MARK THESE FACTS ! THE TESTIMC5I CF TUK CKL1). . i ....... H O U LOW A Y'S O I NT M E NT. BAD LEGS, BAD BREATS, SORES. AND ULCERS. .A'l prescription of pores are remediable by the proper and diligent use ol iti V ines timable preparation. To a'tmpl ' to cure bad legs by plastering the edges of ihe wound together if a folly ; for should the skin unite, a boggy diseased dondition re mains ondefiteaifi to break out wiih tenfold furv in a few days. "The only ralionanl and snccesslnl ireatrrient, as indicated by nature, it to reduce the inflaroaiiOD in and about the wouod and ic soothe the neighboring part by robbing in plenty of the Ointment a frail if forced into meat. DIPTHEIUA. ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEVERS. Anv of tfce above diseases may be cured mmi rubbing he Ointment three limea a day into the rhest, throat and neck of the patient; it will soon penetrate, and give immedwie relief.- Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole eys lera ere i'S influence can be fell in any lo- ral part, whereas the Ointment will do us work at evee. Whoever trie tte ungueni in the above manner ol the disease named, 01 any similar disorders affecting ihe chest sad throat, will find themselves relieved as by a charm. PILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above class ol complaints w:ii oe removed by nightly fomenting the pari wiih warm water, and then by most efieot aally rubbing, in tha Ointment. Persons suffering lroin these direful complain! bould lose not a moment in arresting their progress It fchould be understood that it is noi sufficient merely to smear the Oint mett on the affected parts, but it muni be well rubbed in for ome considerable time two or three times a day, that it may be tken inio the system, whence it will re move any hidden pore or wound as effect ually a though palpable to the eye. There again bread ami water pouliires, alter rub bing in of the Ointment, will do great ser vice. This is th only sure treatment tor females, cases. ot cai.cer io life stomach, or where there mty be a geueral bearing dovn. INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. Blotches, a also swellings, eartaiciy, b -radically tl3, with cured if the Oint- tnnt he used Ireelr. and Pill be taken iiigbt and morning as recommended in the prin'ed instructions. When treated in any o-.her way tney only dry up in one place to break out in another ; whereas this Oint ment will remove the homor from the sys tem, and leave the patient a vigorous and ,al:hr heinrr. Ii will require time with the use rf the Pills to ensure a lasting cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND --SI IFF JOINTS. AUhoog'i -the above complaints difler widely in"ihe'rr origin and nature, yet they all require local treatment. Msny of the worst caes, of such diseases, will yield in a .comparatively short space cf time wh -n this Omiraent is diligently rubbed into the parts affected, even after every other means have failed. In all e&rion maladies the Pill should be taken according to the di tveuoas ctfompan in2 each box. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the folkwing cosj : Drpsy, Dysentery, THE PEOPLE S COOK BO()K M O D E K J'6 OK E K Y "lit all its Branches, MISS ET.l'ZA ACTON, CARFOLLT RiVlf(D BT MR8 8. 'J HALE. IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose all kind. of Meats, Poultry, and Game, w'nh all the various and most approved modes of dressing and oo kmy Beet and Poik ; al- ihe best arid simplest way of sailing, pick ling and curing the same. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and mod approved modes ol dressing, cooking and boning Motion, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, wiih the differed' Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings appro priate to each. IT TELLS-YOU HOWT to choose, ciean and preserve Fish of ail kinds, and how to sweeien it w hen tainled ; also all the va rious and roost approved modes of cooking with the different Dressings, Sauces, arid Flavorings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meal, Fish. Fowl. Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Setoniii!; appropriate lo each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes ol cooking Vegeta bles of every description, also how io pre pare Pickles,' Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fibh, Oame, Mush rooms. &e. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and moM approved modes of preparing and cooking all kind of rlain and ancy fas trv. Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cake Confectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of everv dt scr;p ion IP TELLS TOU ALL ihe various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and Biscuit, the best method ol preparing Coffee, Chocolaie, ar.d Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Winesjol vatious kinds. IT TELLS YOU HOW to pel oni and or nameni a Table, how lo Carve all kinds of Fish, Flefh or Fowl, and in short, how ioso simplify ihe whole Art of Cooking a to hrin" ihe choicest luxuries of tbe table within eer body's reach. Ttie book contains 418 pages, and up wards ol twelve hundred Receipts, all ol which are the results ol actual experiences having been lully and carelullv tested un flr nprsonal mi neriiitendence ol the writers. It is printed in a clear and open typej is illustrated with appropriate engra ving, and will be lorwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt ot the price, Si 00. or in cloth, extta, SI. 25. ISIOOO a Year can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, our in ducements to all such being very liberal. iot single copies o! the Book, or fur lerms to agents, with other information apply to or address 1 JOHN E. POTTER, 'Publisher, y',$ L3G'Kll!'.t4l.UT r;. , m ? jtd si u si ce tcq COAL Clll BUHNERS AND, LAMPS . . V rOK BCKNlNft " . '"" Coal, Kerosene, or Carbon Oils. The best, inosi brilliant, and cheapesi por table Imni r ow in rse. Io canger ol ex plosion and cheaper than fluid, lard oil, lish oil, or Campripm : - ZT EQUAL TO GAS . j& Without the expense of ga fixi u iks. The above Lamps (with all iheir fancy trim mo ran be seen and bouht at ihe old establirhed'Drug and Chen.ioal btore of the undersigned, who flatters himselt that Irom his Un experience in the Dron trade, he knows how and where to boy. and is deter mined not to be undersold by any ore m lilt omsbo.rg. or surrounding country, Call ;.i.d ee h'.s nw and well selede stock i DRUGS MEDICINES & CHEMICALS, PAINTS, VARMSHES, DYESTUFFS, OILS. GLASS FROM 7x9 to 24t36, CONFECTION ARIES. PER FUMERY AND FANCY TOILET, ARM CLES FOR LADIES & GENTS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Vssi'd Brands, Patent Medicines of every variety in use, Liquor (pnre) for medicinal use only, Fluid Can.phene, CarPon Oil. Torperiiine and Alcohol. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Audomnal Supporters. Suraical and Denial Instruments, Hh Nil'& Tooth bmshe, Prof. Humphrey's Hoiitcepathiu Remedies, garden, canary, rape alid hemp seeds, thermometers, pronl-olasses moroc co leather and shoe findings, &.c , &c. io gpther with the largest and most varied as sortment of (ierman Tnv ar.o Tanker Notions, ever brought lo this place, 'all of which rail and see. and vou must believe. Having learned by sad experience that 'lo:ig credi's will not keep things moving," I have determined io to cash buyers, io make it an otject io ihem as well us the -seller, lo deal on the cash principle, either money or ready irnde. Having served a regular apprenticeship at the Drug and Apothecary business, be sides having carried it on for the last eigh teen ear. on my own hook, Tfla'.ter my seif that I am able to do juii-e lo all iving rne a irial. Thankful to the public for oast tnvors, I would ask a trial on the ne:v prin ciple, and. will snarantee to all, that ii will make long friends, and pay best in the end lo pay cash and buy at reduced prices. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded, an. I all orders coj ree'dy answered. All meilie-nes gnaraiued a recommended, S'ore Room on Main S reet, near Market, next door to the Post Office, Bloonisburg. Columbia conrity. Pa. EPHRAIM P. December 7, 1859-tf. LUT2. No. 617 Janom nov!4rii6 St., Philadelphia. Ague. Asthma, Billiou Coir. plains, Elolches on he Skin, Bowel Complaint, Colics, Coosilpaion of the Bowels, Consumption, -Debility,' Intlammtiorf, Jaundice Liver Com plaints, Lumbage, Piles, Kheumatim, Retention ot Urine,. . Scrofula, or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of ajl kinds, Fits, Gout, Head-acbe, . Indigestion, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary symptoms, Tic-Donlourenx, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever, Great Work on Ihe Ilore. THE HOUSE .D III3 DISUSES ; BY ROBERT JKJiMSGS, V. S., Professor of Pathology and Over 'five Surgery m the i terina)y College of PkiUule'pjM. &c , Sac CAUTION J No re are gennine unless the words "Holloway, lew orkand Lon don," are disceraib' as a Water mrrk u every leaf of '-be biok of direction are on ich pot or box : the same may be plainlv sen by holding the le-fto the light. A hand tome reward will be given to any one ren dering eoch intormaiion as wav lead hand detecXion ot anv party or parties counter feiting it.e or vending the same, knowing thm to te spurious. - Sold at Ihe Marnfaclory of Professor HoUoway, 80 Ma'nln Lane, New York, and by ail respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout ihe civilized world. nni. at 25c. 62c. and SI each. CZT There is a considerable saving by taking 'h larger sizes. , N. B -Directions for the ganlance of pa ti'entis. iu every Jisordfr. are affixed toeach box: October 10, i860. AMERICAN STOCK JOCRSAL. T II E. Tniiu VOLUME fommences January 1st ISGI. DEVOTED especially ro mailers relating to domestic animals. The lalgest, and cheapest paper of the kind in the world. Published Monthly, at No. 25 Park Row, New York. Price, 51, fiO per year in ad vance. Specimen copie gratis. D. C. LLNSLKY. Editor and Proprietor. -.OTIS F. It. WAITE, Associate Editor. Par.ara wirin the above advenisemem ih,M inaeriioii. and sending a etc., etc. UriLL TELL YOU of the Origin, History and distinctive, trails of Ihe various breeds rf European, Asiatic, African an 1 American Horses, with the physical forma tion ai d peculiarities ol the animal, ami how to ascertain his ai-e by the number and condition of his teeth; :liustrated Willi numerous explanatory engraving. THE HORSE AND. HIS DISEASES . Will tell you ol Breeding, Breaking, Si bling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and the general manuaemsnt of the horse, with the best modes Ot administering medicine, also J-how io ireal lidm', K cU ing, uer s,p Shying, Sinmbling. Crib Bittng. KeMle.s ness, and other vices io which he i ut j-ct: with numerous explanatory engraving THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of ihe eause, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangle, Sore Throat, Di--temper, Catarrh, lnfluer.zs, Bronchi'is. Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chro nic Ccusih, Roaring and Whistling. Lampa-. Sore Mouth and Uicer-, and Decavel Teeth, with other diseases ot the Moutri and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell yon of the cause., symptoms, and Treatment ol Worms, Bots, Colic, Strangu lation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea, Janndica, Hepatirrhoea. Bloody Unne, Stones in Ihe Kidneys ami Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases of the LICTJCRS! LICTJC?-' A liolcxale and Uctail. riHE subscriber would announce to the L citizens ol Bloom-bo rg and vicinity, that he is selling LIQUORS in large and small quantities, and ai different prices, at his New Stre, on Main street, north side, two doors sout of il lJi l IIIMI ?irri . iJi'.iviiu.-.-..., ... ', V , RAYMONDS FAMILY SEW I N G MA A C H I N E I & -.- . -- - . j? , . . PATENTtD MAKCH 9, 1858. . .t , ' . v. : ' ; , . : PRICK $10 K A f 'II. - A F.SSRS. 2JUPPINGER & ROBBINS, of i-TA B.'oomsburfi, having purchased the ex c'lusivtt' right ol the above valuable Impro ved Chea Patent Sewing &Iachiue, for the County ol Columbia, will t.e happy to supply iheir friends with theariicle lor the aecornmodalionof tbeinselves and lamilies. The following are some of Ihe superior advantages tbis implement possesses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 to 600 light stitches per minute. ,2. Double thread Machines ate from the more complicated character ol their mech anism invaiiably nikiiaped ai.d dreaded with more or less difficulty ; not so with RAYMOND'S, a ch Id can manage il in two hours, and if is threaded easier thaa a com mon dee'dle. 3. 'One of the moi valuable features of this Machine, is Ihe smallness anti trie compactness of its mechanism- 4. ' I can' be attached to a board, labia oi saiid, in operating-order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a sam, sufficiently strong for any work lor which it is intended, a qual-ifii-aiion not known lo all kind of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cing a seam so regular and systematic. Theeanris so strong if well done, ihai the fcfongest 'material "will tear before the seam will give way. 7. Among ihe array of Patent Sewing Machines, there are none so cheap and durable as Raymond's -Patent, but no Ma chine is adapted to all kinds ot work as experience has proven. There are perhaps I none sr. realy useful, doing sucii a varieiy of wore for the immediate use of the tain ily circle and at such a moderate price as RAYMOND'S PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his seam just as he pleases, waves, leaves and flowers, etc., can be represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapter io all kinds of stitchirg such as gentlemen's shirts, hnnma riaih:in:lft. collars, etc.. and all kinds of ladien' sewing, Uwn- delaines, calicoes, dusters, ele c.epling for men'sheavy wear, this Machine is rather too lijjht ol construction. 10. Bui we all admit, that the advantage to health, and principally to the viion or eyesight, iniiOced by the use of Sewing Machines, surpasses infinitely all oiher ad vantages. il. Thi Machine fastens the ways itself but if the operator unfastened or open, there too, thus you can as you please, which is, sometimes, espe cially for beginners, a very favorable cir cumstance. If ihe searn is left unfastened, on can draw it out in three seconds and iavo the thread. . " For sale by the ondersined, at their re spective re-ideiiees, in Bloomsburg, who wilt pill the Machine in operation and give all necessary instruction. HENRY Z; PP1NGER. DANIEL W. UOBB1NS. Bloomsburg, July II, I860. CABINET WARE ROOMS- S C i I. 3 Eg? SSSIVE RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of ihe public to his extensive assortment of'Cabinet Fnruituie and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a -good assort meni ot FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. which is equal in style and finish lo that ol Philadelphia or New York cities, and al as low prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from f 25 lo 550. 'Divans Loun ses, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a varieiy oi upholstered work, with' Dressing ami narloi bureaus, sofa, card, centre and nier tables, detashu?, cheffe-niers, whatnots and comode and all kindb of fashionable work His stock of bureaus, enclosed and oommon wastibiands, dress-tables, corner cupboards solas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chair is iho kraPki iii this section of the couniy. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking- .liPe with fanev silt and common irames He will also furnish spring maitranses fitted . 1 L. ... I. n n r w r t r lo anv sizeo pensieau, which air -"i for durability and comforl to any bed in use. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1858. EVANS & WATJsOiN'J ' Phil'a Manufactured ;iKS!ltp??;S A-LM A'N-DE'lt ISil: SAFES; SLSiNo.304 Chestnut Nret, 22ii23 PHILADELPHIA. From the Village Record, U l.Sl LULSlbli, l a. Saturday, Feb. 5, 1859. Robbery The office of the old Railroad, in Wesi Chester, was broken into lasi Thursday rnghl, and robbed of a sma'l a monni ol money. The thieves entered the buH.ding in the rear, broke the doors, and locks off the desks, and attempled to get in to the large iron safe, but did not succeed. The Safe whs manufactured by EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH Streets, Philadelphia. STILL ANOTHER ATTEMPT. 'October 18th, 1858. Three theives en tered ihe flouritiE-mill of Messr. Dorrace & Doron, Bristol, Pa., and tried all irght to blow open iheir Sale, with powder, which had $250 in cash, but did noi succeed in getting ii open. Their Salamander Sale was manuladured by EVANS & WATSON. includiiii! silks, ex- seam al wishes it is a way tor it have it fastened or not, Hi- D'imcsiii! stock ol Foreigti and consis's ot ("oiinac and Rochelle. Bliickber ry. Ginger, Raspherry and Lavender He h a large ar!iiiei;l d Old Rye gray with age, tine 0;d Bo'irbon, Old Fo ks Whiskey, and a-iV quai.tity of common. He al-o has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeira, Lisbon, Ciaret, S'leriy ai d Cam- lat tuit not Iph-I, a HUOWN Wntes; aiul good oagne ni:;iini!v ed ioad doi.bie ex'.rv STOUT: all of whtch he v iM sK; I at the. lowest cash prh-fS. The ; to sue I) V. R')Hiii.S, Ag't Blocmsbnrg, J;i!v il, l'ol) b!i- re respect 'yi; it a ri,il. Vl. marked will re , -or,w in A. Ii. ri.lICK, iiiusui. i., ceive a copv of the pjper one year free. AG HATCH, General Agent Dec. 12, i860. 3l. . Colombia j a large anu ex- GOOD. LIQUORS. -mvii; : nniirsioiie.l has tiuened a new Li- JL tinor: Store at M nliuvilie, r.-iifiv and to:kd it wii! j ( cUet- tssonmeni of of alt kind, tn whi-h he invites the atten lion of dealers. His Liquors are of the bit brands, aud out, trtat will satisfy all. - A. ANDREAS. i M uiv.lie, June 27. 180.. sT icT at Lair, Stomach, Bow Is, Liver and Urinary Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASL j Will tell yo'i ol the causes, symptoms, and Treatmert nt Bone, Blood anil Bog, Spavin. Ringrone, bweenis, Strains, Broken Knee, Wind Galls, Founder, Sol Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoof, Scratches. Canker, Thrush, and Corns ; also, ol Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Stagger, and other diseases of the Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the can-es, svmpioms, and Treiiment ol Fisiula, Poll Evil. Glanders. Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Snrteii. Locked Jw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Oall-, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c. &.c, and how to manage Castration, Bleeding, Trenhinning, Roweling, Firing, Hernia. Amputation, Tapping, and other surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell von of Rarey's Method of laming Horses; how to Approacti. Halter, or Stable a Col : how lo accustom a horse io strange soortds and sights, and how lo Bit Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness; also the lorm and law ct Warranty. The whole be inn the result of mote than tilleen years careful study of th habit-, peculiarities, ant and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal The book conlains 384 pages, appmpri alelv illustrated by One Hundred Er.gra vin'8. It is printed in a clear ar.d open Ivor, and will be furnished to any addres nnia.,H naid on rece'iDt of price, half bourjd, $100, or, in cloth, extra, Sl-25. SIOOO a Yenr ran be made bv enterprising men every where, in selling the above, and other r-.fti.iita'r works ot oors. Our inducemems tr. oil nfh are exceediuglv libera! c'.nfilj rnniea id tlie Book. Or for L V cin" I . terms to a2eius, wiih other information, ap nlv toorsddress JOHN E. TOI l EU, r ' . . Publisher, 617 Saosom St., Philadelphia, Pa. nov I4m6 - ' - " - - - : - ' g, C. SHIVL Manufacturer of Furniture and Cabinet Wart Wareroom in Sluve's Block, on Main Street PmLAPELWIIi AM) ia:I)LG W1N1ER ARRANGEMENT, DKCKMEEK 5TII IH59. Fotr Daily Pitssft:er Ttctins to Phifitlelp'iia. (From and pasting Reading) At 6.20 a. rn., 10 20 a m., 12 noon, (F'eiuht and Passenger.) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily trams to Po t-viile and Pori Clinton, at 10 15 a. in., ai;d 6.05 p. in. Coniiectiog at Port Clinioti with trains foi T.iimiqna, Williamport, E:niira, Buffalo, Viai'xra Falls, and ihe Canadas. The. 10.1? a. m up tram only connects a: Port Clinton wi-.h trains for Wilkesbarre, Scranton ar.d PitUton. Pa-senger leavinn Williamsport by the Cattawissa Railroad riiht lihe, al 10.15 p. m.T connect wi ll a pas-enuer trai" Inav Miu Port Clinton at 4.50 a m., arrive at Read- iO a. m., breaklast and proceed 01- .,. PLiladlnhia bv the 5.20 a til. Kead Ai i-ommodatnm Train. On Sundays :he 10.15 a. m. Down, and he 6.05 p. m Up I rain- my run. I KI1ANON VALLE l KKAMH. rico 2ViJ Daily, Sunday Exvpted) to and ; -r 1 1 y from lJarrt,!)urg. At 10 23 a. m. and 6 OS p. m. Leaving larri.-burg at 8 00 a. ;n. and 2.35 p. rn. Conneding with trains on tne rvonnem Central. Pennsylvania and CumherUod V al lev Railroad, for unoury, v iniamspon- and . Vel- lisle ing a 5 rt c ing Oilce in p.LOOMSBUKG, PA. Curt Alley. Ea-t of Court House FRESH ARRIVAL OF T l QtAKTEIW! UAVE just receive.! and uper.en .heir slock i Merchandise for sale, which .otnpri ses tlie LARGEST, Cheapest, and a-sorlri.enl now offer;d in this TO VN. Having paid great afention lo Ihe selection oi their ei.tie stu-k a to Trice ami Quality, th"y flatter themselie ijat itiey can compete j wi'.ri the cheapest, and all those wishing to ' buy cheap, can save money by giving u a call. We have a I k inds of goods and wares to supply the wants of the people. A very Inr -e and compleie asforlrnent ol LADIES' Di:tS. GOODS. Merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, J.i.m-baxine-, de bases, noplms parametta cloths, mi.ial his'tes, rniislin de laines. Persian lo:hs. Go ghams, abc.oes. &e WHITE (ifn)S OF ALL KINDS, . . - L. II. l. .f Sleeves. Col'ars. cpencers, nuen. mr, HoiHx-ii gs, bands Hiid trimmings, l.-ces edgini:s,0onnet ribbons, in large variety vet ribbons, and brids, kid, coltou. thread cloves, mohair mi tsf Ate amAj iwsns OF J-AAVLS, brociie. Bav State Waterville, black silk, cashmere, emr-rode red, &c. Also a very large Urge assortment ot Cloth", casimers, sa'uiets, veslings, tweeds, jeans, coaling vel vet, beaver cluth-. of all kinds and for men, women and We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, &c. Very cheap (A KPKTSs ('A UP15T-UAGS, FLOOR, table and carnage nil cloths, mats, rug, bas kets, &C. Muslms, flannels, licking, dra pers, towelings, driUi'igs, &n . in abundance. We invite our friends and ihe public gen- to givrt us a call before purchasing elsewhere We have t.oouhl our good al ihe LOWEST CASH PRIC ES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man kld McKELVY, NEAL&CO. Bloomsburg, Nov. 21, 1850. Itasrlt Foundry, Kloonisbur STOVES AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a targe new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of Ihe old one, is prepared to make all kinds CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRIC Et Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop Irom Mam Street to ihe Foundry Lot, where he has erected a building altogether for Sioves and Tinware. . The Cooking Sioves consist ol the M. - PENN COOK.RAUB COOK, VAN 3r LIER COOK, and PARLORSTOVES Jyjof all kinds, the Egg Cylinder Stove, &CA11 kinds of Scooting made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESb. Bloomsburg, Ai-"l 16, 1858 SEW 31ILUNEKY GOODS. FALL Ik jt. STB HBEISSB THE undersigned resj,eculully informs she ol Bloomsburs:, and vicinity, that she has just returned from the City with a splendid assortment ol new khiXiHTsk-t ooosb nnmniirtiiiu everything commonly found in &,.nui titIinerv Store. Her stvleof Bonnet", canuol be surpassed in this section d countrv and her work will favorably enmnare with anv done this side ol the cit ies. She has on hand a lot of neat and i.or,mm. Imni.on. hai and caps, for little Misses, of ad Myles and prices. MARY BARXLEY. Rtnomsbnr?. October 10 1860. Pi ltl-S TO SUT THE TIMES. The Largest ami Cheapest stock ever offered, in this City. OHAS. T.DSAIT, WHOLESALE DEALER IN French and German Baskets, Wood and Widow Wme. Noiinnn, Brushes, oil cloths, Colon Lap, Wadding, Carpet Chain, kc No 119 MARKET Street, bdow 2nd, (nor.h side) Philadelphia. riHE snbscriber has just opened an entire- y new and complete stock of goods of the best n.ialiiv and description, to which be would res-pectin Ily call the altenJion of Merchants arid Dealers who wish to find uood article CHEAP FOR CASH. These goods were bought for Net Cash, at the gready reduced prices consequent upon ihe ftringeiicv ot the times, and te hevipg the "nimtde sixpence" to be better than the "slow shiiline." Ihev ar now of fered to l!ie public at prices they defy com petition. The following are a few of the articles al- wn ys on hand Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities Toy Pails, Salt and bugar boxes, Mall bn.h --Is and Peck Measures, Well Buckets Towel Rollers, Patent, head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles. Grain scoops, toy wheelbarrows corn brooms, every variety, thoe paint scrub and sweep brushes, Sir Bioihes, brushes, Baskets, willow and ra lun chairs, shirt ra'ans, bird cages, clothes lines, bi-d cords, skirt cord, tie yam, twine of all kinds together i h a large as-orl- ment ol Notions and Fancy Goods GREAT SAFE ROBBERY AT NORRIS TOWN, Dkcembeh 1st, 1858 Some lime last night, ihe flouring-rnili ol Mr. Joieph FtZone, in Norristown, Pa., was entered and one of Farrel, Herring, & Co's best pa tent Powder prool Lock and Sale WAS BLOWN OPEN Willi row UK Ii, and S1,6C0 in cash taken ont ami carrieu away. This Safe is now in Evans & Wat . K.T A CiC vn..ll. Cnl,rtll Sf.A son s store, iu. uum where we most respectfully invite the pub lie to call and examine it. pi. B. We find in Jhefrett, uecemoer 4th. the following: " All our naies are war- ranted to aive perieci saiisiacuuu, ui money will be returned. . 3 FARREL, HERRING & CO.5' We, EVANS & -WATSON, would ask all parlies having Farrel, Herring & Co's Patent Champion Safes, to lake advantage of ihe above offer, and return Ihem and get their money, as they will find thai, in a lew the Composition wim wmcn me . 0peral0n being oil ol , years. Safes are filled fa large portion vitriol) will eat out all the iron. A speci men ol Iheir Champion Safes may be seen fro.,t of our siore, which is eaten inn oi 1 ft holes now. EVA No & va IMJ.N, iNo. 26 South FOURTH Street. f From Tfie Press of the 4th ult.J Farrel. Herring & Co's Pment Champion Safes, the only Sales made in ihe city which have nevr been robbed by burglars, or had their contents de-troyed by accident! fires. Evans & Watson's Philadelphia answer lo a New York Humbug. We the undersigned citizens of ?t Joseph, Mo. do berebv certifv that ihe iron Sate belon-iing to C. E. Baldwin, made by Far rel &C., No. 34 Walnut S;reei, Philadel phia which was in the fire that occurred here, is not tire-prooi, anu is useless as a fire prool Safe; that the books, papers, jew elry, &c. which were in the Safe ai ihe time, were mcch injured; also, that the budding which it wa in was ot tram and oulv one story high, and that a fire so tri- J J .- 4 I . J ..... U .... .1 Uiug as the one which nurneo mermrwu Safe was not sufficient to have injured any Safe purpo-l'mg to be fire-proof. W . R. I'KMil, t ruugtsi. Jo ph W. Tootle, Dry Goods. J. A Beattik, Banker. 1 io. s ki.l.Saxto sSiMcDoss'fLL, Dry Goods William Rv, Drv Goods. John Ct' hd. lry (V Y.. Bai-lwis. M. josepn, mv, EVANS WATSON, 204 CHESTNUT j tt,,m AN aperient and Stomachic rpi-i's' o of IRON ,iurifie ! of Oxygen and Caibon tf combu-tion in Hydrogen. SaneiNAM by the highest Medical Amhoriiien, loth in Earnpo and Ihe United S ale, and prescri bed in their practice. The experience of thousands Jily provss lhat no preparation of Iron can he compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depreixion of vital energy, pale and oiherwie tirkly complexions indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable Innoxious in all malad:es in which il haa proved absolutely curative in each f lh following complaints, viz: In DBbility, Nervons ArTecttons, Eman ation, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Diarrhosa, Dysentery, Incipient Consumption. Scrolu l.'Us Tuberculosia, Salt Rheum, Mismen k.ruation, Whiles, Chlorosis, Liver Corn, piainis, Chronic Headaches, Rhenmtiim, Intermnteoi Fever, Pimples on th :Fc, In cases of General Dability, whether lha result of acute disease, or of lh continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy fiom chronic complaints, one trial of ihia restorative has proved auccesrful to an ex tent which no description nor written attes tation wonld render credible. Invalids long bed-ridden as to hava become forgoi ie;i in their own neighborhoods, have ud- detdy re-appeared iu the busy world at if justice returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal insurers of ihis kind are attested of fema! Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent maranmas, sanguineous exhaustion, critical change, and that complication of nervous and dys peptic aversion lo air and rxercisa for which the physician has no name. ; In Nervous A flections of all kind, asa for reasons familiar lo medical men, th of this prepara'niri of iron must necessarily be palmary, for, ui lise the eld oxides, il is vigorously tonic, without bemjr. exciting and overheating; and gently, ularly aperient; even in the root ottinai cases of co-tivenesa wi'.hoat ever baing a gastric pur&aiite, oriiidicting a disagreeable rvtiss'icn. h is this la'ter properly, amnnz oihers, winch makes it so remarkably erlectoal and irmi!in a rerr.edy for Piles, upon which it also appears to enart c disimct and .nci fic Bctirn, by dispersing the local lendency which lorrrs ihem. . t In Dyspepsia, innumerable a are in ! causes, a single box of ihe Chalbea! Piils has ofien sufficed for (he most habi!oel cases, i.-icludinpr, the attendent Ctivan9a. In unchecked Diarrhoea, even when ad vanced to Dysentery, confirmed, emancia ting, and apparently malignant, the etTecia have been equally decisive and atonishiog. In the local pains, los of fleh and strensth. debihlatine cough, and remittent j hectic, which generally indicate Incipient j Consumpt in, this remedy ha allays th i aisrrn of friends and physicians, io several ! very gratifying and iiierssiing instance. In Scrofulas Tuberculosis, this media! j ted iron ha had for mors than the goo1' 1 effect of the most cauinnslv balanced pre i paraiions of iodine, Without any of taeir ; ell known liabilities. Th anen'ion of fonrtales cainot be too I confidently invited to this remedy and rs- stornTToti, in tha cases peen'.ati) affeeiinj l ... aiA Street, rhilade'.plua, na ve now uu mim wt largest as-ormenl of S!amrider Sates in the Ciiiied Slates, w arranted equal to any others made in the country. 1'ieas give u a call. Feb 23d, 153. 21 & ILj&2U TO TUK FSIU)NABLK AND rWTMY. undersigned uavinu ustreceivedthe J- latest Paris and New York Fa.-hions. would again beg leave to ititorm his unmet ous friends and all the world aboul Blooms bora thai he is now better prepared than ev er toaccommodaieany one w th the neatest J arqUlf!;t,on ot streng-.h, wild an nno easiest and best tuting suits ot cioines mat , naj ,iip(!ti"nion lor active and cheerlnl ei have been turned out lately ; and not only j ercise, immediately follow its use. that, but he will also do them up in the bei j put Up in neat fia: metal boxes containing order, upon the lowest terms. 50 p,j;!ii prie 50 cents per box ; tor sale by His shop ia atthe old stand, (too well I druggists and dealer. Will b? sent free lr knowntoneedfutthernotife)wherehema) j any' address on receipt of the pr-ce. AH at all time Wefound, seated upon the bench j letters, orders, elc, should b addrsed to !n Rhrimatism, both chronic and tnf!a- matory in the latter, howsver. more dei dedly it has been invariably well repcrtetl both aalleTia'inst pain and rednt-ini the swehii'gs and e:iffne?e ol the joints and mu'-cles. In Intermittent Fever it mul necessarily be a great remedy and enere ic restorative and its progress ii the new t'lements ef ihe West, will probably be one ol hi'ti re' nown and usefulness. No remedy has ever ben discovered in te whole htMory of medicine, which exer such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, compie'e digeuen, ery, Gioves. Stiirle-, Drawers, Threads, &c ofrepentanee steadily 1 rawing outt heArno j of alfliction,hopine it may in thefnrfnrovt j advantageousto him and hiscustomers.Ht j would alo advise his fiends to bear in. mi no j Ho-i- I lnat poor, atllic'ed tailors mntlive, or they Pitisbureh. Lancaster, Kallimore, uam- bersborg. &c. Thrnnrri, Ticket' Reading to Uattimore. cheap from niuticn. These goods are al! new nnd carefully (elected, and are offered at prices lhat can not fail io attract atteir.ion. Buyers will n variably find it to their own can't beexpectedto work . Therefore U heat J . Rve Corn. Oats, Potatoes), and with all now i and then a Mule CASH will com mighty j hand-from those who are back-standingon the books. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases interest to call belore purchasing elsew here. I "the laborer is worthy of his hire." Perlicular attention given to packing j gooiib for shiprrent, so as to prevent damage or excessive, charges for freight. t2? Orders bv Mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 119 Market si., north side, below 2nd, Philadelphia. Sept. 2 1, 1859-1 . 4 S3 00 50. to Lancaster, $2 25 ; io Gettysburg, 80 pounds of baggage allowed to each pasener. " The second ciass cars run .ui an above trains. ' - Through firi ciass ticket at re.nicea rates to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal point in the West, North West, and ihe Canadas; and Emigronl Ticket- at lower fares io all above places, can b had on application 10 the station agent at Reading. All tickets will be porchased before the trains start. Higher fares charged if. pai.l in cars. G. A. NICOLLS, Engineer and General Superintendent. February S2, I860- STOVE AM) TIN-1VAUE SHOP. E. II. . " v " f. LITTLE, - 1 w T , i t: xv s r o is k . W HOLES A LEA N D RETAIL HAT AND CAP STORE. tllHE undersigned respectfiilly'intorms the citizens of Bloom-burg, an die publi. in oeneral lhat he has purchased the NEW HAT STORE, in the white Irame store no ise, on Main S-reet, neaiiy opposite , Exchange Bu ildmg, where he has just re ceived a sploi'did a-sortmeni of Cilj Hats aud Caps, Direct from the Mai ufacturies, of all kinds, Myles. sons and nzes, latest fashion, which he oflrs wholesale and retail, al very low prices. - Also, STRAW GOODS, including ad ihe modern styles and la-hintis. RTThese Goods will be sold at very low prices, lor ueaay ray ocl3l - I- THE undersigned wonld inform the citi zens of Bloomsburs and vicinity, thai he has jns! received and offers lor sale one ot the m'-st extensive a-sortmcnts of COOK ING and FANCY" STOVES, ever introduced into ihis market. The Christopher Colum bus, James Robb Mid Globe are among ihe firsi class cooking Stoves, all of which are air-iihv and gas burners; His Parlor stoves are handsome and ihe assortment varied ALSO Panicuiar attention is paid to Tin Ware and House Spouting, upoo short no lice. All kinds of repairing will be done i-h . eauiess and de-patch, Country , nL-ii iii evrfia -ae for work. PHILIPS. MOVER. Bloomsburg, Oct. 3, 18f0. JOHN K GIRTON. .;..1TATJC1TZ.L HCSEL, FT:r direct, abbTe Third, P.ising Sun .Hold Berwick, Pa TH V. ;iih-crit)er would respectfully iiHorm 1.:. i.,pnHi nnd the travelling public lhal ha taken charee of the above named hotel, ad ha fitted ii r.o in ihe besi pos-ible man r,,r fnr ih sfiMimmodation of all who may favor him wiih tneir patronage. He flatters himself lhat by unremitting atttention, he can ive entire satisfaction to all. His table iih the best the market afford a' and his bar w ith I he choic.e-t liquors nKli.rinr, and !lltntive ostlers will alwavs be oil hand,iHt his Habling i the mast ex FORKS HOTEL. ELOOM?BL'RO, COLUMBIA CO., TA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, Iropnetor, 'I' AKES pleasure in announcing loihe ptib " lie that he has rented and ihorouohly refiiled the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James Freeze, in Bloom-burg, and id prepared to accomodate traveller, teamster-, drover- arid boarders. His table will be sup plied w ith the best products the markets at. ord. and his Bar will be constantly lurnish- ed with the choioel liquors Attentive osilers will always be n at tendance, and he irusts his long experience in catering lo ihe wants ol the public, and his obliging attention to customers wil se ine him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1858. ii. . iiohi;r, S V 11 H K O I DEMIST. 1 KSPEGFULLY offers his nnifH-sional services to the ladies and gentlemen of Bioom- burg and vicinity. He is prepared n attend io all the various operation in Dentistry, and is provided wuh the latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in-er ted on pivot or gold plate, 10 look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office, 3d building ahove S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west side. Bloomsburg. January 13, 1858 BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, Jan. 13th, 185. ,UI. Ii K00NS, Proj rif lor. lti.ooisiu;::i;, pa. rF,HIS magnificent Hotel, snnaie iu the L central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, hxc been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared lo acconimodale travelers, teamster-, drovers and boarders iu ihe most pleasant and agreeable manner His table w ill be supplied with the best the market atTords.and his Bar with ihe choicest liquors. Attentise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stablins- i- Ihe mo-l extensive in this section of country. Omnibuses will always be in readme-- lo convey pa?sen "ers. io and Irom the Railroad Deoot. WM. Ii. KOONS. Bloomsbnrs. July 4. ISfiO. iTSovor'fc Irug Store. under-igued l.a-iusireceived a Iresh lll'O'V ol Druss, Chemicals, I)est;ff$, AND NOJIONS GENERALLY of the be-l qualn, all of winch lie will sell atgreadv reduced prices lor ihe CASH. AI-o on hand an Improved Fruit Jar, mncli superior and cheaper to anything hitherto olf-red in this maiket. Also a lot of PICKLING JARS, much cheaper than her-oime. JOHN U JIUtMv. Bloomsburg, Angus! 23, lf60. if R. b LOCKE & CO., General Aset'ts. May 23, I5fi0-ty 339 Broadways N . V. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. ft Benevolent lustiiuiion established by x special Endowment, for ihe Relief of Hie sick and distressed, aQiciei with yirn ient and epidemic diseases, and especially tor ihe cure of diseasesof theseiual organs. Medical advice given gratis, by tho act ing Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a descriprion ol iheir condition, (age,oe cupation, habits of life. &c.,) and in case ol extreme pover'y. mediciues furnished frte of charge. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhea, and other diseases of the sexual organs, and on the r.ew remedies employed in the Dispen sary, sent i the aillicied in sealed letter en ve lopes, free ol charge. Two or tbre stamps for postage will be acceptable. Addrerf, Dr. J. Skillm Houghion, Actinjc Sureon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ni'dh Sireel, Philadelphia, Pd. By order of iho Directors. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. January 25, 1860-y. 1 BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! BLANKS ! I DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECU-IION5S.SUBP07.NAb, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of prooer & des:rableforms,fo-sale at the oface of the "tar ofthe North " ' k.f Zf ! TCI?! s P HOTCGRAPIIV IN ALL ITS Branches, Ihe 532 eveetl'e.1 III Ihe bCSI SIV ie Known in m- art. at C. C. CiiiVo uii.L.r.n a , Arch Street. East of Mxth. t r.iiaueipuia C"L"!e Si.e in Od and Pastil, riSteieoscopic Por' rails, CAnibrot pes, D.ignerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c novl4 1 1 EN RY ROS ENSTOCK, 8kv-Iii slit Am h ro I y p i t , OOMS i;i ttie Third Siury ot tne bx- Phi, Block, (entrance above tne Book Store.) Bloomsburg;, Columbia coun ty, fa. WYOMING HOUE, J. IC. l,.YOC:Ut IMtOPIllKTOR, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. rnHEProprietor respect'ully informs bt H friends and the Diiblic fteneraiiy inai na has taken charge of the Wvomw House, in the village ot Wyoming, r ear the Railroad Depot of lhat place, an 1 has fctten u out so as to entertain both transient anu penu- nent visitors in a suitable and comlorlable manner. His room are spacious and airy, and not only calculated to add to the conv. nience and comfort ol tte iraveungcummu- niiy, bui alo to those who would see at a pleasant summer resort wiih lamilies. .... v. .1. . V.t HIS TABLE will be supplied wnw iuo " the market can afford ; and his BAR will b furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention io the comfort and con vemence of his tce-ts. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rauk mong Ihe first hotels in ihe Sute. The Proprietor hopes that from his expe rience in ihe business, and by nnremiitins attention on his pan, combined wih a jo cious selection ol the mostcateful and oblig ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration o! ihe pubLc, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. GT Please give him a call, and judg for ourselv- inl"" - JI'KKLVY, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS, ynjt corner of Main and MaikeiSia. J r1 1