The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 14, 1860, Image 3

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WiiHal :fcr Tinted Stales Senator.
We iee in the last number of the Repub
Item an editorial article; strongly recora-
ending Davio Wilmot for' United Slates
Senator, to succeed Hon. William Bicier.
This chief of Republicanism, in Bradford
county, is according to . the Republican's
argument, entitled to some substantial pay
at the bands of hi party. He, VVilcnot, led
their party in the campaign of 1857; being
their "candidate lor Governor; ,and in every
political battle that has been fought since,
he has appeared among the most prominent
in 'their ranks. t Laying aside ail the hard
work he has ever done for the party, does
fie suit the limes ? ' We should think not,
moch less suit the editor of the Republican
or his party. ' During the whole campaign
this Reputjican paper was filled with tariff
preaching to the people of Columbia county,
and since, the election has claimed to have
elected its -candidates upon that issue ; that
tariff was the yery thing f the people and
the country needed ! But what do we find
it at now, this soon after the election?
Supporting Ftte Trade Dave Wilmot for Uuiv
ted States Senator ! .. This man David, Wil
mot, while in Congress, was an. out and cut
notorious Free Trader I and we have nothing
to satisfy us, or they either, -that he is
anything elue than just what he was when in
Congress.- He was the mly . man. ;from
Pennsylvania who opposed the Tariff both
by pate and fpeech I This is Dave Wilmot's
tariff record t llovr a party, claiming to be
a. Tariff Republican party, can support a
roan, marked with such, a record, is a little
singular. How the editor of the Republican
can have a "decided preference in favor ol
David Wilmot? we cannot v on Jerstand.
This same paper says, ' the people always
know where to find him," Should . thi be
the case, and Wilmot be so fortunate as to
get pitch-forked into the Senate, "the peo
ple would always find him" casting a free
trade vote I How would tbU suit the Repub
lican's tariff readers! 4 ,
Lincoln's Cabinet.
A dispatch' from Springfield, Illinois,
4-ette.-hat the brorne.OTgan fMr. Lincoln
in that place announced, eQn the autnority
of Lincoln's friends, the following as
tb Cabinet of -the Administration". Of
course, under such auspices, the annofunce-
ment most: be official : v- '
. - ' " '
LSecretary ef Slate Wm ""USeward
Secretary of Treasury John Sherman,
Secretary of War E. P Blair," Jr. "
Secretary of Navy H. Winter Davis.
Secretary of Interior John Hickman.
Postmaster General Etneron Elheridge.
Attorney General S. T. Logan.
We have heard so much about the con
servative course of Lincoln's administration,
that we have been waiting rather impalient
ly for a confirmation of the assertions We
have it. Of course the Sonth .ought to be
satisfied with such conservatism. ' True,
William H. Seward is author of the ."irre
pressible conflict," and is the arch demon
of Abolitionism. John Sherman and F. P.
Blair are endorsers of Helper's infamous
book which reccommends the assassina
tion of slave-holders, and John Hickman is
the gentleman who ' promises to whip the
South to submission, with 18,000,000 of his
northern brethren. The South can, of
course, rely upon Buch saving conservatism.
. Census of Colambia Connlj". ,
The following is the number of inhabi
tants of the townships committed to the
charge of Deputy 'Marshal L L Tate :
Bloom township, '-' 2,669
Briar reek - . . . . 1,734
Scott . . . . . 1,562
Cattawissa " . . '-. .1,176
! Maine . " . . V . - 529
I Mifflin . . . ... .1,061
Franklin . . .. . 533
Locust . " . . 1 K97
Koaiingcreek ' . . . . 509
Beaver , ... 901
Conyngham.; . . . , . . .' .1,126
; ' Boys We're Got 'Era There.
Fortunate for the country, the next Con
gress,' in both branches, will contain a clear
majority of Democrats. Sufficient returns
have already been recbived. to decide the
political character of the House of Repre
sentatives. An organization "will be effect
ed promptly and without difficulty by super
seding the present Republican officials,
Forney included, and filling their places
with Democrats, backed up by a good work
ing majority.. The gigantic schemes of
plunder which the adroit' and veteran
schemers of the Republican household
have long been planning in' view of Lin
coln's success will thus ' be fustraled, and
instead of. witnessing a transfer of the plot
ters and plunderers from Albany and Har
risburg to Washington, and the lobbying of
jobs that would disgrace the country arid
bankrupt the Treasury, we shall have vigi
lance and economy in the public expendi
tures,' and hold tight the national purse
strings against every appropriation not im
peratively demanded to carry on the Gov
ernment. With a Democratic House, a
Democratic Senate, and a Supreme Court, a
majority of whose members are of the
Democratic party, the country possesses
sufficient cheeks to prevent the incoming
Administration from carrying oat those
grand schemes of partisan aggrandizement
that have been the chief, if not the only in
centives for the election of Lincoln.
.The following is the number of inhabi
tants ol Marshal Lew ill's district as reported
by him.. It was erroneously published in
cur last, by placing these townships to
Marshal Tate's charge ;
Jackson township, . . .. - .
Ssgarloaf , .
Pine ;..,t : ."
Orange .
Madison V
Ml Pleasant .
Hemlock .
Montour ..-
f I
-. t
Bead and Reflect !
From the speech of Abraham Lincoln, as
published in his own organ, the Illinois
Stale Journal, onhe I6ih of September:
'I embrace with pleasure this opportunity
of declaring MY DISAPPROBATION of thit
clause of the Constitution which denies to a
portion of the colored people the right of suf
"True Democracy makes no inquiry
about the color of the skin or place of nativity.
or anv other similar circumstance ol condi
United States Senator.
The Republican party in this State, being
largely in the majority in both branches of
the Legislature have already commenced'
canvassing the claims of various distinguish
ed individuals fori the position of United
jtates Senator in place of Gov. Biglcr. The
scramble for the place is becoming interest-
Ling and as the candidates are coming forth
rather inconveniently numerous it is pro
posed to elbow Hon. Simon Cameron out
of the Senate and into old Abe's Cabinet to
make room for two anxious aspirants for
Senatorship from, this State Hen. A. K.
McClnre and John W. Forney." , These
two gentlemen have made their .mark, this
campaign and are certainly entitled to 6ome
consideration and reward at the hands of
their party. The laborer is always worthy
his hire! If: Douglaaism can be of any
service to Forney its aid may be relied up
onprompted by a deep sense of gratitude
for many favors bestowed. These gentle
men it appears are to have a harder road to
travel than they at first anticipated or laid
down in their programme. A number of
disinterested patriots a re out for the same
positions and are "sculling their 6kifTs"
with great dexterity. Among these men
tioned in this' connection we notice the
names of David Wilmot, Ex-Governor ' Pol
lock, J. R. Moorhead, Thaddeus Stevens, A.
H. Reeder, Thomas Williams, Eli Slifer,
Thomas M. Howe, Edgar Cowan, Henry C.
Carey, W. B. Mann and Motion McMich
ael, and no doubt the general rush will en
courage others to lay aside their modesty,
come out of retirement, and tender their
services to the country in the same capaci
ty. . '-, - . : .-' '
, 1 The Straight-Ont Fraud. , -
The result of the election in this county
has fully established the fact the pretended
withdrawal of the straight out Douglas tick,
et was a cheat and a sham, and that the
advocacy of the Reading Ticket by the
Times was hypocritical to the last degree of
meanness. Many honest Democrats, in
the coonty, were deceived by false repre
sentations into voting this bogus ticket, but
the true men of the party understood the
move and spurned alike the treason and
those who attempted to impose it upon the
party. There was no such ticket in the
field by anv authority whatever. It had
been formally withdrawn by the Committee
who formed it, and yet men in this place.
professing to be Democrats, had it printel
here and distt i'uled m the County, and turned
out and electioneered : for it when they
knew it to be a deception and gotten up ex
pressly to defeat the Democratic party.
Some who voted the ticket, in this place,
are ashamed to acknowledge it while others
openly state that they were imposed upon.
Those who where the prime-movers in the
treachery can hardly claim any longer to
the Democratic party when they voted a
ticket put lorward by the authority of no
party organization. ValUy Spirit.
The Feeling In Virginia.
Onr Common Schools.
As a matter of interest to almost every
body,' we publish the following synopsis ol
the Common School system of the whole
State exclusive of the city of Philadelphia
The Richmond Enquirer urges the calling
6f a STatef Convention at an early day.'which
might, it considers, settle peaceably the
dangerous questions Jhat ; now agitate the
public mind. The editor says it was with
a view to concentrating public opinion upon
a convention, as well as to prepare ,he
people for any unseen emergency that Gov.
Wise inaugurated Minute Men. He con
templated no raid on the federal Govern
ment. '
Some prominent Union men in Virginia
are making vigorous efforts to influence the.
sending of Commissioners to South Caro
lina and Georgia to induce these States to
submit to the action of a t Southern confer
ence. Inasmuch, however, as the Legisla
ture is not in session, the probability U that
the movement will fall to the ground.
The Southern ; movements are already
having a serious effect in New York. A
letter from that city says;
. Southern funds are so hard to sell as to be
almost worthless to the merchant, and 10
per cent, is the current rate ol discount for
a majority of the bank bills of the slavehold
ing (cotton) States. . One authority declares
that men who thirty days ago could find
collateral which would obtain them thou
sands cannot to-day, upon the same de
scription of security, realize a single dollar.
But this is not the worst of it. The working
classes are beginning to feel the pinch at
their very hearthstones. , I have already
mentioned the suspension of trade by two
I leading clothing houses in this city, who
j jointly employed seven hundred hatdsf and
now must be added the discharge of sixty
more, from one of the principal silver manu
facturing establishments in the city. Some
of these were parties; who had served for
years as apprentices in the establishment.
The Williamsburgh tailorsof whom
many hundred just now have nothing to do
are to have a public meeting this week,
to consult as to what is best to be done. If
tbey have no work they cannot starve, they
say, when the granaries of tde country and
the store-houses of New York are overflow
ing with plenty of food.
Another letter, from the same city, says :
I wan told this (Tuesday) morning, by a
clerk in one of the largest wholesale sad- ;
dlery ware-houses in the city, ; which de-I
pend upon southern trade almost exclusive- j
ly, that business has entirely fallen off; that '
the clerks are in hourly fear of decapitation;
that the goods all remain covered, and the '
men idly kick their heels against the conn I
ter from morning till night Worse than all,
the same establishment has just discharged ;
two hundred workmen, from the impossi
bility of finding worx for them to do.
The New York Herald publishes an ac
count of a recent informal meeting of states-
sippi, Georgia and Florida, held in Charles- gentlemen were appomted a a Comm.ltee
ton, at which an independent Southern ; to draw up a Constitution and by laws : P.
confederacy was determined on, and a John, J. G. Freeze, Wesley Wirt, E II. Lit-
Ueclaration ol independence was drawn up. .... anJ C- u urockwav. No further busi-
ness being presented, the meeting adjourned
to meet again on Friday evening, the 23d
s'3iipger Equality."
Mr. Editor : This is the caption of a
short editorial in last week's Republican,
which I purpose briefly noticing.; The
Doctor having been driven '.from every
former position which he occupied on this
subject, has resorted to s ublerfnge and falsi
fication to maintain an untenable point. It
was but a few years ago,-though, that he
considered it an honor to vindicate the
doctrine he now seemingly (for at heart he
favors it) disbelieved in. 'Tis passing
strange how soon polity can change a man's
piincipUs t - -
As 1 have always been somewhat scepti
cal as to the veracity ot his sheet, it is no
wonder that I scrutinized carefully his as
sertions, and especially in regard to sta
tistics. He says that "the census of 1850
shows that there were some 280,000 'midlat
toes' in the Southern States." There are no
itmullattoer at all there, though I admit there
are a few mulattoes. But that census which
he so confidently quotes, shows that in the
Southern States there are but 244 137 mulat
toes, so that he has misstated the facts to
the tune of 35,863. But further, in the Slave
Slates the proportion of the mulattoes to
the blacks is as 1 to 9 ; while in the North
ern or Free States, they are as 1 to 2$
That is, in the Slave States there is 1
mulatto to 9 blacks and in the Free States
there is 1 mulatto out of every 2$ black;.
Who are the parents, Doctor ?
To carry out the calculation further, we
find that in the Slave States the mulattoes
are only ll per cent, ol the black popula
lion, while in the Free States they are 40 per
cent, or 29 per cent. more. Again, in no
Slave State do the mulattoes equal one
sixth of the blacks, while in the strong Re
publican State of Ohio they exceed the
blacks by more than 3 000. The census
shows more astouuding facts than these,
and in a short time I purpose calling the
attention of the veracious Doctor to them.
But for his own sake, and the sake of his
party, let him say nothing about mulattoes
again. Yerdad.
Proceedings of last Thursday Evcnin
- Pursuant to
gentlemen met in the Academy on Thurs
day evening of the lith ult., for the purpose
of organizing a Literary Society in this
On motion. P. IL Freeze was elected
Chairman. He briefly stated the objects of
the meeting, and pointed out the necessity
of an organization of this kind in Blooms-
bnrg. C. B. Brockway was elected Secre
tary, by motion. The gentlemen then
present expressed their views as to the
kind of a Society needed here ; and after a
full discussion, it ..was. resolved ihti one
should be organized on the basis of the
United Stales Senate, as far as practicable.
To further on this resolution, the following
A New Book sv- thk Aurtor -of thk
Prince of the House of David G. G.
Evans, Publisher and Gilt Bookseller. No.
439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, has just j
issued from his prolific press, ''The Throne j
of i David, from the t'onseeration of the 1
Shepherd of Bethlehem, to the Rebellion of I
Prince Absalom. Beinr an illustration ol j
the Splendor, Power, and Demmiod of the
Reign of the Shepherd, Poet, Warrior.
King and Prophet, Ancestor and Type of I
Jesus. In a series of letters addressed by j
Court of Jerusalem to his Lord and King
on the Throne of Nineveh; wherein tine
Glory of Assyria, as wcil as the Magnifi
cence of Ju'lea. is presented to the rea.lef
as by an eye witness," by the Rev. J H.
Ingraham, LL. D.. rector of Christ Church,
Holly Springs, Mississippi, author of The
Prince of the Hoiiha of David." and "Th
Pillar, of Fire" "The author's plan, in
illustration of the history of the Hebrew
people, embraces three books. The first in
orper of time, though it was second in order
of, publication, is 'The Pillar. of Fire, or
Israel in Bondage' The central figure of
this book is Mo.ies. It takes up the Hebraic
history at the time of the sale of Joseph
into Egypt, and closes it with the promul
gation of the Two Tables of the Divine Law
from Sinai The present work 'The Throne
of David,' is an attempt to illustrate, after
the same plan, the grandeur of Hebraic
history, when the 'People of God' had
attained, under the reigns of Dan id and
Solomon, the height of their power and
glory a a tiaion. The central fimue of
this work i David, Prophet. Prie-t,' and
King, and type ol Him who as the lat
Prince of His house, transferred the Throne
ol David from earth to heaven from Jem
salem below to Jerualein above ! U pre
sents David a a shepherd, and a poet; in
his friendship with Jonathan ; in his victory
oyer of the Philistines; in the splendor of
hi, regal magnificence ; in his flight from
Prince Absalom ; and in all the scenes ot
his later life. Absalom in his rebellion.
Disease Willi Its Agonies;
v- '. t
Jf -
1 .
li tS
in 1h Irnilvm
x0 uv Jiuuim;.
a public call, a number of
What in more fearful itiun a breaking
down ol the uervom 8im ? To b xci
table or nervous in a mlr dujraj is most
distressina, for where can a remedy he
found 1 There is otie : drink but little"
wine. beer, or spirits, or far better, none;:
take no coffee, weak tea biim preferable
et all the !re"h air you cm ; tuke iIuhh of
lour 1MU every uighi; eat pUniy of olid
avoiding the 11-0 of lop ; and if these gold
en rules are followed, yon will bt happy
) 111 mind mid strong in body, and forest yoii
have any nervfH.
'If there is one thing more than another
for which these Pill are so famous it
their pnrifyin2 properties, perialiy their
power ol clenn.-in the blood from all im
purities, and removing dangerous acid sus'
peiuletl ecretions. ' Univerally dnptJ as
the one 'jtand remedy lor fmale -omiaint
ttiev never fail, never weaken the ?trn,
and always bring about what is require I.
Thesw feelm'11 which so sadden us. mM
frequently rie from annoyances or troub-
and Solomon in his kingly glory, are leading j eannir and drinking what is 01. fit for us,
features of the work. The aim of the writer i ihn diKorderinu ih liver and mornach
is to invest with popular interest one of the j These organs must be regulated if you wish
most in'.erliiiS periods of Hebrew history ; 10 be well. . The. Pill, it taken according
distinguished by the cotemporaneous ex-j to the printed instruction', will qnickly r
isletice of lour of the most wondertnl men ; More a healthy ar.iu 10 botU liver and
of any age; viz, David, Saul, Samuel the I Momarh. whence fallow a natural con
Prophet, and Solomon the greatest and ! tequenre, a uocd appeuie and a cUar head,
wisest of men. His aim in these books is j n n,e Kt and Wi I'idi sraicely any
to draw the attention of those who seldom j other medicine i evt ux-d lor ibeie dis
open the Bible, to that sacred volume, by orders. .
unfoldiii" to
quence, and
them the beau'v. riches elo
grandeur of the Holy Scrip
tures. He is told that the two preceding
works have contributed hitherto, largely to !
this result, and numerous letters in his j
possession from grateful writers bear tesli- ;
mony to the good which tluxe bonk h.ive
done in directing attention to the Bible the ,
inexhaustible Fountain from which the)'
were drawn. American Publishers Circnlir.
In the State there are 11,485 schools ; nam-
I regard, therefore, the exclusion oj ! ber of teachers 13,0S5; male teachers,8,352;
the colored peop'e as a body from the elective I female teachers, 4,806; average salaries of
jronchife as INCOMPATIBLE with true 1 male teachers per month, $24,36 average
Democratic principles " '
: And yet the Republican organs prate of
conservatism, and deny the purpose of the
party to be to thrust the negro into equality
with white men.
Thk December number of Frak Leslie's
Monthly is more than , usually rich in fine
en gratings aud in sinking and interesting
novels, stories and. other amusing literary
matter. It is one of the largest and hand
soxnest magazines in the country, contain
ingone hundred royal quarto pages and a
ereat number of admirable illustrations
The ladies department contains each month
the cewest authentic fashions prevailing. in
Paris end .Hew - York, together with a vast
amount of beautiful patterns of needlework,
crochet, &c, &c, with full and clear in
structions for working them. No lady
should be without Frank Leslie's Monthly ;
it is a library in itself, and an authority, as
regards fashion - that may be thoroughly re
lied npon. - The eighth volume commences
wilh January, 1861 ; the subscription prieu
is S3 a year, and should be sent to Frank
Leslie, 13 City Hall Squarej New York.
A copt of the Jiic Monitor and Medical
bdelli'cncer was placed in our bands a lew
days since by our townsman, Hekry Zrp
nscra. In glancing over it we find it to
contain much useful information fur all
classes and sexes.. It i rather, a small
work, bat notwithstanding it contains more
than many volumes of, five hundred pages
It is printed in .fine type and on most ex
cellent paper, containing 256 pages. Writh
this book in your hand, yon will be in the
conditisn, that yaa would be if you sat face
to face, iq your chamber, with a Physician.
Nay, tia book is better than the doctor in
person for . it speaks to yoo as the doctor
could not t For sale by Mr. Zuppinger
price cne dollar per copy.- . -
Dahs kot Rejoice.--For the first time
eince the formation of this Government has
a political party triumphed In' the election
cf a President, nnder f uch circumstances
thai they dare not rejoice over it. Sixteen
days have elapsed since the election of
Lincoln es Piesidecf, aad not a single de
mcti'.rttioa, cf any magnitude, has-been
rr.-ij fcy the vieicrbes panr. What a ha-
. clILS spectacle J. " ' '- :--: ;
Geheiul Scorr. General . Ssott is the
largest man in ths" American service- Ha
In Berwick, November 4th, by Rev. J.
W. Schwartz, Mr. Amos B. Hoki.achkb to
Miss Jank 1 hom as, both of ll.kzloton. 1
On the 15th inst . bv the Rev. William J I
Eyer, Mr W lliam Samuel Tarr of B nom-
n Miss Susan Jank Matthews, of 1
. In all dieae sftVrfnig ihe organ,
whether ihey tH-r: loo imu'ti or too lift e
water; or wtirttier itir-v be ilUM.l witti
I stone or gravel, or with at-lie ami paiu
' i-e lled 111 the lin over the legion ol the
kidney a. thee Pill liuld bo taken arcor
; itin 10 ill printed iniru tion iirrtion,
i and lite Oi tment -hould b well rubbed
I into the small of the bak at be I int. Thi
j irenunent will ive almo-il imme li.te relief
j whn all mher mean lia la ld. '
L'nii ornu iuo rviTT or nnrn
r w ji iuji.iviio k r u m ur viii 1.11.
No meJiciiie wdl eo tfertuallv improve
It II p. v
Cattawissa, Pa.
ISJ 2-21
the tot. of the s'omach a lhf Pdl: thv
remove all aciditv, ncraiond oi;li-r by
iii'ernperaia-i or iirvpr'vr diet. Thev
reai'ti the liver ant! redue it in lialtiy
ai-lion; iliey arw wiuiOerluti y etn-ci'u iu
.4 -f v .r - tail Itl
CUI1114 all disorders ol ih li r in 1 stouiva'i.
" ; 11 tlhirmi s rill are the bet remtly know iit
In Mahoning twp., Montour county, on 1 the world jw the fjllowt' ' ie.
It is also alleged that they have accredited
an agent on behalf of the people to the Em
peror of the French asking for recognition,
and offering, in return,' free ingress to all
goods of French manufacture into the ports
of Mobile and Charleston.
The Sunny South; or the Southerner at
A New Book, edited by Prof J H. Ingra
ham. Author of the Prince or the
inst., at the Academy.
c. b Brockway, Secy
The Sdhnv South; or the Southkrser
at Home.-G. G. Evans. Publisher. No. 439
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. The des
criptions contained in Miss Conynshanvs
, r . 1 i.- . . L lit'-.. N..u:ii.. 1
the eveninz ot the 1M inst., pan, lais;hier
of David rhilips, Esq., in the 15lli year of
her aye.
In Irih Valley, September 2Sth, Tetkii
Sctioi.L. Jr., aged 51 years, 4 months, and
24 days.
In Irish Valley, on the 6th tilt . Peter
Sciioi.i., Sr., aged 89 years and 12 day.
In Danville, on Sunday, the llth inst ,
! Ague,
j Aihma.
j B-llioti Complaints,
I Bluw-h on the
: Skm,
Rowel Complaint,
; Colic,
j Con'ipa'ion of th
Consnin ption,
Cathahine, daughter of Andrew and Catha- ' Debility.
rine Scroth, aged 4 years, 3 months and 15 1 r -! ,
1.. rt ii- m 1 . 1 , o.u
Ill" a , , . I It' . V .U-.ll . I 'I' IM T I , till iUUUAl , IIIC I-lil Iliri
ii" 1 letters of the South and est, Nashville and r. , . . ... . .r
House i ! ,. . , ,- . , r - af er a protracted 1! ness, Andrew J. I
. . , 11a inrmiinilinTt - I a n t .1 1 ion litn m leime.H. ' '
at the home of a Southern
Hard is the Wat ofthe Trnsoressob
Some time ago, the wife of a wealthy far
mer in Ohio, eloped wilh a farm l?.borer ;
the deserted husband obtained a divorce and
plodded on alone. After a while the sister
of the recreant wife, living on an adjoining
farm, slowly drew his regard and eventually
they were married. The other day a
knock was heard, at the door, and the far
mer opening it, beheld, wan, pale and
ragged, his former truant wife. Her father
bad turned bis back on ber, her paramour
had fallen into ' drunkenness, and hopeless,
homeless, she., as a last resort, tomed to
her former home. The farmer called his
wife, she would not see ber sister, but a
tear glistened in the farmer's eye. He sup
plied ber present wants, and then built her
a cabin, on the extreme end of his farm,
where by bis bounty she is living out the
remnant of ber days in remorse at ber crime
and. folly. .
Godet's Lady's BooK.The December
number of this popular monthly is one of
the most attractive and valuable Books ever
issued byGodey,the Napoleon of magazine
publishers. The illustrations aud engra
vings are superb, and the literary contents
of a very interesting and readable character.
This number contains a double colored
fashion plate, with eight figures, and is the
leading feature of the "Book," as it has
uever before been attempted by any maga
zine publisher. A new volume of ."Godey"
commences with the January number, so
that now is the time to send in your, sub
scriptioas. The price ot a single subscrip
tion, when sent direct to the office, in
Philadelphia, is three dollars per annum, in
advance, but we will furnish the Book and
th3 Star of the North together, one year for
S3 50, in advance. Send along your names
and save a dollar. ;
salaries of female teachers per month S17,
79 ; whole number of pupils in the common
schools 575,257 ; average cost of teaching
each scholar per month, including ' only
teacher's wages, fuel and contingencies 53 "ie' valuable Historical information, is to
cry, as it really exists in the Somh proving
Ihose reToltinj; horrors taught and chenshcM!
r. n.... t- o. 113 buiiuuhuiu ,i.inainni mu . .
O IIAVIU. I I .LAK U F IK Ik, OtC, IUII kdlll III I . " t.. - ., r .:.,.
V 1 . i . u .. see. the Ohio and Mississppi, scenes ol river
a tfri. nf IcUpra nil rnnnpd to hfl written ) . ' . . 1
r k- .l r lile. Natchez, ISew Ur eans and Jouisana.
J j--"o . -1 - ; if ,ln.riiPrriniviAl wilh a rare nde A
' . . . ...
Il Tl I
I idinci iiic . t-r- ,;f , ,,.
I true DIClurc hi cuuiueiii nic .tut tiuiiii;B, hip
contains t r . , . , i ' ...
nP'JTO inclusive. ia uiCJcmcu 111 n;crc
C7 - ...
son, in the 3-lih 'ear of his age.
cts , including building expenses, rents, re
pairs, &c; the average cost for each pupil
is 69 cents ; amount expended for purchas
ing gronnds, building school houses, rent
ing, repairs, &c ; $531,413,85, which is an
increase over last vear of S77 070,00 ; aver
is tz feet six', aaJ. weighs two
'4 years
; who
hc-irri and i.v?y posn-ii.-.-Us is
Bchefit. or Advertising It is often the
case that men come into our office and in
quire for the papers published in some par
ticular place, saying they would like to
find somebody's advertismenu They sit
down and look the papers .over, and it is
of'en the case that they are unable . to find
the desired, information. Not long since,
nays a Utica paper, a gentleman was look
ing tor the names and address of an Albany
firm to which he desired to make a consign
ment, but not finding it in the Albany pa
pers, be made the remark that he would
ship to a firm that did advertise, although not
liking their reputation. : This is one of the
r.iany instances, and protect conclusively
aze rate of local taxation, of mills on the
dollar for school purposes 5,53 average
number of mills on ihe dollar for teaching
purposes 3 37. The State Superintendent
remarks that the "work of education, under
whatever auspices, always requires a large
expenditure of time, and effort, and money.
The rommon schools are no exception to
the rule, although less costly by far than
any others. The very low average taxation
and cost of instruction exhibited by the ta
bles, are such as could justly be complained
of by the most parsimonious. But while
consoling to the prudent and thrifty tax
payer, as well as to the shortsighted, who
mistakenly regard school money as an end
instead of a beneficienl agent, they at the
same time sreak loudly to the hopefnl pro
gresive friends of the cause, of means that
are inadequate to the momentous results
yet to be accomplished, and plead irresisti
bly for the more rapid development of our
liberal and expansive educational policy."
The late State Superintendent further
says that he is "confident of the practical
superiority of our school system if protect
ed against crude theories, and rash Nova
tions whether originating in individual im
patience, local disturbances.' or covert hos
tilitysteadfast adherence to the general
provisions and essential features ofthe sys
tem, has been uniformly and earnestly
recommended. Denunciations have been
visited upon this unyielding tenacity of pur
pose by friends and opponents alike, and
alike nnjust. Time has effectually vindica
ted the soundness of the policy. The sys
tem is stronger to day, and ha been more
progressive, because oi it. Its future pros
perity will be in exact proportion to the
maintenance of the same policy hereafter."
design of the work, although,
. : i - . r .: : . i . v i s -- .-. - .....
tracii ve panes. Nothing is finer than the
glimpses we net of the lilay of America.the
beautiful State of Louisiana. A more ro-
g 11 A , X? .U ' IJIiillllW Ol'Ul U.fQ3 IIUl CAIC Wli I- l I . LA IIIUII I
, um r. , ... u7 '"H'3 ,he gion where the lnckv .Miss Kale mar-
slavery, false and unworthy of the appro- 1 , . . fa- . j. .
I erner. Along the bayous of Louisana with
the wonderful exuberance, the temperate
climate and the brilliancy ofthe atmophere
! Feinxle lrrtgnlari-
t Fever f all
! kinds,
; Gout,
val ot candid Northern men. I he work is
a clear type of Northern mind as it regards
Slavery: INortherr. people, both ladies and 1
gentlemen, who seek their fortunes in our i
midst, witnessing themselves, Southern in- I , ,
Slliuiiuiir, iiiAiiiici?, vupitimn anu nauiio,
invariably become identified with and
strongly attached to a Southern life, its
wealth, luxuries and beauties.
'Tis true, now and then, an unsuccessful
party, failing to accumulate, through indo
lence or some other disagreeable qualifica
tions, Southern wealth, returns North, and
with exaggerations and extravagant false
hoods misrepre-ents Southern Slavery, but
the sober, industrious and reasoning portion
of the 'ten thousand a year" from the North
who settle in onr midst, are released of all
sectional prejudices and become zealous
advocates of southern principles. The au
thor of the publication before us, we hope,
will accomplish his desired object in remov
ing from the Northern mind all undue preju
dices as relates to Southern planters aud
The Sunnt Sooth; 6r thk South e rues
at Home. A very entertaining work Irom
the Dubliahinz house of G G. Evans Phila
delphia. The work consists of a series of
sprightly and entertaining letters, written by
a Northern lady, while governess in a fami
ly in Tennessee. They give animated and
well portrayed scenes of plantation lile fa.
miliar to every Southerner. A more pleas
ing book of iu kind we bavi never read.
Its scenes are warmly colored, but not be
yond the truth, and is style has all the ad
vantages of epistolary writings. Its pages
passed nnder the able editorial pen of the
Kev. Dr. Ingraham, of Holly SpringsMiss.,
which is a guarantee of its possessing- all
cr!s!i!!"s of a highly interesting work.
we might imagine an hden the mountain
Those who desire to learn what
the South really is should reid these letters.
The coloring is indeed sunny, bnt far nearer
the truth than the scandalous reports of Mrs
Stowe and her school of Northern fanatics
and slanderers. Our acknowldgments are
due to Miss Conyngham for recalling so
vividly and pleasantly associations of the
glorions live oak and cypress. Duty A'cir,
New York
WHEAT, $1 20 BUTTER, 18 j
KYK. 70 EGGS. 12 j
CORN, 65 TAI.LQW, 12 i
OAIS. 35 LARD. 14 j
FLOUR pr. bbl 7 ot) DR'D APPLES I OP
Liver Con-
llvie itlor of
Scrolula, or
Kiri'a Eril,
Sore Throms,
S wi:e and Grv!,
Scr'idr) Siniromt
V'liral AfTc'ioat
Worn ot at kiud
Weuknrss Irom
wha evrr cu-,
&c, Lc.
CAU'f IO !! No.-.e are cnoin im.i
the word "Hollnwav. Nw V''k nd l'j
ilon' at tf irrriitlif a a It'attr in-tih ri
e v.ryle4f of line t'Ook of directions aroun I
eac'i pot or box : the nm rnav be p.ainlv
!-en bv adding the Uf to the hjht. Ahand
nome rewrd will be iren to any on
reiulrfriiii: micIi inforiri4tio-i at rny lad in
the detection ol any pary or m.Ik cou-i-trffitinc
the inHdicitia or vrnding the
urne, knowing ihem to b puriou.
Sold a! tht Mnnfjftorv of Profe sr
The Sunny South ; ort the Southerner
at Home Is the title of a racily written
12mo, volume of over five hundred paaes
recently published by G. G. Evans, of Gift
Book Notoriety 439 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia. Of coutkr, it is not expected that
we can read every publication which it
pleases partial publishers to transmit to us:
hut we have "lanced through, the pane of
BR IE S V. XV I fi M f II I X E.
T h wi ive a Commission. or wae . 1 1 , . . . , ' -
Alt'diciiif, throughout tii civilized world,
in boxe at 25 cent. 62 cent and 81 m fr
CiP" Thtre is roni terable svin by t
kinj tbe larger ies.
N. B Direc'ions for the soidanre of pa
tients in every dird?r ar) atlixed u euvh
October, 17, I8fi0.
their property. We regret that time and I jhis, and believe it will be found to be very
space a ford us no further notice of the work
at present, bnt we Ireely endorse, and re
commend as truths, the contents of the book,
and hope it will be extensively read. Com
monwealth, Marion Ala.
Peterson's Magazine We are in receipt
of this popular Lady's Magazine for Decem
ber. Ii is a splendid number. "Peterson" ;
has a circulation of 100,000. It will be
greatly improved in 1861. It will contain
lOoO pages of double column reading mat
ter, 14 6teel plates, 12 colored steel fashion
plates, 12 colored patterns in Berlin work,
embroidery or crochet, and 800 wood en
gravings proportionately more than any
other periodical gives. Its stories and
novelets are by the best writers. Its fash
ions are always the latest and prettiest.
Every neighborhood ought. to make up a
club. Its price is but Two Dollars a year,
or a dollar less than Magazines of its class.
Subscribe for it and save a Dollar. To
clubs, it is cheaper still viz : three copies
for S5, or eight for $10. To every person
getting up a club, the Publisher will send a
magnificent premium. Specimens sent
gratis to those wishing to get up clubs
Address, post paid, Charles J. Peterson, 306
Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.
Practical Amalgamation in Ohio Miss
Georgiette Tucker, a highly accomplished
white girt, a graduate of Oberlin College,
Ohio, and a successful lecturer ott literary
subjects, eloped, recently, from Toledo, in
that State, wilh a colored barber, and went
to Detroit, Michigan, where they were mar
ried, to the infinite disgust of the girl's
interest:ng book, conveying much truthful
information in regard to Southern life in a
very agreeable and attractive form.
The volume comprises a series of letters
by a Northern governess, and are written
with a refreshing ease which charms and
allures one onward to the conclusion. The
experience ofthe writer, and what she saw
and heard and participated in, in a true
Southern home, is detailed in a free, con
versational way, calculated to win and to
please the reader National American, At
tanta Geo.
HolUncmi's Pttls. The turn of Life. From
the age of forty-five to fifty, woman has
arrived at a critical period of her existence;
the stream of death flows before her, across
it is a bridge, called, ''the turn of life."
Beyond it a delightful garden, the pain is
beset with danger and guarded by the fierce
dragons of disease. Dropsy, Erysipelas,
Hysteria, Nervousness and other disorders
too numerous to mention, but armed and
prepared by Holloway's famous Pills, she
will pass with security into lhoe beautiful
regions and enjoy hersell till the sun ol lite
sets in the serene evening ot old age. INeg
ligence at this season is productive of the
most frightful consequences and death itself
would be far preferable to such a mockery
of lile. The nervousness, flushes and faint
ing fits, the general prostration of the
system may be all prevented by a timely
recourse to these incomparable remedies.
Sensible Advice. The following sensi
ble advice we copy from the last number of
Gody's Lady's Book. Read it .
Take Your Owe Paper. Let ns still
try to impress this upon our subscribers.
Take your home paper before subscribing
to any other, it is a dot) yoo owe, and one
you ou,zht not to neglect. If yoo want the
Lady's Book also, take that in a club with
your own paper. Yon will save a dollar by
the operation. -
at from S25 to S60 per month, and
expenses paid. This is a new Machine,
and so simple in its construction that a
cnild of 10 years can learn to operate it by
half an hour's instruction. It I equal o
any Family Sewing Machine in Use, and
the prire is but Fifteen Dollar.
CiTersons wishing an aenrv will ad
dress J N. WJYLAN,
Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Cimoany,
nov2lw6 MILAM, LiHlU.
Real Estate of Levi Dei f el, late of Madison
township, Columbia county dec1 d .
v. THE Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
1 . ) vania to Levi P. Bei-el, SallieR.
Beisel. in'ermnrried wiih Wil
Jiko Robert M. Beimel, Henry Kent
Beisel, Narrissa Y. Beiel, ar.d Suan J.
Beisel. and to all the heir and leal repr-i
sentatives ofthe aid Levi Beisel, deceased,
greeting : You and each of you will take
notice that an inquest will be held to make
partition or valu aiion, a the cae may re
quire, of tlife real estae of the above nam
ed Ivi Beisel, deceased, i-i'uate in the twp,
of Madison, and county of Columbia, on
the premesis, on IVediitflay, Vie 2 1st day of
bovemocr nexf, between ih hours ol 10
o'clock in the forenoon and 3 o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, at which lime and
place you may attend if yon think pioper.
Witnes the Honorable Warren J. Wood
ward, Esq., President of our Orphan's
Court, at Bloomsburg, the Rih day ol Sep
tember, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty
BIpomsburs. Sept. 26, 1860.
Auditor's IVoticc.
lathe 0phtm's Curt f Columbia co. Etate
of Christian ikhell, deed.
THE Auditor appointed by the Court ia
rr.ake distribiiiion of the balance in th
hands of John McGormirk. Administrator,
with the will anneved, ol Christian Schelly
deceased, among-t the heir and legal rep
reentative4 of the decedent, will meet tht
partie interested fr the purpose of hi ap
pointment on SATURDAY, ihe 24h day of
iSovern ber, 1860, at 10 o'clock, A. M , al
the office of II. F. CUrk, E-q.. in B!oo-ns
Bloomsbiira, Oct. 17, lS60.-4w. ,
Flour and Feed Delivered !
rPHE undersigned ha made amuse
-L nients that will enable hnn to deliver
Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per '
cent, cheaper than any bou eUe in lovvu.
His prices are as lollows:
Floor $7 25; Com and Oats Chop SI 55;
Corn aud Rye Chop $1 65 ; Brau SI 10 ;
I respectfully solicit ashsreof the public
patronage. MOSES COFFMAN.
Bloomsburg, June 14, 1860.
BEaOoiusmJiio, r.i.
Office in Conn Alley; formerly occupied by
Linii k. Kncklew.
Auditor's IVotice.
THE undesigned. Auditor appointed by
the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia
County, to distribute the money returned
by the Sheriff as raised out of the sale of
the real estate of Josiah K. Dodsan, among
the creditors of the said Hudson, according
to law, will attend In the duties of his ap
pointment, at his office, in Bloomsburg, mi
Tuesday, the 27.h day of November. A. D.
1860, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, when
and where al! persons hating claim against
the said Dodson are required to present the
same, or be debarred from rn.ning it Lpou
aid fund. WESLEY WIRT,
Oct. 17, I860. 4 w. Auditor.
NOTICE is hereby given ibat letters oi
Administration on the Estate of George
Fetletman, late of Locust township, Colum
bia county, deeeaed, have been c ranted
by the Keginer of said county, to Reuben
Fahringer and Jonrs Feltermau, both rem.
ding in the township aud county aforesaid.
All persons having claims or demand
against the estate ot the decedent are rei
quested to make them known to the Ad.
ministrators, and those indebted to the es
tate to came lorward and make payment
without delav.