The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 15, 1861, Image 1

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IF. II. JACOB!, Proprietor.;
Truth and Right Jod and our Country.
Two Dollars per Acnnra.
w. n. jambf,
Office on 3IaInSt.,JrJSqnrae below Market,'
TERMS: Two Dollars per annum if paid
within six months from the time of 6nbscri-
bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid ;
"witnia tne jrear. ro subscription taken lor .
a less period than six months; no discon
Hin nances permitted until all arrearages are
(paid, unless at the option of the editor.
The terms of advertising will be as follows :
-One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, . 25
'-One square, three months, . 3 00
"One year, . . . 8 Oo
' Choice IJoctrn.
Ve sons ol Freedom, hear the caH,
Hark ! 'tis our Union's cry ;
' Haste thee, haste thee, one and all,
To ooi Country's rescue fiy !
Let the flag of our Union ware,
Let the world admiring see,
That, though the dangers must be brav'd
Thou will light for our Country and be free
Sons of Freedom, march thee on,
Put forth thy noblei powers ;
With faith in God, and courageneaa,
The victory shall be ours !
May cowardice within thee die,
May courage be instilled in thee ;
$4 ay Hone be bending irom the sky,
And cheer thee on to victory !
Free countrymen, defend thy rights,
Be faithful ami be brave ;
Let this one thought reign in thy breast,
"Our Union we must save !
lint let ns hope the time is near,
When all this strife shall cease;
When mutual love shall move our hearts
To love again in peace.
I hid myself behind a log in a western
swamp, waiting for ducks. Hnnters gen
erally go after their game ; I prefer reading
or enjoying the delightful scenery, until it
comes to be shot in a regular and reasona
ble way. Ducks mast be as fond of nature
as of acorns and tadpoles ; the sequestered
lakelet near which I was ensconced, one of
their favorite resurts,being surpassingly pic
inresqe. Silver gray trunks of enormous
tJead trees were reflected in its surface as
in polished black marble, which broken
into rippling greaves of light by the purple,
green, and golden drake, or the plainer, but
cot less lovely duck, made too exquisite a
picture to be broken by noise, unsavory
smoke, blood, broken wings, and feathers.
Everything round me was rich and strange,
the arrowy polished tubes of the cane, the
thick black vines, like anacondas, hanging
s it were, from the skies; the light open
iretwork of swamp foliage above, from
which many birds poured forth flute-like
and actually chromatic warblings; comic
birds, uttering 6hort, odd-notes ; crimson
and azure birds, not down in the ornitholo
gies ; and mysterious woodpeckers, sound
ing as if all fairy-land were carpentering.
I -was resolved in my mind indeed, to take
my abode in this enchanted solitude, when
the discovery of an immense old hollow
tump of cotton wood decided me. It was
a perfect miniature palace in style, I
named on the spot, the anti-arabesbue.
The gnarled roots spread in triple pedestals
like paws of mammoth loins, and in its
knots and excresences might be discerned
the faces and forms of beasts, monsters,
hydras and chimeras dire. Here, beweath
a roof of plaited cane and bark, I might
pass my time in peace. (I was only eigh
teen, and subject to terrible fits of misan
thropy.) Even the winds should not dis
turb my contemplation. Aquilone, Notus,
Euros, Euroclyeon, the storm-wind, all are
forever kepi out of the peaceful vales by
the strong and stalwart cotton-wood and
The son Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin,
may the soil lie lightly on his tomb,) re
lates with infinite naivete, (may Allah
ventilate bis evidence,) bow that, having
determiued to lead a hermit's life, he went
about searching for a suitable cave. Cer
tain family considerations operated adverse
ly to Mr. Hazic's design. I was not so
auHonary. Hungry, I certainly was, and
rny first care being to provide dinner, and
sot wishing to disturb my beautiful duck
pond,I searched the riverflats for wild geese.
This proved, literally, a wild goose chase.
As usual with game, its willingness to be
shot seemed inversely as its value. Re
entering the limber, : to hunt smaller ' and
surer quarry, what was ray astonishment
at beholding, winding along a cow-trail, a
grave, orderly procession of these very wild
geese following after a middle-aged severe
looking woman, who was leading-them
towards a clearing.
"Why, madam, you seem able to bewitch
those animalu. I have been trying all the
morning to got within a mile of them."
"Wai, my boy" she russeled round
among 'em and caught these,, one way or
another, "I tring 'em up ' every night to
feed, on account of 'possums and coons,
which 13 mighty bad among the poultry. 1
recon you're a preacher."
'Not yet" ' V" " -
"I thought yon was a preacher, sure.
Yoo look like one. -' You ain't a doctor ?"
. "No."
"Then walk in and take a chair. Sly old
laanV poorly. He's stopped work ever
since last fall, and tliis spring the garden
was took down with kukkle burrs and dock,
and me and my little girl's been cuttin'
steamboat wood, but the steamboats don't
run much now thar ain't been no rise
these two months, Jane, drive them hogs
away from the styew stew I don't know
what I'll do if thar ain't no steamboat soon.
I want to go up to town, bad, to git some
"What is the matter with your husband?"
'Fe oh, the fever and ague. Yes, I
"Oh. its some here thib fevernager, you'd
better believe. You might almost cut it
into chunks. 1 thought my old man would j
a begged out last night, but he holds on
"You do not mean to say that he is dy
ing?" "I don't mean to say nothing shorter.
And I'm mighty sorry to lose him, loo. He
cleared all this field all round back of the '
house, and them thar two fields in the bot
tom. He kept iht-te acres a goin, to Joe
Stebbins' one, but he warn'ta patchin' to
Joe at cuttin' timber. Poor Joe ! I buried
him in the fur corner of ihe turnip patch."
"You buried him ?"
"Married him one year and buried him
the next."
"What did he die of?"
I was shocked at the mechanical manner
and facile emphasis diminishing with geo
metrical rapidity toward the last sylablej
with which she uttered this fearful word.
"Joe warn't much at hoein, but he could
knock the spots out of things, with an axe.
Ha could cut more steamboat wood in one
day than Bill Sparks could in a week."
"And who was Rill Sparks?" asked I,
with a dread presentment.
"Bill was a husband of mine, too. He
had money, Bill had, and he rented two
forties of upland, and bought four head ol
cattle. Yonder's two of them, now. I'm
going to take 'em up on the next boat, to
swap for groceries."
" Did Mr. Sparks die, too ?"
"Now, you don't think I'd a gone and
got married, and him alive ? Of course he
died. He was took down sudden, ketchin'
drift-wood. My boy ran home about him,
and went down with Jane, and we packed
him ;o the house, and made him as com
fortable as we could ; but it warn't no use."
"Fever and ague, I suppose?"
"Fevernager? You'd a said so, if you'd
seen him shake. I gave him all the qui
nine there was in the kubbard, and
hen sent Jane to Mr. Skeggs' to bring
al! the quinine he bad, and his hymn-book.
He went ofT peaceable, and his last words
was, 'where's Jimmy ?"
"Meaning your little boy ?"
"No ; Jimmy Sands, my husband before
him. They had been great friends and I
think poor Billy must have seen his sperrit,
for the owls was whooping awful that night.
Them two mules in the cabbage-path was
Jimmy Sands,' and that thar mare, whose
head is poken' out o' the corn-crib, is the
same mare he married me off from."
"Married you from off horseback ?"
"Well, you'd a said so if you'd seen us.
It was when I lived down to Stony, at the
crossin,' with Sal. Sal, she heard some
one a ho llerin and shakin' the gate one
night, and thinking it was jist some stranger
wantir. to git to staysail night, she never
minded ; but the noise kept on so, that at
last she poked her head out o' the dividing
and asked what was wanting."
"Are they any young gals here , as wants
to get married ? I'm goinT down to the riv
er bottom, I am, to live in the timber. I've
got a mare and a mule, and lots of traps,
and don't ask nothin' in return but plain
cookin' and kerrect behavior."
"Jane," says Sal, "what do you say ?"
"Sez, 1, I'm willin', but I can't be mar
ried without a preacher." ,
"He says there's a preacher out there
with him."'
"Ask him if ilV Mr. Skeggs ; I won't be
married by nobody but Mr. Skeggs."
"Yes, it's him."
"Well, I struck a light , and put on my
Sunday dry-goods mighty ' quick. Sal, she
carried out a frying-pan of grease with a
rag for a candle, "and we woke up Sal's
uncle, old man Solomon, and so I got mar
ried. Jim and I had to jine hands, and he
on the mare ; he couldn't git down on ac
count of the furniture and things bein'
hitched all round him."
"Bnt is this Mr. Skeggs a regular clergy,
man ?"
"Oh, reglar built. He and Jimmy met
together at the crossing and it was him re
ommended me. He got a sight of tin for
the job, tool"
"A large sum, was it?"
"It wan't in money; it was tin cups
Jimmy paid him with. Jimmy peddled tin
cups round the country, and had two dozen
left. Mr. Skeggs put 'em round his neck
in a string, and we heard 'em rattle' on the
prarie a mile off !'' '
"Well madam, I "did have some idea of
living down in the bottom myself, but"
"Down in the bottom ! . What, among
those ponds of water? I see you livin'
there ! A pound of quinine a minute
wouldn't keep yoa alive two days ! If yon
want a good buildin' lot, there' my two
forties, I'll sell 'em cheap-a dollar and a
half an acre."
"I am not certain, after what yoa have
related, that I could lire long, even in the
uplands." ;
"Not without you was used to it. Some
can stand it, and some can'u . Now there's
an old gentleman on- toJow?ij' tJLiM-K
might stand it a couple o' year 'anyhow,
Squire Spring. I reckon you know him ,
he's got a splendid wagon and team, and,
they do say, he's got a hundred "head o'
hosts. You never heard, did von?''
Cou'ld the woman possibly mean to com- !
, j . m
pass the deliberate murder of Squire Spring?
I wanted nothing farther to hasten my de
parture. .
The shades of evening were falling fast'
the owl had already began to utter his long-
drawn, frighfnl cry, a mingled whoop and
howl, and reciving a few general directions
as to my nearest way to A, 1 rapidlj '
left my newly chosen resjdence to rearward
debating within myself whether or no it'
was mydnty to inform the authorities of!
the existence of this horrible husband trap,
- - - - -i '
Tone of the Southern Press.
The news from the North, as it gradually
works its way down to the South, provokes
expressions of violent resentment. The
The spleen of the rebels at. the discovery of
the sudden change of sentiment among
their former supporters produce some cu
rious effects.
The reinforcement of Fort Pickens dis-
pleases the Cofederates. They don't like
the act, nor the way in which it was done.
It was unpleasant for General Bragg to
cease bragging and turn his back upon
Lieutenant Slenimer but it had to be done. his "n'ng gear was given over to rheu
The only consolation that is left to the reb- m&tism and gout, said all was "vanity and
els is this we find it in the Mobile Adosr- i vexation of t-pirit." Solomon couldn't
tiser : j whistle. If he could have puckered his
"The Lincolnitish army on Santa Rosa1 J'P8 into a vent-hole for a regulaj whistle,
Island will have an extra acreeable time he never coulJ h&ve Mt so unconscionably
this summer, and we do no: think that
President Davis need trouble himself to
run them off. There is a volunteer and i
gratis soldiery peculiar to tho clime that
are whetting their weapons for the assault.
These are the mosquitoes and sandflies, which i
will effectively attack the Lincolnites. in
utter contempt of their Fort Pickens and
their 6and redoubts. Threy do not care for
Columbiads or rifled cannon, but rush on
to the attack regardless of danger, and are
worse than any one of the seven plagues of
Egypt. We can assure the Lincolnites who
expect summer watering place experiences
on Santa Rosa Island that they will be glad
II be lad-
ly willing to exchange the unremitting an
noyance of these plagues for the excitement
and danger of a regular bombardment
There is no place on the face of the uni
verse where mosquitoes and sandflies are
more pesiilently atrocious than on Santa
Rosa I-land."
Moreover, they are to be alhirst. The
AJvtrtner adds :
"We pitty those eighty horses of the fly
ing artillery, as the poor creatures are not
to blame. There is no green thing for them
to eat, they will be on allowance of water
and soon be tormented to death by the in- ,
sects. We do not know that a more ingeni
ously cruel warfare could be pracliied upon the
Lin:olnits than allowing them to maintain '.
their camp on Santa Rosa Island for the
summer. They would beg us to come and
whip them away before the summer was :
The same paper regrets that General Scott
has made up his mind to fight against the
South. It says ; j
"We did not expect, nor in truth did we ,
desire, his active co-operation with our ar
mies bnt we did hope that at least he ',
would retire with dignity from the head of
the Lincoln army, and refuse to lend them
either countenance or support in the war
which that government has so unnecessa
rily and flagitiously provokeJ. We desired
this quite as much for his sake as for our
The Mobile Resister (John Forsyth's pa
per) indulges in this paragraph t
"A New York paper says: New York
loves the Seventh. It has distilled all its .
best blood in it. We are glad of it, for it ;
will meet the best blood of the South in :
and around Washington. This city Mo ;
bile has just sent forth four hundred of the
flower of its youth to the same field of j
struggle. Not a hireling among them, but .
our brave brothers and 6ous, who have left
homes and comfort friends and peace be -
bind, to fight lor liberty of their people and
honor of their flag. The North will fight
this war with hired troops, the scum of her
cities and rural districts, made starving by
its war upon the South. We rejoice that New
York has sent one corpt of 'its best blood ' For
every life of our youth sacrificed, the loss of
ten northern ruffians would be no equiva
A letter to the Mobile Register, dared at
Shopiere, Wisconsin, on the 18th of April,
develops a plan lor invading the South,
whereat the Register becomes valiant and
somewhat frightened. The following is
the correspondent's story of the plot of the
invaders :
"Their plan of operation is as follows :
Five or six hundred men will meet at the
place of rendezvous in Kansas, somewhere
near the mouth of the Pawnee fork of the
Arkansas river. Some three or four of the
leaders will proceed to Pike's Peak to drum
up what additional recruits they can there.
They will then return to the place of ren
dezvous and take up their line of march to
the irontier of Texas, where they hope to
stir the Indians to .hostilities, and with
their aid they intend to carry on the work
of plunder in that section.
- "The object of the expedition is thatof
of land piraes. who will endeavor to ad
vance their own pecuniary interests under
the present distressed condition of the coun
try. They intend to commence operations
about the tenth of May. The other portion
of the company intend to carry on their op
erations somewhere along the west coast of
Florida. I have not been able as yet to as
certain the exact place ol operations of the
last wing of the company, but I have found
out this much : they are fitting out a vessel
at Boston they will clear from that port
with a load of ice, a:d, as soon as the get
to sea. throw the ice overboard and repair
to Florida."
a line pharplt dhawh.
The New Orleans Delta seeks to convince
the people of Louisiana that two national-
ites must hereafter exist. It says :
"The fact is, the line is becoming dis
tinctly marked between the two nationalites
the North and the South. There is abso
lutely no middle ground. The border itself
political separation once declared, will be
perhaps the most intensely national of all
parts of the South. The gull will by fath
omless and impassable, so long as the North
shall cherish the insane idea of subjugation
except for loathing and hate and warlike
defiance and retribution.
Whistle Your Way.
Solomon, when he became used up, when
blue as to condemn the good things of this
wor,d as canity.
The man wJl can thistle and sing is
6no? in h'13 ioots- Let care aSei poverty,
and a carl-load of ills overtake him, and if
he can whistle his way through the darkest
hoursof his troubles, go on his course re
joicing, and eventually turn up a trump ol
the first water.
Folks who can whistle, and do not, are
mean, avaricious and unhappy. Judas Is
cariot was not a whistler, We'll venture
to assert that the owners of those wretched
wcai" l,ai" ,uo "uu"" UV IUWI
A . U . . . i .
can 1 wnistie, ana tnat no man ever nearu ;
them attempt it. There is too much genial j
outspokeu goodness in a genuine whistler, J
In amt ilia .1 i a n i- 1 1 Inn r C mAirt rm 4 n !
. , r ,.
: That s so. If you are trading with a man
...... . ,
anu lie wuisues juviuuy uver uis uumnpm,
he won't cheat you. He can't do it. He
thinki too much of turning his tune to both
' er about turning the tables on you. So.loo,
j with the woman who is about her daily
task singing. She makes her home a para
dise of good dinners, cosy comfort and
white curtains. Nothing will go wrong
with her. If she is vexed, she will sing off
the vexation. If she is possessed of vanity,
she will sing away the worse part of it, anil
sing the other into a species of loveable
pride. There are no sqnalling babies, cross
cats, snarling dogs, butionless shirts, and
marrow-bone suppers, in the house presid- (
ed over by a woman who tings at her toil, j
Singing men are worth trebie those who '
go about their work morose and grouty and
moodily, as if they were going to burry
their dearest friend. The " Yo-heave-oh"
of the sailors, accomplishes as much in
hoisting the anchor, as their muscle. There
is a world of strength in that same
heave, oh !"
The Albany Times in referring to the
zcience of whistling says: "Whistling is an
institution. It oils the wheels of care, and
supplies the place of sunshine. A man
who whistles has a good heart under his
shirt front. Such a man only works more
constantly. A whistling cobbler will earn
as much again money as acordwainer who
give way 10 low spirits and indiges'ion.
Who ever heard a whistler among the'sharp
practitioners of Wall street I We pause
an answer. The man who attacks whist
ling, throws a stone at the head of hilarity,
and would, if he could, rob June of her ro
ses August of its meadow larks. Such a
man shonld be looked to."
Therelore, take heart and whistle. Me
thusaleh was a whistler, and whistled his
age out nine hundred years. Solomon
: . . .
I n . 1 I A ..AAA ....... AA. AA
with a "light heart and a thin
pair of
breeches' is always whistling.
A War Incident.
Wrhile one of the Massachuetts regiments
was in this city, on its way to Washington,
a gentleman residing here met one of its
members on the street.
"Is there anything I can do for you sir ?"
said the New Yorker, his heart warning
toward the representative of the brave Mas
sachusetts militia who 'had so promptly
answered the call of their country.
The soldier hesitated a moment, and
finally raising on of his feet exhibited a boot
with a hole in the toe, and generally worse
for wear.
"How came you here with such boots as
that, my friend ?" asked the patriotic citi
zen. "When ihe order came for roe to join my
company, sir," replied the soldier, "I was
ploughing in the same field at Concord
where my grandfather was ploughing when
the British fired on the Massachusetts men
at Lexington. He did not wait a moment;
and i did not, sir."
It is unnecessary to add that the soldier
was immediately supplied with an excel
lent pair of boots. N. Y, Post
Washington, May 1, 1861.
Mt Dear Sir: The report of my arrest
at Harper's Ferry, by persons assuming to
act under authority of the State of Virginia,
has no doubt reached you. Upon my arri
val at Richmond, under military ecort,Gov.
Letcher immediately directed my release,
with assurances, disavowing the act of his
subordinates, and expressing regret al their
mistake or abuse of his authority. The
kind attention and civility received from
him, lrom the escort that accompanied me,
and other distinguished citizens of Virginia
and esteemed friends whom I there met,
compensated lor any personal trouble or
annoyance ; yet I cannot but feel deep mor
tification and regret that our country should
be in a condition to expose any one Jo such
an incident. It haa furnished occasion lor
mistake or misrepresentation in respect to
my views and sentiments, which a sense of
duty requires to be promptly corrected. No
belter mode occurs to me than by a letter
addressed to yourself, as an esteemed per
sonal friend.
It has been represented through the pub
lic press that I was a willing prisoner to
the State of Virginia ; that I designed to
resign my commission in the United States
Army, throw off my allegiance 10 the Fed
eral Government, and to join the forces of
the Confederate States.
Forty-two years I bave been in the mili
tary service of the United States, and have
followed during all that lime but one flag
the flag of the Union. 1 have seen it pro
tecting our lron'.iers, and guarding ourcoasts
from Maine to Florida; I have witnessed it
in the smoke of battle, stained with the
blood of ga'lant men, leading on to victory;
planted upon the strong-holds, and waving
in triumph over the capital of a foreign foe.
My eyes have beheld that flag affording
protection to our States and Territories on
the Pacific, and commanding reverence
and respect from hostile fleets and squad
rons and from foreign governments, never
exhibited to any other banner on the globe.
Twenty stars, each representing a State,
have been added to that banner during my
service, and under its folds I have advanced
j fr0
m the rank of Lieutenant to that which
I now hold. The Government, whose hon
ors have been bertowed upon me, I shall
serve the remainder of my days. The flag.
, whose clones 1 have witnessed, shall never
1 . , . . . ., ,
! be forsaken by me while I can strike a
blow lor its defence. While I have breath .. . . , .i o .
. , ,. . , . r I bition, by plunging the State into the vor
I shall be ready to serve the Government of i r , .
. . , . tex of revolution.
tne united Mates, and De its laitniui, loyal
Without condemning, or in any decree i
criticising, the course other persons have !
deemed proper to pursue in the present
1 , 1 , . , .
innptnm inir tin, rt n lit L' ia rlflin In mv
is plain to
own heart and judgment1. The course oU
events that have led to the deplorable con- '
diiion in which our country now sUnds 1
has been watched by me with painful inter
est. Perceiving that many of my fellow
citizens in the Southern States were discon
tented with the Government, tand desired
some change to protect them from existing
evils, my feelings have been strongly averse j
to coercion, and anxious lor some compro- i
. . t
mise or arrangement tnat would restore
peace and harmojiy. The provisions of the
federal Constitution afforded, in my judg-
I """" i...v,v,s a.
j Convention of all the Slates, which might
1 "'" u.u ,u,.v..o
diffref'ce8.. if ih.t could not be accom-
Pd, m.ght provde for peaceful separa -
lion in a manner becoming lriends arid
brethren. So long as this hope of peaceful
settlement oi our irouoies could De indulged . -reelmg(, ojoy and the voice of grief, the
I have felt it lo be the wise duty of the j re?0iution of empires and the laps of ages,
General Government to bear with patience i send no pounj with;n tnat narrow cell -outrages
that no other Government could j Generation after generation are and
have endured, and to lorbear any exertion of , Uid by .heir suie ; the inscription upon
force until the last hope departed. J their monumental marble tells the centuries
But when the Confederal States with thal haTe pa9;,e(i away . Dul lo the sleeping
seven thousand men, under cover of strong : dead the long interval is unobserved. Like
fortifications, or impregnable batteries, as- a dream of the ni-ht wilh lhe quickness of
sailed a starving garnsou ot seventy men
in Fort Sumpter, compelled the banner of
the United States to be lowered, and boast
ed of its dishonor before the world, the ;
state of the question was immediately
changed. Instead of the Government co
ercing States demanding redress ot griev
ances by constitutional means, the case
was presented of revolutionists waging war
against their Government, seeking its over
throw by force of arms, assailing public
property by overwhelming force, laboring
to destroy the lives of gallant officers and
soldiers, and dishonoring the national flag.
The question before us is, whether the gov
ernment of the United States, with its
many blessings and past glories, shall be
overthrown by the military dictatorship
lately planted, and now bearing sway in
the Confederate Slates ? My hand cannot
aid in the work.
Finding ourselves in a state of civil war
actually existing or fast approacing, some
of my brethren in arms, citizens of sece
ding States, and for whom 1 have the high
est personal respect, have considered it
their duty lo throw up their commissions
and follow their States. In that view of
duty I cannot concur. As an officer of the
army and a citizen of the United States, 1
consider my primary allegiance to be due
to the Federal Government and subordi
nate to that is my allegiance to the State.
This, as you are aware, has been the con
curring opinion of the most eminent jurists
of this icountry. It was the judgment of the
Court ol Appeals ofSjrLaiL-axoIlg
the highest conrt of Sou'h Carolina deliber
ately decided that the soldier's and citizen's
primary duty of allegiance is due to the
United Slates Government, and not the
Government of his State. Of late it has
been contended that the allegiance dne
by a citizen to the Federal Govern
ment was dissolved when his State se
ceded from the Union. Into that snare
many have fallen. But in rny judgment
there is and can be no such right as seces
sion of a State by its own act. The Govern
ment of the Union can only be diseolved by
by the concurrence of the Stales that fhave
entered into the federal compact. The ooc
trine of secession is destructive to all gov
ernment and leads to universal anarchy.
But supposing States may secede, and do
stroy the Government, whenever the fancy j
takes those who are strong enough to set
up any arbitrary power in the State. Mis- (
souri, the State of my residence, has not
seceded, and secession would, in my opin
ion, be her ruin. The only special inter
est of Missouri, in common with the Con
federate States, is slavery. Her interest in
that institution is not protected by the Fed
eral Constitution. But if Missouri secedes,
that protection is gone. Surrounded on
three sides by Iree States, which might soon
become hostile, it would not be long until
a slave could not be found within her bor
ders. What interest could Missouri then
have with the cotton States, or a Confedera
cy founded on slavery and its extension ?
The protection ol her slave property, if
nothing else, admonishes her to never give
up the Union. Other interests of vast mag
nitude can only be preserved by a stead
fast adherence and support of the United
Stales Government.
All hope of a Pacific Railroad, so deeply
interesting lo St. Louis and the whole State,
must vanish with the Federal Government.
Great manufacturing and commercial inter
ests with which the cotton States can have
no sympathy, must perish in case of seces
sion, and from her present proud condition
of a powerful, thriving State, rapidly devel
oping every element of wealth and social
prosperity, Missourri would dwindle to a
mere appendage and convenience for the
military aristocracy established in the cot
ton State. Many other considerations
might be offered to show that secession
would be to ruin to Missouri. And I im
plore my fellow-citizens of that State not
lo be seduced by these designing men to
hpnpmn lfiA inalrnmenla nf thJr mail am -
Whether governed by feelings inspired
by the banner under which I have served,
or by my judgment of duty as a citizen, or
by interest as a resident and property owner
i . ... . , , . . , . . , . .,
j in Missouri, I feel bound to stand by the
Union, and remaining in the Union, shall
devote myelf to tho maintenance of the
Federal Government, and the perpetuation
of its blessings to posterity. Yours, truly.
Wm. S. Harnkt.
Col. John O. Falion, St. Louis.
The Flight of Time.
"After death the judgement." We die;
bnt intervening ages pass rapidly over
those who sleep in the dust. There is no
. plate on which to cojnt the hours of time.
No ,onger ls u tol(, by daJ1) months, or
year9 . for the panels which mark the!e
perioa are nidden trom their signt. Jts
; flights is no lonser noticed bv the events
, perceived by tne senses tor tne ear is deal
j and tha eye is closed. The busy world of
I ,ife which wakeP nt each morning and
ceases every night, goes on above them,
but to them all is silent and unseen. The
thought) ,he mjnj ranges time and space
almost within a limit. There is but a mo
ment between the hour when the eye is
closed in the grave and when it wakes to
the judgement.
Woman's Adyactajes.;
Some of the advantages of women over
men are as follows:
A woman can say what she choses with
out being knocked down lor it.
She can take a snooze after dinner while
her husband goes to work.
She can go into the street without being
asked to treat at ever) saloon.
She can paint her face if it is too pale,
and powder if it is too red.
She can stay at home in time of war, and
can get married again if her husband is
She can wear corsets if too thick other
fixin if too thin.
She can eat, drink, and bo merry, with
out costing her a cent.
She can get divorced from her husband
whenever she sees one she likes better.
She can get her husband in debt all over,
until he warns the public by advertisements
not to trust her on his account.
CF The celebrated Floyd gun at Fort
Monroe, in Virginia, was cast at Pituburg,
Pa. It has a bore ot 15 inches ; its length
is 14 feet, 12 feet length of bore. The ball
weighs 420 pounds, and the weight ot the
gun is 49.000 lb6. This ia an enormous
Sirs. Partington's Visit to the Tented Field.
We take the following from the BoMon
Post : 'Did the guard present arms lo you,
Mrs. Partington ?' asked the commissary, as
he met her at the entrance of th marquee.
'You mean the century,' said she, emil
ling. I have heard so much about the tented
field that I bclrcvi I could deplore an at
tachment into a line myself, and secure
them as well as an officer. Yon asked me
if the guard presented arms. He didn't but
a sweet little man with an epilepsy on his
shoulder and a smile on his face did, end
asked me if I wouldn't go into a tent and
smile. 1 told him that we could both smile
outside, when he politely touched his
chateau and left me.' The commissary
presented a hard wooden stool, upon which
h reposed herself.
This is one of the seats of war, I sup
pose V said she. 'Oh, what a hard lot a
soldier is objected to. I don't wonder a
mite at the hardened influence of a soldier's
life. What is that Tot?' asked she, as the
noise of the cannon saluted her ear. 'I hope
they ain't firing on my account.' There
was a Solicitude in her tones as she spoke,
and she was informed that it was only ihe
Governor, who bad just arrived upon the
field. -Dear me,' said she, 'how cruel it is
to make the old gentleman come way down
here, when he is so feeble he ha to take
his staff with him where-ever he goes.' -She
was so affected at the idea that she had
to take a few drops of white wine to restore
her equilibrium, and to counteract the dust
from the 'tainted field.'
What Senator Doolittle Says.
Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin, made A
strong war speech at Racine last week, clo
sing as follows :
"I would be as forbearing as any. I have
hoped and ptaved that this dreadful cup
might pass ; but if it must be drank, God's
will be done.
"I would hope and pray and labor still
for a peaceful solution of this great national
trouble, but if blood must flow, if it be His
will that we must 'tread the wine press of
the fierceness of His wrath' before we
reach the end, be it so ! We stand for the
Union and the Constitution of our fathers ;
for the light and glory of nations. We
stand for constitutional liberty and equal
justice to all mankind.
"In such a struggle, if trne to ourselves,
God the Almighty must be with us.
''Go on, then young men; not a day, not
an hour, should bejlost; fill up the muster
roll of your company, ready to make a part
of the first regiment from Wisconsin. One
of my sons, old enough to bear arms, is
ready and eagefto join you. My son, go,
with God's blessing upon you ; with strong
arm and stout heart fly to its standard, re
solved on victory or death."
CFTo "shoot folly as she flies" requires
a heavy load of common sense.
rf A western editor complains of a con
stant buzzing in the head. Probably his
brain is bottle fliss.
E? Every girl who intends to qualify for
marriage, should go through a course of
cookery. Unfortunately, lew wives are
able to dress anything but themselves.
HTA Pittsburg paper says ia on obituary
notice of an old lady, that "she bore her
husband twenty children, and never gave
him a cross word." She must have obey
ed the good old precept bear and forbear.
tsrMiss E. says the firt time a youni?
man squeezed her dress, she felt as if she
was in a land where the rianbows come
from. How poetic a little hugging make
COT The papers relate an anecdote of a
beautiful young lady, who had become
blind, having recovered her sight after mar
riage. Whereupon Snooks wickedly ob
serves that it is no uncommon thing for
people's eyes to be opened by matrimony.
Worth Remembering. It is not what we
earn, but what we save, that makes us rich.
It is not what we eat, but what we digest,
that makes us fat. It is not what we read,
but what we remember, that makes us
CFSome malicious scoundrel has pen
ned the following :
Eve did not know as much as her daugh
ters of the present day. Had they been ia
her place instead of being deceived they
would have deceived the devil.
t"F"Dad, let's go down to the alley and
have a game at ten pins."
"Ten pins ! What do yon know about
rolling ?"
"Me! why lean just roll your darned
old eyes outin'five minutes."
Idsr Blessed is he that is ugly in form
and features, fof the girls shan't molest him.
Blessed is she that would get married but
can't for the consolations of the gospel are
hers. B'essed are tha orphan children, for
they have no mothers to spank them. Bless
ed are they that expect nothing, for they
shall not be disappointed. Blessed are
they who have no money, for they are net
in danger ot b-?n mTti',ll . -J :- j- -