STAR OF THE NORTH t BLOOMS BU RG, PA. Wedatsdaj aiarning March 13th, 1S61. Job-wobk of all descriptions doi e ' a, this office upon the most reasonable terras. , ' Attestion is directed to the card of E. J.' Thornton, in auoiher column ol to days Star. 'Oca townsman, Jacob Dsf.l. started ' for Ihe New York Market, last week, with, a Jot of pptendidhofstfs. . That Valentine sent ns for publication, by a friend op the Creek, will appear in 'our next. Il is too "rich" to be lost. It is reported that the water will be turn ' ed in the North Branch Canal oh Friday "fiexl. Navigation has already commenced lin some of the Canals down country. 'On our first page will be found Abraham "-Lincoln's Inaugural Address, delivered on ihe 4 h in at., which excludes from that de 'partmenl of our paper much of our usual variety. , m my m m m i i "A dangerous new counterfeit is in circu lation on the Wyoming Bank of Wilkes barre. The denomination of the bill i ten dollars. They are an imitation of the genu ine, and said to be well executed. John G. Freeze, Esq., we are informed by the last Columbia Democrat, which has just entered upon its twenty-fifth year, has assumed the control of the local column of that paper. 'As important change has beeYi made in the patent law. Patents will be run for seventeen years, and cannot then be re newed. X'l present they can be renewed in the Paient Orfice. Old Abe os a Speech. "Tweedle dam and tweedle dee, 1 see yon and you see me. Nobody 'a hurt and tioihing:s wrong, Isn't that a nice little song.'' "JbHN Fletcher, the colored man who committed larceny in this Borough a year ago, and sentenced to the Eastern Peniten tiary for IS month6,' died in that institution a few days ego. Berwick Gazette. . Snow and Rain. On Saturday last all out-doors were made white by aright smart fall of snow. It was preceded in the early pari of the day by a heavy fall of rain By putting the two together we will have mud enough to last us ior a week to come. Thb Democratic Leading Room, in this place, is open nightly, and tolerably well provided w-itt reading mauer. It is e'em- tortably heated each evening and bri liantly ) lighted. .All who wish to profitably spend an hour or two each evening could not drop tito-a more cosily arranged place. Ma. J. 1 Ilslet, formerly of the Galena and Chicago Union railroad, hji-i received the appointment of Superintendent of the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, in place of M. W. Jackson, resigned. This ap pointment is spoken of as a popular one Mr. Jackron made a very good officer, and the Company was loath to part with him. Man Killld. We learn that a deaf and ' ' by a train of Ireight cars near Trevorion Junctibn, this county, on atnrday last, mashing both legs, and otherwise injuring '.him, so that he died in a short time after Ahe accident. "Miltoniaa." Our old friend, l he Printer," fiai got along at lt for Febraary. "The Printer" ii a variable publication to the cratt, so irjticb eo that we should hale very much to part with it; rather lose a dozen patrons to the Star, especially if we were allowed to make therhoic as to which ores we were to part with." Iler.ry & Greason, publishers, He x York: " Prree f 1 25. ' Hoops. One of the numerous advantages of wearing hooped skirts was charmingly -illustrated at Chester5eld, Mass., on the 1st inst., where two sleighs met in the hihgway, and the shaft of one of them caught in the proirudiag hoops of a lady in the other Ieigh, and, as the horse was trotting, the fashiocable female was lifted from herseat, ard carried, screaming and struggling, for -30 leet or more, but not injured, as she .clung closely to ihe shaft. - Oh Friday text the township electrons "will be held throughout this, county.' 'As "for our township we have heard . very little said respecting those who desire being can didates. Troper caution ehould b exer cised that we make good and creditable se lections to fill all our local offices. These 3t tie positions and post of profit are of do mi nor importance, as supposed by too large a number of our citizens. As we have said before, make good selections, and all is ."welj. . , . . ...... ; YYfc-KdTitc by the last ; issues of the DBmo'crat" and "Republicaa' that a meet ing of the citizens was called, to be held at ihe Court House, for the purpose of devis ing means for , the Telief of the poor in 'Kansas. Wre have not learned how wiIl "lhe ineeting was attended, or whether it Sras attended at all. . Bat it appears to as, if the people in Kansas are actually needy, his is taking the right step to render assis lance. All who feeJ disposed and. are able have an opportunity of showing their lib erality towards the suffering by the - step 4ak&t-that of holding a public meeting. This is better than hte"'our Legislature giv3 S30.C00 of the .rifibples' money for the same purpose. ,-WV need this money to T 'onr State debL By giving .way many people are paying j they are wholly unable to. We rr.en pay toward this object who are atl ? and not take it out of our treasury. V.8 are exposed to this 'Xegishting away thtt peor-' mens-, co mafcr t bora or j .haw it is dona. I Administrator's 'Notice. Estate of John C. Geurharty late of ' Ft aiiklln ' 1 township, Colvmbia county, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on ihe estate of John'-C.'Gearhert, late 'of'Franklin lownsbip, Columbia' ctVunfy, deceased, nave been granted by ihe' Register of said coun ty, to Daniel C Gearbanof Maine town snip, and county aforesaid, fiersona having claime'or demands against the es late of the decedent are requested to make them known to the administrator and those indebted to the estate to make payment immediately lo , . . DANIEL C. GEARHART. Jantfary 23, 1861 6w. Admr. Administrator's Notice Estate of Peter Kline, tale of Locust township, Columbia coun'y deceased I ETTERS of administration on the estate - of Peter Kline, late of Locut"'lowiisnip, Columbia county deceased, have bpen sranted by lhe Register of fcaid coun'y to Martin V. B. Kline, residing in the low.i ship and county aforesaid. All persons h viiir claims or demands against the estate of the decedert" are requested to make them known to the cndeisigned, and those indebted to the estate to make payment to the admiuis'ra'or without delay. MAKTIN V. B.'XlilNE. January 23, 1861 6w. Admr Administrate r's Notice. ITiTTERS of administration on ihe estate of Jacob Wanamacher, late of Frank 'in township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Co lombia county, to the undersrgned, residing in said Franklin township: all persons hav ing claims, against the eta'e of the dece dent are 'requested to present them to ihe administrators without delay, and those indebted to come forward and make pay ment forthwith to - MARY L. WANAMACHER, ) ... FRANKLIN 7REIBLEY, j AJt7Ul Franklin, March 6. 1861. Administrator's Notice T ETTERS f admi-ii.-tralion on the es tate ol Joseph Gearhatt, lare of Calta wissa township, Columhia coun'y, dee'd., have been grained by the Register of said county, to the undersigned, residing in said townshp: and all persons hawing claims or demands against said estate, are requested lo make known the same to the undersigned, and those indebted to make payment forthwith to JOHN KEIFER, Adnrr. CattWr?Fa'twp., March 6: 1861. Kxccutor's ioticct jVOTlCE is hereby tiven that Letter " Testamentary upon the estate oI'Ei.lV.k Scott, late of the township of Bloom, in the county of Columbia, deceased, have been this dy sranted by the Register fcf said coumy to the undersigned, residing in said township ; and that all persons having claim or demands against said estate requested to make known the same to the said uudersignert without nelav. WARREN J- WOODWARD. Bloomsburg, March's, Ifefc 1 6. Auditor's Notice THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court ol Columbia county, up on exceptions to the account of Samuel KretslfT, administrator of Lmnl Ktessler, Ute of Columbia county, deceased, will at tend to ihe duties of his appointment at hi Office, in Bloomshurg, on Saturday, the 23d day of March, A V. 1661, at 10 o'clock A. iw., wnen ana wnere tu persons imer esied iny attend. WESLEY WIRT, Febmary 27. 1861. Auditor. CP" "Democrat" pleas copv. Auditor's Notice. 1 H E undersij ned, auditor appointed bv he Orphan's 'Court, vl Columbia county, on excepiions to the administrntion account of Margaret Brass, admini-tra rtx of An drew J. Bras, late of Columbia county, deceased, will attend lo ihe duties of his appointment at his office", in Bloomsbo'rg. on Saturday, the 30 h day of March, A. D. 1861. at ten o'clock A. M., when and u,hrA all nersons interested in Sdlit estate caQ 8tIeiJ ,f lhe ,hink pr-0.,-er. WESLEY WIRT. March 6, Auiito. Auditor's IVoticc. THE undersigned appointed by the Court an Andi'or to distribute the in. nit ariiuj from the Sheriff's sate of the Real Estate o- Hiram Smeihere, will attend to the dn:ie i nf hi appointment on Sitlurday the 30th day 1 of March. 1861. at 2 o'clock p. m., .t hi Office in Bluomsburg, Columbia county , at which lime and place all persons interested are hereby Tiolrried to attend, or be 'foreer debarred lrom comina in on said innd. WESLEY WIRT, February 27, 18'6l. Auditor. Sheriffs Sates. Ry virtue of a wirt of Alias Vert. Exponar, io me directed, isued out of the Court of Ccmtnoti Pleas of the co. of Columbia. Pennylvania,will be exposed to public sale at the Conn House in Bloomsbnrg. on SATURDAY. THE 2;D OF MARCH, 1861, at one o'clock in lh afternoon ;he Aun.ntn.. iloenrlKail nrnnorlv I r il c .all ; . Tract tit Land situate in uHr- loal township, Columbia county, bounded as follows to wit : B"ginninr at a post in line of land of Jonathan C. Pennington, and corner of land of George Moore, thence eo ! Road North eighteen and a half degrees West, n;nety five perches and six tenths io a post, thence by Innd ol George Moore and Christian L. Moore, South eighty four and three qnarter dearees, West forty nine and on lenth perches to a post, thence by lands of Chrictian L. Moore, South twelve and a half degrees, East iiinety ihree perih e and eiht tenths to a post, thence by lands of Ezekiel Shnlts and J. C. Penning ton, North eighty four and three quarter degrees Kas-t, fifty nine and two tenth per ches to 'he place of Beginning, Containing Thirty one Acres and seventy eight perches strict measure nearly all of which is im proved land. Whereon are erected a one and a hali Story -Plank dwelling Home, a Frame Bank Bi.rn, a Frame Wason Shed, a Destd Hoose" and other out buddings with the appurtenance, v Seized, taken in excution and to be sold astne property of John. F. Lawbach. ALSOAt the am time and place by virtue of a jvrit, Yen. Ex , to me directed all that certain lot of land situate in Jameson's addition lo Centervilie Center townthp, Co lumbia county, Lot No. 28 in Plot ot said addition, bounded sod described as follows, on the North by lot of William Kromer, on the East by an alley, on the South bv an alley and on the West a street of saidten treville, Containing one third of an acre be the same rftore ol Iss. Whereon are erect ed a two story frame dwelling House' and other out buildings with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Harrison Lohmart. JOHN SNYDER, SArr Btoomsbnrg, Feb. 20, 1861. PLOWS, PLOWS! I . FIRSTUATE article of Plows on hand and for sale by . .- . JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bioorssborg, Macb, 6, 1881. Notice to lieirs of Levi Bisel, dee'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY : $,l(S4 THE ComrrVou wealth of Penn Yi(XVi. eylvania Vo SusarrR. Bisel, wid w, Levi p. Bt-el,'iiow- residing in ,he State of ll!inoi, Sallie R. 't,t .-Bisei, intermarried with' Willison, pow residing in' Lebanon, county, Penn'a, Robert fl.;Bie, now residing in ihe Slate of Georgia, 1 Henry Kent'Bisel, re siding in the , same1 State, Nareisa Y. Bisel, and Susan J. 'Bisel, both residing in Union county, Pennsylvania, the last ihreo named of whom are minors, Namissa Y. Risel alul Susan J. Bisel, have for their Guardian their mother, Susan R. Bi'ek, ;in( ilcnry Kent Bisel, has for hi'Guaidian, RoCert Patter son, children and heirs .ol Levi BNel, laie of Mudison . township, Columbia county, deceased.. You, "and each ('.fyon are hereby commanded to be ami appear at our Orph- f a n u ' C f nil ii Ka K 'a I i I aVi at m (.Knrn in unci VIMI IW J J 1 1 J VI V 1 1 Ci UlUWIIIOk'U lp) III and for said county on the first Monday of May next, then and there io accept or re fuse the real estate ol Levi Bisel deceased, at the. valuation put upon it by an Inqne-t rluly awarded fey this Honorable Court, or show cause why ths same shall not be sold. Witness the Honorable Warren J- Wood ward, Eq., President of our said Court at Bloornsbur", the 9ih day of February A. D. eihi hundred and sivty one. JONH SNYDER, Sheriff. . Blnrmshnrg, Feb. 27, 1861 oticc to heirs of Andrew Sfibertiatcrtlcc'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY: Kll4 THE Commonwealth of Penn Sbt?tS''br sylvania to Mary Shoemaker, ;f,j Cj widow, Jacob 'Shoemaker. Abra ijlt ham Shoemaker, Charles Shoe C maker, Catharine, i nlertnariieil with PeterHouseri, Klizabeih, intermarried with Peter MaxelS.irah, interuurried with Joseph Heiidershm amf Mnry , In ermarriwil with Samuel Shaffer, children and heai cif Andrew 'Shoemaker, late of Madison 'town ship, in the comity of Columbia, deiaed. Yon and earti ol you are hereby 'command ed to be and appear at our Orphan's 'Court, to be holden at Bloomsbur j in ami for saiil county on the first Monday of May next, then and there to accept orTefu-e lhe real estate of Andrew Shoemaker, dee'd, at the valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly awarded by ihis 'Honorable Conn or show cause why ihe'same sIihII not be nl. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, Esq.. Presidtnt of our said Court at Bloomsbnri,'the'9 h day of February A. D , eighteen 'hundred and sixiv one. , JJHN SNYDER, Sheriff. B!oomsbur2, "Feb. 27, 1861. IVbticc in Partition. Estate of Henry Jus$, lute of Hemlock township, Columbia county deceased. COLUMBIA COUNTY : !' THE Com rnon wealth of Penn- . syUatna lo Daniel 'Bus-', Sa'mnel " l Bus, Alam Boss, Henry Bns, ' Morris Buss, Dortha, intertnarried with - Gei2er,'Levina, intermaried with Charles bailor, Catharine, intermarried with Ab-aham Shoemaker ; and to all ihe legal representatives of Ihe said Henry Buss, deceased, greetina ' You and each o'f you will lake notice that an lnquel will be held to make partiiinn or valuation, as the case may require, of the real estate of the above named Henry Buss, deceased, situaie in he township ol Hemlock, and county ot Columbia, on the premise, on Thursday, the 18A dry of April, 1861, between itie hours of I'D o'clock in the forenoon, and 3 o'clock in the alternoon, ol said day, a; wh'ch lime and place you may attend if you ihink proper Wimess th- Honorable Warren J. Wood ward Esq , Pre-iJent ol our Orphans' Court at Bloomsbiirir, the $;h day of Febraary, A. D., otm thousand eitn hundred and six- t one. juu." oi l omv, Bioomurg. Feb. 27, 1861. Sheriff. Tjesal IVofice. mt, IN the Orphans' Court of Colum- It 'In the matter of the Pdr.ition of 'w'" Luca Fahriner, for a decree of r'fiTits specific performance of Ihe con tract for the sale of real estate, between the said LOcus Fahrinjer and Sebaiian Hower, Ute of Locust township, Columbia -county, decensed. Notice is hereby given to the Widow, h?irs and legatees of Ihe said Sebastian Hewer, deceased, To appear at an Orptian'' Court to b'e held at Bloom sburg, or. the fmt Monday of May next, io answer the bill or Partition oi ihe said Lucas Fahringer, praying the Court to decree the specific perlormance of the contract between hi-fi-self and said Sebastian Hower, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, otherwise specific performance ol i he same will be decreed. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Btoomsbunr, Feb. 27, 1861. PCBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATEk "T7ILL be exposed to s-ale by pnblie von- " due on the premises, on F R I D A Y. the 2th DAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1861 at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, the following property, vir : situate near the town of Oranevi!le, in tne township of Orange, aud county ot Colum bia, containing -TWO ACRES OF LAND, improved. The lot is on the Main Roac leadir.2 fiom Orangeviiln to Berwick, and' is a desirable building lot. Late the t state of John Covenhovan. dec?d. Terms made known on (he dav of sale by CYRUS B. Mc HENRY, OLIVER COVEN HOVAN, WESLEY Will T, Feb. 27, 1861. Administrators. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, to distribute the balance irt the hands ol Rob ert B. Swarzy, executor of the last will and testanrent ot Jacob Swazzy, late of Colum bia county, deceased, to and among the persons entitled by law and under the said will to receive the same, will attend to the duties, of his appointment, at his office, in Bloomsbuig, on Wefie-day the 3d day of April, A. D IfcBl, at ten "oVIock, A. M., ar tnch lime and place all persons having claims agaiot lhe estate ol said deceased, are required I r present the iame, or be de barred from coming in fr a .-hare of said balance. WESLEY WIRT, Feb. 27, 1861. Auditor. Admiiiisfrator's -Notice . Leder of administration on the estate of Thomas J. Kobbin, late of Fishioacreek township, Columbia county , deceased, have been granted by the Register of said coun ty, io Abraham VV. Robbins, residing in aid Fishibgcrebk township. All persons having claims or demands against the es tate ol the decedent are requested to make ihem known to lhe administrator and those indebted to make' payment forth wiih to ABRAHAM W. ROBBINS, Fisbinlcreek. Feb. 27, 1861. Admr. DAUt) LOirENBEEG, C LOTH iY G STORE, On Main aireettwo doors above the'Amer icaa Hotel.' ! '-"-rj STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. From the 1st day of 'January, i860, to the 1st day of January, 1861. THE Auditors elected lo settle and adjust lhe Public .'Accounts, of Colnmbia county, have examined the same, from the 1st day of January, I860, to the 1st day of January, 1861, nd respectfully lay before the Hon orable the Judges of the C;urt of Common Pleas, Ihe tollowing staten.ent aud reports, agreeably to the Twenty-second Section of an Act of the General As.enribly ol thi Commonwealth, passe 1 the Fourth day oj April, A. D. 1834. JOIIT A. l-ILSTOX, Treasurer of Columbia County, in account wuh'said County: LD, January, I860 : To Taxes outstanding. ' $a 1 a r fa Feb'y , To cash of Jacob Yohe, for old plank, Feb'y 6 To cash of John D. Run- yan, Txe, March o cash ofherifTSnv- der, Jury Fees'St Fines, May 7 To i jsh ol J. VV. Merrill. .-o tit 1 26 15 "6 6 94 land redeemed, ( May'? To cash of J. S. McNinch, late Treasurer, June 8, Toca-h of N. Y. M. C. F. 3 39 80 50 35 53 24 R. II. '& Col Co , land redeemed, June 13 To cash ol Srn'lM Henry , t land releenied, June 13 To am'i of County Tax assessed lor I860, 8,779 "25 June 13 To ca.ti received for mil- i'ir assessment, i860, do To County tax on unseated and se-i'etl lands returned, do To tax on seated and unseated lands reiumed, do To cash, road lax on seated and 40 60 587 74 464 61 unseated lands returned, 1,245 39 do To School Tax on seated and unseated latin's, returned, do To cah, poor tax, on seated an J unseated land returned, June 23 To cash ol Dr. 11. W. Mc- Reynol Is, taxes, , July 27 To cash of Jas. Lamon, land redeemed, Oct. 12 To cah of David Savag, lor ol! plank, Nov. To am't ten day assessment, Dec. 3d Io cash of E. Reyu'blds, Land redeemed, do To'cash ol Joseph Sharpless for old iron, Dec. 4 To cash from J. N. Jones, land redeemed, Dec. 5 To cash of Hudson Broth , ers lor use ol Court Room, Dec. 29 To cash of Y. M.'C. A., per 1. VV. Hartma'n, do To cash of Huil-on Brothers for use ot Court Room, do To cash of C. & P. Bellas, for old bridge near Oranseville, do To cash of Jacob Eyerly, Pro- thonoiary, Jury fee, do To cash of E. H Little, Jury fee do To cash of John Sn)der,Sliertff, Jury Fees ard Fines, do To cah of A. B. Tate, amount to b refunded, do To amount added lo duplicates do To cash received on outsanJ- 9i8 35 163 ''80 84 2 74 7 11 17 20 2 64 3 CO 46 2 ao ij 00 5 oo 50 00 00 oo 101 59 12 50 7 04 tng taxes, . 59 34 520,551 48 By afn'nl outstanding lor 1860 and previous year, $7, 143 37 By exonerations allowed collectors 227 39 'cftna minions do do 4i3 75 " am't paid Stale assessm't less than quota 164 72 By orders redeemed of I860, .902 75 do do 1859, 487 71 By orders redeemed of 1858, and previous years, 51 90 By Treasurer's commission on S8,- 360 35, 234 41 By cash in hands of Treasurer, due "county, 2,055 48 t2CjtSal 43 Expenditures : ASSESSORS' PAY ANNUAL ASSESS MENT. Leonard B. Rupert, Bloom twp. l-aiah Bower, Borough Berwick, Williim Erwine, Briarcreek, Josiah Ki'tenhouse, BeaVer, Samuel R. Kline, Benton, Samuel Ney hard. Centre, M H. Kerr,. Ca'.tawissa, Daniel McKiernan, Conyngnam, Emandns Uiraugf, Fihingcieek, Aaron Lamberson, Franklin, A. H. Kitchen, Greenwood, John H. Faust, Hemlock, Jeremiah Kline, Jackson, Gera Hower, Iocust, Lavirence Waiters, Mifflin William T. Shuman. M-tine, Peier M. Kashner, Montour, John Steiler, Madison, laac Cnlp, Mount PUasar.t, George Richardj Oiange. A. J. Manning. Pine, Charles Der, Roanncreek, J. R. Fritz, Su:ailoaf, Matthew Case, Scott, . 18 71 11 88 13 86 13 59 17 43 16 16 15 0 14 00 16 24 8 56 15 98 15 75 11 86 15 84 15 63 10 85 9 12 15 86 12 66 14 27 14 24 9 03 11 53 !4 13 332 83 ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWS. Am't paid Mindry persons lor road and ondoe views during 'he ear 181 00 JURORS' WAGES AND MILEAGE. Amount paiJ Jurors at the several Courts, 996 42 INCIDENTAL. Amount paid for paper, ink, etc. 47 0 POSTAGE. Amount paid Leonard B Rupert, SURVEYOR. Am'nt paid Solomon Neyhard for survey ins unseated lairds. Am 'nt paid for Surveying County line between Colombia and Lu zerne Counties, agreeably lo an Act of Assembly, passed April 2d, 1860, 2 84 161 GO 41 50 S2u2 6U 109 CO 93 80 37 00 64 50 1 16 50 311 80 377 93 TO 00 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Amount paid K II Lmle, Esqr. PRINTING. Amount paid W. II. Jacoby, do do Palemon John, do do A. B. Tate, do do L. L. Tale, SHERIFF'S BILL. Am'nt paid John Snyder boarding Prisoners and notify ing. Jnrors Am't paid, convey ing John Whip ple to the Eastern State Peniterl liary, Ami conveying Jno. Greenough lo E. S Penitentiary & VV. J. Cook, Am't paid conveying Rib'i Brown to Insane Asylum, Harrisburg, 95 00 37 00 6579 93 FOX AND WILD CAT SCALPS. Amount sundry person, 90 42 CLEANING COURT HOUSE. Amt: paid Ann Long, during year, 17 00 TIP-STAVES. Am' paid at the several Courts. 43 00 BLANK AND LAW BOOKS. Amouut paid sundry persons, 5$ 72 PROTHdNOTARY. Amt. paid Jacob Eyerly as per bills, 128 51 CONSTABLES' RETURNS. road Damages. Amt. paid Hiram Hess, Fish 'creel',: '25 00 do . . David Bobb, Madison, ,ln 00 do Shadrack Eves, Pine " ''45 00 do Abraham Henlork, Pirie, 35 00 do hens ol G. Kline, Orange, 65 00 do .Samuel Boon, Bloom, . 50 00 do John Hes, 25 00 do Henry Keller, Locust, 50 00 S05 00 19 50 34 32 bridge Contracts. Amount paill l)avidSavage, do Daniel Mi-Henry, , 53 82 BRIDGE REPAIRS. Amount' paid for repairing, bridges, 664 83 TAX REFUNDED, Amt. of road, school, and poor tax on unseated Lands, relumed to township, 2,C99 07 Amt. relunded to Michael Brobsl, 7 00 J2,l(j 07 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Amt. paid Col. Co. Agriculi'l Soc'y, 100 00 t CO. AUDITORS AND THEIR CLERK. Amt. paid Audi orsarid thir Clerk, S-39 50 do W. Wirt auditing Pro ihonotary and Register's accounts, 12 50 : S52 00 ELECtlOy EXPENSES. Spring elecion and swearing officers 36 58 General election, 328 00 Presidential Election, 343 60 J9 $1,058 COMMONWEALTH COSIt. Amt. paid Witnesses, Justices, &o, COURT CRIER. Ami. paid Moses Coffin an, 170 09 49 00 FUEL. Amt. paid for Coal and Wood, 59 73 COMMISSIONERS' ATTORNEY. Amouiit paid JohnG. Freeze, E-q., 85 00 INSURANCE Amt paid B. F. Hartman lor Lyc. Mutual Insurance Company, INQUEST. Amt paid Wm. T. Shuman, Esq, body of John" T. Keeih, Amt. paid Reuben Fahringer, Esq. bo.'y of Daniel Hetbster, Am't paid John Hartman, Esq., body 'of Haltis Appleman, Amt paid Reuben Fahringer, Eq. body of Thomas Conly, 19 33 10 37 17 65 10 73 20 41 559 19 216 54 28 00 32 00 S;6U 00 , PENITENTIARY. Pa'd E. S. Penitentiary lor suppor of convicts, MEDICAL SERVICES. Paid F. C. Harrison, M. I), medi cal ailepdance on pri-oriers, Paid Jno. Ramsey, M. D-, niedical attendance on prisoners, COUNTY BUILDINGS. Amn't paid for papering in Court Hone. Sheriffs house, Stoves in Court House, repairing pump at Sheriffs house, repairing Stable, Lamps in Court 'House, three 'Co'tiiity Maps, &c, 293 41 TREASURER. To amount paid Jas. S. McNinch, late Treasurer, balance due from county, as per Auditor's Report, ?487 78 COMMlSIONERS AND CLERK. Amt paid Elias Deitench, 146 00 Amt paid E. Deitench. 'expenses to Harnsburg on business lor ttie county. Amt. paid Georpe Miller, do Joseph R. Patton, " do William Lamon, do R. C. Fruit, Cletk, 15 00 142 50 151 00 18 00 400 00 bbli 50 Whole Amouut of Orders issued for 1860, 510,009 80 Deduct amt. of Taxe. refunded, 2,l06 07 do do paid late Tieanrer, 487 78 De.'uct amt. to be refunded by A. B Tate, -which was over-pay lor the year 1860, 12 50 92 606 35 Expenditures for the year 1S60, S7,403 45 We, the undersigned Auditors of the Co. of Colombia, being duly elected to ad PM and seitle the accounts of the Treasurer and Commi-sioners, have carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of the same, from Ihe first day of January, A. D., I860, io the first day of January, A. D., 1861, do certify that we find them correct as sei lorth in the foregoing statement, and that we find a balance due Columbia county of Twenty Hundred and Fifty Five Dollars and Forty Eight cents from Joan A. Funstcn, TieasuT er of said county. Given cnier our hands this eleventh day of January, A. D., 1861. DAVID DEMO IT, GEO. M HOWELL, JOSEPH B KM1TLE County Auditors. Attest W. Wirt, Clerk. We, the undersigned Commissioners of Columbia county, do certify that the fore oing is a correct statement of the accounts of sa'id county for the year i860. In testimony whereol we have herenn'o set our hands this 1 1th day of January. A. D is6i. r . GEORGE MILLER, ) Corn's JOmKPH R. PAT I ON. of WILLIAM LAMON, ) Col. Co. A:tet R. C. Fruit, Clerk. FINANCES OF COLUMBIA CO. Balance due from Collectors, S7,I43 37 Note of Bet jamin Hay man's adnrr, 26 24 Balance dui irom Treasurer, Si 055 4X S'J,23 U'i Orders unredeemed for 1858 and previous years, Orders unredeemed for ISf 9, do do i860, Order" outstanding, 8 09 1 3S 107 05 Cllb OJ S9,luS 57 Balance in favor of County, February 5th 1861 approved by he Court. JALUK LYAINS, Associate STEPHEN BALDY, j Judges. Bloomsburg, Feb. 13, 1S61. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Latk White Swak) Ilace Street, above 3d Philadelphia QUILLMAX $ HOVER, Proprietors. Terms SI. 2. jcr day, ffiO the old customers of this well-known J- House, we desire to say, that we have renovated, improved and newly furnished lhe same, and thai we respectfully solicit a continuance 61 their patronage. S rangers, travelers and visitors we cor dially invite to the hospitallity of lhe "N iionar'ld come and see and judge for themselves of its advantages and merits. Our locatioB is central, and convenient for Merchants and business men generally We will always endeavor to study the wants and comforts of our guests, and wiin the assistance of Mr. Charlks A. STct.s.our aflable and attentive Clerk, we feel prepar ed to keep a good Hotel, and hope to give general satisfaction. HENRY QUILLMAN, JOHN BOVER. Phllad., Feb. 13, 1861 y. FO K SALE! wEVERAL desirable Bloomsbure, for sale june iO, 1860 If. Building Lots . Inquire of VV. WIRT. in TO LET. 7VT0TICE ishereby given that two or three spacious room's will be let on reasonable terms. Inquire oh ' ' CHARLES If. N ri .I,.. i i - '.'-"" ' $35,00. , T AYS the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commer cial School , in , lhe country. Upward of Twii.vk Hundred yotn.u men from TwthTV kight differenl Siales, have been educated for business here within -lhe past ihree years, some of whom have been employed as book Keepers aj salaries of $200O;o6 per A it mini, immediately upon graduating,- who . knew nothins of accounts when ihey entered the college. ., - Cy Ministers' sons half price. IStndents enter at sinv lime,' and "review when they please, without extra. charge. ,. . .; For Catalogues of 84 pae, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's Business aiil Ornamental Penmanship, and a large Engraving of the College, itn-.losn twenty-live cents in Post age Stamps to Ihe Principal. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Ta. January 9. 1861. f .-- jt. 1 -J. . iT jW. y. v.- .v n 54- f4 V Klf 'Sf Vr "V 73r l2e t S OF OF ALL KINDS, AT J. JT. ISKOU HV'S "Clich'p'cr t!i an IJvcr. Mav JH IhfiO j i ". .. ,m. v. . .-. a'. vv :s -if s :. s v.- 'I litware & Move Lslablisliniem. rpllR UNDERSIGNED respecifully jn forms his il I Iriends and customer, thai he ha purchased his brother's interest in the aoove establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by him-elf exclusively. He has just recoived and of ifai lprs for sale the largest arid mos" ex tensive a-ortment of FANCY STOTVS SAu ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware coti-tandy on ham! and manufactured to order. All kinds of lepairtng done, s u-nal, nn short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A.M. RUPERT Bloomsburg, Jan. 12.1853. tf. ' THE IflOUIVT VRRIYOZY. North Second direct, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. II. II. EI)irAlt$f-l'roprietor. February 22. I860. ly. NORTH WEST CORNER Eighih and KnCc street, rillLVI). LPI1IA. r XT Always on hand, a full assortment of Hats and Caps for Men "Boys and Children, at low prices f Feb. 22. I860. NEW GOODS! FRESH ARRIVAL OF I'ALL AI) WINTER CZ2 OD GO OD s53 & AT MII.IYUirS STOIJE! ft U1K subscriber has just returned from the - City with another large and select as sortment of FALL AND WINTER Goods, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which he is determined to sell on as moderate terms a can be procured elsewhere in Bloomtborg. His stock com prises fondle' I)rcM GooI, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps; &c , &c. In short, everything usually kepi in country Stores; to which he invites ihe public generally. The highest price paid for country produce. S. H. MILLER. Bloomeburg, Oct. 24, 1860. icw Fall Goods t LARGE STOCK AM LOU 1'KICES. 11 e have again been to the ci'y, and re- tented with a large stock of Goods for the season, which we are prepared to sell ai a low figure tor ready pay. Our stock consists of Hardware, Qieenware, Cedarware, Willow-ware, Hollow-ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fih, Salt, Piaster, Fluid. Camphene Oil, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, &v, &c. II. C. k I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, Oct. 17, I860. n KCltlC hALi: . OF TALFADLK HEAL ESTATE. XN of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county. :on FRIDAY THE 29T1I DAY OF MARCH I'ext. at 10 o'clock in ihe forenoon, Petter S. Helwig and John P. Walter Executors, ot the lat will and tetament of Jacob Hel wig laie ol Locum townnip, in said county deceased, will expose to sale, by Public Vendue, upon th premises, a certain TKAiT OF LAM), adjoining Peter S wen k on the North, Dan iei Beaver en the South, William Irvin on the West and Peter Swenk on Ine East, containing ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT ACRES, more or les. Whereon are erect ed two dwelling htues, a frame Bank Barn. Wagon lloue, and other out buildings a A GOOD APPLE ORCHARD, about Ninety Acres cleared and under good cultivation. Late the estate of said dee'd., situa'e in the township of Locust and coun ty aforeaid. s JACOD EYERLY, Clei. Commtions of Sai.k. Ten pet cent, at sale, balance of one thirJ on first day of Aptil 1861, one third fir?t day ol April 1862, with interest, and one third on the first day ol April 1863, with interest, balance afier payment of first April 1861, to be secured by judgment bocd ar.d mortgage. Deed lo be delivered on first of April, at the ex pense ot the purchaser, and on his securing the unpaid purchase money by bond and mortgage. ' teteR s. Helwig,) r JOHN P. WALTER, J February 20, 1861, A.M. RUPERT, TISXER $ STOVE DEALER, HlftLTII AM) nVPLEASFjBES, ' ;, OR . '.;- ; . Bisfase With -Its Agoniei; CHOOSE' BETWEEN tllEif. II OLtiO i' A YVsV S tnisH. NERVOUS DISORDERS What 'i mr.rp .fearful than a bteakiri'g down of the nervous system To te exci table or. nervous in a small degree is most distressing, , for whe'.re can . a remedy be found ? There js one i drink but liule wine, beer, or spiritsor far better., cons ; lake no coffee, vyeak'tea being preferable' get ll the.fresh air you can ; take three or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solids avoiding the use of slops; and if these gold' en rules are followed, you will be happy in mini! -and strong in body, and forget yon have any .nerves. . , . .. , mothers a-nd 'Daughters. If there is one Jhing more ihan another for which these Pil! are so famous it ',, their purifying properties', opecially their power of cleansing lhe blood from all ire. purities, and removing dangeroos and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted as ihe one giand remedy for female complaint thev never fail, never'weaken the srstem and always bring about what is required ' SlCk HEADACHES AND WANT OF j , APPETITE. These feelings which so sadden os, most freqnenily arise from .annoyances or Iroobr Ie, from obstmcied perspiration, or from eating and drinking what is! for us thus disordering the liver and stomach' These organs must be regulated if yon wisk to be well. The Pills, it ,aker, according to the printed instruction", wiU'enickly re store a healthy action io both liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural con sequence, a gocd appetite and a clear head. In ihe hast and West di PCaicely any -other medicine is ever used for these dit orders. , ( DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting ihese oran whelher they secrete too much or loo little' water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or will, aches and pain settled in the loins over the regions of ihe kidneya. these Piljs should bo taken accor ding to ihe printed instructions directions, and the Ointment should .be well rubbed into the small of the bark at bed lime Thia treatment wdl give almost immediate reliaf when all ether means have faded FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER. No medicine, will so effectually imorov lhe tone of the stomach as these Pili- they remove all acidity, occasioned either br intemperance or improper diet. The reach the liver and reduce il to a healthy action; ihey are wonderfuliy efficacious if. cases of spasm in fact ihey never fail in curing all disorders of lhe li-er and slomtecht Iloilnwny-'s nils are the test remedy known in ic u.viiu jui mc j'jiiowing diseases. Ague, Inflammation, A st h m a , Billious Complaintf, Blotches on lhe . Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of tha Bowls. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Dseniery, Erysipelas, Female Irregnlari- ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fit", Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Grave!, . Secondary Symnioms', Tic-Do ulourvux, Uumours, Ulcers,. - - , . Venereal Affections, Worms of all kinds Weakness from . - -whatever cause, &c., &e. CAI'TIOX' !' nn- .'.- J-: I..! the words "HoUowav, New York end Lon don." are dn-cernable as a Water-moth in every leaf of the book of directions around each poi or box ; the same mar be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the hg'ht. A hand some reward , will be given to any oam rendaring such information as may lead to the detection ol any party or pasties coon-' terfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the Manufac'orr of Profesor Ho!ioay, 80 Maiden Lane, New York.and by all respecable Druggists and Dealer in Medicine, throughout the civilized worldj in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and $1 each. i-tr There is considerable rcvin? bv la king the larger sizes. N. B Directions for the guidance of p a tienis in every disorder are a IB zed to eacli box. October, 17, i860. b looms num; barker shop: 'gMIE undersigned respectfully informs lhe citizens of Bloomsburg, and the publio generally, that he has taken ike Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in the white Frame Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Block, where he is at alt times rearfy to wait upon his customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable ttyle and oa very moderate terms. trF"Sham,poing, done op in City Style. He solicils public patronage and pledget his best enJeavors to give every reasonable salit'action. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1859. S'OU SALE. One Ilondre'd Tons ofCaycgi Lake - Plaster, AT THE PATTA WKSA TirrQ 'IliE undersigned would respectfully iiv - form the ub.'ic generally that they have on hand a large amount of superior CAYUGA LAKE PLASTER, all of which they offer for sale, in large or small quamit'es, npou the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing a good article of plaster would do well to call and examine this before purchasing elsewhere, C. VV. M KELVY & CO. Catiawissa, Jan. 30, 1861 3m. flHE undersigned would respectfully no fy his customers who are owing him in Ihe boot and shoe line, to come forward and settle their accounts, as he design closing up hi bnsine in this place, in th course of a lew months. He dires to hava all his old and iiev accounts square ' ap promptly and with satisfaction, hence the publishing of this notice. A wed to the wise is sid to be "nfficient.