. STAR OF THE NORTH,! BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wednesday Morning, Dffeiaher 28th, 18G0. Attfntion We won Id direct alteniion of our readers to Ihe Card of Henry Zup r'mger in this week's Str. The Star is delayed one day thin week on account ol Christmas. Onrself and hands i:eed a little recreation as well as other peo ple, if it is but one day. Jitjck'Woodward has been holding his regular term of Court in Sullivan County this week. Last week he held Court at Lewisbur for the county of Union. The weather has all the appearance of now. It could not -come in a more ac cepted time ; roads and everything in "good condition to receive it. Carrier's Address The Carrier of this paper will call opon our town subscribers on New Year's Day, with his annual ad dress. We hope all v?i!l be prepared to give him a liberal reception. Fox & Co., have on band, at their Con fectionary Establishment, a fine assortment of Candies, Toys, &c, for New Year's Diiy, all of which tbey will sell as cheap as can be had elsewhere. Give them a call, sec ond door below the American House. - A Correction. In giving the name of the lunatic taken to Harrisburg last week by Sheriff Snyder we should have said Robert Brown instead of William Brown. We no tice the other papers of the town fell into onr error. We willingly maka the correc tion. Bigler's DecvMr.NT According to prom ise we, to-day, place before our readers the very able remarks of the Hon Wm. Bigler, United States Senator of Pennsylvania, de livered in the. Senate a few days ago, on the State of the Union. These remarks are brief, conservative, and well applied. A Sermon. On the first page of the Star will be found the very able and Datrimic Thanksgiving Sermon, delivered by the Rev. John Chambers, in Philadelphia. It i a noble production, and as an evidence of it, it is being extensively published and read in the American newspapers. townsman, Wellington H. Eat, Eq.y has been appointed Notary Public for the Coun ty of Columbia, by the Governor of this State. This is a good appointment and well deserved, although not as lucrative an one as we should like to see our young friend enjoy. For Sale We have two orders on the Iron City College, Pittsburgh, payable in tuition, which we would offer for sale cheap. The amounts are tweuty dollars each. We also hold an order on Bryant & Si rati on' Commercial CoIIeg?, Philadelphia, which ve will dispose of cheap. Here is a chance lo procure tuition a little cheaper thai; else where. Paper Change. A paper formerly pub lished at Tamaqua, called The People, has been removed to St. Clair, and no"Jv sails under the title of, The St. Clair Sentinel. It is rather a handsome sheet, of respectable .- size, and displays considerable ed: tor il abil ity. We endorse all but its politics, but hoDe it mar live to see the error of iis was that we may be able lo endorse politics and all. Not Pleased The Republican Press of ihe North make very light 6ver the Union demonstrations that have been held in the cities and towns in the Northern States. They speak of them in terms of ridicule, a 'eating dirt, 'bowing-down,' and 'licking frkicthern dust,' all following the brayings of Greely, Seward & Co., not any of them pleased in the least. Christmas. This ancient holiday was pretty generally observed by the citizens of this place. The stores and places of busi ness were nearly all closed. Services were held i.i the Lutheran Church ; as to the oth ers, we are not informed. Our Band made itself agreeable by discoursing some very excellent mu?;c. Had it not been for this Company of Musicians and the Wire Per formance, the town would have been as dry mb a wilted'turnip. There was very little rowdyism, as we are informed, to mar any of the pleasures of the day. The weather vas beautiful, and all passed off pleasantly Exhibition or Wire-Walking Agreea bly to announcement, Prof. Price gave an exhibition of wire-walking in this place on Christmas day. Besides walking his wire, forward and backward, he performed -a number of gymnastic feats upon it, which w-ould he considered by many very difficult lo do upon terra firma. His whole exhibi tion was a decided improvement upon the one given by him in this place some fifteen months since. , IHanging by a hand, a leg, or a toe, to the wire, (with a hard surface underneath) are feats very few, if any, wire walkers have undertaken. Hower'a Cornet Cand discourfed music for the occasion. Tx elt Notice. We would notify bur .delinquent subscribers that two more pa pers will close the Third Volume of the Etas, since under onr proprietorship and '.control. . Those knowing . themselves- in debted to cs on subscription will confer a .realaver upon os by squaring np their scccrn'.s between this and the commence ment! of the Fourth Volume, as we are rrvVin'ueed of every cenldue us, in order ih.it iT8."n:sy be able to meet all just de rr.jtnJ that are brought against ns. We a.- this day (-ending out bills to many " of -irons with the'expec'ation that they -r ---T)i1vattend-'t3 Vtha matte". I ri T :sr;c;.T or Fcsrth Volume, we wish 3 a r. : ?urt-w3 want to know who .. f-:- , -a other wcrdi our paying AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL. ; THE. TSIIRX VOLUI5IE . Commences January 1st ISGI. T EYOTED especially to matters relating "-'to domestic animals. The Iatgesi,and cheapest paper of the kind inlhe world. Published Monthly, at No. 25 Park Row, New York. Price, 81,00 per year in ad vance. SDcimen copies grati. D. C. LINSLKY, Editor and Proprietor. OTIS F. K. WAITE, Associate Editor. Papers giving the above ad veniremen) three insertion, and sending a marked copy to A. G. Hatch, Windsor. Vt., will re ceive a copy of the paper one year tree. A. G HATCH, General Agnt. Dec. 12, I860. 3t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Daniel Pursel late oj Hemlock town,' Aip, Columbia County, dee'd. TO the Devisees of Daniel Pursel, and all others interested in the estate of ds cedent, you will take notice that the under signed appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court of the County of Columbia, to m ake distribution ot the balance in the hands of John Pursel, Executor of Daniel Pursel de ceased, to and among the Lega'ee of the said decedent, that I will meet the parties interested, at my office in the town of Bloomsburg. in the County afroesaid on THURSDAY THE THIRTY FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty one, for the purpose ef making the distribution, when and where all persons interested in the said estate are requested to present he claims to the Au ditor or be debarred from coming in for a share of the funds in the hands of the Exe cutor. ROBERT F. CLARK. Auditor. Bloomsburg, Dec. 12, 1860. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Benjamin Hayman, lute oj Otange tovmship, Columbia county, Pa. CREDITORS and all other persons inter- esied, will lake notice, that the under lined appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court ol the County of Columbia, to settle and adjust the rates and proportions of the assets of the estate of Benjamin Hayman, deceased,- in the hands ot Solomon Neyhard, his administrator, to and among the respec tive creditors of the decedent according to the order establisned by law, will attend at hi office, in Bloomsbora, in said County, on FRIDAYTHE FIRST DAY OF FEBRU ARY, A. D , one thousand eight hundred and sixty one, lor the purpose of adjusting the rates and proportions, to and among the several creditors, when and where all per sons interested 'are requested 10 present their claims to the Auditor or be debarred from coming in for a share ol the aets. W. WIRT. Auditor. Bloomsburg, Dec. 12, I860 4w. GOOD LIQTTC3.S. cellem assortment of Qa 2 CE 552 3 of all kinds, to whih he invites the atten tion of dealers. His Liquors are of the best brands, and one trial will satisfy all. A. ANDREAS. Mifflinville, June 27, 1860. WYOJIING HOUSE, J. . l,AYtO:K, I'ltlUMMIvTOIC, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. fJMHE Proprietor respect'ully informs his 3 friends and the public enerally that he has taken charge of the Wyoming House, in the village ol Wyoming, near the Radroad Depot ol that place, an I has fitted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious and airy, and not only calculated to add to ihe conve nience and comfort ot the iravelingcommu nity, but also to those who would seek a pleasant summer resort with families. HIS TABLE will be supplied wiihthebest the market can afford : and his BAR will be famished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to the comfort and con venience ol his tnest. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a- Z fir ho,f ls in ,hue S' ue- The Proorie'or hopes that from his expe rience in the business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a judi cious selection of the most careful and oblig ing servants, he may .be entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. CP Please give him a call, and judge for yonrselve"- April 2, 1859. Uisicg Sun Hotel Berwick, Pa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his Iriends and the iravellmji public that he has taken charge of the above named hotel, and has fitted it up in the best possible man ner for the accommodation of all who may favor him with tr.eir patronage. He flatters himself that by unremitting atttentioo, he can give entire satisfaction to all. His table willbe supplied with the best the market arTords, and his bar with the choicest liquors. Obliging and attentive ostlers will always be on hand, ard hfs stabling is the mast ex tensive in this section of country. MAJ. N. SEELY. Berwick, April 20, 1859. LIQTJOHS i LIQTJCKS i Wholesale and ISctail. THE subscriber would announce to the citizens of Bloomsbom and vicinity, that he is selling LIQUORS in large and mall quantities, and at different prices, at his New More, on fliain siteei, north side, two doors 60011 of Iron sireet, Bloomsbnrg. His Block of Foreign and Domestio consis's of Cognac and Rochelle, Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye. gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and aiy quantity of common. He alo has .... PURE H LLAND GIN, Madeiras" Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not lealtt a quami'y of good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. ,Tbe public are respect fully oliciied to give his liquor a trial. D. W. RO il BINS, Ag't. Bloomsborg, July II, 1860. Flour and Feed Delivered ! CUKAPCU Till!. TOE CHEAPEST ! ; rpHE undersigned ba made arnnge, -i- roents that will enable him to deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any bod ele in town. His prices aw as follows : Flour ST 25; Corn and Oats Chop Si 55; Corn and Rye Chop tl 65; Brao 31 JOj I respectfully solicit ashsreof the public patronage. MOSES COFFMAN. Bloomsburfr. June 14, 1860. - sr . : , . A.M. BCPEBT, TJ STOVE DEALER, Shop ou Matket. South siaaf "ain street, below ( THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TIMES Single Copies S2 Two Copies for $3 Five Copies for 5. The Cheapest and Pest Family and General News-piper in the United Stales. The NEW-YORK WEEKLY TIMES is a large and elegantly printed quarto theet, of eight pages, or forty eight colum, de vo'.ed to I'uli lies , Literature and General News, and intended to be the REST as well as the CHEAPEST Family Newspaper in the United Slates. Tr.e first aim of the Times is, and will always be, to keep its readers thoroughly and reliably posted up, as to everyihiris which may happen, of general interes, in any part of the world. It comments fully nnd freely upon all topics in every depart ment ot public action, and always in the interest of Freedom, Order, and the Pub lie Good. While its influence will be uui t i lurrc.iy conservative, it aivocate every measure of just and bfttieficient Progress, ami resists the increase, exietmon, rr per petuation of Slavery, as of of everything else incompatible with the highest welfare of the whole community. While it reports promptly and accurately all intelligence of general interest in every department of hu man acuviiy, ii never panders to vicious taMes, and excludes from its columns eve rything that might render it unsafe or im proper for general Family perusal Iise-ks 10 promote me general welfare Dv urging Ihe claims of EDUCATION, MORALITY AND RELI GION upon the masses of the people; and in all its discussions, i t endeavors constantly to bifgnided and controlled by the spirit of MODERATION. PATRIOTISM'AND COM MON SENSE. In its Correspondence, both Foreign and Domestic the Times is confessed to be so perior to any other American Journal. . Its Reports of Congressional and Legislat ive proceedings, ot Financial, Commercial and GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, of important Legal and Criminal Trials, and of whatever may have special interest for the great body of the community, are full, prompt end reliable. LIVE STOCK' AND PRODUCE MARKETS, for which a special corps of Reporters is maintained. A LITERARY DEPARTMENT will aUo be kept up, embracing STANDARD NOVELS AND TALES. and miscellaneous eIectiotid of the highest interest. THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT is complied fiom a variety cf sources. many 01 tnem H-aceessiDie to the American read er, and furnished valuable information to the Farmer and Gardener. The WEEKLY TIMES will be sent to B,h(?ih'ttrlin:"': -l. . c a year. Two Copies S3 a ear Five Copies 5 a year. Any person who will tend s a Club of TEN subscribers, SI each, shall receive an extra cop lor himsels or may retain One Dollar as his compensation. THE NEW-YORK DAILY TIMES t pablished Every day except Sunday. "d is sint to subecribers by mail at SIX DOL LARS a year. THE SENI-WEEKLY TIMES, Published on Tuesdays and Fridays, and containing eiht pages of reading matter in every number, is sent to iubc&iL)ers at the following rtes : Si'isile copies ... ..... S3. Two copies S5 Any person who will send us a Club of F'.VK subscribers may receive an extra r . i t ' . copy for himsell, or retain Two Dollars ! and a halt as his compensation. TERMS Ci'fh invariably in advance. AH letters io be addressed to H. J. RAY MOND & Co., Proprietors of the New Yoik limes, New York City. lc. 1) 1860. Important to Slock Growers. THE THIRD VOLUME Ol? AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL. Commences January 1,1861. IT is devoted exclusively to matters rela ting the care and management of our do mestic animals and is by far the largest, cheapest and most widely circulated paper of the kind in the world. No slock grower can rfford to be without il. Thirty-two large octavo pages, Hand somely Illustrated. Published Monthly, at 25 Park Row, New York, at Sl,00 per year in advance. Specimen copies gratis. 45m2 D. C. LINSLEY, Editor and Propiieior. OTIS F. R. WAITE, Associate Ed. Newspapers giving the abov advertise ment two insertions, and sen ling a marked copy to A. G. -Hatch, Windsor, Vt., will receive a copy of the paper one yesr Iree. A. G HATCH, General Agent. Dee. 12, 1860 3t. SEL,L.Ii OIF CHEAP. AT L. T. SHARPLESS' Cheap Cash Store. Children's Gums, Men's Guts. Ladies' Shawl, Gent's Shawls, DeLains & Calicoes, Hals and Caps, Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Coat, Pants, and Vests. Having engaged the Store House former ly occupied by Jno. Barton dee'd, I am now prepared to take all kinds of Grain in exchange lor Goods. L. T. SHARPLESS. Bloom'-bnrg, Dec. 12, I860. if. pAME on the premises of the subscriber, in Orange township, Col umbia county, on or about the first of August last. A KfllNULE STEER. supposed to be about nine month old. It was not in a very thriving condition when it came to the subscriber, but at present looks tolerably good. The owner or own ers are requested o come forward and prove property, pay charges and take it away, otherwise il will be disposed ol according to law. AUGUSTUS EVERHART. Orange, Ocl. 24, 1860. One rrice Hat & Cap Store, (Corner of the Five Mory tsiocis,i N. W. CORNER OF EIGHTH & RACE STS PlIlIDEIiPHIA. The public are respecllully invited to bear in mind that at this Store may be found an assortment ol Fashionable and Handsome Mht F-sV'IN DRESS HATS, SOFT HATS, 14 i a h Low and Medium Depth Crown, rt,w uA r:iW. Cans. Plush and Plush Trimmed Caps for Men and Boys, Fancy Hata and Caps for Children, ai iair pr.co-. C No tvo price for regular goods. ' January, IS, 1860-ly. ' fll nianks f all Kinds For sale at the Star oflhc AVfc O0ce. AGENTS WANTED. That every Farmer, Mechanic and Busiaess Han Hauls. j 11 s t p u"l I s II e d THE TOWNSHIP LOCAL LiW OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COMPILED FHf'M THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY BY VtlLSJiM T. IIAIXI S, fCSQ., AND PUBLISHED BY ed;var;f. james, WEST CHESTER, PA. fPJT C Work contains over 4"0 pages of closely printed matter, and will be sold by subscription It teaches the duties of Justices of ihe Peace, with forms for ihe transaction of their business. It teaches the'duties of Constables with nil ihe necessary forms, appertaining to the orne. It contains the duties of Supervisors for every County and Township in the State. It c.oHtatns the mode of procedure for Ihe laying out and opening of public and pri vate roads, of vacating and altering roads, the building of bridges, &c. &c. It contains the Common School Law, with explanations, decisions and directions, together with forms for Deeds, Bonds, Con trads, Certificates, &c. &c. This depart ment of the work was compiled at Harri6 bmg by Mr. Samuel P. Hates, Depnty Superintendent, and is alone worth the price ol the volume to any one interested in Common Schools. Ii contains the duties of Township Audi tor. It con'oinstbe laws relative to Dogs and Sheep. It contains the duties of Assessors. It contain the laws iii relation to Strays, Mules and Swine. Ii contains the laws relative to Fences and Fence Viewers. It contains tr3 laws relative "to Gama Hunting, Trout and Deer. It contains the Election Laws with all the necessary Forms. It contains the Naturalization Law, with all the necessary Forms lor Application. Ii contains a large number of Legal Forms, which are used iu the every day transaction of business, such as Acknow ledgments. AffiJavits, Articles of Agree ments and Contracts, Partnership, Appren tices, Assignments, Attestations, BilU of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Rills of Sale, Bonds, Checks, Covenants, Deeds, Deposition. Due Bills and Produce Notes, Landlord and Tenant, Leases, Letters of Attorney, Mernaga, Mortgages, Receipts nnd Releases. The work is bound in Law sheep, and will be sold to subscribers nt SI 25 per copy, payable on delivery of the work. 1 he work has passed the revission of many of the best Lawyers in the State has received the unqualified anprobaiion, a plain, conci-e and explicit statement of the duties of all Township Officers, as may be readily understood by any one. The county will be thoroughly canvassed for the wor, and the support of the citizens is respectfully solicited. Dr. P. John General Agent lor Columbia County. P. S. Good canvassers sre wanted in all parts of this county for the above work, lo whoTi a liberal compen-a'.ion will be given. Applications, which mut be made at an early live, addressed to the General Agent at Bloomsburg Pa., will receive prompt at tention. Bloombnrg, Tec. 5, 1860 To Persons OUT OF rati rJLOYM EXT. AGENTS WANTED TO-SELL THK ERIE SEWING MACHINE. TF. will gie a Commission, or wages at from 825 to 60 per month, and expenses paid. This is a new Machine, and so simDle in its construction that a child of 10 yeats can learn to operate it by half an hour s instruction. It is equal to any Family Sewing Machine in use, and the price is but titieen uoiiars. Eiir Persons wishing an agnrv will ad dress . J. N. BUY LAN, Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Company, nov21w6 MI1,AM.UHIU. Tinware & Store Establishment. HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and of fers for sate the largest ami most px tentivp assortment ol FANCY STOTVS ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware cotn-tanily on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, nn -hort notice. The patronage ol olu Iriends ana new cus tomers i respectfully solicited. A. JU. liur&ui" Bloomsbnrg, Jan. 12. 1853. tf. .. - -t. .r? "w ' - c. ". " . V- lw Tf. f w V. " .". o o v. UK v. v.- o o OF OF ALL KINDS, AT J. .T. BItOWER'S Cheaper than Ever. May lf, IB 60. o o o . Vi V4 .V v.- .- - . . Ft Ft ft tf: E. 11. LITTLE, BI.OOMSHUKG, Pa. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Chailes R. Bucklew. December 28, 1859. tf. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. FOUNDER AND MACHINE ST. Buildings on the Blley between the "Ex change" and "Ametican House." FOR SALE! cmF.VERAL desirable Building Lota in Klnomsbnrsr. for sale Inquire of W. WIRT. Jon 20. 1860-tf. THK HIOUXT VCRIVOIV, North Second Street, aboTf Arcr., PHILADELPHIA. fl. n. EDWARDS,-Proprielor. February 22. I860. ly. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to ihe rjndersigned tor Professional seivices up to April lt, 1860, are respeclfnlly requested to call and settle, either by Note or otherwise. ' J. C. BUTTER, U.D. BJoomsbrj;, Acg. 15, l83.-tf. THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. M O I K IS IVC OOKERY In nil its Branches, hy MISS ELIZA ACTON, CARKFULLV RfcViSED BY MRS. 8. J. IIALB. T TELLS YOU HOVV to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all tne various and rnoct approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork ; also ihe best and simplest way of ealtir.g, pick ling and curing the same. ITTELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, nd boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings priale to each. appro- IT TELLS YOU HOW to choote, ciean, and preserve Fish of all kind, and how lo sweeten it when tainted : also all the va- nous arid most approved modes of cookiug, vmu ine uiuereni i iressiogs, Flavorings appropriate to each. ssirigs, bacces, and H l LLLb YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of preoaring over fifty different kinds of Meal, Fish,Fowl. Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate lo each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegeta bles of every description, also how io pre pare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mush rooms, &. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of preparing and cooking alt kind of Plain and Fancy Pas trv. Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every description. IT TELLS YOU ALL the variou and mol approved modes of making Bread, Ru-ks, Muffins, and Biscuit, ihe best method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how io make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of various kinds. IT TELLS YOU HOW to set oul and or nament a Table, how lo Carve all kinds of Fieh, Flesh or Fowl, and in hor, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within everybody's reach. The book contains 418 pages, and up wards of twelve hundred Receipts, all of which are the results of actual experience, having been fuily and carefully tested un der the personal snpiriniendence of the writers. It is primed in a clear and open lype, is illustrated wilh appropriate engra ving, and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt ol Ihe price, $1 00. or in i-loih, extra, $1.25. SIOOO a Year can be made by enterpris" ng men every where, in selling the above work, our in ducements to all such being very liberal. hot single copies . OL.lh? ..Y-T-.rr' r No. 617 Sausom Philadelphia, nov 14m6 Great Work on the Hor&e. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES ; BV ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Proff'or of Pathology and Over alive Surpey in the Veterinary College oj I'tiiUiceipafi. etc., etc. HLLTELL YOU of the Origin, Hi-lory and distinctive trans of the various breeds cf European, Asiatir, African and American Hordes, with the physical forma tion and peculiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of Breeding. Breaking, Sta bling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and the general management of the horse, with the best modes ot administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, K'cking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restless ness, and other vices to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES. Will te!l you of the cause, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Dis temper, Catarrh, Influenza, bronchins, pneumonia, Plen'riy, Broken Wind, Chro nic Couah, Roaring and Whistling. Lampa, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with other diseased ot the iHouih and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment ol Worms, Bots, Colic, Strango Ution, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Hepatirihoea. Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases of the Stomach, Bow U, Liver and Urinary Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you ol the censes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog, Spavin, Rmgoone, Sweenie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoof, Scratches. Cat kr, Tnruch, and Corns ; also, of ileunms, Vertigo, Ept'epsy, S'agger, and other diseases cf the Feet, Leg", and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will you of the caues, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c, &c, acd how to manage Castration, Bleeding, Trephinning. lloweliug, Firing, Hernia, AmputaliOP, Tapping, aud other surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of Rarey's M-tbod of taming Horses; how lo Approach, Halter, or Stable a Col; how lo accustom a horse to Strang sounds and sights, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness; also the lorm and law cl Warranty. The whole be ing the result of more than fifteen years' careful study of the habit", peculiarities, wants aud weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages, appropri ately illustrated by One Hundred Engra vings. It is printed in a clear acd open type, and will be furnished to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, half bound, S1.00, or, in cloth, extra, S1.25. SIOOO a Year can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above, and other popular works ot ours. Onr inducements tr. all mh are exceedingly liberal. Kv.r ulna I conies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, ap ply lo or eddrasa JOHN E. POTTER, r ' Publisher, 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa novl-m6 DAVID LOHEliBERG. CLOTHING STORE. On Main slreet,two doors above the "Amer ican Hotel." HIRAM C. U0U EK, SHRGEON DENTIST, Office near Wilecu' Carriage shop, Main THE GLOBE, THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. I publish now my annual Prospectus of The Daily Globe, and . The CongresMonal Globe and Appendix, to remind subscribe!, and inform those who may debits to sub scribe, thai Congress will meet on the first Monday of next December, when I shall resume publishing the above-named pa pers. The Daily Globe will conlain a reporl of the Debates in both branches of Congress a taken down by reporters, equal, at least, to any corps of short hand wrners in this, or in any other country. A majority of them will ach, be able to report, verbatim, ten thousand words an hour, while the average nuinler cf words spoken by fluent j spsakers rarely exceeds seven thousand five hundred words an hour. When the I debatpg of a day do not make more than forty-five columns, they will appear in The Daily Globe of ihe next morning, which will conldiii, also, Ihe news ol theday, to gether with fruch editorial articles as may be suggested by passin events. The Congressional Globe and Appendix L win eoiuain a reporl ol all the Debates in Congress, revised by the speakers, ihe Messages ot the President of ihe IT-.i .l States, the Annual Reports of the Heads of the Executive Dep;iriments, the Laws passed during the session, and copious in. dexes io .all. They will be primed on a double royal sheet, in book form, royal quarto size, each number containing six teen pages. The whole will make, il be lioved, at least 2 000 pages. Tnia i acknowledged to be the cheapest work ever sold in any country, whether a reprint or printed from -manuscript copy, taking for data the average numDer of words it con lairi. The coming session will, wiihout doubt, be an unnsnally interesting one, because the debates will, in a great measure, be upon the policy of the President elect, and The Globe will be, as it has been for many years past, the only sourca from which full debates i f Congress can be obtained. The Congressional Globe and Appendix pass free through the malls ot the United Slates, as will be seen by reading the fol lowing Joint Resolution passed bv Congress the 6th of August, 1852 : " Joint Resolouon providing for the distribu tion ot the Laws of Congress and the Debates thereon. With a view to the cheap circulation of the laws of Congress and Ihe debates con tributing lo the true interpretation thereof, and to make tre the communication be tween the representative and coa3titueul bo lies : Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Repiesetitaiives ot the United States of Aioeri"a in Consress assembled Thai from ard after the present nession of Congress, the Congrei-hional Globe and Appendix, which contain ihe laws and the debates iLeteot.Jii,ttritTu irr anmorize the circulation of the Daily Globe free of postage. ' Approved, Angust 6, 1852. TERMS. For a copy of the Daily Globe, for four months, For I copy cf the Congressional Globe and Appendix, during the psion, 53 oo 3 00 For 2 t-.opies ditto, when ordered at the same time, 5 00 No attention will b? paid to any order uidess ihe money accompany it. Bank notes, curient in the section of the country where a subscriber resides, will be received at par. The whole or any part of a subscription may be remitted in postage stamps, w hich is preferable lo any currency, except gold or silver. JOHN C. RIVES. NEW GOODS! FRESH ARRIVAL OF FAI.Ii AIND WINTER CS CO CO QD bS3 b AT JUICER'S STOISE! f IMIE subscriber has just returned from the - City with another large and select as sortment of FALL AND WINTER Goods, purchased at Philadelphia, nt the lowes' fiiiu'e, and which he is determined to Fell on as modera e terms as can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. His stock com prises Ladies' 15 res Good, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, CS T CE CS (33 If 1 C S3 g Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &c. In short, everything n mi ally kpi ii country Stores; to which he iivitss the public generally. The highest price paid (or country produce. r S H.MILLER. Bloomsborg, 0-t. 24, I860. New Fall Goods.' LARGE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. U7e hv auain been to :he ci'y, and re turiied wi'h a large stock of Goods for the season, which we are prepared to sell at a low figure for ready pay. Our 6tock consists of Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, W il-low-ware, Hollow-ware. BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Fluid, Camphene Oils, While Lead by the Keg, cheap, &c- H C. fcl. W. HARTMAN. Bloomburg,Oct. 17, 1T60. TIIK PRINCE OF WALES IS NOW CREATING QUITE A Throughout this Country. BUT there is great excitement down lown caused by ihe arrival of a new and se lect stork of Goods just received at L. 1. SHARPLESS' Cheap Ca?h Store. Having iust returned from Philadelphia with a stork r ' ( . 1 V. n 4 J . 4 1 n a himfldtf heretolore uriini, iinot- mm ecu that he can satisfy all of ihe beauty and ad vantages of the Caik System Dy tne exceeu ingly Tow prices wilh which he is able to sell. consists ol dress goods ol every variety, Silks. Plaids, Fig'd Thibets, Cashmeres, Plain and lancy Uei-ames a:c., cwc. iut Rrnrh and Keversabie ?nawis, ueni s Shawl, Coal, Cloak and Mantle Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, Satins, Lawns, Flannels, Ginghams.Calicoes &c.,&c, Boots ar.d Shoes A large assortment ol Gum -jchuih will be disposed ol at the low est prices, Hats and Caps, Table and flooi OilCloths, Notions of every Kind, Queenesware, Groceries, Flour and feed, kAn examination of the Block, is solicited a no charge is made for an exhibition of the "ooda. (Iin aIid 1,1 marketable pro due? uk.. i" """"'i$tLvSS. Si , Bloomsburg, Oct. 10, I860 HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES, OR - Uisrae TVitSi Its Agonies, CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. S3 . U O la Ij O VP A Y S PI LliS. NERVOUS DISORDERS. What is more fearful than a breaking? down ol the nervous system J To be exci table or nervous in a small degree is most distressing, for where can a remedy be found ? There is one : -drink but little wine. beer, or spirit", or far butter, none ; tke r.o coffee, weak tea being preferable; gei all the fresh air you can ; tkke three or lour FUU every nigbi; eat plenty of solids, u voiding the ue of slops and if these gold e: rules are followed, yon will be happy i.i jnind and strong io body, and forget you have apy nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there i one thing more than another for which these IMU are soatnous it i their purifying properties, cpecially their power of cleansing ihe blood from all im. purities, and removing dangerous and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted as the one giand remedy for female complaint thev never fail, never weaken the system and always bring about whal is required. SICK HEADACHKS AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feelings which so sadden os, most frequently arise from annoyances or troub le, ioro obstructed perspiration, or from eanng and drinking what is nr.fit for os, thns disordering the liver and stomach These organs most be regulated if yeo wish to be well. The Pills, if taken according to the printed instructions, will quickly re store a healthy anion to both liver and stomach, whence follow asr a natural con sequence, a gocd appetite and a clar head. In the Ehsi and Wesi Indies scaici-ly iny other medicine is ever used for these dis. orders. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting these organ, whe:her they secrete too much or loo little water; or whether they be afflicted wiih stone or gravel, or wilh aches and paiua se'tie.1 in the loins over the regions of the kidneya, these Pills sSould bo taken accor ding to the printed instructions directions, and the Oiutment should be well rubbed into the small of ihe back at bed lime. Thin treatment will give almost immediate relief fiLS 1 UAetJauniwfete 1 ins, uwj" remove all acidity, occasioned ekher by intemperance or improper diet. The reach the l.ver and reduce it io a healthy action; they are wonderfaliy efficacious ir cases ol spasm ia fact they never fail in curing all disorders ol the li er andt'.omBcb. Ilottnvray's rills are the best remedy Itnov.i in, the world jor Ike following diuasei. , Agne, Asthma, Billiou Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of tha Bowels. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Djsentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Cora plaints, Lumbago, Pile-, Rheumatism, Rdtentioa of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Evil, Fore Throats, Stone acd Grave!, Secondary Symniomi, Tic-Douloureux, Unmoors, Ulcers, Venereal Affection, Worms of all kinds Weakness from wha'ever cause, Lc, &c. CAUTIO !! None are gennine nnle the words HoMowav, New York and Lon don,'' are disrernable a a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around . each pot or box : the ame may be plainly seen by huJilin the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or patie coun terfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the Manufactory of Profecaoi Hoi.... iy, SO Maiden Lane, New York,and by all respec'able Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, tnronghout the civilized world, in bove at 2b cents, 62 cents and 31 each. tTjr There is considerable saving by ta kirg tit larger sizes. .V U Directions for the guHance fp i:nts in eveiy disorder are aliixed to eac box. October, 17, i860. BLOOMSBURG SHOP. flHE undersigned respectfully inlor.'.is tha ci'izMis of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, ihat he has liken the Barber Sop, located on Main Street, in the white Frame Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Block, where he is at all rimes ready to wait upou hi customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in ihe most fashionable style, and ou ve-y moderate terms. Cp-Shampooing, done np in City Style. He solicils public patronage and pledge his bet endeavors to give every reasonable satifaclion. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburg, Ocl. 12, 1559. K K W STOUE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HAT AND CAP STORE. T'HE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of B'ioombora, and ihe public in general, that he has purchased the NEW HAT STORE, in the white frame etoie Sionse, on Main Street, nearly opposite the Exchange Buiiding, where he has just re ceived a sohjedid sortment of City Hats an3 Caps, Direct from the Manufacturies, of all kind, styles, sons and sizes, litest fathion, which he off-irs wholesale ar I retail, at very low prices. AUo, STRAW GOODS, iucludin all the modern 3'yles and fashions. These Goods wiii be sold at very low prices, for Ready Pay. OCI31 JUHi K. vjtliiu.. BARNARD RUPERT. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Shop on the South Side of Main Street, firt quare below" Market. 'iTAEClTAX. ECTEL, Kacc Street, aboTe Third, PHILADELPHIA. C. CARMANY, Propritior. February 22, I860. I 9