STAR OF THE NORTH, I- BLOOMSBURQ, PA. j Wednesday Morning, April Jd, 1861. Wood! Wood! soma owing patron will please bring us a load of good dry wood. - - ;i Those of oo r parroos who do not got their papers will please inform us. I Our Patrons will pay early aliention to their bills as rent to them by us. We mast lave money to meet our indebtedness. ' Oca friends hi Harrisburg, Bound, Mott, y i . r r TT" lr i r i . viymer, t.eiseiiriog, jviine, usiernoui Hnu 1 Brower, have our thanks for continued fa- tors; and you will, ''please keep sendiiig." Thc patron who promised to bring cs a coaple of bushels of potatoes had better be making his word good, or labor under the fear of having "an action" brought against tint for damages in our family caused for the want of the article. ' : Tub Columbia County Republican, has just entered upon its fifth volume. Its editor tpeaks of the success he has thus far re ceived with a good deafol boast. He says it is acknowledged to be "the most influen tial paper ia the county!" By whom, lioctor I The most ultra portiou ol his par ty might so acknowledge it. Job Printers' Jouknal. The publishers f this Journal hare our thanks for a copy. It is published quarterly by Win. H. Page & Co., at Greenville, Conn., as a specimen sheet. They are dealers in Printers' ma terial generally. This number contains lorne handsome specimens ot type, borders, . tc. On Monday last was "moving day" in this place,, and rather a rough, boisterous one it was. But as far as we can learn all who participated, necessarily, in the "mov ing exercise," have by this time become quieted down in their new homes, there to live one year at the least, when few besides the uneasy and discontented one will again "pull up stakes." Niw Mail Agkht. Air. E. A. Jones, of Tamaqua, has been appointed Mail Agent, on the Caltawissa, Williamsport & Erie Railroad route, between Port Clinton and Elmira, in the place of Samuel B. Graeff, removed. Tie Daily Penmylvinian, published in the city of Philadelphia, has suspended for the I want of sufficient support. The Evening Argus is the only Daily Democratic paper in that city at present. The Argus is a good paper, as was the I'ennsy Ivanian. They olh ought to have been well sustained in a city like Philadelphia. They were worthy cf a IiLeral support. Success to the Argus. Howard Association, Philadelphia. This well-known benevolent association has proved itself, by a long course of hon orable dealing, to be a perfectly reliable and highly uselul institution. We com ' mend it to the public attention with much coLtldence. See advertisement. Conkecticct held her State Election on Moiuay last, and the Republican ticket will Le pretty hard run. The Opposition to the Republican ticket are holding out that the Republicans in the last Congress tejected overtures (ot a reconciliation with the Sece ding Slates, which U a matter of tact and -will h.ive its weight. As we go to piess 1ve-dre uninformed as to any of the results. Pctchsoks' New Publications. In an other column ot our paper will be seeu ad Toitised for sale a lot of handsome, uselul and interesting dooks, any oi wmcn can ue hsA by remitting the price by mail to the publishers, T, B. Peterson & Brothers, 316 Cheutnat Street, Philadelphia. For the title and price of the different books, see adver tisement. At a meeting of the Democratic Associa tion, of this place, on Tuesday evening last, ihe Treasurer made a report, explaining the condition of the Treasury, and showing that a 6mall sum was still in his hand. The report was adopted. Alter some remarks by the President, concerning the manage ment of the affairs of this Institution, the meeting adjourned. Justices of the Pback. The following act of Assembly is important to those who have been elected Justice of the Peace at the recent election : Section I. -That every person hereafter elected to the office of Justtce of the Peace or Alderman, hall, within thirty days after the election, if he intends to accept said office, give notice thereof in writing, to the Prothonotary of the Common Pleas of the proper county, who shall immediately in form the Secretary of the Commonwealth of said acceptance; and no commission hall issue until the Secretary of the Com monwealth has received the notice afore said. Th LoATia. Here is an accurate descrip tion of a class of nrec who infest eveTy com munity: "Tho most miserable, hopeless scrap of humanity, io an idle man a man whose chief aim of IWe, is to "loaf" to waste in listless lounging and mental and chvsical inaction the years of his short life. There are scores of Buch beings in every town and city miserable loafers whose sole occupation is toavoid employment of any kindwhose lives can scarcely be call d lives who die one after another, and leave behind them what! A vacancy to be mourned ? No, for they are in them selves vacancies, not men. To these atoms society owes nothing. Thd history of the world's progress ignores their names and their existence; and beir-g dead, the grave contains co more ineit, worthless earth than it did before. They become chronic nui sances; they have no local habitation or name in so far as regards their worth or value, and from day to day, in the haunt cf busy men, they pass as nncurrent funds at so ranch of a discount 'hat they can not even bay themselves. Such are loafers miserable, worthless beings, who die only when they get too la?y und indolent to usa Court Proclamation. TTHEREAS the Hon. Warren J. Wood ward, President Judge of the Court of Oyer and terminer and General Jail Delir ery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Plena and Orphans' Court, in the 26ih Judicial District, compos ed of the couhtiesol Columbia, Sullivan and Wjornms, and the Hon. Jacob Evans and Stephen Baldy, Associate Judges ot Colum bia County, have issued iheir precept, bearing date one thousand eighteen hundred and sixty one, ar.d to me directed tor holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Conn, in Blooms, burg, in the county of Columbia, on the first Monday (bein the 6ih day) of May next, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given, o the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace and Constables ot the said County of Columbia, that they be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in the forenoon ot said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembran ees to do those ininss which to their offices appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizes, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of said county ot Columbia, to be then and there to prosecu'e then a shall be just. Ju rors are reqiiested to be punctual in their niemlance, agreeably to their notice, dated at Bioomsbnrg, the 25 day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. and in the eijjhty-fil'h year of the Independence of the United Stales of America. (God save, the Commonwealth.) JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff, Bioomsbnrg March 27, I86I. SEiHttliJF'S SALES. I Y virtue of six. dry writs of Venditioni - Exponas to me direcie4,issue J outol the Court ol Cuitim n Pleas of the county of Columbia, Pennsylvania, will be exposed to public sa!, at the Court House in Blooms bum, on SATURDAY, the 20th OF APRIL, 186I. al one o'clock in the afternoon the following described property to wit: All thai certain tract or piece of land sit uate in Suzarloaf township Columbia co , containing fifty four acres of which twenty one acres are cleared land, bounded on the North by lands of Michael Beishline, on the S-uth by lands cf Abraham Snohz, on the East by lands of Daniel Hess & Jesse Hartman and on the west by land laie ol Edmund Crawford, whereon is erected a one and a half story Plank dwelling house a Irame Barn and a Black Smith Shop wiih the appurtenances. Seized, taken in Execntio'n and to be sold as the property of John Michler. ALSO At the same time and place, all that cer tain tract of land situate in Sugarloaf twp., Columbia county bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the No'th by land of Richard Kile ort' the Eas by lnd of D. R. Lanbach on the South by land of Jesse Pennington on the west by land of John F. Laubach containing sixty eight acres more or less. About twenty five acres of which is cleared land whereon U erected a one and a half storv Plank dwelling house and other out buildings with the appurte nances. Seized, taken in execution and to .be sold as the property of George Moore. ALSO At the same time and place, all that cer tain tract or lot of land situate in Fishins creek township, Colombia county, bounded and described as follows to wit; On the North by land of Paul Pealer, on the East by land of Richard Jooes; on the South by land ot R F. Strcker, and on the West by land of William L. Parks, containing Elev en Acres, be the same more or le.", all of which is cleared bind, whereon are erected a one and a half story Plank Dwelling House, a Frame Bank Barn, and otnar ous buildmss with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of James B. Parks. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bioomsbnrg, March 27, 186I. Notice to lit Irs of Levi Bisel, dee'd COLUMBIA COUNTY: oJfjfV TH E Commonwealth of Penn $fv&& p Ivania to Susan R. Biel, wid Zi yC ow, Levi P. Biel, now residing Uiwut iniorfnirriail with '7nV Bibel, intermarried with Willisen. t" residing in Lebnnon county, Prnn'a, Robert M. Bisel, now residing in ihe State of Georgia. Henry Kent Bisel, re siding ia the same State, Narcis-a Y. Bisel, and Susan J. Bisel, both residing in Union county, Pe'insy Ivania. the last three named of whom are minors, Narcissa Y. Bisel and Susan J. Bisel, have for their Gnardian their mother, Susan R Bielt and Henry Kent Bisel, has for hi Guardian, Kobct Patter son, children and heirs ot Levi Biel, late of Madison township, Columbia county, deceased. You and each of you are hereby commanded to be and appear al our Orph ans' Couit to be holJen at Bloomsburg, in and for said county on the first Monday of May next, then and there to accept or re fuse the real estate of Levi Bi-el deceased, at the valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly atvarderf by this Honorable Court, or show cause whv ths same shall not be sold. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, Esq., Prei lent of our said Court at Bloomsbura, the 9ih day of February A. D. eiihl hundred and siviy one. JONH SNYDER, Sheriff. Blonmsburs, Feb. 27, 1861 Notice in Partition. Estate of Henry Bus$, late of Hemlock township, Columbia county deceased. COLUMBIA COUNTY: . . THE Commonwealth of Penn sylvania to Daniel Bns, Samuel L S. Bus, Adam Buss, Henry Bus, t - Morns Buss, Dortha, intermarried with - Get2er,Levina, iniermarned with Charles Sailor, Catharine, intermarried with Abraham Shoemaker; aud io all the legal representatives of Ihe said Henry Buss, deceased, greeting: You and each of yon will take notice that an Inquest will be held to make partition or valuation, as the cafe may require, of the real estate of the above named Henry Buss, deceased, situate in ihe township of Hemlock, and counly ol Columbia, on the premise, on Thursday, the 18'A d-y cf April, 1 86 1 , between thp hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and 3 o'clock in lheafternoon, of said day, at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward Esq., President of our Orphans' Court at Bloomsbura, the 9ih day of February, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.- ; JOHN SNYDER, Bioomsbnrg. Feb. 27, 186I. Sheriff. THE ITIOUIVT VERIVOIV, So r tli second Street, abore Arch, PHILADELPHIA. n. II. EDWABDSj-Proprielor. February 22. i860. ly. DAVID LOWEXBERG, CLOTHING STORE, Oa Main street,two doors above the "Amer ican Hotel." A.M. RUPERT, TISXER STOVE DBJILEH, Shopoo South sivla of Alain street, below HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES, OR Disease With Its Agonies: CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. HOLLOW AYS riliJ.S. NERVOUS DISORDERS. What is more fearful than a breaking down ol the nervous system ? To be exci table or nervous in a small degree is most distressing, for where can a remedy be found 1 There is one : driuk but litlle wine. beer, or spirits, or far better, none; lake no coffee, weak tea being preferable; get all the Iresh air you can ; take three or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slops ;and if these gold en rules are followed, you will be happy in mind and strong in body, and have any nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one thing more than another for which these PilU are so famous it is their purifying properties, especially their power ol cleansing the blood from all im purities, and removing dangerous and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted as the one gtand remedy for female complaints thev never fail, never weaken the system, and always bring about w hat is required. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelings which so sadden us. most frequently arise from annoyances or troub le, from ohsiructed perspiration, or from eating and drinking what is ur.fil for us thns disordering the liver and stomach These organs must be regulated if you wist, to be well. The PilU, it taken according to the printed instruction", will quickly re' store a healthy action to both liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural con sequence, a gocd appetite and a clear head. In the East and Wet fndis scaicely any other medicine is ever used for ihese dis orders. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS.' In all disease affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the lnins over the regions of the kidneya. these Pills should bo taken accor ding to the printed instructions directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the 6mall of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER. No medicine will so effectually imorove Ihe tone of the stomach as these Pilis; they remove all acidity, occasioned ei'dier by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it lo a healthy action; they are wonderfuliy efficacious in caes ol spasm in fact they never fail in curing all disorders ol the li er and etomnch. Hollnwny"s rills are the beat remedy known in .1 . . 1. j . - II J . iic icotiu jvr me juiioicm aiseases. Ague, Inflammation, Athma, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, tf Serof'ila,' or King's Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Grave!, Secondary Symptoms, Tic-Doolourux, Uu mours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections, Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, &iC, Sic. Billions Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of tha BowM. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Djsentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, CAUTIOT !! None are genuine unless the words "HoHowav, New York nd Lon don' are discernable a a Water-moth in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box : the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one rendering sneh information as may lead lo the detection ol any party or paries coun terfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold a: Ihe M:inufacforr of Professor Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all re?pecable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and Si each. PF There is considerable saving By ta king the Iargessize8. N. B Directions for the guidance of p a tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. Ofot-er. 17. i860. FOR MAY 1ERM, 1861. Bloom George H. Brown, Joeph Weaver. Benton Peter Ca'-e, Eli Mendenhall. Beaver Samuel Cox, Peter Kuechl. Briarcreek Jonas Wright. Cattawissa William Miller, Maihias Hart man. Centre Edward Harlman, Gilbert II. Fow ler. Fishngcreek James Edgar. Greenwood Edward Albertson. Hemlock John H. Faust, Esaw Girton, Jesse Ohl. Locust Henry Keller, Adam Dimmig, Ja cob Harner, Leonard Adams. Madisot. Isaac Whipple. Montour Jacob Arnwme. Maine Jacob Shuman Sugarloaf William Stephens, jr. TRAVERSE JURORS. Bloom James Freeze, John Leacock, L. B. Rupert. Beaver Joel Bredbeuder, Peter Hauck. Benton John Doty. Cattawissa William John, Daniel Gear hart, Joseph Martz. Daniel Kreigh. Conyngharn Isaac W. Haus, Frederick R. Wohlfarth. Centre Peter Miller. Fishingcreek Albert Ammerman, George M. Howell, Hugh McBride, Greenwood David Dreiblebis, Hemlock John M. Barton, Jackson John Keseler. Locust David Kosienbauder, George Kel ler, Enoch Kester, Silas Whynn, Abra ham Yeager. Maine William Gettling. Mifflin Solomon Eckroth, Levi Creasy, John Michael. Mt. Pleasant George Caveoee, Samuel Johnson.' r Madison Joseph C. Smith, Robert Johnson. Oiange Nathan Miller. Pine BenjaminyVinter8ieen, Scott Samuel Beiz. Sugarloaf John M. Cole. Illasilis of all Kim's. STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES .. or the - ; CO'UNTr OF 'COLUMBIA. From the 1st day of January, i860, to the iit day of Januiry, 1861. THE Auditors elected to settle and adjust the Public Accounts cf Columbia county, have examined the rare, from the 1st day of January, If 60, to Ihe. 1st day ol January, 1861, and respectfully lay before ihe Hon orable the Judges ot the Court of Common Pleas, the following stalen entand reports, agreeably to the Twenty-second Section ot an Act ot the General Assembly of thi Commonwealth, passed the Fourth day ot April, A. D. 1834. JOHN A- I UNSTOIV, Treasurer of Columbia County, io account with said County : January, 1860 : To Faxes outstanding, S8,125 75 Feb'y 6, To cash ol Jacob Yohe, for old plank, 1 26 Feb'y 6 To cash of John D. Run- an, Toxes, 15 March 26 To cash of SheriffSny- der, Jury Fees & Fines, 96 94 May 7 To cash ot J. W. Merrill, land redeemed, 3 50 May 9 To cash of J. S. McNinch, la'e Treasurer, 39 35 June 8, To cash of N. Y. M. C. F. li. K. & Coal Co , land redeemed, 80 53 June 13 To cash ot Sm'lM Henry laud redeemed, 2 24 June 13 To am't of County Tax assessed tor 1860, 8,779 25 June 13 To cash received for mil itary assessment, i860, 40 60 do To County tax on unseated and seated lauds returned, 587 74 do To tax on seated and unseated lands returned, 464 61 do To ca$b, road tax on seated and unseated lands returned, 1,245 39 do To School Tax on seated and unseated lands, returned, 98 35 do To cash, poor lax, on seated and unseated land relurned, 168 80 June 23 To cash ol Dr. H. W. Mc- Reynolds, taxes, 84 July 27 To cash ,of Jas. Lamon, land redeemed, 2 74 Oct., 12 To cash of David Savage, lor old plank, 7 17 Nov. To am't ten day assessment, 11 20 Dec. 3d lo cash of E. Reynolds, Laud redeemed, 2 64 do To: cash ot Joseph Sharpless for old iron, i tJ Dec. 4: To cash from J. N. Jones, land redeemed, 46 Dec. 5, To cash of Hudson Broth ers for use of Court Room, 2 50 Dec. 29 To cash of Y. M. C. A., per J. W. Hartman, 3 00 do To cash of Hudson Brothers for use of Court Room, 5 00 do To cash of C. & P. Bellas, for old bridge near Orange vi'ld, 50 00 do To cash ol Jacob Eyerly, Pro thonotary, Jury fee, 4 00 do To cash of E. H Litlle, Jury fee 4 rjO do To cash of John Snyder,Stieriff, Jury Fee ard Fines, 101 59 do To cash of A. B. Tate, amount to be refunded, - 12 50 do To amount added to duplicates 7 04 do To cash received on outs and- ing taxes, 59 34 20,351 48 By am'nt outstanding for 1860 and previous year, S7.143 37 By exonerations allowed collectors 227 39 " commissions Uo do 483 75 " arn't paid State assessm'l less than quota 164 72 By orders redeemeJ of 160, 9 9()2 75 do do 1859, 487 71 By orders redeemed of 1858, and previous years, By Treasurer's commission on 33,- 360 35, By cash in hands of Treasurer, due county, 51 90 334 41 2 055 48 $20, 851 48 Expenditures : ASSESSORS' PAY ANNUAL ASSESS MENT. Leonard B Ropert, Bloom twp. Is-aiah Bower, Borough Berwick, WillUm Erwine, Briarcreek, Josiah Ri'tenhouse. Beaver, Samuel li. Kline, Benton, Samuel Neyhard. Centre, M H. Kerr, Ca!tawisa, Daniel McKieman, Conyngharn, Emandns Utaugt, Fi-hmgcreek, Aaron Lamberson. Franklin, A. H. Kitchen, Green .vcod, John H. Faust, Hmlock, Jeremiah Kline, Jackson, Gera Hower, Locust, Lawrence Waiters, Mifflin, William. T. Shuman, Maine, Peter M. Kashner, Montour, John Stetler, Madison, I-aac Cnlp, Mount Plwasar.t, George Richard, Orange. A. J. Manning. Pine, Charles De'f Roaringcreek, J. R. Fritz, Sugarloaf, Matthew Case, Scott, 18 71 11 88 13 6 13 59 17 43 16 16 15 60 14 00 16 24 8 56 15 98 15 75 11 86 15 84 15 68 10 85 9 12 15 86 12 66 14 27 14 24 9 03 11 53 !4 13 $332 63 ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWS. Am't paid undry persons tor road and bride views during the year 181 00 JURORS' WAGES AND MILEAGE. Amount paid Jurors al the several Courts, INCIDENTAL. Amount paid for paper, ink, etc. POSTAGE. Amount paid Leonard B Ropert, SURVEYOR. Am'nt paid Solomon Neyhard for surveying unseated lands Am'nt paid for Surveying county line between Columbia and Lu zerne Counties, agreeably lo an Act of Assembly, passed April 2d, 1860, 996 42 47 20 2 84 161 CO 41 50 S202 50 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Amount paid E. H Little, Esqr. PRINTING. Amount paid W. H. Jacoby, do do Palemon John, do do A. B. Tate, do do L. L. Tate, 109 00 93 80 37 00 64 50 116 50 $31 l 80 SHERIFF'S BILL. Am'nt paid John Snyder boarding Prisoners and notifying Jurors Am't paid, convey ing John Whip ple to the Eastern btaie Peniten tiary, Amt conveying Jno. Greenough to E. S. Penitentiary & W. J. Cook, Am't pad conveying Rob't Brown to Insane Asylum, Harrisburg, 377 93 70 00 95 00 37 00 . - ' . $579 93 FOX AND WILD CAT SCALPS. Amount paid sundry persons, 90 42 CLEANING COURT HOUSE. Amt. paid Ann Long, during year, TIP-STAVES. Arn' ril a' the several Courts, v, BLANK AND LAW BOOKS. Amount paid sundry persons, 17 00 43 0Q 53 72 PROTHONOTARY. Amt. paid Jacob Eyerlys per bills, 128 51 -J fXv STJU TF LS- vjTXin t.h ROAD DAMAGES. Amt. paid Hiram Hess, Fish'creek, 25 00 do David Bobb, Madison, lo "0 do . Shadrack Eves, Pine 45 00 do ' Abraham Henlock, Pine, , 35 00 do heirs of G. Kline, Orange, 68 00 do Samuel Boon, Bloom, 50 00 do John He-s,, 25 00 do Henry Keller, Locust, 50 00 8305 00 BRIDGE CONTRACTS. Amount paid David Savage, do Daniel McIIenry, 19 34 50 32 $53 82 BRIDGE REPAIRS. Amount paid for repairing t-ridges, 664 83 TAX REFUNDED. Amt. of road, school, and pooi tax on unsealed Lands, returned to townships, 2,C99 07 Amt. refunded to Michael Brobst, 7 00 S2,106 07 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Amt. paid Col. Co. Agricult'l S c'y, 100 00 CO. AUDITORS AND THEIR CLERK. Amt. paid Audi ors and their Clerk, $39 50 do W. Wirt auditing Pro thonotary and Register's accounts, 12 50 $52 0(44 ELECTION EXPENSES. Spring elecion and sw earing officers 36 58 General election, ' 328 00 Presidential Election, 343 60 $1,058 19 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Amt. paid Witnesses, Justices, &c. 70 09 COURT CRIER. Amt. paid Moses Coffman, 49 00 FUEL Amt. paid for Coal and Wood, 59 73 COMMISSIONERS' ATTORNEY Amount paid John (J. Freeze, E-q , 85 00 IKSUKANCK Amt paid B. F. Hartman lor Lyc. Mutual Itisurnnce Company, INQUEST. Ami paid Wm. T. Shuman, Esq., body ol John T. Keeth, Amt. paid Reuben Fahringer, Esq. body of Darnel Herbster, Am't paid John Hartman, Esq , body of Baltis App'eman, Ami paid Reuben Fahringer, q. body of Thomas Conly, 19 33 10 37 17 65 10 73 20 41 59 19 216 54 28 00 32 oa PENITENTIARY. Paid E. S Penitentiary lorsuppor'. of convict, MEDICAL SERVICES. Paid F. C. Harrison, M 0, medi cal a'tendance on prisoners, Paid Jno. Ramsey, M. D., medical altendacne on prisoners, $60 U0 COUNTY BUILDINGS. Amn't paid for papering in Court Hout,e. Sheriff's house, Stoves in Court House, repairing pump al Sheriff s house, repairing Stable, Lamps in Court Houe, three Couutv Mans, &c, $293 44 TREASURER. To amount paid Jas. S. McNinch, late Treasurer, balance due from county, as per Auditor's Report, ?487 78 COMMISSIONERS AND CLERK. Amt paid Elias Deiiench, 146 00 Amt paid E. Deiiench expenses to Harrisburg on Dusiness tor me county. Ami. paid George Miller, do Joseph R. Patton, do William Lamon, do R. C. Fruit, Clerk, 15 142 151 18 400 00 50 00 00 00 $372 50 Whole Amount of Orders issued for 1860, $10,009 80 Deduct amt. ol Taxes refunded, 2,106 07 do do paid late Treasurer, 4S7 78 Deduct amt. to be refunded by A. B Tate, vhirh was over-pay lor the year 1860, 12 50 $2 606 35 Expenditures for the year 1660, ,$7,403 45 We, the undersigned Auditors of the Co. of Columbia, being duly elected to adjust aud settle the accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners, have carefully examined ihe accounts and voucher ol the same, from the first day of January, A. D., I860, to the firt day of January, A. D., 1861, do certify that we find them correct as set iorih in the foregoing "talemeni, and that we find a balance due Columbia conrdy of Twenty Hundred and Fif'y Five Dollars and Forty Eighl cents Irom John A. Funston, Treasur er of said county. Given under our hands this eleventh day of Januarv, A. D., 1861. DAVID DEMO IT, GKO. M HOWELL. JOSEPH B KNUTLE County Auditors. Attest W. Wirt, Clerk. We, the undersigned Commissioner of Columbia county , do certify that the lore gmug is a correct statement of the accounts of said county tor the year If 60. In testimony whereol we have herein'o set our hands ibis 1 1th day of January.A. D 1861. GEORGE MILLER, Corn's of Col. Co. JOSEPH R. PAT I ON WILLIAM LAMON, Attest R. C Fruit. Clerk. FINANCES OF COLUMBIA CO. Balance due from Collectors, 7, 143 37 Note of Betjmin Hayma'i's adm'r, 26 24 Balance due Worn Treasurer, S2 055 48 $9,225 09 Orders unredeemed for 1858 and previous years, Orders unredeemed for 18f9, do do 1860, Orders outstanding, 8 1 107 09 38 05 llti 52 59,108 57 Balance in favor f Countv, February 5th 1861 aoi'rnved by the Court. JACOti EVANS, I Associate STEPHEN BALDY, Judges. Bloomsburg, Feb. 13. 16 1. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Latk White Swan) Race Street, above 3d Philadelphia QUILLMAN If B0YER, Proprietors Term per day, TO the old customers of this well-known House, we desire to say, thai we have renovated, improved aud newly furnished the saifie, and that we respectfully solicit a continuance of their patronage. S'rangers, travelers and visitors we cor dially invite to the ho&pilalliiy of the "Na tional" to come and see and judge tor themselves of its advantages and merits. Our location is central, and convenient for Merchant- and business men generally We will always endeavor to study the wants and comforts of our guests, aud with the assistance of Mr. Joseph HoctJa, our affable and attentive Clerk, we teel prepar ed to keep a good Hotel, and hope (ogive general satisfaction. J HENRY QUILLMAN, ) JOHN BOYER. Pbilad., Feb. 13, 1861 y. FOR SALE! SEVERAL desirable Building tvcuAi. aesiraoie Duuoing l.ois in Bloomsbnrs, for sale. Inquire of June 20, 1860-tf. W. WIRT. TO JLTiT. TVT0T1CE ishereby given that two or three spacious rooms wiil be let ou reasonable terms. . Inquire ot . IIMJ WLIIL "'.U ' 11 1111 1 1 " I II-" 'S. $35,00, T3 AYS the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commer cial School in the country. Upward of Twklve Hundkko j otn.g men from TWKfcTV eight different States, have been educated for business here wiihi:i the past three years, soma of whom have been employed as book Kpprs at salaries of $000,00 per AiiiiHHl, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered the college. Mmislri.' sons hall price. Student? enter at any time, and review when they plense, without extra charge. For CaiRlogue1 of 81 pae, Specimen of Prof. Cowley' Bniries mil Ornamental Penmanship, and a larg Engraving of the College, inct84 twenty rive ceuts in Post age S'arrip- lo I tie Princip d. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. January 9. 1S61. S, ;T " ;-r. i i- .-. V W .4 'iV Kit OF OF ALL KINDS, AT J. J. BKOWliU'S v.- tv V? o & Cheaper (haii lilver. May IP, 160. .. jtf, Tinware & Stove Establishment. rjfUE UNDERSIGNED respectfully m forms his old friends and customers, that he ha purchased his bro her's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conductd by himtdl exclusively. He has just recoived and of fx, 'er lor sale the largest and most -gS tensive assortment of FANCY STOTVS ever introduced into this marke. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kindt of repairing done, s ueual, nn short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A.M.RUPERT Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. tf. NEW GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF FA Mi AXD WIXTEB G2 C & AT miAAUZ'S STOKE! fl'HE subscriber has just returned from the " City w'uh another large and select as sortment of FALL AND WINTER Goods, purchased at Philadelphia, at the liwes figure, and which he ia determined to sell on a modera:e term? a can be procured elsewhere in Bloomeburg. His slock com prises Lnriie' Ircs flood, of the choicest styles and lateM fashions. DRY GOODS, irGD C2 CI3 ti Ct2 3 Hardware, (iueensware, Cedarwa'e, Hol- lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoe, Hats and Caps, fee , &c. In short, everything usually kept in country Stores; lo which he invites the public generally. The highest price paid for country produce. S. H. MILLER. Bioomsbnrg. Oot 24. 16(1 lew Fall Goods! LARGE ST01K AM) LOW TKICCS. A e have asiaiti been to :he city, and re- turned wth a large s'ock of Goods for the seaon, which we are prepared io sell al a low figure lor ready pay. Our stock consists of Hardware, (iueensware, Cedarware, Wil- low-ware, Ho!low-wre, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nail-, Iron, Pish, Salt, Plas'er. Fluid, Campherte Oil, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, Sir., &c. II C. S: I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, Oc. 17, If 60. A I t si i it i l ra I or'. I of ice. Estate cf PtUr KUne. tnie of Locust township, Columbia comi'y deceased LETTERS rd adiiiiiusiru'ioti on Hie est' ol Peter Kltne, late of LocuslMowriship. Columbia court'y, deceased, tmve bee i iiranied bv Hie Register of said coun'y lo Martin V.'B. KKrie, residing in the town ship and county aloresai.l. All person having cUitns or demands against ihe es'ate of the decedent are requested to make ihem known to lhe undetstuied, and thoe indebted to the estate to make payment to the admitiis raior without delay. MARTIN V. B. KLINE. January 23, 1 S6 1 6w. Adn.r. Atliuinistrator's .olice. IETTEUS ol a;rati'n on the estate ot Jaccb Wanamacher, late of Frank lin township, Columbia county, decea.-ed, have been gratt'.ed by the Register of Co lumbia county, to lhe undersigned, residing in said Franklm township ; ail persons hav ing claims against the eia'e of the dece dent are reqeested to present them lo the administrators without delay, and ihoe indebted to come forward and make pay ment forthwith to MARY L WAN AM A CHER, ' J Admr'f. FRANKLIN TRE1BLEY, Frankl.n, Alarch 6, 1861. Administrator's IVolice. Estate cf John C. Gturhart. late of Franklin tcvtuh'p, Columbia county, deceased. LETTERS of A Iminis'ranon on the estate nf Jntin C Gearharl. late of Franklin township, Columbia coun'y, deceased, nave been granted, by the Register of said coun ty, to Daniel C Gearhari, of Maine town ship, and county aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against Ihe cs late of the decedent are requested to make them known to the a iminisirator and those indebted lo the estate lo make payment immediately to DANIEL C. GEARHART. January 23, 1861 6w. .dmr. Administrator's Iotice. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas J. Robbin, lata of Fishingcreek township, Colombia conntyf deceased, have been granted by lhe Register of said coun ty, to Abraham W. Bobbins, residing in said Fishingcreek township. All person having claims or demands against the es tate of the decedent are requested to make them known to the administrator and tfcose E S TAB L I S H M E NT THANKS, nay best thanks,, to all; wilt. . few slanderers, I have a bone to pick, a V that i: I forgive tbem, gladly , vtry jJadt,; they have injured me very litlle; for It?'-- what lhe "knowing" ones say : "Hf a real good workman, the besl we kno A excellen Watchmaker and a first rate t ' ver Smith and Jeweller, and if yon U' rig ht true as gold." Now mind ! how ty. I 4ln on-irate m rjirti- for this popu' go-id opinion 1 Ai;-f: fy a re'tv.'-J, troi;g ffiri to do what 1 right tr:d ' ; last. New Watches, new tl-k-; 'o i tirip s,in of con-n'o-' J"wlr; giti -a i"- mew ot S. ecldei, Hi f ilrf-e- If f !?; f.t : -!, plated, s eel, iiil .te frn ..t; " i!ase. io Min b!l H'.'e-: h I iJI -Oitr'-eri Watch "la-r"s, il)l.til'g at d Oi"-ii t ut : watch fractals hiiiI cl"-k trimn Has. '. so Inrth Also Sewing Al.icl ifies hep' 0.. j and repaired. A'- a very tin arin-1- oT grd t pn,warr!riied 14 Carats, Band Dee-, Mammotn and erei I HENRY ZUPPINGER. B'cjmsburg. H"c. S6. 160. iev A rrival of Sl'EIAG AND fcOiJlEH GOODS, Jlavitl l.oweiibci g INVITES attention lo his slock of cKepp and fashionale clothing at hi; tiore o n Mam street, two doors above the 4 Amer ican House,' where tie has fu I i assort ment ot men and boy's wearing apparel., including ihe most fashionable I) i: i; s s goods, Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth roy't of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colorw, shawls, si ripe s and figure, vests, shirts, cra vats, stocks, collars ,h and kerchiefs, glove b , suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shor'notire aru in the best manner. Ail his clothing in made lo went t and most of it is of homt manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bioomsbnrg, March 13, 1861. XEV FALL AND Jl'ISTER II A It TZ Jtc E T T I AVE just received from Phdadelphia a splendid assortment of merchandise, purchased at the lowest fi2"re, and which they are determined lo sell for CnIi or Country Produce, on as moderate terms a can be procured elsewhere in Liuht Sfeel. Theii Stock con sists ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and la'est fashions. DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE. CEDAR M jf R E, HOLl.OW-W 'Jj II E, Iron, frails and Spikes, rOOrxAND SMOES. HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CL0TH1XG, &C &c, In short evert thing usually kept in a coun try S'ore. They respectfully invite their old friends, and the public nenerally, to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewher. CF The highest price paid for country produce. MARTZ L ENT. Light S'reet, Oct. 31, 1860. " RISK TAKE PP THY BED AND WALK " The Analytical Physician and Kargean, IS daily astoni-hing hi patients by iha cure of Ions standing direase. H! REMEDIES ARE PURELY YECETA II J. 10. He will be at Ihe followirg places the same daj s cf earn m onth as stt'ed t low, w hen fie can be cons cl'ed for all dis eases fieth i heir to. COCLTATIOX Fit EE. At Nicely's, in Berwick 2ih and 29th. The Exchange B!oom-burg 3(ih to let. Tre Mou our House Danville, 2d & 3d. January 30, 1861 Im-pd. Adruiuislrator's otice( rETTERS c f admir.i-lratiofi on t! n es J late ot Joiepi Gearhrt, la'e of Cai' wissa township, Columhia county, !ecd.t have been granted by the Roister of s:m ' conn!)-, to the undersigned, residing In said townshp: and all person havi'- claims or 'emands against said es ate, reqne-ted to make kt own the sam to undersijiied, and tl.o-e n.debied to mak paymeul foithwnh lo JOHN KE1FER. Adox'r. Ca'tawissa twp., March 6 1861. Exccufor's Aolicci VOTIL'E i hereby iven ihai r. ler- ' Tetaiiientary upon the esU'e ot Eutx Scott, late of the township of H!pm,ii trt county of ("olDtnt 'n, ders.sed, hai I eejj this d y granted by the R-i-ier of si I couniy i ll e under-ijznei, re-ii!ing in sai l township ; and that all i er-on having nanus or oemaniis a requested io make I l 1 ainst said estate r.r known tre same" to Ite iaid uudersj-jiied without delav- WARREN J. WOODWARD. Bloomsbura. March 6, 161 6 v. GUKLMV00D SEMINARY THE SPRING TERM of this li.a i urion will commence on the ei li of April and coutinue 10 wefks BOARDING, IT 1 1 ION, tor ihis term w 11 be 525,00 Important changes and improvements am in progress, of which due nonce will soon be siven. For catalogues or further particulars, ad dre-s WM. EURGESS. Principal. Millvilb, Col. CO., Marc! 6 1"6 I. x otic i:. 4 LL pernn indebted to the cndert2ned ir Professional sei vices up lo April 1st, 1S60, aie respct'ully reqnee'ed to call and settle, either l y Nni or o h-ri.e. J. C. R UTTER, xM. D. Bloom-bnrc: Aug. 15 l5.1.-tf. t oil .WEE- A 200 sale ood CANAL BOAT for cheap. Terms io eutt purchasers. E. H. LITTLE. Bloomsburg, Jan. 16, 1S61. For Sale or Kent. ffTHE subscriber offers three House 1 and lots lor sale, or tenl, O'te in BIo-t s burg, one al Buckhcr i, a J one rt lower Lme Rrde, a'-o a Srore Rrr--n and grana ry suitMe lor a small S ore or fJrocery, it being in a guoJ locality o' the town. Bioomsbnrg Feb. 6, 1861. W ALL PAPEK! WILL l'APEIJ!! 4 N Ar'icle of most excellent Wall Parier to be had at the Post OrTice. A Ireit upply of superior in quality and style to any in thi Market for sale cheap, bv K. J. THORNTON. B'ooms! org, March 13, 1P61. 100,0U0 K Dozen E2S wanlid at tt. pes Office, fmwhich