' Jfas-ai ium- rm r 71 ni r . , W. II. JACOBY, Proprlet&V. Truth and Right- God and our Country. Two Dollars per Annan. VOLUME BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY IS, 1861.' NUMBER 6. Y-". i ; V 1 s ? 7 1 J i STAR OF THE NORTH ' ' PDBLISHKD SVEBY WKDRSSOAT BT V r WS. fl. JACOBY, ' Office on Mala St., 3rd Square oeiow Market, TERMS : -Two Dollars per annum if paid within fix months from the time of snbscri ' bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid . within the year. No subscription taken for a less period than six months ; no discon tinuances permitted until all arrearages are ' paid, unless at the option or the editor. , The terms of advertising trill be as follorps : One square, twelve Iines; three times, $1 00 , Every, subsequent itwertion, . ...... 25 , One square, taree months, ....... 3 00 .One year, .. . 8 00 t- imm , our uNioKi. ; - BT 1 HIGH SCHOOL BOY. " Dissolve this mighty Union 1 Go stop yoor rolling sun ; Blot out the planets from the spheres. Which now in order run, Go stop the rolling billows, Go calm the roaring 6ea ; 'Then this mighty Union , - May be dissolved by thee. Dissolve this happy Union? Command your God to sleep And call the sons ol Europe, o'er Its fragments then to weep, ' : But, bark ! they say with oue accord . 4Tbat starry flag shall shine The envy of the eastern lands ; Preserved by power divine. 5 Dissolve this mighty' Union 1 The Jew, ike Turk, the Greek, 'And Chinese wonder at the word And now astonished speak : "Dissolve that mighty Union ! Go hide thy shameless head. 'Behold! the mighty hand of God, Her spangled banners Fpread." 'Dissolve this mighty Union ? x Her moontains on the frown-! Volcanoes In their fury rise With fire to sweep thee down ! 'But, hark ! the sound from every shore,. , Of Union still is heard ; mvriad sons assemble 'round 'Their banner at a word. . . A MILITARY COICOSB PCMSUED. . In the year iSOS.the peace of Tilsit ter minated the conquests of Napoleon in Ger 1 many, and gave the people of those coun ' tries a short respite. Prussia, thoroughly 'exhausted by the onheard-of efforts which 'she had made lo carry on the war against :France, was compelled to reduce her army to a peace footing. . Several officers of that power having ob tained an unlimited leave of absence, met very often in Hamburg to enjoy in common . the various pleasures of military idleness. 'Oqb day ia Sept , six of them having dined together, and made more 'han one libation to Bacchus, they, al the approach of night, "repaired to the Cafe He la Bourse of the most noted in the city, and bade their entry in a 'most noisy manner. The Baron de V a lieutenant, twenty three years of age, the youngest of the joyous band, rich, hand ' Dome, and of noble carriage, but foppish, self-conceited and insolent, having noticed 'an individual of small stature, dressed in black, sitting at a table alone, holding in one band a newspaper and in the other a long pipe, "who had paid no attention to them on-their arrival, and being offended, no doubt, by the indifference, bordering on contempt, whiih he exhibited, approached him with the intention of avenging the fan cied insult. To that effect he laid his hand in a familiar manner on his shoulder, 'swinging himself back and forth, and said 'to him with an ironic smile : 'Ah ! good evening, my litde schoolmas ter'? - : ' . ,. The man in wact raised hi' eyes, and 'fixed them for two or three seconds on his 'interlocator- then looking again on. hi. pa !per, continued to read. . "God bless me, he don't answer. Ah, well, my droll fellow, won't yOa answer ma. . I see that pipe Is the cause". Come, we must bear yWr voice.'f ' jla a second, with a flip, the pipe flew to fpieces, he laughing loudly the while. , , .Without putting down the paper, or show 1ng any symptoms of being affected by the Insult, be turned towards the counter, and 'said: "!, ; :.. ; vf "; : . "Waiter, another pipe I' That' right. - He has at last opened his - 'month.?--.- - '-'A The pipe was lit, and the reading re-nmedi-::"' V X-.-H'' "Ah, so! What country are "you from 1 "In what village do ;yoa, fexercise -your "tal ents ?".. .... -. .' ., .. : Here the interrogated raised again his 'head, and looked at him as he whiffed two tr three mocthfuls of smoke, and lowe'ring Lis eyes s!owly,e seemed rather willing to giva all his attention to his paper. "1 belieTe yon are some kind of afcan Von appear to learn by heart all the news 3 c.s to inform your friends and neighbors. Bjt-yoo emoke like a Dutchman. That ,""oafound8d pipe causes yda too rxiach dis traction." " . - '.;"'. "And as before the pipe was again broken. Without making any movement, without ihowing the least sign of emotion, the so- styled schoolmaster '"merely repeated the first order : - - ' " " ' ' WaiiVraadiher. pipe I' I ;) ; -. r ' . lVrbat a fine voice ! LiitJe roan, yod liave the patience of in affel ordavil. i 'wczlA give tnech to" sea joa inad ; it wosld Itcsse cs dclicionlyi There - An cid "lapr,' wkh a fine German phy&i t ; .csifl vhh stowed veil of frankness, voice, but loud enough to be heard by those "Monsieur, aim accurate. Woe uato you near dim : if you miss me, for 1 will not miss you; you "Yon comport yourselflike a man with- wi" cease to exist 1" oul brain. , I tell you the game begins to ' They insisted no longer. The Lienten tire meand the foolish hilarity of , our j ant aimed, and the captain cried : comrades adds to my impatience, and hard- j '8 high." - ly covers the murmurs of indignation which ! The explosion was heard, the buliet graz your conduct has provoked in the minds of, those present. Quit! quit! 1 telf you ! it is now time." . . , After saying this be turned his .back to him, and withdrew into an adjacent hall, whither he was soon followed by his com panions, who, by their thoughtless laughter covered his reproaches. Seated around the gaming table, they began to play. . The young lieutenant, judging by the noise pro duced by his folly, had forgo'ten the insult, played desperately, and was winning large ly. But an hour had scarcely elapsed when the man in black entered the hall of play, and approached him, tapped him on the shoulder, demanding a private interview. The young lieutenant looking at him over his shoulder, laughed in his (ace. " Monsieur Officer," said the man in black, "I am not a schoolmaster, as you were pleased to call me. I demand of yon all satisfaction. It is due to me, and 1 hope you will not refuse it ; if you do, I know well the means to obtain it. To mor row, at seven o'clock I will wait for you here; arm jourself with pistols !" Our braggart, who, during this discourse, had risen to bis feet, and had alternatively become red and pale, gave no response, but a bow o! acquiesence, in the fear, no doubt, that the emotions of bis voice would betray his complete terror. The cap'ain sainted the rest of the company, and immediately left the house. With him went all the gayety of the lieu tenant. He became thoughtful and taci turn, his spirit was no more with the play, and be lost all he had before won. The thoughts of to-morrow that terrible morrow frightened him. How, much his adversary would have the advantage over him. - Suffering with so much calmness a series of affronts! Proposing a duel with that firmness, that assurance, imperturable sang froid I Bravery and skill were surely his. Such were the ideas that crowded into his mind. . y On leaving the hall, they separated with the promise to meet at the hour indicated. At seven o'clock they met ; the Englishman was already at the rendezvous, clad in the brilliant uniform of a superior officer of the j navy of his country, covered with many decorations, and followed by a valet richly dressed, who carried a small casket under his arm. He offered them refreshments, which were accepted ; spoke with courte sy ; and proved himself to be high minded and acquainted with the ways ot the world. At eight o'clock he broke up the sitting, and requested the Prussian officer to be so kind as to designate the place where the quarrel would ba settled, adding that he was a stranger in that place, he would wil lingly give him the choice. They then repaired to a vat pasturage, which lay between Hamburg and Allona. -Ou arriving there, he asked : ''What distance will suit yon ?" "Twenty-five paces." " ' "That is too much, Monsieur. Yon could not hit me a: that distance. Let us say fif- . teen; that is enough." The witness agreed, and the proposition was adopted. Meanwhile, the Major ob served to the captain that he bad no second. "It is not necessary," replied the captain, "II I fall, my valet knows what to do." The Major insisted, nd showed him that . it was contrary to the usages of the country; according to that morality the duel could' not lake place; but he offered with polite- ' ness, to allow it to proceed, which offer was accepted. . ( I ;The'ground "was measured, and they ; look their places. : The captain, addressing bis adversary, asked tnis singular ques tion : ; .: 'Have yon good pistols ? because I have two pair that never miss their mark ! I I j will give you the proof." Calling his valet, he opened the box and I took out one of the pistols which it contain ed, and told him to throw up something in the air. The valet searched in his pocket, but coold find nothing save his handker chief. "That is too large; find something else." He then took Out a dried prune and show ed it to him. . "That will do; throw !" The fruit was thrown op, and instantly it was shattered to atoms. ,!-... At this proof of bis skillj the astonish ment of the spectators was at iu height ; as tb the lieutenant, he was more dead than alive. . The captain then took the place assigned to him, inviting the lieutenant to fire at him. The Major, then stepping in be tween the combatants, ' opposed the Lien tenant's firing first, saj-ing : . ''The usage of the country gives the Of fended the first shot ; and fdr the second, Chance will decide." "Ah, my dear Major," replied the capt. "if I complied with your advice, Monsieur would not have the pleasnre to use his pis tol on a man and I am certain, judging from his appearance,, that he has never been tempted to eerioosly; promise himself that enjoyment. Therefore j let come what may, nevertheless, will that these gentle men, who enjoyed ; themselves at ray ex pense yesterday, and instead of hindering their comrade from being guilty of such fol ly, only.laughed at my distress, shall, one lnS ,he top oi his head. "My turn now, young estravagant! Yes terday I was, lor one hour, the plaything for your railenes your sarcasms. With out motive you insulted me; mocked and cursed me with humiliation. 1 was a droll fellow a schoolmaster. Who am I to-day? A man ! And who exe you ? A wretch, a miserable poltroon, trembling with fear ! Death, which in an instant you will leceive from my hand, encircles you with her shad- ! ows; already her icy hand is stretched over you ! Your lips are blanched with fear, your eyes troubled, your face is pale as the sheet which will in a few hours enshroud you ! Your limbs refuse to support yon ! Inselence and cowardice always-go hind in hand ; that is ail we can expect cf one of your stamp But before sending you to the other world, tell me : have you made all disposition for leaving this? Have you not a' parting souvenir to give to a mother, father, sister, brother, or one who is dear to you ? I' have here a writing dek, and I will accord to you the few moments neces sary for that purpose." A "thank you, sir," very humble and hardly intelligible, was all that could be heard. "In that case," said the captain, "if all reconciliation between us here below is impossible, and that your blood alone can wash out the affront which I have received, implore, at least, by a ihort and fervent prayer, the goodness and the clemency of the Almighty." Then, the Lieutenant, taking his hat off, cast a look at the mute and terrified wit nesses of this imposing scene, who all, with one accord, spontaneously uncovered their heads. During a moment there reigned in that group a solemn and religious silence, which was not broken, save by the respira tion of those assembled. At length, taking up his pistol and point ing it with resolution toward his opponent, he made him suffer for another minute, the ... .-. : . . ti : internee? aii'riiv. jlpui all Hi Ullve. as II I . - , , " . ' bj edect ol sudden reflection, he turned! . . . ( t.ifTjseu quickly towards his valet, and gare him the pistol, saying, with the gesture, accent and smile of hatred : ''Here, trfke this pistol ; that officer is not worthy of English gunpowder !" The next dy the Barua de V disap peared from the country and his regiment never eaw him more. Below the Atlantic. Soundings In the Atlantic have been par- ticularly pushud forward, and have encited, on account ol the telegraph cable, more general interest than, any others yet taken. They have revealed the fact that at least two hundred and thirty miles Irom ihe coast of Ireland the water is still shallow ; or, in : other, words thaithere is another Ireland only waiting to be raised thus reversing the fa- mous panacea lor keeping the country quiet. I: is just beyond this that the true Atlantic begins, the gulf suddenly linking ; to nine thousand feet Thus Ireland may one day have a coast line as high as the Alps. The whole floor of the Atlantic is paved with sofi sticky substance, called oaze, nine tenths consisting of very minuto . animals, many of them consisting of mere lumps of jelly, and thousands of which could float with ease in a drop water; some resembling toothed wheels; others bundles of spines, or threads shooting from a little globule. Some, however, are endowed with the property of separating flint Irom the sea water , which is more than every chemist can do; and there are hundred of square miles covered with the .keletons of these little creatures. Part of -this oaze is doubtless from the cicada of rain dost which rise from the vast steppes of South America in such masses as to darken the sun and make the animals fly to shelter,' and, which, alter sweeping like almoon over the country, lose themselves in the 'steep Atlantic." No bones have been round of the larger animals, so that the kra ken and eea serpent might sleep their last sleep, and leave not a bone or a vertebra to tell thetale."- Not a mast or anchor, not 'a block nor a strand, not a coin or a keepsake has been found to testify of the countless gallant ships and more gallant men who have gone down amid the pittiless waves. All the Year Round. Gravs JoXt. A wag going through a graveyard, observed on one of the stones he following lines: ' "As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me." He took, out his pencil and ivnte be low : ' "To follow yon I'll not consent, Until I know which way yon went." "In my time, Miss,", said a stern .annt, "the men looked al the women's faces, in stead of their ankles l'- "Ab, bat my dear aunt," retorted the young lady, "yoa see the world has improved, and is more civili zed than It used to be'. It looks . moire to the udderstanding."' Wis fear that. some of our young men, woofd be far more anxious than they are to go to Abraham's bosom. tf.tTqn-j. THE SCENES OF A NIGHT. BT ANMC K. LCRAND. Gently and softly the twilight shadows melt away , and the heavier darkness ot night settles ' over the earth. The moon, the silent but ever faithful queen of night, following the example ol more brilliant day king, has sank to her peaceful rest be hind the western horizon, leaving the stars, those bright glittering lamps of Heaven, to keep the lonely night-vigils o'er the1 earth. For a brief period of time there is a busy bora of voices, and the tramp of many feet hastening from the scene of the day -toil to the grateful quietude of home, and then silence reigns supreme, until the hour of eight is tolled forth by the deep toned town clock. As the last loud not vibrates upon the still air, a man and women, a young and happy bridal pair, kneels within a brilliant-ly-lighted church, before the sacred altar, i and in the presence of ' Heaven's embas sador to earth," there to breath the marriage vows; and, while the minister, in clear calm tones, reads to those youthful ones the solemn ritual by which they are to be bound to each other in joy or care, in weal or woe, through life unto the misty veil of death, down from the courts of heaven, an angel bends listening to catch the response re-echoed in tha&e warmly-beaiing hearts, and then to bear those sacred vows up to the great High Priest, thre to be recorded in times that can never be affaced. And now th5 ceremony is ended, the hope ol years is realized, and they are hus band and wile. Oh, Low sweet the thought never to be separated again until the cold hand and the dark shadows of death severs the tie that binds them . Oh, they are very happy now, in the first realization of their long anticipated joy ! But will it always be thus? Will the bright-winged angel, joy take up his abode with them and for ever dwell within their household ? Nay, surely not, for sorrow ever broods over the earth, and no (rail earthly mortal can escape from his cruel oppression there fore, they, happy as they now are, must j ere long bow their heads to the waves of : chilling grief and aflliction. But hark ! while we are thus musing the i r . .. . hour of nine rings out upon the air, and an- .. , . . other scene ripe- to our view. Within a darkened chamber a fair young mother lays, while out upon the hashed air fee ble wad is borne an infan'.'s cry. Ah ! and it seems well that this wail should go forth from thi pure, sinless one, whose ex istence has just began, for alas ! like all mortals, it is born to a lot of care and sor row, of grief and woe, of pain and misery and, at last, to death ! A death, whether of honor, and long lamented, or of dishonor, and soon lorgotien, remains for the future to unfold; and with this thought we turn instinctively to the mother. Is she that fair, frail child like one, who seems almost too delicate to tread life's rouh and thorny path ? Is she capacitated to rear that now sinless child for a respected life and an honored death ? Can she teach it how to shun the shoals and quicksands of life? how to overcome the temptations and bow meekly to the trials that await it in after years? now to live that after death it may be fit to dwell in the pre-ence of angels and archangels, of cherubims, and sera phims, in the presence of the Most Holy Faiher himselt? Ah! what a fearful re sponsibility is yonrs, frail, trembling moth er. God give you strength for the trials that await you, and enable you to fit the soul of this, your first born, for the never- ending joys of Heaven. , . . Ah I Jondly now peals forth the hour of ten. Within another home behold a sol emn scene; upon a downy couch reclines a man lately in the full prime, but now- grappling with the dread King of Terrors I unrelenting Death whose fatal arrow has already pierced the slowly beating heart. Dear friends are gathered around, gazing mournfully into the loved one's face, which is only revealed by the dim light of a single taper. How sadly the loved and loving ones gaze upon the countenance now fast changing in death. Some, with not scald ing tears coursing down their cheeks, and and others pale, mute and motionless, but each and all with almost bursting hearts. ' How awfully still. Within that chamber naught breaks the silence save the loud and labored breathing of the dying one; and with him struggle is almost over, be hold, the once flashing eyes are glazing with the film of death; the once warm and active limbs are growing cold and rigid, and o1 ! the once fondly loving heart is now cold and still.. Ah ! the soul has gone iato the presence of its Creator, for all cre ated thing proclaim that existence adds not -j with the grave; yea, surely there is a land beyond the tomb. ..... Again the faithful town clock notes the rapid flight of lime, and loudly tolls the hour of eleven. With a pale haggard coun tenance, and wild, unearthly looks a young but wretched being wanders without' a home, and, alas ! destitute of friends. Ah life to her is a burden now, and the world a dreary waste. But it was not always thus. Once she had a pleasant home ; once she had kind friends ; once she shrank from the thought of ' death and once, to her, the world seemed all bright and beautiful, but the tempter entered that humble abode. One who lured her from her home and friends ; one who robbed her of her inno- cence and brought her to shame and deara- ,-.. i are coursing wildly through her burning brain. And, as remembrance of the past comes rushing o'er her sonl, with a wild cry of anguish she sinks down by the way- side only to arise a few moments later with the vacant litare and chilling laugh of the maniac.,, May the Lord have pity upon thee, poor erring one, and grant thee a respite from thy forrows in this thy loss of reason. And may he deal justly wiih him who ha brought this ruin upon thee. Ay, most as 6uredly he will, "For vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay !" But listen. The midnight hour is tolling, and as the ringing notes grows faint upon the st'll night air, a lair young face peers out into the gloom of night from the window of yonder stately mansion A look of anxiety is resting upon that innocent coun- j tenance,and tears gather in the dark, mourn ful eyes as she turns away from th window with a weary sigh. But the sound of a dis tant footstep fall upon her listening ear, and a look of expectation lights her coun tenance, and then, for a moment, an ex pression of joy , for it it la the long absent husband for whom she has waited so anxi ously. But ala ! her joy mcnt soon turn to the bitterest sorrow, for he comes with oaths and imprecations upon his lips; comes with the reeling gait, and sickening,, dis gusting oder that ever attends the midnight reveller over the sparkling bowl ; comes to chide her lor her weakness, and exult in his own fancied strengih. And the poor suffering one weeps. Weeps such tears as only the loving wile of a drunkard can weep at the realization that he whom she has so loved as to trust him with her all of earthly happiness is unworthy of that love and trust. , Alas ! that in that princely home the de mon of intemperance should find a victim iti the otherwise truly noble husband of so pure, so innocent, so loving a wife. For he, like all other votaries at the shrine of Bacchus, must have sorrow, and woe, and wounds without cause, if he continues to pay homage to the sparkling bowl. One o'clock lone solitary hour. All is hushed in repose. Nay, nut so; for swift- ly along the deserted way a man is gliding; j years telegraph companies in England have a young and handsome man. Ah ! he has j employbd females in the instrument de stopped now, stopped just beside that lare part'menlsot some of their principal stations, stone house, where the hard earned savings j The work is liaht and clean, and very well of many a toiling hand is deposited ! He , adapted for young ladies. Most of them has entered now, but how stealthily. What j acquire the art of telegraphing in a very can his errand be Oh ! can a be that he, j 6hort time, and there are now in the service so young, so blest with health and strength, j many who are able to send and receive so much confided in by friends, and in I menaces as well as the best of the male whom so many fond hopes centre, can it be that he has forgone n his honor and inteiri- I t o n ,1 rrnna fstrlti a m'tfi r iirKf rrtHKar 1 Ah, yes, 'tis true; for, see! he comes j impossible tor tnem to remain any lengtn forth with his treasure trembling in tvery j of ,ime in a room without desiring to hold limb, for crime has made him a coward ! a fa,r amount of conversation. As the na Alas ! this once noble young man has fal- j 'are of their employment demands that lor len a.id in that fall how many hearts he ' tne greaier P" of the time they are at the hascru.-hed. For to-morrow the officers office they must sit at the instrumeut to of justice will be upon his track to bring wh;ch they are appointed, they cannot him to accojnt lor his deeds. For, careful ery well hold conversations with their as he has been he has failed to obliterate 'companions. So that when a circuit hap- all the traces of his guilt. And. ere long, his name will be heralded forth with shame and dishonor, while, he perchance, w ill be , , ti' psvin! the penalty of h:s crime in some J 4 J Bloomy prison : for the laws of nations de ma i ids that tor know n crimes man shall be punished. And tt.ough he has aimed at concealment yet that jnst and righteous God, who, amid r..t .i i .: i .: iiviiui uiuiiueiiii" "J .iKinciuii pruvirtiiu- ed from Mt. Nnai the comman ment,''Thou .halt not steal," will surely fru-fate ail his seemingly well laid plans, and justice will be avenged. AL t .1 : r ! 1 . l ! u:w.e misery mat must ioiiow mis evn ueea: misery to n.m mat committee it, and to all those to whom he i so dear. Th fond faiher, the doting mother, the af- lecuonate sister, tne sympaimz.ng orotner , description- of different towns through and the warm trusting friend. Ala! each : which i haJ passed, &c . kc. and all of these must feel, in its keenest' I soon found that, in addition to being an sense, the misery that springs from temp- - excellent hand at telegraphing, my fair tations yielded to. j correspondent was very entertaining in con- Oh ! young man I conjure you, let your ; versatiou, and it was very easy to discover, condition be what it may, to heed the oft j from the way in which she acted during a repeated commandment, "Thou shalt not j press of business, that she wa of a very steal." . j amiable disposition. These conversations Two o'clock nc peals forth, another ' went on for some time, till at length I was man glides forth from his concealment. A j miserably dull when away from the instru man with a fierce look in his eye, muttered i ment, and always eager to discharge, as oaths upon his lips. How swiftly yet how quickly as possible, those duties which oc noiselesaly he moves. Ah, see ! he pauses j casionally call me away, so that 1 miht e . . . . . i . i - i. now in bis rapid walk and ascends the steps of a house where once his dearest; friend dwelt, a friend whom he now deems his bitterest enemy. He has entered the house now by means of a false key. Oh ? what can this sieaithly conduct mean at this untimely hour? We fear there is a learful design in his heart, for see that glit tering knife that he now holds in his hand. Ah! he thirsts for the blood of his fellow mortal, and 6oon will this unholy appetite be appeased. It is already, for the bloody work is done ; he has hurried the soul of his fellow being, one whom he once called friend, without a moment's warning, and while he slept all unconscious of danger, into the presence of its jut and righteous judge. And now he creeps away, a guilty, sin-stained wretch, with the brand of Cain upon his brow. Ah! he may f.y; fly from the vigilant executors of the law, and the avenging hand of justice, but be can never, never es cape the accusing conscience that dwells within his t breast. For the voice of his brother's blood crieth unto him, even from the eronnd. ' - old gray-haired man starts, and hastening to the fanher end of his dimly-lighted room, he opens the large iron safe wherein is de posited all his treasure. Ah! he is a miser See how those hard, stony eyeballs glitter J as they fall upon the hoard? of shining gold that is laying there. See how he gathers it i in his long, shrivelled hand, as if to assure j'himselt that it is really there. , We wonder ; if the clink of cold metal, as he rattles it together, will drown the voice of the sup plicaiing widows and the hungry orphans that he has robbed ? We wonder if it repajs him for the loss of friendship and the sacrifice of love that he has made to obtain it? If so, then why does he not take his ease? Why not en joy the comlorts that wealth can purchase ? and hy does Bleep returs to visit his weary eyelid? Ah ! it is because of the wrongs, the cruelty and oppression he has heaped upon his distressed fallow beings, that now haunt his soul, banishing sleep from his eyelids and rest from his weary mind. Oh! he sees now that it is too late ; that his ill gotten gains cannot purchase for him ease and comfort, and gladly would he now ex change that lonr coveted gold for the re freshing sleep and invigorating rest that was his in the days of his youthlul inno cence. But alas ! for him, gold cannot pur chase the desired boon, and so he must drag out his weary existence of unhappy days and sleepless nights for this is the late of thoso who bow at the alter of mammon. These, kind reader, are a few, and only a very Jew of the strange and startling scenes of a single night. For the darkness and the silence forms a cover for many a fearful deed to be committed, as rvell as joy to be realized; for though night is the appointed eeason for rest, yet how many there are which avail themselves not of the opportu nity, but, enstead, heedless of the darkness that surround them, they take the most im portant steps of their lives, with only the seemingly little stars to light them on their way. Cow I Got married ; OR, COCRT1KQ BT TELEGRAPH . Everybody knows that for the last few staff ioung lad ies are much the same every- i where, and it would, of coor?e, be next to , ren lo ' '"'g '' wr.o nas charge of it. find a great deal of relief in the derk of the station at th ; other end of the wir. . . ,. . t l. .- - ., Alter 1 had been some time in the servic e ce and was supposed to be thoroughly ac quainted with the work, I was appointed to a station w hich I do not wish to be known by any oiher name than that of Morten. Alter 1 hud introduced myself to those wjx0 were lo 9 my fellow clerks, I took possession of the instrument appropriated 1 to rne, and, as is usual, inquired the name , of the Udy with whom I was to work. Quick as thought I received her answer ; aAn ,y Watson. Who are you ?" Having , gi?en mj name anJ ,he 5tation from wbich , h, u. i PnnvAtinn . upon general sut jects, such as the weather, return to speak to Amy. 1 was most anxious to see the bein2 who exercised such an influence over me, and al length, after much persuasion, and hav ing obtained the consent of her widowed mother, we exchanged portraits. If I was in love before, i was doubly i-o now. Hav ing ob'.ained the likness, I was more eager than ever to see the oriinel. To hear the' sound of her voice which I was sure from the expression of her face in the portrait, was soft and sweet to see her smile on me, and to gaze into her large, bright blue eyes, seemed to me the object most to be desired of any in the world. 1 applied lor and obtained ' leave of ab sence for a fortnight, and instantly proceed ed to N . We met, and everything that 1 bad pictured was as naught compared lo the beauty, amiability and sweetness of the original. Betore I left, we were engaged to be married; and three months afterwards having obtained through the kindness of my superior officer, a transfer from Merlon to N , Amy Watson changed her name lor mine. , , Since then we have livJailyt for we A Beantifal Story. , The Green Bay (Ww.) Advocate has talented and accomplished lady correspon dent, who signs herself "Long a coming." If she is as beautiful as some of her beati ful productions, we think she can bear the palm. Here U one of her last effusion, done up in rhyme, and a pretty little thing it is. It is entitled THE MOCCASIN FLOWER. 'Twas just one hundred years ago, down on the little Suamico, a maiden, on the yel low sands, was tearing, with her pretty hands, her long and glossy raven hair, it was a civilized despair; for, thongh she knew not "Ovid's Art of Love," she bad a human heart that loved with more than" art; 'twas life all that defines that one word, wife was gone and blotted from the world; the stars and moon to darkness hurled Life ran, &n ever-widening river, to seas where darkness hung forever. Flow on, thou, careless Suamico, by golden sands fo revr Cow. The honeysuckle, blooming wild, leans down the little Indian child kneels down to kiss thy wave, besides the Indian warrior' grave, and there the bride walks with her lover, under the summer's leafy cover, unlet boughs of verdant trees that murmur in the evening breeze, nor flowers of one hundred years, can equal now that maiden's tears, that fell a century ago, and sanctified the Suamico. "But why should maidens thus despair!" she said, and smoothed her ravea hair. 'Til follow in the pathless wind,.' and this dark river leave behind. Better die in love'a endeavor, than sink in hopelessness for ever." , : , The red stars gleam, the whip-poor-will ans-vers the owl under the hill. The snakes are coiled in tangled swales the woods seem fall of human wails, and fiend, fit for a maiden's head, and ghostly forms, from which she fled ; and, on the lake, the lonely loon floats by the lillies, where the moon casts shadows from the tall dark trees while, softer footed than the breeze, aha steals on in the. hunter's track. The moon is gone the ::.gbt is black ; she., when the east the morn turns gray, sinks on the hill side, far away. And there, besides the bubbling spring, where overhanging grape vines swing she sees the young birds, in the nest, hide their heads in the mother's breast. Ab, birds have mates, each Jias a home, but love lorn maids are doomed to roam. But, when morn pours in its goldsn flood, she finds a trace of fresh shed blood a broken arrow from his quiver, for whom she wept beside the river. ..Love lent her wings away she flew, through noon-day heat and evening dew, tand all the night till the morn again. ..Alas, for stony-hearted men ! Love follows them with bleeding feet, throcgh pathless woods, and in the street forgives what cannot be forgiven, and gees to plead man's cause in Heaven. Her moccasins are gone ; the maid sinks down where the son and shadow braid a carpet in the noon-day hours; the crimson drops are on the flowers ; and tears are in the violet's eyes, and in the scented air the sighs the last faint gusts, the fitful breath of life has blown her on to death. In the happy hunting grounds above, she found eternity of love. And now, wher'er the maiden trod, the moccasin peeps through the sod. And Indians say they grew as large as any maiden's shoe, and they by Indian maids were worn when other moc casins were torn. Flow, on, thou careless Snamico. by golden sands forever flow, Take the songs the wild birds sing; take these flowers that I fling,; .1 would your murmuring waters bore f one sorrows Irom this fragrant hore, that those who mourn upon thy sands, for hearts grown cold in stranger lands, might see the heart ot hope . float by, might hall it in their deep distress, and. on it float to happiness. Western Politics. Do you support Abe Lincoln ? No sir! Do yon support Doug las?, No sir! Do you support Bell then? No sir! What! Do yoo support Breckin ridge ? No sir ! shouted the screamer, I "supports" Betsy and the children, and it's mighty hard screwin'to git -along at that, with cora at sixty cents a bushel. Somc one blamed Dr. Marsh for chang ing his mind. "Well," said he, that's the differance between a man and a jackass the jackass can't change his. mind, and a man can it's a human privilege." A certain ycung rr an in this town says that he expects to pay in a short time eve rything he owes in this world. Ay, but there's a debt that he has. got to settle ia the other world. There'll le the devil to pay. : - l 5 h ViT A notice of a recent steamboat ex plosion ends as follows : ' "The captain swam ashore. So did the chambermaid. She was insured for 875, 000, and loaded with iron." The following question will be discussed at the next meeting of the Frogtowa Deba ting Society: "Which is the happier, a negro at a dance, or a hog in a mnd hole?" A Dutchman thinks "honesty ish de besht policy, but it keep a man rnosht tarn poor." "Love in a cottage," is very well when; you own the cottage, and have money oat at interest.