STAROF THE NORTII ! B LOOMS BURQ, PA. tfrdacstlajr Merning, December 191b, I860. Meetings are being helJ nightly in ibe Lc lie ran Church at this place. 'I he appearances are, fetor of enow. this moruing, in Nixt Tuesday is Christmas! Wo would, this early, wish our patrons a "merry Christ taas!" Tat town of Milton is lit op with gas Vh'u speaks well for a place of its sire and population. . . f Hcaiir SNT&sa, Maned last Monday for tl armour, with William Brown, a lunatic, from Briarcreeic township, this county. ' TocaT is being held in Montour county this week commenced on Monday . last. Several of our Attorneys are in attendance AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL. thh. TIIIKO VOLU3IE Commences January 1st IS6I. TV E VOTED especially to matters relating -io domestic animals, Tne laigest, and cheapest piper of the kind in ihe world. - I'u6fiiied Monthly, at No. 25 1'artt How, New York. Price, SI, CO per year in ad vance. Sicimen copies gratis. D. C. LINSLRV, Editor and Proprietor. OTIS F. R. WAITE, Asocia e Editor. Papers giving the above advertisement three insertion!", and sending a marked copy to A. 0. Hatch, Windsor. Vt., will re reive a copy of ihe paper one year free. A.'G. HATCH, General Agent. Dec. 12, 186031. l Illllll Ill Ill III A cocplc of sporting men, from Schuyl kill county, passed through this place, one day last week, homeward bound, with three ery fine deer, which they had shot in the mtiikborkood of the north mountain. Thc Columbia county Wire Walker, Prof. "Tmeo. McD. Pricc, will give an exhibition ii this place on Tuesday v.eilCkrisimas day. As a performer, Price stands high in Lis profession. Jacob Sktdcr, Esq , of Phelpsville, now spending sometime in England, has placed us under renewed obligations to him, for late London papers. lie keeps us tolera bly well informed ol what is going on if that country. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Daniel Pursel Lite of Hemlock town sbp, Coluabia County, dee'd. TO the Devisees ol Daniel Parsel, and all others interested in the estate f de cedent, you will take notice that the under lined appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court of the County of Colombia, o m ake distribution ot the balance in th hands of John Pursel, Executor of Danl Pursel da- ceased, to and among the Lgatees of the aid decedent, that I will met the parties interested, at mv office i the town of Bloomsburg, in the ConrV afroesaid on THURSDAY THE THIR'Y FIRST DAY OF JANUARY. A. D. ori thousand eight hnnHroi! ami sixtV One. k the purpose cf making the distribution, Jien and where all persons interested in t said estate are requested to present he raims to the Au ditor or be debarred froncoming in for a share of the funds in thinds ol the Ete- cuior. . . ,. ROBERT F. ,'LARk, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Dec. 1, i860. of Thc Howhd Associtio! lY,IIrAI,t,PHU ' Tv.:. it ir r.volent Associa- ail ww vit aassvwu v v -.1 ...-it or a lonj course honorable Jealirv. Le perfectly reliable nd useful l-'tution- Ve commend it to the alte-101 f tne public with much con 4id c- , Ciglch's Speech. We design laying bej fore onr readers in our next issue the nr j d ek. ert a the excellent remarks of Senator Eigler -ered in the Senate on Tuesday of last The whole speech is calculated to no.t wholesome influence on Northern and Southern people, j rvm ,.. " " " " " OH lire Iroo City College, pi,uburgh,Vb,e" ,n luition, which we would offer 1 sale cneaP" The amounts are twenty doll each" We Uo hold an order on Bryan & Stratton's Commercial College, PhiIr,PDa wh,cn will dispose of cheap. ' ie ' cbnce "o procure tuition a liiti Reaper than else- Audilor'i Notice. Estate of Benjamin liyman, lte of Change toicnship, Colmbui county, Pa. CREDITORS and a other perns inter ested W,IJ 'ake ntice, that 'he under B;pi appointed And tor by 'e Orphans' cxiurtof the County of Colu'biai lo "''e and adjust the rates and pr0.,llon of the assets ol the estate of BJam'n dayman, deceased, in the hands ol010010" Neyoard, his administrator, lo ar "mon? ' respec tive creditors of the cedent according lo the order establish- bylaw, will attend at his offi. in Blo-nsbor2j m saiJ Couiiy, on FPDAYTr- FIRST DAY OF FEBRU ARY A. D, jne thousand eiaht hundred an,itty o-ie, lor Ihe purpose of adjusting if rates and proportions, to and among the reral creditors, when and where all per sons interested are requested io nf..m their claims to the Auditor or be debarred Irom coming in for a share of the aiseis. W. WIRT, Auditor. Bloomsibnrg, fXc. 12, i860 4w. One Price Hat & Cap store. (.corner ol the 1-ive btory Block.) N. W. CORNER OF EIGHTH & RACE re. "Fo- 'ilc iv r,,-.r(d last week, to notice trtv p.;ti rirmocatic . i lUdi iio Standard is cne Standat d is .-of ihe ceive, nlitioa. prietor is the rea)n for The editor .ays that if he does not U,e nnrrha,er 4elore February next he inteu eniar,e ud otherwise improve his pape. alo Thd , king exchanges we re- Uu'PnT ? be in a thriving con ' The ill healu , . . ' ma nresem mu 'ACE STS. The nuDnfAb--!! I'lII'III A. in miuti that at this S'ore may be i ... assortment of Fashionable and Handsome MOLESKIN DRESS HATS, SOFT HATS, Hi"h, Low and Medium Deph Crown, CiJth and GUzed Caps, PIu and Plush Trimmed Cap for Men ami Day, r" Hats and Caps for Children, at fair prices. tW No tico prir-eifor regular goods. January 18, 1860-ly. HOTOGRAPHY IN ALL IT Branches, executed in the best style known in the wen""' , .r w n ri I too a t7 it 4 x k s (t.ii.Lrwu, Arch Street. East of Sixth, PhiladelpUia. G?"Li:e Size in Od and Pastil, CFStereoscopic Portraits, tyAmbrol pe?, Daguerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Put, Rings, &c novi4 P Dat eT National HcMiLUTroK . dent Bccaama'a proclamation, appoint.. thm Aih of Janoarr next as a day ot nationar humiliation, tasting and prayer, wi:l be found in onr paper of to-day. The language of this proclamation is eminently beautiful. In its chaste simplicity and devout fervor it bears a striking resemblance to that admi rable production, the Book of Common Iprayer. This proclama'ion will, presume, -challenge universal approbation. GOOD lilQTTOHS. - rpHE undersigned ha- opened a nn If JL quor Store at Mittlinville, Colombia county and stocked it with a large and ex cellent assortment of 0 O 02 f all kinds, to wtii.-h tie invues ui -:.-of dealers. His Liqoors are of the bl -.n,4. n,t nns trial will aiifv ad. ,hDn THE KEiy YORK WEEKLY TIMES. Single Copies 82-Two Copies for $3 Five Copies ; v . for ss. . The Cheapest antl Best Family end General Kews pnper in the United Slates. The NEW.YORKWEEKLY TIMES is a large and elegantly printed quarto sheet, of eisht pases, or forty eight colums, de -voted to Politics, Literature and General News, and intended n be the REST as well a ihe CHEAPEST Family Newspaper in ihe Ufl'led Slates. The first aim of the Times is, and will always be, to keep iis readers thoroughly and reliably posted up, as to everything which may happen, ol eneral interes, in any par! of the world. It comments fully ind freely npon all topics in every depart ment ot public action, and always in the interest of Freedom, Order, and the Pub lie Good. While its influence will be uni formly conservative, it advocate every measure of just and beneficient Progress, and resists the increase, extension, rr per petuation of Slavery, a of of everything else incompatible with the highest welfare of the whole com m unity. While it reports promptly and accurately all intelligence of general interest in every department of hu man activity, it never panders to vicious tastes, and excludes from its columns eve rything that miaht render it unsafe or im proper for general Familv perusal. It seeks to promote Ihe genera) welfare by urging the claims of - EDUCATION, MORALITY AND RELI GION upon the masses of the people; and in all its discussions, i endeavors constantly to besoided and controlled by Ihe spirit of MODERATION, PATRIOTISM AND COM MON SENSE. In its Correspondence, both Foreign and Domestic ihe Times is confessed to be sn petior to any other American Journal. Its Reports of Congressional and Legislative proceedings, of Financial, Commercial and GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, of important Legal and Criminal Trial, and of whatever may have special interest for the great body of the community, are full, prompt end reliable. LI YE STOCK AND PRODUCE" MARKETS, for which a special corps of Reporters is maintained. A LITERARY DEPARTMENT will alo be kept up, embracing STANDARD NOVELS AND TALES, and miscellaneous selections of the highest interest. THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT is complied horn a variety of sources, many of them inaccessible lo the American read er, and furnished valuable information to thfe Farmer and Gardener. Thv.' WEEKLY TIMES will be sent to subsciib?rs ir. any part of the country oa the following terms : Single Copies S2 a year. 1 wo Copies , W a jear. TEN subscribers, SI eac-, exira copy lor hirm-ell or Dollar as his compensation. THE NEW-YORK DAILY "TJMES I, psblished Every day except Sondaj. "nd is sent to subbciibers by mail at SIX DOL LARS a year THE SENl-WEEKLY HMr,, Pblihed on Tuesdays and Fridays, and containing ei-nt pages of reading matter in every number, is teul to bubscsibers at the following rate : Single copie . s3" Two copies f Any person who will send us a Club ol FIVE subscribers may receive ' ex,ra nrtnv for himself, or retain Two Dollars and a alt as his compensation. lilv in advance. I DUK J P V ii l .ii.,.. .. ha addressed IO H. J. " 1 ' t 11 icncm tv - - ninvn Hi Cn t'ronrietors of the JSeW xoik limes, New York City. Lc. 12, 1860. AGENTS WAITED. That every Farmer, mechanic and Business Ulan H ants. JUST POL I SOD THE TOWNSHIP t- LOCAL LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COMPII.CD FROM THC ACTS OF ASSEMBLY ET WILLIAM T. IIAI .tS, LSQ., AND PCBMStlED BT EDWARD ;F. J4MES, WEST CHESTER, FA. f,f-T Work contains over 40 pages J of closely printed matter, and will be sold by subscription II teaches the duties jf Justices of the Peace, with forms lor ihe transaction of the ir buine-8. It teaches the'duties of Constables with all the necessary forms, appertaining lo the office. Il contains the duties of Supervisors for every County and Township in the State. It contains the mode of proe'ednre for the laying oui and opening of public and pri vate roads, of vacating and altering roads, the building of bridges, &c. Lr. It contains the Common School Law, with explanations, decisions and directions, together with forms for Deeds, Bonds, Con tracts, Certificates, &c. &c. This depart ment of ihe work was compiled at Harris buig by Mr. Samuel P. Bates, Depnty Superintendent, and is alone worth the price of the volume to any one interested in Common Schools. It contains the duties of Township Audi tor. It con'.aiusthe laws relative to Dogs and Sheep. It contains the duties of Assessors. It contains the laws in relation lo Strays, Mules nnd Swine. It contains the laws relative lo Fences and Fence Viewers. It contains ihe laws relative to Gama Hunting, Troul'and Deer. Il contains ihe Election Laws with all the necessary Forms. It contains the Naturalization Law, with all ihe necessary Forms lor Application. I contains a large number of Legal Forms, which are used in Ihe every day transaction of business, such as Acknow ledsinenls, AfiiJavits. Articles of A?ree- rrtents and Contracts, Partnerships, Appren tice, Assignments, Attestations, Bill of Exchange and Promissory Notes, Bills of Sale, Bjnds, Checks, Covenants, Deeds, position, Due Bills and Produce Notes, Lana'.'ord and Tenant, Leases, Letters of Attorney, lUernaga, c-rtgages, Receipts nnd Relea". The work is bound in Law sheep, and w ill be sold lo subscribers at SI 25 per copy, payable on delivery of the work. The work jhas passed the remission of many ol the best .Lawyers in Ihe State has received the unqualified approbation, as a reliable hand book reference upon all subjects upon which il treats. The whole is arranged in such a manner as to present a plain, concise and explirit statement of the duties of all Township Officers, as may k. '-aHilviifiderstood bv auv one. is respecuu ii j c... j . , Dr P. John General Agent lor Coiumu. , Counif . THE PEOPLES COOK BOOK. MOIE2 U ItfCOO K E U 11 IS ALL ITS BRANCHES, ; BT MISS ELIZA ACTON CARBFULLT riKVlSED BY MRS. 6. I HALT. TttcHtits' Institcti. The Teachers of :the Common Schools of Columbia county, sire called by the Superintendent Lewis .ArrLEMAN to meet in Orangeville on the 24th inst. Those teacher in the county who leel an interest in the progress and success of our common school system, will ,f course be present, and lake an active part in its proceedings. The services of Prof- J. P. Wickersham, of the State Nor nal School hae teen engaged. He, as well a other eminent men, will be in attendance. Mifflin. U, June 27, 1H0. Apple Buttee Poison. The Muncy Xu minary says, it regrets to learn that Dr. T. Raper and family, of LairdsTille, Lycoming county, have been lying in a Tery critical '"condition for some time, from the effects of Vating apple butter, poisoned by being put op in earthen crocks. We hear considera ble complaint of this "apple butler poison" throughout our county, but we have very -Tittle faith as to its being the true cause of his complaint. . .,. - .- - CAME on the .ernise pf ihe subscriber, n Oran?a tow.-L : ri . - snip, oi'i- umbia coanty, on or atout the first of Anznsi las A BlUNDLE STb?T! supposed to be about nr. months old. It was noi in a very ihrivVjo condition when it came to the subscnSr but at present looks tolerably good, owner or own ers are requested o comforwarc an(j prove properly, pay charges a..j ute it away, otherwise it will be dispose 0 according to law. AUGUSTUS LVRHART. Oranae, Oct. 24. I860. - . . j : 11 S. Good canva-sers are wanu i a.. naris of ihis county lor the above work, lo Lhnm a liberal compenation will begtiren. r.. ..-,. xxhirh mnti be made at ail S' J! WJ o lb. General Agent JT TELLS YOU HOW to choose all kinds of Meals, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork ; also the besl and simplest way of eallifig, pick linsr and curing the same. IT TELLS YOU ALL Ihe various and most approved inoJes of dressinff, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, wiih Ihe different Dressing", Gravies, and Stuffings kppro priaie to each. IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose, clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and how lo sweeien il when tainted; also all the va rious and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL (he various and most approved modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Fish. Fowl, Game, and Vegetable Soup-, Broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved mods of cooking Vegeta bles of every description, also how m pre pare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mush rooms, &c. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pas irv, Pudding, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every description. IT TELLS YOU ALL the variotn and most approved modes of matfing Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and Biscuit, the best method ol preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how lo make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of various kinds. IT TELLS YOU HOW lo sel out and or nament a Table, how lo Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in shop, how to so simplify the whole Art o Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of Ike table within everybody's reach. The book contains 418 pagps, and up wards of twelve hundred Receipts, all of which are the results of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested un der Ihe personal superintendence of the writers. It is printed in a clear and open lype, is illustrated with appropriate engra vings, and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt ot the price, $1 OO.or in cloth, extia, SI. 25. SIOOO a Year can be made by enterpris'ng men every where, in selling the above work, our in durements lo all such being very liberal. tor single copies of the Book, or for terms lo agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. TOTTER, Publisher; No. 617 Sansorn St., Philadelphia. no?14m6 -VtVok:.. w IIore. Professor of Palliology and Ooeriltve sut.y in the Veterinary College cf Phdadelpaia, etc., etc. THE. GLOBE, THE ) OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. I publish nnw my annual Prospectn of The Daily Globe and The Co.ngresional Globe ari(t Appendix, lo remind subsCfibei, ami infnrm tt u.l.A itiii pa f r snK w "in ii'H-r. ti 1 iii n i iv-iv -- . scribe, that Congress will meet on the first i Monday of next December, when I shall ! resume publishing the above-named pa pers. The Daily Globe will contain a reporl of the Debates in both branches of Congress as taken down by reporters, pqnal, at lul, lo any corps of short hand writer in Ihis, or in any other country. A mtjiriiy of ihem will ach, be able n report, verlatii. In thousand wordu an hour, whiU the average number cf woids spoken by fluent sp?akers rarely exceeds seven thousand five hundred words an hour. When the debate' of a day do not make more, than foriy-five celumns, they will appear in The Daily Globe of ihe next morning, which will contain, aho, the news ol the day, to gether with such editorial articles as may be suggested by passing events. The Congressional Globe and Appendix will eontain a report of all the Debates in j Congress, revised by the speakers, the Messages of the President of ihe United States, the Annual Reports of the Heads ot the Executive Departments, the Laws passed during ihe session, and copious in dexes to all. They will be primed on a double royal sheet, in book form, royal quarto size, each number containing six teen pages. The whole will make, it it be lieved, at least 2,000 pages. This is acknowledged to be thecheapest work ever sold in any country, whether a reprint or primed from manuscript copy, taking for data the average number of words il con tains. The coming session will, without doubt, be an oousnally interesting one, because the debates will, in a great measure, be npon the policy of the President elect, and The Globe will be, as it has been for many years past, the only source from which lull debates i f Congress can be ootained. The Congressional Globe and Appendix pas free through the mails ol Ihe United States, as will be seen by reading the fol lowing Joint Resolution paed by Congress Ihe 6th of August, 1852 : Joint Resolution providing for the distribu tion of the Laws of Congress and Ihe Debates thereon. Wiih a view to the cheap circulation of the laws ol Congress and the debates con tributing to the true interpretation thereof, and lo make free the communication be tween the represeniati ve and constituent bodies ; Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives ol the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, That from ard alter the present session of Congress, the Congressional tilobe and Appendix, which contain ihe laws and the debates thereon, snail pass free through the mails to long as the same shall be published by order of Congress : P rovided, That riotnii'g herein shall be construed lo authorize ihe circulation of the Daily Globe free of postage. Approved, August 6, 1852. HEiLTH A51 ITS fLEiSJRES, OR . 'Mr ac Willi II A &oii If i ' CUOOSE BZnrZM: THE)i. NERVOUS DISORDERS. . . What m net-re lei.rY"l Hun a brtW?;' rt'.iwn ol ihe netiani sister To b will J rt at Bloom sburg l a. tention. - Bloomburg, Dee. To Persoi? OUT OF EJiri-OYi7ET. AGENTS WANTED TO SiL THE j ERIE SETTING 31 A C II I N E. U7E will give a Commission, or wages at from $25 to $60 per monih, and expenses paid. This is a new Machine, and so simple in its construction that a ,h.Mnf lOvearscan learn to operate it by half an hour's instruction. Il is equal W1!-, lmDortaiit to Stock Growers. THE 'JTMIRI VOLUME OF AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL. Commences January .1, 1861. is devoled exclusively to ma:ters reia- i . .nnompni of our do ting me care auu .....-,-.-... -- . mesne animals and is Dy iar in cheanel and most widely circulated paper of the kind in the world. No stock grower can offord to be without it. u rrhil..,.rn large octavo pages, Hand- 111.11 iiieJ. Published Monthly, at or Park Row. New York, at $1,00 per year Srevmen copies rtuh -r r 1IVSI VV. Ei T T is C. LINSL2Y, Editor and Timejlt Notice. We wocld notify our elioqaBnt eubacribers that two -more pa per will close ta Third Volarae of the :te, asnce under our proprietorship and control. -Those knowing ihercaelref in !ebted to fl on aubscription 'will confer a 'great faf ar opon cs by squaring op their accoonla between this and the commence- inent of the f earth Volume, a we are M,-,.-K in r,ed of everr ccot doe os, in order f hat we may h .abla w : meet all Just de mand tha are brought egaiast os. We bills to many of jtrar patrons wjth the expectation that thej sriil promptly attend to the mailer. In f ommeocing ouf Fourth Volume, we wish, tt Jiav8 a pew start--we waotlo knew who ZUPPIXGER'S ESTABLISHMENT. Prices Reduced, &c. The difficult watches and jewelry reDairin has been done Blooms- - . rw . burg is bloomenurg, oy nenry Aupptnger. and though he was often from the nature of the case.) obliged to charge pretty high, his prices are now greatly reduced, and his customers may rest assured that he has ihe requisite qualification, materials and means for the repairing of all kinds of watches, jewelry, Accordions, and every thing usu ally attended to at the best watchmake or jawelry shops. Honesty and faithfulness will always behis first principle and aim. Have yoo a pique? Ocome! I want it re moved. They had me dead and buried some lime last winter, but some bow it seems 1 have crawled out again. VST Orders or Goods taken for pay. HENRY 5SUPPINGER. . B'oomsborg, July 11, 1860. Flour and Feed Delivered ! CHEAPER TIIAfl THE CHEAPEST I a THE undersigned nas maue niu5c . tnents that will enable him to deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any bod else in town. His prices are as follows : Flour $7 25; Corn and Oats Chop 31 5a; Corn and Rye Chop 81 65; Bran SI 10 ; I respecifully solicit a share of the public patronage. - MOSES COFFMAN. Bioombur2, June 14," 186T. in advance. 45m2 D rropn itfAiTP Associate Ed. ihft above advertise ment two insertions, and sending JW coov to A. G. Hatch, Windsor, Vt., wul receive a copy of the paper one year A. G. HATCH, General A?ent. Dec. 12, 1860 3U anv Family Sewing Machine in use, to and J.TELL YOU of the Origin, History i .i;-.mrMi( traits ot !!) arioua jLIIU IIIJM-V...- .- - breeds i-f European, Asiatic, African anj American Horses, with the physical forma tion and peculiarities of the animal, and l ow to as'ceri-in his age by the number and condition of his lee.h; illustrated with numerous exolanaiOry engraving. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell you of Breeding, braking, Sta bling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, Zn(- e general management of the horse, with Ve h 't modes of administering medicine, also, to treat Biting, Kcking, Rearing, hinT Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlesv s and clher ices lo which 1,6 l pubi-c,i w,ihnmerou-explanatory engraving. HORSE VMJ jJisc.Aar.i3. symptoms, ano TEUIS. session, o nr.; .lino when ordered at the same ume, 9 uu No attention will be paid lo any orJer unless the money accompany it. Bank note, current in the section of the country where a subscriber resii'es, will be received at par. The whole or any pari of a subscription may te remitted in postage stamps, which is preieraote m any rnrir..u, exeppt gold or silver JOHN C. RIVES. THE ftrrpiarv Erie Sewing Machine Company, nov21w6 MILAN. OHIO. Tluwarc L Store Establishmeui. HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in forms his old friends and customer, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himsell exclusively. He has jusi the price is but F.fteen Dollar. t Wil! tel you of the c.we, svmpns, ar 4.r. ...hinr on aaenev will ai . r 4,n? es. Sore lhroat, V, i-V 1 eisuua " i irpaiiiicui vi r. i . i temper, Catarrh, JnflaeW-, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, broken W n.d Chro nic Cou.h, Roaring and" Ljmp . , Sore Month and Ulcers, and Decae TPih. wiih other disease- of the ;Uouin and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEVSES Will :ell you of the causes, sym proms, at.d Treatment ol Worms, Eots, Colic, Strangu lation. Stony Concretions, Rup-ures alsy, ih or nervorr is a small degree is nit, l riisirerfing, fir wbee. carf remedy be found f Thre is cub :--drin.k but little wine. beer, or s'pirifs, or, fs,e belt e.. none ; lake no coffee, eak lea be i) prMtbabie; get 1 1 the fresh air you can -f ihke thre or four Pill every nigh'; al plenty of solida avoiding the ue of slops; anil if these rM en rule are followed, you will be ip&pjr in mind and strong iu body, and forget y-93 have any nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one thing more lhn anpihet for which thesf PilU are so famous it i their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from l) in purities, and removing dangerous and shV. pended secretions. Universally adopted m the one gtani remedy for female complaints, tbev never fail, never weaken the system, and alwaya bring about what is required. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OK APPETITE. These feelings which so sadden us. moat, frequently arise from annoyances or troub le, from obstructed perspiration, nr from eating and drinking what is or. fit for os, ihns disordering the liver and stomach -These organs must be regulated if you wis1 to be well. The Pills, it taken according lo the printed instruction, will qnickly re store a healthy action 10 both liver and, stomach, whence follow as a natural con sequence, a gocd appewte and a clar head. In the East and Wet Iruiiws scaicely any' other medicine is ever used for these dis orders. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, In all disease aflecting these arsana, whether they secrete too much or loo iittl water; or whether they be afflicted wiih stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over ihe regions of tbe kidneya. these Pills should bo taken accor ding to the printed instructions directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of die bark at bed time. ThU treatment will give almost im rr.eJitte relief when all other means have failed. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF ORCER. No medicine will so effectually imorovs ihe tone of the stomach as these pdi; tbey remove all acidity, occasioned ei;Uer by intemperance or improper diet. They reach ihe liver and reduce il lo healthy action; u.ey are wonderfully efficacious u caes of spam in fact they aever fail iu Asihrr.a, BiUious Complaint!, Blotches on ihe Skin, Bowel Co nplaint, Colics, Constipation of the Bow'!. Consumption, Debility. Drops , i Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fit, Gout, Hea l ache, Indigestion, Liver Cpnft--plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, 6crofala, or i King' Evif, Fore Throats, Stone ar.d Gre!, Secondary Symptoms, Tic-Douloureux, Unmours, Ulcers, Vnuereal Affection4 Worms of all kind Weaknpis from whaever cau-e, Lc, &ic. recoived and or SEIXIRtt OFF CHEAP. AT L. T. SHARPLESS' Cheap Cash Store. Children's Gums, Men's Gums. Ladies' Shawls, Gent's Shawls, DeLains Si Calicoes, Hals and Cap, Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Coat, Pants, and VeSiS. Having engaged the Store House former ly occupied by Jno. Barton dee'd, I, a"1 now prepared to take all kinds of Grain in exchange lor Good,. SHARPLESS. BIoora-burg, Dec. 12, 1863. if. f-. ..Ij ih laroest and most ex- Knuvt assortment of FANCY STOTVS c53 ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constant y on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, nn short notice. The patronage of old frier.dsand new cus- ..i.ria.ifiilltf solicited. ,.... , A.M.RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12. 1X53. tf. . V " 4 . I r . - n,ol,oa Jaundice. tiepaiirui'Jra. """.i., it.; c.nn iii the Kidneys and Bladder, ana oiner uiBB"r .i ls, Liver aud Urinary Or- OF OF ALL KINDS, AT J- BROWEUS .'A o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o lnflam mation, Siomacb, Bow gans. rue nnu?P AD HIS DISEASES Will tell you of the causes, symptoms, ana Treatment of Bone, Blood and Hog, Sp'V.n, R-noone, Sweenis, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder," Sole Brume and Gravel, Cracked Hoofs, Scratches Canker, Thrush, and Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other f ihe Feet. Igs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES in 11 ..11 nf .Ua Ainuii. svmotoms. and rw, .. -.1 v.-ni Pn'.l K.vd. tiianders. NEW GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF FAM AiD WINTER Cf CE CE b53 & AT "T'K'S STORE! ri HE subscriber j" returned from the Cy with another n"lcir sor.mentof FALL AND WkV '. purchased at Philadelphia, at the l0WB c 1 ni.tnh li a id ilotermined td J 1 0. as moderate terms as can be procured j ,he words ' HcHowav. New York a n.l 1 elsewhere in Bloomburg. His stock com- jon ; are Ji-remable a a llaler-mk prises IadieV Dress Coocl, of the choicest styles and Utet fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol- Jowware, Iron, iails, Hoots atioes, nais anJ Caps, fcc , fee. In short, everything uuailv kepi in country Stores ; lo which he invites ihe public generally. The highest pfice paid -ou''ft;MlLLER. ., Oct. 24, 1860. 1 ,fi' .0nc"w.TOrS Cheaper than Ever. May lry I860. Surleit, New Fall Goods f LARGE STOCK AND LOW PRICES w in been to :he cny, and re icrned with a large stock of Goods for the season, which we are prepared to se . at a low figure for ready pay consists of Our slock it o o o o o OOOQ& oov are cur fria.i ' ' THE ifioUNT VERoiy, k Kertb Second street, aboye Arcfi, PHILADELPHIA. n. H. ERWARDSj-Proprifitor. - February 22, NEIV FALL AND WINTER MARTZ & EIVT HAVE just received from Phdade Iphia ; f. AU formCrly occupied splendid assortment of merchandise, Charles R. Buckalew. E. IL LITTLE, . BEOOMSBUR, ra. by A FULL ASSORTMENT of WATCH GL. Glasses, both in and out side, and SPECTACLE GLASSES, for sale cheap lor cash by ' HENRY ZUPPINGER, .Watchmaker. : Bloomsburg, Dec. 28, 1859. -A.J. EVAKS. MERCHANT, nn ih nnncr nart of Main St.. nearly j I wi r vim v f J r ' . I jppsite the pitcopal Church- ; purchased at tbe lowest figure, ana wmcn they are deiermined lo sell for f?asli or Country Produce, on as moderate terms as can be procured .li.ithiiiR in Liohl Sfeet. Theii Stock con sists ct LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, nwc, DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDAR lVAREliOLLOy..VARE Iron. Kails and Spikes, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, REAP I -MADE CLU Tlliaw, &c. t thnrt ftweiv thins usually kepi in a coun- TVitr rosner.ifullv invite their old fripnds, and the public call and examine their siock ueiore purcu Icairhnrs. KW The highest price paid for country ' ' MARTZ&ENT. Light Sireet, Oct. 31, I860. U1UAM . UUWER, Rnnnv.ON DENTIST, . . . m. OfSoe near Wilwa'a Carriage anop, mm December 28, 1859.-tl. JOSEPH SIIARPLESS. FOUNDER AND MACIIINEST. . i . t ill Buildings on the alley between tne r. -hane" and "Amencan House." FOR S A EE! 'EVERAL desirable Building Lots in Bloornsburz, for tale. qjre of 1860-tf. v. mm. June 20, "nTrin L01YEXBERG. r.T.O THING STORE, On Main sireet,two doors above the "Amer ican Hotel." Treatment ol FiMula, c...... crn'oi Fever. Mange, ran-i, - , , Locked Jaw, Bheomatism, tramp, uau, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c., &c, ard how to manage Catntion, Bleeding, Trephinning, Roweling, Firing, Hernia Amputation, Tapping, and other surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES t.n .-mi nt Rarev's Method of laming Horses; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Cob; how to accustom a horse to grange sounds and sight, and how to Bit, Saod e, Ride, and Break him lo Harness; alFo the form and law cl Warranty. The whole be in" the result of more than fifteen years careful Btudy of the habit, pecuitarme, wants aud weaknesses of ibis nob.e and u'eful animal. The book contains oot i -i r -i -- atelv ) luslrateu oy un ..u..u.t- v n"S. II pf""" ' - r ,vPS, ana will be fi..n..heJ 10 any .JJr, pi... . -Id. o, ..ce,p. of ball boutid, 5 1 -1U , or, in SIOOO a near . i... ...nrlain? men every- it a mi (ia nv r 1 1 i l. i i' ' ' -r - can L;a iu w ' j where, in selling itie I -. .nrl-a n I ilUrS v r .. i ni tf libera; toautncn.rc;; B . for Kor single cojm . - term, to agents, ...ho. he. Mnfgmanoo, aP p,y,o or address JOHN L. 617 Sansorn St., Philadelphia, Pa novl4m6 Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, n-low-ware, Hollow-ware. BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fih, Salt, Plaster, Fluid, Camphene Oils, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, &e., y HARTMAN. Ploombnrg, Oct. 17, I860. T above, and oilier Our inducements Attorney at Eaw, PTIOMSBURG. PA. Office in Court Alley, East of Court House A.M. RUPERT, TINNER STOVE DEALER, Shop on Soatb, aide ol diain a ir., Matket. "BLANKS! BLA1SKS ! '. BUSKS 1 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, k n riinMENT NOTES, of proper & desirableforms, fo' sale at the olace ot trie "iar oi m XJ,,. .rr cTirrr. ni averv kind of Hard wtefaal.bycKELvY NKAL&Cp THE PRINCE OF H AU NOW CREATING QUITE A Throughout this Country. BUT there is great excitement down town caused by ihe arrival of a new and se lect stork of Goods juM received at L. T. SHARPLESS' Cheap Cash Sioie. Having ..i..i from railaueipma wun a siorn -n(rm nnriv aled. he flatters himself ICirvuiviv . . ii . r .11 . f 1V1 a K a t . I r o rt , 1 od. iKa he can sausiy un oi mo .u nf the Lath v"iem oy me ru-eeu ;nn!y low prices wun wnica uu uic m sell. , eonist ol iires gooos oi eery Silks Plaid, Fig d luioeis, tasnmerep, Plain and fancy Uei.aines &c.4 Broche and Reversable Shawls, Gent's Shawls, Coat, Cloak and Mantle Cloihs, Fancy Cassimeres. v esting, miih, , Flannels, Ginghams.Calicoe &c.,&c, Boots ar.d Shoes. A large assortment ot Gum shoes which will be disposed of at the low ei prices, Hats and Caps, Table and floor OilCloth, Notions of erery Kind, Queenesware, Groceries. Flour and feed, Aiexamination of the stock is solicited a no charge is made for an exhibition of the -roods. Grain aod all marketable pro- ; p;ooroaburg?Oct. 10, 869 CAV TIO. II None are genuine n.l4 loaf of ihb book of directions aroiiii-t each pot or tox : the PaaiP may be p.atnly seen by hMing the leaf to the light. A hand some reward wilt be given to any one renderin" such iniormatkm a may lead to. the detection ol any party or pa-tie coan terfeiti'tg the medicines or vending t be came, knowing Ihem to Pe spurious. Sold at the Manufaclorr of lrofe-sor Holioiray, 80 Maiden Lar.e. New York.and by all respecabie Droggiis and Dealer in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and SI eachr Cy There is considerable saving by la king the larger sizes. pf. B Directions for the guidance of pa-. tients in every die.'rjt; are alfued io each box. October, 17, i860. 7; LOO MSB una IIAUKjEIC shop. HE undersigned respectluliy inlormtN citizens of Hliomsburg, anJ tlie puDhc generallv, that he has taken ibe Karor Shop, located on Main Street, in the while Frame Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Block, where he is at all limes ready to wait upon his customers to eutire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neaine nd '.n the most fashionable tt)ie, aim on ve'V moderate terms. Vr hampooitig, oone up in iiy oii-. He solicits public patronaaa and pledge his bei-t endeavor lo give every reasonable batifacliou. CHARLES HENRY NOLI Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1859. IV 1 XV STOKE. WHOLESALE AND RET A fh HAT AND CAP STORE. riMlE undersigned respectfully inforo. th - citizens of Bloomsburg, apl he publi.t in aeneral. lhat be ha pcrchased ihe NEW HAT STORE, in the white frame st" .rinse, on Main Street, nearly epposi e t Exchange Building, where he ha just re ceived a splendid asortment of City Hals and Caps Direct from the Manufactories, of all kind-, style, sons and sizes, latest fa-hin, which he offers wholesale and retail. ai-vry lw prices. AIo, STRAW GOODS, incladtn a'l ili rr:rdern stvle and fashions. 1? These Goods will be so'.J ai vey l?w prices, for Ready Pay. . oc.31 JOHN K.GIRTON- BARNAROBVPEnT ... FA Ml 10 ft A RLE TAILOR, Shop on ihe South bide ol Alain Street, bra, quare below Market. , Race Street. a&OTe Third PHIEAfEJLlSIlA.. C. CARMAN?, Trfrs. rebruary S2, . . . .