The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 06, 1861, Image 2

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" i
W31. It. J.iUlliX,
Thk TKiry Bill hai passed and was
igned by James Buchanan just before leav
ing the,. Executive Chait ... It passed the
Senate by a vote of 25 to 14 nays, Bigler
and Cameron, of this Stale, both supporting
the Bill by rote and speech.. Douglas, with
thirteen other Democrats, voted against the
bill. The President was in great doubt for
some time as to whether he would sign the
new tariff bill. He said he had examined
tome of its more important features, and he
regarded it as a very imperfect and loosely
drawn bill." He yielded, however, to the
passions of some of his Pennsylvania
friends, and on the 2d inst. signed the bill.
The tariff, so -much asked for by the Repub
lican party, has at last been brought about
under Democratic rule. They would not
have received a tariff under the adminis
tration of Lincoln; we are satisfied of ihst
(act from what he has said about the tariff.
He knows nothing about a tariff
In Washington City, ot the 1st inst.j the
Cabinet was far from being settled There
was ait irrepressible conflict going on be
tween Greely's abolitionists and the Seward
Republicans and it continueJ on night
and day, "from morn to dewy eve."- Chase,
of Ohio, has active friends ami they averred
that he is the Treasury, and nothing would
do but he must 'have it. How tbey will
reconcile this matter, is yet to be seen.
They are all earnest, greedy competitors.
At certain points one man's chances . may
be considered uppermost and in less than
12 honrs down as low as zero. Thus goes
the tide office seekers swim in. On the
evening of the 1st, Mr. Lincoln was sere
naded, and in response, it is said, he made
a conciliatory speech ; after which Mr.
Corwin was serenaded, and as a matter of
course, he made some remarks, in which
eTeauJ," "if the President' policy failed to
conform to Constitutional doctrines, he
.vnuld be abandoned by the men who elect
ed him."
r : - The Republican Party.
The Repulican party are in power. This
party installed in office on Monday last,
their choice to administer the affairs qf this
Government, the next four years. This
man is Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, a man
certainly of little experience as a statesman,
and no lare acquaintance wiih political
life generally. Re no doubt is aware of the
weighty responsibilities resting upon him.
although prior to his inauguration, he treat
ed them very lightly. The country is dis
traded, one part of our Union appearingly,
is arrayed against the other, and he must
adopt such a policy as will adjust all diffi
culties, restore peace and harmony, and
brine back those six seceeding States into
the Union, and then, in the words of the
Republican Governor of this State, "the
people will call him b'eesed." In making
bis Cabinet selections it is believed he is
taking the more moderate portion of his
party, at least it is now so considered
But last fall people would have thought
differently, when we come to "look over
Sewards's past political record. He now is
said to be conservative, and no doubt, upon
such professions, has secured a place in
Lincoln's Cabinet, at the exclusion of many
other applicants much lss objectionable
witli the masses. Seward could not receive
the nomination at the Chicago Convention,
simply because of his close identy with a
certain pack of Abolitior.ists, and his too
willingness to carry out his irrepressible doc
trines. This is assigned by his own party
as the chief, and by many as the only, rea
son why he was not nominated This may
be as they have it, he was not too obnox
ious to rereive the appointment of Secre
tary of State under Lincoln. There was
opposition to his appointment in his own
party, but not sufficient to sway old Abe.
iiii . i i i ... .: i
v nemer nis claiming io ti'iiservaiiMii nas i
bad anything to do with getting his posi
tion in the Cabinet, remains as yet a dead
Who is Geru Fesaenden of JIaine.
Senator Fessenden, of Maine, has made
himself conspicuous ; during the present
session of Congress for his rudeness, im
pertinence and uncompromising hostility
to conciliatory measures. We have been
much, mistaken in this man's character,
having supposed until the present se-sinn
of Congress, that he was a moderate Re
publican, and a man of more than ordinary
digntiy of character.
If he be, as we suppose, the Gen. Fessen
den who figures in the subjoined extract
from an old file of the Boston Po$lt then his
character is sufficiently explained, and his
vulgar manners are readily accounted for.
Says the Post :
A Colored Gent lemon nt the Bar. We learn
from the Portland American that Gen. Fes
senden, a day or two since, appeared be
fore the District Court and moved that a
colored gentleman from Boston, who was
then with him, be admitted to practice as
an attorney and counsellor at law in the
Courts of Maine. The motion was made
under the new law, which makes all citi
zens of good moral character, eligible to
admission. The necessary certificate was
produced, but the Court refused the motion
on the ground thai the candidate was not in
fact a citizen. A Miccesslul application
will probably be made at the October term,
adds tho American.
Inauguration at the Point of the JJayonet.
To day, at Washington, will be presented f Secretary, C. B. Brockway ; Treasury, M.
Prceecdifigs of the Teachers Association.
Pursuant to the announcement of the
Executive Committee, the Teachers' Asso
ciation of Columtia county, held its eighth
Semi Annual meeting in the School-house,
at Light Street, cn Saturday, February 9th
The Association was called to order by
the President, Wu. Buburss. The minutes
of the last meeting were read and adopted .
On motion of C. B. Brockway, the Presi
dent was authorized lo appoint two com
mittees, each consisting of three ; one to
solicit the n&mes of those ,wishing to be
come members, the other to nominate can
didates for the respective offices of the As
sociation. Whereupon, he appointed
Messrs L Appleman, County Superinten
dent, I). R. Melick, and J. B Former, a
committee on Membership, and Messrs. C
B. Brockway, M. Whitmoyer and Miss H.
H. Vanderslice, committee on nomina
tions. After some remarks on different topics,
adjourned to meet at lj o'clock, p. m.
After calling to order, report ol commit
tees being called for, C. B. Brockway,
Chairman of the committee on nominations,
reported the following list of candidates,
viz : President, L. Appleman, (County
Sup't.; Vice Presidents, D. J. Patterson
and Mis II. H Vanderslice; Recording
Secretary, U. J. Campbell ; Corresponding
The tnion is on Fire.
Startle not at he announcement; it is true
too true ! Already six of the beautiful col-
a spectacle novel to this country, which, if
it does not terrify the heart of every patriot,
must give even the most inconsiderate
cause for painful reflection. For the first
time in the history of this country the Presi-
dent delivers his inaugural, surrounded ana
guarded not by the honest hearts of a hap
py people, but safely ensconced out of the
people's reach, within a military cordon
bristling with bayonets. Such a scene has
been witnessed in the Grand Square at Na
ples, with Ferdinand for the central figure;
but Abraham Lincoln is the first President
of the United States whose conduct or opin
ion have been such as to inspire one of his
Ir, in our eff.irl to enforce the Federal
laws, we find it necessary, or expedient,
to slough off the fitteeu slave States, we
shall at least have left us a Federal Union
of nineteen homogeneous States free, pop
ulous and powerful, with an efficient cen
tral organization and a continent for its de
velopment The Southern confederacy, on
the contrary, vitiated by the suicidal prin
ciple of Slate secession, will be only an ag
gregated disintegration, a rope of hand, a
tossing, incoherent chaos ol petty national!
ties. There can be no question as .o ihe
result. Rent by internal discords and jeal
ousies, the seceding S.ates will, one by one,
abolish slavery and return, under ihe irre
istib!e force of social gravitation, to the
peaceful haven of national unity, under the
constitution handed down to us by our
laihers. AT. II Tribute.
We are no longer permitted lo doubt lhat
the settled design of lhat portion of the Re
publican party repr-sented by the Tribune
has all along been, and now is, to "slough
ofF' the fifteen Southern States, from asep
a'e.Northern confederacy, and then, releas
ed from the oblijations imposed by Feder
al Constitution, lo operate epon the South
ern States in such a way as to rend them
by internal discord and jealousies until the
business of freeing the negroes can be
easily ncomplished. Any compromise
which would reult in retaining the Border
States in the Union' would spoil thi pro
gramme, and hence the violent opposition
of the Tribune clique to any a'raiigement
calculated to perpetuate the Union.
omns, that adorned the noble edifice, are countrymen with a wish for his death!
wrapt in flames, and the whole structure is J For the first lime in our history the Presi
threatened with destruction. On every i derit ;9 araid of the peoplo ! He cannot
hand the people are in wild commotion, ! trust them. They are kept at bay by pre
and the anxious cry goes up to Congress J torian cohorts.' Strange that that people,
from every quarter, save the Union ! srive the who put him on that marble balcony, are
Union! Bat all appeals are vain ; Congress j not permitted lo be within the sound of his
will neither move for is salvation, nor will I voice !
they permit the people to do so. There j American citizens, pause and reflect !
they sit, with Turkish indifference, and When a minority President and a minority
view the conflagration which rages around party, conscious of illegitimacy, invoke the
them. Fanaticism has cut oat of their hearts aiJ of arms, is there nol more than a corn
all patriotism , and those who bae, with mon peril?
ihe fire brand of sectionalism, set on fire Its meaning is that a tyranny is installed,
our glorions Union, now mock at the ca- more crushing, more terrible than the world
lamhies and appeals of the people. Is has seen the tyranny of the few over the
there no remedy? no way in which these many an Abolition, military, tyranny,
despots and tyrants, these betrayers of the Answer to jourself, Abraham Lincoln,
people, can be reached ? Are those whom the question whether there is anything
the people have clothed with ihe requisite wrong, when you see at a distance those
powers to save the Union, to wrest those masses which all Presidents before you
powers to its destrac:ion, and lhat with im-' loved to have close around them, but which
punity? Alas! alas! we have fal'en upon j you keep at a distance Answer why it is
evil times. "Justice is turned backwards ' that in that distant throng there is one or
Truth is fallen in the street, and Equity many who would freely have given their
cannot enter." The goodly heritage, whicn : lives so that thou shouldst not stand there.
God hath given us, is worse than trodden j Anwer why it is, when this crisis is but
under foot by the Repnblicane. They have artificial, that snch pSssions are invoked
lighted up and kepi burning the fires of and such feelings as nothing but great
discord, and now the Temple of Liberty j wrongs can excite, are aroused. Answer
seems destined quickly to perish under these things, and then go back to the White
Mr. Bnchanan.
Today will complete the Presidential
term of Mr. Buchanan, and that of Mr. Lin
coln will commence. Amid the high par
tizan excitement now existing, with the
hopes of the victorious, with the anxiety of
the wary, il is not the time to criticise the
career of either. One has passed into his
tory, the other can only be described in
prophecy, and such prophecy as would
have to be made had better be avoided, and
God grant lhat its realization, may be avert
ed. A few words may, however, be truthful
ly and fairly spoken about Mr. Buchanan ;
he has been abused, maligned and reviled
with a coarseness ana licentiousness, not
altogether unequalled, but paralleled only
by the abuse revilings and malignity whicn
were poured upon Jefferson and Jackson.
Polk and Pierce came in for a moderate
share, but the prominence of the others
made them the targets for a bolder, strong
er and coarser attack. With all this reck
less abuse, no one had dared to breathe a
syllable against the private character of Mr.
Buchanan ; it is spotless, and his public
career will find its proper appreciation
when the curtain of treachery and falsehood
is lifted. His foreign policy has been such
as to defy censure or criticism.' No other
Administration, in our day, has gone
through without some foreign complication,
while important questions, such as the right
of search forever given up to us through
his agency, the San Joan question, the
Paraguay and New Grenada difficulties,
and the troubles in Mexico, have all occur
red during the last four years.
On entering the office, he found a rebel
lion existing in Utah, thou-anda of miles
distant, and promptly ended that; he has
provided for his native State a Tariff, such
as its people wanted, which could not have
been obtained from the next Administra
tion ; and ith secession in the booth and
a concentrated opposition at the North, he
has maintained the domestic peace of the
country not a blow has been struck, not a
gun has been fired, and no drop of blood
has been shed the Government, its prop
erty and its surroundings handed over to his
successor amid the peaceful plaudits which
always congratulate an incoming President
in perfect tranquility ; and this, too, despite
dark threats and gloomy fears. Had the
territorial policy recommended by him been
followed, and Kansai admitted lo self-gov
ernment three years ago, our country's flag
would still have been waving in every
State of the Union, a sectional strife would
have been avoided, and a sectional triumph
prevented. But lime will do him justice
I ull justice and all we can add is the ex-
.. The Election in Arkansas.
Memphis, Feb. 25.
The returns from the election 'in Arkan
sas for the members of the Stale Conven
tion present the following results : Thirty
secessionists have been elected ; twenty
five who are conditional secessionist, and
from fifteen to iwenty who 8re classified as
'ne- tnmmonwpanh of P
U5;Vi,iva"'a ' Sn,,an R-Bitel,
lhhnw' Uf" F- Bi"ie'' n',w re8i
in ihe Stale of Illinois SUli
The Rev. Joshua Kelly, Pastor of the
Baptist Church in Williamspnrt, who has
been holding a long and very interesting
meeting in the Baptist church in this place,
on Thursday afternoon, February twenty
eighth, administered the ordinance of bap
tism to eleven persons in Fishing Creek
The Rev. William Cosgrovb, while la
boring as a missionary in Japan, was cured
of Consumption, when all other means had
failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned
physician residing in the great city of Jed Jo.
1 his recipe has cured great number who
were suffering from Consumption, Bronchit
is, Sore Throat, Coughs, and Colds, and the
debility and nervous depression caused by
these disorders.
Desirous of benefiting others, I will send
this recipe, which 1 have brought home
with me, to ail who need u. free ot charge.
230 Baltic-street,
Brookljn. N. Y. Feb 27, 1861 3m.
Whitmoyer ; Executive Committee, Messrs
Wm. Burgess, A. M. White, M. Wynkoop,
J. B. Knittle, and A. P. Young.
On motion ot L. Appleman, the report
was accepted.
On motion of C. B. Brockway, all the can
didates, as reported, were declared elected.
L. Appleman, (County Sup't.) Chairman of
the Executive committee, said they were
not ready to report and proposed Ihe fol
lowing question for discussion, "Shall this
Association go on a il has ?" He said,
that many of the Teachers of the County are
indifferent to attend and participate in its
Inauguration of officers being in order,
Mr. Burgess on leaving the Chair address
ed ihe Association, giving a brief and ex
plicit outline of the origin ot Ihe Teachers'
Association of Columbia county, which was
listened to, with marked attention He
thanked the Association for the favors mani
fested toward him while Chairman, and
left the Chair for his successor
Mr Appleman on assuming the Chair,
acknowledged his gratitude for the confi
dence they had placed in him in elevating
him to the Chair. After which R. R. Pealer j oresoion of an earneot hope lhat the term:
lectured on Geolozv. It was listened to 1 nation of Mr Lincoln's official career will
Notice to holrs of LeTl Else!, decM,
JgimiiO -'THE Commonwealth of Penn-
STUift R.
liisel. intermarried with
Willi-on. now residing m L-bauou co-inty,
IVnn'a, R trt M. Bi-fl, now residing in,
the Siaie l Georgia. 11-nry K"tt Bil, rv.
siding in the same Sate, Nari is.a Y Biel,
and Sucan ). Bisel, both rfsiding in Union
county, Pe insylvania, the lat ihr named
of whom are minors, Narcissi Y. Bisel and
Susan J. Bisel, have for their Guardian their
mother, Susan R Biel, and Henry Kint
Bisel, has for hi Guardian, Robert Patter
son, children and heirs ot I;vi Bi-el, laie
of Madison township, Columbia coumy,
deceased. You and each of yon are hereby
commanded lo be and appear at our Orph
ans' Couit to be holJen at Blnmnsbnrg, irr
and for said county on the firi Monday of
May next, then and there to accept or re
fuse ihe real estate of Lpvi Biel deceased,
at the valuation put upon il by an lnqne-t
duly awarded by this Honorable Court, or
show cause why ths same shall not be okl.
Witness ihe Honorable Warren J. Wood
ward, Eq , PresHent of our said Court at
liloonisbnrz, the 9ih day of February A. l)v
eiht hundred and ixy on.
Blonmshnrs, Feb. 27, 1861
On the 21si ult.. by John P. Love, Esq.,
in Jordan township. Lycoming Co., Mr.
Martin Mowrie, of the same place, to Miss
Harriet Utt, of Greeuwood, Columbia co ,
The Raleigh, (N. C.) Stnnditrd, an able
and conservative Democratic raper, after
showing that disunion will be followed by
civil waTjand civil war by abolition.jnstly and
patriotically adds: "It is criminal to say there
is no hope fer the Union." If five hundred
of the .poSlic men of ihe two sections could
be transported, or confined in dungeons
for six months, the Union would be restored
nd reconstructed during lhat period, and
il would be more glorious and prosperous
than the one now threatened with destruc
tion. The disanionist per le is either a
mad man or a bad man. He who prefers
disunion lo union, and who labors to ro
Toke and aggravate the two sections against
each other, is an enemy to hi race. He
who is for discord instead of concord, for
. war instead of peace, for disunion for dis
union's sake, is guilty of a crime more stu
their hands.
Lincoln's Address.
We have read ihe Inaugural Address of
President Lincoln, and must confess we
were disappointed. He has spoken, we
House, content that thou hast reached it,
j though on the ruins and at the expense of
During the discussion in ihe Senate on
the bill for the commutation of tonnage du-
suppose officially, at last, ind what has he j lies, Mr. Bound, of Northumberland, in the
said ? He has Faid nothing to relieve ihe j course of a spread-eagle speech in opposi-
public mind ;n the least, nor has he recom
mended anything looking to the preserva
tion of peace and the restoration of the
Union. He is very cautious, and uses no
strong language. The document will ap
t pear in our next. To tell the puolic in
plain talk what we really think of it, it is a
lame, unsatisfactory and discreditable pro
duction, inferior in every respect, to any
thing lhat has ever emanated from any
President. In our next we will speak more
at length upon the subject. This s the
first time in our history lhat a sectional,
anti southern, anti-slavery party was inau
gurated in power at the Federal Metropolis.
A Significant Fact.
tion to the passage of the bill, took the lib
erty of saying that the influence of the
Pennsylvania railroad company was so
overshadowing as even to control the pro
ceedings of the late Democratic Conven
ver.tion, and prevent the passage of reso
lutions against the repeal of the tonnage
tax. Mr. Welsh very properly contradict
ed this unwarrantable assertion, by stating
that the Convention was called for the spe
cific and only purpose of deliberating upon
National affairs, and that while he, as an
individual, was opposed to every section
and line of the bill under discussion, he
would have opposed any action upon the
subject in the Conversion as entirely for
eign to the purpose for whicn it was as
sembled. After this statement, Mr. Bound
wiih attention. Mr. Burgess offered a few
remarks, and impressed upon the teachers
to incite an interest of inquiry among their
pupils. Essay by A. M. White, subject
"School Government" Topics suggested
in the essay aroused quite a discussion.
The following question was then discussed,
"How shall a Teacher interest hispupils
and was participated in by Messrs. Bur
gess, Brockway, Appleman, Whitmoyer,
Wynkook, White and others. The discuss
ion was quite spirited. Report of the com
mittee on publication of ihe proceedings of
the late Teachers' Institute held at Orange
ville, was called for. and C. B. Brockway,
Chairman, staled that it was now in the
Publisher's hands and would be published
in the course of a week's time. Action
was then taken where to hold the next
meeting of the Association, C. B Brock
way proposed Berwick, and as there was
nothing further said in reference lo it, pro
ceeded to other business.
On motion, it was agreed that a synopsis
of the proceedings be offered to the county
papers for publication. Several enrolled
their names as members.
The afternoon session was well attended,
as everything parsed off harmoniously, we
had upon the whole a spirited and interest-
leave as lmle room for just condemnation
a.s that of his predecessor. Mr Bcchanan
is a sage, a patriot and a statesman, and in
hs retirement from public life we wish him
all coralort and happiness Pcnmyloanian.
Arthur's Magazine is on our table for
March, and as usual, is well filled with
matter of interest as well as instructive.
Each depanmeni of this work presents
something new and well calculated to at
tract the attention. It is a cheep work, only
two dollars per annum, and more especi
ally after we consider that its reading mat
ter and embelUhments are excelled by no
other publication of like character. It shol'd
visit all famly circles.
The Farmer and Gardener is the best
agricultural publication in Penns) Ivania.
It is published by the well known agricul
tural editor, Mr. A. M. Spangler, and as
sisted by ihe popular Horticultural editor,
Wm. Sanders. Terms, one dollar per an
num. The reading matter is varied and
instructive. Our farmers should have it.
It will (each them many things that they
cannot obtain through any other channel.
Near Ashland on the 23d of Eebruary,
Mr. Jacob Wannamacher, of Franklin twp ,
this County, aged about 30 years.
In Cattawissa twp., on the 1st inst , Mr.
B. r I eitsworh, aged 30 years 1 month
and 17 days.
In Cattawissa twp , on the lt inst, Mr.
Joskh Gearhaut, aged about 16 years.
In Sugarloaf township Columbia county,
on Wednesday , January 9ih, 1861, Bkntos
Pierce, son ot C. L. and Charlotte Moore,
aged 6 years.
In Greenwood township, Columbia co ,
on bunday, l-ebu&ry 24th 1861, Mrs. Mar
tha M. Mills, aged 21 years, 5 month and
1 day.
In Espy, on Wednesday the 20!h ult.
Cornelia, K , daughter of Hermin and
Louisa ("reveling, in the 3d year of her age
In Rohrsburg, this county, on th 24;h
ult , Mr. Phillip Reese, aged about 63
A FIRSTRATE artuie of Plows o.i hau l
and lor sala Dy
Bloomsburg, Mach, 6, ih61.
JKxctutors Aolico,
jVOriCK i hereby ;iven that L-tters
-" Testamentary upon ihe estate of Ellen
Scptt, laie of the township of Bloom, in the
county of Columbia, deceased, have been
thin day uraiued by the Register of said
county to the un ier-igned, residing in said
lowu;iip; and thai all person having
claims or demands against said estate,
requested to make known the same to
Ihe tid uui'ersiyned vi ithrui rielav
Bloomsburg, March 6, 1S6I 6w.
Notice to heirs tf Andrew Shoemaker, dee'd.
JA-"v THE Commonwpahh of Penn
fylvauia io Miry Shoemaker,
rk2pCis widow, Jacob Shoemaker. Aora-VQ-jjjyT
bam Shoemaker, Charles Shoe
'fW maker, Catharine, intermarried
with Peier Housen, Elizabeth, intermarried
with Peter Maxel, Sarah, iuterm,rrifed with
Joseph Hendershoi and Mary, in'ermarrisd
. if I'll. !
wiih Samuel Bhaller, cniuren ana neiif oi
Ai.drew Shoemaker, late of Ma lison town
ship, in the county of Columbia, decead.
You and eacti ot you are hereby curnmand
ed to be and appear at oor Orphan's Court,
to be holden at Bloomsbufi i at.d for said
county on the first Monday of May next,
then and ihere to accept or ref-Je the real
estate of Andrew Shoemaker, dee'd, at Ihe
valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly
awarded by ihis Honorable Court or how
cause why th same shall not be old.
Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood
ward, Eeq.. President of oor -.aid Court at
Bloombure. the 9 h day of February A D,
eighteen hundred and sixty one.
Bloom-bur?, Feb. 27, 1861.
IVoticc in Partition.
Estate of Henry Muss, late of Hemlock tuxensk'p,
Columbia county de.eastd.
THE Commonwealth of Penn-
1 sylvaiiia ' f),4r"el R"S-. Samuel
S (Bus-, Afam B-is.-, IJ-i.'rv Ru-,
' iHrns B.iss, Dortha. iitrmarnd
with Geiier, Lviua, iuiermar-ied witli
CharlesSailor, ('Atii-rit)tf, intermarried with
Ab'aham Sh lemaker ; and In all the Ifgal
represent tiives ol the said H-nry H
deceased, greeting : Yo-i a-id -tach of yrm
w. II take noiire that an I iqul will bu liH-t
to mak-i partition or valna'ion. a l.'ie cae
mav if quire . of the real estate oi the ab vs
named Henry Bn-s, derea-, Mtua'e in
ihe town-hip ol Hamhiek, and county of
Columbia, mi the premi. on Tk'irtday,
ike 184 d-y of April, Ih6l. between n
hours of 10 o'clock in the f reiionu, aid 3
nric in the a ternoon. ot said dsy, at
o v
wilier) lim huu piace ju'i ij j aucuu j u
ihink proper.
Witness ih HanoraV Warren J. Wood
ward Eiq , Presi lent ol our Orphan!.' Court
at Bionmsburu, tht? 9 h day ot Eebrutiy,
A I)., one ttiou-aud enjhi hun ired and U-
ing meeting.
. . ,. t c - d.-.i i-,s gracefu y promised to retract his allegation
Jih there wil be five livinjr ex Presidents " ... ...
of the United Stales, Van Buren, Tyler
Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan. Every
one of these retired statesmen favors the
plan of compromise known as the Critten-
pendous than any which has been commit-j den plan, or something akin to it; while
Mr. Lincoln, if the KppuDiican organs are
right and his speech-s may be laken as
an indication of his policy rejects all com
promise, and prefers force. Is his wisdom
greater lhan the combined wisdom of his
predecessors! . .
led since Cain slew his brother."
Pstersoss' Coukterteit Detector nd
Bake Not List. We are in . constant re
ceipt f this valuable Detector, by which
we learn that, in the fortnight ending
March 1st, no Ies3 than Seventytwo New
Counterfeits have been put into circulation,
la these days, when forgery has become a
irade, no business man can afford to be
without eome reliable guide. A single dol
lar saved by this means would be enough
to pay for the monthly, or two dollars so
aved would be enough to pay for the semi
monthly, Issue for a whole year. It is pub
lished by T. B. Peterson & Bros., Philadel
phia, Pa., to whom all letters, enclosing
money for subscriptions, must be addressed.
Il is stated lhat Ex Secretary Flo3'd is pre
paring a lengthly and elaborate deferce of
Lixe!f and official act. He will lake the
groand that his acts were justified by pre
cedent and the necessities of ihe Govern
ment. That the business of the Depart
ment could not proceed without some ex
pedisnt in relieve the Treasury, and thai the
Treasury Department and Congress are at
fia't i.i not properly providing lor, ihe ful-fuiae-u
ol the contract
Kit Kabson Alive Kit Carson, ihe fa-
mouB hunter, guide and moun'.aineer, is
living at Tao, New Mexico, as Indian
agent to the I'te tribe of Indians; his sala
ry amounts to 81,500 per annum. Kit is
not a wealthy man ; his property is esti
mated at about S6.000. He keeps fifty or
sixty cows, five hundred head of sheep, and
several horses and ponnies. He married a
Mexican lady, with whore he lives happily.
I - r . n I. n a rr i c oil hv ttlA
company over the Convention.
We allude to this incident for the purpose
of ebowing the line of argument pursued
by some of the opponents of the removal
of unwise restrictions imposed upon our
internal commerce, as well as to show lhat
the silence of the Democratic Convention
upon this particular bill was the result of
the wise discretion of its members, and not
attributable to those undue influences which
exist only in 'the minds of the suspicious
and Ihe credulous. Patriot ami Union.
The Wheat Prospect. The present
season is said by those whose interest it is
to keep booked up in such matters, to be
exceedingly favorable one for the growth
of the wheat crop. The wheat fields though
out the State are said lo present a very
flourishing appearance. Providence still
smiles npon our land, notwithstanding the
political troubles with which we are afflicted.
The c-y authorhies e! Washington have some and interesting little Magazine p.
vt-d courtesies to Mr. Buehr,att "ati.l j lhd af 135 Grand" Street, New York,
Thk Sliulent anti Schoolmate, is a hand-
The ' Farmer and Gardener," and the
"American Bee Journal," for March, have
been received. These standard publica
tions are issued by A. M. Spakgler & Co.,
25 Nonh" Sixth Street, Philadelphia, at
prices which place them within reach of
every Farmer and Apiarian. Both of them
together with a handsome Premium Book,
are furnished at 81.50 per annum. This we
believe to be cheaper than any similar pub
lications in the country, and ought to secure
for them an immense circulation. Those
who desire to see them can obtain speci
men copies without charge, by addressing
the publishers as above.
Courterteit Detector. We have re
ceived Imlav & BicknelPa Bank Note Re-
porter for March, containing descriptions ol
ntr fiftv nw counterfeits, all of which
have made their appearance in our busi
ness thoroughfares since the issuing of the
February number: r A eerai-momhlr ... De
; a-v-t r rprnphfi'i n!rv the
Pennsylvania and Her LoTing Friends.
:'During an incidental debate, Mr. Love
joy , Republican, of Illinois, opposed an in
crease of the tax on ironehhet for horse-shoes
or rings for the snouts of swine, and he
proposed to reduce the duty on skates,
which were used by ladies as well as gen
tlemen for healthful exercise. He re.ts tired
of the m&atiuble ay of Pcnnty Ivania for protec
tion to iron.
"Mr. Stephens, Republican, of Pennsyl
vania said lhat skares were used by public
office holders for skating awa-. Laugh
"Mr. Campbell, Republican, of Pennsyl
vania, earnestly denied that the bill was lor
ihe interest of Pennsylvania any more than
for producers in all parts of the country.
"Mr. Lovejoy joined issue, denying
that the producer was protected by the
The Abolition Republicans have but one
principle in common, and lhat is negroism.
On all other questions they agree to disa
gree. Lovejoy, in Illinois, votes for Lin
coln, while he is against a tariff for the
protection of Pennsylvania. He even goes
so far as to snarl ai the "Banner State," and
to denounce her 'insatiable" greed for pro
tection to iron." Thaddeus Stevens, in Penn
sylvania, also votes for Lincoln, but unlike
Lovejoy, he is for giving protection to
Pennsylvania iron.
Thaddeus becomes facetious, and says
that skates are much affected by politicians.
Thaddeus ought to know, for' no man is
more "up to the rigs of London town."
He is familiar with all the arts and contri
vances to which demagoues resort.
The whole Republican parly is now on
slippery ground, and if it escapes a fatal
tumble, then the days of miracles have not
passed by. Lincoln tumbled the other day
and ihey are now much exercise ! by the
effort to lift this "six foot suckling" on his
feet again. Let them beware of the next
fall. - .
We are informed that the body of an in
fant, suppoed lo have been murdered, was
found some eight or ten days ago near Nu
media, in Rnaringcreek valley, this county.
It had been concealed by burial, but so
shallow that some dogs uncovered il and
thus led to the discovery. A child was
found under similar circumstances, in a
grave yard at Ashland, Schuylkill county,
on Saturday week. Republican.
At a regular meeting of Concordia I once,
No. 60, I. O. of O F., on Saturday evening.
March 2, 1861, a Committee was appointed
to report resolutions expressive of the bense
ot the Lodge, on the death of one ot iu
The Commitlee reported the following:
Waereas. It has pleased an AlUWise
Providence to call from our midst our wor
thy Brother, B F. TE ITS WORTH, and
while we humbly submit to the decree of
Almighty God it n but meet lhal we should
express our feelings on this occasion,
Resolved, That while in the death of our
brother, we perceive the hand of the Giver
of all Good; we cannot refrain expressing
our regret at the early departure of one
whom to know was to esteem.
Resolved. That in the demise of brother
B F. TEITSWORTH our Lodge has lost a
valuable member; his family a kind and
affectionate lather and fond husband.
Resolvei. lhat we deeply sympathize
with the bereaved family and relations of
the deceased, and tender them our condo
lence. Resolved. That as a token of respect for
the memory of ihe deceased we will wear
the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions
be sent to the widow of the deceased broth
er, and that the papers of ihe County be
requested to publish the same.
Committee. ) " B. P. EORTNEK,
" " N. D. HAUMAN,
Other papers in the County please copy.
Auditor's Notice.
THE nnriersi-' n-d, auditor appointed by
the Orphan's Court, ot Columbia county,
on excepiions to the administration account
of Margaret Bras, administratrix of An
drew J. Bra, late of Co!umb:a coutuv.
deceased, will attend to the duties of hi.
appointment at hi office, in B!o.m-burg.
on Saturday, the 30 h day of March, A. L).
1861, at ten o'clock A. M , whMi and
where all persons interested in said ette
can attend if they think proper.
March 6, 161. Auditor.
Bl-ombnri. Feb. 27, I8rtl.
Administrator's Xolice.
IETTERS of administration on tfiees'ate
ol Jacob Wanamacher, latj of Frank
lin township, Columbia county, decea-ed,
have been "ranted by the Rei-ter ol Co
lumbia county, to the un Jersigimd, re-iding
in said Franklin township : all p-rs.vis hav- j
ing claim againsi the ewe of tin dece
dent are requested to pre.-enl them to the
aJniinistralors without delay, and thos-i
indebted tu come forward and make pay
ment forthwith to
Frankl.ti, March 6, 1S61.
iJ& I ii the matter of :h P-: i'.ion ol
Luc a rahrmaer, for a decree oi
'ijfZK specific periormance oi me con
tract for the sale of real e-late, bet ween the
said Lucas Faiiriner and Suba-tian Hiwer,
la:e of Locust township, Columbia count) ,
Notice is hereby given lo the Widow,
h?irs and legatees of the saiJ Sebastia i
! lower, deceased, to appear at an Orphan'
CNinrt in hn liUI at Lloombur' oi: the
j firM Mmi'l.y of May r.x'. to answer the
! bill or Partition of the sai l Lucas Fahriuger,
praying ib Court lo dene the spee-fn?
performance of Hie contra:?: between hin
scif and said Sebastian H uver, arcordui4
io the true intent and meaning ibereoi,
otherwise specific performance ol the fame
will be decreed.
Bioomsburj, Feb. 27, 161.
The Genesee Farmer, published at Ro
chester, in the State of New York, is a
- - ., 1 1 ,!.?. ; rV,ii T -s .m w t. .
A Facttco'tk pondering on The Certiri
cate of the world A Universal Medicine.
For the investigation of truth or for testing
the merits of a fact, three things are neces
8ary universality, authentic documents,
and personal observation ; all of which Hol
loway's Pilla and Ointment possess in an
eminent degret they are universal by be
ing advertised in every printed language
and used by all nations throughout the
world ; their authentic documents are the
millions of certified cures in all climes and
among all people : and personal observa-
tion of the thousands who daily witness the
immediate relief thev are giving in coughs,
colds asthma, bronchitis, wheezing in the
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of administration on the es
tate ol Joseph Gearhirt, late of Catta
wissa township, Columhia county, dee'd.,
have been granted by the Register of said
connty, lo the uudersigned, iesidin in
said lownshp: and all persons having
claims or demands against said estate, are
requested to make known the same to the
undersigned, and those indebted to make
pament foiihwiih to
Cattawissa twp., March 6, 1S61.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtne of a writ of Firai Facing to me
directed, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Columbia countj, Pa.,
will be exposed lo public sale, on Ihe
premises, in Bloom township, Col. co., on
1861, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fol
lowing described p iperty, to wit :
The deiendent s interest in all that
certain piece or parcel of land, with. Ihe
water power and privileges appurtenant
thereto, si'.uate in Bloom township, Colum
bia county, bounded by the Wyoming Ca
nal, lands of Thomas Ktiorr, lands of Samu
el Boone, and Fish mgcreek, containing
ONE ACRE, more or less, on which are
erected a large GRIST MILL, a Irame
dwelling House, a Irame Stable, and other
outbuildings; with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Leonard B. Roperi.
JOHN SNYDER,' Sheriff.
Bloomsburg, March 6, 1361.
X7JLL be exposed to sale by public ven-
due on the premi-e. on F R I D A Y,
the 29th DAY OF MARCH, A D. 1861, at
ten o'clock, in ihe forenoon, the following
property, viz :
situate near the town of Oranevil!e, in lne
township ot Orange, and county ot Colum
bia, containing
improved. The lot is on the Main Road
leadir.2 from OrangevilU to Berwick, and
is a desirable building lot. Late the tstata
of J.din Cuvenhovaii, decM Terms inaJa
ktiOA n on the day of sa!e by
Feb. 27, 1861. Administrators.
THE SPRING TERM of this Institution
will commence on the
bth of April and continue 10 weeks
BOARDING. TUITION, inc., for this term
will be 825,00
Important changes and improvements are
in progress, of which due nonce will soon
be given.
For catalogues or further particulars, ad-
THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by
the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, to.
distribute the balance in ih hands of Rob
ert B. Swazzy, executor of the last will and:
testament ot Jacob Swazzy, late of Colum
bia county, deceased, 10 and amoug the
persons entitled by law and under the said
aiII to receive th same, will attend to the
duties of his appointment, at his office, in
Bloomsbmg, on the 3J day ol
April, A. D., 1&61, ai ten o'clock, A. M-,
at which tune and place all persons having,
claims ihe estate of sai I deceased,
are required lo present the same, or be da-,
barred from coming in for a-ohare of said
balance. WtbLLV W4KI,
Feb. 27, IS61. An4iL?!v
Adminilrntor,s Notice.
Letlers of administration on the estate of
Thomas J. Bobbins, late of Fishingcreek
township, Columbia county, deceased, have
been cranted by the Register of said coun
ty, to Abraham W. Robbins, residing in
said Fishingcreek township. All persons
having claims or demands against the es
tate of the decedent are requested lo make
them known to the admini-irator and those
indebted to make payment forthwith IO
Fishingcreek, Feb. 27, 1861.