8 TAR'OF'TflB'OTP? WW ft -74 COB r, EDITOR. BLCOSSBCRG, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2d, 1861. Dexiiocralictfni!natioii8. ;' REPRESENTATIVES, , L E YI L. T AT E , of Cofnmlia. GEO. S. T U T T 0 N , of Wyoming. . ' " SHERIFF, ' OSrill fl FURMAN. ASSOCIATE JUDGES, JOHN M e 11 E T Ji O L D S, STEPHEN BALD7. . TREASURER, JAMES S. M c N I N ( ' II . COMMISSIONER, ". 'CHARLES H. HESS ? . CORONER, - . ; JAMES LIKE. - AUDITOR, .JOHIN F. FOWLER. Colombia Connty Democratic Ticket. ' c far nnr information extends, the .'W nominations made on the part of the De mocracy, meet with onusual favor ; the masses finding in them men worthy of con- fi.lonrA and trust, and seem fietermined'to support their claim upon Democratic prin ciples. The cry of Union with IRepublicans and' disaffected Democrat vonder 'be for" mer title, is so readily perceived, that a mo Tnent's reflection, operates in favor, raiher hn in oDDosilion to the actions of the ------ r r Democratic County Convention They per ceire dn this a new dodge, a new mode of warfare. This manner ot procedure re minds ns of a measure often t;.,en by busi ness, men, when in deep water, to come out tinder new names, in order to evade Ibeir prior obligations. A name receives honor' or. dishonor from flie -representative man. Benedict Arnold, or 'John C. Breck inridge, previous to their acts of treachery were as worthy of favorable distinction a those. of Israel Potnam or Joseph Holt. "Vhy make the' name Republican dishonor able ? Why throw it away as a refuse gar ment 1 Why ignore ihe party record in name! 7 here must U some underground in fivente, seme personal impulses changing the xkinnel that carried in triumph Chicago prin xipteslhravgh the opposing elements in the last October ar,d November barfes. Corporate bo2 ies are bat the instruments of men, speak ing the sentiments of many, who unite up on specified articles or principle, agreeing .to sustain those principles to their eventual .triumph, or witness their defeat after every effort' has proved futile. This checkered r.reer nron the part of the leaders of the - . - - . . I tlAMinnpqht.narlV. ft! opp09iiron,tia .mo iicmuu.- i j, though carrying 'at limes, their new rigced tark into successful ports with all lh pow- r en.as.tn! ofTnrt at their band, have nia vi o u . v - t . . - - at the earlier moment been -compelled to ' throw -up their delegated trusts, "ft wn historical fact , no two Presidential terms ever detained LtmccTotk authority, the people t t. t,i -nrr, in reinstate powers that UCFUg; giav vi w mv " bad given tone and character to the govern ment of the United States. The Democrat ic electors of Columbia will sustain their, - ideas of liberal principles, notwithstanding the " new V men dodge, andlwill ignore the fcill presented by the opposition Conven tion, at the ballot box.by declaring that their representatives are is' Irvepr the Union, ns firm in the support of all rffiaenl effort to sup press rebellion as oiy coips candidates now ie)ore &e peyte. "Democrats! remember yoar character as patriots is queslioWd,' that if you sufler your feelings to cool your exertions in the . uccess d the Democratic ticket, that it will l claimed as a trinmpli for the Union over it's - enemies. With Union as yonr ra!cb word, waft Democratic principles as . your creed, with tree hearts as proper mon itors nTarrg yon forward, tell these insinsa tin? nolitcal hucksters that you love coun- trV too weH. revere her early, fonnder too sincerely, her best interest too zealously in forsake them in ihisdarK ana trying uuut.. ' Capt Jennin , .... '. . JosrFH T-JBKMKGS.ont of thedis Union, Republican, no party candidates for Assem v, :. ,?;irt was. a short time no, the Captain of a Rifle Company, in Ma hoopany, (the town in Wyoming county in which he resides, and as we are in.om.su, , the Company of which he was Captain, of - fered to .volunteer their services for the war r.nt Jenntnzs ffudinz that tne com pany desired to go at oncet to the seat of m.d the excuse that he conld not ' r -lnnK Hnrincr which lime be leave io iuw't o Mnl,t arrange his business so as to ; leave The company willing to accommodate their patriotic captain, -greed to wa.i ior u.i uh of lime: upon which he made the farther excuse that, he cooia not leave uniil af.er corn hesking, in -December Tbi satisfied the members of the compa. ny of bis patriotisra and bravery, and many ol them have now volunteered into service in other companies, while the brave , and courageoas qwsi Capt. Jennings, remains at horro vend tape and Molasses, catch votes and villfiy Democrata.. Cora meat is tsnaecesfiary. . -Z- James S. MeSinei., -r- We doubt very much, if the Democratic County Convention had gone !Wit wfth a search warrant for a candidate lr connty Treasurer, whether it could have found a man more to our liking (arid oUr liking in this respect, we believe, is the liking of the whole community,) than jst the man it selected Jambs S. McNinch. Mr. Mc- Ninch cannot .prQperly, be considered a politician, but a straightforward man, who has made his living' by carrying on 'an hon orable and legitimate business a tnan who has heretofore been before the people but once in'bis life aking for office. He was born and reared, for aught we know, in old. Columbia : and. all its interests are his in terests, and alllls interests in It. Hon est to a farthing, and when necessary, labo rious without ceasing, he would as Treasu rer, see to it that not one cent in ihe Treas ury should go out -without value received by theeounty, norone cenl due it escape payment without legal reasons. We know Mr. McNinch well, and it is. only because we know.him well, that w are willing to thus vouch for him. As regards his com petitor for this office we have not mjch to say. Mr. Snyder has been taken op by the Republican party and nominated ; he has heretofore claimed lo be a Democrat, and we believe did vote with that party; but what political v'rews he now holds w are not informed. . He is a very KfevBT man, but he cannot be elected. If he claims to be a Democrat still, the Democratic par'y have made their choice and that is the reg ular nominee, James S. McNinch, conse quently he (Mr. Snyder) will receive but very few votes, if any, from the Democratic party Mr. Snyjler is, no doubt, a good Union man: and we should thirrk olways has been; but we never thought it was necessary to be placed opcm a Ticket." formed by our Re publican friends, and styled '-Union . Tick et," to demonstrate the fact. The so styled Union Ticket cannot succeed. The people have naiaith in it they will not lend it their support If oar Republican friends were fo anxious to have no party conwst this fall why did ihey bring a ticket into the field? Why could they not eopport the Democratic nominees ? They admit that the Democrats are Union men, for they go into our ranks for material. They will tell yoo Loirus, Snyder, Stiles, Keifer, Jkeler and Doty, are Democrats. Why bring the sec ond Democratic ticket in the field 1 They ! told yon they wanted no -contest this fall. Did they tell you the truth ? This so styled "Union Ticket" will be beaten in Columbia connty at this election worse than any Op position ticket has been teateu for the last three or four rears Kemember and vote the Regular Democraiic Ticket. To be a 'Dem ocrat to be atJnioii man ! - Hon. II. B, Wright in Bioomsbnrg. - rv According to provious announcement, the Hon H. B. -Wrights delivered a speech on rebellion, in t-he Court . Houee, at this plice, on Tuesday' afternoon last. The au- dienoe was quite respectable, although not large enough to boast over. It being 'a very hnsv season of the vear. is sufhefent ex cose now-a-days for small 'audiences. Mr Wright's -$peech "was a grand 'effort, the most-powerful speech "Me ever herd fall from his lips. He wa argumentive and ronvirtpinw throughout, commanding the o o . i most silent attention of his hearers, who re peatedly applauded him with a" hearty good will. Heorifined himself to his country and his, as well as every other man's, duty to it. He was for his country, "right or wrong," all the time, and stood in this ter rible rebellion -where all the leading Dem ocrats or the day stand, such as Holt, Dick inson, Butler.McCtellan, Johnson and Wool These men are Democra's of the purest in tegrity, and upright in thought and action the speaker was a Democrat. had supported Democratic " men and principles, but at oresent he knew no party : the cause of ihis a- - - great and once prosperons country was, his'mind, as well as in, the mind of 'every true patriot, paramount to all party consid oration. This wicked rebellion must and will be put down, and to better land sooner accomplish that end, we should present a oolid front. The speaker handled the se cessionists of the South without gloves, and if there are any such in the North, a good portion 'Of his'.'speech wa applicable to them ; but we hope and trust there is not a secessionist in the North, if there is one he should be hunted out and -racked off lo Fort Lafayette instanter The speaker named -several whom he thought would arrive there before long. He reiterated t!he remark that he made in his Danville speech, which remark the Danville Democrat pounced upon as if 'he had canght a tartar, anjl no doubt thought it a good hit on the lat Executive. The remark was somethi ng lHte this : had we had six months ago a man in the Pres idential Chair like old Andrew ijackon we would have no secession o day The Dem ocrat had not consulted ihe Almanac prop -erly'. - Democratic Meeting In Centre. On Monday evening last, a Democratic meeting was held at the Half-Way House, in Centre township. It was largely atreml 'Democracy of Snllivaa The Democracy of Sullivan.'county held a Mass Meeting, at Laporte, on Tuesday evening of last week, which vfas addressed 'Dj- Col. 3ohn G. Freeze, Col. Levi L. Tate, and others It was a, good meeting from all accounts. The Democrat, j published at that place, -in an article speaKing ot tne meeting and its orators, ha fhe following which -we appropriate lo our columns: After a jnjiort absence the Committee d Col John G Freeze, of Colum bia county, who is certainly a moi excellent speaker In a clear, forcible manner he spoke on questions concerning tlie state of the country. :te Jduty of Dem ocrats to stand by the Government as they alwavs have done, and maintain their organisation 'He was constantly cheered 4 .. on. I hid aneerh uavH Ull- ed, by TOea, of Centre and adjoining town- j bout1 ,a.i3Ucuon lo ,ne immense gath shiDS. There aprears to be no difficulty to i pel u,p a Democratic -meelinj; this tall the people are willing and anxious to attend at any lime or place. All 4hey want is no lice a day or two in advance, and they are nr Km, I ;n ntPfirh(i!min' numbers. The VII llUt.U ,u wv. . - O Col Levi L. Tatrt, one of onr fofflI. for Representative, follownd i in a speech '.ha, was decided.)' able, vindicating the Dem ocratic party clearly and) fully in every particular, in which "it :ha recently been attacked, nrovina his patriotism and loyalty Democrats of Centre and Mifflin are enthu- I -o clearly that the most donbtini could not siastic in the cause of Democracy more so help but ! believe He , . consun iilj .p- than we have know them to be for sever-l 5 hejrg j years. In fact the Democrats all over the) ' '. J county are at work this Fall, and such a ; The WoVdkrs oe thk Microscope. We swamping as the Republicans will receive j understand it is through 'jrtre agency of this on the Second Tuesday or October you nev- j marvel viewing instrument that Dr. Ayer er before read or heard of, as taking place j has at length succeeded in finding the palu in old Columbia or any other county of like ,ia miasm and determining its character .i: t I nf ;i fif.rts we in Ihis section have abun- u iiiieusiuii. ; i , ... Th Mifflinville Strina Band . was in at ; dant evidence in the feer and ague whicn tendance, and discoursed music oo the oc- J t alone produces when absorbed through casion. This is most an excellent Demo- the lungs into the bloody It rvas long oeen cratic Band, and is doing good service this . held to be a vapor or something in tne va mnaion. i nor of water from dcayea and decaySna On motion of W. H. Jacoby the meeting ; Tegetat.on. Under a great maSni.,...s i-- wasoraanized by the selection of the foU j er, the Doctor has round this vapor to con- owing gentlemen as officers: ptain distinct organisms i JEREMIAH HAJENBUCH, PresUent. - I correspond.na precise y ..u " ' .. . I ih ird cf Aaee sntects. Tliey are la, v;,. Prithnt- Jose oh Pohe, Solomon i tfW) tk,oa. e ..; 7 . Nev hard. Andrew Freas. Jacob Hess. Dan- 000 t,mesle.s than XL tel Nevhard, Stephen fobe, Lewis tucsroai, Dnt nave aisunci i-iwii.-. thinks they are reprcuucue m DtMoc Tc Mketisgs. Democratic meet-in-i are being held all over the county st present. On Tuesday alsernooii Col. John G.ctsPV.e adJres-ed a meeting at Mainville, n evening. of same iaybe, address ed Fr Wilson Mack, George P. Miller, hlias Crea sy, Chri-tian Wolf, C. D. Herring.' Secretaries Aaron Andrews.amuei .ey- hard, Edward Hartman fc. u ness, nnswu Robison, Lafayette Creasy, Oo 'motion. Col. John G Fbkkze address ed the meeting, in a clear snd logical man ner, for wer an bour aod a hall. Me came down upon the secessionists and abolition ists with equal condemualiou proved ev ery thing he advanced by the records of ihe ReDublican oariv.. which eviuence that par ty, could not .conscientiously reject. Col. Freeze is an able speaker, well inarmed in both State and National Politics.. His. speech at the Half-Way House elicited many re mark ol commendation. . Col. Lesi L. Tatk was next called on the stand,, and made for his. hearers a telling speech,' one, lhal. should drive bim right straight into the Legislature ir he makes not another one this Fall. He resumed his seat amidst tremendous shout of applause. , On motion the meeting adjourned. ; Meeting in Gatlawlssa. On Saturday evening las a Democratic meetina was held in the town of Cattawissa. Mahlon Hamlin presided.- It was address ed by Col. John G. Fbekze and our candi Aifn fnf ItwmWt. Cnl. Levi L. Ttc We uaw ... ... -. j , are informed that ihe meeting was tolera bly well attended,, roach .larger than the Republican meeting which was held there a few evenings previous lo ihe holding of this one. The Democrats in and about Catta- ;9 haa hprnma warm in the cause of Democracy. Tbef will give a good account o! themselves on next Tuesday at ihe pons Judge Baldy and James S. McNinch wil not be caught napping. matter or in ihe blood, and hence their long continued life or the remote effects of them in the system. He'mainlains that they re semble in character the other fermentative poisons, or such a the virus or rabies or of a dead body, &c, all of which are known to reproduce themselves wi:h great rapidity like yeast in moistened nour, 60 tnai ine slightest quantity impregnates ihe whole mass, i eat ;inougn -vc,.u. - is seen to be a forest of vegetation which grows, blossoms,' and goes lo seed in a short time. Miasm is not so dislinctl) vegnaow, but has more the appearence of animal life, although its motions cannot be perfectly disiinuished. What the Doctor claims to have settled is, lhat it is an organic sub stance and he has further found and em bodied in his "Ague Cure" what will des- troy it. Leacer ck. uouu. ffiore Abont oar Candidate for Assembly. As wie daily glance over bur exchanges our eyes fall upon articles laudatory of nor candidate, for Assembly, irom this .County. From among1 the many notices we have-fe- lected the following, which we place before our readers. !Itiswith no little degree of satisfaction that we give publicity to the oft repeated expressions of commendation of our worthy candidate, Col.'L L. Tula. Hear ahem : ;.; AsssMBLTr-CoDl. 'L Tate and George S.TutTon -are our candidates lor' representa tives lCol. Tate is well known throughout tha-District-ks tfe indefaiiabla editor of the Cofnmbia ' Democrat, one of the organs of the Democrca) -of Columbia county. For onward of twenty years the gallant Col. has been'eng'age'd in defence of the Union and the Constitution, and dealt heavy blows at the.jauns'faced opposilion with -marked effect, as is seen by the slow headway they have mado during that lime in breaking down the overwhelming Democratic vote of ihe'Slar of the North. We believe this is the first time Col. 'Tate has been tretore the :people for their support, and it behooves the Democracy lo -attest their appreciation of his services by electing him by arrDver whelming majority. George S. Tutton, !Esq., of Wyoming, :is -not o well known to us, but is highly spo ken of bv his friends and neighbors of the upper ena oi trie uismci. lue iyuhh uiumn Democrat, in a complimentary notice of his nomination, speaks of him as a gentleman of fine ability, sterling integrity, and withal a sound 'Union Democrat, ne nas no sym pathy for disunionists, denounces secession and treason, and will support tne adminis tration in all conMitutrenal measure to put down rebellion. If ele'cted he will do hon or to himseir and to his -constituent - Dan ville Intelligencer. Col L. L. Tte.W3 learn through our ntchannen. that the Democrats of Columbia rnmo hvn nnrninaied. subiect to the 9i irn of the Democratic Conference, ' Col f. f. Taie. of BioomsbuM. as a cand'-date for Representative in the Stale Legislature, for ihft. fnsnina winter. We have been for mnnr vpnrs aeaiiainted with the Cnl. and know him to be a staunch and tried Union Democrat, and a man that the people will delight to honor. Col. I ale wan, tor a .ong period, the Editor of the "Luzarne 'Democrat, published in Wilkesbarro and alway us tained the cause of our party, and the glory of the i.aiion through lis coinmux, with Keal and ability. The Col. mvved lr-m Wilkes- Wr to "Bloomsbur in 18-16, and ihere commenced ihe publication of ihe Colum- hi democrat, ol which paper ne r now the Editor. In "all the char.gesol 'politics, and nf noliiical men, he has been one ol those who never wavered m.r vn-cillated for one moment; but always kept the star of nmnir.n nd Union t ricly in view. That beacon light of alt true and pauioiic men h. K.ri his unide. throuiih r lon and ac live life; and now, when the -oppo-tion are endeavoring by every metuis in tneir power to dim and obscure its brilliant rays, no man can be found better fined u the task ol Hssisting in dispelling and driving awny ih mists ol falsehood and laiiai-y machinations of the enemy arnnni I it. than Col. Levi Democ'it. CoLrMBu Countt The Democracy ol Columbia County have presented to Hie vo ters ot the county, a lull Democrtic ticket. Our -esteemed Iriend, Col. Levi L. Tatk, ed itor of the Democrat, is the nominee for the Legrslature. This is a deserved compli mert to Ihe old wheel hore oi the democ racy in that county. The Colonel is an abU and pure man, and in every way entitled to Ihe.support of the Democracy ol the coon nr. Wf. observe that the Abolition traitors hava made a bold onslaught on the wholn ticket, and our friend Ta:e m parttcu.ar. Alraid to tun a tickrt on the Abolition plat form they adopted the cull trap of "no par ty." and brought into the field a mongrel ticket, parrtly Democratic, partly Republi can, .partly Knovv-Nothing and parily Ab olition. They sought to eiicompaF, imc Colonel by nominating Judge Baldy, a very popular Democrat. Hodge B.ildy however, refuses ihe bate, and i out in a card declining lo accent a nomir.atiou troni of.u nthr ihan ih Democratic party. he nomination of brother Tate, is a just tribute lo his patriotism and high moral character, and hi election will be an honor to the dis irict. Penna. ( Westmotelnnd) Argus. Col. Lkvi L. Tatk a veteran editor, a life lona Democrat, known in every nook and hamlet of our country, and of the district, is nomina ed for Assembly. As we stand in a somewhat close relationship to him. we shall not speak at length of his qualifications tor the Dlace. r.nr of his labors in the eeod old caue. His nomination by the Democ racy of Columbia county is a sufficient en dorsement of his fitnes, his capacity, his hoires'.y. Dei Kick Gate'te Cot.. Levi L. Tatk, editor of the Columbia Democrat, has been nominaied lor ihe As sembly by the Democracy cou.itv. We con Cnnn nnon h that if he is elected he will make a fathful, honest and useful Representative uniuHa Register. . THE WAR NEWS. Rebel Batteries on the f otaiaae. j From Papers of Saturday and Monday hit. Official reports from the commading officer of the Potomac flotilla have been received. The batteries at Freestone Point were dis covered or. Wednesday. Since then batter i havfl oAefl-p.d uDon the shipping on the river or have been discovered at Timber oranch. Quantico Cock-pit, aud Point Occo qiKin. There am also three batteries at Mathias Point, whicti, with those at Acqoia Creek, are supplied with heavy guns. Some of them throw shot across into Maryland The navigation ol'ihe rirer is virtually clos ed. The flag-ship 'Yankee, Commanding Gilles. came up to-day; and reported the state affairs to the Navy Department. Mer chant vessels which arrived here report that they have been fired upon, but have escaped without sustaining any serious in jury by closelv hugging the Maryland shore. ii. . l rr.;i. Alltn Pantain 1110 BCUUUlier triumm , Crammer, of New York, loaded with hay, has arrived at Alexandria, ane was urcu t twelve times from the battery at Occo nnan creek. Two shells entered her uectc- load, and another -strucK ner craoin, tely not exploding 1 hey were nreu rrom a 30-ponnd rirfed cannon inere am cnmslances leadinc to the belief that -this cannon was captnred at Bull Run. - The gounboat Yankee arrived at me navy yard to day, without being molested Dy me Secession battery at Freestone point, which is about twenty five miles below Washing ton. . Tha transDOrt steamer Delaware was tired at as she passed that point yesterday. Seven shots were thrown, 6trimng overanu arou mi her, without, however, doing the least nam- aae. . . The battery is represented as being a large one, with Ihe Secession nag promi nently flving. It is thought by officers attached lo the Potomac flotilla that there are other forts or bulieries between Freestone Puint and Ac quia Creek, but as yet they are concealed bv trtfes, which are thick along the shore The policy seems tb be lo first build the offensive works, and then clear the woods in their front. This view of the Secession operations is strengthened by the report of i,m.-. i.Am ninniuii that th ft' rebel troops which the have ihrown L Taie.--.V. B. a larmer from Occoquan that the rebel troop are posted in 'considerable force a'- other -daces between Occoupian and Aiqoia Creek. He funher says that they ar building forts and drawing cannon thither. THE IKEMT ACVANCING. A'tatoon reconnoissance to-day discov ered lhat the enemy had advanced towards Alexandria, from the direction of Spring field, and were erecting batteries on bu tter's :Hill, where they were working with greal energy. MORE PICKETS SHOT. Last night three of onr picket, contrary to order, went beyond the lines, and were fred upon. One of them was. shot through the leg. H came into Fort Al&any this morning. Our pickets met the enemy's pickets last evening in con-u:erauie num bers, this sida of Mmi-on's Hill, and volleys were xchangd between them. Two of cm- men were wounded, and two of the en emy, it i believed, were killed, or carried away seriously wounded. The Iiebel picket Drawing Clote'y upon us. A private in the Second Michigan Reai niem was wounded in ttre Leg yesterday, by a Tebe I -Ben try, near Arlington Mills. Tuts is the first case of any one teing shot so near Arlington Heights. Discharge of Government Horse Inspectors. On Wednesday Major Rucker, acting quar termaster, discharged all the inspectors at the Government horse -yarci, 'excepting JniiN Raymond, ol Pennsylvania, who has now sole charge of receiving and inspecting horses. ' Base Attempt of Conspiracy by a U.S. Sergeant of Marines. Acting Sergeant Ioombs was trougni as a prisoner to Washingtod yesterday in the Steamer Baltimore, which had taken several political prisoners from Annapolis to Fort Lalayet e. According to a report concerning the facts relating to Toombs' arrest, when on the voyasje he approached two ol the mar I told them lhat money was to be made by turning the head of the boat t o tha . shore, so that Ihe prisoners couia make their escape and ihat he would insure them E600 each for their assistance , and 30 per month pay hereafter. The marines, Mc- Mcllen and McGraw, indignantly rejecteu the proposition, when he said there were men enough on board to se ize the steamer, and that sooner than be arrested he would blow her up. The cornpiratcr was secured and brought hither in irons. Affiirs i' New Mexico. A private letter from Santa Fe. dated the 7th inst . states that Hon. John S Watts was elected delegate to Constres- by a large m&- inriiv on ili 2t! of September. The writer I - , The Wonders of Natnre ! . - THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD., , - ' At every moment of life 'ten pounds if blood gush from'ifu hert through the arteries thence through the whole body'byxnannels so minute as to be invuible and of so delicate a texture that the finest lace t coarse in com parison. In the course of a year this stream of life conveys 3000 lbs. of nutrition to the various tissues, and at the same lime ex pels, an eqtral amount -of waste from the system. Scientific research into the na ture and phenomena of disease demon strates lhat four-fifths of the disorders which aflict the human race spring Irom th'w 'prolific source when in a vitiated or depraved condition. From careful analysis of human blood at different periods D. Hoi loway discovered that in an unhealthy state it engendered Erysipelas, pimples, blotches and all cutaneous eruptions. He therefore trata the vital fluid first by his Pills to J cleanse it ol the humors which give origin to the external disorder, while applications of his Ointment are used outwardly to re move the blemishes from the surface. This is the simple and rational treatment em iployed by Dr. Holloway in all the above named affectons. With the innumerable certificates in his possesion from all parts of the world, and the increasing popularity of these preparations, he challenges the un ited -medico-scientific world to produce an other medicine which will effect ihe same radical and permanent cures or all skin dis eases with the safety ahd certainty invaria bly attendant upon the use of bis celebrated vegetable Pills and balsamic Ointment. These remedies are'eonveyed by the circu lation to every tissue of the human body, thereby puritying, renovating, and invigor- 1 aiinz every organ and function of the sys tem. By their means the most obstinate sore or virulent ulcer is quickly cured : the Pills 'cause foul humors to suppurate and discharge, while the Ointment acting exter nally, does its work in a most suprising manner in harmony with the former; no wond-r th&n that these famed medicines are to be Joand in eveVy cabin, in 'every 'house, in every mansion, and we may say in 'every palace. There is no disputing their soverign efficacy, we therefore willing ly and cheerfully recommend out readers if any there be who are yet unacquainted with the virtues of these famed remediei lo try them . " (lli"zie of Science GENE UAL ELECTION "took out : The Republicans, alias Union leaders a':!' out with flying circulars headed Union, for the purpose of deceiving the Democracy into their support. Keep watch of such sheets, they are false lights from the ene my's ca-frbp. 'PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, by Ihe laws of this Com monwealth, it is made the duty of the"Sheriff of evert county io give notice of the general Elections; by publication in one or more newspaper of tha county, al least twenty days , before the election," and to enumerate therein the officers to be elect ed," and to "designate the place at which the election is to be held." Therefore, I, JOHN SNYDER.'H'rghSheTifT of Colombia county, do hereby, thake known and pro claim to the qualified electors of Columbia county that General Election Will l e hol l on TUESDAY, the EIGHTH DAVOF OC TOBER, being the second Tuesday 'in sai-1 mOuth, at the several districts within tha cbunty, to wit : Benton "township at the house formerly occupied by'Ezekiel Cole- Beaver township, al the house ot ftanic lin L. Shuman. Bloom' township, at the Court Hoqs9, Bioomsbnrg. Briarcreek township, at the School Honsa near Evansvitlp. Borough of Berwick, at the Town House, in Berwick. .- Cattawissa township, at the house of Samuel Kostenbauder, Cattawissa Centre township, at the house of Jeremi ah Hess, dee'd. ( Conyngham township, at the bouse of R. R. Wasser. . Fishingcreek'tovrnship, it the house bf Geo W. Hoffman. "j, - Franklin township, at Clayton's SchocH House. Gr'eenwbo'd" township, at the house of Joseph R. Patton. Hemlo-k township, at the Back Horn. Jackson township, at the house of EzekieV Cole. Locu-t township, at the honse of J. L. 1 Hurst. Sinbtown a t Av - Mitfliii township, at tne nonse oi jonn Keller. Madison township, at the house of Sam uel Rim by. Mdtint -Pleasant twp.t at the 'house now occupied by J F Derrick. Montour township, at the honse of John Richards, now occupied by William Hal- linshead. Main'towns'hip. at the honse formerly oc cupied by G W. Dreibach. Orange township, at the house of Alexah der Hujihes, Orangeville. Pine twp . at the house of Albert Hnnter. Sngarloaf townthip, at the bouse of Alinas Cole. Scott township, al the house of E:ioch Howell, Espj . ' ft is furttrer directed that the felectt m nl the said several districts shall b openel between the hours of 8 and Id o'c'.ock "in MJiRlllF.r). On the 1th inst , by the Rev. William J. Eyer Mr. AtsriJ. H. Church, of Kii-ston, Pa , to Miss Mary E. Monroe, of Cattawis sa. Pa. In Bloomibnrir, on the 26th nit., by the Rev. J. R. D mm, Mr. Israel Hkli.br, ol Burkhorn. 'Columbia co , to Miss Marga ret Bdv-kr. of Warshingionville, Mon tour county, Pa. On Thursday, the 19;h ult . in Mifflinvillrt by the Rev Anron Kester, Mr. Willi a V. 'Brown, of Stroudsbnrg, and Miss Cumin tine Bowmin, of H e fcTmer place. At theT.oo-e ot the bride's father, in Nes- copeck town-hip, Luzerne county on the 24ih ult., by the Rev. J. M. Salmon. Mr H. T. Hilev, of Espy, Columbia co , to Mies It. jANETtK, -daughter ol U. W alWer. On the 19th of September, 1861. by Rev. M. D. Cass, in Mui-catinj, Iowa, Mr. A B. Swisher of Edinton, Rock Island county, Illinois, to Miss Sahah J. Borivf, of Eliza, Mercer county, il inoi. At the same time and place, by the same. Mr. Jonathan W. Noble, to Miss Harriet J Irving, both of Eliza, Mercer county, Illinois. DIED. In Epy, on th ih ut., Jacob Pikhl. son of Alexander and Lydia McCarty, ag6d 4 year, 7 months and eleven days On the 22d wit., in Easton Pa., William Pinst. onlv child of Rev. J. G and C 1. adds that the rebel army has not yel crossed : p ; .h4 . I .. r. rxr n -a nnif In tin n I J 1 of Colombia the Jornada, but were preparing to do so, with a view of taking SanU Fe. We ex- ' .... l. O.t . n . t U1C OU 11131. Melancholy Catastrophy Another Blunder Colonel Owen's Kestment Fues on Baker's REYIEIF OF THE MARKET. CAREFULLT CORRECTED WEEKIT SI i . i. ' - 'a cf Denver,, at tae r-n.- Tin?v were honse of well and " VstcEirly Democrats ! go'earlt' npon the election ht for your Ticket, in doing n von are sustaining the cause of. the Un ,,.. of vo'ir country ! Be no Bilitary Parade. The military parade which came off. on Saturday last, . at Orangeville, was quite a fine affair. There were representatives of eight companies present, bul no one com pany with its full compliment ol men ; ana we believe but two companies muy organ ized onder the laws of ibe Slate. . In the al- ternooa H R. Kline, Brigade Inspector, took ihe companies under, his command and marched them into a field, where he dnlle- i j i -1 ihem for an hour or iwo won a aoou ue. u. satisfastion to boih the companies and spec tators. After Ihe companies were marched back to town, they were entertained a few moments, with a neat little address, deliv ered by Por, Shauk, of the Orangeville Male and Female Academy.' His remarks were on the war question and were well re ceived, frequently bringing out shoats of applause... Upon the whole, all passed off smoothly. ' Il was a goa day in Orangeville. DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. THE UNION FOREVER. By order of the Democratic Standing Com-! mitlee, meetings will be held at ihe follow ing points: . CATAWISSA, Saturday Evening Sept. 28th. HALF-WAY HOUSE Monday eve. do 30th MAINVILLE, Tuesday Afternoon, Oct. 1st. BEAVER VALLEY, Tuesday eve., Oct. 1st. EVANSVILLE, Wednesday evening Oct. 2d ORANGEVILLE, do do Oct. 2d NUMEDIA', Thursday Afternoon, Oct. 3rd. L. THOMAS' S. House f hursday eve Oct. 3d SERENO, Friday Afternoon, October 4 h. JRRSEYTOWN, Friday Evening, Oct. 4th BENTON, Saturday Afternoon, October 5th. WHEAT, RYE. CORN, OA1S. BUCKWHEAT, IP 70 50 30 do ind Baxter's Regiments. . The advance of General Smith on Falls Church from the Chain Bridge was attended by events of the most deplorable characer. ofJRpr. bbl 6 00 Having passed vanuerwercnen aim CLOVER5EED.5 OO aerburg's houses on tneir way io me lormct nlace and when about half a mile from it, i i ii. j I . I inmn unaccountable Dimmer voiunci BUTTER, 14 EGGS, 10 TALLOW, 12 LAUD. n VO PATOKS. 40 DR'D APrLES,! 00 HAMS, 2 the forenoon, and shall continue o,9i wiih out interruption nr adjournment, u-itil 7 o' clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. The offiVers to be elected at the lime and places aforesaid, are TWO M EMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. TV O ASSO'TA I E JUDGES A TREASURER. A 'SHERIFF. A COUNTY COMMISSIONER. A COUNTY CORONER. A COUNTY AUDITOR. It is lurther directed ih it the meeting of the return judges will be held at the Court Honse in Bloornsburg to make out ths gen eral elect ton, which will be on FKlDAi the ELEVENTH DAY of OCTOBER. The return Judges ol the Representative District, Ciira,H)sed of the counties of Vy-. m'rng, Sullivan, Col .imbia and M n tour,' shall meet at the Court House, in B onn--' burg, in ihe connty of Columbia, on TUES DAY. the FIFTEEN TH DAY of OCTOBER next to make oat returns for members of Assembly. - And io and by the said act I am further directed to give nonce that every peron. excepting justice of the peaee, who shall hold any oifice or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of lh9 Uaited States, or of this State, or of any city or in corporated district, whe her a commission ed officer or otherwie a suborJinate otri -ir or aent, who is, or shall be etnploel J:i- der the legislative, or execu ive, or Jn.ficia- ry department of this State, r of any irci poraied dis-.rici, and also lhat every mem ber ol Congress, and of ihe select or com mon council of any city, com mi-i'nerA, of any incorporated district, is b) law, inctp ble of h-olding or eerciing at the s;irriJ time, the office or appointment of Judae, inspector 6t clerk 6f an? election of this commonwealth, and that no inspector judge or any officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office than lo b voted for. Given tinder ray hand and seal, at my office in Bloornsburg, this 10th day ol Sep lembvjr, A. D., 1861. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. BlcKjmsborz, Sept. 10, 1S61. hv - r : . c . t, Owen s rhitaiteipiiiairi5.ii negimem, m darkness of the night mistaking for the reb els Capiain Moil's battery which was in the advance, sustained by General Baker's Cal ifornia Regiment, Col. B-xter's Philadelphia Fire Zouaves, and Col Friedman's Caval ry, fired a full volley into the Uoop last mentioned, killing and wounding a large number. The California Regiment, not knowing whenee ihe fireing came, returned it with marked effect. The borsCs attached to Moil's battery became unmanageable, and the tongues of ihe caisson wew broken ninn m tn narrowness of the road, Lieu- " v. . l l .v, lenaul Bryant, having cornmanu ui i" $25i EMPLOTMEST ! AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from S25 to S75 per month, and all expenses, lo active Aent, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Ad dress Erik Sswing Machink Company, R JAMES, Get eral Asent, Milan, Ohio. Bloomsburs; Aug. 21, 1861. . . V- till V C . 1 if.t K ALINMp",MI grape and canister, and soon had ihem in LIGH T STREET, Monday evening Oct. 7ih. uke Bappo8ed enemy, when BUCKHORN, Monday Evening, Octo. 7th. worJ was eent to him that he wae in ihe Arrangemenis have been made to have company of friends. All was excitement, .t.. mtimva addressed by some one and a Ion- tim- elapsed before ihe , acioa llio nww .-- o Come ami Settle. THOSE knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are hereby notified to nma .it KPll tt iheir accounts without further notice. 1 am now in earnest. II not attended to soon their accounts will be section, ordered the guns to be loaded with plated In proper hands for collection. J . Hi. Jtlll LftJ. September 25, 1861. 'By Eersocratie Sentiment. th Eiernaf, the Union r fil-., r m oA era ntliimon ! or two oi mc iutiuwiK ! - HON. C. R. BUCKJJLEXV HON. 3f. E. JACKSON, hon. pavl lei nr. COL. JOHN G. FREEZE, COL. L. L.TATE. ' ' WESLEY WIRT. ESQ., EPHRA IM II. LITTLE, ESQ condition of affairs was ascenameu anu confidence re established. Many confused stories prevail as to ihe parties on whom the blame should test. Auditor' IVotlce. Estate of Thomas Conner, deceased. THE undersigned, appointed by the Or nhan'a Court of Columbia coomr. n audi tor to distribute the funds in the hands of John Conner. Trustee &c. of Thomas Con r tri I A a ... n .k! m in ti I . n kt. I ner. la e oi ureenoou luwnsmu, i Hollowsv's nuit iSDUiNjNr-nc- , io and amoni the heirs siy compels usb,.ous . . - r y . r.Dre9f?matiTe9 of id leCedeni u more disagreeaote V " a,.,ot, , lo aw : will attend at his office nBneous medicnes pnysicians ire.. ., --- - - a.,,, ,r h. " .i " .. . - .i .1 . i i in nmnniRUur . iu uri i vi hi o rm out.' Democrats, and battle for the obige them to swallow, oui I .mlm4,nI-' Fr-lda- ,he 8th day of inepu.c... --"V" "".?. u. M..mh-r AH. 18dl. And all persons unnii otd cause!. Fling to tho breere the heahh . the po.en. A. D. r: iMl Ta Uhio ihe p.U .. L"-:::"- having anv claim on the said funds are re. niiefiiiM. to make known ihe lame to Ihe Government, tainty of their action. Un tne stomacn nv- er and bowels they act so eneciuany iuai taey will immediately cure the worst phase ol indigestion headache, bilious fever, de nression of solrils, etc. We mv.te ad who demnation at your band. ; ana snow io are nnacquauv.ea w u., '--.1 NEW ASSORTMENT m ,h,t Pennsvlvauia, conservative ana stoie io nnu u, " - U still the Keystone ot the "d w. w. l '"faTOM r8ceived. which will be offered ,n all case. iruo -- - i maneni reuei- rm ji.v.r.-. - - - , . - ,..m ,mrt,. r.ncer. Diles. and all .kin ciseases on gooa couu.iuu-. rrLhx-lia wi .j. mn f fT eet a Al time honored banner, inscribed aicd tb Constitution j" and rally under its ri.u m the suDDort of the ever keeping itep lo ibe music of the Union. Let the Secessionists of the South and the Abolitionists of the North receive equal con- U1UI "v j, LFederajjArch Amlnnr on said davi or be fofeer debar- ,a.i from romin? in for a share ot the said fund. ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor. Bloornsburg, Oct. 2, 1861.-41. give ihem a trial, 4 NEW ASSORTMENT ot. Water, an a speedy and per- Aclock materials, of the right quality, ."k"11 f . I i l :.u :ti nflTrari in ll rases Will W vmw.wu " II ' ' - HENRY ZUPP1NGER, $35,00. PAYS the untiie cost for Tuition in tho most popular and Successful Commer cial School In the country. Upward of Twelve Hundred yotu.g men Irom Twitr eight different Suies, have been educated for businei-s here within ihe past three years, some of whom have been employed as book Keepers at Salaries of 1 i S3O0O,0O per Annum, immediately upon giaduatiug, who knew nothing or accounts when they entered the collie. . ' " EM'tnislers'sona half price. Modem's . - i .' enter at any lime, ann review wnen inry please, without extra charge. For Catalogues of 86 pages, Specimen of ProL Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large E-ugravin oi mu College, inclose twenty-five cents iu Post a"e Sump lo the Principal- JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Ta. June 5, 1861. WATCH 3IAKEII SHOP! THKundersiffned would inloim Die friends and customers and the rest oL mankind, lhat be cociinoes io pay psrticulat attention to Ihe repmnng . ui ic weight, spring, ind lever docKS , jew elryandeverytniog belonging in his line; and lhal it is al ail limes, aii'i his desife lo give perfect tatislacuon. n is an "excelfeot" workman, has visited several, and worked in three of the first Cities in the world . New York, Ph.ladel. phia and the great City or ran. t'articularatlenlibn is paij Id re-gildiii; of Bloorrl- ors, April 10. 1S6I. kyefs Cherry PectoitsL- 'J