STAR OF THE NORTH attuii BLOOMS BU RQ, PA. Wednesday JJornin?, April 21, IS61. Wood! Wood! tome owing patron will please bring cs a loaJ of good dry wood. Tws Editor of the Democrat is in the city of New York. Tin company under command 'of Capt. Rickets are daily - going through military drill, at this place. The Captain is fast bringing them up to time. A national flag wan erected on the dome vof the Academy, at this place, on Monday last. Patriotism has swollen high in this town for the last week or more. Nothing ' like it, in times like these. Rising Scn Hotel. We learn that our friend, Lewis Enke, has taken charge of the Rising Sun Hotel in Berwick. Mr. E is a capital landlord, and understands well ? the m anagement of a public hours. Ws came pretty near haying a fire on . Tuesday noon, near onr residence, on West Street. A fire caught on the roof of our neighbor's dwelling 6y the falling of sparks upon the roof from the chimney. At least this is the supposition. With a few buck N ets of water it was quenched. John K. GiRTON.Tia announced in anoth ' er column of the Star, his arrival of new Hats and Caps, to which , he invites the 'attention of the public generally. We would state that his stock is desirable, and his prices reasonably low. Call and ex ' amine for' yourselves. Mr. A. C. Menscii, Express Agent at this 'place, , has received the appointment of Notary Public through Gov. Curtia. This" little favor was placed upon the right man, and wilt give general satisfaction to all par 'lies. - We learn that William Hoffman & Co. of Centre township, this county, have re- "ceived as damages, for the loss of a Mill property by fire last February, S3.P33 CO from the Lycoming County Mutual Insu rance Company. This Company'is prompt 'and reliable. Rev. B. B. Hamlin of Danville, delivered a t ermon to the Union Volunteers of that place in the M. E. Church on Sunday last. Also, the Rey. Mr. Steviks, preached a permon to the Danville Volunteers, in the Presby terian Church, on the evening of same day, prior to the leaving of these companies on Monday. Wk are enjoying, at present writing, Tuesday forenoon, most delightful weather. All vegitation will rapidly shoot up to be of pome account in a few weeks if the wea ther should continue so pleasant. The : grain, grass, and trees in their buddings, all appear to be a little backward this spring "in this section. Post Master. It has been officially an nounced, as well as in our neighboring pa "pers, that the Post Master General has ap pointed Dr. Palehon John, editor of the 'Republican, Post Master at Bloorasburg. This is a tolerably nice take for the Doctor, and we judge pretty well deserved, for he labored hard, night and day, for his party. ' and did not care to pretty badly bend his con science, each week, in giving vent to some 'big fellows ihrough his paper. . Wc learn, by the Berwick Gazelle, that . Col. F. Stewart and Col. Walton are about organizing volunteer company, for the purpose of assisting the General Govern ment in carrying out its las, if needed Berwick contains quite a number or pain- otic young men, all of whom, we have not the least doubt are willing to fight in honor of their country's flag, which has of late re ceived insult upon insult, and needs de fending- Notice to Tax Collectors. We have been requested to state through the columns 'of the Star, that it will be expected, and is demanded, of the different Tax Collectors throughout the county of Columbia, that they collect, and pay in, their Militia tax as well as county, to the Treasurer of said county, on or before our coming May Term of Conit. The Collectors will heed this timely notice, and make as good a return as possible. It is absolutely necessary that this money should be paid in to meet al proper demandi. . Oca tows has presented quite a fourth of July appearance for nearly a week, and will continue so, as long'as news of a warlike character iereceived and war is being wag ed. On Monday last a monster flag was raised across Main Street, which was made by and put up under the directions of Mc- A.eivy, xxeat a: to. mis adds one more to the number already up, and is expressive of a patriotic and Union feeling. Nearly 'every bouse and shop in town has shown their colors by placing upon the outer walls the Stars and Strives, the national banner Vhicb every man who feels the heart of a true American beat beneath his vest will faanfully and ably defend. accident we regret to stale tnat on Thursday morning last, by the premature discharge of a cannon, which was being fired, as a Company of Volunteers from Ln fcerns were passing the Station at this place, two young men, David L." Dieffenbach , hed Thomas Van natta, were rather seri boslj injirid, ' This accident occurred on loading for the fourth rouuc. 1 ' It was thought for a while that both would partially lose their eyesight, if not wholly ; but we are pleased to be able to state that they 373 doing well and their sight will be list little impaired if any. This is a bad EelJ-piece ; the boys .hail better , bury it fcever to tg dug cp, for they hare been Very fc-rtunata in not having aa -accident iefora cs T(Tsxl9 S3 XIFE PILLS & PHOENIX BITTERS. fllHESE MEDICINES have now. been be--- fore (he public lor'a period of Thirty Years, and during that time have maintained a high cbaiacter in almost every part of the Globe, foi tbeir extraordinary and imme diate power of restoring ' perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The fbllo'wing are among the distressing variety, of human diseases in which the YEGETUBLEXIFE medicines Aie we'll known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second etomaches, and crea ting a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the tale and acrid kind: Flatulenc7, Loss of Appetite Heaitburn, Headache, Restless ness, Ill-Temper Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symp toms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a nat tural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a so'veni pro cess, and without violenc; all violent pur ges leave the bowels costive within two days.- FEVERS or all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The Life Medicines have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently ir. three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflamation from the mus cIps and lisaments of the joint. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strenglhing the kidneys and bladder; they operate mot delightfully on these impor taM orsans. and hence have ever bean found a certain remedy for the woret"catee or GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures aJhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect puiity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAp COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the bkin, and the morbid stat of which occasions all erup tive complaints, 6alIow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexion. The use of these Pi'.N for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a. striking improvement in the clearness of the skin Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PILES. The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cured of Tiles, 35 years standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and ceitain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure bv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and b Cured. BILIOUS FEVERS aND LIVER COM PLAINTS General Debi'ity, Loss of ap peliie, and Diseases of Females the Med icines have been used with ihe most ben eficial results in cases of thi description: Kinis Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remaikable Medicines. Night Sweats Nervous debility, Neivous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.-Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will fin.l these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate Irom the system, all the efftcis of Me.cury, infinitely sooner than the n.oct powerful preparations of Sarsapa rilla. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodway, New York. FOR SAIE BV ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, 186 Sheriff's Sale. Y Virtue of a certain writ of Veniitiovi Exponas, issued out of ihe Court f Common Pleas, of Luzerne county, to me directed, will be exposed to sale at Public vendue or out cry, on Saturday t the llfA day-of May next, at 10 o'clock, in the fore noon, at the Coon House, in the B. trough of Wilkes Barre. in the coumy of Luzerne, the following described property, viz : ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in the township, of Nesco peck in the County of Luzern, Pennsyl vania, and the township of Mifflin, Col ombia county Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows: On the west by lot of John Williams, and the Susquehanna River ; on the South by lands ot Samuel Smith on the Eat by lands of Levi Kirk endall, nnd B. Evans, and on the North by lands, late of Jacob Buzzard, Hart, heirs of R. M. Brundage and John Williams, in all containing one hundred and forty acres of land, more or less, about one hundred and twenty acres therof improved, with a one story and a half frame dwelling house, and frame barn thereon about one hundred acres (berof lies in ths s&id Township of Nescopeck, and about . foity acres thereof lies in the said Township of Mifflin, in said County of Columbia. Tne improve ment mentioned, lie in the said township of Nescopeck in said County of Luzerne Itbeing the same farm or tract of land, conveyed by M. S. Brundage and wife to William Rittenhouse, late the estate of the deindant in the said writ named with the appurtenance?. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of M. S. Brundage vs. William Rittenhouse. All of which will be sold for cash only by SAMUEL VAN, LOON, Shenff. Sheriff's Office, . ,i Wilkes Barre, April 10, I86L - NEW JHILLIXEKI GOODS, FOR YISS MARY BARK LEY, would respect fully inform her customers in Blooms burg and vicinity, that she has just received from the city an excellent assortment of new finer than ever, and more cai colated to please the the most fastidious. She has r3 paid fctrirt attention in making her selc tions of bonnets, consequently has the best assortment, probably, ever '. brought lo this place. . ; fche has an assortment of neat and ban dscrne bats and caps for little Mi.ssss. all of which she can dispose of cheaD- Give her a call before uurchasinr else where. Shop on Main Street, below Mar ket, north side. MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April 17, J861. . DEDICATION. THE New German Reformed Church of Bloomsburg, (God willing,) will be dedi cated to the service of the Triune God on the 28th of April at 10 o'clock A.M. Servi ces will be held on Friday evening previ ous, and ijatunlay also. Kev. II. HarbaueH. D. D.. and Rev. J. 11, A. Bombercer. D. D. and other Ministers wiil be present to offi ciate on thejoccasion. The public are re- specially invited to attend. ;; . . Y, GOODRICH, Pastof. ' BloOxsbsrg, April 10, i860. PUBLIC NOTICE FOR LICENSES. jVTOTICE is hereby given that the follow ing persons in Columbia county, have filed their petitions in the C0UP J Quarter Sessions, of the said county lor Tavern and Store Licenses in their respective town ships, which said petitions will be present ed to the said Court, on Monday, the 6ih day of May, A. D., 1861, of which all per sons interested will take notice, and the Licenses will be granted on Wednesday, the 8th day of May next, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Applicant. Townships William B.TCoons, John Leacock, Tavern, BiOO.Tl. .i ii t 'Berwick. i tt Benton, it ' BrTircreek Beaver. Conyngham. ii ii it ii Centre. "Catawissa. ii ic - Fishingcreek ii Greenwood Hemlock. Locust. ii it i' Mad'son, Robert Hagenbuch, Oliver A.'Jacoby, Frederick Nicely, Lewis Enke, Hiram Smethers, John J. Stiles; Samuel McHenry, Christian F. Nelle, Franklin L. Sliuman, Fred. R Wohlioilh, John R. Jones, Wiliiam'L. Kline, Reuben Wasser, Henry Gable, John Grover, ( ii it ii i( It (C ' tl It It It t( It It ' It IS IC It It l( II ( ( It II .1 l II 't t. It II it Jacob B. Kistler, Daniel Reinbold, Samuel Kostcnbader, Geo. W. Hoffman, Daniel McHeury, W. A. Kline, Geo. L. Shoemaker, John L. Hurst, Joshua Womer, Isaac Rhoades, Isaac Fahringer, Samuel Remby, A. K. Smith, John Keller, Isaac Fetter, John Nuss; Emanuel Conner, Job l F. Deiierich, Alexander Hughes. Jacob Good, Samuel Eveiett, Daniel L. Everhar!, Pete' Shug, William Long, Enoch Howell, Mifflin. Maine, it Montour. Pleasant. Mt. 'Orange, n ti Scott. ' it t ii it Bloom, ti Conyngham. Catawissa. Locust, it . Montour. Williard C.Green, A. J. Evans, R. B. Mei.ash, Store, Daniel McKernan, Jeremiah S. Brobst Jacob Yeagpr, Wasningtoci Yervger, ii ii Ii ii Bittenbender & Willits JACOB EYERLY, Cletk, Froihonotary's Ulfice, J Bloomsburg, April 10, 186 1 IVolicc in Partition. Estate of Henry Buss, late of Hemlock township, Columbia ' counhj. deceased. COLUMBIA COUNTY : . . THE Commonwealth of Penn iL S ( pVlvauia to Daniel Bus, Samuel j " I Buss, Adam Buss, Henry Bus, ' Morris Buss, Dortha, intermarried with Geiger,Levina, intermarried with Charles Sailor, Cathurine, intermarried with Abraham Shoemaker ; and to all the legal representatives of the said Henry Buss, deceased, greeting : You and each of you will lake notice that an Inquest will be held lo make partition or valuation, as the case may require, of the real estate of the above named Henry Buss, deceased, siiuate in ihe township of Hemlock, and county ol Columbia, on the premises, on Thursday, the lSth dy of April, 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, of said day, at which lime and place you may attend if you think proper. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward Esq , Pres-iJent of onr Orphans' Conn at Bloomsburg, the 9;h day of February, A. D., one thousaud eiahi hundred and six ty-one. Bloomsburg. Feb. JOHN SNYDER, 27, 1861. Sheriff". Notice to heirs of Andrew Shoemaker, dee'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY: vknn THE Commonwealth of Penn f1f. sy lvania lo Mary Shoemaker, 6',r?; widow, Jacob Shoemaker, Abra "ZStffic ham Shoemaker, Charles Shoe ''fcffiy maker, Catharine, intermarried with Peter Tlousen, Elizabeth, intermarried with Peter Maxel, Sarah, intermarried with Joseph Hendershol. and Mary, irrermarried with Samuel Shaffer, children and heirs of Andrew Shoemaker, jute of Madison town ship, in the counly of Colombia, deceased. You and each of you are hereby command ed to be and appear at our Orphan's Court, to be holden at Bloomsburg in and for said county on the first Monday of May next, then and there to accept or refuse the real estate of Andrew Shoemaker, dee'd, at the valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly awarded by, this Honorable Court or show cause why the same shall not be anld. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, Esq., President of our aid Court at Bloomsburg, the 9th day ofFebruary A. D , eighteen hundred and sixty one. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloorhsburs, Feb. 27, 1861. I-ieal Notice. IN the Orphans' Court of Colum- bia County: "Vy.k:4" in me mauer o; tne i artition oi 'ZzgitfzfiS Lucas Fahringer, for a decree of ?rfo specific performance of the con tract for the sale of real estate, between the said Lucas Fahringer and Sebastian Hower, late of Locust township, Columbia county, deceased. Notice is hereby given to the Widow, heirs and legatees of the said Sebastian Hower, deceased, to appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bloomsburg, or. the fir-t Monday of May next, to answer the bill or Partition of the said Lucas Fahrinser, praying the Court to decree the specific performance of the contract between him self and said Sebastian Hower, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, otherwise specific performance of the same will be decreed. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff". Bloomsburs, Feb. 27, 1861. Administrator's Notice Estate of Peter Kline, late of Locust township, Cotumbia county deceased I ETTERS of administration on the estate of Peter Kline, late of Locust township, ; Columbia county, deceased, have been "ranted by the Uegiter of said county to Martin V. B. Kline, residing in the town ship and counly aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent are requested lo make them known to the ondeisigned, and those indebted to the estate to make payment to the administrator without delay. MARTIN V. B. KLINE. January 23, 1861 6w. Admr . Administrator's Notice. 1 ETfERS of administration on the estate of Jacob Wanamacherj late of Frank lin township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Co lumbia county, to the undersigned, residing in said Franklin township; all persons hav ing claim against the esta'e of the dece dent are requested to presert them to the administrators without del-iy, and those indebted to come forward and make pay ment forthwith to MARY L. WANAMACHER, j . . . . .--FRANKLIN TREIBLEY, J Admr Fr a n k 1 i ri 4 J gj;.!,;...;;;.. ' 7' " WATCH MAKER SHOP ! THE undersigned would infotm hisf friends and customers and the rest ofjj&Ll mankind, that he continues to pay particular attention . to the repairing of watches; weight, spring, and lever clocks ; : jew elry and everything belonging in his line, and that it is at all times, and in all cases his desire to give perfect satisfaction. He is an "excellent" workman, has- vicited several, and worked in three of the flrl Cities in the world. New York, Philadel phia and the great City of Paris in France Particular attention is paid to re-gilding or what is termed "plating' HENRY" ZUPPINGER. Bloomsburg, April 10,1861. List of Trials, for Way rem, 1 SGI, 1. T. W. Kahler, vs. Daniel Neyhard. 2. John McMullizan, et. al. vs. S. Rhone. 3. A Creveling; vs. A. Mellick, et. al. 4. Robert J. Lyon, vs. M. Cox, et. al. 5. Jacob R Sline, vs. Robert J. Lyons. 6. Philip Wintersteen vs. V. Wintersteen. 7. John Pealer, vs. Daniel Edgar, et. al. 8. Lewis Lavenbera, et. al. vs. J. Dyer. 9. Wolf, Westler & Co., vs. D. F. Seybert. 10. Solomon St6rner, vs. Abraham Snyder. 11. Isaiah '.Shu man, vs. Jacob L. Shu man. 12. Henry Gearhari, vs. Isaiah .Shuman. 13. Joseph Lockard, vs. James Pennington. 14 Ezekiel Shuliz, vs. J Pennington, et.'al. 15. Henry Traugh, vs. W. B. Insurance Co. 16. Richard Torby, vs. D. F. Seybert. 17. W. Burgess, et al. vs. A. J. Albertson . 18. Ezekiel Cole, vs. the twp. of Benton. 19. James Sheilds, et. al. vs. I. Shuman. 20. Go. Eves. vs. Zebulan R. Shults, et al. " SHERIFF'S SALE: DY virtue of a writ of Venditioni exponas, -to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, will be exposed (o public sale at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on Moudoy the Gth day oj May next, at 1 o'clock, in ihe after noon, the following described property, viz: ALL that certain tract of land, siiuate in Sugarloaf Township, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows, lo w:t : On the North by lands of Samuel Hall ; o the East by land of Emeline Linard and others, on the South by land of James Leanard, and on the West by land of Ed ward Hughes, containing SEVENTY THREE ACRES, strict measure, fifieen acres of which, areclearel land; on which are erected a ONE STORY DWELLING HOUSE, and a LOG BARN with ihe ap purtenances. Seized taken in Execution and to be sold as the property of O. Parks. JOHN SNYDER SherifL Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. REGISTER'S NOTICEST JVOTICE is hereby giving to all legatees, creditors and other persona interested in the estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the following administra tion and guardian accounts have been filed in the office of the Register of Columbia counly, end will be presented for confirma tion and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to b8 held at Bloumsburg, in the connty aforesaiJ, on Wednesday the Si h day of May next, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon. 1 Account of Matbias Gilbert, Guardian of Christiann Stroup, daughter of Jonathan Slroup, deceased. 2 Account of Henry C. Freas and Geo. Freas, Administrators of the- estate of John Freas, late of Eriarcreek twp., dee'd. 3 Account of John Michael, Executor of ihe last will and testament of Ulrich Mich ael, late of Mifflin towp , dee'd. 4 The final account of Gideon Nuss, ad ministrator of the estate of Peter Nuss, late of M fTiin township, dee'd. 5 The account of Henry Remley, adm'r of John Remley, late of Orange towuohip, deceased. 6 The tirsl and partial account of Reuben Miller, Executor of the last will and testa ment of John Linden, late of Briar Creek township, deceased. 7 The account of Montgomery Co;e and Hester Ann Cole, Administrators of the estate of Benjamin F. Cole, late of Benton township, deceased. 8 The accotint of Jacob Harlzel jr., Guar dian of Fanny Hettler, late Fanny Luzt, one of the children of Gabriel Lutz, late of Mif flin township, deceased. 9 The account of Christian Lutz, jr, Guardian of Elizabeth Lutz, (cow Eliza beth Mosteller) one of the heirs of Gabriel Lutz, late of Mifflin towp. dee'd. 10 The account of Leonard Adams and Henry Hoffman, jr. Executors of Hnry Hoffman, sen., late ol Roariugcreek town ship, deceased. 1 1 The account of Benjamin Wagner and John P. Walter, administrators of the ei-tate of Reuben Helwig, late of Locust township, deceased. 12 The account of John Hughes, admin istrnfor of the estate of David Philips, late of Roaringcreek township, Montour county (now Locust township, Columbia County,) deceased. 13 The account of John Hughes, Execu tor of the estate of Abraham Troxell, late of Locust township, dee'd. 14 The account of Anna Louisa Johnson, administratrix of the estate of Evan John son, late of Madison township, deceased. 15 The account of Lewis Yetter, dm'r of the estate of George Harder, tale of Cat tawi-sa township, deceased. 16 The account of James Masters, Adm'r of Jesse Mather, late of Greenwood town ship, deceased. 17 The account of John K. Watts & James Masters, Adm'rs. of the estate of Barnabas Waits, late of Greenwood township, dee'd. 18 Thefirsiand final account of Elias M. Laubach, Adm'r of the estate of George Laubach, late of Fishingcreek township, deceased. 19 The account of Joseph E. Sands, Guardian of Jacob Shultz, a minor child of William Shultz, late of Greenwood town ship, deceased. 20 The account of John Trembly. Guar dian ol Samnel Webb Garrison, one of the sons and heirs of Jacob Garrison, late of Bloom township, deceased. 21 The account of Benjamin Yohe, Guar dian of Henry Brown, one of the sons and heirs of Daniel Brown, late of Maine township, deceased. 22 The account of Benjamin McHenry, Executor of he last will and testament of Elias McHenry, late of Fishingcreek town ship, deceased. 23 The account of Michael FederofI, and Mary Mowry, Administrators of the estate of Michael Mowry, late of Roaringcreek township, deceased. 21. The account of Charles H. Ceobler, Guardian of Elsha H. Bigas a minor child of Elisha H. Bi&gs late of Bloom township Columbia county, deceased. 25 The first and final account of John Smith, adtur. of Henry Smith, late of Mad ison township, dee'd. . DANIEL LEE, Register's Office, ) Register. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. j S. C SUIVUT Manufacturer of Furniture and Cabinet War Wciferoom in Shive's Block, on Main Stiee BLANKS ! BLANKS I ! BLANKS ! I DEEDS, SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, , , ANDJUDGMENT NOTES, , of pYoper & desirableform8,fo8aIe auhjj. Court Proclamation. VlfHEREAS the Hon. Warren J. VVood- " ward. President Judse of the Court of Over and Terminer and flnnm-al Jail Deliv- ery, Court of Quanex Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos ed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wy oming, and the Hon. Jacob Evans and Stephen Baldy, Associate Judges ot Colum bia County,have issued their,recept, bearing date one thousand eighteen hundred and sixty one, and lo me directed for holding a Couyl of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail pelivery, Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms, burg,. in the county of Columbia, on the first Monday (bein-r the 6th day ) of May next, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices qf the Peace and Constables ol the said County of Columbia, that they be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in ihe forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembran ces lo do lhoe tninas which lo iheir offices appertain to be done. And fhose that are bound by recognizes, lo prosecute against ihe prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of said county ol Columbia, to be then and there to prosecme then as shall be just. Ju rors are requested lo be punctual in their attendance, aureeably to then notice, dated at Bloomsburg, the 25 day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixiy-one. and in the eighty-fitth year of the Indepmidence of the United Stales of America. (God save the Commonwealth.) JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff, Bloomsburg March 27, 186t. SSIUnilT'.N SALKS. Y virtue of sui.-iy writs of Venditioni Exjmnat lo me oirfcteJ, issue J outof the Court ol Cummin Pleas of ihe county of Columbia, Pennsylvania, will be exposed to public sale at ihe Couri House in Blooms burs, on SATURDAY, the 20th OF APRIL, 1861, alone o'clock in the afternoon the following described property to wit: Ail thai certain tract or piece of land sit uate in Sugarloaf township Columbia co, containing fifty four acres of which twenty one acres are cleared land, Lounded on ihe North by lands of Michael Beishline, on the South by lands cf Abraham Srioliz, on the East by lands of Daniel Hess Si Jesse Harlman and on the west by laud late of Edmund Crawford, whereon is erected a one and a half story Plank dwelling house a frame Barn and a Black Smith Shop with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in Execution and to be sold as the property of John Michler. ALSO A I the same time and place, all that cer tain tract cf land situate In Sugarloaf twp., Co'ismbia county bounded and described as follows, lo wit : on ihe No-th by land of Richard Kile on the E.tM by land of D. R. Laubach on the South by land of Jesse Pnnington on the wert by land of John F. Laubach containing sixty eight acres more or less. About twenty five acres of which is cleared land whereon is erected a one and a half story Plank dwelling house and other out buildings with ihe appurte nances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Moore. ALSO At the same time and place, all that cer tain tract or lot of land situate in Fihins crek lownship, Columbia county, rcunded and described as follows to wit; On the North by land of Paul Pealer, on. the East by land of Richard Jones, on the South by land of R. F. Stucker, and on the West by land of William L. Parks, containing E'ev. en Acres, be the same more or les, ail of which is cleared laud, whereon are erected a one and a half story Plank Dwelling Houe, a Frame Bank Barn, and othsr out buildings with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James B. Parks, JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, March 27, 1861. FOR MAY TERM, 1861. Bloom Geors-e H. Brown, Joseph Weaver. Benton Peter Case, Eli Mendenhall. Beaver Samuel Cox, Peter Knecht. Briarcreek Jonas Wright. Cattawissa William Miller, Maihias Hart ma ii. Centre EdwarJ Hartman, Gilbert II. Fow ler. Fishingcreek James Edgar. Greenwood Edward Albertson. Hemlock John H. Faust, E-aw Girton, Jesf-e Ohl. Locust Henry Keller, Adam Dimmig, Ja cob Haruer, Leonard Adams. Mddison Uac Whipple. Montour Jacob Arnwme. Maine lacob Shuman. Sugarloaf Wiilia in. Stephens, jr. Til U ERSE JURORS. Bloom James Freeze, John Leacock, L B. Rupert. Beaver Joel Predbeoder, Peter Hauck. Benton John Doty. Cattawissa William John, Daniel Gear hart, Joseph Manz, Daniel Kreiyh. Cony ngham Isaac W. llous, Frederick R. Wohlfarlh. Centre Peter Miller. Fishingcreek Albert Ammerman, Gorge M. Howell, Hu-jh McBride, Grt-enwood David Dreiblebis, Hemlock John M. Barton, Jack-on Jthti Kesrler, Locust David Kosienbauder, Ceore Kel ler, Enoch Kester, Silas Wbynn, Abra ham Yeager. Maine William Guttling. MitHin Solomon Eckroth, Levi Creasy. John Michael. Mt. Pleasant George Cavetiee, Samuel Johnson. Ma Jison Joseph C. Smith, Robert Johnson. Grange Nathan Miller. Pine Benjamin Wintersteen, Scott Samuel Betz. Sugarloaf John M. Cole. ... Notice Co heirs of Levi Bisel, dee'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY: THE Commonwealth of Penn sylvania to Susan R. Bisel, wid- '4 Jftti ow l'evi isel, now residing VvSCn he Slate of Mmo'i-, Sallie R. ''ux Bisel, intermarried with Willison. now residing in Lebauoti county, Penn'a, Robert M. Bisel, now residing in the Slate ol oeorgia, tlenry Kent liisel, re siding ia the same Stale, Narcissa Y. Bisel, and Susan J. Bisel, both residing in Union county, Pennsylvania, the last three named of whom are minors, Narcissa Y. Bisel and Susan J. Bisel, have for their Guardian iheir mother, Susan R. Biel, and Henry Kent Bisel, has for his Guardian, Robert Patter sou, children and heirs ot Levi Bisel, late of Aladison township, Columbia connty, deceased. You and each of you are hereby commanded to be and appear at our Orph ans' Couil to be holden at Bloomsburg, in and for said county on the first Monday of May .next, then and there to accept or re fuse the real estate of Levi Bisel deceased, at the valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly atvarded by this Honorable Court, or show cause why ths same shall not be sold. W itness the Honorable Warreti J. Wood ward, Esq., President of our said Court at Bloomsburg, the 9th day of February A. D. eight hundred and sixty one..: , ff. jS. VH ft, j'S. Js. jM. . Jr't j jf v V .. v . :.- ii v f o .... o ft ft ft w ft ft 'ft ft ft ft Vi ?- .. OF ALL KINDS, at J. J. in: ov iii's Cheaper than Iver. May IP, I860. o S?t ft ft I - f' 't "f .. .. :.' .i . .. '.. . 'of :if HARD TIMES GOOD NEWS FORJTHE UNEMPLOYED! 1000 fUAXCES TO JMAKEJMOXEY ! WORTH OF WATCHES, . JEWELRY AND Silver-Plated Ware, TO BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY -NEW AND Original JPlan ! 2,500 AGENTS WANTED ! All persons desirous of securing an Agen cy in this IYEW EXTERPKISFi Should send on their names at once, enclo sing a 3 cent stamp to pay postage, and re ceive by return of mail A PUEJIIIJM 03 f. PT-ga 7-7 r? TTT 5m Containing our IJ'D ucemejyts " Which afford a RARE CHANCE TO MAKE JIO.NEY Without risk, together with Relative to this UOVEM-PLAU. To insure prompt and satisfactory deal ings, direct all orders to IMIII.AIJEI.IMIIA. April 1, 1861 xw. AYS the entiie cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commer cial School in the country.. Upward of Twslve Hundred yout.s men from twkktv eight dilferetit States, have been educated for business here within the past jbree years, some of whom have been employed as book Keepers at salaries of S2O0O.00 per Aiiiiiiiii, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered the college. t if Ministers' sons half price. Student enter at any lime, and review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues of 84 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a lar Engraving of ihe College, inclose twenty -five ceuts in Post age Stamp to ihe Principal. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. January 9, 1861. Literary Societies. TITHE next Convention of the "Literary - Union ol Montour, Columbia, and adja cent counties," w It be held at the Court House,' in Danville, on the 27ih of April, lSGl, at 10 o'clock, a. rn. Ail Societies ot the above character are cordially reque-ied to semi five delegates to represent them in said Convention. The public generally are invited to at tend. HEBF.R PAIXTEfi, ) A. J HARDER, CHAS. W.SHOLES, Danville, March 29, Com. of Arrange ) ments 1861. TAKE A0TICE. THAT 1 have applied 10 the Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, of Columbia counly, for the benefit of the seeral acts of Insolvency of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and they have appointed MONDAY THE 6th OF MAY NEXT, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to hear me and my creditor, at the COURT HOUSE, in Blooms-burs, when and where you may attend if you think proper... CHRISTIAN TEITSWORTII. Blonmsburg, April 10, 1861. Administrator's Notice LETrERS of administration on the es tate ot Joseph Gearhart, late of Catta wissa township, Columhia county, dee'd., have been granted by the Register of said county, to the undersigned, residing in said townshp; and all persons having claims or demands against said estate, are requested to make known the same to ihe undersigned, and iho-e indebted to make payment foithwith to , JOHN KEIFER, Adm'r. Cattawissa twp., March G, 1861. TAKE NOTICE. THAT I have applied to the Honorabl Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, ol Columbia county, for the , benefit of the several acts of Insolvency of the Common wealth ot Pennsylvania, and they have ap pointed MONDAY THE 6th DAY uFMA Y NEXT, at 10 o'clock, A. AL. to har me and my creditors, at (he COURT HOUSE, in Bloomsburg, when and where you may attend ii you think proper. GEORGE LEVAN. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. Executor's IVoticci jVOllLh. is hereby i,iven that Letters Testamentary upon the estate of Ellen Scott, late of the township of Bloom, in the connty of Columbia, deceased, have been this day granted by the Register of said county lo the undersigned, residing in said township ; and that all persons having claims or demands against said estate, Kte requested to make known the same lo Ihe said uudersigned without delay. - V p HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES, r ' . OR 1- Disease With Its Agonies CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. II O tt Ij O WAY' s pixl . , NERVOUS DISORDERS. .. : v What is more fearful than a breaking down ol the nervous system ? To t-e exci table or nervous in a small degree is- moKt distressing, for where can a remedy la found t There is one : drink but little wine, beer, or spirits, or far better, take no coffee, weak tea bin2 preferable; get all ihe.lresh air you can ; lake three or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slops ; arid il these gold en. rules are followed, you will be happy in mind and strong in body, and forget yon have any nerves.: . . MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one thing more lhan another for which these Pills are so famous it is iheir purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from ail im purities, and removing dangerous and sus pended -ecreiions. Universally adopted as the one "tand remedy for female complaints tliev never fail, never weaken the system and always bring about what is required SiCK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelinzs which.o sadden us, most frequently arii-e from annoyances or troub le, Irom obstructed perspiration, or from eaiin and drinking what is for us inns disordering the liver and stomach ' These organs must be regulated if you wist to b.e well. The Pills, it taken according 10 the printed instruction, will quickly re store a healthy action to both liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural con sequence, a gocd appetite aud a clear head. In ihe Eael and West Indies scaicely any other medicine is ever used for these dis orders. - DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In aH disease affecting jiheso oruans. whether they secrete too much or loo little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pair.a settled in the loins over the regions of the kidneya, these Pills should bo taken accor ding to ihe printed instructions directions, and the Oir.tment should be well rubbed into the small of ihe back at bed lime. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER. - s No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Puis; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper , diet. They reach (he liver and reduce it to a healthy action; they are wonderfuliy efficacious in cases ol spasm in fact they never fail in cuiing all disorders oi the Ii er and slomtcb. Hollnwny,s Tills are the best remedy known in the world jor the following diseases. Ague, Asthma, Billious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, 1 . Bowel Complaint?, Colics, Constipation of tha Bowls. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Djsentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice,. , Liver Com plaints, Lumbago; Piles, 1 Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Evil, Sore Throats, S'.or.e and Grave!, , Secondary Symotome, Tic-Douloureux, Uumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections, Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, &c, &.C. CAUTIO.Y I! None are cencine unless the words ''Hollowav, New York nd Lon don' are diseernable a a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by hMiag; the Icf to ths light. A hand some reward will be given lo any one rendering such information a may lead to the detection ol any party or pasties coun terfeiting the medicines or . vending ihe same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the Al.tnufactorr of Professor Hoiiovay, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respecabie Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 2b cents, 62 cents and SI each. tV There is considerable saving by ta king ih lar2r sizes. N. B Directions for the guidance of p a tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. October, 17, i860. rVciv Arrival oi SPUING AND S13I31ER GOODS, David Lowcnlicrg INVITES auention to his stock of cheap and fashionale vlothing at his&toreoo Main street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment o f men and boy's wearing apparel, including the most fashionable i 11 i;ss KOO I s , Box, sack, (rock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors shawls, stripesand figure, vests, shirts, cra- vats, stocks, collars, ha udkerchiefsjglove a i suspenders and fancy articles. N-D.. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very 6h or mot ice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to treat, and most ofitisof home manufaclurs. . , DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, Alarch 13, 18G1. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Latk Wiiitk Swan) ;. Kace Street, aboie 3d Philadelphia Q UILLMAN $ B0 YER, Proprietor t. Terms, SI.2.3 per day, r""iO the old customers of this well-known J- House, we desire to say, that we have renovated, improved and newly furni-hed the, and that we respectfully solicit a continuance of.their patrouase. S'rangers, travelers and visitors we cor dially invite to the hospitallity of the "Na tional" to come and see and judge lor lltemelve of its advantages anil merits. .1 Onr location is central, and convenient for Merchants and business men generally. We will always endeavor 10 simty the wants and coruforis of our unesi, od wilrr the assistance of Mr. Joseph Houslm, our affable nd attentive Clerk, we leel prepaM ed to kefp a ood Hotel, and hope togivo general satisfaction. ' , ihrniiyqcillman: ... . . .. . 1