TI 1 vW, 0, JACOBf, Proprietor. Truth and Right God and our Country. CTwo Dollars per Annua. r I E mi ( i. 7 ) ) ) VOLUME 13. STAR 0F THE NORTH ' - J CBLISHED KTKBT WSDKKSMT K,, , - ' W3. n. JICOBY, 'Office on Main St.,SrJ Square uelow Market, TERMS : Two Dollars per annum if paid 'within six months from the time of snbscri 'birrgttwo dollar and fifty cents it not paid ''VrUhir. the year. No subscription taken for ;'a less period than six months; no discon tinuances permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. . The term oj advertising will be as follows : ' 'One square, twelve linesj three times, Si 00 ""Every subsequent insertion, . . . . . . 25 One square, three months, 3 00 One year, . . 8 00 Choice $oetrn. THE EiRLIEST RUbl.l. Among the cherry branches A bird is sinsing clear ; A rudy breasted robin, The first bird ot the year. The sky is dark above him, . And snow i. on the ground " No spring warmth in the breezes, Nor pleasant sights around." Yet cheerful from his station, Upon the leaflessfYee, lie sings the song o! summer And gladness yet. to be. The'tirchth on "the Videwalfc, "Soon as he hears the lay lLooks up, and for a moment Forgers both tak and .play. The little school girl panses ; .. i While pleasure and surprise Peep out between the fringes That Bhade her merry eyes. The blender, fair haired maiden Walk on with slower pace, A look ot tender longing Upon her lovely lace. ' Each breathes the wish most cherished; They know the simple spell -Familiar to our childhood, - ' And all believe it well. ' "Soon as the earliest robin Of spring your eyes shall view. Wish! and before the year is out The wish is granted you." - The boy has asked for treasnre Of top, and kite, and ball "5he little gypsy languishes . For tea-ei ortarr dcrr.J The maiden bat her fancies - How poorly can I guess! If longs she or a lover, A bracelet or a dress. And I a wish the ibndet, Arose when first I heard The clear notes of thy singing, Thou happy-omened bird ! So soft and vainly tittered, . Vet still of. Itfe a part . O, give me back the dear, lost place la my beloved one's heart ! "Take Bold of My Hand', '"Tafce rrd of my hand," says the little one, when she reaches a slippery place, or i v,:rr r,;,rM.n. hr UMih thn i finders clasped tightly around the parents j band, Bhe steps cheerfully and bravely along, clinging a little closer, when the way is crowded or difficult, and happy, in Ihe beautiful strength of childish faith '"Take; hold of my band," says the young convertjtrembling with the eagerness of bis love. Fall well he knows that if he rely cn any strength of his own, he will stomble and fall ; but if the Master reach forth his Itand, he may -walk- with unwearied foot, ' even on' the crested wave. , The . waters ot 6trife or of sorrow shall uot overwhelm him if he but keep last hold of the Saviour. "Take hold of my hand," falters the moth er, feeling that 6he is all too weak for the great responsibilities that throng in he path. Where shall she learn the greatness of the mission the importance of the field that has been aaeig&ed to her! And learning it, how shall she fulfill it, if she have not the acstaining, constant presence of One who loves His people , 'Take hold of my hand," whispers the, eged one tottering on through the shadows that grow dimmer. In the distance, and the darkening eye looks forward, to see if it can discern the first glimmer of the heavenly home, the weary pilgrim cries out, even as the child beside its rnolher, for the Sa vionr's hand. O, Jesus! Friend and elder Brother when the night cometh, when the feet are weary, when the eyes are dira, "lake hold of oar hand." Ckriilian Intelligencer. r Mixisa dp.thb Babiss. Some time ago there was a dancing party given 4ap north.'. Most of the ladies present had little babies, whose noisy perversity required too much attention to permit their mothers " to enjoy the dance. A. number of gallant young laen volunteered to watcnine yoan one while the parents indulged in a breakdown. No sooner had the women left the babies in charge of the mischievous rogues than they striped the infants and changed : tneir cloths giving to one the apparrej of another. The dance over, it was then time to go home, and the mothers harriedly took each- baby, in the dress of her own, and started, cme to their homes ten or fifteen miles off and were far on taeif way by daylight But the day following .there was a prodig ious row ia that settlement; mothers dis covered that a single day had changed the eexcf their babes, observations disclosed startling physiclclcat phenomena, and then ccrnrr?ncsd srre.of the tallest female pe ie;triials:.a. . Litis-- mi!es apart, it reqni ei two days to unmix 'the tables, and ad rcsry noaths to restore the womea to. their r. 0.1 . j To this day it u r;.-.; .i for ny ui the baby rilcrj-, Ca mixer3 to r. ;- : , The Gipsies. The idea that the Gipsies are not of j A remarkable instance of the painfulenw -Egypfifen, bnt of Hindo origin, is very popu- tions which are produced by mental excite lar though erroneous. It rests on two facts: ! raent. in Ward to a real or sunnn-R.l con- First, "the geoeral.resemblance between mem ana the ordinary natives of India,' proves nothing. Second, the "similarity of languages" also proves nothing, for this reason, that the speaking of 'the English language by the Africans of Monrovia does not prove that they are Englishmen. The origin of the Gipsies is the following: When the Jews left Egypt under Moses, a large body of people, who were not Jews, left with him, or, as it is said in Ex. xii, 38, 'a mixed multitude went up also with the"rh." There is no mention made in the liible ot what bepame of this "mixed mul titude," beyond our being told that, after the reading of the law, the Jews "separated from them." (Neh. xiii, 3.) No commen tator that wet re aware of gives a plausible reason far the exodus ot the "mixed multi tude' or even an idea of whom or what it consisted, except it be Hengstenberg, who supposes that they wera an inferior order of workmen, employed like the Jews, as slaves in the building of the. pyramid. But that they were refugees like the Jews, taking advantage of escaping with them from sla very, may be assumed as a question be yond doubt. . It may be assumed as a certainty thai the "mixed multitude" did noi enter Palestine the promised land with the Jews. As slaves of Egypt, they would -not return to that country ; They would, not go nonh, for that was th heritage of the people of Israel which had to be wrested Irom the fierce tribes of Palestine ; they would not go north east, for there lay the powerful empire of Assyria, or the germs out of which it sprung; they could not go south, for the ocean bemratd them in in that direction ; and their only alternative was to proceed east through Arabia Petaea, along the Gulf Persia, ihrougb, the Persian desert, into northern Hindostan, where they formed the Gipsy caste, and whence they issued, after the lapse of so many centuries, in possess ion of the language of Hindostan, and spread themselves over. the face of the earth. What a strange sensation passes through the mind tvben such, a subject is contemplated ! Jews and Gipsies have in a sense the same origin, and after such vi cissitudes meeting each other face to face, under circumstances so greatly alike, in almost every part of the world, upward of 300 years after ihey parted company ! The destiny that awaited the Jews after escaping from Egypt was one of the follow ing: They had either to subdue and take ' equivalent to a drum -head court-martial for Ihe place of some other tribe, or be snbdued i a general to refuse obedience to the Eraner to a state of slavery by it, and'perhaps oth- or's order, because he happened to be a ers combined : or thev miirht have been I native of tile rebellious district. Nor do we befriended by some great empire as tribu- taries; or, failing these three, what remain- ' lir . ... . ..... eu tor mem was tne deslinv that betel the Gipsies they being broken up into bands, ; ana uecoming vagaoonus, witnnjt a country i they could claim as their own The posi-1 tion in which these refugee Egyptians I would find themselves placed, and the cir cumstances surrounding them, would ne cessitate them to rob, steal or appropriate whatever they found to be necessary to their existence ; for whether they turned to i the right hand or the left, they would al-; ways find territory previously occapied and properly claimed by some one or other; so that their presence would always be unwel come, their persons , an intrusion every where ; and having once started on their weary pilgrimage, as long as they main tained their personal independence, they would never attain, as a body, to any other position than they have done in popular estimation for the last four hundred and fifty years in Europe. In the first generation, iheii" new habits and mode, of life would become chronic ; in the second generation, they would become hereditary ; and from this strange phenomenon would spring a race that is unique ia the history of the ha mand family. The subject of the Gipsies has been treat ed very superficially by almost all who have written npon it, none being apparent ly able to advance a single step upon 'bis predecessor, and so erroneous have been the ideas put forth, that a writer in a very late number of Oiamberi' Edinburg Journal, asserts that "before the end of this century there will not be a Gipsy In Western Eu rope' Such writers have imagined that as the race leave the tent, and more or less conform to the ways of civilized ' life, they "cease to be Gipsies," while, In fact, there cannot be less than four million of Gipsies in Europe and America, of various mix tures of blood, shades ofcolor, degrees of education and positions, in life. Kew York Despatch. . ' '' OstT Pristbr.- "lie is only a printer!'! was the sneering remark of a leader in the circle of aristocracy. Well, who . was the earl of Stanhope? : He was only a printer. What was Prince. Frederick William, who married the Princess Royal of England ? He, too, . was", only a printer.. Who was William Caxton, one of the fathers of litera ture ? . Re was only a printer." Who are G. D. Prentice, Cha3. Dickens, M. Thiers, Douglas Jerrold, G. P. Morris, N. P. willis, and Senators Dix, Cameron, . Bigler, Vice President Hamlin,' Ex-Post master General King, Ex-Governor Packer. Horace Greeley, and many other leading men' of the day ? They were caly printers. What was Benja min Franklin? Oaly a printer ! ;Every cna cannot be a primer brains are neces tary. - BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., The Question of Allegiance. fliet of duty, occurred in this city on Friday, f o r i A commander of the United Slates Navy committed suicide at the Merchant's Hotel. ! on our very borders, we can still regard He was a native of the State of Georgia, but them merely with pain, and not with fear, has resided near Bristol, Pa., when not en- j ve can and will crush them if they persist aged in active service. . It is supposed the r in murdering the supporters of the law and motive which prompted this fearful act, was ; me a3 of the United States. We can an aversion to acting either in hostility to ; "weep the whole length of the dark line his native State or the Federal Government ; that separates the peaceful and law abiding whose commission he held. However from the States given over to terrors and much we may deplore his sad fate, and dangers. They have brought ruin on them pity the delusion which led him to become selves, and we will not suffdr ourselves to the victim of the demoralizing doctrines of be destroyed because they choose to. har the sposlles of Secession, his resolution not Dor traitors, and to permit those who choose to employ the ability which had been edu- t to become such to riot at will in the blood Kca ed by the General Government against its authority, was that'oT a brave, honorable lo make Virginia dangerous as a residence and conscientious roan. for aPennsylvanian, simply because he qui lt is easy for us to imagine the system of ellY adheres to Union. If nothing but mil sophistry which those officers of Southern itary force will teach Virginia to respect the nativity adopt when they throw up their rights of citizens of other. States, we will commissions, and range themselves under , pend a military force there which shall turn the banner of rebellion. It results from ' ber 38 many thousand as they can gather that Dernicious theorv of State allegiance, hundreds, and which shall reassert the su- which has been taught to the two la-U en erations of Sontherners a theory which to obtain force must admit a position fa'al to the integrity of the Republic, and eventu ally subversive of every law but that of a mere township, town, or municipality. It were to discriminate too nicely for ns to draw the parallel between State allegi ance and. National allegiance, to show where the citizens, of , Pennsylvania may cease to be a citizen of the United Mason and Dixon's line. Men had become States. But we think that no positions of fienls. had prepared themselves for deeds social life or national service present a , of blood from which barbarism might shrink clearer path of duty than those of the army j wilh horror, had gathered their secret con and navy. They are national institutions ; c!a,re9 under 'he shadow of the Capitol at to every intent and purpose. They exist 1 Washington, as well as at the armory of by the will of the General Government, and Harper's Ferry. All this preparation has whoever enters, them becomes its servant, j ,or months, if not years, Leen going on nr. The General Government educates, protects der ,he ,eaJ of traitors in the Cabinet, trai n,l nrnvidps for its soldiers, and thev iwear to,s inlhe army and .traitors in the civil r . to it In return, life, ability, and obedience The military and naval institutions are so peculiarly national, and the duty they en join ii so distinct from that required by a mere State, that nothing but the most absurd reasoning can create a resemblance. . This theory of State allegiance, like most of the Secession theories, indeed, is peca-j liarly Southern, and has been almost fatally i indulged by out good mother the nation We make military obedience in America a question of honor other hatior.s make it a question of Treason If a province of France rebelled against the empire, it would be think that the British Government would J have any hesitation in hanging at the yard- j . . ..lii, : arm a caDtain wtio retused to DtocKaue a port in one of the Irish provinces, because j ne nappeneo 10 nave ueen uoru in vui Londonderry. The concession once made is fatal to all military effectiveness, and to all law j order, and discipline in a govern ment. We have partly recognized it in the United States, and the demoralized condi tion of our army and navy shows how ter- rible in its effects the recognition has proved. The melancholy instance cited in the opening paragraph is an exception to the general role which has prevailed among those officers who have abandoneJ our flag on grounds of State allegiance. The case of General Twraos shows how closely these notions of honor are allied with what every other civilized nation on the globe calls treachery, if honor compels an officer to eporn bis allegiance to the Government, it surely does not compel him to remain at his post long after the conflict between the State and nation has arisen; to obtain every secret which confidence cai p roc a re ; to paralyze the hand which has nurtured him ; to draw his salary from the "tyran nical" coffers of the nation ; to live in ap parent allegiance until the moment of ac tion arrives, and then cross over the Poto mac and draw the sword of a traitor. So long as many of these officers are permit ted to live onhalf-pa7 without service, they are willing to receive their pay and waive the immediate question of allegiance, but when the command of duty comes,they col lect the arrears of their salary up to date, plead their duty to their State, send in a resignation, and next appear at Fort Pick ens or Fort Sumpter, trying to steal a Gov ernment fort wilh stolen cannon and pilfer ed powder. We certainly do not condemn a native of South Carolina for loving that Slate, any more than we censure ourselves for cher ishing a fondness towards dear old Pennsyl vania. But the soldier is the son of the na tion. She is his nvliiary mother and he owes her his life and sword. The rule re cognizes no exception and can admit of no deviation. To abandon the nation' in its hour of peril, when it needs all that va lor and skill can afford, is to be guilty of ingratitude and treason. The Great Soldier of the Age, whose floyal arm now wields the sword of Washington, is an example for all to follow. Wintikld Scott loves Virginia, bnt he loves his conntry more, and in giving his great mind to his country, even in antagonism to this State, he teaches the soldier what true allegiance is. Press ESAn Irishman who was engaged at a drain and had his pick-axe raised in the air just as the clock struck twelve, determined to work no more till after dinner, let go the t pickaxe and Ifff it fi-5- " ' ' " "I Strike at the Heart of Secession. It cannot be long before the most threat ening of our dangers wi!l give way to the overwhelming force enlisted on the side of i the 'aw. Turbulent and violent as many ; of the local gatherings of traitors are, even of 1,16 loyal anJ honorable. It will !nch do premacy of the law in every corner as well as every city of that Stale. ; We 'are abundantly taught by the events of every day that force alone can now settle this great trouble, and that force alone could ever have settled it. The depth of guilty preparation for destroying the nation was beyond ail conception. The fangs of the 6reai lteison naa tautened on everything w,tbm lne,r reach UP to th ery limit of service. It is, as we now see it almost a miracle that we were not destroyed before we could be roused by ihe actual presence of open assault. We have at least been roused, arid there will now be a recoil which will have salutary terrors and decisive re sults. Let the government hmry forward troop to strike at the heart ol the great rebellion strike at the ports and cities of the coast strike at Richmond, and hold the Chese peake from head 10 mouth. Thereneed Vo no concern for the northern border. This we will keep in order with our reserves. Send the 6trong regiments forward to the ultimate points of decisive action without an hour's delay. A blow as terrible as the nation's vengeance can make it should fall on Charleston instantly. Let that city be swept Irom the earth if it refuses obedience to the law. There are a hundred thousand men burning to avenge the infamies and insolence we have endured at that nursing place of treason. The organ of the fiends who have destroyed the government, so far a they have power, asks, in a tone remark ably moderated, whether we will have war. We answer that they will have war terri ble war annihilating war onless they atone for the outrages of so many months and years. There will be few to call for mercy to even the misguided, and none to appeal in behalf of those who have rioted in arms ajainst ns there for the past four months. We will see i. the tens of ihou eands who support the right cannot compel obedience from the scattered handfuis of desperadoes with which the southern '.owns abound. North American. A Joke. On one occasion, two or three friends came down for a day's shooting and as they often did, in the evening they rowed out into the middle of the little lake in an old punt. . They were full of spirits' and had played off one or two practical jokes, till, on getting out of the boat, leaving him last, one of them gave it a push, and out went my father into the water. Fortunate ly it was the landing-place and the water was not deep, but he was wet through. It was playing with edged tools to venture on such tricks with him, and he quietly deter mined to turn the tables. Accordingly he presently began to complain of cramps and stitches, and at last went indoors. His friends, getting rather ashamed of their rough fun, persuaded him to go to bed, which he did. His groans and complaints increased so alarmingly, lhat thsy were almost at their wits' ends what to do. My mother had received a quiet hint, and was therefore not alarmed, though much amused at the terrified efforts and prescriptions of the repented jokers. There was no doctor to be had for miles, and all sorts of queer remedies were suggested and administered, my farther shaking with langhing, while they supposed be had got fever or ague. One rushed up with tea kettle of boiling waier fuinging on his armanother tottered under a tin b'aih and the third brought the mustard. My father at length, as well as he could speak, gave out in a sepulchral voice that the was dying, and detailed some most . absurd directions for his will, which they were all too much frightened to see the fun of. At last he could stand it no longer, and after bearing the penitent offen ders beg him to forgive them for their un fortunate joke, and to beseech him to be lieve in their remorse, he buret into a per fect shout of laughing, which they thought at first delirious frenzy, but which ultimate ly betrayed the joke. C" Postponed -.n."ifcJU-''-- The good times. Wait WEDNESDAY MAY 8, 1861. Things that are Foolish. A great many foolish things are said and done in the world, among which an un known writer classes the following : For a young man to think lhat he does himself credit by hanging round stores and taverns, smoking bad cigars, and paying lor whiskey and oy6ter9. in order to be call ed " liberal," by a clique of youths as soft in the brain as himself. For a lady to be annoyed because gentle men do not always give her the best half of the street and the nicest seat in the public assembly. She should not forget that these conventional courtesies are not her right any farther than tbey choose lo concede them. For an unfledged clerk to think that he must buy ex'ravagant gloves and cravats for every festive occasien, because Jonas, whose father is worth thirty thousand dol lars does so. The best way of proving his manhood would be to leave such things entirely alone. For a girl to stay away from a party be cause 6he ha worn all her dresses and can't have a new one. Isn't it something a kin to i-elf-conceit for her to imagine lhat people have nothing to do but to think about her and ber drasses. For a man to be extra fastidions abont colognes, diamond finger ring, and scented pocket hacdkerchiels, and then set society t defiane with his cigar case and tobacco box. For a girl to think that she is establishing her character as & young lady of fashion, by allowing her mother to toil through all the drodgery ot the house, and the invest ing her money in gaudy broaches and arti ficial flowers. For a man to suppose himself a gentle man because he touches his hat to a party of splendidly dressed young ladies, while he scorns to lend a helpi'ng h.nd.to the old woman struggling across the street. . For a simple working girl to buy imita tion jewelry, because her wealthyj neigh bor spends a small fortuire in the real. For an eklery young lady to think she renews her bloom by dressing in the style of sixteen, with pink roses in her bonnet and ermine roses on her cheeks. For an old batchelor to attempt to darn his own stockings without a good stock oi patience, or to venture where there are a dozen pretty girls. Uncle Toby says it i a favorite dodge of young and fasi inating widows, and young widows are always fascinating, to get you to Ionic intrl the feminine eye to discover the particle of dust that is irritating that del icate organ, but the man who looks is a sure "goner." Handsome girls inclined to flirt do not reoh to that use exactly to en trap a fellow, but they will manage to get you to call them "Cousin," and under this very lender, but assumed relationship, they will play the very deuce with or.e's unso phisticated affections and cozen you al last. One can get along so rapidly in iove making under the cloak of pretended Consinship, for you can make ihe most ardent protesta tions and show the most assiduous atten tions, it being understood that yon are in fun you know only keeping up tha char acter of Cousin. Oh ! the untold mischief that has been caused by a youth's reckless ly concerning to be Cousin lo a confirmed flirt. It is very pleasant at firt, we grant you. You call to see your new relative, and she meets you with a smile and a blush that make her eye look the brighter, ex claiming "Oh, I am so glad to see you, dear Cousin." Then how bewitchingly she laughs at the joke and how rapidly you be come entranced. Yon salute her good night with "Adieu, sweet Coz," and then langh as if the kiss you had received in joke wasn't going to keept you staring wide awake all night in down-right earnest. You are bewildered by the rapid manner in which everything appears to be advan cing, and some fatal night, overcome by the combined influence of moonlight and a brandy cock-tail, you fall upon your knees and declare your love in strains particular ly turtle dovey to your pretended Cousin, who (being a flirt is tired of the farce by this time) draws herself up wilh offended dignity and assures you in a tone that brings you at once to your senses and your feet that "you are presuming altogether to much on a jest, Mister Jones !" This is a clincher and if you are not a ninny you will be very careful how you Call a bewitching flirt "Cousin" agair.. Pbomisinq Bot. "Tommy my son, what are you going to do with that club ? "Send it to the editor, of course." "But what are you going to give it to the editor for?'' "Cause he says if anybody will get him a club he will send them a copy of his pa per " The mother Came near fainting, but retained consciousness enough to ask ; "But Tommy, my dear, what do you sup pose ha wanted of a club?" "Well I don't know," replied the hopeful urchin, "unless it is to knock down the subscribers that don't pay for their paper.'' Revolutions are but the thunder-storms of Justice. Civil war is necessary to try the stamina of a people. No nation ever became truly great, without passing through this red ordeal. It is but the efforts of the body politic io throw off the corrupt humors which disturb its normal action. The re sult is the test of strength. If it becomes chronic, then the disease has eaten too deep; if the struggle is severe but final, then the State rises rejuvenated and rain- UNION. BT CCO. P. M0RKI9. This the word beyond all other Make us love our country most, Makes us feel that we are brothers, And a heart united host! With hosannas let our banner. From the housetops be unfurled, While the nation holds her station With '.he mightiest of the world ! CWOKCS. Take yonr harps from silent willows. Shout the chorus ol the free ; "States are all distinct as billows, Union one as i the sea !" From the land of groves that bore us, He's a traitor who would swerve ! By the flag now waving o'er us. . We the compact will preserve! Those who gaiu'd it and sustain'd it, Were unto each other irue, And the fable well is able To instrnct ns what to do. 'chorus. Take yonr harp from silent willows, Shout the chorus of the free ; "States are all distinct as billows, Union one as is ihe sea." People we can Dispense With. Does any enserpriaing individual wish to form a colony at the North Pole of Africa, or any far off place where the voyages wifl be warranted never to come back again ? If so, we can point out quite a cargo whose export would never be lamented over in their native land. We are not sure but the Government would pay their entire ex pense to get rid of them finally and forever. Here is a list of the most promising : The man 'who can't live within a salary,' and is always waiting to borrow money, bu t who wears as fine brCadcIcih and ex pensive sleeve buttons as his millionaire employsr. The woman who brings up her daugh ters on a diet of curl papers and dancing school, and who "cannot account for Anna Maria's conduct when she elopes with a penniless dry goods clerk ! The man who would rather buy a new coat (on credit) and cheat the tailor, than to be degraded by a neat patch on his el bow. The woman whose stocking toes resem ble a culiinder in their ventilating conveni ences, but who considers a nicely executed darn in the skirt of a dress to be vulgar be yond endurance. The man who is "always making op his mind." "Wal, 1 don't know exactly '."and stands with his hands in his pockets until it is loo late to do any thing else with them! The woman who has always to stop and few on her bonnet strings when she is go ing any where who is universally behind ! . hand who i too late al church, loo late at market, too late to get her railroad ticket, and invariably arrives at the steamboat landing just three seconds after the plank has been lAen up. V At what time was Adam created ? A little before Eve. VtT VoLUSTBEai Pray to God and keep your powder dry. fyThe Stars and Stripe My they long wave from every house in the land. rW In Fashion Llesn shaved faces. This is bully for the barbers. fcr An Apostle of Democracy Gunpow der. It makes rich and poor, prince and peasant, master and slave, all eqnal. QT''You look." said a wag, to a pale haggard smoker, "as if you had come ont of the grave to light your cigar, and couldn 'l find your way back." " rF"The less a man knows, the wider he tears his mouth open. U is impossible for a fool to keep bis jaw shut, as it is lor a sick ojster to keep his shell closed. rFA boarding house keeper advertises to furnish "genilemeti with pleasant and comfortable rooms ; also one or two gentle men wilh icivs. IT"I think I have seen you before, sir ; are you not Owen Smith" "Oh, yes I'm owin' Smith, and owin' Jones, and owin' Brown, and owin' everybody." ty'Look here, Jim, I get two brudders possessed ob wonderful genus." " Sam, what is dar genius?" ' Dno am mighty smart skinning eels, do oder a sneezer for sucking eggs." Cy"OH, pray let me have my way this time !" said a young gentleman to his lady love. "Well, Willie, I suppose 1 must this once, but yon know that after we have mar ried 1 shall always have a Will of my own.' rF" If four dogs with sixteen legs, can catch twenty nine rabbits wilh eighty-seven legs, in four minutes, how many legs must the same rabbits have to get away from eight dogs with thirty two legs, in seven teen and a half minutes? tST An Irishman having a looking glass in one hand shut his eyes and placed it be fore his face. Another asked him why he did so. "Upon my sowl," replied Teddy, "it's to see how I look whin I'm aolape." f3T A lady officer, if 6he wished to give the word "hall" to her troops, would do it somewhat in this wise : "You soldiers, all j of you, now mind, 1 order you, as soon as I ' have finished speaking to stand still, every i one of you, on the spot where you may ha npen to be .fen't yon jeir ine t b !ttJ NUMBER 18. Ihe Worti cf a Sod!. When we endeavor to e-timate the worth of an immortal soul we are utterly iost in the attempt. The art of spiritual computa tion is not governed by ihe tame principles and rule which guide our speculations con cerning earthly objects. The value ot gold , silver, merchandise, . food, raiment, land, and houses is easily regulatad by custom, convenience, or necessity. Even the more capricious and imaginary worth of a pic ture, medal, or statue, may be reduced to systematic rule. Crowns and scepters have had their adjudged valuation, and king doms have been bought and sold for sums of money. But who can fix the adequate price to a "hitman soul? "What will.it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own souf? or what shall a man gain in exchange for his own aoul ? - The principles of ordinary arithmetic all fail here, and we are constrained lo say that He alone who paid the ransom for sin ners, and made the souls ol men His pur chased possession, can comprehend and solve, the arduous question. Tbey are in deed "bought with a price ; but are not re deerr.ea with corruptible things, as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ as of a Iamb without blemish and without upot. We shall only ascertain the value of a soul when we shall be fully able to estimate the worth of a Saviour. The Hefnrn of Reason. The Mayor and Police Commissioners on Saturday granted permission to thin American telegraph company to connect their broken wires and resume communi cation with Philadelphia and the North. We hail this movement as an evidence ot wiser conncels than have governed our city during the past ten days, and hope that it is but the commencement of the undoing of much that .has been done, and the rescind" ing of a policy that has brought our com munity to the verge of bankruptcy and dis grace. The destruction of bridges and the open war committed against the General Government lave not met the sanction or approval of any considerable portion of those most deeply interested in the future of Baltimore. The real sentiment of the community has been overwhelmed by the array of an armeJ power coming upon us with such appalling suddenness as to es tablish a reign of" terror worthy rather or Austria than of a free and Christian people. The resumption of telegraphic operations is yet under a restraint that we hope will be promptly removed. Any attempt to ex ercise a survedlance over dispatches we apprehend to be an act of open hostility and war, and in the name of the people of Baltimore, we most earnestly protest against the assumption of such a power. It is ia effect voting the State out of the Union without going through any of the ordinary formalities that have preceded 6uch an act in the Golf Sutes. We profess to be a law abiding community, and utterly deny and repudiate the assumption of illegal powers by those whose duty it is to enforce and see that the laws are properly executed. Bait. American. Feeding IIoVscs i tmi2ea XisUket The Southern Homestead says that, "The practice of regulating the food of horses by the amoant of work they are .quired to perform, is a good one if prop iiy followed. For example, a horse when lying compara tively idle, as in winter, should have less solid food than amid the hard work of spring and summer. Again, if a horse is about lo perform a work of extra labor, it is well to fortify bim with a little extra feeding before hand. But the mistake we refer to is the practice of over feeding bim an hour or so before putting him to work. If an extn service is required of a horse on any partic ular day extra feed is to bfe given him, let him have it the evening beforehand, rather than in the morning, an hour or two before being put to work. Why so? Because if he is put to work so soon after eating, hit food does not become digested, and he is obliged to ' carry about with him a largo mass of undigested fodder, which ia rather a burden than a help to him. If he is well fed the evening before, the food is similated changed to Aeh and blood and eendi health and vigor through all the system. As a general rule, a working hor.-e should be fed regularly, both as to the time and the amount. A Noblk Rcplt. A gentleman from ona of the "Border States" has -a eon on board the Steamer Harriet Lane, now off Charles ton. He is a young man ot fine talents and the highest cultivation. A few days since he wrote to his father, inquiring what course he should pursue in case his own Stale seceded, to which his noble hearted father replied : "My son, 6tand by the glorious stars and strips as long as there is breath in your body." That father is not of the "Republican party," but a true patri ot, who would not see this magnificent fabric dissolved but would stand by the Union at all hazards. He would have that flag which has been sustained by strong hands and stout hearts, which, amid the din of battle, has waved proudly in ihe breeze, protected by our brave sons, ard these wodKI sooner shed their heart's blood, than see it lowered into the hands of an enemy. U has been wet wilh the tears of the widow and the fatherless and the wind ing sheet of the soldier on the field of baltlei "The standard of a gallant band, .lr.. nmh... I -