The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 17, 1861, Image 2

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' Foeitive Slarcs. '" -T-
Tha House of Representatives . passed a
resolution offered by Mr, Lnvejoy, declar
ing thai it is no part of the duty of the sol
dier of '.he Uuited Slates to capture or re
turn fugitive slaves. This proposition ap
pears to us incontestable.' A elate of war
does not in itself alter or disturb tbe relation
of master and 6lave. Owners suffering the
escape of their Blaveshave thesame remedy
now that they have always had. The fu
gitive slave law is not necessarily inopera
tive. , In time of peace it is not the duty of
the army to capture and return fugitives.
Neither is it in time of war. It would seri
oudy impede and embarass the operations
of the army to engage ia the capture of
runaway slaves, even if iv had the power
to do bO. The army ia sent into Virginia
fur the specific purpose of suppressing re
bellion, from which it cannot afford to be
diverted by tide issues. At the tame time
It may become expedier.t for ou troops, in
accordance with the proclamation of Gen
erals Patterson and McClellan, to assist in
quelling slave insurrection as a measure of
protection to loyai citizens and as evidence
that the object of the Government is not to
excite and encourage the tisi. g of slaves
against their masters.
-'The resolution of tbe House says nothing
concerning receiving and "holding fugitive
slaves aa articles contraband of war which
was a temporary expedient adopted by
-Geo.1 Butler, and applicable only to a limi
ted 'Dumber of fugitives. 'Admitting the
correctness of this principle, it is equally
' 1 . . L. . ' ft - . L f ' 1 .
eTiueai a ueuerai is not ODiigeu io
teize or accept articles contraband of war,
of any description, when they become so
burdeusome and annoying as to impede or
prevent the doe execution of his plans.
Hence, while it may have been proper and
-expedient to receive and hold a hundred
Contraband negroes as the property of rebel
owners, it may be equally proper and ex
pedient to refuse a larger number.
The law having invested in the army no
judicial powers to determine tbe ownership
of fugitive slaves, and not imposing the du
ty of their captors and retention, our Gen
erals aie not called upon to interfere one
way or the other ; and loyal masters can
seek redress in the manner prescribed by
Jaw. .
The Slate Trade.
The New York Tribune of the 4th inst-
containsthe following piece of information:
. We learn from good authority, that in
consequence of the energetic measures recently-taken
here for the suppression of the
slave-trade, several parlies are now fitting
put. Teasels ia eastern ports."
Runuing a cargo of slaves into any South
era port would, iu consequence of the
blockade, be just now an unsually hazard
ous undertaking and hence we soppooe
that these vessels are fitting out for the pur.
pose of trading between Africa and Cuba,
pearly all the vessels engaged in this ne
farious traffic are armed and fitted out at
Northern ports and no single fact has con
tributed more to give the South a contempt
able opinion of Yankee character than this
that cupidity will lead Northern men to i
embark ia a business that excites the justt
retrobation of the hole civilized world-:
The most vigorous measures on .the part of '
the Federal authorities are necessary to
render it impossible for -slavers to depart
from Northern ports, and thus remove, tbe '
stain and reproach which a few mercenary j
men, bring opon the .national character
There is liu!e use of maintaining a squad
ron on the coast of Africa for tbe supprea- i
sioQ of the slave-trade' if vessels bound, on
this errand are j ermiued by any want of
.vigilance, on the pari of Federal officers, to
put out from our ports. ;
' ' The Tribune '- exclaims: "Forward to
-Rishmondl Forward to Richmond! The
Rebel Congress mnst not be allowed to
meet inert on the 20th of July !'
Well, why do you not joia the brave men
already on tbe march, - and go forward
yoursell? It'costs yoa little courage and
"little hocesty to sit comfortably at home in
your cushioned arm-chair, bawling "For
ward! iorward !" Why don't yoa share
'the dangers of a war yoa Abolition party
"has produced! The eyes of thousands of
widows and orbpans may look to yoa as
one of the guilty causes of their woe, while
lite world regards you with scorn and bor-
'ror to see' yoa" 'sit screaming" "forward !''
while yoa keep your own carcasses out of
-the reach of danger. ' -:
Iji another column of our paper; will be
seen the call for Delegate elections to be
'held in the different townships of this coun
'ty on Saturday the 24th day of August next.
It is hoped thai the very best men will be
jchdsen as delegates men who will repre
sent the wishes of their township, and not
"barter themselves away to the support of
some crafty wire-pullers who have neither
principle or qualifications to. fiuhem for any
office whatever. The first move towards
,elMng good, men upon -our county and
. District ticket this fall is to send the right
. kind of material into our nominating Con
,yenticfij then f we trust a ticket will be
formed that knows n defeat. . ;
Oar county offices to be Clled at the ap
, proaching general election are of no small
importance to the people ot Columbia coun
ty. Among the most important poets of
pront, are the olfice of Sheriff and Treasu
rer. This county is strongty Democratic,
and all that is needed to keep it to
is to
.-I t!
3 beM mer. for tea ct
.The President' Eessagc.
- The message is stamped all over with ;
Lincoln's own individuality it evidently ;
emanated from his own mind, for certainly
on man making any pretentions to states
manship would have placed document, of
so much importance before the people in
such an unintelligible manner. It is about on
a par with his Inaugural Address anc most
ol it as difficult to understand.
He starts out with a narrative of tbe po
sition oi affairs, -at the time of entering up
on the discharge -duties as President,
and refers to the policy of hie inaugural ad
dress, (which meant anything) which he
now says "locked to the exhaustion of all
peaceful measures before & resort to any
stronger ones," but does not tell us what
peaceful measures he or his party ever pro
posed He then elaborately and tediously
narrates the defence of Fort Sumpter, and
winds up this part by saying that its attack
was began for the purpose of driving out,
the visible authority of the Federal Union,
and thus force it to immediate dissolution
He next refers to the result ot his call up
on the war power of the country, and then
reads Virginia a severe reprimand ' for the
cource she has pursued and points her to
the lamentable condition in which she has
brought herself. He next ridicules the idea
of armed neutrality and thereby count
Kentucky "out." He then virtually admits
his violation of the Constitution, (thus pla
cing himself on a level with the Secession
ists,) by increasing the force of the regular
army, on tiis own responsibility, and asks
Congtess to ratify his act and relieve hirn
from the unpleasant dilemma in which he
finds himself. He next attempts to justify
his act in suspending the writ of habeas
corpus, and then comes to the important
point in the message asking for men and
money to carry on the war, which he does
in the following language
It is now recommended that yon give the
legal means for making this contest a 6hort
and decisive one ; that you place at the
control of the Government for the work at
leaSt 400,000 men and 8400,000,000.
That number of men is about one-tenth
of those of proper ages within the regions
where apparently all are witling to engage,
and the sum is less than the twenty-third
part of the money value owned by the men
who seem ready to devote the whole.
As the whole force of the army, regular
and volunteer, after taking off the three
months men, is about 235,000, it will be
seen that if Congress grants his request.
ab 165.000 soldiers will yet have to be
raised. He merely 6tates the amount of
money needed, but does not suggest any
plan to get it.
He next argues against the idea of seces
sion, and comes to the conclusion that such
a thing cannot be ; but ha forgets to tell us
that only a day or two previous to this he
acknowledged it in the case ot Virginia, by
recognizing the government of Western
Virginia, which recently seceded from the
State ot Virginia and eet up for themselves,
just as Southern seceded States propose or
desire to do. We leave this point with him
for further explanation. He next refers to
! the loyalty of the Union men in the South,
and then pays a glowing and just tribute to
1 our brave volunteers. He closes the mes
sage with the following language :
''No compromise by public sentiment
could in this case be a cure. Not that corn
promises are often proper, but that no pop
ular government can long survive a marked
precedent that those who carry an election
can only save the government from imme
diate destruction by. giving up the main
point upon which the people gat e the elec
tion. The people themselves, and not their
servants, can safely reverse their own de
liberate decisions."
Inordinate Thibst. To those who have
a strong desire to drink great quantities of
water in summer, a writer gives the follow,
ing advice : "Take the twig of a birch,elm
or other tree, having a pleasan'. taste, and
cut it into several pieces about half an inch
in length each. Keep one of these in the
mouth while travelling or working in the
sun, for about an hour, throw it away and
supply its place with another, and thu
continue during the warmest hours of the
day.. By following this advice, a person
will feel no more desire to drink ia warm
than cool weather. Exchange.
. e commend the suggestion to such as
are thirsty for other drinks than water.
; Those two hot warriors,Greeley and Ben
nett, have fallen out. Here is a specimen
of the Herald's talk about old White Coat :
"But when justice gets her doe when
the chief offenders in the work of bringing
upon the country this civil war shall be
punished-such Abolition and disunion ag
itators of the lat twenty years as Greeley,
Garrison and (biddings will be among the
list of traitors hung up like herring to dry
in the sun. Greeley, particularly, has been
a great 6inner and withal a very dirty oue.
Let him ba washed, or let him retire.
Disgraceful Appointments We notice
that the administration at Washington has
commissioned Jim Lane, of Kansas notority,
a Brigadier General, and the notorious out
law, Montgomeiy, is appointed a Colonel
Is there such, a scarcity ot decent men in
the country that it ia necessary to select
officers from' among thieves, vagabonds and
murderers 1 Jim Lane's reputation is far
from enviable,' but the administration can
not plead ignorance of the character of
Montgomery. He has been the chosen lea
der of a gang of outlaws in Kansas, who
committed every sort of depredation and
outrage, murdering, thieving and robbing
wherever they went. There is ample evi
dence at Washington of his infamous char
acter, and yet he is appointed an officer o
the. army, to the associate of honest sol
diers and gentlemen. If justice was done
he would be hung for his crimes! and it
those, who are compelled to associate with
him are careful they will look out for their
': There have been many complaints of the
appointment of incompetent officers but
this is the first instance where a man
positively iuamous character has been
commissioned an officer.
Fbcsidknt Lincoln ia
his inaugural ad
1 J'esg, said : !: 1
"Suppose -yoa
to war you
I Frht aiwavs. And when after much loan
"So Parly."
- William O'Brien has been removed from
the position oi marker in the Custom House
at New York, and Robert Vosburg, a tegro,
appointed in his place..
i We clip 'the above from the Pine and
Palm, an abolition paper, published in Bos
ton and New .York -simultaneously. It is
put forth, in that sheet with a gnsto, as
showing the advance of "liberal principles"
in the government, when white men can ve4
turned out of public employment to make
room lor negroes. Inasmuch as the an
nouncement comes from the other side, we
suppose we may take it for truth it is not
"a secession lie," as our opposition friends
are fond of dubbing everything that don't
6uit them.
VV e Think it would be well for white men
and especially lor laboring men, to notice
this appointment. With the cry of better
limes of free farms for the larmless of
free homes for the homeless of Iree speech,
tree territories, and free labor for our labor
ing men, hundreds of thousands of votes
were stolen by the Lincoln party last fall ;
and what do those men find now T They
find the wages of labor reduced one-fourth
or one-third in many instances, and four
days a week at that. They find collieries,
iron works, and other great industrial and
commercial enterprises stopped, or on the
point of Mopping. They find, instead of
plenty of work at wages that would make
their families comfortable, their families
crying for bread and all this they find as
the feast of better times which was spread
out lor them to partake of last fall. Free
farms for the farmless they now find to mean
a spot of ground about six feet by two,
which they are at liberty to occupy from
this to the day of Judgment, ia the shape
of a soldier's grave ; and for homes for the
homeless, they have found that in all future
prospects, the homes for their starving fami
lies will henceforth be the street or the
poor house, and their dependence the char
ities of the world, instead of free speech,
they find they have the freedom to talk as
certain men may dictate, and that if they
complain or reiterate the cry of their star
ving children for bread, they are called
secessionists" and the community warned
against giving them employment; or if
they happen to be in the army and com
plain because the government is robbing
them of the substance given them by their
Stale.lo make them comfortable while light
ing the battles of their country, like poor
Balso at Harrisburg, the authorities arrest
them for treason and throw -them into a
dungeon, disgraced ana dishonored, xney
find that instead ol comfortable clothes, they
are furnished with garments of "shoddy,"
that wear out and leave them naked in a
week; and instead of shoes to keep their
eet from the burning sand during their
ong and weary marches, they are furnish
ed with sandals soled with white pine sha
vings. Instead of protection to home indus
try as they were promised, ihpy find an
army of ignorant and barbarous slaves let
oose upon them to compete with their la
bor and disgrace their employment, and
then every little while are regaled with
news, like the above, that white men are
turned out of the government employment
to make room for a strapping son of Ethio
pia. And then white men find also, that if,
they meet to consult together to devise a
redress of grievances, or how they shall
protect themselves against these things, the
very newspapers that were so loud in prom
ises but a few months ago, ridicule their
efforts and take part with lazy and barbar
ous necroes who are now fleeing from the
southern States, and foisting themselves j
upon the sympathies of the community fori
support This is the way things are now
going on every day about us, and we ask io
all sincerity and earnestness, how long shall
it be submitted to ? Under the cry of "no
party," democrats in the field brave and
expt.rie.iced soldiers, are almost every day
being superseded by the appointment of
old broken down political hacks, who nev
er saw service, and never were in the ranks
in their lives. With the cry of "no party"'
now but anything for tbe country, the na
tional administration is engaged daily in
turning out democrats from civil positions
although two-thirds of those in the field
now upholding the national honor and the
integrity of the Union are democrats, and
putting the most bitter and radical Republi
can parttzans in their places, and even, in
some instances, supplanting them with ne
groes, under trie cry ot "no party," they
organize Congress by the election of a mere
chattering abolition free trader for Speaker
of the House, knowing that they could give
no greater insult to the conservative sense
of tbe country especially of the border
States that sentiment upon which we
must rely to save the Union in this extrem
ity if it can be saved at all ! How can i; be
expected but that their professions should
be regarded as a cheat and a humbug, and
that the) regard a ne2ro as a little better
than a white man, especially if the white
man be an Irishman ! Luzerne Union.
Patent Cbubn. We had an opportunity
a few days 6ince,of seeing the operations of
a Patent Churn, which in our estimation,
surpassed all the patent churns we have
ever Been. It works pretty much on the
principle of the old fashioned stompera, al
though its operation is performed by the aid
of machinery. It can be made any size
desired can be worked by a mere child
and is not easily gotten out of order. The
gentlemen who have the county right would
offer for sale township rights as well as tbe
single churn. The churn sells for S12.
Messrs. Kchn & Robbinb are tbe party con
cerned. '
The Farmer and Gaudhncr and the Bee
Journal, have both visited us for July.
They are excellent publications, and should
be liberal'y sustained. Those engaged in
raising bees can get no better instructor
than the American Bee Journal. The other
journal has been so frequently and highly
recommended to our farmers by us that n
ia not necessary to speak . of this number
further than bay that it is not depreciating
in ralae. A M. Spangler and Wm. Saun
n.e Nrt 9S N Sirth St.. Hhiladel
Col. Wright, onr member of Congress,
during a debate in the House of Representa
tives, a few days ago, spoke as lollows : '
It is not my purpose,' Mr. Chairman, nor
my object, to crrry 'on agair.jt ib?3 south
ern seceding Statesa war of aagression.
It is not my purpose that it shall be regard
ed as a war of subjugation. But the mis
sion of the Army ot the kal -Suites south,
ia to defend the integrity ot this Government
and maintain the unsullied honor of its Hag;
not to rob southern men of their property ;
not to merlere in any way with the negro
question ; and so long as the object and
destiny of that Army, in marching forward,
is to preserve the integrity of thj Union, 1
am opposed to -any proposition of peace
while these men hold arras in their hands
and maintain their attitude of hostility.
And such I believe to be the sentiment of
the loyal men of "the North, or the loyal
men of the North and South.
Now, Mr. Chairman, I have heard a great
deal said, since 1 have been here, within this
Hall, and out of this Hall, about peace. 1
want to see no peace that is to be establish
ed upon the overthrow and -disintegration
of the Republic.
No such terms of peace will vole to ac
cept or entertain. 1 agree with the gentle
man from Ohio entirely, that when our army
tj - . . i . .v.. 'T1 .-.
marcnea into aaexico, as mao uuv mo mi
ritory of Utah, there were, as I understand
it, commissioners appointed by the Govern
ment to co with that army. But I now con
fine my remarks to the army of Mexico.
Why did we send commissioners with that
army ? Because that was a conflict be
tween nations. The war which is being
waged in the United States now is a war
waged by members of our own household.
With regard to the case of Utah, the gen
tleman from Ohio ask how it was there.
It is true that Utah, at thai time, was a Ter
ritory, and perhaps there would be some
similarity between ihat case and the pres
ent. But in this domestic war which is
being waged upon the part of member of
our own household, I think it behooves the
General Government to attempt, at least, to
exert its power to dictate terms to them.
They are not aware, 1 presume, ot what
thpy have already done; neitner uo i oe-
hve that these men engaged in mis
rebellion know not only what has been ac
complished, but the position they actually
occupy. Why, sir, througn me wnoie norm-
ern and eastern portions of the United states
hundreds and thousands of men who have
spent a long life in procuring the means of
subsistence and comfort, and who tegarueu
themselves as rich and independent, are,
to day, in consequence of this foul treason
on the part of the southern States, candi
dates for trie poor-house. Who has caused
and produced all that suffVrniii, and who is
to atone for it? Throughout the wnoie
country you find all kinds of but-iness at an
end; yon find commerce suspended; you
find tlie doors of the manufactories closed ;
you find all handicralt work abandoned; and
you find want and famine marching over
the land. Who has produced all this?
These men of the seceding Stales who have
risen up and attempted to strike down the
Government. Now when they come to hs
and ak terms for these unholy and unright
eous acts, I am willing to say to them that
we will take your terms into consideration
when you lay down your arms and aban
don the project of a southern confederacy ;
that then we will treat with you, and not
before. The offenses have been too severe
and too great, that have been committed
upon the part of the?e oouthern secession
ist to go unpunished.
Now, sir, I do not want it understood that
I advocate what is regarded as the subjuga
tion of these men that is, that we want to
hold their country as conquered ter
ritory ; but I tell you, sir, what 1 do believe
is the duly of this great Government : it is
to send our Army there that patriotic men
may breathe in the rear of it, if they cannot
breaihe in the frontol it. Good !' -Good!'
Wherever that Army, has advanced, you
find the Union sentiment is permitted to
live and thrive and flourish. How is it in
regard to northwestern Virginia ? We find
her Representatives upon this floor to day.
To whatever point this army of occupation
ha advanced, wherever they have permit
ted the tars and stripes to be unfurled, we
have a representation in this House, and
soon will have a representation upon the
floor of the Senate. If norihweMern Virgin
ia had been under the flag of secession,
would there have been a representation
from this State in either of the two Hout-es
to-day? No sir The kind of subjiigatioti
about which I wish to speak is the subju
gation of traitors, in order that patriots may-
live, and in order that the benefits of our
laws und institutions shall prevail. If the
pentlemar. from Ohio calls that subjugation,
1 tell him I am in
favor of such saljuga-
Thk Best Jokk ot the Skasos The Bed
ford Gazelle, one of our most spiri'ed Dem
ocratic excuanges, nas tor some time had a
bitter dispute with the Inquver, of the same
town, a violent Republican paper. Week
before last, the Gazette published as a com
munication, heading it with a few introduc
tory remarks, some extracti from a speech,
delivered by President Lincoln, in Con
gress, but concealing their origin, ot course
The thing was so well done, that the Inqui
rer, with due simplicity, made a greedy
bile at the article, and next week came out
in a fierce editorial, denouncing it as "a
rank treasonable communication."
Iron Citv College The following ex
tract from a letter of one of the recent grad
uates of the Iron City College, Piitsburg,
Pa., speaks for itself:
"Evety young man who would thorough
ly prepare himself for business, should avail
himself of the advantages here afforded.
Students are not learned, but taught, and
that with all the thoroughness and precision
the subject demands, by the most skillful
and accomplished instructors, who cive
their special and constant attention to their
pupils. Every thing is treated in a scien
tific and business-like manner: while the
Penmanship, which ii taught by the great
est living master of the art, is unequaled by
anything in the country. The College is
pre eminently worthy of public patronage."
A. L. Barstress.
Several of our Democratic exchanges
published tbe Constitution of the U. S., aud
the Declaration of Independence, in their
last issue before the Fourth. The Hones
dale Herald closes a notice of them in the
following expressive words : .
"Read and defend them allowing no
man North or South no officer high or low
to trample upoti any of their provisions with
That's tbe right doctrine.
The New York Independent, a so called
religious paper, says.
Evidently there is but one path to safety
and victory one to permanent settlement,
one to the quiet or subjugation of the South
Do not fear it '. Look it boldly in the face
Account of the Victory la Virginia.
On the morning of the 12th Gen. MeClel
lan ordered four Regiments, the 8th, 10th,
13th Indiana, and the 19th Ohio, to proceed
along the line of the hilU South east of the
army's entrenched camp, on the - Beverly
Road, where it crosses Rich's Mountain, two
miles east of the enemy's position, with or
ders to advance along the Beverly road and
attack the side ot the work. Gen Mc
Clellan being prepared to assault the we3l
side as soon as the firing should announce
the commencement of the attack. The
capture of a courier, who mistook the road
through the enemy's camp, for the route ot
our trqops, placed the enemy in possession
of our movements.
When Gen. Rosencrans reached the Bev
erly road, at 2 o'clock, altera most exhaust
ing march, over the mountains, he found
the enemy posted on the opposite side of
ibe roade, about 800 strong, with two can
nons, holding a 6trong position, partially for
tified. An engagement immediately took
place, and continued for three quarters of
an hour, when the rebels were totally rout
ed, with a loss of 300, including ten officers
and tJvo cannon. About 75 killed and 75
wounded are in our hands, besides 150
The road was between two hills.
Our troops desending the steep declivity,
were greatly exposed to the fire ot trie ene
my, who occupied the opposite hill, and
poured their musketry, shot and shell, upon
them. Gen. Rosencrans' column remained
at the place ot the engagement during the
niiht. Gen. McClelian was in position
with hi9 whole force during the afternoon
ready to make the assault, but heard noth
ing .'ram the other column, except distant
firing early in the morning. He was pro
ceeding to plant his cannon upon an emi
nence commanding a portion ot the rebel
camp, and prepariug to attack the whole
nest in front, when it was ascertained that
the enemy had evacuated the place during
the night, moving towards Laurel Hill, leav
ing a lew men with their sick, and their
cannon, camp equippage, and transporta
tion. After this was ascertained a rapid march
was made by Gen. AlcClellau to Beverly,
passing Gen. Ro-encrans' command on the
road, with instructions to follow quickly.
At Beverly it was learned late iu the day,
that the rebel forces at Laurel Hill had re
treated, moving towards Romney. The
total loss of the Federal lorces is not more
than 11 killed and 35 wounded. The fore
going facts have been approved by Gen.
The following despatch from Gen Mc
Clellan was received on the 13th, at Army
Headquarters, and reads thu:
Bkverly. July 12th, 1861.
Col E. D. Townsknd. Washington, l). C.
''The success ol to-day is all that 1 could
desire. We captured six brass cannons, ol
which one is rilled, all the enemy's camp
equipage and transportation, even to his
cups. The number of tents will probably
reach twu nurtured, and more than sixty
wagons, ineir kilieu and wounded will
amount to fully one hundred and filty, with
one hundred prisoners, and more coming in
constantly. 1 kr.ow already of ten officers
killed aud several taken prisoners. Tneir
retreat is complete.
"1 occupied Beverly by a rapid march.
Garnett abandoned his camp early in the
morning, leaving much ot his equipage
He came within a lew miles ot Beverly, but
our rapid march turned him back iu great
contusion, arid he is now retreating on the
road to St. George. I have ordered Geti.
Morris to follow him up closely.
''I have telegraphed for the two Penn
sj Ivama regiments at Cumberland to join
Gen. Hill at Rowlesburg. The General is
concentrating all his troojis at Rowlesburg,
and he will cut off Garnelt's retrea: near
West Union, or, if possible, at St. George.
"1 may say that we have driven out some
ten thousand troops, strongly entrenched,
with the loss ot II killed and 35 wounded,
lhe provision returns here show that Gar
nett 6 force to have been ten thousand men.
They were Eastern Virginians, Tennessee
ans, Georgians, and, 1 think, Carol. mans.
To-morrow I can give lull details, as to
prisoners, &c.
'I trust that Gen. Cox has, by this time,
driven Wise out of the Kanawha Valley.
in that ra.-e 1 shall have accomplished the
object ol liberating Western irrmid.
"I hope the General-in-Chief will ap
prove ol my operations.
G. B. McClellak.
Maj. Gen. commacdir.g the Dept. of Ohio."
Choice Language. The following mor
sel we clip Jrorn the Pine and Palm, a news
paper published at Boston and New York,
by a pack of white and black Abolitionists :
"If freedom can only prevail through the
agency of vengeance, so be it ; if the lein
pie of Liberty can only stand securely on
the corses of slaveholders so be it : rather
let the white race be swept from the face
of the earth, than endure the perpetuity of
negro bondage. We would hesitate at no
conceivable atrocity ; we would srare nei
liter parlor or cradle, neither age nor sex
did we believe ihat they must perish in or
del that negro slavery might perish with
them V
Taxation. The Washington Pepidilicnn
the organ of President Lincoln, urges vigo
rously upon the President and the Gover
nors of the Northern Slates, the very harsh
est plan of carrying on the war, taxation.
This plan has already been adopted by our
State Administration. The people of Penn
sylvania will herafier be compelled to pay
an additional tax of $400,000 annually,
merely to pay the interest upon the Stale
debt, made since the first of March last.
Won't Fuse The editor of the Bedford
Gazette opposes a fusion of parties in that
county in tbe coming fall election. Right
The probability is that if the Republicans
were in the majority there, they would not
ask it ; but as it is they want a fusion. In
Union county where the Republicans have
a majority, they are determined to maintain
their organization and keep up parly lines.
No fusion there! How plain and transpa
rent have become the tricks and inconsis
tencies of their parly. If patriotism would
cause an abandonment of party in weak
districts, why should it not in strong ones?
Peterson's Magazine the cheapest pub
lication of the kind pxtant has came for
ward for July, heavily laden with every
thing calculated to make a Magazine popu
lar wilh the ladies. If fashion plates com
mend the attention of the feminine gender
this Magazine has it ; and if the superiority
of these plates Becure for a publication
liberal patronage this work will not
short of its competitors. Two dollars
annum, just agoin
c 1
A German writer observes that in the
United States there is such a scarcity ol
Every i-pring God works countless wonders, j
Out of a'iittle bud he brings a branch with
, , In iic - 1
leaves and flowers and From a tiny
seea ne envelopes a wnoie piaur. wun us
6ystem of roots and branches. And more j
wonderful still, we see springing into life a j
new generation of insects and birds and j
easts. "In wisdom Thou hast made
thern all.
To drive away musqoiioes, camphor is
the most powerful agent- A camphor bag
hung up in an open casement will prove ac
effectual barrier to their entrance. Cam
phorated spirits applied as perfume to the
face and hands will act as an effectual pre
ventive, but when bitten by them, aromatic
vinegar is the best antidote.
A country conple, newly married, stopped
at a hotel in Brighton, England, recently
and the groom -called for some wine.-
When atked what kind ot wine he would
have, he replied: "we want that kind of
wine where the cork pops out, and the liq
uor boils up like soapsuds. Shampaggny,
I think ye calls it."
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Demo
cratic Electors in and for the several Bor
oughs and Election Districts of Columbia
County, will meet at the respective places
ot holding said Elections on
Between the hours of 3 and 7 o;clck I M.,
of said day, for the purpose of choosing two
Delegates Irom each Election district, to
meet in COUiNTY CONVENTION, at the
Court House, in Bloomsburg on
At one o'clock P. M.. of said day, for the
nurnna if rnubtrifT 1 1-A tiatial I ) m nf rst t Ir
nominations, to besupported by the Elec-
tors of Columbia Count? at the ensuing Gen
eral Election, and for tSe transaction of oth
er business pertaining to the interests of the
Democratic party.
Richaro Stilks, J Pktkr G Campbell,
M C. Woodward, William Fkitz,
Samuel Crkasv, ) Samuel Kklcunkr,
William T. Shuman.
Dcmccnilic Standing Committee .
Om the 4th inst , by Rev. F. Ofcarhart. Mr.
Damkl R. Johnson, to Miss Charity Wkl
liver, both of Columbia county, Penna.
At Town Hill, on the 4th inst., by Rev.
E. Wadsworth, Mr. Elisiia D. Couutrioht,
to Miss Margaret P. Pottkr, both of Fair
mount, Luzerne county, Penna.
On the 7th inst., by Jackson Thomas, Mr.
Samuel Williams, of Columbia county, to
Lvuia Spkisgkr, ot Wabhingiouville, Mon
tour county, Penna.
In Briarcreek township, Columbia coun
ty, on the 8th inst., Mr-. Mart Shaffer,
wile of the late John ShaiTr, a,eJ about 75
ST. L.OU1 liOTE:ij,
IN the immedia e neighborhood of the Job
binu Houses on Market Third, and Chest
nut S:reets, the Binks, Post O.Iioe, Mer
chants' Exchange, &c, &c.
U0.4IIU li:U DAY $1.50.
Accommodation when requited on the EU
ROPEAN PLAN; Rooms lrom 50 cents
and upwards, per day, and meals at a First
Class Resturant attached to the Hotel.
Price according to the Bills of Far
lite l lty Cars take rs?u?er from any
Station To orClo-e to lhe Hotel.
-lv...i-. u v u r i e. :k
July 17,1801
Administrator's lX'otice.
Estate cf Susan Jane Cavenee. dee'd.
TVOITCE is hereby civen that letters of
" administration on the E'ate of Susan i
Jane Cavenee, late of Mount Pleasant town
ship, Columbia county, dee'd., have been
"ranted by the Register of said County lo
the undersigned, vho resides in Mourn
Pleasant township, Columbia county. All
persons having clams or den. amis ainsi
the E-tate of lhe decedent are reque-ted to
present them for settlement, and tlioe in
debted to mak payment wihou' delay.
Mount Pleasant, June 12, 1&61.
THE under-igried would inloirn hisCJ.
friends and customers and the rest ol jfpfc
mankind, that he continues to pay psrtit uiai
attention to the repairing ot watches;
weight, spring, and lever clocks ; jew
elry and everytninu belonging in his line,
and that it is at all time, and in ail case
his desire to give perfect satisfaction. He
is an "excellent" workman, nas visaed
several, and worked in three of ihe ri--t
Cities in the world. New York, Philadel
phia and the ureal City of Paris in Franco
Particular attention is paid lo re-gilding or
what is termed "i-latina."
B!oombur2, April 10, 1861.
Lack a aud Bloomsburg Railroad.
moving south.
Freight &
Pattenger. Passenger.
Leave Scranton,
6.15 A. M. 10.45 A M.
' Kingston, 7,20
" Rupert, 9,10
Danville, 9,45
1 ,00 P. M.
6 20
Arrive at North'd. 10 20
moving north.
Leave North'd.
3.50 P
4 30
4.00 A. M-
5 30
6 40
Arrive at 12.00 M:
7 05
Leave 2.15 P. M.
8 05 P.M. 4.05
Arrive at Scranton,
A Passenger Irani also leaves Kingston
at 8.15 A M. 'or Scranton, to connect with
train for New York. Returning leaves
Scranton on arrival of Tram from New
York at 4.40 P. M.
The Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail-
mad connects with the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad at Scranton,
for New York and intermediate points east.
At Rupert it connects with tbe Catawisea
Ritilroad for points both east and west.
At Northumberland it connects with the
Philadelphia and Erie R. R. and Northern
Central R. R. for poiota west and south.
JOHN P. 1LSLEY, Sup'l.
H. Pettebone, GenH Ticket Ag't.
June 5, 1861.
IJV Virtue ol a writ of Leomi Facias o me
15 tilie(.,, U(.uej ou, of lhe c..urt of
Common P:a of the county of Columbia.
Penn'a. will be exno-d :o public safe, at
,f' Cou,t H.use, m mooin-bu.g, on
TWCSllay 13llt slay Of August,
Ifco, at one o'clock in the fotenuon, the
lo;lowi(i: proper! v lo wu:
LAND, situa.e in Bfavtsr ownship, County
ol Columbia, aril Stale if r:iiis1iauia, one
of them called, 'BALBECV bounded and de
scribed as follows, lo w it: beginning at a post
thence by land of Jas. McNeals north, 12 de
crees weit, three hundred and loity peri-ties
io a cries'. nnt oak, thence by land of Wm,
Gray and Win. Sieeitman, fouih, eveoty
eight degrees west, one hundred and veven
ly tune perches to a post, thence by laud of
Jeremiah Jackson, south, twelve degrees
eaM, lour hundred and ten parches to a
post; thence by land of Richard Brook,
north sevent degrees earn, seventy three
perches to a dogwood, north, twelve de
grees west, flfieen perches to a io'; thence
north seveuty e-gni decree east, eighty two
perches to a biack oak; thence by an old
survey, north, twelve degree west, twenty
five oercltes o a hickory, and borih, thirty
two dearees es, thirty lour perches to the
place ot beginnii. 2, containing lour hundred
nd twelve acres and a halt, and allowance
of rix per cent, for toads, &c.
ANOTHER of them called 'PALMYRA,'
bfinnin; at a port, iliein-e by land of
Robert Gray, i:orth, twelve debtees west,
lour hundred and ten pt relief to a post,
ihence by land of Win. Steedman, outh,
evenly eiaht degrees wet, one hundred
and sixty perches to a poM; tltent-e by land
of John Brady, souih, twelve dyre east,
four hundre t and ten pert-ties io a post, and
thence by land of John Wild and Richard
Brook, north, evenly e'mht degree east,
one hundred and ixty sis prcli3 to th
place ot beinntnc, eontainiti" lour hundred
and one acre" miO a quarter, and allowance
of six per cent, for ron J-,
ANOTHER Jifihem called STON'K HALL,
bejinniii'i a po-t. thence by land of John
Bmdv, north, twelve decrees vvesi, two Hun
dred and sixty thre perches to a post, thence
by land ol Charles Hall, sooth sfve.ity eiht
decrees west, two hundred and t-eveniy one
perches to a chestnut; thence by laud of
datharine Lon:enberer, south, sixteen de
sreas and a quarter east, two hundred and
seventy six perches lo a s'one, and ihence
by laud of Deborah Stewart and Thomas
Brooks north, seventy eiahi degree eai,
two hundred and forty nine perches to place
ol beginiiintl, containing four hundred and
thirty eihl acrs and a halt, and allowance
ol six per cent for reads, be the same
more or less, on which is erected a stone
house, atid ahoni half an acre of which is
cleared land There is xl-o a vein of Stone
Coal opened on thi tract aud a Large Coal
Brcakrr erected ttiereoti.
ANOI'HERot thern called Farmers Delight
beginning at a po-i, thence by land of Wm.
Stedman. north, MXteen degrees and three
quarter we-t, three hundred and ten per
ches to a Soani-h oak, ihence by laud of
William Wei b, south, four debtees
wet, one hundred ami sixty two percies to
a black oak. thence by land ol Thomas Say,
south, sixteen decrees eal, tvenl perche
j lo a choluut, by land ol Chas. Hall,
j south, eijht degrees and a half, ea-t, threu
! hundred and fixty six en-hes to a poM,
i by land ol Joh'i Brady, n.irih, eveti
' ty eiuht cferees eat: o:te hundred & thirty
j parches io an a-h; north, twelve degree
! wes', eighty perches io a white oak, and
north, seventy ei;ht decrees east, sixty per
ches to the place of beginning, coiitaiiiim
lour hundred and eiiih'een acres and allow
ance of six per cent tor roads, &c.
A NO TH ER of them called TROY beginning
at a post, thence by land ol Jeren.iah Jack
son, norlh, twelve degrees wt, lour hun
dred and ten perches lo a post, thence by
land of W. P. Brady, soutrt, seventy eizht
degrees west eighty perche l' a white Oak,
I south twelve degrees eas', eighty pebes to
an ash, outh seventy eight jegrees west,
one hundred and thirty perche to a post,
degrees east, Iwo hundred and sixty three
perches to post, thence by land of Thos.
Brook, north seventy ei ii decrees east,
tweuy perches to a clie-lnii: oak, south,
twelve degrees ea-t, forty one perches to a
BUck oak thence by the sarrid and land of
John W ild. north seventy eisjn! degrees eal
one hundred and six perches to a black
oak, and north seventy eiht degrees east,
eighty petches to the place of beginning,
coTitaining four hundred and twenty riin
acres and a quarter, and allowance of six
per cent f3r roads, &c.
And the o her of them called "MAINE"
hetinniiiJ at a po-t, them e by land ol Wm.
P. 'irady. nori.i, eiht decrees and a half
west, three hundred and sixty two perches
to a chestnut tree, thence by land of Thos.
Say anil Jese Budd, south ssventy tour de
arees west, one hundred and ei-ihiy eight
perches to a post, ihence by land of Thos.
Bellas, souih titty five decrees ea-t, eighty
nine perches to a ct-ertnut oak, ihence by
the same and land of John Lmiuenberger,
outh one hutidr d and eighty perches
toache-tnui oak, ihence by land of tb
s-aid John Longeiiberaer, south seventy six
decrees and a quarter west, on hundred
and twenty four perches to a post, south,
Mxleen degr's and a quarter eat, one hun
dred and lour perches lo a rhe-Uiui Iree,
and thence by land of Jonu Ree-e, north,
seventy eight Jegrees eaM. two hU'ldred
and seventy one perches to plare of begiu
nins, containing three hundred and eighty
one acres and three quarters and allowance
of six percent, for roads &c.
eize. taken in execution and to ba sold
as the property of the Columbia Coal a id
Iron Company.
ALSO By virtue of a wtit of Fj. Fi. all
that certain tract of land, situate in Main
township, Columbia county, bounded and
described as follows, lo wii : .on the North
and West by lands of Isaac Yetter ; on the .
South and East by lands of Georae and R i
dolph Shoman, containing FIVE ACRES,
be the same mere or less, whereon are
erected a two story frame dwelling house,
two one and a halt story frame dwelling
horses, a Forge, Coal House, and other
outbuildings, with the appurtenanoes.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as lhe property of Jacob Jameon.
Bloomsburg, July 17, 1861.
Office in Court Alley ; formerly occupied by
Chailes R. Buckalew.
December 28, 1859. if.
THE undersiar.ed respectfully inform
the citizen of Columbia county and lhe
Public iu Genera), ihat he has on hand, a
laro and Sunermr duality of BARRET'S
mide of the vety best material and excel
lent style and will be sold at a low 6sure.
Farmers will rind it greatly lo their advau
tage to secure one of -the above Rake by
which tbfu- can Rake a much as tea mea
with haniTRakes.' .