STABWTBBTOTflv I WM .WJACOBY, EDITOR. HCOSSBCBG, 1VEDAESDAY, OCT. 9th 1861. Democratic Anniinnlioiis. i -RETURNS l :The eleciioif returns come in too slow to 'enable ns to give anything like the final re Vtilt 'of 'ihis'Tonnty in this week's paper. " fn thisr(Bl60'm) township the Union Tick et engineered by the Republicans, 'received majority. The Democratic candidates for "Assembly were beaten in this twp. 147 'totes. The balance of the democratic tick et received a simitar treatment in this twp. ' In Scott township the Opposition received JtOS majority over the democratic candidates for Assembly. In Hemlock twp. the dem nrrats have a majority of '91. In Orange iwp.' Lazarus and' Jennings, Opp., have 8 of a majority. In Fishingereek Tate arid Tatton, Dem.ihave a majority of 153. ' In 'Montoar twp. Tate and Tuitorr'a'majority is "7,'asain of 21 democratic" votes over last Fall's election. The majority for the dem 'oicratic ticket in Sugarloaf is about 92. In Benton township the Democratic can didates for Assembly have 78 majority. ' ''The 'demctrTatic 'candidate forSherfrTin "Benton township, the home of the'Opposi ' tion candidate, received 89 majority. 'In the Borough of "Berwick Lazarus and Jennings received 52 majority. In Danville ' borough Lazarus and Jennings have a small majority. The Democratic majority of this county, we feel confident, will not be less than 700. In Montour 'con nry the democratic ticket vilt have a roaj of about 200. Tate and Tatton arer electe'd in the district by handsome majority." The Constitution. Ii4ias been common to -suppose that the Constitution of the United States was a work f great-political wisdom, and that James "Madisou," the wise v and honored eon of Virginia, more than any other statesmen contemporary with its formation, was in strumental in its origination and adoption. But it seems that the rraxims of seccession teachi its votaries to spU on the ashes of the patriots, '.egUlatares, "arid lie roes whose works they are seeking to destroy. It is to ibis. purport that the Richmond Whig of recent date, in an article copied by M29.t length on the 24:h instant, held the following -contemptuous language respecting the "-Constitution which it once professed to ad jsire and Tevere : "We have been taught to believe that -a loose league or confederacy of free, sov erein, and independent Commonwealths constituted the beat frame of government, for the happiness and freedom of man, .which human ingenuity has devised. The old articles -of Confederation, which bore "''us triumphantly through the Revolution, is our bean -idea! of a perfect Government That was shipwrecked -by the financial em barrassments which followed the war. and vnt substituted by the Yankee concern, Hchich in onr day, has annihilated evey vestige of bb&y throughout the Northern States. We ojld, if we could, restore, as nearly as .changed circumstances admit, that confed erate system, which, without an elective "K:ng and an army of greedy office-seekers, would ensure ns ireedom and indepen dence.'7 ft is -in view of such utterances 'that we can appreciate the violeucewhich secession reanires its patrons to do to all that is most . -sacred in oar national traditions and histori cal associations, li is willing to blot out - tba glorious past, that it may with less iihame coiotnence under anspices of dimin- thed dignity ihe ingnoble career of a bro ken nationality. . ' 5 The Potomac "River Cleat. 'The Chronicle of yesterday rooming says : 541 We are "requested to state, by Government VufWiiy, that there is no truth in 'fh& rn TOor which tiave been bat in circulation "lately that the navigation ef the Potomac 'hssbeen closed by rebel battsries on the 'Virginia shore. Not a vessel bound to this city has failed to reach ber destination, nor "has oub outward bound been stopped. Every i3ay numbers have come up and gone Sown fheTiref, "but they have all passed lb enemy's guns without a tnan being "killed or even -wounded. Theonly accident which lias occurred daring the .past -week has been the collision between the fteamer Delaware and Planet, resulting in the Ioas of the latter The rebels have not fortified a point on the river. Tby have a few gun., which are continually shifted to Vome new position, and the labor undergone to remove them from point to point has been so far poorly repaid, as they have not ocreeded to Interfering with oar shipping in ike least." '. Ncw CocsTKruTS. -A counterfeit five dollar note, on the bank of commerce, Phil adelphia, haa made its tpperance which aUaough nothing like the genuine excep ia lte eiza and form of the letters in the name, haa deceived many accustomed to handling money.. The note is printed on Mlmsy pper, of a lighter color than the ensine. in the right hand corner it Las a vignette of a stone mason, very clumsily x5cutecj ; on the lelt are three female figures, two siuirg and the other rec lining: trie one nearest the corner of the. note if holding a sheaf of wheat. The note is narked with the letter D. The signatures i':; vol resemble those of the genuine at all. . Pktirson's Bank Note Deiector ior Oci l-T has been received. Il contains the des cr - .iaa ef quite a camber of counterfeits v " -'; Luvrj lately mada their appearance. reliable coney Z'1- The rner- . ...11 -.... r.,, r-n. .Democratic Generals. As the abolition sheets are laboring very hard to create the impresslbn that 'the Dem ocrats are acting in baafalh toward" the gov ernment, it maynot be arqiss to -give the public a lint of the general 6"fncVrs' of' the army whe are and were inember9 olHhe Democratic party viz: Major Generals George B. McClellari ; John A Dix; Ben jamin ;F. Butler; and Robert Patterson Brigadier Generals: YVm. J. Rosencrans; Frederick W. Lander ; Isaac J. Stephens ; Andrew Porter ; George Cadwallader ; Dan iel' E. Sickles ; Bumside ; Heihtzleman ; Hunter; Franklin ; Lyon ; McDowell; Blenk er ; Robert Anderson: Prentiss; Morris; Smitie ; Storgis ;" Sweeny ; Wright ;' and a host of others, whose names we are unable to calf to mind. From the above list, it will be seeri that fully two thirds of the general officers are members of the Dem'o cratic party, while fully three-fotlrths of the rank and file of the army belong to the same party. Many of the above were warm sup porters of John C. Breckinridge for the Pres idency. Gen. Isaac J. Stevens,' repined :o be the best-military man and the most sci entific officer in the arm)', was chairman oi the National Breckinridge Committee. Gen. F. W.' Lander, so renewed lor his personal bravery, stumped the whole State ol Cali fornia last fall for Breckinridge. And these are the men who are branded as 'traitors by tLe- advocates of fusion. Meeting in bentoo. A Democratic meeting was held in Ben ton, on Saturday afternoon last, which was largely attended both by male and female. The meeting organized, about 2 o'clock, in a grove close by the town, by -the selection of the -following officers : JOHN C DOTY, Pieside'pt Vice Presidents. Isaiah Crevelinp, Peter Hess. Albert Atnmermaj, Absolom McHeu ry, William Cole, Jesse Bromstedler Geo. W. Shaffer, Franklin Koons, Samuel Mc Henry, Samuel R. Kline Hiratn F. Everett, John McHenry, John J. Stiles. Secretaries Cyroi B. McHenry, Uzal H. Ent, W. H. Jacoby. The meeting was addressed by Col John G. Freeze and other. If we may judge from the demonstrations of applause made during the -speeches, we may well say that the people of Ben'on and v icinity are much enlivened in the cause of Democracy. They gave to ns evidence that they would , . t-i.u o.t, 1 render a good -account on Tuesday, the 8tn :.. .....I. i pi cv,.,., III ? 1. A lie r Cwt II W I VIM. & u -j wu f that afforded them much satisfaction; and gave them to think more firmly that thej were right in maintaining their old organi sation. The letter read by the speaker,from Charles 'R. 'Buckalew, was received with applause. This letter asssred the Democ racy that the course they were pursuing was wise and patriotic. On motion the meeting adjourned . The Union, Most of onr readers have doubtless read that affecting. prssage in the book of Ruth in which the beautiful Moabites, speaking to her 'bereaved molher 'in law, exclaims: "Whither thou go est, I will go, and whith er thou lodgest, I will lodge," and the mal ediction she called upon her head, if aught but death should part them And it is thus every true patriot now feels towaids the Union. And why should not every Ameri can citizen, 'whether he be native born or naturalized, love it ? Il has been our bul wark in war, and in peace i: has made us the freest and most prosperous nation oh the face of God 's earth. I: has been a ben evolent and kind parent to all, and has epreati the same panoply of protection over the lowest as well as'the highest citizen. It is the legacy ol Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and the other illustrious revolu tionary patriots and "statesmen who have gone to their reward, and we should cher ish it ks a jewel beyond all price. Let us, therefore, with one heart and one soul, guard, protect and defend it. With il we are citizens of a great and free Republic without it, we would be outcasts upon the earth, and a by-word and reproach to all nations. It is controlled at the present time il is true, by men who have labored diligent ly to create that sectional wartare, which has destroyed it, end by men who are not equal to the task confided to them ; bat that is no reason why we should abandon it. It is ireisnteu wun an inai is uear ;o us men, and as American citizens we snouiu a ..- I . 1 I prize it above all earthly good The De mocracy have always been true to the Un ion, and in this trying honr, when the earth almost literally rocks beneath our feet, we nre confident ihey will still be found car rying the gloriouk old. flag of our common country, and keeping step to the music of the Union. Important Arrest. A Daguerreotypist, from Lock Haven, was arrested by Consta ble Pollock, on Monday evening, on a war rant for passing -counterfeit fnoney, which consisted of bogus ball and quarter dollars. He gave his name as Jabez B. Hopkins. When be discovered the rules of justice were about to be enforced, he attempted to relieve himself of the base metal, but was arrested before be was entirely "strapped." All along the route were evidences of his gnilt, from the point where he first mis trusted the eyes of the law. Tho money looks well, has the appearance ana sound, but lacks . in weight. In default of 800 bail, Justice McClare place, him in charge of the Sheriff. Constable Follock teports the taking ol considerable bogus coin Irom his'picture rooms in Lock Haven, with the receipt for manHfactadng money .-Wat Branch Democrat Secession Villmkt. Some of the seces sionists of Missouri, whe vacated their pre mises on the approach of the Union troops, adopted one of the most devilish expedi ents for poisoning we ever heard of. The peachea which hung cn trees by the way side were plogged, toma kind of liquid poi son injected and ihe plug, replaced For innately the eoldiers were warned io time to escape, but a small pig to which one of .k .np-r1 wss riven, died ia halt an Dissracefnl Affair. Oar Borough was made the scene of a very unpleasant affray on last Monday. The Brigade Inspector of this Brigade hav ing issued an order" for the several military companies of this coanty, o meet at Dan ville on that ' day for inspection, the Ex change Guafds, a newty organized compa ny from Anthony township, and a portion of the Washington ville Cavalr)- were in at tendance. Soon after their arrival J. R Patton, of this place, and Jas. McKee, a member of the Washingtonville Cavalry, had an altercation relating to the war. and, as is usual in such cases, one word brought on another jntil both became excited and injudicious language was, as we learn, used on both sides. All manner of reports being set on foot, soon brought an excited crowd together, and for a time it looked as if there was going to be a "free fight," but finally, through the efforts-bf several law abiding citizens, peace was restored. Still the malicious reports that had been propa gated by persons who ought to have known better, kept up a feverish excitement which finally broke out in violence to one of the Exchange volunteers, who had exci ted the ire of some individual by a remark he made. This person was struck and somewhat maltreated while standing in the ranks of the company in front of Freeze' hotel. Thomas Miller, a' workman at the Rongh and Ready, interfering to protect him, brought the crowd upon himself. Blows were given and taken for some time, but the par'y being too numerous'tbr Mil ler, he had to retreat into the hotel, follow ed by the mob who were bent on doing him violence. Miller it seems got out the back' way, and arming himself with a knife went back in search of 'his hat when the mob gave chae to him ant! finally knocked him down with stones and then kicked and stamped upon him until citizens interfered to keep them from killing him outright. Many thought he was dead, but it ' appears he is about as tongh as sole leather, for he was up and aboot in the evening. In fighting Miller made a pass with a knife at i one of his assailants named A'.en who re ceived a slight scratch on the breast. In the meantime the Guan's seeing so much ! turbolance and confusion in the streets dis missed mid left for home Justice to our fellow citizens of Anthony and Deny townships, however, compels us IO say luai lie aicuuiu ui nils nuiii as ii i - 3 en in the last Montour American, is one- . . i . k . . r . i :. . (r : - . : sided, and unfair. Of rhe Exchange Guard, whom the edrtor of the American charges w ith-entertaining 'disloyal sentiments, and making' disloyal expressions, we need only say, that no more loyal, brave and Military Company, ever paraded the Streets of Danville. If the editor of the American doubts their lovalty or their love for the Un ion, for thre establishment and ' preservation of which many ol their fathers have fought, let him tell any one ol those "boys" that he I is disloyal, and he will soon "see stars" and find stripes where none appeared be fore, and will discover that they possess true manly courage, as well as loyalty. So far as we saw, or have been able to learn these companies all conducted them selves properly, molesting no one, interfer ing with no one, not even heeding the con temptuous epithets such as ''secession" "Sunday soldiers," &c, with which they were frequently assailed, by boys of larger and Smaller growth, as they passed along the streets. They were here in obedience to a 'military order, in 'discharge of their doty as citizens soldiers. Their ensign bore aloft the Stars Stripes, the emblem of our National honor, and of our Union, and they were entitled to protection from insull and injury. For the honor of our Borough, for the credit of our peaceful, law abiding, order Joving citizens, as well as for the bu jiness interests of Our town, we sincerely hope it will be long before another such a scene shall occur Dnnvtlle Intelligencer. "Sonsienr Tonson come Again." Onr old friend Rnsseli the shap who writes the sensation letters to the London Times, giving graphic accounts of his obser vations, in battles which he has never seen has turned up again, at Washington We were growing very about ijie Doc didn't know whal had become ol him Hadn't heard of him for sorrro time, and as the rebels have been talking seriously r MLllIll, I I I n I I .1 ,M U II 1 1 II tuw.iw.w . . v. - - oriving our arri!uo out 111 tin vj throwing in a dense volume of some sort ot noxious cas, we were a little apprehensive lhat they might have captured the Doc, rammed him into a moitar, and shot him plump into the Fort ! BjI Io ! all at once up turns the L. L. D He has been out in Illinois; and while spendiug a Sabbath in the quiet vidae of Wilmington, in that State, he concluded to while away the ledi-. urn of the day, by bavin a little port in the gunning line. So he shoulder his gun, and forth he goes ; but jt-s as he is in the height of his enjoyment, an officer taps him on the shoulder, and takes him prisoner marches him before a magistrate, who, not having a due appreciation ol the Doc s im portance, nor the fearot the British aristoc racy before his eyes, has the audacity 10 fine him filty dollars, for his liitle Sunday afternoon's amusement. Just think ol il ! William H. Russell, L L D. Correspondent of lhe London Time, fined fifty dollars, lor Sabbath breaking, bv a country Squire and a Yankee, at that ! Ilollowoy,s PilU An indisputable fact Costiveness of lhe Bowels.-'-Many diseases which afflict mankind originate in the slug gish nature or impaired Junctions of the stomach and viscera, viz: indigestion, head ache, nervous disorders piles and cutane ous eruptions, for which cathartics are us ually Drescribed. These may relieve lhe bowels lor ihe time but will not reach the active cause of the complaint. Ordinary purgative create a necessity for repetition, ontil eveniully the bowels become power less. Hoiloway's Pills not only eeek the seat of the disoider, bat after evacuating the depraved humors from the stomach and intestines, bq renovate and invigorate them as to prevent a future recurrence. Read Business of the Country. What a falling off there has 'been in the industrial department of oar nation within the" sffon space ol one 'year. What a de crease in the products of the conniry. One year ago, j nst previous to the Presidential election, the hum of ihe spindle, the ring of the anvil, an-J the sound of 'the saw, were heard in every part of the land. The shelves of the merchant were fairly groaning be neath the loads of merchandize; the com merce of the nation was in the full 'tide of prosperity, and the mechanic an) laborer were abundantly "employed. The North and Souih were alike prosperous, and the country bore the marks of creamess aid ad vancement. Business was thriving, and all were satisfied with the cheering prospect and hopeful future. Then it was lliat the fanner sewed his seed in anticipation of a rich harvest from his stock and his broad fields he expected a good return for both his labor and his capital. Railroad were ir. process of completion, and the building ,n consequence of debility from over-ex-of others was anticipated; new forges, lur-, ertio hl corlnt,ction w, his command, naces, anti macmnes snops were ao i.emg erected, and in lact every ihini looked 60 j bright that the people rejo.ce.d to thii.k of the good times so much busine-s would make in the' country. ' But alas! all our hopes are blasted, our calculations upset, and business, so far as many of the best men are conrerned i ruined. Who could have predicted one year ago snch stranae things as are now occurring?! A lift trKn tirrt liat:a 1i.vof) ihom it ihpv .,.,,.-., I No man could have believed that there was j wickedness enousjh in American citizens to create' rebellion like the one before us at this very' moment a rebellion to deetroy all political relations, all ' social fellowship, lamily ties, and. above all, to destroy this noble Goernment. But it has been done, and we are now beginning to reap the con sequences. Although there is more money in the country at the present time than in any other year since the formation of tha Government, still there is less business do ing in all the productive departments ih'tti there was before. And why is it? We an swer again war, civil, rebellious war ! tia prostrated the nation, the merchant, the shipper, the manufacturer, the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer, the artist, and. in short, every department except that relating to war. How long this' is -to last, remains to be seen. Soon the Governriye'ru will have all the &un., bayonet- and sword it require, and all those working on inese things will have nothing more to do. Before long the army will be snpplied with a I the knap sacks, cartridge toxes, belts, &c, that are wauied, and a large num'ter more will be idle. Then when the wagons and accou trements belonging to them are supplied, still more will be thrown out of employment. Shipcarpenier. and -numerous othor work men, will ere long nave tne cunDoats, ea mere' and other Government vessel a'i built and will likewise be added to the list of un employed. The consequence this w ill be to fill the streets with thousands ol men destitute of occupation. 'What is 10 be done ? From this prospec live state of things, it is no difficult tak to make one believe that hunger, "want and misery wil! stalk around the doers of many an honest man, and that yr.nnt hideous want will hover over the domicile ol those who never knew what poverty was. But if we suffer here North wilh all lUe main resources of the country at our com mand, what in the name of coolness, will become of the poor of the Sooth f witn their cotton, rice 'sugar, and tobscco a tne chief productions of the country. God help lhe loyal citizens of lhe rebellious part of onr unhappy land. Especially for their sake we would like to see the rebellion put rlnirn thp irailnrn huncr and the legislative . . , . . ,rJ ; : b-iMness of our country once more in its accu:tomed channel. ThBFi.ood Lapgk PcsTBriTIOS of Paop. ER1T -0,. Saiurday lat the r j was the scene of one of the greatest Hoods which has visited it since'l47. The recent heavy rains which vii-ited the northern sec tion of the State w ere the cause of the rap id rise. The damage at this place was comparatively small, but at Lock Haven we understand that thedamaae was immense. The water ran up into the streets ot the town, fill ing lhe cellars and in some cases rising a high a the second story .of the house. Hay. slacks, fences, sheds, and in some cases light buildincs were swept The Lock Haven boom save way away . under the pressure and an immense quatiti j ly of logs were carried down the ftream. j Many logs Were stopped by different indi viduals at this place, and many more would undoubtedly have been caught, bat for the shabby manner in whitfh some of those en gaeed in the same undertaking were treat ed when the boom gave way two years ago The number of logs lost on this occasion is not nearly so great as the ammount two yars ago ) et it i estimated that the loss will he over one million dollars. This freshet is one of the most sudden and disastrous that has ever visited the West Branch. A: one time the water rose at this place at the rate of five feet pa hour. It began to subside however on Sunday morning and Ml rapidly until it had reach ed its usual level. Miltonian. Pardoned Letttia Girvin, who was ar rested at Williamsport last spring, on charge of attempting to fire lhe premises of Dr Lyon at that place, an account of which was published in this paper at the lime, was convicted by a jury in August last and sentenced to lhe penitentiary. Gov. Cunin has now pardoned her, provided she leaves the State. We think the pardon might as well been withheld as given under the above peculiar proviso. If we recollect the circumstances correctly the criminal is a little girl some fourteen or fifteen years of age and we eee no clemency in keeping her from the penitentiary and sending her adrift on the world with almost'a certainty that she must adopt a life of crime, or starve. Miltonian. "A load of good wood ia badly wanted ..!.'- ? r-a THE WAR NEWS. The Case of Gen. Fremont. The charges preferred by Colonel Blair against General FaicMONT; on the 26th ult., have not reached Washington. According the revise il army regulations, charges are require ! to be transmitted through the su perior officer in this General FiieMoNThim self. A copy of them, however; has been received, to be filed in the event that he shall neglect or decline tolranmit the 'orig inal to the War Department. There seems to be no doubt tha; Gen. Fre mont will be superseded, but no official in timation has been sent to him of this fact General Wool, it is thought by those well infnrmHcf in ' military affairs, will Droceed to the West under specific instructions, and it may be he will supersede General Frk mont. No positive-information, however, is derivable on this subject. Resignation of n Pennsylvania Colonel Cq, r q Marsh, of the Fourth Resiment Pennsvlvania R. V. C. ;., A meEli" has resigned hi of the off.vrs and I privates In his regiment was called, and resolutions passed complimentary to Col. MaAsh as a soldier and citizen. The regi ment regret their loss.and tho War Depart ment reognizes in the retirement of Col. il, the absence of an efficient officer. The Confederate Flag not I!cco?nizetl in Cuba. Letters from Havana state that 'the report that the Confederate 'flag would be admit ed in Havana, is without a shadow of: truth The authority siales t hat "No such act or decree, or anything like it, has appealed The Captain General could only do it on re ceiving instructions to thai effect from the home Government. The few vessels sail ing under the Confederate flag, and which arrived here some months ago, had to hoist the stars and stripes before entering our har bor. Cincinnati, Oct. 4. The following is a special dspaich to the Cincinnati Commer cial: Cheat Mountain, Va , Oct. 3. This morn ing, at 1 o'clock, -n portion of Brigadier Gen eral Reynolds' brisade," consisting of three Onto regiments, (the ?4ih, 25lh, and 32d.) arid portions of six Indiana regiments, (the 7th, 9th, 13;h, 14th, 15th, and 17th,) togeth er with detachments of Colonel Bracken's lndiar.a regiment, Colonel Robinson's Ohio regiment, Colonel Greenfield's Pennsylva nia cavalry, and detachments of How's reg ulars, Loomis' Michiaan and Danm's Vir inia artillery, numbering in all five thous and men lft tha t mountain to make a re in force in fronf of the enemy's position in Greenbriar river, twelve miles distant. Colonel Ford's Ohio regiment was sent forward to hold an important road, the pos j session of wh.chwas important, it flanking oar main column. The expedition arrived in front of the en emy's fortification at 8 o'clock, iheir pick els retreating after firing an ineffectual vol ley. j i Col. "Kimball's Eifteenth Indiana Regi ment were immediately sent forward to se cure a' position for Loomis' battery. Col. Aramin'o Ttventy-lourth Ohio Rsi menl deployed as okirmishers on the souths lopo of the mountarn. Loomis' Lattery, after gelrit g into position, and being supported by the Seventeenth In diana Regirnen:,'opened the baf.le. The shot was immediately'responded 10 1 . t bX an enem lhe bush' who were eoon routed by tiie Fourteenth Indiana HeirRenl ! with a loss of seven killed, and a largo num i ber wounded and taken prisoners, j Howe's battery, supported by the Thir 1 teenth Indiana Regiment, then moved lor- ; ward, taking a position three hundred yards 1 " 1 j j from the enemy's lortificalions, and opened a brisk fire. Cpt. Daum brought forward two pieces, n imewme cpeneu a am ,1-1 i .- i t I'i : - I 1. 1. c i ine Iiriti2 on 00111 6iiies wa almost in- I ' cessant for an hour, our artillery doing good 1 execution, judging from the lamentable ! bhrieks of the enemy's wounded, i The enemy' battery did comparatively ' le,r 3 Jfc"' 100 mucn eie' va!eJ- ur ut'8 effectually silenced three ' ol theirs. W'hile observation w ere being ma le of the enemy's fortifiications, occupying three more hours, an irregular artillery fire was j kept up, occupying lhe enemy'B attention. ! During this interval, the Twenty-tilth Ohio and riteenta Indiana iieuimetils reiuiereu efficient ervice in scouting the mountain. Before the close of, which was most satisfactory in its results, ihe enemy received heavy reinforcements from their camp near Monterey, mak ing their strength about 15,000 Although this reconnoissance partakes more of the character of a regular engage rnent than any previous battle in Western Virginia, our loss is but lea killed and eleven wounded. It is impossible to ascertain the enemy's loss, bul it cannot fall short of five hundred killed and wounded, as our artillery did terri ble execution. Their camp was situated on the slope of the mountain, supported by a number of guns. We captured thirteen prisoners from the enemy and also a lot of cattle and hores. '1 he reconnois-ance proved highly sue cessful, affording information relative lo the enemy's strength which could not be ob tained fom scouts. Our troops acted nobly. General Anderson and Colonels Johnson, Jackson, Arid Oliver, were in command of the enemy's forces. Gksatrkss. It is a remark of John Hun ter: "There never was a great man that wanted to be a greal man, ever was a great man. For gteal men have endeavored al ways 10 do some great action that seemed to tend to some great good, and the effect made them; great. Wanting to be great is vanity without power." flrr 1 f DnvU PIT RriiTa. t dier Gen. McDowell is to be made a Major ' General of volunteer. - - ' SOUTHERN ITEMS OF SEWS. LouisviLLKOct. 7 A fire took place at Memphis, Ten r.., on the $9ih ult., destroy ing 430, 000 worth of property, situated ' at ilia corner of Washington street and Centre alley. The fire extended to the front row o buildings. The Memphis Avalanche has absorbed the Bulletin newifrapers ol tlia city. . A Memphis paper of the oOlh say: Thirty cases of Enfield muskets, beini a pari of ihe 50.t00 which came into a South ern port some time since, arrived at Mem phis, and are on their way to Columbus. Ky. The city of Memphis was literally alive with soldiers on the 29ih. The Southern ' Commercial Convention will assemble at Macon, Georgia, on the 14th of October. The University of Mississippi is aboii 1 1c be closed for want of patronage. Jacob Thompson has been nominated lor Governor of Mississippi The Pocahontas (Ark ) Advei'her sy V. C Haul man formerly a member of the Fed eral Congress) has obtained 3 000 more men from the State ol Arkansas lor Gen. Hardee's command. EvG iveruor E Louis Lowu, of Maryland has escaped to Richmond. , Isaac Davenport, of Richmond and a member ol the lirm of 1 li (i. H lxa'i. port, yave a check lor $10,000, b-u.;j the j amount due their Nortl.t-iu irvdii'V. loihe ! commissioner for tho ret ejiimu of r. j Sources ol revenus. ll.i! Nortneru lUuh ol A'.abmin lm an t iten-u iiiroijti in tnmi, or by ex;jre-s, peuaVd spuc-irt parent, t Uj of j ''i;:i KtX. and ttif Trenury Not Gov Moore ' ,:l fnni.liaHy djlivtrr J, or llt:il The ii.erchats of JWjVjile b ve i;c i to ' 'U cbacnbirf a they irtay BevamUy di reccivo t'otite 'eiu i.vjc ' ' - '. for debt and 'uuml. t't'i fm'mlt'M:- mn-:fnd f-th intrf-t Gen. Utiit'cnHUi:4 !'.-: bu tnnu iUt ol 'Au cst iftf dttit'ofiif t3 to Pitman's Ferry, on lh ii i.x j u'itr, io h ildy 1U1 nt'ii: u-t; ricfi-! j. 11 o. jooen, lorrntr y c iun m 4. yur de'ptiia paper i Sncrni4iy ih lVr !- par'.meut ut Ku hiilofid Governor Moore, of Loutiainn, I, or ilered the State authoritKiS to nftnutt all (tit pork now in ike hand of New Ofl4, opeculaiors, who had advanced ihe pficto Soil per bbl. j It is HStiniateil tliHt the Yankee property, ( in the State 'of Virginia, which ha been j placed under the han of the SeoJuetralio:i , Act amounts to 30,000,000 ! M J. Wicks, chairman of the Military! at the owners's expense. The Fort Smith (Ark ) fleraU says the Cherokee I ndiaus will furnish three reui menis, the Creek two regiments, and the Sem'mo'e a battalion. 'The Mobile (Ala.) paper say the defen ces south of thai cny are vgcrousiy yotng, on. j Ttip mnriininut a 11 ! tin ri !i a rtf Mnl-iitp ft rrt I issuing shinplas:ers in email anion it The rebel soldiers, especially tl.oe at - lached to the department in We-tern Vir " "I ...v . yinia, are suffering greaiiv fcr the want oi tobacco. A vessel, with a ciro of ' 1,000 bnsl.oU of sail, Irom L.iuuayra. had it caro uktr. from the Brazos river to Hichmond. A nnze echooner was caouired near Gal- Committae of Memphis, says il i- des.ratJe j : finite , ""'a ,"l,ul t-t'ermm, that no cottfii. nor tobacco be 'shipped i?i2k: o!,,mo" reii-rwian, Henry F-i-thereuntil further orders, and if planter ""n, Ueorje tet.ermn. Joo. don't stop shipping, the military aiiihoritie J r etier-ua:', )oiu Fettr'r'nan, will send the cotton back into the country Vk"ub" I'e:ijrK,'4" re"d'"-! Iin-i ver-tou Texas, recently, with 2C'0 sacks of Wnre the Hnii'irble iV arre t J. Wnl coffee anJ toO 000 cigars. v-'art-'i E-quir, Pre-i feat ot our n C i.irt The Nashvil e (Tenn ) papers of 'the 2d . a' Bio.rr1-uu.-4, me I7in ,i ,;t s i)t,,nn r instaut sy the heavy r.tnn have carried ; - D. one thou, iml ei-ht riun.lrej I mry away the ornlues on ttie .at I eu nessee Ilailroad. anil delayed trains from Rich j mood, tor three tla)s. I he B.iwling (ireen (KTy.) corr esponilent i of the Nashvide Union and American says. General Bnrknpr is advancins to.war-1 the O.iio nver, driving lhe Home Guard be lore him " The Richmond Divitch say;. Arnold Har- ns has been unconditionally rel'j.ied The Confederate Government lia au'hr ized General Winder to arrest all Y'anke who may venture therein concern lor their, former nh: of property in the South. The arrival ot James Ferguson, member of Parlidrneut. and Hon. William Burke of England, is reported at Nashvslle on the j 30:h SeptetnLef. They were en ru.'e for Richmond i Important from Western Virginia Rout of ihe RiLiU al Chap-nansviUe. ONE HUNDRED KILLED. ' ah: in the tenth dy ol A,)rd, f) o,d Cincinnati, Oct. 3 The Kanawah cor- I rlrou-au.l eii,! hu'i Ire I a 1 1 li , v j .vo, w repondet:t'cf the Commercial says that (i e ' seized in ffn nf kii-f in fi !!. V114 Jes companies of the First Kentucky, four com- crtbed pTa tuiion and .not ot wit. panie of the Tnirty-fourth Ohio, and one j All lhat cerawi .ranu-i an.t r?t n I t company of the F lift Virginia, under, uliuate m iiai'i to..'ii-lii alorci I, 4 Ij iu- fieuteuar.t Lulonel h iart, h id surrocul l and attiickevl tlie rebel at Ciiapmatville and, after a thort eiiaetne:it, completely routed ihern. killing 60 and taking 7o pris oners. Tlie reiiel. in escapi-m. were inier cepted by Colonel Haytt. who killed 4it and took a large number of prisoners. The country between Charleston and the Guvandotte river is now freed from Seces sion power, blow given valley. This is the mo-t eflective the rebels in this pari ol the When the Kanawhi lelt Ch.irlsetori there wa a report that a battle was aoin on be- tween General Cox and the rebels unqer Wise and Floyd, at Sewall's Mountain, and that the rebels were pelting the worst of il and were tailing back on iheir entrench ments al Levvibur. ki;vilu or Tin: market. CAR KFX'LLT CORKKCTKD WEfcfc LY WHEAT, SI in RYE. 70 CORN, 50 OATS. 30 BUCKWHEAT, 00 FLOUR pr. bl-1 6 00 CLOVERSEED.5 00 BUTTER, EGGS. TALLOW, LARD. PO fATOES, 12 40 DR'D APPLES,! 00 HAMS, 12 M ARMED. On the 3d inst., by the Rev. William J. Eyer. Mr. Alocstcs Keller to Miss Han nah Moor, both ot Dat.ville Pa. DIED. Of Dyptheria in Mt. Pieaam township, this county on lhe 4th iust., Pehmelia Ass, in the sixth year of her age ort the 6th William Arthur, in the tourth jear of his age on the same day, Sarah Alvaretta, in the eleventh year of her ajre and on the 7th Aravilla Alice, in the tenth year of her aze a 1 children of John F. and Eliza beth Dei'.terich of the above place. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. THE nndersioned would most respect fully announce to the citizens of Blooms bntg and vicinity, lhat she ha just receiv ed from the eastern cilie her fall and WINTER MlLLKERY GOODS, all of which she is prepared to makep-Trt up and sell at a very reasonabley lolLr fianre. Her assortment of goocs are a little superior in point of durability as well tas'efulness, 10 sny offered by ber in thi Fection heretofore. Sha returns thanks for ihe liberal patronage she has received, and respectfully solicits a routinuanc of lhe tame. MARY.BABKLEV: Bloomiburg, Oct. 9, 1861. KEW" NATIONAL L0A7. Seren and Three-Teaihs Per Cent. bow Hedy Mr letircry ai I he i-ffice J A Y f 0 0K E &. CO., 1 BANKERS, Nn-lli Sn't)th Third S:reel WiUMphU. Purimn! to itt'lf uctmot from the S'rf. tary o' h I reasurw tr Sucri,) in,, rfQ ,1, to the NEW FATIONAL LOAN of ry Note, tieiirng imeri at trie ra:e f Hvan and ihre-tenthi p-r c-ut. per annum will remain vi' t oiv rfi f . t ' No. , H S. THIRD STREET; ) nntil (urlh.-r notice, inm 8 V M. nil 6 P M. ai d on M01 lav lilt a. p M.""" '- Th- notes w ill h- ol' ihe deiio.nina!l t Mr l T IHII.UKS, ONK HUtfDhVn )0LLAIIS, FIVE HUNDRED DOf vfiS ),NK TllwUSANI) POI.LAIiS. and' FIV "HOUSAiN D DOLLARS, 4-.d are all ,Uj ! - ."i,u,iiit, j r, 1 1 U ,i li It K (1 . .... , r . 1 r . .......... ' " Liirv not 1 ns! rvL' 11,..,.,.: O.N E THOUSAND ... .. ... ........ , . imi'iio m OiiJ5 in three Mhr, or enn veruhlt i ho a twenty year' six per ittin. loin, si- un o.hio i of h holder. Enh Prenury N m jMi inter ent coupon 'attached, -.v ln?t can t. ,. fl rtiid eo!U.-tel in old at ihi Mi n every si month, mid hi V. ratd ol ,n- t-am nr ,1.. Oil ei fH y d II if.. . I '' '" (,t;piiwi may hrt m-id f" 'f'''.l o Cn-eks, or ik-m of Qf l'ii'U.UHn H n.fc. ll-tn,"m i a ilumt.f an rmii by trif ; I ii,l4 -nlyhi', at Ui rat o oi,n ceiu per f,tr iy on Mt-h 'fl'ty loffsr.' ' -'-.v. i Aooly lo or a ira J 1 V OOItl , M'lCUll'TKJV AGENT, Ci ol JaV COOK1-: 4c CO.. Hooker.. Ill hJ-t luirl ftifel PiiiUjei .nu. Oci'itlrf 9, ,tjl I l . . " " .. J ,. : KILL OX THE UEIUS CF GJ'O b ETI ERWAN, Senr DEC b. COLUM I'l A CO UN I Y Sv ' ,. ' ' ' oJWw, '.nuweaiiii 01 renif. 1 ioa, Minarine iniermarrie-t with H-tcy j Horner, Sa rah imerifurnec wi:i WiUiani j Vcj-iet, ai. l El.zoeih iiildrm-trrif'.l wii-i ! Hamilton Fisher, child en ail i,ylr t t.eore r-r-rtinri ne-i . die of Ljcu-t town Li;i, in S4i,l c unity deceased. You an! each of yon are hereby cim'i an J co:r.i!iMP.te I to be and 4p, -ar i,i your ( proper r-.oiin jfiore Hie Ju ! ut th O- j I"1 18 uu"i oljr urp:i-r.3 Court, 10 : '' ' tJ'uofijibur on in- MauJay of ! December nxt, tt,n an I ther t t,i . ! .r 0 e 'e of the ssi l G-'ore reiierinii, sen. dice!-il. at ihi pU.;e I uou it bv n-i iiuj mi jay awarded by tUdrtatd Court, mi l reiaroe.t or me Mierin, or ho.v cwm whv ilirt nt na ' "oui.l i.ol so,f ier-.i 'a n;i. ' j nii ckhv, k ij. u. J 'H.N SN DER, Shenff Bloo-nbnr4. 0.r.orjr y. lStil. CITATION TO niC IICIIIS OF PETE II IIAUVZEL dd. IS PROOF of conduct icdh Htniy llxAzd y't. Ih-i Co:iirriiuwe !t:i of Pein S$& sylvrn'M to lUttf Hartal, 0T beer a Har E-thr inter Bar. fi-d with I-ac Noyer, Peter '''. Hartz-I, Jcor Hrt-4i, WMbm llar;zl, Sifh intermanid wrti J;'i. Fth er, and Elizabeth Har d. o'l IJrsn and heir-i ol Peier Z-l drf ie I. You a-id each of you are hereby command- j ed andci ed to be and 111 your prap. , er pir.-o i before the Judrf of ih Orpnan'f fCourt of said Cmi'iiy, n b-? f.uld.i t ! Boom-bur m and for s.iid co i-iiyt it ! Monday ol December ne', "iei t'-crv l to answer trie petition ot J 'm Keid"e: E i'ecutor of the lat wiil ait f teiUm-fit of r Peier Har-z-il tiee'd . eniu f.iri'i : that ; the said P.ner H.irt.ell in hi h etinn 10 i 1 Und ol Jo.-epti llru 'ii. t--o' n:ar. i S I tmon Snuman, Ma'il ia Jhhhst 1. Stal ; J ihii. and others conta ni ig N'city ' severi Acie- and nine pe'che tnr or le-. trm I W iug fO ieizr I the s-tid Pe er H ir z-ii!, di t by a btrfcaiu or ontral in wii nig binding j hiriisell to tell ari l cut.vey t!.e sail rol J es'a'e wnh the appurtemnoe ti ito hi son I Henry INrz-!! tor it,e co-i.leratioi of 1 Nineteen hundred JoiUr, thinee;i hu 1 ; dollars if the t-ame to b- pi I in annual in- ! alments of tme hundred h-i fcix;y fojr ! dollars. The tirt paymitnl to wiu h u-n j ol one hiridred and i'y lour d'dlir to te made in oe year at er the death of tha said Peter Hanzell, and lhe 4iJ contract which bears date on the ai I te ith dsy of April, A D. 1802. further rrowt i- tht the purchaser Henry Harzil 'ionll receive his deed for said Real E-tate after thu. ma ing of the fir-t payment, w nch tail pay ment has been made toujour petitioner, six hundred dollar, of sid purofie mmey by the term of said Contact Wa to remai 1 in . . . . . I . I V . T ihj t 1 I ,m A f , I. IV , IUK J.I I r. Ill l-t- ' I i 'I '11 in.. IIIIITT Ul liio :Q wife of Pe'er Hanzell, the iniereei on the :0 same lo be paid lo hf-r annually and the principal in itiree equal annual instalment alter her death, but that no sufficient pro vision lor she performance of Ihe aid bar gain or contract appear 10 have been made by the said deceased in his lifdu-ne thja.t'i he was well ratified, and intended that the same fhould be co i-um mnted. And lint the said Court will be pleased to decree tha specific performance of the said contract according to lhe true intent and meaning thereof in order to the cornpl-ting of his title according to the act of Asembly ia such cae and provided. Witney the Honorable Warren J Wood ward Esq.," President of our said Court at Bloom-burg she Seventh day of September A. D., one thousand E'ghi hundre I an ixty one. Jacob Everly, Cl'k., O C. JOHN SN V I) ER, Sheriff. I B'oomburg, October 9, 1S61. Auditor's police. Estate of Thomas Conner, deceased. THE undersigned, appointed by lhe Or phan's Court of Columbia county, an audi tor to distribute the fun Is in the hands of John Conner, Trustee &c, of Tnomas Con ner, late of Greenwood township, in said County deceaseJ, to and among lhe heirs and legal representa'ives of said decedent accordinjlo law: wiil afend at hi office in Bloom.-burg, lo perform the duties oi hjs appointment, on Friday the 8tri day of November A. D. 1861. And all persons' having any claim on the said fuods are re quested to make known the sawie to the Aod;tor on said day, or oe foreer debar red Irom coining in for a share of. lhe said faiid. " " .. ROBERT F. CLRK, Auditor: .EJoomfcbui, Oa.,2, IS61.-41. ,..,U ,