1 - OF THE NORTH. WM iH. JACOBY, EDITOR. , 3LC02SBURG, WEDNESDAY, HG. 7.J861. A RTicLE 1. Congress shall make no law : respecting an establishment of religirm or prohibiting . the free exercise thereof ; or Abridge the Freedom of Speech, or of the Press ; r the right of the people peaceably - to-assemble and to petition the Govern t. ment for a redress of grievances. -Constitu Hon of the U-itel States . Article 9 That the printing presses shall be free to every person who under ' takes to examine the proceedings of the legislature, or any branch of government ; and no law shall ever be made to restrain . the right thereof. The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the in " valuable rights of man ; and every citizen ' may freely speak, write and print on any - subject ; being responsible for the abase of that liberty.; In prosecutions for the publi cation of papers investigating the official conduct of officers, or men in public capa- city, or where the matter published is prop er for poblio information, the truth thereof may be given in evidence ; and in all in dictments for libels, the. jury Ft) all have a ' light to determine the : Taw and the facts, under the direction of the court, as in other cases. Constitution of Pennsylvania. - , DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Demo cratic Electors in and for the several Bor onghs and Election Districts of Columbia County, will meet at the respective places - pf holding said Elections on 1 ' SATURDAY, THE ?4th DAY OF AUGUST, . Between the hours of 3 and 7 o:clck P. M., of said day, for the purpose of choosing two 'Delegates from each Election district, to meet in COUNTY CONVENTION, at the Court House, in Bloomsborg on MONDAY, THE 26thxDAY OF AUGUST, At one o'clock P. M.,: of said day, for the purpose of making the usual Democratic nominations, to be supported by the Elec tors of Colombia County at the ensuing Gen eral Election, and for tie transaction of oth er business pertaining to the interests of the Democratic party. JACOB HARRIS, Chairman, Richard Stiles, ) Peter G Campbell, M C Woodward, William Fritz, Samuel Cseast, ' ) Samuel Kelchnir, : . William T. Shuman.' . , . Democratic Standing Committee . ' . The Hospitals 8t Ball Ron- - ' A church and a small "building were used as hospitals. The latter was at the corner of the Woods, and within one hundred and fifty rods of the enemy's batieries A white flag floated over it ; but, whether from de sign or otfcerwi6e.it was repeatedly battered by balls from their cannon. It is said to r have been burned by the enemy after the retreat.1 The church was further off, on one of the roads leading to Centreville. W. A. -CroffuL a civilian, who assisted in this hos pitalpictcrres its aspect in a letter publish- an excharae this morning: ''It was! a scene fob frightful and sickening to wit ness,' m nth more describe There were in it, scattered thickly on the floor and in the galleries, sixty or seventy, wounded iu ev ery possible way arms and legs shot off, some dead, and scores gasping for water aid aid; The pulpit was appropriated for a surgeon's room, and the communiontable of pious anarchy became an amputation ta ble, baptised in willing blood, and conse crated to the holy use of Liberty and Law ! The road and woods, on either side and all around, are strewn with maimed and mutil ated heroes, and the balls from 'rifled can non go over os like winged devils. There sit a colonel, with his arm bound op, ask icg to be pnt on bis horse and led back to his regiment; here lies a captain with a grape shot though his head, and blood and brains oozing out as we touch him tenderly to see if he is dead ; and yonder comes in a pale chaplain, cut by a canister, while sword in hand, he led his brave parish, in tha same of Almighty God, to the fight. And again we enter the hospital with him: Oh God ! what a hideous sight J" ' - -' ; " - Pubs for the future conduct of the war are still produced by some ol the New York .journalists. The New York Timet thinks that a new campaign should be instantly Commenced by attacks upon the Southern Atlantic and Gulf ports. In fact, the Times says there is! not a single Southern city which is not at our mercy: Charleston, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans might one and all be captured by a small naval ahdmflitary force. The Evening Post thinks that flytngqaadron, carrying a thousand to fifteen1 hundred troops, should at once menace every assailable point along the Southern linen: Charleston, Savannah, Pen saeola. Mobile and New Orleans are acces sible to gunboats, and the tha two last can be captured. The N. Y. Herald raises the cry for three great armies, each of two hun dred thousand men the army of the Mis siisippi, the army of the Potomac, and. the the army of the Atlantic sea board and let each ba put in motion southward with the Vint frost.", . ; - ; '.W have received the Farmer and Garde nirandthe 2fce Journal for August.. We would recommend them , to the public as worthy Qf their patronage- The Bee Jour nal is published with a great deal of atten tion' as well as the agricultural Journal. : These will be a meeting of the citizens cf Benton and the sumucding townships, on Friday next at the house of John J. Stiles in Beaton. We understand notice has been g!vq by hand bill, and that able speakers will be present to address the people. A large turnout is anticipated. ,!Thz tijis fixed for th bridge letting at the hoses of Jaroe Makers, in Pine town ship, b3,beea changed to Friday, the 2Zrd (f.A'iU iust'rJ of tha 2iUi as published STAR Letter from Camp Bates. Wabhibgtonj D. C.f July 27, 1861., . Mr. Editor ; ; ; Our Regiment has, as you will per ceive by the caption of this letter, left Camp Biddle. On the 23rd 'we took the Cumber land Valley Rail Road,nd arriving at Har risbnrg at five, o'clock, P..M., where, on account of new recruits of the different companies not being full equipped, many were obliged to remain, but have since join ed the Regiment at this Camp. Oar march through Baltimore, different from many oth erswas peaceable. The Union sentiment seems predominent there. Flags were dis placed, and good feeling was manifested everywhere.- ' This Camp is situated on the suburbs of the city and near the encampment of the Pennsylvania 7th, which accompanied us from Camp Curtin. The streets of the city are and have been for the last three months, thronged with soldiers. Regiments are ar riving daily from their different camps. The force in and about the city, at writing, is estimated at one hundred thousand, all equipped, and ready to march at a moments notice.: Pennsylvania is well represented in this body: The 6th, 7ih, 8th, 9th, 10th, 1 l:h, and others,to our knowledge are here, and still others are coming in. These men, as s body, are robust, well drilled, and many having the latest improved arms They make a fine appearance.. Credit is doe Governor Curtin in meeting this emer gency. Occasionally we are permitted to visit the city. The Navy Yard seems to attract the attention of many of the soldiers. This Yard is, in many respects, superior to any in the United Slates. Workmen are con tinually employed in manufacturing muni lions of war of nearly every description. It is protected by the heaviest and latest im proved gnns, and one would naturally ar rive at the conclusion, that if our Southern neighbors could view them, and the men in arms, they would find that "forbearance has ceased to be a virtue." While writing the above, 1 heard a loud report in the direction of the Navy Yard. I have since learned that the Rocket House, by some carelessness of the workmen, has blown op, killing two men and wounding several. To day we were mustered into the United States service for three years or du ring the war, unless 'sooner discharged. The indications are that' this Regiment will move farther South this week. I mast close or miss the mail. Yours, &c, C. S. H. Eow an Army Moth There are a great many, things beside men and guns, essential to an army, and a commander about to lead an army into a hostile country, first sees that the commis sariat is well provided with provisions, that there are ample means of transportation, and that there is a reserve of ammunition and clothing, and a good supply of hospital stores and medicines. All the preliminary orders for the march having been carefully made, the "order to march" is communica ted to the several commanding officers of divisions, brigades and regiment, but not published in orders. The troops are dis tributed in accordance with the character of the country. In a very open country, a large proportion of cavalry would be at the head of the column, but generally it is dis tributed throughout the line. The artillery should be in the rear of the first foot regi ment. An advance of rear guard of mounted troops one or two companies should be detailed each day ; and the regiment that has the right, of the line one day shonld be next day in the rear, in a woody or mountainous :ountry,detachments of flank ers and skirmishers are thrown out to the right and left of the column at the distance of one or two hundred paces, to keep a sharp look out, and prevent any such dis astrous and gratuitous experience as those painfully and recently familiar to us in con nection with the ambuscade on the road to Vienna. The column having been formed a quarter or half distance, and the baggage train assembled in the rear, protected by a guard selected from each regiment for its own baggage, the column is put in motion and the march commences with the same regularity as would be observed by aregi ment moving in or out of a garrison town, the bands playing, the light infantry with arms slopes, and those of the riflemen slung over the shoulder, the officers with swords drawn,exact wheeling distance pre served, and perfect silence observed. Af ter having proceeded for a short distance in this manner, the word of command ' route step" is given by the general at the head of the leading batallion, and passed quickly to the rear. The captains, instead of con tinuing at the head of their companies.d raw back to the rear of them, that they may see any man of their respective companies who attempt to quit the ranks without leave. The soldiers then carry their arms in any manner convenient for them, conversation and smoking being ordinarily allowed. The Pewbstlvania Armt. The entire force of Reserve Regiments from Pennsyl vania is to be placed under command of General McCatl, by order t of General Mc Cletlan. Eleven thousand of the Reserves have been sent forward already, and . the only remaining regiment of iniautry will be at the seat of war in a few days. The artil lery which will be attached to this Penn sylvania . array will comprise forty-eifcbt guns, consisting partly of rifled cannon. The guns range from 32-pounders to 6 poun ders. As soon as they are ready they are to be sent forward by batteries. The first battery goes South on, Sunday night, under command of LieaU Col. Campbell, and the other batteries will follow in a short time. The cavalry ret i ment is almost ready, and the men are all in camp. As soon as they are mounted they will be sent to join the main body. : The Governor is much grati fied at this mark of . appreciation of Penn sylvania, and the little remaining to com plete his preparations will be executed with Rewi from the South." " - We are indebted,-says the Beading Ga zette, to J. R. Dunglisoo, Esq., associate editor of the Philadelphia Enquirer, for sev eral copies of the Sew- Orleans-Picayune, the latest of -which is dated July 26th one week ago. They ' are the only Southern papers we have seen for -three months, and on account of their rarity, possess an inter est which did not formerly attach to them. We find them filled with glowing reports of the Battle of Manassas, with such head ings as these: "Glorious Victory1' ' 'TAe Enemy 80,000 &rotg ' ' Their Loss 10,000 to 15,000," " Washington Overspread with Gloom:' "The Enemy Completely Routed!" The editorial articles are' upon such sub jects as the ''Confiscaion of Southern Prop erty," the "Folly of Invasion" and the 'Usurpations of Lincoln," which naturally have the uppermost place in the i minds of the people of the South at the present time. The issue of Friday, the 26th contains, a leader on "The Lesson of Victory," from which we make the following extract, to show that the rebels have been inspired with fresh courage by the 'fatal blunder which forced a retreat of the National forces from before Manassas when victory was almost within our grasp that they still per sist in misrepresenting the patriotic effons of the Northern people to maintain the Fed eral Government and preserve the Union, as a war for the subjugation of the South ; and that, flushed with joy at one victory, they are not yet prepared to listen to any proposals for peace and compromise short of what it would be ineffably disgraceful for our Government to allow the jnqualli fled acknowledgment of the independence of the rebel States : 'The first pitched battle of the war, lias given a wonderful victory to the arms of the South. "A large army, splendidly equipped, pre pared and furnished at all points, under the eye of the most experienced General of our times, and ent forth with all the pomp of triumphant procession, marching to an easy victor more than an expedition expecting an enemy has been utterly defeated and disorganized. The field of battle is heaped up with the bodies ol the slain, and the dis persed fugitives left behind them, as the spoils of the victorious Confederates; aston iehing amounts of 6tores of all kinds, arms, mnnitions and equipments, their famous batteries of artillery, and if the report speaks true, ihe war carriage of the boast ful General, sent forward to be ready to take him in state into the Confederate city of Richmond. "It is not easy to exaggerate the moral effects of this victory ; the confirmation which it gives of the confidence of the Southern people in the power of their arms to uphold the cause of independence ; tne blow which it gives to the boastfulr.ess of the North that its armies had only to advance in order to drive us back or crush us into submission ; the shock which it must inflict on the financial calculations of the North, that a speedy rubjugation of the South wouldsoon revive business.so as to strength en the basis or credit for meeting the enor mous expenditures already incurred but not provided for, and the foreign effect in showing the uniledneas, the stability, and the physical power and military skill ot the South as the proof of its capacity to main tain its independence. ''These are grand results over which the South may well exult, as fruits on which it has the right to calculate, cf its first grand victory, and to be devoutly thankful for, as omens that the favor of Heaven will con tinue to be given to a holy cause. "But we must not suppose, in our exul tations and our comforting?, that the win ning of one great battle i the end of this war, or more than the beginning of an end which may be yet a long time on. 1 he on ly possible end of thi war :s in the aban donment of the Northern claim to dominion over us. A Southern defeat might protract that issue; a teries of Southern reverses might devolve the final conquest of our lib erties on another generation ; for in this con flict there is no peaceful submission possi ble but in the depopulation of the country and the extermination of the race. Peace, therefore, must come only in one way : the peace of an acknowledged independence, and the withdrawing ot the soldiery of the invader." Good Adriec Every editor of the United States should publish, and every person should read, the following well-considered argument against the practice of economy in time of war,and why money should be put in circulation. These timely considerations occur in a ser mon recenty delivered by an enlightened and patriotic clergyman : "The state of the times demands liberalty and a generous expenditure on the part of those who have the means whoso income is greater than their wants. Such as these should not study economy should not aim to save as much and spend as little as pos sible. I bear many ot this class talking of entrenchments, of reducing their expenses, of denying themselves and families this and that to which they have been accus tomed. ! say no This is a mistaken pol icy. Why should you save ? You are in no danger of suffering. Why should you spend less, you have . more than enough, while thousands are wanting employ ment and bread, and have nothing 1 What is to become of this class if every rich man, ev ery family whose income exceeds, by much or little, their current expenses, begins economizing and diminishing expenditures to the lowest point possible? What is to become ot these without work or money 1 They most live. They must have bread. Give them employment and they will earn it. If you do not they must still have bread, that is certain, and somebody must furnish it. No, I say aain saving closely with those who have abundant means is false policy in such times as the present. Sup pose your income has been annually four thousand dollars, and has now fallen to three thousand and suppose you have lived at an expense of three thousand dollars is it wisdom, is it mercy, to reduce your expen ses to two thousand dollars ou the plea of hard times? It is not hard times for you. Better far keep on spending your three thousand dollars. Do not expect to save anything while the war lasts and thousands are in danger of being thrown out of em ployment. Live as you have lived spend all yonr income, even if yoo never did before- Every new hat or coat, every new sofa or carpet, every well conducted peri odical,, or household ornament, furnishes work and bread to industrious men. Every new bonnet or dress gives employment to needle women who are struggling with poverty and suffering. How much better to pay them the money, and leave them their self-respect and independence, than by and by to give it them as a charity, hu miliating and painful." Mota new candidates are ann6nnced in this week's issne. Look over the list, and A Who OYcrrnled General Seott ! The Hew York Times has the following in relation to a conversation wiih .Gen. Scott, on the Tuesday before the late battle. It is reported, now that we-know the result of his advice bein disregarded, but it shows that the old hero it yet in the full posses sion of his faculties and justly appreciates the military position of the country and the true point where the rebels ought to be struck, ss is evident to any one who takes a glance at the map : On the Tuesday preceeding the battle, Gen. Scott, at his own table, in presence of hi aids and a single guest, discussed the whole subject of this war, in all its parts, and with the utmost clearness and accuracy . He had a distinct and well-defined opinion on every point connected with it, and stated what his plan would be for bringing it to a close, if ihe management of it had been left in bis hands. The main object of the war, he said, was to bring the people of the rebellious States to feel the pressure of the Government ; to compel them to return to their obedience and loyalty. And this must be done with the least possible expenditure of life, compatible with the attainment of the object. No Christian nation can be justified, he said, in waging war in such a way as shall destroy 50 1 lives, when the object of the war can be attained at a cost of 500. Every man killed, beyond the number absolutely required, is murdered. Hence, he looked upon all shooting of pick ets, all scouting forays not required in order to advance the general object of the war, all destruction ot life, on either side, which did not contribu'e to the general result, as so many acts ot unjustifiable homicide. If the matter had been left to him, he said he would have commeced by a perfect blockade of every Southern port on the At lantic and the Gulf. , Then he would have collected a large force at the capital for de fensive purposes, and another large one on the Mississippi lor offensive operations. The summer mouths, during which it is madness to take troops south of St. Louis, should have been devoted to tactical instruc tion, and with the first frosts of autumn he would have taken a column of 80,000 well disciplined troops down the Mississippi and taken every important point on that river, N. Orleans included. "It could have been done, he said, with greater ease, with les loss of life, and with far more important results than would attend the marching of an army to Richmond " At eight points the river would have been defended, and eight battles would have been necessary ; but in every one of litem success could have been made certain for us. The Mississippi and the Atlantic once ours, the Southern States would have been compelled, by the natural and inevitable pressure ol events to seek, by a return to the Union, escape from the ruin that would speedily over whelm them out of it. "This," said he, "was my plan. But I am only a subordinate. It is my business to give advice a hen it is asked, and to obey orders when they are given, i snail do v. mere are gentlemen in the Cabinet who know much more about war than 1 do and who have far greater in fluence then 1 have in determining the plan of the campaign. There never was a more iust and upright man than the President never one who desired more sincerity to promote the best interest of the country. i But there are men among his advisers who consult their own resentments far more than the dictates of wisdom and experience "and these men will probably decide the plan of the campaign " 1 shall do, or at tempt, whatever I am ordered to do.. "But they must not hold me responsible." If I am ordered to go to Richmond, I shall en deavor to do it. But I know perfectly well that they have no conception of the ditficul ties we shall encounter. 1 know the coon try how admirably adapted it is to defence and how rcbolutely.and obstinately it will be defended. I would like nothing belter than to take Richmond ; now that it has been disgraced by becoming the capital of the rebel Confederacy. I feel a resentment towards it, and should like nothing better than to scatter it Congress to the winds. But I have lived long enough to know that human resentment is a very bad foundation for a public policy ; and these gentlemen will live long enough to learn m also. I shall fight when and where I am commanded. "But if 1 am compelled to fiht before 1 am ready, they shall no, hold me responsible." These gentlemen take the responsibility of their acts, as 1 am willing to take that of mine. But they mnt not throw their re sponsibility on my shoolders " Petersons' Cocnterfht Detector, for August 1, 1861, is published to-day with its usual valuable contents. The fourth page of this number ought to be cot out, and pasted up for reference, as it gives the descriptions of many plates, engraved in the best style, and capable of being altered to various banks throughout the country. The recent insuj of notes of small denom inations by our country banks, will afford room for the issue of a new batch of these fraudulent bills and tradesmen ought to make themselves acquainted with the description J of these fraudulent plates. Here are 36 counterfeits put into circula tion in one month. Such a publication as this of Petei sons' i indispensable. Every body who receives and pays money must have it. If they are wise, they will take double issue of the 15th as well as the 1st of each month. The completeness of the "Detector" makes it thorougly reliable, while the low price places it within the reach even of the poorest artisan. Price, Monthly, One Dollar, Semi-Monthly, Two Dollars a year. Indeed, it strike us that the working classes, who earn their money with difficulty, have the most direct inter est in being able, at a glance, cheaply to ascertain the authenticity of all bank notes received by them. Tbey ought to pub scribe to it at once. . Fortress Monroe, Angust .2. Ioforma tion ha been received from Lieut. Crosby's expedition to the eastern shores of Maty land, which left Old Point three days ago. The Pocomoke and two small rivers were explored for a number of miles. Several parties or armed rebels were dis persed. One schooner was burned and another has been brought on as a prize. . One of the steamers belonging to the ex pedition is reported ashore at the Cherry Stone, and it was feared would be captured. An educated German private belonging to the New York regiment was arrested yesterday for correspondence with the ene my. A letter to General Lee was found on his person. Ambition for advancement is supposed to have been his principal motive. This letter contained no revelations of im portance concerning the Fortress. The Vermont regiment will leave for home, via. New Haven, on Sunday. At Newport News a Captain Bernard shot a private belonging to bis company and wis obliged to lesve the camp. THE WAR NEWS. ? FROM ALEXANDRIA. ' Alexandria, August 2. The execution of private William Murray, of company F, Second New Hampshire regiment, for the murder of Mary Butler, on Saturday night, took place at 4 o'clock this afternoon. In order that his fate might be a warning to all evil-disposed soldiers, the scaffold was erec ted cpon the walls of Fort Ellsworth, affor ding an unobstructed view to all. The regiments encamped in the vicinity of Alexandria were present, and notwith standing 20,000 persons witnessed the exe cution, everything passed off without un necessary excitement. The culprit ascen cended the scaffold with a steady, gait. . He made no allusion to his guilt, but called on his friends to sustain his family in this their hour of trial. The private residence of Samuel John son, a lieutenant in the rebel army, located the other side of Hunting creek, was burned yesterday afternoon. Private Keith, of Company E, Seven teenth New York Regiment, stationed at Fort Ellsworth, wan shot dead on Wednes day evening by Captain Stone of the same regiment. He was riotous, and committed an assault and battery on the Captain FROM GENERAL BANKS' COLUMN. Sandy Hooe, Aug. 2. It is well known that numerous Secessionists visit thecamp daily, disguised as venders ot graden pro duce, fruits, and pies. Two of them were arrested, but dismissed foi the want of di rect proofs. Since their discharge addition al proof has been adduced, and an intent partially disclosed to poison the troops. It has been proposed by experienced of ficers to ret apart a space as a market, con fining the visits of such persons to that par ticular spot Reports received from Frederick indicate that although the Secessionists in the Leg islature say they will not pa's a secession ordinance, they, intend to do so in secret session at some other place than their pres ent place of meeting. THE EXPECTED ATTACK ON BIRD'S POINT. Cairo, III.. Aug. 1. Jeff. Thompson's force, thirty miles south of Bird'. Point, con- , sists of 5,000 men, instead of 500, as before reported. Scouts just returned from the South, re port that the rebels of New Madrid, are well armed and drilled. They have five batteries of ten pound field pieces, officer ed by foreigners, and two regiments of cav arly, well equipped. General Pillow is in command. He has promised ex-Governor Jackson to place 20, 000 men in Missouri at once. - He has also issued a proclamation, full of bombaM, to the people of Missouri, declaring his inten tion "to ilrive the invaders from the Slate, and enable her people to regain their rights so ruthlessly taken away by the forces who march under banners inscribed with "Beau ty and Booty,' as the reward of victory." He says he will show no quarter to those taken in arms." MISSOURI AND WESTERN TELEGRAPH CO. Jefferson Citt, A02. 2 The Missouri and Western Telegraph Company commen. ced taking down their wires west of ih i city, this morning. Owin to the disturbed state of ihe counties between this and the Kansas border, it i found impossible to pro tect the company's property, which is being rapidly desiroyed by lawless peron who roam unrvstra:ned throughout that portion of the State. Despatches going to Kansas City, Mo . and to points in Kansas and Ne braska, will go via. Quincy, with but little delay. GOVERNOR WISE REPORTED TO BE SURROCNDCD. Cleveland. Aug. 2. Lieut. Burgess, of ihe Seventh Regiment, and the Cleaveland Pluindealer's correspondent, writing from Bullsiown, Va , omfer date of July 28, says that Gen. Tyler reached Bullstnwn that day, and found that the rebels had fled. Gen. Ty ler advanced to Fla:wooJs, but the rebels still fled Hearing there that Gen. Cox had driven Gov. Wise from Chnrleston, Gen Tyler considered Gov. Wise as completely surrounded. Washington, August 3 General Butler arrived here to-day, from Fortress Monroe. The object of his visit is not known. An arrangement has teen made by which it is believed that Colonel Cameron's body will be recovered. Measures are to be taken to stop the trans mission of letters from ttiis city to the rebel States Trince Napoleon and his suit were pte sented to the President to-day by Secretary Seward. The in'erview was a very agreea ble one. A grand state dinner to the Prince will be given at the While House this eve ning at 7 o'clock; the Diplomatic Corps and the members of the Cabinet being present. More Stories from the Sooth. Louisville, August 3. A despatch from Nashville to the Couner says McCnlloch, of the rebel forceshas defeated General Siegal, in Southern Missouri, killing 9,000 and lo sing 600 men. The report is not believed at the Courier rffice The Richmond Enquirer, of the 29th ult., says a lennsylvania regiment has been captured by the Confederates. So Fight, But a Wise Retreat. Washington, August v. The Waf De partment has received the following, direct from General Rosencrantz, by telegraph, dated to day : "General Cox reached Gauley Bridges on the 29th ult. General Wise fled without fighting, destroying the bridge to prevent pursuit. We have captured a thousand muskets and several kegs of common pow der. "Many inhabitants of that section, who have heretofore been strong Secessionists, denounce General Wise for his wanton de struction of property, and are abandoning him and his cause. His Western troops are rapidly disbanding. The valley of the Kanawha is now free from the rebel forces." "The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood," was said by inspiration long before Harvey's discovery of its circulation bad brought to light its purposes and uses. Now we know not only that ' life is in the blood," but that disease inhabits it also. Many of the dis orders that pervade the human frame, have their homes in it, thrive and grow in it The celebrated Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, has bad regard to this important fact in ma king a remedy to cure these disorders. His Extiact of Sarsaparilla purges out the impu rities of the blood and induces a healthy ac tion in it that expels disease. This looks reasonable, and it is true, for we know by our own experience. Seldom as we take any medicine, we have nevertheless sever al times been under obligation to the skill of Dr. Aver for the relief which his remedies never fail to afford os when we are obliged to have recourse to them. Catholic, Halifax N.S. Abusing Democrats. - Many of our opponents still persist In the abuse ot Democrats, wherever one word is uttered disparagingly of the actions of the po lineal branches of the Federal Government. We will, for the benefit of all such in Col umbia, copy the following from a western journal now battling for -the Constitution and the Union. It is as soundly Democratic as anything uttered by Gen. Butler, and might be perused with interest by the rea ders of our Democratic papers: While earnestly desiring peace, we rec ognize the right and duty of the Govern ment to enforce the laws, and defend itself against assault. " ' r We love the Union and we love the Con stitution and the liberties it guarantees, and hope they may both endure forever. We love our country's flag and look with contempt upon the men who would dishon or it, whether that dishonor is accomplished by firing upon it and compelling its surren der as at Charleston ; or by draping it in mourning and trailing it in the dust as was done at La Sella, in Illinois, by men who are now . loud mouthed supporters of the war, in the defence of the Constitution which they denounced, and the ilag which they dishonored. We are opposed to the violent denuncia tions of the Supreme Judiciary of the coun try, for doing their sworn duty, and regard such denunciations as coming with partic ular bad grace with those who claim to he the particular friends of "the Union, the Constitution and the enforcement of the laws." By "the enforcement of the laws," we understand not merely the enforcement of certain laws in certain portions ot our coun try, but the execution and performance of every law and every duty enjoined by the Constitution hence, we are as much in la vor of the execution of the fugitive slave law in Boston and Chicago, as of the reve nue laws in New Orleans and in Charleston we do not believe that in order to save the Union, it is necessary to destroy the Constitution , or to deny to the citizens the rights which that Constitution was designed to secure to him hence we are opposed to th'' illegal proceedings of irresponsible mil nary officials, wtio u-e their little bnet au thority, for the annoyance and oppression 01 tneir neighbors, as is otien done. Hollowat's Pills Nature's great re storative Physical prostration. When las situde or weariness of body is fell without any indication of disease, or the mind de pressed and indifferent to external cares, some vital function is deranged the human system, like any O'her piece of mecanism, is subject to certain laws the pendulum of a clock stops and the whole organization is disordered in like manner, when the hu man stomach or liver becomes afiVrted, we are mentally ami phy sically prostrated. By removing the obstructions. Holloway's Pills restore the sufferer to the benefit and pleas ures of permanent health. For purifying the btood, correcting the foulness of the stomach; and cleansing ihe secretions of the liver these famous remedies are the most safe and certain yet discovered. uXR PR0PYLAMN& During the past year w heve introduced to the notice of ihe me lira! profession of this country the Pure Cryslaizel ChltrUe oj Projryb.mi'ie a a REMEDY FOR RI1EC3IATISM ! Atid having received from many sources, both from phjsicians of the highest stand ing and from patients, the mon FlitMrring Testimonial or I: Item Value in the treatment of this painful anJ obsii na'e disease, we are induce I to present it to ihe pnbiic; in a form READY FOR IM MEDIATE USE, which we hope will com mand itelf to 'h.e who are suffering with ibis afflicting complaint, and to ihe medi cal practitioner who may feel dipo-ed to test ihe pnwer of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the f.rm above spoken of, has recently been exten sively experimented with in the Pcnnsylvniiia Hospital, and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will ap pear from the published accounts in the medical journals.) CP It is carefully pn up ready for im mediate use, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at 'wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists Philadelphia, Penna. Philadelphia, Jcne 26, 1861 ly. M.illRlED. On the 11th ult., by Rev. George Warran, Mr J. A. J. Ccmmings, of Chillisquaque. to Miss Helen M. SrTV, of Liaht Street. DIED. On the 25th ult , at this place, Cora Alice, daughter of Isaiah Hagenbuch, aged 3 years 3 months, and 23 days REVIEW OF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, SI RYE. CORN, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr.bbl. 6 CLOVERSEED.5 20 70 6 3f 50 00 00 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, POTATOES, 12 10 12 12 75 DR'D APPLES,1 00 HAMS, 2 LIST OF CAUSES. FOR SEPTEMBER TERM 1861. T. W. Kahler, vs. Daniel Neyhard. J. M'Mulligan,et. al. vs. Samuel Rhone A. Creveling vs. A. Melick, Sr., et al. Robert J. Lyons vs. M. Cox, et al. P. Wintersteen vs. V. Wintersteen. John Pealer, s. Daniel Edgar, et. al. Lewis Lavenburg, et al. vs. J. Dyer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Issiah Shuman vs. Jacob L. Shoman. 9. Joseph Lockard vs. James Pennington. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. E. C. Shultz, vs. J. Pennington, et. si. H. Trauah vs. The W. B. Insurance Co. James Shields, et. al. vs. I. Shuman. George Eves vs. Zebulen Sholiz, et. al. Richard B. Menagh vs John Gigger. Daniel F. Seybert, (use) vs A. Pearce. Daniel F. Seybert va A. B. Pearce,el al. Henry Wells vs George Kirby. 18. Joseph M'Henry vs Wesley B. Kline. 19. Wilson Ager vs Joseph Patton. 20. Sally Ann Wagner vs. Israel Whary. 21. Brown & Snyder vs James J. Dull. ! Ajefs Cherry PectoraL . sheriffs Sale. O Y virtue of a writ of alias Levari facins, T to me directed. iud Out fit I Km fmirt of Common Pleas of Colombia ronoty, P., will be exposed to public sa'e at the Court noo-e, in uiopmtnrjr. on MONDAY THE 2d DAY OK SEPTEMBER NEXT, at one o'rlock in the afternoon the following des-" enveu propenv 10 wi; : a csnain tract or piece of land situate in Jarkson townhi a in the county of Columbia, bounded and des cribed a follows IO wit: Bezinninr i . post, thence by land of Sam net Aehenbacb, east two hundred and sixteen perches to a post, thence by the same somh fifteen perches to a post, thence by land of Johua Savage, east-sixty four perches to a cbes nnt, thence by land of John Fritz and Dan iel Robbins north three hundred pert he u a chenut oak, thence by land of Joseph Cole and William Brink, west two bnnderd and seventy four perches to a chesnof. thence by lami of Thomas W. Young and land of John Sholtz, south two hundred and eighty five perches 10 the place of Begin ning, containing Four hundred and sixty three seres and one hundred and twenty perches and allowance, &c. ... Seized, taken in execution and to bs sold as the property of Thorn a s W. Young. ; ALSO -At the same time and plaea by virtue ot a writ of Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Plea, to me directed, will be exposed to poblio tale, all that one and a half Story frame dwllin house or building, situate in ihe village 0f Light Street in the lowoship of Scott, in the county ol Columbia, and state of PnniyU vania, which said building is on a lot for merly owned by Isaac Sonerswonh and which is said lot, is bounded and described as follows namely on Ihe north by lot of Bird, on the easi by an alley, on the south by lot of said Isaac Sonerswonb, snd on ihe west, by lot of Peter Schog, which said building is in size on the ground about sixteen by eighteen feel, and ihe said above described lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant to said building. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Jonas. JOHN SNYDER, She iff. Bloomsborg, Aua. 7, 1861. REGISTERS AOTICES. IVOTICE is hereby giving 10 all legatees, creditors and other, persons interested in the estate of ihe respective decedents ana minors, that the lollowing administra tion and guardian accounts have been filed in Le office of the Register of Colombia county, and will be preenied for confirma lion and allowance to the Orphan's Court to be held at Bloomsburg, in the connty a!oreaiJ, on Wednesday the 4 h day of Sep tember next, at 2 o'clock, in ihe alternoon. 1. The first and final account of Jacob Demon, Guardian ot Catharine Demott, a j daughter ot taac Demon, decease, 1. j 2. The firi account of Abner Welsh arsd j Thomas M 'Henry, Executor's of II ram W. Kline, late cf Oranye township deeased. 3. The fir-t and final account of Benj. S. Merrill, Adm'r. of Charles Sterner, late of Hemlock township, deceased. 4 The fin;.! account ol Thomas Oden, Cuardianot Marina M. Mills, daughter of Nathan Oliver late of Greenwood twp de ceased. 5. The fi.st acrount of Peier Lanbacli, one of ihe Execut es of J.ihn Laubacb, lata Bullion township deceased. 6. The acrount ol David Whitmeyer, Ext-cuior of Mary Trembly late of Scon, township deceased 7. The ai-i-ouiit of Gilbert H. Fowler and Samuel A. VVnrman, Executors of the es tate of William Tremoly, late ot Soon two., decea-ed. 8. The account of Lewis Laori-h A Jm'r. of tne esiaie ol Ramsey Hdgeiibuch, late of Scoit lowtiMii,! deceased. 9. The account of Lew is Yetter & Elia Weaver, E , i.rt"niri ui esia'e 01 jotin V eaver, late ot Franklin lwpn deceased. 10. The account of Benj F. Hartman Ad ministrators &l ihe eats ot laiah W. Boone, la'e of Bloom to nhii deceased. 11. Ine account of Solomon D. SnyderJSt Rej ma Snyder, Administrator of the estate uf Solomon Sujder, late id Locui-t township, deceed. DANIEL LEE, Rrci-TER's Office, ) Register. Bloom-burg, A02. 7. 1861. BRIDGE LETTIXG. THE county ComTiisMrmerH' will r!ei9 proposal at iht ILnice of Daniel flower, r., in Franklin lownshi;), CoUmbia county between the hour of 10 A. M., and one P. M. on Tuesday,27ih day of A inst inst..for building an open Tros Bridge over Big Roarinccreek near the residence ol the saiJ D n el Hower, r, Said bridge to bt 80 feet between abutments, width 16 feet, hight 13 feet Irorn low ater mark, the abutments to be six feet thick urn the upper winzwall on wesi side 30 teet long, lower wiugwall on same side 20 feet Ions, and the -upper wingwail on east side 10 feet long. Pita and Specifications can be seen oa me day and place of letting. By ordei of' the Connty Com'r R. C. FRUIT, Clerk. . Commisioners' Unice, 1 Bloomsbur;. Aug. 7, 1861, JIM?. HOOD. nOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope : A LECTURE UN THE NA- til ml TURE, TREATMENT, AND ZSJ&Y RADICAL CURE OF SPERM A TOKRHCEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sex- nal Debility, Nervousness and involuntary emissions producing i in potency, and Men tal and Physical Incapacity. By ROBT. J CULVER WELL, M. D., The important fact that the awful conse quences of self-abuse may be effectually removed withoct internal medicines or tne dangerous applications of caustics, instru ment, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devises, is here clearly demonstra ted, and tne entirely new and highly suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the cele brated author fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nos trums of the day. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelop?, to any address post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing. DR. CH. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office box 4,586. August 7, 1861-ly. GREENWOOD SE31IXAEY. ' The additions to this Institution being about completed, there are comfortable ac commodations now for about seventy board ers, and the Autumn term will commence on the 12th of August. The services of H W. GILBERT, late Professor of Modern Languages in one of our Colleges, have been secured. Besides possessing the requisite scholastic attain ments, and having bad years of successful experience in teaching in tnis country, Prof.' Gilbert in bis travels has given special at tention to the Educational systems in Eu--rope, and is competent to instruct in tha Latin. German, French, or Italian languages. For terms or farther particulars see the csrd in another column, pr- address1, tha Principal. , Milivilie Ta, July 3l', 1861. " " ' LSlil..