The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 28, 1861, Image 1

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. .
U. JACOBt, Proprietor.
Truth and Right God andTour Country.
... ; ..!
Two Dollars per AnnnW
4 -
; ' W. II. JAl'OBY,
Offlto oa Kala St., Srif Sparc below Market.
TERMS : Two Dollars per annum il paid
Svithin six-uontbs from the time of subscri
bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
"VitUia the year. No subscription taken fur
-a less period than six months; no discon
tinuances tpermitted until all arrearages are
7paid, unless at the option of the editor.
The terrfts of advertising will be as follows :
One square, twelve liues? three times, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, . . .... 25
One square, three months, ....... 3 00
One year, . 8 On
Choice poclrn.
' I part from thee, my own beloved, .. .
lu sorrow and in pain ; . ;
For many dajs must come and go
Ere we shall meet again.
And many changes time will bring
Ere that blest day we'll ee ;
Bat though all things should pats away, J
Thou wilt find no change in me.
My future may be fair and bright,
Sly path be filled. with flowers ;
And peace and plenty spread their.wings
Across my earthly bowers ;
Bui come what may, or come what will,
Upon the land or sea,
Thou wilt find that ! am true to love,
Thou wilt find no change in trie.
Whatevar'may thy lot betide,
,To thee Hi closely cling ;
And round thy fair and fragile form
Love's ample mantle fling ;
And, oh, let not thy faithful hearty .
Fall in its love for me ;
For come what may, or come w"hat will,
Thou wilt find no change me.
Ihe'gie Tci oTTbeebe tac.riiicale.
An Exciting Romance of Land and Water.
If you love me as I love you, Pemton,
No Knife can cut our love in two. Bill
- Reader, have you ever stood on the heel
path side of the Penna. Caual, on one of
those mild January evenings peculiar to the
early autumn, and watched the sun rise
from his gorgeons,c,6rrc& athwart the west
ern sky, a d listened to catch, the warble of
the distant ;oaI heaver, m'u.gled with cries
of a rag;ed canal driver encouraging a pair
of attenuated calico mules? (If you dont
remember tit once whether you have or not,
lake time to consider and in lorm us through
the "post cflice enclosing a stamp j . It wan
at such a time and on such a spot that two
solitary jouths might have been seen walk
ingarm in arm in that vicinity about that
rme. ' Need we tell yoo the one was a
daughter of poor but healthy parents, and
the other was her lover 1
After considerable time passed in reflec
tion, it appears rather necessary that we
should state the circumstances of the case
because you wouldn't know it if we didn't.
The young man bad. seen I'd springs, yet
did he urge his suit with a passion and ar
dor of one who attained the tips age of four
score years and ten, and not withstanding
his weight did cot-exceed one hundred and
twenty-five pounds, he couldn't have plead
harder had be weighed a ton. The maidsn
was ifair. Toothbrush bandies - could not
compare With her beautiful leeth made by
Dr. Locke; toe raven's wing had no more
business by the side of her gloosy curls
than a fcrov brbsh. Can we wonder' that
the young man swore that be would cheer
fully catch the measels for her sake and ex
pressed a willingness to have the scarlet
fever the second time to prove his devo
tion 1 ' "
Alas! the perversity of. whom. Although
loving hini devotedly,, she replied to his ar
dent declaration by sitting down on a stone
boat and writing him an introduction t4 the
marines, to whom she recommended to re
peat the narrative. Driven to frenzy, Caleb
turned so red in the face he lore all the but
tons oflhis vest, and frothed at his mouth
to such an extent that he split a bran new
vest down the back; Then casting, upon
her a look Of unutterable anguish, through
farewell for-r-ever !' threw a double nan1
f prinsr nd disappeared behind a high
fccard fence.-! Pheebe And phainted; . .
' ' CHAPTER li.
. v .
Where are yoa" going Lofd Lovel ? She said
Oh, where are you going Y Said she ;
I'm g3it?g, my lady.Nancy Belle.; i
Strange countries for to see, see, see, - .
Strang? countries for to see J Sixox'a Occs
Vre left Pheebe Ann in a swoon, or rath
er Caleb' did. - As soon as conscicuaness
tarrts Pheebe Ann cams too, and then she
remembered with a pang, that she had driy
en-Caleb-away. - She called- aloud KTa
leb ! Ca-rUb n. but bo Calebanswefed.
However well other. Calebs mighty answer
for others, cone but her Caleb "c'os!d""aa
ewtr for her, and he couldn't becaussV be
wasn't within hearing. Then she recaJSed
bis Icto for the briny daep whith induced
bit!, u bta & mere lad, to run , away' frotrf
home ar,i drive oa the canal. Aftefwsrds
his fir Lnmorir.g bis passions for riding
cn t
ins '
ir." ::
r: dsc tara wava tnd clircbing tsvef
prsenfed lor him, through , his
::s r?ith ths President cf the Units'J
.' ; r -pointnent cf third assislanf
::J-f. Visl eicra .r.atar?, though!
1 fir him to. fvl'o'.7 bis youthf-l
".a f
3 for a stV.oti Alist dssp
r'-- Irlgh'inj'J cp, and ehs
a euJJenly fvitts'J
One for the money, two for the show, ,
Ttite'e tb make ready,' and four foYto go.
Whatts. WHAT!! !!
Before explaining the meaning of this,
thrilling ejaculation, let us take a review of
thingt iat the period of our 6tdry. 'Old Botir
boh, ivbo is now in Kentucky 'engaged'in
the Whiskey business, swayed the scepire
of France.1 Gin ruled Holarid, and Sweden
was governed a good 'deal by the' pYi'ceof
Swede's iron. Wales was 'just beginning
to be celebrated for her 'Prints of Wales
and Spain was getting up'excursions to Putin-bay.
Glancing- at the New World Jerry
Baldy was weighing candles on Staten Is
land and had not then dreamed of driving
the pope in 'Rome Swamp' in the name of
the Continental Congtess ; and Christopher
Columbus, having completed his labors by
discovering 'Sandusky ; hail retired to the
Hermitage at the north bend b'f Ashland on
Mount Vernon, and was writing for the
New York Ledger.
- chapter iv.
Now comes the tug. Jacob SAiith.
When Caleb left the phickle Pheebe, it
was with the determination never to see
her again. He would be a wanderer. He
would land on the other lands and climb
foreign climes; he"wouId go and be an
ancient mariner. Filled with this desperate
resolve he sought his boarding house, put
a clean shirt and collar in a cotton valise,
and started for the river. A gallant tug lay
at the dock, which lie boarded and request
ed to see the captain. A sailor, whose
voice was deeply bronzed by exposure to
the Tropic of Barleycorn, 'appeared at the
top mizen gangway, and informed him that
the captain was "engaged in Jhe cabin.. iHe
was being presented with a bosom pin and
a gold headed cane by a ferryman who was
about to retire from office. - The presenta
tion was wholly unexpected.
After a considerable delay Caleb was in
vited to descend. When he entered the
cabin he was struck with the youthful and
delicate appearance of the captain. He
was about to tell him he had come to ship
before the well, smokestack, when the
supposed, captain raised his cap, and a
shower of corkscrew curls 'fell upon his
shoulders. . '
'What exclaimed the lover in amaze
ment, 1 Pheebe Ann V
They rushed into each other's arms'
After an embrace which caused the ther-
moraeter in the cabin lo rise to ninly-nine j lne comfort of his men in future. j have met with a signal defeat ; at that place I wound in the head. At this time the storm
degress in ibe shade mutual explanations j That such a man should be the idol of his the enemy was strongly posted, havins for- i "f the baitle redoubled, the reimput waver
followed. She had designed his purpose to j soldiers is not surprising. The measure of tified him?e!f with curtains, bation3, rule- ! pd, then. fed back and retreated slowly, still
go for a sailor, and resolved to thwart it. j lneir adoration for him word tail to ex- ; pit's and! numerous heavy batteries, besides ,' firming at overy step, having lost several of
The caprain of ti e lug, being and aunt of J press, though ths following slightly profane, throwing very formidable obstructions in I its ' bet officers. A general retreat then
hers, had allowed her to be captain for that i
daj, and chance had done the rest. Phee
be Ann was penitent, Ca!b forgiving, and
that very day they agreed before a minister
to share the tug of life together. - -
But little more remains-to be told. Ca
leb couldn't be pennatted to give op-his
passion for the raging main not withstand
ing the entreaties ol his wife, and she com
promised the matter by allowing hira o
tend a saw mill, and he still follows that
daring and perilous profession., '
. Philosophy of Baid.
To bhderstand the philosophy of this
beautiful, and often.' sublime phenomenon,
so often witnessed 6ince the creation, and i
essential to the very existence of animals, a
few facts derived from observation and a
long train of experiments must be remem
bered : . . : .
.1. Were the atmosphere .evary where, at
all limes at a uniform' temperature, we
should hferer have rain, or hail, or snow.
The water absorbed by it in evaporation
from the sea and the earth's surface would
descend ia an imperceptible vapor or cease
to be' absorbed by the air when once fully
saturated. ..;.'
2. The absorbing power of the atmos
phere, consequently its capability to retain
humidity, is proportionally greater in cold
than ia warm air. . . ,
3. The air near the surface of the earth is
wnrn?er than it is in the region of the clouds
The higher we ascend from .the earth the
colder do we find the atmosphere. Hence
the perpetuel enow oa very high mountains
in the hottest' climates. Now, when from
continual evaporation the air is highly sat
urated with vapor'ifiough it be invisible and
the sky cloudless, if its temperature is sud
denly reduced by cold currents Of air'rush
ing from above, or from a higher to a lower
latitude, its capacity , to retain moisture is.
diminished, clouds are. formed, -and the re
sult ia rain. Air condenses as it cools, and
like a sponge filled with, water and' corn
pressed, pours 6tU the air which its di min
ed capacity cannot hold.' . ' '.' . ,
Made thek Squat. A widow woman'
only soa wed! fo the Great Bethel ilacghter,
fought well, and returned home on a fur
lbogh. His mother is piorog, and after he
bad answered numerous , inquiries as to his
health, &c., she said :i"Naw tell me, Henry
you did not. till any: cue did you ? You
dida'f pint your gna at any ond of them;
and commit 'murder, right again the 1 Bible,
did you Ty ' Said her : I don't know as I
k illed ny-one,- but i made eighf or tea 6f
tbem sqaas d-d sudden.
A d'atchman' l&ni' ddeenbes an accideai:
Vonce a iong.Trile ago, 'J vent into -.mice
abbla orchard,- to climb a tree to get'sonie
fceac;:ii ta 'make raiaa'tiow a- Llum bud-
;!gmit;and whea l gtts ca totbermost,
ancb, T vail d iTfa Srcm tS loweradst
'Character it Gen.' Brcicllan as a Commander.
r A letter from Washington thus speaks of
General McClellan, and the soldiers serving
Th e'only portion of the forces who have
achieved the late victories under General
RlcClellan, that came to this, city with him,
is acompany of,, thoroughly , drilled rifle -
man m.c.. f- I. ! Ilf I.
" c- "um w"l8o- imois, cauea al, Feen wilh what venom some of the news
the Sturges R.fles, who act as the body paper General, have been endeavoring to
guard of the General. They are under the ! brinK tflis ,loble 60dier and patriot inio dis
command of Capt. Steele, of Chicago, and jcredit beforft the pnblic MlJch ha3 been
number 83 men, all of whom have been j eai(i aboHt hi3 ,ardine!,s i moving upon
through the entire victorious campaign in hhe enemy, anil that had he pressed forward
Western irg.nia, have been In all the bat- and alIacked the enemy in Uh strong hold
lies, and have been tried in tht, fire and at Winchester, Gen. Johnson could not have
have never fl.nched. formed a junction with Beauregard, and the
Gen. McClellan is regarded by these men fate of McDowell would have been rever
as invincible they say he never made a 6ed at Bull Run.
mistake, and I verily believe these 83 men j This looks all very well on paperbut
would cheerfully march forth to night, j what are the facl8 -,n lhe ca.e ? The news
alone, to attack the entire Rebel army at ' paper heroes forget one thing that is very
ManassasVif Gen. McClellan should give imp0rtanl in his particular case; they (or
the order and leaa the attack. Col. Lander, get ,hat ,he goUlier ;R order lo be efficient,
the aid of the Commanding General, now mn,t be well fed) hoft. ood ;9 lob3 obla;n.
here, is also highly esteemed by the men, i.ed and transported through an enemy's
who say he is the most fearless of mortals, coniry we are not inlormed, the cry is on-
a inorougn soicier, ana an admirable lead
er of an krrhy.
Gen. McClellan is one of the least pre- ;
tentionft of men he generally wears the
simple . blouse of the riflemen, with not
even the starred 6hou!der straps to denote
his rank man who never wastes time
who is inefal'igab'le 'iri his pursuit anJ attack J
of'the enemy, and equally untiring in his j
efforts to secure the . utmost comfort of his
men, compatible with the circumstances of
a souiier s me. vnen nis line is on trie ; pal,erson attempted to pursue or harrass
march, he is ever among the men, with a Gen. Johnson on his march towards Man
kind a cheering word for every company; i assas, it is very evident that our limited
a pleasant fook, Or kind salute, or hearty j wa20n train could not have kept our force
grasp of the hand for every officer or pri- j jn supplies for such an undertaking, besides
vate wilh whom he is brought on speaking ; thia we could not have spared a forced saf
lerms by business; and in a fight he is al-; ficient from the main body to protect the
ways at the front of the column, in the j train, consequently it would have lallen an
thickest of the danger, encouraging his men pasv orev to the enemy left at Winchester.
by cheering word and fearless deed. lie
takes soldier's fare with the rest, asking no
better food, and no more luxurious bed than
the newest recruited private under his com-
mand. If fie feeS a man without nrODer
shoes or clothing, he has that man with
his capiafn sent to nis own quarters, where
mo man is servea who tne garments ho
needs and the captain receives a reprimand
that leads him ,to look more closely after
"ai uncommonly emphatic statement of
oste of his men, will, perhaps, approximate
it. "We would, every one of us, fight for
old Mac till hell froze over, and then die on
the ice," which frigid sentiment was cor
dially indorsed by all who heard it uttered.
Of the battles of Rich Mountain and Liu-'
rel Hill the men say that som9 of the reb- j field and a fair fight, it3 all we as!:. Gen. i ing, and one of the lieutenants comina down
els fonghl well, but the. majority ranaway ; Patterson offered them a fair field ?,nd nfite j from the battery to. ask advice about the
early in . the action, and appeared to be fight at Hoke's Run He again offered them ! wounded ofUcers, he turned suddenly tow
stricken with astonishment that the Union j a battle at Martinsbunr. and also Bunker iard him. and faced the batirv. and th
men could fight at all. They had been led I
lo believe that the lederals would nevar
stand fire, but would run away at the first
opposing shot. Their chief care seemed to
be, after each defeat, lo get their dead men
v out of sight of their own men and of our
An interesting incident of the surrender
ol Col Pegram is thus related. W'hen Pe
gram' advanced to hand his sword to Major
Laurence Williams, each instantly recogni
zed the other, and both were moved to
tears' and turned away unable to speak for
several' minutes. They bad been college
classmates and bad met, thus, for the first
time in many years.
One'captain of a gun, which had given
our men ranch annoyance, held his ground
after every one of his men had deserted itim
and, by his own unaided, exertions, he
loaded and fired the . piece three times.
Cel. Lander called to ona ot .his men to
lbad a rifle for him, which, thu idat did,
and gave it into his hands. The Rebel. gun
ner was preparing to fire the , fourth time ;
he was alone, and Col. Lander, loth to kill
so gallant a foe, cried to him to .surrender ;
the captain refused, and continued loading
his piece (a six-pound cannon;, when Col.
Lander reluctantly yielded to the necessities
of the case, and shot his brave enemy dead.
In every instance did Gen. McClellan and
Col. Lander behave with5 similar gallantry,
being always the foremost in making dan
gerous reconnoiseances, or in leading haz
ardous advances, and always the first to
I grieve with men who had. lort friends, and
f t '. .i r ...
aiways anxious to g:ve ltiem every leasiDia
opportunity for restaod recreation, though
always insisting ;oq and .maintaining the
most strict aad thorough discipline.
Is it any wonder that such officers should
have such men 1 Though tbey have been
here but two or three days, tbe city is . teas
saredj the utmost confidence is expressed
ia the new commander, and even no.v the
evidences of the master's strong hand are
visible, in the perfect order preserved in the
ciiyt in the newly-enforced rigidity of camp
discipline, and in such an advantageous
disposition of oar forces as without, ques
tion makes the chy impregnable to- acy at
tack the rebels may muster courage to aL-
tempt. - f . . - .; .. .. . : ;
i A rough ''individual, whose knowledge' of
classical language" was ft'oV quite ' complete,
lias been sick, "and on recoveiy was told by
nis bocigr tun ixe titigat oave a mue animal
food.s'lNo, sir,' T took your 'cruef3y
.! General Patterson.
The following extract from the. speech of
Col. Jarrktt',' at the Mill Hall ovation to the
returned soldier!, fully vindicates Gen. Pat
trrso'n from 'the charges that have been
made againM him in this locality :'
And now in conclusion let me say a few
words'in behalf of onr brava and skillful
j comma,uler Gen. . Patterson ; you have
' ' J
ly 'forward to Richmond,' 'iorward to Ma
nassas and forward to Winchester,' forgett
ing those points are many miles from the
depots containing supplies for the army,
and 'making no provisions whatever' for
bringing the same forward lo sustain an ar
my that is moving to meet the enemy.
It is well known to every soldier in the
1 1th Regiment that "our "supply-train was
not sufficient to keep the army in provis
ions over three days. . Now bad General
The wagon train once lost our army would
soon have been compelled to surrender at
discretion. . ...
Again, suppose General Patterson, in
' !pbH nf mnrinir 'mm Pnnliprtl'.l! in rj,3r!o.
1 ton. had marched to Winchester, what
j would have been the consequence ? I think
n would not have lequired a prophet to
have foretold the resnlt ; the fct is, had we
' marched upon Winchester our army would
our line of march. Every approach to
Winchester was carefully guarded and de-
fended by an abatit and heavy artillery.
This alon?) won'd have rendered it impoi-
ble to have made a 6'jccessful assault upon
the enemy's works at that time.
The enemy boaslingly said give us a fair
Hill. He was ready and willing,- nay anx-
1 '
ions, to fight them even with an odds of
two ti one against him, but the ch'valry
had no stomach for a fair field or a fair fight.
Instead of meeting us on a fair field for bat
tle they chose to pursue a course thai would
inevitably lead to our destruction ; by ma
king mastsrly and precipitate retreats ths
enemy sought to lore us into the toils he
had prepared for us. Now had we followed
the, Rebel in his retreat from. Bunker Hill, I
am convinced we would nave been repuls
ed with great loss ; but our ncbls- and prn
dent commander was n&t so easily circum
vented. He knew the object th9 enemy
had in view, and also that their force wa3
double his own, both in men and artillery.
Ceheial Patterson therefore acted the part
of a prudent and skillful strategist by leaving
the enemy at Winchester to enjoy the fruits
of his labors in the shape , of useless and
expensive bastions and iedoubn. Onr Gen
eral has accomplished a great deal, he has
rot only saved his entire army wilh all the
camp equipage, artillery and arms, bet also
returns about twenty thousand men who
have had the experience of a three months
campaign, and who are now nearly all ready
to serve theif country again in Ibe field, and
6iand by her until peace is restored and our
Star Spangled. Banner floats ouce more over
our glorious country.
Lo ! I am With Yotr. O ! amid that pros
tration of earthly . hopes, when unable lo
glance one thought on adaik future, when
the stricken spirit, like a wounded bird, lies
struggling in the dust, wilh broken wing
and wailing cry, longing only for pinions
to fly away from a weary world to the rest
and quiet of the grave; in that hour of
earthly desolation, He who has the keys of
death at Hi girdle, nay, who has tasted
death himself, and better still, who hath
con querecHt, draws near in touching ten
derness saying, "Lo I am with you." I
will come in tbe place of your loved ones,
I am with yoa to cneer you, to comfort you,
to support and eustain you. I, who once
wept at a grave, am here to weep with you;
I will be at your side in all that trying fu
ture, I will make my grace ; sufficient for
your, and my promises precious to you, and
my lave bettet than all earthly affection.
The. one is changeable,. I am orichangable
the one must perish, I, tm the strength
of your'heart and your portion forever!
I ' : ,i t m m m T""; 1
:A seaman who bad ercaped one of lha
Recent shipwrecks, '.was asked by' a lady j
The Firclng of the Confederate Artillery.
A correspondent of the New York Tri
kmc, -one of the 79th regiment) describing
the late battle; remarks:
-First of all we observed wkat had been
all day conceded the- deadly accuracy ol
the Confederate artillery. Scarce a thot
failed to bring down its horse, man or gun
carriage. As one regiment I ' think the
Brooklyn 14th, was advancing to the charge
a fchot from a rifled cannon brought down
the flag, color, guard and all. It was seized
instantly by other hands, and borne rapidly
on. Whenever men would lie down under
the elope of a hill to screen them the with
ering fire of the batteries the gunners would
get their range so accurately that balls and
shells would come skimming over the ' hill
side, not' six inches from the ground alight
ing in the 'hollow, amid a nest of crouching
soldiers. Many and many a poor fellow
was killed while.lying on his face or in a
gully to avoid the 6h6t. ' i . :
Sreaking of a charge made by the Feder
al trooops on a battery, the writer says :
Numbers of our men went down as the
hurricane iron swept by us, and it was with
no little difficulty that we could close up the
line bo as to charge effectively.- Soon this
terrible gulf was passed, and our men
charged op the hill with renewed vigor
The Confederetes waiting until we ap
proached above the brow ol the hill, and
then poured such a volley upon us as de
cimated the regiment in an instant. Scores
of onr men fell forward on their faces with
a peculiar supine motion as a wave fall on
a beach. Captain Brown being in advance
and seeing the Confederates running from
their guns to the cover of the trees, rushed
forward waiving his sword, and shouted
"Now boys, rally." Scarcely were the
words through his lips when a rifled buliet
pierced him through the neck ; at the same
instant a cannon ball entered his side, and
he fell to the earth, pinned as it wei to the
ground. '
Some of his men tried to take a watch," by
order of t!ie lieutenants, but found it buried
in his vitals. He died bravely and as he
liad wished, having often expressed the
hope that he might never burvive the defeat
of the regiment. Capt. Shillinulaw was
shot throngh both knees, and immediately
af er one of his men lifting h'wn up for he
washing on his face found him dead,
i with his beard dabbied with blood from a
! commenced.
Col. Cameron, who had succeeded in ral-
j lyiag the men twice, teemed paralyzed at
j this new reverse the sword which he had
been waving dropped from his hand he
stood a moment looking al the retreating
mass, some of the men still obstinately fire
i J
same instant a Minnie bullet pierced his
breast. He fell without a groan. After his
fall the rout became complete
The Louisville Journal beautifully says:
"There are times when the pul.-e lies low
in the boecm and beats slow iu the veins;
when the spirit bleeps th3 sleep, apparently
thai knows no waking in its house of clay,
and the window shutters are closed, and
tbe door bung with the invisible cnpe of
melancholy ; when we .wish the golden
sunshine pitchy darkness, and very willing
to fancy "clouds where no clouds be ,:
Thi3 ii a state of sickness when physic
may be thrown to the dogs, for we will
have none of it. What shall raise the
sleeping Lazarus ? What shall make the
heart beat music again, and the pulses
dance to it ihrough all the myriad thronged
lialla in our house of life ? i What shall
make the sun kiss tbe eastern hill again
for us, with a!l his own awaking fclairiesa
and the night overflow with "moon-light,
music, love, and flowers V Love itself is
the great stimulant the most intoxicating
of all and preforms all these rciracios , but
it is a miracle itself, and it is not at the
drug store, whatever they say. The coun
terfeit is the market, but the winged god is
not a money changer, we assure you.
Men have tried, many thingi, but still
ihey ask for stimulants. The stimulants
we use, but require the use of more. Men
try to drown the floating dead of 'their own
souls in the wine cup, but the corpes will
rise. We see their faces in the bubbles.
The intoxication of drink sots the world
whirling again, and the poise playing wild
est music, and the thoughts galloping, but
the fast elock runs down sooner, and tbe
unnatnral stimulation only leaves the house
it fills wilh ' wildest revelry, more silent,
more sad, more deserted, more dead.
. There is only one stimulant that never
fails and never intoxicates duty. Duty
puts a blue sky over every man: up in his
beart may be intojphich the skylark, hap
piness, always goe singing.
. They get up model love-letters ia Cleve
land, ehott and sweet, and spelled upon the
principle of complete secession from dic
tionary rules: Here is one -read in court
b i vi tai (inu iv pitch uwt
foikottyo theres a good time wata a Tulia"
longer. ' ' " -, . ',,.. ,
Ther are certain facts in regard to the
life of Henry King, who died on the' 13th
ultimo, at his residence in Allenlowri, '
Pennsylvania, which afford so striking a i
contrast to the history of his rebel' brother, j
T. Butler King, now a commissioner of the :
bouthern Confederacy in Europe, that we
1 cannot do better than put them'on the'rec-
- Henry King was born In Hampden coun
ty; Massachusetts on the 6th day of July,
1790. His brother, T. Butler King, born
fournieen years later, in the sams' county
and Sia:e. In the same county they received
their preli.ninary education. In 1810 Hen
ry King commenced the study of law under
the then eminent W. H. Brainerd, of New
London, Connecticut, and remained in his
office until the disturbed condition of the
neighborhood, arising from the hostilities of
1812, compelled him to remove to Wilkes
Barre, Pennsylvania, where he completed
his studies, and was admitted to the bar
during the same year. He immediately
opened an office in Allentown, being at the
time, and for long after, the only resident
lawyer in Lehigh county, and measuring
blades on circuit with the first advocates
of the StateJ
In 1823 the career of the brothers divided
T. B. King having finished his legal educa
tion at the age of nineteen, while his broth
er at thirty-three was engaged in the com
bat of life at Allentown, emigrated to Geor
gia, where h'e shortly after engaged in the
business of the plantation, and married a
lady who had a large fortune of negroes.
Two years after, in 1825, Henry King
was elected to the Pennsylvania Senate,
and again re elected in 1829. Before his
second term expired he was chosen to rep
resent his district, in Congress, and filled the
position from 1831 to 1835.
Meantime T. Butler King was in the State
Senate of Georgia, and four years after his
brother left Congress filled a Representa
tive's chair for his adopted State, between
1839 and 1849, being out only from 1843 to
While T.Butler King W3S becoming mere
and more that subservient creature of flat
tery and patronage a Northern man with
Southern principles, being, in 1833, a mem
ber of the ililledgeville Convention, and, in
1S40, of the Young Men's Convention at
Baltimore Henry King was a steadfast ad
vocate of freedom in its largest sense. To
him is due the entire renovation of that
shameful system of favoritism which ap
pointed the cadets at West Point ia the pro
portion of four-fifths from th9 South and the
remainder fiom the larger Northern cities,
and the equal distribntion among all our
districts of a patronage which has even now
proven only too partially distributed for the
safety of a nation who8? pampered chil
dren are in arms against her.
He was the farther of the present admi
rable prison Eystem of Pennsylvania so
undeniably, to, that years after his Moya
mensing reforms, the Prussian Commis
sioners toughl him out in his retirement at
Allentown, and asked his assistance in the
direction of their discplinary inspection he
resisted throughout his whole career every
potdic outlay for more private good-and .
while at once a Whin, and the warme.t !
friei.J of tbe Pennsylvania canals and rail-
j ways, opposed to his utmest the incurring
of a debt which has hampered the Keystone
Commonwealth N Y. PoiLm
A ccop'sr, finding considerabla difficulty i
in keeping one of the beads of a cask ha I
was finishing in its place, put his son in- I
side to hold the head up. Arter complel- !
ing tha work much to his satisfaction, he !
was astonished to find the boy inside tte
cask and without a possibility of getting !
out, except through the bung-hole.
. i, , , . , ..... .,
An o.d maid who has her eye a little side-,
. r
ways oa matrimony, says the curse of war I
. . , .
is, that it will make so many widows, who
. . . . , . i
will be nerca to get married, and, know;
. , . ., . i . ii -ii
how to do it, that modest old maids will
stand no chance at all.
Talking of political chances, a Vermont
Democrat remaked that he once came
-within ore" of being elected Jo the highest
office- in tho State. A lriend inquired what ,'
hene:ir.tby "one?" "The candidate cf j
- !
the Olber party !" was tha reply.
If your sister, while she is engaged with I , . I . . , :.i 1
J . v i ,ind they soon learn that they are not able
her 6weethart, asked you lo bring a glass of . , , , , . ,
, to pick hard enough, in such a position, to
water from ai: ad'oinmg room, start on the. ... . ,, . , , . , . ,
. " ' ... break tbe 6hell. I find that a clolk bottom
errand, but you need not return. You will
uct be missed. Don't lorgel this, little
"My name is Summerset. I ara a mis
erable old pachelor. I cannot marry, for !
how could I hope to prevail of any young
lady possessed of the slight set delicacy, to
turn a Summerset."
A German gentleman wrote an obituary on
tha death of bis wife, of which the follow
ing is a copy i "If mine vife bat lived until
next Friday she would have been dead
shust two weeks. Nothing is possible wit
da Almighty. As da tree falls so mast it
Any one may be a fool in the head or a
fool in the heart and escape detection, but I
if be is a fool in the face, ha is indubitably
condemned. ' " "
'OuserratloBi on Storms." ' A
1. The Atlantic ocean is the source of
nearly all the rains which 'visit this part
of the country. The moisture collected trom
the great lakes is . small in quantity, travel
but' a short dista'nce.'and usually falls to the
northward of 'this narallel ' Th fiu'f f
Mexico sheds its1, vapor on the great western
valley Frbra tbe norKern. "ocean .ml th
alley. From tbe norhern. ocean and ihe
rivers flowing into it, hardly anyj moisture
is evaporated. ' ' - ,
2. Tbe heated air descending from the
surface of the Atlantic, especially from tha
Gulf Stream, is wafted over tha Japd by
winds which usually blow al a right angle
lo the general coast line. ; .
-8. -No rain storms are experiencedpor
even heavy showers, after the , wind has
been blowing steadily irom the north-west
this being a dry current, and absorbing in
stead of giving out moisture. ,
, 4. After hot days, during the summer sea
son, the sea breezes usaaliy set ia towards
evening. On reaching the mountains this
current comes in contact with a cooler one
lrom the opposite direction, when there i
apt to be a thunder shower, followed by tha
ordinary north wester. The storm occurs
along the line of collision between those
opposing currents, and of course travels in
the direction of the ocean, -
5. When a sonth-easter has prevailed for
a time at any season, It is reasonable to ex
pect a corresponding heavy rain, as the
clouds have a great quantity of raoistnre
to deposit. At the same lime the coolness
which succeeds will usually be in about the
same ratio, the wet sodace of the .'ground
absorbing much of ihe caloric in the lower
atmosphere. ". : .
6. The north-east storm isprobaly ia
every case paused by one of those circular
storms termed "Cyclones," whose centre
is some disttnee to ihe eastward. Ia such
a case ihe storm travels from eoutb-west to
north-east, or in the contrary direction to
that in which we feel the breeze blowing.
If accurate observations were made as to
the changes in the wind, the centre of tha
tempest might be calculated wilh tolerable
accuracy. In proportion to the length of
time and tbe strength and coolness cf cur
rent, the storm will probably be more or
less severe. A correspondent,; who has
long made this subject a study, remarks
that the north easters are seldom experi
enced west of tha Alleghenies. ...
7. It is remarkable ; that oa this side of
those mountains, Morms scarcely ever blow
from any of tbe cardinal points of the com
pass. Any exception are believed to ba
only cases when the wind is turning, or ra
ther when persona are entering into or
pass out of the track of the tempest.
These observations might be multiplied
to a great extent ; but probably comprise
the most important facts in relation to the
storms which are experienced in this part of
the country. To those who are not familUr
with the subject, they will serve to explaia
in part, the more immediate causes of those '
Hen's Ncsts Scrc Rimcdv tor Eatino
Eggs. Fowls of all kinds, when lavin. like
; - . l 1 i r ,t
a 6Ci;rBl "WB? M'aere-iae,r 1I0W cannot!
8ee them- Therefore, they do not like to ;
squat down in the hennery, surrounded by ;
a greedy flock, that are ready to pounce
into the nest as soon as the egg is laid, and -devour
it. Therefore, to gratify the hen's
secretiveness, and at tbe same time save'
ths eSS frora beinS devoured by any ona.
ol lha fiock mv Pratice ha been, for a
Damb of years, to make their nests of
nait 'iJ not ihosa very small, nor tha
lar5est ones bul lhosa lbat wiU hold aboBl
one hundred pounds of nail. In years past ,
1 ba'9 been ."customed to fill a keg about
ha,f fa!1 of 6lra,T for a nes, btJl Pasl .
wintar, I have sawed all the kegs ia two
equal parts; knocking out tbe beads, and
J ,. ' . , , , . ' j
then nailing a piece of clo n over the area
, " " fe
end of the half kegs for a bottom. Dunns
, . . ,
the winter these half-kegs are nailed up
. ...... Mr
against the sice of the hennery, about lour"
. . , . . -
feet from the floor. Hens that lay will soon
learn that when they gel into these nests
their fellows cannot see them, as they are
V'" luc" ,m, 1101,1 .;
and .lftheJ" 'tnselves ara disposed to eat,,
e-3' they f-nd ,hal if the allemPl il wbi,e
?,anS lh edSe of the keg they cannot '
u . l. . i j ' t . i i
An..,t . !.,., j : .v.:- . :
main uieiu cuuTtnueiiuy, aim 11 iney .nop .
down into the nest and bifempt to pick the
OC-fTA lat tVlt! mil , t ,1 ".f n unqinct t Vl t . fun.
is superior to a wooden one, covered wilbl
a nest of straw.
Hens like a great range, and they always
do infinitely better to run al large most of
the time, at least, than they will when con-
fined in a spacious poultry yard. - I allow
my poultry yard gates to ba open as much ,
as possible; and when it is desirable to
keep the poultry in their yard, we are sore
to let them out for mote than two' bouTs '
before night.. This enables them to obtain
food that they cannot find iu their enclos
ure, such as bugs, worms lresh grass, and :
such like ; and by keeping them .ia their
yard most ot the day the eggs are all laid,
in the proper place ; and- as their time is
limited lor ranging about they seldom stop
to scratch much, evea when ranging iii the'
garden. If they are let out in tha fore part' !
of the day they wiil scoa La" making nests
in the grass ana otbir-toecrel places-where
, ' '