The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 09, 1861, Image 3

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T5"cd"nc&tiay Jlirning, October 9, 1861.
Thu October number of the Genesee, tar
in tr it on our table. This is a most excel
' lent agricultural publication, just the work
'v our (armers need. Published at Rochester,
' New Yoik.
The police officer of Alleniovrn by order
' of Town Council, hare adopted a uniform
after the New York style blue frock tebat
with brass buttotia, pant and cap of the
fame color, with leather bells for club and
. Lilly.
In consequence. ot the hardness of the
limes, ana naving an audition ouiu io nis
1 residence, our friend, W. WiaT, "Esq., has
removed hi office to hi dwelling house,
' on Third Sireet, where he will be found,
when not engaged in or about the Court
At riKCMKou 1 he Democracy or Koar
1 ing creek and Locust met in Mas Meeting,
at Ne omedia, on Thursday afternoon last.
The people were addressed by Col Freeze,
Col. Tate, and Esqr. Little,
la the evening o! same day, these speak
v era severally addressed a meeting at Lloyd
Thomas' school house, in Franklin twp.
A Democratic Meeting was ' address by
Col. John G. Fxckzc, and others, on( Satur
day evening last, at Alinaa Cole's, in Su
garloal Township. Tfie attendance was
large, considering the number of people in
' that immediate neighborhood. The De
mocracy of Sogarloaf were lound tip and a
' doing. That township i good for a snug
Democratic majoriiiy.
Meetinu or the DejttocRACT A, meet
ing of the Democracy of Madison 'and the
adjoining townships was hejd in Jerseytown
' on Friday eve lir.z last. It was addressed
ly Col John G Freeze, Hon. Paul Leidy,
, Thomaw Chalfant, EKq., "Wii'd . Col. Levi L.
.' Tate.- Ail passed off pleasantly every
body appearing to be well pleased with the
" entire proceeding.
Democ ict. : A eciiment not to be ap-
palled, corrupted or compromised It knows
no bareness ; it cowers to no danger; it op
presses no weakness.. Destructive only of
despotism, it is the sole conservator of lib-
" erty, labor and property. It is the senti
ment ofFrcedom, of equal right, 6f equal
obligations the law of nature prevadii g
! the law of ibe laud."
FaAKK Leslie's Monthiy. This large
knd handsome Gazette of Fashion, one of
the most popular ol hN ilayfizines has
made its appearance, a rich and 'racy as
'ever, in our sanctum, for the month of Oc
tober. : It is much larger than'ah t;.e":oiher
Magazines; contains more i!lu-t rations, and
double the amount of reading. Price only,
' $3 jper annum, or 25 cts. per number. Pub
. lication office, 19 City 'Hall Square New
Hurley Light Guabd. Owing to the un
Sirin exertions of Aie.t. J Fnck and Uzal
'H Eat, the Hokley Light Guard" is fill
ing up rapidly. This company affords a
fine opportunity for all young men desirous
of entering the army. It will be composed
of the best material To be found in our coon
' ty, and has onr best wishes wherever it
'may be place J. They will leave Blooms
bnrg on Tuesday net, foi the TJarrlp of Gen.
" James' Brigade at Huntingdon, Pa.
- ThbtkulcfA. Corwijc for the alleged
'murder ol his wife was brought to a close
on Thursday evning. The illness of Mr
Starke, one of the jurors, La delayed the
proceedings for a week past, a he was
able to listen to the speeches only by i:.u.
ments. The charge was deliverdeJ on
'Tndrsday afternoon, tha Jury retired at
three, and by six a verdict was rendered of
acquittal. This h&s been tfie mo.-t pro-
traded and expensive murder trial ever
held ia this County. Scranlon Republican.
m m 9 m
The country is in no danger from the
-' democrats they love the Union, tbey re
vere the Constitution. Ike Democratic'? trty
u the Union Party. Not a battle field can
bo found from Que'bec to Mexico that has
'not been bathed with democratic blood
nowhere have die glorious Stars and
'Stripes'been unfurled, bat strong-armed
and stout-hearted Democrats have been
"there to fling them. to 'the bre'eze. Seven
1 tenths of the soldiers are said to be of the
'Democratic- party led by such valuable
'democrats as Bailer, McClellah, Patterson,
' IWoof and Dix. - r
Governor Curtis is about to issue a
proclamation to stop enlistments, in Penn
sylvania, for regiments credited to other
States. AH enlistments of troops will here
;after be subject to the control of the State
authorities, and they will be organized on
ler the laws of the 'State upon requisition
'from the national government.
V The Attorney General is now in Philadel
phia and ctively engaged to prevent the
'Pennsylvania troops from being bartered .o
'other State regiments, thus depriving oar
Vnen of the State law.
fHctadiea of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania,
- nave just made a donation of one hundred
Sinii eighteen bfanKels,col!ected from their
'families," in response to the late call of the
. Q mrter-Masier General, to promote the
- coaifort and health of the Tolanteers. . Mr.
. 5L 'C. JIale, the Quarter-Master General ol
the State, acknowledges the contribution in
letter, in which he cnak'ea the very re-
.-Vnarkabfe eslatem'enl that, notwithstardin.
"every exertion has been made to procure
t araiy blanltels for the troop?', the demand
has teec so great that the ordinary sources
of eepply have failed to meet the wants oi
tLa service." "He adds: "we have en
'deavored to start every loom in the State
"capable of making array blankets, and hope
in time to have a fall supply', but tLa troop
In camp require immediate relief." As
iit?9 blankets are given by individuals to
lha C::a, it will diminish the contractors
is frig's (6 ti3 si'ti'9 eit'sif.. 5
IVew Arrival of ;
ftlavid ov eiilicrg :
jNV11E atention .to his stock .of cheap
jinrl (aiV!oiiab!e clothing at hi Kore oi;
Main S'rpat two' doors above the 'Amer
ican Hcipse wlmre he has a full assorl
ment l mi finl boy's wearing apparel,
iuclydib? the mo-t fashionable t
Box, : Sack,' Frock, Gom, and Oil Cloth Coats
of alj s rts and fizes, Pants, ol all colors
shawl, stripes and figure vests, shirts, cra
.Vats, ttork", collars, hanlkerchiel!, gloves,
suspentler- ad far:cy anioi. -
Nt B. He will also make to order any ar
tide ol cloiliinu, at very sliori notice and in
the be.t of manner. All his clothing is
made to wear, and most of it is ol home
' Bloomsburg, Spi. 25, 1R61.
During the past jtar.wn heve introiluced
.to the iiolicd of ihe medical profession of
this country the Pure Cy1uLzed Chloride of
Propylamine a a ...
Andhaving received from many sources,
both frum ph)sician of the highest stand
ing and from patient, the most
Flattering lumouiil of I;n Item Vulne
in ihe treatnient of this painful anJ obsii
na'e disease, we are induced to present it
to ihe piibiinlti a lorm HEADY FOR IM
MEDIATE USE, which we hoje will com
mend itself lo 'h. who are mfiering wiih
this afflicting complaint, and to the medi
cal praciiiioner who may feel disposed to
lest the powers of this valuable remedy.
above spoken of, has recently been exten
sively experimented, with hi J tie . .
I'c-iiiiy Ivnniu Hospital,
and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will ap
pear from '.he published accounts, in the
medical journals.)
CS' It in carefully pui up ready for im
mediate use, wish -full direction, and can
be(ob'a!ued 'from' all ihe drnsigi.-ts at 75
cents per bonle. and Aholesafe of
Druggists aid tVlanufacturin Ctiemists
. Pmi.ADIt LfMI A, PlCfeNA.
;'PhlIadelphTa,'June"28, 1B6I ly.
no n e iViv oopE m y
In all its liraiiclicS)
IT TELLS YOU HOW lo choose all kinds
of Meats, Poultry, and Game, wiih all
the various and moM approved modes of
dressing and cooking Beef. and Pork : aUo
i the best arid simlesi way of saltiosi, pick
iing ana curing ine same.
IT TELLS YOU ALL the varir' and
most aPPr,ve,l modes ol dressing, rooking,
ar.d. boning Mmton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry,
and Game .of ail kinds, with ihe different
Dressing. Gravies, and SiUtiiugs approt
pn'aie to each . . .
IT TELLS VOU IIOV to choose, clean,
and preserve Fi-h of all kind", and how to
sweeie'n. ,ii. w hen Jainled ; aUo all the va,
rious and mpsi approved modes, of cooking
wiih ,the differe.n Dresiiig, Shcihjs, and
Flavorings appropriate lo each., ,
IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and
most approved modes of preparing over
fihy different kinds of. Meal, Fish. Fowl,
.Garqe, ,nd Vegeiab'.e Soup, Broths, and
Stews, with the Relirhes and Seasonings
appropriate lo each.
IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and
mori approved modes ot coosing Vegeial
bles of every description, also how ip pre
pare Pickle, Catup and Curries of all
kinds, Potted Meats, Fib, Game, Mush
rooms, &.
IT TELLS Y'OU ALL the various and
most approved if.ojei of preparing and
coolcirg all kinds ot Plain and Fancy Pas
trv.Vudtlings, Cmeleties, Fritlers, Cake.-,
XJorileci':ori!?r, Pteserves, Jellies, and Sweet
Dishes of ever decr;p ion.
IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and
rnot approjd modes ol making. Bread,
Rusks, Muffin,, and Biscuit,, the best
method ol preparing Cnfle, Chocolate, and
Tea, at:d how to make Syrups, Cordials,
and Wines ol yuiions kinds.
IT TELLS YOU HOW to et out and or
nament a Table, how lo Carve all kinds of
Fih, Flesh or Fowl, and in shon, how to so
simplify the whole Art of Cooking a to
bring the choicest loxuries of the table
within every body' reach, t.
T'he book, contains "418 pagps,. and up
wards of twelve hundred Receipts, all of
which are the results of actual experience,
having been fully and careli.lly tefcted un
der the personal tMiperinteiidence ol the
writers. It.i printed in 'a clear and open
type, is illustrated wiih appropriate engra,
ving, and will be forwarded to any addres!
neatly bonnd. and postage paid on receip
ol Ihe price, $1 OO.or in cloih, extia, 81.25:
Will tell you ol Rarey's Method of taming
Horses; bow to Approach, Halter, or Stable
a Colt; how to accustom a horse to sirangt
sounds and sights, and how to. Bit, Sh idlet
Ride, and Break him to Harness; also the
lorm and law ct Warranty. The whole be'
ing the resnlt of more than fifteen years
careful study of ihe. habii, peculiarities,
wants and weaknesses of ibis noble and
useful animal ,
SI OOO a Year
can be made by enterprising men every
where, in selling ihe above work, our in
do cements .to all such, being very liberal.
For single pptes, of ihe Bock, or for
terms to agents, with other information
apply 'to or. address, . .
. JQriN E. POTTEU, Publisher,
No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia.
One Hundred TOds of la) a Lake
fpHE undersigned would respectfully in
lorm the b!ic generally 'that they
have on band a large amount ,pf superior
all of which they offer for sale, in large 'or
small coantities, upon the most reasonable
erms. Persons wishing a good article of
plaster would do well to bail and examine
this before purchasing elsew here,
Cattawissa Jan. 30, 1861 3m.
s. c SniTi;,
Manufacturer of Furniture and Cabinet IVar
. iiatoaai Hi bhive't block, on Mam dtiea
'BBsiLsyc& Eaismiisx'.-'Sa
Price with llemmer and Feller,
$35 00.
, , -r OWN. t ., ; ;
Stitching. Hemming, and Ftling with
a iaingle Thread.
. It forms a neat, ever., and elastic seam,
which is warranted not lo rip in wear, even
if the seam l enf at .treqaVnt iniervals, and
aUo under all circumstances "to survive ihe
wasti-iub " ' ' . ' '
A Patented device of great uulity lo
learners, prevents ihe possibility of the ma
rhine being run :n the wrong direciion, nr
ihe balance Wheel wearing a lady's dress.
Another feature, which. .deerve particu
Two thousa i d Siili-hes, or two yards of
woik, can re t'oue in one minute without
dropping a stiich. t
These Marhiae, so simple and accruaie
in ilieir construction, supersede ttie. ie ol
the shuttle ; and with one thread pro. luce
al,' the practical resnlts of tha .two thread
machine; and: more, lr these tell, without
basiiiist, and hem the finest musliu without
puckering. , ;
Ahhonsjh at about half the price of the
other li.rl class machines, ihey will accom
plish double the sewing in a given lime
"It i emphatically the good, low priced
Fanrily Sewing Machine tha,' the pntUic
hav long been wsiling for." -Boston Tran
aeript. ' . i '
ft is indeed a wonderf il production, and
and for family use especially, ' no -other, will
bear any comparison wi'h it." PailaJel
phia Evening Journal." , ?
.'A mechanical wonder.' Scientific Amer
"Among the best and
mosl serviceable
Sewing machines. Li-: lit and elegantly
finished, and so simple in its construction
that il seems altnosi impossible for it to "get
out of repa4r." Pmsborg Ctuotiicle
"Has combined with its own peculiar
merits all ihe really valuable improvements
of the higher priceJ machines." Penney 1
Vdnian. 'Ttiis machine, in the opinion of the
comm'-tee, fills more nearly the require
ment of a perlect lamily machine than any
on exhibiiiorir'-'-Frankliii Institute Exhibi
tion R-port of 1858.
"Taking into consideration simplicity,
cheapness, durnbiliiy, and doing all vork,
the commii'ee were unanimous in far ol
l'ie Wilcox &Gibbs as a single threjd ma
fhine." Peunylvania Stale Agrtculural
Society 's Report ,
"We must, in Jus'ice, express onr confi
dence in the merit of ihe Wilcox & G'bhs
dewing Machine We consider that a great
desideratum fias been supplied ty it, in
proving, beyond coubt, that two threads are
not, as was supposed, necesary lo a tgod
iiistrumem.'' Christian Advocate and Jour
nal, June 21, IXfiO.
"We have one ol these machines in use,
and think more highly of is than ; of any of
ihe number we have tried.'' Richmond
Whig. '
The undersigned, Missionary to Constan
tinople, has examined more than twenty
different kinds of Sewing Machines, and
after some six weeks' experience with
Wilcox & Gibb' Patent, he has purchased
one of "hern as the beM adapted to ihe
wants of his family, and a the least liable
"to require: repair. OLIVER CRANE.
Bo.-ioi., July 3, 1860. , t
The nndisigiied.dnring eighteen months
has I ail m almost constant use, in hi faul
ty, Wilcox &. Gibhs Sewing Machine upon
which ia been mads the clothes cf hi
laroe tVunI) liom rnuslin lo pilot cloth
inidnding the. clothing required or his sev
eial bo); and in i o casn have the seams
failed, although in hard service. The ma
chine now in use in his lamily has required
no tepatr, and is in all respects, well ap
pointed, efficient and durable;. ; . .
Snd lor a Circular. jgj
jAJlts tll((!X, ."UHnutciuier
No. 508 Broadway, New York,
Opposite'St. Nicholas Hotel.
August 28, 1861. ly-
SO ,sav the southern conspirators.
TIME will iemo:iirate the trmh of
?!5tipriitfi. Notwithstanding V" advance
in his'.Majesiy jhe at ove named King, the
under-igned having 'just received a Irrsh
supply of Detains, Musli is, Calicoes, flan
nele. &c, he i prepared to accommodate
hi numerous rustomers at a slight advance
of the old prices.. Hoop Skirts, ihe latesi
styles. Notion, Groceries kc, always on
hand, al the lowest prices.
Those who wish to avail themselves of
the ready pay system would do well to
give him a call.
Country Produce wanted at the cheap
cash, store of L. T. SHAPLESS.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 11, 1861.
. Come and Settle.
THOSE knowing themselves indebted lo
th.e ..undersigned are hereby.. notified lo
come ar;d settle their accounts without
further notice. 1 am now in earnest. II
nut attended to soon their accounts will be
placed in proper hands lor collection.
. J. E. SANDS.
September 25, 1861.
$25: E31FLGYMi:T ! 75:
We will pay from f 25 io S75 per month,
and all expenses, to aciive Agents, or give
a commission., particulars sent free. Ad-drp-s
Ekik Skwikg Machine Company. R
JAMES, Ge. eral Agem, Milan, Ohio.
Blnoi.isLurg, Aug. 21, 1861.
Sisja'sr ill?
Office in t'ourt AHy ; formerly occupied by
Charle R. Bnckalew.
December 28, 1859.-tf.
, fou sale!
SEVERAL desirable Building Lois
Blooaisbgrsi, for tale. Inquire of
Juue 20, 1860-tf. W.WIRT.
THE undersigned would inloim his
frieiida and customers and Ibe rest of
mankind, trial he continue to pay particular
aueniio.1 to the repairing oi watches;
weight, spring, and lever clocks ; jew
elry and everyihina belonging it hi line,
and ,irial il is at all limes, arid in. all cases
his desire to give perfect.satisfactibn, . He
is ao .uecellem", workman, h,as .visited
several, and worked in three of, the fi-st
Cities in the world New York, Philadel
phia and ihe. great City of Paris in Francj
Particular attention is paid to re-gilding or
what is terbned "plaiini." .
Bloomsbbrg, April 10. 1 86 1.
Shop oa SouiB tids bl Mala sireet j below
;'PILLS.. ,
Are you sick, feeble, and
complaining! Ar you out of
order, with your yitem de
ranged, and your feelings un
couifortable? Thesfl synip
tom are often the prelude to
seriouB illnes. Some fit of
sirknexs in creeping upon you,
and should be averted by
timely use of the right tern
edy. Take Ayer'a Ui and
cleanse out the disordered hu
morspurify the blood, and
let the fluids mrrre on unob
structed lit health aeain.
v-l's-iV .: Tbey stimulate the functions
-- oi me ooay into Tiguruui
tlvity, puniy tue aysiem irom
tbe obstructions which make
disense. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob
structs Its natural functions. These, if not relieved,
react upon themselves and tbe mir-rounding organs, pro
ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease.
While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements,
take Ayer's Fills, and see how directly tliey restore the
natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant
feeling of health again. What Is true and so apparent In
this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many
of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers. The sams
purgative etTect expels tlienw Caused by similar obstruc
tions and derangements of the natural functions of the
bodv, they ate rapidlyod many of them surely, cured
by the same means. None who know the virtues of these
Fills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the diiorders they cure.
' Statements from leading physicians In ioine of the
principal cities, and from other well known publio per
sons. ....
From a Foneardvig Mercftant rfSt. Louis, lib. 4, 1856.
Dr. Area : Your Fills are the paragon or all that Is
great iu medicine. They have cured my little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved
incurable for years. Her mother has been long grieT
ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her akin and
iu herliair.. After our child was cured, she also tried
your Fills, aud Ihey have cured her.
At a Family Physic
JYom Dr. E. JH Oirtwright, Aiw Organs.
Your Tills are the prince or pnrges. Thoir excellent
qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are
mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on tbe
bowels, which makes them invaluable to us iu the daily
treatment of disease.
Headache, StcklleailacUe, Foul Stomach.
IVoin Dr. Fdioard Bnyd, Baltimore.
Dg.mltHO. Avf.ii: I cannot answer you what complaints
I tiave ciire-i with your Fills better than to say all thnt we
lier treat with a pnrijntiot. medicine. I place great depen
dence on an effectual cathartic in iny daily content with
disease, anil believing as I do that your Fills afford US the
best we have, I of course value them highly.
Pittjibcro, Fa., Mar 1, 1955.
T)R. J. C. Ate. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of
the worst li'udm-.lie. any body can have by dose or two
of ymn- rills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse at once.
Yours with great epect, Et). W. PREBLE,
Clerk of Steamer Clari'tu
Bilious Disorders Liver Complaints
From Dr. HieMore IJtli, nTf'w Tnrk City.
' Not only are your Fills admirably adapted to their pur
pose as an aperient, lint I find their beneficial effects upon
the Liver very marked indeed. They have In iny prac
tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious cm
jtaitdt than any one remedy I can mention. 1 sincerely
rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor- j
thy the coufideuco of the profession aud the people.
Washington, 1. C, 7tlt Feb., 1656. J
Sir l I have used your Fills iu my general and hospital
practice ever since on made them, and cauuot uesiUtie to
my tlmy are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu
' luting actiou on the liver is quick and decided, conse
quently they are an admirable remedy for deraugementa
of that organ. Indeed, 1 nave seldom found a case of
bilious disease so obsliuate that it did not readily vield to
them. Iraterually yours, A1A)-NZl It ALL, M. 1).,
lltjltician of tlie Harms. Hospital.
Dysentery Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms
Fi om Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.
Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and I
hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have
ever found. Their alterative effect upou the liver makes
tiieui an excellent remedy, when given in small doees for
butous dysentery ami diarrhctn. Their an gar-coating
. makes them very acceptable and convenient lor the use
of women and children.
r Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
From Jiev. J. V. Ilimss, llistor of Advent Cturei, Motion.
. Dr. Atkr: I have used your Pills with extraordinary
success in my family and anions those I am called to visit
iu distress. To n-guUte the organs of digestion and
puiily.the blood, they are the very best remedy I have
ever known, aud 1 cau confidently recommend them to
my friends. ... Yours, J. V. HI MLS.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., V. Y., Oct. 24, 155.
Dear Sir: I am using your Cathartic Fills in my prac
tice, and fln.l them an excellent purgative to cleanse the
system and purify the Jhimtaitt if the blwid.
John a. mkaciiam, m. d.
Constipation, Cost I veuess, Suppression,
Itlir miiat Ihiii, (.out, Neuralgia, Ur op
ay , Iaralysls, Kits, etc.
. From Dr. J. V. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.
Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of
eottirenets. If others of our fraternity have lound them
as eQIcacious as I have, they should join me in proclaim
ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from
that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is
the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe ens
tirenets to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that
organ and cure the disease.
From. Mrs. E Stuart, rhysician and Miilwife, Boston.
I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the
projr time, are excellent promotives of the natural secre
ttmi when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very
effectual to cleans the stomach and exreTumrms. Th.y
axe so much the best physic we have that I recommend
no other to my patients.
From Vie Iiev. Dr. IIiwkes,of Oie Methodist Fpit. Church.
Pclaski IIocsr. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1S56.
Uoifonrn Sir : I should be unrrateful for the relief
your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to
you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru
ciating neitrulfic I'uit'i, which ended in chronic rheuma
tism. Notwithstanding I hud the best of physicians, the
disease grew woree and worse, until by the advice of your
excellent agent in Iialtimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your
fills. Their effects were slow, but sure.. Hy persevering
la the use of them, I am now entirely well. . .. , .
Siate Chamber, Baton Ttonce, La., 5 Dec. Ifi55.
Dr. Ann: I have I wen entirely cured, by your Fills, of
Xheunujtic Gout painful diseaxe that bad afflicted me
for years. VINCKNT 6LIDLLL.
,'0tt of the Pills In market contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is
dangerous in a public pill, from tbe dreadful conse
quences that frequently follow Its incautious use. These
contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Prepared hy Dr. 7. C. AYES &, CO.. Lowell. Mui,
IN ih in' meilia'p neighborhood of lh Jori
Itina House on Market Third, and Chl
nnt Streps, the U.itiks, Pot OlBce, Mer
chants' Exori!i2, &- &c
noutD ri:i& l4Y $1.50.
Arrsornmodniion whfi required on ihe FLU
KOPEAN FLAN: Iloom from 50 reins
and opwaid., per dv, H'id mals at a Fir-t
Class Kktcrant attached to the Hotkl.
Price acforduii! to the UiIU ol Far.
The tV 'ra tnkf I'aengf r fmm any
Million l(i in blt)f lalne llott-l.
rW Enlih, French, German and Spanish
July 17.1PCI. - -
To the Ihirs of Thomns Conner, deceased
JVOTICE is hereby tiven that ihe Account
' of J,ohn Conner, Survivina Truiee of
ihe eetale of Thoma. Conner, late, ol (Jrwen
wood iwp , Coltimbia cnuniy ee'd. was
filed at the May lerm 1861, of this Court,
and. w ill be presented lor confirmation and
allowance at th September term l6I.
Bloomsbura, July 10. 186 1 6 .
Admiiiiralor's IVotirc.
Estate oj Jacob Sagle, lute vf Ceutte tup , deed.
OiTCE is hereby given thai letters ..of
n.lmini.iratinn on the estate rof- Jacob
Naale, late ol Centre township, Columbia
couii'Vj deceased, .liave been granted by
the Register of Columbia county to Frank
lin Naale of said iownh ip . and county.
All. person jhaviru. claims, or demands
against the esuie. ol the decedent are re
quested to present them for settlement, and
hp?e indebied io make paymeoi without
-Cemre. July 3d ISfil 6i- A Im'r.
Administrator .Notice.
Estate of Susan J trie Cavenee dee'd. ..
JVOriCEis . ereby giren. ihal letters, of
adminisiralion on the Es'ate of Susan, late of Mount Pleasant tow n
ship, Columbia county, dee'd,, have been
granted by '.he Register of said County to
the undersigned, fcho resides in Mount
Pleasant township, Columbia county. AH
persons having clams or den. amis aginsl
the Estate of the decedent are requested ip
nre.ent ihem for setileineni . and those in
ilehied in make navmenl without delay.
Iaportant Additions & I in proven) cut?
A in ii in n 'lenri lo X ommenCH Augnt IVj
riMiJS IttrtiiDiton vihifh hi. been. in fur
X ressful operation for the paM ten year ,
i about undergoing a very imporlAiit ier -ovation,
in order to place it on a mote ata
ble basi than ever, aud present fariliiie
l H'h are not surplieed by ordinary Arad
emie? in Northern Penrtsj I vdma . Amrrtg
ihe irnprovementj' w ill tre a lare three-t-torieil
buddinij which wjl!" give much nd
dilional. roorn atid nit-aler coi. venieuce. lor
boardeis; a commodiou ha.! 1 for a lecture
room and public eercine, t onienipiii cliisa
room, a library and radma room conan
in2 a cabinet ol rniueraU and ruriottitie',
bath iimnt", &;. An eperincerf and
ihoror." lily qualified classical leacher and
lerinrer wdi be at ifin. huad of the Hoard of
'Instruction, but the Principal will hava the
ueneral nf ihe ittitmion
an J Hti'ne a hare of tho duties of teach
it. j. Iieouljr lei-tUJes will be delivered
upon vurioin tcieniific nibjcif, as well ai
upon ihe theory and prartire nt -.-teaching,
and a Normal Class of yonrm men and
women who wih 10 qu-dlify itieiiis-?lves ior
teachers' profession, will receive especial
iitienliofi and assist hncrt.
The course of lustruciion in lhr rrhool
will tn thorough ainl sj sterrat ir, calcula'ed
to embrace the various trar chesol a prac
lical education. Ample pro vi mnn w ill be
mads for ihe snuriy of the hinder Mnthe
malics. the elucidation of Physics, amA tii3
Natural Sciences, by means ol suitatdf- ap
paratus, -ar.d for ihe study ol ine Utin,
Greek, and German language, to enable j
student lo quality them.-eves for comnter
cial and scientific pursuits, or lo enter any
da at co!;ey$. .
The contiiiy location of this Seminary in
a plessanl v i 1 1 a u e , i 1 1 a fiealthy ar d fl-urish-i
1 1 i neighborhood, well known for the ele
vated tone f its moral senitmerii, and
wheie ihe pnpiN are i:oi surTcnuded by
diose demoraliZ'ns; influence-i, and temp
tations found in onr cities, larger towns and
many other bicaliiies. wiih no outside in
fluences to divert their aiteuiion Irom liter
ature aud ihe viork of mental cclune, pre
senis attract ions and inducements to con
siderate parent emulous students, seldom
loutid surrounding large echoul aud acad
emies. The Lilerary Society al-o, or e of the old
est and best conducted iu this section of
couirry, presents an a'trac'ive fea'ur ar.d
uehil auxiliary, to a practical g luca'ioii.
The improvements will re under the
immediate charge of an efficient Hoard ol
Truftees, apjxiiireJ by the Seminary Com
paii) and will be completed in time ior
lie Autumn teric, lo commence the 12ih
of Anmist next.
While thankful for pa-t patronage we
wisii io niciii a continuance ot similar fa
vors, and as e intend lo include a hijjher
grade ar,l, wilier range of ins'.rnc'ior, He
repecif tilly solicit a careful examination
into our facilities and claims.
Hoarding, washniu, tuition, !i;ht and
incidental expenses, for one quarter "of
eleven weeks, will be Thir y I)ol ars, one
half pavab'e in advance the other half
and all tuition bills will be expected rompl
li at tne expiration ot each quarier.
Perns :
H 'ardinr, with furnished room, one
quarier . ... S22,0i)
Tuition in common English branhcea 5,00
i. , ex . i it i n
irrJnding Mathematics andHqok
Keeping .by Diuihln Entry' .. 6.00
Tuition in Latin, (Jreek, and German
eslra .1 00
Wa-huig, L'hts and it.ciJetiial ex
penses, one quaner, 3.00
Thooe w!io deire to procure sciio!a:riip-
or attend by-the year, will be accommoda
ted at a reasonable discouct, and students j
wih'ingio secure rooms houl,l make sea-
fconable applicatioti.
For further particular ad.trea
WM. HL'IiGESS, Princit
Mtllville, Penn'a.
OeoncF Ma-tcrs, J. K. K.vk. )
Or. A. P Hki.lkh Ellis Eve?, Trustees
Hjamin K. Eves, J
Miliville, May 23. 1861.
Sole Manufacturers of the Inijfrovcd
Tfie cheaptr-i and iri9i tluratie iiuoti .g hi
' ' " use. '
It can be ucnlied to New and Old Roofs ol f
all kinds, and lo Swingle Raot.-. without le
inovinn tb sliiije.
.Tt'C Coi is otilv about Oe-Third ihat of
For pre-iervinn aiid reoainn Tin -mil o:her
Melal Rools ol everj descripi'on. Iron its
"teat elasticity, is not injured by the con
trac'ioh and explnioll ot metuN, AND
These material have been thoroughly
tested in New York and all pari of Ine
Southern and Western stales, and we cat
give abundant piool of a!! w e claim iu their
lavor, .
They are teadily applied by ordtnay la
borers, at a trifling expense..-
"A iii:at is iicqiJiucu."
Tf ee materiaU are put up ready for u-e,
and for shipping lo all pari ot the country,
wuh lull ptinted directions f or appl cat ion.
Full descriptive circulars will be furnish
ed on application by mail or in person at
our Principal Office and. .Warehouse,
Corner ol L.bctt iVee!,. New Yo.rk.
Asrenls Wanted ! Terms Casti ! !
Slay 29. 1661 ly.
Q2 CO C) oQ S3 2
. HI A It T Z A: i; t T .
HAVE jusi received from Philadelphia a
splendid as8or;meut ol merchatittise,
pcrcha-ied at ihe lowest figure, and which
Ihey are determined lo sell fvr . ,-.
n!Ii or Country E'roducc,
on as moderate terms as can be procured
elsewhere in I.iaht Sieet. - Their Siock con
sists ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, cho.cest
styles and luteal fashions.-
, tV.iRE. UOLi.QU'.W.lRE.
i Iron, I:iils and Spikes,
In short every thing usually kept in a coun
try Store. They respectfully inviie their
old friends, and ihe public generally, io call
and examine their stock before purchasing
elsewhere. . . .
CP The highest price paid for country
Light Sireet, July 3d, 1861.
VHESK MEDICINES have now been be
fore he; ptiU'ic lor a period -of 'l bu y
Years, and Juries thai tune have mainan ed
a high chaiacier m uIm'iom very pari of it. a
(iiobe, loi ibeii exiraonlinarv ' add irrimn
diate power ol resioiin perlecl health 'o
persons mj fTerw a-U"l-r nearly every kind
of iiease to vshicli tti e human frame ia
liable. ' 1
The following ate amons the distressing
variety of human ilisea-e in which the
Yri.irr Isia: lifii nii-,Dic;i.r.s
Ae well kno.vri io be ififallildff.
I)YSPEI'bl, by thoroughly1 cleansing
the first ami second sioraxcl.e, and eras
ling h flow of iur, hefl'.ihy bt!e. intea(f ol
th? stale ai'd acrid kinrt: Hal iiknc", Loss
of Appetite Ileaiibiiin, ileadHche, Reess-
nes-, Ill-lemUer Anxfeiy, JUanauor, and
Mekiiicholy, which are ihe-iieneral symp
toms of D spep-fa, v ill vauith, as a nai
lur'al coi.s'e(jU(-iu-e of i'-siMirtt.
COSTIVENESS. by tleansina the whole
length of the it testi iipi w iih a so'ven; pro
ces, ami without v iolertce; all violeni pur
ses leave the bowels costive wiiliiu two
day. "
FEVEI1C of all kinds, bj restoring the
blood to a regular circulation, through the
proCPHof rpspiraiH r i n ; f-wh cases, and
ine thorough ( miuii, uf all iutetinal ob
MructioR iuotherK.; . ' ; .;
The L'fie Medicines have been known to
cure ItUEUMATTM perrnanenily ir. three
weeks, and (iOUT in liall (hat time,- by
removing local ii,fl.imat:on from ths mas
cles and liamen:ts' of the joints; '
. DJiOPMES of ail kinds., by freeing and
strenyihinji ;he kidneys and bladder; they
operate mont deliytitfully on these irnpor
lar.t oraaii". ai d hence have ever bean
lound a certain remedy for the worst ca-es I
of GKAVEL. ,
. ANo WORMS, by- dislodging ftom tho
lurt.mus of ibe bowels the slimy mailer io
which diese crcau res alhere. " 1 1
SORES; bv ihe perfect puniv wtiich these
LIFE MEDICINES gve io The blood, and
all the b.iimo'-e.
COM1M KVIONS ttv Ilieir alterative efieel
nnoii the fluids thai feed ihe skin, and ttie I
moibid lal9of which occasions all erup- j
n e I'omplainie, sallow, cloudy and ottier j
J i-areeabj s corrtplexiona.
Tfie us" ol these Pills for a very t-lior'
time will effect an entire cure of SALT
RHEUM, and a striking improvement in
he cltari:e-s of the skin Common Colds
and w ill always be cured by one
dose, or bv two ir. the worst ca-es.
PILES T fie original proprietor of these
Madicmef, was cursd ol Piles, 35 -years
siaituiuj; by the use of the Life Medicines
FEVER AND AGUE. For thi fcourge
of lite Western country thes Medicine1
will tie foiiud a t-a'.e, si eedy and ceiai
remedy. Other medicines leave the sys
lem sut.jeci io a return of iho disease a
cure bv these Medicines is permanent
TRY THEM, be Sansfie.t and be Cured.
PLAINT S General Debi'itv. Loss of ap
peti.e; atnl liseae.--of Female ihe Med bave been ueeJ witli trie most ben-
.eficial resiilis ureases of thi description:
Emus lii, and ocrofaia, in its worst forma
y leld, e miliV ei powerful action of
the-e rerr?aikalle Medicine?. Niglil Sweats
Nervn ilebiliiy , Nervous Complaints of
al! kiinK Pal,-.i a:iin of the Heart, rain-
lr' C'dic. arc H;eei cured. -
M ERt URIAL DlSEASES.-Peronwhofe
coiistitutioiiM bave bec rnt unpaired by the
injnd icioiir-ie ol Mercury, wiii find these
Med icine-. a peifeci cure, as thej itovr
fail to eradicate Irom ihe tHem, all the
efTcisof Me cury, infinitely Minner than
the nio-i powerlul preparations of Sarsa; a
iiila. 1'iepared and Mild by
335 I'.rndwav, New York.
Apnl 17, l61-iy.
w :s '
... .
at j. j. Biioiviiit's ;:
Clieaiier than Ever. u'
May 1, i860. yj
'. ". . - ". .
f SjH E . Proprietor respecUnlly informs his
JL frteinJ and ihe public eoerally ihal he
has laken charge of ihe Hcmijg House, in
i ihe village ol Womiiii. near the ilatiroad
! Dejiot d ihat place, an I has Cited it out so
i as to eri'eriairi botri transient and nerrna-
neut'v is.bir in a suitable and comfortable
manner. Hi- rooms are spacious and airy,
aud not only calculated to add lo the conve
nience and comfori of the traveling com m u
nry, but al-o jo ihoe who. would seek a
pleasant summer resort with families.
HIS TABLE will be supplied with the besi
the market can aflord ; and his BaR will be
luruishe'l wnh the purest liquors that can
be. obtained. The proprietor will give his
exclu-ive attention to ibe comfori and con
ven.e;ice ol his.uests. and is determined
to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a
mntiz ihe fir! botels in ihe St lie.
The Pro'iricor hopes that from hi expe
rience in ihe tuiiiess, and by unremitting
altenliori on his pari, combined wiih a judi
cious selection cf ihe most careful and otli
in2 ser ants, be ma be entitled to ihe fa
vorable consideration of ihe public, and re-
j ceive a liberal share ol their patronage.
I r?" Please give him a call, and judae for
ourselve- April 2. 1359.
2:a:-:-iTc-2 ?:c2L,
U3I.BK00XS Proprietor.
iu.ooisiti it;, pa.
rPHIS magnificent" Hole!, silnate in ihe
- central portion of the town, and op
posite ihe Couri House, hiB been thoroughly
repaired and refurnished, and the Prourieior
is now prepared to accommodate travelers,
teamsters, drovers and boarders in 'he mosi
plea-a:U and agreeable manner. His table
will be supplied with ihe best the market
affords, and his Bar with ihe choicest liquors.
Atieulise ostlers will always be on- hand.
and his stabling is tbe most extensive iu
this section ot country.. Omnibuses will
always be in readiness lo convey passen
gers lo and Irom the Railroad Depot. -
Bloomsburg, July 4, 1960.
YOUNG Vmes ot two years, ot '!Miller's
Burgundy," wiih beautiful roots can
be had : also, peach trees from seed of tbe
choicest varieties, if called lor soon- . i
. 5 : - OR - ; '.
Ois:,aQ With Its Agonies?
What r more leartul ilian a breaking
down ol the1 nervous Ft stern To te -xci-lable
or neivou-i in a small degree ir mi t
disiresjina, for w htre -can a ren.eily' f e
found! There ' is . one drink but' lilt!-,
wine, beer or spirits or faf belter, i one
lake r.o coffee, weak tea bejrrs rreferable;
jet all ihe Iresh air you can : take lhee or
lour Pills every night; eal fdentj of solid,,
avoiding llie u-e t,if r-iopn ; and if ihepe i'dd
en rules are follow fJ, tm wilt be happy
in mini! and strong in body, and forge! im
have any nerves, i . -r .
If there i one: ih'ng more than nuoilie'
for which these Pill are-rn. famous ii i"
their punfyifiK properties," especially
power of cleansing ihe blood frm all im
purities, and removing ilangerons' and s;:s
peoded t-ecretions. Universally adopfel t
ttie one crand lemedy lor female compiairMs
thev never fail, never weaken the yieiii,
aud always tiring about what is r qniretf.
Thpse feeling which so madden uare fo
freqnenrly arise- from annoyance and 'roub
le, from obstructed perspiration, or from
eaurig and Unnkin " w hat is ni fji for v ',
tiirif disiirderins the liver and stomach
Tliese -ornan must be regulated if jou w:r.
to be well. The Pill-, if .taken according
lo the printed instruction-, will quickly rel
stdre a healthy ariKiti -io both brt;r and
stomach, whence fi.llo as a nural contaii
Mu,',l,t! a '
ocd appeme and a clear head.'
iii ine ra;i anu et inyjea- sca.fely ' afiy
other medicine is ever used for da.
In all discafe afleciing ihese orana,
wheiher ihey secrete too much or too lit;
water; s dl ic'ed -wirii
done or grave!, or with ache and pail.
settled in the loin over ihe region, of t e
ki.fneya, these Pills sSnnld bo lakM accor
ding io he piinied inmructions dire tioi.i
and ibe Oi. tmem should be well rubbed
inio the small nf the back at bed lime. This
treatmepi will ive almost immediate relief
when all o:ber means have laded, i
No mpdicine will so efTeciualK' imorove
ihe tone of llie stomach as these PdU; they
ren.ove all acidity, occasioned eiiher by or improper diet. They
reach ihe liver ami reduce it to a heahhy
action; they are worit'erfnliy efficacion n,
caes of spam in fact ihey never fail in
culing all disorders of the Ii er end stomach.
T . I 111 . -
Jlollnirny,s Pills art the best remedy known in
the tcorta for the Julltiwing daeasts.
Liver Com-
' plaint',
Reienlioa of
Scrofula, or' '
King's Evil,
Sore Throats, 8
Stone ard Grave!
Secondary Symptoms,
Ulcers, ,
Venereal AffeCion,
Worms of all kinds
Weakness from
wha'ever cause,
- Lc, &c.
Billiou Complaints,
Blotches on the
Bowel Complaints,
Constipation of tha
Dropsy, ..
Erysij ela,
Female Irregnlari-
Fevers of all
Gout, ,.
I Head ache,
CAV'f IOV '.'None are cennine n n !
the words ' Ho'lowav, New York nH ln
don' are di-t ern-ble a a JVater-mvrh in
every leaf of ibe Look of directions around
each poi or box : tbe same nitty be plainly
seen by holding the lerf to the lipht. A hand
some leward will be given to any one
rendering such information as may lead to
the detection ol any.par y or pa-tie. corjn
terfe"rni2 the . medicine or- vending iht
same, knowing ihenrt to be spurion.
Sold a! Ihe Manufactory of Pr"fesrf
Hollo Aay, SO. Maiden Lane New Yik,and
by a'd respecable Drngaisis aiid Dealers in
Medicine, ihroughow the civilized world,
in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and SI each
Cc Ttiere is. considerable saving by ta
king the larger size's. - - . i
N B Directions for the gvidance-of p a
lienis iu every disorder are affiled to eacr
box. ' ' ' '
October. 17, 1S60. -
lLJ "LJ 2
rvNH ihonsa.-id cusiomers io volunreer f"
bin Heir Goods at L- T SHARPLEV
SiO'e, where they can be bough very '
for cash or conn'ry produce. Having on
hand a stock of goods, he is deiermined in
sell at prices reduced to suit the limes. ?
An assortment of Clothing adapted to this
season of the year", will be old cheap.
Good Sugars al 6j to 12-$ lb.
Syrups at 10 tr 15 cts-. per ct. Also, New
Orleans Bakiii'j Molasses.- -
A fresh lo cf cheap Calico, warranted o
hold color jut received. "
All kinds of Shoes will be old, al prices
les than marked.
To customers bnying for caph,. we wonl.l
say it is to your interest to give him a call."
Grateful for the paKouae. extended -o
him in ihe past, be hopes io merit the con
fiJence of tbe public in future . .
B!oomburg .Line 5. iflfii
TWO Notes of hand, drwn by -iMnrton
1 McMichsel, in favor nf C. W-A!cKlf y
& Co., dated July 6ih and July I?h, 1861,
on four months, L.r S714 50, each, tailed
10 reach their msi! destination. AH per
tons are cau'ioned against negoiiaiing for
ei'lier of said Noies. A suitable -reward
w ill be paid for their return to Morton Mc
Michael, at Philadelphia, or to ibe under-
signed, at llie Cai.awi-sa Pnnr'Mdls.
- V:: C. W. McKELVY&CO.
July 24. 161 3i.
Executor's IVolicc. : .
jVOTICE is hereby given that letters testa
' meutary on the estate of Abraham
Kline, la.e of Oracge lownsbip, Columbia
couuty, deceased, have betiti granted by
the Keais'Pr ol Columbia, lo'Klijah
Kline, residing in Benton township, said
county. All per soil!, havit g claims or de
nauus against ihe-estate ol the decedent
are requeued to pre-etit ihem ior settlement
1 . L ' 1 1 i . I . . . . ,
auu uiD-e inacu eu 10 me cm din n ru im
paymeui forihw.ih to