The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 30, 1861, Image 1

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J 1
IT, U, JACOB!, Proprietor.
Troth and Right God and oar Couutrj.
Two Doll af 8 per Aniinri.
! '..'-." . f 1 - V '''' - 1
i ,ctTn-i rm rrir
(r )
' ; mum
.....,- :
; wm. II. JJCOBT, - -
Olficc on Mala St, 3rd Square below Market,
TERMS : Two Dollars per annum if paid
within fix months from the time of sub cri
bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
wituii, the year. 'No subscription taken lor
les penou than six months; no discon
tinuances permitted, ontU.all arrearages are
.paid, unless at the option oC the editor.
Tut tei vit fJ advertising will be as fotlotc . '
'One square, twelve lines, three times, $1 00
Kverjr subsequent insertion, . . .. - .... 25
One square, three mouths, ....... 3 00
One year, i f .'V . :. -. : . ... 8 IK)
"f; V; Choice poetrn.
' IIo, toilers In the quarry ! ' . "
Uo, delvets iti the mme !
Not br'ghier btsam the glory, :
( ' In the light ol truth benign, ;
Of proudest lauel shading
'' Th noblest artist's brox,
Thn the thorny crown of labor -Your
warvfiy foreheads know ! ' ;
Vhat though fame's gilded column, ; ..
Amid it vain parade. .
Forget its firm louudatioa , 1
i Vonr brawny arm have laid;
l'nr art your humble effort
Ye have in calm content
A rcompen,e far riclier
" Thau the hg!tel praise hath lent.
- Nt yours, indeed, ''il.e rision, . s
. .. -1 he lac u I iy tlivii.e,'
To pierce the veil of nature,
And bid in beauty shine,
Fnuii out iheir ideep chaolic,
The lorms whose '.aroiideron grace
AiiiKHi Heaven's power delyiii,
Demand in Ide a place.
- I'mu' tear ye yet in patience 1 , .
" Tlu turden ol yutir ways
Ti yon the Ureal Henafier
li ueasares fhall di.p!aj J'
5-npernal beamy, hidden 1
"From e'en Kajhnel! ken,
To jonr ecstatic spirits.
Miall be uuloided then.
Near the hamlet of UJorf on the tanks
of the Khyne. not far from Bon, there yet
tancis the mill which was the scene of the
following adventure :
One'Suiid.ij morniug the miller and his
family ei out as usual to attend divine ser !
vice. at the nearest church in the. village of
Heawel, leaiu the mill, to which the
dwelling Iuum? was attached, in charge of
hi ttervant maid, Ilanchen, a bold-hearted j
iri, who had been. ome time, in lin ter j
ice. , The youngest child, who was. still
to Hula to go 10 church, remained al-o un
Jer her charge.
As Uanctien wa busily engageJ io pre
paring dinner for the family, she was inter
rupted by a visit from . her admirer, Hein
rich Boiieler. - He was an idle, graceless
fe1ow, aNtl her master, who knew his char
aeter well, had forbidden him the hone ;
but Hanchen could not bsbeve all . ihe sto j
ries sue naa nearu against ner lover, ana
was sincerely attached to hirn. On this oc
casion she grettied him kindly, and not
only got him something to eat at once, but
lound time in the niutst of her to
it down and have . gossip with' him, while J
he did justice to the fare before him
As he was eating he let fall the knife.
which he asked her to pick up for him she
feared from what she had heard, be did i
little enocgh work, and ought at least to '
wait on himself. In the end, however, she
stooped down to pick up the knife, when !
the trsacheroas villain drew a dagger from I
under" his coat, and caught her by the nape '
ot the ueck; griping 'her firmly with his'
lingers . to prevent ' her screaming ; then, i
with an oath, he desired her to tell
him V
where her master kept his money, threaten
ing to kiil her if she did not comply with i
his demands, j
The surprised and terrified girl in vain j
atlempted to parley with him. He Mill j
held her tightly in his choking grap,' leav- '.
ing her no other choice but to die or betray j
ner master. JShe saw there was no hope
of softening him or Changing- bis purpose,
and with a full conviction of his treachery j
all her native courage awoke in her bosom. !
Affecting, however, to yield to what was j
inevitable, she answered him tn a resigned
tone, that what most be, must, only, if he
carried off her master's gold; he ranst take
her with bim, too, lor she Could never stay
to hear their suspicions and reproaches, en
treating him at the same time to relax h'u
grasp of her throat, for she could hardly
-peak, much less do what he bid while he
held her so tight. At length be wasiuduoed
to quit his hold, on her reminding him that
hi most lose do lime, as the family . would
bt returning home from church. ', ' -
! She then led the way to her mailer's
bedroom, and showed the coffer where he
kept hi--money.
Here," fhfc said, reaching to him an axe
"TIuch lay intone corner of the room, w)ou
: can open it with this." while I run up utairs
to put all my .iblng together besidei the
money I have eared since I,-.have., been
Conpisly; deceived by; bet! ;ppiirent
reudirss lo enter ioto his plan&V.he - allow
". ed1 her to leave the room, 'only exhorting
hr lo be as cjnier asossible, and was im
mediately absorbed in his own' operation
riri!t4operung t&a. box, and then disposing of
th money about his person.- -. . ; . ;
n the meanwhile, Hancbcn, instead of
golrg up stairs to her own room, crept
scfJy alcnj several passages till snsj ngain
rac!.eu r rr. asrer's chamber. It was bat
-f" auu.u.auuuo Buy iulimi
to the other door. of . the .mill, to give the
alarm. The only being in. sight was her
mas-er's little boy, a child.ol five years old;
to bim she called with all her might :
"Run! run to meet your father as be
comes from church ; lell him we shall all
be murdered if he does not come back 1"
The frightened child did as she bid him
and set off running on the road she pointed
Somewhat relieved by seeing that the child
understood her, and would make her case
known, she sat down for a moment on the
stone seat befoie the door, and, full of con
fliciing emotions of grief and thankfulness
for .her escape,, she burst into tears. ,. . ,
But at this moment a shrill whistle a
roused her attention. It was from her pris
oner, Heinrich, who, opening the grated
window above her head, shouted to some
accomplice without to catch the child that
was running away so fast, 'and to kill the
girl.; . " ;
Hanchen looked aronnd in great alarm,
but saw no one The child still continued
to run with all its might, and she hoped it
was but a false alarm to excite her and
overcome her resolution, when, just as the
child reached a hollow in the next field
(the channel of a natural drain,) she saw a
ruffian start from the bed of the drain, and
snatching the child in hi arm, hastened
with him to the mill, in accordance with
the direction of hi accomplice. In a mo
ment he perceived the full extent of her
dinger, and formed the plan for escaping
it. . '
Retreating into the mill she donble lock
ed and barred and bolted the door, the only
apparent entrance into the building, every
other means of obvious access prevented
by ftrong iron grating fixed up against all
the windows, and then look her post at the
upper casement - determined in await pa
tiently her master's return, and her conse
quent delivery trom the dangerous position
ol her own death it inevitible ; for he wad
fully resolved to enter into no terms, and
that nothing should induce her to give np
her master's property into the robbers
She had hardly time to secure herelf in
her retreat, when the ruffian, holding the
j screaming child in his arms, and brandish
ing a knife in one hand, came u; and bid
j her open ihe door, or -he would break it
j down, adding many fearful oaths and threats
to which her only answer was that rhe put
her trust in God Heinrich, who from his
window was a witness to this colloquy,
now called out to cut the child's throat be
fore her eyes, it she refused.
Poor Hanchen's heart quailed at this mo
ment. The death of the child could be no
gain to them, while her own death was
certain if she admitted the assailant, and
her mater, too, would be robbed. She had
no reason to suppose her compliance wol'd
save the life of the child. It was a nek
against nothing, and she resolved to hold
out to the last, though, the villain renewed
ni8 treats, saying that if she did not Oien
the door to him, he would kill the child,
and then set fire to the mill over her head.
:I put my trust in God " was still the poor
girl's answer.- In the mean while, the ruff
ian set down the child lor . a moment to
,ook for combuMil,,e8 lo carry out his
threat. In the search he discovered a mode
! of entering the mill, unthought of by Hanch
en It was a large aperature ' in the wall,
communicating, with the J great ,. wheel,
and the other machinery of the mill, and it
was a point entirely U'tprotecl-d, for it had
never been contemplated that any one
would seek to enter it by 60 dangerous an
inlet Triumphant at .this discovery, he
returned to lie the hands and feet of the
Door child to prevent its escape, and then
i u . . i. . ' .i.:u :
t riuio uatft iu .lie apciaiuic vj wuivu uo ill-
tended to effect an entrance
The position of the building prevented
Hanchen seeing anything , of this ; but a
thought struck her.. It wa9 Sunday, when
the mill was never set in motion, the whole
neighborhood would know that something
was the matter, and her master would es
pecially hasten home to know the merning
of anything so btrange. Being all her life
accustomed to the machinery of the mill, it
was the work of a moment to set all in mo
tion a brisk breeze, which sprang op at
. once, set the sails flying. The arms of the
huge engine whirled around with fearful
rapidity; the great whel slowly revolving
ing upon its axis ; the smaller gear mined,
and creaked, and groaned, according as the
machinery came into action ; the mill was
in full?motu3n. 1 '-if-
It was at that moment that 'the ruffian
intruder, succeeded, in squeezing himself
through the aperamre in the wall, and yel
ling himself salely lodged in the great drum
wheel . His dismay, however, was inde
scribable, when he began to be whirled
about with its rotation, and found thai all
his efforts lo put a stop lo the powerlul ma
chinery which set it in motion, or extricate
hinirelf from this perilous situation, were
fruitless. Iti his terror, be ottered shrieks
and horrible imprecatious. - Astonished at
the noise Hatrcheo went to the spot, saw
bim caught, and it was no part of her plan
to liberate, him. She knew., he would be
more figh:eued than hurt, if ha kept within
his rotary prison without rash attempts Sit
escape, and that even if be became insensi
ble, be could not fall out of iu "' ...
In the mean time the, wheel went roocd
and round with. its steady and' unceasing
motion, and tound ar.d round he went with
it, while sense remained', beseeching Han
chen with entreaties ; promises, and wild,
im PTit'ent thr??'?. rh5rh
. regarded, till by degrees feeling and' pre
J ception failed him, and he heard and saw
1 no more. He fell senseless at the bottom
of the engine,' but even then his inanimate
body continued to be whirled round as be
fore, for Hanchen did not dare to trust ap
pearances in tuch a villain, and would not
venture io suspend ihe working of the mill
or stop the mill gear and tackle from run
ning at their fullest speed. At length she
heard a loud knocking at the door, and
flew to open it. It was her master and his
family, accompanied by several of his
neighbors all in the utmost consternation
and wonder at seeing the mill sails in full
swing on a Sunday, and still more so when
they found the poor child laying bound on
the grass, who, however was too terrified
to give any account of what had happened.
Hanchen in a few words told all ; and
then her spirit, which had sustained Her
through such a scene of terror, 'gave way
under the sense of safety and relief, and
she fell faiutivg in their arms, and was with
much difficulty recovered. The machinery
of the mill was at once stopped and the in
animate ruffian dragged from his dread I ul
prison. Heinrich, too, was brought forth
from the miller's chamber, and both were
in a short time sent bound under a strong
escort, to Bonn, where they soon met the
reward of their crimes.
The history of this extraordinary act of
presence of mind concludes by telling us
that Hanchen thus effectually cured of her
penchant for. her unworthy suitor, became
eventually the wile of the miller's eldest
son, and thus lived all her life in the scene
of her great danger and happy delivenoce.
About the French Empress.
The London correspondent of the Liver
pool Albion says that the erratic Eugenie
has been left in peace at Claridge's ever
since her return from that flying, and yet
very cramp visit io Windsor, with a pre
cipitancy suggestive of a call on Mr Harri
son Ainsworth's Hearne the Hunter, rather
than on the Queen of England, and her sol
emn consort, who didn't even put on his
Field Marshal's uniform for the reception
of the bride of the victor of Solferino.
, She was at the castle hardly long enouah
to wish Princess Alice the usnal compli
ments on her approaching nuptials with the
youns Hessian, who witl, of cour?e. walk
into Mr. Bui! for the outfit, and infit, too,
which is very unfit It is said by certain
people, that is to say there is no saying
anything with certainty about if, that Eu
genie departs for Paris on Monday. The
improvement in her health from her sojourn
in these Elysian isles, this halcjonic and
hygienic weather, which is enough to give
an Esquimaux the blue devils, with the
blue mouldniness of the atmosphere and
the mud-colored complexion of everything,
has not been very perceptible; the im
provement in her temper altogether invisi
ble. It would be rather odd were it otherwise,
considering the snubing she has received at
the hands of her husband's late and present
lamquais de place, Persigny and Flabault, and
all the subordinate snjibbery of ".lie Lega
tion, not a flunkey of whom has gone near
her any more than it she were the wife of a
fifth-rate actor from ihe Porte St. Martin,
which, perhaps, she wishes she were.
Wonderful is the change in the Empress
since the days, only half a dozen years age,
when Mademoiselle Montijo electrified the
British dowagers, male and female, of the
riace Vendome, as a crack shot with her
ealoon pistol; smoking cigarrettes like a
Castilian or a Clarendon, and vaulting en
cavalier into the sadle seat of a Barbery
prancer, witching the world with noble
equestrianism, in a fashion that would have
caused Rarey to caper like a comic centaur
a lusus naturae that would assuredly
make a horse laugh, and hippopotamns to
Woe for the time when the Zingarified
beauty went gypsying in the woods ol Ram
bouillet, gathering nuts and cracking jokes
with her merry mamma, who little dreamt
of becoming mother in law lo an ogre;
nor, to be sure, did the ogre dream of hav
ing a mother-iH-law rather than fabe whom
he would give battle single handed to a fly
ing squadron ot dragoons, or a squadron of
flying dragons.
Cheap Thavelling. A mother with nine
children, the oldest but seven years of age,
passed over a Western road some time ago.
The family occupied three seats, but the
children were too young to pay half-tare
and the whole party went through on a
single ticket
Thb Moonsocket Patriot editor makes
merry over the mistake ol an old Sl.auuhi
hen of his, thai has been "setting" tor five
weeks upon, two round stones and a piece
of brick. 'Her anxiety," quoth' he is ''no
greater than oors to know what she will
hatch. (I it proves to be a brick-yard, the
hen i not for Bale.
A Bangor bully attacked Smith. Ihe razor
strop man, the other day, with a torrent or
abuse. Unable to siand it any longer.
Smith pot down his basket, took off his
glasses, and said, "My friend I only get
mad once in fourteen years,' and this is my
time -I'm mad alt through. With this re
mark, he pitched in and whipped the lei-'
low till he'd taken all the conceit oat of him.
Mors hearts pine away in secret anguish
for the want of kindness from those who
should be their comforters, than ahjr dihfer
The following letter was addressed by
Robert Tyler, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Mr.
James Gibbons, in answer to certain inter
rogation propounded by him in relation to
the present state of the country. Mr. Tyler
takes a thoronglv practical view of existing
irouotes. and in his usual clear and able
manner, sets forth, in stating, hi own posi-
lion ot every true citizen of Pennsylvania
We call upon all ol our readers to give it an
attentive perusal :
Philadelphia,' January 5, 1861.
To Jam k Gibbons, Esq. -My dear sir : I
; will endeavor to answer your friendly let
ter or. the points indicated, as briefly and
, distinctly as possible.
You are quite correct in supposing that I
earnestly deprecate a sentiment of hostility ;
to tne union, i: entertained and expressed yei barely possible to avert a dissolution of
in a wanton spirit of destroctiveness or in a j the confederacy. But vo half wy compro-
prudent desire lor mere change of political ' w;,e or ccncesihn, much less m,y piece ofpnhti-
condition. But should the Government of Cal (rickety will afford, ii my j-idgemtnt, a
, the Union ever be p-rverted into an instro- ! satisfictory solution. The re-l parties in this
mem ol oppression ar.d insult to the people j controversy are the Republican or ami sla
! of Pennsylvania, 1 should denounce it and j very party of the Northern States, and the
opposeit with the most unrelenting enmity. -whole people of Southern action.' with the
i 1 am now attached to the Union, because unimportant exception of a few subrnia-
so far from having attacked our rights in ' sionists here and there If the Republican
: this Sute or injured our property, has great
promoted our interests and happiness.
, Should it be permanently disorganized in
such a manner as to render a reconstruction
impossible. I should consider such an event
I as the most lamentable tragedy the human
race has ever witnessed since the world
was created
; As recards the second point of your en-
quiry, I am. aware that it requires some
courage lo meet unpopularity, under exist
ing circumstances, of an exolieit declara
lion in favor of the doctrine of the right of
.-,a. Uf c.a,es raceaoiy io wnnoraw irom ; tionably, might yet be preserved. Unless
the Union for a cause or caosesof which the j this be done I conscientiously think that the
pe -ple of such State or States are and of revolution will assuredly take its painful
necessity must be the sole judges. I might course
enter here into an elaborate exposition of it 8hould be borne in mind that the vari
the principles involved in this ons concessions and compromi-es in times
proposnon. Butt, would be both puerile of difficulty and dan-er to the IW,, have
and unprofitable lo wate time in arguing a I heretofore nil originated with the S.iuih and
question or constitutional construction, I
when we are already in the presence ol the
6tern reali-y of a great,' indisputable Fact,
that no longer waits opon such a discussion.
Revolution is npon us, and unless it be im
mediately arrested it must be consummated
by reaching, inevitably, one of two results.
Should the Revolution not be arrested, the
only question left us to consider is, what
direction shall it take ? Shall the result be
in favor of Liberty, or in favor of Power!
Shall the Revolution be accomplished in
Peace, or shall it te strained with the fra
tricidal blood of civil conflict? In other
words, is it best that the States be permit
ted, really or virtually, to separate without
' force or the invocation of murderous pas
sions, and to fall back into the positions
' they occupied hefore the Constitution was
established, or shall the Revolution be used
as an instrument to blot out the State sov
ereignties, vherein are to be found the
original sources of the liberties of our citi
zens, and to establish a military despotism
in the interest ot Centralized and Imperial
authority ?
j For one, I infinitely prefer the first to the
last. I can refer you to a striking precedent
to snstain the patriotism and good setme of
such a view of ihe snbjeci on the mere
ground of expediency. Our ancestors fought
the war of Independence with England
under the articles of confederation. But
immediately after the treaty of peace, many
of 'he S ates expressed dissatisfaction wi;h
the Government, and declared themselves
i n iriiliritT In romain Im.rrpf in rmiledpr
acy. They did not go to war with each
other, nor did the Continental Congress
threaten them with the sword, but they
wisely agreed to separate without blood
shed, and the consequence was that steps
were soon taken (at the particular instance
of Virginia) for a re-co'.struction of the
Government, which led lo the formation ot
the present Union, in which we have so
wonderfully prospered for three quarters ol
a century. ' Is it not possible, or even prob
able, that a similar result might again be
produced under similar circumstances?
But whether there would be a re-construction
of the Government or not, in the event
of a peaceable dissolution of our system,
"it is impossible for mortal roan to con
ceive any worse Government than would
be that of the present'Union when revolu-j
tionized under the lead of a political party
into a military D'ctalorship of despotism, in
which, with the certainty ot mathematical
calculation, the independence ot each State
and the priceless freedom of every citizen
is now protected by the Constitution and
the laws, would t-e overwhelmed and sub
ordinated by the combined force and cor
rupiions of armed and consolidated power."
I ihus designedly present the question as
a purely practical one. We niui all soon
er or later take one side or the other of this
issue Now I am clearly of opinion thai
one battle field between the belligerent
Slates, or between the Federal Government
and the seceding Sia es, would render the
re construction ol the Government impossi
ble on the one hand, while it would surely
indicate a civil war, lending !o a military
despotism, on the other. 1 do not believe
the patriots and freemen who made the
Constitution ever intended.' directly or indi
rectly, to grant the power to the Federal
Government to make war opon a state, and
to crash the people beneath the weight of a
military yoke. I am therefore unalterably
opposed to coercion, as some persons dainti
ly described an act of civil war. .
' But the idea bf onb action of sixteen
age the other section of fifteen States, with
garrisons in every town, and with cannon
bristling around every Postoffice and Cus
tom House as Austria now posei-ses Ve
lietia is the witless thought of an idiot.
Thus, whether a State may peaceably se
cede, presents and issue that Pennsylvania
fhouId "ot toohasi.Iy. The near
future may possibly indicate a complication,
f-honld she be forced into a purely Northern
conlederacy, that may make this now repu
diated doctrine a moral tower of strength
to her, in a measure, she may then be com
pelled to take lousing to her self preserva
tion. To yon r enquiry, whether in my o
pinion, the present detractions of the coun
try may not be in s n.e way compromised
,j titled I am glad to believe that it is
j party, exhibiting unanimity of purpose and
acting in perfect good faith, shall speedily
agree, through their representatives at
Washington, to concede the use and enjoy,
ment ol the common Territories to the citi
zens of the plave holding States, without
the slightest restriction as regards any spe
cies ot property; and further agree io such
other guarantees affecting the general sub
ject ol negro slavery as shall hereafter ren
der an anti-slavery political party impossi
ble in lhf IJnilpH S'atoa lha nora n( ihj
j country and integritj of the U-.ion, unque-
the Democra'ic par y. Vi'ginia, North
Carolina and Georgia gave their broad Ter
ritories to th S ate of the Union, for the
sake of the Union ; in and about 1787 The
Missouri Compromise was conceived and
passed through Congress by the Southern
States, as an evidence of their devoted loy
alty to ihe Union, in the memorable year of
18 19. The Southern States and the Demo
cratic parly assisted by Henry Clay and
Daniel Webster, ihen enlisted under the
patrio ic banner of the Democracy, tranquil
ized the country after a hard contest with
Gov. Seward and the Anti-Slavery party of
the Free States, by means of the Compro
mise measures of 1850. I therefore trust
that the Republican party . claiming to rep
resent the North, will not longer insist that
the cause of the Union is not worth a real
concession, and abnegating the patriotism
and common sense at the same moment,
will not adopt the irrational cry, "No more
compromises; no more concessions " But
should the Republican party resolve to pur
sue this policy, the whole people of the
Fre States must deliberately make a choice
between the Anti-Slavery I'la.form and the
perpetuity ol the Union.
In conclusion, let me assure yon, my
dear sir, that 1 have not the least iuVa of
leaving Pennsylvania. I have been a citi
zen of this State for seventeen years. I owe
a debt of unceasing gratitude to the Stale
for having ien me my dear wile. My
j only son is a native of Bucks county, and
my other children, with one exception,
were born here. I have two children lying
by the siJe of their maternal ranfaiher in
ihe Chnrch yard if? Bristol I do not pos
sess any pecuniary interest wha ever out
side of this State, a nj alter enjoying ihe
hospitality and favors of the people of Penn
sylvania for so may years, I stand periectly
ready lo encounter my share of any troub
les or misfortunes that may now arise I
my differ, perhaps, temporarily, with a
j large majority in my political views, but 1
would sacrifice as much as any other citizen
lor the honor and dignity of the good old
Very truly, your friend,
James Gibbons, K.q.
Bran Nash, the Kins of Bath.
A recenl essay in an English magazine
gives the following sketch ot a celebrated
character in the fashionable world :
The man was immen-ely fond ol money ;
he liked to show his gold-laced coal and
superb new waistcoat in the Grove, the Ab
bey ground, and Bond street, and to be
known as Le Grand Nah But on the ottfer
hand, he did not love money lor itself, and
never hoarded it. Il is, indeed, something
to Nash's honor, that he died poor He de
lighted, in the poverty ol his mind, to dis
play his great thick set person to the most
advantage ; he was as vain as any lop,
without the affection of that character, tor
he was always blunt and free spoken, but,
as long as he had enough :o satisfy his van
ity, he cared nothing lor mere wealth. He
had generosity, though, he neglected U.e
precept about the right hand - and Lhe left,
and showed some ostentation in his chari
ties. When a poor ruined fellow at his
elbow saw him win at a throw 200, and
murmured "How happy that would make
me !" Nash tossed the money to him, and
said, "Go and be hanpy then." : Probably
the witless bean did not' see the delicate
satire implied in his speech' - It was only
the triumph of a gamester. On other oe
casions he collecjedjnb'rripj '.'"'"Jvtjr''
did his best towards loutding a hospital,
which has since proved of great value to
those afflicted with rheumatic gout. In the
same spirit, though himself a gamester, hg
often attempted to win young and inexpe
rienced boys, who came to toss away their
money at the rooms, from seeking their
own ruin ; and, on the whole, there was
some goodness of heart in his gold-laced
bear. That he was a bear there are anec
dotes enough to show, and whether true or
not, the sufficiently prove what the repu
tation of the man must have been. Thu6
when a lady afllicted with a curvature of
the spine, told him that "She had come
straight from London that day, "Nash repli
ed with otter heartlessness, "Then ma'am,
you have been timnably warpt on the road."
The lady had her revenge, however lor
meeting the bean one d;iy in the Grove, as
she toddled along with her dog, and being
impudently asked by him, if she knew the
name of Tobit's dog she answered quick
ly, "Yes, sir, his name was Nash, and a
most impudent dog he was too.''
ow Too see it. and now You don't See it.
On Thursday last while in search of an
item, as if luck would have it, or that for;
tune fa or fools we were just at the right
lime, and in the right place to witness a
most serious and dangerous collision up in
Dutchtown. You kno there are beautiful
specimens of the crinolined creation. Well,
one of these beauties about three and a hulf
teet high, short, fat and rotund, was propel
ing herself along in as graceful manner as
possible evidently to diwplay her enchant
ing proportions on some of our fashionable
avenues. A little way, and under full
headway, was one of the canine race, har
nessed lo a bled and drawii g two boys
The fair Teutonic creature, enraptured, we
suppose, in the pleasuies her anticipations
brought her about the figure she would cut,
the stare of dandies, &c , &c , never thought
of how near she was ot being the victim of
a collision when suddenly, oh, horrible lo
relate ! the don passed beneath the extremi
ties on which were placed her pretty Utile
feet, and 'down came her shanty ;' "Mine
got in himmel," she exclaimed as 6he lay
sprawling upon the broad of her back ir.
the slush, ''You be von dam dog and le boy
be no better." We were tickled at the
gj mna-tic feat of the fair one, but our chiv-
airy was aroused and even in this "dark
I hour of peril, did not forget us.
i Chesterfield could not have done the fair
' thing better than we did, and holding our
hand we felt the clasp of feminine lender
1 ness congratulating us on our sallantry.
! Who wouldn't be a reporte her? People's
' (M'ch ) Press.
There's mnsic in a scolding wife,
Who keeps her house in ae ;
There s music in a screaking hinge,
And filing of a saw.
There's music in an old torn cat,
Preparing for a fi:ht ;
There's nni-ic in a squalling brat,
At any time of niyht.
There's music in each humming bee,
And bus that flies about ;
There's music in my Sarah Ann,
But it's htrd to bring it out.
fy Recovering The yo'ing " tel'ow"
who was dying for love.
Delightful Seeing your sweetheart giv
ing anoiher youn "Jellow" a kiss.
Insirtuatjnc To have mama ask you
whether Uncle John is rich.
Pleasing To h.e the "father of the
family"' talk politics with you when you
come a-courtinir
Ncvrr refuse to pay the printer when
you have read his pper for a year or more
A man who does this, is mean.
Swinging is said by the doctors to be
good exercise for ihe health, but many a
poor wretch has come to his death by it.
Provoking To dream you have lots of
money, and then wake up and find your
self nothing but a printer.
The ladies nevei looked plumper than
they do this sea.-ou, and yet ev-ry one of
there dear creatures is reduced to a "skele
I TtiEHC is a man down east who kept such
: poor sheep that it took six of the poor crii
j iers lo cast a shadow ! Fina'ly they got so
! weak they had not strength to draw their
i last breath !
Old gentleman, affectionately :My son.
why do you chew hat filthy tobacco V
Precocious youth, stiffiy 'To gel the
jnice out of it, old codger '
Siiakp Shooting A-rich joke is told of
' an eccentric divine who, while preaching
one evening was somewhat annoyed by
' one of the feminine gender, who after a
i while arose and walked out '"There goes
the Devil's daughter !" said he. The lady
turned around and in a polite manner ex
claimed. Good evening father!"
An editor down South says he wonld as
soon try to go lo sea on a shingle, make a
ladder of fog, chase a streak of lightening
through a crab apple o-chard, swm op the
rapid of the Niagara 'river, raise the dead,
stop the tongue of an old maid, set Lake
Erie on fire with a match, as to stop two
Strange Adrentnres With Bnrglan.
The Messrs. Ilerber s kept a very eXten.
sive -jewelry establishment in New York
city, and for the better secur ty of their store
against fire and other casualties, they em- ,
ploy ed one of their clerks to sleep in it at
night. The idea of the ore being attacked
by robbers was not for a moment entertain
ed, but it was for other objects, such as se
curity Irom fire, and the like, that yOung
Loring, the clerk, slept iherfe': for he was
not supplied with any weapons to repel an
attack of thieve. But one dark, dreary,
hisht he was awakened- by a singular noise
which resembled that which a party of bur
glars might produce in an attempt to enter
the building, and looking towards the back,
windows he soon satisfied himself that one
or rriore persons were endeavoring,aiq uiet
Iy as pos-ible, to effect an entrance at that
quarter. They had already removed a part
ot the sash and shutters with their Cunning
ly devised instruments, and must have
been at work some time before he was -awakened.
Now young Loring regretted that he had
no weapon, but not through fear hat was
not a characteristic of the young gentleman
but that lie might pepper the rogues a
little.. At first he delermir.e'd to cry ont
aiid arouse the watch, but as they had ad ,
vanced so far before he was awake, he
thought he would drive them off by strata
gem. He slipped on his cloths quietly, and
approaching the spot where the thieves
were busy he saw the hand of one them
pas-ed tnfcide of the shutter into the (tore
in its owner's endeavors to guide a small
hand-saw with which he was; cutting an
aperatnre for bis body to pas through
Young Loring felt inclined to chop off the
hand with a small ha'chei thai lay hard by
but refrained, ami bethought himself ol a
powerful acid that was used in the testing
of the pori'y of silver and o her metals.
One drop of this would eat instamly into'
the flesh and produce a poisonous sore in
ten minute-' lime. He cautiously dropped
a tittle upon the burglar's hand a .d av ailed
the result.
'Bill," at length exclaimed ihe burglar id
his comrade", "I've got a cursed burning oft
the back of my hand. It's so' sore I can
hardly work the saw. Phew ! how it
smarts! I guess I've cut it with the sar
hold the dark lantern here."
'Fudge' replied his companion,' change
hands then, but don't atop."
"Take the saw yourself, then ! t can't
s'and tins pain V
Aul while the discomfited burglar with
drew to groan over the supposed cut, the
other took bis place with the saw, and ia a
moment after received a few dfops of the
fiery liquid upon the back part of bis hand,
and was soon groaning with agony.
"Curse Ihii saw ! it has cut me, too,"
groand the second thief.
And after sundry oaths, mutually exchan
ged until the first and worst attack of pain
was ever, they renewed the attempt to ,
make an entrance.
The clerk permiued them to go on awile
uninterruptedly, knowing that at any mo
ment be could stop their efforts by crying
out, but he hoped to hear some watchman
passing in Iror.t of the store, upon whom he
could call to secure the rogues, and resolv
ed to wait for this until it would do to wail
no longer. But soon the burglars had so
much enlarged the hole that thy would
shortly be able to enter it by themselves.
Seeing that he must do something to stop
them, the clerk crept in the dark closet at
one side of the window, and altered a low
but fierce growl, in imitation ol a dog
Both ol the rogues stepped back at this un-expect-d
interruption. .....
"Hang it, Bill, there's accursed dog in
there, I didn't know that ihe Herberts kepi ;
one," t-aid one to the other.
;A dag ? that's bad. ' Curse 'em if it was
a man, why a shot or a dirk ttroke wou'd
fix him but a dog is quite another; thing,
for if we shot him, he'd be sure lo half kill
one of us!"
"Bow. wow,wow !" cried the clerk with
all his power, as he saw them preparing to
resume their work.
"Confound the dog !" exclaimed both.
"Nevermind: go ahead Bill, and get it
open now. I'll fix him when we get in."
The burglar addressed as Bill thrust bis
band in once more to wrench off the last
piece of wood that obstructed Iheir entrance
when the clerk, having already armed him
self with a large pair Of pincers, seized the
robber's hand as though in a vice, and set
up such a barking lhat the whole neigh-,
borhood was alarmed.
"For Heaven's sake, Jack, lend o a
ha- d here ; the cursed animal is biting try
hand hall off!" said the burglar to his con
federate. "Puil it away pull it away, quick."
"I can't."
Give it a jerk !" said the other.
O-io-o ! t can't. Murder, murder !'
This cry, added to the bellowing of the
snppnetl dog soon brought the watch in
earnest and the thiel who was at liberty to
do so, ran tor his life.
The watchman's light showed Bill S.kes
that he had been bitten by a pair of pin
cers! This is a fact ; h occuned in New York
city, during the winter ot 1841 ; and Bill
Sikes served out his imprisonment at Black
well's Island.
Scabck Local items, money, rich Prin
ters, young ladiei that don't want to ba
married and ugly babies.