The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 21, 1860, Image 2

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Bioomsburg, Wednesday, November 31, 18G0.
A SicNiTC is about to be organized in this
Jlace. See proceedings in another column.
-' ;
Ox Tuesday evening last we had the sec
ond snov xf the season. The ground was
fe:iy -completely covered.
Tuosr: of onr patror.s that we have pent
Vills to by letter had belter pay some atten
tion to the matter.
A horse trot came off on last Thursday,
liear the borough of Berwick, for a purse of
tHiRTT dollars. Sporting place that !
J.J. Brower has been appointed a School
Director in. this District to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Dr. P. John.
A good appointment. '
On Monday afternoon last we experienced
The col Jest rain of the season. The follow
ing eveuing the ground in places lroze
hard. . - . ;- ' '
We learn that a protracted meeting has
"been in'progress in the M. E. Church at
Berwick for nearly two weeks with good
success. -
' The gentleman who promised c a Tur
key for Thanksgiving day must- have for
gotten his promise. The day - is drawing
close at band, and we believe our coop is
till empty.' - J.
' 1 i
Tew Dollars Reward will be paid to any
Republican in Columbia county who can
prove clesrly that he voted lor anything else
bnt in Afairtormf in the person of Abraham
Lincoln on Tuesday the 6th int.
' Ri.v." ir U. Noble, Pastor of Benton.
Columbia county, has been holding a revi
val meeting. ; in Slladsburg, Lycoming
county, at which about 40 souls have been
converted." .'..' . .
We wpuld give notice that there will be a
donation visit paid to the Rev. J. R. Diunm,
of this place, on Tuesday th 4th of Decem
ber next. The public are respectfully noti
fied, and il is hoped will make donations
-'We would invite attention of our reaJers
to the advertisement oflhe trie Jewmg
Machine in onr paper. Persons out of em
ployment ran get an encasement by ap
plying to J..N. Roylan, Milon. Ohio.
Flora Temple at Wyoming We learn
ty hand bill that Floia Timple, Brown Dick,
and IVvIcac McCrea, will contend for a purse
f 5I5(0. over the Wyoming Course, on
Friday next. Race to be mile heals in
harness, the best three in fie. The horse
coming in second best lo have S5Q0 of the
11500 parse. It is asserted that Flora Tern
pie will positively, be there.
Baptist Fair.- The congregation con
nected with the Baptist Church of this
jplace.'propnse holding a Festival and Fair,
in Thompson's Hall, on Christmas Day, and
evening, to continue during the whole of
the week. The object of the movement is
to raise money enough to buy a lot, on
which to build a new Church. Our citizens
generally are respectfully solici'ed to give
them their patronage and support. Dan
ville Iulellxzencer.
Excellent Molasses. We would not
have our readers or the public believe that
we were given lo "puffing," for it is seldom
we write anything of the kind, and in case
we do it must be in behalf of an article a little
superior to all others ol its kin. Wo are,
in this instance, about to recommend ar.
article of most excellent molasxes (ot sale at
the- Chenp Cash Store of our friend L. T.
t&arpless, on Main street, adjoining the
ta Office. It is the best in town for the
price 64c per gal. or probably any other
price. "
Oca Republican friends of tVt place are
ery mute over the election of Abe Lincoln
xio demonstration of any kind has been
Attempted. It is the first Presidential cam
paign in our recollection that the winning
party simmered down so quietly and so sud
denly. .11 appears that they all stand
amazed j or in other words probably more
Applicable, alarmed and destroyed ; evi
dently seeing some approaching danger,
which is likely to jeopardize the Union, and
ruin their party forever. The hard work is
yel to be executed. The lime when their
eentiments tcl'l out is fast Hearing.
The improvements in Bloomsborg during
ibe present year bid fair to surpass that of
any other, at least in our recollection. The
cn&rch of improvement is roost conspicuous
in Hast Bloomsbarg, near the Lackawanna
And Eloomsbarg Railroad. Lot after lot
Jiave been flaked o3 in this locality, and
buildings, both , brick and frame, are being
jerecui tvuh a great deal of rapidity This
portion of onr town, which has heretofore
esn neglected, is fast, coming into market,
And .wiilere long be one of the mostdesira
Jda spot in Bioomsbnrg. ' The ground lay
level, clear ef f tonsaa J girdea liia. '
DtCEaiSia Court On Monday of week
After next, Court will commenca its session
fci thi3 place. T&s term will continue one
week, and its zazllii which will' occupy a
ponica cf tae lime wiil be of a criminal
chafacisr. As a norsber cf our patrons are
expecisd-to be in, we would
aceij 15 tied to p!ac the amount of
their subscripiicn in ens comer pf their
panUbop's poc3f. and cpon the j3l op
portunity deliberately Lard it over to ns
Zi v-cl par od tack stand-
in ins fame ooiia-
The XXth Volume of the Weekly Tribune
comn enced with the issue of Sept. 1. Du
ring the past year The Tribune has been
obliged to devote quite a large proportion
of its space to Politics, but we shall soon
be able to forego Political discussions almost
entirely, for months if not for years, and
devote nearly all our columns lo subjects of
less intense, but more abiding, interest.
Among these, we mean lo pay especial
attention to,
I. Education. The whole subject of
Education, both Popular and General, will
be discussed in our columns throughout the
year 1861, and we hope to elicit in that dis
cussion some of the profoundest thinkers
and the ablest instructors in our country.
It is at once our hope and our resolve that
the cause of Education shall receive an im
petus from the exertions of The Tribune in
its behalf during the year 1861.
II. Agriculture.- We have been com
pelled to restrict our elucidations of this
great interest throughout I860, and shall
endeavor to atone therefor in 1861. What
ever discovery, deduction, demonstration, is
calculated to render the reward of labor de
voted to cultivation more ample or more
certain, shall receive prompt and full at
tention. -
III. Mannfac'ures, &c. We hail every
invention ot enterprise whereby' American
Capital and Labor are attracted to and ad
vantageously employed in any department
of Manufacturing or Mechanical Industry as
a real contribu'iun to the Public Weal, in
suring ampler steadier, more convenient,
more remunerating markets to the Fanner,
with fuller employment and belter wages
to, the Laborer. The progress ot Mining,
Iron-Making, SteeUMaklng, Cloth Weaving,
&c, &c., in our country and the world shad
be watched and reported by us with an
earnest and active sympathy.
VI. Foreigu Affairs We employ the bes.
covesponpents in London, Paris, Turin,
Berlin, and other European Capitals, to
transmit us early and accurate advices
of the- great changes iherO silently
but certainly preparing. . In spite of the
pressure of Domestic Politics, our News
Iroin the Old World is now varied and
ample; but we shall have lo render it
more perfect during the eventful year jut
before us.
V. Home News. We employ regular
paid correspondents in California, at the
Istnmnstif Darien, in the Rocky Mountain
Gold Region, and . wherever else they seem
requisite. . From the more, accessible por
lions of our own country, we derive our in
formation mainly from the multifarinua cor
respondents ot the Associated Press, from
our exchanges, and the occasional letters ot
intelligent lrieuds. We aim to print the
cheapest general newspaper, with the fullest
and most authentic summary of useful in
telligence, that is anywhere afforded. Ho-
lo "make each Jay a critic on the
and print a better, and better paper
Irom year to year, a our means are bteadily
enlarged through the generous co operation
of our many well-wishers, we solicit, and
shall labor to deserve, a continuance of
public favor.
Daily Tribune f3ll issues per annum)
?em) Weekly (104 - )
Weekly (52 " ' " )
lo Clcbs .semi Weekly : Two copies
for 5. Five for SI 1.25, Ten copies to one
address for S20.'and any larger number at
the latter rate. For a club of Twenty an
extra copy will be sent. ' For a club of
Forty, we send The Daily Tribune gratis
one year.
Weekly : Three copies for S5 Eight cop
ies for $10. and any larger number at the
rat- of Si 20 each per annum the paper to
be addressed lo each snbscriber. To clubs
of Twenty, we send an extra copy. .
Twenty copies to one oddre lor S20,jwith
one extra to him who sends us the club.
For each club of One Hundred, The Daily
Tribune will be sent cratis for one year.
When dralis can be secured il is much
safer than to remit Bank Bills. The name
of the Pom Office and Stale should in all
case be plainly written.
Payment always in advance.
Address, THE TRIBUNE. ' '
No. 154 Nassau St , New York.
HAVE just received and opened iheirHock
of Merchandise for sale, whieh compri
se the LAT.GESr, Cheapest, and hand-om-et
assoritnenl now offered in this TO'VN.
Having paid sreal atieulion to the selection
ol their entiie stork as to
Price and Quality,
thy Salter themselves that tnej can compete
with the cheapest, and all those wishing to
buy cheap, can save money by giving us a
call. We l.avea'l kinds ofsoods and wares
to supply '.he wants of ibe people. A very
large and complete assortment ol
French Merinoes. wool plaids, alpacas, bom
bazines, de bases, poplins parametta cloths,
mohair lustres, muolin de laines, Persian
cloths, Ginshams, alicoes, &c.
Sleeves, Collars, Spencerst handkerchiefs,
floonc'nigs, bands and-lrimminss, laces and
edgings, bonnet ribbons, in lara variety, vel
vet libbons, and braids, kid, cotton, Ite-le
thread gloves, mohair miits, &c.
broche, Bav State, Waterviile, black silk,
cashmeie, embrodered, &c. Also , a very
large lare assortment of Cloths, caimers,
satinets, vesting, tweeds, jeans, coating vel
vet, beaver cloths, iic.
of all kinds and sizes for men, women and
children. We have a large assortment of
HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We
have also, Hardware, Queeusware, Cedar
ware, &c. Very cheap r
iible and carriage oil cloths, mais, rugs, bas
kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, licking', dra
psrs, toweling, drillings, &c., in abundance.
'We invite our .friends and the public gen
erally to give os a call before purchasing
elsewhere We have bonaht our goods at
the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not
-e undersold by anybody or the ret of man
kind. McKELVY, NEAL & CO.
' Bloomebnrg, Nov. 21, 1850.
Tinware & Store Esublisbment.
fJHE UNDERSIGNED respecifully in
forms his old' friends - and enstomers
that he has purchased hit brother's interest
in the above establishment, and the con
cern wilt hereafter be conducted by himself
exclusively. He has just recoived and or
lers tor sate the largest and most ex
tensive assortment of FANCV STOTVS
ever introduced into this market.
Stovepipe and Tinware . constantly on
band and manufactured to order. All kinds
of tepairing done, s usual, nn short notice.
The patronage of old friends and new cus
tomers is respectfully solicited.
Bloomsbur2,'J?n- 12. 1R53. if.-
Shop on ihe South S) Je ol .Main Street, fjrs
TVT0T1CE is hereby giving lo all legatees,
creditors and other persons interested
in the estates of the respective decedents
and minors, that the following administra
tion and guardian accounts have been filed
in te olfice of the Register of Columbia
comity, and will be preiented for confirma
tion and allowance lo the Orphan's Court,
lo be held at Bloumsburg, in the connty
aforesaid, on Wednesday the 5ih da) of Dec.
next, at 2 o'clock, in Ihe atternoon.
1 The second account of Peler Ent, one
of the Executors of Matthew McUowell,
laie of Scott township, der'd.
2. The second account of Theodore
McDowell, one of the Executors ol Mat
thew McDowell, late of Scott townchip,
3. The acconnt of Lwi Yetter, Admin
istrator ol the etftie of Jacob Keiler, late of
Cc."awii.a township, dee'd.
4. The first and final account of Eno
Jacnby, Executor of ihe lasl will anil testa
ment of Rnsanna Vannatta, late of Bloom
township, dee'd.
5. The account of Elisha B. Brown, Guar
dian of Elizabeth A. Brown, one of the
rliildren and heirs ol John Brown, Jr.. laie
of Mifflin township, dee'd.
6. The acconnt of Ehsfia B. Brown, Guar
dian of Rebecca Brown, one of the children
and heirs ol Matthew Brown, laie ot Milflm
township, dee'd.
7. The account of Robert B. Swayze,
Executor of the Ust wi'l and testament ol
J i.rob C. Swavze, late of Franklin townchip
8. The account of Jacob F. R-dnback,
AdminiMrainr of the estate of Jacob Kolir
Dack, late cl Franklin township, dee'd.
9 The accotnit of James Masters, Exec
liters of the last will and testament of Henry
Kitchen, laie of Mdion township, dee'd.
10. The acccount of imiiel Kressler,
Administrator ol the eslat of Lemuel Kres
sler, late of Scott township, dc'd. "
11. The account of John MurraVj late of
Liberty township, Columbia (now Montour)
county, dec'il.
.12. The account of Richard Demott, ex
ecutor of (he estate of Jacob Swisher, la'e
Madisuu township, dee'd.
Rkoiter's Office, ) Register.
Blooirif-burg, Nov. 7, i860
I publish rmw my annual Pro-pectu of
The Daily Globe, and The Con2res"ional
Globe and Appendix, to-remind sbcribei!,
and inform those who may desire to snb
srribe, that Congress will meet on the first
Monday of next December, when I hhall
resume publishing the above-named pa
pers. , The Daily Globe will contain a report of
the Debates in both branches of Conurt'ss
as Uken down by reporters, equal, at last, I
lo any corps of short hand writers in this,
pr in any other country. A: rnajori'v of
them will ach, be able lo report, veibatim,
t-n thousand words an hour, while the
average number cf won.l spoken by fluent
speakers rarely exceed seven thousand
five hundred words an hour. When the
debates of a lay do not make more than
forty-five column, they will appear in The
Daily Globe of the next morning, which
will contain, alo, the news ol the day, to
gether Midi such editorial ar icles as may
be suiraested by papsin events.
The Congressional Globe and Appendix
will eonuin a report of all the Debates in
Congress, , revi.-eJ by the speakers, ihe
Messages of the Psesident of the U'siied
States, Ihe Annual Reports of ihe Heads ol
the Executive Departments, the Laws
passed durins the session, and rcpiou in
dexes b all. They will be primed on a
double royal sheet, in book fo'm, royal
quarto size, each number containing six
teen pages. The whole will make, it i be
lieved, at least 2 000 pages. This is
acknowledged lo be ihecheapest work ever
sold in any counfy, whether a reprint or
printed Irom manuscript copy, taking for
dul, i the averuge number of words il con
tains. The com'ms session will, without doubt,
be an unusually interesting one, because
the debates will, in a great measure, be
upon the policy of the President elect, and
The Globe will be, as it has been lor many
years past, the only source Irom which lull
debates f Congress can be ootained.
The Congressional Globe and Appendix
pa-s tree through the mads ot the United
States, as will be seen by re ailing iht lol
lowing Joint Reo!ufion parsed by Congress
Hie 6tn of AuuukI, 1852 :
Joint Resolution providing for the disiribu
' tiou ol the Lans of Congress and the
Debates thereon.
With a view to the cheap circulation of
the laws ol Congress and the debates con
tributing lo Ihe true interpretation thereof,
and lo make tree the communication be
tween Ihe representative and constituent
bodies :
Be it resolved by the Senate and House
of Repieseutaiives ol the United States of
America in Congress assembled, Ttiat from
aid alter the present session ot Congiess,
the Congressional Globe and Appendix,
which contain ihe laws and the debates
thereon, shall pass free through Ihe mails so
long as the same shall be publicised by
Older ol Congress: Provided, That nothing
herein ha!l be construed to authorize the
c rculation of the Daily Globe free of
Approved, Angosl 6, 1852.
For a copy of the Daily Clobe, for
lour mouths, S3 CO
For 1 copy of the Congressional
Globe and Appendix, during the
session, " " ' 3 00
For 2 copies ditto, when ordered, at
Ihe same time, '. .- 5 00
No attention will be paid lo any orJer
unless ihe money accompany it. .
Bank notes, current in ihe section of the
country where a subscriber res'n'es, will be
received at par. The whole or any pari of
a subr-cripnon may be remitted in postage
stamps,' which is preferable lo any currency,
except gold or silver. JOHN C RIVES.
HAVE just received from Philadelphia a
splendid assortment of merchandise,
purchased at ihe lowest figure, and which
they are determined lo sell for
; Cash or Conn try Produce,
on as moderate terms as ran be procured
elsewhere in Light Sfeet. "Their Siock con
sists ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest
styles and latent fahions,-
Iron, Nails -and Spikes, -
In short every thing usually kept in a coun
try Store. They respeclfully invite their
Old friends, and the public generally, to call
and examine their stock before purchasing
Eg"" The highest price paid for country
produce. . . "
..." .marts: & ent.
TY VIRTUE of a certain writ of Levari )
-L Facias, to me directed, issued ont of
the Court of Common Pleas, of Columbia
county, will be exposed to public sale, at
the Court House, in Bloomeburg, on
ITIomlay 3d day of December
next at one o'clock, in the afternoon ol said
day, the following property, to wit :
A certain piece or lot of land, which
were of the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron
Company, owners, and K. M. Heiluer,
contractor, a certain dwelling house two
stories high, with a kitchen attached, one
and a half stories high; the building is
about ihirty-iwo fee by twenty eight leet.
and situate upon a certain lot or piece of
ground, within the County of Columbia,
and owned by the said LocnM Mountain
Coal and Iron Company, together with the
hereilitements and appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execurori and to be sold
as the property of the Locust Mountain
Coal ami Iron Company owners, and E.
M. Ueilner, contractor.
.ALSO All that certain lot of land situale
in Centre ville, Centre township, Columbia
county, bounded and deciibed ns follows,
to wit on the north by an alley, on the
eain by a street of said Ceutreville, on the
south by lot of Jacob Mensingr and on
the wet by an alley, containing fifty two
feet in front and one hundred and eighty
feel in depth, whereon is erected a one and
with the appurtenances.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as the property ol Josiart B. Edwards.
ALSO-All that certain lot of ground sil
ua'e in Greenwood township, Colombia
county, bounded on the north wet by a
public road, on the et by Charles Hay
cock, and on the south by a pnblie road
leading from Millville to Uohrburg, con
taining one hall of an Acre more or less,
whereon are erected a two dory FRAME
UVfc.L.UINU llUUMv., a log out house, a
frame stable, a Irame wood shed and other
outbuildings with the appurtenances.
ALSO One other lot situate in the twp.,
and county aloresaid, bounded on ihe north
west by a public road, on the north by a
public road leading from Mill v i lie to Ronrs- I
buig, on ihe east by lol of A. Y. Kester, j
and on the south Dy lanJ ot cra rves,
containing one halt of an acre more or less,
whereon erected a frame Cabinet Maker
Shop, and a Log Stable witn the appurte
nances. Seized taken :n execution and lo be sold
as the property of James Hampton.
'-ALSO, All that ceitain Lot' of Ground
situate in Epylown, Columbia co., bound
ed and dercibed as follows to wil : on tne
sonih by Miii S'reet of said town, on I tie
we. -I by lot of Fowler & Crevel
wig? on ihe
ucrih bj lot ol laac & Thomas Creveling,
and on the east by lot of Andrew Owelfs,
containing forty one feet in Iront, one hun
dred and eighty leet in depth, be the fame
m.ire or les, whereon i erected a TWO
lr me stable, and other outbuilding.-, with
the appurtenances.
Seized laker, in execution and to be sold
as the property of Priscus Bombny.
A 1 bO By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex.,
all tnat certain Tract of Land, situaie in
Briarcreek town-hip, Columbia co., bound
ed on the west by a public road leading
from. Berwick to New Columbus, on the
nor h bv land of Peter Havnian, on ihe
eat by land of S. F. Ileadly and Brntain,
and on the south by land of Wm. Linden
and others, containing" seventy acres, more
or less, about filiy acres of which is cleared
laud, whereon is erected a one and A
a hall story fiame dwelling house, a tajpj
frame bam, a los stable and olher.s 1"!
outbuildings, with the appurtenances.
Seized laken in execution and to be sold
as the property ol Jacob ShalTe.
ALSO By Fiindry writs of vend ex. all il at
certain lol of ground situate in Rohrsbiirg,
Columbia co. bounded on the west by Mam
st. of said town, on Ihe north by lot of F. M
Roe, on the east by land of Jacob Lamon,
containing one hundred and fifty leet in
tront, be the same more or less, and one
hundred and filteen (eel in d pth, be the
same more or less, whereon are erected a
two story frame tlwelling house, a large
frame wheelwright, shop, a steam boiler, u
small engine, a turning lathe, a frame
blacksmith shop, a Irame tailor fet.o;, and
two frame stables, and other out builJiugs,
with the appurtenances.
Sfiz.-d, taken in execution, and to be
sold a the property of Mathias M. Apple -man.
ALSO By virtue of a writ of pluiias ven
ditioni exponas, a certain lot ot ground
situate in Main township, Columbia coun.y,
at'joinins land of Isaac Yetter on the norih,
Aaron Berlinger on the sooth, west and
eaM, containing one acre of land, whereon
is erected a one and a half story frame
dwelling houe, a frame stable, a wjll of
water at the door.
ALSO One other tract of land, situate in
Beaver township, Columbia county, ad
joining land of Charles Mann, on the north,
Jacob Sherman's heirs on the north, Abra
ham Knecht on the south, Charles Fisher
and Jcob Heiu Jerleiter on the easi, nd
Mary Culp on the west, containing one
hundred and one acres and a half, with the
appurtenance, about Itn acres of which
are cleared land.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Jacob Hossler.
ALSO. By virtue of a writ of testatum
venditioni exponas issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas, ol Schuj Ikill county, Penn
sylvania, all that certain tract of land situ
ate ir. Franklin township, Columbia county,
Penu'a., bounded and described as follow
to wit : Beginning at a white oak, comer of
land of John Hower. thence by the same,
South Eighty-nine and a half degrees wet,
lorty perches to stones, thence by land of
Benjamin P. Former, north two degrees
west, lorty iwo and two tenth perche to a
chei-tnut oak, thence by the same, north
nine degrees west forty three perches :o a
maple tree, thence by the same, north, ten
degrees east thirty perches lo a pikewood,
thence by the same, rjorth twenty live and
a half degree east,, thirty perches to the
mouth of Vetler'sRun, thence tip ihe north
east branch of the Susquehanna River, its
various courses one hundred and thirty and
seven tenths perches to a red oak, thence
by land of Charles S. Coxe, 60ulh thirty
five and a half o'egrues east, s.xteen and
iwo tenths perches lo stones, thence by Ihe
atne.nonh eighly five degrees east twenty
four perches to stones, thence by wood lots,
south forty two degrees west twenty six
and six teiths perches to stones, thence by
the same south forty eight
one hundred and six perches to stones,
thence by lar.ds belonging to the heirs of
John Former' (dee'd.,) south thirty and a
half degrees west, fifty three parches to a
6tone, thence by the same and lands of the
aforesaid John Hower, sonth eighty iwo and
a hall degrees west, one hur.dred and sixty
four perches to the place of beginning, con
taining one hundred and seventy four acres,
one hundred and forty perches, and allow
ance of six percent, be the same more or
less, about one hundred acres of which is
cleared land, whereon is erected a two
story frame dwelling house, a large frame
bank baro, a frame wagoo house, a spring
house, aud other out buildings wiih the ap
piifipnnp ,.-- 'ii-i i i i
as the properly of Marsarei Gable, by Bar
attorney, in fact Henry Gable.
Sheriff' $ Office, )
Blnomsburg, Oct. 24, 1860. J
For December Term, 1860.
Bloom Evan Jones.
Bor. Berwick William H. Woodin, Mor
decai Jackson.
Briarcreek William Hariman.
Centre Samuel C. Bower.
Cattawissa George Hughes, Adam Fed
eroll. -
Finhingcreek Hiram Hess, DanM Edgar,
George Howell.
Franklin Michael Mensch, Jackson Cle
aver. Greenwood James Vanliorn, Robt. Rob
bins, Elijah Lemon.
Hemlock John Girloii.
I.o'Ui Jacob Helwig.
Main William Meiuinger, William Bit--tier.
. ,
Montour Isaac Mowry.
Bit. Pleasard Abraham Dildine.
Orange William Fisher, Samuel Zim
merman Sugarloaf Anderson Kile. -
Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, I860.' '
Benton Eli MenJenhall.
Briarc reek Reuben Bower, Jeremiah C.
Beaver John Shcman.
Cattawisa Joseph Breich, Isaac S.
Monroe, Stephen B ildy, Samuel Thomas.
Franklin Daniel Rohrback.
Fishingcreek Peter Golder, Sam'l Crev
eling, Emandus Unanast.
Green wood Aaron Musgrave
Hemlock John Foust, John Uartman.
Lor-n-t Mar k Williams, Henry Gable.
BLfTlin Michael Fry, Lwif Eckroat.
Mair.e Daniel Reinbold, Jno. Kline.
Moutonr Jacob Leiby. Joseph Mouse:. .
M.tuinm Nekton Thomas, John M.
Smitn. "
Ml. Pleaant John Wardin.
' Orange Jacob Good.
Pine Philip Shoemaker, John F. Fow
ler, Ezra Lyons, Jacob Christy.
Roaringcreek J ml ah Cherringtoti.
Sugatloal John Kitchen.
Scott Jacob Glasseu, Pliilip T. Hartman,
Joseph Lilley.
Bloomeburg, Oct. 24, i860.
thick $10 k en.
Bloom6burg, having purchased the ex
clusive riaht of ihe above valuable Impro
ved Cheat Patent Sewing Machine, for j
the County of Columbia, will be happy to
supply their friends with the article lor the
aiTOmmr dalion of themselves and lamilies.
The following are some of the superior
advnntnge ibis implement possesses, viz:
1. It sews from 400 to 600 light stitches
per minute.
2. Double thread Machines are from the
more complicated character of their mech
anism invariably matiaced and tl readed
with more or less difficulty ; not so with
RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it ir. two
hours, and it is threaded easier thus a com
mon needle.
3. One of ihe most valuable 'eatnres of
this Machine, is the smallness and the
compactness of its mechanism.
4. 1 can be attached to a board, table or
stand, in operating order, and removed in
IfS than half a minute.
5. It greatly economizes the thread, and
yet produces a seam, sufficiently strong for
any work lor which it is intended, a qual-ifi'-a'ioii
not known lo all kinUs of Sewing
6. No human hand i capable of produ
cing a seam so regular and systematic.
The searn is so strong if well done, lha! the
strongest material will tear before the
seam will give way.
7. Among the array of Pa'ent Sewing
Machines, there are none so cheap and
durable as Raymond's Patent, bnt no Ma
chine i adapted to all kinds of work as
expe'ience has proven. There are perhaps
none so realy useful, doing such a variety
of wore for the immediate use of the fam
ily circle, and at such a moderate price a
8. The operator can shape hi seam just
as he pleases, waves, leave ami flowers,
etc., can he represented or iini'aied.
9. It r particularly adapleu to all kinds
of stitchicg such as genilineirs shirts,
bosoms, ristbanJs, collar, etc., ami all
kinds of ladies' sewing, including silks,
lawns, delaines, calicoes, dusters, etc. ex
cepting for men's heavy wear, this Machine
is rather too light o! construction.
10. But we all admit, that the advantage
to health, and principally to the vision or
eyesight, inunced by the Use of Sewing
Machines, surpasses infinitely all oilier ad
vantages. 11. Thi Machine fastens ihe seam al
ways itself, but if the operator wishes it
uulastfiied or open, there is a way lor it
too, thus you can have it fasiened or not,
as you please, which is, sometimes, espe
cially for beginners, a very favorable cir
cumstance. If the seam is lelt unfastened,
you can draw it oul in three seconds and
ave the thread.
For sale by ihe undersigned, at their re
spective residences, in Bloomsburg, who
will put the Machine in operation and give
all necessary instruction.
Bioomsburg, July 11, 1860.
Auditor's IVotiee.
Estate of Jacob Fry, late of Mitllin ip. dee'd.
. LL persons interested will lake notice,
that the undersigned appointed Auditor
by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county,
to settle and adjust the rates and proportion
of the assets of the estate of Jacob Fry.
deceased, in the har.ds of Samuel Creay,
Ihe administrator, to and among the respec
tive creditors ol Ihe said Jacob Fry, accord
ing to the order established by law, will at
tend al his office, in Bloomsburii, in said
county, on Saturday, the 2'lh day of No
vember, I860, to make Ihe distribution,
when snd where all persons having claims
or demand against the estate ol the dece
dent are required to present ihem lo Ihe
auditor, or be forever debarred from any
claim to ihe fund in the hands ol the ad
rainislrator. ROBT. F. CLARK,
Bioomsburg, Oct. 18, I8fe0. Auditor.
ga CXL &3 ULa OB o
fllHE uudersigned takes this method of
offering his valuable Hotel
Property at privale sale, situate
in the pleasant and thriving vil
lage ol Light Street, Columbia
County, Pa. This is understood to re mosl
an excellent HOTEL STAND, the House,
Stable aud outbuilding being all in good
repair. The Proprietor of this hsn?e having
no desire to continue in th3 hotel business,
will dispose of his property at private sale
upon the most reasonable terms. To any
person wishing to engage in the business
tt is a good locatiou and a deirable place.
- For further information applv to ihe sub
Agxlhg.-,..M.i.jni i Hi
Mas. a. J. UALK.
TT TELLS YOU HOW 10 choose all kinds
of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all
the various and most approved modes of
dressing and cooking Beef and Pork ; also
the best and simplest way of salting, pick
ling and curing Hie same. v
IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and
mol approved modrs ol dressing, cooking,
and boning Minion, Lamb, Veal, Poultry,
and Game of ad kinds, wih ihe different
Dressings. Gravies, and Stuffings appro
priate to each.
IT TELLS YOU HOW to choose, clean,
and preserve Fish ol all kinds, and how to
sweeten it when tainted; aUo all the va
rious and most approved modes ol cooking,
wiih the different Dressings, Sauces, and
Flavorings appropriate to each.
IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and
most approved modes of preparing over
fifty different kinds of Meat, Ftsh. Fowl,
Game, and Vegetable Soup Broths, and j
Slews, with the Relishes and Seasonings
appropriate lo each.
IT TELLS YOU ALL the varinos and
most approved modes ot cooking Vegeta
bles of every description, also how lo pre
pare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all
kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Blush
rooms, &e. ,
IT TELLS YOU ALL the various and
most approved modes of preparing and
cookirg all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pas
trv, Puddings, Omeleltes, Fritters, Cakes,
Confectionery, Preserves, jellies, and Sweet
Dishes of everv description.
IV TELLS YOU ALL ihe various and
most approved modes of making Bread,
Rusk-, Muffins, and Biscuit, the best
method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and
Tea, at:d how in make Syrup, Cordials,
and Wines oi vaiious kinds.
IT TELLS YOU HOW to set out and or
nament a Table, how to Carve all kinds of
FUh, Flesh or Fowl, and in thor1, how to so
simplily the whole Art of Cooking as in
bring the choicer luxuries of the table
within everybody's reach.
The book contains. 4 IS pages, and up
wards of twelve hundred Receipts, all of
which are the results of actual experience,
having been fully and carefully tested un
der the personal superintendence of ibe
wri'ers. It is primed in a clear and open
type, is illustrated with appropriate engra
ving, and will be lorwarded to any address,
neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt
ol the price, Sl 00. or in cloth, extia, SI. 25.
SI OOO a Year
be made by enterpris-ng men every
where, in selling the above work, our in
ducements lo all such being very liberal.
1-or single copies o! Ihe Book, or for
terms to agents, with other information,
apply to or dddres
JUHN K. I'Ul lfcK, Publisher,
No. 617 Sauom
Si., Philadelphia.
nov Nm6
(si-cat Work on the Horse.
Professor tf Pathology and Operittve Surgery
in the Veterinary College of Philadepaiat
eic, itc.
VI ILL TELL YOU of the Origin, History
and distinctive trars of Ihe various
breeds of European, Asiatic, African and
American Horses, with the physical forma
tion and peculiarities ol the animal, and
how to ascertain his age by the number
and condition of his teeth; illustrated with
numerous explanatory engravings.
Will tell you ol Breeding, Brt aVitig, Sta
bling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and Hie
general management of the horse, witli the
best modes ol administering medicine, also,
how 10 treat Biting, Kcking, Rearing,
Shjiug, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restless
ness, and other vices to which he is subject;
with numerous explanatory engravings
Wil! tell you of the cause-, symptoms, and
Treatment ol Strangles, Sore Tiiroat, Dis
temper, Catarrh, Inlluenza, Bronchitis,
Pneumonia, I'leuri-y, Broken Wind, Chro
nic Couizh, Roaring and Whistling. Lampa-,
Sore Mouth and Ulcer, and Decaje.l
Teeth, wiih other disease ot the Mouth
and Uesriratory Organs.
j Will ".el! you of ihe causes, symptoms, and
Treatment ol Worms, Buts, Colic , Strangu
' lat on, Smny Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy,
Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Hepatirihoed. Bloody
! Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder,
Inflammation, and other diseases ot the
S omacli, Bow Is, Liver aud Urinary Or
Will tell yo'i of the causes, symptoms, anil
Treatment ol Bone, Blood and Bog, Spavin,
i R ngoone, Sweenis, Strains, Broken Knees,
Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and
Gravel, Cracked Hoofs, Scratches. Canker,
Thrush, and Corns ; also, of Megrims,
Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other
diseases of the Feet, Legs, and Head.
Will toll you of the caues, symptoms, and
Treatment ot Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders,
Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit,
Locked Jw, Rheumatism, Cramp, GaIN,
Disea-es of the Eye and Heart, &c, &C,
ai:d how to manage Castration, Bleeding,
Trephinning, lloweling, Firing, Hernia,
Amputation, Tapping, and other surgical
V 1 1 1 tell you of Rarey's Method of taming
n. .. i...... tlt.... . c,
Horses; how to Approach, Halter, or Stable
a Col ; how to accustom a horse to strang
sounds and sights, and how to Bit, Saddle,
Ride, and Break him to Harness; also the
lurm and law cl Wa'ranty. The whole be
ing the result of more than filteen years'
careful study of the habits, peculiarities,
wains aud weaknesses of this noble and
Useful animal.
The book contains 384 pages, appropri
ately illustrated by One Hundred Engra
vings. It is printed in a clear ac.d open
type, arid will be furnished to any address,
postage paid, on receipt of price, half
buuud, 1.00, or, in cloth, extra, $1.25.
S1OO0 a Year
can be made by enterprising men every-
where, in selling the above, and other
popular works ot ours. Our inducements
lo all Mich are exceedingly liberal.
For single copies ol tne Book, or for
terms lo a-enis, with other information, ap
ply lo or ddrebs JOHN E. POITER,
617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
a.m. uiTEirri
Shop oo South side of Main street, below
r. .UC1 ii. " ' 11 '"
THE undersigned wnnld inform the iciiw
zen of Bloomsbnrg - aid vic4niiy, ihawbel
ha just receiver! and offers lor sale nrv-I
"he most extensive assortment of COOK$
ING hnd FANCY STOVES, ever ii.lrnddded
.nio this market. The Christopher Coram
hn, James Ilobb nnd Globe are among rtear
first class cooking S'oves, all of which are?
air-tight and gas burners. His Parlor stovea
are handsome and the assortment varied..
ALSO Panicoiar attention is paid lo Tin
Ware and House Spouting, npon short no
tice. All kinds of repairing will be dona
w'nh reatniss and despatch. IV Country
produce taken in exchange for work. ' -PHILIP
Bloomsbnrg, Oct. 3, I860. .
Cg CE CO IJD b3 "m 5
'IHE subscriber has just returned from lha
City with another large and select as
sortment of FALL AND WINTER Goods,'
purchased at Philadelphia, al the lowesr
figure, and . which he is determined to sell
on as moderate terms a can be procured
elsewhere in Bloomburg. His stock com
Ladle Dress Goods, ;
of the choicest styles and latest fashions. -
D K Y U U U U 5, '
C2 it co 3dcrirLcsG3a
Hardware, Queeusware, Cedarware, Hoi-'
lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hat a
and Caps, &c, &c. In short, everything
usually kepi in rouniry Stores j to which h
invites the public generally. . The highest
price paid for couutry prodoee.
S. 11. MILLER.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, 1860.
New Fall Goods I
V7e have again been to the city, and re
" turned with a large stock of Goods for
the season, which we are prepared to sell
at a low figure Utt ready pay. Out slock
consists oi
Hardware, Qneensware, Cedarware, Wir-lnw-ware,
rv5g3ss siixkL G3 si LP S3 .
Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Sail, Plaster,
Fluid, Camphene Oils, While Lead by the
Keg, cheap, &c, &c.
H. C, & I. W. HARTMAN.
Bloomborg, Oc. 17, I860.
Throughout this Country
f UT there is great excitement down fowr
-caused by the arrival of a new and se
lect stock of Goods jut received at L. T.
SHARPLESS' Cheap Caf Sore. Having
just returned from Philadelphia with a stock
heretofore unrivaled, he flatters himself
that he can satisfy all of the beatxy and ad
vantages of the Cash System by the exceed
ingly low prices with which be- is able to
conists of dres goods of every variety.
Silks, Plaid, Fig'd Thibets, Cashmeres,
Plain and fancy DeLaines &c, &c. Ladies
Broche and Reversable Shawls, Genre
Shawls, Coat, Cloak and Mantle Cloths,
Fancy Cassimeres. Vestings, Satins, Lawns,
Flannels, Gingham,Calicoes &c.,&c, Boots
and Shoes. A large assortment ol Gum
shoes which will be disposed ot at the low
esi prices, Hals and Caps, Table ud floor
.Notions of every Kind,
Q ieeneware, Groceries Flour and feed,
&.c. &e-
An examineuon of the stock i solicited
a no charge is made for an exhibition of
the goods. Grain and all marketable pro
duce taken in exchange for goods.
Bioomsburg, Oct. 10, 1860
Court Proclamation.
YY'HEKEAS the Hon. Warren J. Wood-
ward, President Judge of Ihe Court of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv
ery, Court of Quarter Sessions of Ihe Peace,
and Court of Common Pieas and Orphans
Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos
ed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and
Wyoming, and ti e Hon. Jacob Evans and
Peter Kline, Associate Judges ot Columbia
Connty, have issued their precept, bearing
date one thousand eighteen hundred aud
sixty, and to me directed for holding a
Court of Oyer aud Terminer, ami General
Jail Delivery , Quarter Session ol Ihe Peace,
Com. Pieas and Orphans Court, in Blooms,
burg, in ihe county of Columbia, on Ihe first
Monday (bein- the 3d day) of Deem., next,
and to continue one week.
Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, the
Justices of the Peace and Constables ot the
said County of Columbia, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at 10 o -
! clock in the forenoon ol said day, with their
i i. : : .. I ,w. -. k
recoros, iiuju
moos and other remembrau
ces to do those thing which lo their office
appertain to be done. And those thai are
bound by recognizes, to prosecute against
the prisoners that are ot may be in the Jail
of said county ot Columbia, lo be then and
there lo prosecute then as shall be just. Ju
rors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, agreeably to their notice, dated
at Bioomsburg, the 24th day ot Oct., in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and sixty ! and in the eighty-fourth year
of the independence of the United Slates of
America. (God save the Commonwealth.)
Bioomsburg. October 24, 160.
Auditor's Notice.
Hiram A. Child, In- .
dorsee of Perry Deen,
Isaac Tvler.
In the Coert of
Common Plea of
Colombia County,
venditioni exponas,
No. 45, September Term, I860.
THE undersigned appointed Auditor by
ihe Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia
1 county, to make distribution of (he moneys
I raised out of the sale of ihe real estate of
Iseac Tyler, by virtue ol Ihe above stated
writ of venditioni exponas, will aueud &i
his office, in Bioomsburg. Colombia coun
ty, on FRIDAY, the 2Sd day of November,
1860, lo make ibe. distribution, when and
where all persons interested are required ta
roake their claim before the auditor or b
debarred from comins in on said fund.