The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 14, 1861, Image 2

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Arttcic 1- Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or
Abridge the Freedom of Speech, or of the
. Press ; or the rieht of the people peaceably
to assemble and to petition the Govern
ment for a redress of grievances .Constitu
tion of tht Utile I States
Article 9. Th&.t the printing presses
shall be free to every person who under
takes to examine the proceedings of the
legislature, or any branch of government;
and no law shall ever be made to restrain
the right thereof. The free communication
of thoughts and opinions is one of the in
valuable rights of man ; and every citizen
may freely speak, write and print on any
mubject; being responsible for the abuse of
that liberty. In prosecutions for the publi
cation of papers investigating the official
conduct of officers, or men in publicjcapa
city, or where the matter published is prop
er tor public information, the truth thereof
may be given in eviJence ; and in all in
dictments for libels, the jury shall have a
right to determine the law and the tacts,
tinder the direction of the court, as in other
cares . Constitution of Pennsylvania.
i Doings in Congress.
The Congress f the United State?, ad
journed on Tuesday, of last week, after a
es-ion of a tew days over one month.
Legislation was pushed through with such
rapidity and so little consideration, that it
will take some little time to ascertain what
they did do and what they did not do.
That numerous blunders were committed in
the great scramble and rush, is already ap
parent; among them it may be stated two
WiMs authorizing the calling out of volun
teers were passed, thus giving the Prer
ident the power to catl out a milium of men,
instead of 500.000, as was intended. The
following are the bills of importance dis
posed of during tbo past week.
Tfee tariff bill has passed both branchec,
almost the same as it came from the com
mittee, with the sugar, tea and coffee tax
clause in it. as published bv as a few weeks
since. The Direct Tax bill, the most im
portant of the Ssssion,' as also passed.
This bill proposes to raises 520,000,000,
annually by direct taxation. This tax is to
tea on an real estates, nouses, cnai
If 1 . . 1 L
Flares aim an iucuuic?, couj.
-1 V 1 1 . C-OXA
;oiu watcnes a tax oi one noiiar is iaia.
on silver watches fifty cent?. Carria
ge to-be taxed from one to filly d 1 ars
in accordance with their value.
c-,iri toons liquors are to be taxed five cents
Yergallon, and fermented liquors two cents
pt gallon, or sixty cents per barrel, when
lie latter contains over thirty gallons, the
.ax to ve Data dv me aisuiier. wno is re
quired to keep a sworn record of the num
ber of gallons manufactured. A drawback
is allowed in cases where such taxed li
quors may subsequently be exported.
The bill confiscating the property of reb
els found in arms against the government,
including slaves found engaged in the mili
tary and naval service of the rebels, also
passed. A bill increasing the pay of pr:
vates and non commissioned officers, two
dollars per month, and a bill lega'iz'ng the
acts of the President so far as his military
proclamations are concerned, were also
McDowell's Erport.
In looking over the report, made by Gen
eral McDowell, of the late Bull Ron battle,
. . . i - i .
we discover mat me uenerai mates out
the Federal loss only about 1400 killed,
wounded and missing. The Confederates
report their entire loss at 600 killed and
2700 wounded. These reports have been
slow about coming before the public, and we
doubt much whether an official rejO't can
be taken as a truly correct one. So far as
relates to the loss of life we do not see why
it 6hould not, but there are so many other
things to give an account of that it wonld. be
almost an impossibility to come near a
true account The loss of arms, ammuni
tion, provisions, horses, wagons, &c, must
have been great in this battle. We rec
ollect of there being quite an amount of
grain lost, which fell into the rebel bands,
bnt the number of bushels we are not able
at present to give. The rebels no doubt
captured enough to feed their tony stock
for a few weeks. Their horses said to
be in a bad condition compared with ours.
Death of Hon. W. U. Dimmick,
Hon. William H Dimmick, late member
of CongTess from Northampton. District,
died at his residence ia Honesdale, Wayne
county, on Thursday last, after a lingering
illness. He is another victim of the "Na
tional Hotel disease," as he never entirely
recovered from the attack of that fearful
unknown malady, which, it will be remem
bered broke ont so mysteriously among the
guests at the National Hotel, Washington
City, in 1857.
Those candidates who still owe us for
announcing their names, and do not pay
between this and the issuing of oar next pa
per, will find their names dropped. Those
announcements must be paid before the
Convention. We are compelled to take
this coarse, as it is a pretty hard matter for
some of them to pay the Printer after a de
feat. It had better be attended to before.
They are all able to pay and this is a cath-in-advance
Wi observe that the Hon. Warbes J.
Woodward, of Columbia county, has been
nominated for President Judge of the Sev
enth Judicial District, composed of Bucks
and Montgomery Counties.
The Domination thcs tendered, we ander
stand, was entirely unsolicited and unex
ra.t , rn 1 b.9 lnrrd tMt it Hs
' General Patterson.
We .see by the papers, that on Wednes
day night of last week, a number -of the
friends of Gen. Patterson tendered him the
compliment of a serenade, at his residence
in Philadelphia. He was addressed in a
brief and appropriate speech by Benj. H.
Brewster, Esq , in which he commended
Gen. Patterson highly for saving the troops
under his command, when an advance upon
the enemy would have been attended with
most dirastrous re&ults. He is sustained
in not engaging Johnson at Winchester,
when his force was insufficient. We have
the first complaint to hear from head quar
ters in relation to this man. But the news
paper Generals are always ready to trump
op something against their superiors; even
'.he General of the Republican, of this place,
enters his protest against Patterson, and
talks about his not obeying orders. If the
General disobeyed orders why not have
him Court-martialed at once, and make an
example of him. The General in-Chief
should take this matter in hand, and we
trust he would if there was just cause.
The reply Gen. Patterson made to Mr.
Brewster's remarks is a sufficient answer to
the many complaints put forth by these Re
publican sheets about his dilatory conduct,
and the grave insinuations against his fidel
ity to the cause of his country. Indeed, we
have reason to known that not only the
army officers under his command approved
of the movements of General Patterson, but
that General Scott himself expressed the
greatest confidence in his discretion and
fidelity a short time previous to the Bull
Run engagement, andilter Gen. Patterson
had moved his column to Charleston. The
following was the reply of General Patter
son :
My Friends: I am greatly indebted to
you for the compliment you have paid me
to-night, and for the approbation you have
been pleased to bestow. 1 know that I
have endeavored to do my duty, and I be
lieve 1 have handled my column as well as
any other in the field. 1 have been honor
ably discharged by my superior officer, and
if he makes no complaint, and if those who
served under me make none, what right
have others to constitute themselves a mili
tary star chamber to decide on my merits
or demerits as a soldier? 1 hive the geif
satisfaction of knowing thil all the officers oj the
regular army serving with me approved of the
management of the army under my comm ind.
These gentlemen are competent j-idijes, and
their approval I value more than the pri
ses ot all the civilians in the United States.
The army standard is the true test of the
soldier, and by that test I am willing to stand
or fall. To you my fellow townsmen, I
can but extend my most grateful thanks for
this renewed evidence of your frierr'-t hip
and confidence.
Three cheers were here given for Gen. Pat
terson, and the crowd dispersed.
We sec that Columbia and Luzerne coun
ties are not alone in holding Peace Meet
ing?. There have been meetings held in
the States ot New York, New Jersey, Dela
ware, Ohio, Connecticut, New Hampshire,
and Pennsylvania. Several meetings have
been held in the counties of Venango and
Wayne, this State, at which meeting strong
resolutions were read and passed, declaring
that war is disunion, certain, irrevocable,
and eternal separation, and that peace, re
conciliation, and compromise, are the only
honorable means by which the Union can
be saved, tbe government maintained, and
the laws enforced, and to secure these hap
py results they pledge their unceasing and
undivided efforts ; believing that whatever
the public feeling may be at present, the
time will come when all hnmanity will ap
plaud the course of those who now advocate
peace to our country. The people are be
ginning to view with alarm the present at
titude of the Republican party, in their re
fusal to entertain any propositions to re
store peace to our distracted country.
A patron of ours, residing at or near
Lime Ridge, complains to us, in strong
terms, of his not regularly receiving the
Star. This is. something we very much
dislike to hear, and did we know, to a cer
tainty, where the fault lay, we should as
sure our patron that there would soon be a
change. This is too annoying for us to stand.
it is not the first, second or third time we
have had our attention called to this matter.
We are willing to bear a reasonable amount
of complaint, as we are all aware when so
many changes take place in the Post
masters throughout the whole country, it is
not fair to suppose that mailable matter
would be as rightly attended to as when the
old regulars had it in charge. But we hope
our attention may not be directed to this
mailer again. We have Postmasters capa
ble of doing their whole daty and the peo
ple expect them to perform it.
Urited Democracy. We have been much
gratified to find that the true democracy of
the county are so thoroughly united as we
approach the nominating convention.
There are many different candidates, and
each has his respective friends, but all are
willing to abide by the decision of the con
vention, and are determined that the ticket
when nominated shall be elected, The de
mocracy are getting fully aroused to the
fact that their principles are and always
have been right, and they are bound that
beginning with county eiections they will
restore the principles of the democratic
party throughout the country. The people
are anxious for another opportunity to er
press their feelings through the ballot box,
and when that opportunity comes they will
repudiate everything that is republican from
Postmaster, and treason sauffing constables
op to President. - Mark thar prediction.
Wc paid a visit to the Orangeville,
Male and Female Academy, on Saturday
last, and mast state, in justice to. the citi
zens of Orangeville and vicinity, that they
have the most handsome and neatly arrang
ed building for school purposes in the hy
perborean part of this stale. The internal
arrangements are most capital. The board
of Trustees are at present leveling and
1 beautifying the yard generally. The first
term of the second academic year commen
ces on the 15th inst.
Daniel Lee, Esq., will please accept our
thanks for those fine garden squash present
ed to us a few days . ince. They made
Tot or Against.
There can be no two parties now say the
Republicans, "we must either be for or
against the government." The Democratic
party has always been for the government
and if there is to be but one party, we
would suggest that between the two or
more parties we should choose the safest
one. This would of course be the Demo
cratic party, for that has made the country ;
while others in a few months have nearly
destroyed it. "For or against the govern
ment" or in other words, a Republican or
a traitor, &c. Now let trs look over the
past and see whether this four months'
growth of patriotism is real ot false. Have
the Republicans for the last four or five
years been for or against the government
as administered ? If they have not endorsed
Buchanan's, Pierce'sTyler's, Tolk's.and oth
er democratic administrations then accord
ing to their interpretation of traitors every
man of them has for many ears been a
traitor. Suppose 'their interpretation of
traitorism be true, why should they hang
democrats for being four months, what they
have been for forty years. The gTeat trouble
with these men is that they do not seem to
know enough to distinguish between an ad
ministration according to the Chicago Plat
form, and the government, according to the
Constitution. All Democrats are in favor
of the government, but they are not in favor
ot that administration of the government,
which, instead of preserving the country
and holding it to the ancient landmarks of
peace, prosperity and nationality, have run
it inio sectionalism, dissolution and civil
war. We will all sustain the Government,
but we think the very first step necessary to
that end is to re establish the principles that
have given us a government to sustain.
Not thumbey land Democrat.
Another Same,
The Republican office seekers have come
again to the necessity for a change of name.
After running the country into ruin they
know it would be uttet folly to think of lun
ning as Republicans, and so they think by
a change of name the people will take
them for something or somebody else than
the country distroying, money squandering,
mob inaugurating Republican party They
have caught at the name of "Union party,"
having labored might and main up to within
four mo'ths for a plaiform and principles that
have distroyed the Union. The Democracy,
however, will contest the title n 1 show up
re:orda to a damaging extent. This seeking
to change nance is positive evidence that
they consider their past name disgraced and
rendered odious by their principles and pol
icy. Why don't the Democracy seek anew
name every few months? Because the Con
stitution, the Union and the good of the
people is the basis of their creed. lb.
A Narrow Escape. The Rev. J. A Kelly,
pastor of the Baptist Church in Jersey Shore,
in crossing a bridge over a ravine about
half a mile below town in his bujgy had his
horse buggy and child precipitated over the
side of the bridge, a distance of ten feet. The
florae in throwing his head back to catch a
fly became entangled in the harness and
commenced to back on the biidge, which
is without railing. Mr K. jumped out to
catch him but could not hold him and he
backed the buggy clear off. Mrs. K. barely
escaped by jumping, without being able to
save the child. The child fell out and the
buggy over him, and the horse on the bug-
gy. Strange to say no serious injury befell
any of them, though the child and horse are
both scratched and bruised some. Ifj7
liamsporl Democrat.
What thev Intend.' The other day a
Republican remarked to a friend of Peace,
that ' they had go hold of this government nl
last, and they meant now to keep holdof it."
This remark, though coming from a single
individual, is certainly very strongly cor-
roberated by all that is occurring. Under
the plea of "necessity," Mr. Lincoln has
set aside the Constitution, and if they sue-
ceed in keeping the country in civil war for
the whole lime of his office, why may he
not, under the same plea of "necessity'
suspend or postpone the Presidential
election of 1S64? Or, if we go through the
forms of an election with freedom of speech
suppressed by a mob, it would be a mere
A Ratification Meeting will be
Berwick on Saturday, the 31st of
held in
the Saturday following our county Conven- i
tion, for the purpose partly of ratifying the
nominations as well as coming together
that we may counsel with each other and
adopt resolutions expressive of th tense
and feeling of the people in relation to this
terrible war which i goirg on between the
North and the South. We are informed
that eminent speakers have been procured
for the occasion. There is a meeting in
contemplation to be held at Rohrburg be
fore long. Notice will be given of the time
These meetings are becoming popular
- -
The Hew York Day Book We are author
ized to say that the reports put in circula
tion by it political enemies, that The New
York Day Book has been or will be stopped,
are fatse. Its proprietors slate it is rapidly
increasing in circulation, and that it is
bound to live as long as the principles of
Jefferson and Jackson survive. All who
desire a sound, nnterrified, Union Demo
cratic paper, from New York City, in favor
of Peace, Justice and Fraternity, opposed
to Mob Law, a Standing Army. Onerous
Taxation, National Banks, High Tarriff&,
the Suppression of Free Speech, and a Mil
itary Dictatorship, will Rid it just what they
want. ' This paper has all the latest tele
graphic news, and as good a report of Cat
tie, Grain and other Markets as any paper
sent out of New York. Terms, one copy
per year, Si ; five copies, S3; twenty-one
copies, S20. Any person who will start a
club at a post office where there is none
novr, and send $5 for five subscribers will
reqeive a sixth copy gratis. Additions to
clubs can always be made at Si each sub
scriber. Specimen copies sent free. Ad
dress, Van Evrie Horton & Co., 162 Nassau
For Peace, the Union and the Constitution.
Pursuant to public notice, a Democratic
Mass Meeting was held, on Friday last, the
9th of August, at the Public House of Jons
J. Stiles, in Benton township, Columbia
County. It was indeed a great meetings!
the independent freemen of the country
numbering from 2,500 to 3.000 people and
was animated by the spirit of the Revolu
tionary Patriots, in the representatives of
their sons and decendants. The veterans
of '76, and the young men of the present
day, met upon vhe same platform, shouldeT
to shoulder, for the purpose of asserting
their rights, giving expressions to their
thoughts and maintaining all their just pre
rogatives under the Constitution
Several hundred ladies, patriotic, demo
cratic ladies, too, God bless them, were in
attendance. So, also, was Capt. Millard's
"Home Guards,-"' in full uniform, with flais
waving and drums beating Their presence
created general joy in the camp.
The meeting organized in the grove be
low the Fishingcreek bridge, atone o'clock,
p. m , by the selection of the following offi
cers :
JOHN McHENRY, Esq , President.
Jacob Welliver, Elias McIIenry, Joseph
Coleman, Jacob Kemble, Peter Case, Joseph
Hess, Andrew Freas, David Fhaffer, Henry
Smith, Benjamin V;ntfirsteen, John Hill.
Eli Bobbins, Thilip Appleman, Isaac Hun
ter, James McIIenry, Henry Eyer.
Secretaries Daniel McIIenry, J. J. Kline,
William Hulmne.
Dr. Harry Hake, of Luzerne, and Col.
Levi L. Tatb, of Columbia, were the speakers.
Dr. Hakes, spoke of the state of ourcoun- j
try, its prostrate condition and gloomy fa
tare. He adverted to its once happy, free i
and prosperous condition, and contrasted it ;
with its present forlorn, dismembered and !
humiliating shame He spoke strongly and ' Cnrtin's Committee, appointed to inves
eloquently of the mismanagements and cor- I ',e tlie arm' frauds. which ha? now
ruptions of the riresent State and National I been fit,in? two months, and ought to be
Administrations the required corrections j abie by lhis time to give us something offi
ofttieir unwarranted and illegal abuse of cial and aulhenlic-
power Executive usurpations robberies j Brigham Voung has thrown off his allegi
of the soldiers and swindling of the public ' ance to the United States Government, and
Treasuries. Dr. Hakes advocated tlm set- declared the independence of the Territory,
tlement of this unnatural and mint'ceary , The Mormon? are arming in every direction
War upon principles of compromise, for , to maintain their independence at all haz-
tlie establishment oi reace and tne main
tinmce of the Constitution. His remarks
were received, by the immense audience,
with unmistakable demonstrations ot ap
plause. Col. Tate, was called to th stand In
the course of his remarks, he glanced hasti
ly at the prevailing evils of the ge the
hypocracy of the powers that be, and clear-
ly demonstrated from the record, that th
hone of our country and the perpetuation of j
its glorious institutions were entirely de-
pendent upon the eternal principles of ue-
mocraey. He regarded ihe teachings of Assistant Surgeon of the regime-it, to ascer
abolitionism and modern republicanism, as j tain whether they have the physical qualifi
pernicious to our existence as a Nation, and i cations necessary for the military service.
counselled peaceful deliberations for the
adjudication of our exi-ting difficulties, and
appeaied to the friends of the Union, Ly all
the memories o! the past, and all the hopes
ol the future, to rally with promptness and
vigor, within the perview of ire Constitu
tion, to the defence of the country, against
all its foes whether at home or abroad. In
conclusion, he referred to the DEMOCRAT
IC FLAG, of 34 S:ars, wt.ich waved over
the Speaker's Stand, once in triumph tat
now in humiliation as the emblem of the
Nationrs Freedom, in the full and firm be
lief, that on its preservation depends
nationality, and the only security for the
rights, liberties and power of our own peo
ple, and the highest hopes of oppressed
humanity throughout the world. The
speaker resumed his seat ami 1st rounds of
' app!aue and music by the Band
The Committee on Resolutions, throush
ihe chairman, Mr. H. R Kline, reported 'he
following, which was adopted by acclama
tion. Whereas, In view of the overwhelm ittg
, evils of the prcer.t war, endangering the
Union of ti e States, threatening ruin and
bankruptcy to the happiest and most pros
j perous country on ihe earth, therelore
' Rcolveil, As expressive of the sense ot
: this meeting, thru the Constitution as it is
j written, is our only sheet-anchor of safety
and sure foundation,
t Resolved, That loyal'y to the Union is only
I compatible with strict fidelity to the Con-ti-
tution ; and that those who violate the pro
i visions of the latter, even under the hypo-
critical pretence of preserving the former,
j are enemies to be confronted and resisted.
Resolved, That we have no confidence in
: the good faith and efficiency of many of
the present self-constituted par excellent
! Union savers who have heretolore acted in
j such a fanatical a;id sectional manner a to
destroy confidence in the different sections,
engender strife, hatred and ill-will between
the people and States, and who are n w
denouncing every person who does not join t
in the hue and cry, in lavor ol the present
administration's war policy and bow down
at the shrine of the Chicago Platform, as
traitors to their country ; such men are not
sate lights to follow for the rurpose of re
storing peace and harmony to otir distract- !
ed but once glorious and happy country.
Resolved, The the cost already incurred in
the prosecution of this war, imposes a bur
den upon the people hard to bear; and the
increase proposed must prove so fearfully
distressing to every vital and laboring inter
est of our country that a century of prosper
ity will not erase it. Poverty already stares
us in the face, and utter ruin and s'arvalion
must be the final destiny of the great mass
of our people.
Resolved, That we have entire confidence
in the disposition and ability of our people,
to make a complete and satisfactory settle
ment of all difficulties, if they are coolly
and dispassionately consulted, and their rep
resentatives guided by their counsel.
Resolved, That we will vote for no man,
for any national, Slate, or county office,
who is unwilling to negotiate for peace.
Resolvtd, That the thank of the Democ
racy of Columbia county are tendered to
the speakers for their very able, national
and patriotic addresses so attentively listen
ed to.
Resolved, That these resolutions be pub
lished in all the Democratic papers oi the
Mr. McHenry, the venerable President,
then by invitation, sang "Old Hail Colom
bia," after which, on motion, the meet
ing adjourned.
General Sews Items.
Illness of Mr Bcchanan. Ex-President
Bschanan, it is said, is so ill that he is
obliged to forego his coslomary visit to Bed
ford Springs.
The llarrisburg Telegraph 6ays that the
Patriot a7id Union office in llarrisburg is to
be removed from that city to Philadelphia,
and to be published as the democratic organ
of the city and Slate.
Death of Bishop Bowman. Bishop Bow
man, died suddenly on the 3rd inst., while
on his way from Pittsburg to Butler . lie
was found dead by the way side. In Bish
op Bowman's demise the Christiar. Church,
lose one of their brightest lights.
Gen. Wool. We are pleased to find
that the services of this brave and experi
enced officer are again called into action.
Few military men acquired more fame dur
ina the Mexican war than Gen. Wool. He
should not have been kept this long in
the background.
A Camp Meeting for Cloumbia Circuit,
under the supervision of the Evangelical
Association, will be held on the land of
Mr Abraham Martz, near Fvansville, this
county, to commence on Thursday the 20th
inst Berwick Gazette.
The Volunteers from this Borough who
are now on a visit home are ordered to re
port themselves at llarrisburg next week,
to receieve their pay and be mustered out of
service, as their company has been disban
ded . Berwick Gazctl e.
A the Pittsburg arsenal, 60,000 Minie
rifle bullets and 70,000 cartridges are made
every twenty-four hours Besides these, cav
alry and infantry equipments are turned out
in great numbers. Not less than four huu
dred hands are employed.
Why Don't They Report? The public
are getting anxious to hear the report of Gov.
GtNERAi. Caewalt.adkr It is sta'ed ap
parently cpon authority from Washington,
that the Pennsylvania delegation in Con
gress have unanimously requested the Pres
ident to asign Gen. Cadwallader to a com-
i.. -. i i ,
t manu in accordance wun nis rat.K anil
' uKil iliaa na o r-i r fTi An
U t I I I U v -J U 3 aiJ UlilLCl
Hereafter when volunteers are to be mus-
tered into the service of the United States,
they will at the same time be carefully and
minnteiy examined oy irte Mireon and ,
A Double Secedkr The slaves who ran
away from their masters in Virginia were
set to work by Gen. Butler, and made to
kepp at it,much to their annoyance. One of
them, having been put to it rather strong,
said: "Golly Massa Butler, dis nigger neb
er had to work so hard before, gess dis child
will secede once moah P
Srr.ccK Been Allow an ounce of hops
and a spoonful of ginger to a gallon of wa
ter. When well boiled, strain it, and put in
a pint of molasses, and half an ounce or
less of ihe essence of spruce: when cool add
a tea cup of yeast, and put into a clean
tight cask and let it ferment for a day or two,
then bottle it for use. You car. boil the sprigs
of spruce-fir in room of the essence.
Celeehation of Inpeplntence
un t tie second uay ot Jniy tne Italians
j Rome celebrated their country's indepen-
! dence with a magnificent display of fir?
works, representing Victor Emanuel sitting j
crowned in the capitol The gendarmes j
climbed up to lake down the woodwork,
and came near being killed in a trap of
loose planking which had been spt for tnem.
One of them was finally stabbed to death in
the ensuing melee.
A Wounded Zocave A Zouave was ob
served setting on the side of the road, having
his hand nearly severed from his wrist by a
ball, which he was endeavoring to wring
offthe sinews. As the soldiers were pass
ing him he was observed to elevate his
hand to his mouth, as if to bite it off. With
an oath he remarked that "New Y ork was
gaTie," which were probably the last
words spoken by him, as he was fal sink
ing from loss of blood when last seen.
Senator Wilcox at Bcll Run. It is said
that while Senator Wilson was making his
masterly retrea in Virginia, on being re
pulsed by a teamster, whose wagon he
sought to occupy, he protested, in plaintive
l accents, that he was Henry Wilson, of Mas
j sachtii-etts. The response of the teamster
j was to the point, " Henry Wilson be d d I
have kicked him oil the wagon six time?
j already."
The Times and the World, two Republi
can papers in New York, have begun to o
pen their eyes to the tact that the Tribune is
a Disunion paper. It is well they have
made the discovery, but the inteiligenca is
not new to the Democrats ol the country.
Greeley has been laboring for years to break
up this Government . The If 'odd has gath
ered together all the evidences of treachery
against him , and made out a strong case.
There can be no doubt of the proclivities of
the Tribune, although the Republicans are
making the discovery rather late in the
It is mentioned as a somewhat noticeable
fact that Gen McClellan, who is a graduate
at West Point, was selected by Jefferson
Davis himself, who held the position of Sec
retary of War at the time of the Crimean
war to visit the Crimea for the purpose of
witnessing the great battles, and thu? learn
ing by observation what theory could not
teach him. It is a remarkable coincidence
that this same McClellan should now be in
command ot the main division of the army
i.aJb.U.HL73.ln9 the rebel forces.
The Rebels Routed and Pursued I
We have-news bearing date, Quincy, 111.,
August 8th, which states that a band of reb
els, numbering from 1 000 to 1,200, made
an attack upon the Camp t)f the Union men
at Athens, Missouri, on Monday morning
ol last week, at about fivo o'clock. There
was a large amount of arms and ammuni
tion for ihe United States troops stored at
that pUce, under guard of the troops com
posing this camp, United States Volunteers,
numbering about 350, under command of
Captain Moore.
The fighting continued about one hour,
when the rebels retreated. In the mean
time Captain Moore having been reinforced
by about one hundred and fifty men, from
Centralis, Iowa, on the opposite side of the
river, gave chase after the rebels for about
a mile and a half, killing one of their num
ber, taking eighteen prisoners, and captnr
ing thirty cne horses, and two secession
Several of the rebels were wounded in
the chase after the battle, and six or eisht
rebels were found dead on the field. In the
afternoon the bearer of a rebel flag of truce
to the Union camp admitted that they car
ried off fourteen killed, and that as many
were wounded and missing. The rebel's
were led by Martin Green, a brother of ex
Senator Jirn Green. The Union men had
three killed and eight wounded.
Athens is a small town on the extreme
northeast of Missouri, on the Desmonies
river, twenty five or thirty miles west of
Keokuk. It is reported that the Union for
ces having been further reinforced by five
or six hundred troops trom Iowa, marched
in pursuit of the rebel on Moiifiay night,
and were encamped eight miles from Ath
ens, unless the rebels run.
We have still later accounts, dated Roila,
Missouri, Aug 8:h. Mr. Burden, a sta2e
proprietor, who has just arrived from
Springfield, which place he left on Monday
at noon, furnishes the following items:
General Lyon with his forces had fallen
back on Springfield, having reached there
on Monday morning, and was preparing for a
strong defence The rebels were advancing
by four different roads, and their advance
was ascertained to be from ten to filteen
miles distant. -
General L) on had called on 2500 of the
Home Guards from the country around
It was expected that the enemy would
make an immediate attack, from the fact
that their commissary department was in a .
miserable condition, they being obliged to (
oepenu on lorceu couirioutions lor tempo
rary supplies.
It was generally remarked in Springfield
that General Lyon was perfectly confident
of success in case of an aitack. He had no
entrenchments, but would depend upon
his splendid artillery ia the open field.
Fifty wagons, laden with provisions, had
reached him.
Washington. August ll We see it stated
in the despatches from Washington, that S. Merrill, Adm'r. of Charles Sterner, late
tha great GARIBALDI has tendered his i of Hemlock townahip, deceased,
services to the Federal Government. The i 4 The fituil account of Thomas Ozden,
correspondence in which the offer was Cuanfian ol Martha M. Mdls, daughter of
made and accepted took place between the j Nathan Oliver late of Greenwood twp , de
American Consul at Genoa and Secretary ' ceai-e J.
Seward. The offer was of course accepted, I 5. The first acrount of Peter Laubach,
and the rank of Major General tendered to ' one of the Executors of J hn Laubach, late
the noble Italian. I Benton township deceased.
l ne tjovernment has strictly prohibited
the telegraph operators from conveying
he'iceiorvard any matter relating to the
movement of troops, even that which may
have appeared in print in Washington
Gen. McClellan has found it necessary to
make this order, in consequence of the
course ol tne ashmgton papers l hese
papers will be notified to deci?t.
The body of Col. Cameron is soon to be
lecovered. '1 he correspondence between
Col. McCunti Col. Stuart of the Virginia '
Cavalry, touching the body of Col. Came
ron, has been laid before the War Depart
ment. The identity of the body is esiab-
lished, and the time of its recovery substan- !
tially rests with the Secretary of War.
We have accounts that the woods at or
near Bull's Run have been fired, and that, '
at last advices, the fire was still burning :
fiercely. The report is given for what it ;
is worih; but if true, of course, it must have !
been done by some of our own men, as
upon these woods the rebels depended 1
mainly during the recent enslavement.
An attack upon General Banks' force? is
almost hourly looked for. It will take place
soon if at ali It will be remembered that
this man Banks has assumed the command !
in place of General Patterson. '
From Fortress Monroe we learn that the
George B. Baker, cf Galveston, has been
taken there, with a rebel crew of four in
irons. The Btker was captured by a United
Stales vessel, off Galveston, while attempt
ing to run the blockade. The priva'eer
York afterwards took her as she was com
ing to New York, and put on board a prizs
crew. The United States Gunboat Union '
chased the York, and succeeded in burning ;
her, though the crew escaped; the Gunboat
retook the Baker, and seized the four men ,
spoken of above. "
The papers of Saturday bring intelligence ,
from Fortress Monroe that the rebels set
fire to the town of Hampton on Wednesday j
nij;ht last and de-toyed all the buildings ,
except seven or e'mht. It was a town of
some size and contained many fipe build
ings. It was destroyed to prevent our
troops occupying it.
Gen. Scott will not recognise the South
ern Conlederaey by exchanging prisoners
He will release on parole of honor. All the
Confederate troops, sixty in number, re-' jATURE, TREATMENT, AND
centl taken prisoners in Western Virginia, fruraT-y RADICAL CURE OF SPERMA
and conveyed to Graiton, have been releas- TORRHGEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sex
ed on their parole. Those recently under ; ual Debility, Nervousness and involuntary
Col. Pegram, also taken prisoners, have j emissions, producing impotency, Consump
likewiso been released. ' tion, and Mental and Physical Debility.
Government has recently chartered sloops By ROBT. J. CL'LVERWKLL, M. D.,
and steam.tug9 at New York, which will The important fact that the awful conse.
short'y sail under sealed orders. Horses, j qnences of self-abuse may be effectually
hay and oats have been purchased to a large j removed without internal medicines or tne
extent. This looks like a second expedition dangerous applications of caustics, ins'ru-
to some point south, where cavalry will be
There are upwards of one hundred per
sons in the Washington jail awaiting trial
for offences agaim the Government.
Accident to one or the "Rifles." We
regret to learn that Moses Gibbs, member
ol the "Danville Rifles" had one of his legs
accidentally broken, in a scuffle at Sunbury,
on Saturday last. Danville Intelligencer.
At the residence of the bride's father, on
Saturday 27th ult, by the Rev. H. A. Die
terick, Mr. Philip A.Kline, of Benton, to
Miss Martha Mekch, ol Derry township,
Montour Co. Pa.
On the 27th July, 1S61, by Montgomery
Cole, Esq., Mr. William Masteller, to
Miss Catharine Ann Shcltz, both of Sugar
loaf, Columbia Co , Pa.
On the S:h inst., by the Rev. William J.
Eyer, Mr. Junes JMer, of Franklin town
ship, and Miss. Catharine Kershei, of Cat
tawissa, all of Columbia county.
In Beach Haven, Luzerr.e county, on the
2d of August, Mr. James Campbell, aged
about 87 years.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
njf s Sale.
OY virtne of a writ of aha Leviri Ficiis,
to me directed. i-u. out oi th C "in
of Common Plea of Colombia county. IV,
will he expose ! to public sale at the C.i-.rt
Houe, in Blo'tmtvirj. on MOND.VV 1HS
o 'rloc-k in the afternoon ttie following des
cribed property to wi : a certain f act or
piece of iaiid ';Ma!e in Jarkson town-hip. ia
the county of Columbia, bnu:i:lp( a:i J des
cribed as follows to wit: Bcioni-ig at a
post, thence by land of Sarni;ol'-h,
paet two hundred and sixteen pprrhes jo a
post, iheoce by the same sou h fifteen
perches ;o a post, thence by land of Jo-"hn
Savaiie, east nxiy four perches to a che
nut, by. land of John Fritz and Dan
iel Bobbins nonh three hundred pert-he to
a ches-nut oak, thence by land of Joseph
Cole and William Brink, west two hunder
and seventy four perches to a chesiiu',
thence by laml of Tnomas W. Young and
land of John Shultz, south two hundred nn J
eighty five perches to the place of Begin
ning, containing Four hundred and sixty
three acres and one hundred auJ twenty
perches and allowance, &c.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as th property of Thomas W. Yoni.g.
ALSO At the same lime and plac by
virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, indued
out of the Court of Common Pleas, to me
direc.ed, will be exposed to public salt, all
that one and a half Story frame dwellinr
house or building, situate in the village of
Light Street in the towuship of Scott, in the
county of Columbia, and state of Pennsyl
vania, which said building is on a lot for
merly owned by Isaac onersivo'ih and
which is said lot, is bounded and de-crtbed
as follows namely on the north by lot of
Bird, on the asi by an alley, on the
south by lot of said Isaac Sonersworth, and
on the west, by lot of Peter Schug, which
said building is in size on the groun d about
sixteen by eiahteen feet, and the said
above described lot or piece of ground and
curtilage appurtenant to said building.
Seized, taken in exe cution and to be sold
as the property o Edward Jone.
Bl-iomsbtirg, A112. 7, 1861.
VOTICE is hereby giving to all legatees,
creditors and other persons interested
in the estates of the respective decedents
and minors, that the following administra
tion and guardian accounts have been filed
in Ihe office of the Register of Colombia
county, arid will be presented forconfirma-
lion and allowance to the Orphan's Court,
to be held at Bloomsburg, in the county
aforesaid, on Wednesday the 4'h da of Sep
tember next, at 2 o'clock, in the f tternoon.
1. The first and final account ol Jacob
j Demon, GuarJian of Catharine Demott, a
daughter of Isaac Demolt, deceased.
! 2. The first account of Abner Welsh and
: Thomas M'Hftiry, Executor's of Hiram W.
j Klme, late of Orange township deeaed.
i 3. The first and final account of Beni.
6. The at'coutn of David Whitmeyer,
Exacutor of Mary Trembly late of Scott,
township deceased-
7. The account of Gilbert H. Fowler anil
Samuel A. Worm an, Executors of the es-
ta'e of illiam Trembly, late of Scott twp.,
; decea-eJ.
8. The arcounl of Lewis Laurish A'Im r.
of the estate of Rnmsey Ildgeubucf:, late of
Scott townstiip deceased.
9. Ttie Account of Lewis Yetter & E!:ie
Weaver, Executors of the estate ot John
Weaver, l:c ot Frankliii twp., decea-e.!.
10. The account of Benj F. Hartman A1-.
mi'iistrators of the estate ol I : - h W.
Boone, la'e of Bloom town-hi, drf:eased.
11. The account ot Solomon D. Siyder l:
Rejina Snyder, Administrators of the estare
of Solomon Stijder, late of Locusi town-hip,
12. The second accorunl of Solomon Ney
hard, executor of the estate of William
Abbott, late of Centre township, dee'd.
Ri;isterV Office, ) R-gister.
BluoTi.'burj, Aug. 7, 1S61. J
THE county Commissioners'" will recfrive
proposals a! the Hou-e of Daniel Kower,
sr., m Franklin township. Columbia conniy
between ths hours of 10 A. M-, ar.J one P.
M.,on Tuesday, 27th day of A-i'ist in'.rfof
building an open Truss Bridge over Big
Kiarincreek near the residence of the said
D iniel Hower, sr , Slid bridge to be 80 fet
bet wee. i abutments, width 16 tee', flight
13 feet (rotn low wa'er mark, tne abutment-
to be six feet thick and Ihe upper wiiuwalt
on wesi side 30 leet long, lower wi.igwall
on same side 20 feet loni, anJ Ihn upper
wmswall on east side 10 feet lo'ig. Plan
and Specification can be seen o i ihe day
and place of letting.
By order of the County Com'r?.
R. C. FRUIT, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, )
Bloomsburg, Aug 7, 1S61. J
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope:
, rnents, medicated bougies, and other em
pirical devises, is here clearly demonstra
ted, and the entirely new and highly uc
csssful treatment, a? adopted by the cele
brated author fully explained, by means of
which every one is enabied to cure himself
perfectly, and at the least possible cost,
thereby avoiding ail the advertised nos
trums of the day". This lecture will prove
a boon to thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope,to
any address post paid, on the receipt of two
postage stamps, by addres-ing.
127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office box 4,336.
August 7, 1861-ly.
The additions to this Institution being
about completed, there are comfortable ac
commodations now for about seventy board
ers, and the Autumn term will commence
on the 12th of Auanst. ,
The services of H W. GILBERT, late
Professor ol Modern Languages in one of
our Colleges, have been secured. Besides
possessinz the requisite scholastic attain
ments, and having had years of successful
experience in teaching in tnis country, Prof.
Gilbert in his travels has given special at
tention to the Educational system? in Eu
rope, and is competent to instruct. in the
Latin. uerman, rencn, or naiian iani;u-es.
For terms or further particulars nee the
card in another column, or address the
Millville Pa , July 31, IfcCl- '