STAR OF THE NORTH, bloomsburg; pa. Wednesday Morning, Angnst 14, 1861. DEMOCRATIC COUNIT COStEft rtf. NOTICE ia hereby given, that tho Demo cratic Electors in anil for the several Bor oughs and Election Districts of Columbia County, will mept at the respective places ot holding said Elections on SATURDAY, THE ?4ih DAY OF AUGUST, Between the honrs of 3 and 7 o'clck P. M., of said day, for the pnrpnse of choosing two Delegate from each Election district, lo meet in COUNTY CONVENTION, at the Co or: House, in Bloomsburg on MONDAY, THE 26th DAY OF AUGUST, At one o'clock P.M.. of said day, lor the purpose of making the usual Democratic nominations, to be supported by the Efec tors of Columbia County at the ensuing Gen eral Election, and for the' transaction of oth er business pertaining to the interests of the Democratic party. JACOB HARRIS, Chairman, Richard Stiles, ) Pkter G Campbell, M C Woodward, William Fhitz, Samuel Creasv, ) Samuel Kelchnbr, William T. Shdman. Democratic Standing Committee . CANDIDATES' DEPARTMENT. PRINTER'S FEE $2.00 EACH. Candidal for Assembly. Levi L Tat, of Bloom township, we are authorized to announce will be a candidate for the Legislature, at the approaching Gen eral Election, subject to the decision of the Columbia county Democratic Convention. Jaly 17, 1861." Candidate for Assembly. At the solicitation of many friends I would announce to the voters of Columbia county, that 1 will be a candidate for ASSEMBLY, at the approaching general election, subject to the decision of the Columbia county dem ocratic convention. JOHN A. FUNSTON, Ja y 17, 1 86 1. CANDIDATE FOR SHE'S FF. Peter Billmeter, of Bloomsburg, we are authorized to announce, will be a candidate for SHERIFF, at the approaching general erection, subject to th decision of the Co lumbia county Democratic Convention. July 10, 1861. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF. Josiah H Fdrmaw, of Bloom township, we are authorized to announce, will be a candidate for SHERIFF, at the approaching general election, subject to the decision of the Columbia County Democratic Conven tion. July 17, 1861. Candidate for Sheiff. Friends and fellow Democrats, as yon have given me a guarantee three years ago, through our regular County Convention, and by adhering to the usages of the democrat ic party all my life time, which induces me again to offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF this fall, subject to the decision of the Democratic Countv Conven tion. J. R GROUL. Bloom township, July 17, 1861. Candidate for Trcassrt r. James S McNinch, of Cattawissa township .we are authorized to announce, will be a candidate for TREASURER at the ap proaching general election, subject to the decision of the Columbia-county Democratic Convention. July 21, 161. For oniniissioncr. CHARLES H. HESS, ot Mililin township, we are requested to annour.ce, will be a candidate for County Commissioner at the approaching general election, subject to the decision of the county democratic conven ion. ' July 24, 1E61. For Associate Judge. Jacob Evans, of Greenwood township, has requested us to announce that he will be a candidate for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the coming election, snbject to the decision of the Democratic Columbia connty conven tion. July 31, 161. Candidate for Treasurer. We have been authorized to announce to the voters of Columbia county, that Wil liam T. Shcman, of Maine township, will be a candidate for TREASURER, at the approaching general election, subject to the decision of the Columbia county Democrat ic Convention, which will be held on the 26tb day of August next, in Bloomsburg. July 31, 1861. For Associate Judge. We are authorized to announce through the Star that John McRevnolds, of Hem lock township, will be a candidate for AS SOCIATE JUDGE at the approaching gen eral election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. July 31, 1861. County Commissioner. We are authorized to announce the name Of MOSES SCHLlCHER,of Beaver towns'p, es a candidate for County Commissioner, at the approaching general election, subject to the decision of the Demociatic County con vention, which will be held on the 26th of August next. July 31. 1861. CANDIDATE FOR COMMISSIONER. Frakkun L Shuman, ol Beaver township, we are authorized n announce, will be a candidate for COMMISSIONER, at the en suing general election, subject to the de cision ol the Columbia county Democratic Convention. August 7, 1861. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Stephen Baldt, of Cattawisga, we are authorized to announce, will be a candidate for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the approach ing general election, subject to the decision of the Columbia county Democratic Con vention. August 7, 1861. - CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF. James La&k, ot Scott township, throngh the solicitation of his friends has been in duced to offer himself as a candidate for SHERIFF, at the coming general election, subject to the decision of the Columbia county Democratic Convention, which will be held on the 26th of August next. August 7, 1861. Mb. Jacobt, Editor Star or the North : Many ol the friends of George Mack, o Espy, wculd be pleased to see his name announced in your paper as a suitable per son to be voted for, as one of the ASSOCI ATE JUDGES of this County, at the com ing October election. A DEMOCRAT. July 31, 1861. CANDIDATE FOR ASSEMBLY. I have.through the urgent request of many friends, been induced to offer myself as a candidate for Assembly at the approaching election, willing to submit to the decision el the Democratic convention. If elected I will endeavor to eerve my constituents faithful, and use my best efforts to secure a redaction in the pay of the members. . BENJAMIN WINTERSTEEN. Pine township, Aug. 7, 1861. Those patron? down country who wish their papers discontinued will please come forward and "pay up That is the most honorable way to stop a paper. If these men wish to beconrfidered as ranking along with gentlemen they will heed these re marks. Rain. We have had an abundance of rain within the last two days. Our fall crops stood Very much iu need of this rain thery were in a manner burning up. We have had no rain in this section of any account for a month or more until this week. The streams became very low but now are swollen considerably. A soldier writing from Harper's Ferry jnst previous to the last Sabbath says in his letter, that he does not know what their great movements are to be on the nest Sab bath. But as all theT great movements bave been on the Sabbath, he supposes that something must be on foot as the Sab bath is coming. They crossed the potomac on the Sabbath. They re-crossed it on the Sabbath. They have made all their princi pal marches on the Sabbath. They have their grandest parades on the Sabbath. It is the fashion to choose the Sabbath for the hardest work if work is to be done, or the grandest display if display id to made. Congress has passed an act adding four dollars per month to the pay of :he non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates of the volunteers. Mr. Stevens, of Penn sylvania, moved to reduce the proposed in crease to two dollars per month. He Re marked that the expenses of the Govern ment were at the rate of a million and a quarter per day and he could not see where the money was to come from. It might have been deducted from the salaries of I members of Congress, Postmasters, Govern roent officials, and from the stealings of contracts without any damage to the public service. The State election in Kentucky for mem bers of the legislature, was held on Mon day last. Returns, nearly full, from forty counties, show that but three secessionists have been elected. The disloyal counties, however, have not yet been generally heaid Irora. Well-informed politicians estimate that each bouse ot the Legislature will be three fourths composed of Union men. This is glorious news from Old Kentucky. Then let the South jog along as it will, Old Kaintuck;s for the Union still !" That fatal disease, Diptheria, has made its appearance in our town, but happily as yet no death have resulted from it. It is very contagious. The symptoms are a brick-red discoloration of the throat, small white specks on the tonsils, a feeling of las situde throughout the system, and frequent ly pain in the head and ears. If taken in its earlie? stages, it is said to be easily con trolled. -Bedford Uizcite. Holi.owat's Pills The Refuge of the sick Headache, Dizziness, &c With this great remedy at hand none need suffer. Have you a sick or nervous headache? here is a medicine as unfailing and certain in its cure as that the sun will rise and set and why? simply that it acts on the stomach and bowel? the root of the disorder :hi is the plain but sure basis of Holloway's sjstem, and experience endorses it by the millions of certified cases throughout fhe civilized world, without a single instance of failure. Practice and experience are as far ahead of theory as the brightness of noonday is to the darkness of night Spec ulation in the treatment of disease may be consio'ant ih a lunatic asylum but when iife and death are in the balance reason should unite with experience, and practice guide the hand of civilized society. REVIEW OF THE MARKET, carefully corrected weekly. WHEAT, 1 20 70 56 30 50 00 BUTTER, EGGS. TALLOW, LARD. POTATOES, DR'D APPLES.l HAMS, 12 10 12 12 62 00 12 RYE. CORN, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr.bbl. 6 CLOVERSEED.5 00 SHERIFF'S SALES. V, Y virtue of several writs of Venditioni exponas, to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia connty, Pa , will be exposed to pnblio sal, at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on Wednesday, the ilk day of September, 1861, at one o'clock, in the afternoon, the follow ing property to wit: all that certain lot of land situate in Centre Township, Columbia connty, Pa., Bounded and described as follows to wit ; on the North by a public road, leading from Orangeville lo Berwick, on the East by land of Ellwood Hughes and G. II. Fowler, on the South and West) by land of Gilbert H. Fowler, containing four acres more or less, all of which is e'eared land, wheron is erected a two story frame dwelling house, a frame out kitchen, a frame Stable and other out buildings, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of A. B. Hartman. ALSO At the same time and place all that certain tract oi land situate in Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county,bound ed and described as follows to wit : on the North by land of William Kline, on the East by land of Isaac Ikler, on the South by land ol George Appleman, on the South Wes and West, by land ol Zebulon Gross, contain ng Forty acres more or less, about twenty acres of which is improved land whereon is erected a one and a half story log dwelling House a frame bank Barn and other out buildings with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be bold as the property of Daniel Morden. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. B!oomsbnrj, Aug. 14, 186 1. LIST OF CAUSES. FOR SEPTEMBER TERM 1861. 1. T. W. Kahler, vs. Daniel Neyhard. 2. J. M'Mulligan,et. al. vs. Samuel Rhone 3. A. Crevelmg vs. A. Melick, Sr., et al. 4. Robert J. Lyons vs. M Cox, et. a!. 5. P. Wintersteen vs. V. Wintersteen. 6. John Pealer, vs. Daniel Edgar, et. al. 7. Lewis Lavenburg, et al. vs. J. Dyer. 8. Isaiah Shuman vs. Jacob L. Sboman. 9. Joseph Lockard vs. James Pennington. 10. E. C. Shultz, vs. J. Pennington, et. al. 11. H. Trangh vs. The W. B. Insurance Co. 12. James Shields, et. al. vs. I. Shaman. 13. George Eves vs. Zebulen Shultz, et. al. 14. Richard R. Menagh vs John Gigger. 15. Daniel F. Seybert, (use) vs A. Pearce. 16. Daniel F. Seybert vs A. B. Pearce, et al. 17. Henry Wells vs George Kinley. 18. Joseph M'Henry vs Wesley B. Kline 19. Wilson Ager vs Joseph Patton. 20. Sally Ann Wagner v. Israel Whary. SI Brown & Snyder va James J. Doll. SHERIFF'S SALES. ' r Y Virtue of a writ of Levari Facias to me diiected, issued out of the Court of CommonPleas of the county of Columbia, Penn's, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in Bloomsbuig, on Tuesday tilth day of August l!-"5 1, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following properly to wit: ALLTHESESIX CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND, situate in Braver township, County of Columbia, ar.d State of Pennsylvania, one of them called, 'BALBEC,' bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at a post thence by land of Jas. McNeal, north, 12 de grees wet three, hundred mid forty perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land ol Win. Gray and Win. Sieedman, south, seventy eight degrees west, one hundred and seven ty time perches to a post, thence by land of Jeremiah Jackson, touth, twelve decrees east, four hundred and ten perch es to a pot; thence by land of Richard BrooK, north seventy degree east, seventy three perches lo a dogwood, north, twelve de grees west, filieen perches to a post; thence north seventy eghl decree east, eighty tw perches to a black oak; thence by an old survey, north, twelve decrees west, twenty five perches to a hickory, and north, thirty two degrees east, thirty four perches i- the place ol beginning containing four hundred and twelve acres and a half, ami allowance of six per cent, for roads, &e ANOTHER of them called 'PALMYRA,' beginning at a post, them: by hind of Robert Gray, north, twelve decrees west, lour hundred and ten perches to a post, thence by land of Win, Steedman. south, seventy eighl degrees west, one hundred and sixty perches to a post; thence by land of John Brady, south, twelve decrees east, lour hundre 5 and ten perches to a post, and thence by land of John Wild and Richard Brook, north, seventy eight degrees east, one hundred and sixty six perches to the place ol beginning, containing lour hundred and one acres and a quarter, and allowance of six per cent, tor road, &e. ANOTHER r-fthem called STONE HALL, beginning at a po-t, thence by land of John Bradv, north, twelve degrees west, two hun dred and sixty three perches to a post, thence by land of Charles Hall, south seventy eight degrees west, two hundred ami seventy one perches to a chestnut; thence by land of Catharine Longenberger, south, sixteen de grees and a quarter east, two Hundred and seventy six perches to a stone, arid thence by land of Deborah Stewart and Thoma Brooks iTorth, seventy eight degrees past, two hundred and forty nine perches lo place ol beginning, containing four hundred and thirty eight acres and a ball, and allowance of six percent for reads, kc, be the same more or less, on which is erected a stone house, and about half an acre of which is cleared land There is also a vein of Stone Coal opened on this tract and a Larye Coal Breaker erected thereon. ANOTHER ol them called Farmers Delight beginning at a post, thence by laud of Wm. Steedman, north, sixteen degrees and three quarters west, three hundred and ten per ches lo a Spanish oak, thence by land of William Webb, south, seventy four dgiees west, one hundred arid sixty two percnes to a black oak. thence by land of Thomas Say, south, sixteen degrees east, twenty p.-rches to a chestnut, thence by land ol Chas. Hall, sooth, eiht degrees and a half, ea-t, three hundred and sixty six perches to a post, thence by land ol John Brady, north, seven ty eight degrees east: one! hundred & thirty perches to an ash; north, twelve degrees west, eighty perches to a white oak, and north, seventy eight decrees east, sixty per ches to the place ot beginning, containing four hundred and eighteen acres and allow ance ol six ff tent tor roads, kc. ANOTHER of hem called TROY beginning at a post, thence by land of Jeremiah Jack son., north, twelve degrees west, four hun dred and ten perches to a post, thence by land of W. P. Brady, south, seventy eight degrees west eighty perches to a white oak, south twelve degrees eas', eighty pehes to an ash. ouih seventy eight degrees west, one hundred and thirty perches to a post, thence by land of John Reese, south eleven degrees east, two hundred aud iixiy three perches to a post, thence by lar.d of Tt.os. Brook, north seventy eight degrees east, twenty perches to a clfsinu: oak, smih, twelve degrees ea?t, forty one perches to ,i Black oak, thence by the same and land ot John U ild, norih seventy eight degree east one hundred end six perches to a black oak, and north, seventy eight Jegree? eas', eighty peiches to the place ol besjinni-nj, containing four hundred and twenty nine acres and a quarter, and allowance of six per cent for roads, kc. And the other o! them call" t ;'MAIE"' beginning at a po-t, thence by laud ol Wm P. Brady, noft'.i, eight degrees h a i alf west, three hundred and sixty two . en-hes io a rhe-tntit tree, thenc by la:id of Thos. Say and Je-se Bud-d, south severity four de grees went, one hundred and cigfii eight pen hes to a post, thence by land of The. Bellas, south filty five degrees ea?t, eigir.y nine perches to a chei-tnnt oak, thence by the same and land of John Longenberger south one hundrf d and eighty eight perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land of the said John Longenberger, south seventy six degrees and a quarter west, one hundred and twenty four perches to a post, south, sixteen degr's and a quarter enit, one hun dred and four perches io a chestnut tree, and thence by Ir.nd of John Rue, norih, seventy eight degrees eat, two hundred ar.d seventy one perches to place of begin ning, containing three hundred and eighty one acres and three quarters and allowance of six per cent, for roads &n Seized taken in execution ar.d to be sold as ths property of the Columbia Coal and Iron Company. ALSO By virtue of a wiit of Fj. Fa all that certain tract ol land, situate in Main township, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the North and West by lands of Isaac Yetter ; on the South and Eat by lands of George ami Ru dolph Shuman, containing FIVE ACRES, be the same more or less, whereon are erected a two Mory frame dwelling house, two one and a hall story frame dwelling horses, a Forge, Coal House, and other outbuildings, with the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Jacob Jameon. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, July 17,1861. J! .. .? .. t". .. .. .. t. .. v. v v "- V v." - .. of Si OF ALL KINDS, AT J. J. BEIOWUirS Cheaper than liver. May MS 1860. .v. Q vf ". .v . . .;. .. r. s Vi J W.Im, V- a "V4 -i V V4t W Vi "i Vi " W'KELVY, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS, No r t h e a a ' a 5 p " v 3 ' ST. T.OUIS IIOTEf., I fnrsTTT stdppt mnvr Tinpn I .uau 11 V M a M lllli 1 f JIUV IU I IIIU1' ' IN the immediate neighborhood of the Job bing Houses on Market Third, and Chest nut Streets, the Banks, Post Office, Mer chants' Exchange, &c, &c. ISO A III) IEIt DAY $150. Accommodation when required on the EU ROPEAN PLAN; Rooms from 50 cents and upward, per day, and meals at a First Ct.ass Resttrant attached to the Hotel. Price according to the Bills of Far. I tie ily ;irs take I'assengers irnm any Mntlon 'In or Clove to the Hotel. n"-English, French , German aud Span ish spoken. July 17. 1SG1. W A TrHMAKCIl SHOP ! TH E undersigned would inloim hiC? friends and customers snd the rct ol, mankind, that he continues to pay particular attention to the repairing ot watches; weight, spring, and lever clocks ; jew elry ami everything belonging in his lieje. find thai it is at all limes, anil in all rases his desire to givp perfect satisfaction. He, is an excellent" workman, has visijed several, and worked in thrpe of the fi-st Cities in the world New York, Phila tel phia and the great City "of Paris in Franco Particular attention is paid to re-gilding or what i-t termed "plating." HENRY ZUPPINGER. . Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. rVotice. To the Ihirs of Thomas Conner, deceased. jVOTlCE is hereby given that the Account of John Conner, Surviving Tru.-iee of the estate of Thomas Conner, late of Green wood twp , Columbia county dee'd. was filed at the May term 1861, of this Court, and will be presented lor confirmation and allowance at the September term ixfij JACOB EYERLY. Clerk O. C. Bloomsburg, July 10, 1861 Oi. Aliiimir:t(or's Notice. Eitate of Jacob Xate, lute of Ceulte tup , dee'd. jVOTlCE is hereby given that letters of - - aominisiraiiO'i on the estate ol Jacob Nagle, late ot Centre township, Columbia county, deceased, Jiave been granted by the Register of Columbia county to Frank lin Nagle of said township and county ! All persons having claims or demands against the estate ol the decedent are re queued to present them for settlement, and tho-e indebted to make payment without delay to FRANKLIN NAGLE, Centre, July 31, 1861 6t. Adm'r SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES! ! a m:ci;ssity ix kveky household .TOSZftS & ;itos LEY'S AMEKICAN CKMEiVI' GLUE The Miongest JIise In the World For Cementing Wood. Leather, Class, Ivorv, China. Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone, Coral. &c, &c, &c. Thecnly article ol the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS: "Every hou-ekteper should have a sup ply ol John- &. C.'ros'ey's Atnrica-i Cement Glue.'' Ntu? York Timet. "h i so convenient to have in the house" AVxo Yoik Express. ''It is always ready this commends it lo everybody." N. Y. Independent. "We have tried it, and tind it as usrfu in our house as water." Wilkes1 Spirit of the Times Irlre25 Tonls per IFoltlo. Very I.ibrml Keduclmn lo Whole-ale Iieitl-'rs. I ( ASH. Ci" For sale by all Druggists and S ore keepers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, 78 Wiiliam Street, Corner of Libeity St., NEW YORK. Jnly 10. 1861 ly. Auditor's Notice. In the O plan's Court for the county of Colum bia Ktatc of Conrad IIes, late of Sugar loaf township deceased. The A uditor appointed by the Court to report distribution ol the balance in the hands ol W iliia'ii Hess, Executor ot the la: will and se-tament ol Conrad He--, la'e of Swgarloaf town-hip, in the. croun.y ol Co. lumbia deceased, will rr.ePt the panics in terested lor the purpose of hi appointment, on Saturday ihe 24 day ol Augu-t ten o'clock, A. M. ol paid day, a tn r thee in Bi'oomsbtug, in aul crmy, ail persons iu'eres'ed in the said Es ate ar required to pre-erit their claim before the Auditor, or debarred Irom cuning in for a h;re ol tti fu..d. JOHN G. FREEZE, Auditor. Bloomsburg, July 3d, 1S?61 4:. Administrator' iotiec. Eute if Susan Jane Cavcnre. deed. jMOTICE is ereby given that le lers of sn'rr ini'traticti on the E-'aie c.f Susn JaneCavenee, late of Moum Pleasant town ship, Columbia connty, deivd., have been granted by the Register of saiJ County to the undersigned, tvho resides in Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county. All persons having clams or demands aginst the Estate of the decedent are reque-ted io present ihein for seltlerneni , and (hose in debted to make payment without delay GEORGE CAVENEE, Adm'r. Mount Pleasant, June 12, 1861. gkaivd Jimesss FOJl SEPTEMBER 1ERM, 1861. Bloom John K. Grotz, Wm. Coleman, Samcel Sietler. Cattawissa Moes Hartman, Jhn S.?on. Franklin Daniel Kniltle, Samuel Lohrrnati. Fifhingcrepk l'eter Creveling. Greenwood Wm. Robbins. Hemlock William Wagner. Locust Is?ac Dyer, Daniel Hauck. MitHin Stephen Deiterick. Montour Evan Wellivtr. Madison Baitzer Esick. Maine Samuel Drum. Orange Peter P. Kline, Michael Keller, Cornelius Belli?, Alexander B. Stewart. Roaringcreeb Peter Gearhatt, Charles Eck. Scott Benj. F. Reichart, Jacob Keller, sr. Bloomsburg, July 31, 1861. TKAVEiiSE Jl'llOKS. FOR SEPTEMBER TERM, 1861. Bloom Wm. H. Jacoby, Richard B. Men agh, Thomas J. Thornton, Benj. Bomboy. Beaver John Fry. Briarcreek Levi Shaffer, Nathan Martz, David Miller. Benton Samuel Krickbaum, John J. Stiles. Centre Dati'l Bower, Sam'l H. Hutchison. Fishingcreek C rus Mcllenry. Franklin Aaron Larnberson Greenwood Isaac Heacock. Hemlock Benjamin WiUon, Jamej W. Edef, Robert Russel. Locust Willram Erwin, Henry Fisher. Abraham Yeager. Mililin Abraham Schweppcnheiser, Dan iel Swank. Maine John Gearhart, Daniel Fisher,Hen ry Bauman, Simon Bredbender. Madison Jonaihen John6n, Wm. Demon. Orange Jacob Snyder, Daniel Keller, Wil liam Schuyler. Roarirgcreek David Hower,Samnel Dyer Scoit-Jobn Shuman. A. G. Thornton. GREENWOOD SEMINARY AND COI.UMBM COPNTV AT M1LLVILLE, PENN'A. Important Additions & Improvements Autumn Term to Commence August 1? 'THUS Institution whrch has been in sue J cessful operation for the past ten year, is about undergoing a very important rer -ovation, in order to place it on a more sta ble basi than ever, and present facilities which are not surpassed by ordinary Acad emies in Northern Pennsylvania. Among the improvements will be a large three storied building which will give much ad ditional room and gieater conveniences (or boarders; a commodious hall foT a lecture room anil public, convenient class rooms, a l.brary and reading room contain ing a cabinet of minerals and vuriosities, bath room, &c. An experienced and thoroughly qualified classical teacher and lecturer will be at the head ol the Board of Instruction, but th Principal will have the erieral superintendence of the institution ani assume a share ol the duties of teach ing. Regular lectiwes will be delivered upon various scientific subjects, as well as upon the theory anil practice ol teaching, and a Normal Class of young men and women who wish to qualify themselves ior teachers' profession, will receive especial attention and assignee. The course of Instruction in the school will be thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace the various branchesot a prac tical edncalior.. Ample, provision will be made for the s'udy of the higher Mathe matics, the elucidation of Phy-ics, and the Natural Sciences, by means of suitable ap paratus, ar.d for the study of ttic latin, Greek, htul German languages, to enable students to qualify themselves for commer cial and scientific pursuits, or to enter any class at college. The conntjy location of this Seminary in a plessanl village, in a healthy and flourish ing neighborhood, well known for the ele vated tone of its moral sentiment, and where the pupils are t.ot surrounded by those demoralizing i'tfluence.i, and temp tations touud in our cities, Urger towns and many other localities, with no outside in fluences to divert their attention Irom liter ature and the ork of mental culture, pre sents attractions and inducements to con siderate parent emulous students-, seldom found surrounding large schools and academies. The Li.erary Society al-o, or.e of the old est and best conducted in ihis section of country, presents an attractive feature and useful auxiliary, to a practical eJucation. The improvements will be under the immediate charge of an efficient Board u Trustees, appointed by the Seminary Com pany, and will be completed in time ior the Autumn term, to commence the 12th of August next. While thankful for past palronage we wish to merii a continuance ol similar fa vors, anil as we intend to include a higher grade and 'wider range of iris'.ruc'ion, we respectfully solicit a caretnl examination into our facilities aed claims. Term : Boarding, washing, tuition, lights and incidental expenses, for one quarter of eleven weeks, will be Thir'y Debars, one half payable in advance the o'.hr half and all tuition bills will be expected prompt U a' th.e expiration of each quarter. I'em : Boarding, with furnished roomi, one quarter S22,0O Tuiiion in common English branhce 5,00 It It (C it i (( including Mathematics and Book- Keeping by Double Entrv 6.00 Tu'tion in Latin, Greek, and German extra 100 Wn-hing, Light anil incidental ex- pifnees, one quarter, 3,00 Those who desire to procure frcho'a: hips or attend by the year, will be accommoda ted at a reasonable discount, and students wishing io secure room should make sea ionable application. For further particulars addres WM. BURGESS, Principal Miliville, Penn'a. GoncR Masters, J. K. Eves. ) Dr A. P Eves, Trustees. Bknjamin K. Eves, ) Miliviiie, May 29, 1861. Sole 3Ian ;facturers of Ihe Improved I tie c!, i-t and most durable Ji.iuliug in IT IS FIR E A N I) W ATE II TROO F. 1'. can te applied to New and Old Root of al! ki'ids, and to Shmglu Roots without te mov i: ! tie sh ingles. Ti c Co-t is osly about OnP-Tb'rd that of Tin, AND I I IS TWICE AS DURABLE. (J ITT A PERTH A CEIIEM, For pre-.jrvi'ig and repairing 1 in and other Metal Roofs ol every description, fro.n its great elasticity, i- not injured by the con 'raci'ion and expansion ot tnetids, AND WILL NOT CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER. These material have been thoroughly tested in Ni'w Yotk. and all parts of ttie Southern and Western staiesj and we can give abundant proof of all we claim in their lavor, They are readily applied by ordinay la borers, at a trifling expense. "xo niTAT is RCQnni::" Thn-e ma'eriuls are put up readv for r.e, and for shipping to all parts of the country, wnh toll printed directions for application. Full descriptive circulars will be lumish ed on application by mail or in person a' our Principal Office and Warehouse, 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner ol Libert) Sfeet, New York. JOHNS CROSLEY. Agents Wanted ! Terms Cash ! ! May 29, lSfil. ly. SPJiING AND SUMMER ITS A II T Z A: li T F"5AYEju-t received from Philadelphia a splendid assortment of merchandise, purchased at the lowest figure, and which they are determined to sell for Cash or Country Produce, on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Light St'eet. Their Stck con sists ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and late-t fashions. DRV GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUE ENS WARE. CEDAR- f 'a u t:. hollow. n i n e , Iron, and Spikes, BOOTi AN D SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, KEAM-MADti CL0TUIXG, &c. &c, In short every thing usually kept in a coun try Store. They respectfully invite their old friends, and the public generally, lo call and examine their fctock before purchasing elsewhere. CW The highest price paid for country produce. MARTZ & ENT. Light Street, July 3d, 1S61. LIFE PILLS & niOEMX BITTERS. IMJESE MEDICINES have now been be- fore the public for a period of Thirty Years, and during that time have maintained a high chaiacier iu almost every part of the Globe, foi their extraordinary and imme diate power of restoring perfect health to persons suflering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame i liable. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases in which the vw;i:tai!li; lii p, MtdDicixr.s Ate well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleans-ng the firs! and second stomaches, and crea ting a lLw of pure, healthy bile, instead ol the stale and acrid kind: Flatul-ncy, Loss of AppeliteHeattbnrn, Headache, Restless ness, Ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, winch are the geneial symp toms of Dy sppp-ia, vul! vanish, as a nut tural consequence of its cure. COST1VENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a so'veril pro cess, aud without violence; all violent pur ges leave the bowels costive within two day. KEVERS of al! kinds, by restoring the blood t a regular circulation, through the process of respiration i n feuch cases, and tiie thorough sol utiun of all intestinal ob struction in others. Thp Life Medicine have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, and (iOUT in hall that time, by removing local infl.tmatiou Irom the; mus cles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strenglhiug the kidney and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these impor tar.t organs, and hence have ever been toun f a certain remedy for the worst cases of G RAVEL Al-o WORMS, by dislodging from the i urn m gs ol the bowels the. slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, bv t tit perfect puntv wnich th'sse LIFE MEDICINES give io the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative e fleet upon ihe lhiids ihut feed the skin, and the rnoibid stat ot which occasions all erup tive complaints, sallow, cloudy and other disagreeable complexion. The use of these Pills for a very short time will efifct an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in thrf clearness of the skin Common Cold and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by t wo ir, the worst cu-es. PI LICS. The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cured ol Piles, 35 years standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For this sconce of thrf Western country, these Medicine will be found a sate, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure bv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and be Cured. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS General Debi'ity, Loss of ap peti.e, and Di.-ea.-e of Femalns the Med icines have been used with the most ben eficial results in cases of thi description Kings Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms y lelds to the mild yet powerful action ol these remarkable Aledicines. Night Sweats Nrvou debility, Nervous Complaints of all kind-. Palp'ration of the Heart, Pain lers' Colic, a-e. speedily cured. M ERCURI A L DISEASES.-Persons whose constitution have becomt impaired by the injudicious u.-t ol Mercury, wiil find thes? Medicines a pcifect cure, as t hey never fail to eradica e Irom ihe 8)stem, all the efTtcis of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsapa riila. Prepared aud sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. TOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, IS 61-Jy. FRESH ARRIVAL, OF "t rz- CrCTy Zrji r AHIE vt.i'cr-igned offers for sale, at the - Store tormerly kept by Joseph fiearhart. deceased, in Cattuwisa town-nip, about three miles from the town of Cattawissa, an as.-ormient of STRING AM) SHINER GOODS, -supe'ior lo any ever brought io that section. His stock cl goods j- varied and of an ev crllent quality He is prepired to sellchep having purchased his goods to suit tie times. Purchasers are cordially invited lo cail and examine his stock for themselves Qvick Sales and Small profits," has been adapted a his tnotto. n?- Count ry produce taken in exchange for goods at the regular market prices. JACOB H. CREASY. Cattawis-a iwp.; Mav 1-t, 1S61. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPUING AND SIMMER. GOODS, MILLER 8o EYER'S. 'FMIE snb-cribers have just returned from the City with another large and select a-sori ncnt nf Spring ntsd Ssisnmcr Goods, purchased at Philadelphia, at th lo.ves1 figure, and which thy are determintl to sell on as modera'e terms as can be pro cured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Their stock co. uprises of the choicest stles and latest la-hions. DRY GOODS, Hardware. (Jaeensware, Cedarware, Hol Inwwuri", Iron, Nails, lioois c Shoes, Hats and Caps, fee, Izc. In short, everything usually kept in country stores; to which they invites the public generally. The highest price paid for country produce. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1861. ISridgc Letting- The county Commissioners will receive proposal at the house of James Masters, in Pine township, Columbia county, until 3 o'clock P. M , or. Friday the 23 I day o! August next, for building an open Truss Hridge, over little Fishingcreek near the residence of the said James M isters, said bridge lo be 57 leet between abutment, width 16 feet, hight S feet 6 ioches, from low writer mark, the abutments to be six feet thick, and wing walls on lower siJe 12 fet long. Plan and Specifieatio-i can be seen on the day and place of letting. By order of the County Com'rs. R. C. FRUIT, Cieik. Commissioners Uilice, rloomsburg, July 31, 1861 i IJLANKS! BLANKS! ! BLANKS !i DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECU1 IONS, SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & desirableformscsale at the olice'of he "Mar ofthe North." S. C SH1VB, HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES, OR Disrhte Willi Its Agonies; CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. 3 , v.u n HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. NERV0S DISORDERS. What is more tearful than a breaking down ol ihe nervous system To be exci table or nervous in a small degree is most distressing, for when) can a remedy be found ? There is one : driuk but little wine, beer, or spirits, or far better, none ; take no coffee, weak tea bing preferably get all the fresh air yon can ; take three or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solids, avoiding the Ose of slops ; and if these gold en rules are followed, you will be happy in mind and strong in body, and forget voA have any nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one thing more than another for which these Pills are eo famous it i their purifying properties, especially their po wer of cleansing the blood from all im- : purities, and removing dangerous and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted a the one grand remedy for female complaints thev never fail, never weaken the system and always bring about what is required. ' SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelings w hich so Fadden usare go frequently arise from annoyance and troub le, (rom obstructed perspiration, or from" eating aud drinking what is unfit for us' - inns disordering the liver and stomach. ' These organs must bo regulated if you wist to be well. The Pilla, it taken accordin to the printed instructions, will quickly re store a healthy action to both liver and siomach, whence follow as a nural contan sequence, a gocd appetite and a clear head. In trie East and West Indian seaicely any other medicine is ever used for tbese dia. orders. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all d iseases allecting these organ? whether they secrete too much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with ftone or gravel, or with aches and pai&s settled in ihe loins over the regions of tho kidn sya, these Pills should bo taken accor ding to ihe printed instructions directions, and the Ointment should b well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relied when all other means bave faded. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER. No medicine will so effectually improve ihe tone of the stomach a these Pilis; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach (he liver and reduce it lo a healthy action; they are wonderfuliy efficacious in cases ol spasm in fact they never fail in cuiing all disorders of the li-er and stomcch. Il)llniray,s Tilh are the best remedy known iii the tcorld jor the following diseases. Ague, inflammation, Asthma, Jaundice, ' Billions Complaints, Liver Cora- Bloiches on the plaints, Skin, Lomba50, Bowel Complaint?, Tiles; Colics, Rheumatism, Constipation of tha Retention of Bowels. Urine, Consumption, Scrofula, or Debility. King's Evil, Dropsy, Sore Throats, Dsentery, Stone and Gravel, Erysipelas, Secondary Symptom! Female Irregnlari- T'c-Douloureux, ties, Humours, revers ol a, I Ulcer, kinds, Venereal Affection", Fit, Worms of all kinds Gout, Weakness from Head ache, whatever cause, Indigestion, kc, kc. CAUTION ''-None arR crpnnina nnbit the words "HoUowav, New York nd Lon don' are c'iscernaNe a a Wc!er-mrh irt every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward wiil be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of an- party or pa-tie coun terfeiting the medicines or vending ihe same, knowing them to be spurioti. Sold at i he Manufactorr of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealer in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and Si earn Es" Tiiere is considerable saving bv ta king the larger sizes. N B D irec'iDtis for the guidance of pa tients in every disnrder are affixed to each box. October, 17, 160. ATTK VriOIV ! CO.TIPAIVY ! rtn r-1 7 ONE thousaiid customers to volunteer to bu their Goods at L. T. SHARPLESS Store, where the) can be bought very low for ca-h or country prodocn. Having on hand a stock of goods, he is determined to sell at prices reduced to suit the times. An assortment of Clothing adapted lo this season of the yar, will be sold cheap. G-iod Sugars at 6i to 12J lb. Syrups at 10 to 15 cis.per qt. Also, New Orleans Baking Molasses. A fresh lot of cheap Calico, warranted to hold color ju-t received. All kind of Shues will be sold, at price less than marked. To customers baying for cash, we would sav it is to your interest to give him a call. Gratelni for the patonage extended to him in the pa'., he hopes to merit tie con fidence ofthe pnblic in fntn L. T.SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg June 5, 1861. LOST NOTES. rjlVVO Notes of hand, drawn by Morton - Mi-Michael, in favor of C. W. McKelvy &Co., dated July 6th and July 10 h, lt6I, on four months, L,r S7 1 4 50, each, failed to reach their mail destina'ion. All oer o'ii are caationed against negotiating tor ei'her of sai I N i'es. A suitahle. reward will be paid for their return to M;rton Mc Michaei, at Philadelphia, or to the cnJer s.yued, at thn Cattawissa Paner MdU. C. W.McKELVY k CO. July 24, 1613!. Aolicc. JV OTICE is hereby given that letters testa rneuUry on the estate of Abraham Kline, late of Orange township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia county, lo Elijah Kline, residing in Ronton township, said county. All person.- havir g claims or de maiiiis agiinst the estate of the decedent are requested to presem them lor settlement and those indebted to the e-!4te to mbko