The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 13, 1861, Image 2

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wn. n. J A CO BY, EOlWR.
. Sr., Lincoln's Inanjuial.
The 'inauguration of Abraham Lincoln,
its the : sixteenth rPresident of tbe United
Sta'es, (provided all people think them uni
ted,) occurred at Washington, on Monday
of last week j arid lh3 address, deli vered by
the ' President oa the occasion, will be
found oa our first ;page, entire.- Tbe so
much talked of disturbance did not take
place, and all be proceedings of tbe day
were characterized $y the utmost good hu
mor on 'tire part of the populace. This in
augural address was deliverevTIrora the por
lico'oi the Capitol. In his address, some of
tb.3 Press have a notion that he hints at the
Lime ground assumed by Mr. Bcchakam, in
Jiis last message, in relation to the question
of secession. It appears difficult to arrive
at the true irtftrpretation of his whole mes
sage.' ' We notice that one party declare it
means war, another that it means peace.
The South say it means coercion, told in
velvety language. , We notice, in one par
ticular clause, he says, that it is bis inten
tion to where offices are made vacant, by
resignation in the seceded Slates, and no
person can be found in the locality to ac
cept the same to force strangers upon
them. Such a couise, as he wiy well be
lieve, would only perplex, aggravate and
excite the people. He declares his pur
pose to preserve the public , peace, to lake
hmI to hold all national property, and all
without the shedding of blood t While doing
this he indicates that he will take no steps
which lock like war upon the South. His
purpose is thought a hard one to carry out,
unless he is able to cause some spell to
come over the Southern people, operating
similar to the effects of mesmerism.. Mr.
Douglas declared in the Senate in a speech
that the address meant peace. But upon ;
the whole, while there are some portions of
the document which do not -entirely har
monize 'with his peaceful professions, we
leel dposefJ to consTue it as a State paper
iflndinz to conservatism rather than other
wise. If be is sincere in bis
Ms friends and advisers true to their pro
fessions, swe may expect him to pursue a
peaceful policy, and thus fling the Chicago
Platform to the dogs. But let him attempt
to make one demonstration of war, or co
ercion, 'and his administration, the Union,
and the liberties or thi3 people protected
I y .a -constitutional Government will be
engolfed in ruin and rhaos. For the sake
of the Union and the people, let us sincere
ly trust that fhe new Preeident will cast off
the trammels of Party, and standing with
the GansUlafion in one hand and the Olive
Branch in the other, extend them withl
their guarantees unimpaired to onr breth
ren of the South, and unite them, in the
spirit of our fathers, to come back and share
Lincoln's Cabinet.
.Below we give the members of President
Lincoln's Cabinet. It is composed of near
ly all shades and colors, and with the-ac-ceplion
of Seward,, Chase, Cameron,; and
btm, they paj conrpajatiyely obscure and
UBktiown--fnen otVho mark. 5 Cameron,
Cfcare" andrWellesare known' TO have' be
longed to ihe' democratic party, and it was
a blessed thing for ii that they were read
out. Seward, Chase and Bate, even are
only secorfd rate statesmen. But all this
matters not; this Cabinet is" to be viewe-1
in other aspects. Between Seward and
Chase there is understood to be an irrecon
cilable hostility. One heads the moder
ate (!) the olher the .coercive and uncom
promising wing of the Republican party.
The appointment of Chase is a fair tribute
to Horace Greeley, the ultra editor of the
Tribune, and a gross insult to the South, to
the border States, to the Union men in the
border States. . Several prominent men'df
.Virginia remonstrated strongly with Lincoln
against the appointment of this mart
demons went so Tar as to say to the Pres
ident that Virginia would secede if he put
Chase in his Cabinet, but it appears to
have had uoeffeat.
So the border slave-States will have the
fraud of SEWARD-nd the violence of Chase to
contend against poison and the sword.
In the Post Office Department will be a
bitter, disappointed Southern reneaade, un
der whose auspices the border Stales will
be filled with incendiary letters, ;papers and
publicat ions. The Post Office, with its infi
nite and all-pervading ramifications, vi II
be the great engine of abolitionism-and ser
vile insurrection. Against its insidious and
secret influence there will be -no defence.
No Southern hearth will be safe.
'The preference of Chase over Cameron
for the Treasury is an insult and a blow to
Pennsylvania and her interests. The "Ban
ner State" is signed, Cameron set aside be
cause of his favoring her, and Chase, whose
tariff views are at least questionable,, pnt
over him. The patronage for which the
Pennsylvania Wide Awakes struggled so
hard, is taken from thera to be distributed
by Chase end Blair among their friends,
the ultra Republicans. The Treasury ar.d
the Post Office Departm ents have the great
bulk of the patronage, while the War De
partment promises but little to the hun
dred hordes of Pennsylvania patriots. We
Seward and the Feace Conference.
It would appear from what we have read
that the mighty ; conservative Seward re
jects the plan" of adjustment offered by the
Peace Convention, ad' takes 'occasion to
make an approach towards a practical ap
plication of ? the sentiments of his U'.e
speech delivered in the Senate, in regard to
consider amendments to the constitution,
"aftert hese eccentric secession movements"
shall subside, "say in one, two or three
year." -
That's the-way in which Mr Lincoln's
Premier takes the plan ol the Peace Con
feree. As for Concress, it will doubtless
pass it by indisdain. But will lb i s plan
satisfy trre South'? The cotton States will
spit upon it, and if the'border States shall
be satisfied with it, then will they resemble
a chihbpteased -with-a -rattle. If this thing
satisfies them, then,'indeed re they easily
satisfied then they have : put the country
to much trouble -and much distress for no
purpose. Their excitement, their agitation,
have been useless and absurd.. They have
"Like ocean into tempests tossed.
" To wait a feather, or to drown a fly."
No. this abortion will not satisfy the bor
'der'States It may, and doubtless -vill sat
isfy those who want to carry favor with Lin
coin in order to "get office," or thosta obi,
broken -down federal hacks, whose only aim
is to raise up opposition to the 'Democracy;
but it will satisfy no others in the border
Slates. The likelihood is, that it will excite
only disappointment and disgust. The
Virginia Convention is still in session, and
we will soon learn in what manner she will
receive this plan the illegitimate birth of
the Peace Conference.
The Latest.
Jt wa reported hereabouts, that "Fort
St?mpter was evacuated, on Tuesday lasu
This is .not the course the ultra portion'of;
the Republican party desired to be pursued
by the Administration. They were loud in
their denunciations against Buchanan for
not re enforcing Fort Sumpter... It may not
be true that this Fort is evacuated ; but true
or not, a number of -Republican Congress
men whoare yet in Washington are-urgent
against the withdraw! of the troops; and at
the same time it is deemed impossible by
the test military authority to Te-tenforce this
Fort with less than 10 000 men, and at least
half of lire Navy operating in the harbor.!
This Fort will nost likely be evacuated, if
it is not already. Maj. Anderson is about
out oflood, and it is not likely ho and his
small force will be kept there to perish by
starvation. Wi hdraw these troops and
then-some of our danger will be averted
and peaceful negotiations begin.
The New Tariff bill.
The new Tariff bill, jvhich, since the
agreement of the Committee of Conlerence,
in striking out the duly on tea and coffee,
may be regarded as having passed, is ex
pected to yield ar increased revenue of
$19,920,850 on the principal imports. At
least such is the estimate of the Hon. Wm.
Bigler, of Pennsylvania, who, in defending
the bill in be Senate, remarked in sub
stance as follows :
For the last yerr the importation of wo-I
en amounted to$37,937,00U, and the duties
to S$,1S5,-0OO. The estimate is that ihe bill
pending will increase these duties- 2,273,
OuO. The importation of Sifks for the last
. I . 1 rv T f T tinn . J L
hope that General Cameron's dealings """"'V'" , -J ' , ' ,J . i WU,J
them will give them satisfaction, the same
. , . r . L t. -.U-.- u .i I .
purpose, and eausiaciion uiai u gave wiici no tici as
Commissioner for the V innebago and Kick
apoo Indians.
Secretary df Si'teW. H Seward, of New
York; Secretary of Treasury Salmon P.
Chase, of Ohio : Secretary of War Simci
Cameron, of Pennsylvania ; Secielary of
IS-ivy uiueon venes. oi tonnecueui; ceo
retary oj Interior, Calob ' Smith ; Attorney
Ger.eral Edward Bates, of Missouri.
MrLincoln's Recklessness of Assertion.
The heresies and crudities of Mr. Lin
coln's Inaugural are sufficiently revolting
to men of taste, as well as to all patriotic
instincts ; bur he does not seem to think so,
for to these blemishes he mperadds the
utterance of a deliberate and audacious un
truth. :Look, for instance, at the following
passage :
"Apprehension seems to exist amo.ig the
people of the Southern States, that by the
accession of a Republican Adminisiration,
their properly, and their peace and person
al security are to be endangered. Ihere never
iias been any reasonable utuse for such cjrpre
hemion. Indeed, the inoji ample evkleme to
the contrary h is been open to their inspection."
Whocojld have believed that there is a
man living, who in the presence of uch
surroundings as attended the inauguration
of tiie Chief Magistrate of the Nation,
would have had the hardihood to make the
bold and reckless assertions contained in
the above paragraph ? The Southern States
have no reasonable cause for apprehension!
Not after the John Brown raid, and when it
was discovered that Republican leaders
were in the.plot 1 . Not after the brutal and
bloody speech of Sumner, denouncing the
Southern people as -guilty of all the crimes
nominated in the
decalogue ?
TheTollj ind Wickedness of Abolitionism.
Whilst the country is convulsed from cen
ire to circumference by disputes arising out
of the slavery -question, the slav-e himself
is in a Ft ate of quietude, calmly enjoyins?
the comforts of life, and wondering why he
should e made the object of so much soli
citude and- commoiion- Contented and
wiih os, m peace, the blessings ol tne in-1 happy in his present condition., when let
ion and the Constitution, in the shadow of ! h(, manifests no disposition to chanse
. -
the Siars and Stripes, " not grudgingly, but
Ireely and generously." .
i, with the almost certain prospect of be-
.. tl IT.' '
ins reduced -lo tne miseraoie conamnn in j
which we find most of those of his race
who are in a state of ireedonu
Thirty years of ami slavery agitatior.,
characterized by unceasing efforts to bring
itself in a position of
r Ocebanan's He tern to Wheatland.
jEx PrebiJentBuchanan, with a large es
cort of disinterested friends, arrived at Lan
caster city on the 6th inst., where, be was ; ihe North to place
affectionately, generoahly and nobly receiv-.! hostility to tb institution, resulted in pTo
ed by his friends and neighbors. With no ducing .one man, John Brown, whose
rewards to bestow, with no promises to movements, if they accomplished nothing
make or expectations to lalBll, Mr. Bochan-i more, fnlly established these faclf that
as was received by the people of Lancaster ; the sympathies of the Abolitionists have
with a degree of -enthusiasm and effection j been thrown away that the slaves do not
as gratifying to him as it was honorable to : desire freedom. Never have questions been
them. Pursued by ungrateful men -who j more completely determined than these
have prospered on hie bounty and been fed John Brown, whom we may aptly style the
from his hands, and who, with tbe maligni- j Don Quixot: of America, appeared upon
der the pending bill is 52,31 2 000. The im
portations last year f rnauu laclnres of flax
ar.d hemp amounted to S-l 1,505.900, and
the duty to 1,728 000. Th estimated 'in
crease of the duty is f 575, See. The i mpor
tatio'i of iron, and ihe manufactures of con
amounted to SI8.726 000 for the last year,
and tbe duty to SJ 458 000 The estimated under ihe pending bill is Sl.12S,50ti.
The impoMat:ons ot wines for the las: year
amounted to 34,775,000, and at the present
rate of duty 30 per cent the revenue
wa SI 434,500. We have concluded to
put it at 40 per cent , which of course.cives
an increase of 477,000 The importation
of brandies f;r the last year was 3,037 flOO,
ami the duiies amounted to Si. 181, 000
The increase under the present bill would
be Si, 347,000. The importations of couons
amounted to over 2.27,000,000 last year,
and ihe duiiei exceeded SG,5000,000. The
estimated increase is 1,645,000. On the
vast variety of fabrics ol mixed goods.cloth
i ii cr , &c, the increase is estimated at $849,
000. These leading articles amount to
about 200,000,000 of ihe dutiable goods
ieavir.z $79 000, 000 of mixed ; a vast vari
! ety on which I have estimated the increase
at 4 percent., making 3,160,000.
The total gains, therefore, on this esti
ma'e are S13.764.840. Deduct from this
the reduction on f-ngarand molasses $2,
843 000 and it would leave an increase of
'.0 920 840.
The proposed duty on tea and coffee,
which wis stricken out by the house, would,
it was estimated, yield a yearly rever.oe of
from S5:000 000 to 56.000, but this wa not
included in Mr. Bigler estimate.
ty of fiends, 1ae eongfrf to embitter his
last days, to make hia home hateful and his
neighbors enemies,, be has relumed to Lan
caster only to find that the "assults of these
insrates have made his triends more ardent
jind more numerous.
the soil of Virginia as a liberator, as the
avenger of tbe wrons of tbe slaves, and
there proclaimed that he had come to give
liberty to the captive. But instead of. ac
cepting his offers of freedom, tbey fled in
alarm from hit presence ; most ongracions-
Not after
the endorsement nf the Helper Book, by
sixty-eight Republican members cf Con
gressa book inciting to the social disrup
tion of the Southern States, and provoking
an insurrection of the slaves and the butch
erv o! iheir masters ? .Not after, the nomi-
nation ar.d election of Abraham Lincoln un- I
der the pressnre of a sentiment manuf-tctur-ed
-solely by a"busc of the Sou h, by the j
'defama ion -of her public men and the de- i
uial of her Constitutional rights in. States
and Territories 1 Who beileves him ?
Under this ."apprehension" . of Republi
can rule, of which Mr. .Lincoln speaks,
seven States have already under the sol
emn sanction of the people in their sover
eign capacity retired from the Union, and
prefer even eivil war to submission. Doe?
any one believe that this awful condition of
-our -country going to wreck by piec-meal
i would have occurred, but for ihe exis- j
tence and triumph of ihe Republican party? '
Would not the election of either Brfxkin
iuDtiic, Bkll or Doi'ulas have averted this
dire calamity, and insured p-.ace and Iran
juility to the Union t And yet Abraham
Lincoln, in the -august presence of the
Judges of the Supreme Court, of the retir
ing President, of the members of both Hou
ses of Congress, and of a vast multitude of
people, proclaims that the apprehension of
the South from Republican rule was entire
ly groundless. How the man has stultified
himself and ignored the trsth of history !
Buchanan's Arrival at Lancaster. i
Lancaster, "RTirch 6 The train with Ex
President Buchanan and the Commiuees
and friends accompanying him reached this
city atont 2$ o'clock. Its arrival was an
nounced by the' firing of cannon and the
ringing of the bells of the various churches
of the city. . . .. ..
An immense crowd had coileced at the
intersection of the Harrisburg turnpike and
the railroad, ai.d as the train approached,
with the locomotive gaily decorated with
flags, the cheering was vociferous. Soon
after Mr. Buchanan made his appearance
and was greeledvwiih the wildest demon
sirations of hearty welcome. He was es
corted to an open barouche drawn by four
spirited white horses, aud look a seat with
the Mayor of the city.
The procession was then formed, the" es
cort being composed of the Lancaster Fen-
cibles, the'jackson Rifles, the Maylown In
fantrv. the Baltimore battalion, -and the
j i
Worth Infantry and the York Rifle. Fol
lowing these came the City Councils, va
rious literary and other societies, the fire
companies and an immense body of citi
The procession passed through a number
of the principal streets of the ci-y, all of
which were densely drbw'deJi, while flags
and banners decorated the route.
At a few minutes past 4 o'clock the pro
cession reached Centre Sqnare, where an
immense multitude) bad assembled. A
platform had been erected in front of the
Post Office, to which Mr. Buchanan was
conducted, when Mr. Preston, on the part
of the Baltimore City Guards, in a few neat
and appropriate remarks, handed over Mr.
Buchanan to the authorities and citizens of
his much loved Lancaster,
Mayor Sanderson, on behalf of the city
authoriiiett, welcomed the ExPresident to
his'hofnfe, as follows :
mayor Sanderson's speech.
Mr. Buchanan Uonored Sir : It -rs my
pleasure to have been deputed bv the citi
zens of Lancaster, irrespective of party, to
extend to you a cordial welcome back to
your own home and fireside, and to those
social enjoyments ar.d courtisies from your
old neighbors and friends from which yon
have in a great measure been debarred for
Great cheering
tation of yo'ir friendship and respect. Tarn
here, an old man gr'own old. 1 may say", in
the service of my country, applause, and
have come back again to enjoy the pleas
ures of my old home. Applause. Be
sides my pubticservice as'I'resident of the
United States, I tave, a you ' are all well
aware,'ppent years of my life. in foreign
countries, bu: never yet have I lost sight of
old Lancaster. Applause. She has al
ways presented hersell to mv mind's 'view
as the spot 1 would wish to live and die.
Applause It was here that your fathers
took me op, fostered 'an'd encouraged me,
and honored indeed am 1 to receive from
their posterity so kind and generous a re
ception. Here am I determined to spend
the resl of my days applause to dwell
amongst you as a qniet citizen to be an
adviser,and to administer to the wants of .he
widow and orphan. Applause-
I do not intend referring to the political
affairs of our country. My public acts have
been committed to the pases of hislory,and
lime alone can decide whether they hare
been right or wrong; if, however, any of
these have been displeasing to the residents
of Lancaster, I respectfully ask your pardon,
In 1809, -now more than 50 year's ago, I
made this city my home, and, as I remark
ed to the Pies'ulent (Mr. Lincoln,) upon
leaving Washington "If, in coing into the
White House, you are as happy as I feel
leaving it, and returning to Wheatland,
then, sir, I think yon are the happiest man
in the world."
God grant lhat "the Union and the Consti
tution may be preserved, and that the troub
les which now surround us may pass away
as the early dew before the rising sun
Applause I again thank you for this
manifestation of your regard, and my fer
vent prayer is, "uod grant that the Union
may be perpetuated."
Nkw Paper "Misery lores company,"
another new Tpaper is started probably
for the purpose of healing up our national
difficulties. A better business to expend
money and give employment to a Sheriff
could not be embarked in than the publish
ing of a newspaper. The newspaper in
question is published at Sunbury, Pa., by
Messrs. Pukdt Bachman, and is called the
"Northumberland County Democrat." This
Ilavte Xou Seen IX im !
1UST below the-PosrOfiic". and will sell
every day and nihv: be tde weail.r
du'l or briirht ; he will sell jou barsraioa.
right. JOHN has goods of 'every descrip
tion, and can sell them at les tlitm half the
nual cost, on account of having men em
ployed to attend till the SheiifT Sales
and assignee's Sales, 'ind Wholesale Aac
tion Tiiiles. And besideVhe buys for cmih
and buys from the Manufacturer, an gets
a'argf t1i$cothil Therefore h'; goods pas
ses through no hands but his irwn-t'anil he
sells at very 'small profits, 'and has 'Quick'
sale. John sells no damaged good. Come
one. come all, both great and ima!l. La
dies will please call in the "day time, when
goods can be had at the same price as at
niglit ; al! we ask and all we dwell upon. Ts
'don't forget your friend, IIONKST JOHN. -
March'6, 18ff!.
Sheriff's Sale.
r Y virlne of a writ of Firtti Facris'ln "bi'e
directett, issued out of fhe HDdurt
Common Pleas of 'Colnrribia county, P
will be exposed lo public sale, on the
premises, in Bloom townhip, Col. co., oh
1861, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fol
lowing described property, to wit : , . -
The defendenlV interest in all that
certain piece or parcel , of land, with the
water power and privileges nfporpnarit
thereto, situate in Bloom iownhip, Colr.m
bia county bounded by the Wyoming Oa
nal, lands of Thomas Knorr, landsof Samu
el Boone, and Fishingcreek, rontain'fog
ONK ACRE, more or less, op which are
erected a large GRIST MILL, a fratf.e
dwelling Houe, a Irame Stable, and other
ouibuildingf; with ih appurtenances?
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Leonard B Unpen.
Bloomsbnrj, March 6, 1SG1.
Henry Zuppiiiffcr'n
THANKS, my beat thanks, to al'; with a
few slanderers, ! have a bone to pick,
that i: I forgive them, gladlj, very gladly;
they have itrfred me ver) 1i!t!e: tor listen
what the ''knowing" ones ny : "He is a
real aood workman, the best we known
excellen' Watchmaker and a firt rate Sil
ver Sm'nh end Jeweller, and it yon lotik
the last four years, owin to the pressing
public duties which necessarily engaged
your attention.
You, Sir, have long been in the service
of your country, in various public capcilies;
aud now, after having received from the
people of the United. States the highest
honors in the Republic, you gracefully re
tire from the perplexities and responsibili-
ties of official station, and return to ppend
the eveninu of your protracted and eventful
is the third paper published in the town of rhi, true a gold." Now mind ! how can
c . , . r , . I demonstrate my cratnude foi this coptyiaT
Sunburv, and the fourth in that county i ! ... u a rJ-w,l
-' J I coo.l opinion Answer, ry a renewett,
Three of them we believeclaim to be Dem
ocratic. The new "Democrat" :s of re
spectable size, with work passingly well
executed. Its editorial columns speak in
plain language the true Democratic doctrine.
SIGSED. The Govenor ha signed the
bill for the comtmitarion of the tonnaae tax
on the Pennsy I vania rai! road, and also the
pa n v.
Kill mTrJ irtf rnliil -k A t n n r r rr lli a
life in the place made sacred to you bj the . , ,
... , . ,, .r t title of the Su nbiuy and Kne railroad com-
in dc mr. ol nan a ceninrv. Aiier nav-
iiiZ served your country faithfully and well,
al home and abroad, you at length seek the
repose of your beloved Wheatland, without
a solitary aspiraion for the future, except'
an ardent desire for the welfare and happi- j
ness of ) our countrymen, and the perpslui- '
ty of our republican institutions. j
Your Administration of the General Gov- ;
rrnment, Sir, will be marked in the history
Wanted immediately by tk'tusjr.dt of 'suffer
ing families, a sate an I reliable remedy for
accidents from burns, scald, wounds, troi
scs, &c, the same may be found at a-ty re
spectable dru'jit's throiighont the United
Stales and Canada?, t y iniiiirin2 for Hol
loway's Ointment, which far excels all oth
er salves in use for the ioi mediate relief it
gives to burns, scalds, wounds, cuts,
i no matter now severe. I he thousands who
o the nation as the most eventful one since , ,ve Hj.e,i ;t pronoonre it the speediest in
the irvaugo ration of the Father of his Conr.- i its effect and -alleviation of p;iin it extracts
trv. From vour accession to the Presiden- tne heat and the inflammation, and by its
... r . fsooihinz nature promotes a rapid cure
n ..rttil i T i a ah rf form tntl nfltl I 1 1 .
t- 1 Ultlll V. 1 W . V' I ,iru IV iij . , " ......
Ilis journey from ''Washington to Lancas- j ly leaving him to fall into the hands of bis
ter lias resembled more the triumphal j enemies, to meet wnn an ignommus ue?.;.
tour of an incoming President than tbe re- Thus we had enacted at Harper's Ferry the
turn of a statesman who.e power has de
parted. Ife has at every point been greet
ed with the cordial .grasp and the hearty
hnrrah. These evidences .of the attach
ment of the. people are as real as they are
spontaneous. Money could not purchase
them, and of offices he has no more to be
stow. , . .... . .
At Wheatland, which he has rendered
historical, he -ar ill enjoy that repose which j
was denied him in Washington. Happen
what may and disaster, we fear, is certain,
since a corrupt party is inaugurated in pow
er he will have the satisfaction of know
ing that he did not bequeath to his country
.the bloody inheritance of civil war. May
his last days be as happy as his former
ones have been oseful ; and hurrah for the
man who travels by day-light.
A Senator will have to be elected lo fill
the vacancy caused by the. appointment of
Simon Cameron, of this Slate, to a Cabinet
position. Already the Republican papers
are urging the election of David Witmot,
and W. W. Ketchum, of the State Sen
ate. They are both of the most ultra
stamp that could be chosen from the. Re
publican'rar.ks.1 The former is the most
objectionable to the masses of the two, on
account of his notorious free " trade princi
ples, and his close adherance to the "irre
pressible conSict" doctrines. Ha is one of
yon r no concession rceri.
.. GosEt'rf Labt's Boon for April, is in onr
pnffs.sion. It h a charming number con
'iHU mo?t splendid fashion plates. It is a
perfect model of a-Magazine excelled by
lioire in the United States. Goday has too
much taste ar.d ability to be out
stripped by' any one engaged ia his line
Prib!"-hd in rhila. Terns, 53 per aanara,
farce of freedom to the slave, ending, how
ever, in an unexpected tragedy, which
ought to have convinced even the fanatical
Abolitionists ot the folly and wickedness of
their course. Whilst their whole movement
in regard to the 6lave, has been proved
uncalled for, the effects upon the peace
and unity of the nation have been dreadful
in the extreme : Never were the interests
of a people so trifled with in an insane ef
fort to give freedom to these who thus
sporn it when offered. A tremendous guil:
attaches to those who have been the instru
ments of causing, so. unnecessarily, the
deep distress which everywhere surrounds
os. If the Abclilionints were half as anxiovs
to keep the devil of mischief oirf of their hearls
as they are to give liberty to those who do not
want H, and whom it would not oenefV, it would
be much better for them and concerned.
The "Easton Express," of Saturday last,
contained the following:
'Tell the people of Northampton that I
consider the tonage tax bill an outrage. Its
passage will rob ihe Commonwealth, and I
shall do what . I can to defeat it." These
Messrs. Editors, wer the words spoken by
Mr. Schindel a few days since, in Philadel
phia, in my presence. Now 1 wish to know
whether the ."ifrt?," gentleman has not been
trampling upon one of the commandments 1
Jefferson on Secession and Cocreion.
In a letter to Mr Breckinridge, dated
Auzust 12. 1803, relative to the acquisition
ol Louisiana, Mr. JefTert-on says :
" 1 hese federalists see in this acquisition
the formation of a new Confederacy, embracing
nil ihh waters of the Missisippi, on both
sides of it, and a separation of the eastern
waters from us. These combinations de
pend on so many circumstances which we
cannot foresee, that I place little reliance
on them.
"We have seldom seen neighborhood
prodnce affection among nations. The re
verse is a'most the universal trulh.
"Besides, if it thould become the great inter
est of these n'ltiom to sep irate fiom this -if
their happiness should depend 6n it so strongly
as to induce then to go thrwh thai convuhion,
why should these Atlantic Slates dread it? But
especially, why should theit present inhabitants
take side tn such a question 1
The future inhabitants of the Atlantic
and Mississippi States will be our sons.
We leave them distinct but bordering es
tablishments . We th-.nkwe see their happi
ness in their Union, and ire wish 7? Events
may piove it otherwise, and if they see their in
terest in separation, why should we lake side
with our Atlantic rather than our Mississippi
descendants ? .
"It is the elder brother and the younger
son differing.
"God. bless them both, and keep them in
the Union if it be for their good, but sepa
rate them if it be better Works of Jeffer
son, vol 4. p 499 500
A member of the Missouri Legislature
recently proposed to have the public print
ing d one by convict labor, but it was found
there was no printer, and never had been
:n the Penitentiary.
Juecs Low, of the Land Coarl, St. Lock,'
ha3 decided that a paper published in tbe
interest of a religious sect is not a newspa
per, and that legal notices .published in
Morc Robberv Goiko on. The Black
Republican members of our State Legisla
ture passed a bill last week, donating $30.-
000 of ihe peoples' money for the benefit of
the people of Kansas. ; This is nothing more
nor less than paying a debt, incurred by the
Black Republican party, for most of these
people who are reported to be suffering,
were induced to emigrate to that territory
by Black Republicans for the purpose ot
" saving Kansas -for freedom." This being
the case hai it not better been madeaslave
State ? Wovdd these poor suffering people
be there nor? It is claimed that this suf
fering has been brought upon the people
from the failure of the crops. Is this dis
appointment going to happen often? if so,
the climate' does not appear to us to be
adapted to either free or . slave labor, and
the territory not worth tne wnue making a
A Compliment from Royalty.
We clip the following item from a recent
number of the London (Co un) Journal.
"We haye of late observed with pleasura
ble fee'ings a growing tendency among the
higher circles to contract a closer intimacy I
with the disciples of Art and Science. This
is as it should be, for in our humble opin
ion England rises higher in the scale of civ
ilization by the fertile genius of her sons
than by the rays of military glory reflected
from her arms. Al the late levee in the
Queen's Drawing Rooms among other nota
bilities we noticed with unfeigned satis
faction the celebrated Dr. Holloway, whose
Pills and Ointment have won lor him a uni
versal and imperishable name, his sober
habli ments strangely contrasted with ihe
elegant and recherche dress of the courtiers
who surrounded him. On introducing him
to ihe Queen, Her Majesty extended her
haud to him in the most gracious and smil
in" manner, detaining him a few moments
by well merited compliments to his fame,
which haJ been echoed to the uttermost
boundaries of the earth, wherever sickness
had found a "local habitation," or disease
sown its dragon's teeth. Her Majesty par
ticularly alluded to the benefits which not
only the wounded British but even French
Soldiers had received Irom his Ointment
during the Russian war. The Doctor bowed
his venerable head in acknowledgement
of this proud tribute from his Sovereign
Mistress to hi unceasins eflorts in the
cause of suffering humanity. Fxom the uni
ted testimony of the Medical Staff, the Of
ficers, and Miss Florence Nightingale, who
all concurred in the great efficacy of Dr
Holloway's Ointment in gun-shot wounds
sloughing ulcers, sabre cuts and contusions,
the Government has issued orders that the
Ointment be used for dressins in all the
Military Hospitals throughout Great Britain
and her dependencies." 4 'Chester" Morn
inz Times."
perienceJ by any of -our distinguished
predecessors in the high office ; and you
retire from the Chair of State at a perilous
time, through the machinations of foreign
and dom-er-tic foes, commenced years ago,
the nation is convulsed lrom its centre to
its circumference when seven of our sister
States are in open -rebellion against the au
thority -of the General Government and
all accidents of this
character. No house
hold should be without Hoiloway's Pills
and Ointment, which ihe cheapest and
most efficacious medicine for family ne.
ERobertJ. Walker has suddenly be
come a millionaire by the decision made in
the Supreme Court involving the title to a
quicksilver mine in California estimated to
to be worth S10,000.000 Mr. Walker
the proprietor, of one-fifth ol this valuable
mine, and was offered not long ago S2,000,
000 for it provided the Lourt should give
a favorable decision. That decision has
now been given and Mr. Walker, who was
m dsa his own words, "a bessar in the
morning," went home lo dinner a million
when the dancers oT civil war and blood
shed are fearfully imminent. That such a
sad condition x things is deprecated by
you, as it is by every true hearted patriot in
the land, cannot ba doubted. We know
that you anticipated and faithfully warned
your fellow-citizens, time and again, of the
dangers that at the present moment men
ace the country; and now that the troubles
you predicted with true staiesmanlike sa
gacity as the result ol a sectional contro
versy of long duration are upon us in all
their horrors and intensity short of the
phedding of fraternal blood, which has, so
ar, been happily averted by your calmness
and prudence I am sure that no language
I can employ will be sufficient to express
the deep feeling of grief which must per
vade your bosom al the discordant and dis
severed condition of the country.
Your fellow-citizens of Lancaster county,
Sir, have differed in opinion as to tho pro
priety or policy of some of the measures of
your administration. This, of course, was
to have been expected, as no previous ad
ministration had been exempt from passing
through the same ordeal; but all are willing
to admit tnai jour imeiiuui.s cio mc
that you were honest and patriotic in what
you did. and that the welfare, the glory
and perpetuity of the Union were near and
t . ...... nil iKa litria RalidUiiifT
Hear lu JUUl limn, an i w miio. ueii..-'0 i
this, Sir, thousands of your old neighbors
and acquaintances have assembled here to
day for the purpose of bidding you wel
come; at the same time trusting, in your
retirement, you may long live to enjoy the
confidence and esteem of those to whom
you are endeared by a thousand recollec
tions, not only from your' eminent public
services in the councils of the nation, but
aIo from pure, private benefaction in this
It only remains for me, sir. on behalf of
the people of Lancaster county, to bid you
a hearty welcome to your old home. I per
form the task with pleasure, and extend to
you the hand of friendship and fraternal
greeting, (here the Mayor took hold ol Mr.
Buchanan's hand) invoking upon you Hea
ven's choicest blessings in time and eler-
The Rev. William Co?-ukove, while la
boring as a missionary in Japan, was cured
of Consumption, when all other means had
failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned
physician residing in the ureal city of Jeddo.
This recipe has cured great nnmber who
were suffering from Consumption, Bronchit
is, Sore Throat, Cough, and CoMs. and the
1 debility and nervous depression caused by
these disorders.
Desirous ot benefiting others, I will send
this recipe, which I have brought home
with me, to all who n-eil ii. fre- of charge.
Address REV. WM COSflROVE,
230 Baltic street,
Brookltn. N. Y. Feb 27, 3m.
strong etlort to do wnat is rigni hnn wm
last. Netv 'Wan-he's, new Clork; a lot of
fine ami opc-o'mm'oii Jewelry; a good assort
ment of Specialties, and lase for Specta
cle, plated, sfeel. and silver frarreil, wilt:
alai-ses to suit all aaen; a full asoitment of
watch glasses, bunting ar.d open cased;
watch material 'and clock trimminss, and
so forth. Also "Sewing Machine kept fl"g
and repaired. Also a very fine article of
20M ppfi,warrant-d 14 Carats, Bnd Det-k,
Mammoth and Comrr.erri:i.
B'0Tmbnr2. Dc. 26, JR60.
iVt'Yv Arrival !
Jail rowciibcrg
INVIT-KS at enlion lo his stock of cr.enp
4iul fashiona'e tlotliing at his MorroO
Mam street, t o doors above t tie 'Amer
ican House,' where fie has a fulihsort
inenl Of men and boy's wearing apparel,
including '.he most fashionable
i n t: SS (JOODS,
Box. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats
of all sons and size, pants of all color,
r. ha wis, M-ripes and figure , veis. sh irts. cra
vats, stock . re liars, handkerchiefs, gloves
suspenders and fancy articles.
N-B. He will also make to order any
article of clothing at very shortnotice and
in the best manner. All hi clothing is
made to weai , ar.d most of it is of homft
Bloomsbnrg, March 13, 1861.
m. inn i ed.
On Thursday, the 7th inst , bv the Rev.
D.J. Waller, Mr. Cimrlc A. Weiss, of
Penn Haven, Carbon co , lo Miss Mart E.
Bidleman, of Ml. Pleasant twp., Columbia
On the 27th of February, by the Rev.
Mr. Russel, at the residence of the bride's
father, Mr. Damri. Leacock, to Miss Mart
II Edgar, daughter of J K. Edgar, all of
Bloomsburg, Colombia co.
In Locust on the 28th nit , by P. H. Her
lin, Esq., Mr. Ouvkr Evans, to Miss Dobo
rah Ann, daughter of J C. Myers, Esq., of
Locust township, this county.
On March 2nd. at the residence of the
bride, by Rev. J. R. Schwartz. Mr Willi a M
Girtos, of Briarcreek, Columbia coumy, lo
Miss Rebecc a E, tiaughter of Mr. Jacob
Hosier, of Salem Luzerne co.
On February 28th, 1861, at the residence
of the bride's father, by J. P. Smith, Esq,
Mr. Benjamin Kkfxe, of Greenwood, to Miss
Rem Ann, daughter of Joseph Ikler, of
Mountpleasant township, all of this co
On the 21st ult.. near Mifflin, by the Rev.'
H. Hoffman. Mr Michael Heller, to Mrs.
Elizabeth Kiucendall. both of this co.
On the 3rd of ftlarch, by Adam Suit.,
Esq , Mr. Georoe Lindin, to Miss Frances
V. Lvsn. all of Briarcreek township
AElf' F.1LL .fyi) IVISTEll
M A it T Z fc 12 T
HAVE jut received from Ph'-ladelphia a
splendid assortment of merchamfie,
pcrchased al Ihe lowest figure, and which
they are determined to sell for
Cnsh or Country Prollucc,
on as moderate terms as ran be procured
elsewhere in Lichl Sceet. Then Stock con
sists ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicei-t
styles and latest fashions.
WARE, llOLLOU'.lVjlItE. -
Iron, IVniU and Spikes,
a short everv thing uually kepi in a coun
try More. Uiey respecuuny invne meir
old Iriends, and the public geiierally,to call
and examine their stock before purchasing
Cr The highest price paiJ for country
Light Street, Oct. 31, JS60.
In Benton township March 2d, 1861, Mrs
Frascks. wife of Silas Benjamin, aged about
23 years
In Port Noble, on Tuesday morning last,
Mis Jane Gkigkh. aued aoout 12 vears.
Mr. Buchanan then rose to reply, and
was welcomed with round after round of
hearty applause. He addressed the assem
blage mainly as follows :
mOU Friends and Fellow C,hzcns ;M . f ' b
have not words sufficient to express the! . E.J.THORNTON,
gratefuf feelings I entertain for this manifes-1 Bloomsburg, March 13, 1861.
carkfully corrected weekly.
WHEAT, si 00
RYE. 70
CORN, (new) 50
OA I S. 23
FLOUR pr.bbl. 6 00
EGGS. 12
LARD. 12
HAMS, 12
A N Article of most excellent Wall Paper
to be had at the Post Office. Afresh
supply of
PODerior in quality and style to any in ihis
"arise take rp thy bed and walk"
The sinalyticol Physician and Surgeon,
S daily astonishing his patients by the
cure of I on 2 standins diseases. HIS
11L.II. He will be at the following places
the same days of each month as sUted be-
ow, whett he can be consulted tor all dis
eases flesh is heir to.
At Nicely's, in Berwick, 28ih and 29th.
The Exchange. Bloomsburg. 30th to 1st.
The Montour House, Danville, 2d Si 3d.
January 30, 1861 Im -pd.
THE SPRING TERM ol this Institution
will commence on the
6th of April and continue 10 weeks
BOARDING, TUI I ION, &c, for this ter rtx
will be $25,00
Important changes and improvement ar
in profiles, of which due notiee wMl soon
be given.
For catalogues or further particulars, ad
WM. BURGESS," Principal, '
Millville, Col, co., March 6. lS6j.
ALL persons indebted to the nrrderVrgned
for Professional seivices np lo April
1st, I860, are respectfully requested to call
and settle, either by Note or o-.hrwise.
J. C. R UTTER, M. D.
Bloomsbnrg. Aug. 15. l50.-tf.
A good CANAL BOAT lor jyyu
sale cheap. Terras to suit f ' '5
Bloomsb'irg, Jan. 16, 1861.