- i 'ft: t i F, D. JACOBF, Proprietor Truth and Right Cod and onr Country. Two Dollars ier Annnn. . VOLUME 13. BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7, 1861. NUMBER .AW JH liviij ij yf i h LD jl r l J " ' . .' . . . t i .. . , ' ' ' ' ) v . STAB OF THE ' MBLIIKD VRT. WIDKISPAT IT , '. '- W. H. JACOBY, .. , 'orncc on Blain St.,IriJ ?qdart 'tclo'w Ha'riii. TERMS: Two Dollars per annum if paid - within fix months from the time of snbscri -,'bing : two dollars and fifty certs if not paid 7-w'uhir. the year.- - No subscription taken for a lees period than fix months; no discon tinuances permitted tiritit Hi I arrearages are paid, unless at the option'Ofthe editor. " The terms of adverliting'vrilt be asolhtos: One square, twelve lines, three times, $1 00 . Every subsequent insertion, . . . ; . 65 One square.'tnjee'tildnth's, . ... .-. . 3 '00 "One year, . .............. k . 8 Oo 1 1 rmrt rnn n 1 r it ' THE IEFST0XE STATE. ; Dark to the call of bugles ! . Hark to the roll of drums 1 Forth for the Union' battle, i See what an army comes TJown from the Alleghenies, Down through the central pate, Soldiers, to guard the Union, ! - v -. Sons of the Keystone State I Measure them not by Tjundreis : Thousands have come that way, . 'Ready to die, if need be, Rather than shun the frav ; Touring in hosts to the border. From the early honrs till late These are the troop of the Nation, Sent by the Keystone State. .. T'ledged Jot the pood of the country, Pledged to? the land of their birth "Straight from the field and workshop, Straight from the citizen's hearth 'See ho they rally in squadrons, ' E?h flthef for a Yna'e, Guarding the Arch of the Union Bound by the Keystone Sta:e ! iLook to yoor drama, ye traitors ! r View your stage with dismay, And while ihecurtin is tiding. Down and prepare for the play 1 . If it is a tragedy bloody, Plcfutina you to yonr fate, Wait not the act tbafs commilteJ, Unto The Keystone State 1 Tke' Xetr tariff Bill. The following is a copy of the New Tarift feill pissed by the House on Thursday : -.A BILL to providt rrci'enai Revertifrofft Iti ' -port, !opoy interest on public deU, a nd Jor 1 gooods, wares and merchandise imported j other purpose. w from beyond theCape-of feood Hope in' ' Be h enacted, Thai from and afrer the J American vessels.' " " " ! late of the passage of this act, Hi lieo ofth'e I Sec "6. And be it further enac ed, -That ; duties, beremfoMimroed by law on arti- -Vom and after ihfe passage of thi? act, there ( lse hereinafter rnen;io.ed and On each as t h" b allowed, -tos ail articles wholly j many s 'may rrow be eiernft from . duty, j "nnfactured ol material imported, on j 'the shall be levied, -Collect and paid, j which du,ies hr ben KlJ w,ie" .expor- j V0 Uie good, wares and merchandise here-1 ,eJ a drawback, equal in amount to the in enumerated and provided" for', imporfed ' lIu,J Paitl on puch ""icles and no more, to -Ifrom iweign countries, he tollowing dothis i be ascertained under such regulations as j nd rates of duty, that is to ay : First, I ha11 be prescribed by the Secretary, of the j . Va rw sugar, commonly called Moco- Treasury : Provided, That Ten per centum j r Km.n ...,r not .d,nr.J above mioont of all drawbacks, so allowed ; YinmDer twd'rt Dutch standard, bv claving, ' 1 nUno flarlfvin-. or other orocess. and on ! firup or sugar or of sugar-cane and con vptmrated mntasses. or concentrated mela 91 j ri t - - tlo, txo and a haU cents per pound, atid on white and claved susar, when advanced be- ! vond the raw stale febove twelv. Dutch Btandard. by clarifying or other process, and ttot yet refined, three cents per pound ; on refined sugar, wbetder .oal, inmp crusnea . & M merchan. or pulverized, four cents per pband ; on so-, dj oq jn warebou?es tt-r bI,.c gars after being refined, when they are tine. lfae of he Qf lured, colored, or in any way aaoUiraied, 1 . . . . , , . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 shall bS subject to pav such duties as pro- mnd on susar candy, six cents per pound;,... , . , . , , . , 0 ' J'.. .. . . Vided by law, before, aed at the passage of n molasses fiveteotaper gallon; Provided, l . " ' ' That all Byrups of sugar, or ol sugar-tane, concentraled molasses or ta'elado, entered tioder the name of molasses, or any other frame than sirup of sugar or of sugar "cane, roncentrated molasses or concentrated mel ado, shall be liable to forfeiture o the Uni ted States ; on all teas, fifteen cents per poand j on almonds, four cents per pound ; thelled almonds, six cents per pound ; on arrow root, twenty per centum an valorem ; bo brimstone, crude, three dollars per ton $ on brimstone rolfedsix dollars per ton ; on coffee, tf all kinds, five cents per pound ; on cocoa, five cents per pound ; on 1 cocoa eareand eoeoa shells, three cents per ponnd -; on ciocoa, prepared or manufactur ed, eight cents per: poand ; do. chiccory crude, two cents, and on chiccory, ground, four cents per pound; "on chocolate, six cents per pound ; on cassia, ten cents per pound ; on cassia buds, , fifieen Centa per pound; on cinnamon, twenty cents per poand; on clovesj eight cents per pound' on cayenne pepper, si cent per pound ; on cayenne pepper, ground, eight cents per pound r on Curranla, five cents per pound ; on argol, or cream Tartar, six cents per pound ; on dates, five cents pet pound ; bh Egs, five cents per pound ; on ginger fool, three csots per pound ; on ginger, ground, Eve cents per round ; on ginger, preserved or pickled, thirty per centum ad valorem ; on limes, lemons, oranges, bananas and plantains, twenty per centum ad valorem ; on licorice paste and juice, five cents per pound; on licorice root, one cent per pound j on mace and nuttnejs; Ifcenty-five cents pef,ppon4; on nuts, :two .tents per pound ; on pepper, six, cants per pound ; bn Peruvian bark, fifteen per centum - ad' vaio , rem ; on pimento, six cents per pcond J bri plums, five cents per , pound ; od. pf uces, five .cents per pound ; on quinine, thirty per centcrn ad valorem j on raisins, five cbnts-perpoond---"'"" "'- -4 7 '' . "Sic"! 2. 1 And be It fnrthet ;t enaeted, That from and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall be levied, collected, and"paid,oh the importation of ; the articles' hereinafter rashtioned, the IoMovf'mg duties,-, that' is to say: oti usnjantfsttBred lJnssian hemp, forty dcCofS pfiton ; on Manilla and' ether temp of India, tweni-five dollars pii ton . Src 3. And iB jt tznhBT ected, That, from and; after the year ' afbtesaid, there thltl l)e levied, collected and paid, on the importarion hereinafter mentioned, the fol lowing duties, that is to say : on lead, in pigs or bare, one dollar and fifty tfents per one hundred pounds; In sheets, two dollars and twenty-five cents per 6ne hundred pounds ; on white lead, dry or grOanil in'oi),' and red lead, two dollars and twenty-'fire cents per bnre hrtndre J pounds ; on the oil of cloves, seve'nty-'fiva cents per pound. Sec 4. And be it further enacted, That from and after the day and year aforesaiJ, there shall be levied, c61tected and paid, on the importation o! the aricles hereinafter mentioned, the following dut?e that is to say : on ragp, or whatever material, ten per centum ad valorem ; on salt, in sacks, eigh teen cents frer one hundred pounds, and in bulk, twelve cents per one hundred pound?; on gunpowder, thirty per 'dentotn ad valo rem ;on feathers and down's, thirty per cen tum ad valorem 'oh hides, ten per centum ad valorem ; on sole and bandi leather.Hhlr ty per'centtfm ad valorem ; '6n India rubber hoes and boots, "thirty per 'cenrum ; on so do ash.'bne-'half dent per pound ; on bicar bonate of sodo, one cent per poond ; cn 6al soda, one-half cent per pound ; On eaustic soda, one ceht "per poand ; on chloride of lihie,lhirfy 'cents per one "hundred pounds; on saltpetre, "crude, one cent per pound, re fined 'or partially , 'refined, two cents per pound ; '6n ivory, unmanufactured, ten per ce'hturo ad valorem, and vegetable ivory, fen per centum ad valorem; spirit's of-.tnr-pentine, ten cents per gallon. Siic. 5 And be it further enacted, That 1 all articles, goods. waVes and merchandise, imported from beyond the Cape 0f Good Rope in foreign vesel3, not entitled by rec iprocal treaties to be exempt frorrt discrim inating duties, tonnage and other charges, and all other article?, good?-, wares and merchandise not imported direct from the place of their growth or production, or. in J foreign vessels, entitled by reciprocal "trea j ties to be exempt from discriminating duties, ' tonnage, and other 'charges, shall be sub ject to pay, in addition to the duties impos- j ed by thi a'ct, ten per centum ail valorem ; j Provided, That this rnle shall not apply to J shali be retained (or the use of the United la,a y etoiiertors payin tutu uiaw- batks, respectively, and further, that on re fined sugar, when exported, there shall be 1 allowJ drawback cf four csnls per pound lo ue "Ken,,nu unucr uie reguiauons anu limitations herein provided. Sbc 7. And be it further enacted, Thftt I all goods, wares and merchandise, actually f 'An a K 1 v. brknrfl ftml riAnnri - f r iKa TTniia.l Sec 8; And be h forther enacted. That the act entitled 'An act to provide ior the payment oi outstanding treasury notes, to authorize a loan to regulate and fix the. du ties on imports and for other purposes," ap proveJ March 2, 1861, be', and the same is hereby amended as lollows that is to say, First, in section 6, article first, after the words "in cordials and," strike out ' liq uors" and insert Jiquours ; Second, in the section, after the word "represent" insert, Provided also, That no lower rate or amount of duty, shall be levied collected, .and paid on brandy, spirits-, and ail other spirituous beverages, than that bow fixed by law for the description of first proof," but" shall be increased of first proof, in proportion lor any greater strength than the strength of first proof ; Third, section 12, article first, after the words "eighteen -cents' where they first occur, " ihsert' "or less ;" Fourth, section 13, article - second, after the word "manufacture insert ""except hosiery ;" Fifth, in the same section, article third, strike but "wool," where it first occurs, and insert "worsted," and after the word "wool' where it occurs the second and third times,' Insert in each place "or worsted ;". Sixth, in section 14, article first, after the words "ten per centum," insert "ad valoremi ;" Sev enth, in section 15, before the word "yarns" insert "hemp;" in the same section, after tbe word .''shirtings," insert "flag or hemp" and strike out "jute goods," and in lieu thereof insert "jute yarns;" Eight, in sec tion 22, strike out the words "unwrooght clay, S3 per ton ;" Ninth, In section 19, strike out, "com positions of glass or paste not set,intended for use of jewelers;" Tebth, In section twenty-second, strike but 'com positions of glass or paste when set ', Ere Ih And be h further enacted, That all acts find parts of sets , repugnant to 5 the provisions of this act be, and the same are bereby-tepealad's ' Provided, That thVexis-' ling taws shall extend to,. and he in force for the collection of the duties imposed by, this act for the prosecution and punishment of all offences,' and for the recovery, collect tion, distribution and remission of all' fines, penalties and forfeitures, as laily and efTecr tually as it every regulation, penalty, lor leiture,' provision, clause, matter and thing to thai effect inlhe exhaling JaWs "contains dj bad been Inserted ia.amf Te enaeted'by this set. .... . . - Frcm the Valley SpirJ. The idinfnistration and the It is becoming more arid -.more evident every day that the present Administration 'is not competent to "conduct this war. So far, with the exception of McClblian's bril liant successes, it has been a series of blen ders and 'mishaps. Gen. Scott has been trammelled arid thwarted in all1 his plans by the Administration until forced to ac kno'wledg'e In a Cabinet meeting, "a' few days since, that he was a "coward and fle servedt'to be dismissed from the service," for being influenced, or controlled, in any way by them in the management of the war. The country will never place the blame on Gen. ScOtt for the errors that have been committed and the disasters thatliave grown out of them. The Republicans are not so 'stupid as not to see where the blame belongs, and they are even more fearless in expressing their disapprobation than the Democrats. The New York Tribune, since the ree'ent disaster, says "decimated and in dignant people,' will demand the immedi ate retirement of. the present Cabinet from the high places of power, which for one reason or another, they have bhown them selves incompetent to fill." This is the true sentiment of the people and Greelev deserves their thanks for having fearlessly ex'press'ed them. The people of the North are heartily sick of the way in which this war has been so far conducted. They, with one accord wish to see this rebellion cut down and the. Union restored, and are ready to contribute any amonnt of money or men for that end, but they will not stand seeing the men cheated rind Wily IreateJ, and the country disgraced by blundering battles. The following article which we copy from a ftppublicon paper speaks out boldly in reference to these matters, and w'e trust the Democratic press, all over the 'country, 'wSlI have courage enough to follow the example : 'Somebody has a fearful account to ren der for the repulse Of the Federal army at Manassas Junction. Who's ' to blame? Gen. Tyler commenced the fight, without orders,' and during the absence of Gen. Mc Dowell, the 'commanding officer, at Sang ster's Point, 17 miles from Alexandria; but he continued it gallantly lor "9 hours, ur. masking battery after battery, up to Manas sas junction: bDt it was in his division also that the panic broke out and the stampede began. At arr ipaTly 'stan'e of the action, it became evident that the force of the rebels was mnch snperior in number, ay three to one to, the Federal troops. Nothing short 'of success could justify such a despe rate assault. Gen: Patterson permitted Johnson to pass with his entire force from Strasburg to the juction, without. attempting to cut him off. Why did hetrnt)fT and loiter at Charles lOwn, instead bf pressing on the retreating foe? Who is responsible for placing thirty-five thousand troops in battle array againt a hundred thousand elaborately entrenched, defended by innumerable masked batteries rifle pits, fcc, and perfectly acquainted with the topography of the country, thro' which the attacking lorte required guides? Thfcfe are periinent qudrtiotis. It is true, the aft ailing army fought brave ly against these tremendous .odds uutil a strange and fatal pauic seized them, when utterly demoralized, they fled in confusion, but why were they left unsupported? . We have to acknowledge a most dama ging result, and a "set-back" of perhaps several months. The enemy is comforted and encouraged to the same extent. We know of course, that there blunders will be retrieved, and that their retrieval i only a question of time. We know that Manas sas Junction wilf be eventually captured and that il thirty thousand men fail, sixty thousand will be sent there; and thet-e du plicated in turn, if necessary, until the po sition is reduced: But the people want the Insurrection suppressed as speedily as pos sible and without reverse to the Federal arms, and they hold it to be true economy to send enough men and means, with com petent officers, in the first instance, to make sure of success. They care less for brilliant feats of arms than the subjugation . of the Rebels. .The affairs at Bethel and Vienna, and the repulse at Manassas are foul blots on the escutcheon of tbe Republic." Greeley's Panic. ; tt is well , known to the cdontry that Gueklrt has been clamoring for a War with the South all bis lifettme, and since be has obtained his desires be is tbe hap pietl man in creation and is urging on the War with an impatience that has caused even Gen. Scott to succomb. Grbclet has been pushing on the War in Ordr to smash up things generally. He expressly stated in the Tribunl, a short time ago, that he wanted to see "a panic a real back-down panic." The animal turned op the other day near Manassas Junction. It Is one of Grbelet'b own making and we trust that for once he is gratified to the full extent of bis wishes ! He can how gloat over his "panic" and keep up the clamor through the. Triiune lor forther ruin and disgrace to come : upon our- unhappy . country. The Republicans themselves now say that if we want a successful war we must; first '-'hang Grkclev" for while be Is permitted to med dleMn sffairs we may expect nothing but a series of ;u break-down panic." Fafty Spirit - - '.;'"-' !- ' .. .. . mmtmi , -j- , Alexander . the Great valcetl learning d highly,, that he used to say, ' that , he , was more indebted to Aristotle for giving him From the Luztrne Union. Democraty not Dead. Phovieknck, July 27, 1851. Mr. H annum : Business and curiosity 'called me to Newton Centre a week ago to-day, where 1 had the pleasure of attend ing one of those good old-fashioned gather ings of the honest democracy, that "re minded me of the good old day's of "General Jackson". There were the same old advance guards whoserved an apprenticeship under Old Uicliory, and there the eons of those noble sires hundreds upon hundreds, and la dies, too, in large number's. Then there was that tame old fife and drum, playing the same old Yankee Doodle. Here comes the liberty pole, 120 feet in length, yes, and It is fiickory. Then an old man with hair as white as snow, who has been the cap tain of many such gatherings, gives the word "Ike'O heavt t'i and up it goes. I was just then Inquireing about the flag, when the old man shouted, "Make room for the ladies?" HallOo ! here thev come with a beautiful flag of their own manufacture. Three cheers for the ladles and three for the flag, arid up it goes. Bang ! that is the old cannon machine out by the barn Thunder and lightning how it roars,throws stones, old iro'n and dirt. That ist, none of your murderous rifled cannon, to kill every body with, but it is just the thing for such an occasion, a noisy, harmless machine, making noise enough for fun and glory without producing those terrific sehsatidns which are more or less likely to b6 caused by the discharges 6f modern ordinance. the meeting was duly organized and ad dressed by D. S. Koon, Esq., of Pittston, Dr. Hakes and Hon. E. B. Chase, of Wikes barre. Of the audience I most say, I have never at any time or place, or under any circnmMances, observed such good order or such matked and earnest attention. 1 do not hesitate to say that the impression made upon me was, that those there assembled seemed to listen and deliberate with a sol emn serious 'camestnes, to and upon our political present and fcture, sn'ch as I do not remember to have seen before. If'Ay not ? You may talk to those men of peace or wur, of treason or abolition, of taxes or tariffs, but let me say to yon that those sterling men have made tip their minds ih?.t there is certainly something out of order in the engineers' department of our national .matters. You may threaten them wi'h mobs, you may gag free speech and snuff treason in the just and honest criticism of our public servants, but rnark what I tell you, a tide of suspicion has set in and the determination for one more change is thor oughly agreed uon, and nothing less than the interposition of Almighty power can stop the one or prevent the other. With a firm reliance on the principles of Jackso rian Democracy, the practice of which nev- pr pridaturprpJ onr rnnhtrv'a lianninsR or nrn,nPriiv and will t a noli'.ical creed that I I ' - f r , knew no geographical discriminations or disiinctions ; a creed that answered alike for the north and the south, the east and the west: a rule of political faith under' which tMs government moved forward prosperously and peacefully-wi.h their ancient liberty pole and Union flag God grant them an early victory over all ene- mies of our country and constitution I " The speeches, unlike many, did rot con- sist in abiising political opponents or public oiTicer. bnt were eminently conservative and in keeping wiih the importance of the occasion 1 am informed that this meeting i but one of a feries that are to bo held throughout the county and State, previous to the October election. Jackson Democrats! forward, march! Democrat. TriE Habits of Celebrated Characters Arkwright worked for seventeen hours a day, and began to learn the English gram mar at fifty. His time was so valuable that he always traveled with four horses. Watt was thirty years upon his condensing en gine, and Stephenson twenty-five upon his locomotive. Walter Scott, as a copying clerk, managed to copy one hundred and twenty pages of manuscript in twenty-four hours. When a clerk in the court of ses sions, he got up at five fevery morning, lighted his own fire, and did his literary work before breakfast. John Briton worked sixteen hours a day. touden sat up two Whole nights a week to study, while work ing like a laborer all day. Joseph Hume got up at six, worked all day, and outsat the House of Commons every night. Hale studied sixteen hours a day. Hunter al lowed himself but five hour's sleep in the twenty-four. Jenner was' twenty years in perfecting vaccination Herschell, while in the band of the pump-room, finished two hundred specula before he made one that would suit his telescope. " Titian worked daily, for seven years, at "The Last sopper." Meyerbeer studied music for fifteen hours a day. Giardini said it would take twelve hours a day ior twenty ygars to learn to play the violin, and Tagliont could only ar rive at the perfection In dancing, by con stantly practicing until she fainted. Foley, the fbunder bf the present noble family of that name, worked his passage twice to Sweden and back, and supported himself there for several years as a fiddler, in order to learn the secret bf splitting Iron. Eldon rose at four in tbe rooming and worked till late in the night, with a wet towel around his head to keep him awake. But 'there' is no necessity to multiply instances of the labor of lawyers ; history and biography are life with them, and the shelves bf many a librarv attet tin inrtttrvTe.fcj.fcHJk4" the Loan Bill Tasseii. The Loan Bill just passed by Congress Ts as follows : ' ' The Secretary of the Treasury is 'a'bthor ized to- borrow, on the credit of the United States, within twelve rribnth's bf the 'passage of this act, a sum not 'exceeding 'two hun dred and fifty millions, or so much thereof as he may deem 'necessary for the public service, on certificates of coupon, register ed stock of Treasury notes, the stock to bear iuterest not exceeding seven percent per annum, 'payable semi-annuatfy , irre deemable for twenty "years, and after that period redeemable at the pleasure of the United States ; the Treasury notes 6f de nominations of not less than fifty dollars, and payable three years after date, with in terest of seven and three tenths per cent. per annum, payable annually on notes bf j above h','., white hafr, "come with bayonets fifty dollars, and semi-annually on notes of j n y0u'r hands "instead of 'yoor petitions larger denomination. The bill further au- j gnrround t he White House with your le thorizes the Secretary cf the Treasury to gions 1 am Yeadj for you ! With the peo issue, in exchange for coin, and as part bf j pie at my back, whom your gold can neiih the above loan, or pay for salaries cr o:h'er j er awe nor buy j wi), Bwing you np aVonrid uues irom me urinea Mates, ireasary notes of less denomination 'than 'fifty dollars, not bearing interest, tut payable on demand by the Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Philadelphia, New York or Boston ; and books t6 be opened for subscription to Treasury notes for fifty dollars and upwards at places of which due notice will "be given in one or more public newspapers, publish eu wnerev-r suDscnpuon doors may D3 .placing his back against the rock, and fol opened. The Secretary may negotiate any . jing his arms for the blow, while he utter portion of said loan To one hundred millions ' et hls TOW . "I will not swerve an inch of dollars in any foreign country. The bill frorn the course I have taken" 1 must pledges tor payment of the interest and re- 1 confer that the records of Rome nay, the demption of the principal the duties of im- j proudest days of Cromwell or Napbrebr. post on tea, cofiee, sugar, spices, wines j cannot furnish nn instance bf a will T.ke and liquors, and other such internal duties at of Andrew Jackson, when he placed or taxes as may be received into the Tress'- ' life and soul and fame bn the hazard of a ury, &c. The London Times on tnc War. The London Time, of the 9th in'sV, has an article speculate rig on the issues of the American War in which :t foieshadbws re sults that have 6ince turned up, and alto- gether appears to have a better understand- ing ofthe state of our army that we in the north have been taught. We knew the ran and file of our army were ak.l rigftt, and never for a moment, doubted the bra- ' very of our commanding officer?, but sad ' . p . ' experience now makes tt evulent that t requires something more than , bravery to 1 " 3 w,n a battle. Whether, the Government thinks so or not the people now know that battles cannot be soccesfully fongh: unless we have oiiicers who thorocghly under stand the business, of war, and in whom ihe men have confidence. We trust for the hoior of the country, and 'he speedy ter mination of the war, that no more battles will be riskpd until every regiment is un der trained 'officers. This London Timts makes ,he Allowing fling at our army offi- ! ce" which though strictly true, we would I h.pnrtl hair i Irj-tm Ihl n..l. The Times says : .1 . -t. - 1 .. ... Auw ueu. ouuu iias ntMiiier iraineu PO,,J,cri "nder ".m, nor is he raarch.ng : Snbt Mexicans. His army m formed ! Joubtlew of good material, and in j months, h,s recro.ts may be turned into ex- cei,ent soIJ,er8 K bot at Pre(,ent the' are j .ther i?o!d.ers or what .s worse, have they i " comraanu mem. 1.11a. crous fio ! ties are ,olJ of lho incaPac'ly c' -he Feder ' al officers, nombers bf whom were mere , r'"",ll",",i W,JU "avv ,eieivru onelcies, and even generalships, instead of being appointed postmasters and collec tors." Old Fends. There are Republicans who have not the heart to announce themselves as such that are striving to keep alive old feuds in the Democratic party by talking about "Breck ioridge men," "Douglass men," fcc, as though Democracy consisted in beinsr. the follower or promoter of some particular pol itician. Row, what care we for the inter ests of any particular rrtan ? When we speak of Democracy, we mean i-RisciPLrs, and nothing else. We mean equally, jus- uce, oiaiB sovereignty, iree speecn. "ee press, ooeaience to tne law anu tae Lon stitution, and all collaterals of free and in dependent self government. How Contemp tible and dwarfish must be the principles of that man whose highest idea of the pa triotism and dignity of an American citizen is for him to choose the pocket, or promo tion Of some particular individual as the fixed centre of his own manhood, and to ; become the revolving satelite of so narrow a sphere.- Give us principles, not men, and give us christian and patriotic mo'ives, rather than factional revenge, or a waver ing and saleable political character. -The man whose principles are controlled by any thing short of an honest conviction bf right is unworthy of the greatest blessing bf freedom. NoHhumberland Democrat. A rid nosed getltlerhitn risked a well known wit whether he believed in spirits. "Ah sir!" he replied, looking him full in face, "1 see too much evidence before me to doubt their existence." ; A gentleman, while in church intending to scratch his bead; in a mental absence reached . over into another pew and scratch ed the hfead of an old maid. ' He dscoverd his mistake when she cued him for a breach of promise of marria'ge, Why is a beautiful lady's foot like a fo- A GREAT MAN. .: . . The author of the 'NazareneT thus speaks of President Jackson ! "He was a man ! Well, I remember the day I waited upon him ! He sat there in his arm chair I can see Kim 'ho v. We told him of the public distress the manufacturers ruined the eagles shrouded in crape, that were catried at the head of 20,000 men into indepen dence sqnare. He heard us all. We beg ged him to leave the deposits where they were, to uphold the great bank of Philadel phia. Still he did not say a word. At last one of our members, more fiery than the rest, intimated that if the bank was crushed a rebellion might follow. Thea the old mar. arose 1 can see him y?.'i. "Come,", he shouted, in a voice of thun der, as hls'cleriched hand was raised high the Capitol each one of ydu oh a gibbet as high as Hainan's'' "When. 1 think," says the author, 'of that man standing there at Washington, battling against all 'the powers of bank and panic 'combinedjbefrayed "by those in whom he trusted assailed by all that the snake of malice could hiss or the fTsrii of false hood howl when I think of that one man die for the people's welfare " ilow o Cure a Canetr. The Milwaukee Democrat states that some eight months ago, Mr. T. B. Mason, of that city, ascertained that he had a cancer on his tare the size of a pin. It was cut out by Dr WaIco and th heaeJ Subsequently it e wound partially ipnnpnllv il nrpw strain iinrl he was al cincinnali on bogine -t ' altained the J.;2e of aickory not. He re- '!. - rr. - , . mained there since Chnstrrias under treat- , 4 - r 1 t-u meat, and is now perfectly cured. The i proCe i this : . . .., - - , . . j A piece cf sticking plaster was put over (t,e cancerj with a circular piece cut out of lhe centre a lrttle larger than the cancer, so that h CJincer and a FrQaj, circalftr rim of healthy skin next to it was exposed. Then a plaster made of chloride bf zinc, blood , root and wheat flour, was spread on a piece of muslin tbe size of this circular opening, and applied to the cancer for twenty-four . hours. On removing it, the cancer will be . found burnt into and appear of the color ! and hardness cf an old shoe sole, and the circa.ar riYT1 outslde bf it xvill appear white . M 'l r 1 Tisrnn p 1 zin 11 Kr-stiiif.fi nv nni Kipam . . ' , , , . ne wonnd is now dressed, and the outside rim e0on seoafate. and the cancer comfcs I oot in a ,0,,, and ,he place heals op. j Tfae p!aMer ki8 he canc.pr pQ ,hat h ' Dat UtedeadW.andne.ergrows ' 2airt The reraedy was discovered by Dr. Fell bf London, and has been used by hini for jx or e,ght yeafs wiih unIa;iir enccess j and not a cae fcas been known of the re appearance ofthe cancer when his remedy ha5 been appliej Noble Sentiments. We think that the true course for the bovernment to purue is, to carry on the war vigorously and energetically, and not to relax in a sinsle measure necessarv to ,j,p euccesful vindication of the law. iVev- er.heless, if any man can suggest a method for the settlement of the whole difficnty wiih the honor to the Government, and that will insure the integrity of the country, and restore the fraternal relations of the people, he will not only be gladly heard, but instead of sealing his political death, he will be elevated to the dignity bf a saviour of his J IS . , CODnlryt anj his naroe and memory will . reverP(1 a, Ion ? as a freemari jjTei to lreas. ure it np in h;9 heart We would suggest to these gentlemen who are so afraid that human core will not be poured but to stain the land, a way by wh ich the y can give more force to their counsels, and entitle themselves to be heard by the people. Let them exchange the pen for the rifle, and join themselves to the army, and meet on the tented field the men for whose blood they thirst, and then the people will believe that they have a right to say whether the thing shail be set tled without a fisht or not, Otherwise it will be thought that they are bnly valiant when other men fight their battles, and they are themselves at a Convenient distance from bannoh balls and Minnie bullets. The famous face-horse Klarikoff has been bnfned to death on board a railway train in England. Lord St. Vincent had just paid five thousand guineas for, him and he was heavily backed for the DoncasterSt. Le'ger. The other day, in the Fort Wayne cars, a Reverend gentlemen in speaking of the war, remarked thai "it was a punishment sent upon this nation by the Lord, for onr sins." A rough customer alongside, who looked upon things in a political matter of fact point of view, remarked that "he did riot, thins the Lord was very mad at: us, judging by the smallness of the number of , LOST BOF. . ., t (He;had black eys with long lashes, red cr.eelcs, and hair almost black and .alrrost curly. 'He wore a crimson plad jacket, with full trowsers buttoned bn. Had a habit of whistling and liked -lo ask questions. Was accompanied by a small black dog. It is a loug while eince be disappeared. I have a very plasant houeg and ranch com p'any. My guests say, ''Ah, it is. pleasant here ! Every thing has much, bf an orderly, put away look nothing about under (cot, ho dirt '" But my eyes are aching for the, sight of whiulings and cut papers upon the floor; of tombled-down card houses : or wooden sheep, and cattle : bf pop -gene, bows and arrows, whips, tops, go carts, blocks and trumpets. 1 want to. see . boats a riggir?, ' and kites a making. I want to see cmmblbs on the 'carpet, and paste spilt on the kitch en fable. I want to ee the chairs and tables turned the wron way about ; I want to see candy-making, 'and corn poppipg; and to find jack knives and fish hooka among my muslin : yet these things used to fret rr.e once. ' . " Thy say "Ah you have leisure noth ing to disturb yon ; what heaps of sew'yig you have time for " But I long to be asked for a bit of string or an old newspaper, for a cent 'to buy a slate pencil , or pea-nut3. I want to be coaxed for a piece of ne w cloth for jibs or mainsails, and then to him the same; I want to make little flags .and ..bag to hold marbles ; I want to be followed all over the house; teased for a bit of dough for little cake, ortb bake k pie in a saucer. Yet these things oVed to fidget me at once. , ' They eay "Ah, you are not tied at home. How delightful always to be at liberty tngp to concerts, lectures arid parties, no confine ment Tor you . ' "v '!', But 1 want confinement '; I want to listen for the school bell in tbe morning; to give the last nasty wash and brush., .and, theo .to watch from the window nimble feet bound ing to school. : I want frequent rents to mend, and replace lost buttons; I want to obliterate mhd stains, fruit stains, and paints of all colors. want to be sitting by .a crib of evenings, when weary little, feat are at rest, and prattling voices are ; .hushed, that mothers may sing their lullabies and teil over the oft-repeated stories. They don't know their haDbiness then, thna mnthr. 1 didu i. All these things ) called, confine ment once. .. A manly figure stands before me now. ' He is taller than I, has thick, black whis kers, and wears a frock coat, bosomed shirt and cravat. He ha jo si come from college. He brings Latin and Greek in his :,connte nance, arid bust of the bid philosophers for the silting room. He calls me mother, but 1 am Unwilling to own him. . , t He stoutly declares he is my boy, and says he will prove it. He brings me a small pair of white trowsers, with gy stripes a: the side, and asks me jf 1 didn't make them for him when he joined, the boys' militia. He says he is the very boy; too, that made the bonfire near the'barn, so that we came very near having fa fire in earnest. He brings his little boat to show the red stripes on the sail ; (it was the. end ot the piece,) and the name on the stern, Lucy Lbw, a little girl of bur neighborhood, who, because of her curl aqd pretty t round face, was the chosen favorite of my .little boy. Her curls were long since cut off.and she has grdwri to be a tall, handsome girL How the red comes to his face when he shows me the name on the boat. Oh. I see it all, as plain as if it were Written in a book. My little one is lost, and.. ray. big one will voon be. Oh, if he were , a little tired boy, in a long white night-gown. ly ing in a little crib, with me sitting by, hol ding his hand in mine, pushing his corjs back irom his forhead, watching his eyelids droop, and listening to his deep breathing. If I only had rny, little boy again, how patien: I would be ! How mnch I could bear, and how little I would fret and Mold 1 1 can never have him back again ; but there are still many mothers who haven't yet lost w I their little boy. I wonder if they know they are living in their best days ; that now ia the lime to really enjoy their children ! 1 think if I had been more to my little boy, 1 rnight row be more to my grcwu up one. Waver ly Magazine. CoeTLT apparel and splendid cabinets have no magnetic power to make scholars. In all circumstances, as a man is, under God, the masier of his own fortune, so he is the maker bf his own mind. The Crea tor has so constituted the humtn intellect, . . ., that it can only, grow by its own action it most certainly and necessarily grows.' : Ev ery man must, therefore, in an important tense, educate himself. His books and teachers are but helps ; the work is his. A man is not educated unless he has the abil ity to summon in case of emergency, all his mental power Is vigorous exercises to effect his proposed object. It Is not' the man who has seen the most, who can do this; such aii one is in danger of being; borne down, like A beast of burden, by an overloaded mass of other men's thoughts; Nor is it the man can boaM merely of na tive vigor and capacity. The greatest of all the warriors that went to the liege ol Troy had not the preminence because nature had given him strength', and be carried the largest bow, but because self-discipline had taught him to bend it. Daniel Hebster, An "old soldier writes that, in the Ware! 1812, every soldier was advised to 'carry a j