r r STAR OF THE NORTH, BLOOMS BU RG, PA. Wednesday Ecming, June 12, 1851. The Stock Journal has came to hand for June. It is a number one publication, of it kind devoted exclusively to the raising cf stock. It is very useful to a stock grow arid should be patronized most liberally Only one dollar a year in advance. It can be had of the publisher, at No 28 Park Row, New York or at Windsor, Vermont. Wi have received ths Jane number of the American Agriculturist, edited by Orange Jdd A.M., at 41 Park Row, New York. 1 he A met icon Agriculturist is undoubtedly the best agricultural paper in the United State, it is published in bo.h the English and German languages, containing 32 pages at 31 per year. Thc Republican County Committee met on Saturday and appointed R. D. Lacoe and F. A. Macarteny, Esq'rs., Conferees on part ol Luzerne, lo meet Conferee of Wyoming, Colombia and Montour at the Phcenix Ho tel in Wilkes Barre, on Thursday 13ih (to morrow.) Record of tht Times. Mr. C. B Brock way, 1st Corporal in the Iron Guards of this place, which company is at Camp Cortin at present, procured a furlough one day last week, and paid a visit to his friends in this town and his parent at or near Berwick; He returned to Camp on Mondaj last. He reports all in good spirit, and the health of the company pretty gen erally good They weie organized into a regiment on the first of last week, W. W. Rickets elected Colonel of the regiment, and the next account stataj that they were again disorganized: it was suspected for the purposed affecting some minor matters rel alive to the different companies composing the regiment, it is expected that no very great change will be made in the regiment as first formed. It was composed of the very best material in the Camp. - We arc pleased to state that our young friend, Thomas C. Else, formerly of this place, has become connected with Smoltz, Piper & Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in boots and shoes at No. 45 North Third Street, Philadelphia. We have no doubt from what we know ot Mr. E's busi ness qualifications and his general popnlar ity, especially through this section, that he will prove a valuable acquisition to this firm. Mr. Else is, at present, op the West Branch, upon a business tour, having spent a day or two in this immediate neighbor hood the early part of this week. Those ol our merchants ai.d dealers in this and adjoining sections wishing anything in their line would do well to purchase of them, This is a safe and reliable firm, dealing in an excellent article of boots and shoes of all descriptions. The Rcpcblkun ohgana are crying aloud "no party now." This all sounds very well, but when you look at their actions you will food become satisfied as to their sincerity. The administration gave notice not long since that its intention was to postpone ma king any further appointments or change in office. This announcement was receiv d no doubt by the masses with great satis faction, especially lhoe who felt disposed to stand by the administration in this it hour of great peril. In no case were ap pointments to be made except to fill vacan cies ;and particularly in no case when the incumbent and his constituents were loyal to the Union would he attempt to make an alteration. Now, gentlemen, before this proclamation wa9 fairly received and read, what do we see; why we see enongh to convir.ee us that their theory, in this in atance, has been most grossly violated. Scarcely has a day passed since ibis an nouncement but what the broad-axe has been applied to some maa'a neck. In this District it has been nsed pretty extensively. In Philadelphia it has not been spared; end yet these men who denounce cs as lories and traitors cry "no party." The Republican organ, of this place, says: "Do not force politics in this issue gentle men,' meaning of course the Democrats. We are not disposed, as far as we are con cerned,to'orc politics in this issue of elect ing a Co k cress max. We are willing that bat one candidate shall be in the field, and that that candidate shall "neither claim the result as a Democratic or Republican tri umph." Now we propose to present the man from our ranks, and a man who is for the Union, will yon go or him ! We wish to try yonr sincerity, as you are for one party and that a Union party. You Jcdow, and will admit that there were two distinct parties, and yon are equally aware, that a candidate must come from one of the other branches; now what objection would you have in making that choice from the old Democratic branch ; as your branch are sharing the emoluments of office at the present time, and you so willing to be har monious, we would naturally suppose that yon and your party would most happily concur iu the eelection of any good Union man, let bim have belonged to what party lie may. "lie remembered the Forgrtten"wa beauti fully said of Howard the philanthropist. It also applies to every man who brings the ameliorations, comforts and enjoyments of life within the reach of persons and classes who are otherwise deprived of their advan tages. Especially may it be said of him who laboriously seeks and fiods new means cf preserving health, "tLa poor man's capi tal and the rich man's power." We think this eulogijm properly applied to J. C. Ayer, cf the Lowell, renowned chemist of New England who, spurning the trodden paths to farae, devotes his entire abilities and acquirement to the discovery ol Na ture's most effectual remedies for disease. When the hidden blessing Las been reveal ed, he proceeds to supply il to all mankind alike, through car drnrra'''; at scch low prices ths? post sad rhh rvy "'.' e etvey AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOB PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And fur tho speedy cure of th following complaint: Scrofula, and Scrofulous Affections, such . aa Tumor, Ulcers, Sores, Einptioni, Pimplei, Pustules, lilotcnes, liolls, iilalus, and alt Skin IMaeases. Oaclaxd, Ind., 6tta Jans, I860. J. C. Am A Co. Gents: I feel it my duty to ac knowledge wbat your Sarsaparilla bas done for me. llariug inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it in varioui ways for years. Sometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my bands and arms; sometimes it turned inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ems with one sore, which was paiuful and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and several pbysiciaus, but without much relief from any thing, in fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was rejoiced to read in the Q on pel Messenger that you had prepared an alterative (SareapariUa), for I knew from your reputa tion that any thing you made must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles. Mew and healthy skin soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease bas gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age, and rerualu ever gratefully. Tours, ALFRED B. TALLKY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas. Tetter and Saltllheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sept., 1359, that be has cured an inveterate case of lhtpsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of our Sarmporilla, aud also a dangerous Malignant Eryriptlat by large doses of the same; says be cures the common Ervption by it constantly. Bronchoeele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : "Three bot tles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Guitre a hid eous swelling on the neck, which I bad suffered from over two years." Leucorrhffa or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Chaaning, of New York City, writes 44 1 most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent In saying I have found your Sarmporilla a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for which we eovloy such a remedy, but especially in female Dittatt of the Scrofulous diaibesis. I have cured many inveter ate cases of Leiicoriiiosa by it, and some where the com plaint was caused by xdcrratitm of the utemt. The ulcer ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowl edge eqnsls it for these ft-male derangements." dward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala writes, "A dan gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my family, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by yonr Extract of Sar saparilla. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion eoulil afford relief, but be advised the trial of yonr Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taklngyour remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Nrw Orlsaks, 25th August, 1869. IR. J. C Am : Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you some of the effects I have realised with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, In my practice, most of the com plaints for which it is recommended, and have fbuml its eftVcta truly wonderful in the cure of Ytnertal and Mrr surial Ihfase. One of my patients bad Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming his wlate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him lu five weeks. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration bad eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the ulcers healed, aud he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who bad been treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering from this poison in ber bones. They bad become so sen sitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex cruciating pain in ber joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla In a few weeks. I know from its formula, which yonr agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have not surprised me. fraternally yours, O. V. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Iitdcphdekci, Preston Co., Vs., 6th July, 1869. Dr. J. C. Arm: Sir, I have been afflicted with a pain ful chronic Rheumatim for s long time, which baffled the skill of physicians, and stnek to me in spite of all the remedies I could fi nd, until I tried yonr Saruaparilla. One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I am far better than before I was attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. FRSAM. Jules Y. Getcbell, of St Louis, writes: "I have been afflicted for years with an affection of Vie Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing tolled to relieve me ; and I have been a broken-down man for some years from no other cause than derangement of (As Liver. My beloved pastor, the Kev. Mr. Espy, advised mo to try your Sarsaparilla, because he said he knew you, and any thing you made was worth trying. By the bless lug of God it lias cured me, and bas so purified my blood as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. The bast that can be said of you is not half good enough.' Schtrrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Carles and Exfoliation of the liones. A great variety of cases bave been reported to tis where cures of the?.-, formidable complaints bave resulted from the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit them. Some of them may be found in our American Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimu lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the ne cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THB RAPID CTJSJS OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con sumption, and for the Relief of Consumptive Patients In advanced Stages of the Disease. This Is a remedy so universally known to surpass any ether for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless hers to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, bave made it known throughout the civilised nations of the earth. Few are the communities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of its effects some living trophy in their midst of lu victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which bave won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C AYES lu CO., Lowell, Haas. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AM) SUMMER GOODS, MILLER EYER'S. riMIE subscribers have just returned from the City with another large and select assort merit of Spring mid Summer Goodsi purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowes figure, and which they are determined to cell on as moderate terms a can be pro cored elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Their stock comprises Ladies' Dress Good?, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol towware, Iron, Nails, Boois & Shoes, Hats and Capa, &c, &c. In short, everything usually kepi in country stores; lo which they invites the public generally. The highest price paid for country prod-ice. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1861. HEW BUSINESS FIRM. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have entered into co-partnership, under the name, style an firm ol MILLER & EYER in tbe mercantile Kusines, in the "Old Arcade," in Bloomsburg, Co lombia conoty, where they intend carry ins on the business of GENERAL MERCHAN DIZING, in all its diversified branches and departments, and to which they invite an extension of tbe public patronage. S. H. MILLER. FRED'K EYER, Bloomsburg, May 15, 1861 if. . WHEREAS, my wife, Anna Maria Sti ner, lately left my house, and bed and board without ray knowledge, and igaiasl my wish, and is continuing to ab tent berselt therelrom. All persons are hereby notified net to trust the eaiJ Anna Maria on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her oors'r;cuon, ,.,-.. LIST.OF DEALERS. F Goods, Ware and Merchandise. &c, and Distillers, Brewers, Eating House Ke epers, within the county of Columbia, returned and classified in accordance with the several acts of Assembly, by the Ap praiser oi Mercantile Taxes ol said county as follows, to wit: BLOOM TIVP. I CLASS. I.1CKN6K McKelvy, Neal & Co., 8 $30 00 Bloomoburg Iron Co., 8 30 00 Lloyd T. Sharplnss, 14 7 00 H. C. & I. W. Hartman, 11 15 00 Ephraim P. Lutz, 14 7 00 John R. Moyer, 14 7 00 A. J. Sloan, 14 7 00 George M. Hagenbuch, 14 7 0C David Siroup, 14 7 GO tilips Meixlenhall, 13 10 00 Philip. S Moyer, Stoves, 14 7 00 Oliver A. Jacoby, 14 7 00 Joseph W. Hcmdershot, 14 7 00 David Lowenberg, 14 7 0(1 Wm. B Drake, 14 7 00 A. M. Rupert, Stoves, 14 7 00 B. Stohner & Co., 14 7 00 S H. Miller & Ever, 13 10 00 Simon C. Shive," 14 7 00 Joseph Sharples. Foundry, 14 7 00 Miss Amelia D. Webb, 14 7 00 John R. Girion, 14 7 00 Jeremiah J. Brower, 14 7 00 P.lemon John, 14 7 00 Lloyd Taxton, 14 7 00 Berwick. Jackson & Woodin, 13 10 00 do do Foundry, 14 7 00 Bowman & Owen, II 15 00 Reuben H. Nicely, 14 7 00 Abraham Miller. 11 15 00 do do Drug Store, 13 10 00 A. P. Evens, J.B.Dodson ag'l 14 7 00 Briarcreek. C. B Seesholiz, 14 7 CO Levi Kmz, 14 7 00 Henry Martz, 14 7 00 S. Bloom, Foundry & Store, 14 7 00 Benton, Samuel Heacock, 14 7 00 Parvin Masters, 14 7 00 Harriet Cole, 14 7 00 Hiram F. Everett, 14 7 00 Beaver. Franklin Shuman, 14 7 00 Catawissa. Jesse K. Sharpies, 13 10 00 y. D Reinhard, Stoves, 14 7 00 George Hughes, " 14 7 00 J. Sharpie, " 14 7 00 J. S Brobst, 13 10 00 C. Rahn & Co., 14 7 00 J..cob H. Creasy, 14 7 00 J. P. Fincher, 14 7 00 C. W. -McKelvy & Co, 14 7 00 Levi Keiler, 14 7 00 Centre. E. WM. Low, 14 7 00 Jacob Spongier, 14 7 00 C. H. H-ss & Co., 14 7 00 Gilbert H. Fowler. 13 10 00 D. K. Sloan, 14 7 00 Charles F. Hill, 14 7 00 Covyngham Jonathan II. Hogland, 14 7 00 Daniel S. MrKein.an. 14 7 00 F'anklin. Washington Parr, 14 7 00 Kesier & Mendenhall, 14 7 00 Ftshingcreek. Daniel McIIenry, 14 7 00 Bernard Ammerman, 14 7 00 Howell & Penington, 14 7 00 Solomon Buss, 14 7 00 Emandas Unangsl & Bro. 14 7 00 Greenwood. John Leggot, H 7 00 (ierrop Mxsters &-Son, 13 10 00 E. Wenn.an, 14 7 00 Jacob Schuyler, 14 7 00 Hemlock. J..cr,b Harris, 14 7 00 M. G.& W. II. Shoemaker, 13 10 00 Charles Neyhard, 14 7 00 JLocu.'. S. B. Deimer, 13 10 00 A. Rice, 13 10 00 D. B. Levan, 14 7 00 Mark Williams, 14 7 00 Washington Yeager, 14 7 00 Ji.cob Yeager, 14 7 00 Maine. Jacob Jamison, 14 7 00 Wm. T. Shurnan, . 14 7 00 Madison. MrCay & Son, 13 10 00 Miliar & Tyerman, 13 10 00 Kreamer &. Brother. 13 10 00 M'JJlin. Creay & Brown, 13 10 00 I. K. Schweppenheiser, 14 7 00 Siephen Wolf, 14 7 00 M. & A. Grover, 14 7 00 Montour. Biitenbender & Co. 14 7 P0 Mount Pleatant. J. F. Ditterich, 14 7 00 Orange. Lazarus & Fisher, 13 10 00 William Fritz, 14 7 00 A B. Siewart, 14 7 00 A.Coleman, 14 7 00 Isaac N. Kline, 14 7 00 Roaringcreek. Judah Cheringlon, 14 7 00 Scott. Thomas W. Edgar, 13 10 00 David Wbitmyer, 14 7 00 Samuel A. Worman, 14 7 00 B F. Reiahart & Brother, 14 7 00 C. S. Fowler & Creveling, 13 10 00 H. C. & T. Creveling, 14 7 00 Jacob D. Melick, 14 7 00 Martz & Ent, 12 12 50 llenry M Fuller, 12 12 50 H. W. Creasy & Brother, 12 12 50 Wm. Peacock, Drug Store, 14 7 00 DISTILLERS. Freas & Shaffer, Centre, 9 25 00 T.Lauderbach,Fihingcreek,l 1 15 00 Rohr McHenry, Benton, 11 15 0 Richard Plumer, Bloom, ll 15 00 Reuben Miller, Briarcreek; 9 25 00 MILLINERS. Mary Barkley, Bloom, 14 7 00 E. J. Wilson, 4 14 7 00 Elizabeth Peterman, 11 14 7 00 Misses Harman, " 14 7?00 Efee Creasy, Mifflin 14 7 00 Shaffer & McDowell, Scott, 14 7 00 Mrs. A. J. Brass, Berwick, 14 7 00 Mrs. J. Dieteiich, " 14 7 00 Jaae Berkhard, " 14 7 00 EATING HOUSES. B. Stohner& Co., Bloom, J. W. Hendersbot, E.J.Jacobv, " Everett & Conner, Montour, Levi Killer, Cattawissa, Samuel Kostenbauder, " John Geiger, . Frederick Nicely, Berwick, Michael Frantz, " . J. M. Steely, Conyngham, All persons who may feel aggrieved by the above classification can "have an op portunity of appealing by calling on the nndarsigned, at his residence, (Madison Houe) in Jerseylown, Madison township, any time, on or before the 12th day of July 1861, or at the Commissioner office in Bloomsburg, on ihe ISth of July, alter which no appeal will be heard. SAMUEL RIMBY. Mercantile Appraiser. May 15, 1861. A NEW ASSORTMENT ot" watch and clock materials, of ihe right quality, received, Which will be offered in all cases, nnn-t r... i, ....- " GREENWOOD SEMINARY AUD COLUMBIA CODNTY AT M1LLVILLE, PENN'A. Important Additions & Improvement? Autumn Term to Commence August 17. THJS Institution which has been iu sue cessful operation for the pai ten year? , is about undergoing a very important rer - ovation, in order to place il on a more sta ble basis than ever, and present faciliti which are not surpassed by ordinary Acad emies in Northern Pennsylvania. Among the improvements will be a large three- storied building which will give much ad ditional room and gieater conveniences lor boarders; a commodious hall for a lecture room and public exercises, convenient clas rooms, a library and reading room contain ing a cabinet of minerals and euriosities, bath rooms, &c. An experienced and thoroughly qualified classical teacher and lecturer will be at the head ol the Board of Instruction, but the Principal will have the general superintendence of the institution an I assume a share of the duties of teach ing. Regular lectujes will be delivered upon various scientific subjects, as well as upon the theory and practice ol teaching, and a Normal Class of young men and women who wish to qualify themslves ior touchers' profession, will receive especial Htieniioii and assistance. The course of Instruction in the school will b thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace the various branches ot a prac tical education. Ample provision will be made for the study of the higher Mathe matics, the elucidation of Physics, and the Natural Sciences, by means of suitable ap paratus, ar.d for ihe study ot the latin, Greek, and German language, to enable student lo qualify ihemselves for commer cial and scientific pursuits, or to enter any cla at college. The connuy location of this Seminary in a plessant village, in a healthy and flourish ing neighborhood, well known for the ele vated tone of its moral sentiment, and where the pupiN are i:ot surrounded by those demoralizing influences, and temp tations found in our cities, larger towns and many other localities, with no outside in fluences to divert their attention from liter ature and the work of mental culture, pre sents attractions aud inducements to con siderate parent emulous students, seldom found surrounding large schools and acad emies. The Literary Society aNo, nr.e of the old est atid best conducted in this section of coun ry, presents an attractive feature and uselul auxiliary, to a practical eJucaiion. The improvements will be under the immediate charge of an efficient Board ol Trustees, appointed by the Seminary Com pany, and will be completed in lime for the Autumn term, to commence the 12th of August next. While thankful for past patronage we wish lo merit a continuance of similar fa vors, and as we intend to include a higher grade and wider range of instruction, we repectlully solicit a careful examination into our facilities and claims. Terms : Boarding, washing, tuition, lights and incidental expenses, for one quarter of eleven weeks, will be Thirty Debars, one half payable in advance the other half and all tuition bills will be expected prompt ly at tie expiration of each quarter. Items : B.iarJing, with furnished rooms, one quarter 522.00 Tuition in common English branhces 5,00 i: i( it . t including Mathematics arid Book- Keeping by Double Entry Tuition iu Lain, Greek, and German extra Washing, Liehts and incidental ex- 6.00 1.00 ieues, one quarter, 3,00 Those who desire lo procure rholarhip or attend by ihe year, will be accommoda ted at a reasonable discount, and students wishing lo secure rooms should make sea sonable application. For further particulars addre WM. BURGESS, Princioal Mtllville, Penn'a. Georgk Masters, J. K. Kves. ) Dr. A. P Heller, Ellis Eves, Trustees. Bknjamin K. Eves, ) Mtllville, May 29, 1861. Administrator's IVoticc TVJoriCEi hereby given that Letters of Administration on the esta'.e of Thomas Aien, sen., late of Mifflin township, Col. County, have been granted by the Register of said county to William Aten, residing in Necopeck township, Luzerne county and T'iPmasAten, residing in Mifflin township Columbia county. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent, are requested to make ihem known lo the undersigned without delay and those indebted will make payment forthwith to WILLIAM ATEN, ) . . , THOMAS ATEN. AJm s' Mifflin, April 10, 1861 -6t. Adniinistratur's Notice. IETTERS ol a Imini8'ratin on ihe estate - of Jacob Wanamacher, late of Frank lin township, Columbia county, deceaed, have been granted by the Regter of Co lumbia couniy, to the undersigned, reoiding in said Franklin township ; all persona hav ing claims against the esta'e of the dece dent are requested to present them to the administralors without delay, and those indebted to come forward and make pay ment forthwith to MARY L. WANAMACHER, J , , . FRANKLIN TREIBLEY, j Aomr Franklin, March 6, 1861. 31'KELVY, NEAL & CO., MEIIUIUINTS, Northeast corner of Main and MarketSts. 35,00. T AYS the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commer cial School in the country. Upward of Twslve Hundred youi.g men from twenty eight ditTereut States, have been educated for business here wiihin the past three years, some of whom have been employed as book Keepers at salaries of $2000,00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered the college. EsTMinisters' sons hall price. Students enter at any time, and review when tbey please, without extra charge. For Catalogues of 86 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large Engraving of the College, inclose twenty-live cents m Post age Stamps to the Principal. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. June 5, 186 8 REVIEW OF THE MARKET, . CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY WHEAT, . i 20 RYE. 70 CORN, 56 OATS. 30 BUCKWHEAT, 50 FLOUR Pr. I bl. 6 00 CLOVERSEED 5 00 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, POTATOES. 12 8 12 12 75 DR'D APPLES31 CP HAMS, 12 LIFE TILLS & PHOENIX BITTERS. flMIESE MEDICINES have now been be- fore the pub'ic lor a period of Thirty Years, and during that time have rnain'ained a high chaiacterin almost every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and imme diate power of restoring perfect health to persons sufferine under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases in which the YHGETAUIsi: I-IFE 31EIC1.CS Ate well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomaches, and crea ting a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind: Flatulency, Loss of Appetitelleaitbum, Headache, Restless ness, Ill-Temper. Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, whii'h are the general symp toms of Dj spepsia, n i l vanieh, as a nal lural consequence of is cure. COSTIVENESS. by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a so'vem pro cess, aud v. iihout v iolence; all violent pur ges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS or all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and trie thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The Life Medicines have been k nown lo cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local in flam a l' on from the mus cies ami ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and slrengthing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these impor lar.t organs, and hence have ever be;ii lournl a certain remedy for the wort cases of GRAVEL. Al.-o WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter 10 which ihese creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect puiity ivtiich these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and al! the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon ihe fluids that feed the skin, and the moibid state of which occasions all erup tive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexion". The use ol these Pills for a very short "time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin Common Colds and Influei,7a will always be cured by one dose, or by two ir. the wori ca-es. PILES. The original proprietor of ihese Medicines, was cured ot Piles, 35 years stainling by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of the Western country, ihesa Medicine will be lound a safe, speedy and ceitaio remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure bv ihese Mpdicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and be Citred. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS General Debi'ity, Loss of ap petite, and Hi-eases of Females me Med icines have been used with the most ben eficial results in cases of thi description Kings Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst lorms yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweat Nervou debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of Ihe Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DI SEA SES.-Perons whose con-titutions have become impaired by the injod icious use ol Mercury, w ill find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the etTtcis of Me cury, infinitely sooner than the mot powerful preparations of Sarsapa rilla. 'Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. FOR SALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, lS6l-ly. FRESH ARRIVAL, or rf 'UK vm'ersigned ofier lor sale at 'the Store lorrnerly kept by Jo.-eph Gearhart. 'deceased, in Cattawnsa town-hip, about three miles from the town of Cattawsa, an assortment of SPRING AND SHLIIER GOODS, superior to any ever brought to that section. His stock cf goods is varied and of an ex cellen: quality. He is prepared to spII cheap, having purchased his good lo suit the limes. Purchasers are cordially invited to Call and examine his stock for ttumselves. "Qvick Sales ar.d Small profits," has been adopted as his motto. tsTCountry produce taken "in pxchange for goods at the regular market pneps. JACOB H. CREASY. Cattawissa twp., May 1m, 1861. A 1 mi ii itrntor's IVoticc Estate cf Peter Kline, late of Locust township, Columbia county deceased iETTERS of administration on the estat - of Peter Kline, lateol Locum township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to Martin V. B. Kline, residing in the iowj ship and county aloresaid. All persons having claims or demands against the es' ate of the decedent are reques'ed to make them known to the undersigned, and those indebted to the estate to make payment to the administrator without delay. MARTIN V. B. KLINE. January 23, 1861 6w. Admr FLAGS! FLAGS! G. S. HARRIS, tNION FLAG MANUFACTORY S. E. COR. FOURTH AND VINE STS., 1'I11L4CL.EIII 1- United States Flags of all sizes; also Union Badges of various styles and sizes. May lsl,186l. CARPET WEAVING, MACHINE STITCHING MRS. CATHARINE ZUPPINGER, beg leave lo inform the Public that he will be happv lo give full satisfaction n the above business. Bloomsburg, April 10,1861. CLINKS ! BLANKS ! ! BLANKS ! 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & des:rableforms,fo,,sale at the office of he "Star ofthe North." lyLHNAJttLRllE.EltL X Us cs a v.- ?v up OF ALL KINDS, AT J. J. RKOWKirS Cheaper than Ever. May IP, i860. il: !? 8 . . . .. ., '. w f HARD TIMES GOOD NEWS FOR THE UNEMPLOYED ! 1000 CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY ! ONI? ITIII.MOI DOLLARS WORTH OF WATCHES, JEWELRY AND Silver-Plated Ware, TO BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND Original Plan! 2,500 AGENTS WANTED ! All persons desirous of securing an Agen cy in this INEW ETVTERriSISR Should send on their names at once, enclo sing a 3 cent stamp.to pay postage, and re ceive by return of mail a ik:tibu;ti G2 O?. L2a 0E v3T Containing our 1JVD UCEMEJYTS Which afford a DARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Without risk, together with Relative to this HOTEL PLAIT To insure prompt and satisfactory deal ings, direct all orders to UYAWIUV. . KVA7SS. VA'J hctlmit Sfrctt, PHILADELPHIA. April 1, 1S61 xw. U ATCII MAKE It SHOP ! THE undersigned would inlotm hiaf friends and customers and the ret ofiS..v mankind, that he continues to pay particular attention to the repairing ol watches; weigh:, spring, and lever clocks ; jew elry and everythin g belonging io his line, and that it is at ajl times, and in all cases hn desire to give perfect satisfaction. He is an "excellent" workman, has visi'.ed several, and worked in three of the fit Cities in the world New York, Philadel phia and the great City of Paris in Franco Particular attention is paid to re-gilding or what is termed "plating." HENRY ZUPP1NGER. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1561. Executor' rVoticc. Eti:te of Lanah June Pealer, cf Fishing creek township, deceased. IETTERS testamentary on the elate of Latiah June Pealer, late of Fishing craek town-hip. Columbia county, dee'd., have been granted by the Register of Co lumbia couniy to ihe undersigned, residing in tbe township and county afore-aid. All persons having claims again-! the e-tate of the decedent are requested to present them lor settlement, and liiose indebted lo make payment immediately to MICHAEL LAMON, Ezr. FMiingcreek, May 8th, 1861. NEW MILLINEHY GOODS, FOR !JSS.MARY BARKLEY, would respect iT fully inform her cuMomers in Bloms burg and vicinity, that 6he has just received from the city an excellent a-sortment of new li;ter than ever, and more cal WO colated to please the taste ofw the most fastidious. She has paid strict attention in making her selec tions of bonr,et, consequently has the best assortment, probably, ever brought lo this place. She has an assortment of neat and hand-ome ha U and caps for little M is6es, all of which she can dispoj-e of cheap. Give her a call before purchasing else where. Shop on Main Street, below Mar ket, north side. MARY BARKLEY. Bioomsburg, April 17, 1S61. JOHNS fc CROSLEY, Sole Manufacturers or the Improved The cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to Nev and OM Roofs of all kinds, and to Shingle Roofs without re moving the shingle. Tne Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. GCTTA PERCUA CEMENT, For preserving an I repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs ol every description, fro.n its great elasticity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion of metals, AND WILL NOT CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER. Thee materials have been thoroughly tested in New York and all pari? of the Southern and Western states, and we can give abundant proof of all we claim in their lavor, They are teadily applied by ordmay la borers, at a trifling expense. "0 II CAT IS REQUIRED." These materials are put up ready for ue, and for shipping to all parts of the country, wiili (nil printed directions for application. Full descriptive circular will be furnish ed on application by mail or in person at our Principal OtTice and Warehouse, 78 WILLIAM STREET, "5! ; HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES, 'OR . , , E)iac With It Agonies; CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. lo. H O L L O XV AY'S PILLS NERVOUS DISORDERS. What ii more fearful ihau a breaking dow n ol the nervous s stern To t tt exci table or nervous in a small degree is most distressing, for where can a remedy be found ? There is one : drink but littln wine. beer, or ppiritf, or far better, none take no coffee, weak tea b-ing preferable; get all the Iresh air you can ; lake three or four PilU every nighi; eat plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slops ; and if Ihese gold en roles are followed, you will be happy in mind and strong iu body, and forget vou have any nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one ihing more than another for which Ihese Pills are so famous it t their purifying propetties, especially their power ol cleansing the blond from all im puri'ies, and removing dangerous and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted at theonegtaud remedy lor female complaints thev never fail, never weaken the system, and always bring about w hat is required. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelings which so s adden bp irrst frequently arise from annoyance and troub le, from obs'rocted perspiration, or from eating and drinking what is ur.fit for us, tiiiis disordering the liver aud stomach These organs musi be regulated if you wist to be well. The Pills, it taken according to the printed instructions, will quickly re store a healthy anion lo both liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural con sequence, a gocd appetite and a clear bead. In the East and West Indies scaicely any other medicine is ever used for tbese dis orders. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases aflecimg ihese organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water; or whether tney be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and paius settled in ihe loins over the region of the kidney a. these Pills should bo taken accor ding to the printed instructions directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed lime. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when alUoiher means have faded. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER. No medicine will so effectually improve the lor.e of the stomach as these Pilis; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it in a healthy action; they are wonderfuliy efficacious n, cases ol spasm in fact they never fail in curing all disorders ol the li er and stomach. IloU.nvny's mis are the test remedy known in the world jor the followir Jiease. Ague, Asthma, Eillioua Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of tha Bowls. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Djsentery, Ervsipela, Female Irregnlari- ties, Fevers of all kiuds, Fits, Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Evil, Sore Throats, Stor.e and Grave!, Secondary Symptom, Tic-Douloureux, Uu mours, Ulcer, Venereal Affections, Worms of all kinds Weakness from whaiever cause, k.c, &e. CI7TIO !! None are genuine tiniest the words "HoMowav, New York end Lon don," are dicernable a a li'ater-moih in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box : the same may be plainly seen by holding the lerf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection ol any party or patiee coun terfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing ihem to be spurious. Sold a: ihe Manufactorr of Professor Hollo A-ay, F0 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents aud SI each rjy There is considerable saving by la king tbe larger sizes. N. B Directions for the guidance of p a tients in every disorder are affixed to each -box. October, 17, 1660. Sheriff's Sale. virtue of a writ of Firi Faciit ti me directed, issne I out of ihe Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pa., will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, THE 15:h DAY OF JUNE 1S61. ai 1 o'clock iu the afternoon, all that certain LOT OF GROUND, situate on Iron Street, in the town of Bloomsburg, Blnom township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Fronting or. Iron Street aforesaid twenty seven and a half feet, bounded on the sooth by lot of Michael Snyder, one hundred and sixty five feet, to an alley twelve leet wide, Ihe right to and pasnig over is one of the priv ileges and appurtenances of this lot, thence along said alley twenty seven feet and a half, to lot owned by Jacob Stiner, thence along said lot one hundred and sixty three leet, four inches, to Iron Street the place of beginning containing Eighteen Perches be the same more or less, (and the right of al ley named alore-aid.) On which i erect ed a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, ar ranged for two families, one half ol which is on the lot to be sold, the other half be longing to tbe aJjoin'tig lot, one half of tbe well aud pump, and out buildings oo lot described with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property ol John Stiner. JOHN SNYDER Skerif. Sheriff's Office, I Bloomsburg, May 22, 1861. IVoticc to the Tax Collector. jVOTICE is hereby given to a'l collectors of State and County Tax, and Militia Fines, holding unpaid doplicares for 186ft and previous yean, that they are Mrictly required to settle and pay to the County Treasurer, on Ihe 7.h of J jne next, i f wii'.a for their immediate rollec'.inn wid ba placed in Le hand of the Sheriff GEO MILLER, ) il i