1 t r .JJJ ; IF. U. JACODY, Proprietor. ; Truth and Right God and our Country. Tvo Dollars per Annua. 7 - ' . - - .. ' VOLUME 13. BLOOMS BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY; PA,v WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1861. NUMBER 5 J I ) ) STAR OF THE NORTH ' rVUUB ITIIT VEDRIID1T IT WJ.-H. JACOBY, CHlce on Main St., Srd Square bleow market, TERMS : Two Dollars per annum if paid witha six months from the time of subscri bing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid withir the year. No subscription taken fur less period than six months ; no discon tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. The terms of advertising will be as follows : One square, twelve lines, three times, 81 00 Every subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three months, ....... 3 00 On year, 8 00 (Shout floetrg. A NEW SOXG. BY OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. " We sing "Oar Country's" soag to-night With saddened voice and eye ; Her banner droops in clouded light Beneath the wintery sky. We'll pledge her once in golden wine Before her stars bavt set; Though dim one reddening orb may shine, We have a country yet. 'Twere vain to sigh o'er errors past, . The fault of sires or sons ; Our soldier heard the threatening blast And spiked his useless guns; He saw the star-wreathed ensign fall By mad invaders torn ; Bat saw it from the bastioned wall That laughed their rage to scorn ! What though their warlike cry is flang Across the bowling wave, They smite the air wiih idle tongue The gathering storm who brave. Enough of speech ! the trumpet rings ; Be silent, patient, calm. God help them if the tempest swings The pine against the palm ! Oar toilsome year have made us tame, Our strength has slept unfel ; . The furnace fire is slow to flame That bids our ploughshares melt ; 'Tls hard to lose the bread they wiu In spite of Nature's frowns, To drop the iron threads we spin That weave our web of towns ; To see the rushing turbines staud Before the emptied flume, To fold the arms that flood the land With rivers from their looms. But harder still for those who learn . The truth forgot so long; When once their slumbering passion burn, The peace ul are the strong ! The Lord have mercy on the weak, . And calm their frenzied ire, And sate our brothers ere thev shriek, "We played with Northern fire!" The eag'a hold his mountain height, The tiger pace in his den ! Give all the country, each his right ! God keep as all ! Amen ! National Fust, Jan 4lh 1861. V . The Coronet of Toil. . The sweat-drop is the jewel in the coro net of toil When mau wasdriven from the Paradise-garden, it -vas declared to him that in the sweat of his brow he should eat his bread. If the history of ages is credible that edict has never been annulled. Either from corruption ot man's, primitive tastes, or the force of wants consequent upon the change, the earth, though mellow and gen erous to toil' has steadily" refused to yield spontaneously the fruits of Eden. To satis fy hanger and thirst,-to defend the body from heat and cold, and to shelter it from storm and danger, man has been compell ed to tax an invention and exert powers, which his original simplicity might have avoided. God did not turn him from bis earthly paradise without good provision for bis new wants. Sterile as the unbroken larf seeme J. it yielded to the stick and the iron j and when . the dry seeds were cast into it, the rains, and dews, and sunshine, nourished them into plentiful harvests. Bat necessity the ever-recurring .'calls of human want, which are as angel infirmities have allowed man no cessation from la bor. To live, to generate and fulfill a being "faded but not lost," he has been forced to toil from duty to day, providentially permit cd, ia the average, to accumulate little be yond supplying immediate wants. In the perpetual summer of Eden nature supplied all things; oat from that man came as a eavage, without plan or capitol beyond the capacity of his hands" and the fruitfulness of the earth. Step by step he emerged from the dependence of ignorance and folly he praote the forests farrowed and drained the earth reared bis dwellings while broad fields, filled", with, flocks and herds, and populous cities, crowned with domes and spires, rose before him, nntil he is now what we see the genius of civilization, by f oil mastering the elements to do his- bid- ' Nor will man, on earth, ever be exempt from toil. -'All that is fair and noble in the great picture of his triumph, has risen from jhemouon pC'activg brains' and 'hands. Garden and grainfield cottage anoV palace, Temple and raoqameqt, the shrines and al tars whereon the highest faiths and holiest affections are pqnseerated, are the preation f toil which, in the wilderness, jri the van pf armies, and in the cooncil-ha'Js, not for getting the glorious birth or man,' has bow ed to the expalsqry sdipt ol God." By sweat and in pain, the . great, the true, and the . hsreic have, - wrought qqt their lives, and. their brows bear the only coronet that spar kles with imperishable diamonds. - Let no pan fcprq tpil toil, which Providence has rfiiciated, a? the basis of our ; earth -life, and by which (ta c,r understandings at least) ths Supreme peirij roils and rules tha nni- versa jq immensity. ' ' ' " . , . We think that a man carries tha bcrrow- .irj' principle a trials tc-o far" whin, he ass A Warning from Ohio. One of the resolutions adopted by the Democratic State Convention of Ohio is in the following words: Resolved, That the two hundred thousand Democrats ot Ohio send to the people of the United States, both North and South, greeting: And when the people of the North shall have fulfilled their duties to the Constitution and the South then, and not until then, will it be proper lor them to take into consideration the question ot the right and propriety of coercion. The Republican party, which has so un deviatingly pursued the idea of coercion, has scarcely allowed itself time to fulfill its "doties to the Constitution and the South." In thirty three days, the 4th of March will be here, when it is expected to inaugurate Mr. Lincoln as President of the United States. Congress has had ample time to make a settlement, but instead of doing so it has driven six States into secession from the Union by its failure to come to some understanding with them. It will in all probability, by pursuing the same fatal and criminal policy, compel the remaining Southern Slates to withdraw in the same manner, and thus when Mr. Lincoln comes into power, he will find himself the Presi dent of nineteen States, Kansas included, instead of thirty-four States. For this, he will have nobody to blame but himself and his party, ile cannot blame the Southern States, because they gave him fair warning that unless guarantees of safety were given to them, they would retire from the confed eracy. He cannot blame the Northern Democrats and conservatives, because they i have been willing and anxious to unite with the Republicans in effecting a settle ment Mr. Lincoln and his advisers stand re buked this day before the civilized world by the whole population of fifteen States of the Union, and by at least two thirds ol the population of the free States, for thus tri fling with the happiness, safety and pros perity of the American people. Can he successfully reverse his policy in the short time allowed him? We fear not. The States that have separated themselves from the Union are greatly exasperated Their reverence for the Union has been destroyed. The charm that it had lor them has been dissolved The Southern States that yet remain are only held by a thread. Already they are making solemn and well considered arrangements looking to separa tion. Their faith in the Union is shaken, their hopes of receiving a compliance with their petitions for a redress ct grievances are daily growing more faint and feeble. One word from Mr. Lincoln in favor of conciliation would have changed the policy of hU party in Congress, and that change of policy would have arrested secession and place this Government on a solid and enduring foundation. Instead of concilia tion the Republican leaders are for coer cion. Let them ponder well the admonition from the two hundred thousand Democrats of Ohio. Let them bear in mind that if the great Democracy of the North were divided in the Presidential canvass, those divisions no longer exist. The unied Democracy of the free States, backed up by the Bell-Ev-ebett men, and reinforced by two-thirds of the Republican masses, demand a settle ment, and join their Ohio friends in decla ring that the right of coercion shall not even be considered, until the North has fulfilled its "duties to the Constitution and the South." Pen nsylvanian. Obituary Fibi. The story of a. good man's life, simply and truthfully related while the mold is yet fresh upoc his grave, is one of the most in structive and impressive lessons which the press can present to the rising generation. If all the obituary notices published in the newspapers were of this class, editors might be forgiven if tbey omitted to censure with due rigor the misdeeds of departed scoun drels. Bat the mercy of silence is all which the utmost stretch of benevolence can right eously accord to the memories of the vic ious. The Latin apothegm de mortuus nil nut bonum "Speak only good of the dead" is in the highest degree mischievous as a social maxim. To gloss -over, excuse or justify the crimes of bad men who have passed to their account, is treason to the living. We have loo much of this post-mortem flattery. Death abates a nuisance like a faithful scavenger removes a piece of moral putrefaction from our midst.. But at the heels of Death pomes the literary em balmer, intent on perfuming with the in cense of compliment what the warms, if they were intelligent, would disdain to touch. The deceased is returned upon our hands transfigured, clothed io shining rai ment, and surrounded with all the glories apposed to belong to the just made perfect. Too often the "Well-graced actor leaves the stage" ' unh.onorad and onsung, while the exit 'of the rich and bloated sensualisjt is followed by a flourish qf trumpets If the vicious and depraved are good for anything when dead, it is to ''point a mor al" not to 'Worn a tale ;n arid should feel ings pf sympathy and respect for those they leave behind them forbid the press to paint them in their trqe colors, let it at least abstain from white-washing their infa my.. A false and flattering obituary notice of a hypocrite, a rufSan, ot any ' other spe cies of scoundrel, is the meanest thing a mean man can write. " ' ' j' . Dssams. Let nr.l esr b3bl!t..r?.jti Giving the Sack. Some eight or nine years ago the body of a man was found in the Tiber at Rome. It was recognized as that of a porter well known about the city, but a strange thing was that a second body (also that of a man) was found at the same time, tied up in a sack which was strongly stitched on to the collar of the coat of the porter. The body was not so easily recognized, but the strangeness of the circumstances set all the authorities immediately to work in the greatest earnest, and excited much interest in thecity. Before long, suspicion arose, which attached itself to a woman of doubt ful character, who lived in the , out-skirls, and whose husband had all at once disap peared. All, however, that was known, was this that she had lived unhappily with him. Nothing could be discovered or brought homo to her, beyond the fact that he was gone, and of course she maintained that he had left lierj and that she was a much injured person. 'And thus, as there was no proof, after a while the talk of the affair was dying" out, when all at once it was fanned into a flame again ; the sus pected house was revisited, and the woman actually brought to confess the truth, that she had murdered her husband and caused likewise the death of the porter. Upon this, without further ado, she was appre hended, and had to undergo her trial. The obtaining of this confession,and the discov ery of what had baffled the wisest heads in Rome, caused a very great sensation, but nobody seemed to know how it was it had been brought about. Upon her trial she said she had murdered her husband out of jealousy, and wiih no help from any human creature. The great difficulty 6he found was in disposing of the body. At last she hit upon this contrivance. She crammed it into a sack, and sent for a porter with whom she . was acquainted. It was then the dusk ot the evening. On his arrival she represented that she had been cleaning out her house, and had collected a great mass of rubbish, which she did not know well what to do with or how to get rid of; she thought it a good plan to stuff it into a sack and have it thrown into the river. It was heavy, she said, but she would pay him well for his job, and give him relresh ment before he started with his load. The matter thus arranged, :hey supped and caroused together, and she supplied him with drink that he was well-nigh overcome. She then brought out the sack and while pretending to adjust it to his shoulder,stitch ed it strongly to the collar of his coat, tell ing him all he had to uo when he got to the middle of the bridge was to lean it toward the edge, and chuck the sack as far as he could over the parapet, so as to get it clear out of the way of the current, and she would give him his money when he came back; which of course be never did. She could, not tell, she said, how it had been found out, but she suposed God and the Virgin Mother had brought it to light; that was the whole truth, 6he added, and all she had to tell. When the trial had arrived at the point, a young lawyer stepped forward and asked her if she had ever told anybody what 6he had done, or had any accomplice who culd not have divulged it ? "No," she said, "nobody helped her, and they might as well suppose she would not be such a fool as to tell any living crea ture." "What, nobody ?' the oung lawyer ask ed. "No," said she, "only to my confessor." Here was the solution of the whole busi ness, and the lawyer soon discovered that the confessor had a brother in te galleys, and calling to mind an old custom that if a galley slave can be the means of bringing a Torse criminal than himself to justice, he receives his freedom, he arrived at the con clusion that the galley-slave had furnished the clue, which turned out to be the fact. The woman escaped punishment, as the discovery had been made through a breach of the confessional. The father-confessor absconded as soon as possible. The young lawyer rapidly rose to eminence. Life in Switzerland. The taste and skill of the Zuricbers in the mechanic arts is not less decided, and the hnm of industry is heard literally in all her borders. The manufactures are not crowd ed into one corner ot a great city, but oc cupy the leisure hours of those who live in the country. Especially is this the case in the weaving of silk. All those beautiful fabrics, which now equal those of any part of the world, are produced in the cottages scattered over hill and dale, and by those who perhaps work in the field in the sum mer and weave silk in the winter, or de vote the leisure hours of every season to this light and tasteful labor. ' First, yon must see the weavers, who wear a white linen cap ornamented with glass beads on both sides, and lied under the chin, with a velvet ribbon. A short, blue jacket, with light blue bodice, on which ' appears the letter V, wrought or formed with colored velvet ribbon. What the letter signifies we do not know, and they do riot know themselves. The house is of two stories, built 'first of umbers, and then a wall of coarse bricks or stones, covered with plaster . On the first floor are a siuing-room, two small looms, and ' a kitchen. These1 are finished with panels, painted light green, looking beau tifully neau The most conspicuous object is the great stove of potter's work, veneered apartment below and above. These stoves are everywhere at the north, and very com fortable when thoroughly heated night and day, but require much wood, and in the mild weather of spring or autumn not very economical unless permitted to remain cold, which i often the case ! Under the windows are long wooden benches.'and before these the table, 6et around with wpoden chairs. The nnfailing chest, with its various compartments, is near, and on it a tin pail and copper wash basin ; a book shelf is suspended over, and on a nail at its side a towel and a bruh. On a little table in the corner is the folio family Bible, and upon two nails over the door rests the family gun, polished to bright ness. The next article is a curious relic of the olden times, and here we are able to i state exactly what marked the times as old. When they use this term, thej mean the age of oatmeal pudding made so thick that tne spoon would stand upright in the centre: These are the days their grandmothers still remember, and the great wooden, spoon hangs by a string to the wall, as does also the bread knife, with the initials of the heads of the household thereon, and the date of their marrjage. It is a curious article on which to preserve the record of so important an event; but being the one they would oftenest have to use, it is not, on the whole, so inappropriate. A slate, an almanac, a looking-glass, and a pair of scales, occupy their wonted posts, and in accordance with their - humble offices, the cat's dish, the cricket, the cradle, and standins-stool. Un der the stove are the unoccupied shoes and playthings, and in the most honorable po sition pictures from the Bible, Swiss his tory, and the never to be-forgotten Black Forest clock. Near the window is the loom. Does it seem marvelous how one of those beautiful and delicate tissues of green, of gold, or purple, can come forth from the midst of such a medley without spot or blemish ? We can only answer, that we wonder all the same, though everything is remarkably neat. The loom is like any other, except that it is more light and delicate in its con struction. The reed, through which the warp is drawn is fine as gossamer, and the shuttle for the filling might answer for a fairy. The web goes underneath, and winds on a beam like any other web, of tow or plebeian pretentions. The threads break, and fingers which are not at all fairy like tie llem together with marvelous ce lerily, a we watch the checks and stripes or figures formed with never-ceasing inter est and amazement. These are the homes, and the happy homes, of free and industrious people, who may be said to lack nothing that is abso lutely necessary to comfort and happiness. Thers is none of the abject poverty which is seen in exclusively manufacturing dis tricts, and none of the luxury attended upon suddenly acquired and immense fortunes. Collages of the Alps. Queer Teople. Chambers' Journal, in discussing a re cent book of missionary travels in Africa thus alludes to. one of the tribes which were found in that terra incogr.ita : But the strangest ot all are the stories told of the Dokos. who live among the moist, warm woods to the south of Kaffa and Snsa. Only four feet high, of a dark olive color, savage and naked, they have neither houses nor temples, neither fire nor ordinary hu m an food. They live only on ants, mice and 6erpants diversified by a few roots and fruits ; they let their nails grow Jong, like talons, the better to dig for ants, and the more easily to tear to pieces their favorite snakes. Tbey do not marry, but live the indiscriminate lives of animals, multiply ing very rapidly, and with very little ma ternal instinct. The mother nurses her child for only a 6hort time, accustoming it to eat ants and serpents as soon as possible; and when it can help Itself, it wanders away where it will, and the mother thinks no more about it. Dokos are invaluable as slaves, and are taken in large numbers. The slave hunters hold up bright colored cloth as soon as they come to the moist, warm bamboo woods where these human monk eys live, and the poor Dokos cannot resist the attraction offered by such superior people. They crowd around them and are taken in thousands. In slavery they are docile, attached, obedient, with lew wants and excellent health. They have only one fault a love for ants, mice and serpents, and a habit of speaking to Yer with their heads on the grour.d, and their heels in the air. Yet is their idea of a superior power, to whom they talk in this comical maimer when they are dispirited or angry or tired of ants and snakes, .and longing for un known food.1 The Dokot seem to come nearest of all people yet discovered to that terrible cousin of humanity the ape. ; Mother I should not be surprised if our Susan got choked some day." "Why, my son?" "Because her bean twisted his arm a round her neck the other night, and if she had not kissed him he would have strang led her; besides, mother, he sits by her, whispers to her, and hugs." To Converse with spirits lay a five cent piece on. the table in a grog shop, and they'll show themselves quicker than you can say "beans." EsT, Jet - black eyes are an attraction ; Jet The State Of the Country. i Under this head the last number ol the ter in marraige. A the old fellow, without Parish Visitor, published by the Episcopal . bein8 8een had witnessed all that had trans Church, has the following calm and dispas- j Pired. and liked th J'oulh'8 appearance, he siona'e article. Its entire absence from par-1 al once 8ranted his Praer on lhe w tizan bias, and its Christian spirit, comes that ,he demand should be official, by the like oil to the troubled waters. We hope it ! grant's father. Here was the difficulty will be read and treasured up in many hearts.! "Though there is not much likelihood of our whispers being heard in this tornado, we look for, at least, a lull, when Christian men may bethink themselves. There is beyond dispute, a growing feeling ol dis like between the different parts of this great national family fixed, intense dislike, to use the mildest word an evil, in this view, which few seem to estimate in its true mag nitude, or consider how difficult it is to re move when once established. In propor tion to its extent and intensity it is the direct antagonist of the Gospel, and destructive of all religion. History and the principles of human na ture leave no room to doubt the calamities, involving all the parties, which such hatred portends. The interests at 6lake will not necessarily, even delay the calamity. It always was for the best interests of men to live together in peace and good will. But this has not preveuted them from warring with and destroying each other, until com pelled, lrom 6heer exhaustion, to 6top. When passion is up, reason is down, and all true interests are disregarded. The fee cular papers, at such times, do enormous mischief. There is only one of any' influ ence, which has come under our observa tion, which does not tend to fan the flame which they should seek to extinguish, and could extinguish, in the course of a year or two, if they had the heartfelt desire and self-discipline to do it. The sources of grievance they might not, indeed, be able to remove, but they could induce the par lies to bear them, under the coi.viction that there has never yet been any state of so ciety in which there was not something to be borne. Whereas, now even those papers which evidently wish, on the whole, to be moderate and conciliatory, ought to see that if they were themselves the subjects of the same kind of writing in which they indulge, they would fael it to be irritating An insulting and lying press in both coun tries would have precipitated war long since between England and America, had they lain side by side, instead of having three thousand miles of ocean between The press is often like a man with the strength of a giant, and the discretion of a child, and a bad child, too. Now, our counsel is this, to all our Chris tian readers (and we have many such in all sections of the country:) Ca.t all ha tred out of yout hearts But the persons ha ted are your enemies? Be it so. Wnat does your Saviour say ? Lve your encmei. Again, regard him, whether editor, or other , . ,, . , , peaker, in public or private, who . i ays any thing no matter what' J J . writer or e writes or say side he advocates or opposes to make one "St man hate another man, as sinning auai God, and an enemy to the true interests of mankind, and Ut him know that you so re gard him ; and this shall, at least, be your witness for Christ, and your confession of his religion, and it will do good, and may be the salvation of the country. Onr hope for the preservation of onr na tional happiness does not rest in the strength of the Constitution, or in the wis dom of our ancestors, or in the intelligence of virtue of the people, or in the magnitude ! of the interests to be sacrificed, but in the j strength of religious principle, such as it j 3 ' 3 God felt by some all over the land. Ten 1 righteous men wonld have saved Sodom We . have more than ten thousand, but are they! ' 3 pertorming ior uieir country lae pan oi in- terceding Abraham, and in their closets, j and familes, and meetings for prayer, look ing to God, who alone can control the un ruly wills and passions of sinful men V Appearances Deceitful. . In one of the narrowest and dirtiest streets in Paris, on the ground floor of a crumb ling old honse, is the shop of Monsieur Thomas, a rag merchant. In the back part is a sort of a glass office, in which an ex ceedingly pretty girl not long since trans acted the business of the establishment. This young girl was Mademoiselle Julie, old Thomas' daoghter. Not a great while ago an elegant looking young gentleman chanced to pass through the dirty street, and involuntarily stopped to admire ber. The oext day he came again, but it was not chance that brought him there; for, after pausing on the street, as before, he entered the shop under the pretence of asking the way, but in reality to approach nearer the object of his sudden admiration. A very few words sufficed to confirm and fasten first impressions, and he was about lo go away in a very discon solate state of mind, when, in among the old junk which the shop contained, be ob served a pile of old books. Seizing upon the excuse to prolong bis stay, the young man turned over the tattered refuse, and purchased several of the books, promising the fair sales-women that he would from time to time replenish his library at her es tablishment. He must have been very studious that day, for early the next morn ing he returned and obtained another sup ply. So too, the next, the next, until, troubling himself no longer about the old i books, he came and PM?g?Li?jLM'l asking M.Thomas to give him his daugh-j The father of the lover, M. Gorges, was a dry goods merchant, having a handsome store in one of the most brilliant quarters of the city, and he looked for something better for his son than a rag merchant's daughter. However, as there was nothing better for it, the youth broached lhe subject to his pa rents. At first he was laughed at ; but as. he frequently returned to the charge, his father ar.d mother, iu the hope of diverting by other means from this mad project, in vited Thomas to a family dinner, in order to talk this matter over. It was hoped that : lhe ridiculous figure the old man would cut, and his inability to give hi daughter a respectable marriage portion, would put an end to the affair. The invitation was accepted, and the par ties came. At the dessert the merchant endeavored to jest with old Thomas and turn him into ridicule. This didn't seem to work particularly well, and nothing re mained but to try the financial question. This was Madame George's point and she commenced by asking what he intended to give his daughter on lhe day of her mar riage. '0! pray mother," cried young Georges, who saw the trap, "dou't talk about that another time " "Not at all, young man," interrupted M. Thomas. "Let us talk of it at once, as your mother wishes. A little money does newly married couple uo harm, certainly. If Madame will 6ay how much it is pro posed to give her son, I will try to furnish a like sum." "We intend," said Tom, with a shrug,"! must say 1 expected better than that for my little girl's husband ; but, as the young peo ple love each other, I will throw no objec tion in the way. Julie is my only child, and on the day of her marriage 1 shall give her four hundred thousand francs, money down. It may readily be imagined the the Geor ges "changed their gait" in a harry about this time. But now came ano-her difficulty. Expecting to frighten old Thomas off Mad ame Georges had rather stretched the truth in naming fifty thousand francs as her son's wedding present, and both she and her hus band were now very anxious to see their son so richly married. Sacrifices were made, and loans negotiated, in order to gather up the sum mentioneJ. Things went oi: for some tine, and the day of ceremony haJ been several times postponed, when one morning the mer chant received a package containing fifty bank notes fot a thousand francs each, with these words. "I see where the shoe pinches, and, for a trifle, I won't have things drag on any long- , . , , . . . er. 1 send you the necdlul. Another time, , . , , . , , , , be more candid with your friend, and don t put on any more air with poor people. On . , , r . - . . . I the hneenin oi me nexi mourn is me weu- dine You remember one of Shakspeare's mnet celebrated apothegms, "All is not gold that glitters ;" might it net be well to add and lhe pureM gold otten does no; shine at all ? Little and frecions. Everything is beautiful when it is little except souU ; little pics, little lambs, little birds, little kittens, little children. Little martin-boxes of homes are gener ally the most happy and cozy; little vill ages are nearer to being atoms of a shatter- ed I'aradise than anything we know of. L,te ortQlM brilJg ;he mosl conlentmect) amJ ,iu,e hopesthe least disappointment. ,,, ,. ,,.,, , . Little words are the sweetest to hear, and little charities fly the fastest, and stay the longest on the wing Little lakes are tne stillest, nine near.s tne luiiest, ana in-( tie farms lhe beet tilled ; little books are the most read, and little songs are the dearest loved. And when na'ure wonld make anything especially rare and beantiful, she makes it little ; little pearls, little diamonds, little dews. Augur's is a model prayer, but then it is a little prayer, and the burden of the pen tion is for little. The sermon on the Mount ..! 1 - l I . 1 1 " IT. is little, but the least dedication discourse was an hour. The Roman said vtni vidi via 1 came, I saw, 1 conquered but dis patches now a-days are longer than the battles they tell of. Everybody calls that little that they love best upon eanh. We once heard a good sort of a man speak of his little wife, and we fancied she must be a periect b'jou of a wife. We saw her; she weighed two hun dred and ten ; we were surprised. But then it was no joke ; the mau meant it. He could put his wile in his heart, and have room ior other things beside ; and what could she be but little ? ' We rather doubt the stories of gTeat ar gosies of gold we sometimes hear of, be cause Nature deals in littles, almost alto gether. Life is made up of littles; death is what remains of them ail ; day is made up of little beams, and nigh: is glorious with little stars. Multum in parvo much in little is the great beauty of alt that we love best, hope for most and remember longest. Our carrier says that he would be very moch obliged lo the patrons of the Star, whn nvco him fnr an AArmm t Sat? nrnnlt The Message of the. President, To the Senate and Itoust of Eepreentutivet tf the Uniltd Stales $ '-.'. 1 deem it ray duty to submit to. CpngreM a series of resolutions adopted by the Leg islature of Virginia on the- 19tb instant, having in yiew a peaceful settlement of the ' existing questions which now threaten the Union. They were delivered to ma or Thursday, the 24th instant, by Ex-PresU dent Tyler, who has left bia dignified and honored retirement in the hope that he may '. render some service to, his cpoiury in tbit its hour of need. These resolutions, it will be perceived, extend an invitation lo all such States, wkeiher hjavtholding or non-slavehnlding, as are willing to unite, with each other in an earnest eifort to adjust the present un happy difficulties in the spirit in which tha Constitution was originally formed, and consistently with its principes, so as tot af ford the people of the tslaveholding States, adequate guarantees for the security of tbair ; righits, to appoint commissioners to meet on the fourth day of teoroary next, in tha city of Washington, similar commissioners ; appointed by Virginia, to consider, and if practicable, agree upor soma sort of ad justment. 1 confess I hail th:s movement on tha part of Virginia with great satisfaction From the past history of this ancient and reno-vned Commonwealth, we have tha fullest assurance that what she has under taken she will accomplish, if it can be done by able, enlightened and persevering ef. forts. It is highly gratifying to know that . other patriotic States have appointed com missioners to meet those of Virginia ia council. When assembled, they will con stitute a body entitled in an eminent degree to the confidence of the country. The Federal Assembly of Virginia have , alo resolved "ihat Ex-President Tyler is hereby appointed by the concurrent vote of each branch of the General Assembly a comraiss'oner to the President of the Uoi ted States, and Judge John Robertson U hereby appointed by a like vote a commis sioner to the State of South Carolina and all, , other seceeding States that have seceeded, or shall secede, with instructions to res- . pectfully request the President of the Uni ted States, and the authorities of such Slates to agree toabsiain, pending the proceeding come n plated by the action of this General Assembly, from any and all acts calculated to produced a collision of arms between the States and the Government of the United Stales." However strong may le my desire to en ter into such an agreement, I am convinced that 1 do not possess lhe power. Congress, and Congress alone, under the war making power, can exercise the discretion of agree ing to abstain from any and all acts calcu lated to produce a collision, of arras between this and any other Government. It would therefore be a usurpation for the Executive lo attempt to restrain their hands by an , agreement in iegard to matters over which he has no constitutional control. If he were thus to act, they might pass laws which he would be forced to obey, though in conflict with his agreement. Under existing circumstance my present actual power is confined within narrow limits. It is my duty at all times to defend and protect the Federal property within the seceding State?, to far as this may be prac ticable, and especially to employ the con stitutional means to protect the property of the United States, and to preserve the pub lic peace of this the seat of the Federal Government. If the 6eceeding States ab stain from any and all acts calculated lo produce a collision of arms, then the dan ger so much to be deprecated will no longer exist. Defence and not, aggression has been the policy of the Administration from i tne beninnin'. j But whilst I can enter into no engage- men t such as that proposed, I cordially commend to Congress, with much confi dence, that it will meet their approbation, to abstain from passing any law calculated to produce a collision of arms, pendiog the proceedings contemplated by the action of the General Assembly of Virginia. I am one of those who will never despair of the Republic. I yet cherish the belief that the American people will perpetaate the onion . ot ,ne Sta!es on eorae erms t aod hocor. l able to all sections of the coun rv. I trust that the meditation of Virginia vf.&y be the destined means, under Provi dence, of accomplishing this ibesliaiabl benefit. Glorious as are the memories of her past history, such an achievement, both in re lation 10 her own fame and the welfare of the whole country, would surpass them all. James Buchanan. Going in on Share..-"Boy, where do you come from, and bow do you live !" "Come from Pennsylvany, and live by eating." "Would yoa like to have something to do ?" "Don't care, if 'taint hard work." "Well, boy, if you like, 1 will set yoo op in a business that will prove both pleasant and pufitable." : "Drive ahead; I'm a lissenen ,. Well, yoa go somewhere and steal a basket, and go around begging for cold victuals, and yon may have half yoa get J The parson who prefaced his sermon rri'h !T lJI lLaJ !nJ- r J t V c