STAR OF THE NORTH. WM. H. J AGO BY, EDITOR. BLCSS5EEEG, TfEBSiESlUY, DEC. 19, I860. GeheVai. News. The Hon. Jeremiah J. Black, Attorney General, has been appoint ed Secretary of State, in place of Lewis Cim, and E M Stanton, of Pittsburg, At torney General of the U. S, Vice Black, promoted to the Premiership. General Scott has giver, the President an elaborate opinioc in reference to the present condi tion of the military defence of the country, and what shook be done in view of possi ble contingensies. It is rnmored thai the President had given orders to hare 'the sloop cf war Brooklyn held in reaainess to pro reed to Charleston, to aid in the defence of Fort Moultrie, at any time when he should command it, bnt declined to do anything immediately by way of reinforcing the garn on there at present The aopoiniment of Secretary Thompson as Commissioner to North Carolina may render his resignation necessary. The report that he has resigned is premature. -Many of the prominent men of Richmond, Virginia, coincide with the opinion expressed by Mr. Rives, that a firm and dignified demand by the South for tlieir constitutional rights would be conlid red by the north. The more general senti ment, however, is that a dissolution cannot be aToided, and that Virginia must go with the Sooth. Wendell Philips was announ ced to deliver an address in Boston a few nights since the subject "Mob and Edu cation." Great trouble was anticipated, and the military were ordered to hold them s elves in readiness There was great ex citement, in certain circle. Men openly talked of mobing Philips, and things really looked threatening A Urge Union Meet ing wa held in New York city on the 16th, in which a number of the roost prominent citizen participated. Speeches were made by Daniel S Dickiuson, John M Keon, Hiram Ketchum, and others The tenor of the speeches was averse to secession .Resolutions were adopted recognizing the rights of the South under the Federal Con titotion, and appointing the Hon. Millard Fillmore, Greene C. Brown, and Richard Lathers, Commissioners, to go to Soath Carolina, and make an appeal that no pre cipitate action be taken on her part until the North shall have bad an opportunity of satisfying ibem that the popular sentiment U-oion Meeting was held at Harrisburg a few days ao ; also one in Philadelphia Alfred Buchanan has been captured and con victed by b Coroner's jury of the murder of llrs Shanks. He now awaits the action of the Grand Jnry. The parties live in New York city. This woman kept a fancy store, aiad was most brutally murdered i broad lay light. A young roan by the r.ame of Creseler of Scott township, tbia county, while laboring under an attack cf insanity, was brought to this place, and delivered to the charge of Sheriff Snyder for safe keep ing. The whole country is becoming alamed at the secession movement of the Southern States. Patriot akd Unios. There is a spirited &nd valuable daily paper, published at the Capital of this State, bearing this title. It is an able defender of Democratic prioci ples, and did good service in the late cam paign, although cur party met w ith a defeat. Any person wishing to become a subscri ter to a paper that will contain fell and accurate reports of the Legislature during the ensuing session, (which according to current rumor, will be a lively one,; ehould at otxe send for the Patriot and Unfon,which can be had daily during the session, for on dollar. For general news this paper is scarcely surpassed by any of onr larger city dallies. Seth IL Bhiggs, was convicted of murder in the first degree in the Court of Bradford County last week. He was indicted for the murder of a young boy, Daniel Clark, at Troy Village, on the 24th day of July last, by catting his throat, while in bed, with a razor. The murderer afterwards cat his own. throat, but not fatally. ' He said he killed the child because be did not wish to leave it behind to be abused," and further, the reason he done this act, a certain per eon had been at his bouse and the conduct of his wife with that person among other things was the cause of it, and that he in tended to kill himself and all parties. It tra attempted on the part of his counsel, to make him on: insane, bnt they failed to establish clearly anything of the kind. ' South Cabolixa still seems determined So secede, and we think fcbe certainly will. Several other Cotton States will follow her example in case she goes oat of the Union. The Southern States feel that their Consti tutional rights will be denied them by this Republican party, and the only remedy for this, in their estimation, is to set op for themselves. This no right thinking man wishes to see this Union was not made to . be dissolved after the fashion it is now me nacing. The Republican party dare not tell the South that they are in favor of en forcing the fugitive slave law. This they would call knuckling to the South. But it iajsstwbat they should do They have Ibroeskt. upon the country all the dangers nh&t surronod and all the evil that afflict it. P'jt for them, secession would never have jteen heard of. ft is a dangerous political ;paaie sush an eae as this country never before beheld-Be&o'ts of Via most alarming character are staring cs full in the face.-- Gov. J!com, of Xentocky, fcas sent a circular letter to all ihe slaTe States propos leg a Convention, and submitting certain K-.i-nenls to be proposed to the Const!- lqu;rj as a basis of cooproasise of existing '-,,.:.., .... --- , -- . I Cnriom Freak of Nature, We lesrn from the Jersey Shore Ytdttte that a cow belonging to Mr Frederick Dewey, who resides in that place, gave birth to a calf a day ot two ago, which, as a nstural curiosity, takes down anything we ever saw. ' The hinder part forma two sep arate and distinct calves, which continue divided to within a few inches of the shoul der where the bodies unite and form one pair of shoulders, neck and head. There are two fore legs which are in their natural portion, and two others, which though clearly developed legs and feet, are united. These are so situated as to rest on its feet. The four hind legs are equally developed and in their proper position. The calf i not quite fully grown, bnt very nearly so. Mr. Dewey thinks that the cow was kicked by a horse, which was the cause of her calving prematurely. As to whether the calf lived any time it is impos sible to say, though it probably did not. Had the" calf lived and grown up it would have been two cows to mick and only one to feed. A small family could thus have been supplied with cream and also have made butter to sell. In view of this, Mr Dewey thinks be has suffered a serious loss. Franc Leslie's Monthly. The January number of this beautiful monthly Magazine is promptly on hand. With it commences the Seventh Volume, and no time is more appropriate than the present to subscribe. The illustrations this month are universally beautiful, and the literary matter is of rare interest, consisting of tales, poems, anec dotes, humor, etc, by the moot eminent writers, besides the splendid and exciting novel of "Veroua Beent, or the wayward course of love." Lewie's monthly con tains nearly twice as much matter as any other Magazine published in the coun try. The Fashion Department will attract the undivided attention ot the ladies, fur it is most eiaboratery and splendidly illastra- ted with the reigning fashions in Paris and gnmg New York, besides a vast amount of work ing patterns, etc. How all this is afforded for S3 per year is a mistery . Those of our friends who wish the monthly can send the subscription to Frank Leslie, No. 19 City Hall Square, New York.' The Lecture Committke Not Entirely Satistieo We understand the Lecture de livered by the philosopher of the New York Tiibune, Horace Greely, in this place last Friday evening, was not so well patronized as was supposed would be. It has been asserted in private and public places that, "the Democrat i cade a political matter ont of it," ar.d stajed away. This, we hardly the Democrats than to "make a political matter oat of it," yet the lecturer may be a rampant abolitionist. Previous to the de livering of the lecture we did not hear one Democrat say thai he was, or was not, go ingto attend; although quite a respectable number are known to have been present Greely, as everybody knows, is not a popu lar lecturer, by any means ; and especially, at these times, not calculated to draw a large audience, being too deeply implicated with a certain party that is charged with hav. in- brought about this terrible crisis between the South and the North, which is feared will dissolve this Union. He is charged with being an abolitionist, and who dare deny it ? Aye, the religious opinions he holds, are said to be antagonistic to those doctrines entertained by the deciples of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and yet he is invited by and lectures before a "Young Men's Christian'Assocation," the offsprings of that Church. Lets heat no more about ths Democrats making a political matter out of Greely 's lecture Gleason's Illustrated Literary Com panion. This valuable Literary Weekly will commence a new volume on the first of January, 1861, in grand style, with a new and neat dress throughout. The Compan ion is an elegant, moral and refined mis cellaneous Family Journal. Its columns are entirely devoted to Polite Literature, Wit and Humor, Prose and Poetic Gems. An unrivalled corps of writers and artists have been engaged for the coming year, and several new and popular features will be introduced. Each number will be beau it fully illustrated. In siz the Literary Companion is some fifteen hundred square laches, forming a mammoth weekly of six teen octavo pages, and containing nearly twice as much reading matter and of a more refined character ihan any other weekly pa per. Terms, 1 subscriber, S2 ; 8 do., 12. and one gratis Sample copies sent free Published weekly by F. Gleason, corner of Tremont and ' Bromfield streets, Boston, Mass. Black Reptbucakism Dying out itt Mas sachusetts. The municipal elections held in Massachusetts on Monday last show most conclusively that the people of that benighted, negro-worshipping. region, are at last getting their eyes open, and are turn ing from the sectional nullifying path they have been so long tiavelling. In the city of Boston the Black Republican candidate for Mayor was beaten by 3,087 majority. The republican candidates for Mayor were Uo beaten in Worcester and Newburyport. It is gratifying to every lover of his whole country to see the change of sentiment that is taking place in the North. Our fear is the reaction comes to late to save the Union. The UnroRTUBATE Judge. Hon. Abra ham S. Wilson, President Judge of the Ju dicial District to which Union and Snyder counties belong, who for some time has been suffering from the effects of paralysis, has been further disabled by an accident which has recently happened him. On last Monday two weeks, after went into the yard attached to his resl denee," at Lewistown, and the pavement being slippery, be lost his footing and fell, breaking the thigh "bone of bis right leg entirely oZ. Li consequence of this injury, Judge Graham, of Carlisle, has- held Court in Snyder county, and Judge Linnof Eelle foats, in Union. Suniwy Gaxetl Id Imposler About. . i A few days' since several of ocr citizens j were imposed upon by a well-dressed and rather prepossessing individual, who repre sented himself as being engaged in collect ing funds in aid of the poor. He took es pecial care to call on ladies when he sup posed their husbands were not about, ex pecting, no doubt, to be able to influence them sooner than the sterner sex. He rep resented at one place that he had received fifteen dollars from a certain clergyman, and on the strength of this representation received two dollars from the lady called upon. He received other sums at other places, and at last a suspicion arose that all was not right, and persons whom he rep resented as having contributed were called upon, and the imposition was discovered. He has not been heard from for several days past, and it is supposed that he has gone to other parts to operate. A sharp look out had belter be kept for him. Easton Sentinel. Get the best Detector. Peterson's Counterfeit Detector and Bank Note List for December has been received by us, and is corrected by Drexel & Co., the well-known Bankers and Brokers, and it is the best and most reliable Detector of Counterfeits and Altered Notes published in this country. The number issued this day fully describes Fifty New Counterfeits, and contains full descriptions of all bogus bank notes that are being altered to suit various banks all over the country, and which are being daily put into extensive circulation. It also contains several other pages of very valuable infor mation of everything pertaining to bank notes. It has been considerably enlarged, having now forty-eight pages in, and con tains fac similes of three bogus bank plates and coat of arms of all the United Slates. We have no hesitation in pronouncing it the most complete, reliable and best pub lication of the kind iij the United States, as it is not used to subserve the interest of any banking-house, as most of the so called Detectors are. It should be ir. the hands of every storekeeper in the whole country ; and we would advise all persons who han dle paper money to send One Dollar in a letter, for a year's subscription, to the pub lishers, and thus subscribe for the monthly issue of it at once ; or Two Dollars for the semi-monthly issue. It is published by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, No. 306 Chestnnt street, Philadelphia, to whom all letters should be addressed. A UsroN Crowd. The boarders of the United States Hotel, of Eas'.on, resolved themselves into a "Union Meeting" on Fri- day evening last. Early in the evening j trrc -Bpctfrnfes"" were "made-at-about nine'j o'clock they dragged the old cannon to the j brow of College Hill, and from there fired a number of rounds for the Union, as it is. Sentinel. The Cosmopolitan Art Journal for the last quarter of I860, is a most elegant num ber. The engravings are of the finest kind, and there are many of them. The literary contents are also of the highest order. It is published at New York in quarto form, on elegant paper, with new, clear type, by the Cosmopolitan Art Association, at 32 00 per annum; 2 copies for $3 5C; 3 copies $5 ; single numbers .10 cents. To the sub scribers to the Cosmopolitan Art Associa tion, (the price for membership in which is $3 00) it is furnished gratis. For particu lars as regards this flourishing and useful Society, we refer the reader to our adverti sing columns. Address C. L. Derby, actu ary C A. A 546 and 548, Broadway, New York. The Rural Annual and Horticultural Directory for 1861. The Sixth Annual volume of the Rural Annual and Horticultu ral Directory is on our table. To those not acquainted with the previous numbers, we would say, that the Rural Annual is a hand some book of 120 pages, published in Rochester, N- Y., at the office of the Genes fee Farmer, and designed to furnish a large amount of valuable and. interesting infor mation in a cheap and permanent form. A new number is prepared each year, con taining entirely new matter. Among the contents of the present number we notice treatises on the Farmer's Kitchen Garden, Shade and Ornamental Trees, management of Window Plants, cultivation of Immor telles or Everlasting Flowers, Ornamental Hedges, Sulphur for Mildew on the Grape, designs for Farm Houses, Cottages, Subur ban Residences, Barns, &c ; Ornamental Water Fountains, Construction of Gates, Calendar of Operations, Cultivation of Pears, with many other articles of interest and practical value to the Farmer, the Fruit Grower, and the Horticulturist. It is illustrated with 80 beantiful wood engravings. The Rural Annual nnd Horticultural Direc tory for 1861, will be sent, prepaid by mail, on the receipt of 25 cents in postage stamps. Address Joseph Harris, Publisher of the Genesee Farmer, Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Bates, of Missouri, has been on a visit to the President elect. He was spe cially invited by Mr. Lincoln. It is report ed that Abraham formally offered him the Secretaryship of the Interior. Bates is said to have takeu strong grounds against seces sion, and thinks it is treason, and must be put down, and the authority of the Govern meut maintained at all hazards. Wonder what Abraham's views of secession are! He'll soon have an opportunity to express them. The Berwick Gazette, published by A. B. Tate, has been pursuing a coarse of late, if it persists in it, which must entitle it to some respect at the hands of the Black Re publican party. In the last issue we notice a taunting article in relation to South Car olina's' seceding from the Union, in which the writer talks Republican nonsense. Not Ions since this same Gazette lamented over the defeat of Burtingame of Massachu setts, that radical abolitionist who was just ly defeated for Congrea. v " " To the People of the United States. A RECOMMENDATION. Numerous appeals have been made to me by pious and patriotic associations and citizens, in view of the present distracted and dangerous condition of our country, to recommend that a day be set apart for fu miliation, Fasting and Prayer, throughout the Union. In compliance with their request and my own sense of duty, I designate FRIDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1861. for this purpose, and recommend that the peo ple assemble on that day, according to their several forms of worship, to keep it as a solemn Fast. . The Union of the States is at the present moment threatened with alarmir.g and im mediate danger ; panic and distress of a fearful character" prevail throughout the land ; our laboring population are without employment, and consequently deprived of the means ol earning bread. Indeed, hope seems to have deserted the minds of men. All classes are in a state of confusion and dismay, and wisest counsels of our best and purest men are wholly disregarded. In this the hour of our calamity and peril to whom shall we resort for relief but to the God of our fathers? His omnipotent arm only can save us from the awful effects of our own crimes and.follies our own in gratitude and guilt towards our Heavenly Father. Let us, then, with deep contrition and penitent sorrow, unite i humbling our selves before the Most High, in confessing our individual and national sins, and in acknowledging the justice of our punish ment. Let us implore Him to remove from our hearts that false pride of opinion which would impel us to preserve in wrong the sake of consistency, rather than yield a just submission to the unforseen exigencies by which we are now surrounded. Let us with deep reverence beseech Him to restore tho friendship and good-will which prevailed in former days among the people of the several States ; and, above all, to save cs from the horrors ot civil war and "blood-guiltiness." Let our fervent pray ers ascend to His Throne that He would not desert us in this hour of extreme peril, but remember us as He did our fathers ic the darkest days of the Revolution, and pre serve our Constitution and our Union, the work of their hands, for ages yet to come. An Omnipotent Providence may overrule existing evils for permanent good. He can make the wrath of man to praise Him, and the remainder ol wrath he can restrain. Let me invoke every individual, in what ever sphere of life he may be placed, to feekemrWflfW aTrrrrmriower lo'remove our actual and impeding calamities. James Bcchanas. Washington, Dec. 14, 1860. Lift and Deatb in Great Cities. WDERE ABE THE DOCTORS? When Alaric the Goih heard that Rome was thronged with the fugitives who bad fled before his barbarons borders, the grim chieftain laughed and said "Aha I I am glad of it. Ii is easier to cut down thick grass than thin." It has been estimated by a physician of eminent standing that out of 227,000 deaths which annually take place in populous cities, 100.000 might reasonab ly be struck off the list by proper sanitary measures. But Dr. Holloway, the greatest modern traveller and roost experienced physician of the age, considers that these figures considerably undervalue the true relative proportions. From various data in his possession, taken at random during a eerie of years in the largest cities of the world, Dr. Holloway says 80 per cent, of the yearly morality would be a closer ap proximation to the mark. He accounts for the unnecessary sacrifice of human life from the foul air breathed in densely crowd ed cities the blood becomes vitiated and the tissues loose their vitallity, hence that general debility and pale emaciated ap pearance witnessed in the denizens of large' towns. Dr. Holloway's celebrated vegeta ble Pills neutralize the virus received into the lungs by their action on the blood, which they purify and invigorate, while the active principle of the medicine combines with the vital fl aid, and is consequently scattered over the entire system. The ef fect of these life sustaining Pills is not con fined merely to the blood ; the stomach, liver, and bowels are equally benefitted by them. The functions of the stomach are strengthened, the secretions ol the liver cor rected, and the action of the bowels stimu lated so that the tone and vigor of the gen eral constitution are completely renewed. We understand that Dr. Holloway is a- bout publishing his"Memors," which when they appear, will certainly be a valuable acquisition to the Scientific literature of the day. We predict that they will be eagerly read by all classes and doubtlessly transla ted into every printed language. Few men if any, have travelled more than Dr. Hol loway, for we find that he has nearly made a tour of the habitable globe, receiving let ters and souvenirs from persons of the high est distinction. From what we have beard the forthcoming volumes are replete with strange and startling incidents that have occurred daring his visit to Paris, St. Pe tersburg, Vienna, Pekin ; Melbourne, Ber lin, Washington, Constantinople, and other remarkable cities of the World. Dickens' "AH the Year round.'- We are inquired of whether our criticisms upon Dr. John's orthography, particularly upon his spelling of "catnip," were correct. We would state, in reply to all inquiries, that Webster's Dictionary, the highest and best scholastic authority in the world, spells it just as we did; and that's good enough for us, and should satisfy everybody who was correct The individual, residing in the vicinity of Millville, who promised to bring us several bushels of. potatoes, has not been seen since in this section, and what ia the wotst of it, we have not yet eeo the pota toes. - - - Common School Affairs. Educationists are specially invited to con tribute to this column. All articles not written by the editor, will be marked with the proper or assumed signilure of their authors. The Education of Children . It is acknowledged on all sides, even by parents, ihat our school law is defective in allowing children to go to school so young. The brain receives its animus from the body, hence the latter should be educated first so that when we commence training the for mer it may have something substantial to rest upon As it is, a child as soon as it can lisp, and long before its physique is de veloped, is 6ent to a mixed school, gener ally in an illy-veniilated room, where it is compelled to remain five or six hours in the day, and at least five days in the week, listening the most of the time to apparently meaningless recitations, while occasionally it is called upon to repeat after the teacher a few harsh sounds devoid of meaning and represented by a few arbitrary charac ters, many of which are similar in their structure. . This of itself is sufficient to discourage the child, and no wonder that in many in stances, going to school and punishment are synonymous. But in addition to this, the teacher is often of that stripe which endeav ors to jorce the child along, and if it is not so apt as some he has 6een, is instantly branded as dull and dumb, and from that moment becomes an object of derision J among farther advanced pupils. But further; Nature during the winter season forbids the child from venturing on snow and ice ; hence, in case it is excluded from the district school by reason of youth or severity of the weather, it is coop ed up in the house, and can only occasion ally receive the attention of a busy mother. In order to make up for what it is supposed to be lost time, as soon as winter's snows and ice have disappeared, and the earth be comes clothed in garments of beauty, the child is sent to a summer school. The yonthtul spirit longs to be amidst the trees and flowers, to hear the chirping birds and enjoy the gladsome sunshine, but all in vain. The same dull, monotonous school room and recitation, crushes out the buoy ant spirit, or, should that fail, the fear ot correction will suffice, as each youthful and childish mishaps is generally punished wilh as much severity as though it had been committed by an adult. The effects of educating the mental at the expense of the physical, is made painfully evident in the man. He is either toop bWMni,'W(Jtrrrnkl6raT"po,sit"i6hs. 17 such a being fit to buffet with the storms of life? I answer emphatically no; for the body is ineapable of performing what the mind dictates, hence a shifting life is led, or at least a precarious living gained; for in this age, brains without muscle are at a discount. Then in conclusion I would aay, that to parents first belong the responsibility of miseducaling their children, for they are bv no means obliged to send them to 6chool as soon as the present school law permits. ESCUELA. Practical Education. Men have wants in this world which will not be supplied by a miracle, but by their own exertions ; and no small degree of ef fort is demanded to meet these wants. Now a Practical Education proposes to give ihe knowledge essential to some legitimate mode of self support. It regards life, not as a grand holiday a splendid panorama, exhibited for our amusements but a scene of toil and trial, where man is to work out his own destiny, and reap down to the very root and soil that which he has sown. A Practical Education provides for life's great necessities and wants ; and it is the solemn duty of parents to give such an education to their children to prepare them for some sphere of labor and usefulness to send them out into the world with the means and knowledge of self-support. Among ihe Athenians, if parents did not put their chil dren in ihe way of obtaining a livelihood, they were not bound to make provision for them when old and necessitous. 1 da not say that such a return for a parental neg lect is sanctioned by the spirit of the Gospel; but it is a practical comment upon human nature upon the impropriety of failing to give children an education that will fit them for the duties and responsibilities of after life. But how often are they educated as if they were lo dwell forever in a land of dreams, and shadows, and unrealities as if life were a play ground, where labor and duty, where trials and calamities, were un known educating to no profession, for no end. This is not training up children in the way they should go. It is not acting according tc God's design and appointment. He intended that children should be trained up to labor and industry. The rich would nullify the original ordinance of Heaven : "In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread," and teach their children that labor is associated wilh poverty and meanness, dishonor and disrespect. Let parents, then, train up their children to feel that industry is noi only honorable, but a necessary element of a good charac ter, and indispensable to the highest suc cess in life. If they are wealthy, it is their best policy to give their children a Practi cal Education, and then will they be the better prepared to meet poverty and afflic tion should it ever come upon them. With out such an education a man is the con sumer of the fruits of others' toils a leech upon the community a loss to humanity and the world he is regarded as the gen tleman, the man of leisure, and they would be glad to pass with him into a virtual non existence. If this reasoning be valid in relation to the families of . the rich, what must we think of those brought up with, no Practical Education ? We cannot think of them bat with mingled feelings of sympa thy and sorrow. Their children grow np to manhood utterly unqualified for the duties that await them nnfitted for any kind of useful industry. They contract vicious habits, furnish the scum and sediment of J society. The evils resulting are loo mani fold and mighty to be easily described Let the. parent, then, consulting the talents and tastes of his child, select some employ ment, whether it be mechauical, mercan tile, literary or agricnltoral, and encourage it in the attainment of such acquirements as will best fit it for proficiency in that par ticular branch of industry the child is to pursue ; and by so doing he will lay the foundation for ii future usefulness and honor. It will be qualified for its appropri ate position will have right views of life and labor, and with the blessing of God will become a benefactor to the race. Exchange. Resignation or the Hon. Ilowel! Cobb. The following is the letter of the Hon. Howei.l Cobb, addressed to ihe President, tendering his resignation of the office of Secretary of the Treasury, and the Presi dent's reply : Washington City, Dec. 8, I860. My Dear Sir: A sense of duty to Ihe State of Georgia requires me to take a step which makes it proper that I should no lon ger continue to be a member of your Cabi net. In the troubles of the country, conseqnent upon the late Prseidential election, the honor and safety of my State are involved. Her people so regard it, and in their opin ion 1 fully concur. They are engaged in a struggle where the isue is life or death. My friends ask for my views and counsel Not to respond would be degrading to my self and unjast to them. I have according ly prepared, and must now issue to them, an address which contains the calm and solemn convictions of my heart and judg ment. The views which I sincerely entertain, and which therefore I am bound to express differ in some respects from your 'own The exiitence of this difference would ex- ! pose me if I should remain in my preent place, to unjust suspicions, and put you in a false position. The first of these conse quences I could bear we! enough, but I will not subject you to the lat. My withdrawal has not been occasioned by anything you have said or done. Whilst differing from your Message upon some of its theoretical doctrines, as well as from the hope so earnestly expressed that the Union can yet be preserved, there was no practi cal result likely to follow which required me to retire from your Administration That necessity is created by whai I feel it my duty to do ; and the responsibility'of the act, therefore, rests alone upon myself. To say that I regret deeply regret tkis necesMiy, 'ttVTKTi-ZZZW'ilnniZiA "j j --" - with you as one of yoor Cabinet officers, and during that period nothing has occur red to mar, even for a moment, our person al and official relations. In the policy and measures of your Administration, 1 have cordiallv concurred, and shall ever feel proud of the humble place which my name may occupy in its history. If your wise coonsels and patriotic warnings had been heeded by your countrymen, the 4ih of March next would have found our country happy, prosperous, and united. That il will not be so, is no fault of yours. The evil has now passed beyond control and must be met by each and all of us un der our responsibility to God and our coon try. If, as I believe, history will have to record yours as the la t administration of our present Union, it will nl-o place it side by side wilh the purest and ablest of those that preceeded it. With the kindest regard for yourself and the members of your Cabinet, with whom I have been so pleaan:ly associated, I am most truly and sincerely, your friend, HOWELL COBB To the President. Washington, December 10. 1860. Mt Dear Sir: I Tiave received your communication of Saturday evening resign ing the position of Secretary of the Treasu ry which you have held since the com mencement of my administration. Whilst I deeply regreet lhat you have determined to separate yourself from us "at the present critical moment, yet I admit that the ques tion was one for your own decision. I could have wished you had arrived at a different conclusion, because our relations, both official and personal, have ever been of the most friendly and confidential charac ter. I may add that I have been entirely satisfied with the ability and zeal which you have displayed in performing the du- i l'es 5 our important office. Cordially reciprocating your sentiments of personal regard, I remain, very respect fully, your rriend, JAMES BUCHANAN. Hon. Howell Cobb. Catlavrissa Rail Boad. Col. H. Stanley Goodwin, as our readers have already been apprized, has been ap pointed, by the Cattawissa Railroad Com pany, to the responsible position of General Superintendent, as the successor of . A. Fonda, Esq., resigned. We are informed by those who are better acquainted, than we are ourselves, with Col. Goodwin, the newly appointed Superintendent, that he U a young gentleman of fine business qualifi cations and with large experience in rail roading, and cannot fail to make an effi cient officer. Indeed we have always found the officers and managers of the Cat tawissa Railroad including the Conductors, attentive and polite gentlemen, and we are glad to know, ihat the Company are con ducting their business upon principles of high honor and strict economy, and as a sequence of good management the travel upon their road is encouragingly increasing and the Company are regularly paying off the old debts of the Road. The mischiefs and dangers of Black Re publicanism are conspicuously manifest in everything. U the bare attainment of pow er by ihat party developea such, results, what will be the condition of affairs after four years exercise of power by them V It is as cheap ta raise one tun of grass lor clover as tun of bordock. of pig- ' weed. - Mcir3y'l Ptf. Never Despair Some' thing that never falls. Fever and Ague. To the side it t of little consequence how they are curerd,' whemer from a rational view of the Jinerae or by the rule daSnf1 for the guidance of the profession, so louj' as the cor is certain and expedition. Tor a suffering man the question on ths relative merits of q uinine or calornei is uninterest in!. The faculty may wrangfe aicf discusa their varions theories, but Dr. Holloway' treatment dispels doobt ere h disciple of Efcu'aplu have finished the firt stajje'. In the West, Holloway's Pills are the onlf remedies which effect a spnady ar.d radical cure without danger of relapse. Read the advertisement elsewhere. Gejt. Cass, is a native of the Un'red States, which adopted the Constitution. He lived? in the town where the convention was held remembers distinctly the rejoicing at the' birth of the confederacy; has grown with its growth ar.d strengthened with its strength,, and be i now unwilling to be present at iw last expiring gasp. Having witnessed its bir h, he say he 'u urwillinjj to remain here to witness its dissolution Hence he retire from the cabinet, but with the kind est feelings for Preai.lent Buchanan and each member of the cabinet,, whom he complimented highly. as honorable and pa triotic men. The paper are bragging of an inventioT by which leather can be tanned in ten min--utes We have seen the human hide, how ever, tanned in five. Our schoolmaster' ued to do it occasionally in two. MARRIED. On the 9;h int., by Rev. A. B Still, Mr. WiLf.uM J. Thomm and Mios Ctitairy Ax Smvek4, both of Panvil'e Pa. On the 13th int , by the Rev. William K Eyer, Mr. Philip Gutthi.l, to Mi Cath arine Kibtlck, both of Catlawiana twp At Sereno, on the 6:h inst.. by James Masters, Esq , Thosus Brittaik, of Frank lin twp , Lfcomuig county, to Elizabeth Min!cr, of Jordan twp.. Lyc unin; co. On the loth int , by the ssme, in Green wood twp. Abhaham Kobbins, of Jordan. ! p, Lycoming co , to Nakct Swmhe, of Greenwood twp., Columbia county. O.i the 6:h inst., by J. H Ikler Esq.. Mr. Samuel Jacobt, of Sit. 11eaa it. to Miss Lucikda M. Lemon of the same place. On December 1st. in Bloombnrg, by the Rev. D J. Waller, Mr. Lewi Schotle. t Miss El'Zabcih Janc daughter of the late Aamn Patterson, all of Green wood township Columbia comity. DIED- 45 years, 8 months and II At the "Danville Hotel," on the 6th in;. Mr. Augustus Bach maw ; ased 40 ef.- , IlKTlhtt OF TlIC A1AKKE17 corrected weekly. WHEAT, t 20 RYK. 70 CORN, (new) f0 OA IS. 31 BUCKWHEATS 50 FLOUR pr.bbl. 7 00 CLOVKKSEF.D 5 00 BUTTER, EGGS. TAI LOW, LARD. rOl'ATOES. 11. 11 14. 60- Dlt'D APPLES,! oa HAMS. Ii Iicciitor' ioticr. Estate of Elizabeth Enl, late of SiO't totcntJupj Columbia county, deceased. I E ITERS tamentRrv on ihe Estate of " Elizabeth E ii, la'.e of Scot t wninip. Columb a county, deceasd, lie beA gramed by the Roister ot sai roanty ti Ihe undeisiiifd, who resi.les n S:uti lrtn hlp. AH persons tiaviiz claims aiii lh enaie ot the deexdent a-e rqi iste f te present them 10 the Etnur lor e return and t!:09 indebted to mak ? nrni imrim dtaiely in DANIEL GLNT, Scott, Dfc. 19, 1860-6. Exacwor. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Estate or Geo. Fetter-man, Sen., Late of Locust Township, dee'd. COLUMBIA COTNTV, SS: i4' 'I Commonwealth of renn-. Sr J. vlvania. 'o S.iluinnn Fetter- Iman, Henry Fetierman, Genrge V? Fetierman, Jno Fetlrrnar.,j3h- ... 1- r- ua reiterm)!, jona reiierman. Reobrii Fe terman, Catharine Fe terman, intermarried wiih Henry Hanier; Srai Fet terman, intermarried witn VVillum Yar; and Elizabeth Fetierman, intermarried wj:U Hamilton Fiher; and ta -all 'he he;rs anl legal representatives of ihi said G-. Fet ierman. ern., dec-asd, reeling? You sndr each ot you will take notice that an inqnest will be helJ to make partition or vatmticm, as ihe cae may require, of ibe real estate of the above named Gaorje Fetiernnn, sen., deceaad, silnalf in the township ot L cust, and county of Colombia, at the l-t' Duel ling Hoiie of said deceased, on WEDNES DAY, THE 30TH DAY OF JANUARY. 1361. between the hoars of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 3 o'clock in tne afternoon of said day, at which lime and place j ob my attend il yon think proper Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, E-q., President of our Orphans' Court at B ootno jr, tiie 8ili day o'i Dece nber, A.D., one thousand phi hu-idred atiJ sirty. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Dec. 19, 1560.-4 . Teachers' Institute. fllHE next Institue ot Columbia co,unty -"- will be held in Orangeville, commenc ing on MONDAY, DECEMBER ZAlh 1R60, and closing on Fridaj evening of the same, week. Arrangements are in f rosress which are designed lo render the les itule one of tne. most interesting ever held in ins county, bat ihey are not sufficiently completed to.' give the programme of exercises. The citizens ot the village and vicinity have generously offered to. entertain a, large majority of the Teachers nf the coon- ly free while there. Ad tie expuse ot ihe remainder, if they are present, wjjl. be but a light burdon tor ihe Institute to as sume. Prof. J. P. WICKERSHAM, oftheSta Normal School, and. other prominent in blructors and lecturers will be with o, and. in view ot the great benefits to be derive from in attendance, lal there be a - gstieral gathering of Ihe friends of education, and especially, let every Teacher of the county deem it a doty as wU as a privilege tc participate in the various exercises ol the occasion. WM. BURGESS, ) T. M. POTTS,- Committee,. L. APPLEMAN. Lisht Street, Dec 12, 1S60 2t. . RlanUH oT all Kind Fc tale 4 the Siar cfJu Sunk OClce. - days. r