. MARK THESE FACTS ! THE TESTIJIGXI OF THE WORLD. , ;.-.rw v. -;.kv.. cj. 'ill' h hoLlovvay's O'INTM ent. BAD LEGS, BAD BREATS, SORKS AND ULCERS. A'l description of pores are remedialle by the proper and diligent use of this ines timable preparation. To aHmpt to rure bad legs by plastering the edges of the wouudtogther is a folly r for should the iki.i unite, a bogzy diseased donditioa . re main 8 underneath to break out with tenfold fury in a few days. The only rational ! and successful treatment, as indicated by nature, is to reduce the inflamaion in and about the wound and tc soothe the neighboring part by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment as salt is forced into meat. IPTBERIA, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEYERS. Any of the above diseases may be cured by well rubbing the Ointment three tirr.es a day into the chest, ibroal and neck of the patient ; it will toon penetrate, and give immediate relief.. Medicine taken by. the mouth must operate upon tha whole sys tem ere its influence can be fell in any lo cal part, whereas the Ointment will do ns work at once. Whoever tries the unguent in the above manner of the disease named, or anv similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, will find' themselves relieved a by a charm. FILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above of complaints will be removed by nightly fomenting the parts wi.h warm water, and then by most effect ually rubbing m lh Ointment. Pert-ons suffering from -theSe direful complaints should lose not a moment in arrestina their progress It should be understood that it ia not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the affected parts, but it must be well rubbed in for some considerable time two or three time-a dav, that it may be taken into the syhtam, whence il will re move atiy hidden sore or wound as effect ually as though palpable to the eye. There aa'in bread end water poultice, after rub. bP" in of the Ointment, will do great ser vice This is the only sure treatment for females, cases of cancer in the stomach, or .ura, hor mav be a aenerai down. INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ;-SORES AND ULCERS. Blotches, as also swellings, uro, with certainty, be radically cured if the Oint ment be used freely, and Pills be : taken niiht and morning as recommended in th mimed instructions. When treated m any c-'her way they only dry up m one place to break out in anoiber ; whereas thisOint- ment wilt remove me uui. i tern, and leave the patient a vigorous .-.i.t... K;nw It will reauire lime and with the use of the Pills to ensure a lasting cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND STIFF JOINTS. AKhonb the above complaints difler widely in their origin and nature, yei they all require loc.l treatment. Many of the worst cases, of such diseases, will yield in a comparatively short space of lime when this Ointment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected, even aher every other means have failed. In all scions malad.es the Pills should be taken according to the di rections accompanying each box. Loth ihe Ointment and Pills should to ud in l Jit following ci3 : -Ague. Afcihrru, Billions Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colic, Constipation of the Bowels, ' .. Consumption, fiebilUy, Infjammtion, Jaundice Liver Com plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or Drpsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female lrregulari- ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, . Head-ache, Indigestion, Sore Throats, Stooe and Gravel, Secondary sympoins, Tic-Douloureox, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, King's hvit, &c, &c. UAUTIO.X I-None .re B'nmnennleM the words 'Holtoway, tew don are disceraible as a Water mrrk in everV leaf of -.he book of . direction are on each pot or box ; the same may be plain Iv Been by holding ihe lefto the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one ren dering such information as way lead hand detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicir.es or vendmg the same, : iin,n in hn unnriou?. Knowing iu-!iu " - - i i Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, e0'' a"1' by all resectable Dru22ists and Dealers n Medicine, throughout the ctv.lized world, in pots, Et25c, 62c. and SI each. . j" There is a considerable saving by takins the larger sizes. . N. B Directions for the guidance ol pa : -,v mord-r. are affixed toeach October 10. I860. box. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sky-IiisW Ambroiypist, OOMS in the Third Mury oi ne w- chanira Block, ('trance above, ine Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia conu Efoomsbur?, Nov. 23, 1859-ly. COr LCST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope; - iiN-THK NATURE, TREAT- "vMENT, AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERM A I vJ Ii li M LL. A , cr Seminal Weakness, bexaal weDiiuy, ier Tousnessand involuntary em.ss.ons, mdu i m impotency, and M:eatal and Physical InCBydROBT. J CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the" Green Bock'7 etc., Tha world-reno wned atr.hor, in his admi rable Lecture, clearly prove from his own .t-. - l fi t nnnpniKnce OI experiecce inai " may ba enctna.i removed without medicm and wit'hout dangerous s-Uiical opr i! i'ins, boogies, instruments. ! i l . ... ..t .i . '. i s j I ill t J.' ..iwv.w a al Oiicscertai'i and electa a I, by which iry si t?r no maiic r ut i i- i.i.,..vu 3 y cure himetf ike'y, privtte'y iu..'J.:.';y. Tr.is lecture wi.i !0 s Oi i!3': : 5 svJ thousands. prove a ho t xin, e:i vem; r :' I O. V, to f.vo 77 PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. M O I Si 55 IV : O O K 13 II Sn all 'its Branches, BV MISS EIJZ A CARKFPLLT RS.VISKD BV ACTON, MK8 8. J II A I.E. IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose all kinds of Meats. Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes of dressing and cocking Beef and Pork ; aUo the best and simplest way of salting, pick ling and curing the same. IT TELLS YOU ALL the varou and most approved modes of dressina, conking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with jhe different Dressings, Gravies, aud Stuffings appro priate to each. IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose, clean, and preserve Fii-h of: all kinds, and how to sweeten ii 'when tainted; also all the va rious and most approved modes of conking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavorinas tppropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes ot preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Fish. Fowl. Game, and Vegetable Soups Broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Se-soniiig appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegeta bles of every description, also how to pre rM Pickles. Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mush rooms. &c. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of prenarins and roobtrs all kind of Plain and fancy Pas irv. Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionery, Preserves, Jellies, ai.d Sweet Dishes of every descr;p:ion. I T TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of making Bread, RnA-s. .Muffins, and Biscuit, the best method ol preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of various kinds. IT TELLS YOU HOW to set out and or- . . - it i.-. i . r nament a l atle. now ro oarve an khius ui Fih, F!e-h or Fowl, and in shop, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking a to bring the choicest luxuries of tte table within eerbody's reach. The book contains 418 pnaes, and np wards'of twelve hundred Receipts, all of which are the results of actual experinice, having been fully and carefully tested un der the personal superintendence of Ihe writers. It is prinuc in a clear and open typPj is illustrated with appropriate engra vin2, and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt ol the price, Si CO.or in cloth, extia, SI. 25. SIOOO : Year can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, our in ducements to all suoh being very liberal. For single copies of the Bock, or for lerms to agents, with other .nformation apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, 'Publisher, No. 617 Santom St., Philadelphia. nov!4n.6 Great Work on the Horse. THE HORSE AM) HIS DISEASES ; V. 5., BV ROBERT JENNINGS Professor of Pnlkohgy and Oner-Hue Surgery in the Vtterinaty College of Piuhiletpaxa, e!c, etc W TILL TELL YOU of the Origin, History am! distinctive trans cf the various breeds ff European, Asiatic, African aint American Horses, with the physical forma tion and jeculiariiie8 of the animal, ai d how to ascertain his ae by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory enjjravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of Breeding, Breaking, Si bling, Feeding, Groomins, Shoeing, and Ihe general management of the horse, wi'h the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Bitini.', K eking, Reang.rp Shin2, Stumbling, Crib Biting. Restless ness, and other vices to which lie i subject; with numerous explanatory etiaravinii THE HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES. Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Slranle, Sore Throat, Dis temper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchfis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chro nic Couah,Roarin2and Whisiling. Lampa-. Sore Mouth and Ulcers, ana uecaeo Teeth, -with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment ol Worms, Bols. Colic, Slrangu Uion, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Hepatirihoea. Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidney s and Bladder, Inflammation, and ether diseases of the Stomach, Bow Is, Liver aud Urinary Or THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog, Spavin, R;nDone, weeni) Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoof, Scratches. Carter, Thrush, and Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Siagaers, and other diseases of the Feet, Lea, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will ull you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Fatcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c, &c, ard how to "manage Cactration, Bleeding, Trephinning. Roweling, Firing, Hernia, Amnntaimn. Tannin", and otter eursical f . 7 1 r - c ' operations. - , - THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will sell vou of Rarey's Method of taming Horses; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Col.; how to accustom a horse io strange sounds and sigbu, and how to Bit, Saodle, Ride, and Break him lo Harness; also the form and law ci Warranty. The whole be in the result of more than fifteen years careful study of tha habit", peculiarities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal: r , The book contains 384 pages, appropri alelv illustrated by One Hundred Engra liniu. It is Drinled in a clear and open tvbe, and will be furnished to any address, J . , - r ' a.lf postage paid, xtn receipt oi pricH, uai !Dou!id, S100, or, in cloth, extra, S1.25. , 81000 a Year Wan h raade bv enterprisiug men every in? the above, and other nrmnlar works of OUTS Our inducemeuia in alt such are exceedinalv libera!. c c;nn!j of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, ap ply to or address JOHN E, PO fl ER, r J ...'.' Publisher, 617 Saosom St., Philadelphia, Pa . novl4m6 For S:ilc or Rent. rnTHE subsi-riber oMers three Houses 1 an 1 lois for sale, or rent, One in Blooms hnrrr nn h ai Hcckhcrn. and one st lower Lirrfd llid-e,ai in this county. GEORGE VEAVER. Cloomsbar? Feb. 6, 1861. r t f " ?5 T X.I0 81T ! XI GUT ! OP it si '? ce eq. COAL CIL BURNERS AND LAMPS FOR BUKN1NO Coal, Kerosene, or Carbon Oils. The best, most brilliant, and cheapest por table lis nt now in use. No cangei ol ex plosion and c heaper than fluid, lard oil, fish oil, or Camphene, C6T EQUAL TO GAS. Without the expense of gas fixiu tes. The above Lamps (with all their fancy trim ings) can be seen and bought at the old established Drua and Chem ical Store of ihe nndersii ned, who flatters himself that from his long experience in the Drna trade, he knows how and where to buy, and is deter mined not to be undersold by any ot.e in Bloomsburg, or surrounding country, Call mid ee h'.s new and well selected stock ot DRUGS. MEDICINES' & CHEMICALS, PAINTS. VARNISHES, DYEsTUFFS, OILS, GLASS FROM 7x9 to 24x36, CONFECTIONAUIKS. PER FUMERY AND FANCY TOILET, ARTICLES FOR LADIES & GENTS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, sst'd Brands, Patent Medicines of every variety in use, Liquors (pure) for medicinal tiB only, Fluid Camphene, Carnon Oil, Turpentine and Alcohol, Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Aodomnal Supporters. Surgical and Dental Instruments, Sah Nail & Tooth brnshe, Prof. Humphrey's Ho.inrpathic .Remedies, garden, canary, rape and hemp seeds, thermometers, proof-glasses moroc co leather and shoe 'findings, &c , &c, to aether with the largest and most varied as sortment of German Tos and Yankee Notion, ever brought to this place, all of which plen-e call and see, and you must believe. Having learned by sad experience that 4"!o:m credi's will not keep things moving," I have determined lo to cash buers, to make it an orj.et to them as well sis the seller, to deal on the cash principle, either money nr ready trade. Havina served a regular apprenticeship at ihe Drug and Apothecary business, be sides havinsj carried it on for the last nigh teen j ears, on my own hook, I flatter my self U at I am able to do justice to all giving me a iri-al. Tnankful lo the public for past favors, 1 would ask a trial on the nf.v prin ciple, and will ouarar.tee to all, that ii will mke Ions friends, and pay bet in the end to pay cash ami buy ai rednre.f prices. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIP HONS carefully compounded, an.l all order? cor rectly answered. All mei'icues guarranled a recommended, S;oie Room on Main S reet, near Market, next doorto the Post Office, Bloomsburs, Columbia county, Pa. ' EPH11AIM P. LUIZ. December 7, 1859-tf. SPRING AND SUMMER C CJL LSD 53 Q LARGE STOCK ASD LOW TRICES. Ue have again been to the c'uy, and re turned with a large s'.ock of G aods for ih spavnn. wtiinh we are nMpared to sell at a low figure lor consists of ready pay. Our lock Hardware, Qneenswar, CeJarware, W low-ware, Hollow-ware. BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plas'er, Fluid, Camphene Oil-, While Lead by Kn". cheao. &t:., &c. the II. C. Si I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsbuig, April 10, 1&61. ruXLADELPUIA AM) READING WINTER ARRANGEMENT, DECEMBER 5ril 1S59. Four DaVy Passenger Trains to Fhilulelphiix. (From and passing Reading) At 6.20 a. in., 10 20 a m., .12 noon, (Freiuht and Passenger,) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily trains to Po'tsville and Porl Clinton at 10 15 a. in., and 6.05 p. m. Conneclini! at Port Clininti with train foi Tiimanua, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, ia2-ira rails, and ihe Cauadas. The 10. Port CI iiii on a. rn wii h up train only connects a: trains for Wilkesbarre, Scranton and PiMeton. Pa.-sengers leaving Williamsport by the Caltawissa R.nlroad night Iilie, al 10.15 m , connect vvitti a passenger '.rain leav ing Porl Clinton at 4.50 a. m., arrive at Kead ina at 5.50 a. rn., breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. m. Read ins Accommodation Train. On Sundays :he 10.15 a. in. Down, and he 6.05 p. m Up Trains only run. L KB ANON VALLEY BRANCH. Two Trains Daily, (Sunday Excepted) to and from tlarrisburg. At 10.23 a. in. and 6 08 p. in. Leaving Harriburg at 8 00 a. ui. and 2.3a p. rn. Connecting, with trai'is on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Yal ey Railrouds, lor Snnbnry, W illiamsporti Piiisburfih, Lancasler, Baltimore, Cham- berbur, &c. T 1 I. T...bala Ifaoilinrr In K i limnro lUIUUIill I It-ftj. ivniiii w .'.....twi i-, 4 00 io Lancaster, ?2 25; to Gettysburg, 3 50. 8n nounds of baitzae allowed to each 1 w w passenger. I he seconJ class cars run wua an me above trains. Through firsl class tickets at rednced " . ri ii r it i : rales to INiagara fans, uunaio, ueirou, Chicago, and all the principal points in the West, North WeM, anil the Canauas; ana Emigroiil Tickets at lower fares to all above places, can be had on application to ihe station agent at Reading. All tickets will be purchased before the trains start. Higher fares charsed if paid in cars. G. A. NICOLLS, Engineer and General Superintendent. February 52. 1860. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Late White Swan) Uace Street, above 3d Philadelphia Q UILLMAN $ DO YER, Proprietors. Tcrmsj 1.25 per day. rpO the old customers of this well-known J. House, we desire lo say, that we have renovated, improved and newly furnished ibe ba.ne, and lhal we respectfully solicit a continuance ot ihei paironage. Granger, travelers aud visitors we cor dially invite to the hoepitalliiy of the "Na tional" lo come ana see and judge lor lliemselve of its advantages and merits. Ourloctuioa is central, and convenient for Merchant and business men generally We will always endeavor to eludy the wants and comforts of our guests, aud with the asuistance of Mr. Joseph HoosUi. onr aGable nd attentive Clerk, we teel prepar ed to keep a good Hotel, and hope to give general satisfaction. I HENRY QUI LLM AN, JOHN DOVER. Philad., Feb. 13, 1861 y. CARPKT WEAVKG, MACHINE STITCHING fC. f.f RS. CATHARINE ZUPPINGER, begs lM- lv in inform tha Poblic that he AYEE'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Ar yon aick, feeble, and complaining! Areyoaoutof ordor, with your yntem de ranged, and your feelings un comfortable? These symp toms are often tbe prelude to serious illuoss. Some fit of sicknes is creeplng-uimn yon, and should be aTerted by a timely use of the right rem edy. Take Ayer's I'Uli, and 'cleanse cut the disordered hu mors purify the blood, aud lot the fluids move on unob structed in health apiin. They stimulate the functions of the body into vigorous ac tivity, purify the system irom tlio ubel.'uctious which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob strnits lis natural functions. These, if not rolioved, reset upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro ducing i;eneral aRgravation, suffering, and disease. While In this conditiuii, oppressed by the derangements, take Ayer's fills, and seo how directly they restore the natural notion ot the sjstmn, and with it the buoyant feelin or health afriin. What is true and so apparent la u o-iviul an.l n.mmnn couiutaint. is also true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers. The same , purgative effect expels them. Caused by similur obstruc- j lions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the simo means. None who know tho virtues of these fills, will neglect to employ iuuui bum uhuiui, the disorders they cure. ... , , 4, Statements from leading physicians in some or the principal cities, and from other well knowu public per sons. TVoni a Formardivg Merchant of SI. Zouit, lib. 4, 185ft. Pn. Arr.: Your Pills are the paragon or all that ie grout in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her mothor has been long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your fills, aud they have cured her. ,.rM- ASA BIORQ RIDGE. An a Family Physic. From Dr. E. IK Cartwright, Kcw Orleans. Vnnr rills are the rrince of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very cei tain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the doily treatment of disease. i Ileadaclie.SIcUHeadacne.Fonl Stomach. Prom Dr. Edward Uoyd, Baltimore. Beui Bno. A yer : I cannot answer you what complaints I have cured with your fills bettor than to say all that ue ever treat with a purgntive medicine. I place great d-peu-donce on an erfi-ctnal cathartic in my Hily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your fills afford us the best we have, I of course value them highly. Pittsbcbo, Tr May 1, 1855. Dlt. J. C. Ateh. Sir: I have been repeatodly cured cf the wirt headache any body can have by a dose or two cf your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarnm. Bllloita Dlorler Urer Complaints. From Dr. Tfieodore Bell, cfXcw York C ty. Not only are your fills admirably adopted In thuir pur pose as an aperient, bnt I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked Indeed. They have in my prac tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious com plaints than any one remedy I can mention. 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which ia wor thy the oun&donoe of the prvfestdou aud the people. Pepartkekt or tux Interior, 1 Washington, D. C, 7th Feb., I860, f Fir: I ltav used yjur fills in my geueral aud hospital practice ever siuco you made them, and cannot hesitate to kiv iLev are the best cathartic we employ. Their rrgn- lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they ars an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have eel loui found a case of bilious ducuse so uLstiuate that it did not readily yield t thuin. fraternal! yonrs, ALO.NZu BALL, M. D., lliS'Cian of tfie Marine Hospital, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, AVonn. Fi oiii Dr. J. a. Oreen, of Chicago. Your Tills have had a long trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effort upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses fur bilious dystnlcr'j and diarrliaa. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient fur the use of womeu aud children. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. From lUv. J. Y. llimes, lhtltr of Advent 0iurch, Boston. Pr, Ater: I have ued your Tills with extraordinary success lu my family and among those I am called to visit iu distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are tha very best remedy I have ever known, and 1 can courtdently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. IIIMMi. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y-, Oct. 24, 1S55. Tear Sir: 1 am using your Cathartic fills lu my prac tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system aud vurifu Vie fountains if Oie blood. JOHN Q. MEACUAU, M.S. ContlpntIon,CotIven, Snpiirnilon, lLliruiiiatimu,' Gont, IVeuralgla, Drop ay, Pirntyili, Ktta, etc. From Dr. J. F. Vaughn, Montreal, Cannda. Too much ennnot ho mU of your Tills for the cure of custireness. If other of our rratenilly liRve lounrt thera ! as rflicitciouu a.i I have, thfy shoul l Juia me In proclaim- ' Iuk it tor the benefit of the ninltituJes who uffsr from i that complaint, which, although haJ enough In Itself, la the progenitor of cthora that are worse. I believe cos livenets toon'giiiitte in the liter, but your Pill affect tbut organ and euro the uiocase. JVo Mr!. E Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston. I find one or two Urge down of your Pilln, tukrn at the proper time, are excellent promotive of the natural srere lion when wholly or partially auppresswl, and also very efToctual to cleanse the stomach aud ervel worms. They are so much the beat physic we have that I recommend no other to my paiiuots. From Vie Rev. Dr. IlawUs, of the MeVuxlist E,is. Cliureh. PrtAPM Ilocj't Pavannali, Ga, Jan. ft, IS56. Iloitonro Sia: I shotiM be tiniatful for the relief your kill ha broUKht me if I did but report my case tt you. A cold settled In my limbaand brought on excru ciHting nntralqic pains, which ended la chronic rheuma tism. Notwithstanding I had the let of pbynioiwn, tha tiiuewe prew worse and worso, until by the advice of yonr exrrllont ai-cnt in Jfaliimore, Dr. Mackenzio, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. Ey persevering lu the me of them, 1 am now entirely well. Sfsatc Cbajtbek, Baton Hour's La., 5 Dec. 1?55. Dr. Ater: I have been entirt-ly cured, by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout painful disease that ha 1 afflicted mo for years. VINCENT SUDELL. 3-Most cf the Pills in market contain Mercury, which, although valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in at public pill, from the dreadful conse quences that frequently follow iu incautious use. Thesa contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1 Prepared by Sr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold t) K. 1'. l.ii.Z; J K. Mij-r, .n. a tj.. M llaiieubuch, Blooinrbiir. and by one dealer in eerv town iu the State. April 6, 1661 -ly. Howard Association. PHILAOELI'HIA. A T5pnevnlenl lnt'tutlon e8labl(heJ bv, i special Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick ami Dis-tresed, afllicted with Viru lent and Chronic Disease?, and especial ly tor the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. ED ICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letler, v. i;h a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &e.,) and in case of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge- VALUABLE REPOUrS on SpematorrhfEi and other Dieafes ol the Sexual Organs, anil on (he NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary, rent io the afllicted in sealed leller envelopes, fiee of charge. Two or three stamp for postage will be acceptable. Adlres, Dr. J. SKILL1N HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Streer, Philadelphia, Pa. bv order ol the Directors. "GEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Piest. Philtdelnnia, April 3. 1861 ly. NEW FALL AND WINTER ill A 11 T Z& UIVT HAVE just received from Philadelphia a splendid assoriment of merchandise, purchased ai the lowest figure, and which they are determined lo sell tor Cash or Country Produce, on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Light Street. Then Slock con sists ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDAR IV A R E, IIO LLO W-WA RE, Iron, Nails 'ami Spikes, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CL0TUIXG. &c. &c Iu short every thing usually kept in a coun try Store. They respectfully invite their old friends, and the public generally, to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. -13-The highest price paid for country prp !"''. - v -si.!; . .... .', ! N E I'ltlPK RIO KA II. F.SSRS. ZUITLNGER & UORBINS, of hain2 purchased the ex- cln.Mve riht of the above valuable Impro ved-Cheai Patent Sewing Machine, for Hie Coumyot Columbia, "will 'be 'happy lo .npply iheir friend." with the article lor the aiM-omint daliorud theiin-elvef and lamiliee. The fnljowinu are eone of the superior advan'aes tbis implement pose.sei, viz: 1. It sews from 400 to 00 light (.filches per minute. 2 Double thread Machines aie from the more cornplica'.ed character ot their mech anism invariably munaued and ll readed with more or lerp difficult) ; riot co with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it in two hours, and it is threaded easder than a com mon needle. 3. One of the moM valuable features of this Machine, is ihe tmiallnees and the compactness cf it" mechanism. 4. ' ll can be attached to a board, table or ,and, in operalin" order, and removed in less than half a minute.. . . i : .1... I o. It "really economics i"" imca, an yet proituces a seam, oufficicnllv oiron for any work tor which it is intended, a qual-itl.-auon not known to all -k inils of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cinn a seam fo regular and t-yierriatic. The -eam is so P'ron if well done, that ihe (.t.one.-t material will lear belore the Hcam will aive way. 7. Anion!! the array of Pa'ent Sewing Machines, there are none so cheap ami durable as Raymond's Patent, but no Ma chine is adapted to all kimts ol work as expenence has proven. 1 here are perhaps none io realv useful, doina such a variety of wore tor the immediate use of the farn- j ily circle, and at nch a moderate price as j RAYMONDS PATENT. j 8. The operator can shape his eam just j as he pleases, waves, leave at.o uowen, e;c.,c;in to represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly ad a p leu to all kinds of Milch if 2 such as gentlemen s snirt-. bocoms, risibanJs, collars, eic., and all kinds of ladies' uewing, including silks, lawn?, delaines, calicoes, duMer, etc., ex cepting lor men'sheavy weaT, this Machine is rather too liht ol construction. 10. Dui we all admit, tha.t ihe advantage to health, and principally to the vision or evesioht. inctieed by the ut-e cf Sewina Machine, surpaees iiifiniiely all oiher ad- i variiaiieu. ;i. This Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if the operator wishe-s it unlahtcned or open, there is a way rr it too.lhurt jou can have ii fastened or not, as jou please, which is, sometime., e? pe nally for beginners, a very favorable cir cumstance. If the seam is letl unfastened, you can draw if out in thrto secends and -ave the thread. For sale by the undersigned, at their re spective residences, in Bloomt-burg, who will put the Machine in operation and give all necessary instruction. HENRY ZUPPINGER. DANIEL W. UOBlilNS. Bloomsburj, July II, I860. FR ESHARR I V AL O F MCKKI-.VY, JVI2AI- Sc CO., HtWE just received and openea heir block oi Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and Lanooin est asortment now offered in this TOWN. Havina paid great at'.ention lo the selection ot their entie stock a to Price ami Quality, ' they flatter themselves that the) can compete 1 with the cheapest, and all those wishing to i i buy cheap, iian save money by aiving us a ' call. We have a'l kinds of goods and wares I io supply the wants of the people. A very are ami cwnpiei assonmeni oi LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Mennoes, wool'pUid, alpacas, bom baxines, de bases, poplins parametla cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths. Ginghams, al'coes, &c WHITE GCODS OF A LL KINDS, Sleeves, Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, tJonncings, bands and trimmings, Uces and pdincis.bonnet ribbons, in lare variety, vl ve? libbons, and braids, kid, cotton, lU!e thread cloves, trmhair rrius, &:c. A Ii Is S P ll A WIS, t'roctie, Bay Sla;e, Waterville, black silk, casiimeie, embrodered, &.C. Also a vt-ry laroe lare assortment ol Lloih,, caimers. 6atmets, vesting vet, baver cloth tweeds, jeans, coaling vei- of all kind and sires for men, women and children. We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have al-o, Hardware, Qneensware, Cedar ware, &c. Very cheap ( ; A 1 IV E ' I S U A ! IV K T- P A G S , F . O 0 1 1 , Uble and carriage oil cloths, mats, rugs, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, ticking, dra pers, toweling?, drillings, &c, in ahtindance. We invite onr Iriends and the public gen-j erally lo give- us a call before purchasing ; elsewhere. We have bought our ynmis a the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will nrt be undersold by anbodv or the rei of tr.ai kind. McKELVY, NEAL & CO Bloomsburg, Nov. 21, 1350. F5HOTOGRAPH Y IN ALL ITS Branch??, -- executed in the best stvle known in he art, at C. C. CHASE'S GALLERY, j32 Arch Street, East of Sixth. Philadelphia. CSTLife Size in Oil and Patil, CiStereoscopic Portraits, RTAmbroU pes, Dauuerreotypes, &j. For Ca.-es, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c. nov!4 ""Tinware k Stove Kstablisusirat. IHE UNDERSIGNED tespecifuly in forms his old friends and cuoomers, that he has purchased his brother' interest in the above establishment, and tie con cern will hereafier l e conducted bj himself exclusively. He has just recoivei and of fers tor sale the largest and nost ex tensive assoriment of FANCSl'OTVS ever introduced into this mrfket. Stovepipe and Tinware conauily on hatnl and manufactured to order.' All kinds of repairing done, as usual, nn slort notice. The patronage of old friends aid new cus tomers is respectfully solicited jypppj Bloomsburg, Jan. 12. 1853. tf. PLOWS, PLOrt'S ! , 4 FIRS1KA1E article ol iiuws uii Lduu - and lor sale by JOSEPH StARPLESS. Bloomsburir, Mach, 6, 181 DAVID LOHENffiKG, C. L O THIN G ST ORE. On Main street, two doors abve the ican Hoiel." Amer- Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PA. in Court Alley, Eastof Court House Ofiice BARNARD RUJERT. - FASHIONABLE "A I LOR, ,wub.SoASMe of Main Street, fif3 RAYMOND S FAMILY SEWING MACHI PATENTED MARCH 9, 1858. CABINET WARE ROOMS. S C. 8HIVE RKSTKCTFULLV inviies die aUention o the Public to hie extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of i;ood mtterial and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort merit ot FASHIONABLE FUItMTlTltE, which is equal in style bud finish to that ol Philaiteli.hia or New York cities, and at as low prices. He has Sofa of different siyle and n rices, from $25 to $60. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chaiis, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a varieiy of upholstered work, with Dressin" and parloi bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashu, cheflenif rs, whatnots and commie and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of boteauc, enclosed and oommon wastibtanos, ilress-lacies, corner I I I Ull 3 1 ' " rum-. DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteails, cane seat and common chairs is the larcest in this section ol the conniy. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt and common Irames ?le will also furnish spring mattrasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are snperior for durability and comfort to any bed ii. nse. Bloomsbnr?, January 13, 1858. D S IT TIp T?, ii. uttifun, 1) II G 12 O IV 1 1 T 1ST. RESPECFULLY otters his r . ; . . I , - . t r I hi) " piUIBBBIUlldl BCI ll CI! IU IU T.lr laiti-i anil fentlftmen ol Blooms bat and vicinity. He is prepared to attend lo all the various operations in Densisiry, and is provided with the latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A sr.perior article of Toaih Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. ! rirRna i.l h.r.r,rruhnv0 S A. Wilson 8 i Carriage Manufactory Main St., wes-l side. Bloonisburg. January 13, 1858 FORKS HOTEL. ELOOMSLUKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT HAGENDUCH, Trojietor flAKES plea-ure in announcing loihe pub- he that he has rested and thoroughly refined the Forks Hotfl formerly occujit-d by James Freeze, in Bloomsburg, and is prepared to '-ncoinodatp travellers, teamsters, drover and boarders. His lable will be sup plied with the test products ihe markets af ford, and his Bar will be constantly furnish ed with the choice-l liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be :n at tendance, and he fruits his long experience in caterina to Jie wmts of the public, and hi obli"in2 alientior to customers wii se cure him a liberal sl-are of patronage. Bloomsburg, Apr I 21, 1S58. Flourazifl Fcetl Iclivcrccl I CIIEAPLU THAN TI1K CHEAPEST ! riHE undersisned has made arringe -t- merits that will enable him to deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper thin any boui else in town lli nricei are a? follows: Flour S7 25 ; Corn and Oafs Chop Si 55; Corn and Rve (hop 51 6o ; bran bl V) ; I respecilullysolici a shire of ihe public patronage. MOSES COFFMAN. Bloorrisburg June 14, 18C0. BLOOMS n una IMXiREZi SHOP. fjlHE uiider-ianed respectlully inform the -- ciiizeiisof Bluomsburg, and the pub ic seneraliy, hat he has taken the Barber Shop, locaud on Main Street, in the white Kraint Buldin2. nearly opposite the Ex change Blick,wtiere he is at all limes ready lo wait ujoti hi customers to entire satis faction. SH-V1NG AND HAIRDRESS1NG, Will le executed with care and neatness and In he most fashionable Mjleand on very rn"'eraie terms. l2.arripomtig, done up in City Style. He so'Cils public pafronage and pledges his bet endeavors to give every reasonable atiiatioii. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bhom-burg, Oct. 12, 1859. A5,E. 0a Huadred'Tous or Cayuga Laks Piaster, AT THE CATTAW1SSA MILIi. fl'HE undersigned would respectlully in - Inrin the i ublic generally that they h.ve on hand a large amount of superior CAYUGA LAKC PLASTLB, II of which they offer for sale, in largtf or ,mall quantities, uj on the mol reasonable iterms. Persons wishing a good article ot 'plaster would do well lo call and examine this before purchasing elsew here, C. W. M'KELVY : CO. Cat'awisea, Jan. 30, 1861 3m. GUAI'E VIAES. YOUNG Vines of two ears, of "Miller's Burgundy," with beautiful roots can be had : also, peach trees from seed of ihe choicest varieties, if called lor soon. HENRY ZUPPINGER. Bloomsburz, April 10, 1S6 1. 1DI.C K00.$f Proprietor. ULOOMSUVllG, PA. ''pHIS magnificent Hoiel, situate in the L cen'ral pfirtioii of the town, and op posite the Court House, his been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprie or is now prepared to accommodate travelers, learnsttts, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His lable will be supplied wiih the best ihe market alTords,and his Bar w::h the choicest liquors. Attentise ostlers wiil always be on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in this section ot country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to convey passen r.4 in an d from the Railroad Depot. WM. B. K00NS. Bloomsburg, July 4. I860. F O ll S A 1 13 ! SEVERAL desirable Building Lots in Bloomsburg, lor tale. Inquire of Juue 30, 1860-tf. W. WIRT. HIRAM C. HOWERj SURGEON DENTIST. OfTioe near Wilson's Carriage shop, Main St E. II. LITTLE, IIL0O.1IS15UUG, la. OlHce in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Charles R. Buckalew. December 28, lS59.-tf. "BLANKS J BLANKS! 1 BLANKS !t DEEDS, SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of prooer & desirableforms ,fo- sale at the of.ic of he "tar ofthe North " Rlanks of all Kinds EVA I'S & WATS OA'S Pbil'a Manufactured t:;iO 1 f lr i imn mm.. SAFES; ' fVJSrS (fe -tNo. 30-1 C'le-Hinf S el. tteS3 PHILADELPHIA. V ri'HP'SE Safes aie in use now all over the Unii- tl Stales, and hae been well test ed in niviry fi ; :e follnw ii.jt lf i an other instance of their capubil ty iu refitt ing fire. WITMER.S BRIDGE, Lancaster Township, Jul) 3U, IfoO.l Messrs. KVANS & WATSON : Gentlemen The small size No. 1 JaU mamler Sate which I purchased Worn your ag.ent, Mr. Adam H. Bair, iu Lancaster Ciiy, on July 20th, Ifc58, has been n.bjpcted to a very severe lest, which it wi;h(nrf in a most satisfactory manner. This Sale, con taining &1I my books, ugeiher with valua ble papers belonging to myself and so mo lo rny neighbors and irieiuls, and repre sent g a value ot over lwenty I noLand Dollats, S2O.00O3 was in my Mill whicrj was clestrcyttd on the n'ght of the 27lh of July, lfc60, and passed ihrotih ihe fiery cderal unscathed. The Sale wa-t on tha second floor, and fell to the basement cf the Mill, and was subjected ot six hour's to an intense heat anu.ng ihe ruin, which a greatly increased by the combustion of a Jarye quantity of grain coiind within the brick walls. Afier ihe fire the Safe waa opened and the books and papers taken out in a slate of perfect prescrva'ion, the pa per not even being discolored. Thi fact ws, however, to many, bystanders a bet ter recommendation ot jour S-des than en Ll be expressed in any other wcrda from me. 1 oure nespectluby, SAMUEL RANCK. AuoihT Victory lor Evans & Wat son s Salamander Safe. Oup, N. Y , March 27, 1860. Genilarr.en It affords me much pleasure lo inform you that the Safe No. 5, uprigh'.J which I iurchasel ol a. MronJ,our 1 rav elling Aeni, ha passed through an x- ceedir:gly hot fire in a three story brick building, which heated the Safe to a white heat, so that the corner of il appear melt ed; bill ii preserved my books ik1 valuabt papers to the amount of several itrcstand &SAts, lor which I feel thankful. onrs, Rtaspectfullv, J.xN. ELDR1DGE. Philadelphia. June 4th, 1S5. Messrs. EVANS & WATfcOX rnariufrtc tuted ihe Fire Proof Safe which have beec in Use since fhe com mecemeni of op Bank, and are supplied with three "of Ihe Patent AlphaLetical Bank Lock, and hitJ given entire sitifaction. Thi3 Lock we have great confidence in, bo'h a regard security and convenience, there ttinr no chance lo Llow il out wiih powder, and io key to carry. We consider it one of lh Dest atu! sale! Lock, now in Use. ROBERT MORRIS, Pres'i Com th Bank. HENRY GRAM BO, Cashier. Great Fire lnoiher Triumph. Knovide, Teun., March 13. Msbrs. EVANS & WATSON, PhdaMa. G-nilemen--It affords me great pleashr to say to you that the Salamander Sate which I purchased of you iu February, 1S5S, proved to be what you recommended it a sure protection Irom lire. My siorehou3e, tr-geiher with several clhers, was burned to ihe grr.und in March last. The Sale fell ihrough into the ceiler, and wa expo-ed to intense heal for six or eight hours, and when it was taken from the ruin ami opeu id, all its contents were fonnJ lo be in a peiteci siate, ihe books and the paper not beina iijured any whatever, t ta'i cheer fully recumni iul your Safes lo the com munity, Leviri, as i do, that ihey are us near fire prout as it is pos-ible tor any Sa.a . . i . i . Tim i I ifii'wi r to be made. Kcfcreiiccs. U. S. Mint. Philadelphia; U.S. Arsenal, Philadelphia' & Cal ; N. Liberiies Bank; Potisiown Bnk ; Chester Valley B.iuk , Soaibw ester" Bank of Va. ; Bank of Gold borough, N. C. ; Bnk of Raleigh, N. C. ; Bank ot Salisbury, N C. ; Bai.k of Jersey Shore, Pa. ; Bmk of Newark, Del. ; Bank of Northumberland; Lewitburg Binls. April 31, 1801. WVO.UIA(ii MOUJiE, DAMI L LAVtOCKi rUOl'UI BTOK, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. fHHE Proprietor respect'ully informs his JJ. friends and the public generally ilul be has taken charge of ihe Wyoming Iloiue, in the village ol Wyoming, rear ihe Railroad Depot of that place, an I has fitted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a ouitable and comtoriabld I manner. His rooms are spacious and airy, J ai, j not ony calculated to add to (he conve nience and comtort ot tte travenngsomrau n'uy, but aUo io those who would seek a pleasant summer resort wiih familie. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best ihe market can aflord ; and hi BaR wiil be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtait.ed. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to the comfort and eon vene:ice of his iuests. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a mong ihe firs! hotels in the Slate. The Pronrie-or hopes thai from his expe rience in ihe business, and by unremitting attention on hi part, combined with a judi cious selection of the most careful and oblig ing servants, he may be entitled to ihe fa vorable consideration of the public, aud re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. CP Please give hm a call, and judie for ourselve April 2, lS5i. rVciv Arrival ol" SPRING AND SUDIER GOODS, David I,oweiibcrg INVITES at;ention to his slockof cheap and fashionale tlothingt hFsstoreoo Main street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort mentof men and boy's wearing apparel, including the most fashionable DKBSS GOODS, Box, sack, frock, gnm and oil cloth coa: of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cra vats, stocks, collars, hand kerchiefs jglove 8, ansnendtirs and fancy articles. N. B. He will also maKe io oruer anjr article of clothing at very shortnotice and in the best manner. All his clothing i made to treai, and most olitisol home manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, March 13, 1861. FLAGS! FLAGS! CJ. S. HABKISf CNION FLAG MANUFACTORY S. E. COR. FOURTH AND VINE STS., PHILADELPHIA United States Flags of all sizes; also Unin Badaes of various styles and izes. May 1st, 1861. S. C SH1VK, ila nvfaclurer nf Furniture and Culinet War Vareroom in Shive' Block, on Main Stieu