The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 19, 1861, Image 2

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ilcsssbcrg, wedxesday, jraliinoii;
. : Don't Like our Fjnioa Candidate.
Some of our Republican friends are not
exac'Jy willing lo support our Union Candi
date Hendrick B. Wright for Congress
Those Republicans who were most loud in
hispraie and en p port before the nomina
tion, are now lukewarm in the cause. They
were, with us, rery anxious that we should
give them Wright, as he was unquestiona
bly the man for the times, a. man of age,
experience and ability, and the Conference
hate made a rirtoal acknowledgment of
this fact, that he is the man, by making him
the nominee. We are sorry to find our
friend of the Scranton EepuMican flounder
ing co awful bad in his last, issue. He is
not pleased with the choice we have made
for him to support. We scarcely think he
could have made a better one; and as they
conceded the candidate to us, they ought
to be satisfied with our choice ; and we are
tree to say that th9 majority ot their party,
heartily concur in the nomination of Col.
Wright Some few of the Republican party
were axious to nominate Ketchum, while
the great bulk of the party were opposed lo
making any nomination. Tbey advocated
"no partizan strife," "one nomination," and
all this sort of thing, for the sake of the
Union, and we are happy to state that their
designs and wishes-have been thua far car
ried out. We will have but one candidate,
and no partizan strife in the campaign
This is as it should be, and Col. Wright will
get into Congress a little easier than any
man who ever went there from this district.
General George M. Ktlm.
.It becomes our painful duty to record the
death of Gen. Geo. M. Kiem. of Reading,
who died on Monday evening at about 9
o'clock, aged 57 years. Gen. Kiem was a
native of the city of Reading, he was a
graduate of Princeton College, studied law
nnder the direction of Charles Chauncy,
Esq', of Philadelphia, and was admitted to
practice law at the Berks County Bar on the
11th of August, 1826. He did not practice
much, however, in consequence of being
elected cashier of the Farmers' Bank of
Reading. In 1838 he was one of the Dele
gates from Berks county to the Stale Con
vention lo propose amendments to the Con
stitution, in which capacity he greatly dis
tinguished him self. He was in the same
ear elected to serve during the unexpired
term of Hon. Henry A Muhlenberg, then
recently appointed Minister to Vienna, and
subsequently re elected for the two ensuing
terms. Under President Tyler he was Mar
shall of the Eastern District of Pennsylva
nia. His name was also before the public
during the last President! campaign as a
Democratic elector at large for this State,
lo all his public trusts Gen. Keim was dia
ling uished for probity and ability.
Gen. Keim ha& been for the greater part of
his life a leading Democrat, and in later
years when the hearts of the bravest men
of the party quailed, his voice rallied them
around the old banner and cheered them
on. And in the troublous times immediate
ly after the Presidential election, he put
forth his utmost efforts to promote a peace
able solution of our difficulties. Though
afSicted with a distressing disease, he nev
er grew weary in leading and seconding all
measures of a pacific character for the res
toration of peace.
Harper'i Ferry
Has been evacuated by the rebel forces,
pretty completely, according to all accounts.
They were-not able lo stand the Federal
forces, and seeing this in time, they made
good their escape t Manassas Junction,
where the rebel forces appear to be con
centrating. This point, ia a military point
of view, may be a better place for the ene
my to set up a defence.
On leaving Harper Ferry, they destroy
ed the bridge across the Potomac, for the
purpose of delaying the Federal troops.
They also destroyed several car loads of
provisions to prevent them from falling into
the hands of our troops. The Heights
about the Ferry are all cleared, and the
American flag is floating at several places.
The Scientific American is truly a scientific
Journal,, no other in the United States equal
to it. At these times a good deal of atten
tion is being paid lo the improvements
made on guns through its columns. It is de
voted to patents generally, and is Ma Jour
nal of practical information in art, science,
mechanics, agricultural,' chemistry, and
manufactures." It is decidedly the best
mechanical paper in the world. July 6th
the new series will commence vol. V.
Terms, to mail subscribers, two dollars a
year: Mann & Co., publishers, 37 Park
Row, New York.
Gceey's Last's Book tor Si. 00 To meet
the tims3, the ti xty-lhird volume of Godey
will b3 sent to subKcribet for one dollar.
Th"i3 volume comprises t'le six best num
bers of the year, and will contain seven
s!set en ravins', six of the large double ex
tension JVhioa plate, and all the witter
desk, patterns. AdJressv L. A. Gody, 323
CSestnst street, Philadelphia. The July
nanler Is on hand. It is a splendid num
ber. V."a do think 'his Magazine surpasses
?aJsr, send and get it. ion
Sleeting in the Court House.
According to previous arrangement the
citizens of Bloom sburg, assembled at the
Court House at the ringing of the bell, for
the purpose of considering the importance
of celebrating the coming fourth of July, in
an appropriate and patriotic manner.
Upon motion of W. Wirt, Esq., Peter
Billmeyer was chosen President ; and on
motion P. S. Rishel and tV. Wirt, Esqrt.,
were appointed Secretaries. After which
the President stated in a brief manner the
object of the meeting ; whereupon W. Wirt
offered the following resolution : -
Resolved, That there shall be a Union Cel
ebration in Bloorasburg. of the national an
niversary of our independence on the Fourth
of July next, and that thirteen persons be
appointed . by the President, which shall
constitute a Committee with full power to
make all necessary arrangements to bring
about the same, and to report at a public
meeting to be held in the Court House in
Bloocnsburg, on Saturday night next.
The chair named the following gentle
men to act as that Committee :
Dr. P. John, W. H. Jacoby, P. S. Rishel,
I. W. McKelvy, David Lowenberg, L. T.
Sharp'ess, Michael Eyerly, William Sny
der, Frank Drinker, Morris Sloan, M. C.
Woodward, C. G. Barkley, and D A. Beck
ley. .
Here upon motion a committee of three,
consisting of L L. Tate, P. John and W.
Wirt, was appointed by the chair to procure
Speakers for the occasion.
After which Tate, Freeze, Rishel, and
others, made some very sensible remarks
in relation to celebrating the coming fourth.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned, to
meet again on Saturday evening next.
P. S. Rishel, )
W. Wirt, J Seeretanu
A Niw Democratic Morning Paper is
about to be established in Philadelphia, by
Jo. Sevems & Co., called "The Umon."
This paper is started with a view to meet
a universally admitted want, and will be a
Penny Paper, the only one in the city, we
believe. It is the purpose of the Proprietors
to make The Union in every respect a first
class Journal. The Democracy of the
whole state feel the need of a bold and vig
orous metropolitan daily ; and no effort will
be spared to render The Union both popular
and efficient as a newspaper, and as a fear
less exponent of the great principles for
which the Democratic party have ever con
tended, and which are now so unhappily
imperilled. They look to the Democratic
masses for their support, and shall labor to
make "The Union" in every way worthy
their confidence and liberal patronage, as a
fresh, readable and fearless jonrnal. Dem
ocrats, of this place and county, subscribe
for a paper of your own faith, take no more
of these Abolition organs. This paper will
be furnished at three dollars a year. This
is the cheapest daily ever offered you. All
orders should be addressed to Jo Severns &
Co , 130 South Third St. Philadelphia.
Sound Resolutions. It is with pleasure
j that we make room' in our paper for the
j Resolutions passed at the Montonr count)
Democratic Convention, last week. They
read as follows :
Resolved, By the Democracy of Montour
county, in County Convention assembled,
that the United States is in no legitimate
senee, a league or con federacy of States, but
a government established by the people of
the several Slates to secure the blessings of
liberty to themselves and their posterity;
that the Union established between the
Slates, by the Constitution, was intended to
be perpetual and. if ever dissoIved,can only
be dissolved in the manner in which it was
formed, by the people ot all the States rep
resented in National Convention, and that
any attempt on the part of any one or more
of the Slates to dissolve the Union and de
stroy the government established by the
Constitution is illegal, and the parties to
any such attempt are guilty of the crime of
treason and should meet the doom of trai
tors. Resolved, That we approve of the meas
ures adopted by the present national Ad
ministration to put down the treasonable
attempts making by a portion of the people
of certain Southern States, to break up and
j destroy the Union, and that while we differ,
and expect to diner Irom it on many, and
perhaps, all other qnestions of domestic
policy, yet for the suppression of this trea
sonable conspiracy, we pledge hour hearty
and undivided support.
Resolved, That the Democracy of Montour
county participate in the universal and
deep regret ielt for the untimely decease of
the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois;
that his career is the best illustration of the
value of our Democratic institutions, and of
the Union and Constitution, to the support
and maintenance of which his best ability
and dyin efforts were given ; and that we
consider his death, at this momentous crisis
of our country's history, as a great national
Peterson's Magazine The July number
of this popular Monthly is already on our
table. In addition to its usual quantity of
stories, poetry, household receipts, steel
engravings, fashion plates and pa'lerns for
the work-table, it contains two splendid
colored patterns, one of which is a ''Stars
and Stripes" bed-quilt. Every lady ought
to have a number, so as to work one of
these quilts. As a new volume begins with
July, this is a good opportunity to subscribe
The price of "Peterson" is only two dollars
a vear. or a dollar less than magazines of
its class. It is just the one, therefore, for
the times. To clubs, the terms are cheaper
still, viz: three copies for five dollars, or
eight copies for ten dollars, with a superb
Dremiuni to the person selling up a club.
Address, Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chest
nut street, Philadelphia.
W learn from a messenger yesterday
that on Tnesday last, Col. Wallace, in com
mand of an Indiana Regiment of volunteers
marched from Cumberland, Maryland, to
Romney, Virginia, where he surprised, and
a'ter a sharp engagement, entirely routed
500 rebel troops, encamped at thatpoint,
A large quantity of camp eqoippage and oth
er valuable munitions of war were capt ured
by Col. Wallace. Romney is situated abont
twenty-two miles due south of Cumberland
The Firmer and Gardsser, and Bee Jour-
ml, are valuable publications. Any person
wishing to get a periodical devoted to these
subjects would do well by sending immedi
ately to tha publishers, at Philadelphia.
The terns eis light withia the reach 0
Columbia County, May 28, 186 1.
Mr. alias Arnold the traitor.
Sir the vigalent Commit
tee has received word that you have been
throughing but treasonable sentiments in
regard to the war that you have rold and
laugh ft when the newa Came that Sumpter
was taken and yon was Sorry that the Capi
tal had not fawling into the hands of the
traitors now the times has Com that' Such
Languag will not be Sufered in any Loager
and if 70U dont Stop it you wil be visit by
the Committee and you will find your Self
dangling betwen heaven and earth and be
apray (or the birds now I am Surprised to
hear that aman who has just bin brought
out to the world with so much talent as you
have and has just bin Elected to an office
and you might have been Elected to the
presidency at Som future time when the
fool killer has died now wat is wanton of
you is that You ceas your treasinable Con
versation and none of hipocritical professing
to be for the Union but Come out and take
back what you have bin telling make it
publick as we have Spyes out who you
think is you friends and you can just have
ten days to doe this in and mind and make
awise Choice as it will be in you power
and if you presist in the Corse you have bin
persuing your ar a marked man but if you
take this advise your ar Safee death to trai
tors and torys
by orders ot the Vigalent Commit ee
yours in Simpathy with your familee
One of the blue hens Chickens
The foreging is a true copy of a manuscript,
sent to a prominent Democrat in this coun
ty, purporting to have come from a Vigi
lence Committee, notifying him to "cease
his treasonable Conversation," and come
out for the Union, or else be might be sur
prised to find himself suspended "between
heaven and earth" some time when he
would least expect it, for such evidently
was their duty to have all executed who do
not come square down upon the "treason
able sentiments" and place themselves
piump upon tne inicago riatiorm ana go
their whole length against "seesesh." We
are not personally acquainted with this
highly important Vigilence Committee, and
if they were merely performing a part of
their arduous duties in s ending this polite
note to our friend, we do not desire their
acquaintance, and should dislike to live in
their circuit, as we might be the recipient
of one of their illiterate productions.
The gentleman who received this note is
a Union Democrat a fortunate individual
is he and has always been opposed to the
Abolitionists, Know Nothings and Union
sliders. We can safely say that this Dem
ocrat is a more firm and true friend of the
Union than any one who has the hardihood
to subscribe himself "One of the blue hens
Chickens," 01 even the old Hen herself. Not
one of these "Chickens" dare come before
this Democrat and say that they mistrust
him as being disloyal to the Stars and
Stripes, but sneak behind a cognomen to
give vent to what they otherwise dare not
put forth.
They give our friend "just ten days" to
take back some remarks that he should
have made. We would ask them to respite
him, as the time is short and it may be ne
cessary that he see his friends and prepare
an address, therefore we would humbly ask
this Committee to extend his time, God be
The effect of woman on society is beanti-
olly displayed by the extraordinary power
she exerts in ameliorating the rude asperi
ties of life, while the light of her smile
sheds its mellowing rays upon the onward
march of civilization. The incarnation of
our guardian angel she watches by the cra
dle of our helpless infancy, consoles us in
the adversities of our manhood, and is ever
to be found at the couch of sicknesss, a
ministering spirit, un terrified by the breath
of pestilence or the fear of death. Woman
is subject to many trials from which man is
exempt, and her native delicacy restrains
her from confiding these secret griefs to
friend or physician. These evils can be al
leviated by Dr. Holloway's celebrated veg
etable Pills, which are adapted to every
station and condition, either of invigorating
a delicate state of health, or regulating the
various functional disorders incidental to
the female system, whether it be at the first
blush of womanhood or at the turn of life,
at which later period negligence is produc
tive of consequences so frightful that death
itself would be far preferrable to such a
mockery of existence. Dropsy, Erysipelas
and Hysteria are a few of the disorders en
tailed upon the hapless victim. But a time
ly recourse to these incomparable remedies
will prevent the nervousness, flushes and
fainting fits, and the general prostration of
the system. Medical men prescribe them
in all cases of private practice, as much for
their simple ingredients as for the safety
and certainty of their results in their action
on the female constitution. Ladies' "Scrap
Senator Douglas's Successor. The Gov
ernor of Illinois has appointed Orville H.
Browning, United Slates Senator in place of
the late Judge Douglas. He is a leading
lawyer of that State, and was a prominent
Whig nnder the old division of parties.
He was repeatedly a Whig candidate for
Congress, but always beaten, his District
being decidedly Democratic. He resides
at Quincy, and is full 6u years old. The
hopes of many that the Governor of Illinois
would make good the Republican boast
that there ia ''do party now," by appoint
ing a Dounlas Democrat to succeed Mr.
o o
Douglas, have been disappointed.
Tat Printer is as ever a welcome visitor
at our sanctum, and we know of no other
publication, we would more freely speak
of in a recommendatory style. It is devo
ted exclusively to the interests of the 'craft
therefore we would strongly urge it upon
AVArv mfmhdf of our profession. As we
have said befere. it is published by John
Greason, New York, at one dollar a year.
Every member of the ''craft'' should get it
General Scott's Birthday. General Scott
passed his seventy-fifth birth day on Thurs
day. He received his friends at the War
Department, and appeared in excellent
health and most bnoyant spirits. The con
grata lations and good wishes heaped upon
him were of the most enthuisstic and earn
Democratic Conferee Meeting.
The conferees from the several counties
comprising the 12th Congressional District,
met at the house of Geo. P. Steele, in
Wilkes B&rre, on Tuesday, the lllh day of
June, 1861 for the purpose of nominating
Democratic candidate for Congress to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of Hon
Geo. W. Scranton.
The following named persons appeared
and presented credentials as conferees :
Columbia county Col. Levi L. Tate,
Wm. H Jacoby.
Luzerne county George M. Hollenback,
George W. Search.
Montour county Edward H. Baldy.
Robert Davidson.
Wyoming county Wm. M. Piatt,
David D. Dewitt.
On motion. Hon. G. M. Hollenback was
chosen President, and EdwarJ H. Baldy
and Wm. H. Jacoby, Secretaries
A communication was presented from F.
A. Macartney and R. D Lacoe, Republican
conferees from Lnzerne county, the consid
eration of which, on motion, was postponed
until after the nomination.
The Conference then proceeded to nom
inate a Democratic candidate for Congress
G W. Search nominated Hon. H. B Wright.
Col. L. L. Tate, Leonard B Rupert.
The conference then proceeded to ballot
for a candidate, and after three ineffectual
ballots Mr. Piatt offered the following pre
amble and resolution :
Whereas, We believe it to be right as
well as the policy of the Democratic party
to obey the wishes of the people when
fairly expressed ; and
Whereas, H B Wright has fonr solid
votes in this conference, and is therefore in
the judgment ol the conference entitled to
the nomination any continued opposition
would be captious and only result in evil,
and have the effect of destroying the har
mony of the Democratic party of this dis
Inct, therefore
Resolved. That II B. Wright is hereby de
clared to be the unanimous nominee ot this
conlerer ce as the candidate of the Demo
cratic party for Congress.
The preamble and resolution being adop
ted, the Hon. H B. Wright was declared
duly nominated.
Col. Tate laid before the Conference cer
tain written communications from Demo
cratic voters of the district. It was moved
to be read loft by a tie vo'e; Tate, Jacoby,
Piatt and Dewitt voting aye, and Search,
Hollenback, Baldy and Davidson voting no
The following resolution was offered by
Mr. Baldy and adopted :
Resolved, That in view of the present per
ilous condition of onr country, we deem it
improper to bring into the present canvass
any issue other than such as pertains to the
maintenance and enforcement of the con
stitution and laws.
Mr. Piatt moved to proceed to the con
sideration of the communication presented
by the Republican conferees, which was
agreed lo.
Mr. Baldy moved that a committee of
three be appointed by the chair to prepare
a reply to the communication of the Re
publican conferees and to inlorrn Col.
Wright of his nomination.
The chair appointed Messrs. Baldy, Piatt
and Search said committee. j
The committee then made the following
report :
The undersigned Committee appointed
to consider the proposition of the Republi
can conferees of Luzerne county, being du-
y impressed with the importance of a har-
monions contest in a crisis like the present,
and concurring heartily in the desire ex
pressed to "secure the nomination of an
unexceptionable candidate who will unite
the suffrages of both parties fo-i the Con
gressional vacancy occasioned by the death
of the late lamented Col. Scranton" "that
partizan striies should be hushed and the
Union loving men of this district le united
in supporting tor uongress a man 01
tried integrity, who is in favor of the uncon
ditional maintenance of the Union and a
vigorous prosecution cf Ihe war, until the
rebellion is subdued and traitors have laid
down their arms." The committee while
duly appreciating the spirit by which oir
Republican friends are actuated, fully en
dorse the very proper sentiments contained
in their communication, and in view of tne
limited time allowed for any further consul
tation, respectfully recommend to our Re
publican friends the support of Col. Wright
as an eminently conservative, Union-loving
man, and one whose abilities are now
needed in the councils of the Nation.
Respectfully yours, &c,
" Ecward H. Baldt, )
Wm. M. Putt, Committee.
G. W. Search, )
Wilkes-Barre, June 11, 1861.
On motion,
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
conferee meeting be published in the
Democratic papers of this Congressional
district, and that this conference do now
adjourn sine die.
feH,?LDI:M Secretaries.
Wm H. Jacoby, I
Monument to Senator Douglas. A num
ber of the friends of the late Senator Doug
las, representing several States, assembled
at the National Hotel in Washington on
Thursday, for the purpose of concerting
measures to erect a suitable monument in
his honor, and make preparations for deliv
ering an eulogy npon the deceased on the
evening of the 4th of July. John C. Has.
kin was chairman and John F. Ennis Sec
retary. After an interchange of views, J. J.
McElhone, J. F. Ennis, Thos. C. Fields,
Andrew M. Sallade, and Geo. W. McLean,
were appointed a committee to arrange for
a future meeting, which will probably take
place next Wednesday at the City Hall.
A private named George Barrett, of com
pany H. Fourth Regiment, Connecticut
Volunteers, was accidentally killed, on
Wednesday last, at Columbia, Lancaster
county, while the regiment was on its way
to this place. In attempting to get on the
platform of the car the soldier missed his
hold and fell under the wheels and was al
most instantly killed. Valley Spirit.
Private Wiujam Koons, of Campbell's
Artillery, died in the Hospital at Camp Cur
tin. Harrisbursr. on Tuesdsv evening. His
fi-riVnifl fay&f l
For the Stir.
Bloomseubg. June 10, 1861.
Mr. Editor : During the excitement nat
urally attending the preparation and prose
cution of a civil war, it is natural there
should be considerable anxiety felt in re
gard to the progress and .execution of the
plans and intentions of the Government ;
and it is likewise natural that the daily pa
pers and telegraphic dispatches should fur
nish the principal information sought after
at least these are the fountains from which
is suppoted to flow the knowledge necessa
ry to supply, in part the demand. These
are the two indispensable institutions of the
nineteenth century. Their value and im
portance stands second lo none others, and
especially are they appreciated and ac
knowledged in times tike the present ; pro
vided they are not perverted and degraded
into miserable dispensers of falsehood and
prevarication. This matters but little though
at this lime; the daily papers are sought after
with more avidity than was ever known
before the demand in many instances ex
ceeding the supply. Every item of news
true or false is gulphed down with as
much gusto as a gormand would relish a
dainty and delicate morsal. Telegraphic
news, of the most contradictory and unrelia
ble character, is circulated through the
country ; and to read the contents of a daily
paper with a view to gain reliable informa
tion will result as disadvantageous as be
lieving the telegrams which are floating
constantly over the wires. A person might
as well undertake to correctly inform himself
upon national and military affairs from a
Greek testament, he would succeed about
as well a lo read all the sensation dispatch
es contained in the daily papers. It not
unfrequently happens that some assertion
or announcement in one column is discred
ited or contradicted in another of the same
paper ; and it is a universal fact that three
fourths of what appears in one day's paper
is announced as positively false in the next
iesue. It is but a few days since the news
reached here by telegraph and through the
daily papers, that Col. Kelley was wounded
so severely at Phi llippi, Virginia, that he
survived the misfortune but a short time.
Only one day elapsed, however, until the
gratifying intelligence reached here that he
still lived, but severely wounded. Another
day later, and we were still greater rejoiced
at learning be as not badly wounded,
and in a fair way of recovery. Of course,
no one regretted the last bit of news, but it
was extremely doubted in some minds
whether he was wounded at all, until it was
confirmed by authority not to be questioned.
This is one item which came under direct
observation, and which, in part, induced
the writing of this article, but there is anoth
er, fully as notorious and ridiculous, of
which it will not be amiss to speak.
It has been settled without further doubt
that Col. Ellsworth ia dead shot while de
scending from placing the Federal Flag
where a Confederate banner had formerly
floated ; and that his death was partly re
venged by slaying the villainous assassin
upon the spot. But the inconsistency of
which I wish to speak lies not in this. For
a lime his death was the paramount topic
for conversation, and literary eulogizing;
and doub'less his name and fame will be
remembered for generations to come. It
was natural that his personal friends, and
those who espouse! the Union cause with
him should grieve and lament his untime
ly death. But a short time after his death
a letter appeared in public print, signed
with Ellsworth's name, dated the day pre
vious to his marching into Alexandria, and
said to be received bv his parents in New
York, wherein he tells them of the intend
ed descent on the above named city, and
the supposition that their entrance would
be hotly contested, and what might be the
rnlt nf an armed conflict. &C. A few
days later an article in the Sxmdoy Dupatch
giving a brief history of the earl) life ot the
gallant Colonel, and among other points
alluded to, the writer positively affirms that
Col. Ellsworth's parents both died while he
was yet very young. Another letter in con
nection with bis death was published di
rectly after the first of these appeared, wit
the supposed names of the parents sub
scribed to it, thanking those whoso gener
ously took charge of the remains of thei
respected and loved son, and petitioned
blessings upon all who acted so nobly tow
rt one ihev cherished so fondly. Hero
are several contradictary
statements, and of
course, it is impossible
for the reader to
nearest the truth,
can be placed in
would be exceed
know which approaches
or whether any reliance
either of them. Now, it
ingly gratifying to the public, if some capa
ble person, possessed of the necessary in
formation, would write a brief and truthful
history of this noble and patriotic young
. . , . . . l r 1
man s lite, out men me iruiniumo-B nu
candor of tkti might be denied or unbeliev-
ed, as the public mind has been so egre-
grionsly deceived of late, that it is becoming
loth to place confidence in anything pub
lished, unless backed up by proof of the
most convincing character.
These are only a few of the falsehoods
and inconsistencies put in circulation, and
space forbids of more than' a mere allusion
to another. Some of the mystery surround
ing the bombardment and reduction of Fort
Sumpter, has been somewhat brought to
light, by the arrival of sundry respectable
Germans direct from there. A communi
cation from the first of these appeared in
the New York Tribune, in which he slated
that the rebel loss was considerable, as the
number killed which come under his own
observation, amounted to between three
and four hundred ; and a second gentleman,
"a respectable Gerxan," also whose vera
city is not to be questioned, stated in the
ritv nf Baltimore a few davs aso in the
hearing of bis employer, a respectable mar
ble-culter on street, who told it to
another man of ondonbted integrity and
honor, who communicated it to a friend in
the hearing of the editor of the Harrisburg
Telegraph, that there were about one hun
dred and forty rebels killed st the above
named place. Who would discredit such
a statement as this, coming, as it does,
from so direct and reliable- a source ? This
i riioeetable German makes a few other
statements, and then says those vho wit
nessed the engagement, were 6worn not to
divulge anything that transpired t that
place. If this is the manner in which re
spectable citizens regard the oath of eecre
cy, well may we blush for mankind.
And according to the numerous ?' special
correspondents" lo the different daily - pa
pars, General Beauregard must belong to
some peculiar migratory species, as it fre
quently happens that he is reported lo be
in several places at the same time, without
regard to the distance between the respec
tive points. And be must be more tena
cious of live than other, men of supposed
equal endowments, as he has been killed
several times, (in the papers,) and yet we
still find him in Virginia, according to simi
lar reports, at the head of a "vastly numer
ous" army, ready to invade the District of
Columbia, and seize the National Capital.
win NEWS.
As yet the list of killed acd wounded at
the late battle at Great Bethel, is not com
plete. No very important news has reach
ed us, for the past couple of days.
Telegraph reports from Washington say,
the evacuation of Harper's Ferry, has nat
urally awaked increased iuterest as to the
next movement of the rebels, and the mind
is instinctively directed , to the Manassas
The present plans and purposes of the
War Department are matters of speculation,
but it is evident that the preparations are of
snch a character to efficiently meet all con
tingencies. The city is comparatively quiet
this morning, the 15th; there being no
extraordinary news, that are not false rumors
to produce excitement.
Several pickets were thrown across the
otomac on the night of the 16th opposite
Williamsport. The 1st Division, under Gen.
Cadwalader, crossed on the 16th inst; the
troops gallantly wading the stream up to
their waists in water, covered by two pie
ces of the Rhode Island Battery, which
were planted on a bluff near Williamsport.
Information has been received lo the ef
fect that the rebels have abandoned Lees-
burg, aftei burning all the cars and Loco
motives belonging to the Alexandria,
Hampshire and Loudon railroad, termina
ting there. This was probably induced by
a knowledge of the approach of Col Stone's
column by way of Edward's Ferry, and the
fact that the Federal forces from Alexandria
had rebuil the bridges, stocked that and the
road, and had a telegraph completed to a
distance of 15 miles toward Leesburg.
Alexandria, June 15. Mr. Dickens, who
has been a prisoner here for some days,
having been arrested at his farm-house, in
this vicinity, was released this afternoon by
an order Iron the War Department, it hav
ing been ascertained that bis arrest was en
tirely unwarranted. The informer against
Mr. Dickens was a youth of, to say the least
a suspicious character, he having been him
self under arrest for horse stealing aud other
ailedged crimes. Mr. Dickens is a son of
the venerable Asbury Dickens, Secretary of
the U. S. Senate.
In order to guard against other errors of
this sort, a general order has been issued to
Government troops in relation to their treat
ment of citizens, and providing that no at
tests are to be made unless by the special
order of an officer.
A dress parade of all the troops was held
this afternoon. They were drawn up in
line in front of the headquarters, and were
reviewed by Col. Heintzelman.
To-day is the hottest weather the troops
have yet experienced. The mercury stands
at 105 degrees in the ssn.
It was reported among the Secessionists
at Vienna, fifteen miles out, this afternoon,
that the Federal forces were at Leesburg.
The people there were in communication
with the rebels, the scouts being there up
to yesterday.
Alexandria, Jane 16.
Various rumors have been in circulation
here and at Washington to-day to the effect
that a serious fight had taken place near
this city, in consequence of a soldier hav
ing been wounded on one of the trains.
As far as can be ascertained no fighting
.has taken place in this vicinity.
Appointments of the Trrsident
Washington, June 10. The President
made the following appointments to day :
Charles A. Washburn, California, Com
missioner to Paraguay.
Edward J. Morris, Pennsylvania, Minis
ter Resident at Constantinople.
Henry F. Blair, Missouri, Minister Resi
dent at Venezuela.
'Chas.M. Riotte, Texas, Minister Resi
dent at Copta Rica.
Samuel Whiting, New Jersey, Consul at
Nassau. New Providence.
The Administration has resumed the di
plomatic relations with Peru, suspended by
President Buchanan, and has appointed
Christopher Robinson, of Rhode Island,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo
tentiary to that country.
Capt. Harvey's "Guards" started for
Camp Curtin on Wendesday last from
Wilkesbarre. At Shickshinny, while on
their way, they were presented with a
beautiful flag. This is a noble looking
company of young men.
Holloway's Pills and Ointment. The
beginning of the end. Old sores, bad legs,
ulcers, &c. Many persons have the mis
fortune through life of finishing where they
should have commenced this is especially
applicable to the treatment of disease.
Numbers have expended a lifetime in pur
suit of health while thousands have ex
hausted their means in the catalogue of
cures who ultimately found relief where
they should have begun in Holloway's Pills
and Ointment, the only sure remedy when
all else have failed. For the speedy and
effectual cure of ulcers, bad legs, old sores,
boils, &c , the ointment is the best salve in
use ; and the pills are eqaally efficacious
for purifying ihe blood, cleansing the secre
tioas of the liver and giving tone and ener
rrv to the ceneral constitution. This is the
testimony of thousands.
Marvland Election The elactiou h
members ot Congress in Maryland on
Thursday last, resulted in the choice of Un
ion men in all the dit ricts, though it is to
be regretted that Henry Winter Davis was
defeated in one of the Baltimore districts.
His opponent run as an independent candi
date, and though a 'Union man, ana sop.
ported as such, be is not regarded as sound
on the question as Mr. Davis. The major
ity for the Union in the State it is said will
reach 50,000.
The President's' Message to Congress,
now soon to meet, is approaching comple
tion. It wilt take strong ground in favor of
the most energetic measures, in order that
the war may be concluded by the next Win
ter. Half a million men, and two hundred
millions of money are spoken of as likely
to be raised. Tribune. -
Appointments Hon. David Taggart, of
Northumberland, has been appointed a
Paymaster in the Army. C. M. Hall, of
Lewisburg, formerly of Sunbury, has re
ceived the appointment of Deputy Surveyor
of the port of Philadelphia.
Defusct. The Easton lima Las teen
discontinued. The publishers have gone
to the war and the dsvil is out of money,
out of paper and out of everything. No
great loss. Argus.-
Small Notes. The Allentown Bank will
issue small notes of the denomination of
Si's, 82's and 3's, in the course of a week
or so, nnder the anthority of the Act o!
Assembly. '
In Bloom ibnrr, on Sunday morning lat,
Mrs. Susan Snyder, consort of John Snyder,
aged abon 28 years.
Inthe borough of Berwick, -on Friday
the 7th ult., Edward, youngest son of Cas
per and Abbie Frantz, aged 5 months and
5 days.
RYE. 70
CORN, ' 66
OA1S, 30
FLOUR pr.bbl. 6 00
Administrator's Kotlce.
Estate of Peter Ilayman, of Orange, dee'd.
JVOT1CE is hereby given that letter of
--" administration on the estate of Peter
Hayman, li e of Orange township, Colon -bia
count , deceased, have been granted,
by the Register of said county, to the under
dursigned who resides in the county snd
township above mentioned. All peroons
having claims or demands against the
esute of lbs decedent are requested to
present them for seulemenl, and tho-e in
debted 10 make payment wiihou' delay to
Orange, June 9, 1861. Adrn'r.
Lack'a and Bloomsburg Railroad.
S383K3 sffi!a
movino south.
Freigkt &
Passenger. Passenger.
6.15 A. M. 10.45 A M.
Leave Scranton,
' Kingston,
" Kupert, ,
" Danville,
Arrive at North'd
10 20
1,00 P. M.
6 20
moving north.
Leave Nortb'd. 3.50 P. M
4.00 A
5 30
" Danville,
" Rupert,
4 30
Arrive at 12.00 M:
7 05
Leave 2.15 P.M.
8 05 P. M.4.05
Arrive at Scranton,
A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston
at 8.15 A- M. for Scran ion, to conned with
train for New York. Returning leaves
Scranton 00 arrival of Train from New
York at 4.40 P. M.
The Lackawanna and B!oombor? Rail
road connects wiib the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railtoad at Scranton,
for New York and intermediate points east.
At Rupert it connects with the Catawiosa
Railroad for point both oast and west.
At Northnmberland it connerU with the
Philadelphia and Erie R. R- and Northern
Central 11. R. lor point west and south. .
H. Pkttebone, Gwl Ticket Ag'L
June 5, 1861.
ONE thousand customers to volunteer lo
boy their Goods at L. T. SHARPLESS
Store, where they can be bonght very low
or cash or country produce. Having on
band a slock of goods, be is determined to
sell at prices reduced to suit the times.
An assortment of Clothing adapted to this
seasou of the year, will be told cheap.
Good Sugars at 6J to 12J lb.
Syrups at 10 to 15 cts. perqt. Also, New
Orleans Baking Molasses.
A fresh lot of cheap Calicos, warranted to
hold color just received.
All kinds ol bhoea will be sold, at prices
less than marked.
To customers buying for cash, we would
say it is to your interest to give him a call.
Grateful for the patronage extended to
him in the past, he hopes to merit the con
fidence of the public in future
Bloomsburg. June 5, 1861.
THE undersigned respectfully inform
the citizens of Columbia county and tbe
Public in General, that be has on hand, a
large and Soperior quality of BARREPS-.
made of the very best material and excel
lent style aud will be sold at a low fiznre.
Farmers will find it greatly lo their advan
tage to secure one of the above Rake by
which they can Rake as much as ten mea
with band Rakes.
Epytown, June 5, 1861.
Administrator's .Notice.
Estate of Susan Jane Cavenee, dee'd.
TVOTICE is Dereby given th-.t letters of
administration on the Es'ate of Susan
Jane Cavenee, late of Mount Pleasant town
ship, Columbia counly, dee'd., have been
granted by the Register of said Connty to
the undersigned, bo resides 10 Mount
Pleasant township, Columbia county. All
persons having clams . or demands sginst
the Estate of the decedent are requested to
present ibem for settlement, aod those in
debted lo make payment without delay.
9 r; KfKUt '-A v tfl .1 j r.
- Monnt Pleasant, June 12, 1861.