. NERVOUS DISORDERS. What is more learfii! than a breaking down of ihe nervous gtsiern Tote nci table or nerVous in a small degree is nmat distressfrfjr, 'for where can a remedy t found ? There Is one : drink but little wine. beer, or spVils-, tr far belter, none; take no coffee, wealt "tea b'rri2 preferable get nil the fresh air you Van-; take three ot four Pill- every night; eat plenVy Trf soM, avoiding the ue of slops ;and if thesVtfr1 en rules are followed, yon will be happy in mind and strong iu body, and itteiik have any nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one tiling more than another for winch these PilU are eo lamous it in iheir purifying properties, o-pecially Iheir power of clean-ing the blood from all im. purities, and removing dangerous and sus pended Accretions. Univers-aHy adopted at the one gia nd remedy for female ccmplainta thev neVer 'f;il, never weaken the system and always bring about wTiat s required. ' SICK UFA PA f HKS AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelings uhich so saddet) bsa're so freqnenily arie from annoyance and troub le, from obstructed perspiration, or from, eaung aud drinking w hat is ut fit for u tons disordering the liver ai d stomach ' TfVese organs musi be regulated if yoti wist to be well. The IiII-, if laken ac-Cordiini to the printed instruction, will quickly re--tor a healthy action lo both liver and -tomach, whence follow as a nnra COntan sequence, a gocd appetiie and a clear head. in ine tvi-i and ost Iih!is scaicely othcr medicine is ever used for ihese orders. any di. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEVS. In all disease affecting these '6rgan, whe:herthey serrate too much or loo little' water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the bona over ihe regions ol the kidneya. these Pill should bo taken accor ding io ihe printed instruction direr tiom, and the Or tment should be 'well rubbed into Hie small of ihe ba-k ai bed lime. Thia treatment w dl give almost immediate relief when all other means have faded. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER. No medicine will so eflectrjally imorote the tone of ihe stomach as these Pilis ; they remove all acidity, occasioned eiiher by or improper diet. They reach the liver ami reduce il lo a health j action; they are wondeffnliy efficacious it. ca-es ol spam in fad ihey never lail in cuimg all disorders ol the li er au-J tdomvcfu HcfRvway1 $ Till aH the test remedy known in the world for the jolluwins, diseases. Ague, Aihtn, Billions Complaints, B'o'cfies on ihe Skin, Rowel Complaints. InffammatioD, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rhenmatism, Retention of Urine, Scrof'ila, of King's Evil, Sore Throat Js'or.e and Grave!, Secondary Symotoms, Tic-Dooloureux, 'Unmoors, Ulcers, Venereal AfTeeiion Worms of all kinds Weaknet from whatever fcarjs,- ColiO, Cons'ipatton of tha Rowels. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Dj-senterr, Frysipelasj Female Irregnlari- lies, Fevers of all kinds, Fif, Gou, Head ache, Indigestion, ClAfcTtOX !! None are gennine nnjesj the words "HoUowav, New York and Lon don." are di-rernable as a ffVifr-mi;r4 in every leaf of the book of direciirtn around each pot or box : the same may be plainly seen by holding the lenf to ike light. A hand some reward will be given to any one rendering such information a may lead to the deletion ol any party or patie fcbtirl tetfeiiing the medifcines cr vehtling the same, knowing ihem to be spurious. Sold a: ihe Manufaclorr of Profe-snr Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers irt Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cetils, 62 cents and Si each VtT There is considerable savin,; by ta king the larger sires. N. B Directions for the guidance of p a tients in every disorder are affined to eacft box. October, 17, lSfiO. ATTKVI'IOIV ! COMPANY! && ZT g NH it. onsar.d customer to volnh'eer tr buy their Goods at L. T SHARPLESS Store, where ihey can be bought very lor for cah or country prodocn. Having on hand a slock of goods, he is determined td sed at prices reduced io suit ihe limes. An assortment of Clothing adapted lo thi a season of the year, will be sold cheap. Good Sugars at 6 io 12i lb. Syrups at 10 to 15 cts.per qt. Alo, Ne Orleans Baking Molasses. A fresh lo of cheap Calico, warranted to bold color jusi received. All kinds ol Shoes will be so!J, at price less ihan marked. To customers baying "for cash, we wonlJ say it is io your interest to give him a call. Gratelnl for the patronage extended 16 him in the past, he hopes to merit Ihe con liJence ol the pubHc in future L. T. SHARPLESS. Eioomsburj Jnne5, 1861. "iT. LOST SOTES. rIWO Notes of hand, drawn hy MorroA 1 McMichael, in favor of C. W. McKeivy & Co., dated July 6th and July f3ih, 1861 1 on four months, f..r J714 t), each, failetl to reach their mai! defeunation. All per son are cautioned against negotia'inz for ei'herof said Iotea. A suitable reward will be paid for their return lo Morton Mc Michael, at Philadelphia, or to the ender signed, at the Cat an i-sa Pper Mdls. C. W. McKELVY & CO. Jnlr 24, Rot 3t. liXecutor'K Aoiirc. JVOTICE i hereby given lhat letters testa menUty on ihe ette of Abraham Kline, late of Oraoge township, Colombia, county, deceased, have ben granted by the Legis:er of Columbia county, to Elijah Kline, residtna in li-mtnn township, said county. All persons havir g claims or de mands against the estate of the decedent are requested to present ihem for settlement and those indebted io ihe estate ro maksa payment forthwith to ELIJAH KL'XE.