MARK THESE FACTS ! THE TESTUIOM OF THE MOULD H O LLOWAY'S Ol NT M E NT. -ll Ml BAD LEGS, BAD BREATS, SORKS AND ULCERS. All description of pores are remediable by (be proper an J diligent use ol this ines timable preparation. To attmpt 'to cure bad leg by plastering the edges of the wound together is a folly ; for should the skin unite, a boggy diseased dondition re maios ooderneath to break out with tenfold Jury in a few days. The onlyrationanl and successful treatment, as indicated by nature, to reduce the inflarna.ion in and about the wound and tc soothe the neighboring parti by -robbing in plenty of the Oinimeut a tali is forced into meat. DIPTHETtIA, 'ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND . OTHER FEVERS. Any of the above diseases may be cnred by well robbing the Ointment three limes a day into the chest, throat end neck of the patient ; it will toon penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the inouiD must operate upon toe whole sys tem ere its influence can be felt in any lo cal part, whereas the -Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever tries tte unauent in the above manner of ihe disease named, or any similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, will find themselves relieved as by a charm. PILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above class of complaints will be removed by nightly fomenting the parts viiih warm water, and then by most etrect uilly rubbing in tha Ointment. Persons suffering from these direful complaints should lose not a moment in arresting their progress. It should be understood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on ihe affected parts, hot it nqust be well rubbed in for some considerable lime two or three times a dav, that it may be t .ken into the syrtem, whence it will re move any hidden sore or wound as effect ually as though palpatio to the eye. There n-ijin bread end water poultices, after rub bing in of the Ointment, will do great ser t.vd. This is the only sure treatment for I finales, cases ol cancer in the stomach, or i . .1 u.. I i : ? nere irere may uw a geuerai ucurjuy i'owii. INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. Blotches, as also swellings, vvo, with certainty, be radically cured if the Oint ment be used freely, and Pills be taken night and morning as recommended in ihe printed instructions. When treated in any other way they only dry up iu one place to break oat in another ; wherea this Oint ment will remove the humor from the sys tem, and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy being. It will require lime with the use of the Pills to ensure a lasting cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND STIFF JOINTS. Although the above complaints difier widely in their origin and nature, yet they nil require Iocl treatment. Many of the worst cases, of such diseases, will yield in a comparatively saort space of time when tVts Ointment 13 diligently rubbed into the pans affected, even afier every other means have failed. In all serious maladies the Pills snould be taken according to the di rections accompanying eacb box. Rulklhe Ointment and Pills should be used in the following ctivs : Azne Asthma, Killious Complaints, Blotches on ihe -. Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colic, Constipation of the . Bowels, Consumption, Debility lnflarnmiion, . Jaundice Liver Com plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention ot Urine, Scrofula, or Dysentery, . Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all . kind, Fits, Gout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary symptoms, Tic-Doulou.-eux, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, King's Evil, &c, &c CAUTIOS J None are genuine unless the words "Holioway, Tew York and Lon don,' are disceraible as a Water mrrk in every leaf of '.he book of direction are on each pot or box ; the same may be seen by holding the Icfto the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one ren dering such information as way lead hand- detection ot any party or .iu... feitingthe medicines or venJing the same, knowing them to be spurious. SolJ at the Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, Wew xorK.anu by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in pots, at 25c. 62c. and SI each. E? There is a considerable saving Dy tastng ine larger tiies. N. B Directions for the guidance o pa tients, in every disorder, are affixed toeacb t0j. ' October 10, i860. - FOB SALE! nPVPl? AT. desirable Building Lots in Bloomsbnr. for sale. Inquire of Jane 30, 1860-lf. W. WIRT. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Skykizlit Ambrolypisst, ROOMS in the Third Story of the Ex change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloorasburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. Bloomsburgr, Nor. 23, 1859-ly. NEW GOODS ! - FRESH ARRIVAL OF FAliI AND WINTER CrP GD CE 2jS 333 & AT MIIJiER'S STOUE! fliHE subscriber basjast returned from the 'A City with another large and select as sortment of FALL AND WINTER Goods, d at Philadelnhia. at the lowest figure, and which he is determined to sell on as moderate terms a can oe procure elsewhere in Bloorasburg. His stock com prises . of the choicest styles and !atei fashions. DRY GOODS, C3 H C O Z T l o G3 Q Hardware, Qoeensware, Cedarware, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, &fc, &c. In short, everything usually kept in cowntry Stores; to which be invites the public cenerally. The highest , nr'tet nuiii for country produce. - 5 ' " r r THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. MODE 15 IV COOKERY In nil its Brandies, , MISS ELIZA ACTON, - CARKFCLI,T'BmiJlT MF.S. S." J II ALE. : IT TELLS YOU HOW to choc a all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approver modes of dressing and oookmg Beef and Toik ; aUo thebest and simplest way of salting, pick ling and curing the same. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings fcppro priale to each. IT.TELLSTOU HOW to choose, clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted; also all the va rious and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavoring appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Fish. Fowl, Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of conking Vegeta bles rf every description, also how to pre pare Pickles, Catsup and Curries of all kifids, Totted Meats, Fieh, Game, Mush rooms, &c. IT TELLS YOU ALL tins various and rnot approved modes of preparing and cookirg all kind- of Plain and Fancy Pas trv. Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, -Confectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of e"very description. IT TELLS YOU ALL ihe various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and Biscuit, ihe best method ol preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, ar.d how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines ol various kinds. IT TELLS YOU HOW to set out and or nament a Tatle, how to Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in shor how to so simplify the whole Art of Cookirg a to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within even body's reach. The book contains 418 pages, and up wards of twelve hundred Receipts, all of which are tte results of actual expprimce, having been fuily and careklly tested un der the personal superintendence ol the writers. It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra ving, and will be forwarded to any addres, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt ol the price, Si 00. or in cloth, extra, SI. 25. ' SIOOO a Tear can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, our in ducements to all such being very liberal. For single copie of Ihe Bock, or for terms to agents, with other .nfoimaticn apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, "Publisher, No. 617 Satiaom Si., Philadelphia. novl4n,6 Great fVo&'k on the 52ore. THE HORSE AM) HIS DISEASES 5 BY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Professor of Pathology and Operative Surgery in the Veterinary College of Philude'paia. e'e, etc. V7 ILL TELL YOU of theOria'm, History and "distinctive traits of the various breeds nf European, Asiatic, African and American Horses, with Ihe physical forma lion and peculiarities of the animal, and how 10 afcertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you ol Breeding, Breaking, Sta bling, Feeding, Grooroina, Shoeing, and the general management of the horse, with the best modes ol adminif teripg medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kcking, Reang,rp Shjing, Stumbling, Crib Biting. Restless ness, and other vices to which he i subject; with numerous explanatory engrav'mss THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES. Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Dis temper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chro nic Cough, Roaring and Whistling. Lampa", Sore Mnuth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, w'nh other diseases ot the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will :ell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment ol Worms, Bets, Colic, Strangu lation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Hepatirrhoea. Bioody Urine, Stones in ihe Kidneys and Bladder. Inflammation, and other diseases of ihe Stomach, Bow Is, Liver and Urinary Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog, Spavin, Ringoone, Sweeni9, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galis, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoofs, Scratches. Canker, Thrush, and Corns; aUo, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseases of ihe Feel, Lea", and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell vou of ihe caoes, symptoms and Treatment ol Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders. Farcy, Scarlet. Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c, &c, and how to manage Castration, Bleeding, Trephinning, Roweling, Firing, Hernia, Amputation, lapping, and olher surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of Rarey's Method of laming Horse6; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Col1; how to accustom a horse to Strang sounds and sights, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness: also the form and law cl Warranty. The whole be ing the result of more ihan fifteen years' careful study of the habit, peculiarities, wants aud weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages, appropri ately illustrated by One Hundred Engra vin2s. . li is printed in a clear ar.d open ivoe. and will be famished to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, half bouiid, 51.00, or, in clotn, extra, t& 81 OOO a- Year can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above, and other nonnlar works ol ours. Our inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, ap ply to or sddress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia. Pa. . nov!4m6 . For Sale or Rent. T THE subscriber offers three Houses and lots for sale, or tent, one in Blooms bnrg, one at Buckhorn, ar.d one ct lower Lime Ridue, all in ihis connty. - GEORGE WEAVER. Bloornsborg Feb. 6, 1861. A.M. RUPERT " TIN N Ell $ STOVE DEALER, L.IRI1T ! 1, Kill I ! COAL CIL BURNERS AND LAMPS , . . ' FOR BUBN1NO foal, Kerosene, or Carbon Oils. The best, most brilliant, and cheapest por table Hunt row in ose. No danger ol ex plosion and cheaper than fluid, lard oil, lish oil, or Camphene, VsT EQUAL TO GAS. 3 Without the expense of casfixiuies. The above Lamps (with all iheir fancy trim-ingf-) can be seen anil bought at ihe old established Drug and Chemical Store of the utidersic ned, who flatters himself that from his long experience in the Drug trade, he knows how and where to buy, andds deter mined not io be undersold by any one in Bloomsbnrg, or surrounding couniry, Call and ee his new and well selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES & CHEMICALS, PAINTS. VARNISHES, DYESTUFFS, OILS, GLASS FROM 7x9 in 2436, CONFECTION ARIES, PER FUM ERY A N D FA NC V TOILET, ARTICLES FOR LADIES & GENTS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Assi'd Brands, Patent Medicines of every variety in use, Liqnors (pure) for medicinal use only, Fluid Camphene, Carbon Oil, Turpentine and Alcohol, Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdomna! Supporters, Surgical and Dental Instruments, !Sah Nail & Tooth brushes, Prof. Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies, garden, canary, rape and hemp seeds, thermometers, proof-glases moroc co leather and shoe findings, &c, &c, to gether with the largest and most varied as fortrner.1 of German Toys ar.d Yankee Notions, ever brought to this place, all of which please call and see, and you must believe. Having learned by sad experience that "lona creili's will not keep things moving," I have determined to to cash buyers, 10 make it an object to them as well as the seller, to deal on the catdi principle, either money or ready trade. Having served a regular apprenticeship at the Drua and Apothecary business, be sides having carried it on for the lact eish teen years, on my own hook, I flatter my self that I am able to do justice to all giving me a inal. Thankful to the public for past favors, I would ak a trial on the. new prin ciple, and will guarantee to all, that it will make omz friends, and pay best in the end to pay cash and buy at reduced prices. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded, an.t ail orders cor rectly answered. All medicines gurranted a recommended, Stoie Room on Main S reet, near Market, next door to the Post CiF:ce, Bloomsburs, Columbia county, Pa. ' EPHRAIM P. LUTZ. December 7, 1859-tf. SPRING AND SUMMER C tJ LTD sS3 9 LARGE STOCK AM) LOW PRIC ES. V e have aain been to '.he city, and re- . tcrned with a large stock of Goods for the sea-on. wtich we are prepared to sell at a low figure lor ready pay. Our stock conisis of Hardware, Qneen.-ware, Ledarware, Willow-ware, Hollw-ware, B O OT S AND SHOES, Groceries, Nail-, Iron, Fih, Salt, Plas'er, Fluid, Camphene Oil, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, &c, &c. II. C. 5c I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. PHILADELPHIA AM) READING WINTER A RRANGEM ENT, DEt'EM BEK 5 1 1! 1K59. Fur Daily Passenger Trains to Phil adelphia. (From and pai-sing Reading) At 6.20 a. m., 10 20 a m., 12 noon, (Freight and Passenger,) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily trains to Pottsville and Port Clinton, at 10.15 a. m., and 6.05 p. m. Connecting at Port Clinton with trains foi Tsmaqua, Williamsporr, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara rails, and the Canada. - j Th 10.1? a. m up train only connects at Port Clinton wiih trains for Wilkesbarre, j Scrantosi and Pittston. j Passengers leaving Williamsport by the i CattawiJ-sa Railroad night line, at 10.15 m , connect with a passenger train leav ing Pori Clinton at 4.50 a m., arrive at Head ing at 5 50 a. m., breakfaM and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. m. Read ing Accommodation Train. Oil Sundaj the 10.15 a. m. Down, and the 6.05 p. m Up Train only run. LKBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Two Trains Daily, (Sundays Excrpted) to and from IJarmourg. At 10.23 a. m. and 6 08 p.m. Leaving Harnsourg at o uu a. in. arid p. rn. Connecting with trains on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Val ley Railroads, (or bunbory, U iliiamsportr Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Baltimore, Cham- bersburg, &c. Through Tickets Reading to Baltimore, S4 00 ; to Lancaster, S2 25; to Gettysburg, S3 50. 80 pounds of baggage allowed to each passenger. 1 he second class cars run with all the above trains. Through first class tickets at reduced rates lo Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal points in the West, North West, and the Canadas; and Emigront Tickets at lower fares io all above places, can be had on application to ihe station Rgenl at Reading. All tickets will be purchased before the trains start. Higher fares charged if paid in cars. G. A. NICOLLS, Ensineer and General Supeiintendeui. February 12, 1860. E. H. LITTLE, i:r,ooiisniJ3w;, Pa. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Charles 11. Buckalevv. December 28, 1859. if. Altorncy at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Court Alley, East of Court House BARNARD RUPERT, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Shop on the South Side ol Main Street, firs quarebelov Market. GOOD LIQTJCHS. rriHE undersigned ha opened a new Li JL quor Store at MifSinville, Colombia couniy and stocked it with a large and ex osscetlrlent imeni of Oa 22 TXT CE OLi 63 All kinds, to.whinhhe invites the atten liort of dealers. His Liquors are of Ihe best brands, and one trial will satisfy all A. ANDREAS. Mifflinville, Jane 27, 1 860. . niRASI C. HOTTER, SURGEON DENTIST, AYEE'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Are you eick, fiUe, and complaining? Arejouontof order, with your s.VRlem do raiigoti, and your feelings uu comfortiiblol These syrnf toins are often the prelude to serious Ulues. Some tit of sii-knees is creeping upon you, nml should le averted by a timely use of the riuht rein dy. Take Ayors l'ills nd cleitnse out the disordored hu mors purify the blood, and k't the fluids move on unob structed in health again. i Z:Vi5! 1 They stimulate the functions t-sOlH"' LrSl of the body into vigorous ao- " the obstructions wliich make dieBe. A cold settles somewhere In the body, and ob structs its natural functions. These, If not rcliered, ronct uiH)n tliPinselves and the unrronnding organs, pro ducing general SKfrravatfon, suffeiing, and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements, take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the ti.Uural action of the system, and with It the buoynnt reeling of health again. Wlmt is true and so apparent la this trivial ami common complaint, Is also true in many of the deep-nealed and dangerous distenipors. The same purgative effect expels them. Caused by similur obstruc tions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured bv the snme mean. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them whun suffering from the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physkUns In some of the principal cities, and front other well known public per sons. From a Forwarding Merchant i f St. Loxtit, Feb. 4, 1S5S. Dp.. Ater: Tour Pills are the paragon of atl that Is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her mother has been long griev ously a title ted with blotches ami pimples on her skin and in her hair. After onr child was cured, she also tried your l'ill-t, and they have cured her. ASA M0R0RIDGB. As a Family Physic. From Dr. E. W. Gxrtwrigfit, Aeto Orleans. Tonr Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent j qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are I mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the i bowels, which makes tnem inruiuauie io us iu me uany treatment of disease. IIeadaclt,SlckIIeadache,Foul Stomach, IVom Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DearBho. Atkb: I cannot answer you what complnlnU I have curs l with your Pills butter than to say all that uie ew treat with a purgative medicine. I place great depen dence on an enoctuul cathartic In my dally contest with diseaso, ami believing ss I do that your Pills afford us the beet we have, I of course value them highly. rnrsncno. Pa., May 1, 195S. Pit. J. C. Ater. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst h'adach any body can have by a d'ise or two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, EI. W. ITtEBtK, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Billons Disorders Urer Complaints From Dr. Theodore Ml, nf New York C ly. Not only are yonr Pills admirably adapted to their rnr" pose as an aperient, hnt I find their lienellcial effects upon the Uver very marked indeed. They have In my prac tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious cm-pt-imti than any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely rejoice ttiat we have at lennth a purgative which is wor thy the confidence of the profession and the people. Department of th Interior, Washington, D. C, 7th Feb., 1856. fin: I have used your l'ills in my general and hospital practice ever kince you made them, aud cannot hesitate to aay t!i y are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating actiou ou the liver is quick aud decided, conse quently they ara an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a ce of liliuut diteate so obstiuate that it did not readily yield to them. fraternally jours, AliONZO BALL, M. JO., lliytician of the Marine JJ'Sj'Ual. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, "Worms. From Dr. J. O. Green, of Chicago. Your Pii'.s have had a long trial in my practie, and I hold tliein in esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effect npon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for biltout djtenUry and dvtrrhaa. Their sngar-coating makes them very acceptable aud convenient for the use of women aud children. Dyspepsia, Impurity ot the DIood. From litv. J. V. linnet, Fatlor of jtlvtnt Clturcfi, Boston, Dr. Aver: I nave used jour Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among thoae I am called to rieit j In distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purity the Mood, tlmy are the very best remedy 1 have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to myfiieuds. Yours, J. V. lIIMKd. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. U, 1S55. Dear Fir : I am using your Cathartic Pills in my prac tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the syntcm ami ruri'y the fnuutaint of the blontt. JOHN G. MEACIIAM, M. D. Constipation, Cos tiveness. Suppression, JllieiiniH tlsiti, (inut, JVeuralgla, Drop my, Paralysis, Fits, etc. im Dr. J. V. Vaughn, Montreal, Oinada. Too nn;li cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of co$tirenrss. If others of our fraternity have fcmnd them us efficacious as I have, they should join me iu proclaim ing it fr the benefit of the multitudes who sutler from that complaint, which, although bad enough in ititelf, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I lielieve cnt tiv)ir3s to originate iu the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the diseaso. .Fi-rmi Mrs. E Sttiarl, rhysicitrn and MiJtrife, Dnstnn. I find one or Iwo largr doses of yonr Pills, taken at the proiT time, are excellent promotives cf 'ne natural S'cre timi when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the sfoMtitA and erjirl tenrmt. They are so much the best physic we have that I recommend no other to my patients. From Vie Rev. Dr. Hatches, of tfit MetltvUti Fpis. ChureK. TrLASKi House. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 8, lS.i6. IIowoREn Sir: I should be ungrateful for the relief your rkill has brunt ht me if I did not report my cane to ymi. A col 1 settled in n limbs and brought on excrn ciating neurutftc wi'ni, which ended in chronic rheuma tttut. Notwithstanding I had the lrt of physicians, tbs disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent ajrent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried yonr Pillj. 1 heir effects were slow, but sure, liy persevering In the use of them, I am now entirely well. Sexats Chamber. Baton r.onge, !.., S Dec 155. V. Ater: I have bn t-ntlrety ctir-i, by yonr Pills, of ( Rlie.umulic OouttL Hiiuful dist-n thiit limi HfHl,-t'1 mo f..r yours. VINCB.NT gLIDELL. "Miflt of the Tills lo market contain Mercury, wliii ii, altbvmgh a TnluaMn rcmtnly in skilful han.ts, it dangf-rous iu a puMic fill, from the tlwlfnl ronse-juene-s that frnently fulluw Its incautious iisp. TLcsa contain no mercury or minenil substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Frepered by Ir. J. C. AYXS & CO., Lowell, Kaas. Sold by E. 1. Lniz, J U. Moyer, and G. M Hagentuch, B!oombnr2, ami by one dealer in eerv town in the Slate. April 6, lSGl.-ly. Howard Association rHILAUELl'lllA. A Benevolent Institution eslablshed by, snecial Endowmenl, for the Relief of the Sick and Di.-trest'ed, aftlicted with Vim lent and Chronic Diseases, and especial ly tor the Cure of Diseases of" the Sexual Oraans. Tt EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, lo all who apply by letier. wi;li a description of their condiiion, (age, occnpnlion, habit of life, &c.,) and III tac? Ul c.ncmo iv.iij, furnished free of charge. VALUA BLE REPORTS on Spematorrhnji and other Di-eases of Ihe Sexual Organs, and on ihe NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, fiee of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 SouTh Ninth Sireet, Philadelphia, Fa. Bv order of the Directors. "GEO. FAIRCH1LD, Sec. EZRA D. HK ART WELL, Tiest. PhilLdelnnia. April 3." 186 1 ly. NEW FALL AND IV INTER H It T Z Ac 13 ilT T nAVEjut received from Ph-ladelphia a splendid assortment of merchandise, purchased at the lowest figure, and which ihey are determined to sell for Cash or Country Produce, on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Lisht Sfeet. Their Stock con f """VAUK.E.' i'V 'ra. ft sists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. CEDAR IV A R E. 1IO L L O IV. WARE, Iron, Nails and Spikes, BOOT AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. &c, In short every thing usually kepi in a coun try Store. They respectfully invite their old friends, and the public generally, to call and examine iheir stock before purchasing elsewhere. E5"The highest price paid for country produce. MARTZ&ENT. - "i iacn RAYMOND'S FAMILY S EWI N Q M AC MINE! PATENTED MARCH 9, 1858. THICK SIO KAf II. ES$RS. ZUPIMNGER & ROBBINS, of " Iiloon; sburj;, having purchased the ex nuMve risht ol the above valuable Impro vel Cticaf Patent Sewing Machine, for ti.t Conn yof Columbia, will be happy lo Mpi'ly tbeir frieiuts with the article lor the HiTom rut dation ol themeelvep ami Umiiie. The fn!ltwiii!i are rome of ihe superior ailvan'ages 1 1 i implement possesses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 to 600 light etitcljes per minute. 2 Double thread Machines are from ihe more complicated character of their mech anism invariably mwnaeed and threaded with more or les difficulty ; not so wiih RAYMOND'S, a child can manage ii ir, two hours, and it is threaded easier thao a com mon needle. 3. One of the moM valuable features of this Machine, -is the smalluess and the compactness of its mechanism. 4. It can be atiached to a board, table or staiu.', in operating order, and removed in legs than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes Ihe thread, and yet produces a seam, sufficiently strong for any work lor which it is intended, a qual ification not Known to ail kiucs oi oewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cing a seam so regular and systematic. The seam is so stro'ig if well done, that Ihe st.-ongect material will tear before the seam will give way. 7. Among the array of Pa'ent Sewing Machines, there are none eo cheap and durable as Raymond's Pater;!, but no Ma chine is adapted to ail kinds of work as experience has proven. There are perhaps none so realy useful, doing such a variety of wore for the immediate ue of the fam ily circle, and at such a moderate price as RAYMOND'S PATENT. 8. The operator can shap hi seam just as he pleases, waves, leaves and flowers, e;c.,can be represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapleu to all kinds of siitchirs "Jch as gentlemen's shirts, bot-oms. risibanJs, collars, etc., antl all kinds of ladies' sewing including silks, , awns, de aires, calicoes, dusters, etc., ex cepting for rnen'sheavy wear, this Machine is rather too light of construction. 10. But we all admit, that ihe advantage lo health, and principally to the vision or eyesight, inunced by ihe use of Sewing Machines, surpasses infinitely all oilier ad vant2es. 2 1. This Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if the operator wishes it untaeiened or open, there is a way lor it too, thus you can have it fastened or not, as you please, which is, sometime, espe cially for beginners, a very favorable cir cumstance. If the seam i left unfasterred you can draw it out in three secendsand save the thread. Jf For sale by ihe nndersined, at ljf i re spective residences, in Bioomsbu'fvho will put ihe Machine in operation antl give all necessary instruction. HENRY ZtTPINGER. DANIEL V. UOBBINS. Bloomsborj, July 1 1 , 1960. FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT II lis AD IHJAyTERS! McKEIiVY, JI;aV & CO., HA V E jusi received and opened iheir Mock ol Merctiandiee for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and handsom est assortment now offered in this TOA'N. Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock as to lriec mid Quality. they flatter themselves that ihey can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving u a call. We have all kinds of soods and wares to supply the wants of the people. A very ar"e and complete assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Mennoes. wool plaids, alpacas, bom bazines, de bases, poplins parametta cloths, mohair lustref, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginshams, allcoes, &c. WHITE GCODS OF ALL KIND?, 1 Sleeves, Collar, Spencers, handkerchiefs, I flouncings, bands and trimminas, laces and ' edizinas, bonnet ribbons, iu lar:e variety, vt-l-' vet libbons, and braids, kid, cotton, lisle thread olove, mohair mitt, &c. AL,!, KLS OF SImAAVIjS, broche, Bav Staie, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, embrodered, &c. Also a very ar"elarse assortment of Cloths, satinets, veMings, tweeds, jeans, coaling vel vet, beaver cloths, tec. of all kinds and sires for men, women ami children. We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, &c. Very cheap CARPETS, CARPET.BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil cloths, mats, rng, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, ticking, dra pers, towelings, drillings, &c, in abundance. We invite our Iriends and the public gen erally to give us a call before purchasing I elsewhere. We have bought our goods at, ihe LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man kind. McKELVV, NEAL & CO. Bloomsbnrs, Nov. 21, 1850. HOTOGRA pTTvIn ALLOTS Branches, executed in the best style known in the art, at C. d. CRANE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia, try Life Size in Oil and Pastil, CFStereoscopic Portraits, UTAmbrol pe, Daguerreotype, &c. For Cai-es, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c. nov!4 Tinware & Stove Establishment. TiniE UNDERSIGNED respectfully In forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and of .s fers lor sale the lariresi and mopt ex- trra tensive assortment of FANCY STOTVS ever introduced into this marlcet. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as uual, nn short notice. Tne patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited A. M. RUrKKT Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. if. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER!! VN Article of mnt excellent Wall Paper io be had al the Post Olfiee. A fre i supply of siiDerior in quality and style to any in this Market, for sale cheap, by E.J.THORNTON. Bloomsburg, March 13, 1861. PL0AVS, PLOWS ! i FIRST RATE irticle of Ptows on hand and for sale by JOSEPH SIIARPLESS. Bloomsburg, Mach, 6, 1861. DAVID L0WENBERG, CLOTHING STORE, f . : . . n M , t mi rtnnpe ahnao ill. "Altlflf1 I Ull iiaill PUCCljl V WVVIO KWW W ."W CABINET WARE ROOMS. s. c. SIIIVE RESPECTFULLY invites ihe attention cf ihe Public to his extensive asor' men of Cabinet Furniture and Chair, which he will warrant made of good mtterial at'.d in a workmanlike manner. Al his Kiatlih men!, can ahvaj 'a be found a good asenrt menl of FASHIONABLE FUKXITCRE, which is equal in style bud finish to (hat ol Philadelphia or New York cities, antl at as low prices. He has Sofa of different stj le and prices, from $25 lo 60. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs Rocking and eay chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sola, card, centre and pier tables, detashu?, cheffeniers. whatnots and corrodes ami an Kinus or lasnionaoie work. His stock of buleaus, enclosed and oommon wahfetands, dress-tatle, corner cupboards sofa, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chair is the largest in this section of the couniy. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking oasses with fancy gilt and common frames He will also furnieh sprin? rnarrasses fitted lo any sized bedstead, which are snpenor for durability and com for! lo anv bed in oe. Bloomsbnrg, JatMiarv 1 3 1858. if. ikiiti:r, SXUGi:Oi DENTIST. RESPECFULLY offers his r..:..i . . ; . J.T.T.r lutlpu anrl (ipnilpmpn ot Rlnnms " n burs and vicinity. He is prepared io attend lo all the various operations in Deniitry, and is provided with Ihe latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Torh Powders, al ways on band. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office. 3d bnildinfr ahove S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west side. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1853 FORKS HOTEL. ELOOMSEURG, COLUMBIA CO., FA. fcOBEUT HAGENBUCH, Proprietor, ftAKES pleasure in announcing tothe pub lie that he has rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James Freeze, in Bloomsburg, and is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamster.. drover- and boarders. His table will be sup plied with Ihe bet products the markets af. tord, and his Bar will be constantly furnish ed wr.h the choice! liquors. At-entive ostlers will always be n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering to the wants of ihe public, anil hi obliging attention to customers wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsbnrg, April 21, 185S. Flour ami Fci'il Deliver'! ! C II EATER THAN THE CHEAPEST I T M1K undersi2ned ha made arrange merits that will enable him lo deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any body ele in town. Hi prices ara as follows: Flour 67 25 ; Corn and Oats Chop Si 55; Com and Bye Chop 51 65 ; Bran SI 10 ; I respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. MOSES COFFMAN. Bloomeburg, June 14, 1860. BLOOMSBURG SARINS. Mil OP. f FflE undersigned respectfully inform" tl citizens of Hloomsburs, and the pub! the ic Generally, that he ha? taken the Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in the white rrame Building, nearly opposite ihe Lx- change Block, where he is at all times ready to wait upon hi. customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in ih? most fashionable s-l)le, and on ve'V moderate terms. rShamoomg, done up in City Style. Ke" solicils public patronage and pledges his beM endeavors to give every reasonable satiiaclion. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. BIoomburg, Oct. 12, 1859. FOR SAI.E. One Hundred Tons of Cayuga Lake Plaster, AT THE CATTAWISSA MILLS. r"MlE undersigned would respectfully in - form the ublic generally that they have on rianu a large amount ol snperur . CAYUGA LAKE PLASTER, ' all of which they offer for sale, in lare or small quaniit es, upon the mot reasonable J terms. Persons wishing a good article of planter would do wed to calf and examine this before purchasing elsew here, C. W. M KELVY Si CO. CaMawissa, Jan. 30, l&fil 3m. 1VM.B K00.NS, Projiriflor. isioot3sih;u;, pi. rpHIS magnificent Hotel, silnale in the - central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, has been ihoroushly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best Ihe market afTords,and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Atlentise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the mot extensive in this section ol country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to convey passen gers to and trom the Railroad Depots. WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomburc, July 4, I860. "arise take vp mr bed and walk " The Analytical Physician and Surgeon, T Si'ailv astonishing his patients by the i JL cure of Jong standing diseases. HIS REMEDIES ARE PURELY VEGETA BLE. He will be at the lolloping places the same dajs of each month as slated be low, when he can be consulted for all dis ease flesh is heir to. CONSULTATION FREE. At Nicely's, in Berwick. 28th and 29ih. The Exchange, Bloomsburg. 30ih lo 1st. ' The Monfour House, Danville, 2J & 3d. January 30. 18G1 Im-pd A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. The Rev. William Cosgkove, while la boring aa missionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great number who were suffering from Consumption, Bronchit is, Sore Throat, Coughs, and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address REV. WM- COSGROVE, - 230 Baltic-street, Brookljo, N. Y. Feb. 27, 1861 3m. EVAKS & WATSON'S PhiPa Manufactured SALMANDER SAFES; testnot Nrt-et. PHILADELPHIA. 1 1 s H EbE Safes are in use now al nvrr thft United St e, anl hae been well test ed in mviiv fifvs : Ihe fullow ina hows an other instance of their capability in foist ing Hie. AVITMERS BRIDGE, 1 Lancaner Township, July 30, I860. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON : .Gentlemen The small size No. 1 Sala mander Sate which I purchased from your aaeni, Mr. Adam R.'Earr, in Lancaster City, on July 20th, 1858, has been subjected to a very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory manner. This Safe, con taining fell my books, trgether wiih valua ble papers belonging to my-elf and itome to my neighbors and friends, and repre senting a value of over Twenty Thousand Driller. ron nnni .. .... :.. "i:n ' "-'""') Lh.vjuuuj ! ! iny aiiii wntcn was destroyed on the nght of the 27th of July, 1R60, and passed through the fiery ordeal unscathed The Safa was on the second floor, and fell to the basement of the Mill, and was subjected for six hours to an intense heal anions the rii'ms, which a greatly increased by the combustion dl a lare quanii-y of grain cbnfined within the brick wall. After the fire the Safe was openec and the books and papers taken out in a stale of perfect preservation, Ihe pa per not even beina discolored. This fact wps, however, to many, bystanders a bel ter recommendation of your S4es than could be expressed in any other word's from me. Yours Respectfully, SAMUEL RANCK. Another Victory for Evans & Wat son's Salamander Safe 0eg, N. Y., March 27, I860. Gentlarr.en It affords me much pleasure 10 irorm you lhat the Safe No. 5, uprightj which I purchase'l of B. Stroud, your Trav elling Asjent, has passed through an ex ceedingly hoi fire in a three story brick bnildins, which heated ihe Safe to a white heat, so that the corner of ii appear melt ed; but it preserved my books and valoable paper to the amount of several thousand dollars, lor which I feel lhauktul. ours, ReFpectfclly, J. N. ELDRIDGE. Philadelphia. June 4th, 185. Messrs EVANS & VAT.ON manufac lureil the Fire Proof Safes which have beer in ui since' ihe commecement of o? Bank, and are supplied with three of Ihe Parent Alphabetical Bank Lock, and hoa given entire satisfaction. This Lock we have great confidence in, bo'h as regard security and convenience, there being no chance lo blow u out with powder, and rO key lo carry. We consider it one of the te.-t and sales! Lock now in use. ROBERT MORRIS, Pres'l Com th Bai.k. HENRY GRAM BO, Cashier. Great Fire nothcr Triumph. Knoxville, Tenn., March 13, 1859. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, PhdaMa. G-ntlemen It affords me great pleasure to say io yon that the Salamander Sate which I purchased of you in February. 185", proved to be what you recommended it a sure protection Irom fire. My storehouse, together with several others, was burned to Uie ground in March -last. The Safe fell hrongn into the celier, and wa expoed lo intense heat for mx or eiht hour, and when it was taken from the ruin and open ed, all its contents were fonnl to be in a perteel state, ihe books and the papers nol being it jnred any whatever. 1 can cheer fully reromm'tiJ your Safes to the com mnnitv, bobeving, as I i'o,that ihey are as near fire proof as it is pos-ible for any Safe to be made. THOMAS J. POWELL. ircfcrcnccs. U. S. Min Philadelphia; U.S. Arena Philadelphia' & Cal ; N. Liberies Bank; PotistDwn Bnlc ; Chester Valley Bink , Southwestern Bank ot Va. ; Bank of Gold--borough, N. C. ; Bnk of Raleigh, N. C. ; Bnk ol Salisbury, N. C. ; Bank of Jersey S-hore, Pa. ; Bink of Newark, Del. ; Bank of Northumberland ; Lewisburg Buk. April 3d. 1881. VYMIIi HOUSE, IMMM, I.AVOCK, IMtOl'KILlOR, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. FRlHE Proprietor respect'ully informs his JL friends and ihe public generally that he has taken charge ol the Wyoming House, in the viilaae of Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of lhat place, an I has fitted it ont so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spaciows and airy, and not only calculated to add to ?he conve nience and comfort ol the travelingcommut nity, bu aIo to those who would seek a pleasant summer resort wiih families.- HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best the market can aflord ; aud his BAR will be furnished with the purest liquors thai can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to he comfort and con venience of his tuests. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a mong the first hotels in the State. The Proprietor hopes that from his expe rience in ihe business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a judi cious selection of the most careful ami oblig ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. fir Please give him a call, and judse for r i I a iCCil onrelve. Lapru z, ij- JIAMIOOH. ROW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Jmt Pulli-hed, in d Sealed Envelope; ON THE NATURE, TREAT etLi7 M ENT, AND RADICAL CURE OF S P K RM ATOR RHE A , or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner vousness and involuntary emissions, indu cing impotency, and Mental and Physical Incapacuy. By BOUT. J CULYbliW bU., M. U , Author of the "Green Bovk " cfc, The world-renowned author, in hisadmi rable lecture, clearly proves from bis own experience that ibe awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure al once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter wbal his condition may- be. may cure himself cheaply, piicite 'y and radically. This lecture will prove a boor to thousands and thousands. Sent nnder seal, in a plain enve!ope,fr any address post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by-sing 127 Bowery, N.Y. Post Otficebox 4,536. April 17, 1861-1 jr. i i.' iff!! t'rv --, GRAPEVINES. YOUNG Vines of two years, cH ''Miller's Burgundy," with beautiful roots can be had : also, peach trees from seed of ihe choicest varieties, if called for soon. HENRY ZUPP1NGER. Bloomsbnrg, April 10, 1861. Hlaultf of all Kinds for fale at tiie Star of ihe Noith Otilc. ktn Hotel."