MARK- THESE rPAGTS ! THE TESTUIOST:CF THE WOULD. Si HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. BAD LEGS, BAD BREATS, SORES AND ULCERS. AH description of sore are remediable by the proper and diligecl use of this ines timable preparation. To artmpt to cure tad leg? by plastering ihe edges of the wound together is a folly ; for should the skin unite, a boggy diseased dondiiion re mains underneath to break out with tenfold fury in a few days. The "only rationanl and suct-ossful treatment, as indicated by nature, is to reduce the inflarna. ion in and about the wound and tc soothe the neighboring part by robbing in plenty of the Ointment a t-alt is forced iuto meat. DIPTHERIA, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEVERS. Any of the above diseases may be cured by well rubbingr the Ointment three times a day into the chf?tt, throat and neck of the patient; it will soon perreirate, and give immediate relief. - Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole sys tem ere its influence can be fell in any lo cal part, whereas the Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever tries the unguent In the above manner ol the disease named, or any similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, will fii.d themselves relieved an by a charm. PILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above class of complaints will be removed by nightly fomenting the parts wish warm water, and then by most effect ually rubbing in the Ointment. Persons suffering Irom these direful complaints should lose not a moment in arresting their progress. Ii should be understood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the affected parts, bnt it must be well rubbed in for some considerable time two or three time a day, that it may be taken into the system, whence it will re move any hidden sore or wound as effect ually as though palpable to Ihe eye. There again bread and water poultices, alter rub bing in of the Ointment, will do great ser vice. This i the only sure treatment for females, cases of cancer in the stomach, or where there may be a general bearing down. INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. Blotches, as also swellings, ud, with certainty, be radically cured it tne umt ment be used freely, and Pills be taken night and morning as recommended in the printed instructions. When treaied in any o'.her way they only dry up in one. place to break out in anoiber ; whereas this Oint ment will remove the humor from the sys tem, and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy being. It will require time wish the use of the Pills to ensure a lasting cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND STIFF JOINTS. Although the above complaints difler widely in their origin and nature, yet they all require locsl treatment. Many of the worst cases, of such diseases, will yield in a comparatively shott space of time when this Ointment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected, evtn after every ciher means have failed. Ia all eerious maladies the Pill should be taken according to the di rciious accompanying each box. Bulk Ihe Ointment and PilU should be wed in tkt following ernes : Drpsy, Dysentery, Ague. Asthma, Billions Complaints, Blotches on the - Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colic, Constipation of the Bowel, Consumption, Debility', Inflammtion, Jaandice Liver Com plaints, Lnmbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sore Throats, . Stone and Gravel, Secondary symptoms, Tic-Doutoureoi, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, King' &c, fcc. CAUTIOX J None are eennine unless the words "Holtoway, Tew York and Lon don," are disceraibifl as a Water mrrk in every leaf of '.he book of direction are on each pot or box : the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one ren dering such information as way lead hand detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the sme, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the' Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, : nnii at 9 iv fi2f and SI each. ca There is a considerable saving by taking tbe larger sizes.. t N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients, in every disorder, are affixed to each box. October 10, 1860. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sfcy-Iiisht Ambrolypist, r?OOMS in the laird cuory 01 me Ex JL change Block, (.entrance aoove tne Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia conn ty, P. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1859-ly. IttAFfllOOD. nOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just PuU'uhed. in a Sealed Envelope; UN THE NATURE, I UK A I - 'MENT, AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner vousness and involuntary emissions, indu ring jmpotencvj.aad Mental and Physical jf n c& T" & 0 fr? T ' : - By ROBT.J CULVERWELL, M. D., si - Author of the "Green Book " etc., -The world-renowned author, in his admi rable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, ; instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which e-ry sn2jrer,Do matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pnwitey end ladizaUy. This lecture, will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sect unJerseal, in-a plain envelope, to any a.!Jres postpaid, on ttc: receipt of two postage stamps, bypajj'jfc. KLINE, 127 f i-fv, N . Y. Fobt OfScetox 4,5SS. THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. MOI)ERNCOOKE RY In all its Branches, BY MISS ELIZA ACTON, CAREFULLY REVISED BY MRS- 8. J HALE. IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork ; also the best and simplest way of salting, pick ling and curing the same. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and moM approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Muttoo, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kiuds, with the different Dressings, Graviep, and Stuffings appro priate to each. IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose, ciean, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted ; also all the va rious and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty diflerent kinds of Meat, Fish. Fowl. Game, and Vegetable Soups broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes ot conking Vegeta bles of every description, also how to pre pare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, .Mush rooms, &e. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of preparing and cookirc all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pas- trv, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every description. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and Biscuit, the beet method ol preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of various kinds. IT TELLS YOU HOW to set out and or nament a Table, how to Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking a to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within everybody' reach. The book contains 413 pages, and up wards of twelve hundred Receipts, ail of which are the results of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested un der the personal superintendence of the writers It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra ving, and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt ol the price, Si OO.or in cloth, extta, SI. 25. 81000 a Year can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, our in ducements to all such being very liberal. lor single copies of the Book, or for tprms to aaerts. with other information .... ' apply to or address rr muK c rnrrrt PnV.iishpr. No. 617 Saiisouo nov I4m6 St., Philadelphia. Great Work on the llorse. THE HORSE ARDIiIS DISEASES ; BY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Professor of Pathology and Operative Surgery in the Veterinary College of Philudelpaia, etc., etc. 7 1 LL TELL YOU of the Origin, and distinctive trails of Ihe History vari? s breeds rf European, Asiatic, Afnc -i and American Horses, with the physical forma tion and peculiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you ol Breeding, Breaking, Sta bling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and the oeneral management cf the horse, with the best modes ol administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kcking, Reane,rp Shyina, Stumbling, CriD Siting. neM.ess ness, and other vices to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings THE HORSE AND HIS uifc.A&f,r. Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangles, Sore throat, l)is- temper, Catarrh, Influenza, Jtsronctii'is. Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Broxen winu, anio nic Cough, Roaring and Whistling. Lampa. Sore Mouth and Ulcers, ana jjecajea Teeth, with other diseases ol the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS UlAr Will :ell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Bots, Colic, Strangu lation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, t'alsy, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Hepatirrhoea, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases of the Stomach, Bow Is, Liver and Urinary ur ganS. , . . to nicr I c I'C- THE HUKJh. AftU Oio uicr.ftoi,.i Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog, bpavin, Ringoone, bweenis, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bru;se and Gravel, Cracked Hoofs, Scratches. Canker, Thrush, and Corns ; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Stagsier. and other drfeases of the Feet, Lea, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, GalN, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c, &c, and how to manage Castration, Bleeding, Trephinning, Roweling, Firing, Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and other surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of Rarey's Method of taming Horses; bow to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to strange sounds and sights, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness; also the lorm and law ci Warranty. The whole be ing the result of more than fifteen years' careful 6tudy of the habits, peculiarities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages, appropri alelv illustrated by One Hundred Engra vinos. It is printed in a clear and open tvne.and will be furnished to any address, nnstauB naid. on receipt of price, half bound, $1-00, or, in cloth, extra, 81.25. SIOOO a Year can hft made by enterprising men every mhora in nllins- the above, and other nonnlar works of ours V W t w u a ' Our inducements m all tnph are exceedingly liberal. 1 For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, ap- olv to or address jumi r.. rui icn, v 7 Publisher, 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa novl4m6 For Sale or Rent. mTHK subscriber offers three Houses J. and lots for sale, or rent, one in Blooms hnrr. one at Buckhoru. and one at lower Lime Rid-e, all in this county. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg Feb. 6, 1861. , A.M. RUPERT, TINNER & STOVE DEALER, Snnth side of Main street, below DP SVD? SI (ZD CO. COAL C1L BURNERS AND LAMPS FOR BURNING Coal, Kerosene, or Carbon Oils. The best, most brilliant, and cheapest por table lignt now in use. No canger of ex plosion and cheaper than fluid, lard oil, fish oil, or Camphene, EQUAL TO GAS, Without the expense of gasfixtuies. The above Lamps (with all their fancy tim ings) can be seen and bought at the old established Drug and Chemical Store ot the undersigned, who flatters himself that from his long experience in the Drug trade, he knows how and where to buy, and rs deter mined not to be undersold by any one in Bloomsburg, or surrounding country. Call and ee has new and well selected stock ol DRUGS. MEDICINES & CHEMICALS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYESTUFFS, OILS, GLASS FROM 7x9 to 24x36, CONFECTION ARIES, PER FUMERY AND FANCY TOILET, ARTICLES FOR LADIES & GFNTS TO B AC CO AND CIGARS, Asst'd Brands, Patent Medicines of every variety in use, Liquors (pure) for medicinal use only, Fluid Camphene, Carbon Oil, Turpentine and Alcohol, Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdomnal Supporters, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Sauh Nail & Tooth brushes, Prof. Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies, garden, canary, rape and hemp seeds, thermometers, proof-glasses moroc co leather and shoe findings, &c, &c, io gether with the largest and most varied as sortment of German Tos and Yankee Notions, ever brought to this place, all of which please call and see, and you must believe. Having learned by sad experience thit "long credits will not keep things moving," I have determined to 3SHB! ECHOES., to cash buyers, to make it an object to thern as well as ihe teller, to cVal on the cash principle, either money or ready trade. Having served a regular apprenticeship at the Drug and Apothecary business, be sides having carried it on for (he last eigh teen years, on my own hook, I flatter my self that I am able to do justice to all giving me a trial. Thankful to th3 public for past favors, I would ask a trial on the new prin ciple, and will gonrar.tee to all, that it will make Jona friends, and pay best in the end to pay cash and buy at rednced prices. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded, and all orders cor rectly answered. All medifinesguarranted as recommended, Stoic Room on Main Sireel, near Market, next door to the Post Office, Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa. El'HRAlM P. LUTZ. December 7, 1859-tf. SPRING AND SUMMER Gi- ; CL OD 23 a LARGE STOCK ASD LOW PKICES. TR e have again been to the ciiy, and re ' turned wiih a large eiock of Goods for the season, which we are prepared to s;ll at h low figure lor ready pay. Our stock consists of Hardware, Queeusware, C ; .rware, "Willow-ware, Hollo-?-vr iv, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Fluid, Camphene Oils, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, &c., &c. H. C. & I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. PHILADELPHIA AM) READING WINTER ARRANGEMENT, CfCEMBES OTII 1859. Four Daily Passenger Trains to Philadelphia. (From and passing Reading) At 6.20 a. m.? 10 20 a. rn., 12 noon, (Freight and Passenger,) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily trains to Pottsviile and Port Clinton, at 10.15 a. m., and 6.05 p. m. Couuectinir at Port Ciinton with trains for Tamaqna. Viiliamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and (he Canada?. The 10.1 a. m op train only connects at Port Clinton wiih trains for Wilkesbarre, Scraiitoti and Piitston. Pufsengers leaving Wilhamsport by the canawissa iiunroau nixiii nut-, hi ju.ij i t-t .i ri. I : . .tie m., connect wuli a passenger train luav- ma t ort Clinton ai a. m., arrive at ieau- inj at 5.50 a. m., breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. m. Read ing Accommodation Train. On Sundays the 10.15 a. m. Down, and the 6.05 p. m Up Trains only run. LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Ztro 1'ruins Daily. Sunday Ezcspted) to and fiom Jiarrisburg. At 10.23 a. rn. and 6 08 p. in. Leaving Harrisbnrg at 8 00 a. in. and 2.35 p. rn. Connec:ing with trains on the Northern Central, Pennsj Ivania, and Cumberland Vai ley Railroads, lor Sunbury, Williamsport: Iitt"bureh, Lancaster, Baltimore, itiam- berburg, &c. Through I u-kets Reading to Baltimore, 91 00; to Laucaeter, ?2 25; to Gettysburg, 3 50. 80 pounds oi baggage allowed to each passenger. The second class cars run with all the above trains. Through first class tickets at reduced rates to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chica20. and all the principal points in the West, North West, and tha Canadas; and Erni!ronl Tickets at lower fares to all anove places, can be had on application to the station agent at Reatiing. All tickets will be purchased, before the trains start. Higher fares charged if paid in cars. G. A. NICOLLS, Engineer and General Superintendent. February 22, 1860. E. II. LITTLE, S'Sm'SSWS ill? ILiiWa BLOOM SISU KG, F.i. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Charles R. Buckalevv. December 2S, 1859. tf. Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PA. OfHce in Court Alley, East of Court House BARNARD KUPEKT, FAStllOISJiULE TAILOR, Shop on the South Side ol Main Street, firs quare below Market. " GOOD LIQTJCIRS. rpHE ondersigned has opened a new Li 1. quor Store at Mifflinville, Columbia county and stocked it with a large and ex ossceilrlent. ament of All kinds, to which he invites the atten tion of dealers. His Liquors are of the best brands, and one trial will satisfy all. A. ANDREAS. Mifflinville, June 27, I860. HIRAM C. H0WER, SURGEON'DENTIST, .TIER'S Sarsaparilla FOP. rUSlEYING THE BLOOD. And fur tba speedy ctra of tbe following complain ta: Scrofula and Scrofulous JllTecti ons,snch m.m Tuinori, lll:eri, Sores, Kruptiom, Plntplea, Pustules, Itlotchea, Iloll, Ulaiiia, and avl Sltln Diseases. Oakland, I ml., Cth Juno. 1850. J. C. Ater St Co. Cants: I fool it my duty to ao hntiwltxlfl what yout Srmqmrill Iiim done fur mo. livini lulieritod a 6cnf"l'Ui infection, I liavo HufTertnt fiora it in various wyl for yoara. Sometimes It burnt out iu Ulcers ou my bnud and anus; sometime it turned inward and tiin.remed ma at the gtomnch. Two yara ago it broko ont ot my head and covered my scalp utid ears with one sore, whteh was aiufti1 and loethsonio beyond description. I tried many niudicines and several physicians, but without much relief from any thing. Ia fact, the dixorder grew wurte. At leugth I was rejoiced to read lu tho Uopol MesMonper that you had prupared an alterative (Sarniiparilla), fr I knew from your reputa tion that any thiutf you mad ) miift bo gooi). I sut to Ciaeiuuati aud got it, aud UKed it till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, in small doiea of a teaspoon ful over a month, and used almost three lotttop. New and healthy skin soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my feelinps l!mt the dioeaite had pone from my system. You can well believe that I feel wlmt I am saying heu I tell you, that I hold you to So one of the apoftle of tho age, and remain ever gratefully. Yoorn, AUKKI) n. T ALLEY. Bt. Anthony's Fire. Rose or Kryslnelac, Tetter and Salt RUenm, Scald Mead, Klngworin, sore, Jiropsy. Ir. PolK-rt M. Preble writes from Salem, N. 12th Sept., 1S69, that he h.ifl enred an inveterate cao of Drojisy, which tlreahneil to terminate fntnlly, by tho porseverinR use of our iSarwijiiirilU, ami alw a dauKemu M.UiynatU J!ryri-lis ty hirife doses of the ctmo; says he cures tho common Ervjitinm by It constantly. Urojichocele, Goitre or Swelled Neelr. Zebiilon Sloan of lWpect, TcxaH, writes: Three tot tles of your Sarsaiaril!a cured m from a Goitre a hid eous swelling on tho neck, which I had suffered from over two years." Lentorrhva orWhltes.Ovsrlnn Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Kvmale Diseases. Dr. ,T. B. S. Ctinnninr, of New York City, write ; " I most cheerfully comply with tho request of your ngent In saying I have found yonr Sarsaparilla a most excellent Iterative in the numerous complain Is for which we employ utieh a remedy, hut especially in female Ihtaxet of tha"fcrofulona diathesis. I have cured many Inveter ate cnneg of Leneorrhcrs by it, and some whore the com plaint was caused by nwclw of the ttttrut. l"he ulcer ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowl edge e;UHln It for thee female deranaemonts." Kdward P. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous trarian tumrrr o one of the females In my family, which had defied all tiie remedies we could employ, baa at lencth been completely cured by yonr Extract of Sar saparilla. Our phv")Hau thought nothing but extiiTi tio:i ciuM afford relief, but he advised the Iriul of your Partwiparilia as th laat rwrt before cuttitur, and it proved eftnotual. After kiniryour remedy eight weeks no symptom of the dixeaae remains.' SypHIIls and Mercurial Dlaense. Nrw OatrASS. 2fth Aupust. 1S69. T)r. J. C. ATMt: Ptr, I cheerfully comply with the re umt of your airent. and renort to you some of the cfteeta I have realized with your flarwiparilln. I Lave cnrt'O with It, In my practice, mosi oi tnscom pluiuts for which it Is recommended, and have fnnd its e!T,:ts truly wonderful in the cure of T'nrrtal awl Mrr cvritil lilt-out. One of my patients bad Syphilitic nlcers lu his throat, w hich wero consuming his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured liiiu iu five weeks. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in bis newt, and the ulceration bad eateu awy a considerable part of it, so that I Itelieve tbe disorder mould soon reach hie brain and kill him. lint it yielded to my adminixtraUon of your trxaparilla : the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some diKtixunUton to his face. A woman who had been treated for tbe same disorder by mercury was suffering Iruui tlas poison in her bones. 1 bey bad liecome so seu sitivv to the wal her that on a damp day she suffered ex eruciatioK pain in tier j:iints and bones, ghe, too, was cured eutirely by your harwparilla in a few weeks. I know Bom its formula, which your aent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; cotifc-qucptly, thexe truly remarkable results with it have not surprised rue. 'raternally youre, 0. V. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Gont, lMver Complaint JircKPFMUEHca, Proftou Co., Ta.. 6th July, 1V.9. Pa. J. C. Arm: Hr, I have been afllicted with a peln ful cbr-iiic Hhr'iMndrm for a long time, which bfTl"d the skill of physicians, and stuck to mo In spite of all the remedies I could find, until I tried yonr Saroaparilla. One bottle cured me iu two weeks, and reetwrcd my general beaah so B"-'h tket I am far better than before I was atuxxed. I tb'nk it a wonderAil medkioe. J. RKAH. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. V-ots, wi first "I Lara xQ atf.ictej fur ,' s; ajectun ef Utt I.votv, which ifr '. tiy health. I tried every thing, and every thing i.uied to relieve me ; and I have been a broken-down man tor some years fiom no other cause than dcrangrmmt of tV LUrr. ily beloved faster, ti e Kev. Sir. Espy, advised Uie to try your Sarsaparilla, because he suid he kcew yos), and any tiling you made was worth trying. Py the blees lng of God it has cured me, and has so purified my blond aa to make a new man of me. I f-el young again. The boat that Can be said of you U not half good enough." Be lilrrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Carles and Kxfollatlon of the liouti, A great variety of caaea have been reported to ns where cures of these formidable complaints have resulted from the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit them. Home of Uiem may be found In onr American Almnnae, which Uie agents below named are pleated to furnish gratia to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Kpllep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many ri-markable cures of tlieee affections have been made by the alterative power of this medicine. It atimu lat tbe vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcome diwrd-rs which would 1 supposed beyond W rea.-h. fcuch a remedy has long tieen required by tbe ne cewilies of lbs pec'ple, and we axe confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RaPin CTHE OF Cotistia, Col1s, Iiiflnrnia, Iloarseneas, Croup, llronrhttl, Incipient Con sumption, and for the Ilrltef of Conaurnjttive Patients In nlTnncel Ktngei Of the Diteait. TW" ! a romfiy ao nnlTally nc.wn to rrrra ar.y other for the curn.f tlirnat anJ hu:g cr-mrlainlK. that It ia nylons bera to put-listi tlio viil-uco of ita virtue. Ita nnrival!ei exclleDC for cough and cold, and it trnly wonuVrfnl riir of pnlraonary iliwan. liaTe marie it known tlirnif!iont the nntiora cf the earth, lew are the commuiiitii-s, or even families, among them who hare not some peroral eiperienco of iu cff.K-ta urue livluK trophy In Uirir ml l't of ita victory orvr th aubtia and danftvrotu .llr'. r or me mnjav nuu iuuF- : A ail know ttm drt-i.ifnt ality f f diwnier, and aa they Know, txi, the efTfX-tg of thl remedy, we md not do mora than to aanro tiiem that it baa now all the Tlr tuea that it did have when making the curea which bava won ao itronply upon tha cnnn.iSi new ci inanninu. Prop&rcd by Dr. J. C. AYEB lo CO., Lowell, Kaaa. Sold l K. 1'., J. II. Moyer, and G. M. Haaenbuch, Bloouiebnra, and by one dealer in eterv town in the Stale. April 6, IROI.-ly. IZimnrri AKOciatioiia I'HILAOKLl'Hl A. A Benevolent Intl:tulion esiablshw by, special Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Dietres-ed, atliicled with Viru lent and Chronic Diseases, and especial ly lor the Cure of Diseafes of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given cratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all vrho apply by letter, wi;h a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cae of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished Iree of charge. VALUABLK REPOKTSou SpematorrhDi and other Di-ease of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Oiepencary, f,ent to the afilicteil in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two nr three stamps for postage wiil be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 Smith Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Ta. Bv order ol the Directors. 'GEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec. EZRA D. HE ART WELL, Prest. rinkclflpnia. April 3. 1861 ly. NEW FALL AND WINTER MAI&TZ & fiftT IT AVE just received from Philadelphia a splendid assortment of merchandise, purchased at the lowest fissure, and which they are determined to sell for Cash or Country Produce, on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Light Sceet. Their Stock con sists ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest 3tyles and latest fashions, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUE ENS WARE, CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, N Iron, and Spikr, BOOT AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. &c, In short every thing usually kept in a coun try Store. They respectfully iosite their old friends, and the public generally, to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. SThe highest price paid for country produce. RAYMONDS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! PATENTED MAKCII 9, 1858. PRICE 110 EAt:ll. M1 ESSRS. ZUF1MNGEH & ROBBINS, of Bloomsburg, baring purchased the ex clusive riht ol the above valuable lmpro ved Chear Patent Sewin Machine, for ihe County of Columbia, will be happy to aepply iheirfrind with the article for the aTtnirntdalionof thenisel ve. and tamiliep. The ftdlowina are some of the superior advantages tbi- implement po8es, viz: 1. It sews from 400 to 600 tight stitches per minute. 2 Double-thread Machines are from the more complicated character of their meeh n ii ism invaria blv managfid and threaded with more or loss difficulty ; not bo with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage u in two hours, and it is threaded easier tnaa a com mon needle. 3. One of the mon valuable features of this Machine, is the pmallness and the compactness of its mechanism. 4. ' It can be attached to a board, table or Plant!, in operating order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a seam, sufficiently strong for any work for which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cing a eeam eo regular and systematic. Theeam iseo strong if well done, that the 8t:onget.t material "will tear before the Beam will ive way. 7. Anions the array of Pa'ent Sewing Machines, there are none so cheap and durable as Raymond's Patent, but no Ma chine is adapted to all kinds of work as experience has proven. There are perhaps none eo realy uselul, doing sucn a variety of wore for the immediate ue of the fam ily circle, and at such a moderate price as RAYMONDS PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his spam just as he pistes, waves, leaves and flowers, etc., can be represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adaptea lo all kinds of eiitching such as gentlemen's shirts, bosoms, risibands, collars, etc., and all kinds of ladies' sewing, including silks, lawns, delaines, calicoes, dusters, etc., ex cepting for men's heavy wear, this Machine is rather too lignt ol construction. 10. But we all admit, that the advantage to health, and principally to the vision or eyesight, induced by Ihe use of Sewing Machines, surpass infinitely all oiher ad vantages. 31. This Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if the operator wishes it unlastened or open, there is a way for it too, thus you can have it fastened or not, asycu please, which is, sometimes, espe cially for beginners, a very favorable cir cumstance. If the seam is left unfastened, vou can draw it out in three seconds and save the thread. For sale by the underpinned, at their re spective residences, in Bloomsburg, who will put the Machine in operation and give all necessary inslrnrtinn. HENRY ZUPPINGER. DANIEL V. ROBBINS. Bloomibur2, July 11,1360 FRaZFH ARRIVAL OF AT M13AW QUARTERS! ITIcIiKf-VYj IVKA1-. CO., "B I AVE just received and cpeneu their stock ol Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and hanttsom est assortment now offered in this TOWN. Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock as to Price and Quality, they flatter themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buv chean. can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of aoods and wares to supply the wants of the people. A very large ami complete assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Merino?8, wool plaids, alpaca-, bom basines, de baes, noplins parametta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persiau cloth. Ginehams, al;cos, .&c. WHITE GCODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeve, Collar. Spencer, handkerchiefs, ! flounciogs, bands and irimmmos, l.ices ana I edginas, bonnet ribbon, in lanje variety, vrl- vet" ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, li-le i thread gloves, mohair mitt, &c. ALL OF SHAlVIils, broche. Hav Stnie, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, emtrolered, &c. Also a very large lariie aKortment of Cloths, caimers, satinets, veling, tweeds, jeans, coatinj vcl- vet, beavrr ciotnr, jc. of all kinds and sizes for men, women and children. We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latet fashion. We have alj;-, Hardwarp, Queensware, Cedar ware, &c. Very cheap C A Ul'F.TS, (lAIirET-BACiS, FLOOR, tible and carriage oil cloth, mats, rug, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, ticking, dra pers, toweling", drilling; &c, in abundance. We invite our friends and the public gen erally to give us a call before purchasing elsewhpre. We have bonrrht our good at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man kind. McKELVY, NEAL & CO. Bioomfburg, Nov. 21, 1850. "OHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS executed in the best style known in the art, at C. (i. CHASE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. riTLife Size in Oil and Pastil, OStereoscopic Portraits, rPAmbrol pe, Dasuerreotypes, &u. For Cases, Medallious, Pins, Rings, &c. novl4 Tinware & Store EstabI ish m c n t. r1HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just received and of 3l fers for sa'.a the largest andmnM ex rrr3 tensive assortment of FANCY STOTVS ever introduced into this market. Siovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as u?ual, nn short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT Bloomsburu, Jan. 12. 1853. tf. PLOWS, PLOWS ! ' 4 FIRST KATE arttrle of Plows on hand and for sale by JOSEPH SHARrLESS. Bloomsbnre, Mach, 6, 1861. " ARISE TAKE l-P THY BED AND WALK. The An alylical Physician and Surgeon, I Daily astonishing his patients by the cure of long- standing diseases. HIS REMEDIES ARE PURELY V ECS ETA RLE. He will be at the following places the same days of each month as stated be low, when he can be consulted for all dis ease flesh is heir to. CONSULTATION FUEE. At Nicely 's, in Berwick, 28ih and 29th. The Exchange, Bloomsburg, 30lh to 1st. The Montour House, Danville, 2d & 3d. January 30, I86i.-Im -pd. I CABINET WARE ROOMS. . c. CSS H hr,rECTFULLV invites ihe attention of the Public to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good material and in a workmanlike manner, At his EHtabli-U-ment, can always be found a good assort ment of FASHIONABLE FCRNITCRE, which is equal in style and finiMi to that ol Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as lr.w nrices. lie has Sofas of different style and nricps, from S25 to S60. Divans Lonn oes Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Itnrkinc and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing nd narlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and nier tables, detashus, cheffeniers, whatnots and corrodes ana an kirur oi la-munauie work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and oommon wasnfctands, dress-tables, corner cupbo jrds sofas, DINING AND BUKAKj AM lAiiLha, bedsteads, cane seai an-i commun nu the largest in this section of the couniy.He will also keep a good assortment ot looting olasses with fancv 2ilt and common frames He will also furnish spring maltrasses tilted to any sized oedsieao, w nicn are popermr for (tniahiliiv and comiorl to anv reu in use. Dloomsbnrp, Jat-uary 13, 1858. H. V. IKMVIT., S Ti It a E O IV BEAT! ST. -w-k L' C l I? r TT I T r T r nffarii h'i mm mm lu I l-lJWa 10 .a. a j ,Ar.L.utAtml cArv'titoe In tho .1 .if Indies and gentlemen ol blooms- . .... hnrr and vicinitv. He is prepared to attend to all tbe various operations in Dentistry, and is provided with the latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or cold plate, to look as well as natn ml A superior article of Too'h Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. 9,1 tinll.tlmt ahrtM S. A. V HSOn 8 vy 1 1 n . j .vi m ......... j-, " flarri jap Mann far.torv Main St.. west tide. Utoomsburg, January 13, 1858 FORKS HOTEL. LLOOMSBCRG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT IIAGENBUCH, Proprietor. ffllAKES pleasure in announcing tothe pub A lie that he has rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James Freeze, in liloomsburg, and is prepared to accomodate travellers, leamMer, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with the best products the markets af- tord, and his liar wiil be constantly iurnisn' ed with the choicest liquors. Atientive ostlers wilt always be in at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering to the wants of the public, anil his obliging attention to customers wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsbnrg, April 21, 1838. Flour and Feed Delivered ! CHEAPER THAS TIIE CHEAPEST ! rpilE under.i2ned has made arringe J- ments that will enable him to deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any bou else in town His prices arj as follows: Flour S7 25 : Corn and Oats Chop SI 55; Corn and Rve Chon 61 65: Rran 81 10 I respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. MOSES COFFMAN. Bloorneburg, June 14, 1860. ; HLOOMSIWRG bakisi:i: sis op. TITHE undemaned respectlully inform" the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that he has taken the Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in the white Frame Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Block, where he is at all times ready to wait upon hi customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatnes and in the mo-l fashionable style, and on verv moderate terms. CIT Shampoo i rig, done up in City Style. He solicils public pa'.ronaae and pledses hi beM endeavors to give every reasonable satifaction. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1859. A CARD TO THE Sl'FFERIXG. The Rev. William Cosgrove, while la boring as a missionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great number who were suffering Irom Consumption, Bronchit is, Sore Throat, Coughs, and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it. free of charge. Address REV. WM COSGROVE, 230 Baltic-street, Brookljn. N. Y. Feb. 27, 1861 3m. FOXt SAffiE. One HundrcdJTons of Caynga Lake Piaster, AT THE CATTAWISSA MILLS. riHE undersigned would respectfully in--- form the public generally that they have on hand a large amount of superior CAYUGl LAKE PLASTER, all of which they offer for sale, in large "or mall quantities, upon the most reasonable terms. Persons wishins a good article of plaster would do well to call and examine this before purchasing eisew here, C. W. M'KELVY &: CO. Cattawissa, Jan. 30, 1861 3m. GRAPE VINES. y( OUNG Vines of two years, ol 'Aitller s Bnmundv." with beautiful roots can be had : also, peach trees from seed of the choicest varieties, if called for soon. HENRY ZUPPINGER. R!oombur2. April 10, 1861. lilaiilt of all Kind for sale at the Star of he North Ottlce. W3I.R K00NS, Proprietor. RLOOMSIICIIG, PA. rpHIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the -L central portion of the town, and op posite ihe Court House, has been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate traveler, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the mot pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords.and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Attentise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling; is the most extensive in ihis section of country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to convey passen cers to and from the Railroad Depots. fa WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomsburg, July 4, I860.. FOR SALE! SEVERAL desirable Building Lots Bloomsburg, for sale. Inquire of June SO, 1860-tf. W. WIRT. in KVAiS & YATSO'S Phi Fa Itfaijiifac. tired sALMANDKI! SAFES; No. 304 Chestnnt Sir! PHILADELPHIA. fHESE Safes are in use now all over the - United ISlHie. and have been well mat ed in mny lirfs; the fVdl om ing shows an other iriftsiue of their capability in reaibt- inn hie. WITMER.S BRIDGE, i Lancaster Township, July 10, 1F60 I Mrs-rs. EVANS & WATSON : Gentlemen The small size No. 1 Sala mander Sale which I purchased from your agent, Mr. Adam U. Barr, in Lancaster City on July 20ih, 1858, has been subjected to & very severe test, wtncn it withstood jn a most satisfactory manner. This Safe, rorr- laining all my book?, trgetb-r with valua ble papers belonging to myelf and some to my neighbors and mends, and repre senting a value of over Twenty Tho'isan Dollars, 20,COOJ was in my Mill w hich tiroa IRt rnvptl nn lhf niTht ri ihd f7u 'c juy l860) an, pas.aed throngh the fierv ordea, unFCa,nej The Safe was on th ordeal unscathed Ihe bale was on the second floor, and fell to ihe basement ot the Mill, and was subjected for six hours to an intense heat among the ruins, which was yreatly increased by ihe combnjiion cf a large quanlity of grain confined within the brick wall". After the fire the Sfe was opened and the books and papers taken out in a state ot periccl preservation, the pa per not even being discolored. This fact was, however, to many, bystanders a bet ter recommendation oi yonr fies than con M be expressed in any other words from me. Yours Respectfully, SAMUEL RANCK. AnoiliT Victory lor Evans & Wat son's Salamander Safe. Oweg-o, N. Y., March 27, 1860. Ge.ntlarren It affords me much pleasure to inform you that the Safe No. 5, uprishtj which I purchase.! ot . Mrouu,yonr trav elling Aerit, haa passed through an ex ceedinalv hot fire in a three siory brick buildinu, which heated the Safe to a white heat, so ihat the corners of it appear melted- bni il preserved mv books and valuable nauers lo the amouiii or several inousanu dollars, tor which I feel thanklul. orirs, iiet-pectinilv, J.N. ELDRIDGE. Philadelphia. June 4th, 1858. Messrs. EVANS fc WATSON manufac tured the Fire Proof Safes which have been in ue since the commecement of oo Bank, ami are supplied with three of Ihe Paient Alphabetical Bank Lock, and hava . t - 1- eiven entire saiiiacuon. mis uorji. wo have srea' confidence in, both as regard security and convenience, there being no chance to blow it out with powder, and no key to carry. We consider it one of the best and safest Lock now in u?e. ROBERT MORRIS, Pres'l Com'th Bank. HENRY GRAMBO, Cashier. Great Fire Another Trminpn. Knoxviile, Term., March 13. 1S59. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, Plwla'da. Gentlemen It affords ras great pleasure to say to you that the Silamander Safe which I purchased of yon in February,1359 , proved to be what yon rotommended it a sure protection Irom fire. My storehouse, together with several others, was burned to Ihe ground in March lat. The Safe fell throush into the celler, and wa exposed to intense heat for six or eight hour, and when it was taken from the ruins and open ed, ail its contents were fonn J to be in a perfect state, the books and the papers not beinu injured any whatever. I can cheer fully recomm nd your Safes to tfce com munity, believing, as I i'o, that they are as near fire prool as it is pos-ible for any Safe to be made. 1 HOMA& J. 1U1V fcUb. Kcfcreiices. U. S. Mini. Philadelphia; U.S. Anenal, Philadelphia fc Cal ; N. Liberties Bank; PotlMown B-wik ; Chester Valley Bnk , Sonthwe-tern Bank ot Va.; Bank of Golds borough, N. C. ; Bank of Raleigh, N. C. ; H-uik of Salisbury, N C. ; Bank of Jerey Shore, Pa. ; Bmk of Newark, Del. ; Bank of Northumberland; Lewisburg Bnk. April 3 1, 1S61. WYO.Ii HOUSE, DAMII, ,V'OCK, IMtOlMtlKTOK, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. rnHE Proprietor respecttully informs his U frienUs and ihe public -enerally that he has taken charge of the Wyoming Jhuse, in ihe village of Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, and has fitted it ont so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitor- in a suitable and comtortable manner. Hi rooms are spacioas and airy, and not only calculated to add to the conve nience and comfort of the travelingsommu nity, but aIo lo thoe who would seek a pleasant summer resort with families. II TA HI.E will be supplied with the best I the market can afford ; and his BAR will be I furnished with the purest liqnors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give nis exclusive attention to the comfort and cm vemence ot his cUests, and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a mong the firt hotels in the St.ite. The Proprietor hopes that from hi expe rience in ihe business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined wiih a judi cious selection cf the most careful and oDlig ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. Pa" Please give him a call, and judge fot n n r elve April 2. 1859. Icrw Arrival oi SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Iavid Loweiibcrs INVITES attention :o his stock of cheap nd fashionale clothing at h'i96torou Main street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel including .he most fashionable D 11 C S S GOODS, Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coat of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colore shawls, slripesand figure, vests, shirts, era. vats. stocks, conars, nanoKercnieis.gioven, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also mane to orueraiij article of clothing at very shortnolice and in the best manner. All his clothing ia made to wear, and mostofitisof home manufacture. m. DAVID L0WENBER3. Bloomsburg, March 13, 1861. WALL PAPER! WILL PAPER!! AN Article of most excellent Wall Pape r to be had at the Post Office. A fresh supplvof snoerior in quality and style lo any in this Market, for sale cheaply thornto n Bloomsburg, March 13, 1861. DAVID L0WEXRERG. CLOTHING STORE. On Main street, two doors abeve the "Amer ican Hotel." i l 1 fi-i!i''l3 -i .VP IBP TV