The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 02, 1861, Image 3

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ftrdnesday1 Mornin, October 2, lS5i.
To Oar Patrons, . . .
We hare placed alt bill due this ""esTab
jishment at present, and Uioe coming"'due
beiweerilhis "and the first of January next,
'ia!o the hands of oor Collector,for collection,
lie will start out, in a few days, for the pur-
pose oi collecting the name, and soliciting'
- subscriptions. We hope all those owing us
will be prepared to meet bis deinand, as
we are tii need of money, and trust in his,
meeting wiih good success. All those who'
'do not take a county paper shoufd em-!
brace this opportunity of aubscribtng. He;
will Jake subscriptions at a very low-figure,
auk in advance We endeavor to give as
much attention to our paper at present as
our support witl warrant;-and in 'cara of
'an increased subscription yon may expect
us to devote more of our attention to its col-
"umns. As a local newspaper 'we consider,
and shall continue id 'make, "our 'Journal
second to none in the county.
Samuel Miller, or Cattawista Valley.had
on Friday last, his large ftani unroofed, by
a heavy storm. It was completely uncov
ered, being full of grain and hay at the lime.
Thk Democratic uc kerfs limited at this
office, and ready lor distribution. Candi
dates will see that they are gqtteu to the
xl.flerent election districts.
At Skbeno, on Friday next, October the
'4th, will be held a Mass Meeting, it will
brt addressed by the Hon. Paul Lmu, and
'Col John G Fkckzk. Democrats, turn out !
and bear the isstfe 'cf 'tte 'Ufey fairly and
'ably discussed.
KxcuKstON 1'icKKrd Excursion tickets
will lift icnoil nt lia I f-i r'u hv iha rma!aii
'Railroad Compnny,to the Annual Exht ii n
'ofthe Colcmtii'a County Agricultural Soci
ety, to be held at Blooms-burg, on the 17th,
ltnh, and 19th ol October, iusi. Tickets good
from i'ie I7ih to the 20;h.
.." Stlcbcn Jkskiks, Eq., his our thanks
lor a complimentary ticket, entitling os to
a Membership of the Luzerne County Ag
ricultural Society. This Society will hold
'their Fair 'at Wyoming, on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, ol this week. This
"is their '1 bird Annual Fair. We notice a
"very liberal premium iil is offered to ex-
We hall be obliged to any of our rea
'der residing in this, or adjoining Counties,
' who will contribute to fhia depanment ol
'our paper. Send u.- any news of local ii
'lerest which m iy chance to fall beneatn
your i;oi ice Every item, no matter how tri
"fling in iiself.helps to make up the intere-ts
"of ho local departme it. Com rnuni?mio:rs
ol this kind should be sent in before
day alternoon.
Fatal Accif.nt. Ve regret to learn that
"on Saturday last Air. Juhn Blue of Valley
township, had one Cl his arms so badly bit
ten auil crubed by a'ho'rte, whi e in
the act'of "orrh itcluna him from the wagon,
that he has since died I rum the injuries Ve
xeived. , Amputation wa found impossible,
and he expired on Tuesday tiijjht las: amid
the most intense agony. His remains were
interred it t se Presbyterian Lurying-ronn',
in this place, yesterday aitereoon. Danville
InUlhenctr. ,
'. Serious Accident. We le itn that one of
ibe brakemeu, on the Lackawanna and
Bloomsburg Railroad, met with a serious
accident, on Monday Iat, about three miles
'above this place, by being ruck by a
bridge which crosses th'e Railroad track.
He was standing on the top ol a car while
the train was in motion. It is feared that
his injuries will result fatal. His nam?, we
are informed, is Shkcd, of Ca:tawiaa, this
'county. , .
Wkkar thai John SnyJer, of Mifflin
'township, sustained a heaYy loss on Fri
day last, from the nprooiing ol over one
hundred apple trees by a tretfcendooa storm
which swept over this . section. We aie
also informed that a bed, belonging to the
"estate of Isaiah Shuman , deceased, in Main
ville, was blown, over by" the same " stoim,
ii'.Iing two very fine cows. Much damage
was done in the way of tearing bjJ fences
and trees all over this county.
Attention Compsnt- We would stale
tbit W H. Ent is recruiting men to; fill up
a Columbia county company lor the war.
Men wishing to join will apply to him at
Xhe Recorder's office, at " Bloomsburg. The
company will be accepted and mustered
Into fem'ce as sooa as lull. . He has now a
good number of men already on bis roll of
"enlistment. .This is a good loppormnity ti
enlist for the warand aUach to a Colombia
county company. , March up to the scratch,
.young" men,, and show your devotion to
your country. ' : ' - ' Si
'Are the candidates nominated by this Re
publican party, how" styling themselves a
Union Party, betrsr Unioo men than lhoe
liominaied by the Democrat ! la not every
man upon tfte Democratic ticket in favor
ttf the Vfiion if the States We say yes !
and that is just what yen! want. These are
the kind of men the people wish and are
going to opport. The ''Union of parties"
ir this county is a mere trick to catch votes.
Do not allow yourselves, Democrats, Jo be
ensnared in this kind of trap.
REassiBtR The Democracy on election
dj fbould bear in mind that lh Bepobli
tans will raise the Union banner protesting
that Republicanism is no longer an. organ
Ized body, and that in order to prove your
loya'ty yott mast support the names record
fed upon that banner. RtirteMBEC Vota can-
j-jEj 7l!Pia Tlf'ilET WAS MADE. Te'l
lhei this,
ami tr
for thd L'uiBh
Ticket No 1 ; it coataios the names cf thi
test men of our county, all of wfticU can
:i al ths h;a.) of tbc Star. Void th
New A rirfrstl of
'Daitl noWenbcrg - j
iJNVITES attention to his stock of cfceap
itid fasnionale clothing at hts'strSre oo
ifain, street, 'two doors above the '"A'rrier
ican HVUse,' "where he has a full assorl
mentof men and boy's weiri'ng'arparel,
including '.he mol lashionahle
Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coat
of all soH and 6f2es,,pi'anis'bf all color
shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirts, era
vats, stocks, cqUars,handkerchiefs,gloves
suspenders and fancy articles.
N. B . He 'Will also make to order any
article, bf cloihirig at very shortnotice and
in the best manner. All his clothing is
made lo'weat , and most ol it is of home
Bloomsburg, Sept. 25, 1861. .
During the past jear we heve introduced
to the notice ol the medical profession of
thi country the Pure Ciyilalized Chloride of
ProjTyh.mi'ie a a
And havio received from many sources,
both from ph)sicians of the highest stand
inz and from palienH, the motit
Fluttering I eitmunial or l; ICenl Vnlue
in the treatment of this painful and dbs'ii
na'e disease, we are induced to 'present it
toihe pnbiio itm lorm READY FOR IM
MEDIATE USE, which we hope will com
mend itself to !). who are suffering with
j thi afflicting complaint, and to the medi
cal pracMiiocer who may ferl disposed to
test the powVr of this valuable remedy.
above spoken of, has recerrtty been exten
sively experimented with in ihe
I'cmi&ylYnriia Bl'oWiiilal,
an.l with MAKKEDCCfcVs-U will ap
pear from the published acc6unta 'in th'e
icelical journals.)
C7 It i carfully pn op ready for im
mediate use, with full directions, and can
be ob'ained from all the 'ifruirg'iMs at 75
ceiils per bo;tIe. and 'at vholessle of
Drosc'tsts and Manufacturing Chemists
Phii.adki.phia, Pknna.
Philadelphia, Jcue 26, 1861 ly.
iu o n i: i: in v ooki: n v
In all itsi Bralichef,
IT i'ELLS VotT HOW to choose all kinds
of Mfats, Pohftry, and Game, with ill
the various and 'tnoH approved mode's of
'Jref-iiiS and!:u 5eel and Pork al-o
he best and simleni wvj of sahiii, pick
i lins and rurms tne aine.
IT TET.1 YOU ALT, th'e varnns and
m"l airtved moJfS ol rVt-fin2, roo'kina.
and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry,'
and (Jame of all kitut;, with the different
Dressing, Gravies, and Stuffings fcpprot
priate to each.
IT TELLS VOU 'liOW to Vhoose, c.ean
and preserve Firh of all'kiiul-, am bow to
sweeten it when lai'nted; aUn all the va,
riou and most app'r'ovpil mode ol cooki""
with the different Dresinpn, Sauces, and
Flavfrins appropriate l each.
IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and
most approved modes of preparing over
fifty different kinds of Meat, Fih. Fowl.
Game, and Vegetable 'Soup, Broths, and
Slews, with the Kelihea and Seasonings
appropriate to each.
, IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and
mot approved modes ol. Conking Vegeml
ble nf ever description, aUo how to pre
pare Pickle, CatMipt and Cnrriec bf ail
kinds, Potted Meats-,. Fish, Game, Mush
rooms, IT TELLS YOU ALL the varroup ami
mo-l approved n O of preparing and
rookirz H kinds "o! Plain and Fancy P
trv. ruddiss, Omelelte's, Fritters, Cake--,
Confectionery, Picserves, Jellies-, and t$weet
Dishes Vf every ri-CT';p'ioii.
IT TELIi YOU ALL the Varion and
most approved modes of making Bread,
Kut-fc, Muffin, and Bincnit, the " best
Wethod 61 preparing toftee, Cho'Colaio, and
Tea, ai:d b'ow to mxke Syrnp', CordaU,
and Wines of vatious kind's.
IT TELLS YOU H)W td set out and or
nament a Table, how lo Carve all kinds of
Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in short, how lb so
-implify the whole Art of Cooking as to
brin the 'choicest luxuries oi.tte table
within everybody's reach. '
The book contin 418 pages, and up
wards of twelve hundred Receipts, all of
which are the reults of actoal experience,
having been tuily and careltlly tested Un
der the personal Miperintenden'ce 6f the
wriiers U is printed in cieaV a'n'd open
type-, is illustrated with appropriate engra,
vins-, abil witl be forwarded tn any addres-t
neatly bound, and postage paid, on reeeir
ol the price, ?1 00, or in cloth, extra, Si. 25:
Will tell yon of Rarey's Method of taming
Horses; how to Approach, Hatter, or Stable
a Col ; how to arcVlstora horse to Strange
sounds and sights, add how to Bit, Saddle,
Ride, and Break ' him to Harness; also ihe
Jorm and lw cl Warranty. The whole be'
ing ihe result bf more than Bheen years
careful study of the habitj peculiarities,
wants and weaknesses of this noble and
useful animal.
.. StOOO a Veai
can. be made by enterprising meh every
where, In selling ihe abdve work,- our in
ducements to all such bein; very liberal. -"tor
single copies oi Ihe Botk, or for
terms to agents, with other information
apply to or a.ldress : ; .
JOHN E. POTTERPublisher,
No. 617 SansdmSi., Philadelphia.
One llundred TCns of Caycfa Lake
Plaster, ' .
flHE undersigned would respectfully in
form the j oblia generally that they
have on hand a large amount of superior
all of which they offer for Vale, iri large Vr
small quantities, npon the most ' reasonable
terms. Persons wuhlng a oo"d article bf
plaster would do well to call and eiamine
thta before purchasing elsew here; .
: c. w,juKELvy &Co.
Catawisia, Jan. 30, J 861 3m. ;
ihwfiduTiT of Furniture and Cabinet War'
Wirs'icors id r,t?-3'4 Eloclt, on lUvx Sllss
Price, with Hemmer and'Ftlltr,
;35 00.
OWN. ' , ,
Stitching, Hemming. 'and Filling ioith
'6 Single Thread.
tt forms a neat, ever., and elastic'seam,
which is warranted not to rip in wear, even
if the seam is cut at trequeht intervals, and
also under alloircucnsiances k'to survive the
A Patented device "of great utility to
leatners, prevent the possibility of the ma
rhine being run in ttie Wrong direction, or
the balance wheel wearing a lady's dress.
Another feature which deserves particu
lar attention i STTftE WtLCOX PATENT
Two lhousai,d'Sii'tches,'or.two yards of
woik, can be done in one minute without
dropping a stitch.
These Machiaes, so "simple 'and accruate
in their construction, supersede the use of
the shuttle; and with one 'thread produce
al! the practical results "df the two thread
machines; and 'more, for these fell without
basttni, and hem the finest musliu without
Ahhriuish 'at "about half the price of the
other first cla"ss machines, ihey will accom
plish dciuble the sewing in a given time
"It is emphatically the good, low priced
Family 'Sew'in Machine thai the public
havff long been wailing for." Boston Tran
script. '
" i is indeed a wonderful production, and
and for lamdy use especia'ily1 'no o'her will
bear any comparison . wi'h it." Pailadel
phia Evening Journal."
A mechanical wonder.-Scientific Amer
ican. ,, . ., .
'Among the best srt tl 'most "serviceable
Sew'ing machines. Liuht and elegantly
finished, and so simple in its construction
that 'it se'c'm s'al most impossible for it to get
out of 'repair." 'Pittsburg'Chionicle.
,fHas combined with its own peculiar
merits' afl the're ally Valuable improvements
of the higher priced machines." Penney I
'vanian. trTU machine, In the opinion of the
commi'tee, fills more nearly the 'require
ments of a period lamily machine than any
on exhibition. "-FrMirklm Institute 'Exhibi
tion Rpdrt ol 'ioS.
"Ta'k'in'g fnio consideration simplicity,
cheapness, 'cfu'rabilitj, and 66ftr'all work,
Ihe commif'ee w'ere uhanimon's inTavhr ol
the V.ifcojc '& Gibbs as a single thread ma
chine. Penn-ylvania 'State Agricuhoral
Society's Report .
"We must, in Justice", express ourconfi
ile'hce in th'e merit' of the Wih;o5c & Gibbs
Sewing Machine. We'consider that a rei
desideratum has been suppliod by it, in
proving, beyond coubt, that two threads are
not, as w as supposed, necessary t6 a good
instrument.' Christian Advocate and Jour
nal, lime 21, 1P60.
"We have one ol these machine in ue,
and think more highly of it than of any ol
ihe number w'e have tried.''" Richmond
The undersigned, Missionary to Constan
tinople, has examined more, than twenty
diirerent kinds ol Sewing Machines, and
alter some six weeks' experience with
Wilcox & Gibbs' 'Paietii, he has purchased
one of 'hem as the best adapted to the
wants of his la'MiTy, and a the least liable
to tequixe Vrpafr. , OLIVER CRANE.
BoMor.Jidy 3, I860.
The ntideisigiiedjdurnig e'tg'hte'efc months
has Kad in almost constant use, in his fam
ly, V dcox & Gibs Swina Machine, upon
which ha been made th'e 'cltbe"s cf hi
large ainil from niosliii lo pilot cloth
int-lndiii!! the clothing required tor his sev
eral boy; and m no case have the seams
failed, though in tterd service. The nia
chine'iiow in use in his family ha required
no repair, and is in all respects, well ap
pointed, efficient and dhrable. .
tr "5'iid lor a Circnlar.3
j Jlt.-v Uli't t't Mmiuhttuirr.
No. 508 Broadway, New York,
Opposite St- Nicholas Hotel.
Angus'. 28, 18'6l ly.
Just Publihtd. in a Sealed Envelope:
TOKKH02A, or Seminal Weakness, Sex
ul Debdity, Nervousness and involuntary
emissions, prodm-ing impotency, Consurnp
tion, and Iental and Physical DebililV.
The important lact that the awful conse.
qnences of self-abase may be effectually
removel without internal medicine or tn
dneroos applications of caustics, instru
ment medhra-fd bougies, and other em
pirfcal irevises, is heVe cteatly demonstra
ted, and toe entirely new- And highly suc
cessful tVdatmenl. a' adopted by Ihe tele
brated aoihot fully explained, by mean's ol
which every one is euabied lo cure himself
perlectly, and at the lesst possible cost,
thereby avoiding ail the advertised nos
trums of the day. Ibis lecture win prove
a ooon io inousanus aim uiuuwmn.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope,to
any addVess post paid, on the receipt of two
postage stamps, by addressing.
127 Bowery, N.V. Post Office box 4,586.
August 7, 1861-ly.
kj ray ,1110 rwumvi.. w.... r
O TlMfe wilt demonstrate the truth of the
assertion. Notwithstanding the advance
in his Majesty the above named King, the
undesigned having just received a Iresh
snpply of Detains, Muslns, Calicoes, flan
nels &c, be is prepared to accommodate
his numerous customers at a slight advance
of the old prices. Hoop Skirts, the latest
. m' i I A. a
styles, motions, uroceries tc, aiwayo vu
hand, at the lowest prices.
Those who wish to avail therhselves of
the ready pay systerh would do well to
give him a ca.ll.
Country Produce wanted at the cheap
cash, store of L: T. SHAPLESS.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 11, i86I.
of proper etdesirableformsjfo'sale at the
of.ic ofthe "itar ofthe North ' '
Office ia Court Alley ; formerly occopifed by
Charle ft Bockaletv.
December 28, 1859. if. ,
.''FOR' 8 A. "List
SEVERAL desirable Building Lota in
Bloomrborz, for sale.
Juae20, 1860-tf. '
Inquire of .
Ayers ; Cdtii aiiid Pilli
Are you sick, feeble, sad
coraphUDiugt ..'Are you out of
order, with your ytem de
ranged, rad your feelings po
comfortable f. Xheee, , symp
toms are often the prelude to
serious illneMK. JSvma Otf
ickneu ia eretipinK upon you.
and ibould be averted by
umeiy uae ol .uie rigat rem
edy. Take, Ayr Pill, and
cleanse out.tlie disordered hn
mori purify the blood, and
-let the fluids move on unob
structed in health again.
They stimulate the functions
, ; t 01 tue ooay into vigorous ae-
tlvity, purify the system from
ilio nhstruntions which mkih
disease. A cold 'settles somewhere in the body, and ob
structs Its natural functions. These, if not relieved,
. react upon, themselves and the surrounding organs, pro
ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease.
.While fa this condition, oppressed by the derangements,
.take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the
j natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant
(feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent la
. this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many
.of the deep-eeeted and dangerous distempers. Toe same
! purgative effect expels them. Caused by simitar obstruc
tions and derangements of the natural functions of the
bodv, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cureM
by the same means. None who know the virtues of these
Pills, witl neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they care. .. .
Statements from leading physicians In some of the
principal cities, and from other well known pubUo per
sons. .FVont a IWurtrdfrg Merchant ofSU Louis, fib. 4, 1858.
Da. Am: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is
great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that bad proved
incurable for years. Her mother has been long griev
ouHly afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and
in her hair. . After 6t)r child was cured, the also tried
our Tills, and they bare cured her.
, Aa a Psmlly Physio
. From Vr. K. TT. Oirtwriglit, A'cw OrUant.
, Tour Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent
'.qnalities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are
mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the
bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the dally
treatment of disease.
'ireadacle,SickIIeadac'b,Foul Stomach.
IVom Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. .,
, DxiaBso. Aria: I cannot answer row ohai complaints
I have curtti with yonr Pills better than to say all that w
ever treat with apurgatCv medicine... I place great depen
dence on an effectual cathartic in thy daily contest. with
)disease, and believing as I do that your plla afford us the
best we have, I of oourse value them highly.
PrmBimn, Pa, May 1, 1865.
i Da. J. C. Arrm. f)5r: I have been repeatedly cured of
the worst keudachn any body can have by a doee or two
,of your Pills. . Jt teems to arise from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse at once.
Yours with great respect, ZD. W. PREPLE,
Clerk of Steamer Clarion.
Billons .Disorders "Giver Complaints'.
Tram Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City. .
Not only are yonr Pills admirably adapted to their pur
pose aa an aperient, but I And their lieneficial effects upon
the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac
tice proved more, effectual for the cure of iiliout
ptn,itUs than any one remedy 1 can mention. I sincerely
jTejofCP bt we have at length a purgative which ia wor
thy the confidence of the profession aud the people.
DKPAiTxiirr op the Iktxrior,
Washington, D. C, 7th Feb., 1858. f
8ra: I have tised your Tills in my general and hospital
practice ever sluce you made tbetiuand cannot hesitate to
say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu
lating action on the liver U quick and decided, conse
queotly they are an admirable remedy for derangement
of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of
oiUouM Uueau so obstinate tnat it did not readily yield to
them. fraternally yours, ALO.NZO BALL, Si. D.,
l'lytician of the Murine HotpiioL
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, KelaSr", Worms.
omi Dr. J. O. Oreen, of Chicago. , .
Tour Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and I
bold them in estoem as one of the best aperieuts I have
ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes
them an excellent remedy, wben given in small doses for
biUout dysentery and diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating
,make them very acceptable and convenient iJT the use
of women aud children.
Dyspepsia, Imparity '6f 'the ihood.
'Fi'bm Xev. J. V. ilimet, lXistar of Advent Church, boston.
Dr. Ater: I have used your Pills with extraordinary
euccees in my family and among those I am called to visit
in distress. To ivgulate the organs of digestion and
purify the blood, they are the very best remedy I have
ever known, and I can confidently recommeud thm to
my friends. Tours, J. V. HIMK3.
Warsaw. Wyoming Co, N. T., Oct. 24, 1855.
DiaR Sir : I atn using yonr Cathartic Pills in my prac
tice, and find them an excellent ponratlve to cleanse the
system and purify the fountains of the Hood.
f , .......
Constipation, Cos tlvene as, Snppresslon,
Khenmatltm, Vont, JVenrailglar', Drop
ay, Paralysis, Flta, etc. .
From Dr. J. I Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.
Too much cannot te said of your Pills for the cure of
eottiens. If others of our fraternity have ibund them
as efficacious as I have, tbey should join me in proclaim
ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from
that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is
the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe cot
tivtntss to originate in the liver, but your Plus affect thai
organ and cure the disease.
From Mrs. E Stuart, Piytician and Midtrife, Boston.
I And one or two targe doses of your Pills, taken at the
proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural acere
hon when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very
effectual to cUantt the stomach and exyel worms. They
are so much the best physic we Lave that 1 recommend
no other to my patients. . .
Trim the Rev. Dr. ITavkts,'ofthe Methodist Fpis. Church.
P CLASH Horse, gavannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1858.
IIohorfd Sir i I should be ungrateful for the relief
yonr skill has brought me If I did nut report my case to
you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru
ciating nenrnlgic pains, which ended in chronic rheuma
tism. Notwithstanding I had the be-t of physicians, the
'disease grew worse aud worse, until bv the advice of your
excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Macitenrle, I tried your
"Pitta. Toeireffetts were slow, but sure. By persevering
In the tue of them, I am now entirely well.
8E5ATI Cbaxbez, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dec 1855.
Dx. Atir : I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of
Rheumatic Gout a paiuful diaeae that had afflicted me
tor years. VINCENT SLID ELL.
. JKsTMost of the Pills tn market contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is
dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse
quences that frequently tolhnr its incautious nee. These
contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Prioe, 25 cerxta per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Prepared by Sr. 7. C ATJEB & CO , Lowill. H aac
IN'ntediat'e rieiahborhood of tlu iob
bin? Ho'u'ei'on Market ,Tlirl. and Chest
nut Streets, the Banks', Post Office, Mer
chants' Exchange, &c. &c
DO 411 13 PER DAY $1 50.
Apeommotlaiion when reqoired on ihe EU
ROPEAN PLAN; Roome from 50 cent
and upward, per tUv, and meals at a First
Class Rbstcrant attached to the Hotel.
Price RTording to, the Bill of Fare.
The H y Brs tHke I'Mwephera. Irorri ROT
Mxiion 'I o. or (-foe lo ibe ltolt-1.
Vb English, French, German and Spanish
poken. . .
July 17. 1861. .
. Notice
To (h'e Ihirs of Thomas Conner, deceased
IVOTICE is hereby c"ten that the Account
of John Conner, Forvieina Truietee of
ihe ectate of Thomat Conner, late of Green
wood twp , Coltimbii rtnrjniy dee'd. was
filed at the May lerrh 1881, of this Court,
and will be presented for confirmation and
allowance at the September term 161.
Bloomsbor?, July 10, 1861 6i.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Jacob Nagle, late of Centte twp , dee'd.
jVOTICE is hereby given that letters of
' administration on the estate of Jacob
Nagle, late ol Centre township, Columbia
county, deceased, have been granted by
the Register of Columbia county to Frank
lin Naale of said townehip and county.
All persons having claims or demands
against the estate ol the decedent ire re
quested to prsseht them for settlement, and
those indebted to make payment without
delay to , FRANKLIN NAGLE,
Centre. Jutv 3d, 1861 6t.
A'diiiihistrator's Notice.
Estate of Sma'n Jane Cavenee. dee'd.
"VTOTICE is t.ereby given that letters of
administration on the E'ate of Sudan
Jane Cavenee, late of Mocm Pleasant town
ship, Columbia county, dee'd., have been
granted by the Register of said County td
the undersigned, fc ho resides tn Mount
Pleasant iownsaip, Columbia county. All
persons having clams or deti.anda a'ginst
Ihe Estate of the-xlecedent are requested id
present ihem for settlement, anu those in
debted to make payment .withoai deJay.
!ornt Ple9ntJnJL?J'?ntTOm----.
1 greeSwoo'd SEMINiir .
Iiitpb-f tiiit Additions IruproTeiaect
Apip'rnn Term lo ( Aagat 17
rPHJS Institution which has been in sur
J- ressful operation for ihe pam ten yearr f
is about undergoing a very important rer
ovation, in order to place it on a more sta
ble basis lhari ever, and present fai;iliiie
whinh are not surpassed by ordinary Acad
emies in ISiort liern. Pennsylvania. A,mong
the improvement Will be a( lare ihrpe
ntnried building which witlive much ad
ditional room and jgieater conveniences for
boarders ; a commodious hall for a lecture
room and public exercises, convenient class
rooms, a library and reading room contain
ins a cabinet of minerals and enriceitie,
bath rooms, &c. An experienced and
thoroughly qualified clascical teacher and
lecturer will be at the head of the Board of
Instruction, bin the Principal will have the
general of the institution
an J assume a 'share of the duties of -teaching.
Regular lectujes will be delivered
upon various tcieniific subjects, as well as
upon the theory and practice ol tearliin".
and a Normal Class of young men and
women who wih to qualify themselves ior
teacher's' profession, will receive erpecial
Mttention and assistance.
The'course of Instruction in the school
will be fhor'ou"h and sysiematir, calculated
to embrace the various branches ol a prac
tical education. Ample provision will be
made for the, study of the higher Mathe
matics, jhe'eluciilation of 'Pliyncs, ami the
NatDral Screiice's, by means bf suitable ap
paratus, a'r.fl for ihe study ol ihe latin,
(Jteekf arid German languages, to enable
students 'to qualify ihemaelves for commer
cial and scientific pureuifs. or lo enter any
clas atrolfee.
The country location of this Seminary in
a plesant vrillage,'in a. healthy arid flourish
ing iie'ihbo'rhood, well known for the ele
vated tone of "its moral sentiment, and
where the 'pupil' are. not surrounded by
those demoralizing influences, and temp
tations found in our cities, larger towns and
many other localities, with no outside in
fluences to divert their attention Irorn liter
ature and the work of mental culture, pre
sent's aUra'ntions and inducements to con
siderate p'krenia'emuio'hs ai'ude.-ns, Seldom
found surrounding Targe nchoois and acad
emie. . - .
The Literary 'Society aUo, ore ofthe old
est and best conducted in this section of
country, presents an attractive feature and
useful auxiliary, f a practical education.
The irrrproveme'ri'ts will te under the
immediate charge of an efficient Board ol
TrOotees, appointed by the Seminary Com
pany, and will be completed in iim'e for
the Autumn term, lo commence this 12ih
of Atiausl next.
While thankful for 'paM patronage we
wish to merit a continnance of similar fa
vors, and as we intend to include a higher
grade and wider range of in. ruction, we
res-pectfully eolicit a careful examination
into our facilities and claims.
Terms :
Boarding, washing, tuition, fichls and
incidental expenses, for one quarter of
eleven weeks, will be Thirty Dol jrs, one
half payable in advance -the o;hr half
and all tuition bills will be expected prompt
lv at tie expiration of each quarter.
Bardinz, wiih furrvihed rooms, one
quarter S22,00
Tutii6n7n common Ens!ih branhces 5,00
including Mathematics and Book
Keeping by Double Entry , 6,00
Tuition in Latin, Greek, and German
extra 1 00
Washing, L;2fits and incidental ex
pense?, ofie quarter, 3,00
Th ose who desire to procure Vchotarhips
or. attend by the year, will be accommoda
ted at a reasonable discoor'r, and students
wishing to secure rooms should make sea
sonable application.
For furiherVarti'cn)ars addres
VVAl. BURGESS, Prinfioal
Millville, Penn'a.
GcoBcr Matkrs, J. K. Evts. )
Dr. A. P Hei.lkr. Ellis Eves, Trustees.
Kknjamin K. Eves, )
Millville, May 29. 1861.
Sole JMafiiifacturers of tbe lmprdred
The chesptet and most durable Hooting in
It can be applied to New and Old Roof of
all kinds, and io Shingle Roof without re
moving the shinnies.
Tne Coi is only about One-Third that of
F.o'r preserving and reiiairirig Tin and Oilier
Metal Roofs pi every description, lro.ii its
great elasticity, is not injured by the con
uaciinn and expansion of metals, AND
These material have been' thoroughly
tested in Nw York and all pari? of tne
Southern and Western slates, aud we can
give abundant proof of all we claim in tbeir
They are readily applied by ordinay la
borers, at a trifling expense.
"xo in: at is iiEQuiiikb."
These materials are put up ready for u-e,
and for shipping to all parte of the country,
wnTi full printed 'di're'c'iions for application.
Full descriptive circulars will be furnish
ed on application by mail or in person at
our Principal Office and Warehouse,
Corner of Libert) St'eet, New York.
Agents Wanted ! Terms Cash ! !
May 29. 1861. ly.
. CScEcscaiS3 3
H AVE just received from Ph'-ladelphia a
splendid assortment of merchandise,
purchased at the lowest figure, and which
they are determined lo sell for
Cash or Country Product;,
on as moderate terms as can be procured
elsewhere in Liahl St'eet. ,Theu Stock con
sists ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest
styles a'tid Uest fashions., , . , ..
dry goods. Groceries, .
Iroii, Naili ntul Spike
In short every thing usually kept in a coun
try Store. They , respectfully invii their
old friends, and the public generally, lb call
and examine their stock before purchasing
BE" The highest price paid for country
produce. , n ' li a.
Light Street, Joly 3d, 1961.
Oyer's Sintiatilli,
riiHESE MEDICINES, have now.Deen' bp
fore he pub'tc , or'a period of Thf!y
Vears, and dur'uig ltjat time. maintained
a hTgh chaiacter in. almost every,' parj of the
Globe, (oi fihelr exiraprdinary and home-'
diate power of restoring perlect pealih to
persons sufferina undr nearly every tkind
of disease to which the Human frame is
liable. t. ( ,(i . , . , ,. ..... ,
The following are among the distressing
variety of tinman diseaee in which the
Ate well known to be infallible.
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing
ihe first and second stom.aches, and crsa
ting a flow of pt)ret healthy bjle. instead of
the slate anil acrid Jciiit: 'Flai.ulencfj.Loss
of Appe.tije'Heartbiyn, 'Headache, Restless-,
nes-, II J-.Terrtper Anxiety, 'Languor., and
Melancholy, Which 'are ihe geneia! symp
tom of D spe'phia, yitl vanish, as a nat
lural consequence of its, cure.
COSTIVENESS., by cleansing ihe'whole
length ol ttie. intestines with a,aovehi pro
cess, aiid wiihoui v iolencf ; all violenl pur
ses leave the bowels cotive within two
Jay- r , .
FEVERS or all kinds, b) restoring the
blood to a regular circulation, through the
process of respiration i n such cases, and
the thorough solution of all inleHina! ob-
Mructipn in. others.
th xJ
he.Ljle ile'icine have been knoprrj to
' UH EU MjAT ISM pe r m a n e o 1 1 y i r, t h ree
weeks.'and GOUT in half that fimeA. by
removfriu lb,cal iilflnmation from the mus
cle nil rigarheriis of the joints. j. J(
DROPSIES of "all kinds, by freeing and
"trengthing the kidneys and bladder; they
operate 'inoet delightfully on these impor
tar.l oraans. and hence have ever been
found a Gvta;n remedy for the wbret cases
of GRAVEL.. .... , .,
AIo WORMS, by t dislodging frbrrj the
turnings of Ihe bowels the .slimy matter io
which these crpa'ure adbprev
SORES, bv th'e perfeel puiit'y which these
LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and
all the humors.
COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effeci
upon the fluids that feed the skjii, and tbe
moi bid state, of which occasions all erup
tive complaints, sallow, cloudy and other
disagreeable cpmplexipns.
The use of iheie ,PiIU for a very short
time will eRect an entire cdre of SALT
RHEUM, am! a striking improveonet-t in
h cleameys of the skin Comnvm Colds
and Influenza will always be cured by one
dose, fir by two ii. the worst
ITLES. The original proprietor of these
Medicines, was cored 'of Piles, 35 year
standing by the ui-e of the Life Medicines
alone. , . .. i ,
FEVER AND AGUE. For tJj- sconree
of the Western country, these Medicines
will be lound a safe, speedyand, certain
remedy. Oilier medicines leave the sys
tern subject to a. return of tbe. diiease-a
enre bv ihese Medicines is : perrjianent
TRY THEM, be.Satisfied atde Cured.
PLAINTS General Debi'ity, Loss of ap
peii:e, and Di.-eases of Females -the Med
icines have been use J with me, .most ben
eficial results in caces of X description:
Kinss Evil, and Scrofula, ia its worst forms
)ieios iq ine rruiu, yej , powert.ui action ol
thece remarkable iledicines. Night Sweats
Nervo'u Jeoiliiy, Nervous Complaints of
al! kind-?, Pdlr'iia:ion of ihe Heart, Paia
ler' Colic, are speedily cured.
M EilCURI A L DISEASES.-Persons whose
constitutions have become impaired by the
injudicious ot-'e ol Mercury, will find these
Medicines a perfect cure, as they never
fail to eradicate from the sstem, all the
efftcis of Me-cury, infinitely sooner than
the m'qst powerful preparations of Sarsapa
rilla. Prepared and sold by . ,
335 BrodwavrNew York.
April 17, 1861-ly.
V4 w V 'tf
f. f. ". .".
w "W Vi-
. ...
Chen per than Liver.
May IP, 160.
rf.-. ., ... vv ;
V W "WW W W Vj" i www w
TRlHE Proprietor respectfully informs his
JL friends and the publvc enerally, that he
has taken charge of the Rooming House, in
ihe village ol Wyoming, near, ibe "Railroad
Depot of that place, and has fitted il out so
as to entertain both transient and perma
nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable
manner. His rooms are spacious and airy,
and not only calculated to add lo the conve
nience and comfort ol the traveling commu
nity, but al-o to those who wontd seek a
pleasant summer resort with families.
HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best
the market 'can afiord ; and his BAR, will be
furnished with the purest liquors that can
be obtained. The proprietor will give his
exclusive attention to the comfort and con
ven'ciic'e ol his tiieM. and is determined
to make the, WYOMING HOUSE rank a
mong ihe first hotels i'ri the St tte.
The r'roorie'y'r hop'es that from his expe-
Vienc'e in the business, and by unremitting
attention on bis part, combined with a judi
cious selection ol th'e most careful and oblig
ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa
vorable consideration of the public and re
ceive '4 liberal share of their patronage. .
Z$T Please give him a call, and.judgje for
burselve" : April 2, 1859.
ttfll. D K00XS Proprietor.
IHIS magniBcent 'Hotel, situale in the
i- central portion ol the town, and op
posite the Court House, his beeri thoroughly
repaired and refurnished, and the proprietor
is now prepared to accommodate travelers,
tearhsters, drovers and boarders in 'he most
pleasant and agreeable manner. His table
will be supplied with the best the market
affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors.
Attentive ostlers will always be on hand.
arid his stabling is the mo.sjt extensive in
this section ol country. Omnibuses will
always be in read ine. td convey passen
gers to and frorh tbe Railroad .Depots.
Bloomsburg, July 4, 1860.
7T grape Vines. :
YOUNG Vine of two years; of "'Miller's
Burgundy," with beautiful roots can
be had: also, peach I ree a from seed of the
choicest Tarietiesrif called (or soon.
ilEALTU 'llfD ITS TLEiilttiZ
Disease VitU lis AgoBieb$
choose Between thsm.
Whai.a rrior.e learfnl thin a breaking
down ol the.pervpus sysiem To be exci- ;
table or nervous. in a, small degree is nx'ei
distressing, for where can .s remedy t .
found t , There is. one r-r-drink bui little
winj. bfer. or spirita, or far better, ror-e; coffee, weak lea being preferable;
get all.fhe Jresh air you can ; Ihke three rt
four PilU every riight; eat pleniy.'of solids,
avoiding tie ue of slops.'; arid if these gold
en. rules are followed, you will be happy
in mind and strong iu body, and forget you
have any nerves.
If there is one thing more than another
for which these Pill are so famous ii is
their purifying properties, especially their
powe'r of cleansing jhe blood from all im
puritiesa'nd removing dangerous and sas-.
pended iecrelions. Universally adopted at
the dne.giand remedy for female compianna
triev never fail, never weaken tt e system
and, always bring abput w.hai is required.
These feelings which so sadden nsare so
frequency arise .ftonvannoynnce and troub
le, from obstructed perspiration, or from :
eating and drinking .wha.1 is for ii
thns disordering ihe liver and stomach '
These organs must be regulated if you wisr.
to be well. The Pills, if taken according
to the printed instructions, will quickly re
store a healthy anion to both tver and '
stomach, whence 'follow as a naral contan
sequefice.'a gocd.a'ppejiie and a clear head.
In tbe East and WeM 'Indies, Kcaicply ary
other medicine is ever used or theee dis.
orderP. . , , .
disorders of Tr(E Sidneys.
tn all diseases afleciiryr these oreans,
whe;h'er .they secrete too much, or loo little
water; or .whether they be afflicted wi:
stone or gravel, or with aches and pair.
settled in the loins over the regions of . e
kidneya. ihese Pills should bo lakeji accor
ding io tjie printed instructions directions,
and the Oirtment should be wefl robbed
iniu uig rmoji ui ijic ua a a i ueu lime. I rj is
treatment will give almost imn.'eJule relief
whei all other means have failed.
No medicine will so effect oally. improra
ibe tor.e of the stomach as these Pilis ; they
rem,oy'ei all., acidity, pVeasioned eiiher by or improper diet. . They
reach. the l.ive(r and reduce it to a healthy
action; they are wonderfuliy efficacious it,
caes ol spasm in fact they ever .lai in
cuiing itll disorders ol the Ii er and etomtecb.
Ilollnu:ny',s Tills are the best remedy known tn
the world for the Jouuving diseases.
Asthma. .
Billious Complaints,
Blotches on the
Skin.. , . :.
Bowel Cornplaints,
Coh'ipa!ipn of ths
Female Irregnlarl-
Fevers of all
Gou'", , ...
Head ache,
Liver Com-
Pile., .
Retention, of
. Urine,.
Scrofula, or -
. . King's Evil,
fore Throats,.
Stone acd Gravel, . ,
Secondary Symntome,
Ulcers, . ......
Venereal A flections1,
sVorms ol all kind
Weakness from . .
whatever cause,
'Sic., Lc.
CAUTION !! None are genuine unless
he words "Hollowav, New York sqd Lon
don' are cVeernable as a Water-mark in
every leaf.of the book of directions around
each pot, or box the same may, be plainly
seen by, hiding the leaf to the light. A handr
some reward,, will , be given to . any one
renderina such information as may lead lo
the delectipn ol any. party or, pfief co'un- ,
terfeiting ..the,, medicirjes. or, vending lhe-;
same, knowing ihf.m to be spurioBs. 4-
S'd a, the Manufactorr of Profcsor
Holloa-ay, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and
by all respecable Druggists and Dealers in -Medicine,
ihroughool the civdizel . world,
in boxe at 25 cents, 62 renis and , S I. eac
CP" There is considerable saving by la- ,
king the larger sizes. .
aw V "" "PTX - '..- s
iv. t uireciions ior me gniaance oi pa
tienis in every disorder are affixed io each
October, 17, i860.
ONE ihousartd customers to volnnr to
buy their Goods at L. T. SHARPLESS
Store, where Ihey can be bought very low
for cash or. country produce. Having on
hand a stock of goods, he is determined to
sell at prices reduced to suit ihe times.
An assortment of Clothing adapted to this
season of the year, will be sold cheap.
Good Sugars at BJ to 12 J lb.
. Syrups, at 10 tO; 15 els. per qt. Also, New
Orleans Baking Molasses. . r ,, , .,
A fresh lot of cheap Calicos, warranted lo
hold color just received. . -, ...
All kinds ot Shoes will be sold, at price
less than, marked.. . , ... . .
To customers buying lor Cash, we wopli
say it is lo your interest to. give him a call.
Gratelnl for the patronage extended lo
him in ihe past, he hopes. to merit tbe coo
fiJence ofthe public in futQ'e .
, .. . L. T. SHARPLESS.
Bloomsburg June 5, 1861
VWIWO Notes of hand, drawn by Morion
1 Mr Michael, in favor of C. W. McKfl'T
& Co., dated July 6;h -and July i'O'ti, 1661,
on four months, (or $714 SO, each- failed
lo reach their mail destination. Atl per-'
sons are cauiiored against.negotiating. for
ei'he'r of said Notes. A suitable reward
will be raid for their return to Morton Mc
Michael, at Philadelphia, or io Jhe coder
signed, at the CaltawUsa P. per Mill. v
July 24, 186131.
Eiecutor's Notice
IV OTIC E is hereby given that letters testa;
mentary on the estate of Abraham
Kline, late of Oraoge township, Colombia
connty, deceased, have be n granted by
ihe Register of Columbia county, lo Elijah
Kline; residihz in Benton township, said
county. All persons havirg claim nr de
mands against Ihe estate of Ihe decedent
are requested to present them for settlement,
and those indebted lo the e-tate tn make
payment forthwith to .
7111 HJtli v 9