STAR OF THE NORTILl BlctralBrp, Kftoday, Efcrnbcr , 1S60. The TTiip York J'aVy limes prospectus tvill appear in onr next. Cwjng to the mdifofition of one of our fcmprixr the Ftak has been delayed one i'ay In its publication. - We rcptd lish the official vote of Penn j Ivtuiih lor Prrsident in another column. 'J I e cte lor all the counties is t flicial. Lictcke. The Hon. Horace Greely will deliver a lecture in the Court House at this place on the evening of the 1 4th hist. -Theme, '-Self made Men." The Reverend Joshc Keu.v, who is well ' known t.v ih npnnln nf ri., .;.. ... . ..... , , " I endeavor to atone therefor in 1861. What- ..ddressed a- meeting of U i,1e Aw:!u, at ever diseoiery, deduction, demonstration's Muncy, on the 22d of November last. calculated to render the reward of labor de -- . j voted to cultivation more ample or more Thic boating season on the North and certain, shall receive prompt aud lull at West branches has about came to a close ! ,er;,'".. , Ti. r ,1 1 u Ml. Manufac ores &c. He had every The men f,om this place, u ho narrate I inwe,ltioil ol enterprise hereby American these streams, have pretty much all return- ', Capital and Lat or are attracte.t to and nd-t-J to rertain during the w inter. ' vantngeously employe in any department . j of Manufrctr.rir.g or Mechanical Industry as Large Hog Mr. John But at the Ca'ta- ! wissu Mills, killed a hog. a few days since, that weighed, vhen neatly dresed. Jive kvvdted md Joity it rtn pound.. The hog was eighteen months old. Who rati beat H ?- t ..." , , . ; Jrot out your heavy porkers! j Focm Df.ap Mr. Tetei Crawford, of- Madison towt.ship, Columbia Cor.ntv, was ; found dead on Sibbaihmor. ing last near , icmjiowii. jie wu-. a mm ageu aooui ; eighty year H:s ueat'i wa sup; osed to 1 have leen caused by apnp!x) . Dcmctrat -r .. 1 i ut s-'"J I thi piace. The stores, shops, ami places 1 ol binirn-s, were c'osed. The citizens met j j: their respective Churches and held wrr- i ..-..or.- . , 11 ; rhip The Rev Pirmi prt ached an able ' ' rermon in ttie 1-irsiM .-est'yteriaii Ctn:rc!i. ; S.vow. Oi: Tuesday last we had qu ite a ; f:i of ncw in lhi place : but not snfTi- ient to make s-Ieighhtir The loundiition lor it never was much I et'.er everything hppearmg to te in reaumess and ue - stiouhl like to see it come in liberal por tions a regular old fa-bi't:ed mow. Mr. L. Apri.fcM.!. Snno'M.lrfrl ipMf rl Cernmon Schocls of Columbia county, paid ; mi p r.fna lo-ilie Un crA-ifL- ....... i J he ctficia! busme-s reswng upon hirn at ! I resent N visiting schools. We hare a ! rio'inu ihat he wi 1 make a popular Superin tendent. i L;t S itnr lav nisht FtAurrt. Ci.Mtrr n Mrs hertzel was sitting by a stove, her ; 1res! caught fire She ro-hed down stair- rpt in VI lining, Hiri it"" 1 - ' V . . wnere citizens rushed to her ami evtm- j ui-hec the flan e, but not before the fear , lid element had struck her wit'i dealh. ; cranton I! trait. We have gra ifyi-.g intelligence from the j h-cuth IheliJeo' Uisn- lonism is evulertt- Ij oi tfte et-h, and conservative counsels tre beginning to prevail. The telegraph reports that at different points in G-orgia j meetings had been hel l by the conservative j citizens of that S a'e, at which resolution were passed denying that tlie election of Liiicoio presented a cau-c for Secess ion, denouncing the legislation of the North ro Stares as oppressive ai.d U'jus:, and deserving ihe severest retaliation. Cocbt Up m the hour of going to press Court i still in session. Ti.e Grand Jurors were dismissed on Tuesday afternoon, hav ing at that early hour disposed of all busi res before them. The number of indict rnrnts ... the bauds of ihW Jury for their . considera'ioc was small as compared u ith . those of previous sessions. 1: is not r.eces ry for o to gla'e, as i cu-tomary. se eral ' , .,. . 1 T. - 1 1 . ,1 lulls were ignored. 1 he civil list presents r pretty fair appearance ; may engage the; Court the whole week. A synop-i ol the j proceetliiigs will Le found in our next. j " " 1 Pkof. Theodork M Down. 1. Price will ! rive an exhibition ol his wonderful per j lerrr.ances on a tight wire at this place on ! Christmas Day between the hours of ,2 ! und. 1 o'clock. Mr. Price ha gained con riderable notoriety as a wire-walker, having given Fome very creditable pr rformances during the Summer last throi gh the West em States, and also having lately exhibited before large audience in the City of Balti more to the great satisfaction of a!l who' aw him. We shall advert to this subject in another issue previous to the exhibition. 10WKSH1P and Local LAtvs.-ue are in- jebted lo Dr P Johs, for a volume bear J jug lhi 4i:Ie.- It i a compilation of the laws relating to the duties of Jastice ol the Peace, Constables, Supervisors of roads.&o , 4k knowledge of which is of importance to every citizen. In addition it contains a . umber of blai'k lorms lor instruments of writing, most in use. The rolume is a val uable one,' and should be in the hands of every roan. Tt was compiled by - William T. Haines, a member cf the Chester County Bar. Dr. John is tho General Agent for ni county. He advertises, in another ?olumn of the Star, for Agents to canvass every township Tersons wishing to en trage in a profitable business would do well to make'eKly application. , Wanteb Information is respectfully so licited of the whereabouts of Miles Heath; the man reported in our last issue as hav ing been arrested as crazy but j now at large. Having some knowledge of hirn it it hoped that fey persuasive means he may be retained until, information is conveyed to bis father Mr. Amos Heath, residing in Choconut Township, Susquehanna County, Fa., by whom ail reasc ts ml Editors wiil lab'e expenses wiil tribune for isgi. The XXth Volume of the Weekly Tribune comn enced with ihe issue of Sept. 1. Du ring tlie past year The Tribune has been obliged to devote quite a large proportion, of its space to Politics, but we shall soon be able to forego Political discussions almost entirely, for months if not for years, ond devote near'y all our columns to subjects of less intense, Lot more abiding, inierest. Anions these, we mean to pay especial attention to, . Education. The whole subject of Education, both Popular and General, will be discussed in our columns throughout the year 1861, and we hope to elicit in that dis cussion seme of the profoundest thinker and the ablest instructors in our country. It is at once onr hope r.nd our resolve that the cause of Education shall receive an im petus from the exertions of The Tribune in its behalf during the year 1861 II. Agriculture. We have been com Polled restrict our elucidations of this -"eat interest rhronghou IShO. anil stiail a r co",'", '"" ,f t',e Pub.ic, in suring rnpier steamer, more convenieri. more remtJiiTaimg markets to the farmer, with fuller emp'oy mem and better wajes to the Lnborer. The progress ol Mining. ln-Mal;in. Si-el-Making Cloth Weaving &:c., &c. in our country and the world shad le Wil.clieJ ,, repJrIP;5 by us whIl at earnest and uctive sympathy. VI Foreign Affairs We employ the I est correspondents in London, Paris, Turin, ,Vr!" am rt'7r E"Pn Capitals, to transmit us early and accurate advices of U;e t c,.llu:es t( 7 1 ol the but certainly prepari'.g. lii enile ol the j pressure of Domestic Politics, onr jSeivs .' trom ihe Old World is now vuried and ample ; but we hall have to render it more perfect during the eventful year ju.t before n. V. Home N'w. We employ regular P"1"1 ccrrc-poodents in California, at ih Isthmus ot Darien, in die Rocky Mountain , , , , , J . Go.d Kegion. a. d wherever else they seem r,:;.;,, F.n.n ih mnr xpit,! nnr I I II. I1V- M. H'.ll llir; UHMU .Tl I'lti I'Wfc I pjoitudJ K torn thn n- ora nnonsfihln nnf ! Ltousof onroan country, we derive our in lormatioii mainly bom the multifarious cor- j mainir bom the multifarious cor- 1 - . t respondents ot the Associated Press, from j or changes, and the letters of i itdel.igent iriend. We aim to print the I cheapest general newspaper, wiih the fullest iiMtww auinentic summa'V ot useiut in- ; le! igenee. that is anywhere afforded. Ho- ) ; pt:tg to miiKe cacti t'ay a rn'if nn triw I last,: fi' d print a better and better paper trorn e?irto year, as our means are steadily I o.,I,r.,o.l ll,r. ), lU na,....,a nnor-.lii,, ' ""r :".v ed wishers, we sol .ci't. and tauce of shall Int'or to deserve, a conlinuance r.l,uc ,dVor rai!y Tribune (3 1 1 issues per annum) Semi Weekly (104 " " ) S3 i Weekly (52 " " ) 52 ! ie lt? To Cicb emi Weekly: Two copies f. r 5 Five for -11.25, 1 copte.o to one i address for 20 and any larger number at 1 tlie latter rate. For a club of Tweniv , 1 p,!r'i copy will le sent. For a club of Forty, we send The Dai v Tribune oralis j one vear. ' mmr -r j f - n. T- ; ,pr sl and any larger numbe7 at the rate of ?I 20 each per annum the paper to be addressed tn each subscriber. 'J o clubs j ot 1 went, we send an extra copy, j Twenty copies lo fine address for S20, with one extra to Jura wljo sends us the club. j.,r eilch rt,n: of One Hundred, The Daily inline will be sent grans for one vear. When riralt can be secured it is much . . . . safer than to remit Bank Bills. The name of the Pom Office and State should in all cafcps be laitdy written Payment always in advance ddres,TllE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Nassau St , New York. FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT RSAI) it A RT K K S ! McSiKr-VY, TKAS- & :., 1 I A YE jnt receiveil and opei.eii .fieir stock t Merchandise for sale, which .'ompri ses the LAUGESl, Cheapest, rut hancom et assortmil now ofTered in thi TO VN. Having paid grat at entiori lo Ihe selection ot iheir ei.iiie st.-icj: as to Price aasci Quality, (hv Ra(ter ,,,,1.11,1,, can'-ompete with the cheape-l, and all those wishing to nv cieap. can save money by giving u a ' '11 We havea'l kind of goods and wares t supply "he wau's of the people. A very cJ.,,t,!(, nlrJ,lt 0't 3 , 1 nipQ5 DIjrcc nnnnC LilJJlljO JJilLOiJ uUUiiJ. French Menr.oe. wool plat. Is, alpaca, fom- baxii e, tie bages, noplins parainelta rdoths, mohair lucres, inn-iin de l.iines. IVrian c0,t,, Gi.g!.an., al coe, kc. . WHITE GHODS OF ALL KINDS, Slepves, Collars, (.eucers, handkerchiefs, Uounc.g., band and trimmings laces and J eifgingsbonnel ribbon", in large variety, vol vei itbbcns, and braids, kid, cotton, lisle Sread gloves.' mohair mi'l, &e. A2f K3IRJ? OF fcksAWIjS, bi.ii'tie, Bav State, Waierville, black silk, casnniere, em:ro'iereii, &:c. Also a ver large large assortment ol Cloths casimers. sa"nes, vesiings tweeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &e. ' wsW of all kinds and sires for men, women and children. We have a larei anrlmpnl nl HATS ai d CAPS of the latest fashion. We have al-o, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, &P. Very cheap C A H V KT.S CA li P ET- A OS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil clodis, mats, rng, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, tickings, dra pers, lowelings, dri'ling, &e., in abundance. We invite our friends ami the public gen erally to give os a call before purchasing elsevvhrre. We have bought onr goods at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be uuder&old by art) body or the rest of man kind. McKELVY, NEAL & CO. Bioomsburg, Nov. 21. 1850. Tinware & Move Establishment MiHK UNDERSIGNED respectfully in forms fiis did friends and customers, that he has-purchased hi brother's interest in the above" establishment, aud the con cern will hereafter te conducted by himself exclusively, tie has just recoived and of lers for sale Ihe large! and most ex tensive assortment ol FANCY STOTVS eve introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand ami manufactured to order. All kinds of tepairing done, as usual, nn short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12. 1R53. tf. BARNARD RUPEHTY TJiSHlOJSAULE TAILOR, REGISTER'S NOTICES. JVOTICE is hereby giving to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the following administra tion and guardian accounts have been filed in !he office of "ihe Register of Columbia county, and wjll be presented for confirma tion and allowance lo the Orpbanrs Court, to be held 8t Bloomsburg, in the county aforesaid, on Wednesday the 5th da ol Dec. next, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon. 1 Tr,e second account of Peter Ent, one of the Executors of Matthew McDowell, late of Scott township, der'd. 2. The fecnrid account of Theodore McDowell, one of the Executors ol Mat thew McDowell late ol Scott township, dee'd. 3. The ncconnt of Lewi Vetter, Admin istrator ol the eMme ol Jacob Keiler, late of township, dee'd. 4. The first and final account of Eno Jacob, Executor of he at will anil testa ment of Rosanna Vannatta, late of liloom township, dec'il. 5. Tic arconnt of Elisl-a B. Brown, Guar dian f Elizabeth A. Brown, one of the children and heirs ol John Brown, Jr.. late ofMifibri township, dee'd. P. Tn aceoont oi Elisha B. Brown, Guar dian ol Rerecea Brown, one of tfie children and hprs ol Matthew Brown, late ol Mtfllm township, dee'd. 7. The aerount of Robert B. Swyr., Executor of Trie lst wi'I ntui testament ol Jcob C. Swat ze, late of Franklin township dee'd. 8. The aecpnnt of J aenb F R ihtbnck, AdminNiraior of the estate of Jaeob Hohr Oack, la'e cl Eranklin townshin. dee d 9 The account of Jam M isters, I'xec titers o the list will and testament of Henry Ki'cl en, la e of Madiou towiishio, ife'.!. 10. The aeceoui:! of Sjiruit-I Krs-ler, Administrator (if the estate of Lemuel Kres- sler, late of Scott lownhip, dee'd t 1 Tk. r I .. .. t 1-.- -r ... in jo. 111 iwirray, ia;e oi Liberty lowii-hip, Columbia (now Montour) count) dee'd. is. 1 e account o, u.cnar i u-mou, ex- ecntor of ihe estate of Jacb Swishvr, la'e . .1 m i- .1. ' i ol Majison township, dee'd DANIEL LEE, JvKGIsTCU S UKFICF. I Kel.ster. B!oomburg, Nov. 7, i860 THE GLOBE, i n i: OFFICIAL PAPm OF CONGRESS. I i i .. u. -. l ty . r I J I i Till itiiii now in v i' i r iriMr is r i I,'" "-"J ' rj I I " I I W. I T t . , . r y . . 'I on. inform 1 .lt n in rr. ' I ocirn In c,,K ." . r ' ' tir iiiii. i( irii ii ii iii iii'i iiii ' . '' 3 ', r"h' lhal. Congre-s w, meet on th lust Monday ol t December, when I sha! r,,,",ri,e puMisCtt tlie ajova-iiamed P- i- . Tlio nit. r:trKo ivttl onnltn ronnrl v,,v- " " ... ..... . ..11. . ho nK'jlo Iti Kfilti Kr.lir.i.j ..I I f.r.ovc J ldKe" " ' XK,; r,:u, l J iim,s i r-uun unun nn.cis m hu-, j Or III aMV Oilier COIIt.irV'. J tllf'll'V (l r I ,hPm wiil 1,8 ,at,e rpl,or'' veilmtim, j"1 thou-and words an hour, while U I average number cf woids spoken b Uueiit so"!akers rarely exceed- seven l!ionand ; live iMll lITHj tVtlMt ' riflhnloj r.l nut.' it.l iirit rn j L- a more man . I , . r. .. . . I .,... .!..., .... 1 1 : Ti. . ! n 'I ,1 r ' t Daily Globe ot the next morning, which J J wil! ,"',' 'o, the news: ! i heyday, io- ae'her wi'h such editorial ar .cles as may be suggested by pa-sing events. ' ,,e l-ongres-ioriai uiofe ant Appendix !" eoiit.un a report oi all ttie Hetiates in i Congress revised by the speakers, the Mesages of tfte Pse-ident of the Unimd IStaies, the Annual Ileporis of the Head ot ifie Executive Department, Ihe Laws passed during the session, and copious in dexe o ail. They will be printed ov a double royal sheet, in book fo-m, royal qnarlo size, earn number conlarni ill" SIX- teen pages. I tie whole will make, it is be- . . . ! ,r"-' , - ' pa-ICS. 1IMS IS 1 - ... . Clt-r hi. rnoil' aiMOit tA rtnlhiii. hdiiwi.l irn.l. i j ' fa" ""', netner a reprint or j r:"";' 'f"' "'a-msenpt copy', taking lor .ift the average nuiiiOer of words n con- tain. The coming session wi'I. without doubt, be an iinusriaily iniereting one, because ihe debates will, in a greai measure, be j upon ihe policy of the President eleci, ami 'Pi... ;i..t, ...;n t. .. u . I . I . ' , . . j years past the only sourcn from lull 1 iirr ii.iiLin ill ifpr. f i . iiir 11 Jill "'"7 A .. 1 r.e congressional uiooe anu AppnJix pass free through the ma:ls ot the Un ted S .ales, as will be seen by reauing the lol lowing Joint Resoluiori pa.ed by Congress the fiih ol August, 1852: Joint Re-olution providing for Ihe dis'ribu lion ot the La -vs of Congress and Ihe Debates (hereon. With a view to the cheap circulation of the law ol Cangress and the debates con tributing to the true interpolation thereof, and to roakt) free ihe communication be tween If.e representative and constituent bo. lies : L'e it resolved by the Senate and House of Kepieseiiiaiives of the United Siaies of America 111 Congress a-sembled, Trial from anl after itie present ses-ion ot Congress, the Congressional Globe and Appendix, which contain ihe Saws ami the debates thereon, shail pas free through the mails so long as the, same shall be publi-hed by Older ol Congress; Provided, That nothing herein sh ili tie construed to authorize Ihe c rcnhitiou of the Daily Globe liee of postage. Approved, August 6, IS52. For a copy of the Daily Globe, far four months, S3 CO For 1 copy of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, during the session, - 3 00 For 2 copies iliitoi when ordered at the same time, 5 00 No attention will be paid to any order unless ihe money accompany it. llank notes, current in Ihe section of the country where a subscriber resides, will be received at par. The whole or any pari ol a subscription may be remitted in prist ge stamps which i preferable to any currency, except gold or silver. JOHN C K1VES. XEtr FJILL JND IV1STER 1 X K TZ & K i T PIT AVE just received from Philadelphia a spleiulid assortment of merchandise, purchased at the lowest figure, and which they are determined to sell for Cash or Cosuitry Produce. on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Light Seeet. Theii Stock con sists ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, cho.cest sty les and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. CEDAR WARE, 110 LLOW.WJIRE, Iron, Nnils and Spikes, BOOT AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-3IADE CLOTHING, &c. &c, In short every thing usually kept in a coun try Siore. . They respectfully invite Iheir old friends, and the public generally, to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. EST. The highest price paid for country produce. ' - - -- ' For Icccmhcr Term, 1 800. Bloom Evan Jones. Bor. Berwick William H. Woodin, Mor decai Jackson. BriarcreekWilliam Hartman. Centre Samuel C. Bower. Cattawissa George Hughes, Adam Fed ero. Fishincrfeek Hiram Hess, Dan'l Edgar, George Howell, Franklin Michael Mensch, Jackson Cle aver. Greenwood Jjmes Vanhorn, Robl. Rob bin", Elijah Lrrion. Hernlork John (JirlOii. I.oeiist Jacob Helwiji. Main William Mensinger, William Bit tier. Montour Isaac Mowry. Ml. Pleasar.t Abraham Ditdine. Oranue William ' Fisher, Samuel Zirn merrriiin Snyarloaf Anderson Ki'e. Bloom-bur-.', Oct. 21, 18fi0. TKAYEliSE JUIIOKS Benton Eli Metisienhall. Briarc reek Reuben Bower, Jeremiah C. Srniih. Beaver -John Shuman. Catia wi-sa Joeph Breich, Naac S. Monroe, ?tepfien Bddy, Samuel Thomas. Franklin Daniel Rulirbck. Fishinucreek Peter Gohfer, Sjm'l Crev. eliiii, Emaudus Unansst. (ireenwood Anron Muarave Hemlock -Jolin Foust, John llarlman. f.o. n-t Mask Williams, Henry Gable. M iTlill Michael Fry, Lewis Krkroal. Mair.e Daniel Reinhohl, Jno. Kline. Mo;i:our Jacob Leibv. Joseph Monser. Majifon NeAton 1 hoinas, Johti M. Sl'Mlfl. Mi. Pleanni John WarJin. Orange Jacob Good. 1 r 1 ' 1 1 1 ! 1 i Sihnp m :i lPf . lahtl !i Piif- 1 1 ' -.... . . . i CFi Kfi oils, Jacob C'iri-lv. Koarmgcreek Jndah Cheir'ingtcn. ! Sugarioal-j;.!.,. Kitchen. S.-oit Jacob Giassen, P'jiiioT. Hartman. I illvpnf. r ,ipv . Josepn untey . Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, 1SG0. RAYMOND'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! PitEMED MARCH 9, 1853. ruir-: sio i: rn. fyl F.SSRS. ZUPPlNGKli & BOBBINS, of L Bloom sbr.rg, having purchased the ex- . , . - ... i in I ' V. I llll i'l HIV ufwt ''--' MiiClio rtithf thj aluu-a U'.iln-ihlA i m n f i ! ved Cheat Patent Sewing Machine, for i n t . tlie onn'vot columoia, win tie nappy to . ' - I supply their friends with the article lor the ! ,.,., datioil ,,f ,Hmsi.v atu, famiijP. Thp f(lijfuvjr,(, aff, sori,e of tie superior ! advan':i2es llri impinin possesses, viz: l. U sews trom 400 to bUO tight stitches 1 1 ..... o M,,,,K! ilrao. 1 mhiiiaa nte rnm lli mot cornr-lica-ed character of their mech- aitsm invariably managed and tl readed I RAYMOND'S, a ch.ld j lolirs, ail( it is tlirea.l i ntnn ,ie(?L j. w i'h more or le.-s itifliculty ; noi o with can manage n ir. two led easier thaa a com i rnon neei: 3. One of the moM valuable 'eamres of IT1I5 lrnerttm,- i u .m-jllnaca a... I lt:t r . . , . .. i tun irtvii't- ui it: if iri;n fin i --if I 4- 1 t,a bt? n-ched to a board, table or ' i .- , , . i H,ni:i 111 nrprillmiT nr.lur unit mnivi.l in lr-s- than nait a minute. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a seam, sufficiently strong for j any work lor which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds ol be wing Machines. " fi. No human hand is capable of produ cing a seam so regular ami systematic. The seam is' so strong it well done, that ihe st.onget material will tear before the seam will give way. 7. Among the array of Patent Sewing I .1.-. i .... i i . , - n n , , . . 1 ' durabirt as Raymond s Pater:!, but no Ma 4-lire i. adaoled to ail kinds oi work a experience has proven. There are perhaps lOMe h() r.a, ef, doing such a var.ety f , e .mnwillii, .rt of .... ily circle, and at such a moderate price a RAYMOND'S PATENT. 8. Tlie operator can shape his upam jnsl he nleases. waves, leave and lliui hi. , e;c be re.ri.s,mej or ill!a,e(j. 9. It is particularly adapteu to all kinds i . . a ol stilcfiirg sucti as gentlemen' fnirt. t0,0 rilbari , t.o! e.e.,-,nd all kinds of ladies' sewing, including sewing, including silks. lawns, delaines, calicoes, dusters, etc.. ex cepting for men'slieavy wear, thi Machine is rather too light o! construction. 10. Dot we all admit, that the advantage to heal1!!, and principally to vision or eyesight, iniuiced by il.e use d Sewing Machines, surpasses infinitely all oiher ad vantages. ;i. Thi Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if 1 he operator wishes it iii.lastcnetl or open, there is a way lor il too, thus you can have ii fastened or not, as j on please, which is, somei ime, espe cially for beginners, a very favorable cir cumstance. the seam is lelt unfastened you can draw it oul in three seconds and r-ave Hi e thread. For sale by the nndersigneJ, at their re speciive resfdence, in IJIoon, sbu rg who v ill put ihe Machine in operation and give all necessary instruction. HENRY Z''PPINGER. DANIEL W. K0UBINS. B'.oomsborg, July 11, 1SC0. HOTEL PROPERTY OP CE 02. r" rrr i 0 f jHE uudersigned take this method of offering his valuable Hotel euo Propeny at private sale, situate f ivS'j in the pieaam ami ttiriving vu- w a 1 ; lage o! Light Street, Co!umbiaj3i j County, Pa. Tnis is nnderstoo;! to be most an excellent HOI EL b I AN I), the House, Stable ai;d ouibnildings t eing ali in good repair. The Proprietor ol ihis hsuse lir.ving no desire to continue in th-i hotel business, will dispose of his properly al private sale upon the most reasonable terms. To any person wishing to engage in the buine-s it is a good location and a desirable place. For lurther information apply to the sub scriber, D. L. EVER HART, Oct. 17. IfifiO. Light Strf.Pi. old dk. yi:ni sRcoK or Travels ami great discoveries ol llie" Japaoese and East InJia Medicines, wi'h full directions for the certain cure ol Con sumption, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds, Ca larrah, 'Asthma, Fevers, Heart Disease, Scrofula, Cancer, Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Gravel and Urinary Depo-its, Fe male Complaints, &. Illustrated with hun dreds of certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpose ol rescuing as many sober ing fellow-beings as possible from prema ture death, it will be sent to any pari of the comment, by sending 25 cenisio Drs. Heath. Sold by G. M. Hagenbnch, Bloomsburg; N. L. Rank & Co. Danville, Jacob Lawali, Caiasauqua: A. Miller & Co, Berwick. . DRS. HEATH, 647 Broadway, New York City. Octobei 5th, ".859. ly. THE JTIOUIVT VERISO, Kortli Second Streel, above ArcL, " PHILADELPHIA. THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. M O I E 15 IV COOKERY IN ALL ITS BR1.CIIES, Br MISS ELIZA ACTON, in. Vised by mrh. s. j. iialc. ST TELLS YOU HOW m choose all kinds of Meats, Pouliry'j and Game, with all the various and most n;. proved modes of dresi(.g and cooking Beef and Pork ; also 'he bpsi and simplest way of saltirm, pick ling ami curing ihe same. IT TELLS YOU ALL the Vanou and most approved modes 01 dressing, cok ing. nr.d toning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, wiih the different Dryings, Gravies, ami Stuffings appro priate to each. IT TELLS YOU HOW to chooe. cean. and preserve Fi-di of kind-, ami how in sweeten ii when tainted; ;-o a! ihe va- riou and with ttie moM approved mode- ol cooking. different Dr stings, t-.ii.ces. and Flavoring appropriaie t each. IF TELLS YOU ALL Ihe various and most approved mode of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Fih.Fowl, Game, und Vegetable S nip-, Broths, and Slews, with ihe Relishes and Se. soilings a Jipropria'e lo each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and mol approved modes ol cooking Vegeta bles of every tlescription, als.i how o pre pare Pickles, Catup and Cmiies of ali kinds, Potted Meals, Fish, Game, Mush room, IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and moi-t approved mo les of preparing and cookicg all kind-! of Plain and P-is-trv, Puditiiigs,, Friliers, Cakes, I ('onlecttoner , Preserves, Jellies, a. id Sweet : Disbe of every descrip ion. j IT TELLS Y'OU ALL the variniM and ! nriot a;uroved rnoiles of making Bread, ,' Jiii'k-', Mnflins, and Biscuit, the bebt j j method o preparing Coflee, Choc dale, and ! i Tea, ar.d how to make Syrup-, Cordials, ! aii f Wines ol vaiions kinds. j IT TELLS YOU HOW to set out a.-d or- j iiameui a Tatle. how to Carve all kinds of ' ; Fichj Flesh or Eowl, and in shor', how loso . 1 simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to j bring ihe choice?-! luxuries ol the table I ; within everybody's reach. j Toe book contains 418 pages, and tip-' wards o twelve hundred Receipts, all of! which are the renhs of uciual experience, j having b-esi fudy and careltllv tested un- ' der Ihe. personal mi periniendence ol Ihe , writers It is prmieii in a clear anil open type, is illusirateil wiih appropiiaie engra v uig, and will be forwarded lo any aodres, neatly bound, ant! postage paid, on receipt of l lie price, $1 00. or in cbeh, ena, Si. 23. can be made by enterpr: Hg men every where, in selling the above work, our in to all such being very liberal. l or single copies o! l.'.e Bock, or fir terms to ag'mis, with other .uformatioii, apply to or address JOilN E. I () I IE a, Publi-her, No. 617 Sumom Philadelphia. not I 4iii6 Hvvat Worli 011 the S3oie. THE RORSE ADIIIS DISEASES ; ; BV ROBKHT JKNMNGS, V. P., I Professor of Pnifmlogy unit (J,er ttn;e Surgery in the Veterinary College vj I hdndtlpaia, j t'C, i(c. TELL YOU of the Origin, Hi-tory and di-tiuctive Irai s ol the various, j breeds ol European, Asiatic, African and 1 American Horses, with the 1 hysical forma- I lion and j e uliarnies ol the animal, ai d how to ascertain Ii if age by the number and condition of his teeib; :llntraied with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HOUSE AND HlS DlEASES Will tell you cl Breeding, Breaking, Sta bling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, an I liie general management ol ihe horse, wuh the bel modes ol administering medicine, aUo how to ireat Biting, K eking, Rearing, Shung, Stumbling, Crib Bning. Reiless iies andoiher vices to wfiich he is ,u bject; with ritiT.erous explanatory engravings THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES. Will tell you cf the canes. symptoms, and Treatment ol Strangles, S-ire Throat, Dis temper, Catarrh, Inilueiiza, lin.uch i' is, Pneumonia, Pieuriy, Broken Wind, Chro nic Cough . Roaring and Whistling. L impa-, Sore Mouth and Uicers, and Decayed Teeth, with other diseases ol the Mviutti and Resira'or) Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS rISESF.S Will :eli you cf the causes, symptoms, and Treaiu.eni cf Worms. IJ is Colic, Strangu lation. Siony Concretions, Rojmire, PaUy, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Hepatirrhoea. Bloody Urine, Stones in ihf Kidneys an 1 B adder, L.ila'imiutiori, aiui other disease! (,f ilt S omach, Bow Is, Liver au-J Unnaiy Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Wtll tnll yii'i ol the canses? symptoms and Treatment ol Bone, Blood and Bog, S,ivin, R ngrone. Sweeni?, Strain-, Broken Knees, Wind Gads, Founder, Sole Bru'we and (Jravel, Cracked ILmfs, Scratches, Canker, Tt.riisti, and Corn.-; also, of Megrims. Vertigo, Epi'e. .)', Sagger, and other diseases of the Feet? Lgs, -n. IJeaJ. THE HORSE AND "lIIS DISEASES Will tell you of the causes, sv inoiori.s. Hcd Treatment ol Fi-lula, Poll Evil, Glanders r.ircy, Scarlet fever, Mange, Snrteii, Locked Ja.iv, Jiheumutism, Cramp, Galls, Dieases of the Eye and Heart, &e., &:., and how to manage CasirMion, Bteediiig, Trephiiining, Rovveling, Firing, Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, and other surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will tell too of Rarey's Method of laming Horses; how 10 Approach, Halter, or Stabl a Col ; how to accu-tom a horse 10 Strang" sounds and sight, and how to Bit, Sa idle, Ride, and Break him to Harness; also the lorm and law I Warranty. The whole be ing the result of more than liheen years careful study of the habi wants and weaknesses ol !, peculiarities, this noble and useful animal. The book contains 334 pages, appropri a'ely illustrated by One Hundred Engra yings. li is printed in a clear ar.d open type, and will be furnished to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, half bou.'.-d, Si. 00, or, in cloth, extra, $1.25. 'SI OOO a Year can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling ihe above, and other popular works ol ours. Our inducements to all such are exceedingly libera!. For single copies of tlie Book, or for terms to agents, virh other information, ap ply to or sddress JOHN E. FOH ER, Publisher, 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. novl4m6 A.M. lilTEUT, - TIyER $ STOVE DEALER, Shop 00 South side ot Main street, below Maiket. JOSLTII SHARl'LESS. FO UNDER AmiMdJlLlEKiL. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. THE undersigned would inlorm V e c'"i zens nf Bloomslmrg and vicinity, lha he has jus: received and ofTers tor sale one ol the most eterisic asorimenls of COOK ING and FANCY oTOVES, ever ii.tmdnce.l j into ifiis market. The Christopher Colnm- i bus James Rnbb :m J (Jlobe ire among the first ctas cooking Stove's, all of which are air-iight and gaft burners. His Parlor stoves j are handome and the asor. ment varied J A l.rU lanicniar iillernion is paid to lin Ware and House Spouting, upon short no tier;. All kinds of repairing will be done wbfi reatness and despatch. C Country produce taken in exchange for work. PHILIP S. MOYER. Bloomsbnrg, Oct. 3, ISt'O. NEW GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF Gi CS C -LD b23 & AT aaB.H.KIl'S STOKE! flHE sub-criber has just returned from the City widi another large and select as sortment of FALL AND WINTER Goods, purchased a! Philadelphia, at ihe lnvps' figu'e, and w Inch h on as rnoftera'e terms s determined to sell s can be procured elsewhere in Bloom rburg. His stock com prices of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, Cp'V 1A GD CS CZ IT Jl C G3 Hardware, Qijeenware, Cedarware, Hol- lo'.vware, Iron, jN.nls.- uoo'S it Mines, Ha.s and Cb s. Scr. , fee. In short, everything n-uaily kepi in country Stores; lo which ho invites the pubtic generally. Tlie hi!isi price paid for country produce. S. H. MILLER. ninomburz, Oa. 24. 1P60. - jr. t&j Kcw Fall Goods ( LARGK STOCK AM) LOW PRICCS. e have aaiu l-een to the ci'y, and re turned w ih a large stock of Goods for the sea-on, which we are prepared to sell at a low figure for ready pay. Our tlock ' consists of Hardware, Q ieensware, Cedarware, Wil- low-ware. Ho!io-ware BOOTS AND SHOES, (iroceries, Nail, Iron, Fish, Salt, Piaster, Fluid, Camphene Oil, White Lead by ihe Keg, cheap, &c, &c. II. C. fc I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg. Oc. 17, 1860. THE PHINCE OF WALES IS NOW CREATING GIU1TE A Tliroiigliaiit lhis Couulry. J ? UT there is great excitement down town 'caused by ihe arrival of a new and se lect stock of Goods jusi received at L. T. SIIARPLESS? Cheap Ca-h Store. Having ju-i relumed from Philadelphia with a stork heretofore unrivaled, he flatters himslf that he can satisfy all nf ihe beauty and ad vantages ot the Oi.v'i System by ihe exceed ingly low prices widi which he is able to sell. ronsis's ,,t cress goods ol eery variety Sdks, Plaid-, FigM Thibets, Cahmere", Plain and lancy DnLaines fee. &.e. Ladies Broch at: I Rversable Snau-Is, Gntr StiawJs, Coa1, Cloak and Mantle Cloths Fancy Cas-imeree. Vesting, Satins Lawns, Flannels, Gingham, Cal'cee &c. Boo-s ar.d St.ofs A large a-sortment ot Gum shoe- which wiil be dispo-el of at ihe low et prices, Hats and Caps, Table and Hoot Oil Cloths, Aouons of every Kind, Q tefnesware, Grceer;es Fiour anJ feel, An examins'ion of ihe stock 1 solicited a no charge is mad- tor an exhibition of the goods. Grai-i and all marketable pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. L. V. SHARl'LESS. Bloomsburg, Oct. 10: 1S0O "o!irl S'roelaisitalion. MIEUEAS the Hon. Warren J. Wood- ward, Piesident Judge ol Ihe Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Dehv ery, Court ct (Juarter esi.ns of Ihe Peace and Court of Common P.ea and Orphans' Conrl, in 1 he 26lh Judicial District, compo eJ of the counties of Columbia. Sullivan and Wyoming, aid ihe Hon. Juob Evans and Peter K!in Associate Judgfs ct Columbia County, have isued their precejit. bearicg date tuie thousand eighteen hundred aiui sixty, and lo me directed for holding a Conn of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery. Quarter Session ol the Peace, Com. Pleas at.d Orphans' Cour. in Bloom. onrg, in ine count oi oninioia. on me tir! Monday (being, ihe 2d day) of Deem., next, and io continue one week. Notice i herern given, ?o the Coroner, the Ju-tices ol the l'eice and Lon-lables 01 tlie I said Com ty of Columbia, that they be iIomi j find tlieio 111 their proper persons at 10 o'- ' clock in ti e forenoon ol said day, wuh thir j records, inquisition- atid other remembran ces 10 do those Itiings which 10 iheir ol'ices I appertain lo be done. And those that are ' bound by recognizes, lo prosecute against ihe prisoners thai are or may be in ihe Jail of said county ol Columbia, 10 be then ami there to proseeu e then as shall be j'ist. Jn rors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to I heir notice, dated at Bloomsburg, ihe 24;h lay of Oct., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixty aud in the eighty-tonrth year of the independence of Ihe L'tnted States of America. (God save the Common wealth.) JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff, Bloomsburg, October 24, 1S60. li LOOMS BURG r.nizi:ii snor. MM HE undersigned respectlully informs the -- citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that he has taken ihe Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in ihe white Frame Building, nearly opposile the Ex change Block, where he is at all limes ready lo wait upon hit customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable eiyle, and on ve'V moderate terms. tShampooing, done up in City Style. He solicit public patronage and pledges his best endeavors to give every reasonable rfn it. I'lLlf .1. .11.1 111 . WYOMING HOUSE, J. It. UYIOCK, IMlOI'KIETOn, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUlsTV, PENN, T?pHE Proprietor respectfully informs hit J& friernts and the public enerally that bd has taken charge of ihe Wyoming House, in the village ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, and has fitted it out 60 ?s to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious and airy and not only calculated io add to 'he conve nience nnd rorrtlori ! ihe it; vet ing Com m O- niiy, l u' aUo io il'e w f:o yochJ seek a plexsaiit snmn vr resort wiif- families- - HIS TABLE will t e Mipl-ed tl-p .est p matbet run afior1 ; aiil fii" TaB wdl b fi fnisf-ed with the pine' liquor ifial can be obiaii.ed. The proprietor will ive hi exelns'ive a'tentlon to ijie comfort a:.d crn veii e:ice ot hie tiiesj. and is detrniineii lo make the -WYOMING HOUSE tank iiiong the firr-r tote!s in ihe Si ite. The Prn'irie'or bore that from hi expe rience in ihe tMidnes, snd by unremitting i.lteiiiio-i on bis par:, combined with a judi cious selection al the moM careful and oblig ing servants, he may be emilled to the fa vorable consideration of ihe public, and re ceive a liberal hare of their pair-mage. fT Please give h.rii a ca'l, and judge for yrtnrselvt. April 2, I85d. FORKS HOTEL. ELOt'MSUCKO, C0LTJ31E1A CO., tA. . ROBERT UAGENBUCH, Irojnietvr. 'SHAKES pfpasure in announcing lothe pub lie lhai be has rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied bv Jan.e Freeze, in Bloomi-burg, mid ii prepared to accomodate traveller, teamster. drovers and boarders. His :aLle will be non- plied with Ihe t e-t products lha markets af lord, nd his Ear will be constantly furnish ed with the choiee-i liquors. Afentive osilers will always be ;n at fendance, and he trusts his long etperiencrf mi cntermg lo de wants of ihe public, anil his obliging attention lo customer wileJ cure a liberal share of patronage. B'oomsbttrg, April 21, 1858. HisinScn Holel Berwick, Pa. THE suhscriter would respectfully inforrrt his friends and the travelling public that hf has taken charge of the above named hotel, ami has fitted it up in the best possible man- ) tier for the accommodation ot all who may favor him with tt.eir patronage. He flatters; l.imself that by unremitting attention, b can give entire satisfaction to all. Histabh will be supplied with the test the market iiRordsj and his bar with ti e choicest liquors. Obliging and attentive ostlers will always te on hand, ?.! bis stabling is the mjet exJ tensive ia this section of country. MAJ. N. SEELF. Berwick, April 20, 1859. En;; Be Foundry, ITIooiiisliurp' STOVES AND TINWARE. THE snb-criber havin? ereeted a laroo now hr;ck Foundry ond Machine Shop, in placrt ot the old cue, is prepared to make all kind of CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICEt Plow s constantly on fi.ind. The subscribe ha removed his Tin 5hop from Mairt Street to Ihe Foundry Lot, where he ha erected a building altogether for Sloves and Tinware. The Cooking Sloves ronit of the WM. JFq PENN C00IC, raub COOK, van-- L,ER COOK, and PARLOR STOVES 4rf "II kinds, the Egg Cylinder Stovey All kinds of Spotting made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS, Bloomsburg. Ai-'d 16,1858 BLOOMSBURG rff1iE uiidersigued would in lhis way call the attention of the public, to the Booi j Store at the old stand, next door to the ' Ex- charige Hotfcl,''" where at all limes ran j found a good assortment of books, including J Kiblcs, Hymn Books, Prayer Cooks, llis'ones, h oks of Poetry, Novel", and chool i'orks ; also all kinds cf stationary cf the ben piatty. A considerable ('eduction made upon ihfl piice of Scon' Books and Stationary to those who by to sell aain. Just received, a gnod assortn.erd of WALTi PAPER, whirh I would ask all to call and examine before puchasing elsew here. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor lo Jesse G. Clark. B!oorrbr.rg, May 25, lS57.-lyr. Boot niHl !iofin;;liin. THE nndersigied being tliankfu! for pan lavors. and yra'e'ul forluture pros pects, desires to :nform the citizens o! this place f?it7 ' and vicinity, and hi friends and patrons in particular, ihal be still carries Oil the above business in a:? it various branches t his old stand. 0:1 Main streei, nearly opposite the Episcopal C.'inrcrr Bloomsburg. lie employ? the very bet t workmen, acd usp nothing but good stock. No pa;n are spared to make r.eal fit and durable woik; a l of which can be obtained very low for ready pay. JACOB F. D1ETTERICH. F.'oomebnrg. Feb 1, IPGO-Iy. 11. c now iiR, v 11 i: r i e . t s s i ESPECFCLLY offers a hii services to tbe iJ 1 ladies a-u! gentlemen ol Blooms- burg and vicinity. He i prepared to attend I to all the various operations in D )en;i:ryi an' is provnteil witn tbe nte.-t improvep TORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot o' gold plate, to look as well as natural. A supprior article of Torh Powders, al ways on har.d. All operations 0:1 the teeth warranted. Oilier, 3d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Mai.i St., west tide. Bloomsburg. January 13, 1853 ESTRAY. PAMK lo the premises of the subscriber, itl Locust township. Columbia County, about ihe Uuer pari o. May lat a HEIFER, about two jearsold. Color light red, with a few while spots upon ihe lower parts of its body. Ihe owner or owners are requested to come lorward anrt prove properly, pay charges and take it away, otherwise it will be dispoa"d of ac cording to law. JOHN OLIVER. Locus. July 25, 1SG0. mTriV.MINGS AND NOTIONS, farcy ani - cle, a good assortment ot Hosiery Of the best quality; also gloves, mil.?, baskets, Ca bas, Comb, dress trimming" and linings, sewing sdk, thread, etc., etc., to be had nent door to ihe l'Exchang." AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, l0-7- CLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! BLANKS ! I DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBFCEMAS, iv"..frr'f;vrTlynTrc Ik, IE r: