The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 06, 1861, Image 3
1 J ( 1 I STAROP TAB NORTE BLOOMS BURQ, PA. .Wednesday 31oraiQ, Marth 6th, 1801. Wc would direct attention to the new advertisements ia this week' Slur. Wc would direct attention to our Sheriff Salea which appear in the Star to-day. Wg arc informed that the Water will be let in the North Branch Canal in the course ol one or two weeks. Thc frost ia this section is becoming pretty well worked out of the ground. The road are settling finely Thc Editor of this paper has for sale. A ScAo!arskip in the Iron City College, Pitts burg, which be will dispose of cheap. Thc proceedings of the Teachers' A ssoci atioa will be found in another column, of their meeting at Catlawissa on Feb. 9ib ult. Wild Pigeons During the few pleasant dajs lately, a number ol Pigeons were seen wendii-g their way towards the north. The warm weather must hare induced them to belive that Spring had come. Senator Bound will please accept our thanks for a neatly printed copy of the Osation delivered by R. M Palmer, at the reception of President Lincoln, in Harris burg, on the 22d, Washington's Birth Day. Wb will endeavor in our next issue, to give our readers the inaugural address of Abraham Lincoln. It is supposed to be brief and pointed, and if he advances any coerciye measures the people want to know it. Our Members have the acknowledge ments of the editor of this paper for ihe many documentary favors. Both Houses have taken a recess during Lincoln's inau guration. Many of the Members desiring to bs at Washington cilv ots that hoped to be memorable day. On Tuesday afternoon we had quite a brisk snow squall in this section. Our nice 'whether that we were enjoying, the first and second days of this mouth, has all dis appeared, and in iis stead has come cold, blustering weather, at least, that is the state of affairs at preseut writing, Tuesday alter uoon. Closed. The public schools of Bloom township closed oo Friday last, baing the 11 day ol March, alter a session of four month. It is staled that the salaries of the schools amounted tn about $293 per month There are some eleven schools in this dis trict, ail of which were largely attended -and most ably conducted. Some demonstration was made at this I place on Monday last, by the firing of can non, hanging out of flag, and the discoursing of music (in the evening) by the Comet Band. The Republicans no doubt feel con siderably gratified over the inauguration of their acknowledged chieftain ; atter all the peculation about the interfering with his taking the seat, passed oil and proved to be &ll bt ulum fulineti. t Mlvr Bikds A few of these beautiful tid welcome little songsters, whose appear ance is hailed with universal joy, doubtless inspired with over confidence by the con genial weather, have made their appear ance. We are afraid that they will yet be brought to regret their imprudent flight to the yet desolate North. Their melancholy notes may te heard lrora the tree tops at they wistfully turn towards the east for the ap pearance of the raidieut gleams of the sun Gen. Geo. Washington Morbison Nutt, exhibited in the Court House, at this place, on Thursday afternoon and evening last to respectable audiences, and as far as we c"an learn his levees rendered perfect satisfac lion. He is the smallest and most hand some little General we have ever seen ; is .16 years old, 29 inches in height, and 'weighs 24 pounds. In company with the 'General, was Miss Bcltok, said to be the prettiest and smallest lady living. They are both well educated, and tolerably good QcaIiu. A Dramatic Exhibition, was given on the .evening ot the 22d ult., at Jerseytown, by a Xiterary Society of that place. The Blooms burg Band was engiged and discoursed I jncsic for the occasion. Dr. P. H. Freeze. of this place, delivered an address in com- xnemoration cf Washington fc birth day, which js said to have received encomiums from all 1 persons who heard it. We know no reason why the Doctor should not be able to deliv er an able, patriotic and eloquent address upon almost any subject The young folks ol Jerssytown have life in them, and de serve to be encouraged. Gcs. Tom Thumb, the "American Man in i X rninatare," treated our citizens with two of ' ;i Jiis entertainments, on Saturday afternoon and evening. The General. is truly the wonder of the age, so exceedingly small, jet so sprightly, eymetrical, intelligent, S - ia stature a babet in every thing else, a full " grown nan.'. The General is accompanied xby Mr. Wm. Tom! In, an English Barytone yjnger, wose great celebrity is entirely rm tt Ut sa4ab morii onti oro!lona J-solby Mr. W.DeVere, of New York 'ose rendering of "Let me kissed him for (mother," drew torta the commendation be whole house, and justified his posi icfa'Star among American Tenors." r. C. G. Titcomb, of Boston, a pianist of 0reat excellence, alss accompanied the f General, and so n3 were his selections of taastc, ana so we.l execatea . "that the ear LIkeawco'd dansel trembled with delight " All ia all, tha entertainments were deci- tr.d the Genera! and bis i Have You Seen Hi in ! THE GREAT ORIGINAL CIIAEP JOHN ! . IS IN TOWN, AND HOLDS FORTH AT WEAVERS STORE! 1UST below the Post Office, and will sell "every day and evening; be the weather dull or bright ; he will sell you bargains right. JOHN has goods of every descrip. lion, and can sell them at less than half the usaal cost, on account of having men em ployed to attend all the Sheriffs Sales and assignees Sales, and Wholesale Auc tion Sales. And besides he buys for cash, and buys from the Manufacturers, and gets a large discount. Therefora his goods pas ses through no hands but his own ; and he sells at very small profits, and has quick sales. John sells no damaged goods. Come one, come all, both great and small. La dies will please call in the day time, when goods can be had at the same price as at night ; al! we ask and all we dwell upon, is don't forget your friend, HONEST JOHN. , CHEAP JOHN. , March 6, 1861. Administrator's Notice. Estate of John C. Get, hart, late of Franklin township, Columbia county, deceased. I E1TEKS of Administration on the estate of John C. Gearhart, lute of Franklin township, Columbia county, deceased, nave been granted, by the Register of said coun ty, to Daniel C. Gearhart, of M aine town ship, and county aloresaid. All persons having claims or demands against ttie es tate of the decedent are requested to make them known to the administrator and those indebted to the estate to make payment immediately to DANIEL C. GEARHART. January 23, 1861 6w. Admr. Administrator's Notice Etate of Peter Kline, tate of Locust township, Columbia county deceased ETTERS of administration on the estate of Peter Kline, late of Locust lownshio. 1 Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Regiter of said county to Martin V. B. Kline, residing in the town ship and county aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against.the esate of the decedent are requested to make them known to the undefined, and those indebted to the estate tdmake payment to the administrator without delay. MAKTIN V. B. KLINE. January 23, 1861 6w. Admr "AK.SE TAKE CP THY BED AND WALK." The Analytical Physician and Surgeon, -1 S daily astoni-biug his patients by the - cure of Jong standing disease?. HIS REMEDIES ARE PURELY YECETA I1L.12. He will be at the lollowing places the same dajs cf each month as stated be low, when he can be consulted for all dis eases flesh is heir to. CONSULTATION free. At Nicely '8, in Berwick 28th and 29th. The Exchange. Bloomsburg. 30lh to 1st. The Mon our House. Danville, 2d & 3d. January 30, 186 1 1m -pd. Sheriff's Sales. y vinue of a win of Alias Ven. Exponas, - 10 me directed, issued out of the Court ofCcmrnon Pleas of the co. of Columbia. Pennsy Ivania.will be exposed to public sale at the Conn House in Bloomsburg. on SATURDAY". THE 2.D OF MARCH, 1861, at one o'clock in the afternoon the tallowing1 described property to wit : all that certain Tract ot Land situate in Suar loal lownshio, Columbia county, bounded a follows to wit : Beginning at a post in line of land o! Jonathan C. Pennington, and corner of land of George Moore, thence on Road North eighteen and a half degrees West, ninety five perches and six temhs to a post, thence by laud ot George Moore and Christian L. More, S uth eighty four and three quarter degree., West forty nine and cift lent h perches to a post, thence by lands ot Christian L. Moore, South twelve at.d'a half degrees, East ninety three perch es and e-ght reti'hs to a post, thence by lands ot Eznkiel Shultz and J. C. Penning ton, North eighty four and three quarter degrees East, fifty nine and two tenth per ches to he place ol Beginning, Containing Thiny one Acres and seventy eight 'lerches strict measure nearly all of which is im proved land. Whereon are erected a one and a halt S'ory Plank dwelling Home, a Frame Bank Bern, a Frame Wagon Shed, a Destil House and oiher out buildings with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as tne property of June F. Lawbach. ALSO At the 'arae time and place by virtue of a writ, Ven. Ex , to me directed all that certain lot of land situate in Jameson's addition to Centerville Center townshp, Co lumbia county, Lot No. 28 in Plot ot said addiiion, bonnded and describee1 as follows, on the North by lot of William Kromer. on the Ea-t by an alley, on the South by an alley and on the West a street of said Cen treville, Containing one third of an acre be the same more or lss. Whereon are erect ed a two sioty frame dwelling House arid other out buildings with (he appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Harrison Lohman. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsborg, Feb. 20, 1861. Auditor's Aotice THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan' Court of Columbia county, up on exceptions to the account of Samuel Kressler, administrator of Lemuel Kressler, late of Columbia county, deceased, will at tend to the duties of his appointment at his Office, in Blnomsburg, on Saturday, the 23d day of March, A U. 1861, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons inter ested may attend. WESLEY WIRT, Febrnary 27. 1861. . Auditor. . Er "Democrat" please copy. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned appointed by the Court an Audi'or to distribute the lund arising from the Sheriff's sale of the Real Estate ot Hiram Smethers, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday the 30'A day of March, 1861, at 2 o'clock p. m., at bis Office ic Bloomsburg, Colombia county, at which time and, place all persons interested are hereby nodded to attend, or be foreter debarred from coming in on said fund. WESLEY WIRT, February 27, 1861. Auditor. For Sale or Rent. TTHE subscriber offers three Houses and lots for 6ale, or rent, one in Blooms burg, one al Buckborn, and one f t lower Lime Ride, also a Store Room and grana ry snitable for a small Store or Grocery, it being in a good locality of the (own. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg Feb. 6, 1861. FOR RENT. '. A CONVENIENT House and lot in Biootnburg. ' The garden is an Vj excellent one, and a good well of.l ffml water on the premises. . For further panic- STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES OF THC COUIVTY OF COLUMBIA. From the 1st day of January, i860, to the Ut day of January, 1861. THE Auditors elected to settle and adjust the PuMt-i Accounts of Columbia county, have examined the same, from the 1ft day of January, I860, to the 1st dav of January, 1861, and respectfully lay before the Hon orable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, the following statement and reports, agreeably to the Twenty-second Section of an Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the Fourth day of April, A. D 1834. 1 - AV, l lJXSTO., Treasurer ol Columbia County, ui account with said County : January, 1860 : To Taxes outstandings 38 12S 7 V 3 . , . "SH 01 Jacob Yohe, for old plank, Feb'y 6 To cash of John D. Run- 1 26 J an, loxe, March 26 To cash of Sheriff Sny der, Jury Fees & Fines, g6 94 May 7 To cash of J W. Merrill. land redeemed, 3 50 May 9Tocash of J. S. McNinch, late Treasurer, 3g 35 June 8, Toeah of N.Y. M. C. F. R. R. & Coal Co, land redeemed, 80 53 June 13 Torash of Sm'IM'Henry land redeemed, 2 24 June 13 To am't of County Tax assessed for 1860, g 779 25 June 13 To cash received for mil itary assessment, i860, 40 60 do To County tax on unseated and seated lands returned, 587 74 do To tax on sealed and unseated lands returned, 454 61 do To cash, road tax on seated and unseated lands returned, 1,245 39 do To School Tax on seated and unseated lands, returned, 938 35 do To cai-h, poor tax, on seated and unseated land returned, 168 80 June 23 To cash of Dr. H. W. Mc Reynolds, taxes, 84 July 27 To cash of Jas. Lamon, land redeemed, 2 74 Oct. 12 To cash of David Savage, lor old plank, 7 17 Now. To am't ten day assessment, 11 20 Dec. 3d To cash of E. Reynold, Laud redeemed, 2 64 do To cash ol Joseph Sharpless for old iron, 3 CO Dec. 4 To cash from J. N. Jones, land redeemed, 46 Dec. 5 To cash of Hudson Broth ers for use of Court Room, 2 50 Dec. 29 To cash of Y. M. C. A., per I. W. Hartman, 3 00 do To rash of Hudson Brothers for use of Court Room, 5 00 do To cash of C. & P. Bellas, for Id bridge near OrangeviMe, 50 00 do To cash of Jacob Eyerly, Pro- ihouotary, Jury fee, 4 00 do To cash of E. H Little, J.iry fee 4 oO do To cash of John Srjyder,SheriiT, Jury Fees acd Fines, 101 59 do To cash of A. B. Tate, amounl to be refunded, 12 50 do To amounl added to duplicates 7 04 do To cash received on outs and- ing taxes, 59 34 1 S20.S51 48 By am'nt outstanding for 1860 and previous year, 7,143 37 By exonerations allowed collectors 227 39 44 commissions " do do 483 75 " am't paid State assessm't less than quota 164 72 By orders redeemed of I860, 9.902 75 do do 1859, 487 71 By orders redeemed of 1858, and previous ears, 51 90 By Treasurer's commission on $8,- . 360 35, 331 41 Bj cash in hands of Treasurer, due county, 2.055 48 $20,851 48 Expenditnres : ASSESSORS' PAY ANNUAL ASSESS MENT. Leonard B. Rnpert, Bloom iwp. 18 71 Uaiah Bower, Boiougti Berwick, II 88 WillMm Erwine, Briarcreek, 13 86 Josiah Ri'tenhouse. Beaver, 13 59 Samuel R. Kline, Benton, 17 43 Samuel Neyhard. Centre, 16 16 M H. Kerr, Ca'tawi-isa, 15 60 Daniel McKiernuii, Conyncham, 14 00 Emandus Unaugst, Fielnngcreek, 16 24 Aaron Lamberson, Franklin, 8 56 A. H. Kitchen, Greenwood, 15 98 John H. Faust, Hemlock, 15 75 Jeremiah Kline, Jackson, II 86 Gera Hower, Locust, 15 84 Lawrence Waiters, Mifflin, 15 68 William T. Shuman, Maine, 10 85 Peter M. Kashner, Montour, 9 12 John Stetler, Madison, 15 86 Isaac Culp, Mount Plvasar.t, 12 66 George Richard, Orange, 14 27 A. J. Manning. Pine, 14 24 Charles Djer, Roanngcreek, 9 03 J. R. Fritz, Sugarloaf, 1 1 53 Matthew Case, Scott, 14 13 332 83 ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWS. Am't paid Mindry persons for road and bridge views during the year 181 00 JURORS' WAGES AND MILEAGE. Amount paid Jurors at the several Courts, 996 42 INCIDENTAL, Amount paid for paper, ink, etc. 47 20 POSTAGE. Amount paid Leonard B Rupert. 2 84 SURVEYOR. Am'nt paid Solomon Neyhard for surveying unseated lands 161 CO Am'nt paid for Surveying county line between Columbia and Lu zerne Counties, agreeably lo an Act of Assembly, passed April 2d, 1860, 41 50 202 50 - DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Amount paid E. H .' Little, Eqr. 109 00 PRINTING. Amount paid W. H. Jacoby, 93 80 do do Palemon John, 37 00 do do A. B.Tate, 64 50 do do L. L.Tate, 1 16 50 ' 4311 80 SHERIFF'S BILL. Am'nt paid John Snyder boirdiog Prisoners and notifying Jurors 377 93 Am'l paid, conveying John Whip ple to the Eastern biate Peniten tiary, 70 00 Ami conveying Jno. Greenough to E. S. Penitentiary & W. J. Cook, 95 00 Am't paid conveying Rob't Brown to Insane Asylum, Harrisburg, 37 00 S579 93 FOX AND WILD CAT SCALPS. Amount paid sundry persons, 90 42 CLEANING COURT HOUSE. Amt. paid Ann Long, during year, 17 00 TIP-STAVES. Am' paid at the several Courts. 43 00 BLANK AN D LAW BOOKS. Amount paid sundry persons, ' 53 72 i ' " PROTHONOTARY. ; ROAD DAMAGES. Amt. paid Hiram Hess, Fish 'creek, 25 00 do David Bobb, Madison, lo 00 do Shadrack Eves, Pine 45 00 do Abraham Heoiock, Pine, 35 00 do heiis ol G. Kline, Orange. 65 00 go hamuel Boon, Blocm, do John Hess, do Henry Keller, Locust, 50 00 25 00 50 00 305 00 BRIDGE CONTRACTS. Amount paid David Savage, do Daniel McHenry, 19 50 34 32 S53 82 BRIDGE REPAIRS. Amount paid for repairing bridges, 664 83 TAX REFUNDED. Amt. of road, school, and pool tax on unseated Lands, returned to township, 2,099 07 Ami relunded 10 Michael Brobet, 7 00 42,106 07 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Amt. paid Col. Co. Agricult'l Soc'y, 100 00 CO. AUDITORS AND THEIR CLERK. Amt. paid Audi'orsand their Clerk, S39 50 do W. Wirt auditing Pro Ihonotary and Register's accounts, 12 50 $52 00 ELECTION EXPENSES. Spring election and swearing officers 386 58 General election, 328 00 Presidential Election, 343 60 $1,058 19 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. ' Amt. paid Witnesses, Jnstice8,f&c. 70 09 COURT CRIER. Amt. paid Mones Coffman, 49 00 FUEL. Amt. paid for Coal aud Wood, 59 73 COMMISSIONERS' ATTORNEY. Amount paid John G. Freeze, E-q., 85 00 INSURANCE Amt paid B. F. Hartman lor Lyo. Mutual Ipsurnnce Company, 19 33 INQUEST. Amt paid Wm. T. Shuman, Esq, body ol John I. Keeth, Amt. paid Reuben Fahringer, Esq. body of Daniel HeibMer, Am'l paid John Hartman, Esq., body of Baltis App'eman, Amt paid Reuben Fahringer, Esq. body of Thomas Conly, PENITENTIARY. Paid E. S Penitentiary lor support of convict, MEDICAL SERVICES. Paid F. C. Harrison, M. D , medi cal attendance on prisoner, Paid Jno. Ramsey, M. D., medical attendance on prisoners, 10 37 17 65 10 73 20 44 59 19 216 54 28 00 32 00 ibO 00 COUNTY BUILDINGS. Amn't paid for papering in Court House. Sheriff's house, Stoves in Court House, repairing pump at Sheriffs house, repairing Stable, Lamps in Court Home, three County Maps, &c, . 293 ,44 TREASURER. To amount paid Ja. S. McNinch, late Treasurer, balance due from county, as per Auditor's Report, S487 78 COMMISSIONERS AND CLERK. Amt paid Elia Deiterich, 146 00 Amt paid K. Deiterich expenses to Harrisburg on business tor the county, 15 00 Amt. paid George Miller, 142 50 do Joseph R. Patton, 1 5 1 00 do William Lamou, 18 00 do R. C. Fruit, Clerk, 400 00 fcS72 50 Whole Amount of Orders issued for 1860, S10:009 80 Deduct amt. ol Taxes refunded, 2,106 07 do do paid late Treasurer, 487 78 Deduct amt. to be refunded by A. B Tate, which was over-pay lor the year 1860, 12 50 J2606 35 Expenditures for the year 1860, $7,403 45 We, the undersigned Auditors of the Co. of Colombia, being duly elected to adjust aud settle the accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners, have carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of the same, from the first day of January, A. D., I860, to the firM day of January, A. D., 1861, do certify that we find them correct as set lonh in the fore;oin2 tatement, aud that we find a balance due Columbia county of Twenty Hundred and Fifty Five Dollars and Forty Eiuht cents Irom John A. Funston, Ttear et of said county. Given under our hands this eleventh day of January, A. I)., 1861. DAVID DEMO IT, GEO. M. HOWELL, JOSEl'H B KN1TTLE. County Auditors. Attest W. Wirt, Clerk. We, the undersigned Commissioners of Columbia county, do certify that the fore going is a correct statement of the accounts of said county for the jear 1860. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 1th day of JanuaryaA. D 1861" GEORGE MILLER, JOSEPH R. PATTON WILLIAM LAMON, Corn's of Col. Co. Attest R. C. Fruii. Clerk. FINANCES OF COLUMBIA CO. Balance due from Collectors, S7,143 37 Note of Benjamin Hay man's adm'r, 26 24 Balance due from Treasurer, $2 055 48 $9,225 09 Orders unredeemed for 1858 and previous years, Orders unredeemed for 189, do do I860, Orders outstanding, 8 09 t 38 107 05 31 16 52 89,108 57 Balance in favor of County, February 5th 1861 approved by the Court. JACOB EVANS, 1 Associate STEPHEN BALDY, J Judges. Bloomsbura, Feb.13, 1861. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Late White Swan) Race Street, abere 3d Philadelphia QUILLMAN $ BOYER, Proprietors. Terms, $1.25 per day, rr'O the old customers of this well-known J- House, we desire to say, that we have renovated, improved and newly furnished the, and that we respectfully solicit a continuance ot their patronage. Strangers, travelers and visitors we cor dially invite to the bospitallity of the "Na tional" to come and see and judge lor themselves of its advantages and merits. Our location is central, and convenient for Merchants and business men generally We will always endeavor to study the wants and comforts of our guests, and with the assistance of Mr. Charles A. Stein, our affable and attentive Clerk, we feel prepar ed to keep a good Hotel, and hope to give general satisfaction. I HENKY QD1LLMAN, JOHN BOYER. Philad., Feb. 13, 1861 y. FOR SALE! SEVERAL desirable Building Lots in Bloomsburg, for sale. Inquire of June 20, 1860-tf. W. WIRT. TO LET. TtTQTlCE isbereby given that two or three I THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. IflODEIS NC O OK E R Y In all its II ranches, BY MISS ELIZA ACTON, CARBFl'LLY REVISED BY MRS B. J. HALE. T TELLS YOU HOW to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork ; aUo the best and simplest way of saltinu, pick ling and curing the same. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, wiih the different Dressing, Gravies, and Stuffings impro priate to each. IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose, ciean, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted ; also all the va rious and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl. Game, and Vegetable Soups. Broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes ol cooking Vegeta bles of every description, al..o how to pre pare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mush rooms, &c. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and moHt approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pas trv, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionery Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of everv descrip'ion. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusk, Muffins, and BUcuit, the best method oi preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordial, and Y ine!-ol vatious kinds. IT TELLS YOU HOW to et out and or nament a Table, how to Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh of Fowl, and in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of tie table within everj body's reach. The book contains 418 pages, and up wards of twelve hundred Receipts, all of which are the results of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested un der the personal superintendence of the writers. It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra vings, and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt ot the price, Si 00, or in cloth, extia, Si. 25. SI OOO a Year can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, our in ducements to all such being very liberal. lor single copies ol the Bock, or for terms to agents, with other information apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, "Publiher, No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia. novl4m6 Great Work on the Horse. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES ; BY FtOBKR T JENNINGS, V. S., Professor of Pathology and Oner -live Surgery tn the Vtteriuary College of Phdade'paia, etc., etc. 1 VI LL TELL YOU of the Origin, History and distinctive traits of the various breeds rf European, Asiatic, African and American Horses, with the physical forma tion add peculiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain hi age by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of Breeding, Breaking, Sta bling, Feeding, Groomins, Shoeing, and the general management of the horse, with the best modes of administering medicine, ali-o, how lo treat Biting, Kcking, Reang,rp Shing, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restless ness, and other vices to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES. Will tell you of the cauee, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangle, SDre Throat, Dis temper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Colo nic Coush, Roaring and Whis:!ing. Lampa., Sore Mouth and Ulcers, an J Decaed Teeth, with other di0eaes ol the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISESE5 Will '.ell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment ol Worms, Bts Colic, Strangu lation, Stony Concretions, Rupture, Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Hepatirrhoea. Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases of the S;omach, Bow Is, Liver and Urinary Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the canses, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog, Spavin, Ringoone, Ijweenis, Strains, Broken Kuees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoof, Scratches. Canker, Thrush, and Corns ; also, of Meyrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Siag2er, and oiher diseases of the Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, ar.d Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jiw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c, Slc, acd how to manage Castration, Bleeding, Trephinning, Roweling, Firing, Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and other surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of Rarey's Method of taming Horses; how to Approach. Halter, or Stable a Col ; how to accustom a horse to strange sounds and sight, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness; also the lorm and law cl Warranty. The whole be ing the result of more than fifteen years' careful study of the habits, peculiarities, wants aud weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages, appropri ately illustrated by One Hundred Engra vings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be furnished to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, half bour-d, S1.00, or, in cloth, extra, S1.25. SI OOO a Year can be raade by enterprising men every where, in selling the above, and other popular works ol ours. Our inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, ap ply to or sddress JOHN E. rOTlER, Publisher, 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. novl4m6 E. H. LITTLE, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Charles R, Buckalaw.' December g. 1ggjr.'fi.- 135,00. "O AYS the entiie cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commer cial School in the country. Upward of Twei.vk Hundred yoni.g men from twektv eight different Siale, have been educated for businefs here within the past three year, some of whom have been employed as book Keepers- at salaries of $2000,00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of account when they entered the college. CF Ministers' son hall price. Studentf enter at any time, aud review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues of 81 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's Bu-iness snd Ornamental Penmanship, and a large Engraviii" of ihe uotiege, inclose twenty-tive cents in 1 osl- t age Slumps to the Principal. j JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. ! January 9. 1861. I OF v. v.- V.' & i OF ALL KINDS, AT J. J. BKOWEIl'S Cheaper than liver. May 1H, I860. -. : ". .v. p. s. j, , v. :s w . '. :s Vi v. Tluware & Stove Lstablisliiueiii. TTHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just received and of fers tor sate trie largest and moei ex tensive assortment of FANCY STOTVS ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kin. is of repairing done, ss usual, nn short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12. 1853. tf. THE ITCOIJIVT VEItrVOK, Korlb Second Street, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. II. II. EDWARDSj-Froprietor. February 22. 1860. ly. (S3- CLa Ol3 S!fS9 NORTH WEST CORNER Eighth and ESaec Streets, PllILADi.LlillA. t iT Always on hand, a full assortment of Hats anJ Caps for Men Boys and Children, at low prices fFeb. 22. 1G0. NEW GOODS! FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALI. axd winter C r C CO AT JIIMMUrS STOISI?! rlMIE sub-criber has just returned Irorn the i - City with another large and select as- ! sonmentof FALL AND WINTER Goods purchased al Philadelphia, at the lowes fiju'e, and which he is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured eUewhere in Bloomsburg. His stock com prises Inno' I)res Good, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol low ware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats anil Caps, &c, &c. In short, everything usually kept in country Stores; to which he invites the public generally. The hignesi price paid for country produce. S H. MILLER. Rloo-rif-biirg, Oct. 24, I860. rj , f o Now Fall Goods.' LARGE STOCK AM) LOW PRICES. W have again been to the ci'y, and re- turned with a lare stock of Goods for the sea-on, which we are prepared to sell at a low figure lor ready pay. Our stock consists of Hardware, Qjeensware, (Jedarware, Willow-ware, Hollow-ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plaster Fluid. Camphene Oils, While Lead by the Keg, cheap, &c, &c. H. C. fc I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, Oct. 17, 1S60. OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. IN of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on FRIDAY THE 29TH DAY OF MARCH next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Petter S. Helvkig and John P. Walter Executor, oi the la't will and testament of Jacob He! wig late of L'K-ui township, in said county deceased, will expose to sale, by PubKc Vendue, upon the premises, a certain TRACT OF LAND, adjoining Peter Swenk on ihe North, Dan iel Beaver on the South, William Irvin on the West and Peter Swenk on the Ea-t. containing ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT ACRES, more or less. Whereon are erect ed two dwelling houses, a frame Bank Barn. WaCTon House, and other out buildings a A GOOD APPLE ORCHARD, about Ninety Acres cleared and under good cultivation. Late the estate of said dee'd., situate in ihe township of Locust and coun ty aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, Cletk. Conditions of Salic. Ten pet cent, at 6ale, balance of one third on first day of April 1861, one third first day of April 1862, with interest, and one third on the first day of April 1863, with interest, balance after payment of first April 1861, to be secured by judgment bond ar.d mortgage. Deed to be delivered on first of April, at the ex pense ot the purchaser, and on his securing the unpaid purchase money by bond and mortgage. PETER S. HELWIG, ) -. JOHN P. WALTER, J xu' February 20,-1861, UEALTO AND ITS PLEASURES OR Disease With Its Agoiilemt CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. - jfewij; tegSSfe: flf 111 UOLLO YV A Y S I E I I, NERVOUS DISORDERS. Wha.1 is more fearfid than a breaking low ii ol the iiervon- s mem To t e exci table or fieivntis in a small degree is moat distre-sitig, for where can a remedy be found ? There is oue : drink but bttl wine. heer. or sniriin nr far Imiiu. nr.o take no coffee. weak tea heinj nreferaht set nil the fresh air you can ; take three or lour Pi!l every nigh': ear plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slop ; ainf ihesegold . en rulen are followed, on will be happy in mind and strong in body, nd forget yoa have any nerve. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS.. If there in one thing more than another for which these Pill are so famous it ia their purifying properties, especially theif power ol cleansing the blood from all im puritien, and re mo v in a dangerous and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted at the one giand remedy for female complaints thev never fail, never weaken the system and always bring about what is required ' SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelings which soaddeB , mm frequently arise from annoyance or troub le, from obstructed perspiration, or from r....- imuKing wnai is or.ri! for us thus disordering the liver and stomach organs must be regulated if you wist to be well. The Pills, if Iaken - according to the printed instruction, will quickly reT store a healthy action io both liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural con sequence, a gocd appetite and a clear head. In the hast and West Indies scaicely any other medicine jg ever used for these dis orders. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases aflecting these organ whether they secrete too much or loo little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pain settled in the loins over the regions 0f the kidneya. these PilU should boaken accor ding to the primed instructions directions and the Oi tment t-hould be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed lime. Thia treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORTER. No medicine will so effectually improve the tor.e of th-j stomach as these Pili- they remove all jcidity, occasioned ekber by or improper diet. Tber reach ihe liver and reduce it to a healthy action; they are wonderfuliy efficacious iu cases of spasmin fact ihey never fail in cuiing all disorders ol the Ii er and stomach. Hollmr-ny's rills are the beat remedy known in ti III . I r 1 1 -7 ie xcuriajoT me juuowing diseases. Aane, Inflammation. Asthma, Billious Complaints, Blotches on Ihe Skin, Bowel Complaint, Colics, Con'ipaiion of ths Bowel. Consumption, Debility. Drcipsy, Dseniery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of ail kinds, Fits, Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint", Lumbago, " Pile, ' Rheumatism,. Reiet. tion o Urine, Scrohla, or ; King's Evil, Sore Throa's, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Tic-Doulourux, Uumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affection, Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause. : CAl7TIO !! None are genuine tiniest he words '-Hollowav, New York nd Lon don," are dtsrernable as a Water mark n every leaf of ihe book of directions around each pot or box ; the ame may be plainly seen by hiding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or pasties coun terfeiting the mediciues or vending the same, knowing ihem to be spurious." Sold at the Manufactorr of Profer HoiioA-ay, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, ar.d by all repecable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 2b cents, 62 cents and SI each. nr There is considerable saving by ta king the larger sizes. N B Directions for the guidance of p a tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. October, 17, i860. n looms nunc. R All UUU SHOT. MHHE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that be has taken the Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in the while Frame Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Block, where he is at all times ready to wait upon his customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and "n the most fashionable style, and en very mo'ierate terms. ijrShampooing, done op in City Style. He solicit public patronage ani pledges his best endeavors to give every reasonable salifaction. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1859. FOR SALE. Oue Ilondred Tods of Caycga Lake Plaster, AT THE CATTAW1SSA MILLS. rMlE undersigned would respectfully in lor n tie public generally that they have on hand a large amount cf superior CAYUGA LAKE PLASTER, all of which they otfer for sale, in-large or small quantities, upon the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing a good article of plaster would do well to call and examine this before purchasing elsew here, C. W. M'KELVY & CO. Cailawissa, Jan. 30, 1861 3m. HHHE undersigned would respectfully no fy his customers who are owing hi.n in the boot and shoe line, to come forward and settle their accounts, as lie deign closing op h: business in this place, in the course ol a tew months. !! deriresto hav nit hiM nht and new ai-rnnmc urinaria ! n . i - -' - "1 " f