MARK THESFFACTS ! TlIE.TESTHItiST Of THE ITORLD. HOLLOWSYSOIrTMENT. BADdLEGS, BAD ; KREATS, SOBJ.S .4ND ULCERS. ' AU description of sores are -remediable 'by the proper and diligent one of this ines timable - preparation. To a'tmpt' to cure bad legs by plastering he edges of the wound togthef is a folly ; for should the akin unite, a boggy diseased dominion re-; main underneath to break oat with tenfold cry in a few dsys. The only rationanl and successful t-reatment, iis-indicaied by nature, is to reduce Ibe inflamafiion in and about the wound and IC soothe "the neighboring parts by robbing in (.lenty of 'the Ointment as alt is forced into meat. . DIPTIIERIA, . ULCERATED SORE THROAT, 'AND' SCARLET AiS'D OTHER FEVERS. Any of thcabove diseases may'be cored bv well rubb'tag the Ointment three times a day iirto the chest, throat and neek of the patient ; it will soon peneinrie, and give, immediate relief. Medicine taken' by the mouth must operate opon 'the whole sys- tem 'rni iscuriu-B cn wkhiu'wij iu eal part, whereas the 'Ointment" will dd-itsj workt once. Whoever tries the timgueni in the arove manner ol the disease named, Of any similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, will fiud themselves relieved a by a charm. PILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above'class of eomprairits -will "be removed &y -ntghlly -fomenting the parts wi;h warm water, asti then by most efleci nally rubbing in tht Ointment. Persons suffering Irom lhee direful complaint -honld lose not a moment in arresting their process. .It should be understood that it is not sufficient merelyto smear the Oint mer.t on tbe affected parts, but it must be -well robbed in for some considerable lime 'two or three times a day, that it may be 'taken into the syetem, whence it will re mote any hidden eore or wound as effect 'ually as though peipeble to the eye. There hread and water poultices, after rub- Sin" in of the Ointment, will do preat &er- This i the only sure treatment lor females, -csk( cancer'in the -stomach .-or where (beie fny be a general 'bearing down. 4ND1SCRETIONS OF "YOUTH ;-SORES AND ULCERS. Blotchea, as ateo swelling", vo, with certainty, be radically cured if the O.nt rr.enl be used Ireely, and PiIU be taken .atofet and morning as recommended in tb Printed 'Instructions. When treated in any o-wer waythevoulyJry up in one place o break oat in anoiher ; whereas this Oint ment will remove the humor from the js tem, and leave the patient a vigorous and Ljeal'hv being. It will require time with nbevsrt of ih PH to-et.sure a lasting cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS PARALYSIS AN-D STIFF JOINTS. Although the above complain!! differ w-dcly in their ori-m and natnr, yet they r. rneleol treatment. Many of the wcrsi -cases, of och diseases, will yield in z comparatively short of lime wh-n -a O ittnent is diligently rubbed into the ?a,t. reeved, evea aier every other means UvaU.Ved. U ull serious miladies the Pills should be taken ccordin2 to the di .-venous accompanying each box. Jh lU Ointment and PiUs should be usei in tk following CiiHSZ Dysentery, Erysipelas, female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sore rnfoata, Stone and Gravel, Secondary symp'oms, Tic-Doolou:eax, Tumours, Ulcers, . Yonereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever caase, &c. tc. Sillious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaint. Jotfca, Constipation -of the Bowel, Consumption, Debility ', Inflamsntion, Jaundice i,iver Com plaints, Lum'aso, Piles, Rherr'siim, Retention ot Urine, Scrof!a, or r 4IIT10 None are stenmne unless t.tUIW;V . v,lr and Loll- the words 'Hottoway '.rrk in dor " are direrib Wottr mrrk in ' t fnf -k.hflok of direction are on rv leaf ot .He pook u i-:iv each rot or box ; the same mav be P''" &n b v holding ihe toff th ijr. A hand ,W.rJ will be given 10 any one ren such informatio as way lead hand Sefer, of ny party or p.n... -ure. 2 i ; i p 2 in metctoes or venvi.uS 'n'iei'll them to be spuron. cl,l at the Manufactory ot rroiessor 11 .AA4nrii i uno'i imp at- ' Medicine, throoahoutibe civilized woriu. .13. rots, at r..m aaB;nr bv ITS'" There is a constuei-w o latins the larger sizes. f4. g. Directions for the g tier's, in every dwordsr.are oidanre of pa affixed to each October 10, I860. box. DAYID lowesberg, CLOTHING STORE. KM Main treet,twodoorsabovelbe 'Amer Hotel.' Fop Sale or Ilent. TTHE subscriber offers thiee Houses and lota for sale, or rent, one in Blooms- ott. one at Bockhorn, and one rl lower TTmemJiieYaH in this co-inty. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsbarg Feb. 6, 1861. FRESH ARRIVAL, or ;iHE vnderstpned offsrs for siTe at the Store formerly kept by Joseph Gearhart. ;!ecea3ed, in Catiawissa township, about ;hr mile from the town of Catiawissa, aonment of SPSXSG A5D srSIMES GOODS, c r 3,;or io any ever brought to that sect'on. H stock cf goods is varied and of a n ez rVilent quality. He is prepared to sell cheap '.vin" rJrchased his goods to suit the Mes. Porchusers are cordially invited tQ -4il eximine his stock for ib mselves 'Qick Sales and Small profit," has 1 - n f;.!evt a his mollo. 'rCoaosry pr&dnce taken in exchanga - - -,-c.. ; , at the renlar market prtcs. ' " JACOB II. CREASY. C-'.lawia twp., May Im, 18ol- TO THE rEOPLE OF THE l;MTE!) STATES! IN ihe month of December, 1858, the un dersigned for the first lime offered for sale to the public Dr. J. BOVEE L0ISr IMPE RIAL WINE BI ITERS, and in this short period they have given r-uch' universal ea' is fat-1 ion to the many thousands of person" who have tried them that it is now an es tablished article. The amount of bodily and mental m-ifeTi ariiivg stm ly from a neglect of small complaints is surprising, and it is therefore ot the utmost importance riit a sirl' t attention to the feast and most hatfling bodily ailment should be had; for diseases ol -the mus' invariably atfci the mind. The subscribers now only ak4a trial of DR:?J BOVEE DODS' Inperial Wine Bitters ! i I Iron all who have not used them. We chal lenge the world to produce their equal. Thesei!BiiteTS for the core of Weak Stom achs: General Debility, snd for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely on sHrnaed by any other remedy on earth"? To be assured of this, itr is only ' necefisary lo-make the" trial. 'The Wine itself is ol a very superior quality, being about one th'rd stronger than other wius; warming and invigorating the whole system from the head to the feet. As rtiese Bitters are ton in and alternative in their " character, eu they sirenglhen-'arid' invigorate' the wtiote s tem ami give a fine tone and healthy anion to all its parts, by equalizing the circulation removing obstructions, and producing a general warmth. They are alo excellent for Diates and Weakness peculiar io FE MALES, where a Tonic is required to Mtrengtkeh and brace llu system. No Lady, who is siiSjeel To lassitude aridfamines, should be without them as they are revivi fying in their action. THESE BITTRS I Till not only Cure, tut Prevent Disease and iu'thireifect'are doubly vakrable-to theperron who may ue thm. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. Weak!Lungs,'lnd'rgesiion, Dyspepsia, Dis eases ot ihe Nervous Sy"em, Paralysis, Piles, and for all races requiring a Tome: Dr. Dods' Celebr. tfd Wioe Bitters For Sore Throat; so common among the Clergy, ihey are iruly valuable. For the aged arid Infirm, and for persons of a weak constitution, for Mmisteis of ihe Gospel, 'Lawyers, and all public speak ers for Book Keeper, Tailors, Seamstress es, Siudrit6, Ariis's. and all persons lead ing a sedentary lite, ihey will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are "wholesome, in nocent, and delicious to the laie. They produce all the ttxtiilaraiins efl'ec' of Bran dyor Wine, v nhout intoxicating; ami are a valuable remedy for persoos addicted lo the use:of excessiv-e strnna drink, and who wih io refrain from 'it. They are p-ue anJ entirely free fiom ihe poisons coniaiued in in the adulterated Wines ami Liquors with whith the counti'y M'rlooded. . These Bitters-uot only CURE, but TRE VENT Diseace, and should b ued by all who live in a country where "the watr bad, or where 'Chills jnd Fevers are piev alent. Beinp entirely innocent and harm lees, they may be fjiven freely to -Children and Ir.lanifc wiih impunity. Physician, 'Cleraymnn, and temperance advocates, as an act . of humanity, tdinuld assist in preading 'thes9 valuable BIT TERS over the land, and thereby essentail ly aid ij banishing Drunke uiies and Dis ease. In all Affections of the head, Mck Headache or Nervous-Headache. Dr. Dod' Imperial Wine Brtters will be lound to be moet Saluiary and Efficacious. ioas ri zm The -many cerlifi-raies which have been tendered us. and ihe letiers which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women those Bitter havo giv en a -satisfaction which no others have ever -done before. No woman in ihe laud should be without them, and those who once ue them will not fail to keep a supply. iJR.J BOVEE DOBS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by -an eminent and skiUful physician who has used them successful ir: his practice for the last twenty five year.. The proprietor, before purchair.g the ex clusive right to manufacture snd sell Dr. J. Bovee Dode' XTelebrateJ Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two disiiiiguiih ed medical i-raciioneers, pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although the medical men of ihe country as a general thing disapprove of Parent Medicines, yl we -do not believe that a re spectable Physician can be found in the United Stales, acquainted with their medi cal properties who will nol highly approve DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BJTTERS. In all newly settled places, where there is alwajs a large quantity of decaying tim ber from which a poionous miasma is created, those Ifitters should be used every morning before brekfast. DR J. rOKK DODS' 131 PERI A L WIXE BITTERS. Are composed of a pure and undullerated Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal. Confrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark. Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers, and Gen tian. rhy are manufactured by Dr. Dods himself, who is an experienced and suc cessful Physician, and htnee should not be cla-sed among ihe quack nostrums which flood the country, and azamst which Uie Medical Profession.are so justly prejudiced. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by ail classes of the community lor almost every variety of di ease incident io the human svstem, that they are now deemed indispensable as a TONIC. MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE lurcliae One Soltlc ! Il Costs but, Lit le ! Punly the Blood ! Give Tone to the Stomach 1 Ranovate the System ! and Prolona Life ! PRIC3S1 PER BOTTLE. 6 BOITLES $5; Prepared and sold By fli h r r l-w iii i n ni ri rr r e, rt COLE PROPRIETORS, 78 William Street, New York. EFor sale by Druggists and grocers generally throughout the country. August 28, 1861- ly. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. rTTHE oinlersianed respectfully inform their friends and ihe public generally, thai ihey hate entered into co-parlnerehip. onoer the name, Btvie an firm ol MILLER & EYER in the ITXercantilc Biiii.ess in ihe "Old Arcade," in Bloomaburg. Co lumbia county, where they intend carrying on the business ol UfcNLKAL M2.UU.1AiV DIZING, in all its diversified branches and deoartments, and lo which they invite an eiteuiipn of the public patronage. S. H. MILLER. FHKD K EYER, Bioombnrg, May 15, 1861 tf. I1IUAM C.UOWEIivv SURGEON' DENTIST. Op"? ner Willi's Carriage fhnp,Main Pt PHILADELPHIA AM) READING WINTER ARRANGEMENT, DECtMBKR 5TH 1859. Four : Daily Passenger Trains to 'Philadelphia" ' (From and passing Reading) At 6.20 a. in., 10 20 a., m., 2 noon, (Freiaht and Passenger,) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily irains to Po'tsville and Port Clinton, at 10.15 a. m., and 6.05 p. m. ' Connecting at Port Clinton wi n trains foi Tamaqua, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and the Canadas. The lO. a. m up train only connects a: Port Clinton wiih trains for Wilkesbarre, Scranton and Piitstnn. Passengers leaving WTilIiamsport by the Cattawissa Railroad niuhl line, ai 10.15 p. m., connect with a passenger train leav ing Port Clinton at 4.50 a. m., arrive at Read ing at 5.50 a. m., breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. rn. Read ing Accommodation Train. On Sundays :he 10.15 a. m. Down, and the 6.05 p. m Up Trains only run. LKBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Tioo Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted) lo and from Uarrisburg. At 10 23 a.m. and 6 08 p.m. Leaving Uarrisburg at 8 00 a. in. and 2.35 p. rn. Connecting with trains, on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Val ley -Railroads, for Snnbury, Williamspcrti Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Baltimore, Cham be.rsburj!,'&c. Through Tickets Reading to Bultimore, 4 00 ; to Lancaster, 2 25; to Gettysburg, $3 50. ' 80 pounds of baggage allowed to each passenger. The second class cars run with all the above trains. Through first . class' tickets at reduced rates to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal points in the West North West, ana the Can ad as; and 'Emigront Tickets at lower fares to all above places, can be had on application to the station agent at Reading;. All tickets will be purchased before Ihe trains start. Higher fares charged if paid in cars. G. A. NICOLLS, Engineer and General &uperiulotule.ut. February 2, I860. LIQTTCKSi LIQUORS i Wholesale and ISetail. "tlTE subscriber would announce tothe 1- citizens ot 'Bloomsburii and vicinity, that he is selling LIQUORS in large and small quantities, and at different prices, at his New store, on Mam street, norinsuie, iwo ooorn soun oi jrv,iH Iron street. Bloomsburg. His rWQSM stock ol Foreign and Domestic m ib iisr ionises 9 consis's oi Cognac and Kochelle. Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry ami Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye. gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, OKI Fo.ks Whiskey, and a'iy quat.tity o! common. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cain pagne Wines; and last but nol least, a quantity ol good double extra BROWN S1T)UT; all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. The public ere 'respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. D. W. 'ROBB1NS, Agt. . Blonrrrsburg, May 1, 1861. SPRING AND SUMMER CD CD OD 9 LARGE STOCK AM) LOW PRICES. 11 e have ayain been to ;he city, ami re. turned with a large stock of Goods for the sea-on, which we are prepared lo sell at a low figure lor ready pay. Our block consists ot Hardware, Qneensware, CedarWare, Wil- low-ware, Hollow-ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, I'las'er, Fluid, Camphene Oils, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, &c. II. C. & I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. Ijooh lo your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS, MILLER 56 EYER'S. fllHE sub-enbers have just returned trom the City with another large and selett assort mnt of .Sprint; and Summer Good, purchased at Philadelphia, at the Inwes figure, and which they are determined to sell on as moderate terms a can be pro cured elsewhere in bloomi-Durg. meir stock comprises l.ntlic' Drc! fioocls, of the choicest styles and latent lashious. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &c. In short, everything usually kept in country stores; to wnicn i iey invites the public generally. The highest price paid for country produce. r r mnrpp r, pvi'T? Bloomsbnrs, May 15, 1861. Lack'a and Bloomsburg Railroad. ! (N AND AFTER AUG. 5t'., 1361, PAS- SF.NfJER TRAINS WILL RUN AS OL LOWS MOVING SOUTH. Freight & Patfenger 5.45 A. M Potsenger. Leave Scranton, 10.20 A. M. ' Kingsion, Rupert, Danville, 6.60 Arrive 12,10 V 8,40 9,15 9 50 M. Arrive at Norih'd MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd. 4.40 P. M. " Danville, " Rupert, ' KinsaK'n, 5.15 5.50 7 45 Leave 1 35 P. M. Arive at bcranton, 8.45 P. M. 3 2.5 P. M. A Passenser Irani also leaves jvingsion ai 8 00 A. M. for Scranton. to conned with 1 t r - . tram for New York. Returning leaves Si-rinlnn nil am val of Train from New Vnrk al 4.10 P. M. The Lackawanna and Bloomsbnrg Rail rtwi fanned- with the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railiod t Scranion, for New York and intermediate points east At Rupert it connects with ihe Calawissa Railroad for noints both east and west. Al Northumberland it connects with the Philadalnhia and Erie R. R.- and Northern Central R. R. for roints west and sooth. JOHN P. 1LSLEY, Sup'l. . H. Pcttebone, G.?i Ticket Ag'L August 21, 1861. ' - A. I. RUPERT, - jilt g A AYER'S Sarsaparilla 0E fcUBHTDTG THE BLOOD. Aud for tb speedy enre of the following complaints: Scrofula and Scrofulous After tonn,aucb oa Tniuori, Ulcere, horca, Kruptloiu, I'luiplei, Pustules, Jlloteltea, ltoil, Illalua, aud all &klu Ulaeaaea. Oakland, lud., 6th June, 1859. - J. C. Ateb A Co. Gents: I feel it tny duty to ac knowledge what your i-umi;arilla has done fur me. Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it buret out io fleers on my hands and arms; sometimes it turned inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two .years ago it broke out on nry head and covered my scalp ' and ears with one sore, which wss painful and louthnoine ' beyond description. 1 tried many medicines and several physician, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I wss rejoiced to read in the Uoh-1 Mewenger that you had prepared ' an alterative (Sainnparilln;, for 1 knew trout your n-puta-' tiou that any thing you imtdn must be good. ' I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, in email doves of a tt-nspoouful over a month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy skin soon igan to form nnder the scab, which after a ' while fell otf. Aly skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the ilisfade has pone from my system. You Can well believe that 1 fuel what 1 am saying when I toll you, that I hold you to be oue of the apostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFlf-tD B. T ALLEY. Bit. Antltotty'n Vlre, Rose or Kryiirla, Tetter ind Salt Ithtnm, Scald lleau, ltiiigworin, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Itotiert f. Treble writos from Palem, N. Y., 12th Fopr., lH&'J, tint ho has cured an inveterate case of Vrepsy, wuic'i threatened to terminate fatally, by the Ktrgevering nse of our 8ai'xaparitla, and iiIko a duiigerous Malignant Srysifxlas by large dojea of the same ; says ' he cures the common Eruptimn by it constantly. Iironchottle, Goitre or Swelled Week. Zebiilon Sloan of Pnpect, Texas, writes t "Three bot tles of your Snrsnput illa cured me from a (luilrt a hid eous swelling on the Deck, which I had sutK-red from over two years." : Lrncorrhtra or White, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Channlng, of New -York City, writes " I most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in saying I have found your Panwparilla a mokt excellent alterative in the numerous complaints fir whirh we employ such a remedy, but eKpeciully in Fkmale Viteatta of the Scrofulous diathesis. I have Cured many inveter- : ate cases of lncirrlioa by it, and some where the com plaint was caused by ulcrutitm of the utrrnt. The ulcer ation itself was soon cured. Kolhlog within my knowl edge equals it fur these female derungements." Edward S. Marrow, of Kewbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my family, which hail defied all the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by yonr Kxtract of Par saparliln. Our pliVHicinn thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but he ndviaed the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last remirt before cutting, and it ' proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight week no symptom of the dixease remains." SypUIIl anil Mercurial Disease. Nrw Orlkans, 2Mb. Augunt, 1R59. Dr. J. C. Atfr: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you some of the efiecbj 1 have realized with your y,irapai ilia. I Jiave cured with it, in my practice, most of the com plaints for which it is recommended, and have found its ' effects truly wonderful in the cure of Vmrrtal and Mrr ' eurial Dit'ate. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers iu his throat, which were consuming his- palate and tde top of his moutli. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in live weeks. Another was attacked bjr sec ondary symptoms in bis nose, and the ulceration had 'eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the disorder would soon reach bis brain and kill him. lint it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla: the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who had been treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering 'from this poisou in her bones. They had become so sen sitive to the w jather that on a damp day she suffered ex cruciating pain in her joints and boues. She, too, was cured entirely ly your tarsapwrilla iu m tw weeks. I know flout its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your talioratury miiKt be a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have not surprised me. fraternally yours, G. V. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint IWDErajiDKMCf, I'reatou Co., Va.. Cth July, ISia. D. J. C. Aren: 5ir, I have been alllicted with a pain ful chronic JtitUMutism tor a long lime, which battled the skill of physicians, and slurk to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, uotil I tried your Saruaparilla. One Lottie cmetl nie in two weeks, and restored my general 'health ao mi..u that I am far better than before I was attacked. 1 thiuk it a wonderful medicine. J.l ilEAM. Jules "Y.'Gctrhcll, of Ft. Louis, writes: "I have leen afflicted for years with an affection of the Zi'w, which destroyed my health. I tried evry thing, and every thing filled to relieve me; and 1 have been a broken-down man for some years from no other cause than tlrraiiyvnimt of Vie Iavt. My beloved puMor, the Rev. Mr. Kspr, advised me to try your Saoaparilla, because he paid he krew you, and any thing you made was worth trying, t'y Die bless ing of (Jod it has cured me, and lias so purified my blood) as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. The best that can be said of you is not half good enough." Srlilrrtts. Cancer Tumor, Enlargement. Ulceration, Carles ami Ixf oliatlon of Ihe ilones. A great variety of cs'es have hepn reported to ns where cures of these formidable complaints have reunited from the use of this remedy, but our apace here will not admit them. Some of them may lie found in our American Almanac, which the agent Iw-low named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, melancholy, Keuralgia. Many remarkable cures of thee affections have been made by the alterative power of this medic ine. It ftimu lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed lieyond its reach. Such a remedy lias long been required by the ne cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOR THE RAPID CURE OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness. Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient t'u gumption, and for the Itellef Of Consumptive I'atieutS in advanced Stages of the Disease. This Is a remedy so nniveisnlly known to surpass ny Other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that ft is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and it truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of tbe earth. Few are the communities, or eTen families, among them who have not some personal experience of its effects some living trophy in their niidtt of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects cf this remedy, we need not do more than to ax -Tire them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which have Won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared ly Sr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mass. bom ii) r. f. J li. Ui-i, ai.a o. Al Haneubuch, B!oonu-bur2, ami by one dealer in rerv town iu the State. April 6, 1861 -ly. UoWnrd Association, PHILADELPHIA. Benevolent Institution establshed by, special Endowment, for the Relief ol the Sick and I)itressed, afflicted wiih Viru lent and Chronic Diseases, and especial ly tor the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. M EDICAL ADVICE given sratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by Iei;er. wi.h a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habit- of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS 011 Soemaiorrhaja and other Di-ese of tl e Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary, sent 10 the afflicted in sealed leiter envelopes, fiee of charoe. Two or ihree stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. KILIJl. tlUUiiHiUis, Acting Snraeon, Howard Associaiion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order ot Ihe Directors. GEO. FAIRCHJLD, Sec. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Prest. PhilLdehmia, April 3. 1861 ly. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Latk Whitk Swan) Race Street abeve 3d Philadelphia JOHN BOYER, Proprietor. Terms, SI. 25 ier day. mO the old customers of this well-known J. House, 1 desire lo say, that I have aied. improved and newly furnished ,h. ... and that 1 respectiuiiv solicit , . - a continuance ol their patronage. Siranaers. travelers and visitors I cor diallv invite to the hospitalliiy of the "Na ;Anoi.m rnmH and see and indae for themselves of its advantages ami merits The location is central, and convenient fnf Merchants and business men generally We will always endeavor 10 stuoy ine warns and comforts of our suesls, aud wi;n th aaaisiance of Mr. Joseph Hocsufa. our affable and attenlive Clerk, we leel prepar ed to keep a good Hotel, aud hope to se general satisfaction. JOHN BOYER. Philad., Feb. 13, 1861 y. RAYMOND'S FAMILY E W I N G M A C H I PATENTED MARCH 9, 1858. N E I'lMCF 810 FACII. t ESSRSZUPriNGEK & ROB BINS, of B'oori,6bur!, having purchased the ex clusive riiilit ot iti e above valuable Impro veil Chea ''Patent Sewing Machine, for the County ol Columbia, will be happy lo supply their friends with the article lor the acromrnndutionof themselves and families. The following are some of (he superior ad vantages tb i implement possesses, viz: 1. Il sews from 400 io 600 light btitches per minute. 2. Double thread Machines are from the more complicated character of their mech anism invariably managed 'and threaded wiih more or lei-6 difficulty ; not so wiih RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it ir. two hours, and it is threaded easier than a com mon needle. . , 3. One' of the most' valuable features of this Machine, is the smallness and tbe compactness of its mechanism. 4. It can be attached to a board, table or siaud, in operating' order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. Il greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a searn, sufficiently strong for any work lor which it is intended, a'qual ihYalion nol known lo all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No rroman liand is capable of produ cii a seam so regular and systematic. The team is so strong if well done, that the stfonset-t material will tear before the seam will give way. 7. Among ihe array of Pa'ent Sewing Machines, there -are .none so cheap and datable as Raymond's Patent, but no Ma chine is adapted to all kinds of work as expe'ience has proven. There are perhaps none so realy useful, doing fuch a variety of wore for the immediate use of the fam ily circle, and at srch a moderate price as R A YMON D'S PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his seam jusl as he pleases, waves, leaves and flowers, eic, cn be represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapleu 10 all' kinds of siiichirg such as gentlemen's shirts, bosoms, ristbands, collars, eic, and all kinds of ladies' sewing, including silks, lawns, delaines, calicoes, doslers. etc., ex cepting for men'sheavy wear, ihis Machine is rather too light ot construction. 10. Rut we all admit, that the advantage to health, and principally to the vision or eyesight, intinced by the Use of Sewing Machines, surpasses infinitely all oiherad- i vantages. il. Thia Machine fastens ihe seam al ways iiself, but if ihe operaior wishes it unfastened or open, there is a way for it too, thus joucan have it fastened or riot, as you please, which is, some'imes, espe cially for beginners, very favorable cir cumstance. If the searn is left unfastened, you can draw it out in three seconds and iae the thread. For sale by ihe nndersigned, at their re spective residences, in Bloomsbur-g, who will put the Machine in operation and give all ueceseary instruction. HENRY ZUPPINGER. DANIEL V. UOBB1NS. Bloomsbora, July 'I I, 1860. FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT IIKAI) (lUARTLKN! IcKELVY, AfCAI. CO., HAVE just received and opened iheir stock ol Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and handsom est assortment now offered in this TO'VN. Having paid great attention to the selection ol their eniire block as to Price ami Qualify. Ihey flatter themselves ihl ihey can compele with ihe cheapest, and all those wishing. to buy cheap, can save money by giving o a call. We havea't kinds of oods and wares to supply the wanis of the people. A very are and complete assortment ol LADIES' DIIESS GOODS. French Merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bom baxines, de bases, noplms parametia cloths, mohair lusires, muslin de laines, Persiau cloths, Ginghams, al'cors, &c WHITE GCODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouricings, bands and triinmins, laces and edgins,bonnet ribbons, io lare varieiy, vel vet libbons, and braids, kid, cotton, lisle thread gloves, mohair milts, See. AM, K1IMS OF SHAWLS, broche. Bay Slate, Waterviile, black silk, casiimere, embrodereJ, &c. Also a very .lare larae assortment of Cloths, caimers, satinets, veslings, tweeds, jeans, coaling vel vet, bever cloths, &c. of all kinds and sires for men, women and children. We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, &c. Very cheap CARPETS, CARPET-RAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil cloths, mats, rugs, bas keis, Lc. Muslins, flannels, lickings dra pers, towelings, drillings, &c, in abundance. We invite onr friends and ihe public gen erally lo givM ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. W have bought our good at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man kind. McKELVY, NEAL & CO. Bloomsbnrs, Nov. 21, 1850. Tinware & Stove Esablislnneut. rpHE UNDERSIGNED lespeeilnlly in forms nis old friends and customers, lhat he has purchased bis brother s mtereot in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and oN 4 lers lor sale the latest ami mosi ex tensive assortment of FANCY STO TVS ever introduced into this market. Siovenine and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured lo order. All kinds of repairing done, s usual, nn short notice. The natronage ol oU iner.usanu new tu- tomers is respectfully liciied. Bioomsburg, Jan. 12, 1R53. if. PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches wormed iii he best st le known in the an t C. G. CRANES UALLhli i , 532 Arch Street. East of Sixth. Philadelphia. CiLife Sire in Oil and Pastil, RSierooscopic Porirails, FiAmbrot1 p, Dauoerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, kc riovl4 HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Skv -Iislit Ambrolypistj r OOilS in ihe Third Mory oi me Ex- sVV chaue-e Block, Centrance aoove tne Book Siore,) Bioomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. Bioomsburg, Nov. 23. 1859-ly. arKELYY, REAL & CO., MERCHANTS, Northeast corner of Main and MarketSt. 4 NEW clock ASSORTMENT, of watch and materials, of the right quality, received, which will be offered in all cases on Eood couditons. 6 - HENRY ZUPP1NGER, . BTMOXflSBlLTE . CABINET WARE ROOMS. s. c. SEIIVE RESPECTFULLY invites the' attention of the Public lo bis extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike maimer. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort meni ot. FASHIONABLE' FURNITURE, which is equal in style nd fin ih to that of Philadelphia or New Y'ork cities, and at as low prices. He has Sofas of different siyle and prices, from $25 lo SCO. Divans Loun ge? , Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a varieiy of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashu, cheffeniers, whatnots and corrodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and oomrnon wai-nbtands, dress-table.-, corner cnpbo-ird sola, DINING 'AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is the largest in (hi section of the counij. He will also ke.epa good asKorimem ot looking glasses wiih lancy gilt and common frames He will also furnish spring mall rashes fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for duiabiliiy and cornforl to any bed in use. Dloomsbnr?, January 13, 1858. DBW-flSTSr?. IT. C. 1KIUKR, SURGEON DENTIST. T ESPECFULLY offers bit . professional serv ices to tne burg and vicinity. He is prepared 10 attend 10 all the various operation in Den;i-iry, and is provided with the latest improvep PORCELAIN TEKTH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior atl'icle of Tooth "Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office, 3d building ahove S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west side. Bloomsburg. Janmry 13, 1858 FORKS HOTEL. 'BLOOilSECKG, COLUMBIA CO., 'PA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, Proprietor, flAKES pleasure in announcing tothe pub- lie that he has rented and thoroughly refilled the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James freeze, in Bloomsburg, and is prepared to accomodate travellets, teamster, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with the test products Ihe markets af ford, and his Bar will be constantly furnish ed with the choicest liquors. Al:entive ostlers will always be n at tendance, and he Irusts his long experience in catering to vhe Wants of the public, and his obliging attention to customers wilse cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsbnrg, April 21, 1858. Flour and Feed Delivered ! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! T MIE undersigned has made arringe merits that will enable him to deliver Floor and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent. 'cheaper than any bpuy else in town. Hi price ar-i as follows: Flour 7 25; Corn and OatVChnpSl 55; Corn and Rye Chop SI 65; Bran SI 10; respecilul'y solici! ashrcf lh pnblic patronage. MOSES COFFMAN. Bioomsburg, June 14, 1860. BLOOMSliUIlG isaukei: SHOP. fllHE under-igned respectfully informs the citizens ol Hioomsburg, and the public renerally, that he has taken the Barber Shop, located 011 Main Str-ei, in ihe w hite Frame Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Block, where he is at all times ready to wait upon hi cuctomers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable style, and on very moderate terms. CiT'Shamooing, done Dp in City Style. He solici:s public patronage and pledges his best endeavors to give every reasonable satiiaclion. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. B!oomburg, Oct. 12, 1859. NEW HATS AND CAPS I At J. K- Virion's Hal Store. THE iindersianed respectfully inforiHSthe the citizens of Bioomsburg, and the public in general, that be has ns received from Philadelphia a lot of NEW HATS & CAPS, for Spriri2 and Summer, of the very latest , I ,,1 f .lIi inn oil rf KiK rid lt riraa- r 1 y jri ntiSJ iqcii iuiin a 1 1 w 1 n ivii ' - pared to sell cheaper than can be had else- where, wiih ihe exception ol the mauulac turers. He da all kinds, styles, sorts and Bizes, of hats and caps, probably ihe most varied assortment ever brought to town. Also SI RAW GOODS, including the mod ern styles and fashions. CF"Siore on Main Streef, nearly opposite the "OU Arcade." JOHN K. GIRTON. Bioomsburg. Apiil 24, 1861. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!! A NECESSITY IX EVERY IIOTSEIIOLD JO HAS ct CltOSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE The Mronsest lue In Ilie World For Cementing Wood, Leather, Class, Ivory, China. Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone, Coral, etc., &c, &c. Tbecnly article of llie kind ever produced which will withstand Waier. EXTRACTS : "Every housekeeper should have a sup ply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue ." A'ric l0-4 Times. "It is so convenieiii to have in the house Nrw'Yoik Express. 'It is always readv this commends ll to everybody." A7. Y. Indrpendtnt. "We have tried il. and find it as useful in onr house aa waier." Wilkes1 Spirit of the limes lrlce 25 Cents per Rotllo. Very Libernl Kednctioni to Wholesale Denier. TMtMJ CASH. GPFor sale by all Druagists and Store keepers generally throughout ihe country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, Sol Manufacturers 78 William Streef, Corner of Libeny St., NEW YORK. July 10. 1861. ly. 1VATCU MAKER SHOP ! THE undersigned would inlorm bis friends and customers and the re?t of mankind; that he continues Id pay particular aiienliou lo he 'epairing ol watches; weight, spring, and lever clocks ; jew elry and everytning belonging in his line, and that it is at all limes, and in all cases his desire to give perfect satisfaction. Uq is an "excellent" workman, has visited several, and worked in three of the fi-st Cities in the world. New York, Philadel phia and the greal City of Paris in Franco Particular attention is paid to re-gildinj or what is termed "platine." i HENRY ZUPPINGEtf. , E VAJX S &i W A l SO S ' K lilPBSALMANDEK. No. 304 C'eiiioi S4reit PHILADELPHIA. . 11 1E Safes are in use now all over the Uuil-d Si xes, and have been well test ed in rnmy fi es ; the follow ir.g shows an other of their capability in Resist ing fire. WITMER.S BRIDGE, ' I Lancaster Township-July 30, 1660. J Messrs. EVANS & WATSON : Gsntleirien Th Ismail size No. 1 Sala mander Sale which, I piiTchased Jrom your agent, Mr. Adam H.' Barr, in Lancaster City, on July 20th, 1858, has been subjected to a very severe lest, which it w'uh.-iood in a most satisfactory manner. This Safe, con taining fill my bonks, ifgeiher wiih valua ble papers belonging to my-elf and SQrns to my neighbors and iriends, and repre senting a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars, S20,000 was in my Mill -which .was destroy ed on the night of the 2?lh of July, i860, and f assed through ihe efy ordeal unscathed The Sle'was on the second floor.' and fell to ihe basement 6f the Mill, and was sut jecied for six hou'S 10 an intense heat among th ruins, whiqh was greatly increased 6y the combiisti -ri of a large quanlny ot gram cot fined with il the brick walls. Afier ihe fire the Safe wa opeuet' and the books and papers taken one. in a siaie of per led preservation, the pas per not eren being This fact was, however, to many, t ysianders a bel ter recommendation ot your Sides than could be expressed iu any other, word from nie. Y ours Resnecfiillv, kamitel-ranck: Anotbrr Victory lor Evans & Wit son's Salamander Safe, Owetfo, N. V , March 27, 1860. Gentlarren Ii aflorils me much pleasure to inrorm you that the Safe No. 5, upri2htj which I inrchased of B. Strond, your Trav ellins Aini, ha passed through an - ex ceedingly hoi fire in a three story brick buildma, which healed ihe bate to a white heat, so that the corners of il appear melt ed; but it preserved mv' book and Valuable papers to the amount of several thousand dollars, tor which I feel lhaokful. A ours, Respectfully . J. N. ELDRIDGE. Philadelphia. -June 4th, 1858. Messrs. EVANS k. WAT.nON manufac lured ihe Fire Proof afes whirh have beeo in use since the coinmeceicent of oe Bank, and are supplied wiih inree of Ihe Patent Alphabetical Bank Lock, ai.d,h given entire satisfaction. This 'Lock we have great confidence in, bo'h as regard security arid convenience, thera being 00 chance to blow il out with powder, and r.b key lo carry. We consider il one of lbs Desi am: satesi iock now in use. ROBERT MORRIS, Pre'i Com'lh Bir.k. HENRY GRAM BO, Cashier. Great Fire Another Triumph. K'novviile, Tenn , March 13, 1859. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, Phda'da. Genilemen -It affords ine great pleasure to say 10 you that the Salamander Safe which I purchased of you in February, 185?, proved 10 be what you recommended il a sure protection from fire. My storehouse, together with several others, was burned 10 the ground in March last. The Safe fell hr-jh iulo the caller, and was expo-ed. to inteiiss'heai for six or eiht hours, n3 when it w as taken from ihe ruins and open ed, all its contents were fonn J to be in a perfect e-tate, the books and the papers not being injured any wha.ever. I can cheer fully recomrn-nd your Safes to the com cnnriMy, WLevirg, as I do, lhat ihey are s near fire proof as It is posible for any Safe 10 be matte. THOMAS J. POWELL. I2cferciice. U S Mint. Philadelphia; U.S. AlHi'al, Philadelphia' & Ca! ; N Liberies Ba ik; Poilstown Bnk ; Chester Valley Bunk -, Southwestern Bank of Va. ; Ink of Golds borough, N. C. ; Bank of Raleigh, N. C. ; Bnk ol Salisbury, N C. ; cauk of Jersey Shore, Pa. ; Bnk of Newark, Del. ; Bank ol Nontiiimbcrlaud ; April 3 1, 1861. Lewieburg Bank. 35,00. AYS ihe eniue cost for Tuition in thi most popular and successful Comraer School in the country. Upward of . jbl. t.jaj ' Twi lvk Hl'ndkf.d yoin.g men from twchtt- kight diuereul Nates, have been educated for business here within the past ihree years, some of whom have been employed i as book Keepers at salaries of i $2000.00 iter Aii mini, immediately upon graduaiing, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered tbe college. d" Ministers' son half price. Students enter at any time, and review when Ihey please, without extra charge. For Catalogues nf 86 pases, Spcimens of Prof. Cowley's Cu-incs. uJ Ornameuial Penmanship, and a large Engraving of iba College, inclose iweniy-five cents in Post age S'amps to the Principal JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Juue 5, 1861. MArVIIOOD. tlOYV LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope s A LECTURE ON THE NA ifZfSTURE, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMA TORRHCEA, or Seminal Veakness, Sei ual Debility, Nervousness and involuntary emissions, producing impotency, Consump tion, aud Mental and Physical Debilitv. Bv ROBT. J. CULVERWELL, M. D., The important fact thai the awful conse.' quences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without internal medicines or tne dangerous applications of caustics, ins'.ru-i ments, medicated bougies, anj other em pirical devises, is here clearly demonstra ted, and Ine entirely new and highly suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the cele brated aoihcr fully explained, by means of which everyone is enabled to Core himself perfectly, and at the leist possible costj. thereby avoiding ail the advertised nos-. lrums of Ihe day. This lectare will prove a boon (o thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope,td any address postpaid, on the receipt of trd poage stamps, byD.dd.ssing.c KUNE 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office box 4,586. Augusi 7, 1861-ly. BLANKS! BLANKS! ! CLAN S II DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPCENAS, , AND JUDGMENT NOTES, , of prooer & Jes:rableforms,foale at th4 oMce "of the :' Stat of the North."