DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION.1 j HaRRISBOSG, Fib. 21, 1851, The Democratic State Contention assem bled in Brant's Hall. Long .lie fore the hour of meeting immense throngs were sten wending their way towards the above nam ed place, among, which were recognized many of the most prominent and taleired citizens of the State Hon. Wm. H Welsh,- Chairman of the Slate Executive Committee, called the Con vention to order at 3 o'clock. . . Mr. Carrigan moved that the Rev. Dr. Nevin, of Lancaster, be invited to open the Convention with prayer. Agreed to. Df. Nevin delivered a fervent and im pressive prayer, in which he dwelt with innch feeling on the distracted state of the country. " Mr. Welsh read the call under which the Convention had assembled, and concluded as follows.: '' Gentlemen of the Convention I know that you will pardon me for ex pressing the hope that the proceedings of this body, may be united and harmonious, and that its deliberations will be conducted in that spirit of patrio'ism that shonld, at a moment of peril, such as the present, en gross and direct the minds of all American citizens. Applause. I believe the Dem ocratic party is now firmly united long continued applause and ready, when danger threatens oar country, to flock to jiether as a band of brothers in defence of its honor and perpeuity. Applause Mr. John Cessna,1 of Bedford, proposed the name of Hon.' W. Maynard, of Lycom ing. for temporary Chairman of the Con vention Mr.-John Cresswell proposed the name of Hon. Geo. Sanderson, of Lancaster. Mr. Ira C. Mitchell proposed the name of Jacob Ziegler Esq , of Butler county. A discussion took place as to the proper mode of choosing the temporary Chairman Mr. Cessna offered the following resolu tion : ' " . Resolved, That the Chairman of the State Executive Committee appoint two tellers; which tellers, so appointed, shall make out a roll of the delegate duly elected to this con mention, and shall proceed to call raid roll of delegates : each one of whom, as his name is called, shall indicate his desire for tem porary Chairman of the Convention. No delegate whose right to a seat is contested shall be permitted to vote for temporary Chairman, and the tellers shall not declare any person elected until said person shall have received at least two hundred votes, unless otherwise declared by thisbody After some further discussion, Judge Shannon proposed that Hon. Henry D. Fos ter be declared, by acclamation, the per manent Chairman of the Convention. This was received with wild shouts of applause, and amidst a universal shout of ayes he was unanimously declared the choice of the Contention. Gen. Foster, upon taking the chair, said : Gentlemen of the Convention, I return you my most sincere thanks for the high honor you have conferreJ in selecliug me to pre side over the deliberations of so respectable an assemblage as the one before me. I must confess, that knowing so little of par liamentary rules, it will be almost impossi ble for me to discharge the duties incumbent upon me without your kind indulgence. 1 shall endeavor, however, to do what is right, bnt I am sorry you did not select a more competent presiding officer. It re quires of me no lengthy speech at this time in the discussion of the causes that have almost irreparably dissevered our glorious i-onntry ; a state of affairs brought about, not by any action of our, nevertheless we must lend our hearts and hands to repair and perpetuate it. Let us prove to the world, so far as it is in our power to con tribute to uch an end, that this government founded npon Democratic principles, shall continue to exist in unity and harmony Applause I again thank yon for the par tiality shown in calling me to preside over your deliberations. Mr Ira C. Mitchell proposed that J. R. Hunter, of Allegheny, and C. W. Carrigan, Philadelphia, be appointed temporary Sec retaries of the Convention. Agreed to. Dr. Zulich moved that a committee of five ta appointed on credentials. Not agre ed to. ' Mr. Cessna said, we are all of one mind, and all came here for one purpose, he hop ed that the Convention would organize without confusion. He therefore moved . that the temporary Secretaries read the list of delegates. Agreed to. 'Mr Carrigan proceeded to read the list of delegates. A scene of confusion here en -ued in regard to delegates whose names were not on the printed list. Several Ren- tlemen rushed forward with names on slips of paper, which were read. Some am us iog scenes occurred, but everything passed off as pleasantly, and certainly more orJer ly than could be expected from such a large asemblage. Mr. Ira C. Mitchell moved that a Com mittee cf seven be appointed on contested seats.. Agreed to. . Mr. Cassidy moved to except from the operation of the rule the contested seats in the Third District of Philadelphia, as. he was satisfied that they could be settled be tween themselves. Agreed to. . Mr. Cessna offered the following resolu Uons, which were adopted : Fsdved, That in order to effect a perma fleet organization of this Convention, a Committee of thirty-three shall be appoint ed to report to the Convention . for . it ap proval Yice Presidents and Secretaries; said Ccmnjulee to be selected by the delegates resident within the limits of each Senatorial District, who shall select a member or mem bers from their own number equal in num ber tc the namber of Senators to which f ueh district shall be entitled, and report thiir several selections to the Convention. JUp'lveJ, That a committee of thirty-three b3 appointed to report to this Convention expressive of the views and - - r ' - r v r-i t p- f shall number to the number of Senators to which such district shall be entitled. and report their selections to .the Convention. Said commit tee so selected sR&IXfilectits owp chairman, and to this committee shall be referred all resolutions that may be introduced into the Convention, without amendment or debate'. The Presidents! the Convention annonn-! ced the following gentlemen as the. Com mittee on contested Seats : Ira C. Mitchell, S. B Hayes, J. A. Gibson, Michael Mylert, S. M. Zulich, Jacob Turney and W. May nard. ' ' - v ' . Mr Meed moved that two door-keepers be appointed.- Agreed to. He then moved that John Farrell and James C. Whalley be appointed. Carried. A motion was made to take a recess for fifteen minutes. Mr. Cessna opposed the motion, and moved that the Convention adjourn. Not agreed io. . Mr. Kerr renewed the motion to adjourn for fifteen minutes. Carried. The recess having expired, the Commit tees of two from each Senatorial District on organization and resolution, were announ ced. Mr. Josiah Randall moved to accept Hon. Wm. H. Witte as a substitute for Mr. F. P. Magee. -Mr. Cassidy opposed the motion. He moved o refer the matter to the delegates from Mr. Magee's district. He said that Mr. Witte did not live in the district. Mr. Carrigan said that Mr. Magee was the only power to make a substitute, as the Convention had nothing to do with it. Mr. Samuel Randall said that Mr. Cassidy occupied a seat in the last National Con vention, and represented a district in which he did not live ; it did not lie in his mouth to make such an objection. Mr. Cresswell moved that the ques'ion be referred to the Committee on Credentials Agreed to. The Convention thereupon adjourned un til half past 7 o'clock this evening. EVENING SESSION. The Convention re assembled at half past 7 o'clock. Mr. Ira C. Mitchell, from the committee on Credentials, unanimously reported in favor of Hen. Wm. H .Witte as a substitute for Frank P. Magee. This was received with applause. They also reported in the case of the con tested election in Cambria county, against Richard White and his colleagues, and in favor of the admission of Robert T. John son and colleagues. In the case of the Sixth Representative District of Philadel phia, the)' repoted adversely to Charles L. Wolf, and in favor of the admission of Geo Thomas, upon a certificate dated the 6th 1 , . r . ,-, of November, 1861 Mr. A. J. Marshal moved to' amend the report of the committee as to the Sixth Dis trict) by inserted the name of Mr. Wolf in place of Mr. Thomas. Mr. Wolf said he had had no notice tha. his seat was contested. Mr. J Hamilton said the proper organs in Philadelphia had decided the claims of Mr. Thomas to be invalid, and had ordered the election under which Mr. Wolt claimed his seat. The Committee on Permanent Organiza- tion reported the following gentlemen as i Vice Presidents and Secretaries of the Con- t veution : I vice presidents. 1 ii 'n:i. t;k.,i T.ti ni. 1 Clark, Hon George S. Leiper, Gen John H. ! Hubbard, Richardon L. Wright. General! Joseph Morrison, Jarrtfs T. Morehead, Col. . ' . Daniel Smith, E. VV. Hamlin, M U. Tyler, P.Pn W. S. Rom A. M. Benton. Hon. 1 wart' Hon' EDn ' p' i ! ts, nev. John w. i p-. ii.. i Slenker, Hon. Wm. L.. L'ewart raim Banks. A. W. Loomis. R M;n rir vv;nis.. pi,r mi ! A V V. V ' w -. A I'll- 111! I iC. u i, m;m u r,. ru.i, ri a' , liuu. aiuco 11111, uvu. name., vta., VsUl. n l Manchester, Satnuel McKee, Joseph R j Hunter, m. Hirst, Hon. M. 0. Trout,Chas. E. Taylor and Patrick Carr. SECRETARIES. Josiah Randall, Geo. W. Irvin, Edmund Buckley, S. Morton Zolich, Dr J. Stewart Leech, G. R. Clark, W. W. H. Davis, Mor ton Fry. Charles Kissler, W. H. Gallagher, John De Young E. Furguson, Col. M. Ham mond, J. J. Woreline, Henry C. Parsons, John Cummings, John B. MacAlester, S. T. M'Adam, Samuel H. Reynolds. Dr. E. HaU deman, Henry Latimer, Jamns B. Sansom, John Porter, James Loother J. A. Ge:tr J G. Richey, James B Barr John Sill, Jacob Zeigler, VVilliam M'Knighl, J. D James, R. J Nicholson Judge Shannon made an eloquent speech in which he counseled that we should. lis- ten to the words of .wisdom from the lips of ! the gray-haired fathers of the party Mr. Stokes obtained the floor, when the Committee of Thirty-three on Resolutions were allowed to retire to consult together. Mr. Jacob Ziegler moved that all resolu tions be handed over to the Committee on Resolutions without reading. Adopted. Mr Cresswell moved that Hon. Wm. H. Witte be invited to address the Convention. Carried unanimously. Mr. Witte was conducted to the stand amidst much applause. He alluded to the peculiar circumstance under which he entered the convention, and that it was the first tme that he was ever in a Convention. He stated that he had a clear right to be on thin floor, and if he had not he would not be here. Philadelphia was one Senatorial' District, divided into four' sub divisions. He denounced the introduction of mere technical objections as foreign to the sub ject. Mr. Witte said this was no time for the gratification of - mere political ambition or personal feeling. He looked back rever eally upon the time when men were brought together in assemblages, which were not more important-than the present to the U people ot Pennsylvania. - He dwelt npon the fact that Abolitionism was introduced into this country by an Eng lishman, Wilbertorce. .He traced the His tory of the Democratic parly in eloquent and glowing language. Mr. Witts, ic ctosii.g his remarks, paid a most glowing tribute to the Union. . He said that the Keystone of the Federal arch was distarbed in its setting, although for many years the extension of the arch by the admission ot New States, had disturbed neither its symmetry nor weakened "Its may be .renewed,, and . the. stone itself be I more firmly set in the brotherhood and fra- ternityof the people in the equality of 1 . r J v the States and iu the permanency and in tegritw of a re-constructed Federal Union. May God consecrate the work. Mrj Witte was frequently interrupted with boisterous applause. Mr. Foster followed Mr Witte. He was received with three cheers. He said we owe a duty to the party to which we belong. that party is the party of the country. The Republican party could not to day ad minister the affairs of the on the principles laid down in the Chicago platform. Ho said that Abraham Lincoln had carried Pennsylvania by the misrepre sentations of the Republican parly; that he had been held up as the man for them on the tariff question, and yet he declared in Pittsburgh, that be knew nothing about it, but that he would study it so as to be able to understand it. He also referred to his declaration, that there was nothing going wrong and nobody was hurt, while the whole country was ringing with the cries ot distressed land suffering operatives Seven States gonn from the Confederacy and an extraordinary Peace Conference assembled in Washington to prevent eight others from following. He continued at great length in the most pungent review of Mr. Lincoln and his par ty, and closed in a strain of eloquence and lofty patriotism that called forth the loudest demonstrations of applause. He was followed by the Rev Dr. Nevin, of Lancaster, who made a souUstirring ap peal to the patriotism of the Convention, and called upor. them to set their faces against the shedding of fraternal blood, and to demand that peace and good will should be their chosen weapons for procuring the Nation's salvation. The Convention then adjourned to meet on Friday morning at 9 o'clock. SECOND DAY. Friday, Feb 2. The Convention was called to order at 9 o'clock by the President, and the Rev. Dr. Nevin invoked the blessing of God upon their deliberations. On motion of Mr. R. B. Tetriken, the Farewell Address of George Washington was read by Mr. Jacob Ziegler. The Hon. Ellis Lewis, from the Commit tee on Resolutions, in a few prefatory re marks explanatory of the proceedings of the Committee, and of the harmonious re sult at which they had arrived, reported the followiug resolutions : RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That the States of this Union are sovereign anu independent over every subject not surrendered to the control of the Federal Government: and they have no right to interfere with each other's do rne.-tic institutions, but are bound by the Constitution of the United States to protect aid defend them against domestic insurrec tion as well as foreign invasion Resolved, That the Government of the U:ited States, although limited in its au thority to the subjects enumerated in the Federal Constitution, possesses within those limits supreme authority, and has the usual and necessary powers for preserving itself and enforcing its laws. Resolved, That the Union of the Stales was founded by ihe wisdom of our patriotic ancestors, is sanctioned by the experience i tit nnr urhnlA riilitij?1 ATiRtPnfA ami fiasa. cured to 08 UIiexamDled Drosneritv at home and respect abroad. The Democratic party m i . - - - . i i . r r i win cang io u as uie lasi prop ui iraeuum, and as the great exponent in seif-govern- ment which is to light the nations of the ' ea"h lo"y independence. tocf. That the Democratic party pos- feT l?e "up'g Pw w,c , nom- mit hut intorrri v Pin mta anil n ndfprmm. '"p " -" :" . r ed to sacrifice on the altar of patrtotism all individual Interests and past dissensions, and unite as a band of brothers to rescue , , . , , . , the country from the control of those who the country . . are seeking its destruction are seeking its destruction. That this coun try, with the best form of government that ever was devised, is surrounded with dan gers and difficulties wh;ch threaten its very existence, and yet the Republican party re fuse all reasonable terms of compromise, and their leader, on his way to take posses sion of the Government, seemingly satisri ed with the disastrous calamities of his 'irrepressible conflict," declares there is nothing going wrong. Resolved, That the people of the Southern States contributed their exertion and treas- ' nre in the acquisition of the Territories, j equally with those of other States, and that j the principle which recognizes the equal ; rights ot all the States in the same, is foun j ded on the clearest equality and supported by the decision of the highest Court of the country. It ought, therelore, to be sustain ed by every law abiding citizen ur.til a sat isfactory dividing line can be ellled by amendment of the Constitution. Resolved, That every State is bound by the Constitution of the United Stales to aid in delivering up fugitive slaves to their owner, and all legislation which withholds such aid or throws obstacles in the way, is unconstitutional, and should be repealed. and suitable enactments substituted, in ac cordance with the Federal duties of the re spective Slates. Resolved, That the resolutions offered in the United States Senate by the patriotic Senator from Kentucky . and known as the Crittenden plan of compromise present a satisfactory basis for the adjustment of our difficulties, the measures therein specified are wise, just and honorable, calculated to j end the present deplorable agitation, anu prevent forever its recurrence. We com mend this plan, or something similar, to patriots, men of business, working men, political parties, to the people every where and Tte call upon all who love their whole country, and desire to preserve it, to rally to such plan ot compromise and carry it through. Resolved, That we will, by all proper and legitimate means, oppose, discountenance and prevent any attempt on the part of the Republicans in power io make any armnd aggression upon the Southern Slates, espe cially so long as laws contravening their rights shall remain unrepealed on the stat ute books of Northern States, and so long as the just demands of the South shall con tiuue to be unrecognized by the Republican majorities in these States, and unsecured by proper amendatory explanations of the Constitution. Resolved, That in ihe dignified and pru dent reserve of the Southern Border States, and in their conciliatory overtures, we re cognize the same patriotic purposes which animated the Fathers ot the Repnblic, and that an appeal to the people of Penneylva nia will manifest their hearty concurrence in all reasonable constitutional measures for the preservation of the Union, consis tently with the rights of all the States. -Resolved,- That the conduct of the present Governor of Pennsylvania in confining" ex Pennsylvania from 'any representation in fcat body, was the act of a partisan and nl "iJ't-I . r ' r .u Kexnlued. That we nrn hi favor of the imme. diate repeal of the 95th and 96th sections of the Penal Code of Pennsylvania except so far as relates to the crime of kidnapping, because said sections stand in the way of a strict enforcement of the fugitive slave law. The reading of the resolutions called forth much applause, and when that declaring the determined opposition of the Democra cy of Pennsylvania to an armed aggression upon the seceding States was read, the whole Convention rose en masse.', and with the waving of hats and the violent shouts of enthusiasm, shook the very walls of the building that held them. They were adop ted by acclamation. Mr. Levi L. Tate, of Columbia county, moved that a Committee of Thirty-three be appointed to convey and submit a copy to the Peace Conference now sitting at Washington. Hon. Josiah Randall moved to amend by adding, that the President, Gen. Foster, be made the Chairman. Judge Shannon, of Allegheny, moved to further amend, and that they present copies to the President, Vice President, the Senate and House of Representatives, and that the Sec retaties be directed to forward copies to the Governors ot each and every State. The resolution as amended was agreed to unan imously. Mr Zeigler moved that the thanks of. the Convention be tendered to Mr. F. E. Degan for bringing from Philadelphia and appro priating to the use of the Committee the two elegant flags which were suspended from the Hall. Adopted unanimously. Mr. Zulich moved that a State Central Committee be appointed by the delegates from each Senatorial District, naming the member from their district. The resolu tion being objected to, and much feeling manifested against it, it was withdrawn. Mr. Creswell moved that the proceedings of the Convention be published under the supervision of Hon. W. H. Welsh, Chair man of the Slate Executive Committee Agreed to. Hon. Judge Shannon moved that the thanks of the Convention be tendered to the worthy President, General Henry D. Foster, for the faithful and impartial man ner in which he discharged his duties. Agreed to unanimously. On motion the thanks ot the Convention were tendered lo the other officers. Eloquent and patriotic addresses were then delivered by Hons. Josiah Randall, Richard Vaux and others, when the Con vention adjourned sine die, with cheers for the Union and the Constitution. STAR OF THE NORTH. W. II. JACOBY, EDITOR. BLOOMSBURG, WEDNESDAY, FEB 27th, 1561. Lincoln's Flight. The travelling President elect left Harns bnrg on the evening of his reception day rather mysteriously, or in a somewhat pe culiar manner. It id reported he received a private dispatch, summoning him to im mediately hasten to Washington city, as important business were to be transacted Another, that if he traveled over the Balti more railroad, or through that city, at the appointed time he would be unsafe assas sinated. Another report, that he fled to avoid a perfect horde of office seekers who had congregated to lay seige to him. He fled Irom Harrisburg about 6 o'clock P. M., and arrived in Washington city at 4 o'clock, in the morning, where he was received by a few personal friends. Whatever the cause of the flight, the step was taken. Mr. Lincoln, wearing a slouch ed hat and a long military coat, that afford ed a complete disguise, took his place on a special train, and was at Philadelphia transferred to another train for Baltimore. On this he took an upper sleeping berth, which he only left at Baltimore to pass, in the darkness of the morning, to another train to carry him to Washington. Upon reaching Washing'on he was met by a few friends in wailing and escorted to Willard's Hotel ; but his presence in the city or his passage through Baltimore was almost wholly unknown until the telegraph wires began to make inquiries of the where abouts of the fugitive. The whole pro ceeding then, and then only, began to take shape, and the feelings it excited in the public mind as ths rumors assigned as the cause of a step so unnsual, so undigni fied and so insulting to those who had pre pared to do Mr. Lincoln honor. If the people, the politicians and the mil itary at Harrisburg were disappointed, the Baltimore Committee of twenty, who had come to Harrisburg to receive Mr. Lincoln, were excited to indignation. They, how ever, without yet learning more than that Mr. Lincoln had stolen a march upon them, took their departure in the train prepared for the Presidential party, and accompanied them to Baltimore. The train left Harris burg at 9 and reached Baltimore shortly be fore two o'clock. . The disappointment at Baltimore was very great. The most ample arrangements for a grand reception had been made, and the crowd in waiting was very great, ihe whole police force of the city being on hand for the , preservation of order. When it became known that Mr. Lincoln was not upon the train, the indignation of the crowd broke out in groans and hisses. The party, however, after much difficulty, were got into carriages and driven to the Eutaw House, where, after dining, the party took the early afternoon train for Washington. Ws lears from the Lycoming Gazette, that the greatest height reached by the flood in the West Branch, last week, was nearly 17 feet above low water mark. The loss of lumber was not 60 great as might have been anticipated. It was not serious. Some of the booms along the river were sljghtH damaged, but not to an extent that Democratic State Convention. The deliberations of this Convention, which assembled in Brant's Hall, at Har risburg, on the 21st inst., have , been anxi ously looked for by all parties, thronghout ihis State as well as the whole Union. Up on their action depended the future success, probably, of the Democratic party, and the Union. This Convention was the moslhar monious one it has ever been our lot to speak of. Everything that was done, was done right and in the right spirit. The pro ceedings will be found, nearly entire, in another column of to day's Star, in which a series of most excellent resolutions appear. They passed unanimously, " and will go out to all parts of this Commonwealth, and to all parts of this once noble Confederacy, as the united and patriotic voice of the De mocracy of Pennsylvania. We tell our Re publican friends, who have fared well by former unhappy divisions in our party, that their profit will cease from this hour, for those divisions no longer exist. The hatchet ha3 been buried deep, never to be torn up, the pipe of peace has been smoked, and united, as oue man, the Democracy of Pennsylvania, number two hundred and thirty thousand stalwart soldiers, strong, have commenced their grand march to res cue the Constitution and the Union. This is the mission on which they are bound. They started on it nnder the auspices of that day j sacred in the eyes of Americans the 22d of February. Guided by patriotism, stimtila- ; ted by all the motives that a perilous crisis can inspire, and sustained by dauntless courage, their march will be certain victory, i A party starting out under such fair auspi ces cannot fail . This Convention has more than realized our most sanguine anticipations. The reso lutions are admirably well drawn, and give evidence of much wisdom and patriotism in the framers. They breathe the right spirit and enunciate the true doctrines They declare the loyalty of our party to the Union and the Constitution, and demand that justice and equality shall be accorded to all the States. Against the pestilent and blasting dogman of the Republican creed they utter the language of honest denuncia tion. They declare for peace, and repro bate in emphatic terms that policy of the Republican party which, ignore the remon strances of a large popular majority, spurn ing the petitions alike of thousands upon thousands of Democrats and conservative men of their own party, and in disregard both of the Constitution and the rights of States, propose to make this country the theatre of civil strife, arraying father against son, and brother against brother. They de clare that coercive measures against the Southern States will by all legitimate means be discountenanced and prevented, especi ally whilst the just demands of an outraged South remain unsatisfied. They endorse, with one voice, the patriotic proposition sof Senator Crittenden for a settlement of our na'ional troubles, and signify their appro val of any plan emboding their principles. They are well calculated to bring about a just and amicable settlement, and allay for ever the vexed territorial question, which is among the chief causes of the present na tional difficulties. The action of the Convention is destined to exert a mighty influence within and without the State. It will encourage friends and appal enemies I teaches the aggres sive Republicans that they cannot solidify all parties in Pennsylvania into a unit in favor of the great cruel crusade they have planned against the South. It declares that two hundred and thirty thousand of growu men in Pennsylvania are arrayed in a solid body against them and their policy. This suggests to us another idea, which, if carried out, might be attended with the happiest results. Suppose a convention were called of the Democracy of all the free States, to express their sentiments and take their position with reference to the present troubles ! Would not such a movement exert a powerful and beneficent influence ? Such an imposing national demonstration would command the co-operation of all good and true men throughout the North. It would attract lo it all conservatives, even those in the Republican ranks, and compel peace and adjustment. The Republican party would not dare persist in their coer cive and anti compromise policy. 'In conclusion, we most heartily congratu late the Democratic parly of Pennsylvania upon the restoration of old and cordial re lations, and hope that the harmony that now exist may never again be disturbed The Democratic party can say in the words of Henry Clay, they would rather be right than be President. New .Book. We are just in receipt of a new and interesting work, entitled the ' Union Text Book," containing selections from the able and patriotic .writings of Dan iel Webster, together with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution ot the United States, and Washington's Fare well Address. This matter being carefully compiled makes a work of some five hun dred pages, neatly printed and bound, and is offered for sale by lhe publisher, Geo. G. Evans (the original Gift enterprise man) 439 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, at the low price of one dollar per single copy. On the receipt of the price of the book, togeth er with 21 cents additional to pay postage he will send a copy of the Work, inclu ding a valuable present to any address in the United Stales. The Romance or the Revolution is the title of a very interesting work, just pub fished by the popular Gift Enterprise man Geo. G. Evans of Philadelphia. A copy of the work, can be 6een in our office. It is a book of nearly-five hundred pages, handsomely illustrated with colored plates. The different tales related therein are truly interesting. It is rather a complete history of personal adventures, romantic incidents and exploits, incidental to the War of In dependence. It is well calcnlated to thrill the soul of every true eon of Liberty. The price is 51.00, and by sending 21. cents ad ditionalto pay postageyou will receive fyv G Eyansy publisher, The arrival of the Presidentelect, says a New York paper.'on Tuesday last and his suit, and the procession through Broadway, was a tame miserable, melancholy, funeral like affair. Such a scene never -was wit nessed before in this city, and perhaps nev er will be seen again. It has been 'the subject of comment all over the' city. "If Mr. Lincoln did not wish a public demon stration on his arrival here, he should have driven straight to his hotel, instead of riding in an open barouche, preceeded by a few policenien: followed by a few hacks, ihen a big express wagon filled with trunks, un der the superintendence of a big nigger, and at the tail end of ihe cortege five or six advertising vans which wound up the silent march New Yorkers Jove display and music, and in this case there might have been one of the grandest processions of the season. Here and there along the line of route cheers occasionally went up for Lincoln, but the general deathlike si lence of the procession threw a dampness over the enthusiasm of the people. The Presidential tour has created a furore among broken down politicians, rising lights in the Republican ranks, place seekers, and pick pockets. Fkank Leslie's Monthlv for March The contents of the present number are more than usually varied. "Verona Brent" is continued, and grows more interesting and exciting. There are several original and admirable articles by new contributor among which "Hunting in the Providence of New Brunswick," by H. S. Stallknecht and A G. Bradford, is charmingly written, and is full of interest It is a rich number in literary excellence, and it is moreover profusely illustrated with engravings done in the very first style of art The Fashion Department, embraced in thin fine maeaziue. is the fulle-t and most reliably complete exposition published in America. It is an authority upon all mat ters of taste in dress, and contains five en gravings and full descriptions of the newest styles in dress, bonnets, cloaks, laces, fancy and ornamented work. It is a matter of wonder, even to the initiated, how so large and beautiful a magazine can be afforded for three dollars. Only its immense circu lation can yield Frank 1-eie profit. It 6hould be upon every adyrs work-table. Col Hiram R. Kline, one of our mem- bers of the legislature from this Representa- r- . . -i a -. District, paid our town a flying visit on Friday last. He looked hale and hearty, and was in good spirits. - A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. The Rev. Wii.i.iam CnsnKn whi! la. I boring as a' missionary in Japan' was cured n hat pnrpil ureal were suffering from Consumption, Bronchit- ( is, Sore Throat, Coughs, and Colds, and the ! these disorders. Desirous ol benefiting others, I will send this recipe, which 1 have brought home with me, lo all who need ii, free, of charge. Address REV. WM. COSGROVE, 230 Baltic-street, Brooklyn. N. Y. Feb 27, 186 1 3m. M.iJilllED. On the 20th inst., by the Rev. William J Eyer, Mr.'MRTiN M. Brobst, to Miss Mart S. Kriegh With of Cattawisa, Pa On the 23d inst., by the same. Mr. Wm. Fisher, of Maine township, to Miss Mrt Margaret Pkei-h, of Cattawissa, Pa. On the 24th inst., by the same, Mr. Ed ward Biebsaman. of Rupert, Pa , to Miss Fatetta Richard, of Neumedia, Pa. In Oranseville. on the l-tth inst., by Rev. W.Goodrich, at Samnel F.veretrs Hotel, Mr. Jokas Rantz, to Miss Margaret Davis, both of Benton, Columbia connty. On the 21st inst, by Rev. J. Shanafelt. Mr Edward Henry to Miss Saeina Kochcr, both of Briarcreek. On the 21st inst , in Berwick, by Rev. S. L. Bowman, Mr. Wm. KicnBrn, to Miss Caroline Savits. both of Mifllinville. In Harvey ville. Luzerne co., on the 14th of February, 1861. by the Rev. Mr. Porter, Dr. M. Steck, M. C of Arizona, formerly of ihis county, and Miss Kot A., daughter of Benj. Harvey, Esq , of the former place. DIED. In this place on Friday morning last, Mrs. Scsan IyONG. aged 67 years. In Wheeling, Virginia, on the 30;h ult., Mr Henry MoRRisoN,formerly of this place, aged about 31 years. In Mon'.onr townslrp, February 4lh inst, Oi.viri, daughter of Isaac and Hel len Moury, aged 2 years 10 month and 29 days. 0, weeping friends, called thus to mourn, The breaking of a tender tie ; ' Turn thon thy thoughts from earth to heaven, Seek thou the solace from on Hih ! The darling one thus torn from thee, She is not lot. but gone beJoe That much loved form again you'll see Again you'll meet on heaven'sbrightshore! KEVIEH' OF THE 3IAUKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, 61 00 BUTTER, EGGS. TALLOW, LARD, POTATOES, 16 12 12 12 62 RYK. 70 CORN, (new) 50 OA 1 S. 30 BUCKWHEAT.2 50 FLOUR pr. bbl 6 CLOVERSEED 5 00 00 DR'D APPLES, 1 00 HAMS ' 12 Auditor's Notice.' THE undersigned appointed by the Court an Audi'or lo distribute the tnnd srisinj from ihe Sheriff's sale of the Real Estate ot Hiram Smethers, will attend in ihe dories of hi appointment on Siturday the 30h day of March, 1861, at 2 o?clock p. m., at his Office ir. Bloomsburg, Columbia county , at which lime and place all persons interested ar herebj notified to attend, or be foreer debarred Irom coming in on said fund. WESLEY WIRT, February 27, 1861. . Auditor. Auditor's otice THE nndersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia connty, up on exceptions io the account of Samuel Kressler, administrator of Lemuel Kressler, late of Columbia county, deceased, will at tend to the duties of his appointment at his Office, in BlnomsDiirg, on Saturday, Ihe 23d day of March, A D. 1&61, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where ell per30QR inter ested may attend. WESLEY! WIRT, February 27, 1861. . Auditor. of Consumption, when all other means had j uu'-c . ... . w. failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned j lo Pl'!1 r vlnanoii. ai ihecate physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. I maV require, of the real e-taie of ihe abv n.i, ha rnrp.l 7rpai n,mhPN u-hn I nmneil Henry Km, deceased, situa'e in Notice lo hfirs of Levi BiseJ, dee'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY: THE Common walh of Perrn- fVi sjlvania to Sn-an R. Bifel, wid- in the Slate of IHinoi, Salliw R. Bisel, intermarried with Willisen,-now residing in L-ban on county, P-nn'a, Robert -M. Bi-el, now reidtna in the State ot (Jeorsii, H-nrv Kent B'tsel rt- . sidina in th same S!at, Narris-a Y Biel, and Silvan J. Bisel, both residing in Union county, Pe ins Ivania. the Ial litre named of whom are minor, N-ircissa Y. Biel am! Susan J. Bi-el, have for their Guardian iheir moiher, Snan R " Biel, and Hnry Kent Bit-el, has for his Guardian, Bohert Patter son, children and heirs ot Levi Biet, late of Madison township, . Colombia ronnty, deceased. You and each of you are hereby commanded to be and appear t our Orph ans' Couii to be hoUen at Bloomsburg, in and for said county on the first Monday of May next, then arid there lo accept or re fuse the real estate of Levi Biel deceased, -at the valnaiionpiil upon it by an Inqne-t duly awarded by this Honorable Court, or 6how cause why tha same shall not be sold. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wool ward, Eq , President of onr said Court at Bloomrbnrs, the 9;h day of February A D. eight hundred and sijriy one. ' " i ,. - ; JONH SNYDER, Sheriff. : Blormsbnrs, Feb. 27, 1861 Mice to heirs of Andrew Shoemaker, dee'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY; " ytij THE Commonwealth of Penn- widow. Jacob Shoemaker. Atra- It r WhAAnriQlrar Phurloa ri no - k maker, Catharine, intermarried with Peter Honsen, Elizabeth, intermarried with Peter Maxel, Sarah, ifitermirritd with Joseph Henderhot and Mry, in-ermarrid with Samuel Shaffer, children and heirs ot Andrew Shoemaker, late of Madison town ship, in ihe county of Columbia, deceased. You and each of y ou are hereby command ed ta be and appear at our Orphan's Court, to be holden ai Bioomsbor? in and for said . 'county on the firt Mouday of May next, 'hen and there to accept or reii-e me real estate ol Andrew jnoemaKer, oec u, ai me valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly awarded by this Honorable Court or show cause why ihe ame shall not be ild. Witness i he Honorable. Warren J. Wood ward, Fq.. Preside rit of onr aid Conn at Bloomsburz, the 9 h day of February A D , eighteen hundred and simv one. JJHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsbur?, Feb. 27, 1861. IVoticc in Partition. Ctale cf Henry Run. Lite of Hemlock luicish'p. Columbia ennn'y de. eased. Columbia iaju.n i i . ( i ' comrnonweain oi i e-in- iltol Viii.'"l l I'.iuict nils-, k-siiuoi 'j L S A ,am R(JSS H(,'rv B. J t ) tlrrI9 B-iss, Dartha, iiiermarned j with Geiger, Lvina, intermar-ied wiirj Charle- Sailor, Catharine, intermarried with I Abraham Shoemaker; and to all ihe I'gal 1 .- r. ! ff repre-entali ves ot me saiu n.iry o-i, deceased, ree.i ,-. : Y.i and -a-h of yo. ' lowmnip ot tumiock, aiu in'v oi Columbia, on the premises, on Ikursdiy, the 18th d'V cf JpriL 1861. between ih hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and 3 oVlock in the alternoon, of said-day, at. which lime and place yoa may attend if you think proper. Witness the Hnorab!e Wirren J. Wold ward E-sq , President ot our Orph-i'i' Court at Bioomsburg, ihe 9 h day of February, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and six-ty-one. JOHN SNYDER. Blooinsburg. Feb. 27, 1861. Slier iff. IsVnl Notice. sit, LY the Orphans' Court of Colam--rVttvSik Via County: - l iJz In the maferof the P.r:ition of--VV-ESsf- r . v.... .. .i r r-- LiULd A .111 lllui, IUI vi r i, 1 1 o j . '''mm specific performance ot the con tract lor the sale of real e-Ute, between the said Lucas Fahriner and Seba-fttan Hower, late of Locust township, Columbia county, deceased. Notice i hereby given lo the Widow, h;irs and legatees of the said Sebastian Hower, deceased, to appear at an Orphan' Court lo be held at Blooinsburg, or. ihe find Mnnd.y of May next, io answer the . bill or Partition of the said Lucas Fahringer, . praying the Court lo decree the specific pertormance of Ihe contrac: between him self and said .Sebastian Hower, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, otherwise i-pecific performance ot ihe tame will be decreed. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff: Bloomsburg, Feb. 27, 1861. PtBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. "1 Y7ILL be exposed lo sale by public ven- due on the premises, on F R 1 D A Y, the 29th DAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1861, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, the following property, viz : situate near the town of Orangeville, in the township of Orange, and county of Colum bia, containing TW O ACRES OF LAXD, improved. The lot is on the Main Raad leading from Orangevill to Berwick, and is a desirable building lot. Late the (state of Jjhn Covenhovan, dee'd. Terms made known on the dav of sale by CYRUS B. McIIENRY, OLIVER COVKNHOVAN, WESLEY WIRT, Feb. 27, 1861. Administrators. AUDITOR'S .NOTICE. THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, to distribute the balance in ihe hands ot Kob ert B. Swazzy, execntor of the last will and tet-lament ot Jacob Swazzy, late of Colum bia county, deceased, io and among the persons entitled by law and uoder ihe said will to receive th same, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in Bloomsburg, on Wednesday the Sd day of April, A. D., lS6I,at ten "o'clock, A. M., at which time and place all persons having claims agahist Ihe estate of said deceased, are required lo present the same, or be d barred from coming in for a share of said baUnce. WESLEY WIRT, Feb. 27, 1S61. .' Auditor. Administrator's Notice. Letters of adminilratioc on ihe estate of 'Thomas J. Robbins, late of Fishingcreek township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said conn ty, to . Abraham . W. Robbins, residing in said Fishingcreek township. All persons having claims or demands against the es tate of the decedent are Requested to make them known to the administrator and those indebted to make payment forthwith to -AJ3RAHAM.W. KOBBLN5, Fishingcreek, Feb. 27, 1861. Admr. I" DAVID LOWEXBERG. CLOTHING STQJIE, On Main street, two doors above the "Arner- mm J