? 3 STAttWTflB'BfORTH.- x 1 '.Wtd23aj Soralaj, Sept. l$t 1851. Womdrk if Dr:Johtt "attended the Mass ' Meeting in this place on Saturday last, and if so did be Iock op hi pocket book 1" 'Tinrrs We would gire notice to all candidates, whodesign having us print tick ets for them, to come forward and make the arrangement. " Judge Woodward is holding Court this week in Sullivan county. Our townsmen, Col. John G. Freeze, Wesley Wirt, Esq, and Col. Levi L. Tate, are in attendance.' Paor. Tho. McD. Patca the great tWkl f Blondin, of Niagara Fall notoriety, will Reform his daring feats on a wire treKrb4 "from the top of Wall's and MaynVrfi's tto rels, on Friday the 20th inst., in Tire after tooon. Come and see him. il yttn who toavo a taste for (he mztTiom-& t)em ncrat. Opt. Wm Stiver, has Veen authorized ' j the government to TaSs -company of able bodied young men ftfr rtre war. We understand that he is meeting with good success. The company is not yet full and a good opportonrty U mVw given yoong men in this section f cuntty to enlist. .Apli cation should be ttvade to Capt. Silver, or Lieut.' Rush, at the Riirrg Sun Hoiel. All recruits will betretfree of expense. Ber wick Gazette. "Niw AsoRtTHT or Clothing. &c We Hake pleasure ii making known to the pub lic that,onr frrend and townsman, Dane Low eaberg, has just returned from the cities oi Mew York and Philadelphia, with an as sortment of new good. Hi cloths, cassi neres,and vestingare of an eicellent quaU ity. Everything in the clothing line ran be 4iad at Mr Loweaberg'a More,and lor a rea eon able consideration. He has garments . tnade, constantly on hand, and is prepared o manufacture to order with neatness and despatch. Everybody knows where "Da veV store ts Rcpceucm Mwmcs We see it an nounced that a ewries of meetings are to be lield throughout the county, by our Re publican friend, now styling themselves Union men. These meetings are to be ad. pressed by Robert. F. Clark, Eq., of this place Mr. Clark i a good speaker ; wish we conk! say so much for the cause in Inch lie is about to engage. Bv irderof the Dem cratic Standing Committee a series of ap pointments have been made, and speakers engaged to address each and every one Air. Clark will be closely porsaed through 'he whole campaign. We kne w r.ot what argument he designs putting forth but we will ret assured, whatever they may be, they will, by our speakers. -be most ably met. . Mr. Clark is considered vrv much of a gentleman, consequently we may ex pect a fair canvass. Our speakers der-in so to conduct it on their part. . In another column of oar paper will bo found the proceedings of the so styled Uoi rn Conference, which met ia this place on Wednesday last A copy ol the proceed ings was sent us, we presume for publica tion. A resolution is attached to the pro ceedings asking all kyl papers of the Dis trict to publish them. A a matter of some interest to oof readers, to know who was there and what was done we give them an insertion. We see by those proceedings that Emanuel Lazarns, of Orangevtlle, Co Inmbia county, and Joseph T. Jennings, of Wyoming county, were nominated. . They - are noNv considered the opponents of Tats and Tottok, the Democratic nominees, which nominees we would not mind wa- -gering a-Summerhill farm will be trium phantlylecied. ThisUnion Ticket, a it is called, will receive nothing more than the Bioal Republican vote. Wk publish, in ihi week's Stab, the Act tof Asembly, passed July 2d, 1839, grant ing the right ol Volunteers io vote. It needs no explanation, as it is clear and conclusive. There are quite a number of men from this county in tie army, and we trust measures will be taken to have tbem enjoy theirrights. They are men, of whom the remaining peo ple of Colombia county may well fell prood. They have left their -homes, every ihing that was near and dear to them, to fight the battles of their once happy and prosperous country. When the call wa made for Vol Tjnleers, these your noble hearts did not etop" to enquire, who, or what, -w the caase of all this ; but immediately shoul dered their muketa like old regulars and inarched to the scene of conflict. They did all this, and it is now the duty of every true friend of the Onion, to do all in his power lo make then comfortable and happy. ' Thb candidate for Assembly, o the Uni on ticket from Wyoming county, gave as ci!l, a feVdays since. He appeared like very fine man, and wa reprefcoted to ns aa being a Democral-of the Dickinson and Holt stripe. We had no fault to find with sJl that. He told ui that he had not sought the rsensination, had never been a candi date for any cQce. before, and if elected be wo;M represent-the' constituents of this District to the best of bis abilities. Well, we dlda't doubt any of that, either.; Bat, to - come to think of the "matter, wo- have two ery good mea cn oar ticket, of our eelec- ; tion, in part,' whom wa would - much rather export. Wa have been' intima!ly: ac quainted vith theia for a number of years, tars wcttei together, siJa by side in the rco d c'l eassa of car Unioa, the consiits- - tier? zzi err country ; and vhea each men come fcr cZzs ws always support them, zril tint vhh atesrty good will. Tats; and Vcttc: are esr itanJ&rd bearers this fsH Czj tT3 1I3 very Jsralcal nten a larja m- cf th3 Tctrs ct Cclsntia conaty are r:ir io c:i Czl: tzits far. ilsrfc ths pre- rirstsnfrlltf Ner "Arrival of FAL ASD Wl&TEK "G09DS, David IWenfoerg INVITES attention to wis stock of cheap and fashionale tfroYhing at hie&toreo Main street, two 6ots above the 'Amer ican Ffrnrse,' ,rhe1ro lie. has. a full assort mentof me'n a'n;d tree's wearing apparel including the most fashionable . Box , rfcclc , frtfck , gum and oil 'cloth co a t of all sorts ami sries, "p'ti tip of all colors shawls, s'lVipes'&'rid ffgtrre. Yfcsts, shirts, era t at s, s toct s , vitf! ars , ha n dk etch ref s , g lo v e s spefV kfk'ffcy 'rtes. N.B. tte Vill ateo make to otdwr any article of clothing atvety shortnotice and in the best manner. All bis clothing is maio'to item, and most of il is of home manu'fa'cture. DAVID LOWENBERG. fcWtnsb'urg, Sept. 25, 1861. , Maris During the past year w beve introduced v to the notice of the medical profession of this country the Pure CrystiUxed Chloride of Propylamine a a R EDI ED Y FOR RUtlMATlSMt And having received from many sources, both from phjsicians of the highest stand ing and from patients, the most FlKilrriag Testimonials of l:a Kent Value in the treatment of this painful and obsii na'e disease, we are indnced to present it to the pnbito in a form READY FOR IM MEDIATE USE, which we hope will com mend itself to 'hose who are suffering with ihi arUiciing complaint, and to the medi cal practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE in the form above spoken of, has recently been exten sively experimented with in the PrnnsYlvnni.n Hospital, and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will ap pear from 'he published accounts In the melical journals.) GT ti is carefully pnt up ready for im mediate use, with full directions, and can be ob'atned from all the iltussUts at 75 cents per bottle, and at hoh:sale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chmintsy Philadelphia, Pknna. Philadelphia, Jcne 26, 1861 ly. TUB PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. noniu: N ookeuy I11 all its Branches, MISS ELIXA ACTON, IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose all kinds of Meats, Pooltrv, and Game, with all the various and moot approve! modes of dressing and cookins Beef and Poik ; also the best and simplest way of sallio, pick Iin and curing the same. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and mot approved inoJes nl dressing, cookinz and boning Minion, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, wiih the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings approt priate to each. IT TELLS YOU HOW to chnose, ciean, and preserve FUn of all kind, and how to sweeten it when tainted ; aUo all the va, rioos and most approved modes ol cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL Ihe various and most approved mode of preparing over fifty different kini's of Meat, Fish. Fowl. Game, nd Vegetable Soup, Broths, and Slews, witb the Relirhes and Sesnnint appropriate lo each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the varions ami mot approved modes ol cooking Vegetal ble el evety description, aUo How 10 pre pare Plrkles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fih, Game, Mush rooms, &e. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and mol apprted mtles of prepatina and rookit-g all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pas irv. Poddinss, Omelettes, Fritters, Cake, Conlecnonery, Preserves, jellies, and Sweei Dishes of everv description. IT TELLS YOU ALL ihe varioti and mot approved modes of making Bread, Ru-k, Mnfttns, and Biscuit, the best method ol preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and bow 10 make Syrup, Cordials, an4 Wines oi vanons kinds. IT TELLS YOU HOW lo sei out and or narnent a Table, how IO Carve all kinds of Fish. Flesh or Fowl, and in short, how loso simplify the whole Art 01 vooaing as brin? ihe choiceft luxuries of tte lab within everj body's reach. The book contains 418 pages, and up wards ol twelve hundred Receipts, all of which are the results of actual experience, havinz been fully and carefully tested un der the personal superintendence ol the writers. It is printed in a clear and open type, is Illustrated with appropriate engra, ing, and will be lorwarded to any addresM neatly bound, and postage paid, on receip ol the price, il 00,or in cloth, extia, 81.25: THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Witt tell you of Rarey's Meibod of taming Horses; bow lo Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt bow 10 accustom a horse to strange sounds and sights, and bow 10 Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness; aho the lorm and lawci Warranty. The whole be' ing the result of more than fifteen years careful study of ihe habits, peculiarities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. : GIOOO a TTcar can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, our 111 ducements to all such beiug very liberal. tor single copies of Jbe Bock, or for terms to agents, with other information apply to or address JOHN E. POTTEiyPoblisber, No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia. FOR SILE. ' , -; One Xlssdred TGss ol'Caycja Lake -Plaster, AT THE CATTA WISSA MILLS. npHE undersigned woold respectfully in form the public generally that they have on hand a large amount of superior CATCCA LAKE ILASTES, al! of which the offer for sale, in large or small quantities, upon, the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing 11 good article of riaster wnnld do well to call and examine thts before purchasing e!swhre, ! C. W. M KELVY & CO. Cai'awissa, Jan. SO, 13(1 1 3m. r s. c. suvw. fyrrrr cf Furniture and Cabinet War WafefwOta i3 V.iirr Eloek, cn 199 PROPYLAM,. WE WILCOX & GIBBS' Price with Hemmer andFeller 35 00. THIS MACHINE HAS TOINTSftF BUPE KIORITY PECULIARY1TS OWN. . . . Stitching, Hemming, and Fmng toith a Single Thrv&d. It forms a neat, even, and elastic Sesm, which is warranted not it) rip in wear, even if the seam is cut at trequettt intervals, and alto tinder all circumstances "to sutvive the wash-tub " A Patented device of great titiliiy to learner, prevents the possibility of the ma chine being run in the wrong dirtfction, or the balance wheel wearing a lady's dress. Another feature which fteYveS particu lar attention is erTHfc WILCOX PATENT NEEDLE CANNOT BE SET WRONG Two thousand Stitches, or two yarls of work, can be t'one in one minute without dropping a stitch. These Marbles, ftt simple and accroate in their construction, supersede the ue of the shuttle $ and with one thread pro.luce all the practical results of the to thread machine; ar:d more, for these fell without basting, and hem the finest musliu without puckering. Although at about half the price of the other fird uss machines, ihey will ac-om-plih double the sewing in a given lime- "It is emphatically the good, low priced Family Sewing Machine that the. public hav rong beeh wailing for." -Boston Tran ei'ript. It in indeed a wonderfdl prododion, and and for lamily Use especially, no oilier will bear any comparison wi'h it." Pailadel phia Evening Journal." 'Arhechanical wonder.'- Scientific Amer ican. 'Amona the bet and most sefriceable Sewing machines. Lifiht and elegantly finished, and so simple in its construction that il seem almost impossible for it to get onl rf repair." Pittsburg Cnionlcle. "Has combined with il own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of the higher priced machines." Pennyl vanian. "This machine, in the opinion of the L committee, Hit more neany ine require me tit of a pertect family machine than anj eJthibition." Frsriklm Institute Exhibi- on 1 inn KDort ol I85S "T11 king tnio consideration simplicity. 1 . .... i hvunnott. dnrubi ill;. hikI doi OX all WorK, i the rnmimt'ee were unanimous in tavor 01 the Wilcox &Gibb as a Miifjle threrd ma chine.' Pennsylvania State Agricul:ural Society's Report". "We must, in Jusiice, express our confi dence in Ihe merits of the Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine. We consider that a great desideraium has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond coubt, ihat two threads are not, as was supposed, necessary to a eond instrument.' Christian Advocaie and Jour nal, June 21, 1P60. "We have one of these machines in use, ar..l think more hiahlv ol it than of any ol ihe number we have tried."" Richmond Whig. The undersigned, Missionary to Constan tinople, has examined more than twenty different kinds ol Sewing Machines, and alter some six weeks experience with Wilcox & Gibbs' Patent, he has purchased one of rue hi as the beM adapted to the wants of his Until-, and a the least liable to require repair. ' OLIVER CRANE. Boston, July 3, 1860. The undetsi5iied,durinz eighteen months has had in almost t-onsianl nse, in his fam y, Wilrox & Gibbs Sewinz Machine, upon which ha been made the fl"lhes cf hi large family from muslin to pilot cloth including the clothing required lor his sev eral boy; and in no case have the warns failed, although in hard service. The ma chine now in use in his family haa required no repair, and is in all respects, well ap DOiuted, efficient and durable. JACOB CHI CKER1NG, Boston. "Send lor a Cirrnlar.93 WlLi:tX, MMBulitciurer. No. 508 Broadway, New ork, Opposite Si. Nicholas Hotel. August 28, 1861. ly. MAIN HOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope : a LECTURE ON THE NA- AiflMfVL TURK TREATMENT. AND RADICALCUREOFSP ERM A- TOKRHG2A, or Seminal Weakness, Sex ual Debility, Ne'vouner.s and involnniarv emissions, proda ina impotency, Consiimp. lion, and Mental and Physical Deb.liiv Bv ROBT. J CULVER WELL, M. D., The important (act that the swlul conse. qnences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without internal medicines or tne dangerous applications of caustics, instru ment, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devises, i here clearly demonstra ted, and ine entirely new and highly suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the cele brated auihor fully explained, by means ol which every one is enabled to cure himself perlectly, and al the lessl possible cost, thereby avoiding ail the advertised nos- aw. I a..- . '. Il nstl am irume of the day. mis lecture wm . 1 .1 . -n.l ihnmannii. DOOI1 IO inuuu" Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, oy 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office box 4,586. August 7, 1861-ly- COTTON IS KINO. SO say the southern conspirators. But TIME will demonstrate the troth of ihe assertion. Notwithstanding the advance in his Majesty ihe atove named K1112. tb undersigned having just received a fr-sh fopply of Delains, Moali is, Calicoes, Ban nels&c., he is prepared 10 accommodate hi numerous customers at a slight aiivance f ihe old nricMS. Hoop Skins, the latest stvles. Notions. Groceries &c, always on hand, at the lowest prices. Thoee who wish to avail themselves ot M ' . ihe ready pay system would do well 10 give him a call. Country Produce wsrtted ai i the cheap cash, store of L. T. BHArLtoo- Bloomsburg, Sept. 11, 1861. E. H. LITTLP HLOOMSlllJilG, Pa. Office in I'ourt Alley; formerly occupied by Charles R. Bockalew. December 28, 1859.-tf. BLANKS ! DLANKS ! ! BLAN S H DEEDS, SUMMONS, ' EXECUTIONS, SUBPOZNAb, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & desirableforms,fo- sale at the ofae. of the "tar of the North " VOU ALE! SEVERAL desirabU kZ Rlnmnthnrg for mi le Buiidins lais in Rlnomsbors. for sale. InaCKre of June 20, 1860-lf. W. WIRT. Ayefa Cathartio PtLb, OATHAETIC 1 In you lick, fcebla, nd CAkpUTalngt Ar yon oct of order, itb your yiten tfo ranged, tnd your feling un comroriabler TbM Uxni tctftrtua tSp prelude to Serktti's BIom. , Soma fit of 'Sickness ueretfpnig upon yon, 'Abd hold tie averted by a titaely Me r the right rem edy. Take Ayert PilU, and deanae eat the dieordered hu mors purify the blood, and let the fluids move on unob structed in health again.' They stimulate the functions of the body Into vigorous ac tivity, purify the system from the obstructions which make disease. A cold settles somewhere In the body, and ob structs Its natural functions. These, if not relieved, react upon themselves and the TOironnding organs, pro dneing general aggravation, suffering, and disease. While In this condition, oppressed by the derangement, take Ayers Pills, and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling or health again. What Is trae and so apparent in this trivial and common comphvint. If also true In many of the deep-eeated and dangerous dTttempersi, The same rurgatlve effect expels them. Causad by simitar obstruo tens and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them sorely, cured by the same meansv Kon who know the virtues of these Pills, irtn neglect to employ them when suffering front the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians In some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per eons. From a Foneardinff Merchant tfSL Zouit, Kb. 4, I860. Da. Arm: Tour Pills are the paragon of atl that is great In medicine. They have cured ray little daughter of ulcerous sores upon ber hands and feet that had proved Incurable for years. Her mother has been long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and in ber hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your fills, and they bare cured her. ASA MORQRIDG& As Family Physic Tnm Dr. K. W. Cbrtwright, Aho OrUmt. Tour Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cat hart io we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual In their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disease. Headache, SIcltHeadaehe, Foul Stomach IYom Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DtUtBao. Atsr : lean not answer vou what complaints I have carerf with your PUt better than to say all that tt tver trial with putaah'tt mtdicint. 1 place great depen dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the) beet we have, I of course value them highly. Prrwnmo, p May I, Hit. Dm. t. Ow Am. 0!r: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst hmdachn any body can have by a doee or two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which tliey cleanse at once. Tours with great respect, ED. W PREBLE, (Xerk 0 Steamer Clanm. fiiiiowa Disorders Liver C6mpla!niB fivm Dr. Theodore Belt, 0 Aete Pot C.ty. Not only are yottr Pills admirably adabted to their pur pose as an aperient, but I tnd their beaencial effects upon iuv Aiivar t tice prored more effectual for the cure of itfiotn torn. the Liver very marked lndaed. They nave in my prao juatnu tuan any one remedy 1 can mention. 1 sincerely rejoice that we bare at leng th a purgatire which is woe- ujr tne cvaDoenos of tlie profession aud tne people. DirABTKzirr or hs Itrrsaioa, Washington, D. C, Tth Fab 1S6. Butt I have need your Pills in my feseral and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom (bund a case of triliout diteawe ao obettnata that It did not readily yield to them. fraternally yours, ALON20 BALL, M. D., IttytidtM p te Marin MotjrUak Vsftte)r, Diarrhoea, tlelak, Wsraiit From Dr. J. Q. Green, of Chicago. Tour Pill have bad a lofig trial in my praetfeet abd X bold them la esteem as one of the best aperients I bava ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver' makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doees for bihoui dyttnttry and ditrrrhaa. Their sugar-coating make them very acceptable and convenient fur the mae tof women and children. typepsla, Inipttrlty the 111oeo)k JrVom Hex. J. F. Mime, fUtior of Advent Church, Bo$ton DiuArtm: I have need your Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among those I am called to visit iu distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend tbetn to my friends. Yours, J. V. HIMES. Wtuiv, Wyotalng Co, If. T., Oct. 34, 185S. Pri Pis: I am nsing your Cat bar tie Pills in my prac tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and Purj Utt fn. attaint of the blnod. JOHN O. M EACH AM, M. T. Constipation, Costtvenesa, Suppreiiloa, Khrniiiatlsm, Gout, Neuralgia., Drop my, Parala-als, F1U, eta.. IVom Dr. J. i. Vauffkn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cur of eoetireneM. If others of our fraterflliy have found them as efficacious as I bav tbey should J iin me in proclaim ing It for the benefit of the multituies who suffer from thatromplaint, which, although bad enough In Itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe co. txrtru-t to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect thai organ and cure the disease. From Mr. J? Stuart, Fhytieian Midwife, Bottan. I find one or two large dose of your Pills, taken at tha proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural teere fion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to elfanu the etomack and expel worm. They are so much the best pbysis we havs that I reeommend no other to my patients. From Oie Eev. Dr. ITawke;ef Out Meihodid Ifyit. Chunk. Pcrxaxi Hoosk, Saveonaa.Ga- Jan. S, 155. Itoiroaio 81a i I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I did But report my case to you. A cold settled iu mv limbs ani brought on exern eiatiag neuraliric painr, which eoW io Chronic rheuma- Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, tha rilanasn grew worse and worse, until by the adv excellent agent la Baltimore, Dr. Mackensie, I tried your PUls. Their effiscts wars slow, hot sura. Bv parseverioe la Uis use of them, I am now antirely wall. Bcmats Cbambxb, Baton Boosts, ta 6 Dae 155. Tm Atta ! I hava been entirely cured) by your Pills, of Rheumatic 6birf a painful disease that had afflk-W ms Ibryeara. VINCKNT 8LIDELU .ay Most of tha Pills in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy In skilful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from tha droadrul conse quences that frequently follow its incautious use. Tbes contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Frioe, 35 eenta per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. 7. C. ATZS&CO, Lowsll. Has ST. IjOUIm IIOTEI., CUESTXCT STREET. ABOVE THIRD IN the immediate neighborhood of Ihe Job. bins Houses on Market Third, and Chest not Streets, the Banks, Post Office, Mer chants' Exchange, &c, &c. BOARD PER DAT SlJiO. Accommodation when required on the EU ROPEAN PLAN.' Room from 50 cents and upward-, perdy,and meals at a First Class UkstUbant attached to thc Hotel. Price according to The Bills ol Fare. The My 'ts lake 1'na.enrers Irom Ray Mutton i n nrt;ioe to Ihe Hotel. CS" English, French, German and Spanish spoken. July IT. 1861. Notice. To the Har$ of Thomas Conner, deceased JVOTICE is hereby civen that ihe Account 01 John Conner, Survivins Trustee of ihe estate of Thomas Conner, lte of Green wood twp , Colombia county dee'd. was filed at the May term 1861, of thia Court, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance at the September term 1861. JACOB EYERLY Clerk 0. C. Bloomsburg, July 10, 186 1 6i. Adminisitrator's IVolicc. Estate of Jacob flagle, late of CenUe twp , dc'a .tOTICF . ia herebv siven that letters o( ' administration oa the estate of Jacob Nasle, late ot Centre township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by i the Register of Colombia county to Frank lin Nas,le of said townhip and county. All persons having claims or demands against the estate ol the decedent are re quested to present them for settlement, and those indebted to make payment without delay io FRANKLIN iNAGLE, Centre, July 3d,-186161. Adm'r. Administrator's Notice. Estate cf Susan Jane Cavenee. dee'd. TIJOTICE is nereby given that letters of administration on ibe Es'ate of Susan Jane Cavenee, late of Mbonl Pleasant town ship, Columbia county, dee'd., have been granted by the Register of said County to the undersigned, who resides in Mount Pleasant townshio. Colombia county. All nersons havins elams or demands kglnst the Estate of the decedent are requested to present ibem for settlement, and those in debted to mace payment wunnui ueuy. GEORGE CAVENEE, Aim't GREENWOOD SEMINARY ANO COLUMBIA COfNTT ATMILLVILLE, PENN'A. Important Additions & I to prove rift irtT Autumn Term to I unamerrfce AAt 17, THIS Institution which has been in sur cessful operation fur the p'ast ten yean 1 . 1 . ...... is anoui unaergotog a reTy iTriporrant rer ovation, in order to place St on a more sta ble basis than ever, and present facilities M'hic.n are not sur panged by ordinary Acad emies in Northern Pennsylvania. Among Ihe improvements "will be a large I'hree stnried building wh'rch will giVe 'mrfth ad ditional room and gieater conveniences for boarders; a Commodrons hall for a Tect'ure room and public exercises, convenient felas rooms, a library and Vea'ding room contain inz a cabinet of minerals and curiosities, bath rooms, &c. An experienced and thoroughly qualified classical leactier and lecturer will be at the head of the Board of Instruction, bnt the Principal will have the general superintendence of the institution and assume a share "of the duties of teach ing. Regular ter'tuies will be delivered opon various scientific subjects, as well as upon the theory and practice ol teaching, and a Normal Class of young men and women who wish to qualify themselves "tor teachers' profession, will receive enpetial attention and assist ance. The course of fnstructibh in the school will be thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace the various branches ol a prac tical education." Ample provision will be made for the study of the higher Mathe matics, the elucidation of Physics, and the Natural Sciences, by mean of suitable ap paratus) ar.d for ihe study ol the latin, Greek, and German languages, to enable students to qualify themselves for commer cial and scientific pursuits. or to enter any class at college. The cootttry location of this Seminary in a plessant village, in a healthy and flourish ing neighborhood, well known for the ele vated lone of its moral sentiment, and where the pupil are not surrounded by tnose Demoralizing mnuences, and temp taiiohs found , our ciiies, larger town? and many other localities, with no outside in fluences to divert their attention from liter ature and the work of mental culture, pre sents attractions and inducements to con siderate parents emulous students, seldom found surrounding large schools and acad emies. The Liiersry 8ociety nUo-f or.e of the old est and beet conducted in this section of country, prenents an attractive feature and useful auxiliary, lo a practical education. Tha improvements will be under the immediate fchsrge of an efficient Board ol Trustees, appointed by ftie Seminary Com pany, and will be completed in lime for the Autumn term, 10 Commence the 12th of August next. While thankful for paa patronage we wish 10 merit a ttohtinuance of similar fa vors, and as we intend to include a higher grade and wider range of instrodion, we respectfully solicit a careful examination into our facilities and claims. Tern. Boarding, washing) tuition, !iht's and incidental expenses, tof on) quarter of eleven weeks, will be Thiny Doi ars, one half payable in advancethe other half and all tuition bills will be expected i fompi lv at tie expiration of each quarter. hem : Boarding, with furnished looms, ontt quartet S22,0o Tuition in common English branhces 5.00 It It 4 it I ( including Mathematics and Book-' Keeping by Double Entry 6 00 Tuition in Latin, Greek, and German extra 1 00 Washing, Lights anrj incidental ex penses, one quarter, 3,00 Those who desire lo procure scholarship or attend by the year, will be accommoda ted at a reasonable discount, and students wishing to secure rooms should make sea sonable application. For further particulars addrea WA1. BURGESS, Princloal Millville, Penn'a. Gkorgk MTras, J. K. Ktks. ) Dr. A. P Heller. Ellis Eves, Trustees. Benjamin K. Evrs, ) Millville, May 29. 1861. .lOIIINH Sc CHOSLEIT, Sole nianufactnrers or the ImproTed The chepcii and mom durable Jtoohug in IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New and OM Roofs of all kinds, and to Shingle Roofs without re moving the shingles. Tne Cost is only abont One-Third that of Tin, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. CCTTA PERU! A CEMENT, For preserving and reDairini; Tin and other Metal Roofs ol every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion or metals, AND WILL NOT CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER. These materials have been thoroughly tested in Nw York and atl parts of the Southern and Western states, and we can give abundant proof of all we claim in tbeir tavor, They are teadily applied by ordinay la borers, at a trifling expense. "SO HEAT IS REQUIRED." These materials are put up ready for Ue, and for shipping to all parts of the country, . wnh loll printed direction, lor application. Full descriptive circulars will be furnish ed on application by mail nr in person at our Principal Office and Warehouse, 78 WILLIAM STREET, Comer of Libert) Sfeet, Nw York. JOHNS & CROSLEY. Agents Wanted ! Terms Cash ! ! May 29, 1861. ly. SPMMi JND SUMMER IT1 A It T Z 6c ENT HAVE just received from Philadelphia a snlendid assortment of merchandise, purchased at the lowest figure, and which Ihev are determined lo sell for Cash or Country Produce, on as moderate terms as can oe prucumu elsewhere in Liahl Sfeet. Theii Stock con sists ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, DRY OOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, 0UEENSWARE. CEDAR Ware, Uollow-wjire, Iron. Nails and Strikes, BOOT AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READV'SIADE CLOTHING, Ac. &c, In short every thins usually kept in a coun try Store. They respectfolly Invite their old frieuds, and the public generally, to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. cyrhe highest price paid for country pf0dC8 MARTZ & ENT. Light Street, July 3d, 1861. LIFE PILLS & PHOENIX BITTERS. riiHESK MEDICI N'ES h a ve now been be fore 'he public lor a period f Thirty Years, tmd'duri.rg ftat'tirrfe haVe mainfaii'ed a hfb 'chaia'cteMn'filmost ev'er'y'part ol th'e Globe, lot 1 heir extraordinary and imme diate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering Vjnder pearly every kind of trWase lo W'hic'h 1h"e human frame is ft a Me. The fortowlng a're among th'e disfreSsfng variety of human diseases in which the V EG ETA 1$ LIFE MLDtClXES Ate well known to be infallible. " DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly eTe-ansing the first and secotrd siomaches, and chea ting a flow of Yure-, healthy bite-, instead of the state and acrid feind: Flatulency, Ixiss of Appetite Heartburn:, Headache, ResMess fiesa, Ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melan'cWly which are the genet al symp iom of l))BpepHa, will vanish, as a nat tural consertuence of its cure. COSTlVKNbSS, by cleansing ttie whole length oflhB iii"tesiines with a so'Veni pro-cei-s, and wiiho'ui violence; all violent pur gen leave thfe b'dweis costive within two days. FEVERS or all kinds, bj restoring the blood 'to a re'gVilar circulation, through the process of respiration in fticb. case, and the thorough solution of all iutertihal ob struction in others. The Life Medicines have be'en known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently ir. ihree weeks, and GOUT in hall that time, by removing local inftamation irom thte mus cles and ligaments of the Joints. DROPSIES of all klnlls, by freeWgftnd strengthino the kidheyi ahd bladder, they operate moM delightfully on these impbr lar.t organs, and hence have ever been found a Certain remedy for ihe worst 'caes of GRAVEL. AI.-o WORMS, by tflsimlgihg from the turnings of ibe bowels the slimy matter to whi h these creatbrea adhere. ... SCURVY. ULCEUS, and INVETERATE SORES, bv the perfect putity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERtTPliOXS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative eflect upon the fluids that Teed the bkin. and the morbid state of which occasions all erup tive complaints, sallow, cloudy ahd Other' disagreeable complexions.. The use of ihe PilU for a Vehr short time will effect an entire core of SALT RHEUM, and a sinking improvement in the clearness- of the skin Common Colds and Influenra will always be cured by one dose, or by two ir. the worst cases. PILES. The original proprietor of ihexe Medicines, was cored of Piles, S3 years standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE; For thi- scbtttge of the Western country, these Medibines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure bv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and be Cured. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS "-General Debi'ity, Loss of ap petite, and Diseases of Femalesthe Med icines have been used with the most ben eficial results in cases of thi descripiion! Kings Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats Nvrvnas debility, Nervous Complaints of all kind-J, Palpi'ation of ihe Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DIS EASES .-Persons whoe constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious ur-e of Mercury, will find these Medicine a perfect cure, as ibey never fail to eradicate from the sj stem, all the efffctsol Mercury, infinitely sooner than ihe most powerful preparations of Sarsapa rilla. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. FOR SALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, 1861-ly. .v w w Hf w iff v OF OP ALL KINDS, AT J. T. ,B ROWER'S ft o Cheaper than Uver. May IP, I860. wrYo.Tiii iioui:, DAN 1 1-1. UY'OCK, I'KOI'RI KTOII, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. rHlHE Proprietor respectully informs his JL friends and the public generally that he has taken charge Ol the If voting House, in the village ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, and has fitted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner, His rooms are spacioas and airy, and ndt only calculated td add to the conve nience atid comfort ol the travellhgeorrimu nity, but aUo to those who would seek a pleasant summer resort with families. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best the market can afford $ and his BAR will be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to the comlori and con vemence ol his quests, and is determined to make tne wiuaiinu nuujti ran a- mong the first hotels in the State; The ProorietOr hopes that from his expe rience in ihe business, ahd by unremitting attention ofl his part, combined with a judi cious selection of the most careful ahd oblig ing servants, he may bB entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the publicj and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. tV Please give him a call, and judge for ontseWes- tAPril 2, 1859. WM.BROOXS Proprietor. ilLOOMSlJUKC, PA. THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the central portion df ihe towni and op posite ihe Court House, his been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared id accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in ihe moi pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market aftords,and his Bar witb the choicest liquors. Atiettiise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the mdst extensive in this section ol Country. Omnibuses will always be In readiness td convey passen gers to and from ihe Railroad Depots. WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomsburg, July 4, 1860. grape Vines. YOUNG Vines of two years, dl 'Miller's Burgondv." with beautiful rdots can be had : also, peach trees from seed of the kJihal stariatSaa If al1a innn HENRXgUEfeSS B. UEALTII AND ITS TLEiblfhcs., ,. ; . , . or . ;mseasfe With, .tils Aonlea dliOOSE BETWEEN THEM. NfeRVOUS DISORDERS., . ' Whai 1 'rnV.re learfnl than a Dreakin? down ol th'e Viervous s) stem f ifo be exr-i-labfe or nerV6u iVi a small degree is, mc.-V distressiVig', tor where can a remedy lo found? TheTe is one drink . but Jiule wi'ne. be'er, o'r spVrite. or far better, none : take Vio coee,-.wek 'lea beina preferable; net ail the frefch Sir y.o'u can : take thee cr fdnr nlls 'e'v'eVy ViVgbrjeat pln'iy o,f sol.id; avoiding the Vise of aopa ; a'n'dSf these gold en r'uTes ar'e followed, yon will be happy in mind and I'tro'ng in body, ahd forget you have any nerves. , " MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. ft 'there is one thine more iH re than another In lafa'otia il i for which these Pills are heir nnnfyine bVope'rie. tespe'ciallv their power olfcleahMiig the bloo'd from all .im purities, and removing tlangerip'us And. sus pended Secretions. Uni,versal)y adopted as the one gtand rtrttedy for femaTe cbrnplaiot Ihev neVer fail, neve weaken th'e system, and always bring about what is required, SlCk HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. Th ese feelings which so sadden nsare so frequently arise from annoyance and troub le', (rOm obstructed perspiration or fron,. eating and drinking wha I IB nr m trtf n ihns disordering the liver and stomach These organs mtast be regulated if yoo wi'r. to be well. The Pills, it taken according to the printed instructions, will quickly i.--tore a healthy anion 10 both liver tml stomach, whence follow as a, nural con'an sequence, a gocd appetite and a clear hea l. , in the East and Went Indies scaicely a. ; , other medicine it ever used for these dis Bruers. , DISORDERS OF THE KIDNfeYS. tn ell d iseases affecting these brgans, whether they secrete too much or too lit.K. water; or whether they be affiicted with btotie cr gtaVet, or with aches "and t pain-1 settled in the loins bver the regions of int. kidnea. these Piils shobld bo taken accor ding to tne printed instructions direction, and the Ointment should be well robbed into the small of the back at b8d lime. Ihio treatment will give almost immediate rebel when all other means have (ailed.. ,., FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER. No medicine will so effectually, imoroM Ihe tor.e of the stomach as these Pills; the remove all acidity; obhasiohed ei;ber I-;, ihtemperArice or improper diet. , Tbe reach ihe liver and retloce it lo a, healttiy action; they are wonderfuiiy efficaciou v caes of spasm in fact ihey aeverf? ; !: ca ting all disorders of tlie li-er ahd stoii.v. L tlollnvsns Mb ark the best remedy 'knou'n ; (he world pr the following dif eases. Ague, Inflammation Asthma, Billious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints; Colics, Constipation of tha Bowels. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Dseniery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of alt kinds, Fits, Gout, Head ache, Jaundice, Liver ,Com t plaints, Lumbago, Piles,, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofila, or , King's Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Crave;. Secondary 8ymr.:r r.u Tic-Doulourecx, Unmoors, Ulcers, Venereal Affection, Worms ol all kinds Weakness from whatever cze, ficc, &c. Indigestion) CAl"t"i6iv !! None are sen nine nnie Ihe words "Holloear, New York and Lcn- don' are ciscernable aa a iFaw-rnrrra ir every leaf of ihe book of direction arourr! each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen bv holding the lenf to the light. A hand some, reward will be given to any one re'ndtf'rin'g such information at majr lea'd n Jhe detection ol any party cr paries coun terfeiting the medicines or vending tLe same, knowing them to be spbMous. Sold a: ihe ManufactOrr of Professor Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New Yorkiand by all reipe'cable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, iu boxes at it cents, 62 cents and fi each ty There is considerable eavi'dg by ta king the larger siles. N. B -Directions for Ihe guidance ol" p a tienls in every disorder are affixed Id each box'. . . Octobef, 17, I8B0. ATTENTION I fcO.TlPAlf Y ONE thousand customers to volon'er to buy their Ooods at L. T. SHARPLESS' Store, whete ibey tan be bobghl very low for Cash or country produce. Having oi hand a sloefc of goods, he is determined to sell at prices reduced to Suit the times. An assohrnent of Clothing adapted to thir season of the year, will he eold cheap. Good Sugars at 6J to 1? lb. Syrups at 10 to 13 cu. per qt. Also, New Orleans Baking Molasses. A fresh lot of cheap Calicos, warranted t" hold color just received. All kinds ot Shoes will be sold, it pHcer less than marked. To customers buying for cash, we wonl.i say it is to your interest to give him a call. Graielnl for the patronage extended him in the past, he hopes to merit ihe cor, fiJence of the public to future L. 1. SrJAKrLrdd. Bloomsbur;. Jone 5, 1861;. LOST 50TES. TWO Notes of hand, drawn by Mortor. McMichael, in favor of C. W. McKelv; & Co., dated July 6th and July 10ih, 1861 on tour montns, lor sin ou, eacn, taiiei. to reach their mall destinatida. All per sons are cautioned against negotiating for either df said Notes. A su'uable rewari will be paid for their return to Morion Mj Michael, at Philadelphia, or to ihe under signed, ai the CattaftUsa Paper Mills. C. W. Mc KELVY & CO Joly 24, 188 1 3t. . . Executor's Notice. V OTICE is hereby given that letters test . mentary on the ei-tate of Abrlhr'" Kline, late bf Orange township, Coldrrt , county, deceased, have been ath-vo.i ,'t the Register of Columbia county, :o IT , .-f Kline, residing in Benton towo-hi,., county. All pefsons havirg Claim. '' mands against the estate bf the dec:K are requested trj present Ihem for sei;ierio.. and those indebted to ibe estate to Uak. payment fortbwitb io w3 FT .1 J AH-Kl IV" ,