STAROFTMORTII. IfiU 7. 'TACOBY, EDITOR: "BLOOaSBCRC, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 186l7 The State Legislature assembled in ex 'tra session on Tuesday oflast week, in obe dience lo the Governor's proclamation. There-was a full attendance of members. The various subjects losrched upon in the Governor's Message, were referred to Ate proper committee?, and a joint resolution was adopted, Ho confinefthe'business of the session exclusively to these matters. On Thursday last, a bill was reported, authori zing a loan of 83,000,000 lor arming and supporting the military forces of 'tire State, and authorizing the Governor to call imme diately into service 'fifteen regiment of cavalry and infantry, and such nnmberof artillery and rifle companies as the exigen-cies-of the country may require. Aleo, a till for the better organization' of the State Militia; and one, in the nature -of a "stay law, to prevent the sacrifice of property by forced sales in the collection of debts. None of ihese bills have yet been consider ed. A bill authorizing the several counties ot the State appropriate money for the support of the families of volunteers, pasted lbs Senate. The Secession Forces It ia reported that there are 6,000 volunteers in Richmond ready , for service, 4.00? at Harper's Ferry, and 3,500 at Norfolk ; and it is said that by the end of the week there will be 25,000 troops at Richmond. In all Virginia, it is .paid that there are now 15,000 men in arms These figures .roust be taken with consider able grains of allowance. The official re port of the arms in possession of Virginia last year stated that 6he .had enough only for 4,000 men ; and, though some seem to have been seized at Harper's Ferry, she has not at present the means to equip such a force. Capt. Oakes,ene fff the officers of the United States Army in Texas, has arrived ax Washington, after traversing the Southern Slates. He says that the greatettt military activity prevails throughout the South. Tb men look well, and are enthusiastic for the rebel cause, and insane with the lust of . conquer!, deterrakvei on taking Washing ton," and on whipping the North. We shall see ! ' The Object of the War. Amidst the generally covert notions which prevail concerning the necessity and purpose 6f the existing war, it cannot be denied that isome very erroneous views as to its object ''are entertained, and in some - - i . - ' .1 ' .1 l J.J quarters ratner covertly man openiy, au va cated. There are those whose sympathies are with the, present military movement because they hope it is to be converted into, a crusade against Afriiao slavery that onr troops are to become a' liberating army, to iet all the negroes free, 1 and, indeed, to mark itsmaTCh southward, by promoting arid sustaining servile insurrections. Those who seek to give the present move ment such- a 'direction, at 'is&st give color and plausibility to the charge heretofore made against them of purposes and acts hostile to the Constitutional rights of the slave State. The only lawful design of the present war is to-eosrain the Constitutional authority of the Federal Government and that certainly -does not comprehend the power to interfere with the relation of mas ter and slave. Those who seek to appro priate the present feeling of Joyality to the Government, to a negro crusade, do not less mistake the popular impulse than their own duties as good citizens. We are not lobe betrayed, under the patriotic excitement of the present lime, into propagandists, seek ing by fire and sword, insurrection and murder, to impose unacceptable institutions upon independent States. If the shave States continue this rebellion against ihe Union and Constitution, and the result of a legitimate exercise of Federal power shall be to be break the back of slavery, we shall not regret it. and they will ouly have occa sion to complain of themselves. But while preparing military armaments to sustain the Constitution, it is hypocritical and treason able to avow the design of using tnera for a purpose entirely ia defiance 'eft that in struocent. We lru6t tnat ine unity -era en ibusiasm of our people in upholding the legitimate power of the Federal Govern ment are not io be marred by the preaching of aero crutade. Pretended Fears of Invasion and Snjujation- The manner in which secession is fed and stimulated is Hvell Illustrated by the enormous misrepresentations of the Balti mte Exchange, which is now the most dan cerous because the most able advocate of Secession in the metropolis of mobs. Take as a sample the following string-of false- hood concerning the purpose -"of the ' Gov ernment: On the Other side of Maryland the legions of the mighty North are rapidly concentra ting, in order lo invade the new Confedera cy. . Ships and arms, and money, and men, have been lavishly placed at the disposal oi Mr. Lincoln. Not content to suffer him, in his own way,to repossess, if he can. Hie property in 'the new Confederacy, "which once belonged to ' this ' Government, the Northern people are unanimously and ve hemently urging him to begin a war of ex termination. They insist that-every South ern city shall be in turn assailed, and that those which'resist shall be 'laid -in ashes ; they-propose that the Southern States shall be parcelled out among the conquerers ; they urge that the "Southern people shall now "be so dealt with as to preclude them forever henceforth from resisting or even complaining of the policy of the North. To accomplish these ends, no means are deem ed too harsh oncttiel. It has been suggest ed that armed gangs of burglars and shoul der-hitters be let loose on the towns; that servile insurrections be incited in the coun try ; that the dykes of the Mi6sissppi be broken down, so that the men, women and children of vast districts may be indiscrimi nately drowned. Every sanguinary and brutal project that the mind can well con ceive has been started and favorably 're ceived by the people of the free States. They speak complacently of the carnage, the devastation, plunder and 'corvftsion which will be inevitable south of the Polo- Secession at a Discount in Westers Vm ginia. A correspondent of the Morgan town Siar, writing from Weston, Va , on the 22d, says): Out town was the scene of considerable excitee on yesterday morning, caused by the discovery of a secession flag flying on the roof of our Court House, having been ' placed there during the "wee small boors of . the night," by the renegades of our pUce, We have but few tecessionists .here, and. they are composed of broken down politicians, bankrupts andkaJf-witted aspirants vYell, alter getting uown me England and Cotton. We find in the London lime of the 12lh instant some account of what the Govern ment is doing in India lo facilitate cotton production and what is of mere immedi ate importance, to aid in its transport to the shipping ports. There is not time to build railroads and make new and expensive im provements. The demand is immediate. 'The ouly practicable help 6eems to be," says the Times, "mending the cart-roads and bullock tracks of the country, and ma king new ones; and this is what tho govern ment proposes to do. It desires the local authorities to send out proper persons at once to see what can be done afcoot these .nnnirf mad, and to 4o it. so as to make - j as many as possible available this year If :he merchants are disposed to send an agent with each of these road-surveyors, to inquire into the difficulties or other kinds which interfere with the supply of cotton, the traveling expenses of such agertts will be paid by government. All suggestions for future improvements, and for larger works than can be made available this sea son, are invited ; and the authorities in all part of India are requested to send copies of the resolution of the Governor-General in council to the merchants, either ihrongh their Chambers of Commerce or otherwise, with every encouragement to speak their The New Stay Law. - The telegraphic reports of the I proceed ings of the Legislature show that the pro ject of a 6tay law was under consideration yesterday. We have sflveral objections to make to the provisions 'of the bill which has been iutrodoced , and which was pub lished in yesterday's Press. We think it illy fitted to meet1 ihe emergencies of the times. Its radical defect consists in the provision that parties applying for the ben efit of the: proposed law must be possessed of rear estate' in the county - or1 counties in which; judgement may be obtained. This will probably cut off two-thifda of the per sons who may be desirous of "obtaining re lief under it. The great majority of merchants in this and oiher cities and towns throughout the State do not own any real estate, although they may be able lo-"how assets amount ing to double or treble the total of their liabilities. Their assets are almost always in bills receivable, in book accounts and in stocks of merchandise, if the tempo rarily embarrassed debtor is a mechanic, bis property is in tools, materials, and the products of his skill and labor; if a farmer, in farming utenits and stock; if a manu facturer, in machinery, material, and goods. All these would be deprived of the 'bent fits of the proposed law, because of their not being the possessors of real estate. But it may be said that if ihey have no real -estate they can avail themselves of the alternative "mentioned in the bill, and give real-estate security . If any of our readers has ever had to hunt up sectfrity, or has been importuned " to offer himself as security for others, he will readily estimate the difficult)' a man in embarrassment would find in getting a real-estate owner to become surety for the payment of his debts. The landed proprietor would answer such applicants thus: ' My dear friend, I know you to be honest and well meaning, I would cheerfully guarantee your character for in tegrity and uprightness, but ( cannot, in justice lo my own obligations and ray fami ly, stake my property upon ihe chance of your debtors paying you what is justly your due. You will have to excuse me." Thus, those whom the law is designed to protect from unjust sacrifices, will generally be unable to give security for the payment of their liabilities, and ihe3a, became of ihis feature, will bs valueless. To be effectual and just , in this time of unexpected and universal suspension, the stay law should be calculated to protect both the debtor and the creditor. Business is suspended, and the collection of debts next to impossible. Forbearance on all hands is imperatively called for, and and where the creditor is inexorable and unreasonable, ihe stay law should step in toave the debtors who would pay if ifcey could, from his rapacity. At the same time it should protect the rights of the cred itor, and not be made a biel for him who would dishonestly evade the payment ot his just debts. Let the security be given for the honesty of the debtor, for his char acter, for his rategrit). Bind the surety lhat his principal shall not wajte or misap propriate his assets that he shall render an account, showing that assets have been mac. The object of all this stuff is to excite Baltimore and Maryland to resistance and to involve them in a fate which nothing but loyalty to ihe'Government can avert. It is not trne thai Northern people are urg ing Lincoln to begin a war of extermination; lhat they insist every Southern city shall be assailed and laid in ashes, and lhat the Southern States shall be parcelled oui among the conquerers. It is possible that a lew extreme papers, like -ibe New York Tribune, may have contained such sugges tions, but nine-tenths of the Northern peo ple repudiate any such barbarioas intentions. Whai the Northern people insist upon is simply this : that the power and authority of fhe Government shall be maintaiiefi ; thaUthe route between Washington and the North shall be kept open for the unmolest ed transportation of troops to and from the Capitol ; that the Fons, Custom Houses, Navy Yards, Arsenals, ships and other property violently seized by the rebels shall be repossessed by the Government ; that the laws shall be enforced wherever the rightful jurisdiction of the Federal Govern ment extends ; and, in short, lhat the Un ion shall be restored as it was before cer tain States attempted to secede, set up a rival Government and commenced their career of pillage and ajrgre6bion- In attain ing this wttled purpose of the Nonh, no ' faithfully collected and honestly applied to more foree'wil! be used than is absolutely ( the payment ol his debts. If security is essential, and no violence committed upon j not required, "let the applicant for stay of persons or properly. If the rebellious com-1 execution be required to satisfy he court, bination now terrorizing the South follow i in which the judgement is obtained, ol his ..i.n.r nn.l hnnottv fnr ftnlvencv and DUITGNVJ ..w.. j , - - ' Union Feeling" in Maryland. We learn from the Baltimore American lhat the free developemenl of-Union senti ment, which had been crushed for" a time, is visible in all parts of the "Stale, ;'atid has had its effect in the Legislature. 'There is now considerable doubt "whether ::the Se cessionists will be able to get through the Legislature even a bill calling a sovereign Convention. The impression ' is that they will either adjourn without any action on ihe subject, or confine themselves to an address to the people When brought up square to meet the issue, the most - earnest of those who have been engaged for months past in stirring up a rebellion shrink from the responsibility. Thte American is very decided in its tone against secession, and iq favorof the maintenance ot the Union. Witness the following extract from a recent article : 'Grant for the sake of ihe argument, that Maryland has the power and the righl to cea&e to be one of ihe United'Siates, is it her interest to do so ? Six months ago no sar.e'man would hare dreamed that -it was. Now scrutinize as closely as you please the whole course of our Government since every law enacted by the legislative de partment, 'every decision pronouncted by the'ju'diciary, and every act of the executive and a'nswer this 'qnestion. Is there one taw, decision or act which infringes any right or imperils any iuterest of our State or of any citizen of it ? If not, then between our National and State Governments 'there is no occasion or ground for separation, for disagreement or quarrel; then all induce ment to a change of the relations so long, so happily, and so advan'ageously subsist- ing'b'etwften ihem -comes from abroad. What can it be ! Certain of the United States asserted their right to withdraw from the Union, and, so far as fnfeir act could do it, did withdraw. The Government, not withstanding, at an expense of thousands upon thousands of dbllars has continued to carry their mails, has submitted to their as saults, and has in no insta nee or 'place ta ken any action but defensive. President Buchanan 'in his message laH December said the Government could ndt do less than this, and the officers of ihe Government under President Lincoln have done no more than they would have done under President Buchanan if similarly assailed . We have, then, and can have, thj ground of resent Soldiers for the War. miserable thing, counting the stars (eight i wishes about any measures which may in number ) and taking general mrvey of promote an increase in the supply of cotton ihe "critter" that had cost its admirers so much labor and loss of sleep, the Presiding Justice) a whole-souled Union man ap plied a match to h and burned it up, amidst the applause of the crowd. Lewis county will give such a majority against the Dis onionists lhat will make them tremble in their boots. ' Shootikq of a Voluhtesb by his own Captain. A correspondent of one of the Philadelphia papers says, on Monday night a captain of one of the companies at Per rrsville, oproeile Havre da Grace, Mary land, shot a private dead on the spot with in a hundred yards of the place where the vrriter onhis was sleeping. The man was undoubtedly intoxicated. - The Captain was challenged by the sen try and gave the proper pass. The man did not understand the word. On being 8gain challenged, the Captain did not an swer. The sentry fired, but missed his aim. The Captain immediately drew his revolver, and fired several balls into the body of ihe soldier, who died immediately. Ths Twcbtt Day'b Grace' Expire lo ilOBkOw l In President Lincoln's war proc lamation, "done at the city of Washington, on Ihe fifteenth day of April," the following important passage occurs: "I deem it proper to say that the first ser vice assigned to the forces hereby called forth vnll probably be la re possess the Jorls, places and property vhick have been seized from Ike Union ; and in every event the utmost care will be observed, consistently with the Ablets atoresaid. to avoid any devastation, and destruction of or interference with prop ortr. or anv disturbance of peaceful citizens in any part of the country; and I hereby command thi persons comprising the combjna . linn of l foresaid lo disperse and retire peacea bly to thi their respective abodes within twenty davi from tkit date." The "combinations" here referred to are the hostils combinations in the revolted States against.the laws and authority of the United States. Tbesa 'combinations" are warned to disperse within twenty days from the notice given, a term of grace which expired on the 5th of. ilay.l As the Presi dent's command will not, in all probability, be respected ; we may reasonably conclude that the defensive policy of the Govern meat will now cease, andi lhat, within the next few days, General Scott will cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war" upon all who continue in rebellion against the lawful au thority o! the United States. This being court week, we have not been at Jo to pay lhat attention to oar pape tt'-.vs tv tne demand. Our readers wi! uTi,:. mnir mill at once convince me AUIO uiu.v. people of India of the reality of the demand forcoiton. This, and a good sale of what they have, will cause a grat expansion of the cnlture next year, no doubt. The news of the export duty on cotton imposed in the American Southern Southern ports will quicken the competition wherever cotton is grown The Inion Inst be Presetted. The Republic must be preserved, and every good citizen -rausi give heart and hand to the work. If the Border Slave States are willing 'to take sides with ihe Union and the peace of the country against all assailants," they must do so by giving obedience to those whom the Uuior. has chosen lo command. When the mortars of the Secessionists are almost within shelling distance of the White House when nearly every avenue to the capitol is blockaded when a traitor in Montgomery boasts in April that his flag will float over Washing ton in Mav when Southern Generals are rap;dlv concentrating their forces on the shores of u e Potomac wDen organized piracy threatens to destroy our commerce when unarmed men and peace! ul soldi ery are murdered in broad day by a brutal and malignant mob, it is no time to talk ot 'armedineutrality." Two antagonistic Gov ernments cannot exist together wunin me bounds of the United Slates. Either the constitutional Government of Washington, or the revolutionary Government of the South, roust prevail In such a conflict, all the advice of the President and disperse, surrendering the property they have seized, to-ether with the leaders by whom they have been deceived, than there will be no necessity for the use of force, and every thing will pass off smoothly and proi-perous-Ij-. But in case this pacific cause is not adopted by the South it will become neces sary for ihe Government to use just so much j force as may be adequate for the re cap ture and possession of it own property ,anJ the restoration of its own clearly defined authority. It is for the South lo 'say what amount of force, if any, shall be necessary for the accomplishment of this purpose ; for no more force will be uned than they invite. Neither will Baltimore be assailed without it makes another murderous raid upon un offending soldiers, and compels the Gov ernment to leach it a stern lesson of obedi ence. honesty are the qulifications which should entitle el io the benefit of ihe law. The time, as we suggested in our mon7 article yesterday is rightly fixed. The source from which the means for the great er part of the debts due in our State ate lo be obtained is the crop, which can be turn ed in a twelve-mor.ih. We trust that this subject of a stay law will receive the careful attention that its importance dehlands and that our legisla tors will take pains to suit their remeOy to Ihe disease, and not give us a stay law which will be useless to ihose whom it is intended lo help. Press. ment or complaint against our Government for 'the harshness, the precipitancy, the haste and aggressive character of its mea sures. Nor can ihe Southern Confederacy offer any reasonable assurance ot protec- ;ion and prosperity in the fold to which they woo us like that which we have en joyed, do and may enjoy in the United S'.ates. True ihej promise as largely as Satan did on the Mount of Temptation, but with as litt're lawful claim to the gft they proffer as he bad to the kingdoms of the earth. Donbtles it would be wisdom to have t wish or judgement, or thought of cur own to become an outlying province of Vir ginia, to be legislated for at Richmond in stead of Annapolis, but would it not be well lo defer taking that position till Virginia shows so much wisdom in the management of her own. affairs as to entitle her to that confidence? Till then let us lake no po sition but that of an ir.dapendent State ; let us know no flag but the Stars and Stripes, and no country but the United Siates of America. Getting Dissatisfied With tire Administration. martial Law. During these warlike times, the signifi cance of the above term, so much used, becomes exceedingly important : In Bour- ier's Law Dictionary, Martial Law is de fined as "a code established for the govern ment of ihe army and navy of the United States," whoso principal rules are to be found in ihe articles ol war prescribed by act of Congress. But Chincelor Kent says this definition applies only to military law, while martial law is qnite a distinct thing, and is founded on paramount necessity, and proclaimed by a military chief. Mar tial law is generally and vaguely held io a suspension of all ordinary civil rights and process, and as such approximates closely to a military despotism It is an arbitrary law, originating in emer true patriots will take sides with, and fight gencies. In lime of extreme peril to the for the old Flag and the old Union, wmcn is sanctified by the heroism of the sages, the soldiers, and the martyrs ol the days of '76. A gentleman of our acquaintance, who h. a married sister, residing in a large una 1 - town in the interior of South Carolina, re cently received a letter froui her husband, a ;-.;nnist.' The writer, among other -V. w w w things, states that he was at Charleston, with the soldiers, during the late military operations at that place, and while absent from home, the aegroes burned down four dwelling houses and eight stores, in the town which he resides, and fonr dwelling houses in the vicinity. Eight negroes were hanged, And the writer says he supposes th.ov hall haa to hans a dozen more De fer a month passes. Here are facta which do not get into the Sonthern papers, but which show the state of feeling at the South, and how poorly her State, either from without or within, the public welfare demands extraordinary mea gores. And martial law being proclaimed, sonifies lhat the operation of the ordinary leral delays of justice is suspended by the military power, which has for the time be come supreme. It suspends the mere operation of the writ of habeas corpus; enables persons charged with treason to be summarily tried by court martial instead of grand jury ; jus tifies searches and seizures of private prop erty, and the taking possession of public highways and other means of communica tion, involving the highest exercise of sovereignty, it is, of course, capable of great abase, and is only to be justified on emergencies of the most imperative and perilous nature. ' The American Stock Journal has been received It is a capital number. Published at 25 Park Row, New York. Terms $1 a ..-- in ;i,itnce. It is the'bnly stock Jour- A Berlins in Sngarioaf. A call for freeman ol Sugarloaf township was issued on Monday, April 22d, to meet at A. Cole's School House, to show their devotion for the Union. In response to this call, a large number of citizens assembled on Wednesday the 24th ult., at 2 o'clock V. M. The meeting was organized by ap pointing the following officers: President UWtiN i'AKKS. Vice Presidents : Jacob Harrington, Jese Hartman, Redman Betlerly, Washington Sutliff. Suretary Josiah Fritz. On motion of T. Q. A. Stevens, tho pro ceedings of the meeting held at Bleorhs burg, on the 18th ulu, were read, and the resolutions which Col. L. L. Tate's letter, were ananimou&ly adopted. The meeting was addressed by Owen Park. Esq., and Capt. John Seeley, both , highly patriotic. The meeting was composed ol both parties with strong Union sentiments. Put Sugar- loaf right on the Union. On motion of T. Q. A. Stevens, that a copy of the minutes be furnished to each of the county papers, with a request thai they be published at the earliest convenient season. Pqom Harribburg. May 6 The books of the Adjutant General show that 163 compa nies, besides the eight Philadelphia regi ment, have been accepted and mustered into service. Twenty-eight, regiments and three companies additional are offered, ma king a total of fifty-three regiments accept ed and offered op to the third ins:. The entire number is 41,500. Camp Curtin is in bad condition, owing to the excessive rains since Friday. - There Is great dissatisfaction expressed about the location of ihe new camp at West Chester, it being considered valueless as a strategical point by military men. The Philadelphia Sunday Mercwy, an out aud-oul administration paper, appears to be getting disgusted with the manner in which things are managed by President Lincoln and his Cabinet We clip the fol lowing article from the last number of that paper : "The people have responded to the call of the President for aid. They have an swered with so much unanimity and power that a panic is already perceptible among the less desperate of the rebels. Probably no man connected with the national admin istration anticipated such a sweeping tor nado of patriotic enthusiasm. But we re gret to say, the President has not in his tnrn responded to the mighty demand of ihe masses no more temperising with tra tors. The negotiations between Lincoln and Seward on the one hand, and Hicks and Brown on ihe other, are humiliating to the government and chilling to the people. There seems to be a wofol lack of common sense, decision and energy in the manage ment of affairs. Volunteers are kept with out arms and equipments long after ihey are thoroughly organized, tolerably drilled, and ready for a call to the field. Pennsyl vania troops hurry forward to a position whence ihey can threaten Baltimore and hold that rebellious city in check, and some body orders them lo retire, for fear of offend ing the delicate sensibilities of Hicks and company. Other volunteers hasten to Annapolis, and there they remain for days, without the facilities for reaching the im perilled capitol. If Washington does not fall into the hands of the rebels, the credit of its salvation will not belong io the ad ministration, but to the gallant volunteers of Massachusetts. New York and Pennsylva nia. But for the promptitude of the old Bay State, Fort Monroe would have lacked a garrison capable of a successful resis tance to assault. The same determined patriots would soon clear the direct road to Washington, if the government possessed a tittle of the spirit which now animates the northern people. If Mr. Lincoln would hold his tonge, and Mr. Seward would con sent to forego an opportunity for turning polite phrases, perhaps the course of the government would be more in harmony with the tremendous import of the crisib " The following is the names of the pel- sons who compose the Volunteer Company which was organized and equipped in this place, under the-tille of The Iron Guards, at d which left on Tuesday last for Camp Curtin, at Harrisbnrg. Our streets present wl quite a scene of excitement on their departure, such an one as has probably never been witnessed in this place before. The follow ing is a true list of the young men : 'Capt. W. WALL R1CKETTS, 1st Lieut. W. H. ENT, 2d 44 1. H. SEESHOLTZ, 3d " ALFRED ECK, 1st Sergt. SAMUEL WAITERS, i " B R. HAYHURST, 3d C. B. BROCKWAY, -4th " A. R. GENSBL, Ensign SAMUEL KNORR, 'D. W. Pattercon, "H C. Bowman, Jos. S Hayman, H. J. Conner, R W. Bowman, G S. Coletrtan, Chas AchenSach, William Margernm, Frank Getkin, Wm McNeal, George Watters, Jos. P. Hause, Samuel G. Gottshall, Flemons Jacoby, Hiram Lewis, Amos Gensel, Julias Cramer, rDavid Metz, W. H. Palmer, Jeremiah Getkin, Henry Linn, George Hide, -Henry Gottshall, . Alonzo Jacoby, Samuel C. Walte'r, Wro H. Price, Geo. Witesides, -W..H. HoIIingchead. -Reuben H. TreaheT, W. B. Hughes, J Stanley, G. W. Demortst,'". leaiah McBride, John A. Crossly, D.S. Ross, H. P. Slater, Jeremiah Berger, Peter S. Hamlin, ' Jeremiah S. Young, j Augustus Millard, . John Coleman, Geo. W. Trimble, Benj. F. Lungr, Peter B. Smiih, P.C. Witenight Leonard S. Stinefnafe, H. A Shuman, Thomas Greffelh, -Aaron Fox, Alex. Zeigler, Moses Karns, Joseph R. Hess, . I F. J. Quinby. A. B. Jamison, t. H. Magorgle, John Brown, John Clark, Frank Strauser, John Betz, A. W. Mann, C. F. Schwaderer, H. C. Harman, L. Seitzinger, Emanuel Kurtz, Joseph Bowman, A. W. Smiih, M. W Mason. William Raup, Henry Mayhew MJltHIED. By the Rev. John Sutton. ADril IS. In Fishin-creek two., Columbia countv. Mi. thi as D. A ppi.kman of Benton Columbia co . ana i io iviiss lucy a. iuBBa, ot tairtnouni Luz. county". In Ringiow'n, Schuylkill ' coiihty. dn the 2d, ult., by the Rev. I B.ihl, Mr. Jacob Rcm- bell, to ilis Sarah b. -brVFFK.n LoiU oi the former place. ; In Mifflin township, Columbia county, on the 23d ult., by the same, Mr Samukl Henrt, of Pfescopeck, Luzerne county. w- Miss Ltdia Creasy, of the former place. In Berwick, at L Enke's Hotel, on the 21st. inst , by the same, Mr Wellington KlE&WKK, tO MlSS JUCHEL LOItG, boUl of Bloornsburg - . In ih Kama ntarn nn 'Ha !-r,!riiY . St the same, Mr Gideon Fehcll, of North- araton county, to Miss Emelixc BaEtteeV- dkr of Berwick. . VIED. In Mie roWship Columbia co., on the 22d ot April, Mr. Jacob Gcarhart, ageU about 40 years. At his residence, !ihf Huntington, Luz. county, on ibe 11th inst., Rev. Septimus Bacon, in the 67 year of of his ags. Executor's rVolice. Estate of Lanah Jane Pealer, of Fishirfgireek ivwnshtp, deceased. LETTERS testamentary on the eta'eof Lanah Jane Pealer, late of FixVmg creek townohip. Colombia county, dec'J., have bean grunted by ihe Remitter of Co lum fcia'county to the undersigned, residing hi the lownt-nip ana county aioresaia.. All persons having claims against ibe estate of the decedent are requested io pre sent .lham tor tenlement, and itioe indebted to make payment ira mediately to MICHAEL LAMON, Et r. Fii-hingcreek, May 8lb, 1861. . , - MAIN HOOD. I1W ISO ST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope; zON THE NATURE, TRKAT yZSGsZMENT, AND RADICAL CURE SSLiSiy OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner vousness ami involuntary emission, inda rina impotertcy, arid Mental and Physical Incapacity. By ROBT.J CULVERWELL, M. D, Author of the "Green Book " etc, . The world-renowned author, in his admi rable Lecture, clearly prove from bi own experience lhat the awful consequences of Slf-abue may be effectually removed without medicine and without dangerous sorsical operations, bo'iaies, in-truments, rings or cordial, pointers out a mode ot cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter wfat bis condition may b. may core himsel! cheaply, pnoite'y and tadically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address post paid, on the receipt of two postage 6tarup", by addresinz. UK lH. J. U. KLINK, 127 Bowery, N.Y. Po9t Officebox 4,586. April 17, 1861-ly. I. i ISdail rure "AKiSE TAKE t'P THY BED AKD WALK." 77i Analytical Physician end Surgeon, ly astoni-hnig fn patients by Ihe re ol long stanuin; oiseasps. ma- REMEDIES ARE PURELY Tt ETA I1L.E. He will be at the following places ihe same dajs of each month as stated be low, w hen he can be conrulied lor all dis ease flesh is heir lo. CONSUIrATIOX Fit EE. At Nicely', in Berwick, 28th and 29th. The Exchange. Bloornsburg. 3uin to 1st. ' The Moiiiour House, Danville, 2d & 3d. January 30. lRfil lm -pd. in .Arlington Heights. Opposite Washington, on the Virginia side of the Potomac, the adopted son o Washington, (the son of Mrs. Washington by her first husband,) George Washington Parke Custis, dwelt in a fine mansion which he graced with gentlemanly hospi tality. Arlington House was in the centre of h'u estate of 1,000 acres. He died 1857, at tho hdvanced age of 86. It is from his boue and grounds, so often visited by the curious and patriotic a pil "grim shrine second only to Mount Vernon that the attack on ihe Capitol is expected. What a paricidal assault! It aims, as it were, at the sources of life of the Republic. And yet such is the character of the con test j and the thunders of assault and the signals of carnage are yet to wake the ech oes around the tomb of Washington. A CAUD TO THE SCFFERIXG, The Rev. Wilmah Cosgrove, while la boring as a missionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had ailed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cored great number wfco were suffering from Consumption, Bronchit is, Sore Throat, Coughs, and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who rn-ed it, free of charge. Address REV. WM COSGROVE, 230 Baltic-street, Brookljn. N.Y. Feb. 27, 1861 3m. FOR SAIiE. , One Hundred Tons of Cayuga Lake Master, AT THE CATTAW1SSA MILLS. flHE undersigned would respectfully in form the public generally that they have on hand a lare amount of superior CATrGA LAKE PLASTER, all of which they offer for sale, in large 'or small qoantit'es, npon the most reasonable term. Persons wishing a good article of flakier would do well to call and examine this before purchasing else w here, U. W. M'KbLVl &i LU. Catuvrissa, Jan. 30, 1861 3m. Holloway's Pills Fast Life, Swift decay 'A deed without name !" There is a stream of vice current among the youth of bolh sexes prolific of the most terrible dis orders. By perverting the noblest gifts of God to the vilest purposes it degrades the majesty of manhood to the level of the brute ; it traces its source to the depraved affection of a prurient imagination its ap petite is whetted by the contaminated con tinents of indiscriminate companionship at schools and seminaries ; it bears within its womb the tortures of its own chastisement, and the germ of speedy destruction in the fearful retribution of loss of memory, bank rupt constitution swift decay, imbecility and insanity. It is our duty to warn parents and guardians that this nameless disease may not only be prevented but actually cured by the remedies heading ibis para graph. Daily News. Troop Advancing o the City. There are 6.000 troops at Annapolis on route to Washington, and ono regiment at the Junction and on guard between Anna- From Boston, May 6 The bodies of two of the soldiers killed at Baltimore were removed to Lowell, the Boston Cadets and olher military accompanying the remains The nublic funeral took place at Lowell 's ffternoon. REVIEW OF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY corrected weekly WHEAT, 61 00 RYE. 70 CORN, 56 OATS, 30 BUCKWHEAT, 50 FLOUR pr. bbl. 6 00 CLOVERSEED.5 00 BUTTER, 16 EGGS, 10 TALLOW, 12 LARD, 12 POTATOES, 62 DR'D APPLES,1 00 HAMS. 12 AN -cl NEW ASSORTMENT of watch and ock materials, of the riht quality, received, which will be offered in alt cases on good couditons. HENRY ZUPP1NGER, Bloornsburg, April 23, 1861. n. B K00XS, Proprietor. BLOOMSIldlG, PA. THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in tf central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, his been ihorouH'uly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travele-. teamsters, drovers and boarders in the m--! pleasant and agreeable manner. His lab ? will be supplied with ihe best the mark?1 affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Attentise ostlers will always be on nan;!. and his stabling H the most extensive in this section of country. Omnibuses wi" always be in readme to convey passei - gers to and from the Katlroad Depot. WM. 3. KOONS. Bloornsburg, Juty 4, 1860. GRAPE VISES. YOUNG Vines of two year, ot 'Miller Rnnnmlv." with beautiful roots ?a be had ; also, peach trees from seed of it. choicest varieties, if called for soon. HENRY ZUPPINUEK. Bloornsburg, April 10, 1861. Blanks of all Kinds for sale at ihe Star of ihe North Office. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! AN Article of most excellent Wall Pape: to be bad at the Post Office. A fre . supply of superior in quality and style lo any in tl: Market, for sale cheap, by E. J. THORNTON. Bloornsburg, March 13, 1861. BFKELVY, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS, Northeast corner of Main and Marke'S;; DAVID L0HESBERG, CLOTHING STORE, On Main street, iwo dooisabove the "Arcer ican Hotel."