MARK THESE FACTS ! HUE TESTHItXI OF TOE'll'OBLP. HOLLOWAY'S OINTM ENT. BAD LEGS.' BAD 'BRE ATS, SORES AND iUtCERS. A'l description !f sores are remediable by the owper-an'd 'd'lligent'-use ol this ine. limable preparalioti. lo aHmpl'to cure tad legs by plastering ihe edges of ihe "wound togw'herMS'a 'felly ;' for tbonld he akia unit)", a bogay .ieasd dominion re mains underneath to break out wiih tenfold ury in a few days. The only rational. 1 and successful treatment, as itnHeated bv natuie, is to reduce the inflama.ion in and -about (he wound and tc sooihe the neighboring parts by rubbing plenty of the Ointment a atl is forced into meat. " ' DIPTHERIA. ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AN D "SCARLET AND -OTHER FEVERS. "Any of the above diseases may be cured by well rubbin? the Ointment -three times a day into the chest, throat nd neck of ihe .patient j it will soon penetrate, and give, immediate relief. Medicine taken by ihe -rnouth'rnosr orerateuron 'the whole sys Mem ere i s influence can be fell in any lo cal part, whereas, the Ointment will do it work at once. Whoever tries the unguent in the above manner ol the disease named, or any similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, willdai.utbemselves releved as by charm. PIUES, 'FISTULAS, "STRICTURES. The above class of complaints will be removed by nightly fomenting the part with warm water, ai d then by moM effect ually rubbing -th 'Ointment. Persons -eafffiring . Irom thee direful complaiuis should lose not a moment in arresting their progress It should be understood that ii ia not sufficient merely to-smear the 'Oint mer.i on the affected parts, but it must be well robbed in fur some considerable 'time two or three times a day, that it may be taken into ihe system, whence it will re more any hidden sore or wound a e-fTect- ally as though palpable to the eye. There again bread tnd water poultices, afier rub bing "to of the Ointment, will do great ser vice. Th'ts m the only sure treairuenl for females, Cases oC car.cer in the stomach, or where there may be a geueral bearing down. . INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. , Blotches, as also swellings ueo, wuh certainty, be radically cored if the Oint ment be used Ireely, and Pill be taken niat and morning as recommended in the printed instructions. When treated in any irber way tney only dry up in one pUce to break out in anoiher ; whereas ih.BO.nt ment will remove the humor fiom the sjs tem.and leave the patient a vigorous and heal hy being. It will require time with l1e use cif the Pill loensure a lasting cure . .Mirptiivrfi -Pi RiTAIS UUUreiWb , CV ,i.iiinuo, . ...... 1 AND STlbF JOlNTb. AUhouah the above complaints differ widely in their origin and naior-, yet they all requrre loci treatment. Many of the worst cases, of such diseaseswill yield in a comparatively short space of time wtwn Ihi Ointment is diligently rubbed into the arts rTecd, even every other ftreans have failed. In all twon maladies the Fills should b taken according to he oi sections accompanying each box. Sotklke Ointment -and Pills thouldb ued in - tk: follaw'ms en'-es -i - j Ague tpy , Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kind, Fits, Cout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sere Tni-oats," toire and tjravel, Secondary symptoms, Ttc-Dooloureox, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, Asthma, Bill'tous Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colic, ' " Constipation of tlr Bowels, Consumption, ' Debility, InfJammwon," Jaundice Liver Com . plaints, Lumbago, Piles; Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or - Kiss's Kvii, C4CTIOS J None are genuine unless the words 'Holioway, Tew York and London."- are disceraibVe as a Water mrrk in every leaf of .he book of direction are on each pot or box : the same may be plainly eon b Ao.Vi the leojto the tight. A hand some reward will be given to any one ren dering soch information as way lead hand deteciioti of any party or parties counter felling the medicine or vending the same, knowing th,m to be spurious. ; ";. Sold at the Manufactory or Professor HoUoway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable DrogsUts and Dealers in Medicine, throoahout the civilized world, in pots, at 25c. 62c. and SI each. GTVTuere is a considerate saving Dy Uking the larger sizes. N-. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients, in eery disorder, are affixed to each bojj ' October 10, 1860. ; DAVID LOWEXBERG, CLOTHING STORE. Oa Main streetjtwodoorsabovetbe 'AraerJ tcan Hotel.' -For Sale or Kent. - TTHE subscriber offers three Houses and Iota for sale, or rent, one in Blooms burg, one at Buckhoni, ami one ft lower Lime Ridiie.all in this county. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburs Feb. 6,1861. FRESH ARRIVAL, ' . - or T1HE undersigned oflwrs for snle at the Store formerly kept by Joseph Gearhart. deceased, in Cattawissa townhip, about three miles from the town of Cattawissa, a assortment of 6JLS OD SF2I3IER COODS, superior lo any ever brought io that section. His stock of goods is varied and of a n ez cedent quality- He is prepared to sell Cheap having porchased is goods lo suit the times."' Purchaer3' are cordially invited 10 call and examine his stock for ihtrneelves "Qvick fal'JS ' ar.d Small profits," ba teen adopted as his mono. C7"Country produce taken n exchange far oods at the regular market prices. . JACOB IL CREASY. " CUs wif-?a twp., Slay lt, 18&I. ' : TO Til K PEOPLE OrfHE UNITED STATES) - IN the ntonih ot Dece.-noer,' 1858, ihe nn-d-rined for the firt lien offered Ir r le to li.e public Dr. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPE RIAL WINE BITTERS, and in ibis short period they have jjiven uh nniveral ra' ifaclion to the rnanv lhouuiid of. person who have tried them that it is now an e ab4ihet -article . The amonnt r.f bodily; ami mental mi-rj art-iig Mmjly frtm a iiea'lect ol Mrrall coiriiiUint it snrpriMnt, and it if ihereforeTi the uwnoM imporlanctt Ttit a slm i atten'ion 'iok the leaM and innt haifling bodily aittnenrthould be had; Mr (Ii8ees ot the bnly ntus-uivuriably ntfr-ct the mind. The subcitbers'Tiow only ask. a trial tf DRJ BOVEE DO DS' Imperial Wioo Uitters ! f! fron sll w ho have not used them. Wechal lei g the world to-produce iheir eqnal. Thene Bitters fr the cure of Weak Stotn achs General Debility, and for 'Purifying and'Enriehiug the Blood,-are ab-olu'ely nn fiiriaed by any oiher re.tieity on Trarth.---To be a?suied thi", il! i only necessary lo mAkts ihe trial. The Wine itself is ot a very snperior'tna!iiy, 'being about one thrd euonaer ihau other winffj wraiiiia and inviao'ating the whole-t'V siem frorn the head to the feel. As thefe' Bniers are tonic and alternative in their 'character; so they strengthen and inviaornte the wfiole s lem and give a fine lone and healthy anion lo all its parts, bv eqnlizn g the1 cirriilaiioti removing obslruc ions, and producing a general warmth. Thy are -"aUo excellent tor Dieai e and 'Weakness peculiar to FE MALES, where a Tunic i require. I to siren (t,thth and brace the system. N j Luly, who is sutjecl to lassitude and fainineH, should be wiihom them as they are revivi fying in their an inn. THESE BITT-SR fflll not only Cure, but Prevent Diitase and in tin reflect are doubly valuable to the person who m;iv ue thm. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTIUN. Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Dis eases ol tl.e Neivons System, Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tome Br. Dods' CeUbr ted Uiue Hitlers For Sore Throat, so conimou among the Cleray, ifiey are truly valuable. For the aged and Infirm, and for persons of a wea-k consiitn'io'i, fir Miniti;iM of ihe'Gospel. 'Lawyer, and all puhlii; dpeak er for Book Keper, Tailor, Seamstress es, Students, Ariis'f. and all per-oi.8 lea t ing a sedentary lile, ihey w-iil prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are "who'eom, in nocent, and delicious lo the. la-te. Thev produce all the effect of Bmii iy or Wine, without intoxicating; an'l are a valuable remedy for persons addic ed to the ue of excessive strong drink, and who wish 10 refrain from it. They aV pure am! entirely free fiom the poison 'contained in in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which ttte country is flno-fed. These B'nter not nniy CURE, but PRE VENT Disease, and should bt ueJ by all who live in a t-onnry where the water is ba l, or where ChilU and Fevers ar prev alent. Being entirely innocent and harm less, they may W uiven Ireely to C'nl l en and Ir.lanis with impunity. Plrjsirians, C!erymen, and temperance advnceles, as an act of humanity, flmulil assist in spreading these valuaHe Bl F TERS over "he laml, arid thereby eseirad ly aid i.i banishing Dru ike iiiie.-s and Dis ease. In all Affections of the head, sick Headache or Nervous Headache, Dr. Dod' Imperial Wine Bitters will be louod to be most Salutary and Effii acious. The many certsfivaies which have been tendered us, and the letters which we are daily Tceiv ma, are conclusive prol that among ilre women those. Bitter havo giv en a satisfaction wlitch no others have evei done before. No woman in ihe land should be without -them, 'and those who ouce ue them wifl not fail to keep a supply. DJt.J iiOVEE DODS IMPERIAL WINE Bl ITERS Are prepared by an eminent and skillful physician wlro has used them succesfu ir: h- practice for the l-ast twenty five years. The proprietor, before purchau.g the ex clusive nglit to manutacture and seil Dr. J. Bovee Dods' Celebrate'! Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested tylw, (titingni'h ed medical pracrioneers, pronounced thern a valuable remedy for disease. Although ihe medical men of the country as a general ihing di-approve ol Pa em Medicines, yet we do noi believe tht a re spectable Physician can be found in th United Stales, acquainted wiih their medi cal properties, who will no! higtilv approve DR. J. BOVEE UODS' IMrfcul A L WIMK BJ ITERS. lu all newfy settled places, where there is always a large quantity of decaying tim ber from which a poionom miasma i created, those bitter should be used every morning before brekfa-t DR J. O.'EF. DODS' IMPERIAL WINK DITTERS Are composed of a pure ami undulteraied Wine, combined' with Barberry , Solomon' Seal. Confrey, Wild Cherry Tree Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers, and Gen tian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dods himself, w ho is an experienced and suc cessful Physician, and should not be cla-sed among the quack notrums wiuun flood the country, and ;aaaiul which Hi Aledical Prolessioa are so justly prejudiced. These truly vatnahle Bi'ters have been so thoroughly tested by all cla-se of ihe community tor almost every variety of dis ease incident to ihe humar system, thai they are now deemed iiidispen-able us a TONIC. MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE Purchase One Bottle ! It Costs but Lit le I Purilv ihe Blood ! Give Tone lo ihe Stomach ! Ranovate the , : System ! and prolona Ltfe ! PRICE; si pKR BOTTLE, 6 BOITLES $5; Prepared and sold By CHARLES W I DDI FIELD & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, 78 William Street, New York EF For sale by Druygiin and grocer generally thiouahout the country. . Angasl 28,1861 ly. KETV BUSINESS FlfeJI. TTHE unilersigiied respecilolly inform their friends and the public generally, that thev bae entered into co-partriersriip under the name, style an . firm ol MILLER & EYER in the Mercantile Business in the '-Old Arcade," in Bloomsborg, Co lombia county, where hey intend carrj ins on Ihe business ol liLiMKKAL. M zHC. HA IO DIZING, in all its diversified branches and (leparimsnts, ami to which ihey invite an Extension of the public patronage. f V S. H. MILLER.- ; : A ' FHED'K EVER, Bloomiburg, May .15, 1861 if. - IlIRAK CilOirER, SURGEON DENTIST. OiHce near Wilscn's Carriage shep.Maln St PHILADELPHIA AM) EADIN0 HVrNIER 'ARRANGEMENT, DECEMBER 5tH IR59. rFtnir'Dmfy Passenger 'Trams to Philadelphia (From and passing Reading) At 6.20 a. m., 10 ?0 a m., '12 noon. (Freiaht ami Pas-enger.) arid 5.TJ6 p. m. Twrr daily Uains lo Po tv')lle au'd 'Port ' Clihtrtn, at' 10 15 and 6.05 p. rn. : Connecting at Port Clinlori wi.(i trains foi Tamaqua. William-port, E inira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and the Cana'das. Ttie'10.1" a. rn Up train only connect a: Port Clinton wirh trains for Wilkesbarre, icranfon and Pittston. 'Passener laaving Williamsport by the Cattawif.a Riilroad night lihe, at 10.15 p. rn., c nnec with a paens;er -rai'i la ing Port Clinion at 4.50 a m., arrive at Read ing at 5 50 a. rn , breakfast and proceed di rect lo Philadelphia bv the 6.20 a. m.'Read ing Ar'commodaiion Train. On Sundays :he 10:15 a. m, Down, ait.l the 6.05 p. m Up Train-only run. LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. "Two Trains- Daily, Snnduyi Excepted' to and .'from 'flarrishurg. AM0.23 a. in. and 6 08 p. m. Leavina Marrifburg at 8 00 a. ui. and 2.35 p. in. Cormeciing with trains on the Northern Central, 'Pennsylvania and Cumberland'Val ley Railroad, lor'Sunbnry, Williumsporti Pittsburgh. Lancaster, Baltimore, Chain-bersbnr-j, fcc. Throngti lickets Reading to Baltimore, 4 00 $3 SO "8o notin'ds of baaaaae allowed to each pas-eitger. The second clans' cars run with all the above irains. Thronah first class tickets at reduced rales to Niagara Fails, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the princiirHl points in the WeMj North Vet, ami tte Canadas; and Emigront Ticket- at lower fares to hII above places, can be had on application to ihe ftaiioti ugeiil at Reading. All lickets will he purchased before the tran.s -cart. Higher fares charged if nan) in cars. G. A. MCOLLS. Engineer ami General Supenuteinieii1. February S2, 1860. holc.'ile anil tCctail. ri 'HE rubfcriber would anuouncH toth L cnizetif ot Blonm-hnrg and vicinit) that he 1- selling LIQUORS in large and -mall quantities, and ai different prices, at his New Store, on Mam Street, rr north side, two door-snut'i f Qj ,jQ Iron l8reei, Bloornsburg. H.s Vv'Jili stock Ot Foreigfi ami Diurie-iic consis's ot Cognac and R.ichelle. Blackber ry, Ginger, -Raspberry ami Lavender. He has a large assortment of "2 Oaa S3 lis. ce !Old R gray with age, tine Old Bourbon. Old Fo.ks Whfskey, and a'iy quai.tuy oi comnioo. I'e al-o has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Snerry and Cam pagne Wines-; and la-t bin not lea-l. qiian i y ol gr o I double exrrj BROWN SIOUT; all ol which he will ell at the lowest cah pTicep. The public are repeci Itlly solici ed to ive. his liqimr a trial. D W. BOBBINS, Ag't. B!ormsburg, May 1, 1861. SPRING AND SUMMER C2J- v!D LTJ jS3 9 LARGE STOCK AA'D LOW PHICES. e have again been lo the ci'y, and re. turned ih a laYg si-ock of Goods for the sea-on, which we are prepared to sell ai a low figure lor ready pay. Our slock consists ol H!low-ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries. Natl-, Iron, Ki-h, Salt, Plaster. Fluid. Camptiene Oil, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, &., &. - H C. St I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsbcrg, April 10, 161. Liooh to ymir Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AM) SIMMER C ODS, MILLER &c EYER'S. f JH E sub-enbers liave just returned from i the L.ny wuri anotner large anu seien Heori ment of Spring and Summer CiotN, purchased at Philadelphia, al the Iowhs fign'e. and which ihy are determined to sell on as moderate term a- can be pro cured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. liieir siock comprises l,adic Dress 'Goods, of the choicest styles and lte' tahmns. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Qoeensware, Cedara'e, Hoi lowware, Iron, Nails, Boo's &. Shoes, Hai ar.d Caps. &c , &c In short, everything usually kepi in country Mores; to whicii t'ley invites Ihe public generally. The highest price paid for country prod-ice. v MILLER & EYER. Bloomsbnrg May 15 1861. ' Lack a aud Uloomsburg Kailroad. ON AND AFfEB AU(. 5t'., PAS- SENGER TRAIN WILL RUN AS rOL LOWS- MOVING SOUTH. Freight & Paitenger. Pmsenger Leave Scranton, 'Kirigsioii, ' Kupwrt, Danville, Arrive al North'd. 5 45 A. M. 10 20 A M 6 50 Arrive 12,10 P. M 8,40 9,15 ; 9 50 , MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd. 4 Danville, 4.40 P. M. 5.15 5.50 - , , - " 7 45 Lve 1 35 P. M 8 45 P M. 3 25 P. M it Rupert. Kinaston, Arrive at cranton. A Pa-eiiser Train also leaves Kingston at 8.00 A - M for Scran urn, to connect with IraiD for New York. Reuirniria leaves Si-rxnion 011 arrival of Tram from New York ai 4.10 P. M. The Lackawanna a,nd Bloom-bura Rail road connect wiih the Delaware, Lack arna and Western Raihoad al Scranton lor New York and inlerrnediaie points eaet A'.Kuper tl connects with Ihe Catawisea Railroad for points both easlamt wesi. At Northumberland il conneit with the Philadelphia and Erie R. EL, and Northern Central R; R. for roint west and south.. : . JOHN -P. ILSI.EY, Sup't, ' H. PcTTitBotvir., GnfUickel Ag Auust 21, 1861. . A. 51. RUPERT, TJNNE R STOVE DEALER ' -g- i-.,.!LiiJy -J nj y '' tnve Hardware, Q.ieensware, Ledarware, Wil I ivv-ware, AYER'S Sarsaparilla . FOE PTJEIFyiNQ THE BLOOD. And for the ipeofT euro of 4b following crntplalnta: Scrofula and Scrdfulous AfTectloua,such Tiiiuori, Vlccra, Sores, Eruption. Piinple. Puatulea, Ulotche. Bolls, ISlalns, aud all Kklu UUttiti. Oakuhd, Ind., 6th June, 1859. JT. C.NArss a Co. 3eut: I fuel it my duty to ao loowltolgo what jour tarsajiilla haa dotia fur ma. ' Having in bei iteU a Sorofulous infection, I hare auffared from it in varioua ways fur years. Soinetimaa it burnt out iu Ulcen on my lianil auJ arms; aouiutiuiei it turnevl Iuwmi J and ditrtiesfi tue at the stomach. Two jm ago it broka out on my head and covered my scalp and uua with oue sore, which was painful and loathsome ' b;ond desvriptioD. J tried many- mediciues and aeTeral ! phiuiaiis, but wHhout much relief from any thing. In fact, the dUurder-grew woiaa. At length 1 waa rejoiced iu rouil in tlie Uo.pi.-l Slesaeriger that you had prepared an alturaUvn (8arsupaiilla, fur 1 knew from your reputa tion that any thing you intule must be good. I sent to Ciuciuuttti aud gut it, aud used it till it cured ma. I took: it, as , you advise, i" auiall dune of a teaspoon ful OTera, W'UUli, aud uaud almuHt throe bottles. New and healthy skin soon began to form under the scab, which after a while full olf. My skin is now clear, aud I kuow by ray feeling tluit the disetue Las guiie from my sjatem. Voa Cu welt believe thut I fuel what I am haying when I toll you, that 1 hold you to b oue of the apostle of the age, Qd remain aver gratefully. Yours, 'ALFKED B. TALLEY. t. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Kryalnela, Tetter and Saltlthsum, Scald llead, Illiig worm, Sore Kyes, Dropsy. Dr. Itoliert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y-, 12th Sept., 1-169, that he has Cured an inveterate case of Jhopsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the parnavering use of our Sarsaparilla, aud mIhu a UMiKero Malignant ErysiptLu by large doses of Uie same; say 'he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. . Ilronekocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon fioan of Prosjiect, Texan, writes t " Three bot ties nf ynnr SarsHiarilla cured ae from a (jvilrt a hid eous swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years.'" Xmcorrlio-a or AVlilte , Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female IMseaae. Dr. J. B. S. Charming, of New York City, writes ; -1 most cheerfully comply with the requestor your agentin saying I have found your SarwpRrllla a mwt excellent -alterative in the numerous complaints for which w ' employ such a remedy, but eipeclutly in AVmae Diseatts of the Scrofulous diathesis. I have cured many invetor- ate raws of Iucurrhnea by it, and sonie where the com plaint was courted by uloertUion ot the utsnis. The uleer alion itself wns aoou cured. Nothing within my kuowl edn equals it for these female derangements." Kdwnrd S. Msrrow, of Newbury, Ala writes, "A dan gerous avnrian tumor on one of the femHles in my family, wMi-li had defied all the remedies we could employ, ha at let:gth been completely cured by your Kxtract of Sar satarilla. Our physician' thought nothing tint extirpa tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of jour Barsuparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After lakinryoor remedy eight week do symptom cf the disease reiiiliMi.n Sypltlli and Mercurial DUeaaa. . . New Oki.hms, 25th AiigtiKt, 1R59. DR. J. C. ATtRt Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your stfenl, aud rerrt to you some of the eflect I have realized with your Sarxaparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice, moat of the com plnints for which it is recommended, and have f mnd it efTc-cis truly wonderful in the cure of Vrtterral and Mer- . eurinl ninirr. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcer In his throat, which were consuming his pnlate and the top of his moiilli. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, Cured him in five weeks. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a cuuHiJerable part of It, so tliat I believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla: the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without sonio diftl'iKiirtUion to his face. A woman who hud been treated for the same disorder by mercury waa eufleriog from this poison in her bones. They had become so sen aitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex crui iittiiiK pain in her joiut and buuea. fcbe, too, was cured itnliiely by your Sarnaparilla in a lew weeks. I know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that this 1'ieparatiun from your hiboratoiy must lie a grep.t -remedy ; consequently, these truly remarkable result -Willi it have not surprised me. fraternally youre, 0. V. I.A R1MKR, M. D. Rheumatism, flout) Liver Comulalnt iNDLPt.iDf Ncr, l'reatou Co Vs., tith July, 1353. Da. J. C A TIE : Sir, I have been aftlirted with a pain ful chronic Ithtumalum tut a long time, which bftftlrd the skill of physicians, and aiut-k to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I tried your Saruaparilla. Una bottle one. I me in two weeks, and restored my general 'health eo much tbat I am fur better than beftx-e I was attacked. 1 tbink it a wonderful medicine. J. 'KAM. Julea Y. Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: "I have been s filleted for years with an afftctum nf Hit Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried evory thing, and every thing 'failed to relieve me; and 1 have beea a broken-down roan for some years from no other cause than drrvttgrmntt of Vit Lirrr. My beloved ntnr, the Jtev. Mr. I'.cpy, advised me to try your Sarsaparilla, because he said he krew you, and any ihing yon made waa worth trying, lly the bless ing of God it lias cured lile, and lias so purified my blond as to make a new man of me. I fel young again. The best that can be said of yon ia not half good enough." Scltlrru, Cancer Tumor, Enlargement, Ulceration, Carle aud Exfoliation of the llonea. A great variety of cases hare been reported to ns where cures of these formidable complaints have resulted from the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit tlx-in. Some or them may be found in our American Almanac, which the agent below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call fur them. lyspepsia. Heart Disease, Fit, EpIIep- y, Melancholy, Xearalgia. Many remarkable i urc or these affection have been made by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimu lates the vital fnuctious into vigorous action, and tliar overcomes disorders which would be supposed lieyond it reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the ne cessities of the ierpltt, arid we are confldeut that I Lis will do for then! all that mediciue can da Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Cough. Cold, Influenza, lloarseneil, Croup, Iironchlt I. Incipient Con sumption, and for the Relief of Consumptive Patients lu advanced Stages of the Dleae. This Is remedy so universally known to surpass any other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it ia useless here to publish the evidence of its virrnes. ta unrivalled excellence fur coughs and colds, aud its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout Uie civilixed nations of the earth, few are the communities, or even families, among them who have net some personal experience of its effects some living; trophy in their midnt of its victory over the subtle and dnniceriius disorders of the thrt and lustra. As all know the dreartTuI fatality of tlx aisoroers, ana they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it baa now all the vir tues that It did have when making the cores which hat won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Sr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Has. M Haueul-ncli, Blooin-linro. and by one dealer in eicrv town in ihe Slate. April 6, 1861. lv. Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA. A Bn" vnlent Institution eMablshd by, pecial Endowment, for the Relief of ihe Sick and Di-tressed, afilicted with Viru lenl and Chronic Diseases, aud especial ly tor the Cure of Diseaoes of the Sexual Ora'if. ri EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply, by letter, wi.h a description of iheir condition, (age, occupation, habil of life, &.!.,) and in r?iev of extreme poverty, Medicines fu'nished lre r.f charge. VALUAHLE IlEPOR TSon SDematorrhrBa and other Di-ese ol ihe Sexul Oriaiia, ami on ihe NEW REMEDIES employed in Ihe Ilji-pensary. sent to the afilicled in sealed leiter envelopes, fiee of cTiarae. Two or three stumps for postaue will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J RKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Hnward As.-ociation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, PhilaJelohia Pa. Bv order ot Ihe Director. "GEO. FAIRCHIL' ,Sec. EZRA I) HEARTWELL. Prest. PhiMel.. r,-a, Acnl 3. 1861 ly. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LaTK Whitk Swan) Rice Street above 3d Philadelphia JOHN H0YER, Proprietor Tcrni. S I .. per day. 'I 0 the old cuiomers of Hit well known Hooi-e. I desire to say, (hat 1 have renovated, improved and newjy luruislied ihe, and that I respecifully solicit a ol iheir pairouaae G rangers, travelers and visitors I cor dially invite to ttie hospilalliiy of the -'Na lional" to come and see and judge lor Uiern-elves of its advantages and merits. The locatioH is central, and convenient for Merchant and business men generally Wa will always endeavor to slu.ty the wants and comfurta of our auets, and witn th assisiiiiice.of Mr." Joseph Hoosuasrour affable and attentive. Clerk, we leel prepar ed lo keep a aood Hotel, and hope to give general satisfaction. s. JOHN B0YER. Phiiad., Feb. IS, 1861 y. T?bn!i of all Kinds RAYMOND'S -FAMILY v rS?EW'I N'Q 1V1 A C HH?N E.J , PATKKTED MARCH 9, 1858. PKICr: IJIO KAII. F.SSRS. ZUPIMNGER & UOBfirNS,.of 'Blnomfebuf!, Iiaviug purchased iheex rlufive rioht'nl the above valuable I in pro ved 'Cheai Patent SfWin Machine, for the Cnun.iyol Colninbra. will be' happy to -upnly iheir friendi with ttve article for li e MiM'Orinrirdalionoi ihmtlv!a and (amiliex. 'Ttie followina are pome of ihe uprior aitvan'a:e tbia inip!juieni poseFteis, 1. It sews from 400 to'fidO light ttitchea per minute. 2 Double thread Machines ate from the more complicated character of their mech atiiern invariably initialled 'and threaded with more or le-e difficulty ; not eo with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it ir. two hours, and it ia threaded easier than a corn fiion needle. 3. One of the moM valuable (ealures of this Machine, is ihe Finalities and the compactness of its mechanism. 4. 'l can'be attached ton board, table or siand, in operating order, and removed in lest than half a minute. 5. It greatly economises 'the thread, and yei produces a eam, eufficienily "iron 3 for any work lor which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand-is rapable'of produ cing a scam 0 reohir ami eyntematic.-1 The ream iseoafroog if well done, that Ihe 8tron".eet material will tear before the fparn will ie way. 7. Amonu ihe array of Pa'ent 'Sewing Machines, there are none so cheap and durable as Raymond' -Pater:!, but no Ma chine ia adapted to 'all kinds ol wor'k as experience has proven. There are perhapa none o realy useful, doing such a variety of wore for the immediate ue of the lam i ly circle and at such a moderate price a RAYMOND'S 'PATENT. 8. The operator can hape his seam tjust as he pleaepp, waves, leaves aud flowers, etc., cn be represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapter 10 all kinds f siitrhii fOi h as gentlemen's shirts, bosoms, rieibands, collar, etc., and all kinds of ladies' ewing, including bilks, lt ns, delaines, calicoes, dusters, etc.. ex cplin2 for men'Hheavy wear, this Machine is rulher too liott ot conttroclion. 10. Bui we all admit, that Ihe advantage 10 health, and principally 10 lh vision or eyenohi, iut.uced by the ue of Sewing Machines, Burpasees infinitely all other ad- antarB. ;i. This Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if the operator wishes it unfaMeued or open, Ihere is a way lor it too, thus jou can have il fastened or not, asyou please, which 'is, -aome'nie.s, espe rially for beginners, a "very favorable cir-i-iimotaiice. If ihe seam ifi le f I unfastened, you can draw it out in three seconds and -ave ihe thread. For tale by the nndersianed, at their re spective refiliices, in Bloomsburgj who will put the Machine iu operation and give all necessary instruction. HtNRY ZrpplNGER. DANIEL W. UOBBINS. Bloomsbor-j, July 1 1,1860. FRESH ARRIVAL OF athcai m ai:tii:m ITIcKKIaVY, IV HA I- & CO., HAVE just received and opened .heir stock ol Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LAIIGESI', Cheapest, and f.ancsorn est assortineut now offered in this TO'VN. Having paid great attention to the selection ol their entire stock as ro Price and Quality, they flatter ihemselve that they can compete wiih the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have a'l kinds of uoods and wares io anpply the wants of ihe people. A very large and complei assortment ol LADIES' MLSS GOODS. French Mertnoes. wool plaids, alpacas, bom baxines, de bases, poplins parametta cloths, mohair lus'res, mtn-liti de laines, Perstau clolhs, finhams, al'coea, Sic. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Col'.ar, Spencer, handkert:hiefs, flouncing, band and irimmnig laCes and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in lame variety, vel vet libbnns, and braids, kid, cotton, li-le thread gloves, mohair miUs, &c. AL.L, KI1)S OF SS-AAVIaS, brtiche. Bav Slaitj, Waiervitle, black silk, cashmere, em.rodered, Also a very large large asr-ortmeni ol Clolhs, caimers, satinets, vet-lings, i weeds, jeans, coaling vel vet, beaver cloths, Sir.. ffiCGES S5 SSIEvSSS of all kind aud sires for men, women and children. We have a large aoftment of HATS and CAPS of the latent fashion. We have also. Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, &e. Very cheap CAKPETS, CARPET.nAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil Hotha, mats, ru?, bas kets, &C. Muslins, flannels, ticking, dra pers, lowelins, drilli'ss, &c , in abundance. We invite our Iriends and ihe public sen erally to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have bought our jjoods at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man kind McKELVY, NEAL& CO. Bloomshurs, Nov. 21, 1850. Tinware L Move Esablishment rHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully m l(rm hi old Iriends and customers, that he ha purchased his brother's interest in ihe above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has jusi received and of' fc. lers lor saU the largest and most ex tensive asiiortmeni ol FANCY ST0TYS ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware coustamly on hand and manufactured to order. AH kinds of repairing done, s usual, on short notice. The patronace ol old friends and new cus tomers ia respectfully ,icdRUPERT. Bloomsburg, Jan. 12. 1853. tf. PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in ihe bes" st le known in the art. at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street. East of Sixth. hhiUdelphia. ty Lile Size in Oil and Paelil, Stereoscopic Portraits, C7"Ambrot pes, Daguerreotypes, Lts. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c. novl4 - HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Skv Iiht Ambrolypiftt, ROOMS iu the Tfitrd Story ot ne Ex-chai.g-e BIockr (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. Bloomsburj. Nov. 23, 1859-ly. - . M'KKLVY, KEAL L CO., MERCHANTS, t Northeast comer of Main and MarkeiSts 4 NEW ASSORTMENT of watch and clock materials, of the right qnaliiy, received, which will be offered io all cases on good couditons.' "rTAiAnril 25, 1861. - jBtLOOXflSjBTUISQ- - i (CABINET WARE ROOMS. s.- c. SKIVE ijy EFPECTFDLLY mutes the attention of '"the Public to his' exierislVe -assortment of Cabinet Furniture and?Chairs,' which he will warrant made of -good mtterial aud in a workmanlike rrfaniter. Al his Eeiabli-U-n.ent, can alwJys be fbund a 'good assorl mem ot FASIIIOXABLE FCRMTURE. which is equal in style hud finish to that ol Philadelphia or New York cities, and al as lowiprices. 'He has Sofa of different sty le and prices,' from 825 lo $60. :Di vans 'Lonn gee, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rockicg and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a varieiy ol uphnUiered work, with 'Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre ;nd pier tables, detashu , cherTenier. whatnots and comi'des and all kinds of fashionable work, '(lis stock of buieaus, -enclosed and oomnion washttands, dres8-iablei, 'Cdrrter cupboards sola1, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads-, cane seat and common chairs is ihe largest in (his fection ot the cooniy. He will also keep a good aorlment ol looking glasses wi'h fancy gilt and common frames He will also furnish spring mattrasses fitted lo any sized bedstead, -which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in use. 'Bloomsbnrg, 'January 13, 1853. ""il. C IIOVTCR, SlKCJEOI DENTIST. ESPECFULLY offers bis I ta,1iuanil apnllomonnl P.lnnnn. bure and vicinity. He is prepared io attend io all the various operations in Denii-iry, and is provided wiih the ie-t imp'mvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, id look as well as natural. A snjierior article of Tooth Powders, al-. way s on band. All operations on the teei'h warranted. Office, 8d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west side. Bloomsburg.-Jartuary 13, 1858 FORKS HOTEL. "BLOOMSDURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, Troprielor, fllAKES pleasure in anriouncing tothe pub- he that he has rented and thoroughly refitted Ihe 'Forks Hotel forrnerty occupied by James Freeze, rn Bloomsburg, and ia prepared to accomodate travellers teamster, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with the let products ihe markets al turd, and his Bar will be constantly furnish ed wih the choicet liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be ?n at tendance, and he irusts his long experience in catering to .he wants of the public, and h'ra obliging atreiiiion to customers wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1858. Flour and Feed Dt'livcrrd I CIIEAFLR T41A TUE CHEAPEST 1 t flMI'K undersianed ha made srrrtnae I merits that will enable him to deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any body else in town. His price ara as follows : Flour 87 25 ; Corn and Oals Chop SI 55; Corn and Rye Chop 81 65 ; Bran SI 10 ; I respectfully solicit ashrenf Ihe public patronage. MUSKS (JUKrMAM Bloomsburg, June 14,1860. ISIJOMSTWRG 3RAKISFIS MIIOP. rillE undersigned respecilolly inform the ciizen6 of Bloomsburg, and the pub'ic generally, that he has taken the Bather Shop, locaied on Main Street, in tbe white Frame Building, nearly oppo-ite the Ex change Clock, where he is at all times ready- to wait upon hi customers to enure satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable style, and on very mo'ieraie terms. C3"S!iampooiria,done up in City Style. He sohci: public patronage ani pledges his best endeavor to give every reasonable satitaclion. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1859. NEW HATS AND CAPS ! At J. K- liirtous Hat Store. THE undersigned respectfully inlorit- he the citizens of Bloomsburg, and Mie public in qeiieral, that he lias jul received Irom Philadelphia a lot ol NEW HATS Si CAPS, for Spring and Summer, of the very latest styles and fashions, all of which he i pre pared to eell etieaper than can be had else where, wiih the exception of the manutac turers. He Da all kind, sules, sorts and sizes, of hats and caps, probably the most varied assorlmenl ever brought to town. Al-o STRAW GOODS, including tbe mod ern styles and fashions. nrSmre on Main Street, nearly opposite ihe -Old Arcade." JOHN K. GIRT0N. Bloomsburg. A pi il 24, 1861. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES ! ! A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOrSEHULD JOBIWS fc ( UCISM Y S AMERICAN CKMENT GI.UB Tlie lruu?ft (alue In Uie World For Cemeniirg Wood. Leaf ser, Class, Ivory, China. Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone, Coral, tie., &c, &e. Thecnly article ol the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS: 'Every housekeeper should have a sup ply of John & Crosley's American Cement Glue." Stv York Timet. Mt is so convenient 10 have in the honse" AVw Yotk Express. 'It is always ready - this cemmenda it 10 everybody." N. Y. Independent. ''We have tried it, and find it aa useful in our house as water." Wilkes Spirit of the limes I'rlce 23 Cents per Dottle. Very Libernl Heduciton lo Wholesale Dealers. IHtMsCAfdl. EF"For sale by all Druagists and Store keepers generally throughout ihe couutry. JOHNS & CROSLEY, Sole Manufacturers 7R William Sireet, Comer of Libeity St., NEW YORK. July 10. 1861. ly. -. . WATCH MAKER SUOP ! THE unilersigned would inloim hi friends and customer aud the rest of mankind, thai he continues to pay particular aiteniiou lo Ihe repairing ot watches; weight, spring, and lever clocks ; . jew elry and everytnina belonging in his line, and that it is at all limes, and in all case his desire to give perfect satisfaction. He Is an "excellent" workman, has visi-ed several, and worked ift three of the fi-st Cities in the world New York, Philadel phia and the great City of Paris in Franco Particular attention i paid to re-gilding or what is termed "platinnr." HENRY ZUPPINGER. -loomsbnrg, April 10, iseu - EVANS & IVATJjbrVsi PhH'a Manufacttirt :"ASALMANnKs o.JtH Uie a ir. iii Sir, at 1; TjQfejpgi i tiiL.Alh.LPHiA. HKSE Safes are in' now t, oet:( Unit d Slaie-, and hae been tvell mM. ed I" ri .:-tl ; It.e 'Inilov.ii a (tmt ai(. oilier intai ce tf tleir in m-ict-ing fire. WITMERIS BRIDGE, j Lancaster Tow nship.'Jnly to Messrs. EYANS-& WATSON : . (ientlenieit 1 1 e sn ail size No. 1 Sal, mander Sale s hirh'l piirrl ed ironi vour agent, Mr.-Adam H. Barr, iiLhi. easier Ci'y, on July 20th, If 58, has been subjc-se'l to a' very severe test, v hlch :ii i h-iood iij- , nr.os: satistacioiy marmrr. Thi Sale, run taiuins i-H'my books, ti-geiher wi.h valua ble papers belonging to n,yeif and sou,e to'n.y neiahbori and iriei.da, and rej.r--Senlw.g a value of over T eniy Thocsan'.r Dollars, S20,000 v. as It, i,,y Mill w hicn was destroyed on the ii'ght'ol the 27th f July, 1F60, and passed ihro-.h the nery ouleal unscathed The Sale w. n t!. second floor, and fell to the baenieni of the Mill, and was subjecied for nx hour to an ii.teifSe heat ritl vihu'r natrreatly iucrea'ed by Ihecombn'-ii r of a large quauii-y of grain oiined w i the buck wall. Af;er ihe fire i!.e Safe niiPliec'-Hlilt f lla' a . , r "w i'a,cri taaec n;r. in a state of perfect preserva ion. i:,- p, per not even beina discoldred. Thi L-l was, however, lo rnarty, bysiander a Ui! ter recommendation 'ol otir Sule ii. . could be eiriressed in iny oiher wor Irorn me. l ours Resner-ifoliv. SAMl'KL RANCK Aoofb'r Tfctory for Evans k Wat. 'Oeo N Y . March 27, i860. Gentl an err 1 1 aflnrds ii.e n.i. ti i.i9.,..fa to inforin yon that the 'Safe No. 5 funnuM-l L I I I i r .. J wnici, i jiurciiasen oi o. Mroud, y our Trav elling Aiitrni, has passed ihronsh ait ex ceeding! v 'hot 'fire in a three siorv Srii v bcildni", which heated iheafe lo m heat, so ihat the corner of it appear melt ed; tint it preserved mr books anl valuable jiapera in uie aniounl ! several thousand dollars, lor which I feel tliankiol. Oirs, :Resriectliiliy, J- N. ELDR1DGK. Philadelphia. June 4ih, IPS" Messrs EVANS & WATSON mai.ufac ture.l ihe Fire Proof Sales whi.-h i.ace teec in use since jhe commecetneiit of oe Bank, and are supplied with ll.ree of the Patent Alphabetical Bank Lock, and hd given entire satisfaction. Thia Link we have great in, bo'h as regard security and convenience, iherat hein no chance to blow it oui wiih powtfer, and re key io carry. We consider i1 one' of lue best !: safest ;Lnr k now in use ROBERT MORRIS. Prea'i Com ih Bai.fc HENRY GRAM B0, Ca.hiar. Great Fire Another TriunpU. K.ocville, Ten n ., March 13. 1850. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON. Phda'.U. ;. Genilemen - It aiTords me great pleaanr) lo say io yoo ihal ihe Sl.tmander Se which I purchased of yon iu February, proved lo be what you recommenced 41 a su're-fTToiection Irom fire. My i(.r..!oue, Vt hh several Oilier,., w as lnrrd to the ground in March ai. Ihe Sale in'l hTrrneh into 1he celler, and va- expn-( to intense 'heat for six r eit.i hou's, and when il wa taken from the ruin and open ed, all it contend were fonnJ 10 be rn a peilecl Male, ihe book ami the r4er ,it heme ir jiiied any Whatever. I can che-jr-fully recomrn nd your Sale- 10 ihe com munity, Wlieving, a 1 i'o, that ihey are a near fire prool as i' is possible f -r any Sfe 10 be made. THOMAS J. POVVLLL. IIcfcreiiccN. U S Mini. Philadelphia: U.S. Arenal, Philadefjii i Ca! ; N Lderies Buik; Poitstowu Bnk ; Chester Valley Bmk , Southa e-iem Bank of Va ; Bank of Gnl t horotiih, N. C ; Bnk of Ra'euh, N C. ', Bilik fit Salisbury, N C. ; Bank ot Jer-ey Shore, Pa. ; Bmk ot Newark, Del. ; iiak of Nofhnmbrriand ; Leisburg Bank. April 3 1, 18CI. ' 2? $35,00. PA YS the enme coi for Tnitim in 'he mosi popular and successful Commer cial School in the country. Upward of Twlve IlL'sokFD youi." men from rwun eight diff-reui Slates, have beeu educai- " for buinesa here within the pasi ii:i years, some of whom have been employ ed 1 as book Keeper ai salaries of . t S2000.00 hrr Annum. . immediaiely upon giavf uaiin, wno knew nothins of accoutus when ihey eiiiered the college. CF" Minister' son half price. Snden? n n t f 1 vr lims. .ikI u.'beri IheV It ' 1 1 1 1 m 1 . ' J " - J please, without extra charge. w 1 . c n . 0 r or laiaiogue hi 00 jjat-, r,in of Prof. Cowley's Bu-ins. an I O'liaTt-mal Penmaushi, and a largn Enaravm of th College, iiicloa iweniy-tive ceuta 111 Post age Siamp lo Ihe Principal. JENKINS & SMITH, PiU.burSU, Pa. , June 5, 186J. MAIN' HOOD. lion LOST, HO IV RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envtlope : wt,; A LECTURE ON THE NA ZAH.TURE. TREATMENT. AND tZ&Z? RADICAL CURE OF SPERM A TORRHCEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sex ual Debility, Nervousness and involuntary emissions, prodacina impotency, Consump tion, and Mental anil Physical Debility. By ROBT. J. CULVERWELL. M. D. The important facl ihal ihe awful cousej quences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without internal medicine or t fid dangerous applications of caustic, iritra ments, medicated bougie, and - other em pirical devise, is here cleafly demonstra ted, and tne entirely new and highly sue csssful Ireatment, a adopied by tVie cle braled author fully explained, ty meai.s of which every one is enabled 10 cure himself perlectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding ail the advertised noa irums of the day. This lectufe will provsj a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent on ler seal, in a plain envelope, tf any addres post paid, on the receipt of tsrtf postage stamps, by addressing.- ' DR. CH. J, C.KLINE. ; 127 Bawery.N.Y. Pot Office box 4,556, August 7, 186 1 ly. r 1 CLANKS ! BLANKS ! CLAN S ! t DEEDS, SUMMONS, tf EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, J of proper &'sale at th ofSca oftbe "tar oflhe North ' f 1.