MARS1TBESE FACTS I TCE TCSTI5ICXT OP THE WOULD. IV HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. BAD LEGS, BAD IBREATS, SORES AND ULCEUS. All description of sores are remediable by the proper and diligent use of this ines timable preparation, lo attmpl to cure bad legs by plastetinff the e!gea of the ound lo2'her is a folly: for should the kin unite, a boggy diseased dondition re main undernea;h to break out with tenfold fury in a few days. The only rationanl and successful treatment, as indicated bv nature, is to reduce the infiarnaiion in and about the wound and tc soothe the neighboring parts by robbing in plenty of the Ointmerit a salt is forced into meat. DIPTHERIA, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND JOIUER FEVERS. Any of the above diseases may be cored by well rubbing ihe Ointment three times a day into the chest, throat and neck o? the patient will soon penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth must orerate upon the . whole sys tem ere its influence can be felt in any lo cal part, where? the Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever tries tte engueni in the above manner of the disease named, cr any similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, will fit.d themselves relieved as by a charrn. FILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above class of complaints will be removed by nightly fomenting the part with warm water, and then by most efect Tjal'y rubbing in the Ointment. Persons suffering Iroio thee direful complaints shonld lose not a moment in arreting their progress. It should be understood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the affected parts, but it must be well rubbed in for tome considerable time two or three times a day, that il may be taken into the system, whence il will re more any hidden sore or wound as effect ually as though palpable to the eye. There again bread end water poultices, alter rub bing in of the Ointment, will do great ser vice. This is the only sure treatment for females, cases of cancer in the stomach, or where there rcay be a general bearing c'own. INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. Blotches, as also swellings. tito, with ertaicty, be radically cured if the Oint ment be used freely, and Pills be taken pigbt and n.orning as recommended in the printed instructions. When treated in any other way they only dry op in one place to break oat in anoiher ; whereas this Oint ment will remove the humor from the sys tem, and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy being. It will require time with the use of the Pill to ensure a lasting cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND STIFF JOINTS AUhoosh the above complaint difler tvidelv in their origin and nature, yet they II require local Ireatment. Many of the worst cases, of such diseases, will y ield in a comparatively short sp3ce of time when this Ointment is diligently robbed into he parts affected, even af er every oter means Lave failed. In all serious maladies the Pills should be taken according to tbe di scuoas accompanying eoch box. J. R. LAY OCK, PttOPttlETOH, - WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. fTpHE Proprietor respectfully informs his IL- frieodaand the publie jeneralU that be has taken ebarse ot tbe Wyoming owe, in tbe vil Jarre of Wyoming, near tbe Railroad Depot of that place, ann has fcitert t out so as to entertain " both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious -and airy, and not only calcolated to add to the conve nience and comfort ol the traveling commu nity, but 8lso lo those who would seek a pleasant snmmer resort whh families. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best the market can afiord ; and his CAR will be fnrnished with the pu rest liquors tbat can h nhinii:Pi. The nronrietor will give his exclusive attention to the comfort and con venience ot his coests. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank -mong the firs! hotels in the Si ne. The Proprietor hores that from hi expe rience in the business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a jnlt- iooa selection of the most caieful anil oblig ing servants, he may . be eutitled to the fa vorable consideration of ihe public, ana re riv a liberal share of their patronage. tnr Please rive a call, and iudP for yourseWe1- April 2, 1859. FORKS HOTEL. ELOOMSECEO, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT IIAGENDUCH, Proprietor, rflAKES pleasure in announcing tothe pub lie that he has rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occuji-d bv James freeze, in iiloomsburg, ana is prepared to accomodate travellers, tesmster drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with Ihe test products ihe markets af. lord, and his bar will be constantly luriiisn ed with the choicest liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering lo the wants of the public, and his obliging attention lo customer wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1838, Rising Sun Hotel Berwick, Pa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his Iriends and ihe travelling public that he has taken charge of the above named .hotel, and has fitted it up in the best possible man ner for the accommodation of all who may favor him wiih their patronage. He flatters himself that by unremitting ameniiou, he can give entire satisfaction lo all. His table will te supplied with the best the market affords, and his bar with ihe choicest liquors. Obliging and attentive ostlers will alwajs be on hand, ard his stabling is the man ex tensive iu this section of country. X1AJ. N. SEELY. Berwick, April 20, 1859. Eagle Foundry, Rlooin!, urg STO V A N I) TIN W A K E. THE subscriber having r ree'ed a larce new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one, is prepared to make all kinds CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICEl Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot, where he ha erected a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the WM. PENN COOK, RAUB COOK, VAN- WCi i mn rnni1 .-.I 1A nf fin STflVT r.l V.UVj dill) ft l HLVSIh U V w -. LIGHT I LEG EST t X3P d n si es ce ca COAL C1L BURNERS AND LAMPS , ; ' r FOB ECRNINli . . Coal, Kerosene, or Carbon Oils. The beet, most brilliant, and cheapest por table lignt row in use. Mo canger ot ex plosion and cheaper than fluid, lard oil, lish oil, or Camphene, EQUAL TO GAS, Without the expense of gas fixiuies. The above Lamps (with all iheir lancy trnn iogs) can be seen and bought at the old established Drug and Chemical Store ot the undersigned, wbo flatters himself that from his Ions experiencrt in the Drnu trade, he knows how and where to buy, and is deter mined not lo be undersold by any one in Blcomsbnrg, or surrounding country. Call and ee his new an-l well selected stock ol DRUGS. MEDIC INKS & CHEMICALS, PAINTS. VARNISHES, DYESTUFKS, OILS. GLASS FROM 7x9 to 24x36, CONFECTION ARIES. PER FUMERY AND FANCY TOILET, ARTICLES FOR LADIES & GFNTS TOBACCO A NO CIGARS, Asst'd Brands, Patent Medicines of every variety in use, Liquors (pure) for medicinal use only, Fluid Camphene, Carbon Oil, Turpentine ami Alcohol, Trusses, Shoulder Bracps and Abdomrial Supporter. Surgical and Denial Instruments, Sah Nail & Troth brushes,- Prof. Humphrey's Ho:no?paihic Remedies, garden, canary, rape and jiemp seeds, thermometers, proof-s'asses moroc co leather and shoe findings, &c, &c, to sether with the largct and most varied as sorlrnsr.l of (ierman Tov ar.d Yankee IVolions, . . . 1 1 r l : i. ever Drou-iii to mis place, an oi imu pleit-se call and see, and you must believe. Having learned by sad experience that "lo:i2 credi's will not keep things moving," I have determined to to ca-h tuier, to make it an object to them as well us the seller, to deal on ihe caMi principle, either money or ready trade. Having served a regular apprenticeship at the Dru-i and Apothecary business, be sides having carried it on for ihe IaM eigh teen years, on my own hook, I flatter my self that I am able to do justice t all -living me a trial. Thankful lo the public for past favors, 1 would ask a trial on the ne:v prin ciple, and will suarar.lee to all, that it will mate loni: friends, and pay best in the end to pay cash and buy at redr'ced prices. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded, an. I all orders cor rectly anwered. All melines gnarranted a recommended, S'Oie Room on Main S reel, near Market, next doorio the Post Office, Blooriihburi, Columbia county. P. Kl'HRAlM P. LUTZ. TVonnhpr 7, 1859 tf. What Every Gsdy Wants.' 1 CONTAINING SIMPLE REMEDIES, EASILY OBTAIN ED, FOR THE CURE OF DISEASE IN ALL FORMS. BY PROFESSOR HENRY S. TAYLOR, M. D. IT TELLS YOU Uow to attend upon the sick, and how lo cnok for them : how 10 piejare Drinks, Poultices, and how to amird infection from Contagious Disease. IT TELLS YOU of the various diseasus ol children, and gives ihe best and simplest mode of treatment lurinr Tueiltins, Con vuImoiis, Vaccinalioii, Whooping cough, Measles, &c. IT TELLS .r0U Hie symptoms of Croup, Cholera Infantum, ColieDiarriifEJ, Worms, called Head, Ringworm, Chicken pox, &c , and gives J ou the bel icmedies lor their CIK3. IT TELLS Y'OU the rpmptom; of Fever aiut Aane, and Rilioiis, Y'eltow, Typhus, Scarlet ard other Fevers, and gives you the best and simple! remedies for Jieir cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptoms of Influ enza. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy, Goui, Rheumatism, Lumbago, j Krysipela. &C, ami gives you ine dcsi remediej for lhir cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptoms of Chol era Morbus, Malignant Cholera, Smallpox, Dysentery, Crump, Dieae of ihe Bladder, Kidneys and Liver, and the best remedies or their cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptom of Plen ricv. Mnmns. Neuialia, Apoplexy, Paraly- ( sis, die various diseases of the.Throat, Teeili Ear and eye, and the best remedies lor their cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptoms of Epi lepsy, Jaundice, Piles, Rupture, Dieae of Itie Heart, Hemorrhage, Vernal Diseases and Hydrophobia, and gives the best reme dies lor their cure. IT TELLS YOU Ihe best and simplest treatment for Wounds. Broken Bones and Dislocations. Spraii.s, Lockjaw, Fever sores White swellings, Ulcer. Whitlows, Boils, Scurvey, Burns and Scrofula. IT TELLS YOU of the various diseases of Women, of Childbirtn, and of Menstru ation ; Whites, Barrenness, &c, &c, and cives the best and simplest remedies lor their cure. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily understood, while its simple recipes may soon save yon many limes the col of ihe book. It is printed in a clear and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engraving", and will be forwarded to your address, neat- 6 CABINET WARE ROOMS. S C. HHIVI2 A: ?-v! shi'. ;.? i I. t? fx i i 1 rj Ii3a No. 304 C-.e.nut Street, Both the Ointment and Pills should he usid in : tht follctcing cmes : Drpsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregular! Asne. .Asthma Billioos Complaints, Blotches on the .. Skin, Bowel Complainls, Colicn, Consdation of tbe Bowels," ConsumDlion,' Debility," . lnflammiion, Jaundice Liver Com plaints, I.nmbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention oi Urine, Scrofula, or k'irV Evil. 1-.. gof all kinds, the Egg Cylinder Stove, All kinds of Spontins made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsburz, Ar-''l 16, 1H58 ties, Fevers of all kinds Fits, Goot, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary symp;om, Tic-Douloorenx, Tomours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, CACTIOX J None are cennine onless the words '-Holloway, Tew join and in don," are'disceraibte as a Water mnk ir every leaf of '.he book of 'directions arond each pot or box ; the same may be plainlv seen by holding the tenfta the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one ren dering soch information as way lead hand .ui.oiinn nl anr nartv or parties cornter- feitiog the medicines or vending the same, knowing lhrn to be spuriou. Sold at the Macufactory of Professor Holloway, 8a Maiden Lane. New York, and by all lespectable DungMs and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in pots, at 25c. 62e. and SI each. f3T There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. g Directions for the guidance of pa tients, io every disorder, are affixed to each box. . .October 10, 1860. NEW -FALL AND WINTER ";" -IJIAIITZ & ElT HAYEiastrp-ce""'d from Pb;ladelphia a splendid assortment of merchandise, purchased at the lowest fisore, and which they are determined lo sell for . .; asli or Country Produce, on as moderate terms na can be procurad elsewhere in"Lt2ht Sceet. Their Stock con- " lists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest . styles and latest fahions. DRV GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. CEDAR- WARE. HOLLOW-WARE Iron, IVnils and Spikes, EOOT AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, HEADY-MADE CL0T1IIXG, 1c. &c, la short every thing usually kept in a coun try Store. They respectfully invite Iheir " old friends, and the public generally,to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' ' -' -. E7 Tte highest price paid for coaalry rrodace. MART2&ENT U-ht $TfU Oct. 31, 160. BLOOMSBURG 7TTHE onderfisneil would in this way call -V ihe at'.ention of Ihe public to the Book Store at the old stand, next door to ih 4 Ex chano Hotel.'' where at all limes can be found a good assortment of books, including Bibles, Hymn Boeks, Prayer Books, Histories. Books of Poetry, Novels, and School Books ; also all kinds of stationary ol ihe best duality. A considerable deduction made opon the piice ol Sc.ool Books and Stationary to thoe nlin be to sell aiain. Just received, a good assortment of WALL PAPER, which I would ask all to call and vamine beloie puchasin" el-ewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857,-lyr. Jloot mid SIiociJiMliiiig. THE undersigned beinu thankful for past favors, and grateful forfuture pros- Wpect., desires to inform the citizens o.' this place v"st,1i and viciniiv. and fnnw friends and patrons in particular, that he still carries on the above business in ail is various branches, at his old stand, on Main street, nearly opposile the Episcopal Church Bloomsburg. He employe the very be,t workmen, and uses nothin2 but good stock. No pains are spared to make fit ami t ii r.i .L l .j ourai'ie worn; ai ot wmcn can oe omaineu very low for ready p-y. JACOB F. D1ETTERICH. Bioomsbarg, Feb 1, lP60-ly. riilLADELVUIA AM) READING WINTER ARRANGEMENT, . usTEMEKU 5TH Four Daily Passenger Trains to Philadelphia. (From anil pulsing Reading) At C.20 a. m., 10 20 a. m.. 12 noon, (Freiaht and Passenger.) and 5.C6 p. m. Two daily trains to Po't-ville and Port ri'ininn. at 10 15 a. rn., and C.05 p. tn. CoimeclinL' at Tort Clinton wr.n trains ioi Tnmaqna. W illiamsport, L.!rrnra, butiato, N'iasara Fall, and the Canadas. The 10.1s1 a. rn up train only connects at Port Clinton wiih trains for Wilkesbarre, Scranton and Pittston. Passenger leaving WiHiamsport by the Caltawissa Railroad iiilil line, at 10.15 r. m.. connect widi a pa'en"r train luav- m.. Tort Clinton at 4.50 a. m., arrive at Read- in" at 5 50 a. tn.. breakfast and proceed di rrt m Pliila.lel ohia bv the 6.20 a. m. liead- in Accommodation Train. On Sundays :he 10.15 a. m. Down, and the C.05 p. ni Up i rains only run. LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Tiro Train Daily, Sunday Excrpled) to and from Ilnrristmrg. At 10.23 a. m. and 6 08 p.m. Leavins Harriburg at 8 00 a. tn. and 2 35 p. in. Cotineo.iing with trains on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Val ley Railroads, for Sunbnry, Wiliiamsport, Puisbnrnh, Lancaster, Baltimore, Cham be r-bnr-', &c. Through Tickets Reading lo Baltimore, ?4 00 : to Lancaster, 52 25; lo Gettysburg, ly bound and postage pai, on receipt oi SI 00 LvUV by enterpri-ing men ev ei) vhtre, in selling the above work, a f the Book, or lr teims to agents, with other information, a;p!y lo or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 street, Philadelphia. May 16, 18C0-6tn. 13 50. I 80 p vim ii. c noiviin, SUKGEOIV DE,TIST. T ES r EC DULLY oilers las - jjiuirpiunii tenure iu inc f Tt ladies and wentlemen ot Blooms- bors and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Deniistry', and is provided wnli the latest :mprovep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser led on pivot or gold plate, (o look as well as natural. , A superior article of Tooth Powders, a! ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office 3d bnilJins ahove S. A. Wilson's Carriaae Manufactory Main St., west side. Bloomsburg, Januaiy 13. 1858. A.n. niTERT, V " v TO W f) ;.7 jr 77 p OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOK OF g& Travels and great discoveries of Ihe1 Japaoese and East India Medicines, wi'h full directions for the certain cure of Con snmotion. Bronchitis, Cooghs, Colds, "Ca- tarrah, Asthma, Fevers, Hear! Disease, Strrofula. Cancer, Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaini, Gravel and Urinary Deposits, Fe male Complaints, &. Illustrated with hun dreds olceilificatesofcores and engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as many suffer in f!low-beins as possible from prema lure death, it will-be sent to any part of the continent, by sending 25 cents to Drs. Heath. Sold by G. M. Hagenbuch, uioomsnurg ; N. L. Rank & Co. Danville, Jaeot Lawalt, Caiasaucua: A. Miller & Co, Berwick. H DRS. HEATH, 647 Broadway, New York City. October 5th, &b9.--ly. ' i ? 'J 1 1VOS.A N IUS0.TJONS. fancy nrti- to each cars run with all the pounds of baggage allowed passenger. 1 tie spconu class above trains. Throush first class tickets at reduced ... ii i rr t. t . . : rates to jNiaaara laits, Diinaio, ueu. Chicago, ar.d all the principal point- m the West. North West, and the Lanacias; atui Emirom Tickets at lower lares to nil aoove aces, can be had on application to ihe station agent at Readins. AH tickets will be purchased belore Ihe r l I " . I trains start. Iligtier lares cuarzeti u i.iu ,ncars. G. A. NICULl.b, Ensineer and Gerreral Superintendent. February S2. 18fi0. CGLJ- OH 3s NORTH WEST CORNER. irli1h and Bare Streets, PHILADKLPIIIA. CP Always on hand, a lull asortmenl of Hats and Caps for Men Boy and Clnl.iren, al low prices Feb. 22. lCO. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, SLv liiIit AinIrolyiist, OOMS in ihe Third Story of the Ex- Block, fentrance above the Book S:ore,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, lS59-ly. "G-C0D LIQTJOSsS. THE undersigned ha opened a new Li quor Store at Mifflin ville, Colombia county and stocked il with, a largeaod ex cellent assortment of of all kinds, to wli'mb, he invites the atten tion of dealers. His Liquors are of ihe best brands, and one trial will satisfy all. A. ANDREAS. MifflinviH, June 27. 1R0. 50 0C0 Copies already SOId. EVERYBODY'S LAAYYER AND COUNSELLOR IX DrSIXESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, OF TIIK rHILADF.I.rillA BAR. IT TELLS Y'OU how to draw up Part nership Papers and gives sereral forms for Agreements of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Lease anil Petitions. IT TELLS YOU how lo draw np Bond am MfrtuTige, Affidavits, Iwer of At torney Note and Bills cf Exchange, Re ceip's and Release. IT TELLS 1UU Ihe Laws tor ine col lection of debts, with the Statutes of Li in i'ation. and amount and kind of property Exempt from execution in every Stale. IT TELLS YOU how to make an A signment properly, fcith form for Compo- j siTions with creditors, and Ihe inolvenl j laws of every State. j IT TELLS Y'OU ihe lezal relation exist ing between Guardian and Ward, Mater and Apprentice, anil Landlord and Tenant. IT TELLS YOU what consntues Libel and Slander, and laws as lo Marriage Dow er, the Wife's right in property, Divorce and Alimony. IT TELLS YOU the law for Mechanic's Liens in every Siate, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. IT TELLS YOU the Law concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre-Emption laws to Public Lands. IT TELLS Y'OU the laws for Patents, wiih mode of procedure in oblairiins one wiih Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT 1 ELLS Y OU how lo make your Will tnd how to Adrniuister on an Estate, wiih the law ai d the requirements thereof in every Slate. IT TELLS Y'OU ihe meaning of Law Terms in general use, a-id explains to yoii the Lepb!aiive, Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and Sate Gov ernments. IT '1 ELLS Y'OU how lo keep out of law, by showing how lo do your business legal ly, th:i saving a va-l amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its timely con sultation. Single cop:es will he sent by mad. pos- ta" paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechan- . ... . i i i ic, r.very man oi tusmes-s, inuerrij 'in everv'Sta-e. on receipt of S1.00. or in of binding at 51.25. A YEAR CAN BE made by enterprising men ev erywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements lo all such are very liberal. For single copies of the book, or for terms to agents, with other information, ap ply lo or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. May 16, 1860-Cm. RESPECTFULLY invites ihe attention of the Public to his exienxive assort mem of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good mt'eriaN ar.diti a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort meni ol FASIIlOXADLEtFURXITCRE, which is equal in style Knd finish to that of Philadelphia or New Y'nrk citie, and at as low pr'u-f s. He ha Sofa of d'fleretit pij Ic ami prices, from S25 lo 60. Divans I.onn es, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs. Rockies and eay chair, Piano stools, and a varieiy of uphoNtered work, wh Dressing and parloi bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashn, chelTenisr, whatnots and comr des ar.d all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and oommon watis,tands, dress-table, corner cnpbo jrds sola". DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chair is the larpM in this section ot the conniy. lie will also keep a good assortmeni ol Innkin? alassos with fancy gilt and common frames He will al-o fnrni-h spring rnaltrasses fitted to any sized bed-teail, winch are superior for duiability and comfort lo nny bed ir. nie. lilnomsburg, Jartnary 13, 1S58. M.W AKniVAL CP FALL & WINTER GOODS. IJavid Lowciilicr.; INVITES atietiliort to his t-tock of cKertp and fashionale vlothinz at hi storeou Main street, two doors above t he 'Amer ican House,' where he has a fuli assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including '.he most fa-hionable i it i: s s a o o s s , Box. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of, panis of all colors-, shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirls. cra vats, stocks, collars, hand kerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shortnotice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made lo iceat , and most ofitisofhome manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, September, 12, I860. SEW ailLUXEUY (.CODS. jFahhj j- sra others THE undersigned resj cctifully informs the lar.ies of Bloom-burs, ai d vicir:iiy. that s'ie has just re'urned from the City will a splendid of comprising ev-ryttnnj commonly" luind us fit-cU-s Miliinerv' Store .Her mleof ninnet, rnnnot be s'urp.ied in ilns eenon of country , and her work will lavoiably compare with any done ihis side of ihe cit ies. She has on hand a lot of neat and handsome bonnets, hats and caps, for I ttile Slices, ot ad styles ami price-. MARY BARK LEY". Bloomsburg. October 10, 186a. VYi Manufactured PHILADELPHIA. Frora the Village Record, WEST CHESTER, Pa. Saturday, Feb. 5, 1859. Rcbbcky The office of the old Railroad, in Wet Chefcier, wsr broken imn lni T hursday nthl, and robbed cf a ma'l a mount ol money. The ihieves entered the bnildincr in the rear, broke the doors, and locks off the de.-ks. and attempted to act in to the larjze i'on safe, but did not succeed The Safe whs mannlacture.l by EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH SUeets, Philadelphia. STILL ANOTHER ATTEMPT. Octofku 18th, 1858. -Three theives en tered ihe flonrinir-niill of Messr. Dorrare & Doron, Bri-Kd, Pa., aitd tried all n?ghl to blow open their Sale, with powder, which hail in cash, but did not succeed in gelling 1' Open. int'll oa:ai"uri cic " manufactured by EVANS & WATSON. GREAT SAFE ROBBERY AT NORRIS TOWN, Dkcemeeu 1st, 1858 Some lime Im-i night, the flonrin-mill ol Mr. Euzone, in Norrisiown, Pa., was entered and one ol Farrel, llerting, & Go's best pa tent Powder pront Lock and Sale WAS BLOWN OPEN WIIH PoWDER, and Sl.ecO'm cash taken nut ar.d carried away. 'This Safe i now in Evans & Wat son's store, No. 26 south Fourth Street, whprft we most respectfully invite the pub lie to csill a ni! examin it. P,. We find it: Ihe Prcst, December -1th, lb following: 'All onr Safes are war ranted lo sive perfect satisfaction, or tle money will be returned. FARREL, HERRING & CO.5' We, EVANS & WA'ISON, would ask al! p.arties havir;g Farrel, Herring & Co'. Patei t Champion Safes, to lake advantage of the above offer, and return ihem and gel their money, as they will find that, in a few years, the Composition with which the Safes are fiiled (a large portion being oil of vi'riol) will eat out all the iron. A speci men ol their Champion Safe inay b fen in front of our store, which is eaten full of holes now. EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH Street. F om The Pi ess cf the 4;A wft. Fnrrel, Herrius &. Co' Paient Champion Safes, the only Sales made in Ihe ci!j which have never been robbed by burglar, or had iheir consents destroyed by accidental fires. Evans &. Watson's Phil sdejhia answer to a N"w Y'ork llnubnj. We, the undersigned ci iens -f St Jop'i, Mo., I'.O v CP ifv .Ualil win. the tnat trie iron made rv ale Far- ! AO": fif Pays thp entire cost for Tni Ot-'i'"iioti in the most popular and succefiil Commercial S-tiool it: ih rnnn try. Upwards of TWELVE HUNDRED yonng men from twenty eight dilferem Si.i'.es have been educated lor business here with in n.ii ihre vesrs. some of whom have been employed as Bjok Keepers at salaries of $2000,00 per Annum immediately cpon ciaduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they emereJ the College. fF Minister's sons half price. Students entpr at any lime, and review when they please wi:ont estra charue. For Ca'alognes, Specimens of Penmanship and View cd College, enclose five letter stamps io JENKINS fc'SMlTH, Pittsburg, Ta. November 7, IStiO. icrei. f rl (!o.. No. chin, wtucb was in the tire that occurred here, is rot fire proof, antl is a fire i root Sfe; that tlitf tnoKS, papers, jew ehv. kc. winch were in the J AN sperient and Stomach:c preparation o IRON puiifie l of Oxygen a nd Car boribf combo-iioii io Hydro2ii. Sanctioned by" the h's:liett Medical Anthoriltes, telh in Europ and the United S al-, Snd preCM bed in their practice. The experience of ihcnands Jaily prov that no preparation of Iron enn he compared with it- Impnrilies cf ihe blood, depresiiorf of vital energy, pale and n;herwise tickly complexions indicate its necetsi:y in el most every conceivable case. Innoxious in all malad:ei in whii-.h il ftai proved absolutely curative in eac'.l ef thrf loMowins complaints, viz: In Debility, Nervm.s AtTeciions. Emaic aiion, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Diarrl.tSa Dvsentf.ry, Incipient Consumption. Scroti bius Tubercslusi, Silt Rheum. Mismari' s ruation, Wnite, Clilorosts. Liver Com, l-laiiits, Chronic ilea.laches, R.sciimaf ism, I'iiermittrot Feter, Pimplcjs on Ihe Fcef In cases of General Debility, whether the" reull of acute di-ease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy fiom chronic complaint, one trial of this restorative has proved sureesefal to an ex tent which no description nor writien attes tation would render Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have, become fjrgot lev in iheir own neichborhoo Is, have sud denly re-appeared in the busy wor'd as if ju-lice returned from protracted travel in a diM-tnt land. Some very signal instances of tht kind are aites'e I of female Suflerers, emafiated victims of apparent marasmus, sangr ineons exhaustion, critical chabger and that complication of nervous anJ dy peptic aversion lo air and exercise for which the pnysir-ian has no name. In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to' ,ne Jical men, tbe opera ioh oi tnis prpara'i-in ol iron most necessarily be sa'utarv, for, urlik the o!J oxide, il is vigorously tonic, withoui bemj excinrg and o verheal'ng ; and aentlv, reg ularly apericni, even in the most obstinate ca-es of co-tiveness wiifioul ever being a jastrir pnrgati e. oriudicting a disagreeable nsation. It i this la'fer priper'T. ations others, wlncn makes i: so remarkiMy ef?-c!nil ami permanent a rerr.pdy for Pils, ri;ion wbicb r. a'so appears to exen a di:iticf aoJ speci fic action, by dispersing the local tendsncy ; l-.u-h 'tr'r:i them. j Io Dyspepna, innumerable a arJ' j cashes, a mie ox of )bxsmZ, nabi'ual Safe at ihe ihe lime, were mcch injHred; also, that building which it was m nns of frame ana only otTe story hih, nod that a fire so iri fiiii4 as the one which burned over ih-saii Sle was not sufiicient to have iiijured any Safe piirpo-ti:'2 lobe dre-proor. j W. R. Pkmck. C rugjist. Josi-rn W. Tootle, Dry Goods. j J. A. Beattik, B.inUer. i DoNNKLL.SxroNS: MeDoNHF.LLjDryGoous ; Wii.i.i.'.m'Rw. Drv Goods. j John CckD. I'ry Goods. C. E. Bai.wvin Si Joseph, Mo. EVANS WA'ISON, 3C4 CHESTNUT Street. Ph il.i Jelj hia. lave now on hand Hie j largest assortment of S tlamander Safes m ! iheTl'niied Stales, warranted equal to any others made in ihe country. P!ea-e ive , us a can. i-ru. FU .a.otjLr.-r-! e aM!,Mln, Cotive,,e. In uticbecked Dianhc24. nn when aJ var.ced lo Dysentery, confirmed, emaneia-li-tg, and apparently malignant, the efTecta have beet; equally ilecisiva and tonihing. In ihe local pain", lo- of fleh ni sirei g'h. debil;tdtir.i couh. and remiitent hectic, which generally i'ldicaie Incipiert C:nurn: t rn, ttiis remedy has ! ayeJ iti ; alarm cf friends and physicians, in eeril j very "raMlvm and i it-re!iti ins'ance. i In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medil j tpd iron had for mor Innn the goJ j ollect of ttie mot cauliously ba'ancd pr i para' ions ol iodine, without aay of lU i r j a ell ktriwn liab'ni'ies. J The a tetifion r.f ferrDl-s cannot be tif ! confidently invited to this remedy an I re ' s'oruiion, in the cases peculiarly aJTtfCiiiijf ihem. !n RlieBmatism, both chronic aid inflam matory in the lat er, hotever. more dci- deiiU it has been invariably well repored hot ha ry J AME on the premise of the subscriber, in Orange township, Col umbia eoimv. on or about j , . the first of August last. f A 11RINDLE STEER, o supposed to be aboul nine monili old. It was not in a very Ihr'mng condition when it came "to ihe subscriber, but at presenl looka tolerably good. The owner or own ers are requested 'ocoma forward and prove properly, pay charged and take it away, otherwise it will be disposed of according lolaw. ' AUGUSTUS EVER HART. Orange, Oct. 24. 186J. I10T0GRAPIIY IN ALL ITS Branches, executed in the best stile known in the art, at C. G. CRANKS GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, l-hiladelpnia. ISTLile Size in Od anl :PaliI, v . nStpreo-copic Portraits, law style $1000 ZCPPIXGEU'S ESTIBLISILIIL.M Prices Keducccl, &c. The difficult watches and jewelry repairing has been done since lilodrns- burg is Bloomsburg, by Henry Zuppmger. and though he was often from the nature rf the case,) obliged to chi-ge pretty high, his prices are now greatly reduced, and his customers may resl assured that he has the requisite qualification, material and means for Ihe repai:inu of ail kinds of watches, jewelry, Accordions, and every thir.g usu ally attended to al Ihe best watchmake or jewelry shops. Honesty and faithfulness will utnay behis first principle and aim. Have you a pique? O come! Iwautitre moved. They had me dead and buried some lime last winter, but soma bow it seems 1 have crawled out again. CsP Orders or Good taken for pay. lTiyHIGJlR. JUICES TO SI IT THE TIMES. Tht Largest and Cheapest stock ever offered in this City. 1 OH. . m7T D3A IT, WHOLESALE DEALER IN French and German B-iskets, Wood and Willow Ware.Notions, Brushes, oil cloths, Colon Lnp. Wadilinu', Carpet Chain, &c. No. 119 MARKET Slreei, below 2nd, (north side) Philadelphia, f IM1E subscriber ha just opened an entire-- y npw ami complete stock of goods of the best quality and description, lo which he would respectfully call the afention of Merchants nt-d Dealers who wih to find a good article CHEAP FOR CASH. These goods were bought for Net Cash, at the reaiy reduced prices consequent upon the stringency ol the limes, and be lieving ihe "nimble sixpence" to be better than the "slow shillins," ihey are now of fered to ihe public at prices they defy com petition. The following are a few of the articles al ways on hand : Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities, Toy Pails. Salt and Sugar boxes, Hall Rush els arid Peck Measure. Well Buckets, Towel Rollers, Patent, head arid straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles, Grain scoops, toy wheelbarrows, corn brooms, every variety, shoe paint scrub and sweep brushes, &c. Blothes, brushes, Raskets, willow and ra tan chairs, sbirt ratans, bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirl cords, tie yarn, twine of all kinds, together wi h a largo as-ott-menl ol Notions ar.d Fancy Goods. Hosi ery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c , cheap from auction. Thee goods are all new nnd carefully selected, and are offered at prices that can not tail to attract attention. - Bayers will invariably find it lo theirown interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. Perlicular attemion 2tven to pacKing soods for shipment, so as to prevent damae or excessive charces for freight. EST" Orders by Mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 119 Market St., north side, below 2nd, Philadelphia. Sept. 21, 1859-ly. TO THE FSHON AllI.E AM) 2 TIE undersigned r.aving) ustrecnivedthe latest Paris and New York Fashions would aain b"g leave toiritorm his nnrner ous friendsand all the world about Ulooins burz.that he is now better prepared than ev er toaccommodate any one w ih ihe! easiest and bet httins suits of Clothes that ' have been turned out lately; and not only i but lie willaiso do them up in the be.-i j order, upon the lowest terms. j His shop is at the old stand, (too well J ktiownto need f uillier noti-p)wf!erehe ma j at all times Ve found, seated upon the bench ; ofrepeniance. steadily 1 rawing out t he threnc -.if afiliction, hoping it may in thec(;rov j advantascons lo him and his customers. lit j would also ad vise hisfietnls to bear in niiitA that poor, atllicted tailors rniitlive, or th-y J I can't be ex peeled to work, i herelore Wheat ! live Corn, Oats. Potatoes, and with nil now and ther. a little CASH will come mighty hani'.;- from tho-e wlio arc back-standingon i!io books. Remember, irentlemen, that in ' "thelaborer is worthy of his hire. a:.u re iiicinj ii ol the jomis acj One lricc Slat -fc "ai SI ore. rromerofthe Five Story R!ock.) N. W.CORNER OF EIGHTH : RACE STS. jrsaiiiADKisPiiiA. The public are respectfully invited to bear in mind that at thi S:ore may be found an assririment of Fashionable and Handsome MOLESKIN DRESS HATS, SOFT 11 ATS, BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, J.m. 13th, 1S5. JSZG'HAlTCrS HC-3Zf3 1V3I. B KOO?, Projtrif lor. rPMIS rragnificent 'Hotel, siinaii; in the central portion of Hie town, an I op posite ihe Court House, h is been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor i tiow prepared to accommodate travelers, teamster-, drovers an ! boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His lable will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his Rar with the choicest liquors. Attenlise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in this section ol country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness lo convey passen gers to and from the lladrmd De;-ot. WM. B. KOONS. Rloomsburi, July 4. 1S60. mover' II rug Store. j rjpHE undersigned ha.-juaireceiveJ a liesh t supply of Drus, Chemicals, D3est1.IT, AliO NOTIONS GENERALLY of the best quality, all of which he will sell at "reatlv reduced prices lor ihe CASH. CP Also on hand an Improved Fruit Jar, miicli' superior and cheaper to anything hi'hero offered in thi maiket. AUn a lot of PICKLING JARS, much cheaner llian heritoie. JOHN R. MOVER. Bloomsbcrs,-Ananst 23, I860. if. o t i c s:. ALL person indebted to the undersigned (or Professional sei vices up to Aprd 1st, 1860, are respectfully requested to call and settle, either by Noie or ndier.vise. J. C. R UTTER, M. D. Bloomsburg. Aug. 15, 1K50 tf. A. J EVANS. MERCHANT. :tore on the opper part of Main St., nearly ailevtaiin pain swe!;i"gs and sufTnesa i mu-c es. In Intermittent Fevers ii must cecearily ' be a great remeilv and enere ic reatoraUTS j and its progress n ths nw set imsn at j ihe West, wiil orobatily be one of hjjti r 1 no-vn a :iil use.'oir.ess. j No retneJy ha ever i-.a-n t?iPOe'eJ ii ! fee whole history r f medi.-ios. which exena such prompt, happy, and fuliy r?tora!iva 1 eiTecis. Got appetite, cmpie e digestion, ; rapid acquisition ol sirentii. wnh an u-tiu-i u;il (M.-p-'si'ion lor active and c.'ureitul r i ; eri-isp, irnmeditely folio.v r os-. ! Pui up in flat rn"itl boxes cntainir4 j 50 pips, pni-D 53 cpo s per bex ; lor sale bf i druggists and leal)r. VVill b! sewl'lre" l j a y ; Idre.s on recent of the pnee. Ail j ii.ers, oidcr;, etc., snonl t h- )drej to R. B LOCKE Si CO. (enerl Ag-td. Mar?3. lP60-lr 333 li-nhvv.N Y. HOWARD ASSOCIATION', riilLaCCLFHIA. r Eeppvolent Instiur.icii established by spec'cil Endowment, for ihe Relmf cf t!:e. su-k and di-tresse,), afH.Cled wtth viru lent and epi:!mie disenses, and especially rr t! e cure cf diseases of the eual yraoa. Medii-al advit-e given gratis, by tbe an ins Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, wi'h I a descripnon ol their condition, (age, oo cupatiou, habits cl lite, t--'-, and '0 csaa ot extreme porery. niedicmes luruihe.l (re ol charge. Valuable reports on Sp.-ma'orrhcD4, and other diseases of the sexual orgins, and oa the r ew ren-edies employed in the Dipen sary, sent t tho alilicied in sealed letter envelopes, Iree ol charge. Two or three stamps for postage wiil be acceptable. Addre-s, Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 Souih NiMh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. - By order of ihe Director. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. EZRA D. HEART WELL, President. Janusrv 2"', lfi0-iy. w'holcsinle and CIctail. ryHE sabscriher would announce loth. 1. citizens of Bloomsburg an-l vicinity, that no ise'ling LIQUORS in large and small quantities, and at d tTereul prices, t liis New Store, on Mam street, rs north side, two doors soul of Iron s-reet, R!oomsbur. H'.ft c .-fe stock of Foreign ana Camcsiic tfa&ttiiuii consists of Cojuac ami Rochelle. Blackber ry, Ginuer, Raspberry and Lavender. Ha has a large assortment of Old Rye "rav with agp, tine Uld bourDon, O'.d Folks Whiskey, and a'.y qoat.;ity of common, i-.e aio has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not lea-1, qnan'iJy ol gooj double ex'ra BROWN SI'OUT; all of which he will sell at lh loesl cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give his liqior a tril. Bloomsburg, July 11, 160 Kf THE - fi