The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 29, 1861, Image 1
! i f 1 F n i r Hi IV, II. JACOBY, froprielor. Truth and Right God and our Country. Two Dollars per Annum. VOLUME 13. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY MAY 29, L86L. NUMBER 21. Kin r STAR OF THE NORTH j 'PCBLIsniD EVERT WKD5XSPAT BT W. II. JlCJ3f, Office on Haln St., 3rd Square below Market, TERMS : Two Dollars per annum it paid "within six months from the time of subscri- bin" : two dollars and fifty cents it not paid j r-,tMr. the rear. INo subscription ianen ior a less period than fix months; no discon tinuances permitted until all arrearages are paid, u:iles at the option of the editor. The terms cj advertising tcM be as follows r 'One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00 Every subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three months, 3 00 One year, 8 Cljoice lloetrtj. Thenar Spaaglei BannMr. In 181 1, when the British fleet was at the mouth of the Potomac river, and intended to attack Baltimore, Mr Key and Mr. Skin ner were sent in a vessel wiih a flag ot trace to obtain the release of some prison -ers the English had taken in their expedi tion against Washington. They did not succeed and were told that they would be detained till after the attack had been made on Baltimore. Accordingly, they went in their own vessel, stronsjly guarded, with the British fleet as it sailed up the Patapsco, and when they came in sight of Fort Mc Henry, a short distance below the city, they could see the American flag flying on the Tarn parts. As the day closed in, the bom bardment ot the Fort commenced, and Mr. Key and Mr. Skinner remained on deck all night, watching with deep anxiety every hell that wa fired. While the bombard rnent continued, it was sufficient proof that the fort had not been surrendered. It sud denly ceased some time before day, but as thv had no communication with any of - j the enemy's ships, they did not know whether the fort had surrendered or the at tack noon it had been abandoned. They paced the deck the rest of the night in pain fal suspense, watching wim intense anxiety for the return of day. At length the light ame, and they saw that "oar flag was still there," and soon they were informed that the -attack had failed. I u the fervor of the moment, Mr. Key took an old letter from his pocket, and on its back wroie the most "of this celebrated song, finishing it before he reached Baltimore. He showed it to his triend Judge Nicholson, who was so pleaded with it that he placed it at once in ' the band of the printer, and in au hour af- ! ter, it was all over the oty, and hailed with i enthusiasm, and took its plate at once as a national song. We re print it here ; for though all are familiar with it, no one will i object to baviiig another copy and a correct oue, taken from one prepared by the author ! lor publication a lew days ago : I. O say can you see, by ihe dawn's early Sight hat so proudly we hailed at me iwi-; light's last gleaming ; . ! Whose broad Stripes andbrighlSlars through the perilous tight, j O er the rmparts we watched, were so! gallantly streaming ! j And the rockets red glare, the bombs burst-! mg in air, Cave proof through the night that our fla was still there. O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet 1 wave. O'er the land of the tree and the home of the brave if. On that shore, dimly seen through the mist of the deep, Where the toe's haughty host in dread ti- lence reposes. What is that which, the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitlully blows, half conceals, half discloses ? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, la full glory reflected now shines on the stream. Tis the Star Spangled Banner ! O long mar it wave O'er the laud of the free and the home of tae brave. HI. And where are the foes who so vauutingly swore . . That the havoc of war, and the battle's confusion, A home ana a country should leave us no more ? Their blood has washed out their foul footstep's pollution " No refuge could save the hireling and slave - From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave; And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph . doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ! - - " IT. O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes au J the war's desolation, - Blest with victory and peace, may the heav en rescued land , Fraie the Power that hath made and pre serves os a nation ! Then conquer we must, when oar cause is so jtm, . And this be onr motto, 'In God is our trust !' And the Star Spangled Banner iu triumph shall wave O'er the laud of the free and the home of : ' . the brave ! By the way, here are additional stanzas, eunj on the occasion of the rising Df aa im tnaase flag, by the Philadelphia Board of Brokers, one day last week : And now oa our soil, when vile traitors as sail That glorious flag, by all nations respect- ' ed, 'Danant we fling its bright folds to the gale. And swear from rebeuior. il shall be pro tected. . Yes ! we swear to defend -. To tha la?t bloody end, Tha Red, White and Diae, which In Union fctill blend; Aai the S.u Spangled Banner ia triumph bhiil WiViS 'O'er alt the Uit hwl of the freo and the ifjvERSB BT OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES When our laud is illumined vfith liberty smile, . "" If a foe from "within strike a blow at her glory, : ' ! Down, down with the traitors that dares to defile . ; j The flag of her stars and the page of her 1 glory. . . :) By the millions unchained who our birth right have gained, We will keep her bright blazon forever un stained ! And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave , . While the land of the free is the home of the brave. vEffSE -ST ftlSB BTEBBISS, TUB 8CULPTRU When treason's dark cloud hovers black o'er the land, And traitors conspire to hlljc her glory W hen that banner is torn by a fratricide band, , Whose bright, starry folds shine illumin ed in story, United we stand for the dear native land, To the Union we pledge every heart, ev ery hand ! And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave 0"er the land of the free and the borne of the brave ! Crime and Betribntion. In the course of an article based upon the text that "murder will out," a recent English paper tells a story of a dissolute young butcher, who lived with his widowed mother, near Smithfield Bars, some twelve years ago. "Oue night, inflamed by liquor and lo? ees at a gaming-table, he came home, and looking in bis mother's room, found her a-Ieep. He had a suspicion that the mon ey with which the grazier was to be paid was hidden somewhere in the room ; arid, creeping in lightly, he began to search the drawer?, but found nothing but a steel, a blue apron and butchers knike. With the last in his hand be approached the bed where his mother lay aileep, and, beneath the pillow caught sight ola leather pouch He reached out his hand, seized it, and himself was seized. The poor woman grasped him ti&ht'y by the arm and screamed lor hlp. Not know, ing who was her assailant, she screamed for her son and that son alenced her cry forever! With 20 in bis possession, he stole away from the house, kireJ a boat at Billingsgate to go to Tilbury, pretending he was going to buy cattle at a fair in Essex. The boat pushed off, and lie was never j eeu.again. '' hen the murder was ascovered, in the course of the next day, smficion was at once excited that he had been Ur assassin. His wild course of life and treuent quar rels with his mother were well known. The brutal threats he had been lnard to ut ter, the desperate things he had been known to do, all assis ed in fixing the gult of the murder upon him ; but search we mde for him in vain. He had been eeeu to en ter the house at Smithfield Bars; le had not been Been to leave it, but a persot an swering to his description had been oiseiv ed at Billingsgate, and nothing father 1 could be traced. j "Some people conjectured that he had escaped to foreign parts ; others that he had fallen into the river and been drowttsd j but nothing was known with i many years after. certainty for , "About eleven years after the murler, two waterman named Smith and Gurrey, were playing a shufle-board in a tap room, Quarre"'nS oer ihe game, incited to fury j by the liquor they had drank, they began o accuse each other of crime. . "'Be careful, Mr. Gurney or I'll han; you yet !' i4 'Hang roe !' retorts the other. 'There be along cord and short shrift tor both of us.' ' 'I told thee no good would come of it that to murder the fellow would be a safe road to the gallows !' " 'And 1 told thee that sharing the money and washing the boat was not a whit the better.' "These angry words collected a crowd of idlers who were drinking in a tap-room, and among them a parish constable, who immediately look both in custody. ,(On the examination of the prisoners it j appeared that a butcher, who took a boat; with them on the night of the murder,! boasted of the money Jip possessed, and ! that they agreed to rob and murder him ; and in this attempt succeeded j stabbing the man, taking his moiiey which they shared between them and throwing the body overboard. ; "On their own confession they were con victed, condemned, and executeJ at Maid stone, and hanged in chains a little above Gravesend. "None of the butcher's relations knew what had become of him until this happen ed ; but the fact was then established that the murderer, in this effort to elude justice had met a barbarous death ; but that the instruments of his punishment were not allowed to escape; and also that by a strange and mysterious course of events, they betrayed ihomselve j, and were brought to justice.. ?: , ET'A Dutchman in one of the Pennsyl vania regiments, who was told that the fact that nobody was killed on either side al the bombardment of Sampler, was owing to the wonderful improvements in military science, opened his eyes wide and said, Deni, by tarn, dey had better not prin; town our Dctchnians, for dey are so sthupid mil science dat dey could not go into file From the National Intelligencer. . "THE ATTACK 01 WASHINGTON." We find in the Virginia journals a copy of the general orders issued under dt.e of May 5th, by Brigadier General Philip St. George Cocke, commanding the ''Potomac Department" of the State of Virginia, in which occurs the following statement : "The capitol of the United States has nev er beenjihreateued, and it is not now threat ened. It is beyond and outside the limits of the free and Sovereign State of Virginia." It Gen. Cocke means to say that the 'cap itol of the United States" has never been threatened by him, we are sure that all cre dence will be given to his declarations un der this head, but if it is intended to suggest that there hava been no threats cf attack from other quarters, sufficient to justify the precautionary measures taken by the Fed ral Government, we think his assurance cannot be received without casting discredit on men high in the confidence of the Con lederate States, and on able and influential journals, heretofore understood to be the authentic exponents of Southern wishes and purposes. We append a few citations taken from authorities which are thus ig nored by Gen. Cocke, or whote ''threats" are regarded by him with a contempt great er than ihe Administration apparently deemed it afe to entertain in the face of demonstrations proceeding from sources heretofore regarded as respectable. On the 12th of April last the honorable Mr. Walker, Secretary of War of the Con- j federate States, held the following language at Montgomery Alabama ; j "No man, he said, could tell where the war this day commenced would end, but he would prophesy that ihe flag which now flaunts the breeze hee would float over the dome of the old Copilot at Wahinglon bejore the first of May. Let them try Southern Chivelry and test the extent of Southern resources, and it might float eventually over Fanueil Hall itself." j Such being the publicly avowed belief of the Secretary of War of the Confederate Slates, we quote in illustration of "threats" the following extracts taken lrom leading Southern journals, merely promising that ! we could greatly add to their number if it were essential to the purpose : j From the Richmond Enquirer of April 13. Attention Volunteers ! Nothing is more probable than that President Davis will soon march an army through North Car olina and llrgiuia lo Washington. Those of ! our volunteers tvhodesiro to join the South em army, accoutrements, uniforms, ammn- nition, and knapsacks in constant readiness. ' From the N. Orleans Picayune of April 18. j The fruits of a Virginia secession will be the removal ol Lincoln and his Cabinet, a. id whatever he can carry away to the safer neighborhood of Harrisburg or Cincinnati : perhaps to Buffalo or Cleveland. From the Vicksburg (Mis.) Whig of April 20. 1 Major Ben. McCullough has organized a immediately on Washington, and so staled force of five thousand men to Seize the Fed- to whicli the crowd responded in deafening eral Ccpjtol the imintt the first blood is spilled, and prolonged cheeri." ! The Montgomery Advertiser says this in- At the "flag presentation" which preced telligence is from a Virgina gentleman now J ed the departure of the second regiment of in Washington city, who had it direct from j South Carolinia for Richmond, the follow- McCullough's own lips. From the Richrriond(Va.)Examiner April 23. The capture of Washington city is per fectly within the power of Virginia and Maryland, if Virginia will only make the proper effort by her constituted authorities nor is their a single moment to lose. 'The : entire population pant for the onset; there never was half the unanimity among the people before, nor a lithe of the zeal upon '; any subject that is now manifested to take Washington," and drive from it every Black Republican who iaa dweller there. V From the mountain tops and vallevs to 'he shore of the sea there ' is one wild ihout of fierce resolve to capture Washing ton city" at all and every human hazard Ihe filthy cage of unclean birds must aud vhII assuredly be purified by fire. The people are determined upon it, and are clanorous for a leader to conduct them to theonslaught. That leader will assuredly aris, aye, that right speedily. Fron theGoldsboro'(N.C )Tribune April 24. W; understand that Duncan K. McRte, Esq., 'who came here last night, bears a epecid order tor one regiment of North Caroliia troops to march to the city of Washugton. There to be ready in forty eight lours from the notice. This is by order l Gov. Ellis. To bave gained Maryland is to have gained a host It insures Washington city, and theignominious expulsion of Lincoln and hisbody guard of Kansas cut throats from tht White House. "It makes good the wordi of" Secretary Walker at Montgom ery iu regard to the Federal Metropolis-" It irans!e6 the liues of battle from the Poto mac lo tht Pennsylvania border. From the laleigh fN. C.) Standard April 24. North Ciiolitia will send her full quota of troops to uiite in the attack on Washing ton city. Otr streets are alive with sol diers and oflbers, many of the latter being here to tender their companies to the Gov ernor. Wasiington city will soon be too hot to hold braham Lincoln and bis Gov ernment. "Vorth Carolina has said it, and she will do al she can to make good her declaration.". From the Eifanla (Ala ) Express April 25. With indef-endant Virginia on one aide and the eeiessiooists of Maryland (who doubtless in ihe majority) on the other, our ' the policy at thistime should be to eeize and his Cabinet prisoners of war. Once get the Heads of the Government in our power and we can demand any terms we pee fit, and thus perhaps avoid a long and bloody contest. From the Wilmington (N. C ) Daily Jour nal of April 27. A correspondent writing from George town (N. C.) under date of April 26th makes inquiry about a report that had got afloat there that three regiments of troops had left North Carolina to join Lincoln. What an idea ! When North Carolina re giments go to Washington, and they will go, they will stand side by sid with their brethren of the South. What fool could have put in circulation such a report ! From the Milledgeville (Ga.) Southern Re corder of April 30. The Government of the Confederate Stales must possess the city of Washington. It is folly to think it can be used any longer as the headquarters of the Lincoln Govern ment, as r.o access can be had to it except by parsing through Virginia and Maryland. The District of (Jo'umbia cannot remain under the jurisdiction of the United States Congress without humillialing Southern pride and defeating Southern rights. Both are essential to greatness of character, and both must co-operat3 in the destiny to be achieved. The correspondent of the Charleston Cou rier wrote from Montgomery, Alabamaj un der date of the 28ih ultimo as follows : "The aspect of Montgomery at this time is any thing put peaceful, aud, with the presence of so many troops in the capitol at once, the people are beginning to realize the fact that we are in the midst of war, as well as to feel assured that vigor and ener gy characterize the Administration. In the churches; to-day, prayers were offered for the success of our arms during the war. Tiie desire for taking Washington, I believe increases every hour, and alt things, to my ! thiukinj, seem tending to this conMimaiion. We are in lively hope that before three mouths roll by, the Government, Con-! gress, Departments, and all will have re moved to the present Federal Capital." A correspondent of the Baltimore Ex change, writing from Montgomery (Ala bama) under date of April 2uth, immediate ly after the receipt of the telegraphic intel ligence announcing the attack of the Balti- more mob on the Massachusetts Hoops, ' communicated the following: j "In the evening bonfires were built in ' front of the Exchange Hotel, and from the vast crowd which assembled repea ed cheers were given for the loyal people of ; Baltimore. Hon. Roger A Pryor, of Virgin- j ia, had arrived in the city in the afternoon J and as soon as it was known there were loud calls for hirn. His reception was most j enthusiastic, and some minutes elapsed be- ' fore he could commence his remarks. He made a briel but very eloquent address, full of spirit, lie is in favor of marching ing remarks were made by Col. Kershaw on taking the colors: "Sergeant Gordon, te your particular charg is commuted this noble gift. Plant j ih niibiof iivuvi a 1 1 o . ii tun iij uir j fers let it be .he first to kis the bree.e of j heaven Jrom the dome of the Capitol at j Washington." We could indefinitely multiply these ci tations, but we think we have already pro duced enough ;o convince Gen. Cocke that Federal capital has been threatened. We are glad, however, to bslieve with him that at preseiit no purpose of a hostile nature are entertained by ihe people of Virginia against the peace and safety of this Dis trict. A time to Preach and a time to Fight One of the most thriving reminisences in the American Revolution is related of General Peter Muhlenburg, whose ashes repose in the burying ground ot "The Old Trappe Church," in Montgomery county, this Stale. When the war broke out, Mu hlenburg was rector of a Protestant Episco pal Church in Dunmore county, Virginia On a Sunday morning he administered the communion of the Lord's Supper to his charge, staling that in the afternoon of that day he would preach a sermon on "The duties men owe lo their country." At the appointed time the building was crowded with anxious listeners. The discourse, if we remember correctly, was founded on a text trom Solomon "There is a time tor every purpose and for every work." The sermon burned with patriotic fire ; every sentence and intonation told the speaker's deep earnestness in what he was saying Pausing, a moment at the close of his dis course, he repealed the words of his text, and then, in tones of thunder, exclaimed ; Ihe tune to p each is pust ; "The time to fight has come! and, suitingt he action to the word, he threw from his shoulders his episcopal robes aud stood before his congregation in military uniform. Drumming for recruits was commenced on the spot, and it is said that almost every male of suitable age in the congregation enlisted forthwith. 13 On the appearance of a thunder-storm the Indians invariably leave their pursuits and seek shelter nnder a beech tree. In Tennessee it is also considered a complete nrotection. an it is never known tn ha struck I r ' 5 with lightning while other trees are that Speech of Gen. Butler. Washington, May 17, 1 81 1 . Last night a large number of the tnends of Gen. Butler, desirous of testifying their admiration of hirn, proceeded to his quar ters, the National Hotel, with the Marine Band and complimented him with a sere nade. A large crowd was in attendance, ! and, after several patriotic airs had been played by the band, the General appeared on the balcony of the Hotel, and was re ceived with a perfect storm of applause, cheer after cheer being given for him and for Ihe State of Massachuseets. Wheu the enthusiasm had subsided, Gen. Butler said : Fellow Citizens : Your cheers for the old Commonwealth of Massachusetts are right ly bestowed. Foremost in the ranks of those who fought for the liberties of the country in the revolution was Massachu- j setts, and it is a historical fact, which 1 take great pride in referring to in this hour, that, in the Revolution, the old Bay Stale furnished more men to go south of Mason and Dixon's line, to fight the enemies of the country, than did all the Southern colonies put to gether. Cheers And in this second war, if war must come, to establish the Declara tion of Independence anew, and to se cure the blesssinas of that Declaration the Constitution and the Union Massachu setts is ready again to furnish every man aye, every woman upon her 6oil in this good cause. Applause Perhaps 1 may for the moment, be excuced in referring to my own Stale. I believe 1 speak to many who have the love of the old Common wealth in their hearts. But we have this uiirereuce from our Southern brethren : while we love Massachusetts with the true love of a son, we love the Ui.ion and the country with an equal devotion. Good' and cheers We put no S.ata rights, no State pride, no loeoi theold Common wealth of Massa chusetts before, above and beyond our love to the Union. To us our country is first be t cause it is our country. Uur Mate next, because she is our Stale and part of that country. Our oath of allegiance to the Uni on is our first biudiug obligation; our oath of allegiance to the State is the second ob ligation, never clashing, always intertwin ing. He who does his duty to the Union, does his duly to the Stale, and he who does his duty to the State does his duty lo the Union one and inseparable, now and lor ever. Allow me, further, lo say that 1 look upon this demonstration of yours as prompt ed by that devotion which we all feel for a common courtry. This is a great and a good Government of ours, so kind so be nign and so benificent that its hand has only been felt in acts of affectionate gener osity and is now lor the first time, raised in ihe act of chastising its children. It has been attacked by those who should have been the first lo defend it, and as, in the history of a man's life, many things may be worse to him than death, so in the history of a nation, dishonor, wrong or dis intregation may be much worse than the shedding of blood. My friends, this Union established by our fathers, - cost them a great x ei of treasure, a great deal ol suffer ing, and a great deal of blond, and by ihe bright heavens above we will not part with it 6hort of the first cost, and interest from the day of date. 'Good,' and cheers The same blood which flowed iu our fath- .i .1 ers veins sun mows in ours; tne same courage which they showed still I trust an imates us ; we have ihe same powers of endurance ; the same love of liberty ami law is ours, and we hold him brother who stands by the flag of the Union, and we hold him enemy to the last degree who at tempts to ftrike one star out of tfiat billiant con6iellaiioti whicu floats over u. Three j cheers A voice 'A little more grape, j General.' Three cheors for the stars and i stripes j But 1 hear some one say, shall we carry on a fratricidal war? Shall we hed our' brother's blood? Shall we go to the extent of ; meeting in arms those we have been taught to cail our brothers ? To that I answer : as our fathers in defence of their rights did , not hesitate to strike the mother country, and fight against their mother, so we, their sons, iu detense of our rights must meet : our brothers as they met their mother. If this wicked unholy and fratricidal war is ' forced upon us, we can only say, lat the j responsibility rest upon those who made the necessity. Our hands are clean, our hearts 1 are firm, and the Union must be preserved I At every hazard, at every risk, at every j expense, at the sacrifice of every life this side of the Arctic region, must this Union be preserved. And what kind of a strug gle will it be? Suppose the twenty-five thousand soldiers of the 'North now here should be this day and hour cut off, would the battle rest ? No. Fifty thousand more would take their places, and if they should fall, one hundred thousand more would rush down from the North, to be followed, if they should fall, by the fever pestilence or sword, by a quarter of a million more, until the very women would take the field and drive the enemies of the Union into the Gult. Cheers. I have neither fear nor doubt upon this subject. 1 have neither fear or dismay in regard to it. I have grief aud sorrow at the necessity, and God help those who have forced that necessity upou us. We are here for our Government and our laws; we are here for our flag; we are here for our country ; our face is turned eouiti ward, there is no step backward. He makes a wide mistake who thinks we are to be either cajoled, or intimidated, or compro- - miseJ ay furtDer The d a y of com pro must and shall Le sustained. Great ap plause. And when the Government is sustained, we will do as we have ever done give every body in the Union their rights under the Constitution, and every body out of the Union the 'steel of the Union until they come in under the Constitution. 'We like that,' 'that's the talk,' and immense cheering. And now, my friends, allow me to bid you good night. Cries of 'Go on,' 'Give them another right hand shot, Gener al.' Three cheers lor General Butler. 'Give them a ten pound shot, 'Order,' &c. It is immpossible tor me, my friends, to go on ; this is no lime for speech making. If you will return to your homes, and the Government will give me directions, 1 will go South and you shall follow fei'8. Nine cheers for Butler . Army Clothing. The complaints of the clothing furnished the soldiers are general. A correspondent of tha Lancaster 5U(rer,writing from Camp Scott, says : The Fighting First, in the absence ot anything better to do, has been giving the devil to the contractors who furnished us with clothing. Such "mean, flimsy rotten stuff I never saw equaled. The under clothing is good enough ; but the pants and coats are the meanest specimens of needle work that I ever saw. All the men have Wen supplied ; and yet ; you can hardly find a whole pair of breech es in the company. Buttons seem to have been seized wit'.i the mania polu ; they fly off if you touch them, while the stitches are so far apart that you can see daylight thro'. In attempting to sit down with our unmen tionables on, we hear a prolonged and omi nous ' rip ! rip !" that warns us to be care ful. If we attempt to button our coats, we find the buttons in our hands, and our coat tails beautifully floating in the brisk breeze as signals of distress. All these mishaps we must repair at our own expense. And as to fits ! one of our Lancaster exquisites would start aghast in holy horror. Men whose girdles would not encircle a email beer keg are laying loose in pants that would easi ly ericloso a Falsiaff; while sume fellow, whose, underpinning is raiher extended, finds his feet reaching a foot or more through. All these mishaps we can easily bear, however, if tha clothe- were only made strong, so as lo wear any rea sonable time. Our overcoats are worse than the pants ; and for these miserable things we are charged ?10. It is a burning ahame we sha l be thus swindled and im posed upon, without any means of redress But I guess we must grin ar.d bear it The editor of the 1 htladelphia lvcmug Jont ncl says : We were shown a shoe to-dav. one ot a pair furnished to a soldier, which lasted juni two days and a half. The inner sole was wood, and eo cut across the grain that the par'y who showed it to us requested us to handle it lightly bo as not to break it. Our friend promised to show us a pair of panta- loons w hich lasted a little lonuer than the shoes. We examined a State Capital Guar! who was up here on furiough a day or two ago. His overcoat appeared to be comfortable, hut his uniform coal looked as if it was made of flannel, arid a good dienchtn would wash it to pieces. The pantaloons were not bad. but the cap was wilted into the most fantastic shape by a single shower, and the shoes were well, we won't under take to describe them. Artcmns Ward on Secession. The great showman has come ost elo quently tor the Union. We quote the con clusion of his recent speech on the subject of secession : "I say lo the South, don't efi5sh ! I say to the galyeut people of that sunny land, jes lock up a few hundred of them tearin' and roariu' tellers of yourn in some strong boi, and send 'em over lo Mexico. And we people up North here will consine a ekal numbtr of our addle-brained rib snort ers to the same Lkaii'y, and thar let 'em lite it out among themselves. No conse kents, uol the slightest which licks. Why shouldn't ihe people who got up this fite do the fitin ? Git these ornery critters out o' the way, and the sensible of the people of the North and South can fix the matter up very easy. And when 'lis fixed let both secshuus mind their own bizness. ' Feller Biiterzai; I am m the Sheer and Yalier leef. 1 shall peg out one of these dase. Bui while I do stop heer I 6hall slay iu the Union. 1 know not what the Super visee of Baidinsvill may konklude to do, but fur one 1 shall stand by the Stares and Stripes. Under no sirkumstances what sumever will I sesesh, and let the Palmet ter flags flote thicker nor ohirls on Square Baker's close line and still thar I'll stand, & stick onto the good old flag of the stars and snipes. The countey may go to the devil, but 1 won't. And next Summer when I start out on my campaue with ray show, wherever I pilch my little tent you 6hall se a floating proudly from the center pole thar the Amerikan flag with tiary a stare wiped out, nary a iripe lesser, but the same old flag that has allers flotid thar, and the price of admission will be the same it allers was 15 ceuls, one-eyed men ar.d wiuimiu aud children half price. Gf A good story is told ot a country gen- j ileman, who, for the first time, heard an j Episcopal clergyman preach. He had read j much of the aristocracy of the church, and ! when he returned home he was asked if '. the people were "stuck up." " Pshaw ! j died he. "why th ejTmji - texjreigb Views of 31r. Bell. The Nashville Banner of the 10th inst., gives an authorized version of the remarks made by Hon. John Bell at the meeting held in Nashville on the 23d ult. We quote the following from the speech as reported : "Under the circumstances, what is the first duty that patriotism and the safety and honor of the State require at our hands? To organize the militia as effectually and promptly as may be, to collect arm, pro vide all necessary munuions of war, anJ be prepared for any emergency. The next and not less important duty is to act with such discretion as lo promote unanimity of feeling and lo secure the hearty co-operation of all our citizen, as tar a possible, in breasting the storm which threatens to buret over our heads. To meet the issue of such a war successfully, we must be able to wield the power of the whole State moral and physical. No questions should be raised, no unnecessary issues should be presented, calculated to produce distraction and divisions among the people at such a crisis. There are thousands of worthy citi zen? who are not prepared to vole for se cession, nor to sanction a proposition lu any form for a separation of the Slate from the Union for any existing cause, who, nev ertheless, if left undisturbed by any such distracting question, would, with alacrity, spring to their arms and fiht shoulder to shoulder with their neighbors and country men for the protection of the Southland its institutions. Besides this, there are other considerations making it highly expedient to attempt any change in our political rela tions at this lime. Amid the excitement of war, actual or threatened, it was not a fit time lor the consideration and establish. ment of any new political relations. The dignity, safety, and honor of the States were deeply involved in all such questions, and they should be deferred to a time of peace and exemption from all such distractions as torbid deliberation and reflection. Thera are many perplexing'queslions to be well considered before we adopt the oolicv of separate State action, without reference lo our tuture connections with other States. The line whicli separate Tennessee from the Slates of the Southern Confederacy, on the one hand, and that which separates us from our Northern neighbor,(Keutucky,) connected with us by equal ties of sympa thy, interest, and social intercourse, on the other, must give rise to frequent feuds and disturbances on the ono or Vhe other, as circumstance may force us to separate trom the State or States bordering upon one line and not lrom those bordering upon the other. But there is another oljectiou to precipi tate action in changing our political rela tions. Where is the necessity, the wisdom or sound policy of such a course? It is true we may be regarded as having placed ourselves ia a slate of qiasi rebellion by the repudiation of the President's call for troops; but why should we, by an authoritive pub lic act, place the State in a position of ac tual rebellion, by declaring her out of the Union, and thus defy the power of the Gov ernment, in anticipation of such a war a may never be forced upon us?" A Protestiocs Question. "A large poni of ice was near a school house where on Miss C "taught the youug ides." To warn the boys against the danger of amus ing themselves upon the "frozen element," one day she related the tollowing story: " 'Two young men who were very fond, of skating, out on the river one moonlight night. One of them placed sticks where he thought there were air holes ; but the olhe'r, in skating backward, passed the boundry, the ice broke and he went under. Hi body was found a longtime afterward by some boys who were playing on the river bank' "'Here the excitement in the school room became intense, and one boy, about eight years of age, who,- with mouth wide open, hair on end, and eyes dilated to their utmost extent, had been literally "'swallow ing' the narrative, started up, and anxiously inquired, "Who got his skates?" In the Paris conn of Correctional police, recently, a lady, by no means youu, ad vanced coquel'jshly to ihe witness stand to give her testimony. "What is your name?" "Virginie Loustatot " "What is your age?' ''Twenty-eight." (Exclamations of incre dulity from the audieuce.) The lady's evi dence being taken, she regained her place still coquettiskly bridling, and the next witness was introduced. This was a full grown young man. 'Your name ?'' said the Judge, "Isadore Loustatot" " Your age ?" "Twenty-seven years.". "Are you a relative of the lat witness " 1 am her sou." "Ah, well I" murmured the magis trate, "your mother must bave marrievi very young." VtT A Novel Advertismeut. A pew in tha meeting house is ihui advertised for sale in the Amherst Express: "A pew the first parish in Amherst. Th6 man that owns ihe pew owns the right of a pac just as long as the pew is, from the bottom of the meeting house to the top of roof, and can go as much higher as he can get. If a man will buy my pew and sit iu it on Sun days, aud repent and be a good man, h will go to Heaven if God lets him go. Lt a man start from the place, let him go ilgh', and he will go to Heaven at last, and my pew is as good a place to start lrom a3 any pew in the - ' r, fWh ' s..