STAR OF THE NOM,! Bloorasbnrj, Wednesday, SoTember 2S. 1SG0. Wb cannot agree to publish R. Newell's Photograph Gallery upon the term offered by Mr. V. B Palmer. Trade not accepta ble. '. ' Thk new German Reformed Church is fast nearing completion, under the supervi aion ol Mr. Simon C. Shire. It will be a handsome edifice when finished. PecLTRT, of every description, taken at this office on account. Atso grain will not hm refused, but taken at the highest market . riee. y . , m m On aecount ol too mnch other business, we tailed to notice several periodicals in this Star. They will be attended to in our next ' yA Protracted Mrctikc was commenced Vy our friends of the M. K. Church in Light Ftreet on Saturday last. If attended with good success will continue a week or two. ' On Wednesday night a week, a series of meetings will commence in the Lutheran ih'm place, under '.ho pastoral charge ot ths Rv. J R Dimm V are credibly informed that, Hon. ItitRRACE GftKELET,of the New York Tribune, 'will deliver a Lecture before the Young Men's Christian Asociation of this place, -u Friday evening, December 1 4th, 1860. cThi cars on the CatUwissa road have commenced running differently to what they did m fw days since. We have not saw lhe new' time table, but judge the time not altered very much. " At work The cabuiMt makers. Not ls l bail a dozen cabinets have already been framed for ''Old Abe'' all. of them com posed principally of llmk oak Uollidaytburg Mum Ja J. r , , ropneior oi iew ior. i,m niaKes proposition to country Editor to publish liia Prospeetna of a half column in length nl in return he will semi his emi weekly tv t . ..... . ' VUI 1TIII. I .J . n ill IIUl ia . III. u . "a j ' . i jour Daily one jer, ami we 11 -call to see - Wc design opeiiiug in our next issue an Edcrational Department, and we would in lite alt those who feel any interea- in edit cation a I matters to contribute , towards making this portion of our paper as inter ratiu and useful a possible. Da. John's favorite tea appears to be 'calnep' as he has frequently recommended it ta prson whom he thought omthi2' I lhr kind i ceded. We should think cat- 'f tea much better, although we don't -Uiu to be a Doctor ' Ma. Adrian VANHocric, of this place, ahowed at our office one day last week, a Turnip which weighed fit" piundt and measured in circumference thirty four in's. W'm'd like to see somebody turn up one to j leat it- ' Nirr week will be court week, and will iTord a splendid opportunity to all coming to town to pay the Printer. Give us a call 1 nd we'll write receipts till our fingers ache, iuly so that the 'spondulicks'' are forth coming We acknowledge the receipt of a very fine young Turkey from our Democratic friend Josssh LiLtcrof Scott township We should think our coiemporary of the Republican wanted one or two. Why don't somebody attend to him 1 "As poor as Job's turkey" is a phrase that trouble the antiquarians, but they do not give op lhe hunt for its origin, and one ef them sajs he has found out that the turkey had but one leather in his tail, and was so poor lhat he was obliged to lean against a fence to gobble. Rcmedt for a Fklon. We find in an xchange, the following simple remedy lor this roost painful, and most difficult to cure, of all sores: Take a pint of common soft oap, and stir it in air-slacked lime till it is f the consistency of glazier's pntty. Make a leather thimble, fill it with this composi tion, .and insert the finger therein, and change tbe composition once in tewenty minutes, and a care is certain. BoUovDoyU Fills and Ointment. The Ticto tries of science, Domestic Remedies. Steam electric telegra phs printing, &c, have each &ad their particular ovation, bnt the man -who has rednted the sphere or disease and Alleviated th sufferings of millions of hfs ellow beings, is, to say the least of it, enti tled to nor admiration. ; Holloway has ex jended a life time. in the snppression of .sickness throughout the world, and for the rffaqxive cores of measles, smaII-gox, ring ,jronn,,Khoopin2 congh, and all disorders 2iectiag-.chlhihood, his Pills and Ointment pt aa ftmiliar as household words, in Ea pe, Asia," Africa and America. Mothers ahoold never be without a supply. Dx. JoPi'a Soor Stobb We commend jpahllc spirit and enterpriza, ' Eoergetic ba iness men are of nse to erery town.. They jhao'd be pa'.fonlzed'and 'encdaraged.---Thcy always wllhe. Henca it Is that we jire gratified to sea the success and increas ing business of oor friend Dr. JoHsr, especU ally in the Bock and Stationery trade. He is ssllic a great ma.ny Books and ; a large araoant cf Wall Paper and .Station ry. In addition to the retail pxrt hu is nopplyicg par Country ilerefcants at Whole salt rates. This to thorn will prove aa acconracdation, jr. thsy czn send in their imtll -orders aa -- r-3 tisrt. 'Fcr 'rTthr'? yoa r??d in tribune forisgi. The XXth Volume of the Weekly Tribune comn enced with the issue of Sept. 1. Du ring the past year lhe 1 ribune has been obliged to devote quite a large proportion of its space to Politics, but we shall soon be able to forego Political discussions almost entirely, for months if not for years, and devote nearly all our columns to subjects of less intense, but more abiding, interest. Among these, we mean to pay especial attention to, L Education. The whole subject of Education, both Popular and General, will he discussed in our columns throughout the year 1861, and we hope to elirit in that dis cussion some of the profoundest thinkers and lhe ablest instructors in onr country It is at once our hope and our resolve that the cause of Education shall receive an im petus from the exertions of The Tribune in its behalf during the year 1861. II. Agriculture. We have been com pelled to restrict our elucidations of this great interest throughout 1860. and shall endeavor to atone therefor in I88J. What ever discovery, deduction, demonstration, is calculated to rentier the reward of labor tie voted to cultivation more ample or more certain, shall receive prompt and full at tention. III. Manufacnres, &c. We hail every invention ol enterprise whereby American Capital and Lahor are attracted to and ad vantageously employed in any department of Manufacturing or Mechanical Industry as a real coniribmion to the Public Weal, in suring ampler steadier, more conveniert. more remunerating markets to the Farmer, with fuller employment and better wastes to the Laborer. The progress ol Mining, Iron-Making, Steel-Making. Cloth Weaving, &c, &c, in our country and the world shall be watched and reported by us with un earnest and active sympathy. VI. Foreign Affairs We employ the best corresponpeuts in London, Paris, Turin, Berlin, and other European Capitals to I transmit us early and accurate advices I of the great changes Iherv. silently I but certainly preparing. In spite ot the j pressure of Domestic Politics, our News from the Old World is now varied and j ample; but we shall have lo render it more nerhert ilurin" the eventful Year iusl ! r o j before us. V. Home News. We employ regular paid correspondents in California, at tha i.i ,.r r-i.. ,. : .k u..i,.. M,..,t..;r. l'nril, l-.J .... w... ....... Gold Region, and wherever else they seem requisite From the more accessiMe pr , format, mainly born the mult, anoo- cor- , ..iii. our exchanges, and the occasional letters ol intelligent lrieuds. We aim to print the oaper. with the lullesi cheapest general news and mot authentic summary of uselnl in- : avwhere afforded. I! ping to "make each day a critic on the . iaM,"and print a belter and better paper . i i from year to year, as our means are steadily ....... , . t enlarged through the generous co operation , , i - . ... : of our manv we l withers, we solic hst, .lPor lo deserve, a coutinnanc public favor. TlTRA.t'i DailyTrthurie f"3 1 1 issues per r annum 1, Semi Weekly (104 "l " " ) Weekly (52 " ' ) 62 ' To Jemi Weekly : Two copies for $5 Five for SI 1.25, Tu copies lo one 1 address for S20 and any larger number at ' the lat!,er rate! Fvr a, club d Twenty an j extra copy will be sent. For a club of Forty, we send The Daily Tribune gruti ' one year. j Weekly : Three copies for Eight cop- ies for Sin. and any larger number a: th rat of Si 20 each per annum the paper to be addressed to each subscriber. 'J o clubs nf Twenty, we send an extra copy, I we.ity copies fMte lor S20, with one extra to him who sends us the clnb. Foreachclub of One Hundred, The I ribune will be sent oralis for one vear iritn ne w ill Pe sent gratis lor one year. When dralts can be secured u is mnch safer than to remit Bank Bills. The name of the Post Office and State should iu all Case be plainly written Payment always in advance Address, THE TRIBUNE. No. 154 Nassau bt , New ork FRESH ARRIVAL OF S2T '-SbN- r?yv m an ? d AT HEAD QUAKTEi:S! HIcKEfVY, IVEAS. fc CO., HA VK jui recei vvd and npei.eo .heir iock ot Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LAKGF.Sl', Cheapest, and harn:om pt asortmeiil now offered in this TO VN. Having paid oreat at ention to the selection ol tfieir-entiie stoek as lo Price and Quality, they flatter themselves iht ihey can compete with the cheapest, and all thoe wishing to bny cheap, can save money by civiug u a call. We havea'l kinds of goods and wares lo supply the want of the people. A very arue and complete assortment oi LADIES' DllESS GOODS. French Merinoes. wool plaids, alpacas, borrt baxines, de bages, poplins paramelta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persiau cloth", Ginhams, al;coes, &c. WHITE GCODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimminos, lces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet libbons, and brsids, kid, cotton, lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c. ALL KINDS OF SHAWLS, brocbe, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, embrodered, &c. Also a very large large assortment of Cloths, casimers, satinets, veMings, tweeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &c. of all kinds and sizes for men, women and children. We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of tbe latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, &c. Very cheap CARPETS, CARPET.BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil cloths, mats, rugs, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, tickings, dra pers, tow dings, drillings, &c, in abundance. We invite oor friends and ihe public gen erally to give os a call before purchasing elsewhere. ;". We have bonshl oor foods at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man kind. ; . McKELVY, NEAL & CO. Bloomsburg, Nov. 21, 1850. Tinware & Store Establishment rg ?HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in forms bis" old friends and customers, that be has purchased his brother's interest iri tbe above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and of fcrs far sale the largest and most en SJ tenfeive assortment of FANCY ST0TVS ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of tepairing done, ss usual, nn short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M, RUPERT : Bloomsborg, Jan. 12.153. if. " BAKNAUD RUPERT, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, REGISTER'S NOTICESt TVTOTICE is hereby giving to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and minorsj that the following administra tion and guardian accounts have been filed in 'he office of the Register of Columbia county, and will be presented for confirma tion and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be held at Bloomsburg, in the county aloresaid, on Wednesday the 5ih day of Dec. next, at 2 o'clock, in lhe attrnoon. 1 Tne second account of Peter Ent, one of the Executors of Matthew McUowell, late ol Scoil township, der'd. 2. The second account of Theodore McDcwell, one of the Executor ol Mat thew McDowell, late ol Scott township, der'd. 3. The arconnt of L-wi-i Vetter, Admin iMr.tiorot the eMu'e of Jacob Keiler, late of Cc'rt wi-oa township, dee'd. 4. The first and final account of Eno-, Executor of the lal will and testa meiit ol Rnsauna Vaiinatla, Idle of Bloom tow nship, dee'd. 5. The account of Elisha B Brown, Guar dian of Elizabeth A. Brown, one ol the children and heirs ol John Brown, Jr.. la'e of Mifflin township, dee'd. 0. The account of Elisha B. Brown. Guar dian of Rehecca Brown, one of the children and heirs ol Matthew Brown, late ot Mitllin township, dee'd. 7. The account of Robert B. Swayze, Executor of the last wi'laud testament ol Jhcob C. Swavze, lute cf Franklin township dee'd. P. The acconnt of Jacob F. Rnhibnck, Administrator of the estate of Jacob Kolir Oack. la'e cl Franklin lowushin. dee'd- 9 Ttie account of James Masters, Exec liters of lhe last will and testament of Henry Ki el. en, la e of Madunn township, dee'd. 10. The aeecouul of Svmnel Kres-ler, , cock, and on th south by a public road Administrator ol the estate of Lemuel Kres- leading from Miilville to liohrsbur, con sler, late of Scott townshi,.. Iec.M J laining one hall of an Acre more or less, 11. The acconnt of John Murray, late of j whereon are er-eted a two story FRAME Liberty to-viiship, Columbia (no Montour) county . dee'd. 12. The account of Richard Demoti, ev- ecntor ot the estate of J;tcob Swisher, la'e ot il.,,,,, 10wnship , dee'd DANIEL LEE, KKJITtU s UFFtl'K. I Kegister. B! omst)nrg, Nov. 7, l8fi() THE ULOBE, 'l it I nrTtirm ninin nr rrvvn n rop Ufl' l l UI till IIU ll "JO , MSh nr,vv ,y anua l' of Tu, Dttl (i.,bv, The fo ,!eire ,n M,bl - ,. . v , . .i I r. . . ...:ii ' Ri.i , srnoe, hihi v-uusir -..rn-n . j Monday-of next December, when 1 tii resume publishing the 1 above-named P;t' . L ... . , I lie IJaily t.Iohe will contatri a report ot ".. . . , , , & i hn c i 1 1 im t w r 1 1 e f in il is to any corps ol hori liiiml w riters in this, .3 ' . . . . r nr in anv (.filer roilnlrv. A niiti'irt'V Ot it and ""m Xv,il "'r''- ' "; f"1,nr'- lt'Lat" ince i,fil" ' w'";- ,,0"r' J average number rf woid- spoken by finer, speakers rare exceed seven thousand Ik. nr. ne the a itav ilo not intke more ihan . debate- ol irriy-n-e ciumn. iney win appe-ir in 1 ne Daily Globe ot the next morning, which will contain, al-o. the new ol the day, lo- ge'her wnh Mich editorial ar'icle.s as may be suggested ty passing event. The Congressional (ilobe ami Appendix u ill enii!in a report of all the Debate in Congres revised by the speaker, ihe : he AllU;i,; ol Uie eaiU , the Executive Departments, lhe Laws passed during the res-ion. am! co.iious in- I dexes o all. They will be pruned on a 1 .1...,! .r.. .1 ;.. .,.r.Lr L.rr,. rn.-J . ' . f MZe, each number containing mX. , ,...n . ,. ; i ! 'l"- , V " T- 't, T u"vrtl' " , ,2 100 V2- ' - . k uei, t(, be ,tlecheapest work ever I ,, .. .... . , . j S0' T " 1 " ,! . . . 1 " . V ' " ' . 'r V " . itit? i. i a Hum wet ui ,i I.UU - laHI-. Tne coming esion wi'l. without doubt. oe an unn.M.any imereMinn one, ueiue he debates will, 111 a ral measure, be(tvlo ;orv frm c!wh1.' house, a' lar-.e upon ihe pobcy of ihe President elert, ami 1 tie tilnLie w ill be, aa it Ii.ts heeii lor many .i t. i i i . .i years past, me oniy rourcH irom wnn-n iun tiebafs l L lll.':es ran he untamed. ( Ihe Loniire-MotMl dlobe and Appendix I iias tree ihrouh lhe ma N ol I lie Uu teil ' Mater-, a- wii ue seen i,y rea.nns; u.e .01 the 6ti of Auut, 1H52: Jjint Ke-olutin providing for the d.s'ribu lion ol ihe Laws ol Congress and the llebdtes thereon. ' un a view 10 uie cneap circuia ion 01 i the laws of Ciinres atid the debate con tributing to the true interpretation thereof, and 10 make tree the communication be tween the representative and constituent bodies Be it ren!ved by lhe Senate and House of Repiesenlatives of lhe United States of America in Congress assembled, That from ard after the present session of Congress, the Congressional Globe and Appendix, which contain ihe Saws and the debates thereon, shaii pass free through the mails so long as ihe same shall be published by order of Congress: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to authorize Ihe circulation of the Daily Globe free of postage. Approved, August 6, 1852. TERMS. For a copy of the Daily Clobe, for four months, S3 CO For 1 .copy of lhe Congressional Globe and Appendix, during the session, . 3 00 For 2 copies ditto, when ordered at the same time, 5 00 No attention will be paid lo any order unless the money accompany it. Bank notes, current in the section of the country where a subscriber resii'es, will be received at par. The whole or any pari of a subscription may be remitted in postage stamps, which is preferable to any currency, except gold or silver. JOHN C. IUVES. NEW FALL AND WINTER. ITI AttTZ & ENT tl AVE just received from Ph-ladelphia a splendid assortment of merchandise, purchased af the lowest figure, and which they are determined to sell for Cash or Country Produce, on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Lighl Sfeet. Then Slock con sists ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fahions, DRV GOODS, GRO CERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDAR WARE. HOLLO W- J FA RE, Iron, Nails and Spikes, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BEADY-MADE CL0TIIIXC, &c. &c, In short every thing usually kept in a coun try Store. , They respectfully invite their old friends, and the public generally, to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. - , ; EST The highest price paid for country prouace. ; SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of a cer ain writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Columbia county, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on Monday 3d day of December next at one o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, the following property, to wit : A certain piece or lot of land, which were of the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, owners, and,E. M. Heilner, contractor, a certain dwelling house two stories high, villi a kitchen, attached, one and a half stories hi nil ; the building is about thirty-two lee' by twenty eight leet, and situate upon a certain lot or piece of ground, within the Coutt';' of Cn'unihia. and owned by the said Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, together with lhe hereditements and appurtenances. Seized, taken in execut on and to be old as the property of the Locust Monnlain Coal ami Iron Company owners, and E. M Heilner, contractor. ALSO All that certain lot of land ittiate in Cent reville, Centre township, Columbia county, bounded and de-ciibed as follows, to wii on the north by an alley, on the j east by a street or said Lentreville, on the south by lot of Jacob Mensinger and on the wet by an alley, containing fittv two feet in front and one hundred and eighty !eet in depth, whereon is erected a one and a half s-ory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE with the appurtenances. ' Seized taken tn execution and to be sold as i he property ol Josiah B Edwards. ALSO All that certain lot of ground sit- j na'e in Greenwood iownhip, Columbia ! county, bounded on the norm west by a I public road on the H by Charles Hay- i I'-LLIMt HOUSE, a lo out house, a j iraino s!Hiie, a trame woou s:ieu ami oiner , , outbuilding with the appurtenances, j ALSO One other lot simple in the twp., j aiid ci'iinty aforesaid, bounded on the north j west by a pnbim road, on lhe north by a i public road lending from Miilville to Ronr ! puig, on the east by lot of A. f. Kesier, i am! on the south bv lnJ of Ezra Eves. ! ,ia, i.,.. one hall of an acre more or le-s. i i r cl;..,! m .i,-. ' ' "i-, "it" I n ).,.- ' " Se-zed liken :n execution and to be sold as the property of James Hampton. ! ,.Af; -A 11 .",dl VS' I' .J " ! siuiaiH n r,"iuii, uuiuiiiuiu ru., uuuun- i . . . . ' . j e, alll te.-eiibed as oilow. to wil : on toe r - ;, - , - ,, jJUai., S,reet of said town, on the ! west by loTi.f-Ettttkx.fc Crevelmg, on (he i lie r n v l ioi oi i -aac. x i noma.- -r- v .. , ; , , , ,(,t of A(1rt,w Owens, ; coi.raiinns inriy me leet in root, one nim- i ibc! rnl eignty leet m depth, he .he same . :a a I VV() ! or le-f, whereon i ere.ieu a i 'in nTAin. .ti inirrt i iv. nnrcL' ' stable, and other outbuildings, with ! appurtenances. : u).e(. in eKPCUI;rtn ant, to be poIl! i as the property ol Prise Bomlw.y. ! l rv rtv ii.n f o irni Hi Vnil. kt , all mat certain Tract ot Land, uma e in ; j Briarcreek town-h.p, Cidumbii CO., bound- i j ed on the west by a public road leading ! Irom Berwick to New Columbus, on the uor'h by land of Peter Hay-man. on the! , eat b land ol S. F. Headly and Brutaiu. ; : and on the south by I mid ot Wm. Luiden I I au t oihers. roniaining seventy acres, n ore j or less, hbout fifty acres ot which is cleared j i land, whereon is erected a one and a h-ll Mory lrame dwelling hou-e, a i 'fame barn, a log stable ami other . . u -II ...... ' ' onmnn.imgs, wmi ine appurtenances. ; i Seied taken in execmion and to be sold : : as tl.e property ol Jacob Shafle'. ' j , r n . 1 ALSO By sundry writs of vend ex. a'.hhat j , certain Ioi of ground ei.nae in Rohrsb.irg, cjolu-ntu-i co bounded on the wcm hV Mao i 1 ,l 4 ooumieu on ine west ry jani ! ' tovrnu ,he "r"! by hu F" 'M I , UOe' " l,,e eaM " ,u,', OI Jd,','t' Lamoii. i f containing; one hundred ?ar.d hltyfleei in I 1 I r i 1 1 1 lit Ihe Knirt ' mnftf nr a... I ! hin.d ed and fi teen (eel in deoih. be fie -Hin l0ra OT , 'whereon are erected t framt! whelM rilit frame wheelwright shop, a Meani boiler, t mall er.ume, a tnrn.uj lathe, a Ir-rne blacksmiili etiop. a Ir .me tailo'r ,-t.n-., and imo frame stables, and oher out buddings, with the appurtenances. " Seized taken in -xecnilon. and lo be nlv lUe o( illUlld, M.Ai.ple man. i : . t . . ALSO One other tract of land, si;ur.te in Beaver township, Columbia county, nf- joining land of Charles Mann, on lhe north, jacoD Herman s neirs on tne norm, A era 1...... k'.,o..i.i nr, ik. ..ii. n 1... 1 ua-ii 1, vn hid niuiii. vnann riMiri and Jacob Heinderleiter on the eat, and Mary Culp on the west, containing one hundred and one acres and a half, with the j appurtenance, about ten acres of which are cleared land. Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the property of Jacob llossler. ALSO By virtue of a writ of testatum venditioni exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Schuy Ikill county, Penn sylvania, all that certain tract of land situ ate in Franklin lownship, Columbia county, Penn'a., bounded and described as follows to wit : Beginning at a white oak, corner of laud of John flower, thence by lhe same, South Eighty-nine and a half degrees west, forty perches to siones, ihcnce by land of I Benjamin P. Former, north two degrees weht, forty two and two tenths perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same, north nine degrees west forty three perches to a maple tree, thence by lhe same, north ten degrees east thirty perches to a pikewood, thence by Ihe same, nonh twenty five and a half degrees east, thirty perches to lhe mouth of Vetier's Ron, thence up the north easi branch of the Susqnehanna River, its various courses one hundred and thirty ami seven tenths perches to a red oak, thence by land of Charles S. Coxe, south thirty five and a half negroes east, s.xteen and two tenths perches 10 stones, thence by lhe same.norih eighty five degrees east twenty four perches to stones, ihence by wood lots, sonih forty two degrees west twenty six and six teiths perches to siones, thence by the same, south forty eight degrees east, one hundred and six perches to stones, thence by lar.ds belonging to the heirs of John Former's (dee'd.,) sooth thirty and a half degrees west, fifty three rerches to a 6lone; ihence by the same and lands of the aforesaid John Hower, south eighiy two and a half degrees west, one hur.dred and sixty four perches to the place of beginning, con taining one hundred and seventy four acres, one hundred and forty perches, and allow ance of six percent, be the same more or less, about one hundred acres of which is cleared land, whereon is erected a two story frame dwelling bouse, a large frame bank baro, a frame wagoo house, a spring noose, andpt 5 e t-P jJLduxcr.sjj , im4,m ....-.,,, uniM.i 1. JUn j, s , del.lie, ,!,.!,,. eu-'v- "illtel! Joilft the s ru ptnrns , atti! adioitunn la-id of I-aac Yelter on the north. ! -.. lr,aines, calu oe, d.i-ieM - '--e- . ' ., . ,.' A-'ror. Heriinser on the .nnh, , an. J c"- "'T w"i,r--MacMne ; s Vo eiion- Ru ,r ur P 1 Uv ) , ' is rather too li-hl o! I unririictin. , 0.1. 0.1 v oiu tet ion , uu p. ure-. r aiy , eat, containius Oie acre o! land, whereon : ,n .. . . . Diarrlu e.. Jnmlu-e llen-tiinh 5e.i ii,,,ii ' , , 1 1 11 ' 1 I 10. 15 11 1 we all admit, that i advantas1- a J . 1 .. ' 1 l0Ol- is erected a one and a half .lory Irani , ....i , , .. ..,, nr , L'rme. 1 . th Ki.lueys and Bladder, dwell. 1.3 hoii-e.a frame stable, a Will of j ""'"'. and priLci.-. y to the v ,., or ; , , tliseaes of the .. . 1 ' eve-ihi, int.iH-eil f y li e ue d wni 1 n-nammum 11, rfii i I'lt-r ui.-ra. e 01 ine wa-er at Ihe door. l.r. ..11 ..: , ' S omach. Uuvv i-. Liver aud Urmarv Or a the property of Marrret Gable, by her attomey, in fact Henry G.ible. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Sheriff' t Office, Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, I860. Foi1 December Term, 18CO. Bloom Evan Jones. Bor. Berwick William II. Woodin, Mor decai Jackson. Briarcreek William Hanman. Centre Samuel C. Bower. Caltawissa George Hughes, Adam Fed eroll. Fishinucreek Hiram Hess, Dan'l Edgar, George Howell. Franklin Michael Mensch, Jackson Cle aver. Greenwood James Vanhorh, Robt. Rob-bin-, Elijah Lirion. Hemlock John (lirlon. L(ust Jacob Helwig. Main William Meusinger, William Bit tier. Montour laae. Mowry. Ml. PleasaM Abraham Dildine. Orange William Fisher, Samuel Zim merman Suizarloaf Anderson Kile. Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, ls60. TH AVE USE J I ROUS. Benton Eli Men lenhall. Briarc teek Reubm Bo wer, Jeremiah C. t Smidi. Beaver John Shcman. Caliawisa Joseph Breiich, Isaac Monroe, Siepheu B ildy, Samuel Tliomas. Franklin Daniel Rohrbi k. Fisliiugcreek Peter Golder. Sam'l Crev eliug, Eniaudus Unangst. (ireenwood Aaron Mtisgrave Hemlock John Fount, John ll.irtman. .o,-ii-t Mjtk Williams, Henry G.ible, Mitllin Muhael Fry, L-wis E-kriat. Mair.e Daniel Reiubold, J io. Klin. Moiiionr Jacoli Leiby. Joseph .Vlonser i M.iCii-oii Ne ton lhomas, John M Smith Mt. Piea-ant John Warlin. Orange J'irob Gooil. Pine Philip Shoemaker, John F. Fow ler. Eira Lyons, Jacob Cnrisiy. lloarmgcreek Judah Cherritigton. Sugarloal John Kitchen. c . . i ... i. -1 i ji i : T" 11 ceo i jacou U1dB8eli, i .1111 . unma.., Joseph Ldl Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, I860. RAYMOND'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! PATENTED MARCH 0, lDJ. IMMCK tO K t II. ESSR.-v ZUPPIN(iEB KOBIil, ol ii,n . r 1 1 1 ..i iifiii.r fii.ri'iM..eii ineex -i : . . l. r . . . l ...I.. .I-I --, i ved Cheat Patenl Sewing Machine, for lite County of Columbia, will he hippy to supply their friends, with theanicle lor lhe Hero ru on da I ion of themst Ives and la milies. The fuljowirig are home of tiic superior : advantages tbis implement possesses" vr : ; 1. It sews from 400 to 6U0 tight stitches , per minute. : .. ChHM,.,pr ,d .heir mech- ; nWin invariably managed and ll readed vvit, ,nort, r less difiicnlt) ; n:t so wi'h I;A YMON D'S, a child can manage it ir. two u,rSi amj lX js iireaded ea-ier lhas a com mrit needle. 3. One ofthe moM valuable 'eatures nf ttlls Jla.-hnie, is the smallnes and the ,.0m-aciness of its mechatiis-n. 4 ' . can be attached to a board table or a,, j operating order, binl removed in less than half a minute. , 5. , 2re;ltv ecoimm i-s e threar!, and yet produces a seam, siitHcientlv strong for :iny wotk tor which it is intended, a qua!- ifi'-a'iori not knowji to all kitats id Sowing l h cli in 6. No human hand i capable of produ cing a seam so regular and sysieuiatic. The seam i so stm-n; i well done, that the sfone.-t rrtiiterul will tear belore the seam will uive way. 7. Anions the array of Patent Sewing Machines. (!:ere are none so cheap :md ; Kayrnot.d s latent. Dot no ,...1. " (" - 11 " ill Kiiuis 01 worK a 1 eXpe'Mnee has pro en. There are perhaps ", e r,al' ,,0""i "ut tl : variety ! "f w orH ti,r 1,1,1 ' "'f'1 of l'" lam- I ;lv "".'! a' f",:h." '""derate price a- "'A-U)-M)S I A LIS 1. I . Ine operator can shapri hi si'an just i " h" wave. Ieavt- andfljweiP, ' rf., ivn ie represen'eii or inn ale.i ! !1. Il l iifi! v Mil:ile.. w nil kinds r f t-1 1 1-ft 1 1 " -Uv-h as lit l III eii'i hlrl. ,' t'O-oriis, rinibanls 6, collar-, iihl ali n 1 1 1 tf Inifte sewing, iiirlndinj silki ! ' jj Thi w;,v jSell Machine fastens the seam al - t'tit if the operator wihes it miiaki.'iisll or onen. there is a wav lor ii i ' ' . ' - i , ,. ...... i... r.,,-.,.i as you please, whnh i, somenine-, ee cially for beginners, a very lavorahle cir- cumstance. the seam ii. left uufaiened, you can draw il out in thrte secends and save the thread. For sale by ihe nnderisiited, at their re - specuve resiliences, in bioomfburg who iil pnl lhe Machine in operation ami give all necessary instruction. HENKV Z'T'I'INGEH. DANIEL W. UOBUINS. Bloomsburg, July 1 1 , I860. Auditor IVotice. Estate of Jacob Fry, Uie of Midi in tp. dee'd. A LL persons interested will lake notice, that the undersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, to settle and adjust the rates and proportions of the assets of lhe estate of Jacob Fry. deceased, in the har.ds of Samuel Crea y, Ihe administrator, to and amon the respec live creditors of the said Jacob Fry, accord ing lo the order established by law. wiil at- 1 . L if III t I ienu at mis omen, in nioornsour, in sain counly, on Saturday, the 2"th day of No vember, i860, lo make Ihe distribution, when and where all persons hiving claims or demands against the estate ol the dece dent are required to present ihem lo the auditor, or be forever debarred from any claim to lhe fund in the hand of the ad ministrator. BOB'T. F. CLARk", Bloomsburg, Oct. 18, i860. Auditor. HOTEL. PROPERTY ICDOZ 2j ZlB 0 fllHE uudersigned takes this method of offering his valuable Hotel JF- Properly at private sale, situate fSJy f,e in he pleasant and thriving vi!- lage ol Light Street, ColumbiaLrS-J County, Pa. This i6 understood lo te most an excellent HOTEL STAND, the House, Stable and outbuildings being all in good repair. The Proprietor of this hsuse having no desire to continue in the hotel business, wiil dispose of his property at private sale upon the most reasonablu lerms. To any person wishing to engage in the business it is a good location and a desirable place. Ind s-uii'upc. iiitiiuicn an viuci dij , 1 THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. M O D E R N, OOKERY IS ALL ITS BRANCHES, BY MISS ELIZA ACTON, CAM EFULLY REVISKD BY MK8. 6. J. HALE. TT TELLS YOU HOW to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork ; alo lhe best and simplest way of saltifnZ, pick lm and curing Itift same. IT TELLS VOLT ALL the various and fnii'l approved mi.les of dressing, cooking iir.d boning Mintori, Lamb, Veal, Boultry, and Game of ail kinds, wtih lhe different Pressings, Gravies, and Stulfuig appro priate to each. IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose, clean, and preserve Fi-h ol ail kimU, and how lo sweeten it when tainted; also all the va rious and moi approved mode of conking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavorings appropria e to each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the varion and most approved trin.Jes of preparing ver fiity different kiiu'n of Meat, Full. Fowl, (iiine, and Vegetable S ups, Broths, and Stews, with the Klisheo and Sesonii:gs appropria'e lo each. IT TELLS YOU ALL the varinn and rno-t approveo moile ol conkiti ' Vegwta- 5e f eVery description, aUo how to pre nare Pickles, Catsiinn and Curries of all I kinds, Polled Meats, Fih, Game, Mush- rooms, ! IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and j mni approved mo leu of preparing and i conking all kind of Plain and F"ancy Pa j irv. Pu filing-, Omelettes, Flitters, Cakes. ; Confeciioiier , Pres-rves, jellies, and Sweet ! Dishes .f everv descrip ion. J IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and j mo-t approved modes of riiakiug Bread, Kti-ks, Muffin, and Biscuit, lhe best : methoil ol preparing Coflee, Chocolnte, and : Tea, ai.d l.ow lo riMke Syrups, Cordials, 1 and Wines ot vatiniis kinds. I IT TELLS YOU HOW lo set out and or- namein a Tatle. how lo Carve ail kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in shop, how loso : simplify the whole Art of Cooking a to bring the choicest luxuries ol the table I within eer body's reach. Tne book contains 418 pages, and up , wards ot twelve hundred Receipts, all of i which are the resiTlis of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested un i der the personal mi periutendence of the wri'ers. It i printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated wnh appropriate engra viPU', and wiii be torwarded lo any addres, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt . 0, ltiB ,,,1, l OO.or in clo.h, extra, Sl.25. 81 OOO a Year cat. be made by enterprising men every where, in selhtig lhe above work, our in ducements to all Mich being very liberal. lor single copies o! the Book, or fof terms 10 agents, will, other .1. formation, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sanborn Philadelphia. l!OvTTu (arc at Yoic lhe II THE HORSE AmThiSSEASES ; B T ROEKK T JKNMNGS, V. F Profettor of Pathology and Ouer 'live Surgery in the I'tterinary College of Phihtde'jmia, j e c. ttc. VCriLL TELL YOU ol the Origin, History and oiMinclive trai s of the vartou I t'reed 1 I European, Asiatic, African and . American Horse, with 1 he physical forma- j Surgery; ,i'j'tiii iji i lion at .l pec uliariwrs ol the animal, and , ,., tto.k of Goo,s jUil IPreiJ 8l L X how ;o ascertain his a-e ty the number , SflARPLESS' Chap Can Store. Having and condition ol hi teeth; illustrated with j :., re.nmed from Philadelphia with a airvk numerous explanatory enuraving-. ! heretofore nnrivaJd, he flatters himself THE HOUSE AND HlS DISEASES i that he can satisfy ail of the beauty and ad Wiil tell you ol Breeding, Brraciti:, Sa- ! vaniaoe ol the Cash Sytem by the exceed t"ing, Feeding, (iroomin, Shoeing, and tne j '"-' 'ow prices wuh which he is able to general management of the horse, with the sell. best innOes ol admini-lermg medicine, alo, j Tiff gy f3. t. Ci T, how iu ireai Biiiuj, Kckinr, Bearina, i onsisth ot nreis gootls of eiery variety, Sh in-j, S' uii.bln.jj, Crib Biting. Replies- Silk, I'laiiU, F15M Thibels, Cashmere, ne, ami other vires 10 which he it subject; j I'lain ami fancy DLaines &c. ice. Ladie with iiu:::erous explanatory engravings j Brcn-he anil R-verable S'iawl, Gent'n THE I10LSE AND HIS DISEASES. i Si.awU. Coa-, Cloak and Mantle Cloth-, 1 r .1 . , ! Fancy Casimere. Veatina, Satin, La whs, U il! te.i ion ol the cause-. smptoms, and r-. 1 ' 1 01 r c i n " . v 4 1 ',, r .dimels, Liinham,Cal coes &c., ice, Boms 1 reatmem nl Slidi!,, D.s- i , ... ' , , ' . . , . ... 1 .1 1. . ' -d S'loes A lare asortaiei.l ol Gum lemiier, I at.rr.i, In itifnZJ, brmu ht'is. i , . - - 1 . , . . .11 '. ,, , . . shoe which wi. I be dispose 1 ol at ihe low. rneuiuonia, I'.eun-V, iirokeu tvind. Lnro ! . . . 11 , in t m , u . . ',, - ' . .... . . esi prices, Hats aud Cps. Ia.ble and noor m ' . 11- 1 I. Od Clo'.hs, Sure Miituli ainl Licer-, and UecaxeJ . (. o r -r..j Teeth, v.,:h u.her d.sea.e, ot the M,uth AolIOnS Of C.ery Ivilld. anil iiesrira:ory Organs. ( Q'ienesware, Groceries, Floor and feed, THE HOUSE AND HIS DISESES j &,'V . r . . gans. ! TUK HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES S Will tell vou ol die caues, svmntonis, and : TreatmeM ol Bone. Blood and !!... S ...viii t .. '. ". ' .nt,ni,. wuum. L j Wind G.iiU, Founder, oli Bruise nn l j Gravel, Cracked Hoof, ijcratcfies. Canker, j Thrush, and Corns; also, of Me;rims, j Veingo, Epi'epsy. S agser-, and other j ci.-eases ot the Feel, Les, and Head. ( THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will toll yon of the caues, symptom, and Treatment ol Fi-tul.i, Poll Evil, Glanders. Farcy, S-ailet Fever, Manne, Surfeit, Locked Jw, Rheumatism, Crimp, Gall-, Diea-es of the Eye and Heart, &c, &c, as) how to manage Castration, Bleeding, Trephinning. lioweling, Firing, Hernia, Amputaiimi, Tapping, auJ other surgical operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will teil yon ol Rarey's Method of taming Horses; how 10 Approach, Halter, or Stable a Col : how to accustom a horse 10 Strang sounds ar.d sight, ami how 10 Bit, Sandle, Bide, and Break him lo Harness; also the lorm and law cl Warranty. The whole be- ing the lesuli of more ihan fitteen y ears' careful study ol ths habits, peculiarities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and u-elr.l animal. The book contains 3S4 pages, appropri ately illustrated by One Hundred Engra vings. Ii is printed in a clear ar.d open type, and will be furnished to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, half bouiid, SI.00, or, in cloth, extra, S1.25. SI OOO a Year can be made by enterprising men every where, 111 selling lhe above, and other popular works oi ours. Our inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. For single copies of Ihe Book, or for lerms to agents, with other information, ap ply to or iddreaa JOHN E. POITER, Publisher, 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. novl4m6 A. 31. KITEIIT, TINNER $ STOVE DEALER, Shop ou South side of Main street, below Maiket. JOSEPH SDARPLESS. I STOtE AND TIJMVARE SHOP. THE undersigned wonld inform the citi zens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that ho has just received and offers lor sle o f he most ex'ennive a-sortmeeH of COOK-' INK and FANCY STOVES, ever introduced1 nto ihis m;irket. The Christopher Colum iius. James Robb snd Globe are mn the fifst c'ass cooking S'oves, all of which are air-tihi and gas burner. His Parlor siove ire handsome and Ihe asiortmenl varied ALSO Par'ieolsr attention is paid to Tin VVire and House Spoutinz, upon- short n-e--lice. All kinds of repairing will be done w'ph reatness and despatch. tW Country" uroduce taken 111 exchange for work. PHILIPS. MO YF.K. Blrtnmsbnrg, Oct. 3, NEW GOODS FRESH ARRIVAL OF FA Mi AM) tVIXTEIt CSJ CO OD DD c3 & At miliLSU'S STOKE! 'MIE subscriber has just returned from fhsj - City with another large and select a sortmei.t of FALL AND WINTER Goods, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figiwe, and which he is determined to self on a moderate terms a can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. His slock com Ladies' Dress Goods of the choicest styles and latest fashion.. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarwa'e, Hal low ware, Iron, Nails, Boo's & Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c , &c. In short, everything usually kepi in country Stores; lo which ha invites ihe public generally. The highest price paid for country i.iod-ice. S 11. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, 1860. aa&B. ass. New Fall Goods.' LARGE STOCK AXD LOW PRICES. We have again been to the city, and re turned w'rh a large stock of Goods for ihe season, which we are prepared to sell at a low figure lor ready pay. Our stock consists of Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Wil-low-ware, Hollow-ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plas'er, Fluid, Camphene Oils, White Lead by iha Keg, cheap, &e., &c. 1L C. S: I. Wr. HARTMAN. B'ioombt:r25 Oct. 17,1860. KB PRINCE 0FWALKS IS NOW CREATING QUITE. A SESATIO.N Throughout this Country. I t UT ihere is great excitemvnt down town " 'raneil tiv lhe airival of a new ami .. I .in 1-a a iu 1 11 c ii:i hi inn Piuih 1- siiiii-i't,p j as no charje is niaile for an exhibition of the :oots. firan and ad marketable ;ro iluce taken in exchan2e lor sjoo't-. L. T. SHAR PLESS. B'oomsturg, Oct. 10, I860 Court rocIama!ioii. IV' HEBE AS the Hon. Warren J. Wood- ward, President Judce ot the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Court ol Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos ed of the counties ol Columbia, Sullivan ami Wyoming, and the Hon. Jacob Evans and Peter Kline, Asociale Judges of Columbia County, have is-ued their precept, bearir date one thousand eighteen hundred aud sixty, and 10 me directed for holding a Court ot Uyer anil 1 erromer. antl General Jatl Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, Com. Pieas and Orphans' Coon, in Blooms, bnrg, in ihe county of Columbia, on the first Monday (being ihe 3J day) of Deem., next,, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given, o the Corcner, the Justices of the Peace and Con-tatlrs ol the said County of Columbia, thai they be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in lhe forenoon of said day, with their records. inmiiitinns uml n:hpi rpmomhran. J Ces to do those things which to iheir office j appertain to be done. And those that are t bound by recognizes, to prosecute against ihe prisoners that are or may be in lhe Jail j of said county ot Columbia, to be then and ; ihere lo prosecu.e then as shall be iusl. Jo- rors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably lo llteu notice, dated at Bloomsburg, the 24h day ol Oct., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixiy . and in the eighty-fourth year of lhe independence of tbe United States of America, (God save the Commonwealth. ) JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff, Eloomsborg, Ociober 24., I860. Auditor's Aotice. . . ..... Hiram A. Child, In-' dorsea ot Perry Deen, vs. Isaac Tvler. In the Coort of Common Pleas of Colombia County, venditioni expona-. No. 45, September Terni, I860. THE undersigned appointed Amlitor by the Coort of Common Pleas of Columbia I county, to make distribution ef ihe money ' -1 .r.i. 1.. . ratseo oui 01 11:9 paie 01 ine real .ate ot 1-eac Tyler, by virtue of the above stated, writ of venditioni exponas will attend at. his office, in Bloomsburg. Colombia coun ty, on FRIDAY, the 23d day of November, 1860, to make the distribution, when and where all persons interested are required to - i r ., - 1