r MARK THESE FACTS J THE TESTIMONY OF TIIE IT0EL1?, HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. BAD LEGS, BAD !BREATS, SORES ASD ULCERS. All description of sores are remediable by the proper and diligent use of Ibis ines timable preparation. To attmpl to cure bad legs by plastering the edjef? of ih wound together is a folly ; for should iht akin unite, a boirsy disead donditinn re mains underneath lo treak out with lenfd' lory iu a few days. The only ratiorianl mix successful treatment, as indicated by nature, it to reduce the inflama.ion in and ahou the wound and tc soothe the neichboririi part by robbing in plenty of the Ointment salt is force tt into meal. DIPTH EIUA. ULCERATED SORS THROAT, AND SC All LET AND OTHER FEVERS. Any of tbe above diseases may ba cured by well rubbing ihe Ointment three lin.e. day into tbe t het, throat and lin k of ill. fiatient; it w ill soon . penetrate, and ir mmediate relief. Medicine taken by tb mouth must operate upon the whole sys tem ere it influence can be felt in any lo ral part, whereas the O niment will do it work at once. Whoever trie the ungnen in the above manner of the disease named, ot any similar disorders aflectirg the ches and throat, will fii.d themselves relieved a? by a charm. TILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above class of complaint will be removed by nightly fomenting the parts with warm water, and then by most efiert Bally rufcbing in the Ointment. Person, offering Irom lhee direful complaint ahoold lose r.ol a momeul in arretinr their progress. I should be understood that i it not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the affected part, but it must b well rubbed in for home considerable tiinr Iwo or three times a day, that it may be taken into the system, whence it will re move any hidden sore or wound as effect ually as though palpable to the eye. There. ain bread and water poultices, after rub bing in of the Ointment, will do great ei vice. This is the only sure treatment lot females, cases ot cancer in the stomach, or where there my be a general bearing down. LN DISCRETIONS op YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. Blotcbea, as also swellings, into, with mmwia'tf.r he radical! v cured if the Oint ment be used lieely, and Pills be takei ni2Vt and n.ornins as recommended in ths printed instructions. When treated in any other way they only dry up in one place to break out in anoiber ; w hereas this Oint ment will remove the humor fiom the sjs tern, and leave the patient a vigorous ai.o lieahby being. It will require time with the use of the Pill to ensure a lasting cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND STIFF JOINTS. Although the above complaints differ Widely in their origin and nature, yet they all require local treatment. Many of the worst cases, of scch diseases, will yield in a comparatively short space of lime wbrii this Ointment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected, even afier every other means 4iave failed. In all strious maladies the Pills should be taken according to tbe di recitooa accompan'"2 each box. JJofi Ik Oirttnent and tills skouldb uttd in tht following cases : Agrte. Asthma, Killiona Complaints, Blotches on tbe Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of tbe Bowels, Consumption, Debility,' Infiamrniion, Jaundice Liver Com plaints, Lnrabago, Piles, Rhenmatim, Ileten'.ion ot Urine, Scrofula, or Drpsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregularis lies, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, -Gont, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sore Throa's, Stone and Grsve!, . Secondary sy mptoms, Tic-Douloureox, Tumours, Ulcer-, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever caore, King's fcvil, CAUTIOX None are cennine unless the words Hollowayt Tew Yoik and Lon don," are disceraibt as a Ifafr mrrk i-. every leaf of '.he book of directions arorid each pot or box : the same may be plainU teen by homing the leflo the liht. A hand nme reward will be given lo any rue ren dering such information as wav lead hand detection ol any party or par:ies counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Hollowsy, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all icspectable Drussi-ts and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world. in pots, at 25c, 62c. and $1 each. z : i i,!.. : ,. u jf k nere is a i-oiisiueiauic ijhm- u j takina the larger sizes. N. B- Directions for the guidance of pa tients, in every disorder, are affixed to each (Ts OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOK OF t ViTiavels and great discoveries ol the Japanese and East InJia Medicines, wi h foil directions for the certain cure of Con sumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds. Ca tarrab, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Disease, Scrofula, Cancer, Dtpepia, Liver Crn nlaini. Gravel end Urinary Deposits. Fe male Complaints, &. Ulnstrated with hun dreds olcerlificatesofcuies and engravings. For tbe purpose of rescuing as many suffer ing fellow-beings as possible from prema- loTe death, it will be sent to any part of the continent, by sending 25 cents lo Drs. Heath. Sold by G. M- Haaenbuch, Bloomshura; N. L. Rank & Co. Danville, Jacob Lawalt, Catasaoqoa: A. Miller & Co. Berwick. DRS. HEATH, 647 Broadway, New York City. October 5th, 1859. ly. BLOOMSBUHG DAKDGK nOl. rrKE undersigned respectlully informs the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that he has taken the Baiber Shop, located on Main Street, in the white FrJne Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Clock, where be is at all times ready to wait upon hi customers to entire satis faction... SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING, . tVill be exeeutd with care and neatness and in tbo roost fashionable ttyle, and on very moderate terms. C7Shampooin2,done op tn City Style.- T soliei.'s pnt lie 'patronage" "and pledge WYOMING HOUSE, J. It. I.AYOCK IMtOI'KlliTOK, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. fWHE Proprietor respectfully informs his JL friends and the public generally that he has taken charse of the Wyoming House, in the village ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, anil has fiitesl it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comlortable manner. His rooms are spacioas and airy, and not only calculated to add to the conve nience and comfort ol the traveling commu nity, but &lo to those who would seek a pleasant summer resort with families. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best ihe market can afford; and his BAR will be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to the comfort and con venience ot his tuests. and is determined to make the n iuaiiisu iiuuafc. rank a- iriori" the firs! hotel in the Sine. The Proprietor hopes that from hi expe rience in ih busmen, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a jnd cious selection ol the mo.t careful and oblig ing servants, he may be emitted to the fa vorable consideration of ihe public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. Ci" Please give li.ru a call, and judge for vnir-elwe. April 2. 1859. FORKS HOTEL. ELCXJlISUURQ, COLUMBIA CO., FA. ROBERT UAGENBUCH, Propiitlor, 'IAKES pleasure in announcing loihe pub- lie that he has rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied nv James freeze, in Dioomsburc, ana is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamster, drovers and boarders. Mia "able will be sup plied with the t e-t products the maiketa af lord, and his Car will be constantly furnish ed wi'.h the choice! liquors Attentive ostlers -a ill always be n at tendance, and he trusia his long experience m catering to he wants of the. public, and ni obliing attention lo customers wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1858. Bisiu? Sua Ilotcl Eerwick, Pa. THE subsciiber would respectfully inform his Inends and the travelling public that he has taken charge of Ihe above named hotel, and has fitted it up in the best possible man ner for the accommodation ol all who may favor him with their patronage. He flatters himsell that by unremitting attleniioii, he can give entire satisfaction to all. Hi table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his bar with ihe choicest liquors. Obliging and attentive ostlers will always be on hand, aid his stabling is the ni3t ex tensive iu this MClion of country. MAJ. N. SEELY. Berwick. April 20, 1859. lagle Foundry,BIooiuburp; STOVES AND TIN W A UK. THE subscriber having erected a iarce new brick Foundry and Machine Sfiop, in place of the old one, is prepared to make all kinds of CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Plow constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot, where he. has erected a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the WM. FENN COOK.RAUB COOK, VAN LIER COOK, and PARLOR STOVES 53 of all kinds, the Egg Cylinder S'ove, All kindi of Syontins made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg. Ar 16. 1858 BLOOMSBURG TTrlE undersigned would in this way ca!l ihe attention of Ihe publ'C to leIionk Slot at the old stand, next door jo the ' Ex change Hoiel,,; where at all times can be found a good assortment of books, including Bibles, Ilyiob BoeLs, Prayer Books, Ilisiories, Bioks ol Poetry, Iovel, and School Books ; also all kinds of stationary ol the best duality. A considerable dednction made upon the pi ice of Scool Books and Stationary to those who bv to sell aain. JuM received, a good assortment of WALL PAPER, which I would ask all to call and examine before pnehasins el-ewhere. CAROLINE CLAIJK, r Successor lo Jesse G. Clark. Bloomsbnrg. May 25. 1857,-lyr. Hoot and Shot-making. THE undersigned bein- thanktul for pal favors, and tra'einl lor future pros pects. lesires to iniorin the citizens this place C?T?7 and vicitiitv. and his friends and patrons ia particular, that he still cariies on Ihe above business in all it various branches, at hi old stand, on Main -treei, nearly opposite the Episcopal Ciuri h Bloomsburg. lie employs the very be.-t workmen, ar.d use nohiu but good stock. No pa ns are spared In make r.eat fits and durab'e work; al of which can be obtained very low for ready py. JACOU F. D1ETTERICII. Boomsbarg, Feb 1, lfio-ly. D B IT 5?S T B, 7 . . ii. inivi:n, 8lR(ii:)A DENTIST. r 1 ESPECFULLY offers his ladiesand gentlemen of Blooms bnrg and vicinity. He is prepared io attend to all the "various operations in Den:itry, and is provided with the latest :m rovep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, lo look as well as natural. ' A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. OfEce, 3d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west side. B'oomsburg. Jannaty 13. 1858 rpiilMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy arti- J- cle, a good assortment ol Hosiery ol trie best quality : also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dress trimming- and lining?, sewing silk, thread, etc., etc., to be had next door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, l87- BLAXKSrBLAXKS ! ! CLAAKS ! 1 " DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOSISAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTRS, of proper & desirablefonns, fo sale at tbe olice ol the "NtRr ot the North " IRON STEEL, and every t fir Bale ho kind ot Hard McKELVY,NEAL&Co ESTRAY. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, in Locust lownsbip, Colombia County, about the latter part Oi May Ust a HEIFER, about two years old. Color light red, with a few white snots upon the lower parts of its body. The owner or owners "are requested to tome forward and u-.WJ-i.fc .Ti 1 1, XIGI1T ! TjIGEIT ! CP IT SI g3 CO. COAL C1L .BURNERS AND LAMPS FOR EDBNINO Coal, Kerosene, or Carbon Oils. The best, most brilliant, and cheapest por table lignt row in use. No danger of ex plosion and cheaper than fluid, lard oil, fish oil, or Camphene, r EQUAL TO GAS, Without the expense of gas fixtmes. The above Lamps fwiih all their Uncy trim inzO can be seen and bought at ihe old established Drug and Chemical Store oi the undersigned, who flatters himself that Irom his long experience in the Drug trade, he knows how and where to buy, and is deter mined not to be undersold by any one in Blt'omsburg, or surrounding country, Cal! and ee his new and well selected stock ol DRUGS. MEDICINES & CHEMICALS, PAINTS. VARNISHES, DYESTUFFS, OILS, GLASS FROM 7x9 i 2436, CONFECTIONARIES. PER FUMERY AND FANCY TOILET, ARTICLES FOR LADIES & GENTS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, .Vst'd liiands, Patent Medicines i-f eveiy variety in ue, Liquor (pure) for medicinal ni-e only, Fluid Camphrtie, Caibon Oil, Turpentine and Alcohol, Trusses, Shoulder Brace and Abdnmnal Supporter. Surgical and Denial Icistimnents, Sh Nxil & Tooth brnshe, Prof. Humphre's llo:rucpathic Remedies, tiarden, canary, rape and hemp ieed, thenno'iieteis, proof-ulases moroc co leather and -hoe fiiniiiii, &c, &c, to gether with the largest and most varied as sortment of German To and Yankee TVolions, ever lroui;hi to this pbee, all of which nlea-e call and see. and voti niul believe. a Having learned by sd experience that i "!o:isj credi's will not keep things moving," I have determined to to cah buje.rs, to make it an ot'ject to ihem as well us the seller, to deal on Ihe cash principle, either money or ready irade. Having served a tegular apprenticeship at the Drug and Apoil.ei ary business, be sides having carried it on (or the 1 J -I eigh teen years, on my own hook, I flatter my self tl-at I am able to do justice to all giving me a trial. Thankful to the public for past favors, I would ask a trial on the nrA' prin ciple, and will guarantee to all, thai it will make Ions friends, and pay best in the end to pay cah and buy at reduced prices. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded, an.l all orders cor rectly answered. All medi'ne guarranted a recommended, S'Oie Room on Main S reel, near Market, next door to ihe Post OlT.ce, Blooiiisburi!. Colombia county. Pa. " E I'll R AIM P. LU1Z. IWemher 7, 1859-tf. PHILADELPHIA AM) READING WINTER ARRANGEM ENT, PKF.MBKK 5TH 1859. Four Daily Passenger Trains to Philadelphia. (Froin and pa-sing Reading) At 6.20 a. in., 10 20 a m., 12 noon, (Freight and Pasenirer. nmt o - Two daily trains lo Po'tville and Porl Clinton, at 10.15 a. in., and 6.05 p. m. Connecting at Porl Clinton with trains for Tamaqua. Williamsport, Eunira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and the Canadas. The 10. 15 a. m up train only connects at Porl Clinton wiih irains for Wilketbarre, Scranton and Pittston. Passengers leaving Williamsport by the Cat:awissa Railroad night line, at 10.15 p. m., connect with a passenger train leav inil Porl Clinton at 4.50 a. m., arrive at Read ing at 5 50 a. m., breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by Ihe 6.20 a. m. Read ing Accommodation Train. On Sundays the 10.15 a. m. Down, and the 6.05 p. m Up Train only run. LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. TVo Trains Daily, Sunday Excepted) to and from IlarriDhttrg. AilO 23 a. in. and 6 08 p.m. Leaving Harrisburg at 8 00 a. tn. and 2.35 p. rn. Connecting with trains on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Val ley Railroad, for Sunbury, Williamsport, Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Baltimore, Cham bersbnr'j, Through Tickets Reading lo Baltimore,. ?4 00 ; to Lancaster, 2 25 ; to Gettysburg, f 3 50. So pounds of baggage allowed to each passenger. 1 he second class cars ran witn aa me above irains. Through firs! class ticket at reduced raies lo Pisara rails, Diuiaio, ueiron. Chicago, ai.d all the principal point in the West, North West, arm the Canada ; and Eminronl Tickets at lower fares lo nil above places, can oe iad ou application io uie Atanoii Hienl at leacm. All tickets will be purchased before the .. . . i irai.is siarl. Higher lares i-liaraeii u patu in cars. (J. A. N I COLLS, Engineer and General Superintendent. February J2. IPfiO. a Hi "f zr a NORTH WEST CORNER Eighth anil Knee streets, Pill L AI) i LI'IH A. GF Always on liarnl, a lull assortment of Hats and Caps for Meu. Boys and Chihueii, at low prices Feb. 22 lCo HENRY ROSENSTOCK, SIs liiht Ainlnol ypi?f, R OOMS in ihe Third Story of trie Ex- chanrre Block, entrance above the Book Siore,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty. Pa. Bloomsburg. Nov. 23, 1859-ly. GOOD LICjtTC3.S. fTHE undersigned has opened a new Li- ouor More at JMnliuviiie, ,oiumuta enimitr anil ctraelrori it IV il a . - wnn a large anu ex- cel!eti. aoriinenl of a Si 27 CE 02. 3 of all kinds, to whi-h he invites the atten .ion of dealers. His Liquors are of the beet brands, and one trial will satisfy all. A. ANDREAS. Mifflinvill". Jnne 27. 1ti0. "1AME on the premises of the subscriber, in Orange township, Col ambia county, on or about the first of An-.'nsi last. A BRINDLE STEER, supposed to be about nine months old. It was not in a very thriving condition whan it came to the subscriber, but at present looks tolerably good. The owner or own ers are requested ocome forward and prove properly, pay charge and take il away, otherwise it will b disposed ol according to law. AUGUSTUS EVERHART. Oranae, Ocl.24. i860. PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches, executed in ihe best style known in the an, at C. G. CRANES GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. ILile Size in Oil and Pastil, EStereoscopie Portraits, ES"Ambrol pes, Daguerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c. nov!4 , . - What Every Dody Wauls. 5 CONTAINING SIMPLE REMEDIES, EASILY OBTAIN ED, FOR THE CURE OF DISEASE IN ALL FORMS. BY PROFESSOR HENRY S. TAYLOR, M. D. IT TELLS YOU how to attend upon the eiflr. and hatv in rnnk for ill fin how in P'Vi,r'e Drinks, Poultices, &c, and how to !uard against infection from Contagious Diseases. IT TELLS YOU of the various diseasas ol children, and gives the best anil simplest mode of treatment durius Teething, Con vulsions, Vaccination, Whooping cough, Measles, &c. IT TELLS YOU the symptoms of Croup, Cholera Infantum, Colic, DiarrhaM, Worms, Sralled Head, Ringworm, Chicken pox,&c, and gives ) ou Hie be?t lemedies lor their cur j. IT TELLS YOU the rpmptomsof Fever and Ague, and Biliou Yellow, Typhus, Scarlet ai d other Fevers, and give jnuttie bei and siimple-t remedie.- for Jieir cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptoms of li.flu enza, Coiisninption. Dyspepia, Afthma, I'ropy. Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbao, Erysipelas. &c, and aives you the best remedies for iheircure. II' TELLS YOU the symptom, ol Choi era Moibus, Mitlinani Cholera. Siriallpoy, Dtsentery, Crmnp, Dii'ea-e of the BU'ller, Kidnej s and Liver, and ihe best remedies or their cure. IT TELLS YOU the pymptom of Pleu risy, Mumps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paraly sis, the various diseases of the Throat, Teeth Ear and eye, and the be?t remedies for their cure. IT TELLS YOU the symp'oms or Epi lepsy, Jaundice, Piles, Rupture, Diseases i f the Heart. Hemorrhage, Vernal Disea-es and Hydrophobia, and give Ihe best reme dies lor if eir cure. IT TELLS YOU the best and simplest treatment lor Wounds. Broken Bones and Dislocations, Spraii.s, Lockjaw, Fever sores Whiteswelluigs, Ulcers. Whitlows, Buil, Scnrvey, Burns and Scrofula. IT TELLS YOU of the various diseases of Women, ol Childti'irth, and of Meiv-lrn-ation ; While-, Barrenness, &c, &c, and gives ihe bee! and simplest remedies lor their cure. The work i writtpr. in plain language, free from rr edical ierm, so as to te easily understood, while its simple recipes may sooit save y ou many limes ihe co-t of ihe book. It is printed in a clear and open i)pe: j is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and W'll be forwarded to y our address neat ly bound and postage paid, on receipt ol SI 00 t r i nnn a year can be made CJJj M-KJKJJF fjy enterprising men ev ery where, in selling (the above work, a our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Boik, or fur teims to agents, with other inlormatiou, apply to or address 1114N! POTTUii, t-nviisiier," No. 617 Sansoin street, Philadelphia. May 16, 1860-6ITK 50 000 Copies already SOId. EVEUYBOnV'JSi LAWYKIt AND COtXSI-LLOIl IX DISIXESS, BV FRANK CROSBY, Or THE PIIlI.ADKI.rill A HAR. IT TELLS VOU ho to draw np Part nership Papers anil gives ereral forms for Agreements of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Lease; and Petitions. IT TELLS VOU how to draw up Bond and Mortiiagp", Affidavits, Power- of At torney, Notei and UilU of Exchange, Re ceipts and Rleaes. IT TELLS YJU the Lawn for ihe Col. lection ol debts, with the Siatules of I.im i'ation. ami arno'int anil kind of properly Exempt from execution in every State. IT TELLS YOU how to mate an A- sisnment properly, with form for Compn sitions witli creditors, and Ihe insolvent laws of every State. ' IT TELLS YOU the leal relation exist . inn bniween Guardian and Ward, Master aiil Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. IT TELLS YOU what consi'itues Libel and Slander,' and laws as to Marriage Dow er, ihe Wi'e's right in property, Divorce ami Alimony. IT TELLS YOU the law for Mechanic's Liens in ever State, and the Naturalization Laws of lhi country, and how to comply with the. same. IT TELLS YOU the Law concerning Pensions anil how lo obtain one, and the Pe- Eri'p'ion laws lo Publi; Lands. IT TELLS YOU the Uw for Patents, with mode ol procedure in oblaininj one wiih luierleieitces, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT 1 ELLS YOU how io make your Will t rid how to Administer on an Estate, wi;h the law ai d Ihe requirement thereof in every State. If TELLS YOU Ihe meaning of Law Teims in "ii.eral ne, and Xila;n to you Ihe Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and S a'e Gov ernments. IT 'I ELLS YOU how lo keep out of law, by slinwiiiij how to do your business legal ly, ihns saving n a--l amount of properly, and vexatious liugalion, by its timely con sultation. Sinsle cop:es will be sent by mai'. pos tage aid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechan ic, Every man ol tnsines, ami every body in every Sta e, on receipt of SI. 00, or in law style r.f binding at SI. 25. 01OOO ; YEAR CAN BE made enterprising men ev erywhere, in selling ihe above work, as our inducements In all such are very liberal. For single copies ol the book," or for terms to agents, with other information, ap ply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 6T7 Sansom Sireel, Philadelphia. May IB, l860-6m. ZtTPIXGEITS ESTABLISHMENT. Prices Reduced, &c. The difficult watches and jewelry (Sv repairing has been done since Blooms-. burg is Bloomsburg, by Henry Znppiuger. and though he was often from the nature of the case,) obliged lo charge pretty high, his prices are now greatly reduced, and his customers may rest assnred that he has the requisite qualification, materials and means for Ihe repairina of all kinds of watches, jewelry, Accordions, and every thir.g usu ally attended lo a! ihe best watchmake or jewelry shops. Honesty and faithfulness will always belus first principle and aim. Have you a pique 1 O come ! I want it re moved. They had me dead and buried some time last winter, but some bow il seems 1 have crawled ooi again. ' Orders or Goods taken for pay. HENRY ZUPPINGER. B'oomsburs, July 11, 1860. AMASSORTM ENT of confectionary, jew CABINET WARE ROOMS. F ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of ' the Public to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish, n.etit, can always be found a good assort mem ot FASIIIONABLEFCRMTURE, which is equal in style knd finish lothat ol Philadelphia or New Y'ork cities, and at hs low prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from $25 to $60. Divans Lonn es, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs. Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing ami parloi bureaus, sofa, card, centre anil pier tab'es, detashu, cheffenier. whatnots and eomrde and all kinds of fa-hionable work. His slo-k of bureau, enclosed and oommon wa-tistunds, dress ial le, corner cnpbo r.?s sota, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat an I common chairs is the largest in this section of ihe conniy. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses wiili fancy gill and common frames He will sil-o fnrni-h spring rriafrasses fitied in any sized bedstead, which are superior lor duiahility and comfort lo any bed in use. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1858. M.W Aifniv.u. CF FALL & WINTER GOODS. David Kowcnhcis INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashional'e vloihing at his norroi) Main street, two doors above the Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including '.he most fashinnahle i ir i: s s i ; o e s , Box. sack , frock . gum and oil cloth coats of all sons and sizes, pants of all colors-, shawl. Hripes and figure, vestii, shirts, cra vats, stocks, collars, hand kerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and lancy articles. N.B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shormotice at d in the best manner. All his clothing is made to ire at , and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOW EN BERG. Bloomsburg, September4l2. I860. RKW 31ILLIXi;ilY ClODS. SC1T1T3TS. I HE undersigned resj eciilnlly inforn:s the Ui.ies of hloomsbt;rj, ai d v n-iimy , iliai she has just returned I rem the Cuy wih a splendid a!irimerit ol new ICILLIlTSl-iI G00Z Sa? comprising everything comrnordy found in a firsi-clas Millinery Store. Her sly lt ot Bonnet', cannot be surpassed in thi section ol country, ami her woik will lavoMhly compare w it ti any done this sid- ol the en ies. Siie has u-i""-1 - liatutsome Tonn!ts, fiats and caps, for anil title Mtffef, of ail M) les and price. MARY BARK LEY E'.oomsbur,:. October 10, 1S60. JiOfr Hfj Pajs ihe enlire cost for Tni V 5 'ion in ihe 'most" popular and succeful Commercial School in h mini try. Upward of TWELVE HUNDRED ytiuns meh from tvenly eight different Stages tiave been educated for business liere with in past three yenrs, some c.f whom Iium; been employed as Bjok Keepers at Salaries of immediately npoi iiiadnatiiig, who knew nothing of accounts wlseii titty entered the College tlT MitAi-ter's sons fialf price. Stuilents enter at any time, and review wl.en they please wi liont extra charge. For Ca'aloue, Specimen of Penrri arh ip and View ol Uollege, enclose five le:ter stamps to JENKINS fc:SMITH, Pitisturg, Pa. November 7, ISliO. ;pir i:s to siit Tin: timiis. The Largest Cheavrsl stock iter JT red in Cify. It'll OLF.S.-I.K DEALER IX French and German B.isleK, Wood nr.d Wi'loxv Ware. Nmins, Brn-hes. nil clo:hs? Colon Laps. V7ddini Carpet Chain, &c. No 119 .MARKET Sfeel, t.low 2ml, (north side) Philadelphia. 'I'll E snb-criber ha just opened an entire- y new ami complete Mock of yoods ol ihe best quality and description, tn which le wrulf respectfully call tde attention of Merchants ai-tl Dealers who wisti to liiul a oo.! article CHEAP FOR CASH. These snods were btnht for Net Cash, at the sreadv reduced mires con'eoueni upon the stiiiieiicv ol the limes, hihI be- lieving the "nimf'le sixpence1' to be better ! than the "slow shillius," they are now of- fered to the public al prices they defy com petition. The following are a few of the articles al ways on hand : Pail- ami Tubs of all kind and qualities, Toy Pails. Sail am' Snjar boxes, Halt Bnh els and Peck Measures. Well Buckets, Towel Rollers, Patent, head ami straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop bandies. Grain scoops, toy wheeibanow s-, corn brooms, every vauety, thoe paint scrub ami sweep brushes, fee. Blothes, brushes, Baskets, w illow and ra tan chairs, shirt raians, bird cages, clothes lines, bd cords, skirt cords, lie yarn, twine of all kinds, topeilier wi h a laro asoit mer.t ol Notions ar.d Fancy Goods. Hosi ery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, TlneaJs, Sic , cheap from auction. These zoods are all new snd carefully selected, and are offered at prices that can not tail to attract attention. Buyers Vv ill invariably find it to their own interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. LV Perticular atientinn given to packing gopils for shipirent, so as to prevent damage or excessive charaes for freight. C27 Orders by Mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 119 Market Bt., north side, below 2nd,v Philadelphia. Sept. 2 1, 1859-ly. J crf rr ttr rr !Cr & One lricc ll.it A: Cap Store, (Corner of the Five Story Block.) N. W. CORNER OF EIGHTH & RACE STS. riMllLADELl'IUA. The public are respectfully invited to bear in mind ihal at this Store may be found an assortment ol Fashionable and Handsome MOLESKIN DRESS HATS, SOFT HATS, Hinh, Low and Medium Dpth Crown, Cloth and Glszed Caps, Plush and Plush Trimmed Caps (or Men and Boys, Fancy ,7 -; lliffflSALMANDER PlSNo. 304 CSesinat Street, tSSffl PHILADELPHIA. From the Yillapc Record, WEST CHESTER, Pu. Saturday, Feb. 5, 1859. Robbkry The office of ihe otd Rilroail, in West Chester, wa broken imo lsi Thursday muhl, and robbed of a sma'l a mount of money. The thieves entered Ihe buildiiiir in the rear, broke the door', and locks c-irihe desks, ami attempted In set in to the lare iron safe, but did not -nei eed The Safe was mannfacuired by EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOUR I'll Streets, Pl.iladeliJ.iia. STILL ANOTHER ATTEMPT. Octohkr ISth, 1858. Threw. ttieies en tered ihe (I'mrnm-mill d' Mesr. Dorrace & Doron, Bristol, Pa., and lriel all n:hl lo blow npen ll eir Sate, with powder, wfncti had 260 in ca-h, I ut did not succeed in yetting i' open. Then Salamander Sale was m auulactisred ly EVANS & WATSO?;. GREAT SAFE ROBBERY AT NORR1S TOWN, Dkckmbkk l.-t, IS58 Some time hi-i nif'd, lti IN'.uriiii.'-iritll of Mr. J'"di Fwzone in NorriMown. Va., wh entered and one id Farrel, llerung.& Co' best pa tent Powder prool Lock a':d Sal WAS BLOWN OPEN Willi P'lWDF.R, and Sl,f-t!0 in rash tukeu out and carried away. This Sale i now in Evans & Wat son's store, No. 26 .ouili Fonr-h Street, whei( we most respectfully invue the pub lie to call and examine ii. N. B. We find in Ike I'test, December 4th, the follow ii-y: ' AIT our Sate are war rautfd to -ive perferl satisfaction, or Hie money will be returned. FARREL, HERRING & CO." We, EVANS fci VVA'ISON, would a g f arrel, llerrtris Sl Co all parties , liavn Patent Cha.npion Sfes, intake advaiilae id the above offer, aiul return them and rt their money, a ihey will find that, in a fewv years, the Corn position w itfi w hich the Sales are filleil lnri: portion biii oil ot vi'rioh will eat out all the iron. A sn-ci- men ol their Champion Sfe may he .eeii in front ol our nere. which is eaten full of holes now. t No. EVANS & WATSON, lb Soi.ih FOURTH Siren. f Fictn The Pitts cj the i'h ult r srrr I. Itefrin" U. Lo s I'-Mem Ltiainpion Safes, the only Sate msde i:i Ihe city which have never been robbed by buruUr, or tia! ttieir coti'ent destroyed by accidental firsa. Evans &: Vhihiii' Phil idelpbia answer lt a N-v York Humbug. We. the uiiderijued ci'iiik "f St J Jeph, Mo., do hereby cer ilv thai the iron Sate tielonin to C. E. Baldwin, made ty Far rel U Co., No 24 Walnut Street. Philadel phia, w Ii ict; was in the fire il.at occurred here, is not flie proof, and is neles as a lire i rool Safe that the books. is. tj.iper. -W wtt'.i. lie III lit t-- n i ftr time, were mccll injared; al-o, that bu'ldini; which it was in was ol frame the and only one story higti, and that a fire so tri lling aside one which burned oerihsa'd Safe was not sufficient to have injured auy Safe piirpn-tiug to be fire-proof. W. R. Pkmck, I.'ruatiist. Josph W.Tooii.e, Diy Gooda. J. A Beattik, Banker. I)oNNKi.i..SA.roN S: McDoMHf LL,DryGoods Wti-i.t.'.M Rv. Drv Gno!. John Ccku. Dry (Jood. C. E. Bai'DWis Si Joseph, Mi. EVANS k WA I SON, Zi CHESTNUT Street, lliiladelphia. have now on hand the largest as-or-nietil of Salamander Sale in ihe United S'ates, warranted epial lo any other rna.Ie in the country. P!-ae give uat-all. Feb 23 I, IO THE FVSUON A DEE AND Jj ''JtilE umlersiued ;iaving ustreceivedihe laiesl Parts and New York Fashions would a:'ain b"g leave to inform hi nurner ous friendsaiiii altlte world about Blooms bnrg. t hat he U now better prejiared : ;ta n ev er toaeeommodate any one w lli the neatest easiest and best fitlinu suits of Clot. tes that have been t urned out lately ; and nol on! that, but he willal-o do them up in the Let order, upon I he lowest terms. His shop is allhe old -tain', (too well know n to need I uitiier not ii-e) wherehe ma at all times le found, seated upon f ieuck if repenlatice sleatl 1 1 y d ra w i n on ! t he hi tnc nfatiln-tiou. hoping ilmayiii the ifnrov ad vain as en u s I o him and his cutfmers. IU would al-o ad v ie h i fiend - I o bvn r i n miri that poor, a ill id ed i ailor rn iii I e, or t h-y can't bee peeled to work .Therefore Wheal Re Corn. Oats. Potatoes . a tnl w uhai; now ami ti e:; a JiiileCASH v i! I coin e m ihl hnd;- Irom those whoure back-slainliugnn t!ie hooks. Remember. ;'ii!empr . that in al!case "the laborer i ivortfy of hi hire.'" BERNARD RUPE Rloornsbnrg, J.in. 13th, Ifot. RT. 1V.1I. Ii K00NS. Prorriflor. iti.ot3is:ii:it(;t i a. HIS magnificent Hotel, situate Ill ll:P central portion ol the town, an I on- jio-i'e the Court House. Iris been thorouhl) ; repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor j is now prepared to accommodate traveler. teamster-, drovers and boarder in 'he inosi llea-aiit anil agreeable manner His table ' will be supplied witli ihe Le! ihe market a lf,ini,and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Attenlise ostlers wiil always be en hand, and his stabliui; is Uie mo-t extensive in tlii section ol country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to envey pa-se;i-gers to and from the Railroad Dep.n. WM. 3. KOON3. Bloomsbura, July 4. 1R60. HI oyer's Drii? Store. i IF, "I H7 Aft flHr. underigucd has just receive J a liesh - supply of Drugs, Chrmicnls, Dyestiiffs, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY of the best quality, all ol which lie will sell atsreatlv reduced prices lor the CASH. r? AI-o on hand an Improved Fruit Jar, mncli superior and cheaper to anything hi'herio offered in this maiket. Also a lot of PICKLING JARS, much cheaper than hertotoie. JOHN R. MOVER. Bloom'bors, August 23, 160. tf. I OTIC K. 4 LL persons indebted to the undersigned lor Professional seivices up lo April 1st, 1660, are respectfully reqaested to call and settle, either by Noie or otherwise. J. C. R UTTER, M. D. Bloomsburg. Aug. 15, 1850 -tf. A.J. EYAXS. MERCHANT :tore on the upper part of Main St., nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. s. C SIHYE, AN aperient and Sloniach;e preparation ol IRON ;uiifie I of Oxvseu a . Caiboi.bv cc'nu-ii-;ioii in iiyiro-j-n. ; anc-tinned by inr n'i;ii-Di ji-iMr rtH' ntiril ie lotrl Ml r.orop a id ttie Cmted S me, and preseri yen III llieir practice. The experience of thnuarids Juily prove that no preparation ol Iron can h compared will il. Impurities ol iho blood, depression of vital energy, pale ar.d otherwi4 ticklf rorni'Iexio is indicate its necessity in almost very ci'iiceivatde cStj. l-uioxineis in all nilad:e iu which il ha proved ;iboliitelv curative in eac'j f lb lollniti cuinpliiiiii, viz: Iu Debility, NervniK AtTei-tiwra. Eisie aiion, Dysnensia. Con'iimiiiion Hiarrtri, , , - w i Usenter, (.ciient LuiMiirnptioii. Scrotn- i u te rc v I ns 1 4, Sdi Rheum. Mitmen s: riKiffti. Wiiiic, C'lloroiis. Livor Com. i.taii is, unronic iieaiiMcnet HkeunuCini, litiermi'leut Feer, Pirr.ple ou the Face, In ca of General D-bi'ity. whether tht re. nit ol arutrt ifi-ease. or of ih continued dirtiinu'ioii of nervo-j anj mucular etntrxy fiom t-l-ronic coiopiaijit'j w tt trial of ihi4 resinra'ive lias provej ftuccervful to an r tent which io ifest-rip'ion nor written a'tes lAtion uou'd render cntdible. I'iV4lidso io: g be l-ndden as io have benome forgt iev in ifieir own neishtorhoo l, have ud dei ly re-appeared in the buiy world a if jn-tiee returned from protracted travel in a .it-1 it. t lai d. Some very m'ntrl ir.SUnf. of thl kiutl are a'trs ed o.' female Suflererr en a'-iated i-.iirns of Mpparent marasmus, M'siiinfOiK exii t.tion. critical h..ix j ati( Itiat coiri!irtion ol uerou aut Uy- trj:i!- atrriio'i io air aiitt vxerclaa Inr w'licfi the pniri,:i tin wo nme. In Neivout Alieciioria of ail kind, ant for reasons ftimiiar io ntdiral men ihe' I operation jI ir.i r(Jr i-n of imn mu t necessarily te saiu'ari , lr, Ui like the at 1 j oxide-, it i vi,.fir.U9!v torin;, without betn sci a d overhe-fi.jj ; .J -eutlv, j .Wariy aperient. een in r,e roo.t n-iiiiai cae of co'ieie vrii' uui ever temj ; intr.e pwraiie, oriudiclni a Uiaagreealile ! sensa'ion. J I' is this la-fer i r'ppr y amon o:hert w'licti niake-j l. su rernsrs v'-ly ellrctual ant pertrar.ei.i a re't dy for Pd, ei-ew wbicS it a o a, pears to " a d;iitr( et,J iiia.u- ! fii e:ion. ty iiiper ; whii-ti 'or'na itiern. n lie iucal tendeuey I i D)se,isia, i: n;imerJ.le at are tte i rail's., a single tot of hee Cnalyoea'e j fills has otirij sufficed for the mol hati'ual j cases, inrlii.linjj ti e a"eru!rf(it Cosii vns. i I i unchecksd l! arrlcBi even when ad i valued to Dysentery, ronfirmei. einanria- ii-i, and a,"arei.tiy nilisj-in', tt.e eff'Cia- i I i tt.e local psi'i-, it)tm of flasri f.t s'rei g '. dehilitainiu ro:ih, an t remittent I hrctic, whi.-ti ei era ly i-.dn-a e Ltripiar.t Ctmsiimi I in, d" remedy has allayiJ itus j at'f c.f fr ends and physicians, i i erL , very tiratil) iir and i iteteinii i.s'a'ie. ! 1-. St-rolnlcus TuberculusiS this rtirdlSsl ! !e-.l iron h.is had J'(f riiore than the go-J i elf-rt ti t Hie inot cau'inuslr ba'anced pr- p:ir' ij:i til loui'. e, wjtbuat any ut iiir ril kn.oM'ii habiti'ie.s. The a' etnion of femal's rannot be t j coi.!i-leniiy invited to t'iss remedy anlre- ti'Taltuii, in the case peculiarly arTc;iw trie m. !n Rheuma ism, both chronic and iNrta. matory in the latter, hunever. rnore de--iei'I) ii has b?n invariat'ly wtll rejursd tioth a ailsvian' iin and reJuciii Tie 1 SA-ei.c at.J ii.i:iaa ol the j-jiii s awJ mu-c!e. ! In i cerrnuts-ru Fer v. musl 'cecesvarily i be a .re at ren.eiU and ener-e ie ie'orviv i and I's pnre- i.i t':e ne t lemo-ils of the Wes', wi.! ;r ida'jiy be one ot diU no a It and tieli!i,e- No rniirdy tia ever en dicoereJ ia iVie wh ile lnvury o! me lu-iue which exsr mu-Ii promit, hapiiy, and iuliy restorative e!iecl. ('nd appetite, cm (le e diet'ioi. , rapid a-qiiiiition ol strength, with an unus ual ili-p-.MH;ni Inr active and elieerful ercie, liriMieiltaSelv f ilio r u. Put ii.i in i. eat l!a" metai bovei coutainini , LO pd I'Tit-x l0 cen yrr bX ; Ivt aale by ' itiiii:isl and dealer. Will be sent tree to i i a y a .hirers on receit of the if ce. Ail ; lei.er, order, etc.. s"u:l I he aildres-ed le ! R U LOCKE t CO. i (e:iersl Agent. Mv 23. I'-C-'i-lv 33fi l?f.wl a . N T. liOU AIID ASS0n.TI0, PliILDliLrKIA I!enevo!eiit I net i: u i il n etali!ilieJ by special Kiit!o tr.eni. for tt.e Relief uf Ine S' k and ei t hi d epi. di-tre-fed, atliic.'ed wnti vtr- mil' ill- eases, and espesianf or I'm cine of diseases ol ttie eiua! orjaii. Medii-al a U H e ueu -jrali ty thrt ae t in Snrjeon. to all w fio pply by letter, wi'U a ilcscriprmii ol their i unilitnio, (as;e,Oi cupalion, liatiit of life .".,) and 111 css ot ex:reme pinery, iiiedicmes Ijnintiel tre ill charge. Vaiuat'le repurts on Sprma'orrhcsi, en 1 older iliseaseK ut t'ie sexual wrarja, arid a the r.ew ren eilies employ eil iu ihe Dipen sar,enl I liie ktilicied in sealed iell-r erivelones, fiee ol charge. T woorihree stamp" fur postage will be acceptable. Addre-s, !)r. J Skillm lloithiou, Arti-t Stiroeon. Howatil As iation, No. 2 SuuiU -Ni l!i Street, l'litlodelj.liia. Pa. Bv Order of lh Director. GKO. FAIRCI11LD, Secretary. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, PreaiJepU Jatiu rv 25, lbhti-i y. LICTJCPwS. LIOTJCr.Sl BBrav SS riMIE subscriber would announce to the-1- citizens ol Bloomsburg an.l vicinity, that he is selling LIQUORS in large and small qnanti'ies, and at difTereat prices, at Ins New Store, on Mam stret, iior.h side, I wo doors sout'i of Iron sreei, Bloomsburg. His stock ol Foreign and DjmeMic ISSilSJIDEISSf) consis's of Cognac and Rochelle. Blackbar ry. Ginger. Raspberry and Lavender. U has a large a- sorimeut ol Old Rib 'ray with age, tine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and at.y quauity ot common. He alo has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam panile Wines; and last but not leat, a quantity ol good double extra BROWN SIOUT; all of which be will tell at the lowest cash pricey. The pnblic are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. D. W. ROB BINS, AgL Bloomsburg, July II, I860. TH E Nortb Second Street, abore Arcba PHILADELPHIA. t- t- - t- i tn r- ri s. " u ...mi. C . .,f magU.