STAR OF THE NORTH, BLOOMS BURG, PA. Wednesday Sornln, Jnac 19, 1SSI. Plcntt or tickets printed at this office (or the special election. Om Sabbath ho bm no last, we were visi ted by pleasant littlethower which laid the dost pretty completely. - Dom't forget the special election for Con gressman on Saturday next- Let there be a pretty general turn out ' M. C. Woodward baa been appointed Collector of Coonty and State Taxes of this township. Good appointment. John G. Jacoby, has received the dupli. cate of Scott township for the collection of State and county taxes. Thc grass and grain in this section looks well. It has improved greatly within the last two weeks. Scycral of our citizens Judge Rupert, L. L. Tate, and D. L. M 'Kinney are absent this week, attending Circuit Court at Wil Jiamsport. Wi koticb in the ltLsV,Montour American that Wiibor G. Brower, son of Dr. Brow er, has assumed the control of the local de partment of that paper. It is edited with some considerable tact and ability. Suc cess to Will. Robxrt F. Clark, Eq, Dr. J. Ramsey, and Hurt Hartmak, all of this place, who were on a visit to Washington city, have returned home, and report things to present a war-like appearance in and about that city. Tbkrc will be a meeting in the Court House on Saturday evening next, according to adjournment of our last meeting A fourth of July meeting. All turn out, and show your pood will towards the getting up of a grand national celebration. Mrs. Unaxgst has our kind remembrances for those fine strawberries sent us a few lays since. They were larger than any we Lave seen this season. , Our citizens pretty -generally are beginning cultivate this val uable luxury. Only a few years ago there were not any raided in this place. At tha lown ol Cattawissa, we are told, large quan tities are being raised by a person engaged In the nursery business. They are for sale in this market at a shilling a quart. . Thk Ripcblicah is in error wnen it states that the Conferees from this county with drew from the Conference. It happened to be our lot to be a Conferee from this coun ty, and we would state that we did not, or ven attempt to withdraw from the Confer 3 nee. As to onr colleague we have noth ing to 6ay. For our part, we never with draw from Democratic Conferences, and the Republican, will do ns the kindness to correct the error it has made in this matter. Tbc Democratic delegate election on last Saturday, in this borough, was a one-sided affair. The friends of Col. Wright carried the North Ward cnanimons!y,and the Sooth Ward by a vote of 87 to 17 ! The Conven tion, on Monday, was nearly unanimous for the Colonel, and the resolutions passed were strongly in favor of the Union, and pledging support to the Administration in all its war measures. Danville Democrat. Wi are pleased to learn that the Danville Bank bas taken SlO-000 or the thirty million State loan. Peter Baldy, Esq., has also .furnished S5.000, and William G. Hurley, Esq , of Bloomsburg, SI. 000 for the same laudable purpose. If other counties and the cities have done as well in proportion at least three times the amount required will have been offered. LinviVe Democrat. Serious Accidekt. We learn, from a re 'liable source, that a horse and wagon was run over at the crossing of the Cattawissa Railroad, at McKelvy's Mills, near CatiwU ffa, this county, on Saturday last. Mr. Ja--cob Yeager, a merchant at Slabtown, and a son of Charles Strauseir, of Catawissa, were badly i reared ; they wore thrown a distance of thirty feet in the Cattle Guard. The young man's head was badly cut, and oth erwise injured. The wagon was ground up fine enough for kindling-wood. . The cause of the accident was that the Wild Cat train was backing down the road, and the tender of the engine coming towards Yeagr, he thought it was going from him, hence the accident. How the horse fared we did not learn, but presume the animal escaped with less injary than t he men. , Scpport Your Local Preps. The local press is emphatically the representative nd the exponent of local interests, wants and withes of each community and on its energy and watchfulness the community must mainly rely. Each community should first see that its local press is put upon a firm and substantial footing, which can enly be done by a steady and liberal pat ronage. ' A people commit no greater error than &al cf permitting their local press to lan guiah by reason of an inadequate support. Never say that your home paper is small and not worth taking, give it the support to which it is entitled and it will be enlarged and improved, so as to meet the fall expec tations and wants of the community in which it Is located. We believe that pub lishers are generally liberal in responding to a liberal patronage by the improvement cf their papers, as an appreciation of such liberality. ' ' II a man is able to take bet one paper, that should ba the one published nearest to his place cf residence,, and the next should be one published at the commercial me tropolis of h'i3 own S;.a!e. For local and State interest,' he will have rendered 'hire self et.'a to ccr 2it bis taste as to the paper ha will Utti on for anu-ssscal or additional irm a: Sheriff's Proclamation I FOR THE SPECIAL CONGRESSIONAL 1 ELECTION. VyHEREAS, by the Laws of this Cora- mon wealth, it is made 'the duty of the Sheriff of every County to give notice of the General and Special elections by publication in one or more newspapers of the county, at least twenty days before the election," and to enumerate therein "the officers to be elected," and to designate the place at which the election is to be held," Therefore, I, JOHN SNYDER, High Sher iff of Columbia county, do hereby make known and proclaim chat, in pursuance of a Writ, issued by A. G. Cortin, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bearing date (he 28ih day of May, A. D , 1661, and to me directed, as follows, to wit: PENNSYLVANIA, SS; In the name and by the au thority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Governor of said Com'weahh, To John Snyder, Sheriff ot Columbia Co.. SENDS GREETING: Whereas a vacancy has happened in the representation of this Slate in the House of Representative of the United Stales, in consequence of the death of GEORGE W.SCRANTON, Esquire elected a member of the thirty seventh Congress from the Twelfth Congressional District composed of the Counties of Montour, Columbia, Luzerne, and Wyoming Now therefore in pursuance of the pro visions ir. such case made hy the Constitu tion of the United States and of an act of the General Assembly of this Slate passed the second day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I, A. G Cur tin, being vesied with the Executive auth ority of the State of Pennsylvania have issued this writ hereby commanding you the said John Snyder to bold an election in the said Co. of Columbia. on SATURDAY, THE TWENTY SECOND DAY OF JUNE, one thousand eis;ht hur.died and sixty one for choosing a Representative of this Com monwealth in the House of Representatives cf the United Suites, to fill the vacancy which lias happened as aforesaid, and yon are bereby required and enjoined to hold and conduct the said election and make a return thereof in manner and fotm as by law is directed and required, Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this 28ib day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty one and of the Commonwealth the eigly fifth. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR. Therefore, 1 the said JOHN SNYDER, High Sheriff of Columbia county, aforeaaid do hereby proclaim to the qualified Elec tors of Columbia county, that a special election will be held throughout said co, ON SATURDAY THE 22d DAY of JUNE, 1861, at the several election -districts within the county to wit: Bauton township, at tha House formerly occupied by Ezektel Cols. Beaver township, at the house of Frank . L. Shuman. Bloom twp., at the Court House, Blooms bur. Briarcreek township, at the School house near Evaneville. Bor. of Berwick, at the Town House, in Berwick. Cattawissa township, at the honseofS. Kostenbader, Cattawissa. Centre towns'p, at lh3 bouse of Jeremiah Hess, deceased. Conyngham township, at the house of Reuben R. Wasser. Fishingcreek township, at the house of George W. Hoffman. Frar.klin townp. Clayton's School house. Greenwood township, at the house of J. R. Patlon. Hemlock township, at the Bock Horn. Jackson townp., at the bouse of Ezekiel Cole. Locust township, at the house of John L. Huist, Slabtown. . Minim township, at the house ol J. Keller. Madison township, at the house ot Sain'I Rimby. Mt. Pleasaut twwnp., at the house now occupied by J. F. Deiterick. Montour township, at the house of John Richards now occupied by Wm. Holliugs head. Main township, at the house of I. Yetter. Roaringcreek township, at the house for erly occupied by G. VV. Dreisbach. Orange township, at the house of Alex. Hughes, Oraugevilie. Pine township, at the house of Albert Hunter. Sugarloaf townp., at the house of Alinas Cole. Scott township at the bouse of E. Howell in Espy. It is further directed that the election of the said several districts shall be opened between the hours ol 8 and 10 o'clock in the forenoon and shall continue open with out interruption or adjournment, until 7 o'clock in the evening, hen the polls shall be closed. The officers elected this spring to serve at the special election. The officer to be elected at the time and places aforesaid, is: A MEMBER OF CONGRESS. It is further directed that the meetings of the return judges will be held at the Court House in bloomsburg on Tuesday, the 25lb of June, to make out the election returns. The Congressional return judges of the Twelfth District composed of the counties of Columbia, Luzerne, Montour and Wyo ming, will meet at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 29th day of June, to make out returns for member of Congress. And in and by the said act I am further directed to give notice that ever person, excepting justices of the Peace, who shall bold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United Slates, cr of this Stale, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commis sioned officers or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employ ed under the legislative, or executive, of judicary department of this State, or of any incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress, and of the select of common council ol anycity, commissioners of any incorporated district, is, bylaw, in capable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of Ibis Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or any such election shall be eligible to any office than to be voted for. Given under my hand and seal, at my office iu Bloomsburg, this first day of June A D., one thousand eight hundred and six ty one. JOHN SNYDER, Bloomsburg June 1, 1861. Sheriff. "INHERE AS, my wife, Anna Maria Sti-" ner, lately left my house, and bed and board without my knowledge, and against my wish, and is continuing to ab sent herself therefrom. All persons are hereby notified not to trust the said Anna Maria on my account, as I will not pay any debts cf her contraction. JOHN STINER. Bloomsbarg, May 22, 1861. Clanks of all Hinds fcr eale at the Star cf the Nortk Onlce. LIST OF- DEALERS. "kF Goods, Wares and Merchandise, &c, and Distillers, Brewers, Eating House Keepers, within the county of Columbia, returned and classified in accordance with the several acts of Assembly, by the Ap praiser of Mercantile Taxes of said county as follows, to wit : BLOOM TWP. CLASS. McKelvv, Neal & Co., 8 LICENSE. 530 00 30 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 GO 10 00 Bloomsburg Iron Co., Lloyd T. Sharpless, H. C. & 1. W. Hartman, Ephraim P. Lutz, John R. Moyer, A. J. Sloan, George M. Hagenbuch, David Stroup, Klias Mendenball, Philip S. Moyer, Stoves, Oliver A. Jacoby, Joseph VV. Heodershot, David Lowenberg, Wm. B Drake, A. M. Rupert, Stoves, B. Siohner & Co., S. H. Miller & Ever, Simon C. Shive. - 8 13 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Joseph Sharpless, Foundry, 14 Miss Amelia D. Webb, 14. John R. Girton, Jeremiah J. Brower, Palemon John, Lloyd Paxton, Berwick, Jack'on & Woodin, 14 14 14 14 13 10 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 do do Foundry, 14 Bowman & Owen, 11 Reuben H. Nicely, 14 Abraham Miller, 11 do do Drug Store, 13 A. P. Evens, J.B.Dodson ag't 14 Briarcreek. C. B. Seesholiz, 14 Levi Kutz, 14 Henry Martz, 14 S. Bloom, Foundry & Store, 14 Benton. 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 7 7 7 CO 00 00 00 Samuel Heacock, 14 14 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 Parviu Masters, Harriet Cole, Hiram F. Everett, Beaver. Franklin Shuman, Catawissa. Jesse K. Sharpless, S. D. Reinhard, Stoves, George Hughes, " J. Sharpless, " J. S. Brobst, C. Rahn & Co., Ji.cob H. Creasy, J. P. Fincher, C. W. McKelvy & Co., Levi Keiler, Centre. E. W4M. Low, Jacob Sponsler, C. H. Hess & Co., Gilbert H. Fowler, D. K. Sloan, Charles F. Hill, Conyngham. Jonathan H. Hogland, Daniel. S. McKeirnan, Franklin. Washington Parr, Kester &. Mendenball, Fishingcreek. Daniel McIIenry, Bernard Ammerman, Howell & Penington, Solomon Buss, Emandas Unangst & Bro. Greenwood. John Leggot, George'Masters &Son, E. Wertmun, Jacob Schjyler, Hemlock. Jacob Harris, 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 7 7 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 t 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 M. G.& W. H. Shoemaker, 13 Charles Neyhard, 14 Locus!. S. B. Deimer, A. Rice, D. B. Levan, Mark Williams, Washington Yeager, Jacob Yeager, Maine. Jacob Jamison, Wm. T. Shuman, Madison McCay & Son, Miller & Tyerman, Kreamer & Brother, Mifflin. Creasy & Brown, I. K. Schweppenheiser, Stephen Wolf, M. & A. Grover, 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 10 00 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Montour. Bittenbender & Co. Mount Pleasant , J. F. DWtericb, 14 13 14 14 14 14 Orange. Lazarus & Fisher, William hritz, A. B. Stewart, A. Coleman, Isaac N. Kline, Roaringcreek. Jndah Cherington, 14 Scott. Thomas W. Edgar, David Whitmyer, Samuel A. Worman, B. F. Reighart & Brother, C. S. Fowler & Creveling, H. C. & T. Creveling, Jacob D. Melick, Martz & Ent, Henry M. Fuller, H.W. Creasy & Brother, 13 14 14 14 13 14 14 12 12 12 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 12 50 12 50 7 00 25 00 15 00 15 no 15 00 25 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 W m. Peacock, Drug Store, 14 DISTILLERS. Freas & Shaffer, Centre, 9 T.Lauderbach, Fishingcreek,! 1 Rohr McHenry, Benton, 11 Richard Plumer, Bloom, 11 Reuben Miller, Briarcreek; 9 MILLINERS. Mary Barkley, Bloom, 14 E.J.Wilson, " Elizabeth Peterman, " M'i6es Harman, " Efee Creasy. Mifflin 14 14 14 14 700 7 00 00 00 00 00 Shaffer & McDowell, Scott, 14 Mrs. A.J. Braes, Berwick, 14 Mrs. J. Dieterich, " 14 Jane Berkhard, " 14 7 7 7 7 EATING HOUSES. B. Stohner & Co., Bloom, J. W. Hendersbot, E.J. Jacoby, " Everett & Conner, Monlour, Levi Killer, Cattawissa, Samuel Kostenbauder, " John Geiger, 1 Frederick Nicely, Berwick, Michael Frantz, " J. M. Steely, Conyngham, All persons who may feel aggrieved by the above classification can have an op portunity of appealing by calling on tbe undarsigned, at bis residence, (Madison House) in Jerseytown, Madison township, any time, on or before the 12th day of July 1861, or at the Commissioners office in Bloomsburg, on tbe 13th of July, after which no appeal will be heard. SAMUEL RIMBY. Mercantile Appraiser, May 15, 1861. CLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! BLANKS 1 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & desirableform9,fogale at the office of the "Star o f t b KJJL. i - GREENWOOD SEMINARY AND COLUMBIA COUNTY AT MILLVILLE, PENN'A. Important Additions &IiaproTcment5 Autumn Term to Commence August 12, THJS Institution which has been in sur cessful operation for the past len yearr , is about undergoing a very important rer ovation, in order to place it on a more sta ble basis than ever, and present facilities which are not surpassed by ordinary Acad emies in Northern Pennsylvania. Among the improvements will be a large three storied building which will give much ad ditional room and greater conveniences for boarders ; a commodious hall for a lecture room and public exercises, convenient class rooms, a library and reading room contain ing a cabinet of minerals and furiosities, bath rooms, &o. An experienced and thoroughly qualified classical teacher and lecturer will be at the head of the Board of Instruction, but the Principal will have the general superintendence of the institution and assume a share of the duties of teach ing. Regular lectures will be delivered upon various scientific subjects, as well as upon the theory and practice of teaching; and a Normal Class of young men and women who wish to qualify themslves ior teachers' profession, will receive especial attention and assistance. Tbe course of Instruction in the school will be thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace the various branches of a prac tical education. Ample provision will be made for the study of the higher Mathe matics, the elucidation of Physics, and the Natural Sciences, by means of suitable ap paratus, and for the study of the latin, Greek, and German languages, to enable students to qualify themselves for commer cial and scientific pursuits, or to enter any class at college. The conn try location of this Seminary in a pleasant village, in a healthy and flourish ing neighborhood, well known for the ele vated tone of its moral sentiment, and where the pupils are not surrounded by those demoralizing influences, and temp tations found in our cities, larger towns and manv other localities, with no outside in fluences to divert their attention from liter ature and the work of mental culture, pre sents attractions and inducements to con siderate parents emulous students, seldom found surrounding large schools and acad emies. The Literary Society also, or.e of the old est and best conducted in this section of country, presents an attractive feature and useful auxiliary, to a practical education. The improvements will be under the immediate charge of an efficient Board ol Trustees, appointed by the Seminary Com pany, and will be completed in time for the Autumn term, to commence the 12th of August next. While thankful for past patronage we wish to merit a continuance of similar fa vors, and as we intend to include a higher grade and wider range of "instruction, we respectfully tolicit a careful examination into our facilities and claims. Term : Boarding, washing, tuition, lights and incidental expenses, for one quarter of eleven weeks, will be Thirty Dollars, one half payable in advance the other half and all tuition bills will be expected prompt ly at the expiration of each quarter. Items: Boarding, with furnished rooms, one quarter S22.00 Tuition in common English branhces 5,00 l (( (I it t IC including Mathematics and Book Keeping by Double Entry 6,00 Tuition in Latin, Greek, and German extra 100 Washing, Lights and incidental ex- penes, one quarter, 3,00 Those who desire to procure scholarships or attend by the year, will be accommoda ted at a reasonable discount, and students wishing to secure rooms should make sea sonable application. For further particulars addres WM. BURGESS, Principal. Millville, Penn'a. Giobce Masters, J. K. Eves. ) Dt. A. P Heller, Ellis Eves, Trustees. Benjamin K. Eves, ) Millville, May 29, 1861. Administrator's IVolicc. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Thomas Aten, sen., late of Mifflin township, Col. County, have been granted by the Register of 6aid county to William Aten, residing in Netcopfck township, Luzerne county and Thomas Aten, residing in Mifflin township Columbia county. All persons having claims or demands against ihe estate of the decedent, are requested to make them known to the undersigned without delay and thooe indebted will make payment forthwith to WILLIAM ATEN, AJ , THOMAS ATEN. j iVom B Mifflin, April 10, 1661 -6i. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Jacob Wanamacher, late of Frank lin township, Columbia county, deceasnd, have been granted by the Register of Co lumbia county, to the undersigned, residing in said Franklin township; all persons hav ing claimb against the esta'e of the dece dent are requested to present them to the administrators without delay, and thoHe indebted to come forward and make pay ment forthwith to MARY L. WANAMACHER, ) FRANKLIN TREIBLEY, Franklin, March 6, 1861. Admr's. M KELVY, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS, Northeast corner of Main and MarketSts. 35,00. 13 AYS the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commer cial School in the country. Upward of Twelve Hundred yont.g men from twehtv eight different Slates, have been educated for business here within the past three years, some of whom have been employed as book Keepers at salaries of $3000,00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered the college. Ministers' sons half price. Student? enter at any time, and review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues of 86 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large Engraving of the College, inclose twenty-five cents in Post age Stamps to the Principal. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jane 5, 186 5E !TFsi.aS3 LIFE TILLS & PIIOENIX MTTEUS. riUlESK MEDICINES have now been be- JL fore the public for a period of Thirty Years, and during that time have maintained a high character in almost every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and imme diate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases in which the VCGETABLE LIFE MEDIt'lXCS Aie well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomaches, and crea ting a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind: Flatulency, Loss of Appetildleartbuin, Headache, Restless ness, Ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the geneial symp toms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a nal tural consequence of its cure. COST1VENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent pro cess, and without v iolencp; all violent pur ges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by retloring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration i n such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob strnction in others. The Lile Medicines have been k nown to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in thr;e weeks, and GOUT in half that timo, by removing local iufiamalion from the mus cles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freein:: and slrengthing the kidneys and bladder; they nnurgfa mnat t o I f n h f fn 1 1 v rtn t tl f Bp IfnnOT- taut oreans. and hence have ever beti j tound a certain remedy lor the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of tbe bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, bv the perfect putity wtiich these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the tkin, and the morbid state of which occasions all erup tive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexions. The use of thee Pills for a very pbort time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dope, or by two ir. the worst cares. TILES. The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cured of Piles, 35 years standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For thi scourge of the Western country, these Medicine will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a curebv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and ba Cured. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS General Debi'ity, Loss of ap petite, and Diseases of Females the Med icines have been used with the most ben eficial results in canes of this description: Kins Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweat Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.-Persons whose constitution have become impaired by the injudicious use ol Mercury, will find these Medicine a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from ihe system, all the effcct6of Me-cury, infinitely sooner than the moM powerful preparations of Sarsapa rilla. Prepared and sold bv W. B' MOFFAT, 335 Brodway, New Vork. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, ISCl-ly. FRESH ARRIVAL, OF rjiHE wne'ersigned offers for sale at the JL Sin.A fnrmprlc leant he Jnspnh flparharl. ' r- i . deceased, in Cattawissa township, about .three miles from the town of Cattawissa, an assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, superior to any ever brought lo that section. His stock cf goods is varied and of an ex cellent quality. He is prepared to pHI cheap, having purchased his goods to suit trie times. Purchasers are cordiallj invited to call and examine his stock for themselves. "Qvick Sales and Small profit!1," has been adopted as his motto. tyCountry produce taken tin exchange for goods at the regular market prices. JACOB H. CREASY. Cattawissa twp., May 1st, 1861. A!ciii!iitratnr's Notice. Estate of Fcter Kline, lute of Locust township, Columbia county deccised 1ETTERS of administration on the estate of Peter Kline, late of Ixcut township, Columbia county, deceased, have been sranted by the Register of said county to Martin V. B. Kline, residing in the town ship and county aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent are requested to make them known to the undersigned, and those indebted to the estate to make payment lo the administrator without delay. MARTIN V. B. KLINE. January 23, 1861 6w. Admr. Look to your Interests ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, MILLER EYER'S. TM1E subscribers have just returned from the City with another large and t-eiect assortment of Spring anil Summer Goods, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowesi figure, and which they are determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be pro cured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Their slock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, of tbe choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, G2 ir S ss a Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &c. In short, everything usually kepi in country stores; to which they invites the public generally. Tbe highest price paid for country produce. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1861. CARPET WEAVING, MACHINE STITCHING $C. MRS. CATHARINE ZUPPINGER, begs leave to inform the Public that he will be happy to give full satisfaction o the above business. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. A.M. RUPERT, - TINNER 4' STOVE DEALER, Shop on Scut'h ii&lJi$iMU-wi-M- & O ft ft ft Q ft t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft s ft ft ft ft ft ft ft OF S3TcEy G3-ceceLS33 OF ALL KINDS, AT JT. J. BKOIVEK'S SWOBS, Cheaper than liter. May IP, 1860. T, j?. ..- w HARD TIMES GOOD NEWS FOR THE UNEMPLOYED ! 1000 CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY ! OIVi: MII,lIOIr DOLLAKS WORTH OF WATCHES, JEWELRY AND Silver-Plated Ware, TO BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND Original Plan! 2,500 -AGENTS WANTED! All persons desirous of securing an Agen cy in this INEAV ENTEKI ISISE Should send on their names at once, enclo sing a 3 cent etampto pay postage, and re ceive by return of mail A PREMIUM Containing our 1JYD IfCEMEJYTS Which afford a RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Without risk, together with ttelative to this NOVEL PLAIT To insure prompt and satisfactory Jeal- 11 orders to ings, direct all orders to GEORGE in. ETAKS. 43S Clicfclmit .Street, PHILADELPHIA. April 1, 1861 xw. WATCH MAKER SHOP ! THE undersigned would inform hi friends and customers and the rent ot mankind, that he continues to pay particular attention to the repairing of watches- weight, spring, and lever clocks ; jew elry and everything belonging in his line, and that it is at all limes, and in all cases his desire to give perfect satisfaction. He is an "excellent" workman, has visijed several, and worked in three of the first Cities in the world. New York, Philadel phia and the great City of Paris in Franco Particular attention is paid to re-gilding or what is termed "plating." HENRY ZUPPINGER. Blonm?burg, April 10, 1861. Executor's IVolicc. Estate of Lanah Jane Pealer, of Fishingcreek township, deceased. T ETTERS testamentary on the estate of Lanah Jane Pealer, late of rishing crsek township, Colombia county, dee'd., have been granted by the Register of Co lumbia county lo ihe underlined, residing in the township and cotinly aforesaid. All persons having claims againt the estate of the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted to make payment immediately to MICHAEL LAMON, Ex'r. Fishingcreek, May 8lh, 1S61. NEW MILLINERY GOODS, FOR TllJSS MARY BARKLEY, would respect fully inform her cu-tomers in B!o ms burg arid vicinity, that she has just received from ihe city an excellent assortment of new finer than ever, and more cal- lated to please the taste of "Jfc the roo6t fastidious. She has the pant Mriri attention in making her selc tiona of bonnets, consequently has the best assortment, probably, ever brought lo this place. Site has an assortment ot neat and hand-orr.e ha U and caps tor little Jlises, all of which she can dispose of cheap. Give her a call before purchasing else where. Shop on Main Street, below Mar ket, north fida. MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April 17, 1861. JOISIVS & CISOSEEV, Sole Manufacturers of the Improved The cheapest and most durable Roofiu in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New and Old Roof of all kind?, and to Shingle Roofs without re moving the shingles. Toe Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. GCTTA PERCUA CEMENT, For preserving and renairing Tin and other Metal Roofs of every description, fro.Ti its great elasticity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion of metals, AND WILL NOT CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER. These materials have been thoroughly tested in Nw York and all parts of the Southern and Western states, and we can give abundant proof of all we claim in their lavor, They are readily applied by ordinay la borers, at a trifling expense. "NO EILAT IS REQUIRED." These materials are put up ready for use, and for shipping to all part of the country, with full printed directions for application. Full descriptive circular will be furnish ed on application by mail or in person ai our Principal Office and Warhoose, 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Libert) Sieei, Nw York. tnuv . runct rv mil i ! ' ' iiealtil and its, pleasures, : or ; Diseae TVith lis Agoniett CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. mm - r 1 ' i - IIOLLOWAY'S FlIiJLS NERVOUS DISORDERS. What is more fearful than a breaking down ol the nervous system f To be exei- : table or nervonm in a small degree is most distressing, for where can a remedy be found ? There is one : drink but little wine, bper. or spirit, or far better, none; take no cofTee, weak tea bin preferable; get all ihe frexh air yon can ; take thren or four Pills every nighi; eat plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slops ; and if these gold en rules are followed, you will be happy in mind and strong in body, and forget yoo have any nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one thing more than another for which these Pills are so famous it is their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from all im purities, and removing dangerous and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted at ihe one grand remedy for female complaints thev never fail, never weaken the. system, and always bring about w hat is required. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelings which so s addrn us most, frequently arise from annoyance and troub le, from obstructed perspiration, or from eating ana annKing wnai. is ur.nt lor os thus disordering the liver and stomach.' Thee organs must be regulated if you wisk . to be well. Ihe rills, it taken according, to the printed instructions, will quickly re--store a healthy action to both liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural con sequence, a gocd appetite and a clear head. In trie East and West Indies scaicely any other medicine is ever used for these dis orders. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting these organs,. whe;her they secrete too much or loo little ' water; or whether they be afflicted with f-tone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the regions of tbe kidneya. these Pills should bo taken accor ding to ihe printed instructions directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed lime. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORPER. j No medicine will so effectually ! the tone of the stomach as these 1 i ra Drove - Pills: they remove all acidity, occasioned euner Dy intemperance or improper diet. lhey reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy action; they are wonderfully efficacious in cases of spasm in fact they never fail in curing all disorders of the li er andeiomvch - Hollnway's fills are the best remedy known in the world Jor the Jollowing diseases. Ague, Asthma, Billions Complaints, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Tic-Douloureux", Unmoors, Ulcers, Venereal Affection, Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, &c., &.c. Blotches on tbe Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation ot tna Bowels. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregnlari- ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, CAUTIOX !! None are genuine unless the words ''HoUoway, New York tnd Lon don' are discernable as a Water-mark m every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding the lenf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or pasties coun terfeiting the medicines or vending the tame, knowing ihera to be spurious. . Sold at the Manufactory of Professor ii-n en i ..:,) .. r kt... Y'-.t. -i by all ret-peciable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world,! in boxes at 2b cents, 62 cents and 81 eacA There is considerable ta-i king the larger sizes. N. B Directions for the guidance of p a tients iu every disorder are affixed to each box. October, 17, i860. " newgoods"Yeuy cueap j JUST PF.CE1VED. JUST RECEIVED, JUST RECEIVED, NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS, r W GOODS, OF EVERY VARIETY, OF EVERY VARIETY, OF EVERY VARIETY, TO BE SOLD AT PRICES, . TO BE SOLD AT PRICES, TO BE SOLD AT PRICES, JUST TO SUIT THE TIMES. JUST TO SUIT THE TIMES, JUST TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT L. T. SHARPLESS' STORE; AT L.T. SHARPLESS' STORE, AT L. T. SHARPLESS' STORE. The above can be verified by calling in. and examining the good. Bloomsburg, April 24, 1861. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have entered into co-partnership, under the name, style an firm of MILLER & EYER in the mercantile Business, in the '01d Arcade," in Bloomsburg, Co lumbia county, where they intend carrying on the business of GENERAL MERCHAN DIZING, in all its diversified branches and departments, and to which they invite an extension of the public patronaje. S. H. MILLER. FRED'K EYER, Bloomsburg, May 15, 1861 if. FLAGS! FLAGS! G. 8. HARRIS, UNION FLAG MANUFACTORY S. E. COR. FOURTH AND VINE STS., r ii i l a n el.1" ii I v. United States Fit's of all i-izes; alsa Union Badges of various styles and sizes. MiV 1st, ia61. S. C. SHIVE, ' 'j . if J-r. in w