The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 10, 1861, Image 1

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1 '
U. JACOB!, Proprietor.; Truth and Right God and onr Conntrj. CTwo Dollars per Annnn-
" ', " 1 ' " ' ' " ' ' '' ' ' . . . i : , ...... t
W. A. JiCOBT, .
Office on KaInSL,Jrd Square below Market.,
TERMS : Two Dollars per annum it paid ;
within six month from the time of snbscri- i
. bing : two dollars and fifty cents it not paid ,
, within the year. No subscription taken fur i
, a leas period than six months ; no discon-1
. tinuances permitted until all arrearages are
. paid, unless at the option or the editor.
Tkt ttrms oj advertising will be at follows :
One square, twelve lines, three times, 81 00
- Every subsequent insertion, ...... 25
One square, three months, ....... 3 00
One year, 8 Oo
Choice poetrtj.
It is not often that the name of Stephen
A. Douglas is connected in our minds with
literature, or anjthing outside of the fierce
contentions of the political arena, but here
.is a poetical effusion which is credited to
Bury 5 e In the Morning.
Bury me in the morning mother
- O let me have the light
Of one bright day on my grave, mother,
Ere you leave me alooe-with the niahl;
.Alone in the night of the grave, mother;
Tin a thought of terrible tear,
And you will be here alone, mother,
And stars will be bhiniug here ;
So bury roe in the morning, mother,
And let me have the light
Ol one bright day on my grave, mother,
Ere I'm alone with the night.
You tell me of the Savior's love mother,
I feel it is in my heart
Bat ob ! from this beautitul world, mother,
. Tie hard for the young to part ;
Forever to part, when here, mother.
The soul is lain to slay ;
For 'he fctave is deep and dark, mother,
And heaven seems far away.
Then bury me in the morning, mother,
. And let me have the light
Of one bright day on my grave, mother,
Ere I'm aloce with the niuht.
A Genial namorut.
The North BrituJi Review h an appreci
ative criticism of Dr. John Biown's gossip
ing book, Hot a Subteciva, the second series,
which Las just been published iu Edin
burgh. The Review says :
th doctor's prcuLUrriE3. ,
The preface to the first series oi the Horse
Subaecivse contains a very unnecessary
pologyjfor what the- author describes as
'the tendency in him ot the merely ludi
crous to iutrude, and to insist on being at
tended to and expressed." This is a very
inadequate account of a rich and penetra
ting humor, not unworthy of &o enthusiastic
an aduiirer of Charles Lamb. He has not
indeed who ever had ? the wild yet ten
det imaginative wit of Elia, so subtle and
wonderful that even Scotchmen adore him
when he is "bleating libels against their
native land.". But he has the genuine hu
mor, which, in his own words, is "the very
flavor of the spirit, its rich and Iragrant oz
tnazomi, having in its aroma something of
everything in the man, his expressed juice."
Dr. Brown's humor illustrates admirably
the definition of a thoughtful writer, whose
own wit, by the ay, was rather leathery
-Archdeacon Hare who explains humor
as a "sense of the ridiculous, softened and
meliorated by human feeling."
This is a true but hardly an adequate de
finition 1 for it fails to express how thor
oughly the humor and the feeling interpen
etrates each other.- The two elements can
not be separated by the most searching '
analysis. Nor is the result, though always
humiliating, so invariably gentle as one
-might suppose.. Dean Swift, at least, is an
illustrious example to show that some slight
infusion of gall is by do means inconsistent
with the humor ; and it might not be im
possible to name another instance almost
as striking among our great living; authors.
Bat we have quoted Archdeacon Hare
chiefly to show how broad a distinction
there is between such humor as Dr. Erowa's
and the mere tendency to be always joking,
with which he seems modestly afraid that it
may be confounded. There is a great deal
of fun in Dr. Brown; his gravely comic
power is inimitable ; but is hardly ever, as
it seems to us, the purely iudricrous, which
gives occasiou for its exercise. The incon
gruity -which moves him is that of ideas,
and cot ot words.
His descriptions, or rather characters of
dogs, for example, are really like nothing
so much, either in the result or in the mode
of treatment, as the Eilistons and the Cap
tain Jacksons of Elia. We do not put Toby
on a par with Captain Jackson ; bat the
peculiarities of his mental organization are
made known to as ia much, the same way.
Tha most impalpable niceties of- the char
acter, are seized with the same firm and del
icate touch, and brought out, one after an
other, with tha . came gradual art, till the
picture is complete. And we know noth
ing anywhere, except in Charles Lamb,
which ia the least , degree resembles the
grave fun with which the whole dog ia then
presented to us.
a sToaT or a doo '.
There are two characteristic anecdotes
which we cannot resist. Our readers must
understand that Dr. Brown, when a boy,
had trough! a shepherd's dog from Tweed
cid to Edinburgh ; V
'She came, and was at once taken to all
' our hearts eva grandmother like her; and
theegh she was often pensiVe, as" if think
ing of her inaster and her wprk oa the hills,
sha mads herself at hotse tnd behaved in
all respects like a lady. When out with
-H3, if she tz-y su2p ia tha streets of roid
and wascuriouly useful, the being so ma
king her wonderfully happy. And so her
little life went on, never doing wrong al
ways blith, and kind, and beautiful. But
some months after she came there was a
mystery about her Every Tuesday even
ing she disappeared. We tried to watch
her but in vain. She was always off by
nine P. M , and was away all night, coming
back next day wearied, and all over mud,
as if she had traveled far. She slept all
next day. This went on for some months,
and, we could make nothing of it. Poor,
deat creature, she looked at us wistfully!
when we came in, as if she would have j
told us if she could, and was especially !
fond though tired. Well, one day I was !
walking across the Grassmarket, with Wy- j
lie at my heels, when two shepherds start- '
ed, and, looking at her, one said, "That's;
her, ; that's the wonderfu' wee. hitch that;
naebody kens." I asked him what he j
meant, and he told me that for months past
she had made her appearance by the first
daylight at the "buchts," or 6heep pens," in
the cattle market, and worked incessantly, 1
and to excellent purpose, in helping the
shepherds to get their sheep and lambs in..
The men said, with a sort of transport, j
' She's a perfect meeracle flees about like ;
a speerit, and never gangs wrong wears j
but never grups, an' beats a' our dowgs. j
She's a perfect meeracle, and as too pie '
as mawkin." Then he. related how they
all knew her, and said, "There's that we
leel yin ; wee'll get them in noo." They
tried to coax her to stop and be caught, but
no; she was gentle but off; and for many a
that "we leel yin" was spoken of by those
rough fellows. She continued this amateur
work till she died, which she did ia peace."
We do not intend to quote more about
dogs; but is there not something at once
very absurd and very touching about this:
"Pack had to the end of life a simplicity
which was quite touching. One summer
day, a dog day, when all dogs found stray
ing were hauled away to the police office !
and killed off. in twenties with strychnine, I
met Puck troting along Princes street, with
a policeman, a rope round his neck; he
looking up to the fatal, official, but kindly j
countenance, in the most artful and cheerful
manner, wagging his tail and trotting along. 1
In ten minutes he would have been in the
next world ; for I am one of these who be
lieve dogs have a next world and why not! .
r-ha m a
1'uck ended ins days as the be&t dog in
Roxburgshire. Fltcide quiexas."
, Perhaps we could find nowhere a mora
quiet and graceful picture, without any ex
aggeration or straining for effect, than the
touching and beautiful character of "Uncle
Ebenezer," the well-known pastor at In
verkeiihing. It is Utile to say that such
things as this give a truer insight into the
life and nature of a certain class of Scotch
divines than any amount of lives and church
histories. .
"Uncle Ebenezer flowed per saltum; he
was always good and sainty, but he was
great once a week. Six days he brooded
over his message, was silent, withdrawn,
self-involved. On the Sabbath, that down
cast, almost timid man, who 6hunned men,
the instant he was in the pulpit stood up a
son of thunder. Such a voice ! such a pier
cing eye! sucn an inevitable forefinger,
held out trembling with the terrors of the
Lord ! such a power of asking questions,
and letting them tall deep into the hearts of
his hearers, and then answering them him
self with an "Ah sirs !" that thrilled and
quivered from him to them. .
Nothing was more beautiful than my lath
er's admiration and emotion when listening
to his uncle's rapt passages, or than his
childlike faith in my father's exegetical
prowresa. He used to have a list of diffi
cult passages ready for "my nephew;" and
the moment the oracle gave decision, the
old man asked him to repeat it, and then
took a permanent note of it, and would
assuredly preach it some day with his own
proper unction and power. One story of
him I most give. Uncle Ebenezer,
with all his mildness and complaisance,
was, like most of the Browns, tenax proposi
ti, firm to obstinacy.
He had established a week day sermon
at the North Ferry, about two miles from
his own town, Inverkeithing. It was, I
think, on the Tuesdays. It was winter, and
a wild, drifting and dangerous day; his
daughters his wife was dead besought
him not to go , he smiled vaguely, but con
tinued getting into his big coat. Nothing
would stay him, and away he and the pony
fctumbleti through the dumb and blinding
snow. He was half way on bis journey,
and had got out the sermon he was going
to preach, and was utterly insensible to the
outward storm ; bis pony getting his feet
balled, staggared about, and at last upset the
master and himself into the ditch at the
roadside. The feeble, . heedless, rapt old
man might have perished there, had not
some- carters, bringing up whisky casks
from the ferry, seen the catastrophe and
rushed up. Raising him and duXing him
with much commisseration and bis nt speech:
"Pctrauld man, what brach ye here iu sic
a day " There they were, a totigh .crew,
surrounding the saintly, man, some putting
on his hat. sorting and cheering : him, and
others knocking the bails ofl the pony's feet
and etcfSsg them with grease.
Ha was most polite and grateful ; and one
of these cordial ruans baring pierced a
cask, brough him a hornof whisky,' and
said, "Taka that it'll hearten ye.", He took
. ' -- ' .-"-
let us give thanks;" and there, by the
roadside, in drift and storm with these wild
fellows, he asked & blessing on it, and for
his kind deliverers, and took a tasting of
the horn. The men cried like children.
They lifted him on his pony, one going
with him; and when the rest arrived in In
verkeithing they repeated the story toevery
body, and broke down in tears whenever
they came to the blessing.' "And to think
o' askin' a blessin on a tass o' whisky.'
"Next presbytery day, after the ordinary
business was over, he rose up he seldom
poke an said: "Moderator, I have some
thing personal to myself to day. ( have
often said that real kindnecs belongs only
to true Christians, but' and then he told
the story of these men 'but more true
kindness '1 have never experienced than
from thece lads. They may have had the
grace of God I don't know; but I never
mean again to be so positive in speaking
of this matter."
Had Anthony Wayne.
From the inscription on a monument in
Radnor churchyard (St. David:s Episcopal
church,) we learn that-"Major General An
thony Wayne was born in Chester county,
Pennsylvania, in 1745. After a life of hon
or and usefulness, he died in December,
1796, at Erie- Pennsylvania, then a milita
ry post on Lake Erie, commander-in-chief
of the United States. His military achieve
ments are consecrated in the history of his
country and in the hearts of his countrymen.
His remains are here deposited." The
above is on the north side of the monument.
On the south is inscribed: "In honor of
the distinguished military services of Major
General Anthony Wayne, and as an affec
tionate tribute of respect to his memory,
this stone was erected by his conferers in
arms, the Tennyslvania State Society of
Cincinnati, July 4th, 1809, thirtyWojrth an
niversary of the Independence of the Uni
ted States of America, an event which con
stitutes the most appropriate eulogiam of
an American soldier." It may not be gen
erally known that the remains of Anthony
Wayne were first interred near the block
house, which now stands on the high bluff
which commands the entrance to the har
bor ot Erie, they lay there until 1$00, when
his 6on went on from Chester county, Pa,
to Erie,in a sulky (a two wheeled carriage)
and removed them to their final resting
place On arriving at Erie, he employed
"Od Doctor Wallace," so called to distin
guish him from the present Dr. Wallace, to
take op his fathers remains, pack the bones
in as small a space as possible, and lash
them on to the hind pan of the sulky.
Doctor Wallace took up the remains, and '
found them in a perfect state of preserva
tion, except one foot. He had been buried
in full uniform, and the boot of the decayed
fool remained sound ; and a man by the
name of Duncan had a mate to it, and wore
them out. -Duncan's foot, like the General's
was very large. Dr. Wallace cut and boil
ed all the flesh off the bone, packed them
in a box, lashed them on to the carriage,
and they were brought and deposited be
side the rest of his family, in the above
named churchyard. I visited Gen. Wayne's
old residsnce in the summer ol 1857, and
found everything as he had left it. The
house is an elegant old two story mansion,
now occupied by bis grandson. The par
lors and sitting room, they informed me,
were as in the days of the General himself.
There are portraits and engraving of the men
of the Revolution, hanging on the walls, as
they were when appointed to the command
of the western army, on the 3rd of April,
Around the house and over the farm, the
fences and buildings are in good condition,
yet they assured me it is about as he left it.
Everything appeared as though it had be
longed to .a gentlemen of the old school a
race said to be now extinct. The premises
looked, and I felt as though the old hero,
'whose very name was once a terror to the
murderous red man.might ba expected back
in an hour or so, and a dreamy impression
seemed to steal over me that if I waited a
little 1 should see him. I should like much
to have questioned him about Three Rivers
and Biandy wine, and Germantown, and
Monmouth, and Stony Point, Yorktown and
the Indians, and how Erie appeared when
she was only a year old. Aud I seemed to
hold my breath and listen, is many an old
Indian had done, for his footsteps and his
fearful oaths ; yet he didn't come, and
after a little, I passed on some three miles
to his resting place.
The Boston Traveller receites the follow
ing story, told by one of the Neve Ybtk Sev
enth Regiment :
"While in Maryland I waadered off one
day and came to a (arm-house, where I saw
a party of Rhode Island boys talking with a
woman who was greatly heightened. They
tried io vain to quiet her apprehensions.
They asked for food, and sha cried, 'O, take
all I have, take everything, but spare my
sick husband." 40,' said one of the men,
'we ain't going to hurt you ; we want some
thing to eat.' But the woman persisted in
being freigbtened in spite of all efforts to
reassure her, and hurried whatever food sha
had on the. table When, however, she
saw this company stand about the table
wiifi bared hands, and a tall gaunt man raise
his hand and invoke God's blessing on the
bounties spread before them, the poor wom
an broke down with a fit ol sobbing and
crying. She had no longer any fears, but
bade them wait, and in a few moments had
made hot coffee in abundance. She then
emptied their canteens of the mudy water
they contained and railed them with coffee
list B ??Of! n tlw,-';' " J"" "'oas
A Turkish Bath.
"The Improved Turkish Bath," as exem
plified and represented by the one at St.
Ann's Hill,consists of three chambers. The
fint, or "Divan" (the apodytherium of :h
ancient Romans) is a large, well ventilated
room, furnished with sofas and couches.
Here the bather divests himself of his
clothes, and puts on a light bathing-dress
and wooden slippers, and passes on to the
second (the caliderium of the Romans) ;
this room is furnished with marble slabs,
and mattresses, and (in the centre) a large
marble seat or ottoman, so that the bathers
can recline or sit, as they please. The light
is partially dimmed by frosteJ and colored
glass, which tends to produce a tranquili
zing, dreamy state of mind, favorable to the
equalization of the circulation. This room
is heateJ to ll2 deg. (and here it may
be remarked once for all, that from the ap
proximate dryness of the atmosphere, and
complete system of ventilation, the air of
this and the next the ''hottest" room is
respired with perfect ease by the most deli
cate and nervous person-). Here the bath
er remains until perspiration is fully induc
ed, and not till then shoulJ the third room
be entered. The time requiste varies de
pending mostly on the state of the 6kin
from ten to thirty minutes.;
The third chamber (the laconinm of the
Romans) isalso furnished with marble slabs,
upon which are placed light frames of
wood, as protection against the heat of the
marble. The temperature of this chamber
is 140 deg. to 150 deg.
It is here the process of "shampooing"
(if desired) is performed. It ia a process
which has so often been described, that it
is unnecessary to enter into that subject at
present, beyond stating that a modification
of the Eastern system is found to assist in
removing impurities from the pores of the
skin, while it calls into activity (as in the
"Swedish Movement System") sinews and
muscles often left inert, and the benefits of
friction to the body in most cases is gener
ally admitted. After prespiration has com
menced,co!d wilermay be drank with great
advantas;. Under the increasd tempera
ture of the skin is brought into full action,
and no material rise is observable in the
Contiguous to this chamber are rcesses
btvnrium tcpidarium of the Romans) contain
ing fountains and simple apperalus, so ar
ranged that the hot and cold water may be
mixed to any temperature required and
here "douching" or washing process take
place : after this refreshing operation the
bather returns to the third hottest room)
chamber for a minute or so to insure perfect
reaction, and then proceeds to the first room
(divine) and remains on a sofa or couch,
only partially enveloped in his sheet, to en"
joy the tonic influence of the pure atmos
phere. After remaining from fifteen to
twenty minutes he resumesliis garments,
and experiences an elasticity of mind and
body, and a feeling of invigoration which
proves to him that the bath is as beneficial
as delectable.
It ie hardly necessary to remark that the
above description of the "bath-talking"
refers to the ordinary bather; in caes of
some pal.ents the mode is varied, in minor
respects, according to the condition of the
or the directions ot ineir medical advisers
Many persons pass from the third chamber
to the cold "plunge bath." or use the "cold
With reference to the effect of what may
be called extreme heat on human beings, it
may be stated that at the Patent Slate En
ameling Establishment near London, the
workman sustain a temperature of 200 deg.
to 300 deg., for six hours daily, not only
without inconvenience, but with positive
advantage to health, the men being report
ed "free from bodily ailments." That ex
posure to a high temperature is not debit
iating, may be father demonstrated by ref
erence to the sharnpooers in the Turkish
baths of Constantinople, who are, according
to Mr. Urquhurt's inquiries, a peculiarly
healthy clans. They enter the bath at the
age of eight, and enjoy long life. And the
porters, who carry weights beyond the usu
al of those in this country, use the bath as a
"refreshment," and resume their work "be
ter men." The attendants of Dr. Barter's
establishment are employed for six hours
every day, and some have been so employ
ed for six hours every day, and some have
been so employed for more than a year,
not with diminished, but with increased
health and strengh.
It is propable that some may tay, "in a
country such as America, or at least New
York, the time could not be spared which
requires;" but, even assuming that there is
a necessity for the hurry -skurry which of
ten prevails among men of business when
the merchants and traders (often dyspep
tic) find the advantages which the bath
would produce on the fatigued bodies and
over-worked brains, they would make time
for an occasional bath. In the great mtnu
factoring towns of England, like Manches
ter and Bradford, etc, the working classes
frequent the baths in numbers, and the ef
fects hava been found practically to aid the
endeavors of that class of philanthropist,
(which in this country ought, and no doubt
will, advocate the construction of these
baths) namely, the Promoters of Temper
ance. Waler-Curt Journal.
; An Irishman remarked to his companion
on observing a lady pass, "Pat did you ev
er sea a woman so thin as that before V
"Thin," replied the other, "botheration.
O ! Columbia the gem of the ocean,
The land of the brave, and the free;
The shrine of each patriots devotion,
A World offers homage to thee; '
Thy mandates make Heroes assemble,
When liberty's form stands in view,
Thy banners make tyranny tremble,
When borne by the read white and blue.
When borne by the red, white and bine,
When borne by the red, white and blue,
Thy banners make tyranny tremble,
When borne by the red, white and blue.
When war winged its wide desolation,
And threatened the land to deform,
The ark then of freedom's foundation,
Columbia rode safs thro' the storm ;
With her garland's of victory around her,
When so proudly she bore her brave crew,
With her flag proudly floating before her,
The boast of the red, white and bine,
The boast of the red, white and blue,
The boast of the red white and blue.
With her flas proudly floating before her,
The boas; of the red, White and blue.
The wine cop, the wine cup, bring hither,
And fill ye it true to the brim ;
May the memory of Washington ne'r wither
Nor the star of his glory grow dim.
May the service united ne'er sever.
But they to their colors prove true,
The Navy and Army for ever,
Three cheers for the red, white and blue,
Three cheers for the red. white and blue,
Thre cheers for the red, while and blue,
The Navy and Army forever,
Three cheers lor the red, white and blue.
Waterloo After the Battle.
Oa the surface of two 'square miles, jl
was ascertained that fifty thousand men
and horses were dying! The luxurious
crop of ripe grain which had covered the
field of battle, was reduced to litter and
beaten into the earth, and the surface trod
den down by the cavalry and furrowed
deepjy by the cannon wheels, strewed with
many a relic of the fight. Helmets and
cuirasses, shattered fire-arms and broken
swords ; ail the varieties of military orna
ments, lancer caps and Highland bonnets;
uniforms of every color, plumes and pen
non ; musical instruments, the apparatus
of artillery, drums, bugles, but good God !
why dwell on the harroving picture of a
foaghteo field ? each and every ruinous
display bore mute testimony to the misery
of such a battle. Could the melancholy
appearance of this scene of death be height
ened, it wonld be h witnessing the re
searches of the living, amid its desolation,
for the objects of their love. Mothers and
wives and children for days were occupied
in that mournful duty ; and the confusion of
j the corpses friend and foe intermingled as
4 they were often rendered the attempt at
recognizing individuals difficult, and some
times impossible.
In many places the dead lay four feet
deep upon each other, marking the spot
some Britifh square had occupied, exposed
for hours to the murderous fire of a. French
battery. Outside laicer and cuirassiet were
scattered on the earth. Madly attempting
to force the serried bayonet of the British,
they had fallen n bootless essay by the
musketry of the inner files. Further on
you trace the spot where the cavalry of
France and England had encountered ;
chasseur and huzzar were intermingled ;
and the heavy Norman horses of the Impe
rial Guards were interspersed with the gay
charges which had carried Albion's chiv
alry. Here the Highlander and Tiralleur
lay side by side together ; and the heavy
dragoon, with green Erin's badge upon his
helmet, was grappling in death with the
Polish lancer. On the summit of the ridge,
where the ground was enmbered with the
dead and trodden fetlock deep in the mud
and gore by the frequent rucb of rival cav
alry, the thick strewn corpses of the Impe
rial Guards peinted out the spot where Na
poleon had been defeated. Here, in col
umn, the favored corps, on whom his lat
chances rested, had been annihilated , and
the advance and repulre of the guard was
traceable to a mass of fallen Frenchmen.
In the hollow below, the last struggle of
France had been vainly made; for there
the Old Guard attempted to meet the Brit
ish and afford time to their disorganized
companies to rally.
Wwat Makes a Good Editor 1 A good
editor, a competent newspaper conductor, is
like a general or poet born, not made.
Exercise and experience give facility, but
the qualification is innate, or it is never
manifested. On the London daily papers,
all the historians, novelists, poets, eoeayi.Ms
and writers have been tried, and nearly all
have failed. We might say all; for after a
display of brilliancy, brief and grand, they
died out, literally. Their resources were
exhausted. "I can," said the late editor of
the Times, to Moore, "find any number of
men of genius to write for me, but very sel
dom one man of common sense." Nearly
all successful editors have been men of this
description. Campbell, Caryle, Bulger and
Disraeli failed: Barnes, Stirling, Philips,
succeeded ; and Delane and Lowe succeed
ed. A good editor seldom writes for his
paper: he reads, judges, selects, dictates,
directs, alters and combines ; and to do this
well be has but little time for composition.
To write for a paper is one thing to edit a
paper, another. Exchange.
Poute Children. A writer in the Illus
trated London Times says that "American
children are much handsomer than English
children and much more polite. They
hava greater confidence in their parents,
which is the result of freedom of-intercourse."
We believe this to be strictly
true although most Americans are always
raisJnsjh ej n it?r jrJLF.fv? :UH-& uu.4 .
lion Old Hickory Imprisoned the Judge.
Soon after General Jackson arrived in
New Orleans, in the latter part of the year
1814, he placed that city, and the whole
district within his lines, under martial law.
This was considered a wise, and even a
necessary precaution, and was zealously
submitted to by the patriotic portion of the
population. After the great battle of the
8th of January, 1815, in which the British
were so totally routed, the malccntents of
the city began to murmur at the mainte
nance of martial law, declaring that as the
British had fled, and there was no danger
from any foe, the continuance of the mili
tary regime was downright tyranny Old
Hickory paid ro attention to these mur
murs, but went on his iron way, with an
eye single to the safety of his country. But
soon news came, vague snd unauthentic,
that peace had been declared, and then the
murmurs of the malcontents became fre
quent and loud. The Freoch portion of the
population were especially clamorous, and
finally they began to get certificates of
French citizenship from the French Con
sul, hoping thereby to be able to set Old
Hickory at defiance. But they mistook
their man. As soon as the old hero learned
what they were about he ordered them and
their Consul to leave New Orleans within
three days, and not to come nearer than
one hundred and twenty miles of the city
until peace should be officially announced.
He at the same time took judicious notice
of the rumors of peace, and hinting that
they might have been circulated by the en
emy for the purpose of throwing him off his
guard he assured his army and the inhabi
tants that the fruits of their glorious victory
should not be snatched from them by rea
son of any lack of vigilance on his part.and
that, until he received official notification
from his government that peace had been
declared, he should maintain within his
lines the mod inflexible discipline.
This proclamation produced a prodigious
excitement. A Frenchman named Louail
Ier, who was a member of the legislature,
published in one of the city papers a defi
ant commentary upon it, and declared, in
substance, that the French citizens would
not obey such a tyrannical order. The Gen
eral at once had the editor of the naner
m a
brought before him, and demanded the
name of the author of the "mutinous ani
cle." The editor gave the authors
name ; and a few minutes afterwards, Lon
ailler was tapped on the shoulder, as he
was promenading the street, by a sergeant
at the hea l of a file of soldiers,and informed
that he was "my prisoner." He protested
against the arrest, engaged a lawyer on the
spot, named Morrill, to take charge of h's
case, and was marched off to prison. Mor
ill at once applied to the United States
Jude, named Dominick Hall, for a writ of
haheai corpus. The Jude granted the writ;
but when the official went to serve it on the
General, he seized it, kept posession of it
"as evidence against the Jude," gave the
officer a certified copy, and at once issued
an order for the "arrest of Dominick Hall,
on a charge of aiding to excite mutiny in
the camp" "Be careful to permit no es
capes." wrote the General to the officer de
tailed to arrest the Judge, "as the emmissa
ries of the enemy are more numerons than
we suspected." Rather a hard hit, that, for
the United States Jnde. Old Hickory's
pen was sometimes sharper than his sword.
Judge Hall was speedily arrested, and
imprisoned along with his friend Louailler,
where they could talk over the matter at
their leisure. Bat in a short time, the Gen
eral had the Judge escorted beyond hi
line, and set at liberty, with a command
not to come within the lines until peace
should be officially declared. Not long af
terward peace was officially declared, and
then the General, in an eloquent and heart
stirring proclamation, disbanded his heroic
army, permitted the civil power to resume
its legitimate sway, and released all prison
ers confined for disobedience to military
Judge Hall returned to the city and deter
mined to have his revenue. He soon had
the General served with an order to show
cause why he should not be attached for
contempt of court, &c , kc. On the day of
the return, the General, in citizen's dress,
and accompanied by the renowned Ldward
t Livingston as his counsel, went to the
court-room, which was packed with an ea
gre multitude, anxious to get a glimpse of
the "old hero." As soon as his tall and
majestic form was seen, the audience burst
into such a tempest of enthusiasm that the
Judge, not knowing what the excited throng
might do, gave orders to adjourn the court.
But the General entertained different views.
Springing upon his feat, be waved his arm,
and at once a silenct as of the grave per
vaded the bushed multitude. Then, in a
few words, he remained the audience where
they were, and besought every man who
was a friend to him, to behave with the de
corum due to the place and the occasion.
Then turning to the scared Judge, he said,
"The same arm that protected this city
from the invader will a'so protest ibis court
in the discharge ol its duty, or perish in the
attempt." So, under the protection ol the
General, the court went on.
The Judge refused, on technical grounds,
to hear Livingston's argument in favor of
the General's course, and ordered the at
tachment to issue. On the return day of
the attachment, the Judge pronounced nine
teen interrogateries, which the General de-
the decision of the court. The Judge then
fined him one thousand dollars, for which
amount the General at once drew his check
oo a city bank, and thus the matter was for
the time ended. But twenty seven years
afterwards, A D. 1842, the Congress of the
United Slates voted to refund to Generet
Jackson that S1C00, with interest to date
amounting to some 1 2700, and the money
was paid over to the old man, amid the
plaudits of the nation. And thereby Con
gress and the people set their seal ot appro
bation upon the old hero's conduct, and
gave judges notice to beware how in criti
cal emergencies ihey interfere with com
manders called into the field to defend the
honor and the safely of the country. tf. Y.
h a Great Battle at Band Sear Washington.
To persons unacquainted with the science
of war, it may appear strange that the two
contending armies now in the field, in sight
of each other, do not immediately come in
to collision ; and no doubt many have come
to the conclusion that there will be no great
battle atier all. That is a very unsafe con
clusion. It is evident that the geoerals on
either side are maneuvering in order ta
obtain some important point which would
throw the chances of victory in favor of tha
army which had gained the vantage ground.
The risk of a general bat le with so many
troops is immense, and neither 6ide seems
willing to take the initiative at a disadvan
tage, though either would gladly give fiht
on their own ground-
The responsibility is great, and the gen
erals are naturally cautious. Davis, it ap
pears to us. is too much so for success.
He seems to have lost his opportunity. In
revolution and in war the assailing party,
are, Jorthe most part, animated with great
er courage and fight better than the party .
who remain on the defensive. Napoleon
never waited to be attacked.
That there will be a great battle, nowever
there seems to be no reasonable doubt.
When General Scott is ready he will make
such an attack as will prove successful.
At present be is outnumbered by the ene
my ; but will not long be the case There
is only one thing van prevent a battle, and
that is that the rebel generals lay down their
arms and submit the questions at issue to
the arbitration of the people, or their repre
sentatives to the United States Congress, or
to a convention of the people of all tha
States. By adopting this course they may
save their necks from the halter, and the
country from the effusion of blood. But if
they will persist in settJng the question by
the arbitrament of the sword, then they must
perish by the sword. The integrity of the
Union must be maintained at all hazards
But General Scott, secure within his en
trenchments, at Washington, as was th
Duke of Wellington wiihio his famous lines
of Torres Vedras, will run no risk. Xtv
Yotk Herald. .
Privates. Savawnah When the priva
teer Savannah was at the dock in Charles
ton, just previous to her departure, the citi
zens and a detachment of the fair sex visi
ted her. The Captain addressed the assem
bly, expressing his intention of captnrins
the Minnesota, and dispersing other vessels
which hover about the harbor. These sen
timents were received with enthusiasm.
Large qnantities of wine were placed on
board, some of which was immediately ns
ed, but the greater portion stowed away in
the locker, to be used as occasion deman
ded. After seizing, the merchant veesel
and disposing of her, the Savannah sailed
lor the Perry, which purposely sailed away
from her, but suddenly tacked, got to fcer
windward and opened her port holes. Then
the Savannah saw her mistake, and took to
her heels. The Perry followed in fullchasa
throwing several shot, to which the priva
teer paid no attention. At last a heavy
shell was thrown, which burst just over the
vessel, striking consternation in the hearts
of the bold privateers.
In a moment nearly every man of them
went below and lound solace in the wines
furnishes them by their Charleston friend,
and when the Perry captured the vesel
j nearly all of them were intoxicated. They
. knew enough, however, ol their perilous
J situation to give the most abject signs of
Persons who practice deceit at,d artifice
always deceive themselves more, than ihey
decive others. They may feel great com
placncy in view of the success of their
doings; but they are inrealtty casting a tnit
before their owu eyes. Such persons not
only make a false estimate of their own
character; but they estimate falsely the
opinions and conduct of others. No person
is obliged to tell all he thinks ; but both du
ty and self interst forbid himever to maka
false pretences.
If you love others ; they will love yon.
If you S eak kindly to them they will speak
kindly to you. Love isjrepaid with love and
hatred with haired. Would you "hear a
weet and pleasing echo, speak sweetly acd
pleasantly yoarseit.
A young missof Belfast, Me., whose ac
quirements are rather beyond her four sum
mers, was a few days siuce tepeating tha
catachism at her mothers, knee. In re
sponse to the quest ion.Wbat did God create?
shejfsaid: "The earth, the sun, tha moon,
theratars and stripes