STAR OF THE NORTII. BLOOMSBUtiQ, PA. Wednesday MorDin, May I, 1S61. Thb Harrisburg State Sentinel haa been soJJ to the proprietors ol tha Patriot 'and U-ioA. The editor having volunteered. - Nineteen thousand Pennsylvania Vol nnteers have been accepted and over thirty thousand have teen refused for the pres ent C. II. Keei.ib, has connected himself with the publication of the Sullivan Co. "Dtmctrct. It is now being published and edited by Messrs. Meylert & Keeler. Strong team. . Bcchanan' Subscription or i5,O0O We have been informed by reliable parties, that Ex Present Buchanan has subscribed the sum of 55,000 for the equipment of volun teers at Laucaoter. The Home GcAtiDi made their appear ance on our streets on Saturday evening last for the first time, under the command of Capl. John Al. Chamberlm, who march ed his company through the streets with a good deal ot military spirit and tact. The ' drilling was creditable and the gentlemen respectable. Three cheers for the Home Guardi I New Liquors. We would announce that 'he Liquor Store in this place, "kept by Daii: ' iel Robbins as Agent, has been lately re plenished with an extensive assortment o' new liquors, superior in many respects to any ever offered by him. He ha all kinds, hence there is no necessity of .us numera ting the different liquors. 'Call for any kind joa want and you will find it right iu every respact. See advertisement. 1m another column of to-day's paper will Vbe found an advertisement of Military Books published by order tf the Tinted S.ates War Department, with full instructions ir. lfield ariiilery ; toteiher with full system of ""discipline and field eserci.e. lor the differ "ent corps of infantry, artillery or riflemen. The books can be had by addressing the publishers, J B Lipp'mcott & Co, No. 22 &24 North Third Street, Philadelphia. For ' particulars see advt-ri'sement. Titf Messrs. Hicks of this place, have oar thanks lor a macnruoih earihen pitcher pre- 'sented ds a few days since for office use. They are energetic and prosperous young men, carrying on the Pottery business in alt its branches, at a pace not io be surpassed by any other establishment or firm in this 'or adjoining counties. Wares of aM des criptions in their line cau be had of them, opon the most acceptable terms. Orders ;promptly filled Thb Campaign. We trust that the Gov erna.ent is not going to tite the rebels leis ure to make plundering forays into South ern Pennsylvania. We wait patiently, or 'impatiently, to see something d-cisive done. In the meantime, lare masses of rebels are collecting at Harper's Ferry, only twenty-seven miles south oi the Pennsylvania border in a straight line. We look to Gov. Cartifi to be ready for any emergency Pennsylvania must be protected thoroughly 'and efficiently. We expect that war shall be kept to the territory or tnose who pro-j voke it. The Danvule Companies. The borough "of Danville has sent forward two fine com 'pauies the DanvHe Rifles, Captain AIc Clcre, aud the Columbia Guards, Captain 'Ephlin. The first arrived in Harrisburg on Thursday and the last on Friday, accom panied by Sloes' S.lver Comet- Band, Col O. Alore, and a number of prominent citi zens of Montour county. Both companies were supplied with ten days provision, and 'provided with a change of clothing by the "ladies of Danville. The Country Roi. This is the proper time for supervisors and all others interest ed in and intrusted with the care of the public roads, to make an inspection of their condition, and repair them for summer travel. The softening influei.ce of this spring weather is bringing oat the most 'glaring delects in our public highways, and we suggest that proper atteu lion be imme diately paid to them. The Ladies of Cattawissa, this county, were at this place on Monday last in goodly numbers. The chief object of their friendly visit was to present to each member of Capt. Ilicketta' military company a little to ken of regard and respect in tha shape of a haadsomiy made pin and needle cushinjw'e presume well fihed with the article they were designed to contain. About 4 o'clock P.. Al f all, ladies aud company, marched up Market Street to a shady spot, when all came to a halt, where the presentation took place. The spokesman on the pari of the ladies was Mr. Merc'eron, and W. 11. Ent, Esq., was the recipient on the part of the ia Hilary. Flag Presentation.- Ou Saturday even Jag last, between the hours of 6 . and 7 b 'clock, the young ladies of this place, pre sented, through the lie?. J. R. Dimm, to the Military Compacy under command of Capt. fiicketts, a splendid silk flag. It took place ia front of Messrs. Win. Neal and A. "3. Sloan's dwellings, on Market Street, in lbs presence of a large number of our citi iens. Tha remarks made by Rev. Dimm la behalf of the ladies were impressive and patriotic: Samuel Knorr, who bears the flag at the head of this Company, respond ed to the remarks of Mr. Dimm on the part bf lbs Military. What he said was pointed, treil-tirned and Ebroewhat affecting, caus ing not a few of the ladies to have red eyes. Os Sabbath last we had quite a smart shower a'. thi3 place, iu thb early part of the day. which somewhat interfered with the tuilkir? fcrder of the day. Thb military had orders of discipline to obey which' they ver3 no c'du!:! rrea'Jv dcierre-J from per- ce iPPeaa3 LIFE FILLS & PII0Cxixv BITTERS. JU1ESK MEDICINES have now been be-- fore the cublio lor a -period of Tbiity Wats, and during that time have maintained a high chaia'cte r in almost every, part of the Globe, foi iheir extraordinary , and imme diate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering tinder nearly every kind of disease to which' the human frame is liable. - The following re among the distressing variety of human disease in which the VLGLTinLC LlI C 31 LUICIXCS Aie well known to be. infallible. . . DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing i he first and second stomaches, and crea ting a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of th3 stale and actid. kind: Flatulency, Loss of Appetite Heartburn, Headache, Resiless neM, II (-Temper, Anxiety, Lanauor, and Melancholy, which are the genet al symp toms of Dyspepsia, ill vanish, as a nat tural consequence of its cure. COSTlVEfsESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent pro cess, and without violence; all violent pur ges leave the bowels costive within two day. v FEVERS or all kinds, by restoring the blood tf a regular circulation, through the process of respiration in 'such cases, and tne thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The Li l Medicines have been known to cure RHEUM ATISA1 permanently ir. three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local iuflamalion Iron) the mus cb8 and lisament of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freiri2 and Mrengthina the kidney and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these impor tad oraans. and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Al-o WORMS, by dislodging from the turning' of the bowels the slimy matter io which these creatures aJhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, bv 'he perfect puiitv which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and al! the humors SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the Hunts that feed the skin, and the moibid statu of which occasions all erup tive complaints, 6allow, cloud), and other disagreeable complexion". The use of these Pill for a very short tirr.H wiil f fleet an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement m h clearness of the.bkin Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by I wo ir. the worsl caes. PILES. The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cured of Piles, 35. years s'amling by the use of the Life Aledicmes alone. . , - FEVER AND AGUE. For thi scourge of the Western country, thesj Medicine will be found a safe, speedy, and cenain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a core bv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM,, be Satisfied and b Cured. . BILIOUS FEVERS aND LIVER COM PLAINTS General nehi'hy. Loss of ap peti.e, and Diseases of Females ihe Aled icines have been used wiili ibe mcst ben fficial results in cases of thi descripiinu: K'lis Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms jield io the milJ Vpt. powerful action of ihese remaikabie Medicines. Niaht Sweats Nfrvoii debility, Nervous Complaints ol al! kind Palpi'ation of ihe Heart, Pain ters' Code, are speedily ciireil. M ER C U R I A L D I S E A S ES.- Pe rs o n w hos e constitutions have becomt impaired by the injudicious use ol Mercury, will finJ these Mel icines a perfect cure, as they nover fail to eradira'e from, ihe sstem, all the elffcisol Mercury, infinitely sooner than ihe n.o-t powerful preparations of Sarsapa riila. Prepared and sold by W. B AlOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. FOR 5 ALE B f ALL DRUGGISTS. April t7, 1861-iy. Sheriff's Side. Y Virtue of a certain writ of Veniilioni Exponas, issued out of ibe C'juri of Common Pleas, of Luzen.e county, to me directed, will be exposed to ile at Public vendue or-out cry, on Saturday, the 1 1A day of May next, at 10 o'clock, iu the fore noon, al the Court House, in the B.irough of Wilke Rarre. in the county of Luzerne, the following decribed property, viz : ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in the township, of Nesco peck in tha Coun'y of Luzerne, Pennsyl vania, and the township ot MitHm, Col umbia i-nonty Pennsylvania, bounded and desrr. bed -as. follows :Oi the. we! b lot of John Williams, and ihe Susquehanna River ; on Ihe South by lands of Samuel Smith ; on the Ea-t by lands oi Levi Kirk endall, nnd B. Evan, ami on the North by land, hte of Jacob Buzzard, Hart, heirs of It. AL Brundage and John Williams, in all containing one hundred and forty acres of land, more or les, about one hundred and twenty acres iherof improve I, with a one story and a half frame dwelling house, and frame barn thereon abont one hundred acres therof lies in the stid Township of Nescopeek, and about foily acres thereot lies iri the said Township of Aliflim, iu said County of Columbia. Tt e improve menls mentioned, lie in ihe said township of Nescopeek in said County of Luzerne Itbeing ihe same farm or tract of land, conveyed by AL S. Brundag and wile to William Rittenhouse, late the estate ol the defendant in the said writ named with the appurtenances.- s Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Al. S. Brundage s. William Kitteuhous All ot which .will be sold for rash only by . .SAA1UEL VAN LOON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) W i I k'es Rarre. April 10. 1S61. SEHr JJILLIXEUY GOODS, . -.- ' FOU MJSS AIARY BARKLEY, would r.Pect fully inform ber customers in Blooms burg and vicinity, that she has just received from thecity an excellent assortment of new finer than ever, and more cat ., i ... .j . . . r ihe most rastirlmno. Sht has paid strict attention in making ber selc- lions of bonnets, consequeclly has the best assonmeoi, probably, ever brought, to this place. She has an assortment of neat and handsome haU and caps for little Alisses, all of which she can dispose of cheap. Give her a call before purchasing efe where. Shop on Main Street, below Alar kei, north side. r, A1ARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April 17, 18(11. " DEDiCATIOliT-" THE New German Relormed Church of Bloomsburg, (God willing,; will be dedi cated to the service of the Triune God on the 2Sth of April at 10 o'clock A.AI. Servi ces will be held on Friday evening previ ous, and Saturday also. Rev. II. Harbaugb, D. D., and Rev. J. H. A. Bomberger, D. D. and other Aiinisters will be present to ofR ciaie on thetocca9ion. The public are re spectfull" invited to attend. . PUBLIC NOTICE FOR LICENSES. TV'E is hereby given that the follow- - " ing persons in Columbia county, nave filed their petitions in jhe Court of Quarter Sessions, of Ihe said count v for Tavern and Store Licenses in their respective town ships, which said petitions will be present ed to the said Court on Alooday, the 6th day of Alay, A. D., 1861, of which all per sons interested will take notice, and the Licenses will be granted on Wednesday, the 8th day of Alay next, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Applicants. Townships. William B. Koons, Tavern, B.oo.n. John I.eacock, . Robert Hagenbuch, ' Oiiver A. Jacoby, " Frederick Nicely, " Lewis Enke, Hiram Smethers, " Jotin J. Sides. Samuel AleHenry, " Christian F. Nelle, " Franklin L. Shuman. " Fred. R AVohllorth, John R. Jones, William L. Kline. Reuben Wasser, " tt 1 1 Berwick. Benton. Briarcreek Beaver. 'Conyngharn. Henry Gaole, John Grover, Jacob B. Kistler, Daniel Reinbold, Samuel Kosttnbader, Geo. VV. Hoffman, Daniel AleHenry, VV. A. Kline, Geo. L Shoemaker, John L. Hurst, Joshua Womer, Isaac RhOddes. Centre. Catawissa. ii Fishingcreek ( Greenwood Hemlock. Locust, it t Alad'son, c Mifflin. Maine. tt sane F-h ringer, Samuel Rem by, A. K. Smith, John Kelier, Iaac Fetter, John Nuss. Emanuel Conner, Join F. Deiterich, Alt. Montour. Pleasant Orange. Alexander Hughes. Jacob Good, , Samuel Eveiett, D.niif 1 L. Everhari, Pete Stiug, William Long, Enoch Howell, Williard C.Green. . it t i. 4 Scott. A J. Evans, Store, R. B. Ale:.agh, " Daniel AIcKernan, Jeremiah S. Btobst Jacob eagr, " Wasmngton Yeager, ' Biiiiibender &. Willit." Bloom. tt Conyngharn. Catawissa. Locust, u Montour. JACOB EYERLY, Clefk Proihonotary s t'lhee. Bioomsburjj, April 10,1861 1'otice in Partition. Estate of Henry Buss, late of Hemlock township, Columbia county, deceased. COLUMBIA COUNTY: THE Commonwealth of Penn sylvania to Daniel Bus-, Samuel I L S It ai ii fi uuss, ah am nuss, nenrv duss. Morris Buss, Dortha, inirrnarrind with Geiger, Le vina, intermarried with Charles Sailor, Catherine, intermarried with Abraham Shoemaker ; and to all ihe legal representatives of the said Henry Btis, deceased, greeting : You and each of yon will take notice that an InqoeM will be held io make partition or valuation, a the cae may require, of the real estate of the above named Henry Bns, deceased, situate in he township of Hemlock, and county ot Columbia, on ihe premises, on Thursday, the 18A dy rf April, 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and 3 o'clock iii ihe afternoon, of said day, at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. Witness ihe Honorable Warren J. Wood ward Esq , President of our Orphans' Court at Bloomsburg, the 9ih day of February, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. JOHN SNYDER, Bloomsbnrg. Feb. 27, 1861. Sheriff. Notice to heirs bf Andrew Shoemaker, dce'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY:.. THE Commonwealth of Pcnn- veHv' ?ylvan'a lo Mr)" Shoemaker, ffi?Vi widow, Jacob Shoemaker, Abra-cfe-ijjjc ham Shoemaker, Charles Shoe '''''JjSi -maker, Catharine, intermarried wiih Peter Housen, Elizabeth, intermarried with Pe'er Alaxel, Sarah, intermarried with Joseph Hendershot. and Alary , itvermarried with Samuel Shaffer, chilJren and heir oi Andrew Shoemaker, late rf Aladison town ship, in the county ol Columbia, deceased. You and each ot you are hereby command ed to be and appear at our Orphan's Court, i o be Bloomsburg in and for said county on the first Monday of May next, then and there to accept or. refise the real estate of Andrew Shoemaker, dee'd, at the valuation put upon it by aii Inquest duly awarded by ihis Honorable Court or show canse why the same shall not be sold. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, Eq.. President of cur said Court al Bloomsburg, the 9h day of February A. D , eighteen hundred and sixtv one. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Feb. 27, 1861. Ieyal Notice; .. .. sm. , 2aY the Orphans' Court of Colum- ,yTfi?5. bia County: ... 1" the maiier of the Part 'J&iA'S Lucas Fahringer, for a de tition of decree of o specine pertormance or trie con . - r . tract for the sale of real estate, between the said Lucas Fahringer and SebasiMii Hower. late of Locust township, Columbia county, deceased. Notice is hereby given to the Widow, hir and legatee ol the said Sebastian Hower, deceased, lo appear at an Orphans' Court lo be -held at Bloomsburg, or. the first Alonday of Alay next, to anwer the hill or Partition ol the said Lnc Fahriuuer. praying the Court lo decree the specific performance of the contract between hi" -self and said Sebastian Hower, according to the true inten: and meaning thereof, otherwise; specific performance ol ihe same will be decreed. JOHN SNYDKR. Sheriff". Bloomsbnrg, Feb. 27, 1861. Almiiii!ralor's Notice- Estate of Peter Kline, late of Locust township, Columbia county deceased . f . ETTERS of adm inisirtiion on the estate of Peter Kline, late of Locust township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted, by the Regite of said, county to Alarlin V. B. Kline, residing in ,the town ship , and , county aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against i lie estate of the decedent are requested to make them known to the ondetsigneJ, knit those indebted to the estate to make payment to the administrator without delay. A1ARTIN V. B. KLINE. Jannary 23, 1861 6w. Admr . Adciinlsf ratur's otice. 1 ETTERS of administration on the estate ol Jacob Wanamacher, late of Frank lin township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Co lombia rounty, to the undersigned, residing in 6aid Franklin township; all persons hav ing claim against the esta'e of the dece dent are requested to present them .to the administrators without fjelay, and those indebted to come forward and make pay ment forthwith to - - j ' MARY L. VV A V a n a rrt vvJ::, " WATCH MAKER SHOP ! I , THE undersigned would inloun hisCv friends and customeis and the rest ofsL& mankind, that be continues to pay particular attention to lh$ repairing of watches; weight, spring, ..and lever clocks ; jew elry and everyining belonging in his line, and that it is at all limes, and in all cases his desire lo give perfect satisfaction. , He is an "excellent" workman, has visited several, and worked in three of the fi'sl Cities in the world New York, Philadel phia and the great City of Paris in France. Particular attention is paid to re-gildiug or. what is termed "plating." HENRY ZUPPINGER. . Bloomsburg," April 10, 1861. List of Trialsfor May Term, 1S61, 1. T. W. Kahler, vs. Daniel Neyhard. 2. John AlcMulligan, et. al. vs. S. Rhone. 3. A Creveling; vs. A. Mellick, el. al. 4. Robert J. Lyon, vs. M. Cox, et. al. 5. Jacob R Stine, vs. Robert J. Lyons. 6. Philip VVintersteen vs. V. VVintersteen. 7. John Pealer, vs. Daniel Edgar, et. al. 8. Lewis La ven he rg, et. al. vs J. Dyer. . 9 Wolf, Westler & Co., vs. D. F. Seyberl. 10. Solomon Sterner, vs. Abraham Snyder. 1 1. Isaiah ohuman, vs. Jacob L. Shuman. 12. Henry Gearhart, vs. Isaiah Shuman. 13. Jo-eph Lockard, vs. James Pennington. 14 Ezekiel Shulz, vs. J Pennington, et. al. 15. Henry Traugh, vs. W. B. Insurance Co. 16. Richard Torby, vs. D. F. Seybert. 17. W. Burgess, et al. vs. A. J Albertson. 18. Ezekiel Cole, vs. the twp. of Benton. 19. James Sheilds. et, al. vs. I. Shuman. 20. Go. Eves. vs. Zehulan R. Shults, et al. SHERIFF'S SALE. DY virtue of a writ of Vendtlioui exponas, -to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on Monday '.he 6th day oj May next, at 1 o'clock, in the after noon, the following described property, viz: j ALL that certain tract ol land, situate in Sugarloaf Township, Colombia county, bounded and described as follows, lo w't : On Ihe North by lands ol Samuel Hall ; on the Easi by land of Emetine ,'Lir.ard and others, on (lie South by land of James Leanard, and on the West by land ot Ed ward Hughes, containing SEVENTY THREE ACRES, strict measure, fifteen acres ol which arerleared land ; on which are erected a OXE STORY DWELLING HOUSE, and a LOG BARN with ihe ap purtenances. Seized taken in Execution and to be sold astti property of O. Parks. JOHN SNYDER Sheriff. Bloomsburg, April io, 1861. REGISTER'S NOTICES. jVOTICE is hereby giving lo all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the following administra tion and guardian accounts have been filed in he office of the Register of Columbia county, and will be presented .for confirma tion and. allowance to ihe Orphan's Court, to be held al Bloomsburg, in Ibe county aforesaid, on Wednesday the 8ih day of Alay nesl. at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon. 1 Account of Alatbi-ts Gilbert, Guardian of Christian!! S'.roup, daughter of Jonathan Stroup, deceased. 2 Account of Henry C. Frcas and Geo. Freas, Administrators of ibe estate of John Freas, late of Briarcreek twp., dee'd. 3 Account of John Michael, Executor of ihe last will ar.d testament of Ulrich Mich ael, late of Alitllin tovvp , dee'd. 4 The final account of G'uleoo Nuss, ad-mini-trator ol the estate of Peter Nus, late ol ALfflin township, dee'd. 5 The account of Henry Remley, mlm't of John Remley, late of Orange township, deceased. 6 The firs: and partial account of Reuben Miller, Executor ol the last will and testa ment of John Linden, late of Briar Creek township, deceased. 7 The account of Alontgornery Co'e and Hester Ann Cole, Administrators ol the estate of Benj.unir. F. Cole, late of Benton township, deceased. 8 The acconnt of 7acob Hartzel jr., Guar dian of Funny Hetiler, late Fanny Luzt, one of the children of Gabriel Luiz, late of Mif flin township, deceased. 9 The account of Christian Luiz. ir , Guardian of Elizabeth Lutz, (now Eliza beth Alosteller) one of the heirs of Gabriel Lutz, late of Mifflin towp. dee'd. 10 The account of Leonard Adams and Henry Hi ffman, jr. Executors ot Henry Hoffman, sen., late ol Roariugcre?k town ship, deceased. . . 1 1 The account of Benjamin Wagner and John P. Walter, administrators of the e-taie of Reuben Helwig, late ot Locust township, deceased. 12 The account of John Hughe, admin istralor of the estate of David Philips, late of R"aringcreek township, Montour county (now Locust township, Columbia County,) deceased. . - 13 The account of John Hushes, Execu tor ol the estate of Abraham Troxell, late of Locist townhip, dee'd. J4 The account of Anna Louisa Johnson, adininirira rix of Ihe estate of Evan John son, late Ol Madison township, deceased. 15 Th account of Lewis Yelter, ndrn'r of the estate of George Harder, late ol Cat tawisa township, deceased. 16 The account of j.imes Alateis, Adtn'r of Jesse Alaiher, late of Greenwood town ship, deceased. . 17 The account of John K. Walls & James Master-, AdinVs of the estate of Brriat as Wa;is. 'ale o Greenwood township, dee'd. 18 The firi and final account of KJia Al. Lauhach, Adnrr of the estate of George Laubach, late of Fishingcreek township, derpased. 19 The account of Joseph E. Sunds, Guardian of Jacob Shultz, a minor child ot William S'iul2. laie of Greenwood town ship, deceased. 20 The account of John Trembly. Guar diaii ol Samuel Webb Garrison, one of the sons and heirs of Jacob (Jjinon, late of Bloom township, deceased. 21 The account of Benjamin Yohe, Guar dian of He:iry Brown, one of the sons and heirs of Daniel Brown, late of Maine township, deceased. 22 The account ot Benjamin MrHenry, Executor ot ih last will and testament ot Elias AleHenry, late ol Fishingcreek town ship, deceased. . : : ; 23 The account of Michael Federofl. and Alary Alowry, Administrators of the estate of Alichael Alowry, late ol Roarmgcreek township, deceased. t . 24. The account of Charles l. Ceobler, Guardian of Etsha H. Biggs a minor child of Elisha H. Biggs late of Bloom township Columbia county, deceased. 2b The first and final account of John Smith, admr. of Henry Smith, late of Mad ison township, dee'd. DANIEL LEE, Register's Office, ) Register. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. J S. C SIIIYE, Manufacturer of Furniture and Cabinet War Wareroom in Shive's Block, on Alain Snee BLANKS ! CLANKS iTbLAXKS ! I DEEDS, SUAIAIONS, . EXECUTIONS. SUBPreVfrN. ,'ourt Prociayiiation. VIHEREAS the Hon. Warren J. Wood- '. ward, President Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery Court of Quarter Sessions, of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos ed of ih counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, and. the Hoik. Jacob Evans and Stephen Baldy, Associate Judges of Colum bia Coumy,have issued theirprecept, bearing date one thousand eighteen hundred and sixty one,-and to me directed for . holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Session of the. Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms, bnrg, in the county of Columbia. -on the. first Alonday (beiri- the 6th day ) of May next, and io i.-ontinue one week. Notice is hereby given, o the.Coroner, the Justii-es of the Peace and Corn-table ot the said County of Columbia, that they be then and. theie in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in the forenoon ol said day, with their records; inquisitions and other remembran ces to do those tnings which to their offices appertain lo be done. And those that are bound by recognizes, lo prosecute against the prisoners that are or may be in ihe Jail of said county ol Columbia, lo be then and there to prosecute then as shall be just. Ju rors are requested to be punctual in iheir attendance, agreeably to their notice, dated at Binomsburg, the 25 day ol March, in the year of our Lord one thousar.d eight hundred and sixty-one. and in the .eighty-filth year of the Independence of the United Stmes of America. (God save the Commonwealth.) JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff, Bloomsburg Alarch 27, 1861. 5 Y virtue of sundry, writ " Lxpona to me directed. iaf of Venditioni issueJ outol the Conn ol Cumnnn Pleas ot ihe county of Columbia, Pennsylvania, will be exposed to public SHle at the Court Hou'ie in Blooms bnrir,on SATURDAY, the 20th OF APRIL, 1861, al one o'clock in the afternoon the following described properly to wit: All ihnl certain tract or piece of land sif uaie in Sugarloaf township Columbia to, containing filly four acres of which twenty one ncres are cleared land, bounded on the North by lands of Alichael Beisnline, on i lie . South by lands cf Abraham Sholiz, on the East by lands of Daniel Hess &. Jesse Harimau and on Ihe west by laud late of Edmund Crawford, wheteon i erecled a one and a half story Plank dwelling house a frame Barn aud a Black Smith Shop with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in Execution and to be sold as tht property of John Alichler. ALSO Al the same time and place, all that cer tain tract of land stiuaie in Sugarloaf twp., Colombia county bounded ami described a follows to vvit : ou the No'th by land of Richard Kile ou the Eas by laud of D. R. Laubach on the South by land of Jesse Pennington on the west by Uud of John F. Laubach containing sixty eight acres more or less. About twenty five acres of which is cleared laud whereon i erected a one and a half story Plank dwelling house and other out buildings with ihe appurte nances Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Aloore. ALSO At the sume lime and place, all that cer tain tract or lot of land sitoa'e in Fishing CieeJc township, Columbia county, bounded and described aj follows to wit; On the North by land of Paul Pealer, on the East by land of Richard Jone, on the South by land ol R F. Stucker, and on Ihe West by land of William L. Parks, containing Elev. en Acres, be ihe same more or less, ail of which is cleared land, whereon are erected a . one and a half story Plank Dwelling Hone, a Frame Bank Barn, and oitisr oui buddings with the appurtenances. SeizeJ, taken in execution and'o be solJ as the properly of James B. Parks. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Alarch 27, 1861. Git A IV I) Jl koi:s5 FOR MAY TERM, 186 1. Bloom George H. Brown. .Joseph Weaver. Benton Peter Case, Eli Alendenhall. Beaver Samuel Cox, Peter Kuecht. Briarcreek Jonas Wright. Cdtiawissa William Aliller, Alaihias Hart man. ... Centre Edward Hariman, Gilbert H. Fow ler. Fish'ngcreek James Edgar. Greenwood Edward Albertson. Hemlock John H. Faust, Eaw G.rton Jesse Ohl. ' Locust Henry Keller, Adam Dimmig, Ja cob Haruer, Leonwrd Adams. Midison Nac Whipple. Montour Jacob Aruwiue. Mait e lacob Sh uman Sugailoaf William Stephens, jr. t R , VERS EJ nil) RS Cioorn James Fieeze, John Leacock, L B Rujert. Beaver Joel Bredbender, Peter Hauck. Benton John Doty. Catlawissa William John, Daniel Gear hart, Joseph Man.. Daniel Kreih, Cony ngham Isaac W. llaus, Frederick R. Wotiltarih. Centre PeterMilIer. . ... Fi-hit'gcreek Albert Ammetman. Geor"e Al Ho well, Hugh Mc Bride, Greenwood Da v id DreiMebis, Hemlock John Al. Barton, Jack-on Jntm Kes-ler. L"Ctist Davnt Kostenbauiler. Ceorge Kel ler, Enoch Kc-ter, Silas Whynn, Abra- ham eager Maine William Guttling. Al'tiliu Solon, on EcCroth John Michael. Levi Creay, Alt. Pleasant George Caveoee, Samuel Johnsor.. Al lisou Joseph C. Smith, Robert Johnson. Otnge Nathan Aliller. Phih Bcitj;riiiu Wintersteeu. Scon Samuel Betz Sogarioaf- John M. Cfle. Notice to heirs of Levi Eiseli dee'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY: liz's THE Commonwealth of Penn- ''tv'- ',va,"a lo Susan R. Bisel, wid flj"' Levi P. Biel, now residing VS m ,,"J S,a,t'j0 Illinois, Sallie R. Bisel, intermarried .with Willison, row residing in Lebanon county, Penn'a, Robfrt. Al. Biel, now residing in the State of Georgia. Henry Kent Biselre siding in the same Stale, Narcisi-a Y. Bisel, and Susan J. Bisel, both residing in Union county, Pennsylvania, the last three named of whom are minors, ISarcissa . Bisel and Susan J. Bicet, have for iheir Guardian their mother, Susan R.- Biel, and Henry Kenl Bisel, has for hi Guardian, Robert Patter son, children and heirs ot Levi Bisel, late of Aladison v township, Columbia .county, deceased, lot) and each of yon are hereby commanded to be and appear at our Orph ans' Couii lo be holJeu al Bloomsburg, in and for said county on the first Alonday of Alay next, then and there to accept ot re fuse the real estate of Levi Bisel deceased, at the valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly atvarded by this Honorable Court, or show canse why the same shall not be 6old. Witness the Honorable Warren J,-Wood- ward, Esq., President of onr saidCoorJ & & & & & a O &J - S3 OF OF ALL KINDS, AT J. J. IIKO'VVUIl'S S Cheaper than Uvcr. Alay IP, 1860. O j. j. Kb 'P 1JA11D TIMES GOOD.NEVVS FOR THE UNEMPLOYED! H .- 1000 chances .to make-money ! o.m: iiim,i6. doll vi: W ORTH OF WATCHES, JEWELRY ! AND Silver-PIiited Ware, TO BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND . , Original Flan! 2,500 AGENTS WANTED ! A persons desirous of securing an Agen- cy in this . iEW extei:ps:isk ShouM send on their names at once, enclo sing: a 3 cent stamp to. pay postage, and re ceive by retiirn of mail ... Containing our IJY& UCEMEJYTS ( Which afford a BARE CnANCE TO MAKE M0AEY Witliou: risk, together with Relative to this 1TCTELJ PLAIT. To insure prompt and satisfactory deal ings, direct all orders to G EO IW E G. EVA S. Ill) 4 lielntil Street, KIlIiAilEL.riIIA. April 1, 1861 xw. $35,00. Ty AYS the enine cost for Tuition in the -- most popular and successful Commer cial School in the country. Upward of Twi lve Hundkeo y oui.g men from twkmtt ekjht different States, have been educated for business here within i he past three years, some of whom have been employed as book Keepers at salaries of $2000,00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who. knew nothing of accounts wben they entered the college. CS Ministers' sons half price. SiuJrntf enter at any lime, aud review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues of 84 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's and Ornamental Penmanship, and a laigi Engraving of ihe College, inclose tweniy-fiv cents in Post- a i7 : -J rn rw tt Pf nnn jI JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. January 9; 1861. Literary Societies, flHE next Convention of the "Literary -- Union ol Aloniour, Columbia, arid adja cent counties,' w II be held at the Court Hoti-e, iu Danville, on the 27th of April, 18Gl, at 10 o'clock, a. in. AH Societies of the above characier are cordially requested to send hva delegate lo repretnt ihem in said Convention. The public generally are inviteJ lo at tend. , HEBER PAINTEu, 1 - A J - HARDER. Com. of Arrange CHAS. W.SHOLES, ) . ments Danville, Alarch 29, l8fil. tXke1i0T ice. THAT 1 have applied to the Honorable Judges of the Couri of Common Pleas, of Columbia county, lor the benefit of the several acts ot Insolvency of Ihe Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and they have appointed MONDAY I HE ih OF .MAY NEXT, at 1() o'clock, A. Al., to h?ar me and my creditor-, at ti e COURT HOUSE, in Bloomsburg, wheo and where yon may attend it yon think proper. CHRISTIAN TEITSWORTH. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. . Administrator's Notice LETTERS of administration on the es tate ol Jo-ep.h Gearhrt, laie of Calta wisa township, Columhia county, dee'd., have been grained by the Register of, said county, lo the undersigned, reidinz in said townshp: and, all persons . havi tig clftims or demands auainst said estate, are requested to make known the same to the undersigned, and tho-e indebted to make paymeal lotthwiih to . v ......... JOHN KE1FER, Adm'r. Catlawissa Iwp., March 6. 1861. TAKE NOTICE. . ' THAT I have applied to. the Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, of Columbia county,, for the. benefit of the several acts of Insolvency of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and they have ap pointed MONDAY THE 6th DAY UFA1AY NEXT, at 10 o'clock. A. Al.. to hear me and mv creditors, at ihe COURT HOUSE in Bloomsburg, when and where you may attend ii you thiuk proper. GEOTvGE LEVAN. Bloomsburg, Ap'il 10, 1861. Executor's Iolicc VOTICE is hereby tiven that L-tters 1 Testamentary upon ihe estate oi Ellen Scott, late of the township of Bloom, in the county of Columbia, deceased, have been this day granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned, residing in said township; and that .all persons having - t - ' " HEALTH AND ITS PLE ASCBE3, : OR - , : IHstepse With Its Agonies; CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. HOLLOW AY'S P ILLS. . . . NERVOUS DISORDERS.. , What is more (esrfnl ihan a breaking; ilown of ihe nervous system To t exci table or nervous in a small degree ' most distressing, for .where can a remedy bo found? There -is- one : driuk but littlu wine, beer or spirits, or far better.- one ; lake no cofltte, weak tea being preferable; get all the Iresh air yon can ; take three-or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solids, avoiding the ae of slops: ; ami if these eold en rules are followed, you will be happy in mind and strong in body, and forget yorj have.apy nerves. . ; . , , MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. . , Ifihere is one thing more than another for which thesn-Pills are so tamons it in iheir purifying-properties, especially their power of cleansing ibe blood from, all im purities, and removing dangerous and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted at theonegiand remedy tor female complaints thev never fail, never weaken the system and always bring about what is required. ' SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE,, ; , Thse feelings which so sadden us. most frequently arise from annoyances or troub le, from obstructed perspiration, or from eaiirig and drinking what is ui.fif.jfor ,us, thris disordering (he livpr aud stomach These organs must be regulated if you wistt to be well. The Pill, if taken according lo the printed instruction, will quickly re store a healthy action to both liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural con sequence, a gocd appetite and a clear head. In the East and West Indies scaicely any other medicine is ever used for these dis orders. . DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or loo little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pairt settled in, ihe loins over the regions of tbe kidney a, these Pills shook! bo taken accor ding to ihe printed instructions directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed lime. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed.. . , FOR STOAIACHS OUT OF ORrER.. . No medicine- will so effectually imorovo the tor.e of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it lo a healthy action; they are wonderfuliy efficacious iu cases of spasm in fact they never fail in culing all disorders of ihe Ii er and stomiclw Hollnxrny''s mis are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases. Ague, . Asthma, Billious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Cowel Complaints, Colics, Contipation of th BowU. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Dsentery, Ervsipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fit, Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, inflammation, Jaund'ce, . Liver Com plaints, Lumbago,, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention. of Urine,' Scrofula, or " ' King's Evil, Sore Throais, Stone and Grave!. Secondary Symptoms, Tic-Douloureux, Uomours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections, Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, - &c., &c. CAUTION !! None are genuine nnlees the words '"HoMowav, New York nd Lon don," are Jire;nable a a Water-mark in every laaf-of the book of directions around each pol or box ; the ani may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be- given to any on rendering such information as may lead to the detection ol any party or pasties coun terfeiting the medicines or vending lb same, knowing them to be spurioes. . ( Sold at (he Aliuufactorr of Professor Hollotfay, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and bv all respecable Druggists and Dealers in Aledicine, throughout the civilized wcild, in boxes at. 25 cent. 62 cents and SI each. There is considerable saving by ta king the larger sizes. N. B Directions for the guidance of p a, tients iu every disorder ate alfixed to uacn box. O-'ober. 17. 1P60. tiv Arrival of SPKI(i AXD S13I3IER GOODS, David LoivcnlVcrg . . IjfVlTESatienlion to his stock of cheap .and fashiouale clothing at hisbioreoD Mam street, twojdoors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has ftfullatsort mentof men and boy's wearing appareli including .he most fashionable i i: e s s a o o i s; Box . sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coal of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls, stripes and figure, vesls,shiri8, cra vats, stocks, collars , hand kerchiefs .glove 8 , suspenders and fancy articles. , . , N.B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shortnotice and in the best manner. All his clothing ia made to treat, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWENB ERG. Bloomsburg, Alarch 13, 1861. NATIONAL HOTEL, , (Latb.Write Swan) t Race Street, above 3d Philadelphia. Q VILUJAN B0 YER, Proprietors. Terms, SI. 25 per day. . rpO the old customers of this well-known J. House, we desire to say, ihat we have renovated, improved and newly furnished, the, and ihat we respectfully ; solicit a continuance ol their patronage.. S'rangers, travelers and visitors we cor dially invite to .the bospitalliiy of the "Na tional" to coma and see anil judge lor thetnelve of its advantages and merits. O'irlocatioH is -central, and convenient for Merchant and business men generally- We will always endeavor lo siiidr the wants ami comforts nf r gtirs, sod with the assistance of Mr. Joseph Uovvm ocr aftahl anil uttpntio Ciort- .r -J-i"lt